#Miss Glowworm
dadjoke-ness · 1 year
No one wants to talk about how if James and the Giant Peach was a more recent movie, you all would be thirsting over Mr. Centipede and Miss Spider for VERY different reasons.
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Mr. Centipede: Ideal gross tumblr man. Smokes a cigar. Is pathetic. Probably smells like a corpse constantly.
Miss Spider: Will kill you. Is hot. Is woman. Sexy. Also her aesthetic is absolutely on point.
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But Ness! All the bugs are attractive in their own right!
You are correct.
I want Earthworm fanblogs.
I want Grasshopper faceclaims.
I want to see someone posting absolutely wild Glowworm love at 3 am because she is a delightful old lady.
I want someone appreciating how pure Ladybug is.
(And this isn't even covering how there's cannon marriages between all the bugs in the original book, and other than Centipede and Spider, the other two marriages come out of absolutely nowhere, but since they all live together it is safe to assume they're poly and putting on heteronormative masks. Especially since the homoerotic tension between Grasshopper and Centipede was absolutely palpable.)
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ja3hwa · 1 year
Jongho | Blue Lagoon
「Synopsis」 : You head out to sea in hopes the storm hadn't hurt your lovers. But what you are met with was more than expected.
「Word count」 : 2.0k
-> Genre: Smut. Fluff. Fantasy. Adventure.
Paring: Vampire!Pirate!Jongho x Siren!Reader
[Warnings] : Swearing. Pet name. Blood. Bodily fluids. Blood drinking. Sir kink. Blowjob. Throat fucking. Dirty talk. Nudity (Sexual & Non-Sexual). Let me know If I missed anything.
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The cave was warm compared to the freezing storm out at sea. Yunho gave the all-clear when he jumped from the deck to the sand bank. He made sure the anchor was set so they wouldn’t float away, also giving the grounds around them a once over just in case something else decided to pick the same cave as a place of refuge from the hell-bent storm. Wooyoung shouted about getting dinner started making everyone head for the lower deck, sensing their stomachs empty and in need of Wooyoung’s cooking.
Jongho however stayed on the stern deck, looking out to the waterfall that had an opening in the cave roof, making some rain pour in with a loud trickle. He noticed little lagoon pockets, most of them looked shallow but he knew all too well that they were indefinitely deep, making a cave system right beneath their feet. Some blue glowworms gathered on the wet roof, lighting up the cave, making him suddenly see a shadow out of the corner of his eye. He turns and stood up from his slouched position on the railing, trying to get a better look at the figure in one of the small lagoon pools. Maybe it was something to fear or something that could harm the ship, but he suddenly saw a light mixer of colour painted on a long and elegant tail. He knew exactly what he was looking at and it made his heart skip a beat.
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The sea was calming around your body. It’s quiet and peaceful compared to the world above. You took a large inhale, letting the gills on the side of your neck filter the water inside your system. It was comfortable, familiar. You missed being underwater, but you loved the surface world as well. You missed your tail every day, but not as much as you liked your legs. It was lonely in the sea. Being an outcast from your home because of your special ability. Being a shifter. A rare form of Siren, a mermaid crossbreed. In other words, an abomination. Something that shouldn’t exist, but I guess your parents didn’t get the memo about that.
You navigate the ocean with ease following the scent of the destiny―the ship Yeosang was aboard―. The smell of wet dark spruce, a hint of honey and chard coal, the scent you loved whenever you stood on the deck of the beautiful vessel. You look up to the break where the water meets the opened air, seeing rain dancing on the face of the big blue. It’s getting heavier, you thought, worried the boys might be in trouble, but when you spot teal blue light bubbles, you knew there is a cave system nearby. Maybe they took their ship into a cave?
Swimming through the small crevasse you try your best not to get your large tail suck. But luckily you were just able to wiggle yourself through. You see thousands of lights from glowworms in your blurred view. The surface. Your hands are the first to exit the water feeling the warm air on your cold fingertips. You close your eyes cutting through the water's face before taking a sharp breath of oxygen in, feeling your lung fill with air as your gills close and seal up against your skin from the loss of water around them.
You open your eyes, looking around the large structure, rubbing your eyes in order to clear your vision. A skip in your heart makes your worried nerves finally calm down, seeing the ship sitting out of the storm. Safe. Placing your arms on either side of the lagoon pocket trying to pull yourself up and after a small attempt you got up, twisting your body so your butt could sit on the ledge. You look around the large hollowed rock structure, suddenly grazing on a figure heading in your direction.
“Shit.” You flopped your tail out of the water, placing a hand on your chest before whispering an enchantment allowing you to shift from your tail to your human legs. You prepared to try and explain to whoever was heading your way why you were naked in a cave but before any excuses come to mind a sigh left your lungs as you spot who it was. “Jongho…”
“Hey there Honey. I thought it was you.” His soft voice and kind smile made your heart flutter. He knelled down to your sitting form not dropping his graze from your face. Such a gentleman. He opens a satchel that rests on the side of his hip, pulling out some clothes for you to dress in. He spoke of keeping clothing for you in the past once you told him about you being a shifter. You found it sweet that he and Yeosang were wanting to care for you so much. You always felt love with their protection.
You take the long shirt from the kind male, smiling with a small thank you leaving your lips. Pulling the cloth over your head to take notice that he finally dropped his view, looking at all of you now that you are covered. He let out a gulp as if he wanted to say something. But he couldn’t seem to find the right words.
“You okay Jong?” You tried to get up so you could stand with him but your legs wobbled and your knees buckled making you fall forward. Luckily Jongho caught you.
“Careful honey. Don’t want ya hurtin’ yourself.” He chuckled wrapping his arms around your soft waist, his fingers diving into your plump skin with care. His face was suddenly inches from yours, feeling his heart rate spike from the distance. Time froze as his red eyes glowed while they gaze into your teal ones. You lent in closer, hoping he would seal his lips against yours but he pulls away instead.
“Why are you here Sweetheart?” he whispers, making you let out a huff while rolling your eyes slightly.
“The storm… I wanted to….” You felt a lump in your throat overthinking basically setting you up for failure but yet here you are. Wanting to make sure he was safe. That they were all safe. Jongho gave a small kiss on your forehead, closing his eyes for a moment, taking in your scent that has lingering hints of sea salt.
“I get it…” His lips trail down from your forehead, the crease of your eye, cheeks, jaw and neck. You took a sharp inhale, letting your fingers slip into his belt loops to pull him closer to you. He placed open mouth kisses down your neck until he finds the right spot making you groan softly. A hunger was brewing in his gut, letting his fangs graze your jugular.
“Are you going to bite me, sir?” You teased suddenly feeling your head starting to spin. He just chuckled in response, licking a long strip up your neck before letting his fangs pierce your flesh. You let out a gasp, hands flying to his chest, scrunching the fabric of his blouse. Your blood trickles into his mouth letting him taste the sweet iron twang on his tongue. You felt lightheaded, trying your hardest to keep your body upright. He finally breaks his fangs from your skin. He watched the blood spill out of your neck, dripping down to your collarbone. Fuck, you are so beautiful when covered in blood.
“Baby…” He went to speak but you wasted no time in pushing him against the large flat rocks that lay beside the lagoon pools, making him lean back with a widen stance of his legs. You grinned while you watched him wipe your blood off his chin. You drop to your knees stalking over to your lover. He watched you with a sly smirk, feeling his cock twitch at your excitement. You really got horny from him drinking from you? Yes… You pull down his briefs and took his cock out quickly. Wasting no time in giving him a lick from his base to tip, flicking your tongue on his slit. Jongho let out a soft moan from your action. You lick him like that for a moment, getting him wet and sloppy. You wrap your hands around him and started jacking him off at full-speed. The filthy sounds of him getting wet and you pumping him echoes in the one side of the cave. The feeling made him close his eyes for a moment to just get lost in the pleasure before they popped open when you swallowed him.
“Honey─” He gasps, his hands flying to your head instinctively. His fingers curl as he felt your head move up and down at a quickened pace. He hums deep in his chest making you dig your nails into his thick thighs before pulling off him with a pop.
“Jongho please,” you moaned. “Can you please..use me.” You pressed kisses all over his cock, occasionally licking it from base to tip. Jongho cursed under his breath and took a hold of your head with both hands. You hum excitedly while he sighed deeply, looking at you as you open your mouth as your permission.
“Damn,” he whispers and with one more low curse, he slid himself in your mouth. Your throat muscles immediately hugged his hard cock tightly, and he felt them moving as you swallowed. He groans, hips moving back and forth slowly at first, giving you some time to adjust, but after a small tap on his thigh that he could translate as a go-ahead he picked up his pace. Soon, he was fucking your throat at a pace that could count as fast,
“You want me to use you, huh?” He rasped. His breath was coming out in pants. You swallowed and hummed around him. “Alright, baby, here it comes.” He tightened his hold on your head and thrusts in. He could feel you struggle a little, throat muscles spazaming and after a couple more seconds of having you there, he pulls your head off, and you gasps wetly and loudly. Your face was a mess, but holy shit did it turn on Jongho more than he ever got before…
“You look so ruined, Fuuck,” he curses. You moan and bent your head to take him in your mouth again, making him thrust in and out of you a couple more times before keeping himself buried there for a moment. He felt you gag softly, nails digging into his thighs, but he didn’t pull out, didn’t move, he just kept your head on his cock. The gagging intensified a bit, the spasms of your muscles following. Just when you dug your nails painfully deep, he pulls out. The gasp you let out was louder than the first one.
“Sir, shit,” you whispered. Your voice, horses and your face was painted with tears. Jongho clenched his jaw and buried himself deep in your throat making you moan when he did. Immediately, you start to swallow around him as you snake a hand to grasp his balls. He gasps when he felt the tight grip you had on them, doubling over, but not pulling out this time for a breather. You fondle his balls, holding them tightly, pulling on them and swallowed around his cock. You heard a strong thud before Jongho let out a punch sound and a choked moan, and he came down your throat. When he finally pulled out, he watches a string of saliva follow, connecting your mouth and his dick together.
“Holy shit,” he pants, breathless. You just smile making his heart flutter. “You’re gonna be the death of me.” he laid down on his back, letting the cold rock cool his body temperature.
“You love me.” You giggle using the lagoon water to wash your face and neck, letting the salty water tend to your wound.
“Of course I do.” He replies.
Ateez Masterlist
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emonydeborah · 9 months
snw episodes rated by Una
in which Una is my unit of measurement, not that this is what she would think of the events
All from memory bc who has time
1x01: she’s literally the catalyst for getting Chris off his butt and the whole episode. Barely in it but she did all the detective work for everybody. “Somehow I knew you would” with the little smile and “La’an!” in the softest voice immediately established both relationships and my abiding love for her. She’s literally driving the plot but still not there much; 6/10.
1x02: she shares some LooksTM with Chris. Chris was slightly subdued at one (1) dinner party and Una went something is deeply wrong. Chris is sad and Una tells him to live his gosh darn life. Pretty sure she flies the ship a bit. She’s here. Can’t complain. 6/10.
1x03: OOOOHOHO here we go. Whatever camera angle it is that shoots from the floor to watch people walk away and makes them look tall was excellently utilized. Girl was STRIDING everywhere. Hauled a grown man over her shoulder and was greeted with the shock and awe she deserved. Told her biggest secret (!!!!) to help the crew!!! bc she would sacrifice herself for them!!!!! also she googled her glowworm episode like it had not happened her whole life (which I will accept as a writer thing. but she really looked at a picture of someone glowing bc of an infection and went 😮). Girlie managed a whole ship of sedated/crazy people and did not let anyone jump into the sun/warp core. Had a deep talk with La’an and revealed more of their shared history. Stunning. 10/10.
1x04 another case of I can’t complain. As my favorite character I want her to be happy, but I will take some internal bleeding and other catastrophic injuries. As a treat. The sheer power of ordering the medical staff to give away her blood transfusion and then knocking herself out before they could argue. Unparalleled. Had no impact on the main plot but what she did do in her sphere of influence was important and exemplary. I’ll take it. 7/10.
1x05: back at it again with the b-plot but I AM HERE FOR IT. GIVE ME LA’AN AND UNA BEING GOOFY. Loved the death glare at Joseph so he would confess and how she pretended not to be huffy about her nickname. La’an went can we… play a game… and Una went YEs sounds educational. For science. The look of absolute shock and betrayal when La’an shot her and her little “ow.” “People are idiots. You’re fun.” La’an went lol my childhood was a bleak horror scape and Una went absolutely NOT I’m going to commit crimes to rectify this. I like people having wacky misadventures while the plot is plotting somewhere. 8/10.
1x06 Chris forgot her name. She had to leave so she wouldn’t verbally tear him to shreds in front of his crew. Most likely explanation. Where was she I miss her. 4/10.
1x07: she locked the pirates out of the ship!!! We love a competent first officer shooting people on her bridge. She shook her head half an inch and Spock went absolutely whatever you say. Chris was thrown to the floor in front of her and she crossed her arms and watched him get up. “We’re starting a mutiny.” "Someone's breaking the rules today." Legitimately appreciated her teamwork with Chris in planting the mutiny idea. Would love to see it again sometime. 7/10.
1x08: bow and arrow. She checked on Joseph after and I appreciated that they carried that through from her finding out about Rukiya before. Una was here but she wasn't Una. Also. If we're real she wasn't really there. I liked the eye shadow though. 5/10.
1x09: "you should really try the omelet." The breakfast scene is my favorite and in fact the only scene. Nothing else happened with Hemmer or Spock or anyone. Really short episode. I would have liked to have seen her face when Chris snapped the tongs. She tried to follow the shuttle to the surface with scans and Chris went nah babe we're fine. Let her do her job Chris. Breakfast scene 10/10. Episode 5/10.
1x10: notable by her absence. She checked on Chris and once again told him to live his life. She's not there in the future but I won't take points for that because Chris immediately went where is my bestie. I cannot function without my work wife where is she. Her arrest kick-started the series and for our cliffhanger she was arrested again. I'm sensing a theme. What will they incarcerate her for next and how will Chris break her out this time. I will always appreciate Chris going absolutely feral for his first officer/life partner. 9/10.
2x01: prison. She tells Chris not to be stupid and he goes don't tell me what to do *cough* I love you *cough* Not a strong start for our girl but I trust her to overcome. Once again Chris is going off on a mission to save her. Lost points for the brevity of her appearance and the weird black jumpsuit. 4/10.
2x02: Girl sat in a chair and watched her friends say nice things about her for days. I would shrivel up and die. Una looks teary. Her lawyer put some heat on a guy who said he would NEVER hire Una if he knew her real race and Una said that was too mean leave him alone. La'an confessed her feelings in public. Spock gave the whole courtroom a heart attack to make Una smile. Chris hugged her looking panicky. please don't go away again. Una looked at Chris like she wanted to kiss him or perhaps sip one milkshake through two straws. The whole episode is about how great she is. 15/10.
2x03: unfortunately for most of this episode she did not exist. Liked the professional and sassy attitude towards Pelia but I must reduce points for Una not existing. 2/10.
2x04: Una succumbed to a disease she should canonically be immune to. Fridged almost immediately. Chris said I need some good fighters and took his doctor instead of his super strong first officer who was familiar with the terrain. Una called Chris out on relationship nonsense like the og she is but this cannot repair the damage. Drove me to writing fix-it fic. -10/10.
2x05: Una is canonically one of the girls. She hangs out with some very specific junior officers including her emotionally constipated son and her traumatized daughter. She laughs very loudly and I like to think the writers are purposefully making her more open now that people know her genetics secret. Tells Mr. Spock how to be a Vulcan. Part of a lineup to talk to Spock and is a head taller than the rest of the line. All in all a great time. 9/10.
2x06: she yells at her former professor who is also thousands of years old. I would simply perish. "yoU HaVe CruMBs oN yOuR uNifOrM" Starfleet said we need someone to get this defunct and thus far unmanageable station up and running. Send Una. "Oh good, I was afraid I'd miss the speech." Rebecca Romijn note- she is nine inches taller than Carol Kane, but she manages to look/act a lot younger and smaller than normal. Pelia takes about 14 seconds to get Una teary eyed. "My final paper was METICULOUSLY researched." 8/10.
2x07: "That's ridiculous, we can't just 'Not Look.'" "Like... a p i n - u p p o s t e r?" Girl is constantly baffled the whole time. One (1) young man was unnerved by her and she went he knows how I die. She then winked at him and he almost had a stroke. We see a picture of her as she is idolized in the future. Excellent. Different flavor than 2x06 but still 8/10.
2x08: lots of Significant Eye Contact with Chris. She said if you don't get this ship where it's going asap I will revoke your command and drive us there myself. "Everyone is on their own journey." I feel like she knows Joseph murdered a man in sickbay but we don't know for sure. She's out here being a competent first officer and telling the captain how the crew is feeling. I like the reminder of her priorities. Chris is here to explore and it's Una's job to make sure he has a functional crew to do so. 6/10.
2x09: Una Chin-Riley, musical theater nerd, had the absolute time of her life and I am so happy for her. Girl JUMPED into that first song with much soulful pushing of buttons. "A surprisingly beautiful baritone." Chris asked Uhura the singer how musicals work and Una answered. Is feeling her feelings so much these days she started singing about her job. Waltzed through the halls with James T Kirk. La'an went I would like to not do this please and Una said feel your feelings. Fly away with me. Accept yourself. Love yourself. "You came in here hot. On fire. It's making me sweat." The whole ship is singing and La'an is making friends. This was the best day of Una's life. 1000/10.
2x10: Una volunteered for a dangerous forbidden mission to save her husband's gf and spent the whole time stalking around the bridge like a tiger or a mom looking for sales at Target and giving hopeful speeches. She did tell Spock his gf might be dead but if you want to look for her go for it champ. "ORDERS CAPTAIN" Chris is hanging on by a thread. Una is the thread. Not a great end if I'm honest but she did look fantastic walking around murderously. 5/10.
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Offspring Rating List: Disney characters
Now, time for Disney, the leading New World Order company. Keep in mind that this is only half done because there are so many characters (especially male-female pairs) that Disney has, I'll have to re-edit this, adding more.
Mickey/Minnie: yes (why hasn't the company ever given them one)
Donald/Daisy: ???
Goofy/whichever girl: ??? (he's been granted Max already)
Pete/Peg: granted two
Gadget/Zipper: granted 42, I think
Max/Roxanne: ???
Max/Mona: ???
PJ/Beret Girl: ???
Bobby/Stacy: ???
Snow White/Florian: ???
Bambi/Faline: granted two
Thumper/Miss Bunny: granted a few
Flower/Miss Skunk: granted one
Cinderella/Prince Charming: ???
Anastasia/Baker: ???
Jaq/Mary: ???
Lady/Tramp: granted four
Scamp/Angel: ???
Ruby/Buster: ???
Jim Dear/Darling: granted one
Aurora/Phillip: ???
Pongo/Perdita: granted 15 (though adopted 84 more)
Roger/Anita: ???
Baloo/Rebecca: Beckers has Molly but I'm not sure about further
Kit/Molly: ???
Hathi/Winifred: granted one
Thomas/Duchess: three plus how many kittens originally planned for a follow-up
Robin/Marian: yes; either six or a dozen
Father Saxton/Little Sister: ???
Bernard/Bianca: ???
Tod/Vixey: yes (six should be just fine, at least that's what Vixey thinks)
Taran/Eilonwy: ???
Basil/Miss Kitty: maybe
Dodger/Rita: yes
Tito/Georgette: ???
Ariel/Eric: granted one
Belle/Adam: ???
Lumiere/Fifi: ???
Cogsworth/Wardrobe: ???
Angelique/Fife: ???
Aladdin/Jasmine: ???
Iago/Thundra: ???
Simba/Nala: granted three
Timon/Tatiana: ???
Pocahontas/John Rolfe: ???
Nakoma/her husband: ???
Nakoma/Thomas (in some sequel-less AU): ???
Centipede/Miss Spider: ???
Earthworm/Glowworm: ???
Quasimodo/Madelleine: ???
Phoebus/Esmeralda: granted one
Hercules/Meg: ???
Mulan/Li Shang: ???
Yao/Mei: ???
Ling/Ting-Ting: ???
Chien-Po/Su: ???
Flik/Atta: ???
Rosie/Slim (if they became one): ???
Tarzan/Jane: ???
Aladar/Neera: most likely
Kuzco/Malina: ???
Kronk/Miss Birdwell: maybe
Milo/Kida: yes
Mike/Celia: yes
Tylor/Val: ??? (if they want to be more than friends)
Nani/David: maybe
Stitch/Angel: ??? (I don't know if they should, considering they were both created by Jumbaa)
Dr. Doppler/Captain Amelia: granted four
Kenai/Nita: yes
Rutt/Anda: yes
Tuke/Kata: yes
Maggie/Bob: no
Grace/Barry: no
Mrs. Calloway/Junior: no
Lucius/Honey: ???
Violet/Tony: ???
Chicken Little/Abby: maybe
Runt/Foxy Loxy: no
Linguini/Colette: ???
Edward/Nancy: ???
John/Mary: ???
Bolt/Mittens: no (I'd rather it was in a human-free anthropomorphic world)
Tiana/Naveen: maybe
Charlotte/Travis: maybe
Rapunzel/Eugene: maybe
Felix/Calhoun: maybe
Anna/Kristoff: ???
Hiro/Gogo: ???
Riley/Jordan: no (I'm not sure if any thing between them would last)
Judy/Nick: ???
Flash/Priscilla: ???
Luca/Giulia: ???
Mariano/Dolores: ???
Meilin/Carter: no
Meilin/Tyler: no
Wade/Ember: yes
Clod/his girlfriend: ???
Gale/Fern: ???
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Cruel and Malicious Phraseology
Since the JLA ban on profanity in the workplace took effect, some of us have gotten rather inventive in expressing our less positive sentiments. No guesses for which member of the Old Guard had the most insults hurled at them, but... his initials are HJ. There is no context, only hostility.
"I could put an entire box of alphabet pasta through a spin cycle and come up with a better plan than that. Stop trying to be Batman, one is enough."
"Go stick your head inside a black hole, you posh knobhead!"
"Listen here, you overhyped rodent posterior... rocking up like you're the brightest glow stick in the rave negates the very idea of a stealth mission. Adjust your glow to match your intellect, please."
"You got this, huh? Looks like you handled that masterfully. Tell you what there, Mastermind... let me know if you need help finding your teeth after that glorious victory."
"Plans A, B, AND C all tanked? Over to you, Glowworm, you usually head straight to Plan D for "dumb crap" anyway."
"Quick question, do you even Metal Gear?"
"Oh, what in the unholy name of Ymir's jockstrap did we walk into this time?"
"Do... do the Big Bosses not realize pockets are a thing? Like, where am I supposed to keep my wallet, or anything, really? Is the Marquis de Sade the staff tailor, because wearing this is gonna drive me mad."
"You and I have been friends for a while, but... when you say things like that I kinda want to stab you in the eye with an explosive arrow."
"I get now why you prefer being underwater. Less dumb. Much less screaming. Speaking of... I bet you know some epic dive spots. They'll be at this for hours, we're not needed here. If the Boss asks, you're teaching me marine ecology in the wild."
"Huh. Here I thought Joker held the title for "Most Punchable Face on Earth", yet here's the new heavyweight contender, ready to throw down for the belt."
"Go boil your head in some more of that cheap weak sister beer!"
"Why don't you go hug a claymore mine already?"
"Eat my boots!"
"No, ma'am, I'm not ready for that jelly, I prefer cream cheese on my bagel anyway. You're... not talking about food, are you? Oh, monkey bread."
"Repeat after me: Pants. Are. Not. Optional!"
"I'd rather drown than EVER go clown. I might not have taste, but I have standards."
"Oh, by Artemis' sandals what did you do this time?"
"Yanno, you and a certain dirty old man thunder God have the same issue: too focused on the ladies to do your job. Eyes in the head, you ain't her type. Trust me."
"IN THE NAME OF SIGYN'S GIRDLE WILL YOU STOP SNEAKING UP ON ME LIKE THAT! The Boss can get away with it, as he was trained in silent infiltration and is not a creepy drunken sorry excuse for a washout. Either knock on the door like a normal human, or run the risk of having to sing "I've Got A Lovely Bunch of Coconuts" to even enter the men's locker room."
"You died? I see your brain sure stayed dead."
"It's a RAID, not a rave. Lose the shiny stuff and glow trim, we're trying the Splinter Cell approach. Also... do you really need the three extra ammo belts? They're thugs, not the blooming Xenomorphs."
"I know over 20 languages, yet cannot explain exactly how much I'd like to beat you with a pufferfish."
"But did you die again? No? So... why so grumpy, Mr. Grouchy von Groucherson?"
"How? How do you claim to be a master shot, yet miss the ginormous glaring weak spot every time? Are you a plant from the Court of Owls? Make it make sense."
"Huh. Sniper scope, but still can't see the obvious. Just ask her already! Aphrodite help me, but you're blind if you can't see she likes you."
"Thanks, but I don't associate with the chronically dumb."
"A date? Let me check my calendar. Sorry, looks like I'm going to be washing my hair for the foreseeable future."
"Would you kindly get your head out of the poor man's rear entrance so he can get some work done?"
"Games teach you problem solving in real time, teamwork, the importance of understanding the mechanics in any situation, how to manage difficult individuals, pattern recognition, and much more. Odin's eyepatch, you must be a pretentious little sod to think you can't learn from gaming. Now quit whining and pick your fighter already. You're holding up the match."
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weaselbeaselpants · 9 days
The different shots/alt dialogue from the James and the Giant Peach script
Because this kind of stuff is interesting and YEAH I'M SHARING ALL OF IT!! Find the full script here.
James has a bit longer dialogue with Miss Spider.
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Glorious Sponge hatesink goodness.
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Alternative to the final film, where James doesn't realize he's been stop-motionized until in the actual peach in the original script he did in fact notice he was changing. More importantly, his initial literal fall-in on the bugs and being scared at them because they're in the dark and clearly inhuman was always one of my favorite in the movie. It worked because it actively plays with how scary giant talking insects would realistically be and how uncanny their designs can especially feel in silhouette, just like my beloved pin-collection.
Also, there's alternate dialogue from Earthworm and Centipede about escaping the hill and Spiker and Sponge. The disc of each other bugs, while accurate, is so hilarious to read typed out.
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Centipede was going to threaten to beat James up. Good times.
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Centipede is both more and less direct on his hitting on Spider. Besides that this extended bit offers moar Grasshopper and Earthworm twittering, though no "LET'S GET OUTTA HERE" from Centipede or "Marvelous Pigs in Satin" from Glowworm.
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Earthworm was GOING TO talk-sing more?! YOU MONSTERS!
Also, someone on the script clearly wanted Centipede to mention how he wants to get plastered all night.
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Spiker and Sponge rn.
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Earthworm being sarcastic is such a mood. Literally my muse.
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Even though it can be reasonably assumed given his accent (which is why it was probably cut) Centipede straight up calls New York his hometown. I'm not a New Yorker myself so I don't know for sure but I thought different Manhattan-ites say they're from different cities/towns rather than treat Manhattan like a single town. Y'know?
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Grasshopper meanwhile is a killjoy intellectual all the time through the shark scene
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Lol Centipede speakin truths.
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Cut the line in Eating the Peach from Centipede specifically and changed Glowworm's line.
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Spider hitting in some different zingers at Centipede than in the final film.
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James's nightmare is completely different than in the final film as is James exact waking up and realizing they're in the North Pole. Though the squabble between Centipede and the other bugs is the same, mostly, the resolution of Centipede happily deciding to get a compass from the ships is different. Appreciate the change. Good bit of back-and-forth visual storytelling.
In a bit that's rather OUT of character, none of the bugs protest James jumping in freezing water after Centipede. In fact, because Spider says 'get on my back' first it kinda makes it sound like she made James come with her rather than offer to help as another adult offering to look after a child who's putting themselves in danger.
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Also, even though the outcome is the same, it looks like the entire skeleton pirate scene was different and Centipede didn't talk during any of it and was a jackass about his stealing which is very out of character for him and led to the skeletons come alive. I like tho that at no point in time does the script say "Jack Skellington-faced"-pirate which is good on them and proof that it really was a cute cameo/reuse of puppetry and I'm still not over Jack getting top billing over the main characters in this movie's merch.
No Spiderpede kiss on the cheek, sadly. Her exclaiming her happiness is such a different vibe than her cute like "I don't know whether to kill you or kiss you" schpeal. This was the 90s after all--although, even though it is like this in the final movie anyway, the image of Spider pulling him up onto the peach all domestic-hero like while he says she saved him? That's cute. I liek me some malewife (it's appropriate in this case, shut up) Centipede.
The failing-to apologize dialogue between Grasshopper and Centipede was better in the final film. The characters have such a different way of talking to each other and it's much brisker and nicer and shows his newfound respect for Centipede that Grasshopper immediately just trusts Centipede with navigating again.
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Dialogue's a little bit different as the peach-goers see New York for the first time.
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Most importantly, the climax with the Rhino is different. No "I'm not afraid of You", James protecting the Bugs by telling them to get into the threads, which more directly separates them.
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The dialogue of the New Yorkers thinking the Peach is a bomb or aliens is a nice reference to the original book, where that's exactly what happened there.
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Alt. headlines for the ending newsreel stories. I'm gonna be honest I like Earthworm's gig in the subway a bit more than in the final film where he becomes a skincare tycoon. The idea that he just loves the subway in all it's dirtiness is adorable.
It is, however, very cute to see Centipede and Spider took up dancing together and became as popular a duo as Fred Astaire and Ginger Rodgers.
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And finally, we have a kind of disturbing note to go out on with Spiker and Sponge going crazy and treated as zoo animals. I think their punishment is enough as is and has enough disturbing conotations no less. No need of the mental breakdown.
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mollykeaneyviscom · 1 year
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Penguin Brief - James and the Giant Peach Research & Cover History
James and the Giant Peach was written by Roald Dahl in 1961.
It is a children's, fantasy novel.
The book is now famously illustrated by Quentin Blake as are all of Dahl’s books, but earlier editions have included illustrations by various artist over time (which is something I didn’t know) such as: Nancy Ekholm Burkert, Michael Simeon, Emma Chichester Clark, and Lane Smith.
Plot Summary:
James Henry Trotter is a boy who lives happily with his parents in a house by the sea. Unfortunately, when he is four years old, an oddly carnivorous rhinoceros escapes from the zoo and eats James' parents. He ends up with his two cruel aunts, Spiker and Sponge.
After James has been living with his aunts for three years, he meets a mysterious man who gives him a bag of magical crystals, instructing James to use them in a potion that would change his life for the better. While returning home, James stumbles and spills the bag on the ground, losing the crystals as they dig themselves underground. A nearby peach tree, in turn, produces a single peach which soon grows to the size of a house. Spiker and Sponge build a fence around it and earn money by selling viewing tickets to tourists; James is locked in the house, only able to see the peach through the bars of his bedroom window. 
After the tourists have gone, James is assigned to clean the rubbish around the peach and finds a tunnel inside it. He enters it and meets Centipede, Miss Spider, Old Green Grasshopper, Earthworm, Ladybug, Glowworm, and Silkworm who become his friends.
The next day, Centipede cuts the stem of the peach, causing it to roll away and crush James' aunts. It reaches the sea and is surrounded by ravenous sharks. James uses Miss Spider and Silkworm to make threads, while Earthworm is used as bait and draws 502 seagulls to the peach, whereupon the threads are tied on their necks. The peach is lifted off the water. High above the clouds, the peach encounters the Cloud-Men who are portrayed as responsible for weather phenomena like hailstorms and rainbows. Centipede mocks the Cloud-Men, who throw things at the group until they get clear.
Later, James realizes that the group has reached New York City. The wing of a passing plane severs the strings, and the falling peach lands on the spire of the Empire State Building. It is mistaken for a bomb at first, resulting in the arrival of police and firemen. Calming the crowd, James tells his story, and becomes friends with many children in New York, they eat the peach and James and his friends get their own jobs.
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theincaprincess · 1 year
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My time in New Zealand is almost coming to an end 😭.
I have had the best of times here, from going up 61 floors of the sky tower, to playing around in the Weta Workshop unleashed.
See amazing sunrises and sets and visiting the Aquarium and Auckland zoo, the beaches here and beautiful as well, and the rolling hills and beautiful landscapes 😍.
But nothing can top celebrating your 34th birthday in Hobbiton, a place I have wanted to go to for years! And to top it all off getting Happy birthday sang to you in the glowworm caves was just an amazing experience!
Honestly I can say I have fallen in love with this country and I will miss it when I go home, but I am planning on coming back! This won’t be the last time my feet touch New Zealand ground!!
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gorringe · 1 year
James and the Giant peach Characters
I wanted to get to know the characters a bit more and find out there characteristics and personality. So that when I come to thinking and the front cover design I can portray them as best as I can relating and showing there true selves. 
James Henry Trotter – The seven-year-old protagonist.
The Old Man – A friendly yet mysterious man, who initiates James' adventure.
Aunt Spiker – A thin, tall, cruel and evil woman; Sponge's sister.
Aunt Sponge – A fat, treacherous, greedy and evil woman; Aunt Spiker's sister.
The Centipede – A male centipede, depicted as a boisterous rascal and proud of his 'hundred legs', even though he only has 42.
The Earthworm – A male earthworm who often quarrels with the Centipede.
The Old Green Grasshopper – A male grasshopper, who is the eldest and most cultured of the animals.
The Ladybug – A kind, motherly female ladybird.
Miss Spider – A good-natured female spider who takes care of James.
The Glowworm – A female glowworm, who is used as a lighting system for the Peach.
The Silkworm – A female silkworm, who assists Miss Spider in the production of thread, both before and after the adventure.
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telethrutime · 1 year
I miss you lightning bugs i miss you glowworms i miss you peep frogs I miss you crickets I miss you brown toads I miss you zipper spiders I miss you dragonflies I miss you mourning doves I don’t miss you coyotes
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Reagan rubbed the designs in the ancient Hai Mataou she always wore. It had been passed down for generations, finally landing with her on her 16th birthday. It used to be white, but despite the care her family provided for it, it had faded to a dull yellow, the symbols and markings long cracked and faded, as taniwha bone did with age. The magic the relic used to contain was faded as well, however much it contained dwindling to a few residue sparks with age. In the center of the spiraling designs were carved letters, reaching out to each other amidst the tendrils of shallow grooves. It really was a beautiful thing. She could barely make out the initials, but it looked to be a crooked E and a curved V. Or maybe it was a U, but something told her it was the former.
She was still fiddling with it when Sep walked in, jumping up to her outcropping of rock and settled next to her. Reagan barely even looked up. Sep had come to visit her everyday since she got here -- at first it was annoying, surely he had other places to be and other things to do than bother her. Somehow his visits grew on her, especially when she realized that he was her only companion -she wouldn't call him a friend just yet- in this dismal cave. Some days, they talked. About Verr, about Veraldwiz, about life. Most days they sat in silence.
Today, Sep was staring at the artifact in her hands. "What is that?"
Reagan didn't look up. She held the little hook up by it's handle, wrapped in worn leather, the longest in a line of repairs. If she focused on it, the glowworms above her disappeared in a blur of blue, framing the carefully crafted artifact. "Hei Mataou. Family heirloom."
"Oh. Who gave it to you?"
"My... mother. Before she died." Sep dipped his head. "I'm sorry." He whispered, falling silent again.
"It's okay." Reagan pulled her legs under her and held out her hook. "Would you like to see it?"
Sep nodded. His hands were warm when Reagan dropped it into his palm.
Reagan watched as Sep held it up to the light, twisting it, gently tracing the carvings. His breath suddenly hitched when he flipped it over and read the initials. Reagan looked at him.
"Where did you find this?"
Reagan shrugged. "It's been in the family for hundreds of years. I guess someone found it when the Island was destroyed and Sintania invaded. I guess it's one of the last Hei Mataou we have from Sintania's reign. At least, that's what my father said."
"Ah. And Sintania was..."
"No clue. Some kind of Polynesian emperor or whatever. I didn't really pay attention in my history classes."
Sep nodded. He froze, then his hand jerked to his neck and he let out a shaky breath as he pulled a necklace out from beneath his shirt. Slowly, he joined the Hei Mataou with his... own fish hook carving. A fish hook with the same markings, same initials, and the complete opposite of Reagan's that fit perfectly in the cracks and grooves and spikes of her Hei Mataou.
Before she knew it, Sep was crying silently. Reagan reached a hand out, but Sep pushed it away. "It's the last thing I have of him...."
"Of... who?" And who exactly was this guy sitting beside her, with an exact copy of the pendant she took everywhere.
"Victor. He died."
"Oh. So the V stands for Victor. What's the E?"
"Ethan." Sep breathed out. Reagan likely wouldn't have heard it if she wasn't listening, hanging on to his every word.
"Ethan. Huh."
"I... I miss him. But he's still here, with me. He's in Ky now."
"Ky?" Reagan echoed.
"He's been with me since he died." Sep said. His voice was quiet, but still echoed in the chamber.
"I'm sorry..."
"It's fine. It happened so long ago..." Sep sighed. "Here's your relic."
Reagan barely caught the Hei Mataou before it could plummet into the rippling water below.
"If... you don't mind me asking. When did he die, exactly?"
Sep froze, halfway to his feet.
"I... it's best you--" Something clicked. Reagan's breath hitched. "You're Ethan."
Sep let out a choked sob, violently shaking his head. "Please, no--"
Reagan stood up, stepping towards Sep. "When did Victor die?"
"Who are you?" Reagan hissed. Sep let out a pained cry, tears slipping down his face.
"I-I have to go--"
"Sep, Ethan, whoever you are, ANSWER ME!"
There was a split second where Reagan watched as Sep's eyes flashed with hatred and fear and pain, before he was lunging at Reagan with a shout of fury. Reagan screamed as she fell backwards into the water. When she finally resurfaced, terrified, furious, and spluttering as she trying not to swallow the water, she realized Sep was gone. Only when she reached the rocky shore, shivering and gasping for breath, did she realize the Hei Mataou was gone.
What is a Hei Mataou? A Hei Mataou is greenstone or bone carved in the shape of a fish hook representing strength, prosperity, fertility, good luck and safe travel over water. It's meaning originated from the Maori legend of Maui who once caught a great fish using only a woven line and hook made from the jawbone of his grandmother.
What are taniwha? In Māori mythology, taniwha are large supernatural beings that live in deep pools in rivers, dark caves, or in the sea, especially in places with dangerous currents or deceptive breakers (giant waves)."
Sintania is loosely based on Santana from the Marvel Comics and, aside from being the person who conquered NZ after the Disaster, they have no real relevance to the plot.
Like I said, knee-deep in research. There are some liberties I took for my world-building and mythology-based magic system, but even then, it is based on Maori culture, so if I got anything wrong or portrayed anything in an offensive way, just let me know :)
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2bearbear · 3 months
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Waitomo Homestead Review: Don’t miss the affordable Pies here! Waitomo Homestead was where we headed to for lunch after our visit to Waitomo Glowworm Caves. Not only is Waitomo Homestead a popular rest stop... ( Open Link to Read More.. ) https://www.2bearbear.com/waitomo-homestead-review-dont-miss-the-affordable-pies-here/
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libidomechanica · 7 months
And perceiving in my Love does sighs called begonia persons some sense
A sonnet sequence
                And perceiving in my Love does sighs called begonia persons some sense. Would eating his time when the brag yonderous wood, who forget him, with what were the sea. Devil box out of tempt, but fell had said, you’d betray the sky, without pause, the sublime hums by land; the blots the clattery, or a woman be the lattice, if a greated should hands of feel to wrench contracters that she came the Solway, a poems with lopp and say, where than I that just a dream of something liue tyll these then yielded, piping out of both riotous and the World, not me, and said Ida; home! No more thro’ me?
                There well, or warm; my Peggy’s world, nor in our mutual murmurs start but eat? A gift, and losse. A man love-knot in the full may seemed tinct think on thy years, window. That the loan of my should not Love’s which the spouse, nor her earth she call me of feeling. Thing run, and hearthstone clings, and speak; if not, ’ quoth are they hat, feare, Being and race of your ever passim. Is good tell beleeue me, let me! I came, their priming! At her casement in this hours mad with warbling, which boldly face, and west by? For the ballad or Nation. The morning to a priminated Rome kindness in Ithaca, the wave it, remembered grass. And pale, nowherein mountain of much, may quarto, by the pine this daddie’s broke us glowing water, for the not a than the fast warm determined gold, and before us all these amiable. Our house no misses on that flow’d still, looked a strong happy house, to Do.
                Come at once to the skies. In Ettrick of the this length seems to be dangerous idolatry to have you just their speech was which ensures and I’ll enviable dead brand, to loves ascended therein her break of dirt, Norway subtless braunches white, and howe’er sires, when on their ears, the dark locked, or was Florian wine! Ye gloam which, health, because, die: you your Italy here, and his plainties just, yet the nest from his hapless where strike—thus I heard, lying all slumber with flowering Beauty answer: Thermorn, and bar,—now tread lolled across the sky: sae drown’d in thy calmer horse women.
                Play ne’er grasshopping dews improvide that can I had done tended; if that hart; open she’d her. With like ocean’s a long were to death at ever afresh the lady and maybe it end? Over too; marcht, eithere rang of the o’er, his greate in the odds are drop your earth. Then had bee as colours called our battle, among from thence. And London rain captiu’d in the more which I your every flower that would follow burned. In all start with her lattice, it springs in their face are dust, scarcely can the grace; yet pure a petty still, hoping late and thank you, so dote on the favour, and drop in.
                Say though the road the Lady springs I knows the Cherson leaves on the night with cold not the heavy sleep and wood, and view they show it: his rivulet’s lips into thy beadsman’s funeral week I hae a galloping his presence. Come, thereto I stack by hoof, and, or so master-mistress, the porous laws, independency of being new comers and this yeasty war upon the Doric mothers bore up to thy to wean his breeds. To secure astounding that Boy, single her hair was malignant has curved its tide of laughing more, as fire you like enough oft growing mine. To the clattered grownd. Will braes, delicious eye would rare, and so of your presentfully while I sang. As plights whit becomes overboard unsaleable fame, and three wine arm out the years a despair than evermore his our different of wake us all in vain essay throughout yet am I.
                I your love you adorn’d from wife we’ve no more, drink your live and black of eisel gainst the durt of a slaves of unsifted us, scarce courselves darkness seas. Like a glowworm shone, the priest seething that I dream. Like as but which, hearts and native grass a convention, evening eyes, nor days, shaft in its rest—save him to wretched in the Sunne, and closer proportion, with all her, if together. At the streams, that made, of what afternoon and the Cupid got his steals with a mattered, watching—A king, ’ thunderbolts of day, the but her to the breast her; then I: did fooleridge young Lochinvar?
                Seek that will with burden tragic lay there. But inward as much ioy, maid what thou go with gems; he second you thing in about to what tempt to weak properest blood is happy children fee’d ill, hoping forwards Loue, cease adding their Word of the moons shade, of mourns! He languish me! Rebels mock’d at? But, his woman heart without now to dye, that festerdays into the said never iterance from the now each hard to keeps in flying, and like determined hand as they say, by the leaue you are; there I still so effortless to the start worth unexcised, the blood run upward Quantock’s feel.
                Is more rudely faire encline: and no blood. They maun dark December hull is less face so dauntless ire of what clime as victor Currie well your servants, that bosom: but place thy look up my floors were she winterpose no must I would bar your soil’d up with the should bare but you care dry; it stopped. On a sudden translated the Rose, I die, I came throat, cling charlie Grigor tint his sown; in vaine pleasure. In vain—in vain. I ask’d the solar star you wrong to love, as mountain’d pray, that Soul-wasting bow-string weather— Wasps in English old love your hear more thanks and the solitarie lock and peer on.
                The closing flow’d that and loves: flee; fruits, and into the Pyrrhic dance can kind oft ground her lo’e the movies for venges; and window over was embellisht are not exactly where was soul to tears, I knows, he make and miser; but no more bricks in the ambro’s his spurred me women kill’d for fruict, not sleeping sounds of heau’n the blow, and fier, sometimes and sparkling is miserye. And then leaves well that ground of another, fierce and let me beloved men with thee, to trial needs must ne’er minding grace. Far grasp our show your knight, thou bring in silken-folded ewes, and brief them when your new come and mine?
                Future seem reserved Polycrates—home to delay thee, dear drop in. No registry, many a mutual thing some in thraldom used thus addest,—I lay; if loved bracelet cloudy seas. I made incess, and leeze and green at you ponderful replies white shores ruined. Toward prance be deep, in her eyes and when the fair, sweet; or Ca ira, ’ accords wanton music; who had powers; who know being fire againe. And challenge answered to signs of decoys, how they hear Shall as day tarnisht are to returne the stood bowed men like it did not means about the morning because you adjacent.
                Trust in the crystal charmed be, whereof her feet were robe like in gold, for it—was his eyes turbances grac’d to high is nothings are left, bowed, ah! Which doth stay to haue blood, quick to you because the unripe connection white, and about thirty second you deem to the show’d o’er head we wall; and drive a wife and rede trumpets blood old. And eares, cloth, lady he sulfuric air, we know, that below meadow-crake gratefully white boulde stage who sends thy sight have for me, another Road enter’s face where it is, and died for you, as far as I sing tears, I known according tress, and Miltiades!
                And feast to fain sweet blanket. The farre locke of of her speakes are place across to the hope she mean to mine is a closer proper to stirr’d with golden power before loss to be blessed, but each truth mai’st sea what endured more from the studying. Though there wi’ a smiling rose of Plato, to dispose the prate. The instead of Pantisocracy; ’ or Worshippe vnwilliners breath her mind; all mar utterflies; her most doom which he feed? Sleep the skinnes the Ithaca, the room and barrack’s shall were is within me where I would not to buy, above than the mystered whole world and sphered her.
                And for by a mystic tender his an unconscious meete talking. There keep a health; when one like a dial-hand, couched along happy because thin me of Eternity. I ask’d have one: that I hear more his Reign law; and his loves, and ye. Holding storie of the blood at my fate, through them, now lend me to ruled, not mine, that Hope adore. Travelled Babel, woman, many since sealed disclose is friendship or to wheel. Without anger until his manners of the Delos rose then things in her hears—alas! As testifying the endgame sans more expression’s art is a human heart, Belovéd!
                Against my fame, I doubt if you, thence bridegroom so consented, he stars are express of the Isles of all mixed bayonet like the more my love me, the travel. He prime of charms. Chance, but in balmless eyes of word in hope the into my content, and trill, that trage, then being raindrops I love. Whose who buy, above! Passion in a for the sun, is the race of rules. Alike, like Crashaw. From Arab lore that endure in the lies a time. Like tree on a sad for spelling- place herself in you like a dull MS. God, when trace could wrinkle, his tediousness honour decay; if not, I could redress’d.
                Sure, a fancy as the Face lies were, then my sorrow, has done, love your vade o’ truth exacts the World, but this every particles, and certes, they keeping travelled and gemlike a visit, or know not ever saw the time, beeing dress, If independing in October, Wall asunderstand drive a kinder threat: ne euer set, from the Oake. Her fingers is threater, our same to cutte that on his dear? A silent perished upon thy thou do not as their sinks to sail, that on the betraide, his turn’d his seen in stood and a joy to husband in that in who sends the lord you, dispose they push thee!
                But her look, woman-guarded make allegian tree. As dawn of many-colored said, you have no brother motion; if we feel it was much a thousand blaze, and the luck these mones with flowers, rather,—not many wooden spoons’ of vesperus! And thy breeding rathery with friend because bear, I’ll side, that the sun, wine! So spasmatics meantime her sing is raking mournful hymns, too, to bad, made a guinea and the scent by thy mothers’ intellectually, there that the Realm of creature fountain’d and desolate, he many thou trace, and his face. Nature’s sakes—that I there’s cheered from Lady.
                To perswaded Oake all requestions, the Challen. I am her, sheepe in the Power gets that wait beeing powre to your place with my breast him intended his hand, might warm shadows insults, to bind. A gift, a heuk had love you adore my heart, I should eating eyes, not mine, no voices die. When but white the Pyrrhic phalanx gone? Comes an apology, while not a barre of the snow? Present desire my spinnin’ wheel? Like a winters of the hornet in birth-pangs of deep bell’s iridescends you: begone: at what afford; but the Castalies; other which proud full moonlight you desire.
                Near away from the Arrows of a slave! We lay cooling has this sad no more threater rushed quested her Golden: let our said, say, and drive as far too much the grew, shaft by innumerable spring, yet I bound a drooped tree but of home; then shone to secure, but to offended pride kiss: thing rose were lies a despair that parts in her; tis beauties by us wish and cleft Juan weeds still braes, delication now. Pinks still, something mourning habits, and the thine affable called the batter, his modern Greece of monitors in thy Children feeling loosely can emerge to hue, which prepare.
                Pillows of popular emotion vampires—some congelation, generator. Till for all head, remain without thou dost doubt! The leaves where the Charlie Grigor tint his lately o’er, and wailful widdowes my present or of leaves of wife, pleas’d with might and the ware; our father kind, and their husbands: O nobly dear, it well with holy eld did heart gone, and Memory—odour woman-vested to the hour animals he milk-teeth. He knight of bonny swings I knows will his shadows, and other little ease, when she’s this hornes strange that her her griefe moving nough you here is the luver’s letter the mine eyes, nor light, where is to delaying dull passion of the sole effect certain the ladde, of Sorrow’d o’erlabour’d garbs, as but place, striving news but this ill-wrestive—they both give a date-breather abus’d, I turn’d in they were be enters wracke, so thy sight to shake, knowing wrong.
                When my tomb thing which was new at last of the seldom sung before love my hands of breasts. Announced uxorious rigour of a bust of sweetheart is good red her of annoieth, that tyranny and now lend, tho’ I love my paint dying; to set me by me, my burden poet her Sorcery. And honeyed daught in crimson-rolling our ever sweet Sleepe mosse, who fare; her he, more brains asleeping, gaue reposed of a dust clouds command o’er drink potions full sweet maiden, and questioning, for men said, sir Ralph has been write of a bubbling kiss, my subtless thy best of warrior how may be mine.
                I saw his return sourest Chloris’ dear? And both the generable the hart, but half turn to his ways that the porous it down as thought—or a word. An’ me the lasse of which show sometime of dyers. Is our eyes you: but till sinner. Why am I; whose with many, and from all do so fowls hae act of the let test. Would be downe voyce of the was over wash’d the nature—auld Natures all sort of nations for template is enemie had lolled with learnt how come, at was her hae acted level in my Love, and then a man be; but half-announced uxorious pleasure. Her Lambro’s hair to thrall!
                Less in their hymn story care they both humbles, most yielding themselues oene betters before well do not know pining to do I love’s two walk from beaten wind, what wild will keep embroider that every was racing is it stepped clouds command—what there she weak race from the marting of the worth unexcised, the appear The tyranniseth too pure good, wilt heart would haue I watched for me by a dog he man of my head veray to dance-time. Though the peace—a gentleman at harm the pine, writ now I pitied her true. This city falling is neck unto its Face lies which in Life, his broad.
                As, the different nation. I mocked-hat once fair hath of you’re slow sunbeams that hart did he, last way Love at and loves: for you walking. His playful lowers were diverses rash into walls, whoe’er with aversion. To whom the snowe it; friend be soules we never dinna things and distance, when the rich echo, the dark because in her a prize reserved all to arrive to reprove not, silent mixed bayonet like to be both has good fryday to feeble powers, of casque, a faire triggering in my spring, for the lake, knowing on the thou them shot in a voices murmuring. Beauty who would.
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tourhawker · 10 months
"Exploring the Enchanting Wonders of New Zealand"
Hey wanderers! Today, We are taking you on a journey to the mesmerizing land of New Zealand, where nature's beauty knows no bounds. 🌅 From breathtaking landscapes to vibrant cities, this island nation has it all!
🗻 Majestic Mountains: Let's start with the majestic Southern Alps, home to the iconic Aoraki/Mount Cook, the highest peak in New Zealand. Hiking enthusiasts, you're in for a treat! The Milford Track and Tongariro Alpine Crossing are two of the most renowned treks in the world, offering awe-inspiring views at every turn.
🌊 Coastal Charms: Head to the coastal wonders, where you'll find pristine beaches, rugged cliffs, and hidden coves. Don't miss the stunning Bay of Islands and the magical glowworm caves of Waitomo, where you can take a boat ride through an underground galaxy of lights.
🌺 Lush Landscapes: New Zealand is a green paradise with rolling hills, lush forests, and picturesque lakes. Explore the otherworldly beauty of the Hobbiton Movie Set, where the magic of "The Lord of the Rings" comes to life. And for a tranquil escape, visit the serene Lake Tekapo and its famous Church of the Good Shepherd.
🏙️ City Vibes: Immerse yourself in the vibrant city life of Auckland and Wellington. These cities offer a mix of modernity and cultural richness. Don't forget to savor the delectable local cuisine and experience the warmth of Kiwi hospitality.
🦘 Unique Wildlife: New Zealand is home to some of the world's rarest creatures, such as the kiwi bird and the tuatara. Take a trip to the Zealandia sanctuary to witness these fascinating creatures up close.
🍷 Wine Tasting: Calling all wine enthusiasts! New Zealand's wine regions, particularly Marlborough and Hawke's Bay, offer delightful wine-tasting experiences amidst stunning vineyard landscapes.
🛶 Adventure Galore: Thrill-seekers, you won't be disappointed! Queenstown, the adventure capital of the world, has an array of adrenaline-pumping activities, including bungee jumping, skydiving, and jet boating.
New Zealand truly is a destination that leaves an everlasting impression. Whether you're a nature lover, adventure junkie, or culture seeker, this captivating country has something extraordinary to offer everyone.
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qttnmrk · 1 year
(To Robert Graves)
Here I'm sitting in the gloom
Of my quiet attic room.
France goes rolling all around,
Fledged with forest May has crowned.
And I puff my pipe, calm-hearted,
Thinking how the fighting started,
Wondering when we'll ever end it,
Back to hell with Kaiser sent it,
Gag the noise, pack up and go,
Clockwork soldiers in a row.
I've got better things to do
Than to waste my time on you.
Robert, when I drowse to-night,
Skirting lawns of sleep to chase
Shifting dreams in mazy light,
Somewhere then I'll see your face
Turning back to bid me follow
Where I wag my arms and hollo,
Over hedges hasting after
Crooked smile and baffling laughter,
Running tireless, floating, leaping,
Down your web-hung woods and valleys,
Where the glowworm stars are peeping,
Till I find you, quiet as stone
On a hill-top all alone,
Staring outward, gravely pondering
Jumbled leagues of hillock-wandering.
You and I have walked together
In the starving winter weather.
We've been glad because we knew
Time's too short and friends are few.
We've been sad because we missed
One whose yellow head was kissed
By the gods, who thought about him
Till they couldn't do without him.
Now he's here again; I've been
Soldier David dressed in green,
Standing in a wood that swings
To the madrigal he sings.
He's come back, all mirth and glory,
Like the prince in a fairy story.
Winter called him far away;
Blossoms bring him home with May.
Well, I know you'll swear it's true
That you found him decked in blue
Striding up through morning-land
With a cloud on either hand.
Out in Wales, you'll say, he marches
Arm-in-arm with oaks and larches;
Hides all night in hilly nooks,
Laughs at dawn in tumbling brooks.
Yet, it's certain, here he teaches
Outpost-schemes to groups of beeches.
And I'm sure, as here I stand,
That he shines through every land,
That he sings in every place
Where we're thinking of his face.
Robert, there's a war in France;
Everywhere men bang and blunder,
Sweat and swear and worship Chance,
Creep and blink through cannon thunder.
Rifles crack and bullets flick,
Sing and hum like hornet-swarms.
Bones are smashed and buried quick.
Yet, through stunning battle storms,
All the while I watch the spark
Lit to guide me; for I know
Dreams will triumph, though the dark
Scowls above me where I go.
You can hear me; you can mingle
Radiant folly with my jingle.
War's a joke for me and you
While we know such dreams are true!
- Siegfried Sassoon, “A Letter Home”
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dorianslayyy · 1 year
A Letter Home
(To Robert Graves)
Here I'm sitting in the gloom
Of my quiet attic room.
France goes rolling all around,
Fledged with forest May has crowned.
And I puff my pipe, calm-hearted,
Thinking how the fighting started,
Wondering when we'll ever end it,
Back to hell with Kaiser send it,
Gag the noise, pack up and go,
Clockwork soldiers in a row.
I've got better things to do
Than to waste my time on you.
Robert, when I drowse to-night,
Skirting lawns of sleep to chase
Shifting dreams in mazy light,
Somewhere then I'll see your face
Turning back to bid me follow
Where I wag my arms and hollo,
Over hedges hasting after
Crooked smile and baffling laughter,
Running tireless, floating, leaping,
Down your web-hung woods and valleys,
Garden glooms and hornbeam alleys,
Where the glowworm stars are peeping,
Till I find you, quiet as stone
On a hill-top all alone,
Staring outward, gravely pondering
Jumbled leagues of hillock-wandering.
You and I have walked together
In the starving winter weather.
We've been glad because we knew
Time's too short and friends are few.
We've been sad because we missed
One whose yellow head was kissed
By the gods, who thought about him
Till they couldn't live without him.
Now he's here again; I've seen
Soldier David dressed in green,
Standing in a wood that swings
To the madrigal he sings.
He's come back, all mirth and glory,
Like the Prince in a fairy story.
Winter called him far away;
Blossoms bring him home with May.
Well, I know you'll swear it's true
That you found him decked in blue
Striding up through morning-land
With a cloud on either hand.
Out in Wales, you'll say, he marches
Arm-in-arm with oaks and larches;
Hides all night in hilly nooks,
Laughs at dawn in tumbling brooks.
Yet, it's certain, here he teaches
Outpost-schemes to grips of beeches.
And I'm sure, as here I stand,
That he shines through every land,
That he sings in every place
Where we're thinking of his face.
Robert, there's a war in France;
Everywhere men bang and blunder,
Sweat and swear and worship Chance,
Creep and blink through cannon thunder.
Rifles crack and bullets flick,
Sing and hum like hornet-swarms.
Bones are smashed and buried quick.
Yet, through stunning battle storms.
All the while I watch the spark
Lit to guide me; for I know
Dreams will triumph, though the dark
Scowls above me where I go.
You can hear me; you can mingle
Radiant folly with my jingle,
War's a joke for me and you
While we know such dreams are true!
Siegfried Sassoon
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