brokenbackmountain · 4 months
parle g propaganda 🫡🫡
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onyxtides · 1 year
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Latest edition of my Medusa Prayer Beads which could also be used for the Greek goddess Athena. This set of Prayer Beads is made with Dragons Blood, Aventurine, and Carnelian! The pendant is lead pewter and the snake center piece is silver coated. Unlike my other pieces this has a perfect match charm bracelet to accompany it.
🖤 Due to COVID everything is sanitized before being packaged and shipped out
🖤 If you see something you like but it’s not quiet perfect, feel free to message me because I am taking commissions/customs at this time.
While support my small business you also support other small businesses which I buy from. This includes a local Native American bead vendor and an elder mom and pops shop. Thank you so much for choosing my designs.
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hi borg how's it going? :D
Hiiii it's going amazing!!! We had group singing today and it's going on and it was so much fun!!!
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simurgunevreni · 1 year
Ne yapmak istiyorum sahi biliyor muyum? Biliyorum. Biliyor muyum? Bilmiyorum. Gerçekten amaçlarıma ulaşır ulaşmaz mutlu olabilir miyim? Ya sonra ne olacak daha iyi bir iş? Daha büyük bir ev? Araba? Kendi işimi kursam ne olacak? Seçenekler arasında savrulmak değil de seçeneklerin nerelere çıkacağını bilip uyuyor numarası yapmak zorundayım galiba çünkü sahiden de mutlu olamayacak gibi hissediyorum. Hayat amacımın bu mu olması gerekiyor illa kalıplar içinde kendimi hapis mi etmeliyim? Zorunluluklardan kaynaklı kendimi mi yok etmeliyim? Ben ne istediğime karar veremeyecek kadar büyük bir karmaşa içindeyim. Yapmaya çalıştığım işler bana sanki mutluluk vermiyor gibi geliyor ama belki de veriyor da ben anlamıyorum. Yaşanan en ufak sorunda hayattan kopuyor işten soğuyorum. Böyle oluyor mu diğer insanlara da acaba? Benim gibi ne yapacağını bilemeyen insanların çoğunlukla hayatı sorgulayıp neden bulamadığı yerlerde hayattan koptuklarını biliyorum hatta bazıları kelimenin tam anlamıyla hayata elveda diyorlar, onlar gibi olmamak için hayatta beni mutlu edecek şeylere odaklanmalıymışım. İyi de ben nasıl mutlu olacağım ki? Ben sahiden bilmiyorum. Bilemiyorum. Bilmeliyim ama nasıl yapacağım ki? Bu arada fark ettim de ben küçükkende böyleydim hemen sıkılıverirdim dershanemden, hocalarımdan, derslerimden, okulumdan, insanlardan ve hatta kendimden de. Küçük yaşlarda hayatı sorgulamaya başladığıma bağlıyorum bu durumu e bari bunu bir yere bağlayayım değil mi? Ben küçük yaşta ne diye hayatı sorguluyordum ki ermiş biri miyim ben? Ben bir insan bedeninde ruhum, özümde sorgulayıcı ruh özümle ben tuhaf bir durumda özdeşleşen bileşeniz. Bu özü yok etmek istemiyorum ama bu durum bana bunu zorluyor. Acaba benim yeteneğim intihar mektupları yazmak mı? Seni gidi yetenekli öz!
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artcinemas · 4 months
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Medu 🇨🇴 ( Colombia)
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meduontheshore · 1 month
I’m calling the Uchiha police force, your recent drawing of Shisui stole my heart. ❤️
How do you plead? 😈
Welp, I guess I'm guilty? Who am I kidding, if I see Shisui at my door he can arrest me all he wants, I'll be willing. 😂
(Also now I have an excuse to draw him in his uniform. Enjoy, my friend! 🤭💛)
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timetravellingkitty · 14 days
modi meditating in kanyakumari for a whooping count of 24 hrs i hope he dies from heatstroke jai bhavani 🙏
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hvrtrcts · 2 months
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BLOOD UPON THE SNOW -> after the young wolf dies in the red wedding and the war of the five kings finally comes to an end, druella bolton finds herself in a predicament when in a twist of events she is disinherited and the murderer of her younger brother, the bastard and his dogs rule the land of winter. the blood of the red kings flow in her blood, the leech lord's daughter she is called but when she is betrayed by her own father to be married off to a frey knight in all but name, druella knows she needs to take matter in her own hands. gif credits x
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scriptorsapiens · 8 months
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Classicstober Day 5: Chiron (𐀐𐀂𐀫)
Since I'm trying to stay away from direct depictions of the divine, and Chiron is a fully divine son of Cronus, I decided to focus on Chiron's students. From the top and going clockwise they are Medus, Actaeon, Aristaeus, Achilles, Asclepius, and Jason.
Medus (𐀕𐀈) was the son of the sorceress Medea (who we will meet later) and Aegeus, the king of Athens and the father of Theseus (who we will also meet). After Theseus returned and claimed the throne of Athens for himself Medus and his mother were both forced to flee. Mother and son have a fascinating story that eventually leaves Medus as the king of Colchis, but that's a bit too much to share here. Design-wise, Medus takes after his mother in palette, though his hair is a bit darker than hers, and even wears some of his mother's Colchian metal jewelry; I doubt Medea would let her son, even in exile, look shabby.
Actaeon (𐀀𐀪𐀓𐀲𐀂𐀃) was the demigod son of Aristaeus and a great hunter. The versions vary, such to the point I don't think there is a single definitive version, but all of them involve the same two elements: he offended a goddess (usually Artemis) and was killed by his hunting dogs. The way I would tell it, Actaeon was a great hunter and as a demigod had a very high opinion of what he was owed and allowed to do in the world. For this reason, when he stumbled upon Artemis and her hunters bathing, he did not look away and instead came back to spy on them. Artemis therefore turned him into a deer and allowed his hounds to devour him. I borrowed from early classical depictions of Actaeon by depicting him with antlers.
Aristaeus (𐀀𐀭𐀲𐀂𐀃) was the demigod son of Apollo and the mortal Cyrene, who eventually went on to found and rule the city that bears her name. The city is located in modern Libya, so I decided to depict Aristaeus as a Libyan. In addition to being Chiron's student, Aristaeus had apprenticeships with many gods, and after he was made immortal by Gaia he became the patron of many of these rustic arts, most prominently bee keeping. In Boetia he is often depicted with wings, like a wind-god, so I decided to mix that in too.
Achilles (𐀀𐀑𐀩𐀄) and Asclepius (𐀀𐀱𐀐𐀠𐀃) are going to appear later, so all I will say is that Achilles is wearing a Mycenaean panoply.
Jason (𐀂𐀀𐀰) sucks, all my homies hate Jason, but he was one of Chiron's students so he gets to appear here. In Edith Hamilton's Mythology (which, rereading now is VERY MUCH a 1960s white man's book) he is described as having long hair and wearing a leopard skin cloak. Descriptions of Classical characters are rare, so when I find them I run like hell with them. I offset the 'prettiness' of his long hair with a more rugged chin and some sailor's stubble.
Chiron (𐀐𐀂𐀫) is depicted as the small figure in the middle. To differentiate him from the more bestial centaurs I have borrowed from the Classical tradition of depicting him with clothes (though I draw the line at human legs).
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snixx · 16 days
diyastercule anarcule season one lesss gooooo 🙏 we will not get bottomed by the haters
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first draft preview btw:)
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maidot · 11 months
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I think Shaman turns into a chicken unintentionally in certain situations V:
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tiredguyswag · 4 months
starting off strong this year by reading rpf about indian politicians
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artcinemas · 5 months
even after seeing 111 days of genocide, seeing countless video and pictures of injured and dead palestinians and STILL choosing to support that zionist settler colony, you’re fucking dumb and have no self respect xx so zionists have no right to cry when they’re being called out as they are cheering on a genocide
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qa98 · 2 years
Based on the premise of Medusa having a blind girlfriend
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i like the idea of the mortal gf on TOP
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timetravellingkitty · 2 months
i think you should vaathi coming into the pmo and overthrow the fascist godman and give free geronimo stilton collections for everyone. humanity heals as lk advani and amit shah are dead due to natural causes. yogi's own disciples strangle him. asaram and ram rahim are stabbed to death by prison inmates.
but what happens to modi
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