#Laughing at the injured
thefrsers · 7 days
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Everything that matters, is already in this room.
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theladyofrosewater · 2 months
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Michael literally every time they finish a ghost hunt
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llove-me-anyway · 2 months
this is such a funny clip without context
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pepsi-maxwell · 2 months
still thinking about punk saying mjf was doing great work until he started to pander to the iwc because it's so fucking true
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i am unfortunately too full of whimsy to take my own falls seriously
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damnretro · 3 months
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Alain Prost, René Arnoux, Didier Pironi and Patrick Tambay 1983
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ecto-stone · 3 months
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No need to Work up so much Vladdy. Just sit Back and enjoy the absolute chao that about to happen.
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thetacoshellturtle · 1 year
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The very first sketch actually very much inspired my fanfic And today, my brain decided it was a good time to turn it into a cute little comic Despite the fact that my astigmatism started acting up when I woke up I am definitely not going to regret that decision Hey, at least I made a wholesome little comic with future Leo and present Leo Yes this is supposed to be immediately after the invasion
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wafflesrisa · 10 months
Sky Sports are now laughing at Daniel having to go to hospital for a “little check” 💀
Crofty: “What did you learn Karun, when you were headed towards a wall?”
Karun: “erm. Take-”
Crofty: “Take your hands off the wheel!” /obnoxious laughter
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teasemic · 1 year
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✨_:(´ཀ`」∠):_ ✨
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kyistell · 2 months
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Hehe Hockey!!!
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How do you think Andalites in human morph deal with the human instinct to pet fluffy creatures that may or may not kill them?
I assume it'd depend on the area. In the U.S. and Europe we've killed off 99.9% of the critters who wouldn't run away and would kill a human who runs at them yelling "fluffy!!!!!" So like, I'm guessing the worst would be minor injuries or rabies from a raccoon or deer who feels cornered by this human. Anything fuzzy and venomous (tarantula, some bats, etc.) couldn't do more than cause moderate pain for a bitten human.
The issue with threatening a bear or buffalo enough that one kills you is that that doesn't happen incidentally. The human has to go into the other critter's territory, and most of the time has to repeatedly walk at the critter while ignoring threat displays in order to get killed. It's entirely possible andalites have no idea what Earth threat displays look like (considering most involve "make loud noise" and andalites don't make noise) and so might interpret a roar or growl as a form of greeting. If the morpher specifically targets the smallest and cutest critters (the babies) for attempted pets, then that'd end in death. It'd just take a lot of doing to get from an urban spaceport to a bear encounter.
If andalites can't interpret threat displays, then I'll vote for domestic dogs as posing the greatest danger. Dogs kill more humans each year than any animal except humans, largely because the two species are so interdependent. Dogs and humans are excellent at reading each other's body language, because we're both pack animals with an affinity for non-species friends, and because we've had tons of exposure to one another. So if a human who acts wrong in a way that tips off the dog's NOPE radar (walking as if used to four legs, looking around as if used to four eyes, etc.) comes at a dog and is unaware that the loud vocalizations and bared teeth mean "heck off"... yeah, that could end in tragedy.
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sleepyorchidmonster · 11 months
When injured, Cyno has a habit of only seeking assistance from friends he trusts. Which means Tighnari, Cyrus and Taj.
After the 3.2 Archon Quest, though, he can now include Nilou, Dunyazard, Dehya, Nahida, Candace and Alhaitham in this group (Traveler too, but it's hard to find them while almost dying).
Since then, he's had a couple of visits to Aaru Village after particularly difficult missions, an unexpected stay at the Homayani Estate with Dehya guarding him, as well as that time he scared Kaveh to death when he almost bled out in their porch.
Nobody is happy with those near‐death encounters, though it is a good thing Cyno has more friends.
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chaoflaka · 2 months
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Look, hero society. Look what you done to the boy.
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daz4i · 1 month
there's a fascist politician here (who, for context, was legally a terrorist a few years ago) that was a meme before he got elected. now he's like one of the biggest war criminals in this shitty government and yesterday he got into a car accident and bro, all meme groups here are going wild
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temiree · 1 year
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My first ever sketch page commission, requested by @altairey for their character Pace, a speedster superhero! :D He also eats a massive amount for that reason. These are currently available for patrons on my Patreon.
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