#and I genuinely don’t know what to put halsin in ever
beloved-ranger · 2 months
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I gave her the trans armor, if you even care.
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hello! i know there's a lot of jealous astarion x tav stuff out there, but could you do a jealous tav x astarion scenario please? maybe also make it spicy??
Astarion x jealous!reader
There were very few moments for all of you to relax and take a breath these days. With the quakes getting stronger, the cult getting closer, and just Gods knew what else around the corner, it was difficult to find some time to recharge. But, you all always seemed to eventually find the time.
Down at one of the taverns, you and the group decided to break loose and have some drinks for the night. Gale and Halsin didn’t want to come. Halsin still abstain from alcohol, along with his vague comments on ‘past mishaps and making a fool of himself’ (which honestly just made it all the more intriguing), and Gale just wanting to turn in early for the night. With everything going on with Mystra recently, more and more he had been pulling back to think by himself, but assured you he would be himself again soon enough.
Karlach usually tagged along, but just wasn’t feeling crowds at the moment. It would be more strange for Laz’el to come. And Wyll had come for the start of the evening but left after one drink as he was a responsible young man.
All that was left was you, Shadowheart, and Astarion.
“This wine tastes like cat piss.”
“You’ve tasted cat piss?” You clip back. Wittier than usual now that you had a few drinks.
Astarion gave you a dull, “ha ha,” before he got up and headed for the bar to get a different vintner offering from the bar keep. “Maybe I’ll splurge a little a spend a whole 3 gold to get something a little better than the swill the rest of you are used to.”
“How people ever found him charming enough to be lured to their death will always be a mystery to me?” Shadowheart remarked before taking a sip of mead from her cup.
You chuckle at her joke and watch as Astarion made his way to the bar. Weaving in between the crowd like he was made more of mist & air, rather than flesh and blood.
Alone, you and Shadowheart chat quietly at your table before she finished her drink, dabbed her lips, and announced, “I’m going head back and turn in with the others. I trust that you and Astarion will make it back alright on your own?”
“Sure. Why wouldn’t we?”
“Well…I wouldn’t judge if the two of you wanted to spend sometime alone. We’re usually in such close quarters together that I’m sure it’s hard to be alone with someone special.” You blush at Shadowhearts comment. Not nearly as blunt as Laz’el but also not at all subtle. “Although, perhaps he has other plans for the evening?”
You follow her eyes over to the bar. Finding Astarion instantly, but also the pretty human girl hanging on his every word; and nearly him. Astarion, for his part, not seeming nearly as put off as someone in a relationship should be by her flirtation.
“I’ll take my leave now. I don’t want to be in the middle of whatever this is turning into. If it turns out for the good, be safe and have fun. If it turns out for the worse, well…try not to get us all arrested by morning.”
She gave a small way and saw herself out of the bar. Leaving you there with your thoughts, warm ale, and a stewing feeling of dread in your gut. You try to calm yourself. But you weren’t exactly the best at tamping down your impulsive thoughts. They had gotten you this far, hadn’t they? Perhaps they could take you a little further as you went up to the bar. “Shadowheart went home.”
Astarion and his new playmate both turn to you in surprise. The former looking genuinely surprised, while the woman looked more annoyed than surprised by your interruption. “Oh. Was she feeling alright? It’s rather early.”
“Yes! The night is still young.” The woman’s hand landed on his arm, and you glare daggers at the spot it landed. Wishing for real daggers. “But, if your friend isn’t feeling well, maybe you should go and check on her.”
She was trying to muscle you out. Eliminate the competition. As far as she knew Astarion wasn’t attached, or maybe she didn’t care, so your presence is an obstacle to her goal of claiming the handsome stranger. You had to admire her boldness. You don’t think you could ever be so confident to just ‘lay claim’ to a man you had only just met and make your stance known. If it had been anyone else she claimed you would have been impressed and supportive. Women helping women. Problem was this was your man and she was competition that needed to be eliminated.
“I think I’m going home too.” You pressed further.
“But I just ordered my wine.” Astarion quipped. Seeming not to get your hint at all. But the woman did.
“Yes. We’ve just freshened our drinks.” The vampire turned his gaze to the woman with a sharp arch of his brow. Clearly communicating ‘who is this ‘we’ you speak of’ with no words at all. “Why don’t you run after your friend and he’ll see you later. Perhaps tomorrow morning?”
“I’m out of here.” You didn’t bother listening to whatever excuse, silken words, or outright lies Astarion was going to tell this hell cat to get out of the hole he just dug himself, but you weren’t interested in watching him dig.
Slamming your empty mug on the counter, you turn and head for the door. Everyone parting ways for you with the mood you were in. The cold air to your face was sobering, literally, and you shrug your shoulders in as you head down the dark streets towards the inn for the night. If you walked fast enough maybe you could actually catch Shadowheart on the way.
“[Y/N]! Wait!”
You turn to look over your shoulder as Astarion called your name. Coming out of the tavern with a skid and dashing over to meet the space between you. “Where are you going? Are you really going to leave?”
“Would you rather I sit there and watch that woman paw all over you?” You jab back. But Astarion didn’t seem wounded.
“Oh that. Yes. Rather forward for a lady wasn’t she?”
“So why didn’t you stop her??”
“I don’t know.” He replied with a shrug. “Old habits.”
You huff and pull your arms in tighter against the cold. Maybe you had been wrong in assuming that Astarion thought of ‘loyalty’ the same way you did. You trusted him with your life, but maybe you couldn’t trust him in a bar. You didn’t genuinely think that he would go off with her, but even the hint of implication made your blood boil. “I get they might be ‘old habits’ but if you could not flirt with people, I would appreciate it.”
A grin slithered up on Astarion’s face. “Are you…jealous, my love?”
“No!” You snap back quickly. But his grin just gets bigger.
“Hmm…I guess it’s understandable. This wouldn’t be the first time I’ve started a cat fight in a bar, you know? I just never thought you of all people would be swayed by such petty emotions.”
“I’m going home.”
You turn your back on him again, which was the worst thing to do on a vampire, and you felt him snatch you before you were suddenly in a dark alley all alone together. “I get jealous too.” He told you. Almost like a whispered confession. Able to be quiet now that you were away from the crowd, and the streets, and the noise. “I get jealous seeing you with the others. The attention you give them. It should be for me.”
“They’re just friends.” You whisper back to Astarion. Feeling as if any louder and you’d break this spell between you in the moment. You didn’t know what kind of spell it was, but you were transfixed in it.
“I get jealous of all the strangers you want to help. Literally anyone who needs help, you help them. That big heart. Where will I be, if you keep opening it up to others?”
You gasp when you felt his hand drift over your ‘heart’. “I’ll always have space for you Astarion. You shouldn’t be worried about that.”
“I get jealous of your bedroll.” His words caught you off guard. Almost as much as his teeth at your ear. “Curled up with you. Holding your body all night. Keeping you warm. It should be me.”
“You’ve never mentioned it.”
You can’t feel your breath come out in a little pant as you spoke. Enamored by Astarion and his weight against you and the wall. “We should…find some place private.”
“Here is private.”
You couldn’t see his face, but you could hear his grin and it made your knees quiver. “Someone could see us.”
“No one will see us.” He assured you. “I’ve used this alley before.”
It was probably not the best time to bring up his past conquests when you had just had a conversation about jealousy. Or perhaps it was. Instead of feeling angry like earlier, you suddenly felt the incredible urge to erase every memory Astarion had of this alley, this place, those people, and fill him with only thoughts of you. That there were no other conquests until he claimed you.
Jealousy seemed quite the aphrodisiac. It might not have been the ‘privacy’ Shadowheart had mentioned when she made her comment. But it was fun. And no one got arrested.
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avocado-writing · 3 months
If requests are still open, could you do how the gentlemen companions + the tiefling bachelors would react to their small, usually very sweet and timid, s/o catching them off guard by flipping a switch and displaying very bold and dominant behavior towards them? Could be nsfw or sfw. Up to you!
Love your work so much, sending you all of the best! 🧡
under a cut bc nsfw >:) minors dni
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he’s doing his thing, kissing up your neck, thrusting his clothed cock along the crease between your thigh and your sex
muttering sweet filth into your ear, reaches out to lick the line of your jaw —
suddenly a switch flips, you grab his shoulders and then he’s beneath you
“is this okay?” you ask, breathily, running your teeth up the length of his neck, nipping where his pulse would be
he’s immediately harder than he’s ever been in his life.
becomes rather quiet as you fuck him, not relying on his usual dirty talk, in fact all he can do is moan and hang onto you
he cums so hard he goes lightheaded
“my heart… that was… something…”
you giggle and bury your face, suddenly shy again, but up for a repeat performance…
this man loves to be dommed. prove me wrong.
when you start being more dominant, he is thrilled.
lots of moans and whines to let you know how much he’s enjoying it, how well you’re doing
encourages you to bite and scratch. he wants evidence of this, of you.
he lies back and you ride him, pressing your fingers into his mouth for him to suck, and he’s never been more pleased lol
you like cuddly aftercare, checking in that he’s alright, and he lets you know at great length how much he enjoyed the experience
you catch him admiring his bruises and lovebites in the mirror later, proud 😌
as we know our lovely lad wants to wait until marriage, so if we’re imagining this scenario mid-adventure…
maybe he watches in awe as you put Mizora in her place, giving her a real dressing down, telling her to leave Wyll alone
he’s never seen this side of you, so vicious… and for him… it makes him feel things.
when she leaves you turn around and give him the most ferocious kiss, possessive
maybe you grab his arse a bit too…
when the two of you separate, breathless, you mumble a little “I just don’t like her talking to you like that…”
he smiles and feels his face grow hot at your behaviour and realises how much he likes it 😏
halsin is a big dude. if you’re smaller than him and suddenly you’re dominant? he’s surprised for sure.
he’s kissing you with your back up against a tree, you’re getting really into it, and suddenly your grab him by the hips and flip your position
his eyes go wide but he finds himself moaning into your kiss
it’s all rough. the bark is rough against him, your lips are rough against his, and suddenly your hands are all over him
touching his chest, running across his stomach, reaching down to cup his cock …
suddenly he realises how hard he is. genuinely, he’s throbbing in his trousers.
as you rub and kiss him harder he thinks he might be in danger of coming in his trousers like a pent-up, much younger man
yet as he feels your touch, he welcomes it. you make him release with a whimper.
he is so utterly enchanted by you. you never cease to amaze him.
oh, Dammon. strong arms and strong heart, used to being the more dominant one when you’re together. thinks that you expect it from him?
then one day you steal into his forge with a wicked look on your face…
you shut the door and lock it behind you. he takes off his gloves and turns to you to ask what’s the matter, but is swept up by your fierce kiss
when you stop to your knees he feels his face go scarlet.
says you don’t have to, but absolutely melts under your touch when you unlace his trousers and take his cock in your hand
oh, he’s speechless when your mouth is on him.
you give him mind blowing head in front of his forge, fire both at his back and from your lips.
he comes embarrassingly quickly.
you swallow - swallow! - give him a quick kiss, and leave with a saunter 😈
pretends he’s expecting this. is a bratty sub lol
but as soon as your mouth comes into play he just melts.
you bite his nipples, nip down his torso, and take him so deep into your throat that he mewls underneath you.
if you’re in his tower? lay him out on his archwizard’s desk and ride him until he’s totally lost the power of speech. all he can manage is a desperate mantra of “please, oh gods please…”
he’ll do anything for you in that moment. makes promises of his devotion, his love, please just let him cum…
when he’s boneless and sweaty he begins to get very embarrassed, he worries that you might think less of him for being so needy
but you just cuddle him and kiss him all over his face. when you call him a good boy he thinks he might just explode.
Zevlor is a switch because he’s a grown-ass man.
happy when either of you are dominant if that’s the mood your lovemaking takes, but does love it when you’re on top.
you pin him down, pressing his shoulders into the mattress and working his cock inside of you
his hands settle on your hips and he begins to chant your name like a prayer.
fucking him feels like an act of worship. your body is his altar at which to offer prayer. he looks up at you from the flat of his back and knows he has been blessed with you.
“do you love me, Zevlor?” “with every inch of my heart.”
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brabblesblog · 5 months
Ch 18: — and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee.
Astarion has ascended, and she has stayed with him. Life in the Crimson Palace isn’t as idyllic as it seems. Is there a chance for their relationship to go back to how it was? Or is it too late for the Ascendant and his consort?
This series is about Ban, my Tav, and the Vampire Ascendant. Will be angst and smut, with sprinkles of fluff.
This fic is a softer take on Ascendant!Astarion and of the changes he undergoes after the rite. Can Ban handle the change, and if a chance came, would she choose to run? And can the Ascendant win her back in time? Inspired by the concept of vampire wives and that IGN interview with Larian that discussed the ascension.
Professionally edited by @editing-by-night
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Halsin's gift gets put to use.
Read on AO3.
Together with Halsin’s gift there was a leatherwork harness and a bottle of oil. Ban bit her lip, holding the items in her hands as Astarion stripped off the rest of his clothing.
“I did bathe in the hope you’d be agreeable to this,” he said excitedly, tossing his underwear onto the pile with the rest of his clothes. He scanned her face, saw her nervousness, and frowned.
“We don’t have to,” Astarion ventured, “If this isn’t something you want, then just say the word.”
“Have you ever done - what am I saying? Of course you have.” Ban fidgeted. “Is this… is this something you think you might like?” she asked instead.
His ears reddened again. “Yes. It could be enjoyable, in theory, but I haven’t done it with anyone I genuinely wanted. It will be as new for me as it is for you, in the ways that matter most.”
“Then why not bring it up before?” She looked at the wooden cock on the bed. It wasn’t too large, but Halsin had made the phallus curved.
“Ban.” Another look of impatience crossed Astarion’s features. “I know you’re flustered, but think a little. When in the last, gods, year, have we had time to consider things like this? Half the time we were trying to survive out there, and the other half we-”
Another sigh. “You know.”
She nodded. Fair enough. Ban set the bottle down, picking up the cock instead. She silently threaded it through the harness, careful not to scratch the protective coating on the wood, then looked back to her husband.
“I don’t know how to do this. Don’t be disappointed if I don’t perform well.” Ban held the cock gingerly in her hands, nervousness evident in her face.
“I have enough experience for the both of us, trust me,” Astarion said, eyes softening, “And it’s you. You never have to do anything as a performance to make me feel good. You just have to be you.”
Astarion’s pulse thrummed with excitement as he sat on the edge of the bed, watching Ban peel off her clothes and step into the harness, securing it around her hips. “Grab that chair, love, and bring it here.” He gestured in front of him.
She did as asked then sat down, fidgeting a little apprehensively. They faced each other, knees touching. The bottle of oil sat beside Astarion, unstoppered and ready for use.
He drew his legs up, the soles of his feet flat on the bed, offering his backside to her. He leaned back, propping himself up on his elbows to watch her, torn between equal parts anticipation and worry.
Will she be alright, doing this for me? What if she doesn’t really want to do this-
That line of thought evaporated as firm, strong hands wrapped around each ass cheek, spreading him open.
“Pretty,” Ban crooned, her tone perfectly even. He was a perfect shade of pink, clean and begging to be fucked.
Astarion raised an eyebrow at her. “Is that all you’re going to s-”
His remark cut off in a choked moan as she leaned forward and her tongue made contact with his entrance. Her first lick was hesitant, but hearing his response gave her more courage. The next passes of her tongue were more insistent, tracing slow, drawn out circles.
“Gods, Ban. That’s wonderful, but ah- you could go faster.”
Astarion stared at Ban unblinkingly; the sight was one he thought he’d remember for the rest of eternity. His hands dug into the sheets, cock twitching in anticipation.
“I could,” she conceded, lifting her head to meet his gaze, “But do I want to?”
He looked delectable, spread open for her like this. His ears were the pinkest she’d ever seen them, his cock already beginning to moisten at the tip.
“Ban.” He glowered. “I thought you said you had no experience in this. You ought to let me lead.”
Even as the words left him he knew he was powerless. He’d do anything to feel her tongue again.
“No experience at all,” she agreed, “But when it comes to you? I’m a quick study. Now, stay still.” With that she leaned back in, tongue laving all over his entrance enthusiastically. She traced another slow, firm circle, then plunged her tongue inside.
The moan that escaped him was exquisite, high-pitched and dripping with need.
Ban smirked, her fingers digging into the flesh of his ass to spread his cheeks further apart. Pressing her face flush against his entrance, she thrust her tongue in and out before retreating to lavish him with languid laps. She could feel him trying to rock his hips against her mouth, and she pulled away.
“I’m warning you, Astarion. Behave.”
He whimpered, forcing himself to still. He watched his cock throb, watched the drop of precum glint with the movement.
She resumed her ministrations, her tongue slowly spreading him open. Satisfied, she drew back.
“Perfect,” she cooed at him, “You know that, don’t you?” She reached for the bottle of oil, pouring some onto her palm.
It took him a moment to register her words; he opened his mouth to reply, but all that came out was a strangled gasp as her oiled finger slowly slipped inside of him.
She was enjoying exploring a new part of his body, enjoyed even more how much he was enjoying it. The tightness and gentle suction tugging on her index finger was oddly arousing. She pressed carefully on, watching him intently for signs of distress. She could see his cockhead gleaming with precum, his thighs twitching, his chest heaving. He was so responsive, so beautiful.
His eyes locked onto her face “More,” Astarion gasped out, his voice heavy with need, “Please.”
She smiled softly at him, slowly adding a second finger. She gently stretched him, moving deeper with a slow, measured pace she knew would drive him near to madness.
“Faster,” he hissed, “I’m not some godsdamned virgin-”
The fingers inside him curled, and he lost what little coherence he had left. His face went blank in shock as he realized she’d found his spot, and then the pleasure of it overtook him. He moaned so desperately it was nearly a sob. His back arched as his head fell back and his grip on the sheets tightened so suddenly he nearly tore through them.
Ban couldn’t remember a time he’d ever looked more lovely. She curled her fingers again, pleased with the sight of him writhing under her touch, his cock twitching, sweat beginning to bead on his pearlescent skin. She paused for a moment, hesitating.
“Was that okay, Astarion? Tell me what you want.”
He lifted his head to look at her, nodding fervently, not trusting himself to speak.
He took a deep breath to steady himself. “I’ll let you know when I’m ready. Just keep… keep doing that for now.”
She nodded, giving him a soft kiss on his inner thigh. “You’re so beautiful like this.”
A quiet whimper was his only reply.
Her fingers resumed, working him open with a gentleness that set his heart ablaze with love. It took a little longer than it could have, but he wasn’t complaining. He savored the feel of her inside him, stretching him open, making sure he was ready and not in pain. Loving him.
Astarion enjoyed her exploration with a patience he didn’t normally possess, unwilling to hurry her along, no matter how eager he was for the next step. He could feel the tenderness in her touch, her concern for his pleasure, and that was everything. He relaxed further, his tightness slowly ebbing with the overwhelming buildup of pleasure and desire.
Finally, he was so keen to be filled he couldn’t stand it.
“Ban. It’s time.”
A soft chuckle escaped Ban as she drew her fingers out, kissing his thigh again. She watched as he reached for the prestidigitation scroll Halsin had included with his gift, casting it over her while she repositioned herself. She leaned back on the chair, feeling cleaner than she had since they’d left the palace, waiting until his eyes were on her. Pouring more oil into her palms, she made a show of generously spreading the oil over the shaft of the wooden cock, eyes locked onto his.
“Come ride me then, Astarion,” she crooned, her lips curving in a teasing smile.
He got up a little clumsily, cock bobbing as he straddled her lap. She grasped his hips, guiding him while he slowly lowered himself onto her.
As he sank down, his weight pressed the base of the wooden cock harder against her; she instinctively rolled her hips up to meet him, earning his grunt of pleasure.
Astarion settled, shifting a little to get comfortable. The cock spreading him felt pleasant, the feeling of being full almost too much, but oh so welcome. He rested his hands on her shoulders, meeting her gaze. His eyes were lust-blown, curls sweat-damp and glued to his forehead.
Ban’s grip on his waist tightened, holding him firmly in place. Slowly, methodically, she began to thrust, fucking him gently.
The mewl that escaped him was completely involuntary. He wanted more, needed more, and so he began to move his hips, angling himself into her thrusts. With every movement the cock inside him hit his spot; he pleasured himself on it eagerly, rocking back and forth. His untouched cock shone, twitching, begging for stimulation, the ache only adding to his pleasure. His gliding sped up, his heart racing, his arousal slowly approaching its peak.
Ban leaned forward to press her forehead against his. She could feel his breaths as he panted, desperately chasing his release.
“Close?” she murmured, her hands moving from his waist to his thighs, massaging lightly.
He nodded, his hips rocking faster; she closed the gap between them to kiss him.
He took her hand and placed it over his chest. “Feel,” he whispered, “For you. Only you.”
As delirious with lust as he was, the love he felt for her was even more overwhelming, each emotion feeding and intensifying the other in a dizzying spiral that left him breathless.
Ban felt the frantic beating of his heart as his hips rocked again and again. His rhythm slowly became erratic, and his eyes closed.
She considered how to heighten his pleasure further, then softly caressed the head of his cock.
Astarion whined, his body writhing at the bolt of pleasure that shot through him, the sensation almost pushing him over the edge.
“Not yet,” she warned, “You’ll have to beg me for it.” She ran her finger over his tip, spreading his precum in slow circles, but doing nothing more.
She could feel him throbbing, wonderfully hard and hot against her fingers; she knew it wouldn’t be long at all.
He attempted to glare at her, but only managed a pout. He gave up, expression changing to one of wanton, desperate need.
“Please, Ban. Let me come.”
She didn’t need to be asked twice. Ban captured his lips, wrapping her hand around his neglected, aching cock.
It did, indeed, not take long at all. She stroked him a few times and he plummeted over the edge into bliss. He shivered head to toe, lips opening in a noiseless gasp; his head flew back and he arched into her. His legs spasmed; she quickly steadied him with her free hand, gently holding his back as he came undone.
She continued stroking him, milking every drop of come until it was just shy of too much and he shuddered.
When he finally opened his eyes again, she lifted her stained hand to her mouth, sucking each finger methodically, gazing at him adoringly.
“You…” Astarion shook his head. He looked down; seeing both their bodies streaked with his spend sent another shiver of satisfaction racing through him. After such an intense experience, he didn’t quite have his vocabulary back yet. Instead he gave her a quick kiss.
He slowly raised himself up off the wooden cock, gingerly taking a seat on the bed. Ban stood, removing the harness before joining him.
The moment she was in bed he pulled her close.
“Would you want something for yourself too?” he asked. He would gladly reciprocate, but he was feeling exhausted.
She shook her head, smiling softly at him. “Tonight was for you and I enjoyed giving it to you. That’s enough for me.”
He planted a kiss on her cheek. “Thank you,” he whispered, “It… it helped.”
He felt valued, knowing that she did this for his pleasure; that she cared enough to attempt it for him. She had been so gentle and attentive. It was exactly what he’d needed.
Ban hummed, her own eyes drifting shut. “I love you.”
As challenging as things had been, she was grateful to be here with him; to be trusted with this side of him. Being given that trust…it aided in assuaging her lingering doubts.
“I love you too,” he mumbled as he slipped into trance.
She stayed conscious for a few more moments more, her head on his chest, listening to his heart slow as he rested.
Forever, she mused, wouldn’t be so bad after all.
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faize-art · 5 months
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Previous Chapter
As you enter the location Withers had provided you with for the reunion party, you find yourself familiar with the area.
“There you are.” Shadowheart greets you with an unexpected hug. “I was wondering if you were ever going to show up. Ah—and it looks like you do know how to dress up when you feel like it.”
You hug her back. Her hug is tight and comforting as the both of you stand near the water’s edge.
This is where it all began. You recall. Where Lae’zel, Gale, Shadowheart, Astarion, and you first camped out in the wilderness together between Roadside Cliffs and Emerald Grove.
“I’m a busy mind flayer,” you half-joke with her as you let go of each other.
“I don’t doubt that.” She remarks with a giggle and a bright smile. “Hm. You feel more…supple.”
“And you look good too,” you compliment her back.
“I know.” She smiles confidently. “It sure beats having to scavenge for food. Ugh. I remember nights when we barely had anything to scrape by with.”
“…” You reflect on her comment. Your memory of the camp supplies growing scarce a rare occurrence since you made it a priority to stockpile on the daily.
“So, tell me, what have you been up to? Still adventuring?”
You observe Shadowheart for a second. She is genuinely content with her life, and that notion gives you a sense of untroubled joy for her.
“The Emperor and I have been busy making plans, and it has been proving itself promising,” you say without further explanation.
Her face contorts a bit. An expected expression of concern, doubt, and happiness mixed into one.
“As long as this Grand Plan doesn’t involve innocent mass murder or tadpoles, I’ll leave you two to it,” she says in a teasing manner.
“And you? What have you been up to?” You ask.
“Mostly adventuring myself. Though, I do not know if I would call myself a full-out Selûne follower yet,” she pauses for a moment and then resumes. “But I’m willing to find out.”
“Will you become Selûne rhetoric?”
“Oh gods, no. I don’t know how you were able to put up with all that.”
“It was manageable.”
She laughs at your response and then says, “I know my parents were devoted followers of Selûne. With Shar…I was never given the chance to choose. At least this time around, I have a choice and can pave my own path even without my past memories.”
“Your parents will be proud of you, Shadowheart.”
She smiles softly at you. Her fond memories of adventuring alongside you sentimental. And the single kiss the two of you shared beneath the dark skies that night with a bottle of vintage wine poured into your brass goblets, unforgettable. “Thank you, Tav. That means a lot. Now, don’t let me stop you from catching up with everyone else. I’m sure they all want to catch up as well. I will see you around.”
You hug each other again, and then you wander away from the moonlit water’s edge to the blazing bonfire lighting up the night sky where Wyll happily danced.
After you had bid farewell to Wyll and his newfound mercenary life, you float to view the elaborate spread of savory dishes and fruit on the extended dining table.
No brains. You confirm. It seems Withers has somehow forgotten you are a mind flayer, or perhaps Withers intended there to be no brains at the party except for your friends. After all, a mind flayer only needs to consume an intelligent brain for its psionic energy biweekly—a brain once a week being a luxury for any privileged illithid.
“My heart.” A much older man’s voice stops you from viewing the spread.
“Halsin,” you greet him with a twinkle in your barely noticeable black-green irises.
“You would think someone of my vintage would be inured to the passage of time, yet these past six months have seemed endless without your company. But now our paths cross once more…” he poetically says in that sentimental druid fashion of his.
“Let me guess. Just as fate intended?” You lightly tease him in return.
His soft hazelnut eyes peer down at you with much glee. He cannot help himself from letting out a chuckle along with that familiar wide grin of his.
“Yes. Just as fate intended,” he sheepishly agrees. “I cannot help but idle on the times we all have spent together. It weighs me down and causes me to miss everyone…everything.”
You glance at Halsin with listening ears, his soothing voice playing like a comforting lullaby, and it makes you recall the first time you met within the prison cells of the goblin camp. Albeit you did not care for the old hunky druid in the beginning since you had too much on your mind—and in it. Yet, he had a way of gently rooting himself into your life like oak seedling and soil.
He looks handsome. Your wandering mind informs you. You subconsciously eye Halsin’s crisp attire he has on. His clothing of choice enhances his appeal. It is a fine combination.
“Ah. Forgive me if I am talking too much,” Halsin suddenly stops himself from engaging in speech any further. “I tend to have a habit of rambling nonstop, and oftentimes, I catch myself too late.”
“No, it’s okay,” you reassure him. “I like to listen to you talk. It is calming.”
He chuckles out of slight nervousness, smiling ever so gently your way. “I’m glad you see it that way.”
You smile back at him, your beady eyes squinting in endearment. “You seem…under. Perhaps you would like a hug to ease your discomfort?”
Without any hesitation, Halsin’s large arms pull you into an embrace. His body is tough, yet warm like an old hearth filled with undying flames prancing quietly about on a cool night, and his muscular arms that are wrapped around your much slimmer frame holds onto you tightly like a long-lost lover. You lean into each other with quiet sighs and closed eyes, seconds of this very moment fleeting by.
Hm? A strong sensation of safety mixed with arising lust and drunken love pulses through your cerebellum. You sense Halsin may have other intentions hidden from you, and as tempting as it may be to sexually probe his mind, you ignore it.
“Ah, there it is. That is what I have been missing,” he comments on with another sigh before you let go of each other.
“You aren’t afraid?” You ask.
“How can I be when I know you are my heart.”
His words melt you, and you chuckle lightly in thought. “I recall you have quite a few young wards to care for—nine wagons of them, wasn’t it?”
“Ah, my greatest purpose, and greatest reward. Those children have been through more than fate had any right to cast at them, and yet they go on, as resilient as anything in nature. I impart what knowledge I can to them, yet in truth they teach me far more. The land we save is theirs, and they will cherish it, I am sure. Thaniel and Oliver shall never want for friends ever again.”
“Is this the balance you were speaking about back then?”
“It is…but it also isn’t.”
“Why is that?”
Halsin explains to you in detail the downsides of his perceived vision, but it is thoroughly countered with how lush the fields are and how rapidly the population is rising in Reithwin Town and Moonrise. How, after the Shadow Curse was broken, the entirety of the landscape has changed dramatically and is barely recognizable now. He talks deeply and fondly about the children and how he nurtures and cares for them like they are his own, and it inspires you in your own illithid way of who you once were. If anything, you probably would have been happy being at Halsin’s side, too, if you did not turn.
“I will definitely have to pay Reithwin a visit,” you inform him.
“Yes, you should,” Halsin agrees. “In fact, I was thinking that you should visit whenever you please to. I do not see why we should only gather like this when we can meet more often. After all, my door is always open for you. All of you.”
“Thank you, Halsin.”
You embrace each other’s body again, and then he plants a kiss onto your forehead. Surprising you.
“Before you go, I have something for you—just a little keepsake, really.” He quickly reaches into his bag, pulling out an object. “Do you remember how I told you I like to whittle? I made this…”
In the palm of his large tan hand lay a wooden carved duck. The jagged strokes in its every curvature nicked with care and the details of its wings smooth.
Halsin once mentioned liking ducks…and honey. You dimly remember.
“Ducks are my favorite, but I thought they were particularly fitting in this case. They are migratory birds, of course, traveling far and wide with the turn of the seasons.” He hands the gift to you, and you carefully receive it, your fingertips grazing each other’s. “Yet they always find their way back to where they belong, just like old friends find themselves back in each other’s company.”
“It is lovely. Thank you for the thoughtful gift.”
“Uh-hum, yes. Now…do not let me hog you all to myself. The night is still young, and you still have plenty of friends to talk to. I will be here if you need anything, my treasure.”
You float away with the wooden duck in hand. A bit of ways away from the flickering bonfire, you sit down on a fallen log to admire the whittled masterpiece in your hand.
“Hey, it’s you, so you did show up!” A gleeful voice with many elongated tones in it welcomes you. “I wasn’t sure our withered old friend would live up to his promise, but here we are.”
“Good to see you, Astarion,” you greet him.
“Gods, did the old Druid make that for you? Pft. I didn’t think you were the sentimental type since you’re—well…you know,” he gestures at you with both arms swaying up and then down. “Sooo. How have you been darling? What have you been up to? At least I assume it is you in there. It’s a little hard to tell.”
You put Halsin's gift away and kindly smile at the pale elf. “The Emperor and I have been busy. I would indulge you with the details, but unfortunately, I cannot.”
“Well…that doesn’t sound ominous at all,” he awkwardly laughs it off.
“How are you faring? Not drunk on blood, are you?”
“Oh please,” he scoffs in a semi-haughty way, “I know how to control myself, dear. There’s no need to worry. Anyway, I have been doing…good, thank you.”
You do not pry into his mind, but you read his facial expressions and his body language. He isn’t lying. He is doing well.
“I am happy for you. Truly,” you wholeheartedly reply.
“As am I,” he remarks with bits of his sinister-like giggles mixed into his own self-realization. “You know, I’ve taken a turn as an adventurer and hero. And it turns out that no one actually cares about murder. So long as you murder the right people, no one cares. And apparently, I am rather good at it. Hah! Would you believe that?”
“Astarion, a hero? Who would have guessed?” You joke back.
“Darling, please. I am still me. Perhaps more ‘me’ than I have ever been. I also find the whole hero thing rather fun sometimes—not that it wasn’t fun when I was with the team.”
“But you know, during these six months of simply trying to survive, I learned to embrace who I am. What I am. Part of that was learning to embrace the shadows instead of trying to run away from it. It’s funny, because at first, I thought I was trapped by the shadows and cursed to live in them forever. But in time, I realized that darkness is as much a part of me as my fangs are. After all, it is only a curse so long as I refuse to embrace the shadows. So, I decided I would.”
“Does that mean you don’t miss walking out in the sun anymore?”
“Don’t get me wrong, I still do miss it. And I don’t think I will ever stop trying to look for a cure, but learning to embrace what I am, and doing what I want to do and not what others want me to do has been life changing.”
A slight murmur to your heart ripples throughout your pale-mauve body, and a pulsing sensation of insuperable elation floods your entirety. You are happy. “Really. I am glad to see you happy with yourself, with your life. That is all I wish for, for you.”
Astarion smiles charmingly at you, his smile relaxed and filled with sentiment.
“Thank you darling,” he says with a sincere smile.
While Withers’ reunion party was pleasant, catching up with everyone was surprisingly and unexpectedly pleasing. You return to the Knights of the Shield at the break of dawn. The reason for your late arrival home was because there were no brains served at the party, or at least no dead and ready-to-be served brains to your avail.
With a turn of the key, the heavy and sturdy door unlocks itself, and you invite yourself into the main entrance of the guild's stone covered hall.
“Welcome back, Master Tav,” Nevine is quick to greet you, her body stripped of her usual medium armor and covered in lightweight loungewear, and her hefty greatsword lay at her side as she sits directly across the extended Main Hall table facing the main entrance door.
“Still awake?” You question her while locking the sturdy door and then sticking the key back into your pocket.
“I could not rest,” she gives you a curt reply after seeing you have returned home as your mind flayer self, covered mildly in blood.
“Judging from your response, you are agitated,” you point out.
“How can I not be when you have disappeared for longer than usual Master? I thought you would certainly be back by midnight. And by the gods, it is past twilight hours, and you return to your quarters a bloodied mess.”
You sigh. “You are worrying too much, Nevine. I can manage myself. I am not as feeble as you think. And this…this is but the blood of a criminal I stalked outside of the city.”
“But you are a mind flayer. Do you not worry about your own safety?”
“Of course, I do.”
“Yet you are as reckless as the Emperor, and I am stuck here worrying if you will return today or not,” she complains, her agitation turning into dejection.
You study her. Sense her. Feel her every thought that is deliberately spilling out. And then you apologize.
“I’m sorry,” you say. “Know that it is not intentional. I am simply busy. Please understand that much.”
Her fiery golden yellow eyes peer over at you harshly and then soften. “Yes. I know. I am trying to. I just cannot help but feel like a failure if I were to fail protecting you. What will I do then? Can you imagine the things the Emperor will smite onto us…to me? You are an irreplaceable asset.”
Nevine mildly reminded you of Karlach. They were not the same, but their passion for those they care for burned near the same. Although Karlach was no longer here amongst your former allies, you think of her often. How the rising yellow-orange hues of the morning sun had gradually risen above the reflective orange salt waters that day, and how she had groveled onto her armored rose red knees at the end of the dock huffing and breathing heavily with a hand on her chest before her mechanical heart finally gave out.
“I adore you,” she had said to you before bursting into cinders in front of everyone.
A sense of guilt begins to encumber you as Nevine’s golden yellow eyes weep over in your direction, and you find yourself perplexed about past grievances.
Perhaps you should have granted Karlach that final request she was so sure of and allowed her to become a mind flayer in your stead. If you did, she would still be here to this day, and Astarion and you would have worked out. Or, perhaps you should have ventured down to Avernus with her and fought alongside her for a cure or an upgraded fix just as she fought alongside you. Perhaps. Yet, you were selfish and took those options away from her.
You set aside your inner turmoil of feelings and straighten yourself out. Logic over any emotional outburst will help you maintain a sense of control and balance.
“Nevine my loyal confidant, if you are unable to sleep after an hour, let me know, and I will make you a vile of mild sleeping potion,” you chastise her before leaving the guild hall area. “Sleep is essential in order to properly operate the following day, and I do not wish ill on you…”
Nevine nods her head and then bows lightly. You can sense the sadness in her heart. Her loyalty to you is unceasing and one-sided, and her unsaid love for you unreciprocated.
You lay in bed with one hand clasped over the other. Your hands resting on your bare pale-mauve chest and your breathing calm and steady. Nevine’s harsh words from earlier loop in your brain as you gradually wake from your light slumber.
“Yet you are as reckless as the Emperor, and I am stuck here worrying if you will return today or not,” her voice repeats itself.
It dawns on you that you may be putting too much trust into the Emperor venturing out from the city to network. Then again. Why should you worry? You know the Emperor is capable, and he has managed fine so far.
But what if his luck runs out? You ponder. He was lucky and saved by Ansur the first time…and the second time he became enthralled, it was due to Gortash. Will he be lucky a third time if he were to encounter another Elder Brain?
You think back on Nevine's expression. How her fiery golden eyes wavered so passionately after saying those words to you. How she was trying her hardest not to burst into tears like a child even though she is a grown Tiefling.
Ah…I see. You acknowledge her standpoint. That must be how she views me in her eyes.
You chuckle to yourself in amusement. To Nevine, you are like another Emperor—self-preserving, freedom seeking, and relying on luck to survive in an Illithid shunned world; survival, independence, acceptance, and ambition being your core values. That is quite ironic. You comment on, knowing very well that you are merely another Nevine waiting on their Emperor to return home with trifling unease.
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