#Leo isn’t an asshole who is boring as hell
sapphiretanto · 1 year
(CW: Ranting/Venting; the fic I am talking about will not be named, nor will I give the author’s name away. Please send me a message if you want to know)
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Did we even watch the same show? He’s not a caring, big brother? He’s a stick in the mud?
The only thing I’ll give you is that he’s full of himself… because he’s an idiot teenager with badass fighting skills and weapons. Of course he’s gonna be a cocky little shit. Most people with Leo’s skill would be.
I’m going to assume that you mean part of the time he’s full of himself. But if you mean all the time, then I’ll correct you there. More often than not, he is actually very insecure— a very common trait among the Leonardo’s.
“Maybe I shouldn’t be leading the team?”
“It’s all my fault. I let the guys down!”
“I don’t think I’ll ever be the same again”
“I’d just hold you back. You guys train, I’ll watch. It’s all I’m good for anyway…”
“I’m a liability to the whole team”
“I won’t be much help out there anyway”
Leo is a perfectionist and this shows in the way he leads— coming across as bossy or arrogant— and how he treats himself. The guy just got out of a three-month coma after he had the shit kicked out of him and what does he say when he’s by himself after everyone else went to look for Raph in the woods?
He holds himself to impossibly high standards— both placed by himself and some of the misguided lessons he was taught.
Alright, now for the stick in the mud part. Leo is a fucking dork (I mean this in the most affectionate sense). He loves Space Heroes to the point where he quotes it during missions. He likes puns, is fascinated by Japan culture, martial arts, meditation, etc. He trains very hard to excel at ninjutsu/martial arts— both so he can help his brothers in combat and because it’s a passion of his. That doesn’t make him boring in the slightest. He has some of the most ridiculous dialogue throughout the series:
“Alright guys. Let’s put Old Mother Hubbard back in her cupboard!”
“Hello!? Space Heroes!? Captain Ryan! Didn’t you see the episode where they fought the Cortexecons?!”
“Awesome! Oh, this is so rad! I feel like Van Helsing, but way cooler than him, actually. Way more rad than Van Helsing”
“Alright guys, prepare to dish out the mighty wrath of justice!”
“We don’t know he’s gonna do anything bad. He could be on his way… to… church!”
“I… don’t really have a pinky?”
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He can’t lie for shit which leads to him saying silly things:
“Be cool. Be cool.” *answers phone* “uh.. hey man! What’s… what’s going down? *Raph says they better have not watched the Crognard finale without him and Leo laughs nervously* W-who, us?! Of course not! But I bet if we did watch it, we would have found it anti-climate… climactic!”
*gets asked by Chloe if there’s other turtles like him* “Nope! Uh-uh! Just me! Mr. Imaginary Talking Turtle!”
“He’s just kidding, Mrs. O’Neil. Kirby’s…uh.. on a.. safari! In Puerto Rico! And he won’t be back for a while.”
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And he’s not the goody-two shoes and suck up people think of him as. He has gone behind Splinter’s back on several occasions, snuck out both willingly and unwillingly. The guy dressed in black and caused petty crime with his sister and her girlfriend Shinigami because he was pissed off at Shredder.
As for not being a caring brother. You mean this guy?! This Leo?! ⬇️
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Couldn’t be this Leo, right? There’s no way he’s a mother hen— being both doting and getting after his brothers.
“Don’t talk with your mouth full!”
“Mikey, you never cease to amaze me”
“Leo never left your side” — April when Raph was reduced to a mere plant by The Creep
“I’m sorry about Spike, Raphael.”
“Donnie, don’t lose sight of who you are!”
“Nice job, D”
“Donnie, the go karts worked great. Nice job!”
“Mikey, come on! It’s not that bad! And Raph promises not to make fun of you anymore.”
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Not the Leo that uses all his strength and stays behind in the Technodrome holding Kraang Prime so his brothers and April can escape. Not that Leo who while just barely awake after a coma goes after a mutated monster in the woods to get his family back. Not that Leo who forced himself to stay calm so the others can be calm while they go through the most insane shit, or cannot grieve in the moment because he has to ensure the rest of their safety, so his focus during missions and battle is scattered in different places. Because he couldn’t possibly help bandage their wounds, worry when they’re hurt and not give up on a family member. Not Leo preventing Donnie from straight up unaliving Don Vizioso because Leo doesn’t want his younger brother to do what he did and change him like it changed him. He doesn’t sacrifice himself over and over because he loves his brothers, right? Right??
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goldvnboy · 3 years
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screams hi guys im gemma && im so excited to be here !! on today’s disaster episode im introducing my boy, park jaehyun, a whole ass snake in sheep’s clothing 🤪 if u would like to plot w me, pls hit the LIKE button && ill come runnin into ur dms ( or more preferably u can add me on discord @ gemma#8039 ) !! also under the cut is some fun facts abt him bc ya bitch and straight to the point simply do not gel so a lot of this info may not be immediately evident in the bio huhu
( stats \ bio \ plots )
gemini sun, aries moon, leo rising / enfj / chaotic neutral
momma’s boy thru && thru, his dad cheated on his momma so the man can go to hell ( nah jk deep down jaehyun still hella thirsty for his dad’s approval also who else is gna give him all this good ass STATUS )
jaehyun is honestly a perfect mix between his mom && dad !! his dad tends to be p in ur face but that can translate into him being p easy to read and sorta relatable while his mom tends to be more enigmatic and does a lot of work behind the scenes huhu
so at face value he is like those sports captains that give rlly motivational yet kinda crass pep talks + a lil slow at times + can get pretty aggressive if u challenge him ( thx 4 yo dominant genes dad ) so everyone who comes across him doesn’t think he has the wits for it bUT PLOT TWIST !! he is p familiar with manipulation / underhanded tactics thx to his mom who whipped his stupid ass into shape !!
honestly the best descriptor i can give is imagine a loud, kinda dumb jock taking a bachelor in snakery hurr durr
but him being manipulative doesn’t necessarily translate to him being hella evil ?? it’s honestly v similar to his momma, who is v manipulative too but in a way that she thinks it’s for the greater good ( i.e. keeping the peace, calming the situation, thinking she knows better, the person she’s manipulating doesn’t know what’s good for them etc )
speaking of, my boy honestly just wanted to be a pro soccer player && yeah he’s great and all but his skills are probably juuuust shy of being considered to play pro, but also his parents have alw wanted him to go into politics to follow after his dad’s footsteps && when he didn’t want to at first, his mom basically manipulated him into thinking this is def the Superior Option and So Much Fun
so yeah he enjoys politics rn but deep down there is that child that just wants to play soccer yknow
that said his manipulation can turn really Ugly and evil when his competitive side comes out !! case in point back when he was a charity pledge, he basically disqualified the other charity pledge by managing to get his hands on a sex tape ft. that pledge and a [ redacted ] initiate !! he also coulda sent the tape to the regent at the time, but he decided it would be more fun to play it for the whole uni to see and let em find out that way :)) of course if anyone asks him this he’s gna be like ?? huh ?? i didn’t do that but man what an asshole that other pledge was breaking the rules like that i would n e v e r do that e v e r ( also if ur wondering, jaehyun is not the greatest schemer on the planet so a lot of his brilliant ideas can be attributed to his mastermind bestie fthv )
also one defining feature of jaehyun is he is the biggest sore loser in the milky way && if u > him in literally anyth, he will secretly hate ur ass ( he may even plot ur downfall depending on how important this competition was to him el oh el )
like no joke, this man could decide not to participate in a race thinking nah it sounds boring the stakes are lame, then when the winner for that race is announced hes like >:( basically if he doesn’t win in anyth he qualifies is eligible to apply for he gna >:( not him dreaming of random committees hes barely even heard of barging into his room w a gold medal w his name on it
ok enough shading my boy huhu jaehyun is v v aware of his strengths and weaknesses and he’s honestly an amazing team player !! like he understands his role v v well espc in schemes and such, so he’s not the type to try and do someone else’s job and he knows if you’re the expert, he’s not gonna mansplain u cause obv u know more than he does l o l so he is v aware of his stupidity role and he executes it to perfection !! even if sometimes that role just means lookin pretty
he is also known to be flighty but that’s just him trying people out for wear, cause he knows his weaknesses v well and lets that guide him as to the kind of people he needs on his team and if u don’t fit the bill he’s simply gna *andy from ts2 vc* i don’t wanna play with you anymore
but to the people he considers part of his *vin diesel vc* family, he is Omega loyal to u and if he goes up, yall go up tgt !! rule of thumb is his family can win ( ideally not in smth he rlly cares abt or he gna semi >:( again ) but everyone else who isn’t part of his family can only lose or he gna try knock ur ass out :)) but if he smells any disloyalty he is gna end u x100 compared to if u were just some random
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yeochikin · 4 years
of coffees and spells. | j. wooyoung
a/n: thank you so much @fvrcore for requesting a wooyoung fluff! i tried something new but still held onto the fluff concept bcs haha i suck at angst pls jfhdj this is a long read with maybe a few inaccuracies as well. so please do forgive me! i enjoyed writing this though so i hope you enjoyed reading this as much as i enjoyed writing this! ✨💖
word count: 11k+ (idk man i lost count djfhh)
warnings: uhh inaccuracies with spells and the likes maybe, a few swears too. other than that, there isn’t anything else!
a soft sigh was slowly emitted from slightly chappy yet moist lips, courtesy of the warm tea swirling ever so gently in your favourite mug you are holding in your cold hands. your favourite blanket was draped over your shoulders while you admired how the stars and moon were hanging on the night sky above your head, shining ever so brightly. this certain time of day has always been your favourite, or should you call it time of night? ah, whatever. what matters is that you find comfort during the night. 
speaking of the night, it was rather quiet, save for the sounds of the night’s wind breezing through that would make the leaves of the trees surrounding your cottage rustle every now and then, the wind chime hanging idly on the arch of your porch gently chiming by the wind as well, and of course, let’s not forget the crickets playing their songs into the night. 
of course, you are not completely away from civilisation, where else could you get your basic needs if not from the town’s market? if you had a dollar every time someone asked if you lived deep within the wilderness, surely you could at least be a millionaire by now. truly, you feel amused with such assumptions being thrown in your direction. and as for money? why, you used to work in a little coffee house just a little over a month ago. from there, you worked on a lot of different pastries that ranged from sponge cakes to muffins to breads! and also from there, you had the determination to open up your own place when you have the sufficient funds.
and before you know it, tomorrow’s finally the day to open up your own little bakery in town, aurora bakery was the name you had decided. coincidentally, right in front of the coffee house you used to work in. despite being another place where one could hang out, the pressure of being possible rivals with the coffee house was not present. if it wasn’t for the coffee place, you wouldn’t have found out the love for baking.  the thought of opening said shop up is already enough to make your chest bubble with excitement as the corners of your lips twitched up. that was, until..
with furrowed brows at the sudden noise (and the voice that invaded your mind) from the inside, you looked over your shoulder to gaze through the window to see whatever the hell was making the noise. to your surprise, your little.. feline friend standing on one of the several shelves that were hung on the walls of your cottage’s living room. the contents of the shelves varied from glass bottles, to dried herbs, to jars of objects filled in them, some recognisable while some of the contents were just unknown.
following their gaze on the floor, a previously glass bottle with some type of red liquid had covered your floor. sighing, you got up from your seat and immediately went inside to clean up the mess. 
there goes your peaceful night. 
“leo, this is the fourth time you broke one of my potion bottles!” you hissed, immediately looking for your broom and dustpan right next to the door. 
said cat merely had his tail swishing from back and forth as he blinked boredly at you, curling up into a little ball afterwards. 
‘sorry, a cat’s instincts.’ the voice appeared in your mind yet again, undoubtedly from the cat friend in front of you. 
“more like an asshole’s instincts.” you grumbled underneath your breath, and with a wave of your hands, the broom started sweeping the broken glass pieces into the dustpan, promptly throwing them into the almost full trash bin as you made a mental note to empty it out later during the morning.
ah, yes. potion bottles, jars of unknown objects, things in your house moving in the air by itself with a simple wave of your hands, a talking feline friend, living in a cottage just outside of town alone? there was no doubt the same answer would pop up into a stranger’s mind.
a witch. 
sure, you don’t always wear black like it would be someone’s funeral every day of the year, nor do you have a long and pointy nose along with a high pitched laugh that could easily split someone’s ears. but is it really necessary to pinpoint someone as such just by those three points? oh how the stories you heard from the townsfolk with their assumptions were an eye roll or managed to make you feel amused. 
times have changed, yet you still wonder as to why people seemed to still have such a mindset on witches. 
so far, you are the only witch in town. surprisingly, no one has caught onto the fact that a little witch has been living near them for a few years now. you didn’t really care if someone had caught on though, there’s always a special drink you could come up with to erase that certain fact away from their minds or with a discreet snap of your fingers along with an incantation, it would be washed away. 
it was understandable as to why your parents were against letting you move away from the safe haven they had created in another town you used to live in, afraid that someone would have found out about your true identity. but of course, as mentioned before, a simple spell or potion could do the trick. besides, you were sure you could handle it yourself. with enough convincing and reassurance, your parents finally let you go. and as some type of companion, your parents insisted on bringing one of your many pets from home to go with you. thus, having leo by your side.
true, you felt homesick at times, but the feeling was always washed away whenever leo would come up to your side and snuggle to you in bed, silently knowing how you felt deep within. if a huge chance was on your side, you could even go back to your old place for a little while to catch up on your parents, telling all of the interesting events during your endeavours. 
speaking of visiting, you had made a mental note to visit them as soon as possible, wanting to tell them about the little bakery you are about to open.
‘it’s late, young lady. stop thinking too much, you’re being too loud.’ a grouchy voice interfered with your thoughts, knowing full well who it belonged to.
with a roll of your eyes, you made your way to the bathroom to do your nightly routine of washing your face, brushing your teeth, and burning the incense you had made earlier in the afternoon, sighing in content once the sweet smell of roses had wafted into your nose as soon as you got comfortable in bed. 
slowly, you let the soft sound of the rustling leaves, the soft chiming from the wind chime, and the crickets of the night lull you to sleep, getting enough rest before the big day tomorrow.
“one, two!” you heaved pulling out the last tray filled with chocolate filled croissants out of the huge oven, walking out of the kitchen to the front of the bakery with leo balancing himself on your shoulders. 
‘you’re a witch, why are you going through this?’ grumbled leo. 
“you seem to think that it would be easy for me to use my powers in broad daylight where half of the town could see.” you retorted, walking over to the glass display so you could place the freshly baked pastries next to the other ones.
“plus, i don't see why you are complaining considering you're just watching me.” you added.
you didn’t bother to answer the cat’s next complaint, merely pulling him off of your shoulders to let him rest on top of the counter. a satisfied purr resonated against the feline’s neck as your fingers scratched behind his ears. smiling proudly to yourself and placed both hands on your hips to marvel your hard work of the day. you had spent most of the morning just decorating the empty spots of the bakery, baking the treats, and wiped the tables clean. nodding faintly, you decided that it was time. 
it was time to flip the sign to ‘open’. with that, aurora bakery is officially open for business!
while expecting for customers to hopefully smell the scent of freshly baked goods attracted them to your little bakery, you grabbed your broom and started sweeping away the dried leaves just outside of your bakery as if to busy yourself a little more without having to bore yourself waiting (another part not wanting to bicker with the annoying feline in your bakery), and occasionally greeted the few townspeople that recognised you. pausing slightly in your sweeping to wipe away the thin sheet of sweat that had formed on your forehead with the back of your hand, it was only then you noticed that another pair of eyes was watching you.
there, in the coffee house in front of your bakery, you noticed a raven haired boy leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed. an unfamiliar face to you, could he be a new resident of this small town you lived in? 
with the short sleeved collared shirt he wore, you could faintly make out what seems to be a tattoo on his arm but with the distance, it was difficult to make out what it was. his wavy hair was parted right in the center with a dark ebony colour that reminded you of the sky just last night. his eyes, though half-lidded, held some type of cheekiness in them. however, his appearance wasn't the one that caught your attention. the male’s aura for some reason was rather… different yet familiar? if that could even make sense. true, he had a mysterious air around him though he radiated another energy that you can't quite put your finger on.
'it's rude to stare, young lady.’ 
blinking a few times, you glared down at the furball sitting next to your legs, partly embarrassed that you were caught staring and partly wanting to turn the cat into one of those fortune cat dolls you see every time you were in a family restaurant around town. leo only stared up at you with an unamused expression then to the male just in front of you. following his gaze yet again, you turned to look at the boy but instead, he already turned on his heels and walked further into the coffee house with both hands tightening the strings of his apron around his waist.
“i wonder if he just moved in, haven't really seen him before.” you mumbled before feeling a slight tug on your dress shirt, immediately catching your attention to look down.
a little girl with two high pigtails stared up at you with her huge eyes, one hand on the fabric of your shirt while the other tightly held a stuffed bunny close to her side. she looked to be about six years old. you smiled gently and kneeled down to match your height with hers, tilting your head to the side in question.
“hey, cutie. what can i do to help you?” you spoke, tone all soft as if you were afraid to scare her away.
with sheepish eyes shifting over at your face then to her shoes, then back to you, she held out a ten dollar bill, causing you to confusedly blink at her actions. it took the girl a few more seconds before parting her lips to speak. 
“i smelled something really nice from your… bread house and, and i have money that mommy gave me earlier, and can i buy something with this?” she asked.
internally, you were about to combust at how adorable with the way she was talking along with the fact that she had called your bakery ‘bread house’. you were happy to say that having a cute girl as your first customer managed to be the highlight of your day so far. nodding your head, you stood back up on your feet and held out your hand for her to take.
“of course! why don't you come inside and see what interests you, little one.” you cooed, melting on the inside at how she carefully took your hand in her own smaller one as her features brightened up out of happiness before the both of you walked back inside, leo trudging shortly from behind.
you watched as the little girl looked around the bakery in awe, no doubt amazed at the various treats on display, before running towards the ones that were in the large glass case. kneeling down once again next to her, you couldn't help but to release a chortle that bubbled in your chest. 
before you know it, a couple more townspeople had visited your little bakery. hopefully, things are looking up. with a huge grin on your face, you stood up on your feet, getting ready to assist the customers.
“welcome to aurora bakery!” 
you hummed to a soft tune as you kneaded the dough, leo napping on top of the shelves in your bakery’s kitchen. thankfully, his so-called cat instincts didn’t push the jars of flour and spices that adorned the many shelves. had he did so, you swear you would make him take your place instead of you. you didn’t realise how much time has passed as you were too focused on assisting the customers that walked into your bakery, along with cleaning the tables, and of course, continuing to refill the trays with your treats. though, judging by the rays of crimson slipping through the thin curtains hanging above your windows, you made a random guess that it was near late afternoon.
as soon as you placed the dough into the oven to let it bake and went to wash your hands from the excess dough sticking on your skin, a quiet ‘ding’ from the bells hanging on your door signified a customer had walked into your cafe. wiping your hands on your apron with a quick fix of the crescent shaped clip that threatened to fall off of your hair, you made your way out to the front to greet the said customer. 
“welcome to- oh.” you accidentally let the words die off in our throat. really, you didn’t mean to. 
standing in front of the cashier, you were met with the same cheeky eyes from before staring into your own. it was the boy from the coffee house! with his elbows resting on top of the counter, you could finally see that the tattoo on his arm was in the shape of, what looks like, a fox, a snow fox to be specific. you also noticed the little mole just underneath his eye. like before, you once again felt the familiar yet still unfamiliar energy surrounding the male. odd.
“well, hello, miss baker.” he greeted, simpering at the way you had paused in your steps. 
his voice was soft, catching you off guard yet you remained a calm demeanour. it wasn’t bad at all. the tone reminded you of… of milk coffee warming you up during a rainy evening. you didn’t know if it made sense but if you had to mean it in another way, it was just… soft. shaking your head to finally get it together, you sent him a polite smile as you walked closer to the counter. 
“ah, you are the boy from the coffee house. how can i help you?” you asked.
leo as if he could hear you, suddenly appeared in your peripheral vision as he jumped onto the counter next to you and gave out a soft purr as you scratched behind his ears. his eyes stared at the tattoo that was inked on the boy’s skin with intrigue. the boy smiled down at your feline friend and switched his gaze to yours. 
“well, i thought i would stop by and say ‘hi’. i haven’t really seen you around before, the town’s baker at that.” he replied, quirking a brow up.
“now that you mentioned it, i’ve never seen you before. are you perhaps new around here?” you asked, tilting your head to the side ever so slightly. 
the question made the corner of his lips stretch further into a grin, you could faintly make out how the apples of his cheeks looked fuller once he did so. as much as you didn’t want to admit it, you knew that deep down he looks rather cute. 
“i guess grandpa didn’t tell you his grandson finally took over his coffee house once he retired, huh?” he chuckled, straightening up to shove his hands into his denims.
the look of realisation already says it all, much expected from the male with how he let out another chortle. sure, you had heard from the old man in the coffee house telling you stories about his grandson during the time you were still working there. though, the said boy never once visited. it ranged from whatever he did as a child to him during the years of growing up. however, you failed to learn the fact that his grandson would be the one taking over the coffee house. or the fact he finally retired. much less, so soon. what you clearly remember, was the name the old man had mentioned a few times.
“you must be.. jung wooyoung?” you said, though the way you had worded it coming out as more of a question.
a look of surprise was etched onto the male’s face before it softened, holding one hand out to point at himself. 
“the one and only. and you are..?” he trailed off, you catching up immediately.
“i’m y/n, y/n l/n.” you introduced, a huge grin plastered over your lips. 
“it’s nice to meet the baker. i guess we will run into each other more often than not, eh?” he grinned. 
“you say that as if i even have a choice to open up a bakery someplace else.” you mused, causing the male in front of you to release a hearty laugh.
you noted at the high pitched laugh he had, finding it contagious as you can’t help but to find yourself chortling along. despite the aura around him, you would have to say that his presence was rather warm. 
“so, how can i help the town's, um, new coffee maker for today?” you asked.
‘i don’t know, his taxes maybe?’ leo’s voice interrupted, making you discreetly pull at his tail, just enough for him grumble, ears twitching as he looked up at you. honestly, someone is in need of a cat nap rather than the one working back and forth in the bakery all day.
“ah, it would be rude to stay and not have anything, no?” wooyoung replied before his irises looked around the bakery, only stopping at a certain treat as he pointed towards the cinnamon rolls. 
“i’ll have two of those, miss baker.”
“coming right up!” 
and with that, your nimble fingers made a quick work of placing the treats into a little box before placing a little cat sticker as a seal so that the treats wouldn’t fall out of the box. satisfied, you gave the said male his treats, promptly thanking him once he paid. it was when your fingertips brushed against one another that you felt a sudden chill down your spine.
could he… no, he can’t be.
“thank you for this, y/n. in return, why don’t you come to the coffee house once you’re free?” wooyoung winked, a certain glint shining in his irises as he spoke.
“h-huh? oh yeah, sure, definitely!” you said, still recovering from the chilling sensation down your spine. 
and with that, the boy turned on his heel to walk out of the bakery. though it seems normal, something had caught your eye.
the exact fox tattoo had moved from its place on his arm to the back of his neck, its eyes blinking over at you. 
quickly rubbing your eyes with the back of your hands, the fox on his nape was gone. were you dreaming? 
‘young lady, your bread’s gonna burn in the oven!’ leo called out, making you quickly turn to rush back into the kitchen to take the bread out of the oven.
you are the only witch in town. you were certain of that.
that night in the grassy field right in front of your little cottage, you were hunched over in front of your cauldron, hands idly stirring the ladle into the concoction while your eyes had read over the instructions of your spellbook. as usual, leo was balancing himself on your shoulder blades. despite him being an annoying (and grumpy)  ball of fur, he surely knows what or what not to add to whatever you are currently doing.
with a few trials and errors, along with you and leo bickering, and some ingredients being tossed in, the dark navy mixture swirling in your cauldron lit up. at first it was rather dim but after a few more stirs in the mixture, the light grew brighter and brighter while the concoction started to bubble up. you had to shield your eyes once leo told you to back away from the cauldron, a ringing sound resonating throughout the area. you could hear liquid gurgling and some type of low thrum filling the silent night. once you were sure it was safe to open your eyes, you carefully moved your palm away from your face to look at your result. upon doing so, your eyes widened.
in front of you, stood a large mirror-like object just on top of the cauldron. the huge smile on your lips along with your tense shoulders relaxing, it was safe to say that the little experiment you tried out worked. there, you could see your parents standing with your reflection. your mother had an excited grin on her brims while your father, though with an emotionless expression, the twinkle in his eyes gave it away.
“y/n! you have finally gotten the hang of conjuring up the spell your father taught you.” came your mother’s cheerful tone.
‘yes, without my help little witch right here would’ve summoned up a flame thrall by accident.’ leo responded, his own reflection had him curling his tail around your mother’s leg. 
“not impossible. let’s not forget the time where y/n had forgotten to add a heart stone before spawning up a wolf familiar. the whole house was a huge mess trying to make the wolf go back to its realm.” your father mused, much to your embarrassment.
see, you didn’t have any problems with casting illusion spells, nor did you have any trouble in the restoration spells as well. but for some reason, conjuration spells were a bit of a difficult task for you. you remembered the time where you accidentally conjured up a one eyed troll instead of a pixie at the age of ten. it was a good thing your father was around to immediately petrify the troll before it could squash you with its giant club, and dismiss it back into another realm. let’s just say that you were grounded with a month’s worth of studying ingredients for potions after that incident. 
“i thought we didn’t need a heart stone.” you grumbled.
“you don’t need it if you want to make your wolf guardian a worthy opponent.” your father deadpanned, causing you to pout over at him, leo snickering at you. 
“all jokes aside, how are you, my dear?” your mother’s soothing voice came through, immediately reminding you of the main reason why you had decided to call them in the first place. 
“i’ve been alright, mother. i’ve even opened up my own bakery in town right in front of the old coffee house i used to work in!” you said, thumbs twiddling with each other. 
while your mother was delighted that you’re doing well, your father was rather quiet. eyes as sharp as a hawk, your father noticed your movements. from the years of watching you grow up and having to deal with you trying to hide away the little mischief you had caused since you were a mere toddler, he couldn’t help but to release a low chuckle. 
“is there something else we don’t know?” your father suddenly asked, causing you to flinch slightly in place.
“y/n..” he said sternly, causing you to sigh out of defeat, shoulders deflating.
“father.. how do you know if another witch is around you?” 
the pair in the mirror-like portal looked at one another upon hearing your question then back at you, your mother moving to place her hands on your shoulders. 
“are you safe, my child?” your mother asked, though she was a mere… ‘illusion’ through the mirror, it felt as if your mother really was there enveloping your entire frame as the familiar sweet fragrance she usually wore while you still lived them wafted into your nose.
“yes, i am safe, mother. i can assure you that.” you spoke softly.
“it’s just that.. the grandson of the owner in that coffee house took over. old man had finally retired.” you added, your parents merely nodded, making you continue as they were listening intently. 
“he seemed pretty nice, though he had an.. aura that seemed to be intriguing. no one else in the town has that certain aura but him.” you continued. 
“are you sure you will be alright, y/n?” came your mother’s worried tone, your father holding her hand.
“our child is a strong one, i’m sure y/n can handle it.” he reassured. your mother, on the other hand, merely stared between you and your father before releasing a low sigh. 
“alright. just remember to cast a ward spell around your place whenever you sleep.” she said.
‘no need, she has been burning her self-made sages for a while now. might say that it’s quite useful.’ leo said, mewling up at the older woman. 
it was when the light in the mirror somehow started to grow dim, indicating that the remaining time you had with your parents was slowly coming to an end. your parents, seeing the same thing as well, took a couple steps back from you, their hands intertwined with each other’s.
“it’s time for you to sleep, my child.” your mother said, you noticed how her eyes became a tad glossy. your father held her close to him and rubbed a hand on her arm reassuringly. the sight in front of you was enough to make your throat clench.
“we wish you well in your endeavours, y/n. stay safe, and good luck with the bakery.” your father said.
“take care of her, leo.” he added, the cat merely bowing his head and blinking slowly.
and with that, the object shone brightly once more, making you take a few steps back upon hearing leo telling you to do so with an arm covering your eyes. the familiar ringing noise was heard and then, silence surrounded you once again. you took your arm away from your eyes and saw how the cauldron from earlier laid idly on the grass, the fire you had prepared earlier was put out. taking a deep breath as you felt a slight rush of emotions, you went to pick up the cauldron, and the spellbook. 
‘it’s late, young lady. we have another busy day at the bakery tomorrow.’ leo mewled, rubbing his body against your leg.
with a gentle smile, you leaned down so the cat could climb on your shoulders once again, purring as the two of you made your way inside the cottage so you could get started on your night routine before sleeping.
for some reason, a fox with fur as white as snow visited your dreams that night.
it has been a few weeks now ever since your little bakery opened up. you weren’t exactly that popular nor was the bakery completely deserted of customers as well. you had your fair share of busy days, some days you had to even go for a quick run to the town’s market to get the ingredients that you had run out of. though, you weren’t complaining. you loved working at the bakery. something about seeing the people having their expressions brighten ever so slightly as soon as they took a bite out of your treats would always make you feel giddy on the inside.
and sometimes, when you really have to use it, you would quietly whisper an incantation or two to someone’s treat whenever you see them struggling with their day upon stepping through the doors of your bakery. your eyes holding a jovial twinkle once you see the happy expressions on their faces once they took a bite out of the treat. 
“alright, time to close up.” you mumbled. and with a couple claps of your hands, the broom floated in the air before making its way towards your outstretched hand.
with that, you started to sweep the tiled floor and the daily routine of cleaning your bakery. whenever you did tricks like these, you made sure to keep it on the down low, only using it when you were really sure no one could see you doing so. 
“good evening, miss baker.” wooyoung greeted, making you cease momentarily of picking up the empty trays for the day, mentally thanking yourself that he didn’t walk in just in time to see the floating broom.
ah, yes, jung wooyoung. it is no doubt that he is the old man’s grandson, alright. everyone in town loves him, saying his humble and bright personality reminded them of his grandfather, though with added snarkiness to it. but of course, they were all lighthearted.
on your days of not working in the bakery, you would find yourself spending time in the male’s coffee house. honestly, you weren’t a huge know-it-all when it came to coffee. all you know is that any type of caffeine being consumed by you will make you stay up all night. wooyoung was the one who would introduce you to the types of coffee he had in the place. from the weakest one to the strongest one, though you still can’t make any difference from them considering that it would still make you stay awake. 
the two of you shared a similar bond for sweet things though. whenever you came to his coffee house, you would make sure to bring cinnamon rolls when he mentioned that your cinnamon rolls were really good during the first time you hung out at the coffee house. and just how you would bring cinnamon rolls to his place, the raven haired boy would make sure to bring two coffees (one of them with the appropriate amount of caffeine in them) during your break time. 
it was during those hangouts the two of you grew closer but for some reason, you still couldn’t figure the unknown aura enveloping the male, the thought still gnawing in the back of your mind. and the snow fox tattoo on his arm.. it reminded you of the dreams you had been getting frequently now. you swear that sometimes you could see it staring at you with its fluffy tail swishing and curling around wooyoung’s neck. either that or you just really need to get your eyes checked.
or ask your mother if there was some type of restoration spell to fix your eyesight.
“well, if it isn’t, coffee boy. coming over for our daily hangouts again?” you replied, wooyoung following you to your kitchen to help with carrying the trays. 
the boy leaned against the faux marbled counter crossing his arms. since he was wearing a long sleeved pale green shirt, the fox tattoo was hidden underneath it. as much as you were irritated with the fact your eyes could play tricks on you because of the damned fox tattoo, you would have to admit that you would find yourself admiring the details of his inked skin. sometimes you would catch yourself wanting a tattoo yourself but you were a little nervous around needles, unfortunately.
“ah, i can’t today sadly, i need to check the ingredients back home.” he replied, you looked over your shoulder with an eyebrow raised up. 
“ingredients for..?”
“for my poti- ah!” the sudden squeak that left his lips was enough to make you turn around in alarm, wondering if he had hurt himself. 
there, you see wooyoung aggressively rubbing his tattooed arm with his eyes glowering down at the fox tattoo. your eyebrows creased in confusion at the sight, was his tattoo still hurting him? surely that can’t be the reason. his head lifted up so your gazes could meet at once you asked if he was alright, you noticing the way his pupils were shaking as if he was nervous about something. 
“oh yeah, i’m okay!” he quickly responded, hiding his arm behind his back.
“you were saying..” you continued as you placed the washed trays away, leaning against the sink. 
you had expected that wooyoung would answer your question but instead, he walked closer to you. closer and closer. your eyes widened ever so slightly at his actions, leo on the shelf had his tail all fluffed up while his pointy ears flattened over his head as if preparing to pounce on the male if he planned on doing something to you. though you were nervous, you had kept a calm composure while reviewing all the protective incantations in your mind, or if that failed, you were ready to kick him between the legs. 
you were about to cast a spell on him when the male held his hand up until you felt him picking softly at your hair, near your star shaped hair clip, then took a few steps back, showing you the pieces of dried batter that somehow managed to get on your hair. 
“you got something in your hair there, miss baker.” he spoke softly, his expression softening up. 
“also, i meant to say the ingredients for the coffee house. some were running out in the place already so i needed to check if i still have some at home.” wooyoung added smoothly. 
“ah, that’s alright then. i guess i’ll see you tomorrow?” you asked, still trying to calm the rapid beating of your heart from earlier. 
“yeah, see you, miss baker!” he bid then turned around to walk away, leaving you slumped against the sink.
‘what the hell was that?’ leo exclaimed, tail swaying from side to side.
“don’t ask me, i’m as stumped as you are.” you sighed, pushing yourself off of the sink and looked around the kitchen to see if there was any more cleaning to do until your eyes landed on a certain box filled with cinnamon rolls. 
with a sharp gasp, you grabbed the box and quickly made your out of the kitchen. you hoped that you could at least catch up with the raven haired male yet as soon as you stepped out, emptiness greeted you instead. your eyebrows furrowed as you walked directly outside of your bakery, looking around for wooyoung but he wasn’t there. you crossed the cobbled street and peeked through the windows of the coffee shop, still nothing. the place had its lights turned off, even the kitchen. 
“how the hell did he walk so fast?” you grumbled, walking back inside. 
oh well, maybe you could just give it to him tomorrow. for now, you had a bakery to close.
“thank you, come again!” wooyoung’s voice rang throughout the coffee house, sighing in relief as he bid goodbye to the last customer for the day before his hands untied the tied strings of the brown apron around his waist. 
“today’s a little busier than usual. don’t you think, yuki?” he mumbled, rolling up his sleeves to see the fox tattoo on his arm. 
on his skin, the snow fox tattoo on his arm slowly uncurled itself from the tight ball she was in before yawning then wagged her fluffy tail happily, a clear indication she was content. how wooyoung managed to hide his enchanted tattoo from the public’s eye was astonishing, knowing full well how foxes could be sneaky and full of mischief, whether in tattoo form or not. if wooyoung could have a dollar every time yuki would disappear from his arm and ended up in a different part of his body, he could be a millionaire. though the idea was pleasant, it also made wooyoung scold her since someone could see her easily. but of course, he couldn’t stay mad at her for long. she was too adorable for her own good. 
and being the only witch in town (or so he thought) wooyoung needed to be extra careful as well. 
honestly, wooyoung never felt the pain of being inked. being a witch himself, he just managed to conjure it up on his own skin and enchanted it so it could move by itself. hence, the reason why yuki would often move from place to place on his body. sometimes even jumping out to grow into a full size snow fox once she wanted to stretch her legs and not be stuck on skin. and knowing how the fox had so much energy packed in her, yuki would sometimes visit wooyoung in his dreams just to have an extra playtime with the male. though, when she’s feeling cheeky, she tends to jump to someone else’s dreams, someone who wooyoung would think occasionally before falling asleep.
drying the last coffee mug, wooyoung looked over at the bakery on the side of the street. his eyebrows furrowed at the sight of your bakery’s lights were still on. normally, you would close earlier than wooyoung’s coffee house every saturday and sunday since the both of you knew the town wasn’t as busy on weekends. 
“she’s still at the bakery. wanna go check up on her, yuki?” the raven haired male said, looking down at his forearm, smiling at the sight of his companion hopping in circles excitedly. 
locking up the coffee house, wooyoung made quick strides across the street to reach your bakery. peeking through the windows, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion that he couldn’t see you, instead your lights were still on. curiosity got the best of him and soon, wooyoung found himself inside. the smell of pastries still lingered in the air as soon as he entered the place. everything in the bakery looked normal, nothing out of the ordinary. that was until he walked into the kitchen, a sharp gasp leaving his lips at the sight.
your broom was floating in the air, not only that, it was sweeping by itself. wooyoung had to rub his eyes immediately to make sure they were not tricking him, maybe he even drank a lot of coffee to the point where he’s hallucinating things. however, those ideas were thrown out the window once he saw that the broom was still moving by itself, lightly tapping against his foot as if indicating him to move over so it could sweep over where he was standing, to which made him quickly move away.
his irises looked around the place before they landed on one of the many shelves that hung on the kitchen walls, a familiar glass bottle with some type of golden liquid filled in them to be exact. to someone’s eyes, it could easily be mistaken as a bottle of honey but does honey radiate a bright yellow light? 
swallowing thickly, so many things were running through his mind. but all answers already pointed to one thing. 
with wide eyes, the male spun around, almost falling on his own from how fast he had moved. there, you stood in front of him with leo on your shoulders, both of your eyes were wide as you realised the broom was still moving on its own. with a quick snap of your fingers, the broom stilled by itself and fell idly on the floor.
“l-listen!” you started, heartbeat rising as your hands started to get all clammy as you were caught.
“...a witch.” was the first thing wooyoung had said.
silence hung over the both of you. it was so quiet that it was almost deafening. 
your mind was racing with all the possibilities of what wooyoung could do when he found out about your true identity. you wanted to use the incantation to him forget what he just witnessed yet your throat felt constricted, as if someone was clutching on your vocal chords so you just stood there in front of the raven haired male who stared at you with his jaw dropped. once you felt a little confident, you shakily reached a hand up, about to snap your fingers as you whispered the incantation.
“wait, wait! i’m happy that you’re a witch too!” wooyoung interjected quickly, knowing full well which spell you were about to cast.
wait.. too?
“what..?” you whispered, the hand lifted near your face dropping to your side. 
the surprised face on wooyoung’s features slowly melted away at the realisation he had, replacing it with a relieved yet jovial expression. you, on the other hand, stood there, the idea of being found out and having to move away from the town when you just started your own business was still lingering in your mind. 
by now, the two of you were seated at one of your tables, as what wooyoung had suggested so that the two of you could talk. it took a couple of times for wooyoung to reassure you, yuki even jumping out of his arm as she attempted to help her owner comfort you, nuzzling her head against your hand. leo was on the counter of your cash register, sharp yet curious eyes watching the snow fox grow from a mere ink to a full sized snow fox. 
although finally calmed down, your head was still in your hands as you tried to get a hold of the things that had happened.
“so, what you’re saying is.. you’re a witch too? does that make the old man a witch too?” you said, lifting your head to look at the male who only smiled sheepishly in return.
“well, grandpa is just a normal human. though, his wife is the one who is a witch, which she passed her powers onto my mother.” he reminded you.
it all made sense now. the unfamiliar aura that gnawed in the back of your mind, the countless times of you wondering if your eyes were playing tricks on you from the fox tattoo on his arm, the way he apparated in thin air that one time when you wanted to give him his cinnamon rolls, and how you saw the exact fox popping up often in your dreams.. things finally fell into place.
“god, the things that are happening..” you groaned, resting your forehead on the faux marble table of yours. 
wooyoung could only laugh, and turned his head to the side as he watched leo and yuki chasing each other around the bakery. he felt the weight on his shoulders slowly being lifted off. relief was what he was feeling, relieved that he at least found someone the same as he was. his eyebrow quirked up once you suddenly straightened up in your seat, a look of realisation hitting you.
“you mentioned how the fo-”
“yuki.” he corrected.
“right, yuki, would visit someone in their dreams right? and that someone is someone you were thinking about before you slept?” you said, wooyoung nodding his head in confirmation.
“...does that mean you were thinking about me?” you asked.
wooyoung choked on his spit, the apples on his cheeks turning into a faint shade of pink before abruptly standing up from his seat, promptly calling yuki, who immediately scrambled up to the male and spun around. a bright light shone briefly before it disappeared, going back to being wooyoung’s tattoo on his arm.
“i-i need to head home, i’ll see you tomorrow, y/n!” he announced, making his way out of the bakery.
“wooyoung, wait!” you tried to catch him but like a little while ago, he was quick to apparate away.
“well, aren’t you glad that you finally found another witch friend, my child?” your mother said.
you had decided to conjure up the mirror like portal once again, you wanted to talk to your parents about what you had just recently discovered. no, you had to talk to them. though, you were relieved that you had found a fellow witch in town, the idea of being caught still scared you. 
“with how he found out about you, i really should say you need to be careful next time, y/n.” your father said. 
despite the strictness laced in his tone, he was genuinely concerned about your safety. and he was right, someone could have easily found out. you had to admit that it was your fault for letting the broom move by itself, thinking that no one would have walked in since, well, it was your own kitchen. your head hung low as you emitted a groan, hands coming up to rub your face. you were thankful that it was wooyoung who had found out, a fellow witch just like you. 
“i think that also solves the little mystery revolving around the boy, doesn’t it, my dear?” your mother said. you could only nod your head, lifting your head to send your parents a little smile.
“i trust that these things won’t happen again, y/n?” your father added.
“of course, father. i will be more careful next time.” your parents’ expression softened up at your small promise before the light around the mirror had once again grow dim, indicating that you needed to finish your conversation soon. 
“do tell me how the progress goes between the two of you, y/n.” your mother teased, effectively making your cheeks heat up before whining out of protest.
with one hearty laugh coming from both of your parents, along with a final wave of the night, you knew what was coming up next. shutting your eyes, the ringing grew loud in your ear before it finally died down, letting the silent night to envelope around you and leo, who was already fast asleep next to your legs. rolling your eyes, you gently picked him up in your arms along with your cauldron and spellbook before making your way back to your cottage.
your eyes were staring at your reflection through your dresser’s mirror while brushing your hair, rewinding the events that had occurred earlier in your bakery, and the hasty explanation wooyoung had mentioned once he sat the both of you down. but.. a particular fact lingered in your mind.
‘what exactly do i have to do in your mind, wooyoung?’ you thought.
‘for the last time, go the hell to sleep. your mind is too loud.’ ah, of course, the one and only grouch just had to interrupt.
what a sourpuss. 
with a shake of your head, you switched off the lights and made yourself comfortable in your bed before finally getting that much needed sleep. 
“miss, can i, can i buy a cake? it’s for my mom, it’s her birthday today!” 
your eyes looked down at the chubby hand sliding the crumpled up dollar bills along with the shining coins on top of your counter, making the conclusion it had been kept for quite a while now.
standing in front of your counter (though you had to lean a little to have a good look at the child), it was the little girl from the very first day of you opening up your little bakery, pigtails and all. you bit down on your lower lip, heart clenching at the sight of her puppy-ish eyes. you didn’t have the heart to tell her that she had enough money to buy a whole cake. instead, you knelt down to her height and asked if she knew what her mother’s favourite treat in the bakery was.
“oh, she loved your mini chocolate croissants!” the girl chimed, pigtails bouncing as she excitedly hopped in place. 
“alright, how about i give you the croissants instead?” you offered.
with a gentle smile, and a pat on her head, you straightened up and rushed around the bakery to pack the croissants into the little box, not forgetting the cat sticker to seal the little opening so it wouldn’t fall. you also placed the box into a white paper bag so the treats won’t easily fall out of the girl’s hands. 
a soft cheer made its way out of the girl’s lips, taking the bag in her chubby hands before thanking you as she made her way out of the bakery. following the retreating figure, it was only then you noticed a certain raven haired male leaning against the doorway with two cups of coffee in his hands. 
it had been a few days after the incident in the very back of your kitchen, you were awkward and cautious during the next day of meeting but wooyoung never gave up in trying to convince you that everything was fine, and that no one would find out about the both of your identities. as per usual, he would always bring you your coffee whenever it was your break time. sometimes, you would even sneak a little incantation in his cinnamon rolls to make his day a little better whenever you saw how his face held a frustrated expression, most likely dealing with a stubborn customer.
and ever since then, wooyoung was willing to wait for you to close up your bakery, yuki playing with leo. it was a surprise that leo was actually getting along with the fox considering how the two were polar opposites of each other, both physical and personality wise. he even managed to communicate through wooyoung’s mind now, sometimes having wooyoung laugh out loud from the cat’s snarky comments.
“one iced latte for our lady.” he grinned, handing you the cup of said drink, you gratefully taking it in your hands.
“our?” you chuckled. in response, wooyoung merely eyed his arm where yuki was spinning in circles.
you couldn’t help but coo at the snow fox, whispering softly underneath your breath so only you and wooyoung could hear, “hi there, yuki.” 
“i was wondering..” wooyoung suddenly started, making you look up, tilting your head as you urged for him to continue.
“do you wanna go somewhere? after you close up, i mean.” wooyoung asked.
now that he mentioned, you had never really explored much of the town as of late considering how you would busy yourself in the bakery, and only went straight at home so you could finally rest or work on your spells and incantations (mostly conjuration spells). with a wide smile, you nodded your head. 
“i don’t see why not. a little break from the bakery won’t hurt.” you chuckled.
the sheepish grin had appeared itself over wooyoung’s lips, making the apples of his cheeks grow fuller by the action. you won’t lie, it is an endearing sight. 
‘i heard that.’ came leo’s voice, causing you to snap your gaze on him while wooyoung confusedly looked over at the cat who was busy licking his paw.
“what is he talking about?” the boy asked.
your cheeks flushed a faint shade of crimson after hearing the question as you waved a hand in a dismissive manner, mentioning how it was just random thought you had.
‘a random thought thinking that he has a.. ‘cute’ smile, young lady?’ leo snickered.
you could only glare at the feline while wooyoung snapped his gaze from the cat to you, the confused expression on his face melting away and instead, was replaced with a sly grin.
“you think it’s a cute smile, huh?” he teased, causing you to groan before grabbing your broom.
cue a loud yowl coming from the cat as you chased the cat around while wooyoung laughed his high pitched laugh at the entertaining sight. 
“i guess both our companions know how to embarrass us.” he grinned, immediately catching you in his arms as you were about to run past him once again.
“i swear, one of these days i’m gonna turn that cat into a dog instead.” you mumbled.
it was only when wooyoung’s cologne wafting into your nose had your attention, looking up once you had calmed down from the brief chasing around. sure, you had always smelled wooyoung’s cologne whenever he stopped by but being so close to him like this, almost made you never want to leave his arms. it was if you were slowly growing intoxicated by his scent. 
“y/n?” wooyoung called.
“huh?” you blinked, breaking out of the trance. 
“i said i needed to go back to the coffee house so i’ll see you later?” he asked once again, amused at the slight dazed look glossing over your irises. 
realising what he meant, you immediately pulled away from the embrace, almost whining at the loss of warmth around your frame. hugging the broom close to your chest, you faintly nodded. 
“yeah, i’ll see you later, wooyoung.” you waved as the male made his way out after bidding goodbye, though not without sending a wink at your way.
“don’t miss my smile too much, miss baker.” 
“jung wooyoung!”
“and that’s the last of them!” you huffed, placing the clean tray into the many racks. 
with both hands on your hips, your eyes glanced around the kitchen to make sure there weren’t dirty trays or utensils in your kitchen. once satisfied, you untied your apron and hung it over the little coat rack in the corner before heading out, making sure you didn’t forget your keys. from the last specks of crimson painting the nearly black sky, the night was about to greet you once again.
true to his word, wooyoung was already waiting for you. he sent you his bright and cheeky grin upon seeing your figure walking out of the bakery, making quick strides to stand next to you as you locked the main entrance of the bakery. once he saw that you were done he held out his arm, glancing at both you and leo who, as usual, rested on your shoulders. sometimes he wondered how your back doesn't hurt from the amount of times leo would climb on you.
“ready to go?” wooyoung asked, looking down at you. with a link of your arm around his, you nodded. 
though what happened next, nearly made you want to cling onto the male next to you. you had expected for a walk in the park or something similar. not apparating into thin air and quickly arriving at - you squinted around before realising where you were, the town’s old watchtower. the balcony of the watchtower to be more specific. though, no one has ever set foot here in over three years now since the town had a new one on the other side.
with the way you were practically hugging wooyoung’s arm, he made a short conclusion that this must have been your first time doing so, or rather, you not being used to it. leo was already off of your shoulders, calmly licking his paw as he balanced himself on top of the railing. yuki, on the other hand, was napping so she didn’t join leo this time. gently placing his hands on your shoulders, wooyoung leaned his face down to look at your face, concern painting over his own features. 
“you okay?” he asked.
“s-sorry, i was just not expecting that, is all.” you mumbled, giving him an embarrassed smile from the sudden confession. once you were sure you were steady on your feet, your gentle eyes stared at the scenery from the balcony.
you knew that the town was beautiful, but seeing the town where most of the lights were turned on along with the moonlight illuminating the calm waters of the sea right next to it, the stars shining ever so brightly on the sky’s dark canvas. the scenery was absolutely breathtaking. once the night breeze brushed against your skin, the strands of your hair slowly dancing to their own rhythm from the gentle blow of the wind, you shut your eyes and took a deep breath. instantly, the smell of the ocean filled your senses, making a soft smile to curl itself over your soft petals.
wooyoung, who was leaning against the doorway of the entrance, couldn't help but admire the way the moonlight kissed your skin, the night breeze blowing against your strands, and the peaceful expression you held. over the months of getting to know you, he somehow started to develop feelings for you.
how could he not when you looked at peace in your kitchen baking the treats whenever he stopped by? how could he not when your expression brightens every time a customer complimented your treats? how could he not when soft laugh that sounded so melodic in his ears whenever he told his lame jokes or his embarrassing childhood stories. no, this was not some kind of puppy love or a short crush.
jung wooyoung has fallen for you.
he had spent nights trying to think of other things and not you before falling asleep, knowing how suspicious you would get if yuki frequently visited your dreams. sometimes he would even charmed your drink of the day to give you an extra burst of energy to get through the remaining hours of your day after seeing the tired look on your face. he knew that you would slip the little happiness potion into his cinnamon rolls yet could only pretend that he didn’t know, not wanting you to ever stop.
taking his eyes away from you briefly, wooyoung looked down at the palms of his hands before his eyelids fluttered shut. his lips moved as a hushed chant left his lips, slowly a faint pink smoke started to form on his palms but he was not done. half lidded eyes stared at the smoke in his hands before they were clasped together. with pursed lips, wooyoung gently blew into his hands. 
there, laid a single rose in his previously empty hands. looking up at you, who was still occupied by the night view of the town, he cleared his throat, calling your name to catch your attention.
the surprise expression on your face upon seeing the rose in his hand was enough to make the male release a low laugh, walking over to where you stood. with the rose being held out, wooyoung stared at your face.
“wooyoung, what’s this?” you inquired, though you could feel the heat rising to your cheeks.
like wooyoung, you had your fair share of sleepless nights as well. but rather than thinking of other things, the boy in front of you managed to crawl into your mind every now and then, sometimes you would even find yourself zoning out while stirring whatever concoction you wanted to create, only snapping out of it once leo had called your attention or swatted at your hand.
before you could even realise it, you developed feelings for the raven haired male as well.
how could you not when he loves making you flustered by watching you with gentle eyes as you bake? how could you not when he would come by your bakery to give you your coffee while the two of you talked about the current highlight of your days during break time? how could you not when he would cheekily sprinkle a tiny bit of flour in your hair by levitating the packet above your head just to gain your attention? how could you not when his laughter sounded so endearing?
you, too, had fallen for jung wooyoung. 
“from the months of meeting and getting to know you, i knew you had something that intrigued me. i have always thought that you were a normal townsperson, never a fellow witch like me.” wooyoung started, face perking up as soon as he saw the way you playfully grimaced after remembering the time he had found out your true identity.
“before i know it, the intriguing feeling was replaced with admiration, thinking i only admired how you managed to keep a calm demeanour whenever you had to face a stubborn customer, unlike me. but i was wrong.” he trailed off, feeling his heart beating fast as his words were caught in his throat. 
as an attempt for him to calm down, you silently reached out for his free hand and laced your fingers in his. your reassuring smile was enough to let him know that he could take his time, gathering his words. once ready, wooyoung gave your hand a gentle squeeze as he continued.
“the nights spent thinking about you, having our own little break together, and seeing you walk through the doors of the coffee house just to give me the cinnamon rolls… i knew that i have fallen for you.” he curled a stray strand of hair behind your ears as his warm irises stared into your own, letting his hand resting against your cheek.
“so, y/n l/n..” he called out your name, making your heart beat rapidly in your chest. 
“will you be mine?” 
you didn’t answer right away, merely wrapping your arms around wooyoung’s neck as the corners of your lips stretched themselves into a huge grin, nodding your head. “yes, a million times yes.” 
laughing out of pure relief, wooyoung hugged you tightly against his frame, your chin resting on top of his shoulder as the two of you stayed in each other’s arms, slightly swaying in place. it was when he pulled away that made you look up, your faces mere inches away. 
“may i kiss you?” he asked softly, eyes trained on your brims.
“you may.” you whispered in return.
the two of you stared at each other for a few seconds, slowly feeling your faces drawing closer. closer, and closer, until the gap was finally closed with your lips pressing his own. he tasted like coffee, while wooyoung could make out the faint taste of cinnamon on your lips. his hand slowly came up to cup against your nape, moving your lips together in a slow yet synchronised dance. it seemed that everything else didn’t matter as the both of you were in your own world.
to wooyoung, this was better than any potion you had snuck in his cinnamon rolls.
“babe, where did you put the new coffee mugs?” wooyoung called out, looking through the cabinets. 
“ah, i washed them. i thought that was what you wanted to do as soon as they arrived.” you said, poking your head out from the kitchen.
it had been a few months that the two of you had finally gotten together. before you know it, your first anniversary is just a week away! during the first couple of months, the two of you went on dates frequently. it was to be expected considering the two of you would see each other on the daily. sometimes you would grow embarrassing from the flirty winks being sent at your way by the male, no matter how long you had known him. 
just recently, or rather, a couple of days ago. the two of you had decided to sell off your bakery and instead, started your own shared coffee house together in wooyoung’s place, now naming the place as ‘utopia’. he was in charge of the coffee orders while you were busy with your pastries. sometimes, the both of you would teasingly cast harmless jinxes on each other as you worked, creating a small war that consists of spells and potions. of course, the two of you were careful to not let anyone else see it.
occasionally, the male would stay over at your cottage. the first time he visited, he was gushing at almost everything in your place. even admiring how peaceful the place was whenever night falls. the frequent visits only met that wooyoung had an excuse to give you his shirts or sweaters, saying how you looked absolutely adorable in his clothes. it was when your closet was almost full of his clothes that the two of you had decided to just live together in the small cottage of yours.
to your surprise, he had insisted on wanting to see your parents. which you let him do so. once the male and your parents had met, your mother was delighted to have finally met him while your father kept a stern act, causing your mother to whisper that he should be nice. of course, with the amount of times wooyoung would talk to your parents (which was whenever he stayed the night), your father slowly opened up and would even crack jokes with wooyoung.
knowing that the cottage was a safe haven for you, wooyoung would often teach you about the conjuration spells along with enchanting. he had noticed the awed expression on your face every time yuki had switched back into her tattooed form before asking whether you wanted a tattoo as well. your reaction of mentioning how you were scared of needles amused him, you glaring at him in a sulky manner in response. without much thought, wooyoung reassured you that you didn’t need needles for this.
so here you are, standing next to wooyoung greeting the customers that walked into the coffee house before taking orders, the tattoo that consisted of your favourite flowers adorned your wrist, making it look like a makeshift bracelet. occasionally, the flowers would change into a flower following your emotions. 
“love, what do you wanna do for our anniversary?” wooyoung asked, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressed his lips on your shoulder.
you couldn’t help but to emit a light chuckle turning your head slightly to give his cheek a kiss, humming in thought. “dinner at the cottage, how does that sound?” 
nodding at the suggestion, wooyoung grinned, eyes twinkling with excitement. “sounds good to me.”
with a final kiss on the tip of your nose, your lover unwrapped his arms to greet another customer who had walked inside the coffee house, you immediately walked to stand next to him. 
you were, no, are content. you are content living in a small cottage with your lover, you are content working in a coffee house with wooyoung, you are content with everything life has to offer as long as you are with jung wooyoung.
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mwolf0epsilon · 5 years
Just like how Keanu Reeves became a National Treasure™, Josh becomes a National Treasure™
Josh has a huge fan base that wholly adores him and maybe wants to marry him (At least in my fics he gets the respect he deserves).
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"Leo, when I asked for you to keep an eye on what's going on in social media regarding public opinion on the pro-android campaigns, I didn't mean this..."
The brunet glared In mild annoyance as Markus walked into the kitchen holding his laptop. His annoyance escalated to mild irritation when he noticed his Accord profile was online.
He promptly got up from where he was seated with the others, dropping his cards on the table on top of everyone else's (which made a winning North throw up her arms in anger at her sudden loss), and walked over to his brother to snatch it away from his hands.
"Don't snoop through my shit, asshole!" Leo growled as he set the laptop down on the table. "I've been keeping up to date with shit too, so don't get your panties in a knot..."
"Playing Fuck, Marry, Kill with a bunch of strangers online isn't keeping up to date with public opinions..." Markus groaned.
"Shit, they started a round of FMK? Nice..." Leo snorted before shaking his head. "But in all seriousness, that Accord server there, is an exclusive team of elite that I assembled for that little favour you asked. They're pretty good at keeping me up to speed on things... Sometimes shit doesn't really happen all day tho, so we get bored and discuss the finer things."
"Like Fuck, Marry, Kill?" North rose an eyebrow in disbelief.
"Yep." Leo popped the 'P' at the end for emphasis before beginning to type into the chat. The four androids noticed his chat handle was 'KingOfTheUrbanJungle', an obvious play on his actual name. Charming. "Usually it's pretty chill, unless there's been anything dodgy going on online. We got an expert keeping up with the shadier sort, and another that's been keeping tabs on android supporters and community modders."
"Isn't modding illegal?" Simon asked.
"Only because Cyberlife's pitched the hissiest of fits over their merch being potentially stolen and copied, or worse, repaired at home. Cyberlife hates DIY engineers and mechanics that have an eye for robotics...That sort of crap. They're intimidated." Leo explained as he left an inquiry on who the FMK prompt was for. "That's not even accounting for people who can't fucking afford their ridiculous insurance policies. You know they tried to bill dad after the cops shot you down..."
"They did what?!" Markus looked horrified.
"Yep. Tried to bill a bed-bound elderly man who nearly died of a heart attack. Dad told me they only got their tiny dicks back in their pants after Elijah Fucking Kamski rained hell on their parade since technically he has full rights to your software and design..." Leo shrugged "Score one for androids being property I guess... But only this once."
"Those sons of bitches..." Markus muttered darkly before the laptop pinged.
"Oh! Ooh that's a hard one..." Leo mumbled as he read the prompt, sent by someone going by 'LatinaLatte'. What an odd chat handle. "Damn."
"Is it celebrities?" Simon asked.
"Nope. She's asking out of Markus, Josh and North, who we'd fuck, marry and kill." Leo admitted with a grin on his face.
Everyone stared at him.
He gulped.
"...Obviously I would not fuck Markus...?" He offered "But I'm uh, not inclined to kill anyone so uh...hard choice?"
They still stared.
And then the chat pinged.
Someone going by 'LamentingMercenary' immediately presented their thoughts.
"Fuck North, marry Josh, kill Markus." Leo wrinkled his nose "Of course he would, what an ass..."
"Wow this game sucks..." North glared daggers. She was not too inclined with being the subject of someone's fantasies.
Another ping, 'LatinaLatte' this time.
"Fuck Markus, marry Josh, kill North." Leo read.
Another ping from 'MercifulDisappointment'.
"Can you fuck and marry Josh and kill both North and Markus?"
Leo cackled when 'QueenBitch' replied to the last comment with a clearly disappointed "No" while everyone else started laughing in chat. Leo nearly forgot he had an audience.
"Ok so uh, there's like a lot of people saying fuck and marry Josh...consistently." Simon pointed out. "Not one person has said kill Josh."
"It's rigged I tell you..." North grumbled. Leo blinked at her in confusion and then shook his head.
"Nah not really... There's like, a fan page of you guys, with polls and shit...Josh is like, #1 in all of it."
The others, including a very uncomfortable and flustered Josh, all stared blankly at him.
"...What?" Markus asked.
"You really don't know? Markus I linked you the damn Facebook page..."
"Nobody uses Facebook anymore!" Markus protested.
"Well fuck Markus, they still do and holy crap it's insane... Here." He quickly closed his Accord tab and opened up the ancient website that should have been dead and buried by now thanks to a lot of law suits, but that came back crawling from the grave every two years. Surely enough there was a fan page dedicated to the Jericho leaders and Josh scored the highest in popularity, with Simon coming close second.
"What the shit?" North gawked.
"Yeah... Crazy right? Makes sense tho, Josh is like...The perfect poster child here." Leo shrugged.
"How exactly?" Josh looked very uncomfortable.
"...Dude...You're nice. And nonthreatening? You help old ladies across the street, you're very gentle with kids, you help with the community..." Leo listed off "You're not... I donno, overly perfect and unapproachable. You don't openly fight people. You don't yell, you don't hide away at the tower all day... People get like, super nervous around Markus and North, and they see very little of Simon so you're like... The only Jericho leader they ever actually seen being a part of society?"
There was a collective silence from the four androids. They were stunned really, after hearing all of this.
It was a little hard to process.
"You're all doing good out there, fighting the good fight and helping who needs it... But yeah honestly you three are a bit too scary. Josh is openly kind and outgoing and that gets people more at ease..."
"So basically... People prefer Josh because he's just... Being himself?" Simon blinked.
"... Yep."
"To be fair, it's easier to get behind the cause of someone who reads to kids in his free time."
"I...How did you know about that?!" Josh frowned. He hadn't told anyone what he did with his spare time.
"It's on YouTube. Some of the androids at the tower uploaded videos of you with the kids at New Jericho. It's super cute dude."
"Oh god...That's really creepy! And embarrassing!" Josh covered his face with his hands in mild distress.
"It also apparently made a chatroom with 11 people horny for you." North pointed out.
"North, not helping!"
"Then stop being so cute all the time!"
"He can't it's in his nature." Simon shook his head sadly.
"Simon don't encourage her!!!"
Leo smirked as he watched Markus sigh and try to help mediate the ensuing argument, before typing into the private Accord server chat.
"Can we all agree Josh is like, a national treasure, and that deep down we'd all marry him?"
The chatroom seemed to wholly agree with him on that one.
And then 'G69D' commented.
"So would you fuck or kill your brother? I know for a fact you'd not go near North even with a 20 foot pole."
Leo grimaced and closed his laptop.
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wtfzodiacsigns · 5 years
Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable: The Qualities of the Zodiac
Each sign falls into one of three qualities; Cardinal, Fixed, or Mutable. Cardinal signs mark the beginning of a season or solstice, and the entire wheel of the Zodiac is begun with the cardinal Aries. Fixed signs mark the middle of the season or solstice when everything is settled down and fixed into place. Mutable signs mark the end of a season or solstice when everything is changing and shifting naturally in order to start the cycle all over again.
The Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. These four signs are the Zodiac’s natural leaders. They’re the ones who initiate every season and get it into motion. Aries sets off the Spring, Cancer sets off the Summer, Libra kicks off the Autumn, and finally Capricorn begins the Winter Solstice. The Cardinal signs are the ones who set everything into motion, they’re where the drive comes from. These four signs are the ones who put themselves in charge. Aries and Capricorn are more upfront when going about it. They’re more aggressive, blunt, and charismatic than Libra and Cancer. Aries and Capricorn focus on their wants and their success only. However, Libra and Cancer are still Cardinal signs. Libra is the more diplomatic one and will make sure everyone’s voice is heard in order to come to a compromise. Cancer, on the other hand, plays off people’s emotions and feelings in order to get people to agree with them. Libra and Cancer go about it in more subdued, sometimes manipulative ways. Aries and Capricorn go about it upfront and headstrong.
The Fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. These four signs are very unmovable and unchangeable in energy. These signs are stubborn and persistent. They’re the ones who make sure that they get the job done. Taurus and Scorpio are very tenacious signs. Taurus is more focused on stability and making sure that them and their loved ones can be secure and safe. They are, without a doubt, the most materialistic sign. Scorpio, on the other hand, is strong-willed and persistent. Scorpio’s emotions are very fixed and intense. Scorpio will argue just for the sake of messing with someone’s head a bit. Just like all the other Fixed signs, Scorpio is very loyal and understanding. However, where all four of these signs fall short is on jealously and possessiveness, especially Scorpio and Taurus. Leo and Aquarius, on the other hand, are the Fixed creatives. Leo wants to be admired, remembered, and adored for their legacy. The downside is that this makes Leo clingy, narcissistic, vain. It makes Leo manipulate and force themselves onto others for this admiration. Aquarius, on the other hand, doesn’t seem like it would be very fixed, as the sign is always portrayed as a free-spirit innovator. However, Aquarius always pushes for change, and just like Leo, is very creative, but Aquarius is very possessive of their ideas. They like to think that they are intellectuals, sometimes feeling like they are better than everyone else because they’re erratic, they’re weird, they’re different, and they don’t go with the flow. Taurus and Scorpio are very fixed and possessive over their belongings and over others, whereas Leo and Aquarius are fixed and prideful in their egos, refusing to let it go or let it die down a bit.
Finally, we come to the Mutable signs, among which are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. These four signs represent the seasons ending or the end of a chapter, ready to naturally shift into whatever is coming next. These signs are versatile, flexible, and adaptable. But, on the other hand, it can be aimless, unrealistic, scattered, and unorganized. Gemini and Sagittarius are both teachers. Gemini’s brain is constantly buzzing and hungry for information, so Gemini is constantly learning, comprehending, then spitting this information back out for the world to hear. Gemini is the sign of duality, and can shift its mask for any situation. Sagittarius focuses on the bigger picture, and is the ultimate free-spirit. This is a sign of philosophy, enlightenment, and life’s bigger questions. This sign is scattered and all over the place. Sagittarius is open-minded. Virgo and Pisces are the people-pleasing signs. Virgo is the one who takes care of all the small, everyday activities. Virgo can shift to whatever the situation calls for or what the people need at any given moment. Pisces, on the other hand, is the eternal martyr. This sign has no boundaries because it doesn’t understand boundaries. It’s a sign of emotional and intuitive healing. Pisces is the sign of self-sacrifice, and it doesn’t care if it’s unhealthy or toxic to do so.
With all things, it’s crucial to have a balance of these qualities, or work on your other qualities to improve as a person. A low amount of any quality is 0-3 placements. A balanced amount of placements is 4-5 placements, and a high amount of placements is considered 6 or higher.
If you have a low amount of Cardinal in your chart, you lack in drive and ambition. You lack in leadership, initiation, and confrontation skills. You don’t know how to handle conflict, and probably duck out at any sight of an issue. However, you need to learn how to initiate things and handle conflict. You need to know how to not allow other people to walk all over you and not become a doormat. The way to improve this is through baby steps, start a new hobby or project, maybe a new routine or diet. You’ll feel a lot better because of it. On the flip side, if you have a high amount of Cardinal within your chart, you are very overpowering. You’re a force to be reckoned with. You’re bossy, arrogant, you’re loud and you run into a lot of issues with authority. You don’t want to hear anyone else’s point of view or advice because you think that what you do and how you go about things is justified and appropriate. However, you need to tone it down. Constantly running into conflict is never a good thing. To balance this out, you need to put yourself in other people’s shoes, open your mind, see things from a new perspective. This will help you maintain your drive, but also to be more adaptable and easier to be around.
If you have a low amount of Fixed placements in your chart, you are not a reliable or loyal person. You’re a flakey, weak-willed individual and you cannot commit. You don’t see things through to finish them, and you don’t focus on the task at hand. A low amount of Fixed makes you flighty and scatter minded. You need to sit down and balance this out. It takes a lot of work, but baby steps do help. Maybe start off small, by reading a book to the end or starting a new project or learning something new. If you have a high amount of Fixed placements within your chart, you are so stubborn and so close-minded that it’s hard for others to be around you or work with you. You’re not flexible or understanding, you’re very jealous and rigid, and change sends you down a rabbit hole of paranoia. If people don’t agree with your opinions or views, you become enraged and you take it as a personal attack. You don’t know how to let go either, and you cling to whatever makes you feel safe or validated. In order to balance this out, you need to calm the fuck down. Not everyone is going to agree with you, and change isn’t always scary, you need to accept this change. Another thing of import for you is that you need to learn to let it go already! Whatever you’re clinging to or holding onto, just let it go. It’s not healthy to dwell on it.
If you have a low amount of Mutable placements within your chart, you’re an inflexible person. You’re authoritarian and refuse to adapt to new situations or to other people. Compromise is foreign to you, because in your mind, it’s your way or the highway. You refuse to follow other people’s schedules or rules, because it means nothing to you. In order to balance this out, you need to become a more versatile, accepting person. I’d recommend volunteering or putting yourself in a customer service position just to realize that this kind of behavior isn’t acceptable outside of your bubble. Hell, you might even realize that you don’t like when people are authoritarian assholes to you! On the flip side though, too much Mutable energy is just as treacherous. Too many Mutable placements and everyone’s walking all over you and you’re draining yourself to please everyone else. But, you’re also unreliable and scatterbrained, unable to focus on one thing, always bouncing from one thing to then next. You’re bored easily and you have a short attention-span. You’re just kind of floating around through life, bouncing around from one thing to the next, avoiding responsibility, all while becoming a pushover because everyone is walking all over you! This obviously isn’t okay, and you need to regain control of your life. You need to set boundaries with people, give yourself deadlines, and learn time management. You need to focus and be persistent with everything that you do and focus on thing at a time instead of bouncing around constantly from one thing to the next.
Source: doubledareastrology
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akatokuro · 5 years
The Inevitable StS Rewatch, Episodes 9-14
Seriously, what is that fucking rosary made of!?
- Man, I LOVE seeing Saori actually at work and having to handle the more mundane stuff in the background of all the punching. I want to see her in business meetings for Graude. I want to see her having to do more media tours. I want to see the process of her learning the ins and outs of the systems at Sanctuary as she adjusts to being Athena, and how she balances that with her life as Kido Saori. I love her so much and would actually possibly strangle a person to legit get a spinoff solely about her POV - but not one that softens her. Ruthless, Horrible Saori is extremely important
- Saori is a good person fundamentally, and seeing the consequences of what her Saints do to her kills her once it sinks in and she tries to fix it as best she can (unsuccessfully, lol, Seiya is brokebrained), but there's a cold regality to her as well that makes her super compelling. When it comes down to the wire, she does not have time for your shit and will do what has to be done. I never minded the fact that she doesn't technically fight because Kido Saori is more hardcore than any of the fighters on this show.
- SEIYA TROLLING SAORI BY USING THE GRAUDE FOUNDATION NAME TO GET A DOG IS THE CUTEST. He's so fucking cheeky and sassy I also love Seiya to bits and pieces aaaaa.
- Seiya specifically calling Saori out for the sake of trolling and them having this cold stare-off is really cool and it feels to me like something you don't see very often between the hero and heroine in shounen series much, really. Will never understand the idea that Seiya, Saori, and SeiSao is boring because they are truly the fucking best.
- In terms of "the mixup of Saint Seiya canon in my head", I do wish the anime had kept the subplot that Hyouga was initially a spy/assassin for Sanctuary. Not only does it mix things up a bit in terms of intrigue and multiple factions contributing to the current clusterfuck, it's really hard to think, with what we know now, that Hyouga would be willing to "betray" Camus in any fashion.
- Ikki was a good big brother! I feel like I'm definitely appreciating him more on this rewatch, compared to the first, where I liked him fine but I also usually forgot he existed unless he was directly onscreen...
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- Feels like I should just be keeping a running tally of "AH YES, LET'S MAKE THIS ONE THE GIRL." Netflix...
- The HyoShun is real, and good, and my friend
- Man, I love Saint Seiya, but the Black Saints are.......... something. Yeah. Something...
- Get fucked, Mitsumasa!
- I do appreciate that Saori loves him, though, in a sort of Seacats-ish way. He was a horrific fucking evil vicious murderer, but you can understand why she loved him, which makes it another complicated thing for her to wrestle with. Would have loved more exploration of this as she realizes "oh fuck, my grandpa fucking murdered a bunch of kids and I was complicit" in retrospect, but ah well.
- I like how the Black Saints are coincidentally specifically DARK versions of our main characters' Cloths. Where the fuck is Dark Wolf and Dark Hydra, huh, Ikki? Did you read ahead in the fucking script?
- The bit where Saori visits Seiya's apartment is still concentrated HNNNNG. It's fun tracking her emotional development through these early arcs - usually I balk at "the cool, ruthless woman slowly melts and becomes more gentle" but with Saori I dig it. Because she IS a kid, she IS wrestling with this horrific burden that's sneaking up on her, and I don't feel like her realizing "maybe torture wasn't the solution" actually compromises her cool ruthlessness. It just gets channeled in a slightly less horrific way.
- Scenes like that highlight that yes, SeiSao would still be cute as fuck if they were allowed to be a "normal couple", but that will never ever ever ever happen. Isn't it sad?
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- "Heheh, I wanted to see if news of my imminent death would fuck you up mentally in a fight where you could get killed! And it totally did! You fucking failure, Shiryuu!" Ah, Sainthood...
- Seriously, as much shit as you could give Camus about his "cut off your emotions" spiels, that's standard Saint shit, really... Camus is just hilarious in regards to it because Camus himself is the biggest fucking failure in regards to it.
- Dohko, you could just TELL Shiryuu "Mu is a dickhead and the path to his house is designed so that if you walk anywhere but in a straight line you'll fucking die." BUT WHY DO THAT
- How many ruined Cloths is Mu just letting rot in his skeleton graveyard. There are only 88 of those fucking things and Hades is coming. What the fuck Mu. What do you even fucking do all day besides quietly seethe in loathing at all your coworkers
- Kiki!!!!!
- Seiya/Shiryuu doesn't appeal to me and was never my ship, but, uh, I can definitely see why it caught on in early fandom as this was airing...
- Why is Mu such a fucking asshole. Why are all the Golds universally such huge assholes except Aldebaran. Aldebaran is the unlikely miracle of the universe.
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- Hahaha, Mu. "I can fix the Cloths but you'll have to fucking die." "Ehhh, maybe I won't let him die." "Ehhhhhh... it's up to him whether he dies or not actually"
- lmao, black saints. why...
- just. why
- Okay but seriously the Black Saints and Ikki is a concept with a lot of potential. Of course, with both Graude and Sanctuary being brutal, abusive, horrific setups and systems, there would be "rebels" who want to burn it all down. That is a compelling idea (and one that Saori should 100000% be there to directly confront.) This, though... lol
- FAILSWAN BEGINS TO UNVEIL HIS TRUE FORM. the contrast between him going "huh, did i just hear something? .......nah probably nothing" versus Shun actually investigating it and finding Seiya and saving his life is too good
- Speaking of Failswan, GASP! IKKI, HOW DID YOU RECOGNIZE MY ATTACK!? black swan sent him the info. he literally told you what he was doing as he did it. he told you. he... why are you so... hyouga, i...
- Hyouga being such a fucking failure is the best combined with his swagger and I'M THE ONLY ONE HERE WHO CAN DEFEAT IKKI though god
- If Hyouga was actually designed or characterized as a young thirteen year old kid, his mother complex would probably come across a little differently, but Saint Seiya ages are Extremely Fake, so......... MAMA...........
- You'd think Shiryuu would be severely disabled or dead since Mu needed gallons of blood from him to fix the Cloths, but what you didn't suspect is that Shiryuu does in fact has ten times the blood of an average person, so he's totally fine, okay!?
- What the fuck is Hyouga's rosary even fucking made of that thing is stronger than a Cloth what the hell
- "Oh no, how do we save Seiya!?" "BY PUNCHING HIM REALLY HARD IN SPECIFIC PLACES" sts!!!!!!
- StS does a really good job of making the Bronzies as a group feel distinct and not like they're actually a shounen blob. Shun's little reactions, demeanor, and being troubled by leaving behind Seiya (which was lmfao) compared to Shiryuu were really good. He's definitely one of those characters it feels rewarding to pay attention to.
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- I like how Ikki gets so fucking mad about this too. "WELL YEAH I WAS GONNA KILL YOU ANYWAY BUT... BUT... FUCK YOU ARGH!!!!!!!"
- hyoshun hyoshun hyoshun hyoshun
- the recycled animation of ikki blocking seiya's punches is cracking my shit up just his fucking face ahahahahahsfljasflkajsfljasf
- "Oh no!!! How could the Sagittarius Gold Cloth accept Seiya!?" Well, I mean... for one thing, Ikki, Seiya is actually a Sagittarius. I hate to break it to you, but you're, uh, a Leo...?
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scared-aquarius · 7 years
me being (very) brutally honest with the signs
Aries- You’re such a goddamn hothead all the goddamn time. Not everyone likes to be constantly doing something every second of every day. You get angry with people for the smallest and most trivial reasons but god forbid someone take a dig at you. You’re such a hypocrite and it’s annoying as fuck. You act like an edgy teenager that’s constantly throwing a tantrum. You also boss people around and expect everyone to just follow your lead and if they don’t, you get pissed at them for having a mind of their own. You seriously need to take a look at your life and stop seeing everything as a fucking challenge that’s rigged against you. My god, I get tired just being in your presence. 
Taurus- You’re a lazy fuck and way too materialistic and possessive. You literally have no desire to do anything because you love to sit on your ass. You take “treat yourself” to a whole new level and not in a healthy way whatsoever. It seems like every chance you get you cause arguments and then you contradict whatever the other person is saying just because you can’t look at anything from a different point of view. Even if you get to the point where you realize you’re in the wrong and the other person is right, you’ll just continue to argue for the sake of arguing and god forbid your ego take even the slightest blow. It’s irritating as shit like you really think you know best when in reality you’re just a stubborn bitch. What a bore.
Gemini- Look, I know you guys get a lot of flak. But take this into consideration...... it’s because most if not all of it is FUCKING TRUE. You have so many different personalities I don’t know which one is even real. You gossip 24/7 and flip-flop between who you talk to and who you talk about. You’re completely unreliable and unpredictable and also clingy as fuck. Seriously, I feel like I can’t get away from you. I just want to go to the bathroom, I don’t need to hear the story right now about how Sarah said that Dylan said that Kimberly found a sock in the dryer that wasn’t hers. Literally no one cares. Another thing that you do is once you get tired of someone, you just throw them away like garbage. (Also Trump is a gemini, and I know you guys can’t control that but like come on. Of course he’s a gemini.)
Cancer- You really need to stop being so whiny or I’m actually going to lose it. Everyone has problems so stop acting like such a victim all the goddamn time. You’re so moody all the time and you act like a small child that needs to have their diaper changed. You also cling onto people as soon as you meet them and cry if someone doesn’t answer your text within 5 fucking minutes. Don’t you have your own life to live? Oh wait, I forgot you spend every second in a dark room and refuse to come outside unless it’s to answer the door because you ordered shitty takeout. You consider changing your clothes adventurous and honestly it’s so boring. Introverted doesn’t even describe you, you’re more like a complete hermit (CRAB. HA!)
Leo- Hey leo, wow, are you actually reading this? I’m kind of shocked because I never thought you’d ever stop looking at yourself in the mirror. Seriously, you’re probably the most vain sign out of all of us. So much so that if someone criticizes you in even the smallest way, you get so offended and act like you’ve been shot in the chest. You think so highly of yourself, and while it’s great to have confidence, you take it to the next level, which is extreme arrogance. You love to have the conversation focused around you. You’re the type of friend that if someone is telling you about their problem or just their day in general, you’ll interrupt them and start talking about yourself and it’s DAMN ANNOYING. How do you still have friends?
Virgo- I’m gonna tell you right now, you’re not as perfect as you think you are. You’re so quick to critique other people that you write them off as not good enough before even getting to know them. You’re the type of person that would tell their friend that they were breathing too loudly. For fucks sake, you’re such an over analyzing pedant it makes me want to slap you in the face with my fucking asymmetrical hand. Your pessimism is damn near blinding, I probably wouldn’t want to hang around you for more than 10 minutes or you’d make me feel self conscious about how I fucking walk or some shit. You can’t take or make a joke. You’re skeptical about everything and you’re completely inflexible. You like to think of yourself as an intellectual but really you’re stuck up, narrow minded and someone I constantly find myself rolling my eyes at.
Libra- You are manipulative as shit. You’ll tell someone they look good without even looking up from your phone. You lie all the time and don’t really give a fuck if you hurt other people’s feelings because you really only look out for yourself. You’re also a huge fucking coward. When your friends need you to have their back and actually be there for them, you run and hide and say, “Oh sorry I just didn’t want to get involved!”. What a lame fucking excuse for ditching your friend in their time of need. You’re also extremely indecisive to the point where it’ll take you 3 hours just to choose where you want to go eat. It’s tiring as fuck. Just MAKE A CHOICE FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE. Have your own fucking opinion. You’re like a goddamn sheep.
Scorpio- Why the FUCK are you so aggressive for no fucking reason? You manipulate people just for the fun of it. You get jealous so easily and usually you don’t even have a reason to be jealous. You just are. It’s pathetic. You like to think that you’re so cool and mysterious but in reality people just see you as a moody and brooding asshole that no one really wants to bother getting to know. I mean, why would they? What’s the point? Every time someone even tries to get close to you, you completely brush them off and act like you don’t care about them because keeping your “mystifying” aura is soo important to you. And if you do let someone in, you treat them like they’re your possession and it’s creepy as hell. You obsess over them and you want to control them. God forbid they hang out with someone that isn’t you and then you resent them for no goddamn reason other than having a life of their own. Do me a favor scorpio and don’t talk to me.
Sagittarius- Honestly if a sag is reading this, you’re just straight up getting a taste of your own medicine. You’re tactless as shit and it makes me not want to be around you, ever. You’re inconsiderate of others and impatient with everyone. If someone isn’t moving up to your standards you will become agitated and aggressive and then you take it out on the person. You constantly need to be doing something else because your attention span lasts about 2 fucking seconds. You act like an 8 year old. You’re also really superficial. You don’t bother getting to know the deeper layers of a person because, like I said, you’re impatient and also just plain lazy. You take people for granted and are careless when handling the feelings of people closest to you. You’re also a really self-obsessed know-it-all. Go climb a fucking tree, sag.
Capricorn- Four words. Lighten. The fuck. Up. You are by far the most power-hungry of all the signs. You take everything so completely seriously that I don’t even know if you understand what “fun” even is. You always have to have two feet on the ground at all times and you can never ever be spontaneous and it’s so fucking dull. You’re conservative and disdainful nature can be so overbearing at times that even your friends need to get away from you. That is, if you have friends. You’re a complete pessimist so who knows if anyone can actually tolerate that. You constantly have to be the most successful person in a room, and you make sure you reach this level of success through abusive and controlling behavior towards the people around you. Your selfishness grosses me out.
Aquarius- I asked you what time it was. I didn’t ask you if I was afraid of time passing or the fact that it’s a manmade construct. For fucks sake, just shut the fuck up about this deep shit for once. I don’t want to contemplate how large the universe really is at fuckin 8:30 am on a Monday. You’re rebellious even when it doesn’t matter and honestly all it does is piss people off. You’re constantly trying to deviate from the norm that you make the same fucking mistakes that other people already made, but you don’t fucking learn from other people’s mistakes because you always have to go your own way. Maybe listen to other people for once? You’re the most detached sign out of all of them and you hurt people by acting aloof all the fucking time but you don’t care because you chalk it up to “this is who I am!!! I need my freedom!!!!”. You need to actually think about how your actions affect people you care about because if you don’t, you’re REALLY gonna end up alone and you won’t be able to do a damn thing about it. 
Pisces- You need to stop feeling sorry for yourself all the time and get it through your head that you’re not always the damn victim. You don’t take responsibility for your actions and you always find a way to blame it on someone else because you’re NEVER in the wrong, are you? Poor little pisces. You’re not as innocent as you want everyone to believe. You’re constantly daydreaming and it becomes really annoying when I’m trying to talk to you and you just completely zone out because you love living in your little imaginary world. You’re the WORST at solving your own problems and conflicts because instead of dealing with them you just avoid it all together and end up leaving the mess for someone else to clean up. You’re really nosy- you love to get in other people’s business. But you don’t go to the person directly, you have to be sneaky about it and gather rumors from other people. You’re also very over-sensitive. Out of all the signs, you’re by far the most likely to respond to this post saying how this isn’t true and that I’m just a “big fat meany!!!” and then add a bunch of angry/crying emojis.
(disclaimer: Don’t worry, I don’t really hate your sign (unless you’re a  * * * * * * ... lmao). This was just for fun and I know it’s harsh. Don’t take it too personally. You’re an individual and ultimately you determine who you really are. Except for you, * * * * * * . Fuck you.) 
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spectrumscribe · 6 years
one, two, step-
@rhi-draws-things three million years ago drew me my goatsona (goat persona) for my DnD group, and i was supposed to give her something in exchange, so uh sorry i’m late Rhi but here’s a Thing that i hope you like.
set in/based on Rhi’s excellent tmnt 2012 Fusion AU. an alternate universe where mutants have the ability to fuse with other mutants and also humans. its v good trust me.
Borne out of habit and repetition, there’s eventually a day that Mikey wanders into the barn specifically just to see Donnie, because he’s got nothing else to do and no one else he wants to talk with. Not that he really wants to talk, what with a weight of aimless uselessness sitting in his chest and a snarl of unhappy emotions waiting to spark into a right storm. He just needs… something. Something to do, someone to see who isn’t anyone inside the farmhouse.
Of course, Donnie is about as welcoming as he ever is these days. Crookedly slouched, absolute intensity on his work, no room for niceties or kindness. Just steely determination to fix things.
Donnie has been like that since they got here, and even worse since he diagnosed Leo’s coma as one that could be indefinite. Mikey has seen only scarce glimpses of his older brother, since Donnie can’t figure out how to sit still longer than passing out on the couch for a few hours. It’s a little weird, seeing Donnie behave so much like Mikey sometimes does. Honestly, it’s disconcerting, and it gives away just how really upset Donnie probably is about Leo, and their father, and everything.
It makes him a right asshole to talk with, too.
Mikey says hello anyway, and rolls his eyes at the curt greeting he gets in return, as well as the “go away, Mikey, I’m busy,” that follows right after.
“You sure you’re busy? Not just obsessively working on shit ‘cause you’re neurotic as hell?” Mikey needles, leaning on the desk beside Donnie and hoping to maybe start a good bicker. His brother doesn’t even look up.
“Mmm,” is all Donnie grunts. Oh, so he’s regressed to monosyllables? Nice.
Mikey pokes Donnie’s shoulder. His brother shrugs it sharply and keeps working. Mikey just about rolls his eyes out of his skull.
“Skill testing question: when was the last time you stood up, and if that number is not below five hours ago, how much feeling have you lost in your lower half at this point?”
“That answer just fills me with new knowledge, really. I feel all warm and tingly and shit. I might write a thesis paper on it.”
“Go away, Mikey.”
Mikey sighs loudly, pushing away from the table dramatically. “Look, I’m bored as fuck, so not I’m leavin’ until you stand up and at least attempt to take care of yourself.”
“I’m fine,” Donnie says, even though his voice is rough and his eyes bloodshot. Mikey frowns, watching his brother’s steady fingers keep working at the helmet-thing for April. Though his hands move fluidly, Mikey sees a serious slump of exhaustion to Donnie’s shoulders.
And not even a herd of wild horses could drag Donnie off to bed, not while Leo’s still asleep and Donnie has work he apparently has to do, even though he needed a break like, forever ago. Mikey knows his brother well enough to know no matter what he says… nothing is going to make Donnie go and actually take care of himself right now.
Desire for a good mock fight evaporates in Mikey, and he’s left feeling worn out again.
Mikey sighs to himself, watching his brother try to single-mindedly solve everyone’s problems in one go. A part of him is kind of jealous of Donnie’s sheer determination and near compulsion- at least he has goals, and drive to do meet those goals. Mikey has energy to burn, but nowhere to aim it on this stupid farmland. Playing with chickens and cooking meals only keeps him entertained for so long, but right now that’s all he knows how to do. Everything else is outside his capabilities.
Mikey misses home, misses their friends, misses their missing father and things being easy, at least sometimes. They’re all cooped up in the farmhouse together right now- him, Donnie, Raph and Casey and April- and yet it feels like there’s distance between them all, so long as the gap Leo left remains open.
Mikey’s lonely, honestly, and he knows his brother probably is too. Unwillingness to actually talk that out doesn’t erase it from being a thing.
Donnie has no energy to keep this endless workhorse drudgery up anymore. Mikey has too much energy to handle and not a single task left to spend it on. Neither of them is willing yet to actually talk about all the horrible stuff sitting inside them, but they’re both in serious need of closeness with someone, because this isolation feels like it could kill.
And then Mikey nearly smacks himself upside the head. There’s an easy solution to all of this.
“Hey, Donnie?”
“Mm? What.”
“Turn around.”
“What? No I’m working-”
Mikey grabs the back of Donnie’s chair and spins him around. Donnie barely lets go of his tools in time, unwillingly rounding with a scowl in place and his mouth already open to scold.
“Fuse with me,” Mikey says seriously, and Donnie’s mouth clicks shut.
“…why?” Donnie asks, giving Mikey a suspicious look. Mikey grins, grabbing his hand.
“Do it and you’ll understand,” He says cryptically, just to annoy Donnie, and hauls his brother out of the seat he’s probably been in for the last ten hours. Donnie stumbles, blinking rapidly and muttering about hypoglycemic attacks and the chances of him passing out mid fusion dance. Mikey ignores Donnie’s grumblings, and artfully corrals his brother into the dance.
Donnie drags his feet at first, annoyed and clearly at the end of his science-‘til-I-drop binge, but Mikey feels a tingle start in tips of his fingers as they fall into sync. It spreads up his hands and arms, from his toes up his legs- fluttering and warm and making him feel lighter than air. There are hints of sadder things, of heavy hearted emotions and pain, and those feelings from Donnie are evenly matched by Mikey’s. Neither of them is okay, neither of them is willing to talk about it. Not yet.
Fusion removes the need to talk.
Mikey laughs in surprise as Donnie abruptly spins him, his brother abruptly throwing himself 100% into the effort to fuse, and there’s Donnie’s familiar laugh; something Mikey hasn’t heard in weeks since they arrived at the farmhouse. It’s creaky in places but its real, and it makes a bubbly feeling burst in Mikey’s chest.
They spin together, drawing close as their feet slide and tap in perfect sync- they’re at opposite ends of the scale nine times out of ten, and then there’s times like this, where it’s all ease of movement and simple knowledge that the other knows the exact step they’re going to take next- where everything just makes clear perfect sense, and there’s no falter in their communication at all.
They’re the B-team for a reason, and it’s not just because their older brothers are sometimes jerks and get too easily exasperated with their eccentricities. It’s because they sometimes just click.
Donnie actually smiles, and it’s like months of stress lift from his eyes just with that expression, and Mikey mirrors the toothy grin with all the sincerity he’s got in him. It overpowers all the twisty awful emotions he’d had before this, and Mikey finally feels nothing but okay.
Donnie obviously feels the same, laughing freely as they dance, and against the echo-y rafters of the barn and mixed with the smell of old wood and hay and substances Mikey couldn’t even name- it’s amazing sounding, and it draws more exhilarated laughter out of Mikey.
Step, step, and twirl- they crash together in a burst of feelings and understanding and unconditional familial affection and love-
-and Monnie opens his eyes, all three of them feeling significantly less achy and awful than Donnie’s had, and from a much higher perspective above the ground. He yawns, feeling the urge to go and sleep off the fading exhaustion one part of him has, but the burbling energy the other half provides gives boost to the absolute determination he possesses, and then he doesn’t need to anymore.
Stretching his four arms above his head and behind his back, Monnie sighs happily as strength and vigor erases aches and cramps from bending over a desk and bedside. Good fucking god, why didn’t he do this hours ago, if not days? Weeks, he could have done this weeks ago, rather than sit around feeling miserable and tired and aimless and too wired to sleep at all. Why didn’t he? Everything is so much easier to handle now that he’s fused.
Both sides of him respond that it’s because he’s two parts of dysfunctional individuals with communication problems. Monnie tells himselves to fuck off.
He glances at the now very short table all of Donnie’s projects are scattered across, and finds a dozen new solutions popping into his head now that he’s got a fresh streak of creativity to add to the genius’s, and all the knowledge needed to articulate, refine, and execute the ideas. The daunting tasks of medical, mechanical, and economical problem solving are much less stressful, now that he’s got a thrum of excitement in his chest and broader perspective.
Of course… a repressed part of one half is calling to the restless part of the other half, demanding to be outside in the sun and getting his blood pumping. Part of him has been cooped up in this barn for weeks, and it makes the other halve jittery just to experience secondhanded. Monnie feels it thirdhanded and he understands both sides of the equation.
“I need to finish this, though,” Monnie mutters to himself, picking up his tools and the helmet and examining them, as well as absently starting to rearrange the desk into a manner that suits all him instead of just one half of him. He really does have so many things to get done- so many things, jeez- but the sun is warm and the wind is sweet and part of him recalls a very lovely climbing tree not far from the farm.
Admittedly, Monnie is as determinedly focused as he is impulse and whim driven. He needs to get work done, but he also needs to get out and stretch and re-fucking-lax, Donnie, you’re tying yourself up in knots like this-
-I know what I’m doing-
-wrecking your posture is what you’re doing-
-like you’re one to-
-talk, slouching so-
-much of the time over-
Monnie shakes his head, quieting the brief squabble with himselves. His fusion remains solid despite the bickering, which is nice since it’s been ages since he was himself, and while he has occasional scattering days where a lot of messy and painful feelings make his emotions and opinions invert and turn sharp and terrible and hating, aimed at himself and himselves and everything- Monnie really, really does love himself a lot. Even if he finds bits of himselves annoying at times.
He’s made of two halves that click just right, sometimes, despite being such laughable opposites in so many ways, a perfect mix of them both… and that topic of thought leads Monnie to an idea.
“…strike a balance!” He tells himself triumphantly, setting down his tools and projects. “One- two- one hour of hiking, and then work for a few more, and then dinner prep and another walk? Yeah, that seems fair.”
Both parts of him are in total agreement that being away from the farmhouse will be good; getting away from the oppressive silence and failure that lingers in the upstairs levels, choking and painful to even think on. That will ease the continuous worrying Leo’s coma causes for everyone.
Which Monnie isn’t going to do, because he has a tree to climb and a forest to explore with new eyes and so very many things to accomplish after that.
Monnie steps away from the desk, humming pleasantly to himself an aimless but upbeat tune as he walks towards the barn doors. They open easy as anything for him- he has twice the strength of either side of him- and Monnie is bathed in the hot afternoon sun as he steps out.
The wind is sweet, the more indoors-y half of him finds delightedly, and he laughs to himself as he squints up at the blue, blue sky. It really is such a lovely day, and being himself makes it seem even lovelier.
Raph is on the porch currently, fiddling with what looks like his sketchbook, and staring at Monnie with something between exasperation and confusion. Monnie waves cheerily, and turns the motion into a quadruple flipoff as he absconds from the farmhouse lawn. Raph had been snappish and unpleasant to Mikey this morning when he just tried to say hi, and Monnie feels absolutely justified in flipping his brother off and explaining nothing of why he’s fused.
The forest welcomes him and the jaunty steps he takes speed up as it does. The trees are taller and thicker than anywhere in NYC, a hundred birds and small animals are just nearby, and the earthy rich scent of everything speaks to a nearly buried part of his brain.
It feels wonderful. The tug of duty and responsibility and guilt and love remains, tying Monnie to the farmhouse despite how much he just wants to run and run and never look back, but he lets none of those things seize hold of him.
Monnie will go home later, finish projects and make dinner for everyone- later. For now, he has a tree to climb.
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neoct18 · 7 years
pricked; chapter iii
◖pairing ─ reader x taemin
◖rating ─ m [angst, profanity]
◖word count ─  1.815
◖a/n ─ i think this will only have a few more parts. thank you for all the support!
part I , part II
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❝ You devastate me. ❞
Taemin knew this would be no negotiation.
He’d grown bored of bad people playing a shoot out as a ‘meet up.’ He’d grown bored of older men in his line of work sugarcoating their crimes with dictionary words. They were all thugs. They committed crimes. They were no ‘top dog’, they didn’t belong in no mafia, they just were. They saw an easy way out, and they grabbed it.
They were all scum, himself included. Though that was about to change, if all in Hell went well. VIXX was an established underground mafia, their circles running throughout South Korea, and even though Taemin was sure Ravi wasn’t the mind behind the organization, he’d found the man crazy enough to be a genius. That was Taemin’s definition of a ‘top dog.’
No gang, and certainly not his, could ever match VIXX, no matter how smart all the members in his group were. He only controlled a few districts in Seoul. And that had taken an awful lot of work; he didn’t like getting his hands dirty, but if you didn’t want to be anyone’s bitch, you always had to do things yourself.
If his father ever taught him anything, it was this.
So after the shoot out at the abandoned building, he followed Leo, Ravi’s right hand, back to their base on his motorbike. He never trusted going with anyone anywhere. It was part of having his own back.
Minho was more reckless. First he insisted on going with him to Busan, and now he’s riding with South Korea’s biggest gang, on unknown territory. Taemin had to give it to his hyung; he had guts.
But Taemin had death. And that, he could hold over everyone’s head. You don’t become a gang leader at twenty-four by bending over and letting them fuck you in the ass. Fuck no.
You had to have a personality; a question mark; a vibe to you. You needed to have your cards right twenty-four seven. And he had all of that. His deadly, quiet aura is what gave him power. He wished he could say his looks didn’t play any part in it, but he’d be lying. Just like he could sweet talk his way out of any girl, he used the same technique but more bluntly to get things done his way.
If you wanted a meeting with Taemin, you bet your bottom dollar you’d leave out of that room with a deal in his favor, without even knowing how.
And that was why Taemin’s gang was hated on. That, and also because his brothers and him were some handsome motherfuckers.
When they reached a house, a little out of Busan, he killed the engine off and walked past everyone, heading straight for Ravi, who was waiting for them on the stairs of what Taemin supposed could be described as a mansion. It made no difference. Anything that has a roof is a house to him; big or small only played a role in the bedroom.
“You’re a crazy bastard, Lee,” Ravi greeted him with a wolfish grin.
Taemin couldn’t help but smirk at his old friend. “I’m not the one having every police station after my ass.”
Ravi’s hair shone fire engine red under the lights of the useless, in Taemin’s eyes, chandeliers.
“Wait ‘til you join us and I’ll let you have a taste.” 
Wonsik’s words sounded like a promise, and Taemin found himself questioning his decisions for the first time in a long while.
You were making tea on that Thursday night, an old movie used as background noise at your empty little room.
When this room became your only option with the limited money you could offer as rent, you had seriously considered moving back with your parents.  But you couldn’t pull through it. You left for a reason, and that was to grow more as your own person. Admitting defeat because of money problems didn’t seem like a good enough reason to run back to Mom and Dad with your tail between your legs.
But that wasn’t what was on your mind, while you poured the hot water into the mug. You wish life was a simple matter such as money, though undoubtedly money couldn’t be classified as ‘a simple matter.’
Taemin had changed your perspective on so many things. You had never really realized how much of his character had slipped through the cracks of your bones, entangling with your own beliefs.
Taemin. Was he even alive? You agonized over it these past two days, when there were no calls, no texts. You reasoned with yourself; things like: ‘Alive? Is this even a real question right now?’ or ‘This isn’t your life, (Y/N). You better wake up from this.’ None of the wake up calls shook you though.
You knew questions like those were part of your reality now. It wasn’t some Korean drama you binge watched, nor a dream of a reckless life. You’d laughed half your way through it, and cried the rest. Bottom line was: If he was alive, he’d come any time now. And you had to give an answer, when you didn’t have one.
Or, better worded, you did have one, you just didn’t know if it was the right one.
You couldn’t sugarcoat it, no matter how you thought about it. You first met Taemin as a different you, a more carefree you, a girl that wasn’t afraid to have a night one stand with a stranger, because, well, fuck, what was life, anyway, right? Who knew?
This whole thing started with you on all fours, coming for a hot guy that drilled into you the fastest you ever had it. And it changed, because apparently love changes everything.
You say you are one thing, but your heart turns blind one day, and suddenly you are something else entirely. And he’s telling you to walk away from it, but from what? Your heart? Him and every way he fucked with your mind? Or the way he fucked you, period?
The lines had been blurred so much, your situation was only bound to get confusing.
When you went to sit on your bed, your phone chirped. Your heart skipped a beat, and letting the mug down with nervous hands, you grabbed the phone and opened the text.
         ‘Open the door.’ read at 23:07
You don’t know how fast you got to the door, or how Taemin collapsed on his knees in front of you, his hands grabbing at your thighs, bloody face buried between them, nuzzling at the soft feeling of your pajamas.
Someone gasped, you, and the vulnerable boy on his knees in front of you let out a muffled scream. It vibrated through you, and shattered your heart. Tears came quicker than you expected, trying to grab at his hands, telling him to get up in a panicked voice.
“It’s cold, it’s cold, please,” you muttered, fingers tangled in his soft, black hair.
It was like something snapped inside him, and next thing you knew he was kicking the door shut, and leaving kisses dangerously close to the place you’d missed him most.
“It’s okay,” he rasped, hands tugging your pajama bottoms down.
You had no option but to step out of them. But you were also taken aback. What had happened? What was this? Why was he acting so passionately?
“Wait, wait,” you grabbed hold of his face and pushed it back so you could look at him.
He looked fine, no injuries, but his face had dried brushes of blood. You scanned his dark eyes. He wouldn’t look directly at you.
“Get up and tell me what the fuck happened.”
“Mind your tone.”
“Mind your hands.”
He sighed, closing his eyes and standing up, fingers still tracing your body.
“What happened?” you asked again, guiding his gaze with your hand on his cheek, making him look at you.
“You.” His eyes were furious, but his voice sounded small; soft. “They know about you, they know where you work, what rout you take to your house, your favorite tea shop, what you look like naked─” he cut himself off, tearing his face from your hands, jaw locked.
You should’ve panicked, but you needed more answers. Your trembling worsened.
“Why did you scream?” He didn’t answer. “Taemin.”
“You devastate me,” he began, still refusing to look at you, fists tucked at his sides.
“I didn’t know─  I hadn’t realized how invested I was in you, until they gave me your file and I saw the pictures. Your private moments. Things only I should be seeing, things only I have permission to see─” he stopped again, the clenching of his teeth making it hard for you to understand what he was saying.
“That’s why they needed me now. ‘Cause they were on me. And me being a target means the guys being targets, and you being a target, and I spent half an hour out there thinking about you drinking your goddamned rose tea and being so fucking... clueless of all the ways you could’ve died at any possible second before I got here.
“This is so hard, (Y/N),” that’s when he looked at you, red rimmed eyes looking the most serious you’ve ever seen them. “Stop,” he grabbed your shoulders.
You hadn’t realized you were shaking.
“I never gave a damn about anything, until I spotted you at that bar. From that point on I felt responsible for everything that happened in your life. Even...” he chuckled, “even when you didn’t wear a jacket when going to the convenience store to buy ramen cups. I beat myself up for days for not dressing you up myself when you got that cough.
“I want more for you, and I want to be the one to give it to you, but all I am is a fucked up nobody who doesn’t deserve you, yet got stuck with you. On you. But I’m not going to be saying these things every day. I’m not going to be your little boyfriend, and we’ll never be able to go on dates, ‘cause I’ll be out killing people. I’m cold; I play mind games, and sometimes I’m awkward but I cover it up by being an asshole, and you devastate me.”
He grabbed your ass and lifted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist, and moved towards the bed. You wouldn’t think about his words, ‘cause you smelt the alcohol on his breath. 
“I missed your body so fucking much,” he whispered, voice raspy from cigarettes and liquor.
You wouldn’t take his words to heart, like you’ve always tried to do. So for now, you’d just take his clothes off, and let him have his way with you, ‘cause you knew he needed this.
You also hoped that would give him his answer. If he remembered any of it come morning.
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scenerdoth777 · 7 years
My Thoughts Watching Twin Peaks for the First Time: Season One, Episode One
Twin Peaks has a lovely theme song. I could sleep to that shit.
Why is it always either joggers or fishermen that find the dead bodies?
The Police Station Secretary sounds like a child and that threw me of for a second.
Laura doesn’t look dead. She looks like she’s sleeping with some very chic makeup on.. You know those underwater themed looks? Looks like that.
Hi I’m Laura and today I’m going to be showing you how to do this chic Dead Body Tossed Into a River in a Plastic Bag look.
Laura’s mom reminds me of my mom which makes me very uncomfortable. I know that Twin Peaks is supposed to creep you out a bit but this is going too far.
Laura’s Dad seems like an asshole.
Laura’s boyfriend is an asshole and a cheater. Total fuckboi. Give this guy an apple.
Okay guys. I lied. This isn’t my first time watching this. This is my second time watching but I only got through part of the episode because of ALL THE GOD DAMN CRYING! DON’T CRY FOR HER SHE LOOKS FABULOUS!
To the Guy in the Red Plaid Shirt: Work it, bro.
I relate to that one girl running in the schoolyard screaming.
Police are not being inconspicuous at all.
*sighs* I don’t mind crying if it’s for a character I know about. But when it’s for a character I don’t know, the constant crying gets fucking annoying. I’m sorry major Twin Peaks fans, but it is.
That jazzy music tho.
I don’t think Bobby did it, but I can see how they could suspect it.
Okay, the only reason I could see a school making this huge of a deal over a student death is if that kid was super fucking smart or super fucking involved in the clubs. Then again, I was homeschooled for most of my life so I have no idea how this would work out. Wait... she was the homecoming queen. Chic even in death.
My feelings towards this exposition: *that huge army from Monty Python and the Holy Grail* GET ON WITH IT! (give me a break guys i couldn’t find a gif for it)
Why do you need the key to the diary? Just take a knife and saw at the little strap until it snaps. Boom! Open diary.
Is another girl dead now. Cause sorry honey, I don’t think the killer is going to be revealed in the pilot episode.
The owner of the sawmill is a lesbian. Sorry guys, I don’t make the rules.
That girl looked like she wrestled with a huge-ass snake. Look at those huge red dots across her chest!
Whoever the guy in the suit with the tape recorder is, I feel like he would be that one guy who has that twitter in which he posts every single thing that happens in his life.
How does that motherfucker not know what pine trees look like?
Okay they’re firs, but those are a type of pine so get off my case. I was partially correct. It’s like when I asked a girl if she was british and later found out she was from Northern Ireland. I was sort of correct.
Mr. FBI needs to chill. Also, there’s totes going to be a connection between Laura and the girl.
“she’s not responsive at all” Me when I’m super depressed.
“I want to examine her fingers.” That is hands down the best line in a tv show ever.
Okay so now i’m theorizing that Laura had a mental disorder. Probably depression.
Whoo hoo the pace is picking up. Please don’t tell me that the opening of every episode is as boring as this one’s was.
*flickering lights* Nice Stranger Things reference.
What kind of killer would leave just the letter R under the fingernail? Like, what kind of calling card is that? Seriously? Nobody would think to look under the nail so if you want to take the claim for that murder why would you do that?
Big Ed’s condolences to Donna has to be the most insincere one I’ve ever heard.
Agent Cooper knows what I was talking about earlier. Break that seal open! There are no secrets for the dead!
Why does Laura hate asparagus? That shit’s delish!
Agent Cooper sees white residue on a bag and immediately suspects cocaine. That’s my kind of guy right there.
My man Andy always be crying. I feel you bro. I feel you.
“You never loved her anyways” Damn. Cooper be savage.
That little silly tune in the background as that one girl talks about her friends death. WTF.
So she was dating the biker boi? Laura’s a cheater too. Bruh.
A white man banging his head against a dollhouse in an insultingly stereotypical native american head dress. What the hell is this show?
So Laura wanted to be a porn model? Or was she a hooker?
What the hell Leo? Let the girl smoke whatever she wants. It’s not that big of a deal.
Cooper is adorable. He gets excited over the littlest of things.
Bobby and Mike are both pieces of shit.
They are doing a stakeout at the Roadhouse. How coincidental!
Wait the Twin Peaks Theme Song has lyrics? DUDE!
Is there gonna be a bar fight?
Mike is a dick. An abusive dick.
If Donna dies I riot.
Those bikers are alright. Mike deserves to get the shit kicked out of him.
“I know her. I know her better than she thought I did.” So you know she’s a hooker?
I know that burying the necklace is a good idea, but you’re probably gonna loose it because there isn’t a really important landmark there.
Donna’s dad is understanding. Thats nice of him. He’s a good dad.
Ah. The police and donut cliche.
The fuck is wrong with those douche bags.
Okay, what the fuck just happened to Laura’s mom? What the fuck?
So that’s my thoughts on the first episode. If this gets five notes I’ll do this for episode two.
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tokyoteddywolf · 7 years
Vet AU Headcanons!
little headcanons that i thought of for the Vet AU i’m writing :)
Send me some if i’ve missed anything, and i’ll think them over and confirm them or not if i like them! anyway, have some Vet AU headcanons starring our lovely Yurio!
(this is the most i’ve written in a long time, and i write really fast, so sorry for any spelling mistakes. Imagine, an American not spelling correctly!)
Vet AU Headcanons-
-In this au, Yuri is about 21 or so.
-Viktor and Yuuri met when Mari brought Yuuri in to start training to be a therapy dog for the baby animals, and needed to borrow Viktor for a bit to show Yuuri how therapy dogs act. Viktor completely threw that out the window when he saw Yuuri, and affixed himself to the younger dog.
-Yuuri was extremely shy when he first came to train at the hospital, but Viktor and the other animals are helping him out of his shell.
-Mari got Yuuri from a shelter after the poor baby had been abused and was on death row. She didn't want the poor thing to die without ever knowing what a real family was like, and adopted him on the spot. It took Yuuri a little while to warm up to her, but he now regards her as his savior.
-Yurio has this sort of aura that animals really like, as he was always the best at taming stray cats from the neighborhood. This sort of gave him the nickname “The Cat Whisperer” during his school years.
-Viktor is a therapy dog for other, older and larger animals. He's the best at calming and reassuring other pets that the hospital isn't a bad place.
-Yuuri is in training to handle younger, baby animals when they visit the hospital. He still tends to panic when they start yelping or yowling about being scared. But, he's like a giant mama bear, and tends to be protective over the small animals.
-Yuuri once fell asleep watching the new birds a pet shop had sent over to be checked and vaccinated, and Dr. Lilia found him covered in baby parakeets, looking extremely comfortable on the Shiba Inu's fluffy fur.
- okay, so the breeds of all the animals, in case you didn't know, are as follows-
Viktor: silver short furred (it got trimmed by Yuuko) Husky with blue eyes, dog. Hyper af, but calm and serious when needed, as per his training under Mari.
Yuuri: Black and tan Shiba Inu with chocolate eyes, very fluffy, dog. Shy, skittish, but getting more confident during his hospital training.
Mila: ginger ussuri which is a type of Russian feline. Mila's fur is reddish with black stripes and spots, and greenish blue eyes (bc I can't tell if ussuri's have blue eyes, they all look green.) Houdini of cats, usually breaks out of her cage when bored, which is most of the time. She's stuck at the hospital due to her owner having gotten into an accident, and won't be home for a few months, so the hospital is keeping Mila around until her owner is better.
Chris: Golden Maine Coon, with chocolate eyes. He has unusually slightly curly fur, usually trimmed. He's also slimmer than a normal Coon, which makes Dr. Yakov think he might have smaller cat genes mixed in. Mind you, Maine Coons grow to be really fricking huge, so everyone really hopes the small cat genes in Chris win out. Though, the bigger they are, the more to cuddle, right? He loves to rub himself against people, as he is a very affectionate kitty.
Sara and Michele/Mickey: Black kites, which are a type of bird of prey. Some of Russia is still wild, so people like to use birds to hunt. (This is probably not true, but i'm a little lazy at the moment and don't feel like looking this up.) These two birds grew up together, and are pretty much inseparable. Sara is more vocal about things than Mickey, though.
JJ: he's a fucking peacock, okay. Born and raised in Canada, perfectly tame but a bit of an asshole. Loves to preen and show off. His owner is Isabella, and she is rich as hell, and spoils JJ like crazy.
Emil: Very, VERY affectionate Czechoslovakian Wolfdog. (apparently these dogs are still considered a new breed.) but they are pretty and fluffy and blue eyed and aaaaaaaaa just look them up when you can-
Minami- people joke about him being a chicken nugget, so I made him a wild red tailed hawk chick. Yuuri found him hopping around the training yard a few months ago, and the tiny chick imprinted itself on the fluffy dog, and now follows him around a lot. He also helps keep an eye on the pups and kits of the Nursery, which is a relief for Yuuri. Minami is still learning how to fly though, and sometimes gets lessons from Sara and Mickey when they come in from getting injured during hunting season. To make sure nobody freaks out over him, Dr. Lilia dyed a patch of feathers on Minami's head to a bright red that meant that he's a tame part of the hospital, and that he's perfectly safe to admire.
Leo: Golden Retriever puppy. Because I can't think of anything else :')
Guang-Hong: Tibetan Spaniel because have you seen how smol and cute they are-
Georgi: Russian Blue. He isn't pure Russian Blue, so he has black fur. He was abandoned by his old owner, Anya, and the other shelters can't take him in, so he's staying at the hospital for now. It says that Russian Blues get very attached to their owners, so I figured that this was perfect for him. Yuri is thinking about taking him in once he gets over Anya. The poor kitty was really attached to her, so when he was abandoned he stopped eating due to depression. He's getting better thanks to Mila, Chris and Yuuri's help. Viktor is busy with other patients in the kennel area, but he stops by when he can.
Phichit: Thai Ridgeback, tan. He loves to chew on wires and devices, so he usually ends up in the hospital for shards of glass or wires in his gums or mild electrocution. You'd think he'd learn, but no. Sometimes he does it on purpose just to see Yuuri. The two dogs grew close during Yuuri's first few weeks at Mari's house, as Celestino (Phichit's owner in this AU) used to live next to Mari for several years until he had to move across town for his new job. Phichit was the first to get Yuuri to open up more, and feel safe at Mila's place. The two are best friends, of course, though Celestino is a little ticked every time he finds the house phone chewed up, or a heating blanket.
If I missed anyone, pls let me know~
-Otabek is a mechanic, and Yuri's roommate of 2 years. They met when Yuri's bike broke down and needed a ride home, while Otabek got kicked out of his house by his parents who, “Love him, but can't stand the smell of motor grease and oil smears all over the house, accidental or not.” Otabek gave Yuri  ride to his house on his motorcycle, and Yuri offered him a place to spend the night as a return favor. He learned the next morning that Otabek didn't have anywhere to stay, and as they had bonded as friends the night before (over watching some comedy drama and vocalizing opinions over the characters), he decided that as long as Otabek paid half the rent, he could stay. Yuri doesn't mind the smell of oil, either, since it reminds him of his grandpa's car.
- Viktor and Yuuri are indeed, gay dogs, and they love each other thank you very much. Viktor visits Yuuri in the nursery as often as possible, and loves helping Yuuri with the baby animals there.
- Minami is protective over his “Mama Yuuri”, but has accepted Viktor as his adopted dad.
- The animals all really care for Yuri, and worry when he isn't around. Yuri secretly cares a lot about them too, even if he won't admit it.
- Yuuko is a pet groomer that trims and cleans animals that need to be cared for immediately, and isn't squeamish over blood due to her job involving washing off blood mixed with dirt every time an emergency is brought in.
-The triplets often volunteer at the pet hospital, usually doing tasks like cleaning kennels or feeding the animals.
-the hospital is big enough to rival an actual human hospital, with separate areas each the size of a house for the various animals they care for there. There's a separate building area for emergencies, while the main building is for things like check-ups and overnight stay areas (again, the size of a family house), while everything is separated according to species, like the bird treatment area, the canine area, the feline area, and the reptile area.
-The resident snake of the reptile area is called Jake, and he's the oldest occupant of the hospital due to his digestion issues. Yuri thinks he's pretty cool, for a snake.
- Yuri's field specializes in medium pet animals, like cats, dogs, and other domestic medium sized pets that I can't think of at the moment. He remembers the day he had to treat a pig, and boy wasn't that an adventure.
- Otabek works at a mechanic shop a mile away from where he and Yuri live, and builds custom motorcycles and repairs cars and other machines there. He often takes the custom build blueprints home to discuss with Yuri, as a fresh mind is always helpful with new ideas.
-send me headcanons for this AU! I'd be glad to incorporate them into the little fics I make from it! I might discuss them over with you first though, in case I'm not sure if they fit in the AU or not. :)
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lauraacan · 7 years
ALL OF THEM WHAT DO YOU THINK? Except 1, 12 and 42 because I already know those ;)
0:Height1m60. But my parents found funny to put 1m59 on my ID… VERY FUNNY x)(omg you’re taller than me
1:Virgin?I’m Leo.
2:Shoe sizeA boring 39 ;)
3:Do yousmoke?NOPE. NEVAA
4:Do you drink?Very rarely. Although I kinda could enjoy being drunk rn lmao
5:Do you take drugs?NOPE NOPE. Like if I needed any LOL
6:Age you get mistaken for25 yo.
7:Have tattoos?No
8:Want any tattoos?YES But I won’t have any because I’m way too perfectionist to get myself inkedby anyone. Imagine they shake???But if I could i’d like some orca on my arm, in maori style. Also a phoenix somewhere accross my Back/hips... I dunno I love so many tattoo concepts. Also some motivational words on my wrists. 
9:Got any piercings?Not a single one
10:Want any piercings?Not really
12:Relationship statusIn couplealso I DON’T FUCKING HATE YOU OK ;A;
13:Biggest turn onsWOW That escaladed quickly. OKayyyy-> Don’t ever touch my neck for your own sanity. OR PLEASE DO->  Good perfume can do miracles.Seriously
14:Biggest turn offs-> PAIN -> Vulgarity I think??
15:Favorite movie
Mmhhh tough one. I recently watched “ledernier jour du reste de ta vie” and it really rang a lot of bells to me.
16:I’ll love you ifI LOVE YOU  TOO ;A;
17:Someone you missWell you obviously. But let’s not be too cheesy and add…. Ahem…. Old friends?Like those I had back in middle school days?
18:Most traumatic experience
My mother died, I was bullied veryseriously as a teen  but NO my biggesttrauma is almost losing a tooth two years ago??? LIKE BRAIN WHY ARE YOU LIKETHIS??? (I really have nightmare regularly about this accident O.o)
19:A fact about your personalityI’m a selfish person, sadly. I try to at least deal with it a little bit. AlsoI am VERY anxious. But you know all too well
20:What I hate most about myself
Ahahha very easy: my sex. Why am I not afreaking boy it would be so much easier on so many levels? ;)
21:What I love most about myselfIt may sound weird but: the world I built to sooth me (I should write / draw itlmao but somehow it just never feels right). Also I kinda like my body. Almost. Okay it’s a love / hate relationship but let’skeep it positive!
22:What I want to be when I get older
23:My relationship with my sibling(s)
Very conflicted. And I wish one of mybro wouldn’t have missed his suicide, because he’s making our lives a living hellfor so long.. I wish we wouldn’t have to watch him turn in such a monster yearsafter yearsBut I kinda love how the brother I thought I was the most in conflict with actually is the one who is there for me when shit happens lol. He’s a shithead but he’s a good guy
24:My relationship with my parent(s)Conflicted too? But things go better over time. I managed to say “I love you”to my dad for the very fist time in YEARS for Christmas… I cried a lot.
25:My idea of a perfect dateCUDDLES. Just cuddles… And some good, healthy sex afterwards would be marvellous.Or simply cuddles more. No seriously some nice chattering on a bed, with a good movie, some food, tea…It sounds lame omgI also did the “watch at the stars lying on a beach” and it was amazing (thank you ex BF for being such a romantic soul ahhaha)
26:My biggest pet peevesI dunno… Not even sure what a “pet peeve” is… Something I really dislike? Welllet’s say intolerant people, physical violence. Also cetacean captivity.
27:A description of the girl/boy I likeGOSH I can’t. I’m crying because I just CANT. Guys. Fantasizing about someone who isn’t your boyfriend EVEN THO you love himis actually the WORST FEELING EVER.
28:A description of the person I dislike the mostLet’s go ahead: he lacks three fingers in one hand,is the utterly asshole and should be in jail for so many reasons. Oh also he’smy brother.
29:A reason I’ve lied to a friend
I don’t know… to not worry them? To not destroyeverything? Well I do try to avoid lying a lot, it’s been a fucking long timesince I last lied…. Can’t really remember.
30:What I hate the most about work/schoolSTRESS
31:What your last text message says“oups” I did it again
32:What words upset me the most“Seriously, what do you wanna do with your life, you can’t keep going like that »- like fuck you living is already hard enough and you ask me to make PLANS ???Also “you chose your path” – very funny to say that when my parents didn’treally give me a choice.
33:What words make me feel the best about myselfWhen people say they love me ;A;But let’s be honest I’m much more confortable with physical touches when it’s about making me feel better. Nothing’s better than a good hug.
34:What I find attractive in womenOh gosh almost everything ahahah. Almost. (I have an issue with female sex)No seriously I must have a thing for neck. 
35:What I find attractive in menNECK/ torso/ arms/deep voice
36:Where I would like to liveI think it’s not about where I want to live but who I want to be with ahhaha. Ican do with most places I think.
37:One of my insecuritiesmy fantasies.
38:My childhood career choiceI wanted to be a vet, then a mangaka. And then a translator. 
39:My favorite ice cream flavourVanilla maybe?
40:Who wish I could bea guy I guess. Handsome please.
41:Where I want to be right now
With someone
42:The last thing I ateSushis
43:Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediatelyHEJGFKDSSHLDGJJFGDKJGJH * end up crying *
44:A random fact about anythingReading my answers I find myself super scary… Looks like I need to really sort some things out lmao / I’ve been telling that for the past 10 years litterally /Also, I swear a LOT more in English than I do in French ahahah. 
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