#Jor El
kal8elle · 2 days
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By @jesncin
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superbat-love · 5 months
Jor-El: You look troubled, my son.
Clark: It’s nothing.
Jor-El: There’s definitely something on your mind. Tell me. My knowledge database of this planet and technological capabilities have significantly improved. I may be able to help.
Clark: Well… [mumbling] I think I’m in love with Batman.
Jor-El: That would be an unwise choice. You should find someone whose moral values align with yours. Compatibility is important in a relationship.
Clark: Batman is a good man!
Jor-El: Your infatuation with them has adversely affected your language skills. It should be ‘bad men are good men’. In the Earthian language, they would call a good bad man an oxymoron. I would be happy to provide an Earthian refresher course specially optimized for your learning needs. Introduction to Lesson 1-
Clark: No, I don’t need an English lesson please. Not bad men, Batman, aka Bruce Wayne. You’ve met him before.
Jor-El: I see. A wise decision, Kal. With someone as bountiful as him, Krypton 2.0 will be repopulated much earlier than our target date and all will be well-provided for. Sending out the robots for construction of the underground tunnel between the Fortress and the Wayne Manor.
Clark: W-What?!
Jor-El: As per the Earthling’s time-honored tradition, I will dispatch our delegates to inform everyone from here to Gotham of this delightful news immediately.
Clark: Wait! [hears the distant trumpeting of marching band drones and a booming “Attention citizens!”]
Jor-El: Leave the preparations to me, my son. In the meantime, please look over this schedule that I came up with for the both of you.
Clark: [stares at the schedule appearing in front of him and turning red]
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idknwhatputhere · 11 days
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Jor-el Had so much potential as a comedic father
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ydotome · 9 days
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You are the only two Kryptonians in existence. - My Adventures with Superman S2 - Episode 1
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idsfantasy · 9 months
Okay, but this is probably mirroring EXACTLY what Jor-El's thoughts, actions, and purpose in sending Clark to Earth the first time was.
It all comes full circle. Once again, Kal-El is at risk of dying if he stays. Once again, Jor-El is forced to remain behind.
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Once again, despite the fact that his son may never understand just how much his original family cared about him, it doesn't change the fact that all a dying father wants is for his son to live.
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ovenproofowl · 9 months
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Can we talk about this for a moment? Because this scene hit for me on such a poignent level.
We've seen so many versions of Superman's origin story be it in the form of comics, cartoons or live action and nearly every one of them involves a flashback to baby Kal-El being shipped off in a pod moments before Krypton's destruction. But, in this show, Clark never learns who Jor-El really is. He doesn't know his parents were trying to save him, hell, he thinks his whole species are a bunch of monsters who were trying to invade Earth.
And then this scene comes along and it's just executed in a such a *chef's kiss* manner. Jor-El saves Clark from the ship's explosion, probably mirroring exactly what happened to him when he was a baby. That Kal-El. My Son. Live. really feels like it carries an echo of the same words spoken to him before he was sent away from Krypton.
Clark doesn't know any of this, he doesn't know what he is or where he came from, and instead of showing that to us in a flashback from his past, we instead get to watch as Clark re-experiences what it would have felt like to be sent away for his own protection. To be shot out in an escape pod moments before an explosion that would have otherwise killed him. Of having his father sacrafice himself yet again to keep his son safe.
It's reinventing the past through the present. It's telling us the same story, delivering the same heartbreak, just in a different packaging this time around. And the show pulls it off flawlessly.
Oh my god I'm not okay.
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ianime0 · 11 days
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My Adventures with Superman S2 | Ep1 | You brought your mate here.
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angelltheninth · 10 days
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"You brought your mate here? Your... fragile human mate? Who does not have any of our powers and then you've lost her?"
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the-irreverend · 9 months
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Say what you will about the redesigns and reinterpretations this series has had, but they nailed it with Jor-El.
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116t98 · 9 months
Damn I feel so bad for Jor El
Imagine doing everything you can to save your child from a dying planet so he can live and thrive in peace, sacrificing your life in the process, only for your reunion to not go well bc everything he’s learned about your home world and species has led him to incorrectly believe that you’re a villainous conqueror who sent him to an innocent planet to be a weapon, all while he unknowingly denounces/doesn’t consider you as his family (“I had to save my family”), and you can’t even tell him who he is or what’s actually going on bc there’s a language barrier between you two
Leaving you with no other option than to yet again sacrifice your (artificial) life to save him while he’s at risk of dying, with little hope of him ever realizing or appreciating how much you love him
I thought his existence as an AI that couldn’t connect with his son bc he can’t speak English was lonely enough as is, but this is heartbreaking
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seratlantisite · 10 months
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i can't get over how sad jor-el looks. all he left to kal in the universe was a shadow of his own consciousness in this programming and they can't even understand each other. this show is so fucking good
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why-i-love-comics · 18 days
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Superman '78: The Metal Curtain #2 (2024)
written by Robert Venditti art by Gavin Guidry & Jordie Bellaire
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idknwhatputhere · 9 months
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It's literally so sad how Clark never got to understand Jor-el, he doesn't even know his world was destroyed or how Jor and Lara loved him
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nitewrighter · 6 months
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Okay so I've been thinking about this for a while. So back in the 80's John Byrne overhauled the Superman origin story to come up with the concept of Krypton as this cold, technologically-driven planet--and this was partially so that the ship Superman arrived on earth in was an artificial womb so that he would kind of, technically, be 'born' on Earth (which honesty cuts into a lot of the pathos of Krypton and Lara and Jor as parents and also cuts into the 'Superman as immigrant' narrative which we've come to love so much). And this did end up influencing Superman lore because, hey, Krypton as a technologically-driven society that is deeply flawed but also convinced of its own perfection is still really interesting.
Cut to Snyder making 'Man of Steel' in 2013 where he asserts that Kal-El is the first "natural" birth on Krypton in centuries. So basically because Snyder wanted to work in more of his Christ metaphor for Superman ("His birth is a HUUUUGE DEEAL"), you end up back with the lore that yes, Kal-El was a (born) baby when he got put in his rocket and thus it's back to an immigrant narrative.
Anyway, ANYWAY, my point is, even though both these writers were working from a weird conservative place that fundamentally misunderstands major points of Superman's character (In Byrne's case, Superman as an immigrant, and in Snyder's case, Superman as Jewish/Space Moses) it has resulted in what may be my favorite implication of Superman Lore: That Jor-El and Lara were considered pervert freaks for having a baby the old-fashioned way. If Krypton never blew up, Kal-El would have grown up relentlessly bullied, like "That's Kal-El, his parents had him by having sex, without input from the proper committees, he came out of a vagina, what a freak."
Sidenote but I'm actually really enjoying the "House of El" YA graphic novels right now, because it's basically Lara and Jor going, "The only way to save Krypton is by inflicting ADHD on random teenagers."
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christopher-bryant · 1 year
Batman: Does anyone here understand Kryptonian? Jor El left this cryptic clue as to where he took Superman and as good as I am I cannot understand it.
Hal: I can.
Batman: How? They stole your ring?
Hal: I don't need a ring to read Hebrew.
Green Arrow: Come again?
Hal: Its Hebrew. Space Hebrew basically.
Batman: You know what? That makes a lot of sense seeing as how his Kryptonian name is Kal El.
Hal: Oh see? There ya go! Point proven.
Martian Manhunter: Please elaborate for the rest of us.
Hal: His name means "Hand of God" in Hebrew.
Green Arrow: Do you think they celebrated alien Hanukkah?
Hal: I wonder what other similar traditions they had on his planet.
Green Arrow: I wonder if we can find any food recipes-
Batman: Focus on finding Superman first.
Hal: Right.
Green Arrow: I bet space kugel slaps like the kids say.
Shazam: We don't and you shouldn't.
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el-ffej · 11 months
Sooo.... the Kryptonian spoken language sounds a lot like... Italian?
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"It's-a-me, Jor-El! I'm-a your dad!"
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