#My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! - Pirates of the Disturbance
blerdyotome · 6 months
My Next Life as a Villainess Pirates of the Disturbance Character Ranking
Since My Next Life as a Villainess Pirates of the Disturbance has been out for a bit I thought it would be fun to do character rankings again!
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I'd love to know how you all rank the characters! I have two versions, one with the ladies and one without, so choose which one you like best! I can't wait to see how everyone ranks! Please tag me so I can see the results!!
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tokimaeki · 6 months
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she was so funny for this. just openly and enthusiastically encouraging her brother to become a homewrecker
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hellcatinnc · 4 months
My Next Life As a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! - Pirates of the Disturbance - Game Alan Stuart Review
Will Include Spoilers
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Oh thank you creators for making this guy my type he is a sad boy/tsundere who is shy and blushes alot and is easily flustered. This is the kinda guy that I'm sweet on easy. From his greyish/white hair to the way he wears his sexy earrings... yeah Alan is my guy in this game. Rozy still has me curious though so we shall see. Anyways Alan is a good guy to the point he is always worried about hurting his brother if he was to let Catarina know he loved her. Its funny because he didn't even realize he loved her until she got sick then he realized a world without her he just couldn't live in. I also respect him cause as soon as he knew he was in love with her he went straight to Mary to call off the engagement they had. I mean she didn't want to at the moment until they could be with the person they wanted then she said she would bow out.
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He is just so protective of Catarina, like when they get attacked by pirates he is willing to fight to his death if nothing but to keep her safe. He is a prince but he never lets it get to his head, he is still same boy that grew up with her. He picks on her about not being lady like and all but at the same time these are the things he loves about her more. He is adorable when he realizes she kissed him by accident. He gets on her and seems mad when she does something that can hurt her but I honestly feel like its to prevent from breaking down. He finally gets through to her how he feels and even in his last fight with Frederic I was so not expecting him to push her back and catch the sword with his hand. Like seriously dude is bleeding out yelling at Frederic that he will not let him harm Catarina cause she is the only on the matters to him and she is important. That was such a declaration of love that should make most girls swoon.
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The CG's were beautiful in Alan's route and I really love how both of them eventually expressed their love for each other it was so sweet especially with blushing Alan awww he is always swoon worthy. I love in best happy ending they end up engaged though. I hated how Mary and Geordo made them wait almost a year to be together because everyone else selfishness of wanting her. I do love Geordo was willing to let her be happy with Alan however I agree with Alan his last words may have sounded nice but he was practically saying my brother fucks up and I will be there. I love his special show he puts on for her in the lounge as well. I don't know everything about this couple I love and I love Alan so much.
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The alternate ending with Mary abducting her was plain creepy. I mean I always knew the bitch was psycho but she really proved it now. She would rather kidnap Caterina than let her be with the man she loves that was sickening to watch. The sweet love story in the mix of Ryle and Liliana was sweet to watch unfold as well. I hate on good ending although together its more in secret because Caterina has yet to call off her engagement to Geordo. Plus on this ending when she told Geordo he wanted more time he sounded more selfish in this part cause he made it sound like he didn't believe Alan could make her happy. I dont see how this was a good ending because Caterina talks about Alan being a dunce and not sure she romantically loves him. The doom ending being killed by Frederic was anticlimactic though if it was a doom ending would be more entertaining.
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Alan really is a special kinda guy and I would say he is like tsundere, meets sad boy, meets best friend/big brother trope. He is a bit of them all and every interaction I had with him was either sweet, intimate, or I could feel how much he cared. I posted alot of his pictures but some of the things he says is even sweeter take a look at the video its the last scene where they announce their love. If your ok with the spoiler you will see how adorable they really are together.
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bloemrijk · 6 months
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Unexpected friendship during a crossover. Catarina and Beel, the hungry two.
I’ve been playing the new Pirates of the Disturbance game and I can’t help but laugh over the villain being too distracted by food to actually be evil.
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satoshi-mochida · 6 months
My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! – Pirates of the Disturbance releases today for the Switch.
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sparklingmusicofstars · 8 months
Hamefura pirates of the disturbance : Rozy's introduction
Warning : the second part contains spoilers !
I found some information on a fandom and the rest I wrote it.
Rozy Lind :
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Background :
Rozy is an engineer from the Kingdom of Quid, an invention powerhouse located in a different continent from Sorcier. He is recruited to the reveal of the luxury liner "Vinklem" as part of the maintenance crew. In the game he is one of the two new capture targets for Catarina.
Appearance :
Rozy is a tall man with maroon-colored hair and jade green eyes. He wears a brown technician uniform with a hat, with black belt holding his tools and gear. Under his technician vest is a black shirt with a purple neckline. He often has a gentle, reassuring on his face. He is a young man of 23 years old but he has a boyish and childish smile and gestures.
Personnality :
He is a kind and meek young man who is a talented technician. He secretly has a sweet-tooth, and is a fan of desserts and pastries. He is a very fast reader. Rozy has a creative mind and is good with tinkering with machines. He is able to make tools out of anything he can get his hands on. It is said that everyone in their family truly wants to protect and keep an eye on those they hold dear. It's in their genes. He is as smart as Geordo and the others but he is more innocent in a way.
Warning spoilers !
Fortune lover game :
Rozy is a character that appears in a fan-book of Fortune Lover. In the game he is not a capture target even though he is handsome. He also got killed by Silva (who is the captain of the Sungreed pirates)
Currently :
Rozy and Catarina are acquainted, and eventually friends, due to their mutual love of sweets. He was on the desk when he caught sight of her and immediatly recognized her. He had a conversation with Silva and told him that no matter what happens he doesn't want her and only her to be hurt. Silva is aware of that and told him that even if it's the first time in 8 years he saw her he shouldn't do anything clumsy and must avoid approaching her. And Rozy accepts painfully.
Rozy's true identity :
It turns out Rozy is not really a pirate and neither is Silva or the rest of the crew. Rozy‘s real name is Rodzion Lindgren and he’s an aristocrat or more specifically a Duke of Queed. So Silva and his crew are actually Rozy‘s private guards that he hired to stop the Chancellor and his selfish scheme of trying to blow up the ship and kidnap the magic users.
Rozy's first meeting with Catarina :
When he first met Catarina in Sorcier he gave her the gummy candy he made because she was hungry while thinking that it was not very appreciate because of its strange texture (like now) and she told him it was beautiful like a jewel and how delicious it was. This made him realize his true ambition to help others and he always wanted to meet Catarina again to thank her. Eventually he was able to find out more about her and fell in love with her when he met her again. Rozy also met Silva on his way back to Queed when he almost got mugged. A younger Silva helped him but then collapsed to the ground because he was weak. Rozy noticed he looked like he was poor or homeless and decided to help him after thinking of Catarina’s smile, ignoring the people who told him not to do it. Thus, both his and Silva’s fates were essentially changed from meeting Catarina. In the game he will listen his escort and leave him here. He also kept an eye on Catarina since then, he sent someone in Sorcier to collect informations about her and know how she is doing while pretenting it was to collect informations on Sorcier, he even drew her one time when he was tired and everyone who know him well know how much he loves "the little girl who changed his life" For him, she was "his benefactor". (He really is a stalker....It's really creepy...) Ah, one thing, when he met her he was 15 years old and Catarina 8 years old... Yes, a real stalker.
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They were so cute !!!
My opinion :
I love Rozy as a character (not as much as Silva, sorry) but he is really creepy in a way... I think Silva also mentionned something like that... In a way, he really reminds me Raphael ; his smile, personnality and things like that. And he is really handsome and has a calm, gentle and smart aura. I'm glad he met Catarina when they were children or else he would have no personnality. My favourites scenes are when he save her from the drunk pirate, his talk with Silva when he saw her, and almost all... Except for one thing, I think Albert really spoiled Rozy's route, he is so annoying.... And I don't know when Catarina fell in love wth him either. Unfortunately I don't have the game but I think his route is cute. (without Albert) His confession was adorable and his good ending too. It's my second favourite route.
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lunas-otome-blog · 5 months
Luna's Review: Hamefura Pirates
(The full game title is: My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! ~The Pirate Who Summons Trouble)
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Official Summary:
Katarina Claes was reborn as a villainous daughter in an otome game when she hit her head and regained memories of her previous life. She struggled to safely a destruction end and seize a happy future. Sure…. A romantic comedy of avoiding destruction flags is now available as an otome game. The stage of the game is the luxury liner, and the doom flag is a “pirate”?! This is the beginning of a new bad end avoidance story.
(Spoiler Free) Luna's Thoughts
As a fan of the Hamefura franchise, most notably the anime, I felt this game fits right in! The simple cel-shaded art, while not as exquisite as is custom in many otoges, looks like the anime, and the characters blink and move their mouths when they talk, creating the illusion of an anime.
Catarina is a rare protagonist in that she's not meant to be a fill-in for the player; she's her own character with her own backstory. As such, you're not allowed to change her name, and she's fully voiced, which is a rare treat.
They do expect you to be familiar with the anime and reference events in it several times. While it's not a prerequisite, there's not a ton of expose in the beginning and you're pretty much thrown into it without any backstory. I've seen both the animes so this didn't bother me, and in fact I would have gotten bored with a lot of unnecessary background, so I was pleased with this.
If you're expecting a heavy, serious otome game, this is not it. "Pirates of the Disturbance" is light and silly, and you get the sense that nobody is ever in any real danger. With the exception of the two game-only characters, there's little backstory to uncover for the romanceable characters because, again, the game assumes you're already familiar with them.
I would actually not recommend this game for those who aren't already fans of Hamefura. The fun of this game is in watching Bakarina fall in love and choose someone, which is something that is probably not going to happen in the main series. It's not a particularly involved game beyond that.
I had some hesitation about including two new characters as romance options, but Rozy and Silva actually fit right in and I loved both of them pretty quickly. I think Silva was actually my favorite character in the game.
The game has four different ending types: doom, another, good and happy. You have to pick pretty much all the correct options to get the "happy" ending, so they're difficult to obtain first go. If you don't want to skip through a whole route again, you can go to the final chapter using the chapter menu and set affection to high, and then you'll only have a few choices to get right. Some of the good endings are on par or (imho) better than the happy endings, so definitely try to get all of them!
Overall, I loved this game! It's light, fluffy and a nice companion to the Hamefura anime.
My route order recommendation is Geordo -> Nicol -> Keith -> Alan -> Rozy -> Silva.
Please find below my thoughts on each route in the order I played them. Spoilers ahead!
(Spoilers) Mary/Sophia/Maria Route
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Okay so this isn't technically a route but it's what you get if you avoid picking a boy and just flirt with the girls and focus on eating the whole time. It abruptly ends the game pretty early on.
This was the first end I got because I wanted to see what would happen if I just let Catarina be herself. While I wish the girls had a more fleshed out route (or better yet, individual routes) I understand that Hamefura has never been a yuri series.
While I get that Sophia ships Catarina with her brother, and Maria's intentions may be closer to friendship, Mary's feelings are 100% romantic. This is confirmed in the anime and in the game, and she has always been on par with the men in the aspect of competing with Catarina's affections. So I would have liked to see Mary get a whole route for herself.
That said, I'm glad Catarina got a little time with the girls before getting to the boys.
(Spoilers) Geordo Route
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Geordo is my least favorite boy in the main cast, so I did his route first. It ended up being a good choice, as his route was not particularly interesting.
There is a certain satisfaction of Catarina falling in love with her own fiance, but beyond that, this route isn't really substantial. Geordo confesses to Catarina, she struggles with it for a while, and then they get together. In one of the "another" endings, if you choose to avoid Geordo during a strategy meeting, he straight up kidnaps Catarina and bribes her with food and romance novels to stay with him forever lol. What trash.
Considering how tame these pirates seem to be, combined with the fact that they aren't allowed to harm the main cast, you never really feel concern for anyone in this route. You do get to see Geordo engage in a cool swordfight with Silva, and Catarina even gets to help out a little.
I think this route could have been improved with a little more angst, and the writers actually created a scenario that could have worked ... only to end it almost immediately. When Georgo confesses to Catarina, he claims that he's been pretending to like the rest of the group since childhood. This greatly upsets the pure-hearted Catarina, who just wants everyone to stay friends forever.
There were so many ways this could have provided for more conflict. Maybe Geordo had convinced himself that was the case and his friends needed to show him that their friendship was real. Maybe Geordo could take some needling to admit he likes the rest of the group. But the game just resolves it with Geordo immediately apologizing and coming clean to Catarina. It felt like they rushed what should have been the main arc of this route.
Overall, Geordo's route was predictable and standard. If you like the princely type, it might be for you, but I wasn't super excited about him.
(Spoilers) Nicol Route
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Nicol's route is immediately more involved, with the introduction of a mysterious woman. You also get a lot more intro to Rozy. Overall, it felt longer and more composed than Geordo's route.
Geordo is Catarina's fiance, so there wasn't really any conflict with him liking Catarina other than her own obliviousness. But that's not so with Nicol (or any other character) who spends most of the route trying not to act on his feelings for Catarina. This sets up some delicious angst as Catarina doesn't understand why Nicol is drifting away from her.
Add in a mysterious Catarina double and a curse and you've got a much more interesting route than Geordo's. It keeps you on your toes. The correct choices are not always obvious.
I do think the witch/curse plotline was rushed, and the way they come into the information that saves the day is a little too easy. My biggest gripe is that this route didn't have to involve Nicol at all. If the point was to make Geordo jealous because Geordo resembles the prince who slighted the witch, then it didn't have to be Nicol who was affected. It would have been so easy to have Nicol be the distant relative of the prince or something and make it a role only he could play.
I also didn't get why Rozy confessed in this route. He's so nice to you and it was really heartbreaking to have to reject him. I guess the point was to allow Catarina to realize her feelings for Nicol are special, but I don't think this needed to come at the expense of Rozy's feelings. This doesn't happen in any other route. And now I have to deal with the fact that Rozy probably likes Catarina in every route. *cries*
There is also the existential dread when you realize that Catarina's original self (before she regains her memories of a past life) might be locked away inside of her. But let's not think about that lol.
That said, this route was a good length, the pacing was alright, and Catarina actually gets to do a lot, even if the debates inside her head are largely useless. She's an idiot so this checks out.
I love the "good" ending scene with Sophia proudly declaring she will never marry if Catarina becomes her sister-in-law. The Ascart siblings are truly a two-for-one deal and I am living for it. The "happy" ending was also lovely because you get to see Geordo being nice for once, telling Nicol he's glad it was him and not some rando Catarina fell for. Also Nicol's dad loves Catarina so much — it's so cute!
(Spoilers) Alan Route
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Like Nicol, Alan is not supposed to like Catarina, but his angst is even deeper because she's his brother's fiancee AND he has his own fiancee. This is set in a slightly different timeline than the anime, but Alan and Mary still have their agreement where they stay engaged to avoid other attention while knowing they are both in love with someone else (though neither knows they have the same love interest lol) so you get some extra Mary in this route.
Alan and Mary are shown to be great friends who care a lot about each other, which is super sweet. You'll also get some extra Mary backstory and a confirmation that her feelings for Catarina are indeed romantic, and they even sort of get together in one of the normal endings. I really wish she got a proper route.
Anyway, back to Alan. He's the tsundere of the Hamefura world, so of course I was excited to play his route. And his tsundere nature does not disappoint. While his route does explore some fairly typical anime tropes, such as accidental kisses, hiding in closets together, et cetera, Alan's adorable reactions make it worthwhile.
I adore Liliana, the original character who has a super cute design. I found her faith in her husband very sweet, and she's a badass fighter, too.
Alan's route was the best paced out of all I had played thus far, and it builds up to a really nice ending scene where he asks Catarina to forget he confessed to her. Catarina, of course, refuses, and asks Alan to give her time to sort out her own feelings. It was all going so well and I figured it would all resolve in the after ending.
The Alan "good" ending is a total disappointment, so make sure you don't stop there. You find out that while Catarina and Alan have been meeting up secretly at school, there hasn't been any progress in their relationship at all. Catarina hasn't been able to end her engagement to Geordo, and neither Geordo nor Mary take her feelings for Alan seriously. Worst of all, Catarina herself isn't sure if she's in love with Alan or not.
In the "happy" ending, however, he does finally get the girl and their engagement is confirmed. Alan is still treated kind of poorly, however, as you find out Geordo and Mary, and possibly others, have been sabotaging Catarina's chance to confess. Geordo does finally relent, but not without first telling Catarina that he did truly love her. It was a sincere moment but why did it have to come during my lovely tsundere's finest moment? It was kind of a dampener on what would otherwise have been a pretty nice ending. I feel like the makers of this game might have something against Alan.
(Spoilers) Keith Route
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I left Keith's route for the last of the main cast, because he's probably got the hardest time of all when it comes to romantic chances with Catarina. While they're not biologically related, he is Catarina's brother legally, and Catarina is also the most comfortable around Keith compared to all the other characters. I figured his route would be full of sweet, sweet angst and wanted to play it later.
For storytelling purposes, I'd actually recommend playing Keith's route before Alan's. The main villain in both stories is more or less the same, but you get more on a certain character in Alan's route. Having played Alan's route already, it felt like an oversimplification because I already knew more than I was supposed to.
That said, I have very little criticism for Keith's route. It was romantic, well-paced and, unlike Alan's route, Catarina is decisively into him. She even comes to terms with her feelings BEFORE a confession or any romantic action is taken. I feel like the writers must favor Keith with how well he was treated on his route lol.
Something I really like is that Keith doesn't necessarily reveal that his love is romantic for a long time. Like, WE know it is, but you're left wondering if he thinks he's just got really brotherly feelings. But after he accidentally goes for a kiss, you get this really nice introspection where he straight up says "I've been in love with her since I was 8 years old." And you realize he's been serious the entire time and just trying not to act on it. It made my heart flutter~
I had thought him being her adoptive brother might have factored into it, but not really. Catarina isn't bothered by it. Geordo lets Keith have her, and their parents are actually thrilled that their children are marrying each other haha.
In the "happy" end, everyone is a bit mean first though. Upon seeing them together, Mary cries, Alan and Sophia are like "be happy I guess, you weirdos" and Geordo is fuming. Only Maria and Nicol are able to contain their disappointment enough to congratulate them properly. It was kind of a bummer. I actually liked the "good" ending better.
Rozy is sus as hell on this route, which made me excited to play his route next.
(Spoilers) Rozy Route
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Rozy's route confirms what was hinted at all along — Rozy is yet another childhood friend of Catarina's, and another rival for her affection.
His route was solid, but it felt longer and more like a true ending due to how far it continues past the plot contained within the other routes. I loved meeting his cousin/wingman King Albert and enjoyed how frustrated he made Geordo, my least favorite character.
I thought the final few scenes were a little rushed, and I wish we got a little more out of the endings. Their relationship is still a secret in both the "good" and "happy" endings. You do get a proposal out of the happy end, at least.
What I enjoyed most about this route was his friendship with Silva. We don't get a lot of male bonding in games like these, so I adored how much they care about each other, and how supportive Silva was of Rozy's interest in Catarina. It made me even more excited to play Silva's route.
When you play the common route after Rozy's route, you get a new cutscene where Rozy heartbreakingly reveals he's prepared to get on with his duties and disappear without ever seeing Catarina again. He's so pure T_T
(Spoilers) Silva Route
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Ahh, Silva. I surprised myself by falling in love with him quickly, even on other routes. He was my favorite character in the game, though I think Keith's route was still the best.
Though Rozy's route reveals most of the main secrets of the game, it made me really excited to play Silva's route last, as he's literally the only romanceable character who isn't already in love with Catarina. She has to earn his love by being an adorable idiot, which of course comes naturally to her.
I really enjoyed how this route utilized some very classic anime situations, only to have Catarina's ditziness turn them in a different direction.
For example, the first time she sees Silva upon entering his route, he's half naked and getting changed. Instead of having Catarina do the usual anime girl "kyaa!" and blush furiously, she instead immediately assumes Silva is a cosplayer. Similarly, he attempts to seduce her several times by coming close to her and pushing her down, but she doesn't understand he's coming on to her at all, quickly diffusing the situation. He's never had that happen before, so he takes an interest in her.
Silva's route is a classic slow burn, which I adored. The romance in this route felt very natural. Catarina realizes Silva is kind, despite attempting to appear forceful, and starts to feel safe around him. Meanwhile Silva continues to be amused by how unique Catarina is. It takes quite a while for those feelings to develop into romance.
The final confrontation with Silva's longtime enemy was a little rushed, but I enjoyed Silva agonizing over telling Catarina about his past. Rozy notices this too, and he's just as good a wingman to Silva as Silva is for him in his route. Man, I adore these two so much. Their relationship is so genuine and wonderful! Make sure to check out the memory log at the end for the backstory on the sketchbook, because it's never explained in the main game.
Silva's route was pretty solid. In the "good" ending, he never directly says he loves Catarina — only teases her and kisses her enough to make her realize it herself. The "happy" ending though ... man, Silva cleans up nicely! It was so cute seeing him in princely clothes, having officially become adopted into Rozy's family and learning high society just to be worthy of Catarina. He even breaks his composure a little bit because he's embarrassed, which is the fun of flirty characters like Silva.
Overall, Silva's route was lovely, and I think it should definitely be played last.
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journalsouppe · 4 months
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Here’s another blank spread! My next life as a villainess is one of my favorite anime so I was so excited to know they also made it into an actual otome game hehe I’ve never played an otome game before so this’ll be a learning process. I’m having a great time so far!
The goal is to try to do every route but also thinking about doing all the Keith routes horrifies me so we’ll see T-T
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aishaarashi · 4 months
My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! ~Alan Stuart - Walkthrough~
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This is a guide/walkthrough on how to get all of Alans' Endings.
❈ Memory Scenarios can be viewed by pressing either the book icon (📖) that shows up or the "minus" button (➖) on the Nintendo Switch.
❈ To get his last CG you need to view the last Memory Scenario: Together With You.
One Recommended Route Order: Common Route ➔ Geordo ➔ Keith ➔ Alan ➔ Nicol ➔ Rozy ➔ Silva
Prologue - Invitation to Sea:
(No Choices)
Chapter 1 - A Luxurious Cruise:
Let’s eat delicious food.
📖 Memory Scenario: An Exciting Promise
Enjoy the music.
Do a warm-up stretch.
**Cover it up.  (Choice unlocks after the 1st playthrough)
Hum as I go.
📖 Memory Scenario: First Dance Lesson
Go for the fish!
…Alan’s performance.
Chapter 2 - Premonition of Fate:
**Say I’m hungry. (Choice unlocks after the 1st playthrough)
Don’t ask.
It turned out okay.
…the conceited types.
**I imagined it. (Choice unlocks after the 1st playthrough)
📖 Memory Scenario: Our Time Together
Chapter 3 - Escape at Sea:
I got it!
Support him.
Chapter 4 - Fog Hidden Truth:
SAVE 1 (Chairwoman Catarina: Hm. Why don't we...)
One vote to negotiate with the pirates.
Thank you.
Chapter 5 - Closing Distance:
Be quiet.
📖 Memory Scenario: A Treat
📖 Memory Scenario: Jealousy
Look away.
Chapter 6 - Confession of Sin:
Pretend you’re not there.
One vote to discover their weaknesses.
📖 Memory Scenario: The Day I Fell in Love
Dual wielding…?
Chapter 7 - Honest Feelings:
Compliment Alan.
Taunt him.
📖 Memory Scenario: Awkward Love
➔ Happy Ending - What I Must Tell You
Create a diversion.
➔ Good Ending - Sneaking in Secret
One vote to rely on Mary.
Don’t worry!
Chapter 5 - Closing Distance:
It’s not like that!
Make a weird face.
Chapter 6 - Confession of Sin:
Consult Alan.
One vote to befriend the three.
I’ll use it!
Chapter 7 - Honest Feelings:
Try to cover it up a little more.
Create a diversion.
➔ Another Ending - Mary Abducted Me
Blindly throw it.
➔ Catarina Doom Ending - Slashed with a Sword (No CG)
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cottageatlas · 6 months
just received the My Next Life As A Villainess otoge !!!
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blerdyotome · 11 months
My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! - Pirates of the Disturbance Coming to the West this Winter
Exciting news for western otome fans! During Idea Factory International announced today during their 10th Anniversary celebration at Anime Expo 2023 that they’ll be releasing My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! – Pirates of the Disturbance. Based on the popular light novel, manga, and anime series, My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! – Pirates of the…
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b3crew · 6 months
REVIEW | "My Next Life as a Villainess: Pirates of the Disturbance" | B3 - Boston Bastard Brigade
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Fans of My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! will find plenty to love about Pirates of the Disturbance. Read why in KBD's review! #reviews #videogames #visualnovel #visualnovels #anime #animation #cartoons #Bakarina #otome #otomegames
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ikemenfangirl · 11 months
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English Version - My Next Life as a Villainess All Roads Lead to Doom - Pirates of the Disturbance
เกมจีบหนุ่มของคาตารินะ เวอร์ชันแปลอังกฤษ!
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Title: My Next Life As a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! -Pirates of the Disturbance-
By: Idea Factory Intl
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Genre: Love Comedy
Lanaguages: English (Japanese Voice)
Teaser Trailer: https://youtu.be/wQV_7OEWA8o
Release: in This Winter (2023)
Physically and Digitally
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📍 Otome game based on a light novel, manga, anime, reincarnate in Otome Games.
Catarina Claes CV: Uchida Maaya #内田真礼
Geordo Stuart CV: Aoi Shouta #蒼井翔太
Keith Claes CV: Kakihara Tetsuya #柿原徹也
Alan Stuart CV: Suzuki Tatsuhisa #鈴木達央
Nicol Ascart CV: Matsuoka Yoshitsugu #松岡禎丞
Rozy Lind CV: Suzumura Kenichi #鈴村健一
Silva CV: Namikawa Daisuke #浪川大輔
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SUB Characters
Mary Hunt CV: Okasaki Miho #岡咲美保
Maria Campbell CV: Hayami Saori #早見沙織
Sophia Ascart CV: Minase Inori #水瀬いのり
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bloemrijk · 6 months
What is this logic?
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The game is amusing, fun and its plot is very good for an otome. But why on earth can I romance my brother but not the three wives?
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satoshi-mochida · 10 months
My Next Life As a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! -Pirates of the Disturbance- | Opening Movie
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sparklingmusicofstars · 3 months
Request regarding the drama CD
Hello ! I would like to ask, if anyone has the limited version of the game hamefura "pirates of the disturbance" with the drama CD in it ? I would very much like to translate them but I need subtitles since I'm not really confident in the audio. It doesn't matter if the subtitles are in japanese or chinese. So if anyone have them please tell me ><
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