#Laws of Excellence
williamskaphika · 7 months
Excellence Empowerment Series : The Law of Model
Get the Most insights on Using Role Models you Scale up ✈ your Excellence and Growth in all spheres of your life through the Role Model Growth Strategy and Role Model Interactive Sheet that outlined in this blog. Your Best Self Awaited 🔥🎉💫
Welcome back to our Excellence Empowerment Series, where I will delve into the transformative designs of excellence. Today, I explore the Law of Model, the second law among the 53 Laws of Excellence. This law encapsulates a profound concept: “You will become what you follow. Your followers will do what you do, not what you say.” In this blog, I will not take you through the basic details…
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nelkcats · 9 months
False Identity
Danny knew that if he wanted to escape Amity and all the chaos that was his life he needed to get a fake identity, move and go as far away as possible. He could probably ask Tucker or Technus, but he felt it was something he had to do on his own.
He made arrangements, destroyed the portal, said goodbye and ended up moving to Gotham. However his hacking job wasn't so good and he was discovered in an instant by the bats.
They decided to investigate him instead of confronting him directly, following Jim's advice that not everyone was running because of something malicious, Danny didn't do anything out of the ordinary.
He seemed to be adjusting to Gotham which was weird on it's own but the strangest thing he did was get a job in Penguin's Iceberg Lounge but that was more because of his job search than anything else.
His past records also showed nothing more than a child with poor grades and troubling injuries, probably caused by neglectful parents.
Damian began to fear the worst and hid the adoption papers.
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stoat-party · 9 months
oh btw danse has unique “player hasn’t talked in awhile” lines for blind betrayal and they’re devastating if u care
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formosusiniquis · 1 year
There's something about the idea that every adult that spends more than ten minutes alone with Steve Harrington is instantly enamored with him 
The King Steve era house parties don't get broken up by the cops anymore. Steve is too far from his nearest neighbors for a noise complaint and the cops who would do it like Steve. They know they don't have to worry about any underage drinking and driving incidents after a Steve Harrington party because anyone who doesn't have a DD just crashes at the Harrington place, it's not like they have to worry about getting out of there before his parents get home.
His teachers can't help but let certain things slide. Excusing a middle school Steve's tardiness, the Harrington house is such a long bike ride away from the school and the bus route doesn't reach the grounds of Loch Nora. High School Steve's grades are average at best and his attention drifts, but his questions if poorly worded are insightful at heart and if you catch him away from the friends he tries too hard to keep he's polite and willing to spend time discussing his school work. By senior year they're excusing his tardiness again, they all know he has to swing by the middle school on his way over; and his forgetfulness too, two concussions in as many years it's a wonder he's not worse.
Joyce Byers, who by all accounts should hate this boy who fought her son and belittled her family, already has a snag in her armor thinking about a little boy who used to bike to Melvalds all alone for more milk and the sugar dusted cereal his mother didn't like him to have. Has her walls damaged by Jonathan coming home with a Christmas present they both know Nancy Wheeler even in her middle class glory couldn't afford. Has the adoption papers ready to be notarized when that same little boy, just a little bit bigger, offers to cart her Will around town since he knows she and Jon are busy and he has nothing better to do; really, and Will is the only one that ever says please or thank you.
Hopper, who largely left the everyday police work to the other officers, didn't interact with Steve much until the Upside Down business started. He's ready to add Harrington to the list of kids he'd die to protect the second the bloodstained boy cracks open a bleary eye from the Byers' sofa. Concussed and happy for it since it meant the youngest ones were safe.
Claudia Henderson has decided that the law has little to do with family. She's seen too many young men in the hospital grieving loved ones they can't see while parents who don't care make decisions for the dying. Steve Harrington is hers now has been since he did her Dusty's hair. The Sinclairs only let Erica roam the mall on her own on days they know Steve is working. They know no matter what Erica and Lucas promise the two of them aren't staying together. There's something rotten in Hawkins, and the kids don't whisper as quietly as they think they do. They know there's something they are missing, but they don't need to know everything to know they can trust the boy who put himself bodily in front of their child to protect him. Karen still occasionally mourns the loss of Steve as a son-in-law but the fact that he still drives Mike around even on his surliest days, she couldn't ask for more.
Wayne Munson lasted the longest. A product of night shifts and a powerful wariness around anyone whose tax bracket exceeds his by more than one jump. But he knows the kind of skittish that Steve is, remembers an eight year old boy with eyes he hadn't grown into who used to skitter away from a sharp tongue or raised hand just the same. Even then all it takes is sitting next to Steve on a rare night off, the game fuzzing in and out on the TV, listening to him softly explain the rules of it all to his boy relating it back to the ones of that dragon game Eddie likes so much and he's gone. Steve's a hard worker, a wage slave as much as Wayne these days, seems wrong to begrudge him just cause the house he's kept at is a little bigger than theirs. There are worse boys to have as future in-laws, even if he is a Cubs fan.
The only person who doesn't seem to get the memo is Richard Harrington. So rarely around his own son he isn't swept up in the charm. Richard and Stephanie Harrington make their way back to Hawkins, unannounced on a Tuesday. The sleepy morning hours are still lingering when they make their way into the house, through the foyer, and onto the kitchen; following the sounds of crooning oldies. Richard has long thought his son a disappointment, too lazy to get into college and too spoiled to leave home, catching him dancing around the kitchen like a fairy with some trailer trash punk is really the last straw. He lets the wife he wishes he didn't have make some asinine comment to this freak that's in his kitchen, and turns to the child he never wanted to say, "I want you out, I won't have a queer living under my roof."
Stephanie and that long haired bastard both rear back like they've been slapped. While Richard is forced to watch as the son he's neglected straightens up, every ounce the man every other adult on Hawkins has watched him become, look him in the eye and say, "It's not your house, it never was. Grandpa Otis left it to me. So if you've got a problem with me or my fucking boyfriend, you can get out of my house. Looks like you're already packed."
That empty house gets emptier as Richard, alone, takes the furniture he paid for and the clothes that lingered in the closet; but it's quickly filled with the hand-me-downs of everyone who has ever fallen for that Harrington charm. They're all too happy to help Steve fill what's his.
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otaku553 · 4 months
Other than ASL, which characters do you like in One Piece? Whether it’s design, story role, personality etc.
I have SO many favorites in one piece it’s kind of difficult to choose lmao
Storytelling wise, outside of ASL and the main crew, I’ve really enjoyed Bonney and Law! Bonney especially with the recent arc in the manga :’) she’s so loved…….
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(We don’t talk about Bonney’s canonical design. Or, at least, I won’t. Also whoops I forgot law’s other knuckle tats,,,, ignore that)
Otherwise I also really enjoy Robin (but I’ve drawn her already for another ask hehe) and Koala? But completely for story reasons. I would say there’s probably not a single female character in one piece whose design I fully enjoy just because at times I am convinced that Oda has never actually seen a woman before. But their stories are so incredibly compelling,,,,,,
Visual design wise I kind of enjoy Koby and Helmeppo and how they’ve changed over time! And I absolutely adore Jinbei and Brook and Chopper! Design wise I actually probably most enjoy brook and jinbei, and maybe post time skip zoro? I just think they’re really neat,,,
I think probably part of the reason I enjoy sabo so much is that he’s the only character design that just like. Fully appeals to me. Like I love his character design soooo much it is unreal. But also because he’s such a unique design among the characters (being about the only character with as much screentime as he has that dresses up as a noble) it’s difficult for me to find other characters that I enjoy so much visually. As reprehensible as nobles are in the story of one piece, I tend to especially enjoy characters that are more formally dressed,,,, honestly if they extended that sort of aesthetic to the entirety of the revolutionary army I would probably have a lot more favorite characters lmao
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dimdiamond · 3 months
You know what, I love Izutsumi x Mei ship (or Izutsumei) because checks my basic bullet points for my "why to ship" list:
Size difference
Bad bitch x Autistic
Tsundere x Kuudere
At least one family member gets aneurism (in this case it's Chilchuck so it's a bonus)
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
Once you decide you're in alignment, the universe shifts in your favor. Everyone senses your alluring energy and is suddenly drawn to you. Reframe your mentality to transform your reality. Here's a sign that everything is working out for you. Decide to take control of your destiny. What's meant for you is coming into your purview. Your dreams are about to become one with your daily routine.
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thesymphonytrue · 12 days
81. “Hold still.” Peter & Neal :)
Hold Still For the Drabble challenge here. (pre-canon) Peter groaned and pried open his eyes. The feeling of cold metal against his wrists and a throbbing headache blurred his vision as he tried to make out his surroundings. It was so bright, too bright. Shards of light stabbed his corneas as he shifted his weight, attempting to stand, but his hands were cuffed behind his back. “Woah there, Agent Burke,” a smooth voice said as a hand gently pushed him back against the brick wall he’d been leaning against. Peter squeezed his eyes shut, blocking out that light and tried to place the voice. It sounded familiar but… “This will sting a bit, but I’m almost done,” the voice said again and Peter saw a flash of a smile in the recess of his mind.
Charming grin. Dark hair. Blue eyes that danced with delight. Peter let out another groan as recognition dawned on him. Neal Caffrey. He struggled against the handcuffs again, the fog from his mind beginning to clear. Neal Caffrey had cuffed him, not the other way around. Peter squirmed this way and that, but his still-muddy brain inhibited his movements and he ended up just wiggling back and forth like a worm against the wall. Finally, Neal grasped the sides of Peter’s head, forcing Peter to still, forcing Peter to stare into those blue eyes. “Hold still,” Neal said, cocking his head like he was commanding a dog to “sit and stay.” Peter scowled. Neal’s face was still a bit blurry, but his brows were furrowed in….concern?
"You're a terrible patient, you know that, right?" Neal said lightly under his breath, his fingers nimbly assessing some painful, wet wound on Peter's forehead. “Well you’re…” Peter grunted painfully, “Under arrest.” Neal laughed, bright and clear and Peter’s head erupted in pain as a result. “Ahh Peter,” Neal shook his head, his usually coiffed dark hair falling around his face as he brought his hands up the corner of Peter’s forehead, “If you can catch me after I am done stitching up this head wound, then I’ll come with you to prison fair and square.” Just then, Peter felt a tiny prick and winced, closing his eyes. A little tug on his head, and then Neal sat back on his knees and observed his work, narrowing his eyes and humming to himself. “Just saved you an emergency room trip and from the mob that we were both running from minutes ago,” Neal said, an edge of cocky pride to his voice. Neal clicked open the cuffs restraining Peter, leaning in so close to Peter that his heart pounded and he could smell Neal's cologne. Peter had never been this close to someone he'd chased and not cuffed them.
It was thrilling. Neal tucked the handcuffs into his own pocket, shrugging. “Never know when these will come in handy.” “Hmph,” Peter reached up to find a neat row of three stitches close to his hairline. Neal smiled brightly, eyes dancing as looked at Peter. “You won’t even have a scar,” he said boastfully, light and energy radiating from him. He patted Peter’s shoulder, “See you next time, Peter.” “Caffrey….” Peter bemoaned, trying to stand, but his head was pounding. Neal grinned and bowed politely, “Please. Call me Neal.” And then he was gone, leaving Peter with a throbbing headache, near-perfect sutures, and…a warmth in his chest. Peter smiled, not even angry that Neal had gotten away. Neal had left an aura of sparkling energy, falling to the ground like soft snow and enveloping Peter in light. Since Neal Caffrey got away this time, that meant Peter would see him again. And Peter didn’t seem to have a problem with that at all.
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princesssascha · 3 months
The best thing to invest in (aka yourself)
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I'm sure everyone has thought about their current or future finances many times, and I'm also sure that you'd love to make a lot of money. Sure, you can spend hours searching the internet for the best business idea or the best college majors that you are not even interested in, but how about taking the easy route? A low risk, high reward and easy way to be financially free. Isn't that just a dream?
One of the most recent as well as most popular ways to earn money is investing. Although it can be a great way to earn money, 99% of the time it will only make you a lot of money if you're already rich! But there is one thing that you can invest in that will never fail you, yet no one talks about it. YOURSELF. The most valuable thing in the universe.
Define your goals
Ask yourself: What are your goals? If you want to be a business owner, learn skills that will be helpful in that field, for example marketing, so you can advertise your products, which will increase your revenue. Once you decide what your goal is research what skills are valuable and educate yourself of those topics.
But what if I don't know what I want to do?
That's completely fine! Instead of thinking about a specific niche, think about what you want your life to look like in general. Do you want to earn a lot of money? Google some of the most paying jobs. Do you value creativity in your work field? There are jobs for that too! It's ok if you can't find something that intrigues you. It's a journey and you don't need to find something that you'll do for the rest of your life right away.
Learn about money
Something that you can do regardless of what you want to achieve in life is learning about money! Unfortunately, most people don't know much about it except that it can buy you things. I can assure you that if you spend even just one week learning about this topic, you will know more than 90% of people. Robert Kiyosaki, who wrote the best seller "rich dad poor dad", is a great author that can teach you a lot about finance. I highly recommend all of his books, I'm sure you'll find something that peaks your interest.
Courses & school
Whether you are in school or not, you need to educate yourself! Everything can be monetized. Literally everything. We live in incredible times where if you just have a phone and access to the internet EVERYTHING you could want to learn can be learned online for free. Just go on YouTube and search something along the lines of (topic) 101, (topic) masterguide, etc. the possibilities are endless and I assure you that you will find something. If you don't mind spending money for courses try skillshare to unlock all courses available on their site or Udemy, they often do 80% off sales so you can get their courses for like $5.
Learn languages
I can't stress this enough! This is probably one of the best things you can do for yourself! Learning a new language can open so many doors for you! It can help you get a higher paying job, give you countless new opportunities and help you meet incredible people who speak that language. There are no right or wrong languages to choose, but in case you have no idea what you want, here are some of the most important factors:
Amount of speakers: This will be your main factor if your main goal is to reach as many people as possible, for any reason. This includes languages such as: Spanish, French, English (duh), or if you're up for a challenge: Hindi, Mandarin or Arabic.
Enjoyment: I think this should be important to everyone. You can't learn a language if you don't enjoy it. Try to learn the basics and see if you like how it sounds and how it feels.
Travel/domicile: if you know your dream is to move to a different country, where another language is spoken, it might be a good idea to learn it. Also, if you're interested in some country's culture you might also find it to be a great reason to learn it.
Job opportunities: although, as I mentioned above, pretty much every single language will give you many opportunities, it might vary depending on where you live and what your field of work is, for example if you live in the US, the most beneficial languages for you to learn will be English and Spanish. If you work in a company that works with Japanese companies, then Japanese might be a good choice for you. Of course, the most popular languages will have benefits pretty much anywhere in the world.
Other ways to invest in urself
Honestly, it would be difficult to fit all the resources in this post since that would make it ridiculously long, and I want to include many things so that everyone can find something that they enjoy, so I will make a whole different post about all of this in the future, because of that reason I will briefly go over a few other ways to grow:
Reading is incredible! It has countless health benefits and it is a great way to learn about new things or expand your vocabulary. And no, you don't need to read educational books, although it sure is even more helpful. If you want to learn new words reading any book at all could help. I can say that as someone who grew up constantly reading people are often shocked at my vocabulary (in my native language), even since I was 5 years old, so yes, it works.
Mindful scrolling
Instead of just sitting on your phone all day watching stupid videos, pay attention to what content you're consuming and how long you spend on your phone.
Self care
I'm sure you guys already know that, so treat this as a reminder. Take care of yourself! And remember, looking out together can help you a lot in life. So put that face mask on, buy that new perfume you like and most importantly - prioritize your health!
Now you know exactly what you need to set yourself up for success. No more excuses!
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mossymandibles · 8 months
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I get where you’re coming from but if you’re looking for Consistent Anatomical Accuracy and Believability I’m afraid you’re knocking on the wrong toilet seat there bud. He’s very much stylized and his legs work well on land because I want them to. He deserves a good gallop.
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williamskaphika · 7 months
The Power of Visualization: Transforming Imagination into Excellence
Discover the transformative power of visualization techniques to manifest your goals and cultivate a positive mindset. Dive into practical steps, guided by expert insights, to harness the art of intentional imagination.
Welcome to Excellence Empowerment Series: Day 01 of the 53 Laws of Excellence. Today, my focus is to take you through The Law of Visualization as one super technique and discipline towards excellence in all endeavors. It is a great delight that you are here. In the pursuit of excellence, the first law, “The Law of Visualization”, highlights a profound truth: what people see externally is a…
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gingerteaonthetardis · 3 months
life comes at you fast, like a week ago i had depression. this week i still have depression but i'm going to adopt some chickens
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snarp · 6 months
me, texting: "Hey, I'm calling to see if Uncertainty the Cat is ready to go home?" "Hang on and let me check - oh you said UNCERTAINTY? That sweet sweet little boy? Oh my gosh let me tell you I love Uncertainty, I've been letting him run around the office with me and he is just"
thegeekgene: Good
thegeekgene: Correct reaction to Uncertainty
me: Waiting to pick him up, and they've visibly been moving him back in line every time someone else shows up to pick up an animal, presumably because he is Good And Quiet. I keep hearing them tell other customers like "he sure does have a personality" "she is READY to go home"
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pratchettquotes · 2 years
But magic is never as simple as people think. It has to obey certain universal laws. And one is that, no matter how hard a thing is to do, once it has been done it'll become a whole lot easier and will therefore be done a lot. A huge mountain might be scaled by strong men only after many centuries of failed attempts, but a few decades later grandmothers will be strolling up it for tea and then wandering back afterward to see where they left their glasses.
Terry Pratchett, Maskerade
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bitcoinrecoveryexpert · 6 months
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At Ultimate Hacker Jerry, Have a team of legal cryptocurrency investigators. The team is excellent at conducting extensive investigations. They have advanced software that classifies links between cryptocurrency addresses and entities. It assists in finding similar criminals, fiat on and off-ramps, and mixers. They create and document everything on these servers; in the form of intelligence for law enforcement cases. It helps with Bitcoin Recovery. It also assists in cases of ransomware, money laundering, terrorism financing, narcotics trafficking.
UHJ's detailed reports proved to be beneficial for the investigation and always lent a hand with judicial proceedings.
Their experts will help with the witness in the court; when it’s time to prosecute and recover the assets. Ultimate Hacker Jerry acts as a network connecting an exceptionally trained team with the investors who’ve lost their bitcoins and other cryptos along the way.
E-Mail ([email protected]) Call or Whtsp  +1(520)282-7151) Visit website: ultimateshackjerry.com
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
Do you have a list of affirmations? I’m trying to embrace femininity
I love this question! Sharing some affirmations below xx
I’m the sole creator of my joy and pleasure. Every accomplishment and influential person in my life is a reflection of my ability to achieve self-satisfaction. 
I grant myself unlimited permission to live deeply, darkly, and richly in my feminine energy. 
I deserve pleasure in every aspect of my life and fully immerse myself in these desires. My mind is free of limitations. I live with discretion, not shame. 
I am worthy of all the happiness, praise, joy, fulfillment, success, and satisfaction that flows into my life. 
I attract everything I desire. Embodying seduction is second nature to me. 
I love my body, mind, soul, and spirit to an endless degree. I honor my life, healthy, vitality, and rights to pleasure and peace. 
I value myself and know my worth. I hold myself with the highest levels of respect and self-regard. I exist to take care of myself and protect my peace at all costs. Protecting my peace Is beneficial for me and those I care about most deeply – it grants me the emotional space to provide others with the greatest amount of empathy. 
I stand in my power daily. I wake up every morning, energized and full of creativity to fuel my day. I remain focused on my goals as an act of self-care. I derive pleasure equally from discipline and indulgences. I live in my dream reality. 
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