#Kenta Sato
leaveharmony · 1 year
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Fantastica Mania: 50% breathtaking technical marvel, 50% absolute unrelenting nonsense
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comicgeekscomicgeek · 3 months
Their Hero Academia
So I haven't talked about it here in a while, but Their Hero Academia is my next-gen My Hero Academia fan fiction, that I've been writing for close to five years now, with help and co-writing from @cryoverkiltmilk and another online friend.
Recently, I got turned on to Hero Forge as a way to get a good visual on what the characters look like and let me tell you... the results are fantastic.
So without further ado...
Toshinori “Toshi” Midoriya
Parents: Izuku Midoriya and Ochaco Uraraka
Hero Name: Cosmos
Quirk – Personal Gravity: Able to increase his personal gravity for added durability and punching power or decrease it for super-powered leaps and floating.
Muscular with bushy green hair and round cheeks, Toshi has a big legacy to live up to, but doesn’t let that stand in his way.  Toshi makes friends easily and isn’t afraid to stand up for what’s right. Bright and cheerful, he’s torn between being the responsible Team Dad and letting his friends find their own way.  As the son of the Number One Hero, he’s a bit myopic when it comes to others' relationships to Heroes and the Hero system, but is trying to be better.
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Katsumi Kirishima-Bakugo
Parents: Katsuki Bakugo (biological father) and Eijiro Kirishima
Hero Name: Bombshell
Quirk – Explodi-Touch: Imbues objects with explosive power
Muscular, short, with spikey blonde hair, Katsumi is a simmering cauldron of rage just waiting to explode.  A firm believer in being (Wo)manly, Katsumi’s always looking for a challenge. She’ll throw a punch as soon as look at you.  But she’ll always come through for her friends… especially Izumi.  Never gives less than a 100 percent.  She’s full of self-confidence, but has a habit of coming up against problems she can’t punch her way out of… not that that will stop her from trying.
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Izumi Todoroki (Katsumi and Shinji Yoarashi are the only ones who call her Izzy)
Parents: Shoto Todoroki and Momo Yaoyorozu
Hero Name: Thermo-Dynamic
Quirk – Freezer Burn: Absorbs heat to create ice and can release the heat as flames
Pale and willowy, with long white hair that ombres to red, Izumi is the definition of silk hiding steel.  Calm, reserved, and more than a little sheltered, this former ill girl struggles to prove she is strong enough to stand beside her friends.  She considers Katsumi to be her dearest friend in all the world, and she is possibly the only person Katsumi will consistently listen to.  Do not make her angry or treat her like she’s fragile, you won’t like what you find.  Asexual, she finds her classmates romantic adventures confusing.  
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Isamu Haimawari
Parents: Koichi Haimawari/the Crawler and Kazuho Haneyama/Pop*Step from Vigilantes
Hero Name: Slyde
Quirk – Slide and Glide: Generates repulsion field that can be used for travel and offense
Tall and gangly, with spiky black hair that’s pink at the temples, Isamu is a nervous but well-meaning young man who’s more than a bit starstruck and overwhelmed being in a class with the children of some of the world’s greatest Heroes, but is determined to be the Hero his parents were denied the chance to be.  More than a few people have their eye on him – he’s got the potential to be an incredible Hero in his own right!  Though awed by his heroic friends and their parents, he also knows how people can fall between the cracks and wants to be a hero for them too.
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Mika Mineta
Parents: Minoru Mineta and Pony Tsunotori
Hero Name: Purple Rein
Quirk – Pop Horn: Fires rapidly expanding sticky purple balls from her horns.  
Busty, tall, with long purple hair, horns, and hooves, Mika will flirt with virtually anything that moves and is nearly as sex-obsessed as her father was.  However, she does have her boundaries and is fiercely loyal to and supportive of her friends, being more than willing to adjust the hoof-to-ass ratio on their behalf. Mika has a unique knack for being able to get under anyone’s skin, she is the master of weaponize provocation. Though she’s actually quite intelligent, she finds life easier the lower she keeps everyone’s expectations.
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Chihiro Kaminari
Parents: Denki Kaminari and Kyoka Jiro
Hero Name: Shock Jock
Quirk – Extension Cords: Channels and absorbs electricity from extendable “cords” from her earlobes.
Slim and blonde with a black electrical stripe, Chihiro struggles with self-confidence, as she struggles academically and with her Quirk sometimes blowing her brains out, on top of negatively comparing herself physically to her best friend Mika.  A bit high strung and a good bit sarcastic, Chihiro is trying to figure out how to make being a Hero work for her.  Musically talented, she’s recently been made to face the music, regarding the idea that she’s romantically desirable. 
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Takuma Sero
Parents: Hanta Sero and Mina Ashido
Hero Name: Stick ‘Em Up
Quirk – Acid Tape: Fires tape of varying acidity levels from the backs of his hands.
Pink-skinned with dark hair and eyes, Takuma is fame-obsessed.  He already runs his own ViewTube channel with his two best friends, Kenta Sato and Kimiko Ojiro.  Out and proud, Takuma is happy to take on the role of gay fashion disaster.  Maybe he could use some self-discipline, but that’s tomorrow’s problem.
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Kenta Sato
Parents: Rikido Sato and Chizu Ito (OC, deceased)
Hero Name: Chomp
Quirk – Appetite: Able to bite through and eat anything, processing any nutritional value at high speed
Wiry and dark-haired with thick lips, Kenta is 90% of Takuma and Kimiko’s impulse control.  The most level-headed of the three by a considerable margin, he’s still supportive of his friends and isn’t completely immune to the allure of fame himself, as he’s also a content generator.  Kenta thinks his Quirk is unimpressive compared to his friends’ Quirks and the shadow of his mother’s death hangs over him, but he’s willing to give it his all.
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Kimiko Ojiro
Parents: Mashirao Ojiro and Toru Hagakure
Hero Name: X-Ray
Quirk – Transparency: Bends light so that she is constantly invisible, and able to extend that invisibility to anything she touches.
Slightly short and very athletic, this invisible girl is one stand-out lady!  Obsessed with gossip, Kimiko ships people like nobody’s business.  She’s also a strong martial artist with a hair-trigger temper.  Set her off and you’ll be pounded by her fists of fury while she screams at you.  Kimiko has also started training to be a paramedic under Eri, learning to use her Quirk in ways that help people beyond stealth.
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Asuka Tokoyami
Parents: Fumikage Tokoyami and Tsuyu Asui
Hero Name: Amaterasu
Quirk – Frog-Shadow: Symbiotically linked to a powerful frog-shaped creature made of light
Possessed of a green bird-head, Asuka is the “mom friend” of Class 1-A, frequently reining in the nonsense of the others.  Calm and level headed most of the time, she also frequently finds herself arguing with her other-half.  Frog-Shadow is a good bit like a toddler, self-centered and impulsive.  Despite being frequently exasperated by Frog-Shadow, Asuka loves her like a sister and they make a formidable team.
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Shota Shinso
Parents; Hitoshi Shinso and Camie Utsushimi
Hero Name: Loud Kid
Quirk – Vocal Harmonics: Able to create a variety of effects through sonic screams, including sonic blasts, force fields, and sonar
The shortest of 1-A at under five feet tall with purple hair, Shota is also the youngest by several months, but you’d be forgiven for thinking it’s by years.  Highly excitable and prone to talking non-stop at increasingly rapid speeds, he’s a major Hero fanboy.  Perpetually cheerful, Shota makes friends easily.  Lately, he’s had to grow-up a bit after trauma in the field and is trying to shake his image as the baby of the class.
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Daisuke Shoji
Parents: Mezo Shoji and Haruko Nakamura (OC)
Hero Name: Octo-Punch
Quirk – Extendo-Arms: Has four additional arms growing from his back that can extend up to great lengths
The tallest boy in the class and built like a brick wall, with silver hair and handsome features, Daisuke is a minimalist like his father.  He’s quiet and tends to keep his head down, avoiding everyone else’s drama and nonsense.  Daisuke frequently exists in a state of low-level frustration at everyone else’s antics, but is a dependable friend in a crisis.
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Akaya Koda
Parents: Koji Koda and Ibara Shiozaki
Hero Name: Nurture
Quirk – Photosynthekinesis: Able to control plants and speed up their growth
A tall, broad, rocky-skinned girl with moss-like hair, Akaya is a quiet and unassuming religious girl with a kind word for everyone.  Somehow, she’s found herself friends with some of the stronger and more volatile personalities like Mika Mineta and Takiyo Aoyama. Her own self-confidence has taken a bit of a blow lately, due to anti-Mutant discrimination, and she is struggling to find her proper place among her friends and as a Hero.  Following an emotional roller coaster, she’s finding her way back.
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Sora Iida
Parents: Tenya Iida and Mei Hatsume
Hero Name: Jet Red
Quirk – Jetpack: High speed flight provided by exhaust-pipe structures coming from her back
Tall, busty, with shorter blue-black hair, Sora is full of manic energy and ideas.  Constantly drawing blueprints or working on something, she, along with her twin brother Tensei, are dual-enrolled in Heroics and Support courses, and even designed the support gear in their costumes.  Sora has a bit more of a wild streak than her brother and loves to lord her being older by a few minutes over him.  Currently dating Toshi, she’s trying to figure out how to girlfriend.
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Tensei Iida
Parents: Tenya Iida and Mei Hatsume
Hero Name: Jet Blue
Quirk – Jetpack: High speed flight provided by exhaust-pipe structures coming from her back
Muscular, with pink tubular hair tied back in a ponytail and the same Jetpack engines as his sister, Tensei has bursts of manic energy of his own, but is overall the calmer and slightly more rule-abiding twin… though he’s more than willing to exploit any logical loophole he may come across.  Dual enrolled like his sister, he’s more than happy to spend his time tinkering when not spending time with his boyfriend Takuma, though he frequently finds himself confused by the fame-seeking pink skinned boy.
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Takiyo Aoyama
Parents: Yuga Aoyama and Haru Shima (OC)
Quirk – Sparkle: Constantly absorbing light, able to release it as illumination or lasers
A pretty blond boy usually constantly glowing blue-white because of his Quirk, Takiyo’s Quirk took the life of his mother and badly injured his father when it first activated, leading to him being adopted by Yuga and his doctor husband Haru.  Culturally, though not actually, French, Takiyo is haughty, attention-seeking, short tempered, and more than a little bit arrogant, but harbors deep guilt over what he did as a child.  A bit distant from most of the others, he’s slowly trying to become a better friend.
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Koharu Kocho
Parents: OCs
Quirk – Moth: Flight via wings, able to release Paralysis, Poison, and Sleep Powders from her ‘scales’, able to spit a sticky ‘String Shot’ from her mouth, and additional senses from her antennae.
Winged, with antennae, dark eyes, and turquoise and purple hair, Koharu is the newest addition to Class 1-A.  Though she was knocked unconscious by accident and failed the entrance exam, she had General Education as a back-up plan.  She made a spectacular showing at the Sports Festival, coming in tied for third. She’s less starstruck than Haimawari, but does still find herself wondering if she’s going to come up short compared to all these second-generation Hero Course students.  Kind and thoughtful, Koharu is working hard to make sure she doesn’t forget her friends in her former class.  With the abilities granted to her by her Quirk, she’s trying to prioritize non-violent takedowns, but is slowly learning sometimes you just have to hit someone.
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scarskelly · 2 years
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Kenta Sato does his job and holds up the arms of the winners.
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Said winners are too tall and their arms slip out of Kenta's reach.
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Kenta (metaphorically) reaches the acceptance stage.
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sleepinwater · 1 year
GUYYYYYSSS this vid was posted on ptj's youtube acc JAGSHAGSHAH everyone look so cool i can't lie 😭😭🔥
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zacknakazato · 9 months
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naritaren · 3 days
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For @rennarita
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rz-jocelyn · 2 years
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[TRIVIA] Live Spectacle NARUTO: Getting to Know Sato Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) in the "Live Spectacle NARUTO" (Part 01)
Compiled from the Twitter thread: HERE
Sato Ryuji’s Official Accounts
Personal Twitter: @ryuji7117
Official Staff Twitter: @satoryujiST
Personal IG: ryuji_japan
Blog: https://ameblo.jp/ryuji7117/
FANSITE: https://sato-ryuji.com
NOTE: He doesn't have a Weibo account.
1. Ryuji has played Sasuke since 2015. He, along with Ito Yui (Haruno Sakura) and Kimisawa Yuki (Hatake Kakashi), are the members in the current cast who have been with the "Live Spectacle NARUTO" (Narusute) since the beginning.  
2. Ryuji's audition for Narusute was nine hours long.
3. Before auditions, Ryuji asked Matsuoka Koudai (Uzumaki Naruto) to teach him acrobatics (likely because Koudai had done acrobatics during "Musical The Prince of Tennis" (Tenimyu), but neither one of them knew that they were auditioning for the same production until they met at the Narusute auditions.
4. Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke), Koudai (Uzumaki Naruto) and Kimi-chan (Hatake Kakashi) were in Tenimyu in 2013/2014. Then, they were cast in Narusute as Team 7.
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5. Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) was inspired to enter the entertainment world by Suga Kenta (Gaara).
6. During the final round of Narusute auditions, Ryuji, Kenta and an unnamed actor competed for the roles of Sasuke and Gaara. Both Ryuji and Kenta read for both Sasuke and Gaara.
7. In an interview during the "Live Spectacle NARUTO (Narusute) ~Uzumaki Naruto Monogatari~" (2021), Ryuji said that Uchiha Sasuke has become something like "his other self". He also said that he and Sasuke have a similar personality, and that he can empathise with Sasuke.
8. Fujita Ray (Yamato / Tenzou) about Ryuji's passion for 2.5D, which he experienced when they co-starred together in the "Live Spectacle NARUTO (Narusute) ~Akatsuki no Shirabe~" (2017):
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9. Ryuji does his own makeup for Uchiha Sasuke.
10. When Nakao Masaki (Uzumaki Naruto) joined the cast, Ryuji was the only one of Team 7 who knew Nakao-kun before Narusute. He and Nakao-kun have known each other for longer than even Ryuji and Kimi-chan (Hatake Kakashi).
11. Ryuji and Kitazono Ryo (Namikaze Minato) are close friends who have known each other since 2015. According to Ryo, "Ryuji is the person I’m [he] closest to, so I think [it would be nice] if we [they] are able to remain in such a relationship." Ryo has also said this:
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12. When Narusute transitioned into a new phase with Nakao-kun taking over the role of Uzumaki Naruto and responsibility of new company leader from Koudai, Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) supported him by helping him to pull the company along.
Ryuji was also featured in major promotions with Nakao-kun (Uzumaki Naruto) and Ryo (Namikaze Minato) for the "Live Spectacle NARUTO (Narusute) ~Uzumaki Naruto Monogatari~" (2021).
In the "Live Spectacle NARUTO (Narusute) ~Ninkai Taisen, Kaisen~" (2022), Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) was given the honour of leading the final bow alongside Nakao-kun.
13. When talking about Ryuji in the "Live Spectacle NARUTO (Narusute) ~Ninkai Taisen, Kaisen~" (2022), Naya Takeru (Gaara) called Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) the "King of Narusute" and said, "It is thanks to Ryuji and the others from the first performance that it [the production has connected to the current performance, and I am able to meet with it."
Naya-kun also referred to Uchiha Sasuke (Ryuji) as "the other main character who is a pair with Naruto".
NOTE: Others from the first Narusute are Yui (Haruno Sakura) and Kimi-chan (Hatake Kakashi).
14. In an interview during the "Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Uzumaki Naruto Monogatari~" (2021), Kodama Akiko (director for Narusute) talked about how, no matter how tough the action stunts were and how much he struggled with them, Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) would never complain.
She added that, if she was an actor, she might have said no to all these things that have nothing to do with acting, like the aerial performance that Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) had to do in the "Live Spectacle NARUTO" (Narusute) 2015/2016. But, Ryuji never said no.
To quote Kodama-san, "It's likely because he thinks that it [the stunts] are necessary for the production, necessary in expressing the character of (Uchiha) Sasuke, necessary in expressing what it's like to be a ninja."
15. The stunts in the "Live Spectacle NARUTO" (Narusute) are so difficult that Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) has texted his parents to apologise if he dies doing them.
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choueiyuusubs · 1 year
Shippo Piki Piki - Satō Kenta Super Sentai Spirits 2022
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tokusongs · 9 months
"Kousoku Sentai Turboranger" OP. Performed by Red Turbo/Honoo Riki (Sato Kenta).
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llpodcast · 2 years
(Literary License Podcast)
Battle Royale
By Koushun Takami
Battle Royale (1999)
 Originally completed in 1996, it was not published until 1999. The story tells of junior high school students who are forced to fight each other to the death in a program run by a fictional authoritarian Japanese government known as the Republic of Greater East Asia.
The dystopian novel was previously entered into the 1997 Japan Horror Fiction Awards but was eventually rejected in the final round due to concerns over its depictions of students killing each other. Upon publication in 1999, the novel became a surprise bestseller.
 In 2000, one year after publication, Battle Royale was adapted into a manga series, written by Takami himself, and a feature film. The film was both controversial and successful, becoming one of the year's highest-grossing films as well as prompting condemnation by Japan's National Diet. The film spawned a sequel, and two more brief manga adaptations were also created.  Suzanne Collins author of The Hunger Games would be accused of ripping off the plot of Battle Royale.
 The Japanese action-thriller film directed by Kinji Fukasaku, with a screenplay written by Kenta Fukasaku, Starring Tatsuya Fujiwara, Aki Maeda, Tarō Yamamoto, and Takeshi Kitano, the film follows a group of junior high-school students that are forced to fight to the death by the Japanese totalitarian government. The film drew controversy, and was banned or excluded from distribution in several countries; Toei Company refused to sell the film to any United States distributor for over a decade due to concerns about potential controversy and lawsuits, until Anchor Bay Entertainment eventually acquired the film in 2010 for a direct-to-video release. 
 Battle Royale became a cultural phenomenon, and is considered one of the most influential films in recent decades, having been highly influential in global popular culture. Since the film's release, the term "battle royale" has been redefined to refer to a fictional narrative genre and/or mode of entertainment inspired by the film, where a select group of people are instructed to kill each other off until there is a triumphant survivor. It has inspired numerous media, including films, books, animation, comics, visual novels, and video games; the battle royale game genre, for example, is based on the film.
 Opening Credits; Introduction (1.01); Forming the Plot (09.20); Plot Synopsis (11.18); Book Thoughts (18.07); Queston of the Week (46.20); How many stars? (52.41); Introducing a Film (55.27); Battle Royale Film Trailer (58.18);  Lights, Camera, Action (1:00.14); Epilogue (1:21.51); End Credits (1:24.21); Closing Credits (1:25.47)
 Opening Credits– Classical Jingle by Dan Hughes
 Closing Credits – Who’s Gonna Save You Now by Rina Samayama.  Taken from the album Samayama.  Copyrights 2020 Dirt Records.  
 Rina Samyama’s new album.  Hold That Girl out 02 September 2022.
 Original Music copyrighted 2020 Dan Hughes Music and the Literary License Podcast. 
 All rights reserved.
 Used by Kind Permission.
 All songs available through Amazon.
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leaveharmony · 1 year
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Tanahashi “That could be anyone’s huge pile of feathers” Hiroshi, deciding it’s not his problem
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demifiendrsa · 11 months
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Weekly Shonen Jump 55th anniversary appendix in Weekly Shonen Jump 2023 issue #33
1968 Weekly Shonen Jump Issue #1 Otoko Ippiki Gaki-Daisho by Hiroshi Motomiya 1969 Dr. Toilet by Kazuyoshi Torii 1970 The Gutsy Frog by Yasumi Yoshizawa 1971 Tezuka Manga Award 1st Edition Samurai Giants by Ikki Kajiwara & Ko Inoue Boy of the Wilderness Isamu by Soji Yamakawa & Noboru Kawasaki 1972 Astro Kyudan by Shiro Tōzaki & Norihiro Nakajima 1973 Play Ball by Akio Chiba Hochonin Ajihei by Jiro Gyu & Jo Big 1974 Akatsuka Manga Award 1st Edition 1975 The Circuit Wolf by Satoshi Ikezawa Doberman Deka by Buronson & Shinji Hiramatsu 1976 Toudai Icchokusen by Yoshinori Kobayashi Kochikame by Osamu Akimoto 1977 Ring ni Kakero by Masami Kurumada Susume!! Pirates by Hisashi Eguchi 1978 Cobra by Buichi Terasawa 1979 Kinnikuman by Yudetamago 1980 Dr. Slump by Akira Toriyama 1981 Captain Tsubasa by Yoichi Takahashi Cat's Eye by Tsukasa Hojo Stop!! Hibari-kun! by Hisashi Eguchi 1982 High School! Kimengumi by Motoei Shinzawa 1983 Fist of the North Star by Buronson & Tetsuo Hara Ginga -Nagareboshi Gin- by Yoshihiro Takahashi 1984 DRAGON BALL by Akira Toriyama 1985 City Hunter by Tsukasa Hojo Miraculous Tonchinkan by Koichi Endo Sakigake!! Otokojuku by Akira Miyashita 1986 Saint Seiya by Masami Kurumada 1987 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure by Hirohiko Araki The Burning Wild Man by Tadashi Sato 1988 Bastard!! by Kazushi Hagiwara Jungle King Tar-chan by Masaya Tokuhiro Rokudenashi BLUES by Masanori Morita Magical Taluluto by Tatsuya Egawa 1989 Weekly Shonen Jump reaches 5.000.000 copies in circulation Dragon Quest: The Great Adventure of Dai by Riku Sanjo & Koji Inada Video Girl Ai by Masakazu Katsura 1990 SLAM DUNK by Takehiko Inoue Chinyuki by Man Gataro Yu Yu Hakusho by Yoshihiro Togashi 1992 Hareluya II Boy by Haruto Umezawa 1993 Tottemo! Luckyman by Hiroshi Gamo Hell Teacher Nube by Makura Sho & Takeshi Okano 1994 Midori no Makibao by Tsunomaru Rurouni Kenshin by Nobuhiro Watsuki 1995 Weekly Shonen Jump reaches 6.530.000 copies in circulation Sexy Commando Gaiden: Sugoi yo!! Masaru-san by Kyosuke Usuta 1996 Hoshin Engi by Ryu Fujisaki Yu-Gi-Oh! by Kazuki Takahashi Kochikame 20th Anniversary & Chapter 1000 1997 I's by Masakazu Katsura Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi! by Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro ONE PIECE by Eiichiro Oda 1998 Rookies by Masanori Morita Whistle! by Daisuke Higuchi HUNTERXHUNTER by Yoshihiro Togashi 1999 Hikaru no Go by Yumi Hotta & Takeshi Obata The Prince of Tennis by Takeshi Konomi NARUTO by Masashi Kishimoto 2000 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean by Hirohiko Araki BLACK CAT by Kentaro Yabuki 2001 Bobobobo Bobobo by Yoshio Sawai BLEACH by Tite Kubo 2002 Strawberry 100% by Mizuki Kawashita Eyeshield 21 by Riichiro Inagaki & Yusuke Murata 2004 Death Note by Tsugumi Ohba & Takeshi Obata Gintama by Hideaki Sorachi Katekyo Hitman Reborn! by Akira Amano D.Gray-man by Katsura Hoshino Muhyo & Roji's Bureau of Supernatural Investigation by Yoshiyuki Nishi 2005 Neuro: Supernatural Detective by Yusei Matsui 2006 To Love Ru by Saki Hasemi & Kentaro Yabuki 2007 Sket Dance by Kenta Shinohara 2008 Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan by Hiroshi Shiibashi Toriko by Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro Bakuman. by Tsugumi Ohba & Takeshi Obata 2009 Kuroko's Basketball by Tadatoshi Fujimaki Beelzebub by Ryuhei Tamura Medaka Box by Nisio Isin & Akira Akatsuki 2010 ONE PIECE New World Begins 2011 Nisekoi by Naoshi Komi 2012 Haikyu!! by Haruichi Furudate The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. by Shuichi Aso Assassination Classroom by Yusei Matsui Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma by Yuto Tsukuda & Shun Saeki 2013 World Trigger by Daisuke Ashihara Isobe Isobee Monogatari by Ryo Nakama 2014 Hinomaru Zumo by Kawada My Hero Academia by Kohei Horikoshi 2015 Black Clover by Yuki Tabata 2016 Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs by Tadahiro Miura Kimetsu no Yaiba by Koyoharu Gotouge BORUTO by Mikio Ikemoto & Ukyo Kodachi The Promised Neverland by Kaiu Shirai & Posuka Demizu Kochikame 40th Anniversary and Serialization End 2017 We Never Learn by Taishi Tsutsui Dr. STONE by Riichiro Inagaki & Boichi 2018 Jujutsu Kaisen by Akutami Gege
2019 Chainsaw Man by Tatsuki Fujimoto Mission: Yozakura Family by Hitsuji Gondaira 2020 Undead Unluck by Yoshifumi Tozuka MASHLE by Hajime Komoto Ayakashi Triangle by Kentaro Yabuki Me & Roboco by Shuhei Miyazaki BURN THE WITCH by Tite Kubo SAKAMOTO DAYS by Yuto Suzuki 2021 The Elusive Samurai by Yusei Matsui WITCH WATCH by Kenta Shinohara Blue Box by Kouji Miura 2022 Akane Banashi by Yuki Suenaga & Takamasa Moue
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lhes-variant · 1 year
I'm tagging these homicidal maniacs-
@ Kwak Jihan, Han Gyeol Back?, Jake Kim?!, Yujin, Mary Kim, Ryuhei, Goo, Kouji??, Jace??, Dg, Kenta, Sato Kazuma.
How to fight;
@ Taehoon, Jinho, Haesu, Eunwoo, Jiksae??, Moonsung.
Manager Kim;
@ Manager Kim, Gaeul's Dad,
My life as a loser;
@ Ancheol, Sangmin.
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ashhearthelps · 2 months
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Below the cut will be a list of some of my favorite Japanese names. I like to write a lot of original characters that are based in different animes, so I thought this would be useful to have. These will be placed under a read more, as this post got quite long. There are 70 feminine names, 75 masculine names, and 31 gender neutral names. Please like or reblog this post if you found it useful. Thank you. :)
Feminine Names.
Ami. / Aimi.
Emica. / Emika.
Hatsue. / Hatsu.
Kanna. / Kana.
Masculine Names.
Ryo. / Ryu. / Ryou. / Ryuu.
Gender Neutral Names.
Ren. / Rin.
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rainisawriter · 8 months
Battle of Tokyo 🌸 Masterlist
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🌸 Introduction
Before we begin, I’d like to set the record straight in saying that I do not speak or read Japanese. I bought these books because I’m very interested in the Battle of Tokyo and want to learn more about this amazing world, its story, and its characters.
I went through each book, copying the Japanese onto my computer before translating the text with DeepL. I can’t promise this will be entirely accurate, but I’m trying my hardest to work it in a way where it’s written properly in English.
This list will be updated as I get more stuff posted c:
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🌸 The Characters
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Team Info
Zero ≠ Shirahama Alan
SherRock ≠ Katayose Ryota
Smash ≠ Kazuhara Ryuto
Chatter ≠ Komori Hayato
Masato ≠ Sano Reo
Parte ≠ Sekiguchi Mandy
Rosso ≠ Nakatsuka Yuta
Profile Scans
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Team Info
Hades ≠ Likiya
Goemon ≠ Zin
Bailey ≠ Riku
Mi-ya ≠ Kamiya Kenta
Gusk ≠ Yonamine Rui
Marduk ≠ Yamamoto “Yamasho” Shogo
Lupus ≠ Kawamura Kazuma
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bpod-bpod · 4 months
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That’ll Do Now
Enzyme called MARC3 blocks further sperm entering eggs within seconds after fertilisation in the model organism C.elegans – insight for fertilisation studies in humans
Read the published research article here
Image from work by Ichiro Kawasaki, Kenta Sugiura and Miyuki Sato, and colleagues
Institute for Molecular and Cellular Regulation, Gunma University, Maebashi, Gunma, Japan
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Nature Communications, January 2024
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