#Kane gets literally anything red
beloved-ranger · 2 months
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I gave her the trans armor, if you even care.
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celaenaeiln · 3 months
Hello, hello! It's been a while!!! Hope you're well. I had this hc about how Batfam is susceptible to manipulation, but only if it's Dick doing it. Like the blind faith he commands, there will literally get everyone ready to get him what he wants without him actually having to do anything. Like of anyone asks for a reason: "Dick said so". That's enough.
Just wanted your opinion on this
Omg hello!!! It’s been so long!! I’m so happy to hear to hear from you again 😆💕❤️!!
Hc that Bruce being completely susceptible to all of Dick’s manipulations due to the sheer faith he has in him? ABSOLUTELY!!
It’s so friggin true I’m pretty sure this is borderline canon if not canon already!!
Because here’s the thing: from the dawn of Batman comics to now, through all the changes that have occurred, there has only been one thing that remains constant and that is the fact that Bruce trusts Dick unconditionally.
There are MULTIPLE scenarios where Bruce confides solely in Dick and he actually worries heavily when his only companion leaves:
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The Brave and Bold (1955) Issue #197
"My only real friends know me as Batman...Dick, Alfred, Kathy Kane...except..what do I do when Dick graduates college...and Alfred retires...and Kathy gives up being Batwoman? What do I do...when I'm finally alone?"
Bruce...that's a whole lot of pressure and expectation to put on a kid a decade younger than you..
But the point still stands because Bruce needs Dick. In the beginning of the Batman comics, there wasn't even Alfred around. It was just Dick and Bruce and they lived in an entire mansion together by themselves and had dual responsibilities of Dick Grayson and Bruce Wayne as well as Batman and Robin. It was quite literally only the two of them in their own world. They went on adventures you wouldn't believe and had things happen beyond people's wildest imaginations. The Golden Age was a fever dream that encompassed only the two of them. They didn't have anyone else and they didn't want anyone else.
Dick pulled Bruce out of one of the worst times of his life when he was just Robin and Bruce pulled Dick out of depression during his. This resulted in a unbreakable bond. It's a deep kind of unshakable, irreplaceable love and profound trust that they have in each other that the other will only and always be there for them in the worst of times of their lives and the happiest of ones as well.
It's that kind of devotion and attachment to each other that established their relationship for decades. Every single timeline has consistently kept this - "You're my only one." - kind of relationship between the two of them.
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Batman (2011) Issue #2
Bruce knows that of everyone he's ever met, Dick will always be the one to know him and hear him.
There's another comic panel that stuck out to me too-
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Titans (2008) Issue #1
"No one knows about them except Bruce, Alfred, Tim. Barbara knows about a few. And ofcourse me."
Bruce only trusts three people - Alfred, his current robin, and Dick.
So consistently and unconditionally, it only comes down to two people at ALL times. For another example, during Death Metal, when the entire Justice League is hunting down Batman and the Batfamily, Bruce would only entrust the deadliest weapon in the world to one person and the entire league knows it.
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Dark Nights: Metal Issue #2
Bruce just has pure faith in Dick for everything. He is the one person that Bruce believes will never do any wrong and he's the one person he always believes and believes in. Period.
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Titans: Beast World Issue #1
Whatever Dick decides, it's the final word.
So that is why Dick is the only person Bruce is susceptible to. He never questions Dick in the comics ever. He's questioned every single person he's ever worked with about their intentions but never Dick. So Dick tells him the world is ending then the world is ending for Bruce.
If Dick tells him that red is an awful tie color, then it's an awful tie color that Bruce will never wear.
If Dick tells him to slick his hair back, take a break, be more compassionate, have faith - Bruce will do anything and everything. And this has been proven time and time again for the most menial situations to the most serious ones.
While everyone looks up at Bruce for answers and orders, Bruce will look to Dick and what he says, that's what they'll all do.
And here's the thing - the entire superhero community doesn't rely just on Bruce for commands, Dick is shown to have an equal weight. A single person has the equivalent weight of the Justice League. They will do what Dick says regardless of what Bruce says.
But the point is Bruce's utter faith in Dick gives him privileges. Anything and everything Dick decides, that's the answer, logic, and light of very reasoning to Bruce because Dick is the very source of existence for Bruce. In Forever Evil he almost let the world die intentionally because he felt that there was nothing to the world if he couldn't save Dick. At times he's fought Dick over his personal choices but every single time, without fail, he comes back literally two issues later to tell him sorry and you're right and we're going to do it your way.
Dick could let the world burn to fucking ashes and Bruce would stand by and clap and praise him. That time in the Blockbuster arc? Where Dick passively killed a man and started self-harming? Bruce roughly grabbed his face, got real close, and told him in his darkest voice that he doesn't give a flying fuck who dies or who Dick kills. As long as Dick doesn't dare hurt himself.
Dick can tell Bruce anything he ever wants, lie or truth, big or small, and Bruce will believe it with no doubts and no questions asked. That is the weight of his faith in him. Of course if someone does ask why he chose to do something a certain way? He can just say, "Because Dick said so." And as you called it, that answer alone will be enough. For everyone.
Don't be fooled by Dick's submissiveness to Bruce's commands. Bruce is holding him by the neck, but he's holding Bruce's leash just as tightly.
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speedforce-zoomies · 4 months
Something I think that’s funny (not in a judgey way) is how a lot of the fandom views Tim’s relationships with the other Batfam members/Gotham heroes
Tim might be the bat fam member/Gotham vigilante with the most positive relationships out of every one but for the angst a lot of people ignore that (again not judging, also love a good angsty fic, just think it’s interesting) and I listed it out below : )
Tim & Alfred - Alfred loves him, that’s one of his boys
Tim & Jim Gordon - as far as I’m aware Gordon has never had anything bad to say about Tim
Lucius Fox - they worked well together to stop Ra’s al Ghul from destroying Wayne enterprises/Industries (whatever its being called now) in Red Robin
Tim & Bruce - that’s his son and most of the time Bruce acts like it
Tim & Selina “He’s a goody two-shoes but I like that kid” (Catwoman #31)
Kate Kane - as of Tim Drake: Robin their relationship hit a rough spot but he was still wanting to do whatever he could to protect her so I think they are/ will be good
(Tim & Luke Fox - genuinely have no idea if they’ve had any significant interactions so I’m gonna assume they’re good but not sure if it counts so I’ll leave that up to individual opinion)
Tim & Barbara - Barbara has said he’s the only batboy with manners lol and she has fallen for his baby brother charms
Tim & Dick - has literally stated in canon that he would do anything for Tim, he’s Dick’s litte brother, Dick is absolutely Tim’s favorite brother
Tim & Jean Paul Valley - JPV hurt him but due to his reaction to hearing Tim got the clench and trying to save him he obviously still cares and they’ve worked together since so I think they’re on good terms
Tim & Helena - she was so genuinely heartbroken when she thought he was killed by killer croc, has also fallen for his little brother charms
Tim & Cassandra - siblings who have each others back no matter what
Tim & Jason - despite their rocky start, as of Knight Terrors: Robin they’ve been shown to have a civil if not a positive relationship
Tim & Stephanie - besties despite being exes
Tim & Harper Row - what I’ve seen of them has been a fun relationship “I should go. Probably some kind of mischief going on.” “Mischief huh?” (Batman Eternal #52 I think)
Tim & Duke Thomas - they alway come through for each other and haven’t had any beef as far as I’m aware
Tim & Darcy Thomas - good relationship
Tim & Damian - as of Tim Drake: Robin, Tim is calling Damian his little brother. They may have hated each other in the beginning but they don’t now
(Am I missing anyone??)
Out of the other characters that are generally considered to have good/positive relationships with everyone else -
From my understanding, Alfred, Gordon, & Barbara have had mostly positive relationships with the others (sometimes they’ve had bumps in the road but usually the relationship recovered from that) but I don’t recall if they have had a relationship with ALL of the above characters
Cass and Jason did have beef due to extremely different ideologies and I’m not aware of that being resolved
Duke Thomas has not been shown to have interactions with all of those listed above
Dick has some on again off again beefs with some of the others
+ other beefs I’m aware of
Jason & Damian last I recall were still getting into tumbles whenever they made the other angry, which is a lot
Bruce has multiple beefs going on at all times it seems : (
I feel like I’m forgetting some unresolved beef involving JPV but maybe I’m wrong
Anyways my point is, unless I’m majorly wrong about any of the above, or forgetting several people, Tim is most likely the canonical Batfam member with the most positive relationships amongst Gotham vigilantes (if I went past that that list would never end lol) even if a lot of his relationships with the others started out rough or had a rough patch at some point
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motorcity-thoughts · 9 months
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ive had this idea floating around in my head that could probably be a fanfic?? like idk ive been thinking of making this into a fan made “episode” script but in case i dont do anything with it i wanna share it rn cuz its been in my noggin since a week ago!!! aa!!!
at first this just started as an animatic idea of a chase scene between red and chuck but then i tried to elaborate on it all. ive been curious as to how they would interact, so im gonna make them for like 1 minute BUT UNDER WHAT CIRCUMSTANCES? one mission, assigned to red. Kane has been studying the burners one by one, and there was one who caught his eye.. chuck. he seems to be the closest to mike, literally riding shotgun with him IN HIS CAR in almost every battle so far, and he was the one who managed to hack into kane’s warpod that one day along with being the boy responsible for shutting down a kmg MID AIR. the boy is smart; he might know a thing or two. both about precision, and most importantly.. chilton.
kane (or actually the r&d department lol) has a little gift prepared for him. all they need is the actual boy to give it to. the thing is, he’s never seen alone.. they need him by himself. this is a special mission, one that requires stealth and speed, so who better to send to get the job done than red? he’s beat mike down almost twice, and even captured him once with a bit of help. here’s the plan: lure the burners out of their lil junkyard with kane bots, follow them from a close distance & use chuck’s “gift” to disrupt surrounding power sources (INCLUDING the burner cars engines) which should result in them crashing near a foggy area, and snag chuck.
the burners get out to investigate their engines.. they’ve been shut down. but from what?? their car hoods were completely shut- SURPRISE!! red takes chuck away into the fog!! o noes!! (insert chase scene with chuck lol) once he’s in red’s hands, he literally plugs kane’s surprise gift into chuck’s back, attaching itself to him and to his nerves like a parasite. the extending wires almost glow through his skin as they enter his body.. compressing his current memories and sending commands to his brain. chuck’s struggling was getting weaker by the minute as more commands began to take over his brain. he would now be used as a weapon against chilton once an for all.
thats as far as i got since ive been rrlllyyy busy lately :p okbye
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braveclementine · 21 days
Chapter 2
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Warnings: None. However, future chapters will contain sexual content so readers that are under the age of 18 may have to skip those chapters (However they are very few so those under the age of 18 can still read a majority of this book. However please keep note of the warnings).
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕴 𝖜𝖔𝖐𝖊 𝖚𝖕 around 7:30 and I quickly jumped out of bed. I looked in the mirror, washed my face, put my hair in a ponytail, and got dressed as quickly as possible. I grabbed my broom and rushed down the stairs.
Dad was already downstairs, having a cup of tea with Sirius and Uncle Moody. Mrs. Weasley was up and she looked up when I entered. "Want anything to eat, Elizabeth?"
"No." I said quickly. "Dad, c'mon."
Dad sighed and got up, "Alright, let's go."
I left without saying anything to any of the other people in the kitchen. While I wasn't really angry at Dad, Sirius, or Uncle Moody for not letting me into the meetings. . . I was showing that I was angry. Maybe it would amount to something.
"Can I stay at Trang's for a week?" I asked as we walked down the hallway.
"A week?" Dad asked, his face stoic. "Why?"
"Well, it's not like I'm needed here or anything and I figured you wouldn't have to come back until next Sunday." I said. "Besides-"
"What about your birthday?" Dad asked. "You want Trang to be here for your birthday still, don't you?"
"I thought she wasn't allowed to come here." I said lightly.
Dad frowned at me. "Dumbledore would rather Trang come here for your birthday than all of us go somewhere."
Dad grabbed my arm and apparated to the garden in the back of our house. "Well." I said. "I wasn't going to have a lot of people celebrate anyways. Just me and Trang and you. Like we've always done it in the past."
"Sirius and Uncle Moody will want to celebrate as well." Dad said quietly.
I gritted my teeth, turning my head from Dad. "It's not like I'm going to spend the whole day with Trang, dad. Just the morning and afternoon-"
We cut off our conversation as we reached the front of the house. Trang was already waiting there, looking expectant, her broom across her shoulders.
Trang had gotten very beautiful over the past year. She had long, skinny legs and thin arms and shoulders. Her face was oval shaped and her large black eyes were framed behind glasses. Her black hair was died a green-gray near the tips now instead of gold. She was Vietnamese and her skin tone matched her eyes perfectly. It also helped that she'd grown over the summer.
"'Bout time Elizabeth." She said, grinning. I was on time.
"Let's go." I said.
"Hi Mr. Lupin." Trang said.
"Hello Trang." Dad said, doing his best to sound normal. "I hear Elizabeth wants to spend a week with you?"
Trang nodded. "I asked. Cause I know she's not really doing anything there and figured it would give us something like a normal summer."
Dad sighed, running his hand through his red-brown hair. Sometimes, I thought I looked more like him than either of my biological parents. "Fine. Elizabeth, you can stay. But I still haven't decided about your birthday."
"Thanks dad!" I chirped happily and kissed his cheek.
He glared at me. "Blackmail." he muttered under his breath and I grinned. He rolled his eyes and kissed me cheek and Disapparated.
"You guys fought again?" Trang asked the minute he was gone.
"I don't try to fight with him." I said grumpily as we made our way into the forest where we were going to fly. "But he's being stingy about things he literally never cared about before."
"Well, times have gotten dangerous, haven't they?" Trang asked seriously. "I mean you were tortured last year. And you have important visions. I mean Voldemort wants to get to you and your brother. I can understand your dad's point even if I don't like it."
I sighed. "I know and I'm not really mad at him. . . I'm just frustrated. I could've prevented Cedric's death, you know? I should've planned it better, that's all." I choked up and I swallowed hard and coughed and continued, "And then Harry's not allowed to know anything even though he escaped Voldemort. Everything's just fell upside down."
Trang put a hand on my shoulder and squeezed. Then, we both put our legs over our brooms and flew upwards. I left my worries on the ground.
Over the next week, Trang and I talked, flew our brooms, or read magical books. We even went on a trip to Diagon Alley. Unfortunately, Kingsley happened to be in Diagon Alley when we went into the bookstore and he approached Trang and I.
Trang seemed intimidated by Kingsley and he smiled gently at her, relieving her a great deal. Then he turned to me and said, "Does Remus know you're here?"
I scowled. "I've never had to ask him for permission to come here before, why should I start now? It's not like Voldemort's going to miraculously show up."
Kingsley sighed.
"Er- who are you?" Trang asked, still sounding nervous.
"Trang, this is Kingsley Shacklebolt. He's an Auror. He's going to be the Minister of Magic one day." I announced.
Kingsley rolled his eyes and shook hands with Trang. "So she says." he said with a wink and Trang grinned. Then Kingsley turned to me and said, "You know perfectly well your father wouldn't be happy knowing your here with no supervision. Voldemort is back, you ought to act like it."
I scowled again. "Fine, we were just leaving, alright?"
He accompanied us back to the Leaky Cauldron where Trang and I took the floo network back to Dad's house. "Let's go to your house." I said, wanting to get away from everything magical for some time.
𝕬𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖊𝖓𝖉 of the week, a day before my birthday, Dad came to pick me up. He didn't say anything about my birthday or Diagon Alley so I supposed Kingsley hadn't told dad.
Dad said that Dumbledore was adamant about Trang coming to 12 Grimmauld place. I reluctantly agreed. I had really been hoping for the zoo.
Sadie had come back about four days ago and I took Harry's reply. Then, I'd sent Sadie off with Harry's birthday card saying I'd see him before August 12th along with a bar of chocolate and telling him he was going to regret it if he threw out Ron and Hermione's chocolate because his aunt was going to serve salad on the night of his birthday.
The following day was my birthday and I would've stayed in my room all day if it'd been up to me. As it was, early in the morning, around 8:30, I got a surprise visit from Severus. He shut the door tightly behind him and came over to me. I pressed my lips to his eagerly.
"Happy Birthday Elizabeth." He mumbled against my lips, wrapping his arms around my waist.
"It's been good so far." I whispered as he moved his mouth down my neck lightly. He chuckled, his breath tickling my neck.
"Has it now?" he was in a very good mood.
"Well I've only been awake for ten minutes." I gasped as he tightened his arm around my waist. "I suppose it could get worse-"
He pressed his lips to mine again and I melted into the kiss. A few minutes later, my stomach growled. He grinned, pulling away. "Hungry?"
"No." I said stubbornly, reaching up and putting my arms around his neck and pulled him back in.
"No complaints here." he muttered.
There was a knock at the door and we jerked apart. I stared grumpily at the door, sliding out of bed to go near it. Snape laughed lightly, ruffling my hair, and I called out, "Who is it?"
"I'm going to get Trang. Elizabeth, wake up!" Dad shouted through the door.
"I'll work on it!" I shouted back, my heart beating double time cause if dad came in here, he'd see Severus, "I'll be up by the time you get back."
I heard dad's footsteps fade and I turned to see Severus laying on my bed, staring up at the canopy. His traveling cloak was over a chair. His long black hair that framed his face was spread out on the pillow. I grinned, walking back over to the bed.
"I suppose you had a late night?" I asked, climbing onto the bed next to him.
"A little bit." He said, reaching up and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.
"I want you to work on Occlumency this year with me." I said, taking his hand in mine.
He frowned up at me, "You've already mastered it with. . ." he drifted off, anger coming over his face. He couldn't say Crouch Jr. without breaking something. He inhaled sharply through his nose now, scowling.
I shook my head, "Not really. If I had mastered it, he never would've been able to get into my mind in the first place."
"Elizabeth. . . I don't know." He said hesitantly.
"Look." I said, a bit impatiently but trying to not to get angry, "He's after me, you know that, you're with him. And if he gets a hold of me-"
"Which he won't." Severus growled.
"-then I need to be able to keep him out of my mind, no matter what." I finished, ignoring him.
"He's not going to get anywhere near you." Severus glared at me.
"You don't know that." I whispered, "And even I don't know that because I can't see anything about myself as you fully well know. There are no guarantees." I put a hand on his face, "Please?"
He groaned, pulling on top of him and hugging me, "You make it so hard to say no to you, you know that right?"
I grinned, kissing his cheek. "It's a good quality to have, persuasion."
He rolled on top of me and pressed his lips to mine. "Fine." he said. "I'll teach you properly."
I let out a giggle and he blushed and muttered, "You and your mind."
Then he sat back off me and reached into his pocket and said, "I got you something by the way." He glanced at my face and then laughed. "You look shocked."
"I didn't expect it." I said honestly.
He pulled out a small box. I kept my expression controlled. "I know that you don't have pierced ears so I got these for you." He said, opening the box. Inside were clip-on earrings with paste sapphires.
"Oh!" I breathed. "They're so pretty!" I got up off the bed and went over to the mirror and carefully put them on. "And they match the necklace dad gave me for Christmas some time back!" I said happily. Privately, I thought they sort've look like Firenze's eyes. Grandfather had given me earrings that looked similar to this last birthday, before he passed away, but they were the kind meant for pierced ears so I never wore them.
I turned around as he approached and he lifted my chin with a finger and said, "They look lovely on you." He leaned in to kiss me.
Then the door banged open, he dropped his hand, and I spun around. Trang had rushed into the room, looking amazed at everything.
"Elizabeth!" She squealed, throwing her arms around me and I hugged her back, smiling.
"Hey Trang."
"Who's this?" She asked, looking from me to Severus.
"This is Professor Snape." I said motioning to Severus. "Professor, this is my friend Trang."
"Hi." she said and Snape nodded at her with a strained smile.
"I should go down and give my report." he said in a more professional, curt manner to me.
"Of course." I said in the same tone and his lips twitched. He quickly picked up his traveling cloak and went out the door.
Trang goggled after him as he left and turned to me and hissed, "That's one of your Professors?"
"He's hot, ain't he?" I asked.
Trang erupted into nervous giggles, "If you say so." Then she sighed, looking around, "This place is. . . well creepy is a word for it."
"It used to belong to Dark wizards and witches." I said with a shrug. "We've been cleaning it out to make it livable. It's been abandoned for nearly 14 or 15 years."
"Yeesh." Trang said and then she handed me a bag. "This is for your birthday."
I grinned and brought it over to my bed. "You're wearing earrings." Trang said in surprise. "And where are your glasses?"
I pointed to my bedside table while I dumped out the books she'd brought. "Professor Snape gave me the earrings, but keep it on the down low okay? Dad'll be mad if he finds out and I don't want to fight with him again."
"He doesn't know that you two are together?" Trang sounded absolutely astounded.
I shook my head and glanced over at the closed door. "He knows I had a vision that we got married, but he doesn't like it. Professor Snape and him were enemies at school. Another reason is simply because they went to school together- he's dad's age."
"Oh wow." Trang whispered, pushing her glasses up on her nose. "Doesn't the age difference feel weird to you?"
I didn't answer as I checked out the book titles: The Golden Compass, Wicked, Independence Day, and Old Yeller. "Not really." I finally answered. "To be completely honest, I don't really think about it. He makes me. . . he makes me happy Trang. And I don't feel happy often, which is a horrible thing to say, but I lost Cedric, you know? And I'm trying to keep a happy face despite everything. It tortures dad to see me upset so I hide it. And when I'm with you and him, I feel happy. I can forget about all the horrible things happening in the other world for some time. And there are times, that I can feel like that here. But when I'm cleaning the damn house- I hate cleaning in the first place- all I can think about is Cedric and Voldemort and how my brother's in danger and I can't even say he's my brother yet for some reason. It's stressful, ya know? But I can't complain I guess. Voldemort wants Harry before me. And I guess I'm lucky in a way. Voldemort doesn't want to kill me."
Trang looked at me with wide eyes and then looked thoughtfully around the room. "You know. . . I always thought the magical world was a happy place. I guess because Muggles, we think that's how it should be. Rainbows and butterflies and zero problems. But it's really just like the Muggle world, isn't it? Just, really, really, more dangerous."
"Trang." I blurted out, turning to her very seriously. "I need you to do something."
"Okay?" she asked hesitantly, pushing her glasses up on her nose again.
"When you go to America this year, don't come back." I said firmly. "Just stay there for the summer and the next couple of years until we sort this out. Don't send letters or owls. The next time you get a letter from me will be telling you that it's safe to come back to Britain."
"Elizabeth! I don't think-" Trang started, flustered.
"Trang listen to me." I said, taking her hands and making her sit on the bed. "You are the only friend who's stuck by me through everything since we were practically born. I have trusted you with every secret I have and you have done the same. Voldemort does not care about your life, all he cares about is getting to me. If he were to get ahold of you, I would come running immediately. It will only be a matter of time before a Death Eater finds out about you and starts looking. They can't touch in America- I hope. So please, when you leave Europe in a few weeks, stay there. Make excuses. A job, a boy, an internship, anything. You can not come back."
Trang looked at me steadily and then she nodded, "Of course." she said strongly. "Of course I'll stay in America."
"Thank you." I whispered.
"What about. . . what about my parents?" Trang asked hesitantly.
I hesitated. "I don't think Voldemort will care. I think dad can keep an eye on them from time to time."
Trang swallowed hard, looked around and then muttered, "Mum and dad are leaving on vacation tomorrow. I'm going to search the house."
"Why?" I asked, frowning.
"Well. . ." she hesitated, "They've been acting funny. . . secretive almost. Whispered conversations behind closed doors. They seem to think we're in danger and with Voldemort rising and stuff. . . I almost wonder if they know. . ."
"But they can't?" I said, frowning. "They aren't a witch or wizard so unless you told them. . ."
Trang shook her head. "I haven't said a word to them of course."
We sat there puzzled and then Tonks stuck her head into my room. "Come on down girls! Happy Birthday Elizabeth!"
"Thanks Tonks." I said. "Come on Trang." I said and got up. I brushed my hair in front of my shoulders, covering my ears and stuck my glasses on and we went downstairs.
Severus had already left, judging by his absence. There was a stack of presents that I glared at as I entered the kitchen.
"Happy Birthday Elizabeth!" Sirius said, grinning at me and winking at Trang.
"Thanks." I muttered, sitting down at the table.
Fred and George apparated next to me, scaring Trang horribly, and she jumped in her seat.
"Happy Birthday Elizabeth! Hi Trang!" Fred announced, "How's Oliver?"
Trang blushed red and I looked at her incredulously. "Oliver Wood?" I hissed at her. She blushed darker under her dark pigment. I looked up at Fred. He winked at me.
"Nice earrings Elizabeth!" Tonks said cheerfully from across the room and I looked at her startled, my hand reaching up to touch my ear. "Where'd you get them?"
I blushed pink and opened my mouth and Trang said, "Oh, I gave them to her for her birthday."
"That's nice." Dad said coldly. I think he suspected Severus had given them to me.
Uncle Moody stomped into the kitchen at that moment. He glanced at Trang and nodded at her and then sat down in a chair. Breakfast was finished and Mrs. Weasley handed out sausages and bacon and eggs and toast and various other foods. I noticed an extra plate with crumpets on it and noticed that they were cooked differently. Dad had made them.
"Thanks Dad." I said, giving him a smile and pulling the crumpets over.
"No problem sweetheart." He said, much softer than he had earlier.
They all pressed me to open presents and I found that I had many books. I noticed Fred had refrained from giving me a charm this year. I wondered if he thought giving me one would bring back horrible memories. I wondered if he was right.
I had various books, both muggle and magical, along with lots of candy.
Trang, Hermione, Ginny, and I went up into my room to spend most of the day in there before dinner. We played card games and they looked at my artwork and we gossiped about both the Muggle and magical world. Then, we went down to dinner.
Halfway through dinner, I froze, a scene coming into my mind and my sight left the kitchen and was transported so that I was with Harry. Not really, of course, but it was what I was seeing. There were two dementors at the end of an alleyway and even though I wasn't actually there, I felt very cold. "DUDLEY!" Harry was screaming. I noticed a large shape, my cousin Dudley, running towards the dementors. Stupid! I thought in my head. But where was Mundungus? He was supposed to be on guard duty for Harry tonight, I knew that much. Harry pulled out his wand and I wanted to tell him not to- that he wasn't supposed to use magic.
"Elizabeth! Elizabeth!" I woke with a start. Dad, Sirius, and Uncle Moody were all kneeling down next to me. Trang stood by Sirius' shoulder. Fred, George, Ron, Ginny, Hermione, Bill, Tonks, and Mrs. Weasley were nearby.
"What'd you see Elizabeth?" Uncle Moody growled.
"Harry." I said, sitting up. "Mundungus left, Harry's going to use magic."
"Oh that damn fool!" Mrs. Weasley sputtered.
At that moment, Mr. Weasley came rushing into the kitchen, not even seeming to notice me he said, "They're going after Harry's wand! He apparently just used the Patronus Charm. Mundungus-"
Dumbledore came in the kitchen now and spotted me on the floor, "What did he do?" He asked with blazing eyes, helping me to my feet. Mundungus Fletcher was behind him.
"Patronus Charm. There were two dementors." I said, standing up.
"Right." Dumbledore said furiously. "I'm off to the Ministry. Mundungus, you stay here."
Mr. Weasley was writing a note furiously with his quill. Mr. Weasley sent his note off with an owl. Sirius grabbed the quill from him.
"Elizabeth, where are you going?" Dad asked as I started down the hall.
"Upstairs, I'll be right back, okay?" I said, dashing up the stairs, trying not to make to much noise.
I rushed over the desk and got out parchment and ink and a quill.
Harry, First off, well done with your Patronus Charm. Splendid really. You did well against the two dementors. I know you're going to be very frustrated with everyone right now for not giving you any information so I'm here to give it to you. Dumbledore's at the ministry right now, trying to sort things out. I'm foreseeing that they will undo their proclamation to expel you and snap your wand. They will still give you a trial however. Next, don't leave the house. I know Mr. Weasley and Sirius are both already telling you this but it really is of the utmost importance you don't leave, okay? I know that sucks and I'm right there with you. I wish I could've told you about M and Mrs. F but I didn't want their names out there if the owl was intercepted. But it's probably alright now. I will see you soon. Hopefully dad lets me come when we come to pick you up. I think he will. I don't see the exact date but it's within a few days- I know that much. Just be a little patient. I love you. Love, Elizabeth
Sadie was sleeping in her cage with the door open and I knocked on the bars softly. "Hey." I said as she hooted and flapped her wings, "Can you take this to Harry please? It's very important." She stuck out her leg dutifully and I tied it quickly and tightly. "Thanks Sadie." I said, kissing the top of her head and bringing her to the window. She flew off and I felt a lighter feeling on my shoulders.
I went back downstairs where the others were conversing with Mundungus. Mrs. Weasley was furious, of course.
On the side, Mundungus slipped me three Mandrake leaves. I slipped 12 galleons into his hands. A lot for three small leaves, but I was desperate. I pocketed them quickly before anyone noticed the interaction.
"Everyone to bed!" Mrs. Weasley said in a foul mood. Kingsley had showed up at some point and handed me a wrapped gift and whispered "Happy Birthday," in my ear. I thanked him.
"Dad," I whispered, pulling him aside. Ginny had taken a majority of my presents up with her to my bedroom. The rest were in my arms. "Are you taking Trang home tonight?"
He nodded, looking tense. "We'll get all this settled. I'll get her home safely too."
"Great." I said and kissed his cheek. I hugged Trang good-bye. "Sorry this wasn't the best birthday I've had." I admitted. "But I'm still glad you were here."
"The cake was good." Trang said, smiling mischievously. "That's the only reason I came anyways."
We laughed and then Trang hugged me again. "I probably won't see you again, but try to come this last weekend, okay?"
"She'll be there." Dad confirmed. "But it will be her last weekend."
I nodded and said, "I'll see you Saturday, okay?"
She nodded and her and dad left. I trooped up the stairs and dumped the rest of the stuff in my room. Hedwig swooped into my room, carrying four letters, dropping one on my lap and then flying through my open door with the other ones.
I opened it up.
Elizabeth, Thanks for the information. You're really the only one who tells me anything. I know you said you don't know the exact date that I'm getting out of here but considering my problems seem a bit worse, I'd really like if you could get as close as possible. I've sent letters to Ron, Hermione, and Sirius too but Hedwig's to peck them to death until I get adequate answers from them. But I don't think you need motivation so you'll be peck free. Thanks, Harry
I smiled and quickly got out another piece of parchment and wrote:
Harry, Thank you for sparing me from the punishment of being pecked to death by Hedwig. No, I don't know the exact date. However, I would reckon you won't be there for more than 4 or 5 days more. Dumbledore will want you here before the trial. I think Mr. Weasley will take you. You should get another letter from the Ministry soon. . . I think it's been 22 minutes already. I'm not sure how close the houses are or how fast Sadie and Hedwig fly. If it puts your mind at ease, I can foresee bits of the trial and I'm 80% sure you'll get off with zero punishment whatsoever. Dumbledore's furious with M of course. Of course, not as angry as he was in Crouch Jr.'s office last year, but extremely angry. Eyes were supposed to be on you at all times. Stupid really, I know you can take care of yourself. The only thing though was mostly to keep you from doing magic. Moot point now. I'll see you soon, Elizabeth
Sadie had just come back through the window with no letter, looking annoyed. I guess Hedwig had taken her letter from her.
"Can you go back out one more time?" I asked and even though I was trying to stay calm, my voice shook. Sadie hooted and nibbled my ear, trying to comfort me, and flew back out with the second letter.
I paced back and forth until the time started to get late and then climbed into bed. I wished briefly Severus was here and then rolled over and fell fast asleep.
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zorilleerrant · 1 year
look, I get all the complaints about how lady superheroes' outfits are very sexualized and couldn't look like that in real life. but like. practically speaking. how the fuck.
and I'm not talking about armor, which, obviously, tons of these ladies don't have any kind of invulnerability or healing and obviously need armor, and it's very weird for them to have even bare arms or legs, let alone midriff, where your organs are. but that one gets covered kind of a lot.
what I'm saying is why do so few of them tie their hair back??? has no one at DC ever tried to fight with long hair??? Kate Kane literally wears a wig to make her hair longer, and who is not going to yank on that? which will either rip her cowl off (revealing her identity) or snap her neck! (or at least cause neck pain and immobilize her.) people grab at anything they can in a fight! that includes hair! it flies everywhere, it's actually a more appealing target than most!
even not in a fight, with how windy Gotham is? that shit blows all over your face and constantly gets in your eyes, how are any of them seeing anything while they're trying to do surveillance??? not to mention it keeps blowing into your mouth which is just like *spit* *gag* *spit* *desperate clawing to get that one invisible hair out of your mouth* and it gets stuck in lipstick/lip gloss/chapstick
plus flying through the air it's going to get sooo tangled and covered in dirt and grime and blood and all of that. it's going to catch on fire when they run into a burning building to save people. it's going to attract unwanted attention always being bright blond or bright red for some reason
and most people are already wearing some kind of head covering? like, everyone with a cowl goes out of their way to leave it outside - or, like Kate, adds hair they didn't have - when they could just tuck their hair in and solve all these problems? and even the people who just wear a mask, like. it's so much more comfortable to have an elastic wrapping around the back of your head if you tie your hair back first. braids are easy. 'what if they glue their masks on' what so the hair gets caught in the glue???
Cass is the only one with the right idea
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simpingcowboy · 2 years
Pedro Boys Taking Pics of You
How/Would the boys take photos of you? What about couples photos?
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Jack Daniels/Agent Whiskey: He loves taking photos of you! He's big on showing you off and this is just another opportunity to show the world how beautiful he thinks you are. Jack would go so far as to be posing you, directing you to tilt your head this way or that. Fixing up your hair or clothes. It's a bit of a pain but he's just working to make sure you look your best! And with all the praise he's sprinkling in, how could you really complain. One of these photos is definitely his lockscreen! He's also not afraid to ask strangers to take photos of you two together. Jack loves really cheesy poses(ex. Charlie's Angels pose)! So he's getting really creative about it.
Frankie Morales: Frankie will happily take a photo of you if you asked! Not that you've ever had to- this man LOVES taking candids of you. Literally all the time. It's half of his camera roll. The other half being his daughter. The candids he takes of you aren't perfect, but they showcase everything he loves about you. Unposed and perfect. Sometimes he'll even bring out his old polaroid for special occasions or little get togethers. As for couple photos, Frankie is not big on selfies, so he's doing the old "self timer and run" to get photos of you two together. He always looks a little messy from his dash to get in the frame and yeah- the guys may or may not make fun of him for it but he loves being seen with you. He's so proud to be yours.
Marcus Pike: Marcus isn't too big in photos. He'll take a couple if you asked, but generally he prefers your time together to be "electronically limited" so to say. For special occasions though? Or whenever you've dressed up, he's taking a photo of you for sure. If anything, just for showing off purposes. For photos of both of you? Marcus would be big into professional photoshoots! He loves the idea of a fancy photoshoot at least once a year to see how your little family changes year by year. Those photos are definitely making their way up on the walls.
Dieter Bravo: He'll put up a grudge at first, but once you get a camera (especially if it's a Polaroid or other vintage camera) in his hands- oh boy. All of his artistic abilities come out. He's doing black and white, then switching to bright colorful filters. He's taking photos at...interesting angles. He's going full Citizen Kane with it. Dieter just about wears you out with his photo taking, but you know you'll get at least a couple usable shots. And Dieter will get a plethora of cool artsy photos of you to put up in his house. There are lots of formal images of you two out on red carpet premieres. But Dieter's favorite photos of you two together are actually just selfies. He loves capturing your daily lives together in such a plain simple way. It's not as artsy as he usually likes, but it's real. And he loves it for that.
Marcus Moreno: Marcus likes taking photos of you! Having a young teenage daughter, Marcus is very well schooled in photo taking. Marcus usually knows what you want before you even ask. He sees you with your photo out looking at him and grabs it with a chuckle "Alright, where do you wanna be?" He can get the perfect photo in just a couple shots. For getting photos of both of you? Marcus has the perfect person for the job. Missy. He considers it an act of retribution for all the photos/TikToks he's been forced to shoot for her and her friends. Even though Missy will roll her eyes whenever Marcus kisses you for a photo, she really doesn't mind. She's ultimately just happy to see her dad so happy. And Marcus is happy to make so many new memories with you two. Eventually it comes around to photos of Missy/Marcus together and of course you/Missy until you work your way up to a family photo(with the help of a pop socket and a self timer)!
Max Lord: Max would like taking photos! Cameras have only gotten better since he was a child. Now that he's an adult he can really enjoy himself. Max would be the type of guy who'd make you stand still- wherever you were to run and grab his camera. Wanting to save the way you are exactly in this moment. Especially if you're dressed up for an event, or even a little undress, he's definitely insisting on snapping a photo of you. After the photo is done developing you always see him look down at it with a big smile on his face. Max also loves couple photos! Whether it's for something more personal or out in front of reporters. It makes him so proud to be seen next to you! And the fact that you willingly stay by his side means everything to him. And to be able to have a snippet of that forever? Yeah sign him up. Max totally has a little scrapbook of all your adventures together.
Javier Peña: Javier doesn't fashion himself much of a photographer, that was usually Steve's job, but he'd take a photo of you if you asked. Just be prepared for what you're getting yourself into...listen film can get pretty pricey and he's simply not gonna settle for just an "okay" photo of you. If he's gonna do it, he's gonna do it right (and ideally in one shot). Even if that means agonizingly posing you and toying with your hair/clothes for a good 10 minutes before he even bothers to look through the lens. And yeah the guys might pick on him for doting over you like that, but he wants his partner to look good. Javi also definitely has a couple NSFW shots of you in his apartment. Usually taken in those quiet moments after sex. No posing needed. You always looked perfect in his bed. Though he likes posing you, getting him to pose for a picture ? Out of the question. Javi will barely even sit still for an ID photo. Luckily for you, Steve is on your side! He'll just so happen to follow you and Javi around for an evening, and capture photos whenever Javi isn't looking. Usually whenever Javier is busy looking at you. A big goofy smile plastered on his face.
Din Djarin: Still images aren't so much in use anymore. He'd only read about them on the holopad. Until he comes across a camera in a junk yard. Small black box, a few scraps of film still in it. He was about to toss it aside until he realized, maybe he could have a photo of Grogu. Din never wanted to take a hologram of him, worried it may get traced back to their location. Especially since there were no images of Grogu, he knew he couldn't risk it. But he always wanted something to remember him by. This was a perfect chance. So he takes it. Fixes it up, and finally snaps a shot of Grogu. He was too shy to ask to take a photo of you. Worried you'd think him off. So when you were distracted playing with Grogu. That's when he sneakily took a photo of you. He hides the photos in his bunk. Tucked away where no one can see them. Din looks at them almost every night, just basking in the love he feels for you two. One day he'll be brave enough to ask for a family portrait together, but for now he's content with photos of just you.
Max Phillips: Max would constantly be taking photos of you. If you're dressed up? Or he thinks you're just looking extra good today? Expect a 30 minutes mini photoshoot wherever you are. He's big on showing you off. So his social media is plastered with photos of you all over it, with captions reminding everyone that he's the luckiest man dead or alive to get to be with you. As for couple's photos...well there aren't any of those. Ever since he's been changed into a vampire, he doesn't show up on cameras...at all. He's definitely annoyed by that factor. If he could he'd be taking photos with you all the time. Stills to tell the world who you belong to. That doesn't mean he can't find other ways to be seen with you! Though he may never be able to take a photo with you, he's more than happy to commission paintings of you two together! Besides it makes him just look like an extra classy boyfriend!
Javier Gutierrez: Javi goes a bit overboard with taking photos of you. He reels it in for date nights or events, but on a day to day basis he's taking photos left and right. He thinks you're extraordinary even when you're doing the most mundane things. So when you're asking him to take pictures? He's all in. He's the best hype man ever. "Mi amor! You are so beautiful! Just look at you!" *click click* "You should reconsider acting!" *click* "I'd watch everything you were in." Javi is so distracted he frequently falls trying to get the best shot. He wouldn't admit it- but he does it on purpose to make you give him a genuine smile. As for couple photos, there were never many photos of the two of you together when you started dating. But once he gets into movie making, y'all are walking every red carpet together! Javi is definitely a bit camera shy, but regardless he loves showing you off! The photos always look good! Even if Javi is halfway hidden behind you at all times.
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sleepy-achilles · 1 year
Random ask but could you write something about spooning with hbtaker?
Not smut or anything, I just think it’s so cute and love the idea of them either unintentionally or deliberately spooning whilst they’re sleeping 🥹
Either one being spooned, no specifics
Hbtaker- Good Old Spoons
Shawn yawns as he wanders into the bedroom. He glances at taker who's sat against the headboard reading whatever book he picked up at the airport.
Part of Shawn wanted to sleep in the guest bedroom, but he didn't want to let taker know he was winning.
Winning what you may ask?
The world's stupidest argument.
Being married to a literal deadman, creates a lot of stupid arguments. Shawn was not happy that taker was thinking about talking to kane and Paul again. He has literally just returned from them killing him. Again. Taker argues that he doesn't want to talk to Paul, he just wants to get the urn so kane can be free. Because kane is under Paul's control and isn't hurting taker on purpose. Shawn, who's been at the end of kanes rage when Paul disappeared, knows this isn't the complete truth. He knows that kane has grown to find some joy in the suffering of others and what brings more suffering than anything? Your own baby brother betraying you.
So it's safe to say Shawn and taker haven't spoke to each other since leaving the arena. Infact, shawn even got a ride to the airport with cena. Which hurt taker, but he understood Shawn.
Shawn winces as he sits on the edge of the bed. His back was killing him after his match with jericho. The kid always wanted to prove he was better than Shawn so would always go over the top.
Taker immediately notices it.
Shawn sighs and rubs his jaw before reaching into the bedside draw and grabbing his heat pad. He hated nights like this, he never enjoyed sleeping straight on his back but he didn't have a choice when he needed to use the pad. Shawn sets it up before laying down.
"Surprised you've joined me." Taker comments. Shawn ignores him, turning his head towards the lamp as he turns it off. Taker knows it was petty, but he also knew he had to, to find out what kind of mood Shawn is in with him. "Night to you too" Taker mutters closing his book and turning his light off.
Shawn ends up rolling onto his side in the middle of the night. His back throbs in pain. He lets out a quiet whimper as he reaches back for his pad in his sleep. Takers ears pick the noise up in his sleep, waking him slightly.
In a sleepy daze, taker works on instinct. It's not the first time he's done this. It wouldn't be the last. No matter what.
He rolls over to face Shawn, grabbing the heat pad and resting it against shawns lower back. Without hesitating, his presses his body against the smaller man's, keeping the pad in place. Shawn sighs and pushes back. Taker is pulled back into sleep quick.
One of takers legs ends up between shawns, his one arm slung over shawns hip, hand rested against shawns stomach. His other arm ends up being used by Shawn as a pillow. The heat pad is snug between shawns lower back and takers pelvis area. Takers head is tilted down, his face rested against shawns hair. Shawn is holding takers arm, holding it for comfort and security. He doesn't let it go, even as takers hand drifts up shawns body to rest against his chest, his heart.
Shawn snuggles closer to the bigger man.
No matter what, shawn will always accept the affection of the bigger man.
Shawn let's out a quiet yawn as his eyes slip open. He's on his side? His back is still being heated?
Shawn looks at takers arm and carefully turns in the bigger man's hold, his back feeling a lot better. Taker doesn't wake. Shawns not shocked. The man was human and then a deadman again, jetlag seems to hit him harder. Shawn carefully removes the heated pad and frowns at the red marks against takers skin. He gently presses his hand against it and watches as taker grumbles before tightening his hold on Shawn. Shawn smiles softly and kisses takers chest before throwing a leg over takers hip and cuddling closer to the bigger man, hiding his face against takers neck.
'This is real love.' Shawn thinks to himself. No matter how angry they are. They always end up like this.
Love spooning.
That came out weird.
I love this.
Love them.
Decided to make it a argument one, I just feel like if they end up spooning whilst in an argument it's even sweeter.
Also taker doing it in a sleep haze out of pure instinct to shawns reaction? Yes please
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lorecatchup · 7 months
Back to lore: oh dang, Seth was 🤏 close to losing his title to Dean Ambrose, Dean won the match at Elimiation Chamber by countout and took off with Seth's belt
"not one of the best, THE best"
[sound on]
God seeing Seth's confidence slip, his tiny little "I don't?"
He talks a big game but he's really just a lil guy who yearns to be praised
That's how Randy got him isn't it, just said nice things to him and Seth MELTED
(Wait, that's how Cody got him too lol, back in the day when Cody was someone Seth saw as higher on the ladder than him, he just showed him respect publicly and probably said something nice in the locker room)
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Hi Chelsea
Seth lost his match with J&J because Dean baited him with his belt, but then Dean hit him with a finisher and took the belt back, Seth is suffering humiliation after humiliation, and I'm just picturing him texting Cody like telling him to meet him in his room, obviously Cody has a spare room key, and just like, walking in and not even saying hello or anything just immidiately like, taking off his belt or something as he rages about Kane and Dean and J&J and Roman and all this shit he's being put through (none of it is his fault, obviously) and just like undressing while he complains and finally notices Cody's just sitting there and is like, "what are you doing? come on" and Cody gets up and is like yeah this isn't going to work for me and Seth's like, wait man where you going? Or something, like he's so self absorbed he doesn't see an issue with it At All but then he can convince Cody to stay by apologizing and being Seth Sincere (tm) or something
[@joanofarcisdead: "also oh my god imagine this with stardust though like stardust is literally new to earth and he doesn’t understand humans or human emotions a lot but he knows he likes seth and he doesn’t like seth being sad"]
Because you /know/ it's happened more than once lol Cody being like, you know what? you deal with him so it's just plain clothes, no face paint Cody sitting there with red eyes and a big smile lmao, also Stardust is delighted by violence and anger, so like, him completely missing the reason Seth is undressing and instead misinterpreting it as anger time, yay! Maybe Seth punches a wall or something while he's venting and Stardust just like, throws something like 😀
another thought: but also to your point about Seth being sad, if he ever like, got vulnerable enough to shed a tear in front of Stardust?? Like Stardust wiping it from his cheek and being able to empathize with him on an emotional level because he's expirienced it through Cody's sadness, but still being curious, sorry to keep relating him to a kid but literally like a child being like, what's wrong, why are you sad? Like they know what sad is, they've felt it but they don't totally understand it
But if Stardust can experience Cody's sadness and stuff, if he can /feel/ what Cody feels, although maybe not totally feel it for himself (yet, it would probably come with enough time) that would mean he would have access to the ~feelings~ Cody has for Seth that he keeps hidden, he would know Cody's secret~ (that he's kinda in love with Seth even though he won't admit it and pretends he's not) but wouldn't be able to understand /why/ Cody feels these things, just that he feels something specific toward Seth
Also also also, Cody and Seth experiencing being "in love" in two different ways? Like Cody's a romantic little guy, he feels things deeply and falls fast, but he's had his heart broken so many times and never had a good, healthy relationship that lasted* so he's closed himself off to it as much as he can? And wants to keep things with Seth casual because he knows Seth's just going to end up hurting him BECAUSE Seth doesn't know how to love in a healthy way? Like, he's very self absorbed and assumes Cody knows how he feels about him, how could he not? Seth shows up, doesn't he? there is zero communication between them about stuff, Seth thinks they're good and Cody knows he loves him, Cody doesn't think Seth's into him beyond a casual thing (which is how he wants it to stay, regardless of his feelings, so why would he bring it up?) ((which is why Cody just dips without saying anything))
(*outside of Eden/Brandi, and while I think their in universe marriage came about Very Quickly and seemed like something they both jumped into without really knowing each other (and started out as a very like, marriage of convenience sugar daddy/trophy wife, sort of thing after Cody's traumatic breakup with Damien, but I think they quickly became friends and eventually like, started an actual romantic relationship and I think they both love each other very much and she's the only healthy and lasting romantic relationship he's had, even if he was seeing other people on the side (at least Seth, idk about the indy/aew years), but that's something she knew going into the marraige and relationship and she supports him fully (I don't know much about Brandi's character outside of the ring announcing and stuff on the JBL show but she also might be seeing people on the side, we'll see (again, this is all In Universe, I'm not speculating on the real people's marriage at all)
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teabiscs · 1 year
Kai/Rei Ship Headcanons:
Getting Together
Kai is always the one to make the first move. Rei may have feelings first, but Kai is always the one to make the first move.
Rei has feelings first and feelings for a long time. He’s really good at hiding his emotions and buries them down, because Kai doesn't like men, and even if he did, he doesn't like Rei.
So Rei dates. He dates Mao, and they have an on again off again. There’s that brief little fling with Salima, when she and Kane are on break. And then there’s that weird summer with him and Hiro (which solidifies that, yes, he liked men, but no, he didn’t like Hiro.)
But Kai never dates. Never shows interest. But he's always distant when there’s someone in Rei’s life, but once they’re gone, Kai is stuck to him like glue… well sort of. They hang out… sort of. They’ll be in the same room and Kai might say 4 words to him. But it's comfortable. But there's a definite difference in the way Kai treats Rei when Rei is single.
Kai is either one of two scenarios: He has feelings for Rei and knows what he is feeling. Or he has no idea what he’s feeling, but there's something about Rei.
In scenario one: Kai doesn’t want to change things. They’re comfortable. He likes how things are and is… Nervous to act out on his feelings. Again. He likes having Rei around. Likes being in his presence. Hearing his laughs. He doesn't want to lose Rei. Doesnt want to fuck things up.
Scenario two: Literally the whole plot of Feeling Worthy. He has no idea he’s crushing on Rei. And is super nasty, but in moments of clarity he shows his true colors and is nice and caring. But his heart does funny things and it scares him. Fight or Flight going off like crazy. 
Always the catalyst is Kai realizing his feelings, or acting impulsively on his feelings (Kissing Rei, unprompted). And then he hides from Rei, until Rei is able to get him to talk it out.
And it's always slow. Rei is more experienced and for once has more confidence than the one he’s with.
Relationship Headcanons
Kai is possessive of Rei, not too overbearing but if someone doesn’t get the hint that Rei is with him, he will make it known. From his harmless hand on Rei’s waist to both hands gripping Rei tightly, lips attracted to Rei’s neck like a magnet suckling on the tan skin. He’s not gotten physical from the possessiveness, but he would. If necessary. 
Kai is also fiercely protective of Rei. No one will bad mouth Rei in front of Kai. And if someone upsets Rei? He will do whatever in his power, however much money it takes to rectify the issue.
Rei loves both of the above traits of Kai. It makes him feel wanted. And Loved. (red flag)
When they fight, both will always walk away from the other. When they first get together, Kai disappears for hours. As they grow into their relationship, Kai doesn’t walk out the door, but hides in a different corner of the house.
Kai is always the one who will apologize first, believing it's always his fault. Not that Rei’s not going to apologize, just that Kai is somehow always faster at doing it. 
Kai really brings out Rei’s confidence, and Rei is able to get Kai to talk more. They feed off each other. 
Kai’s love for Rei is unconditional. He completely understands how free Rei’s heart is, and how hard it is for him to feel at home anywhere he is, but the difference is, Kai would follow him to the ends of the earth. Wherever Rei wants to go, Kai will follow. 
Kai spoils Rei. Anything Rei could want, he provides (and sometimes it drives Kai nuts because Rei isn't a material person, so he makes sure to notice things.)
They don't fight a lot, but when they do fight it is from miscommunications. Either Rei doesn’t say exactly what he wants, or Kai can't figure out how to properly communicate.
Also as usual, I see Rei learning Russian (bc my HC of Kai is Japanese/Russian, fight me)
Rei always does all the cooking, when they’re out, or when he tells the chef (because rich boy kai) he’ll handle their meal. Kai is a disaster in the kitchen, but starts taking lessons (under the guise of work meetings) and has the chef watch over him as he prepares a meal for Rei.
Rei remembers when they were kids, Kai always had a soft spot for cats, and well the house is kind of lonely, so he gets Kai three kittens. And it's chaos in the house, but it's perfect. They love it.
Kai isn’t wordy with his wants, so Rei tries really hard to read his partner's needs and wants and fulfill them. Sometimes it's simple, going into Kai’s office and bringing him coffee. Or wrapping his arms around Kai and forcing him to come to bed and sleep for more than three hours. Rei misses him. Or bringing him food when he’s on work calls all day, because if he doesn’t Kai won’t eat.
Rei doesn't drink, usually. But. If Kai is drinking too much, and he wants Kai to stop drinking, he will grab Kai’s drink and down it. It sends a clear signal to Kai that he’s cut off. (And usually it sobers him up, because alcohol makes Rei sleepy and they should probably be leaving or heading back to their room.
In the privacy of their home, they are so touchy feely. Holding hands, cuddling on the couch, etc. In public it’s a lot more reserved. A casual arm around Rei’s waist, Thighs touching while they sit. Holding pinkies.
Also, Kai would 100% propose even if they couldn't legally get married (But he has the money to fly them wherever they could get legally married) And Rei wouldn't believe it because his confidence is still kind of low, but Kai wants to spend forever with him??? (and Rei cries so much)
Kai has made Rei cry (from something other than happiness or ecstasy one time) and Kai wanted to kill himself afterwards. He felt so awful. He couldn't believe he of all people could have caused Rei pain like that. 
the grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one
Spicy 🌶️🌶️🌶️
They’re Vers, but: when Kai bottoms he’s a power bottom. He likes being in charge and in control. He likes being on top, when he’s on the bottom. He likes to see all the pretty faces Rei makes. 
Their first time, Kai insists on bottoming. And Rei is so hesitant and insists that he will bottom. Kai gets his way and bottoms and uses that, the internet and his own body as research for when it’s Rei’s turn.
Rei likes when Kai manhandles him. Even though there’s not quite a height difference. But Kai is stronger. He works out more and for mass and muscles. While Rei does more to stay flexible and in shape. Kai is good at flipping him around. Holding him against things etc. while reis good at being folded up. 
Kai is really into marking Rei. Rei isn’t really into marking Kai, unless Kai pushes it. (But scratching? Rei is kind really into scratching. And his nails are always somehow sharp) kai tries not to mark Rei in places others can see because they're not 16 anymore, but sometimes it's a heat of the moment thing, or they’re somewhere where kai needs others to know Rei is taken. 
Takao thinks its weird that Rei, Mr. Sunshine, is with Mr. Doom and Gloom, Kai. Takao likes that Rei brings out a different side of Kai when they're together. Kai’s a lot less moody when Rei is with him.
Max is so supportive of them! Max equates Kai to an older brother, and Rei is one of his best friends. So their happiness is so important to Max, and that they are happy with each other!! 
Hiromi is kind of obsessed with them.
The Borg Boys are so surprised by Kai’s choice of partner. Not that Kai is with a guy, because they all know Kai is gay as hell, but Rei? Rei? Very similar reaction to Takao, because they seem like polar opposites. It’s weird. But they can't deny that Kai smiles more in the presence of his Sunshine.
They will give Kai a hard time, as well as Rei a hard time, but it's an affectionate sort of hard time. And they treat him like part of the found family
White Tigers are 100% against it, at first. There’s some mild homophobia by the men of the team. And Mao is just against it being Kai (And tbh in all my Borg Boy X Rei HC the white tigers are not a fan of the relationship). But it is so important to Rei to keep them in his life, that Kai makes it his mission to get them to like him, and give their relationship their blessing. Because Kai’s usual reaction to oh XYZ doesnt like us dating is fuck them, but these people are Rei’s family.
And it pains Kai to try and rehabilitate his reputation with the White Tigers. They meet on neutral ground in the city for their first meetup and Rei is so nervous. Lee, Gary and Kevin are kind of mean about the whole meetup, and Rei puts on a brave face. And Mao is more annoyed because its Kai, of all the Borg Boys it's him. (She’d take Boris over Kai). But Lee goes too far and Rei starts crying and excuses himself, and Kai goes off on them. How dare they? After everything, how dare they be so disrespectful to Rei. I didn't even want to be here, but this mattered to Rei. Your approval was all he cared about, but you guys want to treat him like shit? I won't stop him from visiting, but believe me I will try my hardest to talk him out of it. He doesn’t deserve any of this. He is the sweetest, kindest person I know. He is so patient, he’d wait until the world ended to get the approval from the White Tigers. Then he’d drop enough money on the table to cover the whole bill plus, and collect Rei from wherever he ran to. (And Kai’s dialogue wins over Mao. Then she works on the rest of the team, but it takes Rei months to work up the courage to go back to China. But Rei really wants to go back for a festival, so they do. Kai and Mao work out an arraignment for Rei to see them. And it finally works out. With apologies and everything.)
Mr. Dickinson is so thrilled when any of his young bladers get into relationships, especially when it's with each other. He sees Rei as a sort of grandson, after everything he’s done for Rei, so he’s even more thrilled. And then! Kai of all people! In a relationship! Thriving, Happy! What more could he ask for!
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internetgremlin · 2 years
Tag Game
Something a wee bit different. I was actually tagged in two slightly different versions of this by @loverboysainz-interacts and @f1-incorrect-s so I've just combined them into one because I'm ✨lazy✨
Favourite time of year?
It's definitely a toss-up between summer and autumn. Hot weather and blue skies just make me feel so much better about everything in life, like I physically can't have a bad day if it's sunny!! But also I am OBSESSED with the colours of autumn, I love the warm drinks and comfort food, I love ugly jumpers and dark academia, I love the fresh start feeling that comes with the new academic year (and it's my birthday hehe)
Comfort food?
Sunday Roast. Specifically my mum's beef with ALL the trimmings and more gravy than socially acceptable (+ rice pudding for after)
Do you collect anything?
I would say the main thing I collect is Harry Potter merch, especially the replica and ornamental or subtle pieces. OH AND BOOKS AND STATIONARY, I'm addicted to notebooks and coloured pens
Favourite drink?
Coffee. Gin. Currently obsessed with Thatcher's Orange Cider. I am also the kind of person who is partial to a sparkling water (fight me)
Favourite song/artist?
I'm too into music to have a singular favourite song. My favourite band for sure is Waterparks (HIGHLY recommend if you haven't heard of them before)
Current favourite songs?
I Ain't Worried - One Republic 🌶 Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes) - Edison Lighthouse 🌶 Come and Get Your Love - Redbone 🌶 Brutal - Olivia Rodrigo 🌶 Smooth Operator - Sade 🌶 Bonfire - Childish Gambino 🌶 Greenhands - Sundara Karma 🌶 Funeral Grey - Waterparks 🌶 Chateau Lobby #4 (In C For Two Virgins) - Father John Misty
Favourite fic of mine?
Flat Spin for sure. Personally, I feel like it showcases some of my best writing and I'm really proud of the plot for it. I feel like it's the first ever story I've written that is a full story and not solely focused on the relationship alone (but I'm also really happy with the relationship I'm developing in it). Plus the LOVE from you guys, the community I've become a part of as a result of it... it's been the most incredible couple of months and I'm so grateful <3
Relationship Status:
Somehow I have managed to convince a REAL boy to like me. We've been together 3 years
Favourite Colour(s):
Green. Closely followed by orange and yellow.
Song stuck in my head:
Currently, there isn't one because I'm watching trashy TV as I do this, but earlier it was As It Was by Harry Styles
Last thing you googled:
ACP injection equine data sheet (I promise I'm a really, really interesting person)
19:40 BST
Dream Trip:
My dream holiday is to go to Italy - sunshine, history, pasta, wine and coffee are my idea of heaven. But overall dream trip is to get my visa and go work in Australia for a year or so after I've graduated
Last thing you read:
The last thing I finished was Percy Jackson: The Last Olympian as part of my pre-Disney plus series re-read. Currently on the go is The Kane Chronicles: The Red Pyramid. And I guess for completion the last "first time read" book I read was Atonement by Ian McEwan
Last book you enjoyed reading:
The entire Percy Jackson series I've been re-reading. And I can't NOT take this opportunity to tell everyone that Atonement is literally the best book I've ever read and I'm OBSESSED with it and with Robbie and Cecilia. And the ANGST, the pain, the pining oh my god this book is just *chefs kiss chefs kiss chefs kiss* NOT TO MENTION the writing style, the self-reflection throughout, the most elegant POV switches I have ever seen. Please, everyone just read this book (and then watch the movie because James McAvoy as Robbie.... my LORD)
Last book you hated reading:
Dune by Frank Herbert. Not to be hipster but I wanted to read it when I watched the 2002 miniseries Children of Dune back in summer 2020 (again, James McAvoy obsession who) and then when I saw the cast for the new movie I was like well now I *HAVE* to. To be fair it was probably a stretch for me because I'm not a huge fan of full-on fantasy where you have to learn pretty much an entirely new language and lore to understand the story. Especially when the words of all the made-up people, planets, places, things, religions and so on are impossible to pronounce. So yeah it wasn't really a surprise when I was 200 pages in, bored and completely LOST lmao. Needless to say, I did not finish it
Favourite thing to cook/bake:
I'm really really into baking so this was a tough choice. My favourite comfort thing to bake is brownies because my recipe SLAPS, I can do it without even thinking and it's such a crowd pleaser. Otherwise, I love to do cakes/cupcakes where I get to experiment with different flavour combinations and it's an excuse to get the piping bag out and play with decorative techniques
Favourite craft to do in your free time:
I'm shite at the arty stuff so without being boring it's baking and writing
Most niche dislike:
The first thing that came to mind was slimy/slippery food textures but I don't feel like that's so niche. Otherwise maybe reality TV? Social expectations? Men with short hair? The texture of sugar paper? I'm neurodivergent the list can GO ON lmao
Do you have any sense of direction:
Ummm ish? Not so much in just *knowing* where I am or in which direction I'm facing/supposed to be going, but if I go somewhere once I can re-navigate around it real quick. We did a walking tour of Edinborough and I was able to get me and mum back to the city centre after having that tour being my first time there and I didn't go wrong sooo?? does walking count?
Tell us about your D&D character:
I've never played D&D but I've lowkey always wanted to. I've been told by my friend who plays I'm a Chaotic Neutral
absolutely no pressure tags if anyone is bored and wants to do something vaguely entertaining? @sgkophie @timetoracewrites @serialkillertbh @rge-nini @hnmaga-blog and anyone who sees this and wants to participate!!
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frenreyofficial · 2 years
Sorry if you've been asked this before, but do you have any headcanons about the HLVRAI cast?
gordon: bisexual & demisexual trans man, has adhd (his hyperfixation is kane & lynch 2), dissociates, possibly also hallucinates?, is an extrovert with social anxiety so he desperately wants people to like him. he is a genuinely nice and friendly guy when his life is not in immediate danger (evidence: he was nice to the first 2 security guards he encounters. he only got pissy when he decided everyone was fucking with him). his couch is red. he has a spider plant because it is the only plant he has managed to keep alive (i stole this headcanon from a fanfic). listens to Dad Rock, obviously. falls asleep on the couch with his arms crossed, as dads do. also he snores loudly like a dad and sneezes loudly like a dad. dog person but also likes cats. gives bear hugs & needs physical affection to Survive (he was not getting much of it before the resonance cascade). he gave birth to joshua. obligatory "scared of the dark, loud noises, and things being thrown." attention span too short to watch a movie. he is 6'2 i love a tall man. he's good at cooking. joshua is semi-verbal, hence why gordon's first reaction to that one scientist npc was to ask if he can speak.
benrey: nonbinary & gay (mostly uses he/him out of convenience but doesn't really care), autistic (obligatory "wears a chullo to block out noise", obligatory "gordon gave him the chullo as an olive branch"). also dissociates. cat person (he resonates with them in being both very aloof and very annoying). he doesn't have a biological sex but the black mesa scientists are bitches and assigned him Male when they found him which he promptly rejected, hence why he considers himself trans. his blood is purple. he's not a mammal so he doesn't have nipples lol. has cold hands (gordon has warm hands). claustrophobic ("get me out of this BOX"). 5'6 so he can be smothered by gordon's tits when he hugs him lol. oh also he craves physical affection as much as gordon does, so they're perfect for each other
tommy: asexual and panromantic, sorry i'm basic. autistic, obviously, everyone agrees on that. uses emoticons. he will inherit the g-man powers when his dad retires. he can't move during the g-man's time stops but he is aware (i stole that from a fanfic too). tommy doesn't like his dad's approach to things so he tries to make himself as approachable as possible because he is nice (side note i hate a lot of people's tommy headcanons. tommy would not call someone a "cunt" literally what makes people think he would lmao). also on that note, tommy avoids swearing when he can, but sometimes he just needs to. he met benry...... 5 years before canon? something like that. tommy also doesn't have a biological sex but he was never "assigned" anything so he doesn't consider himself trans. tommy doesn't get indigestion or food poisoning so he can and will commit the worst food crimes known to man (benry, on the other hand, does get indigestion and food poisoning. but consequences don't stop him from also committing food crimes). 6-foot-something, i haven't decided. plays mobile games.
coomer: bisexual trans man, obviously. has adhd. he also dissociates. father figure to gordon.... obviously. gordon and coomer knew each other before the resonance cascade. coomer is 5'4. i don't have much else to say that isn't already canon tbh, holly is just a genius.
bubby: gay and agender (same deal as benry: mostly uses he/him but doesn't care). i WOULD say "bubby can't swim" but unfortunately that one is directly contradicted by canon. RIP, it would've been really funny. obligatory "bubby and coomer are married." benry teaches him about the internet (and does a terrible job of it).
darnold: not gonna lie i'm a main character basic bitch so i don't have much to say about darnold. i do love darnold but i just don't think about him much. but he's not straight (i haven't decided anything more than that), his rocket boots are actually rocket heels (i drew that back in 2020 i probably will draw it again eventually), and benry buys him a new computer to apologize for breaking it in the first place.
i think about forzen and the g-man approximately Never so i don't have anything to say about them except that forzen is very pathetic and has a crush on gordon.
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baekhvuns · 1 year
Bestie I didn't even watch that Arsenal x Man City game, but London is still red, Arsenal is 1st 🤗 you shouldn't have laughed at me too much. Kane in Bayern? Lmao I mean you're right, he's not gonna get anything with Tottenham kqjsjajsjsjwjdhhwhwjw. Did Jongho go and see their game btw?
Aston Villa who hehehe. There are so many London clubs though it's crazy! That's why I have two fave clubs, one that gives me joy (though not recently) pretty often and another which is 📈📉📈📉 😭 best believe I was in shambles when Arsenal and Madrid played together. Maybe it's good Arsenal is out ot CL. Yeah Liverpool sadly...💀 I like Man Utd too, never cared for City and never will jsjajshsjissbaahhshsje
Omfg you're right Hwa at the pop up was giving model, brand ambassador 😭
That selfie sign?! Kpop stans can't be normal. Also how do some people have the time to watermark and post their stuff during the concert?! Have some fun??? Unless it's the serial concert goers, they don't care anymore, just need some clout on the bird app
LSM created SM and he might destroy it now with all the lawsuits, I mean... fair tbh, except he needs to be in jail 🔫 not to mention Kakao is at the scene of the crime as well, guess they're a better option than Hybe tho. The fucking video they released??? This is war for real
I'm so sorry Baek idk why artists are allergic to Vancouver? When I saw Tamino's Canada dates I was like "omg what a coincidence, what if he comes to Baek City" but alas :/
Pon de Replay what an icon. I don't think I genuinely know any ASAP song, but it's because I don't know most mainstream songs, boomer <3 so, sorry to that man. I don't think Riri's tickets were that expensive, also her last tour was 2000 years ago 😭 speaking of Bey, she's like the opposite of Rihanna. Don't really vibe with her music, but she can put on an amazing and well-produced show
I honestly get seeing idols around, because I literally saw some ex-Wanna One members in a cafe two days ago ❤ but chasing them or purposely going to places you can spot them 🔪 (giving Oil London stalking Jimin vibes)
I eat tteokbokki pretty regularly, so it wasn't that much of a difference, they were semi-spicy, but good. Korean food is spicier than Japanese, but I still need more heat sometimes 🔥
A lot of people dislike season 4 of You, but it's funny cause it's all London and posh Brits, absolutely insufferable lmao. The tone is different, but as a whodunnit fan I ate it up! I'm looking forward to part 2, because it looks a bit more interesting.
Wish we looked that cute
Ah that's not the mushroom head I dislike, he's cute, but I was thinking of this still adorable, because it's Hwa...
M🍙pe what is this behaviour oeiwhisjswjjw tbh I hate this type of magicians, but come on. Unless it was all scripted he needs to smile a little
I was about to send you that white shirt Hwa video, amazing how I generally don't care for shirts or suits, but when it's Seonghwa......
I'm devastated Baeksy! No more "Ddeong-ppear" no more wholesome, unhinged, sweet and random stories and selfies 🤧🤧🤧🤧 I sincerely believe some idols are sad Universe is gone as well. Nooooo leave Bubble alone at least. Devastation, head in hands etc...
Fencing makes you rich??? Idk about that I trained in a shitty community centre. Ok trained is a big word, I did it for a few months only, because it was the closest thing I could get to sword fighting 😭
Oh god, see I'd be happy to see the Cursed Child movie, but anything connected to R*wl*ng is trash to me now </3 ruined everything for me, that stupid bitch
Hello he's so silly and let me lint roll you sir
Brb, breaking into that store
What would you do if you were stuck in a lift with this guy?
I found this account... accidentally and Hwa is all over it 😭 not really into armpits, but Hwapits... maybe, the agenda is really strong - DV 💖
Bestie I didn't even watch that Arsenal x Man City game, but London is still red, Arsenal is 1st 🤗 you shouldn't have laughed at me too much. Kane in Bayern? Lmao I mean you're right, he's not gonna get anything with Tottenham kqjsjajsjsjwjdhhwhwjw. Did Jongho go and see their game btw?
u waited till u SQW THE CHANGE AND THEN CAME BACK HERE TO SAY THIS 🔫🔫 tbh i be cursing man city bc they didn’t let alvarez play <3 MADE A LITTLE CHART FOR ARSENALS SHIT STREAKING I AM DETERMINED THAT PEP WILL PLAY HIS WAY INTO THOSE 2 POINTS no but srs this is actually shit 😭😭 not even as a rival but what is this 😭😭😭
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koreans and their spurs relationship will never disappoint 😭😭 at least they won!
Aston Villa who hehehe. There are so many London clubs though it's crazy! That's why I have two fave clubs, one that gives me joy (though not recently) pretty often and another which is 📈📉📈📉 😭 best believe I was in shambles when Arsenal and Madrid played together. Maybe it's good Arsenal is out ot CL. Yeah Liverpool sadly...💀 I like Man Utd too, never cared for City and never will jsjajshsjissbaahhshsje
no bc they won against spurs im not HEARING ANYTHING 🤚🏻 the only good player they got is emi martinez <3 NOO THERE ARE SO MANY AND FOR WHAT WHY DO U GOT A LEEDS? FULHAM? WHO ASKED 🔫 no bc it’s the same for me, tho barca doesn’t disappoint THEYRE doing quite good atm, psg…at least they won 😭😭 see ARSENAL PLAYS SHIT, it would’ve been embarrassing,, saw the liverpool v madrid game today, why do madrid perform better in champions league than in la liga 😭😭
Omfg you're right Hwa at the pop up was giving model, brand ambassador 😭 /// That selfie sign?! Kpop stans can't be normal. Also how do some people have the time to watermark and post their stuff during the concert?! Have some fun??? Unless it's the serial concert goers, they don't care anymore, just need some clout on the bird app
WASNT HE! EXACTLY! 😭😭 the closest we’ll get to it for now,, the self promo i respect it bUT how about we all go for having fun! and music! rather than wanting a yn moment! NOOO UR RIGHT HOW DO THE FANSITES DO THAT SO FAST like do ur even enjoy the concert atp bc half the time ur on the camera and then u edit it on ur laptop 😭😭
LSM created SM and he might destroy it now with all the lawsuits, I mean... fair tbh, except he needs to be in jail 🔫 not to mention Kakao is at the scene of the crime as well, guess they're a better option than Hybe tho. The fucking video they released??? This is war for real
bestie…i have absolutely no words this is,, can we even enjoy music now with this looming issue of this company possibly disbanding everyone sm artists at least go to south america, vancouver, europe sometimes and south east asia now with them taking over we’re only getting usa and a toronto tour from now on AND AT LEAST SM’S TICKETS WERE A LITTLE CHEAP BUT THIS 😭😭😭 GONNA BE A NIGHTMARE 😭😭😭 but they’re already doing very well??? 😭😭 need u to visit hybe and have some words with them 🤨 taking credit for their success ofc
I'm so sorry Baek idk why artists are allergic to Vancouver? When I saw Tamino's Canada dates I was like "omg what a coincidence, what if he comes to Baek City" but alas :/
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it’s never my turn to be happy never
Pon de Replay what an icon. I don't think I genuinely know any ASAP song, but it's because I don't know most mainstream songs, boomer <3 so, sorry to that man. I don't think Riri's tickets were that expensive, also her last tour was 2000 years ago 😭 speaking of Bey, she's like the opposite of Rihanna. Don't really vibe with her music, but she can put on an amazing and well-produced show
I KNEW SHE CHANGED WHEN SHE DIDNT INCLUDE PON DE REPLAY IN HER TRACKLIST, SHE DID KISS IT BETTER BUT NOT THAT SONG??? not the same girlie i tell u,, every ask im reminded ur a boomer <3 with inflation i just know they’d reach 1K $$ i like beyonce’s music that’s like title track worthy,, crazy in love is def top tier,, she really does! that dubai (?) one was crazy!
I honestly get seeing idols around, because I literally saw some ex-Wanna One members in a cafe two days ago ❤ but chasing them or purposely going to places you can spot them 🔪 (giving Oil London stalking Jimin vibes) /// I eat tteokbokki pretty regularly, so it wasn't that much of a difference, they were semi-spicy, but good. Korean food is spicier than Japanese, but I still need more heat sometimes 🔥
now.. 😭😭😭 this is pretty uncomfy 😭😭 oooo no way!!! who were they? was it mr ong bc im about to ask u to yell @ him for an album,, AHHHH hope u ate loads AND DRANK WATER SO UR BLOOD IS NOT JUST TTEOKBOKKI 🔫🔫
A lot of people dislike season 4 of You, but it's funny cause it's all London and posh Brits, absolutely insufferable lmao. The tone is different, but as a whodunnit fan I ate it up! I'm looking forward to part 2, because it looks a bit more interesting.
AHHHH the jokes must be more for the uk-ers than for the americans, no wonder they dislike it 😭😭 UR RIGHT THAT TROPE IS ALWAYS GOOD, idk if u have watched it but love wedding repeat is a must!! the classic british romcom with an EXTRA amount of comedy and chaos very exquisitely filmed in italy and circling around a wedding! the way i laughed during the movie but then again i laugh at anything but this was really good! 100% rec the low ratings do NOT DO IT JUSTICE AT ALL!
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me 2 minutes into this movie actually
Wish we looked that cute /// Ah that's not the mushroom head I dislike, he's cute, but I was thinking of this still adorable, because it's Hwa...
seonghwa needs to be sponsernd by pantene bc that hair volume is insane,, HEY THATS NOT THAT BAD ANON 🔫🔫
M🍙pe what is this behaviour oeiwhisjswjjw tbh I hate this type of magicians, but come on. Unless it was all scripted he needs to smile a little /// I was about to send you that white shirt Hwa video, amazing how I generally don't care for shirts or suits, but when it's Seonghwa......
no yeah they can be a little annoying but every psg player at the party was all funsies with him but he’s a haha, strange lil guy,, has to be the only one hA HA. RHWKHDKW BUT WHEJ ITS SEONGHWA,, I MUST SAY I AM A SUCKER FOR SUITS ON MEN AND SEONGHWA IS ON TOP OF THE LIST FBWKDHWK what the fuck
I'm devastated Baeksy! No more "Ddeong-ppear" no more wholesome, unhinged, sweet and random stories and selfies 🤧🤧🤧🤧 I sincerely believe some idols are sad Universe is gone as well. Nooooo leave Bubble alone at least. Devastation, head in hands etc...
Fencing makes you rich??? Idk about that I trained in a shitty community centre. Ok trained is a big word, I did it for a few months only, because it was the closest thing I could get to sword fighting 😭
THE WAY THEYRE ALL SO DRAMATIC AND CONSTANTLY LEAVING MESSAGES 😭😭😭no more internet breaking selfies from them all,, no yeah i bet they’re pretty mad about it too bc now they gotta move to bubble and HYBE WANTS TO MERGE IT 🔫🔫🔫 ur are rich. coNVINCED ACTUALLY! WITH THE AMOUNT OF JOBS U HAD BESTIE UR ROLLING IN THE POUNDS or € whichever one u use <3
Oh god, see I'd be happy to see the Cursed Child movie, but anything connected to R*wl*ng is trash to me now </3 ruined everything for me, that stupid bitch /// Hello he's so silly and let me lint roll you sir
no bc i don’t even care what she says im just here for the movies and the cast 😭🤚🏻want to feel nostalgic and hear the hogwarts ost’s in the theatres bc i kNOW ITS GOING TO BREAK US ALL,,, u know some times seonghwa acts like he’s straight out of the 90’s grease and is named soda pop
Brb, breaking into that store /// What would you do if you were stuck in a lift with this guy? /// I found this account... accidentally and Hwa is all over it 😭 not really into armpits, but Hwapits... maybe, the agenda is really strong - DV 💖
ANOM TAKE THE PINK ONE IM HUNTING FOR THE WHITE ONE,, see now, the first thing my mind went to after seeing that lift video is that one model hwa scene <3 will log out now! NOT INTO ARMPITS BUT WHAT THE FUCK DOES HE USE TO GEY THEM SO SMOOTH WHAT THE FUCK
ur sign to read model hwa
ANONFBJQHDKWHDKW that was me actually i took a flight to barcelona
not this guy acting like he’s in love with him AFTER ALMOST ENDING HIS LIFE FOR OVER A DECADE
i have to share this bc i spent the last hour laughing at this with tears streaming down my face
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extravalgant · 2 years
thinkin about... drawin my official wiz and pirate mc designs 🧐
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gingeraleluke · 2 years
𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗼𝘅𝗲𝗿 ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜰɪꜰᴛᴇᴇɴ
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𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: underground!boxer!vinnie hacker x fem!influencer!reader
𝘀𝘆𝗻𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝘀: y/n needs to find a prom date for the hype house event…
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: mentions of drug abuse + drinking, arguing?, mo+y/n content <3, some sex talk
series masterlist
“kane, you literally have so many red flags, now that i think about it!”
y/n and mo were both laying on the ground in mo’s living room, their hair and hands intertwined while kane was doing the dishes in the kitchen. their arms formed a triangular shape and their heads were rested beside one another, a typical ‘fault in our stars’ position.
“what are you talking about?!” kane scoffed, extending his neck to try and see his girlfriend. the kitchen was too far away for him to see her, and being the labrador boyfriend that he was, he turned off the sink and walked into the living room, meeting the laughing girls, trying his best not to step on them.
“see!? i told you he’d come.” mo laughed, letting go of y/n’s hand to slap her shoulder in amusement.
“what are you two doing on the floor? you know there’s a couch right there, right?” he motioned to the grey sofa behind the two girls, causing y/n to look over.
“oh, right! i forgot about that.” she joked, not moving from the small and very uncomfortable rug.
“are you guys drunk?”
“yes.” the girls answered over one another, knowing that they were completely sober. sometimes, they would just get high off of one another. their friendship so electronic that it’d just wire off all of the little lights and switches in their brains and make them hyper for hours.
“why are you guys talking about me? i heard my name.” kane ignored their giggles, standing over them with his hands on his hips. he wore a white shirt that y/n had seen him in hundreds of times, and a pair of shorts that showed off his skinny legs. his posture made him look like an anxious parent.
“i was telling y/n how toxic you are.” moriah answered, her words sounding casual.
“okay, care to elaborate?”
“nah, i’d rather just leave it ambiguous.”
“wow, that’s a big word, mo! i’m proud of you.” y/n piped in, smiling at the girl who’s face was inches away from hers.
“thank you!”
“mo, stop changing the subject. please, i’m begging, just—in what world am i toxic? what are my red flags? what are these obtainable qualities that i hold? tell me, so i can change them.” kane demanded.
y/n laughed into the sleeve of her golden-brown cardigan. she had a cropped button-up tank underneath it and paired it with one of her ripped mom jeans and her signature boots, which were now at mo’s doorway. her one direction socks were on full display and she wiggled her toes in anticipation. the only thing missing from her outfit, was the diamond choker flloyd had bought her. she hadn’t worn it since drakes birthday and she wasn’t sure when she’d even wear it again.
y/n knew that kane didn’t do anything wrong and that moriah was just trying to rile her boyfriend up, and the only thing she wanted, was a bucket of popcorn to watch.
“well first of all, you order me food without asking what i want.” mo held up a hand, beginning to count on her fingers. the few strands of dark blue hair were now fading and were mixed into y/n’s hair on the ground. the two knew their hair would be fucked up from laying on the floor, but didn’t care.
“because i know what you want!”
“okay, but what if i want something else?!” mo shouted back, sitting up for the first time in twenty minutes.
“YOU DON’T! you order the same thing every time!” y/n couldn’t keep it in and began laughing at the argument before her.
“WHAT?! THAT DOESN’T EVEN MAKE ANY SENSE!” kane exclaimed. y/n sat up slightly, so her view wasn’t upside down.
“whatever, you’re confusing me.” mo shook her head and laid back down, seeing the way y/n looked at her.
“okay, that’s only one reason, where’s the others?!”
“you also steal my food without asking..”
“mo, for fucks sake!” kane realized she wasn’t fully serious and walked away, back to do the dishes. y/n and mo broke out laughing, their temples beside one another again.
“ahh..” mo sighed, resting her head on y/n’s shoulder. “have you gotten a dress for the prom yet?”
“no! i haven’t even gotten a date, mo! i don’t know if i’m gonna be able to go.” she sputtered, amused at the question.
“well that’s stupid, you have to go.” mo scoffed, looking over at her best friend. “if you can’t get a date, then just wear your merch. then they’ll know how popular you are.” she joked.
“moriah, seriously. i’m lowkey freaking out—i can’t go alone! i’ll look like an idiot.” y/n frowned, sitting up and grabbing her soda from the woven table.
“look, you’ll find someone!”
“when?! it’s in three days!”
“okay, so you can’t bring flloyd— are you sure zach or quinn can’t go?” mo asked, sitting up, turning around and crossing her legs.
“no, they’re going to new jersey to tell quinn’s dad about the engagement. i can’t take that away from them.”
“okay, well what about one of their friends? they have a bunch of influencer friends, ask one of them!”
“moriah, that would be so awkward. it’d make me look pathetic, they’d think i have no friends.”
“okay, well then, i don’t know!” moriah snapped, shaking her head. the two sat there in silence for a few seconds. “wait! you should ask vinnie!”
“i’m sorry, what?”
“ask vinnie!”
“you-you’re joking, right?” y/n let out a dry chuckle, trying to read through no’s expression.
“why not?! it’d be perfect, he has like over 400k followers, right?”
“700k…” y/n muttered under her breath.
“that makes him an influencer!”
“mo, do you not see how insane that would be?”
“what? why?” she furrowed her brows, biting on her bottom lip.
“because drake would kill me!?”
“oh, please. it’s a business opportunity!”
“flloyd would flip—“
“seriously, y/n. this is a huge opportunity! if either of them have a problem with it, tell me and i’ll fuck them up.” mo argued.
“but he wouldn’t say yes, he hates me.”
“yes he would! it’s a bunch of la girls who dance in front of cameras all day! no offense.” she commented. “look, all you guys will have to do is look pretty on camera and go a whole night without killing eachother. he can just leave and go fuck girls in the bathroom or something, it doesn’t matter. this is for you, y/n. kelsey was doing you a huge favor.”
“yeah..” she nodded, “you’re right. i’ll ask vinnie when i stop by the gym tomorrow.”
mo swatted her hand away from her drink, “uh uh, no way. you go ask him now.”
“what?! no, i’ll just go tomorrow.” she scoffed, grabbing her drink.
“fine, but no talking yourself out of this, okay? you’re going, even if it’s with vinnie hacker.” mo pointed her finger at her, sternly.
“deal.” y/n spoke, setting the drink down on the flat surface, again.
“so…are you gonna sleep here?” mo spoke up, grabbing a hair tie and putting her hair up in a bun.
“um, yeah, if that’s okay with you.”
“of course! just have to kick kane out of the bed.” she laughed, turning off the tv and standing up.
“you and drake are cool, right?”
“yeah, i was mad at him for a few days, but i can’t really be that upset. it’s not his fault that his friends are dipshits.” y/n explained.
“so….you and flloyd?”
“no idea. i talked to him the day before yesterday, but we didn’t do much. just cuddled.”
“is your sex life dead?”
“basically. he hasn’t even kissed me in days, but then again, it’s probably since he knows i’m still mad deep down. we haven’t fucked in almost two weeks.”
“oh, well, he’ll come crying.” mo swung back her drink, y/n agreeing.
“can i borrow some clothes?”
“yeah, i’ll go get ‘em. come on.” mo motioned to the hall, walking y/n into her bedroom where the two of them got ready for bed, making kane sleep on the couch.
“hey, so i have this green oversized sweater that you can wear.” she held up the shirt, looking over it. even though it was only 10am, y/n was still exhausted.
she was nervous.
after the therapy session she had, she couldn’t help but see vinnie differently. raven thought that vinnie might be the key to her random dreams— that y/n might even be in love with him. she knew she wasn’t…right? it made her sick just thinking about him and she went out of her way to avoid him. she’d even feel a small pinch of guilt in her chest whenever she’d see flloyd— the back of her mind saying ‘you like vinnie’ digging her a grave six feet under.
“that’s fine! i can just wear it as a dress.” y/n striped down, making sure to wear skin tight shorts underneath so she didn’t flash anyone. getting off of moriah’s white and blue sheets, she borrowed some of the girls makeup and combed through her hair with her hands, surprised at how good her hair looked despite sleeping with it down.
she walked out of mo’s room and met a still-sleeping kane on the couch. “alright, well…tell kane i say goodbye.” y/n joked over kane’s loud snores.
“wait, you don’t want any breakfast?”
“nah, it’s okay. i wanna get this day over with.” she referred to the whole vinnie situation, mo nodding.
after y/n got her stuff and boots on, she made her way to the gym, posting a few pictures on her instagram story.
10:20 AM
new tweet from y/n
@ Y/N
it’s too early for this 🤦‍♀️
💬 220 🔁 307 ❤️ 4.8K
@ userone: girl same
@ usertwo: what happened??
@ moriahhh: YOU GOT THIS JUST DO IT 👹
@ Y/N: @ moriahhh I DONT WANNA 😔
“oh boy, roman! the evil witch has come to take you away!” ru laughed, pushing roman on the shoulder. y/n ignored them and continued walking towards vinnie who was doing bench presses.
“actually, i’m here for him.” she stopped, her arms crossed as she watched his eyes travel upwards to meet hers. he reminded her of a boy who had just been caught doing something bad, the way his pupils dilated when he saw her. setting the bar down, he sat up— a serious look on his face as opposed to the amused and cocky expression he usually gave her.
“what.” he sighed, sounding defeated.
“can i talk to you..? over there.” she motioned to the other side of the room. vinnie blinked, his lips tightened together as he got off of the bench and walked over with her.
“woah, what’d hacker do?!” ru yelled.
“shut up! roman, get out of here and go back to drakes section!” y/n shouted back, standing up against the wall while ru took his attention off of the two.
“what’s up with you?” she nodded upwards, her brows furrowing. she kept telling herself not to look below his neck, knowing that his bare abs were on display. she’d rather eat nails than be caught checking vinnie out.
“why do you care?” vinnie snapped.
“you’re right, i don’t.” she smiled, making vinnie raise his brows and rub his lips together. “are you free friday?”
“why, you asking me out?” his tongue darted to the floor of his mouth, looking over the girl in front of him.
“god no, just answer the question.”
“no.” vinnie protested, turning around to walk away when y/n gripped onto his forearm.
“fine! will you just be my date for the prom, please?” she pleaded, looking up at him. he rubbed the side of his chin in bewilderment.
“huh? i-i’m sorry, what?” he smirked.
“look, i got invited to this prom event at the hype house and i need a date. you won’t have to do anything, besides stand beside me and pose for pictures— i promise.”
vinnie rubbed his eye with his fingers, groaning. “why don’t you just take your goldilocks boyfriend?”
“because, he’s not an influencer.” she deadpanned.
“neither am i.”
“your instagram says differently.” y/n debated, trying her best not to analyze every tattoo on the boys body.
“okay, so ask one of your—“
“everyone is busy. trust me, i wouldn’t have asked you if i had any other option.” vinnie knew that was true, cocking his head to the side in understanding. “look, all you have to do is be there. you can go fuck some girl in the bathrooms or something, i don’t care. i just need someone to go with.”
“okay, fine. i’ll go with you.”
“thank yo—“ she began to walk away, when vinnie called out to her.
“if what?”
“you beg for it.” he looked down at her, noticing the small moment of curiosity that flickered through her iris’ before she scoffed and began to leave again.
“okay! okay, i’m joking.” he grabbed her arm and forced her back, the girl taking a small mental note at how strong he was.
“but! i will go with you as long as you return the favor.” he smoldered, crossing his arms as her face churned in confusion.
“well i’m doing you a favor, it’s only fair that you do me one too. you really thought i’d put myself through the torture of spending a night with you for free?” the boy asked.
“no! you’ll just use it for sex.”
“oh, please. i wouldn’t let my dick near you, not when it gets hazel on the daily.”
“okay, first off, ew, and secondly, no.”
“fine, then no prom for you.” he began to walk away, backwards so he was still looking at the girl, knowing she’d cave.
“wait!” she squeezed her eyes shut, already regretting her decision. “you promise no sex stuff?”
“okay, fine. i’ll do it.” she stated, looking down at her boots on the ground. vinnie smirked, backing away from her.
“text me a pic your dress so i can match it!” he called out, a shit eating grin on his face. y/n felt her stomach drop as she realized what this meant.
vinnie is gonna be my prom date.
i’m gonna be sick.
@justalostgirl @obliviatevamps @letsjustbeourselves @starslcve @itskoushi @bakerkells @vinnieslut @queenyamimarrero @mrs-woodwesleyobrien @isabelleforest73 @radioblah-blah @creepytoes88 @wrldofspice @lovenoughton @soapiaa @tremendousalpacawitch @devilsbooksworld @lidiyabest @maurauderswhxre @plutooryectors @tranquiiit @etleseraphin @heizenka @sofslander
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maxwell-grant · 3 years
Excuse Me what is pulp and why is it importan?
Good question! And probably one I should have answered sooner. Time to put on the historian hat for this one.
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"Pulp" is a term used mainly to describe forms of storytelling that sprang out or were dominant in 20th century cheap all-fiction American magazines from the 1900s to the 1950s. The pulp magazine began in 1896, when Frank Munsey's Argosy magazine, in order to cut costs, dropped the non-fiction articles and photographs and switched from glossy paper to the much less expensive wood pulp paper, hence the name. The pulp magazines would mainly take off as a distinct market and format in 1904, when Street & Smith learned that Popular Magazine, despite being marketed towards boys, was being consumed by men of all ages, so they increased page count and started putting popular authors on the issues.
It was specifically the 1905 reprint of H.Rider Haggard's Ayesha that not only put Street & Smith on the map as rivals to Argosy, but also inspired other companies to start publishing in the pulp format. Pulps encompassed literally everything that the authors felt like publishing. Westerns, romance, horror, sci-fi, railroad stories, war stories, war aviation stories. Zeppelins had a short-lived subgenre. Celebrities got their own magazines, it was really any genre or format they could pull off, anything they could get away with.
Nowadays, although they came quite late in it's history, the American pulps are most famous for it's "hero pulps", characters like The Shadow and Doc Savage that are viewed as a formative influence on comic book superheroes. The pulp magazines in America lasted until the 1950s, when cumulative factors such as paper shortages, diminishing audience returns and the closing of it's biggest publishers led to it dying off, although in the decades since there's always been publishers calling their magazines pulp. That's the American pulp history.
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But pulps are a phenomenon that spans the entire world and has a much bigger history to it, because pulps have become synonymous with cheap fiction magazines and those have a much bigger history. In America, before the pulps, you had the dime novels, the direct predecessors of the pulps, as well as the novelettes. England had it's penny dreadfuls and story papers, and continued publishing pulp-format magazines past the American 1950s, and that's how we got Elric of Melniboné. France and Russia arguably got to it first with it's 1800s coulporters, chapbooks and particularly the feuilletons which lasted all the way to the 20th century and created characters such as Arsene Lupin, Fantomas and The Phantom of the Opera. The Germans published pulp under the name hefteromane. Japan also published pulp magazines both original as well as imported, and the current "light-novel" phenomenon started off as an equivalent of pulp magazines (it's even on the Wikipedia page). China has wuxia, Brazil has cordel, Italy has gialli. There were Indian, Persian, Ethiopian, Canadian, Australian pulps and much more. Look anywhere in the world and you'll find examples of "pulp" happening again and again, under different circumstances and time periods.
Even if we stick to American fiction, it's impossible to state that all pulp heroes must come from the 1900s-1950s pulp magazines, because that forces us to exclude some of the most popular pulp heroes like Indiana Jones, Green Hornet, Rocketeer and The Phantom. Pulp may have once been a term meant to refer to pulp magazines exclusively, but it's morphed and lost structure and it's become the closest thing we have to a general umbrella term that allows us to try and consolidate these under a shared history. It's a lot, as you can see, and it's why several pulp historians that broaden their scope outside of 1930s American fiction have adopted Roland Barthes's definition of pulp as "A Metaphor With No Brakes In It", which is still the closest thing to a true working definition we have.
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Why is it important? You tell me. I don't like to stake claims about stuff being "important", everyone's got their own priorities in life. Surely a lot of people would scoff at the idea of old populist fiction published in what was functionally equivalent to toilet paper having any sort of "importance". On the other hand, some people definitely want to talk big about the pulps as a cultural bedrock of fiction, something that's baked into the lifeblood of all fiction as we currently know it. Which it is, mind you, but I don't like to talk about pulp fiction's value being derived mainly from merely the things it inspired.
There is definitely a historical importance to be had in cataloguing them. According to the US's foremost pulp researcher Jess Nevins, 38% of all American pulps no longer exist, and 14% of all American pulps survive in less than five copies. Many libraries have very scant, if any, records on them, many collectors are hard to locate and are uncooperative when it comes to sharing information and letting outsiders view their collections. A lot of them are bound up in legal complications that prevents them from taking off in the public domain, and a lot of them ARE public domain but are completely inacessible as research material. And that's the American pulps, foreign pulps have fared far worse in posterity, with records inaccessible to people unfamiliar with the language or locations, many existing merely in mentions on decades-old records, and hundreds if not thousands of them being completely gone beyond recovery or recall.
Gone, dead, wasted, destroyed. They can't be found in barbershops or warehouse or bookstores, not even in antique stores. Hundreds, thousands of characters, stories and creators, gone. Time and posterity have crushed them to dust, forgotten and ignored by their successors. Unfettered by pretenses of respectability that repressed their glossier counterparts, in packages meant to be destroyed after reading, proudly announcing itself as trash. Things that should have never even lasted as long as they did have died many times now. It's heroes peripherical shapeshifters, nearly all of whom seem dead, quite dead, as dead as fictional characters can possibly be.
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But they do not die forever. Many of them have, maybe most of them have, but many of them linger on.
"The strange red flickering of 1930’s fiction seems distant now.  You hold in your hand the product of a time too remote to recall, and feel a slow stir of wonder.  The smell of pulp pages, an illustration, an advertisement, these fragile things mark the slow hammering of time and display what it has done.  About you are today’s machines, today’s shadows.
Outside the window, leaves hang against the sky, as did leaves during the 1930’s.  The sound of voices are no different then than now.  You hold the magazine and feel something quite delicate slipping past. These solid forms surrounding you are all insubstantial. Time’s hammer will also pass across them, leaving little enough behind." - Spider, by Robert Sampson
Many of the things people call dead are just things that have been sleeping for a while or haven't had the chance to be born. Pulp fiction is dead on the page, inert, unless your imagination breathes live to it, and every now and then, one way or another, these characters dig themselves out of dustbins. Maybe it's a brief revival, maybe it's a successful reboot. Maybe they find publishers, or maybe the public domain allows them to find new life. Maybe new creators do interesting things with them, and maybe, just maybe, they live again because some won't shut up about them online. Some curious impulse led you to me, did it not? 
We all have our Frankensteins to obsess over, and these are some of mine. As someone who's lived a life perpetually restless over pursuit of knowledge, pulp has lured me like a moth to flame, because I literally never run out of things to discover within it, I never run out of possibilities. As the years pass and the public domain starts being more and more open to the public, more and more narrative real state is brought forth for writers and artists and creators to play around.
Pulp is the dark matter of fiction, the uncatalogued depths of the ocean, the darkest recesses of space. It's the box of your grandfather's belongings, the treasure you find in an attic, a body part sticking out from an old playground. It's the things that don't work, don't succeed, the things that don't fit, that are out of place. That shouldn't live and succeed, and did so anyway. The things that slither in the cracks, the shadows behind the curtain.
Aren't you interested in peering on what's behind the curtain?
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The exquisite workmanship of the head, of a pre-pyramidal age, and the hieroglyphics, symbols of a language that was forgotten when Rome was young–these, Kane sensed, were additions as modern to the antiquity of the staff itself as would be English words carved on the stone monoliths of Stonehenge.
As for the cat-head–looking at it sometimes Kane had a peculiar feeling of alteration; a faint sensing that once the pommel of the staff was carved with a different design. The dust-ancient Egyptian who had carved the head of Bast had merely altered the original figure, and what that figure had been, Kane had never tried to guess.
A close scrutiny of the staff always aroused a disquieting and almost dizzy suggestion of abysses of eons, unprovocative to further speculation. - The Footfalls Within, by Robert E Howard, quoted by Stuart Hopen’s The Mythic American Culture
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