#Mary Morstan
contact-guy · 18 days
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Made myself laugh drawing that first panel...this is part two of THE SIGN OF THE FOUR, part one here!
(this is part of the Watson's sketchbook series)
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spooksicl-e · 1 month
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John Watson and Trust Issues
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jackofacetrades · 1 month
So we stood hand in hand, like two children, and there was peace in our hearts for all the dark things that surrounded us.
— Arthur Conan Doyle, The Sign of Four
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muffin-n-waffle · 2 months
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sssrha · 3 months
Yk I’m reading through ACD Canon and I’ve only gotten to about halfway through the Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes but I find it extremely amusing how little Mary Morstan appears.
Like John Watson really married this woman and then spent the rest of his life making vague allusions to her before going “ANYWAY now onto my much more interesting and very close friend and companion Sherlock Holmes, who is the light of my life” and I respect him for that.
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basilcarnations · 1 year
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tale as old as time etc etc
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calaisreno · 3 days
Three Women Perplex the British Government
1362 words / Prompt: Journey / A sequel to Sixth Sense. (Just in case you were wondering what Molly decided to do!)
He doesn’t recognise the woman standing before him. His mother trained him well, though, so he rises and gestures at the chair. 
“Please.” He glances at Anthea, who is giving him an inscrutable look from the doorway. The one that says he’s offended her in some way that she will neither admit nor explain. 
Anthea closes the door. Mycroft regards the woman, who is still standing. 
“Please,” he repeats, giving her a generic smile. 
His visitor is regarding him as well. Studying him. No smile. “I’d rather not.”
She’s a tiny woman, and he’s a tall man. If she would only sit down, he could sit as well, and it would not feel so much like he’s bullying her. That’s not his style, at least not with women. Small women, dressed in hand knit jumpers. 
He has no idea what she wants, but is afraid that some persuasion might be necessary. Not the bullying he reserves for his brother, or even the subtle manipulation he aims at John Watson, a difficult man to intimidate.
“Miss…?” He feels like he ought to know her. 
“Molly Hooper,” she says. “We haven’t met. I’m—”
“Yes, of course. Doctor Hooper. How can I help you?” He looks down at her, desperately wishing she’d take the chair. “I should thank you,” he remembers to say. “Your help was greatly appreciated. I hope my brother expressed that to you.”
“I’m here about John Watson.”
“Ah.” He narrows his eyes, anticipating the outburst of sentiment she will unleash. “I’m maintaining surveillance on him. You need not concern yourself about any retribution against him. He is safe.”
“It’s not that,” she replies, folding her arms across her chest and glaring. She’s about as intimidating as a kindergarten teacher, but she’s making him uneasy. 
He should have anticipated this. Sherlock assured him that she would play her part well, and Mycroft himself managed the business about the body. But even a goldfish might have a conscience, especially if other goldfish are asking questions.
“Are you receiving any scrutiny over your part in the plan? That can be handled.”
“No, it’s fine. What I mean is, John isn’t coping well with Sherlock’s death.”
“Ah. My brother asked you to assist him in keeping Doctor Watson in the dark, and you’re feeling guilty that you know things which he does not. I assure you that we considered all possible scenarios, and none of them involved taking Doctor Watson into our confidence.”
“Why not?”
“Doctor Watson is a soldier. He is used to death and equipped to handle grief.”
“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard,” she says, glaring in earnest now. “It’s been months. Have you seen him?”
“My people are keeping a weather eye on him.”
“But you haven’t called on him?”
“He would not appreciate hearing from me, Doctor Hooper. I’m afraid my concern will not help him.”
She closes her eyes briefly, shaking her head. “You made a mistake. You and Sherlock.”
“There were not many options before us.”
“Was it you or Sherlock who decided not to tell him?”
“My brother has a great deal of sentiment for Doctor Watson. I’m afraid I had to dissuade him.”
Her voice raises. “Because he loves John?”
“Doctor Watson is not…” He considers how he should word it, decides that being forthright will end this conversation sooner. “My brother’s feelings are not returned. Cannot be returned. Sherlock is gay, and Doctor Watson is not.”
“How do you know?”
“He has stated this publicly several times. Sherlock knows as well. In order to undertake the task he set for himself, it was necessary to leave him behind. I have no doubt that the doctor will meet a lovely woman and be married before long.”
“I don’t care what label you put on him. He loved Sherlock, and it’s killing him that he’s dead. He has PTSD. When they met, he was suicidal. If anything happens to him—”
“Miss Hooper. If you are considering breaking your promise, I must warn you. This matter involves branches of our government whose existence is unknown to most people. I would hate to—”
“Don’t threaten me, Mr Holmes,” she says. “At this point, what is the harm in telling him? If there are still snipers trailing after him, you haven’t done a very good job, have you? And if there aren’t any snipers, there’s no reason not to tell him.”
He has erred. This woman is no goldfish. 
And Anthea keeps asking him about Watson, suggesting that it’s time he knew. 
And then there’s this other woman. Mary Morstan, she calls herself. A complication. She vexes him. 
“Very well,” he says. “I will handle it.”
“Well, I’m back,” John says. 
The headstone is silent, as it should be. John Watson does not look like a man who expects an answer from a block of marble. He squares his shoulders and stands at parade rest, hands clasped behind his back. 
“I’m back again,” he repeats. “I just wanted to tell you something.”
He looks uneasy, Mycroft thinks. A confession, then.
“When you died, I thought I’d never… find myself again. I wasn’t good, not for a long time. Maybe that would surprise you.” He smiles grimly. “Well, you’re beyond surprise now, so I may as well say what I didn’t say the first time I came here. No, I’m not going to ask again. I know there’s not going to be any miracle. You’re not… coming back.” 
He lowers his face into his hand. For a moment his shoulders shake. Mycroft waits.
Drawing a deep breath, he raises his head. “So, this is it. What I should have told you… when it might have made a difference. Maybe it wouldn’t have, but I wish I’d said, just in case… well. I love you. I always did.” Choking back a sob, he continues. “You didn’t do that, though. No sentiment. Caring’s not an advantage. Yeah. But I did. Love you.”
The sentiment is so thick, it��s almost nauseating. Mycroft desperately wants a cigarette. Reminding himself of what he’s here to do, he waits.
“Once, I asked you for a miracle. But there aren’t any miracles, at least not for us. And now…” John wipes his eyes on the sleeve of his jumper. “Now it’s time. I know I’ll never be over you, never forget what it was like… but I’m alive, and I think I have to do something to stay that way. Get on with it, try to have a life without you.” He clears his throat and sniffs. “I met somebody. She isn’t you, but I think you would have liked her, that she would’ve been the one who finally passed muster. I know she would’ve liked you. So, I’m giving it a go, asking her. To marry me, I mean.” 
He makes a sound that might be a laugh, or maybe a sob. “I have to try,” he says. “I wish… well, it’s no use. I love you, but you’re not here. And I just can’t be alone forever. So.” He straightens his back, nods at the black marble. “This is goodbye, Sherlock.” 
As he turns, Mycroft steps out. John’s eyes widen, then narrow with suspicion. 
“Doctor Watson,” he says. “There are several things you need to know.”
When he opens the door of his office, Anthea is waiting for him.
“You were right.” He sighs and meets her eyes. “Good call.”
The look on her face softens into a barely-detectable smile. “I’ve taken care of the Morstan woman. Extradition is underway.”
“She was…?” 
“Yes. Different name, but she’d done several jobs for him. The Americans will be glad to have her back. She won’t be visiting us any time soon.”
He nods, suddenly weary, and sinks into his chair. Too much sentiment, too much emotion. It’s exhausting. “Now we only need to bring my brother home.”
“We’ve received word this morning that he’s on his way to to Serbia.”
“Intercept him. We’ll let Baynes and his team handle that. Sherlock needs to come home.”
Her smile broadens. “As you wish.”
The door closes behind her. 
“Good journey, brother,” he whispers. “No more surprises.”
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gothicwill · 5 months
Being a female character in a show with a popular mlm ship is literally a fate worse than death
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a-dumb-crow · 5 months
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contact-guy · 9 days
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THE SIGN OF THE FOUR part 6 - (Part one), (part two), (part three), (part four), (part five) - in which I had a billion emotions about lavender marriages and what it would be like to be a working-class lesbian, and attempted to translate them into one short conversation between friends. There is one more comic to come in this chapter!
(This is part of the Watsons sketchbook series!)
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holdmyscripts · 4 months
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Mary, darling… 😭
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BBC Sherlock + certainly not a  tumblr bot description generator | insp.
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dance-in-moonlight · 2 months
Someone tell me what's wrong with me because why is he the prettiest at his lowest point??
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Can't decide whether I want to draw this or cuddle him tbh
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Anyways, rec your favourite Johnlock fics if you want.
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the problematic girlboss bracket: round two!
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propaganda is encouraged!
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amypihcs · 1 month
So i'm dead.
@contact-guy's beautiful comic (i loved it, truly, it killed me.) and watching Hellsing with an offline friend of mine killed me THROUGHLY.
And since i fear i'm figuring out how Holmes and Watson's relationship will evolve into @contact-guy's comic serie i'll curse you with the HCs i made with my dear @i-dont-talk-for-days-on-end today talking about my future drawing of Watson with his loves, Holmes and Mary.
You can probably tell i'm emotionally devastated because my writing is more inconsistent than my usual.
For me is very important that Mary gets treated well, since she exists in canon and is a fantastic woman. And i also love to think that she and Holmes are friends, after all they both love Watson.
My take is, Watson and Mary have kind of a façade marriage based on good friendship and comradeship but without love and generally without sex.
This could work in two ways, both of which are incredibly nice one:
Aroace Mary who needs some sort of social respectability coming from a marriage and got lucky enough to find a man as good and kind as Watson who is more than willing to help her to achieve it without endangering her
Lesbian or Bi Mary in a relationship with a girl, probably her ex employer, could be someone else, who still needs the respectability and stability coming from a marriage and is still lucky enough to find our favourite bisaster, Dr John H. Watson, who is also bisexual and in a relationship with a man and would benefit a lot from the cover of a respectable marriage.
The first one is rather easy to treat. Watson and Mary make good friends during Sign of Four, Holmes notices/guesses that Mary is acespec like him (my Headcanon for Holmes is that he is demigay) and when Watson proposes and she accepts they put immediately straight that it won't be a consummated marriage, ever.
The second one develops in the same way, and this makes so much more explainable the many times Mary is mentioned to be away visiting relatives in canon. Mary is with her partner, Watson is with his partner.
Now angst warning!
Sherlock Holmes looks very favorably upon Watson's marriage, he is in fact the one that pushes Watson into it, and for very good reasons.
Let's put sign of four in 1887, alright? Chances are high he was already pursuing Moriarty, or that he generally was realizing more and more the risk of dying on the job, well, Holmes is a smart man. And a clever, practical and caring one as well. he is a man who loves deeply and cares deeply and wants to always have his affairs in order.
Is it too much of a stretch to imagine that he realizes the higher and higher risk of SOMETHING BAD happening? I don't think so. And he knows that Watson could get caught in the crossfire and he wants of course to protect Watson and offer him some saving net.
He pushes Watson into this marriage that will not mean the end of their relationship but the creation of another meaningful relationship for his love, so that SHOULD I DIE he will have someone to help him weather the storm (would watson care, would he? nobody ever did, but WATSON. Watson cares for everyone... would watson care...). The marriage also means that he will go back into practice, and this is an economic safe net, something always good. Their relationship is of course carefully concealed but such a handsome, sociable, perfect man as Watson is staying unmarried and living with a bachelor friend might give rouse to suspects, marriage will give his incredible partner respectability, something Moriarty or anybody won't dare to attack without sure cards in his hands, and Holmes will make sure NOBODY has any such cards.
Holmes is no coward, but he's not stupid either. He knows his job is dangerous and it might lead to really bad things happening, so he is happy when Watson tells him Mary said yes. He is happy on the morning of the wedding, he is the man who ties Watson's tie and then kisses his lips. He tells his husband to go marry, enjoy his honeymoon and start his life with his wife. And then come back to him, to their rooms and their love. And they both will have tears in their eyes. Holmes will not be at the cerimony, nor will Mary's wife. But they will always support their partners.
Holmes OF COURSE will sulk for a bit, until Scandal in Bohemia. He did what was right, but he still feels lonely. And then Watson comes back. And they're together once more, they're in love and they can break the world apart. And then comes 1890. Watson is a bit more settled down, Holmes has his affairs in order, he can set to the work of his life. And then comes 1891.
Holmes is afraid.
They set fire to their rooms. Home is not safe anymore.
Reichenbach comes.
Holmes is not suicidal, he is terrified. And yet he will once more put Watson's happiness in front of his own. He will not put his husband in front of an impossible choice. He drafts a letter in his head. He leaves it under a silver cigarette case.
He can't imagine he will only see his husband three years later.
His plans worked and failed. But they're back together. Holmes will finally talk. There's a broken window in 221b Baker Street, they're both older, more tired. A bit sad at how things turned out. Mary is dead. Holmes couldn't have forseen that. And yet after some days, after a dinner. Watson will pat the empty spot on his left on the couch, he's still sitting in the center. He will hug Holmes close to his chest, they will remember the times all three of them hugged, Watson and his loves, Mary on the right, Holmes on the left. Holmes on the heart's side, Mary on the reason's side. They will cry. And remember. And be glad for what have been and look forward to what will be.
They're older, more sure of themselves. Watson's status as a widower is respectable enough, he murmurs in the dark. He will only be married to one man for the rest of his life. The following morning, Holmes presents Watson with a French gold coin, for his Watch chain. That will be their ring, their memento.
Years will pass, they will retire, they will always be together, because they never lived, so they can never die. Outside the rain pours and the cabs rattle in the streets.
And it is.
Okay, sorry for the immense rant, i have tears streaming down my face, my j'accuse is up in the first lines and it's also my thank you for getting the balls to write this rant on holmes, watson and mary.
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