#Jimin tattoo
mosquitto · 1 year
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vgukly · 2 years
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i miss you.. <3
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cryxtalsnow · 2 years
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͏ ،ᴊɪᴍɪɴ ɪᴄᴏɴꜱ ღ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʀᴇᴩᴏꜱᴛ
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lokisasylum · 2 months
Absolutely gorgeous!
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pars-nivis · 2 years
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“How long have you been watching me sleep, Hyung?”
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lynahcz · 2 years
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@j.m 🌛 🌔 🌕 🌖 🌜 2023 April 5th, Instagram post
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kanmom51 · 2 years
I have been reading you for long time, what’s your opinion on nowadays jikook relationship? Did you notice the change? Do you think they are still couple? Do they maybe have now time off for some time to figure out stuff? Several months ago you did post that was quite popular where you made conclusion “TKK are simply not a thing, while JKK clearly are a couple” @ because Tae forgot that JK did 2 hour vlive (he even commented during it but simply forgot). Now Jungkook forgot or didn’t know (it’s unlike, I think he saw it maybe for bride second but just brushed it as if it was unimportant information in his brain) where Jimin’s new tattoo is. How is this situation different from what you initially thought about tk one? Isn’t the conclusion should be the same?
You seem angry, lol.
And from your ask I guess you are also sure that JK and JM are no longer together.
Funny how JK seems to have had his JM tattoo just touched up (just the JM, those two specific letters).
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Before I get into JK’s Vlive, you ask me what I think the status of their relationship is now days.
My answer to you is that I think they are fine and dandy. I think they are as in love as ever and their long term relationship is as strong as it has ever been.
Seeing their interactions in LV, JK being super loud not only on his IG stories or his Vlive, but also during the concerts and the Vlive Hobi, Tae, JM and JK had.
Only to mention a very few of said words/actions/interactions:  JK’s “keep being jealous I’ll keep holding JM, blblblblb”, JK’s description of JM hugging him with a big ass smile on his face, JK’s ass grab, JK saying “love you” to JM (I do think he thought the mic was off and we weren’t going to hear that one, that it was for JM’s ears only, oopsy), JK’s heart finger for JM, JK carrying JM, their interactions, their utter happiness around each other.
And if you were maybe thinking something happened after they got back, just maybe, then you have the pre-recordings happening just days ago telling us just the same - they are still drawn to each other, their interactions still same old Jikook interactions.
It’s like every single time we don’t get to see them there is this wave of insecurity, and “JK doesn’t look at JM the same”, “JK isn’t all over JM”, “JK doesn’t live JM anymore” (funny how it’s always JK the one not wanting JM anymore, isn’t it?).  JM and JK are super private people.  When they are off camera they want to be off camera.  Not to mention, and I am sick and tired of having to mention this yet again, being a closeted queer couple in an unaccepting society, with a very negative climate at the moment (have you seen what’s been going on with the Seoul pride parade?).  But the second they are back in front of the camera they just cannot hide it, and every single time said rumours are proven wrong. 
So no, I don’t think there is anything wrong with their relationship.  They are, as I said, fine and dandy.
Now to the Vlive:
I haven't seen the live. And definitely not translated, so I'm living on what you are writing and bits and pieces of information about what was said.
Do I have to remind you that we are talking about a friendship tattoo, one that all of the members have had done or are going to have done?
One that so far both NJ and Hobi have shown us themselves!
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And JIn also referred to his, almost showing it to us too.
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As for JM, from photos it seems that JM might have had it done on his left hand...
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He hasn’t told us though.
You say that JK "didn't know where JM's friendship tattoo is", but that’s not what JK said though.  As far as I understand JK mentioned RM’s, Hobi’s and Jin’s tattoos.  And then went “and where did Jimin hyung get his one again?”
So 3 members who have basically revealed their tattoos already and the fourth, JM, who hasn’t just yet.  JM who is a private person.  JM who will be the one to decide when and where to reveal it to us.
This isn’t JK’s story to tell us.  It’s JM’s.  And JK not telling us is him respecting that.
As it being a friendship tattoo JM isn’t hiding the tattoo from the others,  they know about it, he’s told them.  It’s not something JK would know about because of bf privileges.  
If we saw the tattoo already, granted by accident, but none the less, I can assure you that the rest of the members, all of them, have seen it already and know exactly where JM had it done.  Boyfriends or not, lol.  So even if JK was not romantically involved with JM he would know where said tattoo is.  Do you get that?  I hope you do.
Hence, JK not divulging where the tattoo is has zero to do with the question if they are a couple or not, and I do hope you’re not even hinting to JM and JK not being friends enough for JK to be one of those to know where JM’s tattoo is.  You aren’t, right?  Because even if you are hinting in your ask to believing they are no longer a couple, you wouldn’t be going down the path of them not being friends.  Nah-ah.  Nope.  
Btw JM himself kind of hinted to where his tattoo will be during the festa dinner.  Telling us where he would like to have it done...
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At the end not the pinky, but definitely on the inside.
So JK not telling us about JM’s tattoo is not about him not knowing where it is.  This is about JK realising this isn’t his story to tell us, respecting JM and letting him be the one to tell and show us the tattoo.
Those are my thoughts.  Take them or leave them.
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ymlvrs · 2 years
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𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐩𝐣𝐦
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aricastmblr · 1 year
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j.m instagram
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joonsbees · 2 years
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child of the moon 🌙
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mycutiesuga · 2 years
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moons 🐣🐱
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
Okay But What If...
The reason we have not seen Park Jimin in anything other than long sleeves all season is...
...new ink? I know, I KNOW. I am delusional, we are ALL AWARE OKAY but just go with me on this. Usually Jimin is in short sleeves, or, you know, naked.
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But Jimin hasn't been seen with his arms exposed since they left Las Vegas that I know of. CORRECT ME IF YOU CAN I NEED TO BE WRONG ABOUT THIS I CANNOT SLEEP but we got this in PTD Live Onstage oh hey Jeon whatcha lookin at, buddy
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And we saw this in Vegas, no evidence of new ink except the Youth and moon tattoos WHICH WAS MORE THAN ENOUGH THANK YOU SIR
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But with the exception of maybe MAYBE a photoshoot here or there, if even that, I really don't think we've seen much of Jiminie's arms, lately. He even did this with long sleeves on (thanks to whoever edited this version, it's quite pretty):
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But GAWD YSJ, you may be saying, WHY YOU SUCH A THIRSTY BITCH and the answer is that I am single, fairly recently divorced, and love beautiful men who are both intelligent and totally unavailable. It's a problem. I've sought counseling, let me breathe, DAMN.
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I'm not even talking about that shadow or bruise up there that people seem to think is a shoulder tat. I'm not talking about his moons or whatever he has on his back. (Because, let's be fair, we think we know and we might be right but we have no confirmation. What if it's a whole snecky snek or, like, a bunch of emojis? Or a segmented dragon?)
I'm talking about that right arm at elbow/forearm level. Enough ink to sit through some pain for awhile. And don't come at me about "that would hurt," the man has tattooed his rib cage FFS. And his spine. And behind his ear. He done hit the ouchy spots long ago.
Could it just be shadows? YES BUT WHERE'S THE FUN IN THAT HUH?
I'm just saying maybe Polyc has been doing a little worky work on members other than Jungkook. I mean we already know Jimin and Jungkook both went to Blind Studio at around the same time, possibly together, remember those autographs and that whole guy that apparently isn't Koo's artist anymore?
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Yeah so it's not out of the realm of possibility, is all I'm saying, and I probably won't say it out loud too much more until we see the man's arms again.
TAKE IT OFF PARK JIMIN, PROVE ME WRONG I DARE YOU. And while you're at it, I have questions about how low that spine piece goes.
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koffeenoe · 1 year
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bugdrawskpop · 2 years
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pars-nivis · 1 year
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Merkoo and Mermin ending Mer-May
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