#Man I kinda rushed to make this-
fluffyskies · 1 year
I saw your requests were opened?? Can we please get a lee aubrey, then?
Platonic??? 😏🤫
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tratshka · 3 months
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Gota draw him serving CUNT
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barra-400 · 4 days
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June pt.3
You have to "Hang in there"!
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cobaltfluff · 2 years
Happy KagePro day!
how the years have gone by, how so much has changed, and yet, some things will always remain the same...
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popsicle-stick · 10 months
yknow. the superstore writers were nuts for that. i really did, honest to god, think that amy and jonah were broken up for good and that was how the whole thing was gonna end. i'd already gone through the five stages of grief and i'd reached acceptance and reframed the whole thing as a Tragedy in my head. what i was NOT prepared for was america ferrera reappearing for the ending and the amy/jonah relationship getting salvaged from the abyss within the space of two 20 minute episodes. insane. and they're married! love is real!!!!!!!!!!!! love is so real!!!
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aberooski · 9 months
omg. a jaden castles crumbling edit is all i've been able to think about since july 7!!! i don't have tik tok but i have to go find this
The first thing I thought about when I heard the song the first time was "this is so Jaden coded 😭" and I haven't been able to put it out of my mind! The bridge in particular has been haunting me in a certain kinda way ever since.
And you're in luck, my anon friend! I saved the file so I can provide!
The idea of course being that the bridge in particular always stood out to me as Jaden coded because of the duel with Brron in season 3 and the um......events that transpire....
This is probably one of the most upsetting edits I've ever made imo, this duel was the first time GX made me actually cry the first time I watched the show. This whole season is so emotionally draining honestly but this shit man 🥲
This was the moment Jaden's castle came crumbling down.
#augh this whole episode man 😭 this whole arc 😭 castles crumbling is sooooooo jaden coded 😭😭😭😭#anyways I hope you like it anon! 🙂#and fr especially the way that the squad's emptions were being amplified and exacerbated by the runes which caused them to really go at jay-#-like that just makes it all so much more upsetting somehow#because I mean they were all well within their rights to be upset with jaden for what was going on and how he-#-had been handling everything thus far not really taking them into account as far as it seemed to them#and jaden was just trying to protect everyone but was also so laser focused on finding jesse he did just kinda brush everybody off#and wasn't listening to their imput and how they were trying to help but also be smart about things and he was just rushing into things#and poor sy didn't even have the full context of what was going on during that duel so it really looked to him and jim and axel-#-that jay was more the cause of everyone dying than he actually was. which then the turmoil sy feels seeing his friends killed-#-seemingly because of jaden and the ~doubt~ he feels that's making him so conflicted is only being exacerbated and amplified by....#say it with me folks! the wicked rune!#augh it's just a terrible situation all around 😭#but this was the moment where jaden's castle came crumbling down.#yugioh#yugioh gx#jaden yuki#alexis rhodes#atticus rhodes#tyranno hassleberry#chazz princeton#syrus truesdale#aberooski asks#answered
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youredreamingofroo · 3 days
okay I need to stop yapping cuz im sleepy but I LOVE the idea of giving Leo the coping mechanism of doing anatomy practice to calm himself down... I threw it out as an idea in the art styles+content post because I don't necessarily see him as an artist, but now that I think about it... I see him moreso just doing it to cope, and not trying to be an artist, it would also reflect some of his own personal struggles, like he would primarily do male anatomy just due to his preferences, specifically drawing torsos, he would never add or draw male faces bc he would be reminded of his attraction to men, and he still feels that internalized homophobic shame of being aroused by other men, and leo is unable to separate practice from/with(?) arousal/interest/sexuality in this medium (for himself). But THEN there's another layer of shame in the case of him drawing women, he would feel shameful and uncomfortable drawing a woman's body and would just feel gross and, again, uncomfortable perceiving a woman because of his preferences, which is going back to the fact that he can't separate practice from/with arousal/sexuality. It all just kind of ends up being this toxic habit and toxic coping mechanism for him, where he uses drawing as an outlet to calm down, but in turn, when doing anatomy of a man, he would progressively start to feel bad again, but not for the same reason, and if/when anatomy practice doesn't calm him down (which it usually doesn't, but he just cant help but try), he just starts scribbling and scribbling and venting and ranting through incohorent patterns and words, which is much more successful in calming him down than anatomy practice. In the end, It's a habit, and unless he can shake some sense into himself, it'll keep happening to him, wearing him down to the point of giving up, and putting his brain (scribbles/incohorent thoughts) on paper.
Anyways thank you for coming to my OC Ted talk, good night.
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lord-squiggletits · 8 months
The hard thing about liking Getaway as a character is that people are like "why are you mad people hate him, he's literally evil in the text" and it's like. Yeah I get that and I ENJOYED the way he was shown in MTMTE, the problem is that in LL his character got hit with villain degradation/idiot ball and so my beef with his portrayal is that I think it's shitty and underwhelming writing.
But like, it's really hard to debate about that because canon is the basis of the entire analysis, and if your contention of canon is basically "he would not fucking say/do that" then that means a near-complete rejection of canon in favor of headcanon and you can't really "debate" personal opinions in that way.
Anyways, LL Getaway sucked and the most charitable interpretation one could have of how he was written is that he was a victim of JRO needing to wrap up a billion plotlines at once and getting shafted because the mutiny plotline had to resolve really fast. Which is a flaw of LL and a bunch of its characters/plots in general, not me being an "apologist."
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vaugarde · 4 months
its kinda crazy to think about, but i think the anime version of the darkest day arc was the most faithful adaptation to the original game arc? which is crazy because otherwise jn is allergic to doing anything with galar.
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possiblytracker · 1 year
got dragged to a pub quiz with some of my housemates buddies and was fully convinced i was not really gonna have a good time and itd probably be too loud and i wouldnt be much help etc etc etc bc my mood is still not great but i forgot im a competitive motherfucker when it comes down to it and the sheer rush of euphoria that comes from knowing a few more obscure answers that had the rest of the room hemming and hawing is gonna carry me through the next week probably
#when nobody else in the wetherspoons in rural wales knows what the capital of florida is or what you call a female swan#the big ass grin spreading across my face and sheer rush of Power listening to 2 people the next table over arguing over whether#its jacksonville or miami. you Fools. you absolute buffoons. i know more than you/j/j/j/j#i am so exhausted now and the 'yea this is Over you are enjoying urself too late' sadness is creeping back in but it was worth it#we came 3rd...... the prize was a whole pitcher of some cocktail for the group but i do not drink so i just went home to bed#a female swan is called a pen btw i knew that six month long job spouting swan facts at 8 year olds would come in handy someday#IDK i still have a lot to work through but i feel like i should make a slightly less depressing post today skdfjh;;#shoutout to my housemate for always somehow noticing when i have just not left my room in a day and coming to drag me out of it#i was so close to just not eating again (which tbf. i didnt. until like 6pm whoops)#but now i have done that AND touched grass AND socialised AND feel good abt myself a bit.. so.....#i worry a lot that people dont really. notice or care that much when im struggling/when they do that its annoying or a burden so#im very grateful to have people who care about me enough to try and pull me out of it. i hope wherever i end up after this#that i can surround myself with more people like that#man this feels pretty bittersweet to think about as well but in more of a cathartic kinda way. i guess#trying to think abt things slightly more positively so i dont turn into a festering black pit of bad vibes for the next few weeks#and my blog still inexplicably feels like the nicest place to sort through this kinda thing
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running-in-the-dark · 5 months
oh, yeah - we found a storage unit place (it wasn't that easy, those aren't common here - or at least not where I live). it's actually an old barn that's been converted lol. anyway, so we've rented that for three months (the shortest period they allow), which is perfect. then we don't have to move everything out of there immediately when we can move into the new place in April.
I think I've got enough boxes. I've got a spreadsheet that I'm putting all the information in about what's in which box. I've planned where everything will go and when. I think it's going to work out fine. the last time we moved was so stressful (because I was pretty sick and that made everything really hard), I really want it to go better this time.
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bardinthezone · 5 months
if i make it through all of moffat's run it'll be an act of god
hell if I make through all of 11's run it'll be an act of god
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heffrondriving · 2 years
people really just find anything to be pissed about these days huh........because sincerely, what the actual fuck are y'all going on about??? all this moral uproar and vitriol for a silly old-ass boyband song????? please stop it forever <3
#i'm mad at ppl 🙃 having zero critical thinking skills 🙃 and ''cancelling'' over the stupidest things 🙃🙃🙃#i'm all for supporting the right causes but please for the love of god pour your activism into something actually conducive#instead of getting the pointless pisstake out of a goddamn song that's not that deep and has zero malicious intent whatsoever#idk man but maybe—just maybe!—some words can have multiple connotations and also rhythmic repetition is a style used in music???#and maybe things don't always have to root themselves in the offensive side and they are just. what they are? like isn't that crazy?????#maybe you won't get internet brownie points but it doesn't make you a bad person i promise!!! there are worse things to be concerned about!#tw*tter is a fucking hellhole like damn what kinda premium carbon monoxide are they huffing there but lord get it away from us#nope. not having any of it. i'm just gonna shut up and calm down b4 i say Worse Things and contact their terminal brand of brainrot#will delete and get back. i hope everyone is doing alright. if youre mad about paralyzed then i'm sorry for your loss love and peace :)#feel free to block me or whatever for this but i said what i said. lets be civil and not regressive in the pursuit of fairness shall we?#i never want to be a discourse blog (ew) or a place fostering hate and negativity but this is just frankly too ridiculous to not talk about#btr#big time rush#paralyzed#do pretty girl don't speak#will delete
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ruvviks · 2 years
>> wip day
was tagged a long time ago by @adelaidedrubman, @turbo-virgins and @shellibisshe to share a wip and was tagged by @morvaris and @aartyom to share six sentences from a current wip, thank you so much!! i decided to combine them and rather than sharing a wip, i'll share some information about the broker, a new character i recently introduced into the story of my cyberpunk ocs :) tagging @reaperkiller, @arklay, @steelport, @cultistbase, @faarkas, @swordcoasts, @ladybeniko, @necro-hamster, @strafethesesinners, @henbased, @coffeebucko, @awful-roffle, @bluemojave and anyone else who wants to do this!
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A powerful fixer in Night City, operating from the shadows and only known by their alias. Cold and ruthless, focused entirely on wreaking havoc in the existing mercenary world by planting seeds of distrust and paranoia, to pit everyone up against each other. While their interference is still minimal, the long-term consequences can be felt in every corner of the city.
Once a powerful Arasaka asset, the Broker has access to a tight network of assassins- a few highly skilled killers who serve as their security network, all ex-Arasaka as well. Through connections they also have an entire division of Militech in their pocket, and the NCPD tends to turn them a blind eye.
The Broker is a horrible fixer, presenting themself as "one of the good guys" and luring mercs in with eddies and empty promises. With their charismatic nature, they're able to use the backstabbing and corruption in Night City's underworld as a tool to manipulate mercs into thinking no one can be trusted and the entire network has to be destroyed for good, and they themself are the only person in the whole city they can trust; this way, their mercs end up developing a strange dependency on them, meaning they'll do anything they tell them to do without giving it a second thought.
Though once the Broker has lured the mercs in, they stop paying them well and give them little support while they do all their dirty work, uncaring about what happens to them and whether or not they'll make it out alive. The mercs are mere tools to the Broker to achieve their long-term goals, and they even take pride in killing those who dare to disagree with them- turning them into an example for others.
Some time after Vincent has been cured and is no longer actively dying, one of Vitali's cargo trucks is intercepted by a group of his old mercenaries- all people who felt betrayed and abandoned by him after his departure from Night City with Vincent about six months ago, when they left for Arizona in hopes to find a cure. The attack leaves Lauren, Eddie and Mikhail gravely injured and it can be traced back to the Broker; while it is still unclear what their deal with Vitali is, they now seem to be targeting him and his entire fixer network specifically.
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diabeticgirl4 · 11 months
I'm watching queer eye and like. most times I can understand the fab5 and why they need to change/fix this person and the ways whatever they're teaching will help, but like. they're teaching etiquette to this total country rancher guy bc he wants to find a girl and settle down and he never learned that type of stuff and yeah manners and basic etiquette is important but rn they're focusing so much on dining and the amount of forks!! and no you can't dip your bread in soup you gotta tear a small piece and drop it in!! and you're absolutely terrible if you set your spoon on the table!!
idk man I'm super not vibing w this ep
#ignore me#maddie liveblogs queer eye#still in season 6. the bull rancher guy.#idk this whole ep is making me super uncomfy#idk just anytime the problem is 'peter pan syndrome' where the guy is happy and living his life fine but everyone else has issues w it?#just. as an autistic who also no doubt has 'peter pan syndrome' it just rly rubs me the wrong way#sure his living space and hygiene are less than ideal but idk I don't think he needed a whole intervention for that#and again!!! the etiquette stuff!!! why the frick!!!#who tf cares about which fork to use and soup spoons when he's a rancher cowboy in texas!!!!#and just. the whole time he's So Uncomfortable w everything#they keep playing it like 'ohoho he's just a conservative texan dealing w 5 gay guys for the first time!' but like.#he probably never asked for any of this? and you can tell how resistant he is to change. I get that. it's scary.#and p much everything he does has reason. for his business or for his heritage. it's super important to him and that's valid!!#and the fab5 come rushing in and tell him he needs to change if he wants to find a girl and settle down#and like. ok yes he needs to work on hygiene and his housing situation. but idk man karamo thinking etiquette lessons will be the best fix?#I still have like ten min left but man he's been so uncomfortable the whole time it's kinda heartbreaking#I do like tan and antony listening and going slowly and helping him ease into change#bc what they're doing is such a big change!!! for someone like him he needs to be eased into it#what they're doing is basically tossing him into the deep end of the pool to teach him how to swim and it's driving me nuts#ok sry I gotta shut up I'm just. rly not vibing w this episode and I'm bummed about it :\
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immamapletreekid · 9 months
it has been so long since a game has done this level of irreparable damage to my emotional wellbeing
#yes this is about persona 3 i am no longer the same person i was before this game#it has permanently altered my brain chemistry. reorganized every single molecule in my body#it has fundamentally changed me as a person#ive been doong horribly in school bc i literally canmot focus in class#all i can tjink about is p3 and how quickly i can rush tjroigh assignments so i can go back to my room and play persona all night it#is not healthy i need summer break for a reason and thay is to be able to let out all this energy so i can#function properly in daily life#ivr half a mind to make little digital p3 emote sticker thing doodles so that i can plaster them on my notes#i think if i have a drawing of aigis next to my linear algebra notes i will have more motivation to read them#going to make so many aki ones...#all of this is if i have the time and energy tho. i hate school so much#rambling about stuff#literally been listening to tje p3 soundtrack everyday when i study#its that bad. it really is that bad. i need to start taking school seriously i cannot fail my classes i do not jave tje money to afford rep#ating any classes#also coping w how hesvy the p3 story is compared to the other games ithink... idk man im thriving off of tjr everybody lives no one dies au#and imean i get thay that kinda goes against the whole tjeme of tje game but like. let them be happy ;O;#maxing all my social links bc i love them all so much tjey are bffs forever. sees bffs sees bffs i love sees#im not even that far into my playthrougj yet ive yet to meet aigis but that is coming soon!!!#going to hug her so hard when she finally shows up#ryoji too ;w;#celebrating every mochizuki monday so i actually get out of bed and go to class#fuck linear algebra i might actuslly fail linear algebra i have no clue whats going in linear algebra ryoji mochizuki would never
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