holocene-sims · 4 months
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august 17, 2021 3:00 p.m. yonsei university
[grant] did your dad apologize for being a dick, though?
[henry] of course. he was a good person and realized he was being a bit weird. he just hated noise. i think he'd have been happy to be born with a set of noise-canceling headphones attached to him.
[grant] except maybe he liked your mom’s noise from that day forward!
[henry] he did, but even if he hated it, he was probably glad to have hers back after a while. almost half the time they dated, they didn’t even live in the same country.
[henry] my mom worked at an art shop somewhere in seoul, and my dad had this sweet gig working at a museum in paris while getting a doctorate and doing some traveling, visiting art museums on every continent. he got the doctorate, but gave up the job to come back and marry my mom.
[henry] and she won out, to be honest. him teaching here was a prestigious position, and his family are pretty well off because they're in banking and all, so she got to quit her job after marriage, have me, and just sculpt for fun.
[grant] that’s the dream, right?
[henry] i think so.
[grant] it’s nice to be genuinely in love but also to support each other’s passions, too, whether that's helping them pursue a job or a hobby. i mean, that’s everything. that's the deepest form of connection. oh yeah, definitely the dream.
[henry] for sure. there wasn’t much for my mom to help with because she was never wealthy and her parents weren’t either, but she was a huge moral support. she was my dad’s biggest fan. sometimes getting a doctorate sucked, and he wanted to quit, but it was hard to quit with her on the sidelines cheering.
[henry] that’s like me and soobin. not much i can do on the money front because i'm not rich and i won't take money from my parents, and i couldn’t help with her medical school because i'm a certifiably terrible student, but i can be and am her cheerleader.
[henry] and i may not have been a photographer without her. being an artist is the worst career choice unless someone else has money to throw at the bills. and i make an okay salary! i have solid clientele booking all year long, but i don't charge what i "should" because i feel wrong asking too much money to do wedding photos and all. that shit's expensive - i'll take a small cut off the going rate so they get all they want for the big day.
[henry] besides, the one thing in life that makes me nervous is clients being unhappy. everything else about a wedding goes away except the photos. if they're unhappy, i'd rather the pricing not be an extra issue, you know? at least let it be a cheap mistake.
[grant] but you would have still pursued this, right? i can’t imagine you not at least trying it out. you have always been set on some kind of photography as a career. even when you were having a crisis around college graduation about whether you should pursue high-brow art or something very human and realistic like you do now, you never questioned if photography was your truth.
[henry] i would have. i've always known it was my goal. i just think the financial stress may have worn me down eventually if she wasn’t willing to shoulder an extra share of the burden. like i said, charging people themselves is a strange thing, and you just never know what can happen. sure, i did end up with a good brand through putting myself out there on social media, but that was no guarantee.
[henry] if that hadn't worked out, i'd have been in trouble. and when you don't have a lot of clients or reach, you have to be conservative and sometimes that hurts you on growth. blah blah blah. point is, i owe soobin a lot, both for financial support and her total faith in me.
[grant] well, teamwork makes the dream work and all that!
[henry] hey, you're part of the team, too. there's no one else i'd rather call at 3AM asking to check the red balance on my pictures because everything looks green to me. and as it turns out, having a friend with a massive family who host many events requiring photography is excellent for clientele building.
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mxgicthot · 6 months
Erden lore - Kurtadam transformations
Kinda still a wip but here's some notes abt his wolf transformation, adding to this
Erden's first few transformations were painful, like bones snapping, bending, organs resizing. He fought hard against it. He was afraid, confused, he mentally and physically rejected it at pretty much every stage possible. Erden made it far more difficult for himself, and it's because he fought against it, his transition process lasted for hours.
He was only conscious for a few minutes after, when he came to his senses, he turned back to human and had no memory of what transpired while he was in that wolfman state.
His transformations are rage triggered and drug induced (it has levels of intensity), after his first transformation he was on a hairline trigger.
He had an incident where a fight lead to him turning, he started using that to his advantage by purposely letting himself get beat up so he could get mad enough to turn. He figured certain psychedelics made it easier for him to reach that state and would sometimes get himself intoxicated before fights.
He used that in that area as well, to the crowd delights, the only downfall was that going berserker wolf mode used up a lot of energy and he always feels sick afterwards.
Ignoring his spiritual callings
He was abusing his gifts, Kurtadams are shamanic warriors and Erden was actively ignoring that aspect of his abilities, solely using it for violence.
His dreams/visions started getting worse after this, more painful, neglecting his spiritual callings made him sick.
At this point he was done with the arena, and was using the palace resources to do more research on his cultural background and work on his magical practices. Haleth also helped with this :3
Transformation control notes
Erden has very little transformation control, due to his lack of understanding and experience.
Wolf transformation control is a specialized ability that enhances with the number of times they transform. It also gets better if they help each other out to develop some of the ability. It is not a standard Kurtadam ability by itself, it is something that must be learned.
Voluntary transformation can also be learned , though with full transformation, they still risk the inability to control themselves and revert to their animal/berserker state of mind that can suppress their conscious minds with lack of experience.
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cherrytree-irl · 8 months
☤ - a memory of death/loss
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2:13 AM. That's what the clock says. There's a cacophonous noise coming from the living room... Mom and Dad are fighting again.
The middle child, eight years old, gets out of bed to investigate. Maybe... maybe they could get them to stop this time?
The eldest child is an adult now. He could do something about this, couldn't he? He's older, smarter... adults can do stuff like that, can't they? Why doesn't he do anything?
The middle child reaches the living room. They stand at the end of the hallway leading to it. The three-year-old youngest child is up ahead, clinging to her mother's leg. It's so loud in here... the couple are cursing, yelling over each other... it doesn't make any sense! Why would they do this? It's not helping anything! Why can't they just calm down and have a normal conversation!?
Tears begin to well up in the middle child's eyes. They dig their fingernails into their forehead... all this noise, this arguing, it makes this child want to... to tear their face off!!! They decide to exaggerate their crying. Maybe if their parents hear them, they'll stop fighting.
Dad keeps clenching and unclenching his fists, as if he wants to hit someone. He wouldn't do that though, right? He fights with Mom a lot, but he's never hit her before. Even so, the middle child winces whenever he suddenly moves his arms to gesture as he speaks.
"You know what?" Mom says, "Fuck this. Fuck YOU! I don't need to put up with this!"
She scoops up the youngest child into her arms, and briskly slips on a pair of shoes. Dad is still yelling and swearing at her, as if he doesn't even notice what's going on.
Mom opens the front door. The middle child HAS to stop her!! They run into the living room.
"Mom, wait!" They yell.
Mom turns and looks back at them, but says nothing as she slams the door behind her. The middle child attempts to run to the door, but Dad grabs their arm.
"Go back to bed." Dad says.
"But... but Mom!" The child sobs.
"She'll be back." Dad states. "It's not like she has anywhere else to go."
"But! But she went out in the dark! Wha- what if the monster gets her!? And Laelia too!!"
"They'll both be fine. Go to bed."
The middle child stands there, struggling to process what just happened. Within a year or so, Dad's take on the situation goes from "She'll be back any day now" to "She abandoned you. Isn't that messed up? What kind of parent abandons their child?"
After Mom left, the whole family began to drfit apart. The eldest child, Oliver, moved out on his own. Mom's parents retired in Alola. Cousins, aunts and uncles, everyone who used to be at most a few towns over, were going farther and farther away.
Eventually, the middle child comes to the conclusion that there isn't really anything left for them in Lacunosa Town. So... they might as well leave, too.
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vinturong · 2 years
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Boom!Sonic au edition Lore dump ⬇️
So the guy in the upper right probably caught ur attention first! For fun, I gave all my AU Sonics different looks and names, to make em seem like separate characters, but it’s still Sonic, just looks different. His name is King! Anyway, the AU is that Boom!Sonic is actually just the regular Sonic, who, through a freak chaos accident, ended up teleported to and stranded on Bygone Island.
He cannot leave the island through air, sea or earth, because the ancients, as a parting gift, surrounded the entire landmass and the waters around it with an impenetrable forcefield. In the past it meant to protect the island, but now imprisons poor Sonic and the rest of its inhabitants. No transmissions pass through it either, so he can’t even radio his friends.
The barrier also limits how much chaos energy is able to phase in, leaving the island with overall less energy than the surrounding area. You know how slow Sonic is in SB? That’s why. Chaos no longer adds to his speed, so he had to expand his arsenal with hand-to-hand combat to make up for the loss. He’s still able to use his powers, but only in bursts. The lack of chaos also leaves him chronically fatigued, which is why he may seem more subdued, and also why he got a little chubby. Just doesn’t have the energy to run as much as he used to. Homesickness and being trapped also caused him to develop depression woohoo Personality-wise, he’s just like Sonic from the show! Tho maybe a little less selfish, because god, how narcissistic he was at times.
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woohoo updates
hey yall, sorry for the inactivity! Last minute Mocha and I decided we wanted art for fancy outfits for the dinner, and well, I haven't had much energy for art lately. It's a can of worms, but I'm learning to navigate through it and I'm hoping to get more art done this week.
I have a lore dump planned for Lemon, I'm just getting art together for it, I've kind of started talking about their backstory in bits and pieces but never in full, so I hope yall enjoy that ^^
As yall already know, I started working back in August and since then I haven't had much time to dedicate to my main. I've kind of dropped off of social media in general, really only doomscrolling on Instagram after work or during my break. Work has consistently left me so drained that some days I only have the energy to sit or lay down and do nothing. I'm still trying to figure out how to describe my symptoms so that I can go to a doctor with them and figure out why my body has been going kaput on me.
Work really wouldnt be a problem for me if my body could just keep up (I loved working at mcdicks before, but now i fight tears every morning while getting ready for work oops)
Regardless, I'll still keep trying to maintain this blog until the story bits I want to tell are finished. :] I appreciate everyone's patience through this! thank you
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themostsanebug · 4 months
aaughh,, doodleland lore dump bc im soooo cool (to the two other people who work on doodleland with me if ya see this,, im about to mess up on so many lore points dont watch)
@aggressivedaikons here's the lore dump for ya :D
sooo,, doodleland is basically a place where scrapped/unused characters go to finish "living out their lives." these scrapped characters can be from several different universes originally, making some of them have completely different stories from on another. for example, one could be from dialtown and the other could be from just some country. not all of the people in doodleland are scrapped characters however considering they are uhhh,, canonically able to reproduce,, meaning some characters are just born into doodleland! doodleland also has a weird concept of death,, when they die some people can be gone for a few hours-days and come back or "spawn" back in, some can be gone for weeks-years, and some don't come back at all. i vaguely remember it being mentioned that doodleland characters see each other in different art styles as well?? whatever,, OH THERE'S ALSO ANOTHER (basically just edgy) SIDE TO DOODLELAND!! it's called scrap land and it's basically just like,, doodleland but more crime/less laws and where most of the freaky or overly angsty characters live. literal HORRORS live in scrapland. i thinkkkk that's it for background info?? now onto the main shit <3
doodleland exists solely cause two gods decided to combine their powers and give a place for failed life to start anew. the gods names? agathadaemon and apollo. as you can guess, creating an entire WORLD can use up a lot of energy/power. the gods were reverted to smaller forms and ended up in the world they created. eventually, people start showing up in doodleland and they just kinda,, go about life like normal?? some of my earliest characters to enter doodleland are the atonal parents. technically the atonal great grandparents by the current timeline but whatever,, point is, while i refuse to give these two names, they are the parents of one of my early characters that actually has lore and can lead into some more of the story!! woohoo!! that characters name is alan atonal and his life is,, something. his parents both weren't around often and he struggled with getting attention up until he was "adopted" into a small group of neighbors. the parent situation was purely because his dad worked two jobs and his mom was a nurse btw,, they struggled to get home to him on SEVERAL occasions. the small group of neighbors treated him like a little brother they had never had, leading to him trusting them a bit more than his parents. oh, and one day they took alan down to a lake and alan accidentally tripped and drowned because none of them knew how to swim to save him, but its fine he came back within a few hours with a healthy dose of trauma and a fear of water! as he grew older, he eventually met someone in highschool named sasha bright! him and sasha ended up becoming very close and he learned that sasha was trans! meaning he had changed his name and gotten his hair cut after the word was out, he soon came to be known as vain bright and he, to the current day, still hasn't gone on testosterone or gotten top surgery due to both surgical/needle based fears and just not really caring how his body looks. his parents supported him being trans, making them some of the best set of parents out of the earlier character cast. moving on from that and back to alan,, alan and vain grew closer and alan eventually grew a crush on a girl he knew named alice. he told vain about the crush, expecting his best friend to encourage him to ask her out or give him support or something, but he was simply met with warnings of how terrible the girl truly was. how the girl was going to use him and leave him in the dust, how she was going to treat him like dirt. alan didn't believe him and ended up getting a date with the girl anyway. their relationship was smooth sailing, especially when alan got a job working for the police force! that,, didn't last forever though. alice eventually started to get more greedy. with,, everything. from money to time with alan, she asked for it all. he came home tired and overworked almost every night and she still expected him to cook or take her somewhere. even with all that, alan still proposed to her and ended up getting married to her! her greed worsened, especially her greed for money or items. yet,, alan still loved her. he couldn't just let her go. he gave her several chances before she was finally the one to break it off after she'd had "enough of his complaining." his life got,, a lot better with her gone to say the least. he ended up living with vain for a while and they helped each other in ahem,, multiple ways. he got promoted to police chief and was really good at his job too! down the line, however, he discovered he had a teenage son. one that alice had somehow managed to keep hidden from him for all the years they had been apart. he found the kid one day and figured out that his name was mio,, mio had,, issues of his own. the kid was extremely jumpy along with struggling with the vengeful attitude of his mother who had convinced him the only way to live was by stealing, lying and cheating. alan and the kid eventually got on good terms leading mio to start talking about how poorly his mother treated him. alan, rightfully so, got pissed. him and vain took it upon themselves to go and talk to her about it.
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another-clive-blog · 7 months
uhh okay I just have to get this out before i explode because it has been bouncing around my head so uh um what if Professor Layton was French and took place in France? Please please please dump everything on us I want to hear the lore and nuance of French Layton; whose names change, what are they like now, how does the story change because it’s Paris and not London (assuming because capital cities), that kind of stuff.
Maybe change Luke’s name to Luc or something. Not sure about Hershel Layton, though. Speaking of which I know Layton always says things remind him of a puzzle so I’d imagine he instead says ce me rappelle un puzzle and then when Luc solves a puzzle he says je l‘ai résolu, professeur!!!
Then there’s Clive “je préfère y penser comme la justice” Colombe (changed his surname there) because Guilluame Faucons blew up his parents or whatever
Rereading this I asked for the nuances of French Layton and then thought too much into it myself. whoops.
this started because i was thinking about slavic professor layton and somehow moved from prague to paris lol
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!!! Alright I'll try to calm it with the maj and the exclamation points lol, but I want you to know I am very very happy and excited about this !! Professeur Layton woohoo !! And I am repeating myself but your French is amazing, Luke DOES say that kfjbhefhkb (Also you found such great names so fast how did you do that ??) I am going to focus on the French Adaptation idea (hence the screenshot) ! =) I think I will talk about actual French Unwound Future eventually, but it'll be its own separate post. I simply MUST focus on this first, like the potential and sheer fun of it ? I have IDEAS.
Names and setting (Oh yes we are going there) under the cut !!
Starting with the names !!
Hershel Layton : Definitely changing Layton, I guess Léton could work ? (Little reference to French BD Les Légendaires lol) Landon is very cool tho, it reminds me of London too ! For the first name you and a friend of mine suggested Herbert, which is a great idea but I'm not too sure about losing the Yiddish etymology :( Hershel could stay I guess. I did play with Léon Léton for a moment (Léon is French equivalent for Yiddish name Lejb + we keep the animal etymology) but it sounds really terrible lol, so up to you !!
Luke Triton : You're absolutely right he would be Luc Triton !! Middle name is most definitely something like Richard lol
Flora Reinhold : Definitely agree with Flore ! Reinhold is hard because it's Renaud in French but like,,, Renaud has CONNOTATIONS. (There is a French singer called that way and people often make fun of him). Soooo same friend came up with Flore de Raynald. Looking back, I'm not sure about the "ay" ? Anyway, I added the "de" because French people used to have one in their names if they were rich/noble !!
Clive Dove : Okay. Bear with me. Bear with me please. But Nicolas Colombe. Like you said, Dove = Colombe. But Clive doesn't have any equivalent in French : you suggested Clovis and I think it really is the best, most logical option (it does make him look like a 5th century king but also Clive is like that lol) !! However I did remember that Clive's Japanese name is Klaus, and Klaus is strictly equal to Nicolas in French. So yeah idk, Nicolas Colombe sounds like a Miraculous Ladybug name lol
Bill Hawks : You're 100% right, this is our premier ministre Guillaume Faucon. =)
Dimitri Allen : We had also come up with Dimitri Alain (it's either that or pronouncing it Allant, which is just ugly lol) so perfect !!
Claire Foley : I'll be honest I don't even know how Foley is supposed to be pronounced…? But it has something to do with sound in filmmaking apparently, so you know. Claire Echo or something
That's it for the names !! Now I simply NEED to talk about something really really cool- the setting. Why that you may ask ? Because there actually are caves underneath Paris, and they're not just any caves. (They're magic caves- alright sorry ijfginknf)
So yeah the caves under Paris are not huge oval caves like the one in Unwound Future, it's more like a series of corridors that go deep under the whole city. Also it is HUGE, like only 0,5% is open to visitors and this is already 1,7km/1,1 mile !! The best part ?? This 0,5%. It's actually an ossuary (Known as Les Catacombes de Paris). This place is very popular, people love to go there, and it's already been the setting of many many books- so why not you know ? Even though I know you couldn't/shouldn't build a mecha there (no room for it and you'd be destroying a real 18th century monument) + this doesn't really look like the future lol
But you could TOTALLY adapt the story so that Layton and Luc have to go to the Catacombs and then you have a sick setting and you could have booby traps, a not-so-subtle-but-very-cool life or death mood, and above all. You can have Clive being a madman spending all of his time six feet under in the catacombs. Gloomy. Upsetting ? Fun !!
Also the mecha should totally be on that stupid island in the middle of Paris. That or you replace the lighthouse by the Eiffel Tower.
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measuringbliss · 5 months
Spider-Man Read-Through 046: Night Fever (SSM 22-24)
In this post:
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Hell yeah!
SSM #22 starts with Moon Knight failing to protect an informant and discovering that the Maggia may soon discover his secret identity.
Cue Peter Parker drawn by Mike Zeke.
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He does the Monthly Aunt-May-in-Hospital mention (interconnectedness, woohoo!) and the bell rings. Betty's here! Remember how she left Ned, and Peter got kinda dumped by MJ? Well, they're off to the movies now!
Turns out Betty's already seen every big movie with Ned in Paris, so they go to a Chaplin festival.
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Oh, I hate those faces. They look nothing like Peter and Betty have looked these past ~200 issues (not counting Team-Up). Why such harsh lines? They're in their 20-somethings!
By now, Flash and Sha-Shan are called regulars by the yellow box, which pleases me quite a bit. They seem to be doing just fine. Another regular is White Tiger, my beloved, who's angsting about the girl who won't date him because he's a super-hero. Yeah, we don't want another Gwen Stacy now, do we?
Anyway, thugs attack a coffee shop where Moon Knight (in his civilian identity) and Spidey cross paths, and we get a fun battle.
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I love that kind of thing.
Of course, MK and SM have to fight, because talking isn't a free action in this world. And suddenly, someone storms in...
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Literally. So we've got presumably French Moon Knight (and/or his acolyte, I don't know the lore and the way this is presented in this issues is confusing) and a French villain too. Yay, France?
On *another website*, readers are just as annoyed as me that Spidey keeps fighting potential allies before trying to talk to them. He makes the same mistake again and again!
In the letters, there's a very salty message I can't help but agree with.
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Recent issues have been better about it at least, but it's telling that the "not enough Peter Parker" complaint has been held again and again. I do love White Tiger, and found Razorback fun enough.
Thankfully, for #23, Mike Esposito is back.
For what's worth, I like Cyclone for no other reason that I love his design. So I'm happy to see him!
Cyclone helpfully informs us that it's been a year since his first appearance in ASM #143 and #144! That's neat to know. He also kills someone on-page.
That's actually kind of surprising to see, and it does up the stakes. Anyway, he leaves, thinking he also killed the two heroes, and the latter finally talk. Spidey ends up going to Moon Knight's base.
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Seems like our friend has been doing some work.
Meanwhile: we see a glipse of Hector's family, Holly's about to call him, MJ tries to call Peter but he doesn't answer and she goes to the disco with "Marty" (a proto-Paul?), and Betty also can't get a hold of Ned.
It's funny how in ASM, the Peter/Betty pair was recently quite outrageous, but then in SSM they dialed it back quite a bit. Just like the quick MJ appearance in a recent SSM issue, it seems like the writers are in conflict.
Anyway, SM and MK find a Maggia meeting and fight everyone.
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What the heck.
Aside from (probably) Big M, everyone is taken care of.
As for #24...
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Now, THIS is fun!
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First page. We got the Monthly Aunt-May-in-Hospital mention, phew!
This issue starts with Peter being forced to fight thugs in a train. It's quite original, since he has to wait for a tunnel to obscure everything and use his powers.
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So there's a lot to unpack here. First off, Mrs Muggins is much more friendly than in the past issues. Secondly, Peter mentions his "not so obvious" sex appeal and I have to laugh because COME ON. I don't know if it's a writer trying to rewrite history, or just Peter being clueless, but regardless, come oooooon...
This is also the first time in ages we see Harry, so that's also great. And Sha-Shan's part of the group, neat! By the way, where's Randy?
...Where IS Randy? For a few issues, a while back, it seemed like he was part of the group, but now? Who knows! Holly's here though. Without Hector, but still. But then... where's Gloria?!
Aaaah, they keep changing the cAAaaAaAaast!!!
Anyway, Peter says the place they're going to is fancy and he doesn't have a tuxedo, but Harry took care of that. Of course he'd know the measurements of his boyfriend!
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Oh, they came out alright. I missed seeing the cast interact with each other, that's cool!
Elsewhere, the Maggia steals a big magnet or what not, but it's for the next SSM batch and I kind of don't care.
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So this is kind of a disaster, but those interactions are delicious. See, when they try, Spider-Man can be really fun! Especially when Peter is dashing like that.
The Hypno-Hustler and his backup singers arrive on scene and hypnotize everybody, except for Peter, who quickly changes and beats him.
Anyway, in the reader's letters, someone is just as clueless as Peter:
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"OUR Peter? Who really was never even very handsome?" who ARE you, Al Shroeder III?
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I feel validated!
In the next SSM batch: more cloning! Can't wait.
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chaotic-zora · 4 days
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Introducing my zora oc, Thresh (Short for Thresher, ironic I know. I got attached to the placeholder name).
Pronouns: They/Them/He/Him
Height: 6 ft 7 in.
Species: Thresher Shark/Tiger Shark
Coloration: Dark purple, lavender stripes, white belly, red eyes/fins
Profession: Warrior
-Specializes in hand-to-tail combat
-Little brain to mouth filter (Blunt)
-Has a huge scar on his crest (post The Event)
-In love with his "Best Friend" Nyvor
-Not naked I swear (workin on their armor)
-Maps (can't read em, poor sense of direction)
-Horses (almost got trampled once)
-High places (post The Event)
Character/Lore Dump:
Thresher is proficient in hand-to-tail combat and commonly wields hand daggers, weighted rope (to lasso and subdue opponents), and a bow and arrow. If their opponent has a unique/impressive fighting style, Thresh will attempt to analyze it and merge it with his own combat style. The opportunity to learn new techniques is what Thresh enjoys most about combat, and as a result they are well versed in over a dozen different styles. He views loosing as a learning opportunity (humble).
During fights he'll whip his tail to disorient/ward off opponents (thresher shark genes woohoo). The act can leave nasty bruises, and he ties leather strips around his tail to make the blows worse. When the opportunity arises, he'll disarm opponents by striking their wrists with his tail. When done right this can cause an opponent to involuntarily drop their weapon.
Though intelligent in combat, that's about the extent of what they can do. He has a terrible time learning anything else, can't lead, and won't follow orders that go against his morals. It's why he never earned a title beyond "renowned warrior" within his Domain. He is outgoing, rowdy, and deeply in tune with his instincts.
He's in love with his best friend Nyvor, who's a healer. Unfortunately for him, weeks before Thresh planned to declare his intentions to court Nyvor, the "Event" occurred.
The Event: Thresh murders a corrupt Noble.
For nearly a decade a corrupt Zoran Noble has been causing Thresh's Domain to fall into disarray. Due to the Noble's high standing, they have repeatedly escaped prosecution, and Thresh, sick of their bullshit, decides to take the matter into his own claws.
Unfortunately, Nyvor catches him in the act. However, instead of reporting Thresh, Nyvor purposefully takes the downfall for the murder.
'Even now....he treats me gently....'
This is all Thresher can think as they watch Nyvor pluck the soiled blade from their hand. His motions are slow, and there is a gentleness to Nyvor's actions that betray his hidden affections towards the smaller zora. If Thresh was not so overwhelmed with confusion, perhaps they would have noticed, but alas, this was not the case.
"What are you doing, Nyvor?"
The clatter of armor echoes faintly in the distance. Guards are approaching, and they are early with their check in rounds.
"Protecting you."
Thresher's breath stills in his chest. They watch, striken, as Nyvor moves towards the corner of the room, and brandishes their own weapon against them.
"Stop. Stop please."
Nyvor's smile is kind. Loving. And his voice is soft. A stark contrast to his intimidating stature.
"It's okay Thresh. Everything is going to be okay."
Eveything is not okay. Nyvor gets sentenced to death by cliff face (thrown over a cliff into rocky waters below). No one believes Thresh when they state they were the one who murdered the Noble, not Nyvor, who cleverly twists the facts to ensure the blame remains solely on him.
As punishment for defending Nyvor, Thresher is tied up and forced to watch Nyvor get knocked out and thrown over the cliff. In one last desperate attempt to save his friend, Thresh escapes his bindings and flings himself after Nyvor.
He uses his body to physically protect Nyvor's head, and upon impact, gets knocked out. Miraculously they both survive, but get separated in the current, and Thresh wakes up washed ashore on the outskirts of Hyrule, alone, and lost. Thus begins his journey to find Nyvor.
I have a lot more art brewing for these two.... more lore to come with Nyvor's side of things.
Shout out to my beloved partner @vaquero-azul-art for helping me with anatomy. Thanks babe.
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claitea · 3 years
ch 20 pt 2 spoilers
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this specific picture of new audric is going to haunt me for the rest of my life LOOK AT HIM I'M GOING TO BAWL MY EYES OUT
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but also baby euden <3
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storm-driver · 4 years
we are 5k words into chapter 10, i literally know exactly what im gonna write, i jsut REALLY dont wanna write this first part hngh
why cant the good part just be slapped in here out of nowhere, why do i need to actually transition between scenes properly and do decent buildup, writing go BRRRRRRRRRRR
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lorebird · 3 years
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That post about combining your first and current fandoms has snared me in its trap..... now I’m making content that caters to approximately Only Me! Splatoon wof au! Squids but make them dragons! I’m way too excited about this time to infodump under the cut
SO the NightWings are essentially the octarians of this story, with plans to invade the rainforest and/or the whole continent. In the first stages of the plan, they kidnap RainWings like in canon, 2 of which are dragonets named Lychee (Callie) and Srikaya (Marie). They figure out the plan and then some from a strange NightWing dragonet named Observant (Marina) who visits them occasionally, and at one point maybe kinda has a prophecy. Observant eventually helps the RainWings escape, but gets found out -- an older dragon named Sincerity is told to kill her and dump the body somewhere off the island as a show of disgrace. However, Sincerity lets Observant run free through the portal to the sand kingdom.
The two RainWings return home and spread the word about what the NightWings are planning, but the entire rainforest kingdom is woefully unprepared to deal with an invasion, even if they have a lot of time in advance. So Lychee and Srikaya go to the claws of the clouds to see if any other dragons will heed the warning and possibly help out the RainWings, since the entire continent could be under threat.
A retired SkyWing general named Pinyon (capn) hears them out and takes it seriously, but pretty much no one else does. Most SkyWings seem to think Pinyon is a little off his rocker for the whole invasion story. But Lychee tells him about the prophecy they heard from Observant, hoping it could help them; I’m too lazy to actually come up with one right now but uhhhh it amounts to something like “a royal heir hatched when [insert condition here] will beat the NightWing’s asses woohoo” SO pinyon gets right to work trying to figure out how to fulfill it, though Srikaya is a little doubtful of prophecies and thinks they should focus on practical solutions. However, her efforts to raise concern over the invasion does Little Good becauseeeee plot convenience for my au dw about it /lh
ANYWAYS Pinyon and Lychee track down two possible candidates for the prophecy: a SeaWing and a MudWing. The eggs are stolen talons of peace style, and the dragons are raised separately, each believing they’re the one to fulfill the prophecy. Boom bam training montage!!! A handful of guardians watch over + teache the 2 separately, and Srikaya trains Viridian the SeaWing (3) while Lychee trains Sienna the MudWing (4). Plot happens idk but unlike the DoD, the dragonets of prophecy here are actually treated Like People (figuratively) and have happy childhoods. But then uhhhhhh bam time to be thrown into the middle of a war!
Viridian ends up being the chosen candidate to take down the NightWings by killing their leader, Songweaver (Octavio). Why are the NightWings ruled by a guy and not a queen? Uhhhhhh trans grandpa dw about it he’s allowed I guess. But when it comes time......... Viridian can’t kill him. The island ends up blowing its top and they figure he’s good as dead so uhhhhh woohoo prophecy fulfilled ig!!! Party time!!! Sure am glad no one here is left without purpose and having an identity crisis over not being the hero of legend!!!
So yeah the NightWings settle in the mainland except they Aren’t awful and terrible like in canon bc no thanks. The day is won, all is well, sorry about the identity crisis Sienna, until UH OH. Lychee goes missing
Sienna JUMPS at the opportunity to finally save the day, and soon it’s found out that Songweaver isn’t dead and has somehow gotten Fucked Up and Evil mind control over Lyche!! A few loyal NightWings get in the way, but eventually, Lychee is freed and Songweaver is dead for good. All is well For Real This Time. Except for the NightWings that have been mysteriously disappearing from the mainland. Say, some of the guys Sienna fought look a little familiar........
It’s eventually found out that Songweaver was working with an unnamed animus to build a new army. No one knows the animus’ motives, but now they know they’re out there and dangerous. Viridian, now having a crisis of their own over having failed the prophecy, spearheads the search. But the closer they get to answers, the more isolated they become, with memories becoming foggy. They run into two NightWings, one who’s completely forgotten who they once were and now goes by Wanderer, and the other nearly there; this one is named Amaranth (8).
Oh also Observant is off in the desert with her gf Rose Gold (Pearl) they’re doing great
Ok I have a disproportionate amount of lore for the OE equivalent of this au and I’ve gone on long enough SO........ I’m leaving it there for now!! Pls interact if you‘re interested in the au none of my friends are in these fandoms /lh
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dracoqueen22 · 5 years
yamiquietshadowflo replied to your post: Open Mic Night Take 3
Woohoo, another Mic Night! There’d be plenty to ask I was more awake ^^ If I had to ask a question… Mmm, how about the Bayverse movies? Personally, it’s what got me in the fandom and I love some of the bits it brought to the franchise, but… yeah, bad movies. As a TF fan, what are the Bayverse parts you really enjoyed if there are any, and what would you have put in them instead of what we had? *crossing my fingers too for the potential return of the prompts*
I will admit, Bayverse is what got me into Transformers in the first place. My best friend introduced me, and after I fell in love with Bayverse (think Revenge of the Fallen was out by then), I went back and devoured everything else I could and fell head over heels.
There's a lot of things to love about Bayverse. Optimus and Megatron's relationship, the Lord High Protector bits, the hatchlings, the Autobot and Decepticon origins, some of the Cybertron history lore... there were a lot of things that could've been done better, but for the most part, it was worth it. Though I'll admit, I haven't seen the newest one because Age of Extinction disappointed me so much.
As for what I would have changed, well, you need look no further than War Without End, which is pretty much my attempt to fix Bayverse and make do with what they gave us. Also, I would have killed to have Sunstreaker show up and see him and Sideswipe interact. Jazz wouldn't have died either. Mikaela would have dumped Sam and become the main character, because she's awesome like that. Those are just a few things off the top of my head. XD
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xseedgames · 7 years
The Legend of Heroes: Trails Series - Localization Blog #2
Hi, kids!
This is Brittany, Localization Producer at XSEED, editor/graphic text monkey/what-have-you for Trails in the Sky the 3rd, and current head for the Trails series in general. I’m very eager to write this blog, because it’ll be full of updates for FC, SC, and the 3rd.
Let’s get the 3rd’s status out of the way: schedule-wise, we’re currently doing great! When we announced this game last year, I was dead set on getting it out by spring 2017, so I’m very proud to say that goal is being met. Trails in the Sky the 3rd is coming to PC in English on…a date you’ll find out very, very soon.
Barring typos or odd QA hiccups (which can happen when “smashing” PSP and PC code together to get the best of both worlds), the game is in pretty good shape and we’re right where we need to be. It’s cleaning up very well.
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               | QA is a sexy time and I won’t let you take it away from me.
I’d like to start by properly warning Trails newbies first: please play Trails in the Sky’s first and second chapters before playing the 3rd. Heck, please play them before even reading this blog! Although the 3rd is not a “third chapter” since the Estelle and Liberl’s story wrapped up with SC, this story still relies on knowledge gained by playing those two games. Internally, I’ve said before that the 3rd has only one target audience: people who’ve played both Trails FC and SC. Cold Steel fans will understand some of the lore dumping, but other details will be quite lost on lost you. Though, hey, if you want to purchase it anyway and help support my coffee fund, I ain’t gonna stop you. (Please buy it and play it later. I’m desperate, here.)
I would have loved for this blog to feature more specific details on the 3rd itself, but I tend to consider the series as a whole whenever I do my editing and am constantly referencing/perusing the text from the other games as if they were my current projects. Because of that, I’m going to be noting planned adjustments for the Sky trilogy that I decided were important enough to implement while I was working on the 3rd. We can dig into protagonist and deuteragonist Kevin Graham and Ries Argent in future blogs.
- Dead Emperor Sword > Sword of Abaddon – Loewe’s S-Craft. I meant to fix this during SC’s QA, but there were so many things I was brushing up till the last minute that it was lost in the shuffle. The original is straight-up wrong. - Pillar of Salt > Salt Pale – You’ll learn more about this in the 3rd. - Stainrose > Steinrose – This is a classy alcoholic drink briefly mentioned by Schera in Trails FC. This is clearly meant to be Steinrose and was written correctly in SC, so we’re extending that correction to FC. - Museum Descriptions – Text in the museum in Grancel will either be rewritten or greatly expanded upon in general. These descriptions were shorter due to every editor’s wariness of character limits in games, but that’s not actually a worry here, so woohoo! The Capel will also receive similar tweaks. - Master/King/Guardian of the Lake – I don’t understand how I missed this one, but boy, did I screw up when doing sweeps. You might remember the Guardian from Cold Steel; it’s a legendary fish. Well, the whole legendary fish thing actually dates back as far as the first game. Turns out, we’ve used a mix of king or master to describe it. I’d considered using the more common of the two in the current text, “master,” but I realized “master” is used in several other forms throughout FC and SC. To make its intent clear, I’m going the easy route and replacing all instances of king/King/master/Master with “Guardian” like the way it is in Cold Steel I&II.
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               | Mysterious boy who isn’t so mysterious if you’ve already played Cold Steel. This marks his first Trails appearance.
- Duke Dunan – I believe that even if he’s Queen Alicia II’s nephew, being a duke, he should be addressed as “Your Grace.” He’s been addressed as a number of things, including “Your Excellency” by Phillip and Kanone, so this will be corrected. - Sky Bandits – I talked about this a bit with the current series translator, and we decided that the term ‘sky bandits’ wasn’t the name of the Capua family’s group in particular. They’re simply bandits…who happen to do their bandit-ing while piloting a sweet airship. It’s not a term specific to them, but as generic as “thief” or “schoolteacher.” It shall be decapped in all instances throughout the trilogy. There are a few more words I decided to decap, and no doubt I’ll find even more in the future. They’re minor in comparison, though, so they’re not really worth listing here.
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               | Here’s a new feature, the “Remote Ability.”
- Airship/Orbalship/Flying Boats – Here’s one that’s bothered me for some time even though I couldn’t figure out a better solution. There’s an entry in the Capel about orbal airships stating that ships less than 20 arge in length are known as “flying boats.” We don’t actually use that term anywhere else, but no one ever brought it up so I left it as is. While reading through the games again, however, I noticed that we used both “airship” and “orbalship” as generic terms. It’s specifically thanks to orbal energy and the Orbal Revolution that modern civilization in Zemuria was able to achieve flight, so presumably all airships regardless of length use orbal energy. I don’t think it’s a stretch to scientifically classify small ships as “airships,” larger ships which require significant orbal energy as “orbalships,” and have “airships” be used as a generic term among citizens at the same time. After all, we in real life still can’t seem to decide if Pluto is classified as a damn planet or not, even if the population generally seems to refer to it as a planet no matter what its classification is. With this update, I will do away with the clunky and never-used “flying boats” in favor of the current entry.
- Hmm-Hmm!/Hm-Hm!/Etc. – Like Cold Steel I&II, this kind of chortle/laughter isn’t present at all in the 3rd. It was toned down considerably before launch in SC, but it’s still present in both FC and SC. I’ve always wanted to go through the script and alter/remove these, and I finally did! Maybe some will object to this decision, but if they’re not in the newer games, it’s just kinda weird to keep them in the older games, too. In case you wanted to know how much I suffered to do this:          o   "hmm-hmm" (164 hits in 96 files)          o   "hmmhmm" (184 hits in 85 files)          o   "hmhm" (89 hits in 52 files)          o   "hm-hm" (8 hits in 8 files)          o   "hmm!" (12 hits in 11 files)          o   "hm!" (21 hits in 20 files)          o   "hmm." (36 hits in 35 files)          o   "hm." (17 hits in 16 files)          o   "Hm," (62 hits in 41 files)          o   "hmm," (282 hits in 155 files)
- Duke/Baron Fisher – You might recall the president of the Fisherman’s Guild, Mr. Fisher. (Or maybe you do not recall, which suits me better. HEH.) Apparently, his title is mentioned once in both FC and SC—the first time was the “Duke of Angling” and second time was “Baron of Fishing.” This also comes up in the 3rd, but we thought “Fishing Baron” was a simple enough title for the guy, so this will also be fixed in FC and SC.
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               | From the 3rd’s opening animation.
- Social Sciences/Studies – This is the program Kloe takes at Jenis. I noticed a discrepancy here and there while doing some digging for the name, so all of these have been changed to “social studies.” It’s social sciences in Cold Steel, but since that’s a different country, I don’t consider the difference a big deal. - Faculty/Staff Office/Lounge – Also noticed this was a number of slightly difference things, so it shall be changed to “faculty lounge.” - Dorms/Dorm – Unless the person mentioning the dorms at Jenis is referencing both the boys’ and girls’ dorms, I made it singular since there’s only one dorm building each. Not really a problem, but it was bugging me. - Olivier: “In fact, I believe the Imperial Academy was to launch an investigation...but then the Hundred Days War broke out.” - *nerd glasses* Okay, this one is really cool to me!! I happened to notice the line and was confused by “Imperial Academy, so I checked the Japanese, which was more like “Imperial Science Institute.” Turns out, this is the very same “Imperial Institute of Science” that’s been brought up a few times throughout the Cold Steel arc. (Ahh, I just love how this series connects the little things.) - Dad/Daddy/Papa/Mom/Mommy/Momma – Estelle as a child calls Cassius “Daddy” in FC, but she says “Papa” in SC. SC will now match FC. Cassius still calls himself “Papa” when babying Estelle, though. I haven’t looked too deeply into this yet, but it’s also been fixed in the following instances so far:           o Anya - Daddy(FC), Papa/Daddy(SC) = Daddy           o Elke - Papa(FC), Papa/Dad(SC) = Dad           o Mirano - Father(FC), Papa/Father(SC) = Father           o Louis - Dad/Mom(FC), Papa/Mama & Dad/Mom (SC) = Dad/Mom           o Helena - Dad/Mom (FC), Papa/Mama (SC) = Dad/Mom           o Lucia - Mommy (FC), Mom/Mommy(SC) = Mommy
I feel ashamed to see all of this...
- Mayor/Lady/Miss/Ms. Maybelle – This one was pretty wild. When checking her address for the 3rd since Lila’s address was translated as “Lady Maybelle,” I went through FC/SC and the results were a mess. Some NPCs referred to her in three different ways, and Estelle went from “Mayor Maybelle” in FC to “Maybelle” in SC. One could argue closeness allowed her to drop the formalities, but I don’t see them as that close. Virtually everyone should be calling her “Mayor Maybelle” now, save for four exceptions: Lila, who calls her “Miss Maybelle, ” and Kloe, General Morgan, and Yahat, who affectionally call her “Maybelle.”
This biggest change affecting all these Sky games, however, will be this:
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               | You don’t know how happy it makes me to see this.
To refresh your memories, Zin Vathek is an A-rank bracer from the Calvard Republic, and he’s one of the main playable characters throughout the trilogy. However, due to some absurd reason I can’t even begin to understand since I wasn’t with XSEED at the time, the original translation team insisted upon changing his name to Zane.
The series has yet to truly set foot on Calvardian soil, but several characters from there appear to be of Eastern descent. This may lead some to believe that Calvard is mostly an “Asian” country, but personally, I think something very different is going on. Republican names also include stuff like Vathek, Cochrane, or Rocksmith (the Republic’s president). There’s even the Gambler Jack novel that stars a white man named…Jack…and includes characters like Chief Minister Shamrock and Enrique.
I believe Easterners are actually the minority in Calvard, and Eastern influences are reflected in a Chinatown-esque area called the “Eastern Quarter.” Even the writing in Gambler Jack mentions how immigrants tend to gather in the Eastern Quarter, and the writing goes out of its way to point out Eastern features in Halle, the heroine, as if it’s not usual for its author to see.
Throughout the localized games, there have been mentions of people from farther east immigrating into Calvard to the point where it’s become a problem. Incredibly interesting as this is, it’s only been brought up in bits and pieces throughout the series, so I can only make an educated guess on what exactly Calvard is like or what’s going on within. Also, you’ll learn more about this in 3rd and I don’t want to go into detail. These kinds of things could point to racial tension in the future or something else entirely. The more I’ve learned, the more my gut tells me that there’s a reason for these characters—Zin included—to have been given Eastern-influenced names.
While I’ve never been fond of “Zane” to begin with and believe it never should have been changed in the first place, I do understand that it’s been a part of the Trails English canon for many years. Before making the change, I tried to think of various solutions and consulted Falcom’s development team directly with my thoughts. One possible solution was based on many friends who immigrated to the West as children: they had their name from birth, and then they also had a more “white-sounding” name to further blend into Western culture. I thought this method would allow us to keep Zane, finally adopt Zin, and give Zane a few unexpected extra layers. 
I’m happy that I expressed these concerns to Falcom’s team, because it gave me the confidence to do away with the more complex solutions and just skip to the overhaul. Moving forward, “Zane” will officially be “Zin” for the entire Trails in the Sky trilogy, and “Zane” will be a thing of the past. I’m excited about this. Please welcome Zin warmly.
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               | You’ll see cutscenes like these throughout the game.
In the Future/Other Notes
- Gambler Jack – This novel appears in both Trails in the Sky SC and Trails of Cold Steel II. The CS2 version was brushed up. This may or may not make it into this next update, but I’d like to backport this when I can. - Skippable S-Crafts – We added this patch into the PC versions of FC/SC in December 2016, but I felt it was worth noting since it’s not in any other version of the Sky trilogy but ours. You can now skip S-Crafts with the press of a button! Yay! - S-Craft Voices – Years and years ago, before my time, the Trails in the Sky trilogy was all dubbed at once just because it was battle lines and it was easier to get it all finished in one go. Some mistranslations happened here and there in those battle lines. It’s why Kloe shouts, “Radiant Plash!” instead of her actual S-Craft name, for example. The lines from one of Kevin’s S-Crafts gets mentioned as part of 3rd’s story, and you might notice it differs from the text in his actual S-Craft. I’d like to fix the voice someday, but we’ll have to work with the original for now. Just know that it was a conscious decision to not match the story text and battle lines. - NPC Names – Like Zin, a few NPC names I believe have references that were initially missed. Mirano/Trino/Modena are supposed to be Milan/Turin/Modena, I believe, Stain is supposed to be Stein, etc. These all these like relatively minor in the grand scheme of things and have no real impact on the world-building, though, so I’m still compiling a list and debating if it’s even worth touching this. I still want to…but lol. NPCs are truly trouble in this series… I have a bible I made myself for the series, but I’d love to keep filling it in!!
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               |I’m slowly building stuff like this in the name of obsession.
Ideally, one of the other big changes would be the basic name on Steam/GOG/Humble being displayed. We’ve always gone with Trails in the Sky and Trails in the Sky SC, but I worry names like these as an introductory header may cause confusion among newer fans. I want to someday rename these display names Trails in the Sky First Chapter and Trails in the Sky Second Chapter. We’ll see.
My hope is that outside of Zane > Zin, you guys noticed approximately none of these things and will end up reading this blog and going, “Huh. This person’s obsessed, but okay. Cool.” But how do these things happen? The same way it always happens with text-heavy games: too many cooks in the kitchen. Too many translators, too many editors. Many of these choices are perfectly valid out of world context, but when you’re given thousands of files, no unified index for characters unless you build it from scratch yourself, and some very nasty deadlines, things happen.
The series is much more unified than ever because we realized that when it comes to text-heavy projects, taking our time with a smaller team yields a much better result than throwing as many people as possible at it. CS1, CS2, and the 3rd proved it. In a perfect world, I could go over FC and SC’s text line by line and tweak things in ways fans likely wouldn’t notice just to create further consistency, but considering I do these tweaks in my free time out of pure passion for the series, that’s gonna have to be saved for another day. I’m already very blessed to be given the opportunity to comb through older files and tweak at my leisure. Or maybe I just have a very unusual hobby.
Should you come across any issues that have cropped up unexpectedly with this update (which will be before the 3rd’s launch), please feel free to contact us. Stuff happens, things break, but we’re always willing to look into it and fix it if it’s within our power. My heart belongs to the series forever, so anything I can do if time allows it, I try. Thanks for reading this update, kids, and I hope to write more about the 3rd soon!
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              | Yes, this actually is in the game.
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powerborntouch · 7 years
“The Altered Adventure: Secrets of the Cyclone: The Being inside the Beast (Chp 2)” Reaction
Here we go.
Time to post about Secrets of the Cyclone. Now, if you don’t want spoilers, stop scrolling down and blacklist “altered adventure spoilers” or “secrets of the cyclone”
Now time for the reaction!
These creatures are really weird.
Fluterswoops…I’m done. I’m dying.
I’d like that rock.
......I read this about three times until I finally realized that was a pun. I am ashamed at myself. Where’s that meme of Dexter crying “I have failed you” to a picture of Sans when you need it?
Good job Gizzy. You’re reasoning.
I wonder if there are actual humans in Altered. Are these guys completely similar to humans, or do they have slight variation or something? I’m curious.
Shorter days. Omg, it’s just like Minecraft, where the day only lasts 20 minutes. Wow, the day ended that fast? How long are these days exactly?
Seeing that the moon is already at its highest point in the sky, thus midnight, days could actually be literally minutes long?? omg, that’s waaaay too short. How does Altered survive with days that short? Do they have time for a 3 course meal? Time for school? Time to sleep? Man.
Also, the day ended, so Voice broke his promise. Good job Voice.
I love how in the Minecraft series, Voice is the one who calls Gizzy out for his mistakes, but in the book, it’s Gizzy calling Voice out for breaking his promise.
Transwolf….Gizzy what kind of name is that XD WOW. Why couldn’t it be kept as “werewolf?” I’m sure any normal Earthling would immediately assume werewolf, and not transwolf.
Speaking of that, how do the moon phases work in Altered?
If there were more transwolves in the cave, shouldn’t had Gizzy hear them? Are they wolves or transwolves? (Transwolves)
*Golden wolf with a magnifying glass symbol appears* IT’S A CUTIE MARK (I’m so sorry for making all of these comparisons)
Screw the majestic pig, let’s eat the human instead
OK, now I’m starting to feel Gizzy’s fear. Yaaay. Good job, book.
What fucking took you so long, Voice?! Holy crap.
What can Voice do against monsters anyway? Especially since he’s just a consciousness?
“defeated by the Air Guardian” Dude, he just yelled at you, calm down.
Hmm, I’m actually feeling sympathetic to Woof now. His struggles with his transwolf ego reminds me of Gizzy/Canine, so I like it
Voice, whatever the hell you can do, do something D’: (In all seriousness though, can this guy please interact more. Like, at least a “nooooo” when Woof attacks Gizzy.)
*white beam moment* ...... Did he just steal Brayden’s power? First Inferno’s fire ability, and now Brayden’s light ability? Goddamnit Voice. *Brayden and Inferno glare at Voice*
Gizzy knows about transwolf’s weaknesses?? Huh. Maybe in Earth, transwolves are part of the lore? Or I’m getting confused by the narrator. (I’m trying to understand who the narrator is. Sometimes, the narrator is Gizzy, who is clueless and knows nothing about Altered. But other times, the narrator is all-knowing and knows the names and history of Altered. I guess the narrator goes back and forth between these two.)
Gizzy automatically trusts Voice to be around to protect him, even though he’s been gone for the entire day?
If there’s one thing I learned from Voice breaking his promise, it’s that Voice put the “pro” in “procrastination.” And that’s saying something, considering that Altered has significantly less time than Earth.
The furry inside of me likes reading Woof’s pov. It’s cool seeing how these wolf packs work in this world.
Woahwoahwoahwoahwoah, magnifying glass wolf knows who Gizzy is O_O Is he Brandon?? I need to know! Damnit, this just got interesting. I want to learn more about MG wolf (yes, I’m calling him that.)
So the transwolves are not the most dangerous thing on the planet. That’s a nice perspective.
I’m imagining Ratchet cuddling in a blanket by that fire :3
Eeeeeey, inside joke Ratchet 8D I love it.
Another exposition dump, but I’ll take it. Woohoo, Ratchet’s backstory. And world-building.
The loyal Ratchet.
Bullets and singing arrows. Hell yeah.
I think Witch’s personality is a lot better here. I can see that he’s still an asshole and power-hungry, but able to conciel it. And his actions have clearer motivations. I love it Witch felt legitimate sympathy for Ratchet? Huh. Darn it, now I’m feeling sympathy for Witch. Noooooo D: I guess that’s what he meant by his life turning into a mess in the Minecraft roleplay episode 12.
They say Witch has been dethroned a while back. However, following the Minecraft roleplay’s timeline, that’s not the case. He was actually dethroned the day Gizzy arrived to Altered, which is very recent. I really hope that Gizzy knows this. This better not turn into a plot hole again
How did coming to Altered change Clayton?? He’s only been there for a day. What happened to him and what caused him to snap??
Aww, Ratchet tried to heal Clayton D’:
…that timeskip and Cib’s motives in the last two paragraphs confused the heck out of me
…this book is weird.
Anyways, see you guys later for the next chapter
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thesims4sarah · 5 years
When Get Famous came out, I wanted to play a legacy challenge that incorporated some of the new things that came with the pack. I didn't see any right away so I decided it was time to create my own. Spending some time considering a direction, it felt like Get Famous naturally followed to a cinema themed legacy. Hence, the Silver Screen Sims Legacy Challenge. Actually, I developed two different versions of this challenge. This one that is inspired by 80's Movies and another which uses Classic/Golden Ages of Hollywood movies. I put that in its own thread located HERE I worked hard to make sure there is very little overlap of career, aspirations or other tasks between the two. So, you could easily decide to play just one, play both or even have this be one big massive 20 generation legacy if you wanted and not have much repeat itself. The challenges use something from every pack from the Base Game on up to Get Famous. You could probably play around a couple things if you don't have a pack but it is going to be difficult if you have large gaps in the collection. **Edit 1/8/ 2019 ** It was requested that I add an alternative Generation 1 starting path for those that don't have vampires in their game. I think that is a fair request. Aliens felt like a fair trade off. I know that not everybody will have those too but since you have to have a good number of packs to take full advantage of this challenge, there is a good chance most people participating will have either Aliens or Vampires, if not both. So, just select which Generation One you want to use. If you go with Aliens, just note that it requires starting with TWO characters. Thank you to @SoulGal7 for helping me brainstorm! ==== Silver Screen Sims Legacy Challenge - 80's Movies Each generation of this legacy is inspired by a popular and/or cult 80's film. Basic Rules: Start with a Young Adult Sim. Either one you created especially for this or one you previously made. They should, for reasons that will play out in the challenge, human. Gender and any other appearance elements don't matter. Don't cheat unless you are told to in the rules. What's the point of that? There is no point scoring here, just the reward of the fun telling the story of your Silver Screen Sims Legacy. Using creative content is up to you as long as it isn't a cheat or it replaces an object required to complete a generation. I don't use any but that's just a personal choice. Unless otherwise stated in the rules for a generation, you can live anywhere you want. Similarly, color outside the lines all you want as long as you hit the action rules for each generation. Let's get started...... Generation One (Vampire Version): Lost Boys Where is this? It was daylight a minute ago, right? Now its dark, gloomy and that guy over there just licked his lips when you looked at him. Boy, you must have taken a REALLY wrong turn during your walk in the woods. You really should leave but something is compelling you to stay. Traits: Active, Geek, Cat Lover Aspiration: Serial Romantic Career: Culinary - Mixologist Rules: 1. Move into empty house or lot in Forgotten Hollow. 2. Master Vampire Lore and Pipe Organ skills 3. Complete Culinary (Mixologist) career and Serial Romantic aspiration 4. Make a Vampire BFF 5. Woohoo in all of the following locations: Double bed, closet, observatory, lighthouse, pile of leaves, bush and hot tub. Bonus point for coffin. 6. Fall in love with a vampire and turn them back to human before having a child with them. 7. Move to Del Sol Valley once your love is no longer a vampire & child is born. Generation One (Alien Version): My Stepmother Is An Alien Of course you miss Mom. She's been gone a while now though and you've gotten used to it being just you and Dad. Now that he's in his golden years you want to take care of him as well as he has taken care of you all these years. So, when it was time for you to move to a new town, of course you made sure he moved with you. What you didn't expect was once you got there his love life would be out of this world! Traits: Active, Geek, Cat Lover Aspiration: Serial Romantic Career: Culinary - Mixologist Rules: 1. Move yourself and your senior father into an empty house of lot in Newcrest. 2. Complete Culinary (Mixologist) career and Serial Romantic aspiration 3. Woohoo in all of the following locations: Double bed, closet, observatory, lighthouse, pile of leaves, bush and hot tub. Bonus point for Rocket Ship. 4. Have your father fall in love with and marry an alien. The happy couple can either continue to live with you or move out on their own. 7. After all that dating and good times, finally find your real love and have a child. 10. Move to Del Sol Valley shortly after your first child is born. Generation Two: Beverly Hills Cop Suspicion has been the overruling emotion of your life. Relationships? Won’t they just end up hurting you? People on the street? How do you know they didn’t just rob a bank? Your brain is always questioning reality. If you think back, it probably comes from the feeling you could never shake that your parents were hiding something about their past from you…. Traits: Creative, Noncommittal,Squeamish Aspiration: Nerd Brain Career: Detective Rules: 1. Master Comedy skill 2. Complete the Detective career and Nerd Brain aspiration 3. Invite friends over to play poker once a week 4. Only date people you meet via work - either co-workers or people you arrest or meet while investigating crimes 5. Have one child when you are a young adult and another as an adult. Generation Three: Pretty In Pink You do everything in style! Art is your love and you think of style as creating art out of your own body. It’s just a shame so many people don’t know how to dress. You’ve feel so sorry for them that you’ve decided to give your gift to the world and become a stylist. Traits: Art Lover, Neat, Kleptomaniac Aspiration: Party Animal Career: Style Influencer - Stylist Rules: 1. Master Painting and Photography skills 2. Complete Style Influencer (Stylist) career and Party Animal aspiration 3. Always take the Work From Home option 4. Only ever use the sketch pad to create art. The easel is SO yesterday. 5. Use fountain of Mirth at least once. Generation Four: Baby Boom What do you want! IT ALL! When do you want it? As soon as feasibly possible! Why do people think you need to choose between having a successful career and a great family life? You don’t and you are going to prove it! Traits: Family Oriented, Bro, Ambitious Aspiration: Super Parent Career: Business - Investor Rules: 1. Master Charisma and Cooking skills 2. Complete Business (Investor) and Super Parent aspiration 3. Adopt a child on the same day your first blood child (and therefore heir) is born. 4. Live with the partner with whom you’ve had kids but wait until your first child is a young adult to get married. 5. Make popcorn once a week 6. Build a snow pal every winter Generation Five: Raiders of the Lost Ark Phew! Finally out from the grip of your helicopter parent’s control. Of course they loved you and you love them right back. This isn’t about being ungrateful. It’s just that you want to get out and explore and they were always too protective let it happen. Now the world is your smoked oyster! Traits: Loves Outdoors, Goofball, Lazy Aspiration: Archaeology Scholar Career: Writer - Author Rules: 1. Join the scouting after school career 2. Master Selvadoradian Culture and Guitar skill 3. Complete Writer (Author) and Archaeology Scholar aspiration 4. Have one long term relationship in your normal town and one in Selvadorvia. Decide which one to marry on the birthday when you become an adult. 5. Create a holiday that has Bar-B-Que as a tradition. Generation Six: Tootsie You are the best actor the world has ever known. It’s just that the world doesn’t know it yet because you can’t pass any auditions. Could it be something about the way you look? What if you changed it. REALLY changed it? Traits: Snob, Loner,Perfectionist Aspiration: Master Actress/Actor Career: Acting Rules: 1.Join after school drama club 2. Master dancing skill 3. When you become a young adult, change your hairstyle to one originally designated for the opposite gender. At least one item of clothing should also fit that description. 4. Complete Acting career and Master Actress/Actor aspiration. 5. Make at least two wishing well wishes 6. Have a ‘squad’. Generation Seven: Heathers Revenge is best carried out when you look FAB! Everybody wants to be just like you. If they don’t they should! They can either follow your lead or pay the consequences. Either way, you'll be wearing a ...um..killer...outfit when it all goes down. Traits: Evil, Insider, Cheerful Aspiration: Leader of the Pack Career: Secret Agent - Villain Rules: 1. Create a club populated other Sims with mean or evil traits 2. Master Mischief and Fitness skills 3. Complete Secret Agent (Villain) career and Leader of the Pack aspiration 4. Try every bubble machine flavor 5. Never wear jeans 6. Marry somebody with the ‘good’ trait Generation Eight: Money Pit You are so embarrassed by your parents. You are SO much better than them. Even if it’s only you and your mirror that believes it. Everything became too much to handle and you had to flee them all and get a place of your own. It might be a dump now but it is YOUR dump. One day, it’ll be the mansion a gem like you deserves. Traits: Materialistic,Self-Absorbed,Outgoing Aspiration: Mansion Baron Career: Painter - Patron of the Arts Rules: 1. Move into a low-grade home in any neighborhood. 2. Set three trait lots. One must be “Cursed’,the other two are up to you. 3. Master Handiness and Rocket Science skills 4. Complete Painter (Patron of the Arts) and Mansion Baron aspiration 5. Always celebrate birthdays with a honey cake 6. Have a swing set Generation Nine: War Games People are okay but computers are better. You just know all that time spent in your bedroom becoming a keyboard commander will pay off one day. Who knows, maybe you’ll even use them to save the world? Traits: Genius, Good, Unflirty Aspiration: Computer Whiz Career: Tech Guru - eSport Gamer Rules: 1. Master Logic and Piano skills 2. Complete Tech Guru (eSport Gamer) career and Computer Whiz aspiration 3. Play chess at a public chess table at least once a week 4. Win Hackathon at Geekcon 5. Be good friends with Potty Mouth 2.0 6. Marry somebody that you beat in chess Generation Ten: Desperately Seeking Susan Fame is everything. You want it. You want to be around it as much as possible. Stalker? Never! No matter what the police say. Devoted fan? You’ll always be that! Traits: Music Lover, Erratic, Vegetarian Aspiration: World-Famous Celebrity Career: Critic - Arts Critic Rules: 1. Master Singing and Flower Arranging skills 2. Complete Critic (Arts Critic) career and World-Famous Celebrity aspiration 3. Collect at least five proper celebrity (or above) autographs 4. Complete festival t-shirt collection 5. Go on dates with three celebrities 6. Have a kid with a celebrity Have fun! I can't wait to see what stories plat out. Share as much as possible! Use #SilverScreenSims in the Gallery and on social media so we can follow each other's progress there too. I plan on streaming a lot of my legacy play on Twitch. I'm Sims4Sarah everywhere.
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