#Mar's christmas countdown
crowned-peony · 1 year
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Akashi x reader fluff
(This is just pure self indulgent and super cheesy like the Hallmark movies it's based on)
Akashi comes to understand that life sometimes imitates art a little too well
Word Count: 1,665
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How many movies could you realistically fit in a day? Maybe if you're lucky you can watch a few back to back. But the large pile of dvds in the living room table has Akashi regretting many things. Right on top of the pile was a bright pink paper covered in glitter that you just placed there not too long ago. He really has a hard time believing that the paper has survived so many years. One of three "Akashi Coupons" as you called them. Given to only people that have been able to beat him. Each of the three coupons were made by you and each one was made to be uniquely for the owner of the coupon. The coupon is a free pass for Akashi to basically grant one free wish. Kagami had claimed his almost immediately after getting it for a 1 v 1 match. The outcome of the match has never been revealed to anyone but you like to think it ended in a very close tie but Akashi has never given you a hint if the suspicion was right. Kuroko has said that he will redeem it when the time is right. And here you are redeeming yours the first Christmas you shared as a couple. You won your coupon when you both were children, at a simple game of goldfish. A secret you were sworn never to reveal. Everyone feared Akashi and for good reason but not once had he ever thought you less than him. You from the beginning were his one and only equal. The one that he will let share his crown and throne. 
“Why haven't you gone and changed yet? We can't start the marathon until you do! It's tradition!” You pouted and scolded him while coming out of the kitchen barely keeping the snacks in your arms from falling. He looked at the red and green plaid pajamas you were currently wearing and the ones that were folded up on the table. He signed. “Why can't I just stay in the ones I'm currently wearing? It won't change anything” he said as he tried to hide his dislike for them. “It's tradition!! Now go change!” you told him with a glare. The one redeeming the coupons request cannot be denied unless it's something illegal and dangerous. And wearing festive pajamas happens to fall into neither of those categories. He reluctantly gave up trying to persuade you and went to change. You didn't ask many things from him so there really wasn't a reason for him to be fighting this as he is.  
Once he was changed, he walked into your shared bedroom and grabbed a few of the blankets of the bed and two pillows. He also grabbed the lion squishmellow that you affectionately called Seijuro #2 as he walked out the room. He never understood why you liked to use the stuffed animal as a pillow and almost always carried it around the house but if he made you happy who was he to question it. He set the blankets down to your side of the couch and put the pillows on his and lazily hugged Seijuro #2 watching you as you tried to figure out the order of the movies. He barely could barely make out the mumbling but sounded like you were arguing with yourself what the best option was. After a few minutes he got up to look at all the piles you made. He stopped trying to figure out your logic when sorting things. One time you had a whole powerpoint ready trying to tell him that skittles were more closely sorted with MnMs than gummy bears and he just let you be. Looking around at the piles he picked up one randomly and handed it to you. “You wanna watch Kiss me on Candy Cane Lane?” you asked him and he just shrugged before going back and getting comfortable on the couch once again. 
“Are you sure this is one you wanna start with? Like want to look again?” 
“That one is fine. Just start it and come sit down if you want to watch a few of the movies” 
You didn’t try and ask him again and went to go put movie on before wrapping blankets around you both and curling up next to him and hugging Seijuro #2. You knew this movie like the back of your hand. Well if you see one movie you have seen them all. They all share the same cookie cutter plot but you couldn't help but love them and keep watching them. Someone is giving their all to a job that doesn't make them feel accomplished and go back home to celebrate holidays with family. Once back home in their small town, they run into the person they had a crush on before they left. A spark happens between them and slowly start hanging out more, getting into holiday spirit and slowly fall in love and just before they can confess comes the choice. Leave their successful job in some big city or stay in their small town with the one they love. The main character always chooses love and the story has a happy ending. Kiss me on Candy Cane Lane is no different. The only reason you had it high on your list was that you felt a connection to the love interests. You both felt that you wouldn't be enough for the one you loved so never acted on feelings and tried to keep them quiet until your saw your love at a low point, at a point were they lost themselves in an attempt to keep giving themselves into something that they no longer found happiness in for the sake of proving that they can do it. And having the love interest help the main character find out that somethings mean more than being successful like finding joy again and learning what really makes you happy. 
Akashi would occasionally stop watching the screen and just stare down at you. He didn't realize how much this movie meant to you until he noticed how the words the characters were saying you would be quietly saying to them too. You knew this movie by heart.  Slowly the pieces began to click as the movie progressed to the part where the main character is telling the love interest that they are choosing to stay with them and be happy together. You were holding Seijuro #2 so close to yourself and wiping away some tears. 
“This is the movie you were always talking about back then, when you kept telling me that I would find my way back to happiness, this was where you got that line from wasnt it?” 
Feeling embarrassed of your secret being out all you could do was nod and hope that he wouldn't make fun of you. 
“Did you know back then that I would choose to be happy over trying to always win?”
“I didn't, I just always hoped that you would be able to see that somethings are worth more than winning, you went to being the Akashi i knew and loved after your loss.” 
“Will you tell me what you told Kuroko all those years ago during that match?”
“I thanked him for giving me back my love and for giving you back the love you had for the game” 
Akashi just felt that his heart was beating so loud that everyone could hear it. He didn't say anything for several minutes and quietly got up and walked into the kitchen. You just stayed on the couch fighting back the tears. You knew this was a stupid idea and should have asked for anything else. He must be so mad that you basically confessed that you were happy at his loss back then and thankful for it even now. You laid down on the couch and covered yourself in blankets holding the poor little lion so tightly as you let some tears fall hoping that you could just disappear. You heard some noises in the kitchen and close to you but you didn't want to come out from under the safety the blankets provided. If you didn't see it, you could pretend nothing happened. 
The noises stopped and the blanket was pulled off of you. You didn't have the heart to look up so you stayed curled up and closed your eyes. 
“Honey, why are you crying?”
No response
“Honey, please look at me”
You shake your head, closing your eyes more. 
“Love, please don’t cry. I am not mad, I'm actually really happy you told me that. I really didn't realize until I knew just how close I was to losing everything that was important until I actually lost. I love you so much so please don't be upset.” 
After a bit you finally sat up and wiped some of the tears and looked up at him. 
“You really aren't mad?”
“Nothing to be mad at love. So can you do me a quick favor and come with me to the kitchen?” 
Slowly nodding you took his hand and followed him to the kitchen. On the floor were two rows of candy canes. You looked at him confused. 
“What is this?” 
“Best i could do in a short notice”
“Huh? I'm still lost here” 
“I'm doing as the title says and like they did. I'm going to kiss you on Candy Cane Lane. You never stopped believing that I would be happy again and you never stopped loving me. You have and always will be my happiness.” 
“I always told you that you make your way back to happiness.” 
“I made my way back to you”
A soft kiss was shared between you both, one of many. The rest of the day was you both going back and forth choosing movies and realizing that maybe there is something that they got right. Some things aren't worth more than love or happiness. 
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Banner made by me
Divider made by Moonstrider9904
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astranite · 2 months
Notes- Christmas TAG secret santa fic.
Because of this post and @janetm74 and @edutainer2022 here are my additional notes for my 2023 thunderfam secret santa fic.
It contains brainstorming that became part of the og fic and notes as a continuation for the car ride. It was actually these that I came up with first and intended to write but got side tracked with explorations of getting ready, especially given the prompt i was given was “Every day is a school day” with Jeff and Lucy. Also deadlines!
Mind that this is pretty much as is from my notes in its entirety, complete with spelling errors, partial sentences and utter lack of cohesion as I jumped between ideas.
Link for the fic proper on ao3.
“Every day is a school day” Jeff and Lucy. And everyone.
Car drive to spent christmas with Grandma and Grant at Gran Rocha. The preparing and road tripping shenanigans.
getting all five kids plus themselves and luggage into the car on time as chaotic as a school day. Jeffs line?
S15, J13, V12, G 6?7, A3
Wake-up call. Alarm going off Lucy tired and grumpy where Virgil gets it from. I’ll get the kids up and you can head straight to the coffee. Jeff fooling around like mock drill sergeant. Scott’s grumpy teenness and chucking a pillow at him with surprisingly good aim for supposedly asleep. Scott getting up. Bed hair mess that Jeff runs a gentle hand through pulling him into a hug. Virgil and John. John and Bagel the cat curled up together. Both hissing at him in unison. Virgil needed to be hugged and woken up more slowly. 
Down in the kitchen. Jeff kissing Lucy and trying to steal her coffee. No you cannot steal my coffee Jefferson Tracy, you have your own.  Lucy’s massive science pun mug. Hair in her face looking like little Virgil. 
HURRICANE LUCY. Time skip to about to go?
packing- John wanting to fit telescope. Or “But I did leave my telescope behind” but bag full of books. 
Last min shoving presents in. Neighbour to feed the cat.
Scott nabbed the car keys first on massive ** many different  keychain so neither Lucy nor Jeff could lose them. Swinging them around his finger, “can I drive” Parental chorus of “No!” Doesn't have license yet but is learning to pilot. argument of Grandma lets me drive on the ranch. Thats the beat up old ute and theres nothing much out there to hit any way.
And they were done. Bags were in the car, kids were in the car, last final bathroom stops had been had.  Lucy patted down her pockets. Keys! She didn’t have them, so Jeff must except that he didn’t. Surely the couldn’t have lost them with the neon pink rocket ship key chain attached to prevent this. Until they both spied Scott leaning against the drivers side door and swinging them around his finger.  
“So, can I drive?” Scott asked as if he didn’t already know the answer to that question. 
“No,” came the parental chorus. 
Then the other kids repeating them, picking up on it slightly behind. 
Scott grinning and tossed the keys in the air one last time then caught them. He passed them to Lucy’s waiting hand prompted by a stern eyebrow. 
7 seater beat up car. Drive- Kansas to Texas. approx 9 hours to 8 1/2. Lucy english thinking its ages. at least america had good highways. and from her mothers tales at least kangaroo spotter was a redundant position. 
Panic at dress clothes for Christmas day
someone packed no underpants. Gordon only packed underwear and swimmers. Trying to sort laundry at last minute. Jeff’s haphazard packing of his own clothes with getting everyone else in military order. Lucy remarking jokingly, “Mightve gotten to mars adn forgot your space suit. 
Jeff the nerd, calling Grandma to tell on our way, “Houston we have take off”. Kids dramatic countdown. A “finally”. FOnd eye rolls. 
John and Virgil at back seats. Johns already long limbs folded up.
Scott getting the dubious privelige of the middle row. but centre seat between Alan and Gords car seats and on big brother duty. 
Lucy hoping but not expecting to get some rest on the trip. Up all night getting ready. has mystery novel to read. but trying to wrangle kids. Putting Jeff’s cowboy hat over her face to keep the sun off as she sleeps.
Stops for toilet breaks. Lunch fast food. “Do not let gordon have soda.” Johns burger order. Virgil picking pickles out to give to john. The chips stealing. Trying to eat and drive. sending older ones in to fish younger out of the play area. losing Scott to it too, send in John planning it like a mission.
Jeff adn Lucy discussion over what coffee is supposed to do. ADHD Jeff. starting with Scott asking for coffee, cheekily. No, we dont need you any more hyper. Jeff’s confident, “Coffee doesnt do that” Even same with Aa. spirited debate. JSSo that means I can have some? eff still saying no coffee for Scott.
Lucy driving at some point. 
If Lucy had to hear one more rendition of baby shark she was the one who was going to get out and walk.
music and Lucy and Virgil comparing synesthesia.
John reading massive heavy text book, splayed out across knees. not getting car sick, serve well for astronaut. for fun, reminded he didnt need to study. 
Scott bored and restless. tinies asleep. no phone signal. twisting around, being told off for seat belt, trying to see what Johns doing. seat swap and he and John are in the back doing maths and physics, heads bent together. virgil eyes closed but awake or leaning around car seats to look out the windows, bobbing head to music through headphones. 
when John adn Scott get stuck, calling questions out to Lucy. Jeff snoring in front seat, head on lucy;s jumper, went from wide awake to clonked out even after the coffees.
Virgil using breath on fogged up windows to draw. Scott and John used it for math.
Gordon are we there yet. Alan copying him. 
naming animals and animal sounds. then naming sea creatures. then sounds of sea creatures. some known, some gordon happily making them up.
car sickness. Scott getting car sick, in spite of crazy spins and flips but then hes in control. another reshuffle, Jeff wedged into the middle seat, Lucy laughing and looking in rear view mirror at tall, broad shouldered husband folded awkwardly into the back. John and Virgil back-back. Scott getting shotgun, window open and nauseous. Vomit bags in glove box because learnt from past fiascos and puke in hat story. Scott grumps would be fine if I was driving 
some point tinies and Jeff all asleep.  John and Virgil happy together. Lucy getting to check in and chat to scott. 
on destination. everyone there, big family.  Lee? Kayo adn Kyrano and Kayo mother. Jeff brothers? packed into the big ranch house. noise and merriment. hot dry texas air. smell of good food cooking. some slight odour of burnt. 
explain lucy parents farm????
“The eagle has landed” finding rooms, unpack car. eldest three in together. youngest. 
John overwhelmed after trip, not wanting to talk to anyone. near tears at thought of going into party. going to stable to spent time with horses. 
Virgil running up to Grant and talking his ear off, to much delight of both parties. Grant, still broad shouldered and strong from farm work, charcoal black hair now salt and pepper grey. 
Achievements getting caught up with. Jeff telling grandma about scotts, Scott proud but a bit uncharacteristically shy, leaning into a side hug. 
the comments of how big the kids were all getting, and theyd better not be having more. Lucy laughing and very nope five is plenty enough. 
somewhat tired cranky, sticky dusty kids. Gordon spilling something sticky on him in the last hour, waiting to get there to wash him off. Recovering excitement at bath. 
grandma’s welcome cookies. 
——- other fic. Graduation. car crash. Injuries—the bruises. Scott burst into tears with brothers because he wants mum
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
Christmas countdown day 8 — Help organize/run a toy drive for kids in need - silver fox steve I think that liked the reader that’s a teacher?
Christmas Countdown day 8 — help organize/run a toy drive for kids in need
The school is having a toy drive and we’re looking for donations/volunteers, if you’re interested — 🐞
Steve only had to read the text once however the message rang in his head repeatedly. You had sent it to him because you two were at the very least friends, and at the most you were future husband and wife according to your kids.
So much of what passed between you was unspoken and lingering attraction that fuelled Steve’s inherent need to become so much more with you. He had been trying for weeks to get closer to you and change the dynamics of your relationship with the natural ease that flowed between you.
Now was the perfect opportunity to show you how he felt, with the grand gesture of supporting and donating a great number to the school.
“Where do you want me to put all this?” Steve caught you off guard, surprising you with his arrival at your station of the toy drive.
“Steve! Hi!” You greeted him happily, speaking airily with bashful desire tracing your voice. “Umm…what stuff?”
Steve hadn’t yet answered you, instead he had leaned across the table and kissed your cheek, his lips grazing the corner of yours, and then he laughed softly.
“You text me asking for help, ladybug. I did exactly what you wanted.” Steve reached for your hand and walked you around the front of the desk.
He slowly turned your head to spy a vast number of bikers dismounting with boxes of toys and art supplies attached to their bikes. There was no less than 15, all looking rough around the edges but just as soft as he was.
“Steve!” You squeaked, marred by surprise. “What did you do?”
“I’ve heard grand gestures,” he cupped your hand and brought your knuckles to his lips, “go a long way.”
“A long way to what?” You questioned, startled again by Sweet Girl’s voice as she departed one of the bikes with Bucky.
“A date! For the love of God, please put the man to rest and date him-!” She called as she walked toward you, stopping when Bucky pulled her back and kissed her silent.
“A date?” You smiled small, bashful again. “Just one?”
“We’ll if its up to me, I’d say at least a dozen.” Steve brushed your hair out of your face, his eyes searching yours. “So…?”
“Yes,” you beamed, turning into his touch, “a dozen sounds good.”
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xsupticbars · 11 months
Janet (xChocobars) and Steve (Steven Suptic) Dating Timeline part 2
Disclaimer: Everything in this post was either mentioned by Steve, Janet or one of their friends on stream, or was posted on a public social media account by them or one of their content creator friends.
Part 1 - Part 3
Dec 10 Kimi releases merch with both Steve and Janet as models. (1, 2, 3, 4)
Dec 13 Steve avoids answering a question in a Buzzfeed quiz about his current relationship status. He answers the question offscreen and does the rest onscreen. Complete segment 1:19:22-1:26:20
Dec 15 - Dec 16 Janet trip to Atlanta for the Valorant Reload event.
Dec 16 Janet's cats, Baton and Hazel, stay at Steve's place while she's out of town. On December 16 the cats are on stream. Steve likes Janet's tweet.
Dec 24 Steve and Janet spend Christmas Eve together. Steve gifts Janet a Minecraft Steve plushy.
Dec 29 Birthday party for Jessica's birthday. Janet mentions going to the party. Janet posts on instagram, Steve likes.
Dec 31 Steve and Janet both celebrate New Years Eve at Countdown.
Jan 4 Both Steve's and Janet's first stream of the year. They both have covid.
Jan 6 Steve likes Janet's tweet.
Jan 15 Steve and Janet both go to Jessica's birthday dinner at 71 above in Los Angeles. They sit next to each other at the table. Group pic, instagram stories.
Jan 20 Steve likes Janet's tweet.
Jan 23 Steve and Janet go to Disney with Abe and Wendy, Lily and Michael, Ryan Higa and his gf and Blau and Leslie. Janet vlogs the day, and Steve also films stuff for her vlog. Lily posted a vlog that showed Steve and Janet holding hands twice. The vlog was online for 4 hours before they took it down and reuploaded without that footage. The deleted footage can be found online. They are also in Wendy's vlog and in the background of Leslie's tiktok's (1, 2).
Jan 27 Shipthur's (Danny) birthday party. Janet mentions on stream that she's going to attend. Steve is seen on instagram stories from the party.
Feb 3-6 Steve and Janet both go on a trip to Big Bear with a group of streamers from Otv&f. Janet's vlog about the trip.
Feb 5 Steve celebrates his 30th birthday while he's at Big Bear.
Feb 26 Steve attends the babyshower from one of his best friends, Autumn. He mentions it a few times on stream and is in the background of one picture. Janet mentions meeting some of Steve's ex-colleagues at Autumns. (Steve stream June 20 1:11:38)
Mar 4 Steve likes Janet's tweet.
Mar 5 Steve and Janet go on a trip. Janets posts a pic on her alt twitter. Alluding to it on stream: Steve.
Mar 9 Steve tweets. Janet likes and comments.
Mar 12 Steve and Janet both go to the Streamer Awards and sit next to eachother. Steve likes Janet's tweet.
Mar 14 Steve and Janet go to a Dungeons & Dragons: Honor among thieves private screening. Instagram story Janet. Steve mentions it on stream.
Apr 2 Steve and Janet go to the Roomies housewarming party.
Apr 13 Janet likes Steve's tweet.
Apr 14 Steve likes Janet's tweet.
Apr 16 Steve likes Janet's tweet. The tweet refers to Timmy's birthday party the day before.
Apr 18 Steve likes Janet's tweet.
Apr 20 Steve and Janet go to Target together. Janet posts a picture of them together wearing hats on both twitter and instagram stories. She talks about it on stream and says they bought sippy cups.
Apr 21 Pokimane invites Steve, Janet and a few other friends to celebrate Eid al-Fitr. They can be seen in Poki's vlog.
Apr 22 Steve tweets. Janet likes and comments.
Apr 23 Steve tweets. Janet likes and comments.
Apr 24 Steve's ex, Alyssa, says that Steve is dating someone in respons to a comment on instagram.
Apr 27 Steve tweets. Janet likes and comments.
May 2 Steve likes Janet's tweet.
May 6 Both Steve and Janet go to Chobo's (Eva) birthday dinner. Steve posts an instagram story at the dinner.
May 11 Jaime throws a party in high school theme for her birthday. Both Steve and Janet attend.
May 12 Steve likes a tweet that shows him and Janet.
May 13 Pokimane's birthday party. Both Steve and Janet attend. They also take a picture together, Steve posts it on twitter. Janet likes it and comments. Steve likes Janet's tweet.
May 20 Janet moves into a new place. Steve likes Janet's tweet.
May 21 Steve moves into Janet's and his place.
May 22 Steve and Janet announce that they've moved in together in a new place. They appear on eachother's stream for the announcements (Steve, Janet). Dumbdog talks on stream about 'not having to pretend anymore like he didn't know for almost a year'. Timestamps for his vod: 2:28:53-2:39:14
May 24 Steve posts a pic of Baton, Janet's cat, at their new place. Janet likes and comments.
May 25 Steve likes Janet's tweet. He also likes her second tweet.
May 26 Janet likes Steve's tweet.
June 9 Steve likes Janet's tweet.
June 17 Steve likes Janet's tweet. Janet likes Steve's tweet.
June 18 Steve likes Janet's tweet.
June 20 Steve, Janet, Ellum, Cara, Kimi and Scott have lunch together. Janet tweets a pic, steve reblogs it.
June 25 Steve likes Janet's tweet.
June 30 Tina's birthday party with petting zoo. Janet posts a pic from at the party and a pic from her in Steve's car. Steve likes her tweet.
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Welcome to the 12 Days of Christmas countdown to Christmas Day. We've 5 days left!!
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Mars Odyssey
Imagine: Atticus wakes up on Mars and doesn't know how he got there.
Tags: Atticus Freeman, Atticus x Leti, Mars, Christmas
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A great explosion startled Atticus into a sweating and fearful state, searching eagerly with his eyes but finding no Leti. No Montrose. No Hyppolyta. No Ji-ah. There was only a stretch of red dusty land, ice-capped mountains, volcanoes, and canyons.
For Atticus, it was only one mere second ago that he was dying of blood loss. Now he was in what seemed to be New Mexico.. or Mars.
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His body was in one piece, but there was something fixed to his face, an oxygen mask. Someone wanted him to survive, but who? And where?
He climbed to his feet steadily looking into the distance and in the twinkling of an eye, two astronauts appeared from literal thin air.
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"Gah-damn," he whispered.
They approached him as he stood waiting for answers or anything that would tell him where he was, how he got there, and how to get back.
"You've been abducted," the one on the left said. "We brought you here because your body was in the process of being destroyed on Earth, but here we have technology to fix that."
"Y'all do see I'm a colored.. You sure you wanna use all that fancy tech on me?"
The astronauts exchanged a look.
"That's Earth's dysfunction. Come with us," they extended a covered hand.
Atticus wasn't on earth after all.
He followed them through the hills and plains until they disappeared behind a barrier into thin air.. he paused, but he was brave, so he stepped on through the barrier as well. There was an entire hidden city. As he listened to the astronauts, he learned that he was indeed on Mars and would suffocate if he removed his oxygen mask.
They had a colony and knew he was a soldier. They wanted him to help them strategize and war against the Earth.
"This explains my dreams more than I previously thought."
Atticus explained that he dreamed of foreign wars that were outside of his planet, and now he knew that the Martians were actually humans living on Mars. He was in awe at all he saw. Everyone was integrated. There was no Jim Crow on Mars, and everyone wore sophisticated and tiny breathing apparatuses.
"The oxygen is thin," the lady astronaut shared, "But it exists. Our bodies have adapted. We don't need a lot to survive. Still, everyone has a supply."
"What's y'all's beef with the Earth," Atticus asked as they showed him around. "You all came from it," he stared.
He wasn't prepared for the explanation that came.
"This WAS Earth.. before the ruling regimes destroyed it."
There were creatures, dinosaurs.. vegetation flourished all over. There was oxygen and water. It was a paradise. Then people became violent and vain. They warred among themselves. There was poverty, environmental terrorism, bombs, pollution, the food was poisoned, the air became unbreathable. Natural disasters increased. Everything was dying and the planet was becoming uninhabitable. There was a great flood that wiped out billions of people. A remaining colony of the rich who could afford to dodge the flood left to find another Earth and they re-settled. The old Earth became Mars and life restarted with the ones who remained.
"We've been at war ever since the NEW Earth tried to destroy the remaining people here. They continue to try to take from OUR planet so we must defend ourselves from their tyranny. So you see, we didn't come from Earth.. this was always our home. Will you help us defend it?"
Atticus was torn. As much as he wanted to say yes, his family was home and he couldn't help in their destruction. He needed them all with him. All of them.
He struck a deal to have them abducted. Only then would he join their army.
"Atticus.. Atticus... "
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He jolted awake to the sound of Leti's voice. He was sitting in his favorite chair with a blanket over his lap in their home in front of the fireplace. There was a book in his hand called Mars Odyssey and Leti was in his face.
"Mhm," her lips pursed as she rolled her eyes and got the kids together. They were running wild. He'd fallen asleep while reading them a story. "Told you that book was boring as hell, done put yourself to sleep! You were supposed to be watching the kids while I made dinner. I can't do everything Tic!"
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Atticus was confused. His dream had seemed so real. The ground was cratered and covered in dust. He felt that he'd died from blood loss and had woken up on Mars where he was expected to lead an army against the Earth. Now he was in a different timeline, and it was Christmas. He couldn't say he didn't like this life...
"This isn't real," he whispered.
"It's a simulation, but it could be," the female astronaut stepped into the living room suddenly with no space suit. Atticus flinched. "Call it intrusive; but we went through your memories of earth to see what advantages we could gather.. what is this Christmas that you guys seem to have.."
"Christmas? Y'all don't have Christmas?"
She looked genuinely puzzled. Atticus smirked.
"Great." Sarcasm dripped from his being. He was wishing the simulation was real. Yelling and all. "How bout this.. Instead of teaching the ways of war, I teach love and brotherhood. Good will towards men. That's what Christmas is about. Loving ypur neighbor."
"What about the lights?"
"The lights..," he smirked seeing the slight twinkle in her eye. "That's the festive part. We hang lights and decorate trees because it makes us feel good deep down inside. It reminds of the good times with family and friends.. people I miss very much."
"TIC!" Letti's voice yelled.
This time when Atticus awoke he was lying on the ground. Everyone rushed him saying it was a miracle they bound all white people from using magic. It was a miracle the spell worked and he survived. They thought he was a goner for sure.
Atticus looked up at the sky that twinkled extra bright before they helped him up.
He had another life to spend.
@dashhoney25 @lettidarawest @soufcakmistress @ljstraightnochaser @princessstevens @eye-raq @thiccdaddy-mbaku @destinio1 @iamrheaspeaks @hidden-treasures21 @bidibidibombaclaat @forbeautyandlife @blowmymbackout @misspooh @thotyana-in-this-hoe @purplehairgawdess @thegucciwaffle @goddessofthundathighs @nobodybaby93 @theegoldenchild @thadelightfulone @sultanabby @mysticalblackhottie @baekhyunbabybunni @fd-writes @richonne4life @tgigoldie @thehomierobbstark @capswife @blackpinup22 @harleycativy @lishabaybee @playgurlxoxo
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etes-secrecy-post · 2 years
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
My GTA V Online - My 29th prize car: Pegassi Tempesta [Sept 16, 2022]
Hello! Welcome back to my GTA V Online! And today, I won my 29th time at the Lucky Wheel in Diamond Casino & Resort. 🚘😁☸️💎🎰
• So, apparently I was wrong. I thought the "Sprunk vs Ecola" wars was over. And strangely, the "Ecola" won the 2nd round after they lost over "Sprunk". Nonetheless, it is time to review my latest lucky wheel prize vehicle podium of this week.
BTW: 99 days to go before Christmas! Yay! 🧑‍🎄🗓️ Sorry I missed the 100th day countdown though... My bad.😅
If you didn’t see my previous prize car, then please [CLICK ME!].
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• The prized car of the week is the Pegassi Tempesta 🚘 [CLICK ME!], it’s a Sports Car category that costs GTA$ 1,329,000 💵 from Legendary Motorsport. The Tempesta is primarily based on the Lamborghini Huracan [CLICK ME!] mixed with the Lotus Esprit Concept [CLICK ME!].
• So, the last Pegassi I've won at the lucky wheel was the Zorrusso, and it was recorded on Nov 21st, 2021. Yes, it is fun to drive without a hardtop; good for strolling on the sunset beach. (Yeah, I miss summer.) But, what about the Tempesta? Let's start with the design. It looks stunning! Even though the front was taken a cue from the Lotus Esprit concept, it is still a pretty damn-looking Huracan car. Not to mention the rear look. And the engine sound? Matches perfectly (like other vehicles that I've reviewed if not perfect for other vehicles). Performance-wise, on stock stats, I have no problems with acceleration, brake, handling & top speed. The latter, however, was pretty surprise me! It beat out two Pegassi cars, the Zentorno & the aforementioned Zorrusso during lap time. Unfortunately for its top speed, the Tempesta can't outpace other faster supercars. Regardless, the Tempesta is arguably the most contender for the super category. In terms of cosmetics, the Tempesta gives a respect thumbs up. However, there's no option for suspension & rear bumper, which is quite shameful. But hey, beggars can't be choosers, right?
• So overall, I give this Tempesta a thumbs up & worth it supercar to get! If you want to getting hands on with this cool Huracan look-a-like, then you better win it this week (from Sept 16th to Sept 21st, 2022) at the lucky wheel instead of spending it from the Legendary Motorsport. The Tempesta had checked all the boxes, with the only exception being the lack of top speed (during drag strip). But, as I said, I respect the stats for the Tempesta. It's just a damn good supercar.
Well, that’s all for now. And If you want to see my previous car prize, Halloween Week (2021) moments & my throwbacks, then I’ll provide some links down below.↓
My GTA V Online: Winning ‘Prize Cars’ from the Lucky Wheel:
• GTA V Online - My 1st prize car: Overflod Tyrant [Feb 24, 2021]
• GTA V Online - My 2nd prize car: Vapid FMJ [Mar 2,2021]
• GTA V Online - My 3rd prize car: HVY Nightshark [Mar 17, 2021]
• GTA V Online - My 4th prize car: Grotti Itali RSX [Apr 5,2021]
• GTA V Online - My 5th prize car: Annis RE-7B [Apr 24, 2021]
• GTA V Online - My 6th prize car: Ubermacht Revolter [May 3rd, 2021]
• GTA V Online - My 7th prize car: Declasse Drift Yosemite [May 16th, 2021]
• GTA V Online - My 8th prize car: Overflod Entity XXR [Jun 9th, 2021]
• GTA V Online - My 9th prize car: Enus Windsor Drop [Jun 26th, 2021]
• GTA V Online - My 10th prize car: Vapid Retinue Mk II [Jul 12th, 2021]
• GTA V Online - My 11th prize car: Lampadati Michelli GT [Aug 18th, 2021]
• GTA V Online - My 12th prize car: Dinka Veto Modern [Aug 21st, 2021]
• GTA V Online - My 13th prize car: Vapid GB200 [Aug 28th, 2021]
• GTA V Online - My 14th prize car: Dundreary Landstalker XL [Sept 4th, 2021]
• GTA V Online - My 15th prize car: Truffade Adder [Sept 15th, 2021]
• GTA V Online - My 16th prize car: Principe Lectro [Sept 21st, 2021]
• GTA V Online - My 17 prize car: Nagasaki Outlaw [Sept 27th, 2021]
• GTA V Online - My 18th prize car: Ubermacht Rebla GTS [Oct 2nd, 2021]
• GTA V Online - My 19th prize car: Pegassi Zorrusso [Nov 21st, 2021]
• GTA V Online - My 20th prize car: Grotti Visione [Nov 27th, 2021]
• GTA V Online - My 21st prize car: Pfister Growler [Dec 18th, 2021]
• GTA V Online - My 22nd prize car: Declasse Mamba [Dec 27th, 2021]
• GTA V Online - My 23rd prize car: Progen T20 [Jan 31st, 2022]
• GTA V Online - My 24th prize car: BF Club [Feb 15th, 2022]
• GTA V Online - My 25th prize car: Ubermacht Zion Classi [Mar 13th, 2022]
• GTA V Online - My 26th prize car: Annis Savestra [Apr 13th, 2022]
• GTA V Online - My 27th prize car: Overflod Entity XF [Jun 14th, 2022]
• GTA V Online - My 28th prize car: Enus Paragon R [Sept 1st, 2022]
My GTA V Online Video: Halloween Week 2021:
• Halloween Week - Part 1 (Oct 28, 2021)
• Halloween Week - Part 2 (Oct 29, 2021)
• Halloween Week - Part 3 (Oct 30, 2021)
• Halloween Week - Part 4 (Nov 1, 2021)
My GTA V Online Throwback Screenshots/Snapshots:
• Nov. 2 & 3, 2020
• Dec 24, 2020
• Jan 16, 2021
My GTA V Online Video: Los Santos Tuners (2021):
• Part 1 (Recorded: Jul 21, 2021)
• Part 2 (Recorded: Jul 21, 2021)
• Vapid Clique w/ “Cliquemas Clique” Livery Review - Part 1 [Dec 28, 2021]
• Vapid Clique w/ “Cliquemas Clique” Livery Review - Part 2 (Final) [Dec 28, 2021]
• Ocelot Ardent w/ “Deck the Halls” Livery Review [Jan 4, 2022]
• Albany Roosevelt (Valentine’s Day Special) Review [Feb 13, 2022]
• Truffade Nero Review [Feb 28, 2022] (Recorded: Feb 22, 2022)
• Dewbauchee Rapid GT Classic Review [Mar 3, 2022]
My GTA V Online - My after Lucky Wheel Review:
• Vapid FMJ Custom Review [Mar 2, 2022]
• HVY Nightshark Review [Mar 17, 2022]
• Overflod Tyrant Review [Mar 24, 2022]
• Grotti Itali RSX Review [Apr 3, 2022]
• Annis RE-7B Review [Apr 30, 2022]
• Ubermacht Revolter [May 3, 2022]
• Declasse Drift Yosemite [May 16th, 2022]
• Overflod Entity XXR [Jun 9th, 2022]
• Enus Windsor Drop [Jun 26th, 2022]
• Lampadati Michelli GT [Aug 18th, 2022]
• Dinka Veto Modern [Aug 21st, 2022]
• Vapid GB200 [Aug 28th, 2022]
• Dundreary Landstalker XL [Sept 4th, 2022]
• Truffade Adder [Sept 16th, 2022]
My GTA V Online: Festivity Holidays (2021):
• Christmas Eve Today Selfies: Part 1 [Dec 24, 2021]
• Christmas Eve Today Selfies: Part 2 [Dec 24, 2021]
• Snowball weapon demonstration & Christmas music Easter Egg [Dec 27, 2021]
• Vapid Clique w/ “Cliquemas Clique” Livery Drive Test [Dec 28, 2021]
• More Christmas Snapmatic Snapshots [Dec 29, 2021]
• EVEN MORE Christmas Snapmatic Snapshots [Dec 30, 2021]
• My Final Christmas Snapshots [Jan 5, 2022]
My GTA V Online Random Snapshot/Screenshot/Video:
• Shooting Range at my Bunker [Oct 7, 2021]
• My Oppressor Mk II is floating [Jul 9, 2022]
• Open Wheel Race Off Course Bug [Jul 23, 2022]
• Trapped at the Prize Ride (after updating new DLC) [Jul 27, 2022]
• The Criminal Enterprises update: Luxury Autos & Simeon’s Premium Deluxe Motorsport “Sprunk Edition” [Sept 6, 2022]
• The Criminal Enterprises update: Luxury Autos & Simeon’s Premium Deluxe Motorsport “eCola Edition” [Sept 12, 2022]
Tagged: @bryan360, @leapant, @carmenramcat
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0firstlast1 · 5 months
Was a countdown necessary?
Christmas is related to natality, but I am not 2023 years old, my name isn't Jesus, nor Jeovah, nor Geovah, nor Y!eovah, or any other cryptography that has been used and kept in some tomb hidden in some cave or pyramid, in all this I also don't consider myself a museum, nor a visionary historical landmark of an apocalyptic future, the last cataclysm before the annihilation of planet Earth after the sequence of several catastrophes, a collision of galaxies would be an apotheosis.
Exactly during dinner on 12/25 at the time that would be 'prime time' on TV, the most expensive time to advertise on TV, that guy Lula appeared on TV, yes, it wasn't a bad joke, it was an insult institutional catholic ideological falsehood, as if it were a scene from the film V for Vendetta in which the führer of the old New World Order appears before the commoners saying feats about the government in a hoarse voice that would not remotely resemble Rod Stewart's voice at the time from The Jeff Beck Group, in a totally inappropriate speech, the PT führer gave a standard PTist speech, he inherited a country destroyed by the ignorant electorate of past administrations but quickly left the country in a position to be the greatest political and economic power in all of history of the universe, poor people who didn't believe in the farce and dared not to vote for him, will have to go live not in another country, but on another planet more distant than Mars.
Is it possible to have a normal and happy life without television? Yes it is!
I tried to ignore everything, once again they made me unable to do so. To 'soften' what happened, below some late 'entertainment'.
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tvrundownusa · 2 years
tvrundown USA 2022.11.23
Wednesday, November 23rd:
(exclusive): Pitch Perfect: "Bumper in Berlin" (Peacock, spinoff, all 6 eps), Wednesday (netflix, "Addams Family" spinoff premiere, all 8 eps), "Blood, Sex & Royalty" (netflix, historical docu-drama, all 3 eps), The Unbroken Voice (netflix, Colombian singer bio-pic, all 61 eps), Taco Chronicles (netflix, season 3 "Cross the Border", all 8 eps), Marvel Studios Legends (dsn+, "Drax" and "Mantis" specials), Daddies on Request (dsn+, Mexican family dramedy, all 10 eps), Limbo (hulu, all 10 eps), Love Island Australia (hulu, reality airing daily, season 4 opener)
(movies): "Radio Christmas" (AllBlk), "Christmas on Mistletoe Farm" (netflix, family drama, ~105mins), "The Swimmers" (netflix, sports drama, 2hrs+15mins), "Lesson Plan" (netflix, Polish action drama, ~100mins), "Who's a Good Boy?" (netflix, Mexican teen rom-com, 95mins), "Good Night Oppy" (amazon, documentary, NASA's Mars rover Opportunity)
(Friday shows available early): Shantaram (apple+), Acapulco (apple+), Mythic Quest (apple+), The Mosquito Coast (apple+), "Echo 3" (apple+, bilingual action-thriller premiere, first 3 eps)
(streaming weekly): Andor (dsn+, season 1 finale), The Santa Clauses (dsn+), "Sumo Do, Sumo Don't" (dsn+), Mighty Ducks Game Changers (dsn+, penultimate), Ben Gri (hulu|dsn+), Pink Lie (hulu), BlackRock Shooter: Dawn Fall (hulu), Revenge of Others (hulu, thru ep#10), Leverage: Redemption (freevee), Sherman's Showcase (AMC+, season 2 finale), The Real Love Boat (Para+), The NFL Pile On (amazon, primetime)
(specials): "Countdown to Macy's Thanksgiving Parade" (NBC), Andor (ABC, Star Wars "Rogue One" prequel, first 2 eps only, 90mins), "A Saturday Night Live Thanksgiving Special" (NBC, annual classic clips)
(earlier - hour 0): The NFL Pile On (amazon, streaming), NFL Slimetime (NICK, 60mins)
(hour 1): House of Payne (BET) /   / Assisted Living (BET), The Masked Singer (FOX), Survivor (CBS), Nick News (NICK, special time)
(hour 2): Sistas (BET), LEGO Masters (FOX), The Amazing Race (CBS), Chucky (SyFy|USA, season 2 finale, 65mins), "Shaq" (HBO, Shaquille O'Neal docu-series premiere)
(hour 3): Reginald the Vampire (SyFy), Hard Knocks In Season (HBO), Upcycle Nation (FUSE),   / Sherman's Showcase (IFC)
[repeats or preempted: Chicago Med (NBC), The Conners (ABC) /   / The Goldbergs (ABC), DC's Stargirl (theCW), Chicago Fire (NBC), Abbott Elementary (ABC) /   / Home Economics (ABC), Kung Fu (theCW), Chicago P.D. (NBC), Big Sky (ABC), Tooning Out the News (COM) ]
0 notes
lasquadranights · 2 years
Christmas Countdown: Risotto x Reader
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Content Warnings: NSFW Content, AFAB Reader, References to Polygamy
It started because you were busy cleaning around the main hall and you found a small bell beneath one of the cabinets. The small ‘R’ told you where it came from beyond a shadow of a doubt and you kept it in your pocket with no real reason.
Once, you had believed that Risotto’s hat didn’t have real bells but they were genuine as could be. How he moved without them ringing was honestly impressive and you tried a few times to mimic it without success.
Eventually, you gave up but you kept the bell on you almost as a reminder of him.
Though the others had since returned, Risotto’s job was more difficult than they had originally told you and you spent too many days waiting for him to walk through the door. All Melone would tell you was that he was safe and the others were nervous about even sharing that much.
But Pesci had given you an idea unwillingly when he commented that he liked the idea of putting a bell on everybody so they couldn’t sneak up on him.
Melone had been more than able to provide the supplies that you wanted and he’d been curious but hadn’t pushed.
You managed to get everything ready and, when Risotto arrived home in the evening, you made sure you were the first to greet him.
The cat ears on your head were black and the dress was one of the skimpiest you owned. All of that combined with the bell collar around your neck made you feel equal parts slutty and at least somewhat festive as you tucked a sprig of mistletoe into your hair.
Risotto didn’t jump when you wrapped your arms around him but he did a double take when he glanced down at your chosen outfit.
“We’re matching,” you teased, tapping the bells on his hat and listening to them jingle.
His eyes roamed your form. “I’m a little overdressed for the occasion.”
You laughed and leaned up against his chest, running your fingers across the bare expanses of skin that you found there. “Really?” His skin was marred by few scars but the ones that were there remained fiercely obvious to the touch. You tried to be casual while you checked if he was hurt.
He stepped forward, moving into your space and lifting your chin up so you could meet his eyes. “It suits you.” Lightly tapping the bell on your throat, the corner of his mouth turned up just slightly.
The collar was velvet, smooth where it touched your neck and tight enough to stay up without choking you. Yet, Risotto somehow managed to get a firm grasp on it, pulling you forward with just enough force to make you stumble.
His kiss was deep but not rough in the slightest. He cradled your side with one hand while he claimed every inch of your mouth.
“We should head inside,” you said, inclining your head a little when you were released.
Risotto looked over your shoulder. The faint light emitting from the house windows cast dark shadows across his face and you were struck, not for the first time, with the regal nature of his features. His eyes were enough to steal your nerve and drag your heart into your throat with a single glance.
“I’d rather not. I’ll be seeing the others soon – there’s little need for me to rush about it.” He caressed your jaw with a thumb. “And I would like to be slightly selfish tonight.”
“You are more than welcome to be.”
Risotto held your head with care not to knock your fake ears off as he kissed you again. He pulled the mistletoe from behind your ear and smiled. He placed it gently to the side before lifting you up. “Stay quiet.”
Metallica crawling all over you was a strange feeling. You were surrounded by stands but the effects of the quieter ones gave you less chance to be used to their abilities and thusly, you often forgot how unnatural they felt.
How he walked so quietly was beyond you. His footsteps didn’t make a single sound as he snuck you in through one of the house’s many backdoors.
You could hear the others arguing about some sport game but you didn’t see them as Risotto carried you into the thankfully empty bedroom. Metallica was great at keeping you invisible but the others were getting good at catching you.
“They’re going to think something’s up,” you giggled. “We all heard your car arrive but they didn’t see me go out.”
“It’s fine, Prosciutto will presume I was distracted by an important phone call. He’ll keep them from going and looking.” Risotto gently lowered you onto the bed. “And I’ll keep the door locked.”
He lightly kissed along your body, sucking small marks into the skin and drawing the most beautiful sounds from your throat. Your dress was eased off so he could litter gentle touches across your stomach and waist. He pressed against the dips of your hips and you mewled, back arching.
“If you make too much noise, Illuso will come looking,” Risotto warned. He kissed the inside of your thighs. “I don’t mean to be so possessive of your time but –“
“It’s okay Ris, I get it. I’ll be as quiet as I can.”
It was a difficult ask. He had a talent for unravelling you – taking every part of you to pieces with his touch. You would be trembling before he even slid your panties off and keeping your voice down when his mouth was on you felt like a near-impossible task.
The bell jingled softly though the sound felt much louder to your overstimulated brain. Risotto caressed your throat again as he brought you over the edge for the first time, watching the way your cheeks flushed and melting at the small part of your lips.
When he attempted to move away from you, you pulled him back to the bed and threw your leg over his hips.
You sank down on him with a hiss, jaw clenching as you tried to restrain yourself. The stretch that he gave was new levels of blissful. Every inch burned in the best possible way.
Risotto steadied you with a hand on your side. He guided you in a slow pace to make sure you didn’t hurt yourself. His expression remained carefully neutral – the only betrayal of his pleasure being a slight hitch in his breath.
You tried your hardest not to grab at his chest. Marks weren’t something Risotto was fond of but it was so tempting.
You began speeding up slowly. The pressure built higher and higher, heightened by every brush of his cock against the deepest part of you. You threw your head back and a stuttering moan escaped your control.
Risotto’s head fell against your chest as your trembling pulled him over the edge and you spiraled after him. Your thighs clenched around his hips and you shook, once against aware of the jingling bell.
He ran his fingers across your legs, dancing them across your navel. “Do you plan on wearing that necklace more?”
“Why? Do you like it that much?”
“I do.”
The bedroom door tried to open and Melone laughed. “Told you that’s where they are! You all think way too highly of Ris.”
Risotto sighed. “This is going to take a while to go away.”
You giggled and lifted his face to kiss him again. You rolled your hips forward, stealing a soft groan from him. “May as well make it worth it then.”
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daleisgreat · 3 years
Inglourious Basterds
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I am jumping out of order with the third Quentin Tarantino film I am covering here is not QT’s third film, Jackie Brown, but instead for his 2009 alternate take on World War II, Inglourious Basterds (trailer). Click or press here for my article on Reservoir Dogs, and click or press here for my entry on Pulp Fiction. I have owned the BluRay since it first released well over a decade ago, and it is a shame yet another QT gem has sat in my backlog for so long. This takes place in occupied France with a riveting opening scene where German Col. Hans Landa (Christoph Waltz) conducts an interview with a local dairy farmer which eventually leads to questioning about missing Jews. This being a QT film, the dialog is intentionally drawn out, with Hans pausing the interview for a refreshing glass of milk, and digressing on other tangents before eventually getting to the burning question. Once again, QT absolutely nails the art of conversation like very few of his peers can. Every subtle body language flinch and pivot throughout their verbal exchange is not wasted, and it ultimately pays off with a unforgettable impact to close the scene. If it was almost any other filmmaker, my tolerance would have surely been tested, but there is something to QT’s scripts that without fail have me 100% invested in their surplus of verbiage as much as a climactic action scene in the latest summer blockbuster.
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Be prepared for some vintage-QT dialog-heavy scenes...I wouldn't want it any other way from him! This being a WWII film, one would think it would be safe to presume there is a fair amount of military combat scenes. While there is a significant body count by the end of the film, the firefights are not of the typical Hollywood WWII fare, so do not expect any all-out tanks, war planes, and massive artillery skirmishes. Most of the action that transpires here involves a team of Jewish American soldiers headed up by Lt. Aldo Raine (Brad Pitt). After the absurd fallout from their latest mission in a basement tavern, they receive intel from undercover operative Bridget von Hammersmark (Diane Kruger) that Nazi leadership including Hitler (Martin Wuttke) himself will be at the grand opening of the latest military propaganda film, Nation’s Pride.
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The theater owner where Nation’s Pride will be premiering, Shosanna (Mélanie Laurent), has an intriguing arc on how she is roped into debuting the film at her cinema which is caused by the relentless intimate pursuit of German soldier, Frederick Zoller (Daniel Brühl). Without giving too much away, Shosanna has her own agenda too, and everything builds up splendidly to the big premiere night of Nation’s Pride. I vividly remember going into the theater not clued into the ending which I will not spoil here, and I was instantly stunned at the direction QT went for the final act. There is nearly an hour and a half of bonus material on the BluRay. The standout bonus is a half hour interview with Brad Pitt and QT, conducted by Elvis Mitchell with some highlights of their conversation being how energetic the overall shoot was, and what it was like premiering the film in Germany. Other extra features worth checking out is the full six minute cut of Nation’s Pride, a quick look back with interviews of the cast and crew from the original 1978 Inglorious Bastards, and a pair of interviews with Rod Taylor who has some fun behind-the-scenes stories with QT on how the two have the utmost respect for each other.
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Inglourious Basterds did not disappoint with a highly entertaining second viewing where nearly the entire ensemble cast excelled in their performances! For a film that is two and a half hours long, it proved to be a swift viewing after being so engrossed with all the aforementioned dialog-dense scenes. I cannot fairly rank this among QT’s movies as I nearly love them all equally, but it goes without saying if you have made it this far then you know I am giving this the highest of recommendations! Other Random Backlog Movie Blogs 3 12 Angry Men (1957) 12 Rounds 3: Lockdown 21 Jump Street The Accountant Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie Atari: Game Over The Avengers: Age of Ultron The Avengers: Endgame The Avengers: Infinity War Batman: The Dark Knight Rises Batman: The Killing Joke Batman: Mask of the Phantasm Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Bounty Hunters Cabin in the Woods Captain America: Civil War Captain America: The First Avenger Captain America: The Winter Soldier Christmas Eve The Clapper Clash of the Titans (1981) Clint Eastwood 11-pack Special The Condemned 2 Countdown Creed I & II Deck the Halls Detroit Rock City Die Hard Dredd The Eliminators The Equalizer Dirty Work Faster Fast and Furious I-VIII Field of Dreams Fight Club The Fighter For Love of the Game Good Will Hunting Gravity Grunt: The Wrestling Movie Guardians of the Galaxy Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 Hell Comes to Frogtown Hercules: Reborn Hitman I Like to Hurt People Indiana Jones 1-4 Ink The Interrogation Interstellar Jay and Silent Bob Reboot Jobs Joy Ride 1-3 Justice League (2017 Whedon Cut) Last Action Hero Major League Man of Steel Man on the Moon Man vs Snake Marine 3-6 Merry Friggin Christmas Metallica: Some Kind of Monster Mortal Kombat Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpions Revenge National Treasure National Treasure: Book of Secrets Nintendo Quest Not for Resale Payback (Director’s Cut) Pulp Fiction The Punisher (1989) The Ref The Replacements Reservoir Dogs Rocky I-VIII Running Films Part 1 Running Films Part 2 San Andreas ScoobyDoo Wrestlemania Mystery Scott Pilgrim vs the World The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Shoot em Up Slacker Skyscraper Small Town Santa Steve Jobs Source Code Star Trek I-XIII Sully Take Me Home Tonight TMNT Trauma Center The Tooth Fairy 1 & 2 UHF Veronica Mars Vision Quest The War Wild The Wizard Wonder Woman The Wrestler (2008) X-Men: Apocalypse X-Men: Days of Future Past
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mishasminion360 · 3 years
Space Age Love Song: The Playlist
A Mandalorian x O/C Fanfic
**Just in case anyone is as big a music fan as I am and was digging some of my song choices for the Fic, I thought I’d share them 😁**
Songs by Chapters
Vertigo- U2 (Ch. 3, Din and Sara meet face to face, so to speak, and cook breakfast together.)
Welcome to Your Life-Grouplove (Ch. 5, Sara drives Din to the hardware store.)
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas- Frank Sinatra (Ch. 9, Sara and Din watch the Christmas parade.)
Dance with Me-Beabadoobee (Ch. 11, Din and Sara dance.)
All About You- The Knocks and FTP (Ch. 13, Din and Sara’s relationship progresses; Sara teaches Din to drive.)
Familiar Ground- The Cinematic Orchestra (Ch. 13, Din and Sara make love.)
That Home- The Cinematic Orchestra (Ch. 14, as Din watches Sara’s house burn.)
Humans.- Judah and the Lion (Ch. 15, when Din and Sara reunite at the barn.)
Sky Full of Stars- Coldplay (Ch. 16, Din and Sara take off to new worlds.)
Stars Still Shine- Harry Connick, Jr. (Ch. 19, Sara and Din voice their fears and comfort each other.)
You Make Loving Fun- Fleetwood Mac (Ch. 21, Sara rocks Grogu to sleep.)
7 Years- Lukas Graham (Ch. 21, Din tells Sara he loves her.)
Back to Life- Mystery Skulls (Ch. 22, Din resurrected Sara’s phone and they are off to see Leia.)
Landslide- Fleetwood Mac (Ch. 24, Din and Grogu fret for Sara while she’s in the med center.)
Mr. Blue Sky- Electric Light Orchestra (Ch. 25, Sara awakens within a dream.)
Watch Me- Labi Siffre (Ch. 26, Din, Sara, and Grogu settle into their forever home and embrace the bright future ahead.)
Chapter Titles
1. Crash Into Me- The Dave Matthews Band
2. Life On Mars?- David Bowie
3. Strangers in Paradise- Tony Bennett
4. Answered- Thrice
5. Walk This Way- Aerosmith
6. Are You Lonesome Tonight- Elvis Presley
7. Sit Around And Miss You- The Black Keys
8. Semi-Charmed Life- Third Eye Blind
9. I’ll Be Home For Christmas- Elvis Presley
10. Baby, It’s Cold Outside- Seth MacFarlane
11. Countdowns- Sleeping At Last
12. Leaving On A Jet Plane- Peter, Paul and Mary
13. This Is How You Fall In Love- Jeremy Zucker
14. Fire for You- Cannons
15. Trouble’s Coming- Royal Blood
16. We’ve Only Just Begun- The Carpenters
17. Fly Me to the Moon- Frank Sinatra
18. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun- Cyndi Lauper
19. Breathe- Anna Nalick
20. Father and Son- Cat Stevens
21. We Are Family- Sister Sledge
22. On the Road Again- Willie Nelson
23. Come and Get It- Selena Gomez
24. Sara Smile- Hall and Oates
25. The End of All Things- Panic! At the Disco
26. To Build a Home- The Cinematic Orchestra
@just-another-dumb-artist @grimeylady @rav3n-pascal22 @mamacitapascal @insomniamama1 @pedrosbisch @emmaispunk @mandolydian @lv7867 @obsessivelysearching @calliedjarin-deactivated2021050 @reonlouw @hawaiianmelodies @pascalsky @pascalpanic @heythere-mel @healingstardust @pastel-0-princess @pedropascal207 @delorena @disgruntledspacedad @dindjarinsfingerlessgloves @pedropasxal @oloreaa @caesaryoulater @just-fics-i-read @randomcollection-o-stuff @girlbestie @phoenixpascal @dickspittoon @pasca1 @carstwirs @pancakeisreading @kiizhikehn-cedar @hellovanessax @fangirling-alert @pedrocentric @fromthedeskoftheraven @liviiii98 @feralhotmess @axshadows @mandapascal @dragon-scales88 @deserttastesbitter @spaceppastel @toxicfrankenstein @anaaaispunk @dinsprettygirl @pedropascal2532 @spideysimpossiblegirl
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ktheist · 4 years
lie to me, lie with me.
warnings. mention of miscarriage, divorce and alcohol.
[day #1348]
jeon jungkook doesn’t not believe in soulmates per se.
“i just don’t believe that you’re supposed to give your whole life to someone some invisible force decides is ‘right’ for you,” his eyes hadn’t particularly been observing the every change of emotion on your face.
but you were half-expecting that he would see through your seemingly momentous pause - when in fact, you were only going over the odds of him shutting you out if you spoke your mind. that all your life, you spent staring at the digits in your wrist for the moment you’d meet the destined one.
the other half of your soul.
he seemed like it though.
 the kind of person to turn someone away at the romanticized mention of red strings and destiny, that is.
you couldn’t really say those words weren’t planned - no, by then, you’d already gone over the possibilities of this attractive but emotionally cautious man shutting the hopeless romantic-you out and you chose the only other option to stay by his side.
“me too.”
that’s the first lie you ever told to jungkook.
“really?” his unnervingly hollow eyes seemed to sparkle even just a little bit as though he wholeheartedly believed you.
“yeah,” you’d shrugged, eyes rolling as though the notion of two souls combined had been ludicrous, “like who’d want their lives decided on some countdown?”
in less than a minute, you’d told your second lie to the man you’d since then decided, could easily break your heart.
“cool.” but the ghost of a smile and the lull of his head as he looked at you with a sort of comforting mutual understanding, as if thinking ‘so it’s not just me’ - had been worth it.
and so began the series upon series of lies you tell jungkook who after several ‘would you like to grab dinner’s and ‘i like spending time with you’s later, became your boyfriend.
the numbers kept decreasing whilst long sleeves, wristbands and hand scarves began to find home on the surfaces of your counter, coffee table, couches - anywhere that you could think of, there’d be a colorful flowery piece of cloth or a black nike wristband lying around in your periphery. they blended so well with the background.
jungkook was tolerable for the most part. that is, until you moved in together and he bought a an empty bowl which started to get filled up by your wrist accessories. 
“you know, i don’t really mind the countdown,” he’d told you casually while you were huddled up together on the grey couch of your shared living room, every change of color scheme from the tv reflecting in his eyes like a second projector, “you don’t have to hide it from me.”
he never did.
but that was because his was on 0.
it always had been ever since you met him that night at some party that your uni friends invited you to.
“i just like having something on my wrists,” by then you’d lost count of how many lies you’d spoken with your sweet lips as you laid your cheek on his chest, a hand on his abdomen whilst his arm tugged you closer to him as though he couldn’t stand a hair breadth’s distance separating you.
“what would you say about having something on your finger?” jungkook’s eyes had slanted to your gawping ones ever so casually but the way his gaze quivered told you of the nervousness that he hid almost perfectly underneath his unbothered facade.
“what?” you breathed out, lips threatening to curl into a full blown smile but didn’t because you couldn’t let yourself make up scenarios of a home and mini you and him running around the living room but when his lips quirked the way it would whenever he was happy but didn’t want to show it - you knew it had been jungkook’s way of promising for a future.
“what?” he casually shrugged.
you’d went back to crushing your cheek against his chest as the hand on his abdomen went around to his hip, hugging throughout the movie.
[day #899]
it was your second christmas together, surrounded by your family and relatives who’d all been supportive of you and jungkook’s relationship - that they’d teased you just as you were about to pass jungkook a bowl of salads to place it on the dining table. the spot you’d happened to intersect each other at had been none other than the doorway, underneath a mistletoe.
you were seconds away from going for a quick peck but he’d been faster to fall on one knee and pulled out a velvet red box.
“yes,” lie. “yes,” lie. “yes,” lie. “yes!”
fucking lies.
he’d lifted you off your feet with his arms around your waist while you kissed him passionately in front of your family. your grandmother had looked impressed, your mother had tried to hide her smile while your father was gripping the fork a bit too tightly - you’d then, commented on the slightly bent condition of one particular cutlery as you helped your mother with the dishes.
[day #542]
convincing jungkook to wear a bow had not been an easy task. he hated anything so formal and restricting, just as he hated the surprised look in your friends and extended family’s faces when they found out that your countdown was still running.
it took a lot of promises and pecks on his cheeks, lips, knuckles - anywhere you could get your mouth on - to get him to stay throughout the reception and after party instead of whisking you away to have your first night at the five-star hotel he’d saved up for almost a year to book.
but you were married and you were beginning to wonder if that was all that mattered.
“i love you, i love you,” you’d echoed the words as he’d slammed you against the wall after the guests left, drunk or sober but sleepy.
“you better,” the smirk he had on had been a smug one - almost as though he was the proudest and happiest man in the world to be able to have you. to call you his.
at least, even if he didn’t say it, you knew his love was more solid and real than your meaningless lies.
[day #248]
“we’ll get through this.” jungkook’s hand swallows yours as he squeezes it in what you assume to be a reassuring gesture - he’s never said anything he doesn’t mean.
but your heart is broken in half and your lower body is sore and hurting from the extraction process. you couldn’t even bear to look at the forming parts of a human - of who could have been your second child. or first.
you don’t know anymore.
“how, jungkook?” you question, eyes boring into his.
“how do you expect me to ‘get through’ losing my second baby?” the first time, you’d planned your child to be born on september just like daddy’s birthday. but on your second month of pregnancy, you’d felt an excruciating pain in your lower abdomen.
you didn’t take a hard fall on your butt. didn’t do any rigorous lifting. didn’t even do any chores - jungkook had insisted.
he’d been the most attentive, if he could, he would have marched up to your boss and demand that she’d let you work from home but you’d stopped him and convinced him that nothing could go wrong when all you had to do was sit on your ass in an air conditioned office until he came and pick you up.
“i lost a child too, ___,” it’s the first time he sounds so vulnerable. so fragile. almost as if another word from you would break him beyond repair.
“please just... don’t leave.” the sob escapes you before you can even suppress it. 
“i won’t- i never will.” he kisses your forehead and climbs into the fit-for-one hospital bed with you after the lights went off and the nurses left.
but the truth hovered in the air like an overdue storm.
every soul who rejected their other half and took on another’s will never truly be complete. or at least, they’d never feel complete.
[day #76]
jungkook hardly gets nervous. the handful of times he did, you could count with your fingers.
the day he proposed to you. the day you both decided to take a pregnancy test for the first time after trying for a baby for months. and today.
“what’s this?” you’re burning holes through the beige colored document that jungkook just slid over to you.
“what it looks like.” is all he says, shoulder line sagged and eyes refusing to meet yours.
“i don’t know what it looks like.” thorny tendrils wrap around your voice - you start to regret it as soon as you see the way he physically flinches at your tone, “what’s it supposed to look like, jungkook?”
“you’ll be happier.” he doesn’t offer you an explanation. and yet those three words ring in your ears like a summon.
“no,” it’s a surprise that your neck hasn’t snapped from the way you’re shaking your head, “no- i’m happy with you.”
“we haven’t been happy in awhile now, ___.” it’s the single drop of tear that mars the back of his hand that rushes to wipe it away as though he’s the one trying to convince himself that he’d do fine without you.
like you would without him.
but you’ve fought too many times. tried too many options. marriage counseling. therapy. even trying for and losing another baby. as if third time’s the charm. as if you’re not doomed from the moment you both sat in his car at target’s parking lot, holding a beer in one hand. alcohol and 3 am conversations can lead to so many things.
“if you want to go back to her-” the lump in your throat forbids you from saying more.
“no- no, i won’t.” jungkook hurriedly refutes, his eyes burning with a sort of disappointment that you’re not sure if you can bear, “how could you even think that i would...”
“people change their minds all the time, jungkook.”  you shrug, trying to be casual about it even though your cheeks are wet and your vision is blurred with tears.
a pause hangs over the kitchen you both shared and spent countless mornings making breakfasts.
“are you...” he starts but you don’t - couldn’t let him finish before you find yourself gasping and sobbing all at once.
but you don’t deny the possibility of your hand picking up the pen and flipping through the pages until you get to the back before scribbling your signature once the countdown strikes zero.
[day #0]
it’s been on zero for quite some time now. on the first week, you spend your days and nights curled up under your sheets. your cheeks don’t even have the time to dry before they’re wet again and there aren’t many occasions where your eyes aren’t swollen.
your heart feels like it’s being pierced by a thousand spears and your body feels like a tonnes of brick are crushing down on it. your legs, they’re shackled by the marriage you refused to nullify and rather teeter on a tightrope on in a guise of a break. separation. whatever they call it.
jimin’s crestfallen expression burns at the back of your mind and jungkook’s tear stained face etches itself at the back of your mind.
one chosen and the other destined.
one loved and the other, you can feel yourself falling for.
but you know better than to prolong both of their sufferings just because the young adult version of you thought you had the excuse of leaving anything and everything for your other half at your disposal. but lies upon lies built up into truths.
“i met him at a restaurant i was supposed to meet a client at,” you explained to the man with dark circles around his eyes and looking lesser than you’d last saw him.
but you probably didn’t look all that flattering either. throwing on what clean clothes you found in your closet and barely able to apply makeup before you left.
“he knows i’m married - he saw the ring.” it still wraps around your finger like a miniature cuff. a promise. a vow.
jungkook’s is missing, a lighter hue marking the spot where his ring finger should be.
“so you’ll finally sign the divorce papers?” his usually velvet voice sounds much harsher. as though he hadn’t used it in awhile. as though his throat had been filled with alcohol instead of words.
“what is it with you and acting like your time’s up? you said...” you have to take a well-needed breath to recenter, “you said you’d never leave,” if it was you from three months ago, you would have wept and cried like a baby. but at the moment, all that’s left is dried up tears and chilled anger.
but perhaps, jungkook’s is the shade of blue. a sort of flame that looked like it would burn less if not at all until you learn that it’s more fatal than its amber counterpart. 
“yeah but weren’t you looking for a way out?” he laughs, the sound almost scratching against your ear drums like sand paper, “i always wondered when you’d stop this whole act... maybe feel a little guilty for tricking me... but your sleeves are full of those, huh?”
tricks, he means.
the last piece of your heart drops straight to the ground.
“what are you-” and yet you still try.
“don’t pretend like you’re all innocent!” the cups on the table shakes when he slams his fist down on the smooth surface. but when he doubles over, hands pressed against his eyes as though physically trying to push the tears back, the heart you thought you’d lost in this long, emotional battle - with whom, you’re not sure - begins to clench painfully.
jungkook might as well tear your chest apart and take the organ in his hands and crush it.
“it’s true, i was never sure if i truly loved you,” the confession is overdue. perhaps even lacking in so many aspects, but it doesn’t really matter, does it?
“but i’m tired of second guessing - i... i want to grow old with you... i want us to buy that barn and start raising chickens and milking cows and adopt a bunch of cats and dogs,” the tears you thought have dried out are now pouring like waterfall, “two’s a family. two and a bunch of cats and dogs’s a family.”
your eyes hurt from the way you wipe your tears with the back of your hand but your heart aches more as you watch your husband try so hard to hold back his own tears, “i’m sorry it took me so long to realize that.”
you’re undeserving of his forgiveness and yet when he goes around you and gather you in his arms, you cry and cling onto him like he’s about to fade away any moment.
“i love you, goddamn it,” he curses before kissing the top of your head, “i fucking love you.”
“you think i don’t?” you manage to force out, trying to glare but failing spectacularly as you weep harder, hands crunching his sweatshirt in your grasp.
fucking truth.
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deco-devolution · 4 years
Ok so I've seen your answer in regards to Rapture and Columbia holidays, but I gotta ask- do you think Rapture does halloween? Halloween was already a pretty big American thing by the late 40s from what I've seen
Holidays In Rapture
Holidays with a * denote they are personal headcanons of mine. Holidays without asterisks are real-world examples. Italicized text is further detail on the holiday at hand.
New Years Day (Jan 1st) - Celebrates the beginning of a new year. 
Valentine’s Day (Feb 14th) Celebrates lovers showing their affection and care for each other. Definitely celebrated in Rapture, but even more so blatantly implying that the best way to show love is by expensive gifts.
Mardi Gras (Feb 25th) Celebrates the day before Ash Wednesday, which marks the start of Christian Lent season leading up to Easter. As Rapture is overwhelmingly atheist though, this has been repackaged as a smaller-scale Thanksgiving, with citywide tradition making it a day of self-indulgent merrymaking under the guise of celebrating personal accomplishments. 
Leap Year Day (Feb 29th) Celebrates the rare day in a year in which an extra day is added to the calendar. Tends to be treated as a day of pure luxury
St. Patrick’s Day (Mar 17th) Celebrates St. Patrick, one of Ireland’s patron saints, who ministered Christianity in Ireland during the fifth century. It’s essentially celebrated the same way in modern America- people just use it as an excuse to get drunk with little attention paid toward the actual history surrounding the saint.
April Fools Day (Apr 1st) Celebrates the turning of the pre-Gregorian calendar by trying to play a practical joke on a victim who becomes known as an April Fool. Prank gifts like snake nut cans, dribble glasses, chewing gum bugs, and whoopee cushions fly off the shelves, and companies also get in on the gags with jokes like the Smell-O-Vision prank as well as the Jovian–Plutonian gravitational effect. 
Memorial Day (May 25th) Repackaged to shift away from the patriotism connected to the holiday on the surface, this holiday focuses on the lives lost during the construction of Rapture. A few announcements are played and a few speeches given, but there are no major events for the day save the occasional memorial dinner or other formal arrangement.
* Pearl Philips and Charles Milton Porter’s Wedding Date: While obviously not a citywide holiday, while researching the Rapture timeline I found out they were married on June 17th, 1939, isn’t that cute?
* Commencement Day (August 21st) The anniversary of Rapture’s conceptualization by Andrew Ryan.
Halloween (October 31st) A celebration observed in many countries on 31 October, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows' Day. In Rapture though, it’s more a day to dress in garish costumes and hang macabre decorations. Most Halloween parties in Rapture still give complementary candy, but there’s that continuous air of competition in the city that usually translates to intense costume competitions with extravagant prizes.
* Settlement Day (November 5th) Celebrates the day of the first major migration of citizens into Rapture in 1949. 
Thanksgiving (Nov 25th) Celebrates the harvest and other blessings of the past year. In Rapture, this means not only soaring food sales for the holiday meals, but also pushing the idea of replacing home furnishings to really show how fruitful you’ve been the year so far, just in time to have shiny new housewares around while you do Christmas shopping. 
Christmas (Dec 25th) Celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, observed primarily on December 25 as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world. This being Rapture however, the traditions are sharply skewed; instead of being religious at all it’s become a consumerist pissing contest (even more so then modern Black Friday shopping) and the entire affair has an not-so-subtle air of competitiveness regarding both decoration and gift-giving. But because the majority of religious themes have been erased, all the creativity put into designing means the decorations look pretty dope.
New Years Eve (Dec 31st) Celebrates the last day of the year. Now we all know that canonically Rapture goes balls-to-the-wall and luxury/liquor sales go nuts on this day, but in addition companies are not above finding drunk partiers and convincing them to buy overpriced goods or sign into absurd contracts. Around the city the scheme is called a “countdown contract”
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hae-bubbles · 3 years
What Each Song Reminds Me Of
Hot Sauce: Talking in gibberish, Papusas, Costa Rican taquerias, Racer AU fanfics, Mustaches
Diggity: Hot dog stands, The Dougie , Raves, Cool slowmo moments,
Dive Into You: Pool parties, bubbles, Lifeguards, Jolly Ranchers, Roasting marshmallows
My Youth: Driving home after the best day out with your friends, The ending of a coming of age movie, Running across the beach, Whistling
Rocket: Roller skating, Pitbulls Fireball, The summer before middle school
Countdown: The Resonance pt1 album, 90s black boybands, Clocks, Bruno Mars, School campus parties
ANL: Botanical gardens, Polaroid photos, Sunsets, Riding bicycles, Initials
Irreplaceable: ABCs, Walking around an unknown city, The Jonas Brothers, Marching bands, Soul music
Be There For You: Christmas, Snowflakes, Honey, Hearing your name called, Happy family gatherings, Someone waiting for you to finish tying your shoe
Rainbow: The ending credits of a movie, Seeing someone move forward, Long-distance relationships, blurry eyes from happy tears
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forgottenpnffacts · 4 years
How many of the shows songs are referenced in other episodes? I know gicci gicci goo is referenced in doofania
“Gitchee Gitchee Goo” gets referenced in “I, Brobot,” “I Scream, You Scream,” “Toy to the World,” “Greece Lightning,” “The Flying Fishmonger,” “Hail Doofania!” “Out of Toon,” “The Chronicles of Meap,” “Tri-Stone Area,” “Oh, There You Are, Perry,” “Isabella and the Temple of Sap,” “Candace’s Big Day,” “I Was a Middle Aged Robot,” “Phineas’ Birthday Clip-O-Rama!” “A Phineas and Ferb Family Christmas,” and “Cranius Maximus.” “I’m Lindana and I Wanna Have Fun” gets referenced in “Rollercoaster” “Are You My Mummy?” “Candace’s Big Day,” “The Magnificent Few,” “Run Away Runway,” “Dude, We’re Getting the Band Back Together,” “Backyard Aquarium,” “Chez Platypus,” “Oh, There You Are, Perry,” “Isabella and the Temple of Sap,” “Finding Mary McGuffin,” “The Secret of Success,” “Sleepwalk Surprise,” “Druselsteinoween,” “Return Policy,” and “The Klimpaloon Ultimatum.“ "Perry the Platypus" gets referenced in “Rollercoaster,” “Lawn Gnome Beach Party of Terror,” “Flop Starz,” “The Fast and the Phineas,” “Lights, Candace, Action!” “Candace Loses Her Head,” “Run Away Runway,” “Jerk De Soleil,” “Ready for the Bettys,” “I Scream, You Scream,” “Toy to the World,” “Tree to Get Ready,” “The Best Lazy Day Ever,” “Boyfriend from 27,000 B.C.,” “Voyage to the Bottom of Buford,” “A Hard Day’s Knight,” “Bowl-R-Rama Drama,” “Got Game?” “Put That Putter Away,” “Does This Duckbill Make Me Look Fat?” “One Good Scare Ought to Do It!” “The Monster of Phineas-n-Ferbenstein,” “Unfair Science Fair Redux (Another Story),” “The Lake Nose Monster,” “Day of the Living Gelatin,” “Elementary My Dear Stacy,” “Perry Lays an Egg,” “Let’s Take a Quiz,” “Oh, There You Are, Perry,” “Phineas and Ferb’s Quantum Boogaloo,” “Bubble Boys,” “Fireside Girl Jamboree,” “Atlantis,” “Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation!” “Just Passing Through,” “The Beak,” “Rollercoaster: The Musical!” “Moon Farm,” “Misperceived Monotreme,” “Phineas and Ferb Interrupted,” Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension, “Skiddley Whiffers,” “Bully Bromance Breakup,” “Quietest Day Ever,” “Sleepwalk Surprise,” “Sci-Fi Pie Fly,” “Tri-State Treasure: Boot of Secrets,” “Doofapus,” “Where’s Perry?” “When Worlds Collide,” “This is Your Backstory,” “Happy New Year!” “Fly on the Wall,” “Bully Bust,” “My Sweet Ride,” “Der Kinderlumper,” “Sidetracked,” “Bee Day,” “Great Balls of Water,” “Knot My Problem,” “Just Desserts,” “La Candace-Cabra,” “Phineas and Ferb: Mission Marvel,” “Thanks But No Thanks,” “Face Your Fear,” “Just Our Luck,” “ Return Policy,” “Imperfect Storm,” “It’s No Picnic,” “The Klimpaloon Ultimatum,” “Operation Crumb Cake,” “The Inator Method,” “Night of the Living Pharmacists,” and “Last Day of Summer.“ "Fireside Girls Anthem" is referenced in “Bubble Boys,” “Fireside Girl Jamboree,” “Where’s Perry?” and “Just Desserts.” “Skiddley Whiffers” is referenced in “The Inator Method.” “Summer (Where Do We Begin?)“ is referenced in “Fly on the Wall.” “J-Pop (Welcome to Tokyo)“ is referenced in “Phineas and Ferb: Mission Marvel.” “Rubber Bands, Rubber Balls” is referenced in “Tour de Ferb.” “Mexican-Jewish Cultural Festival” is referenced in “Phineas and Ferb Save Summer.” “Disco Miniature Golfing Queen” is referenced in “Night of the Living Pharmacists.” “Leave the Busting to Us!” is referenced in “Mandace.“ “Ducky Momo Theme Song” is referenced in “Ferb TV,” “The Inator Method,” and “It’s No Picnic.” “Alien Heart” is referenced in “The Klimpaloon Ultimatum.” “The Ballad of Klimpaloon” is referenced in “Bullseye!” “Yippy Ki Yi Yay!“ is referenced in “Phineas’ Birthday Clip-O-Rama!” “Ordinary Day” is referenced in “Lost in Danville.” “Baliwood” gets referenced in “Not Phineas and Ferb.” "S'Winter” is referenced in “Journey to the Center of Candace,” “Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation!” and “For Your Ice Only.” “Alabama Bound” is referenced in “Road Trip.” "He’s a Bully” is referenced in “Bully Bromance Breakup.” “If Summer Only Lasted One Day” is referenced in “The Fast and the Phineas.“ "Go, Go, Phineas” is referenced in “Fireside Girl Jamboree,” “It’s About Time!” and “Tour de Ferb.“ "F-Games” is referenced in “For Your Ice Only.” “Hockey Z-9” is referenced in “The Klimpaloon Ultimatum.” “History of Rock” is referenced in “My Sweet Ride.” “Danville for Niceness” is referenced in “Act Your Age.” “Aren’t You a Little Young” is referenced in “The Inator Method.” “My Undead Mummy” is referenced in “Sidetracked” and “Primal Perry.” “Lady Song” is referenced in “Backyard Hodge Podge.” “Forever Summer” is referenced in “The Klimpaloon Ultimatum.” “Busted” gets referenced in “Hail Doofania!” and “Wizard of Odd.” "Bigfoot” is referenced in “Last Train to Bustville.“ “You Snuck Your Way Right Into My Heart” is referenced in ”Thanks But No Thanks” and “Thaddeus and Thor.” “Ain’t Got Rhythm” is referenced in “Where’s Pinky?” and “Druselsteinween.” “Ballad of Badbeard” gets referenced in “Act Your Age.” "Paul Bunyan” is referenced in “Leave the Busting to Us!” "Gotta Make Summer Last” is referenced in “Leave the Busting to Us!” “That Sinking Feeling,” “Phineas’ Birthday Clip-O-Rama!” “Phineas and Ferb Interrupted,” and “Buford Confidential.” “Do Nothing Day” is referenced in “Chez Platypus,” “The Bully Code,” and “Make Play.” “Happy Sandwich Man” is referenced in “The Fast and the Phineas.” “Lookin’ So Fly” is referenced in “Tip of the Day.” "It’s Candace” is referenced in “One Good Scare Ought to Do It!” “S.I.M.P. (Squirrels In My Pants)” is referenced in “Wizard of Odd,” “Monster From the ID,” and “Druselsteinoween.” “Impress My Professor” is referenced in “Where’s Pinky?” “Pinhead Pierre” is referenced in “Magic Carpet Ride.” “Yodel Odel Obey Me” is referenced in “Road Trip.” “Doof ‘N Puss” is referenced in “Isabella and the Temple of Sap,” “Finding Mary McGuffin,” Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension, “Ferb TV,” “Phineas and Ferb Save Summer,” and “The Return of the Rogue Rabbit.” “Let’s Go Digital” was referenced in “Out of Toon,” “Knot My Problem,” and “Toy to the World.” “That’s Wings You Turkey” is referenced in “Druselsteinoween.” “Hail Doofania!” was referenced in “The Beak,” “Phineas’ Birthday Clip-O-Rama!” “Perry the Actorpus,” “For Your Ice Only,” and “Der Kinderlumper.” "Spa Day” is referenced in “Nerdy Dancin’” and “Druselsteinoween.” “Let’s Take a Rocketship to Space” is referenced in “Vanessassary Roughness” and “Phineas and Ferb: Star Wars.” “The Good Life” is referenced in “Just Our Luck.” “My Wettest Friend” is referenced in “The Remains of the Platypus” and “Meapless in Seattle.” “Watchin’ and Waitin’” is referenced in “Unfair Science Fair Redux (Another Story),” “That Sinking Feeling,” “Phineas and Ferb-Busters!” “Make Play,” “Run, Candace, Run,” “Misperceived Monotreme,” “My Sweet Ride,” “Where’s Pinky?” “Cheers for Fears,” and “Mandace.” “Horse in a Bookcase” is referenced in “Phineas and Ferb: Mission Marvel” and “Steampunx.” "Follow the Sun” is referenced in “Great Balls of Water.” “Weaponry” is referenced in “Just Desserts.” “Fletcher Flying Family Circus” is referenced in “Thanks But No Thanks.” “Jetpack Volleyball” is referenced in “One Good Turn.” “Carl the Intern” is referenced in “Undercover Carl,” “I Was a Middle Aged Robot” and “Tri-State Treasure: Boot of Secrets.” "This is Your Backstory” references “Evil Tonight,” “Kick My Way Into Her Heart,” “Not So Bad a Dad,” “That’s Wings, You Turkey,” “What Do It Do?” “Happy Evil Love Song,” and “My Nemesis.“   “Phineas and Ferb’s Musical Cliptastic Countdown” references “Ready for the Bettys,” “Queen of Mars,” “Ain’t Got Rhythm,” “I Love You Mom,” “E.V.I.L. B.O.Y.S.,” “S.I.M.P. (Squirrels In My Pants),” “Little Brothers,” “Busted,” “Backyard Beach,” “My Name is Doof,” “Gitchee Gitchee Goo.“ “Phineas and Ferb’s Musical Cliptastic Countdown Hosted by Kelly Osbourne” references “A-G-L-E-T,” “So Peanutty,” “Snacks,” "Fabulous,“ “Everything’s Better With Perry,” “Summer Belongs to You,” “There’s a Platypus Controlling Me,” “Brand New Best Friend,” “Summer (Where Do We Begin?),” “City of Love,” “I’m Me,” “Candace Party,” and “Come Home Perry.”
Overall, PnF has hundreds of songs and the PnF crew really loved reusing them (especially as short sound bites/instrumentals).
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