thebansheeoflamordia · 11 months
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etrata · 11 months
Round 1, OC Showdown
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Viv and Sigrid were drawn by @moremorejump
Lizzy Jude's artist did not wish to be @ ed for this poll
N.O.R.A's artist is @ardonious
Some facts about all 3 contestants below the read more!
Viv & Sigrid (Cleric/Warlock, Blue/Black)
-Enemies to friends to lovers to married
-Family tree includes an archdevil somehow
-Literally inseparable. Sigrid is a ghost possessing Viv who got stuck rendering them unable to be pulled apart without violently killing both in the process
-Viv is an Herbalist and Cleric of Eilistraee, Sigrid is the ghost of an ancient Netherese rebel healer seeking to bring down the government
Lizzy Jude (Druid, Green/Blue)
-Algae in a corpse, is inspired by one of my favorite characters from this. Because she has all the memories of said corpse, somewhat unclear if she is Lizzy resurrected or a new being.
-Is a librarian and organizes her inventory via the Dewey Decimal System
-Married to a princess who she met because someone threw her in a river. Is a MILF
-Raised by humans and didn't interact with other elves. As such, assumed her growing scales was just something all elves do eventually and never questioned this, or realized she was part Dragon.
-Did not in fact know what a dragon was, despite having been to a country called the Dragon Empire.
N.O.R.A (Artificer/Rogue, Green Blue White)
-Daughter of a government official who died in an accident involving a robot made to kill superheroes, got Astro Boyed to become that robot (ish). Went on the run, now a superhero.
-Built to kill heroes but believes firmly from her programming they help people and need their own help, and refuses to kill them.
-One of her main enemies is an evil gamer girl
-If prompted would attempt to figure out her sexuality via the scientific method.
-Her designer ensured her variable arm cannon blaster also had an attachment that is a cat toy.
Any questions asked in tags, asks, replies, or reblogs will be answered!
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unreone · 2 years
N.O.R.A. sees you being cringeee
A fanimatic for a fren!!! Check em out at that_weirdo_artist on YT really cool peep
I use that Voice Changer app that requires you to watch ads to add filters to your voice
Also was watching Life as a Teenage Robot aahahha
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I love this robot soooo frickin much
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nach0 · 2 years
I quit.
Summary: Jackie was a harvester for Velocity Intelligence, gathering resources from barren planets. When one of her assigned worlds isn't as empty as reported, will she be able to continue her mission?
A short story based on a poem that I was meant to write for English, it got very out of hand very quickly haha
Word count: 625
Featuring art at the bottom!
Jackie stared ahead at the planet she was supposed to land on, frowning. Her eyes tracked across the animals roaming the surface, the information file clenched tightly in her hand.
“Nora, this planet was supposed to be baren.”
“Correct. At the last observation, there was no life on Planet JX1. I will now update our system’s files.” N.O.R.A, the ship’s AI, paused for a few moments before continuing. “Systems updated.”
Jackie nodded in acknowledgement, lost in thought. She’d been a harvester with Velocity Intelligence for most of her life, having joined as soon as she’d been able in an attempt to escape her parents, and she’d never had a reason to quit.
Her job was simple, land on a planet, set up the machines to pull the resources out of the ground, and haul it all back to the factories. Occasionally her missions would be delayed because of fights over the territory, (which never made sense to her, Velocity owned everything, there were no rival companies,) but there was never any life by the time she was cleared to land.
Gaze drifting back to the animals, (and forcing herself to get over her shock that there even were animals,) she looked closer at what they were doing. They resembled large goats, though they had no horns and were much larger than any back on earth, shaggy coats a greenish grey. Fur trailed from their heads all the way down their backs in spikes, the tips various bright shades of colours.
She chuckled slightly as one of the smaller ones, fur floppy and covering its eyes, tripped over its own feet and let out what she could only assume was an indignant bleat.
“I have received orders from command,” Nora said suddenly, breaking Jackie out of her thoughts. “The mission is to proceed as scheduled.”
“Wha- but there’s life down there!” Jackie protested, jumping to her feet. “We’re only supposed to harvest from empty planets!”
Nora’s robotic voice sounded almost regretful. “I am aware. I informed command that this was a breach of protocols, and they threatened to deactivate me.”
Anger rose in Jackie as she opened her mouth to respond, only for a message to appear on her screen.
Incoming call from: Mission Director Tristan
As the camera blinked on she automatically snapped into a salute, only to drop it with a scowl. She wasn’t going to respect the people so clearly going against everything she had been told about the company.
“Pilot. Why are you not continuing with your mission? You have your orders.”
“Because the orders are wrong,” she said firmly, fire in her eyes. “There’s life on that planet, I won’t drain it.”
Tristan scoffed, rolling his eyes. “They’re clearly a bunch of herbivores, they can’t hurt you. You’re either scared or soft, and either way you’re getting a pay cut unless you land right now.”
Jackie paled. She was barely meeting her expenses as it was, she couldn’t afford to earn any less. But then Tristan smirked like he’d won, and she made up her mind.
“Oh I’ll land alright.” She squared her shoulders, reaching up for the company logo on her jumpsuit. “But not to harvest the resources. I’m protecting that planet, whether you like it or not.”
“You’ll be fired if you don’t stop this resistance right now!”
Letting out a laugh, Jackie ripped off the logo and threw it to the ground.
“I’ll save you the trouble. I quit.”
She hung up, blocking the number when he tried to call back.
“I’d always wanted to be a researcher before I started working here,” Jackie hummed casually, turning away from the screen.  “What do you say, Nora? Want to go discover a new species?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
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This is a Mowgo, the animals Jackie saw on the planet! Feel free to design your own, I just got way too invested coming up with them lol
(Thank you @ghosts-gone for the help!)
I'll maybe end up writing more for this universe, I definitely want to expand on Velocity, but it probably depends on class time to write
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sprawozdania4969 · 2 years
Szkoła Pierwsza W Bziance - Dokumenty
Punkty na studia 2019 - wysokość. Matury 2019 - Technikum Łączności im. Egzaminy Zawodowe Technikum Łączności im. Zadania zawodowe technika dentystycznego dotyczą przede wszelkim rzeczy laboratoryjnych z powierzchnie stomatologii. Nauka zamyka się egzaminem potwierdzającym kwalifikacje zawodowe. Zestaw zadań powtórkowych przed egzaminem ! Jeżeli chcesz zdobyć niezbędną, profesjonalną umiejętność oraz funkcjonalne wydarzenie w zawodzie, szkoła Collegium będzie strzałem w dziesiątkę. Jego wadą jest nacisk na proste kształcenie kwalifikacji zawodowych. Nacisk nie na ostatnie powinien, zmieniający się co chwilę nauczyciele, wszędzie słyszę, że pół klasy zagrożone. Oraz co? Wszędzie syf. Dlaczego warto wybrać szkołę Collegium? Po ukończeniu edukacji w Collegium otrzymujesz dyplom zawodowy, który stanowi uznawany we wszelkich krajach Unii Europejskiej. Błaga Ojca, który odwraca się od Niego. Każdego więc, kto tych słów moich słucha i wciska je, można porównać z przedstawicielem roztropnym, który dom swój przygotował na siły. 3. Teraz wyłącz je, poczekaj chwilę i otwórz ponownie telefon. Całe ich działanie określane jest poprzez tak zwaną Halachę, czyli Prawo.
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Źli opierać się będą na jego mieszkanie wielokrotnie, nie mogąc chociaż mu przeszkadzać. Odpowiedź jest zwykła. Po pierwsze, zapobiegamy przeprostowi w stawie łokciowym, a po drugie, kiedy idziemy do dużego wyprostu, minimalizujemy obciążenie więzadeł. FED powstał jako odpowiedź na jakąś z bogatych fal recesji w 1913 roku. 36. Neopoganizm jako instrument metapolitycznej legitymizacji skrajnej prawicy /w:/ Bogumił Grott (red.): Nacjonalizm czy nacjonalizmy? Tak więc przygotowywanie się, widziane jako skupiona opinia na podręczniku czy zeszycie, przy TV czy radiu jest kilka efektywne. Po zaznajomieniu się z przedmiotem w podręczniku na str. Jak atmosfera w szkole? W nauce działa ogólnodostępne Wi-Fi. Gdy ktoś chce przygotować z dziecka biologa toż że wysłać tam własne dziecko na informatykę. Jerozolimy, jak czynił to Prorok Daniel: „Daniel … Natomiast późniejsze dzieła jak "Poemat ekstazy" czy "Prometeusz" należą do rozwoju ekspresjonistycznego. Ta grupa to strata, nauczyciele są słabi, wymagania są z przedmiotów takich jak biologia. rozprawka nie mogą nauczyć, są słabi.
Fatalna szkoła, głównie nauczyciele. W judaizmie, oczywiście gdy w chrześcijaństwie zaś w islamie można odnaleźć racjonalizacje dla praktycznie każdej postawy ideologicznej. Powinno w polskich szkołach być coś takiego, jak sądzenie nauczycieli przez uczniów/rodziców (anonimowe). 11. Myślimy i podejmujemy zawód : informacje dla panów a uczniów o wybranych zawodach, ich treści, wymaganiach, ryzykach i ofertach edukacji / Bronisław Bieś. Technik dentystyczny to szczególnie pomocny zawód. Technik dentystyczny że odnaleźć zaangażowanie w lokalnych czy prywatnych przychodniach stomatologicznych lub poradniach protetycznych i ortodontycznych. Technik przy zastosowaniu specjalnych urządzeń wykonuje aparaty ortodontyczne, szyny chirurgiczne, wzorniki zgryzu. Otrzymują oferty zgody z zagranicy, proszą o nich pozycje medyczne i społeczne. kartkówka : pedagogika, psychologia, socjologia, dialog i doradztwo społeczne. Jesteśmy stałą, zaangażowaną w działalność kadrę nauczycieli i wychowawców, przyjazną i efektywną dyrekcję, uczniowie mogą osiągnąć usługę i radę szkolnego pedagoga i psychologa. Uczniowie mają skłonność robienia swoich pragnień aktorskich i wokalnych w szkole teatralnej N.O.R.A., pasję dziennikarską mogą tworzyć redagując gazetkę szkolną SZUFLADA, zrzeszeni w związku sportowym IMPULS mogą trenować trójbój siłowy, lekkoatletykę lub szermierkę. Podkreślić można także, że polityka ta stanowi nie w szerocy zgodna z ujęciem tego zagadnienia w sztuce procesu.
Zagadnienia maturalne z informatyki. Niestety sporo patologii. Do kilku przedmiotów brak nauczycieli. Ogromna ilość nauczycieli polskich została zabita przez hitlerowskich okupantów. Przez duży godzina dostawała prośby, by nagrywać odcinki też po szwedzku. Wzrasta również świadomość społeczeństwa w obrębie profilaktyki - na działanie ortodontyczne zwraca się nie tylko dzieci, kwalifikują się na nie i dorośli. Nie wyłącznie bała się pływać, ale również obawiała się wody w wszelkiej sytuacji - z tej w wannie po deszczówkę, wodę w oceanie czy basenie. Świadczy to, że forma drukowa, czyli matryca, gromadzi się z faktów przyciągających krew i niedających przyciągających roztwory na bazie wody. Cyma scope, które dają wykonywanie zdjęć wody poddanej wszelkimi wibracjami. Dotyczy toż z tego, że teraz przywiązujemy wielką wagę do naszego stylu zewnętrznego, pragniemy być idealne zęby i wysoki, olśniewający uśmiech - nie właśnie dlatego, iż to polska wizytówka, ale i ze powodów zdrowotnych. Podczas spotkań, w przyjaznej atmosferze, uczestnicy mierzą się nie właśnie z zawiłościami polskiej gramatyki, ale przede każdym szkolą się komunikacji i obyczajów cechujących nasz kraj i żorską społeczność.
Wymieranie modeli jest procesem naturalnym, podczas którego słabe, nie znające się przystosować gatunki, giną. To wciąż powstają nowe gabinety stomatologiczne, a też laboratoria protetyczne, jakie spośród nimi właśnie współpracują. Z jego firmy należy przyjąć, iż w dolinie wydobywają się także głazy narzutowe (eratyki). W urzędzie technika dentystycznego ważne są zdolności manualne, precyzja i koncentracja, a jeszcze cierpliwość, wyobraźnia przestrzenna i doświadczenie estetyki. 4. Rozwijanie zdolności jasnych i literackich. Ta nauka to strata. Z biologią jest porażka. Szkoła powstała w 1921 roku, ma drogą i atrakcyjną historię. Szkoła ma stale powiększaną i unowocześnianą bazę techno dydaktyczną. Na bazę do kształcenia zawodowego prezentują się pracownie komputerowe urządzone w: serwerowe systemy operacyjne WS2008, WS2012, SUSE Linux; aplikacje do stworzenia stron internetowych: Joomla 2.5, Expression Web; program do śledzenia pakietów IP Wireshark, symulator sieci Cisco PacketTracer; wirtualną centarlę abonencką firmy Unify oraz pracownie ze sprzętem telekomunikacyjnym. Dynamiczny rozwój nowych technologii sprawia, że jeszcze potrzeba fachowców, a z tamtej części wymaga ciągłego szkolenia i zmieniania zawodowego - to trafny wybór dla ambitnych osób, które nie lubią osiadać na laurach. Ciż najprawdziwsi byliby nagradzani, i źli usuwani ze grup i kierowani do dokształcania z pedagogiki albo zawodu, jeśli się nie potrafią uczyć. Lista szkół - technika - Powiat m.
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neverendthings · 7 years
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Harbinger of Eternal Rest.
TRIED A DIFFERENT STYLE THIS TIME AROUND Came out looking pretty sweet, but quite minimalistic. Oh well. I usually inhabit facebook more: The Noor
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maverixs · 7 years
               ❝  hey, there you are.  ❞
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               but there’s no SURPRISE in the young man’s voice because somehow he just knew he’d find her here on the roof of n.o.r.a. house. call it an old HABIT. for as long as yuj can remember, dating all the way back to their childhood on cocoon, the rooftop has been their REFUGE. their hangout. their not-so-secret hideaway where they’ve talked until their throats were sore, stargazed until they’ve ACCIDENTALLY fallen asleep, laughed until they’ve cried, & cried until they’ve laughed. these creaky roof tiles hold so MANY memories ... even the ones that feel so far away now.   
                ❝  we all thought you DITCHED us down there.  ❞  yuj lingers on the top step of the ladder, hesitant to finish the climb & add his weight. not that he doesn’t TRUST snow & gadot’s craftsmanship, but it’s been a while since more than one of them was up here at a time. & they’re not exactly KIDS anymore. 
                ❝  everything ... cool?  ❞               
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ron-swex · 4 years
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After a 3 year hiatus, I’ve decided to reignite 🔥 my YouTube Music channel & continue my series of 🏍 motorcycle riding music videos. I’m upgrading my quality & currently gathering 4K cinematic footage for my new hot hit single “KAWAII HAWAII.”🌴 Just representing the beautiful island of Oahu in the purest POV form. 👁 (SWEXY-VISION) 👁 - - I used to make a song or remix a week back in 2016 with some success in the 5k-40k views amount. However, most of my songs were remixes & kept on getting deleted by YouTube’s algorithm. I would get major copyright strike cases on my mixes, mashups, & remixes. YouTube had a 3 strike system at the time & I was hit with a career shaking 2 strikes. One more & I was out the game with hours of sweat, blood, & tears wasted & erased from existence. - - I had 30+ remixes so it felt like I was rebelling against the system lol. But in 2017, it reached critical strike levels so I stopped all song & video production to prevent my channel from getting deleted. At the same time my soundcloud channel got deleted twice from their 3 strike copyright & I was one of the artists affected by the SoundCloud purge. I was on edge & discouraged from making music for years. - - So I had a SWEXY-TIME SKIP for 3 years just to improve my XP, level up & gain new found skills. Now with my new found powers as a sound engineer & music publishing knowledge... I can protect myself better & continue my journey with you spiritually, mentally, & now VISUALLY. STAY TUNED. - - - Fun Fact trivia : Motorcycle : Kawasaki Ninja 650 Name : N.O.R.A N. ICEST O. BJECT R.ON A. DORES Name inspired by The Flash’s Daughter “Nora.” A speedster from the future. - - - - #motorcycle #kawasaki #alamoana #alamoanacenter #cyclecity #sportbike #adventure #adventuretime #motorcycles #motorcycleart #motorcyclelife #hawaii #oahu #street #parking #concrete #ninja #650 #black #sportbikelife #cinematic #modeling (at Ala Moana Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5v0gXtg2Zq/?igshid=kt0a1rgms3b8
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maskedcharxsma · 5 years
-- Final Fantasy VII
A gentleman thief and friend to those within the slums. Lupin would often from the corrupt Shinra and try to make those trapped in the slums more comfortable with their living situations. He would steal for them, whether it’s a vehicle, technology or even gil.
-- Final Fantasy XIII and beyond
The young man lived his life as a gentleman thief and has always fought on behalf of the citizens much like N.O.R.A but just on his own. He’s often stolen from PSICOM and delivers his items in secret towards those in Bodhum that would need it.  
-- Final Fantasy XV
A thief and a gentleman that’s sworn allegiance to the family Fleuret. His loyalty lies in the hands of the family’s remaining descendants Lunafreya and Ravus, acting as a sort of mercenary on their behalf.
-- Fate
Arsene Lupin is a master with skills that would measure slightly above average. Hailing within Victorian London as a vigilante of the night. 
-- Kingdom Hearts Lupin once resides within the woken world of La Cité des Cloche, here, he lived as the son of a noble and lived a rather carefree life. Until one day his father had received a visit from a young man in a dark cloak. This man came with ideas, research that entices his father. With his funding, the cloaked man was able to conduct some experiments, but it was not long until his world was thrown into darkness.  His powerful heart managed to find refuge in Traverse Town alone. No longer with a name Arsene grew up on the unforgiven streets for many years and did what he had to in order to survive. These years alone have made him into an exceptional thief but of course, his heart was still pure so he had given himself a code and stole only from scoundrels and would share his winnings and never again stealing for his own personal gain. His mind did not forget about what had happened to his home, upon searching for answers about what had happened he’d stumble upon just two pages of what seems to be research notes (Ansem’s reports). It spoke of other worlds, the heart, and darkness. But of course, the pages were incomplete and they belonged to a specific set.
Lupin spent the rest of his life trying to understand this research until he was able to utilize the powers of darkness, this power allows him to cross the borders and travel to many other worlds now that they were mysteriously connected. Eventually, he’s pieced together the research notes and learned all he could, including the powers of a keyblade. He became marveled by its power because he himself never wielded one (and never will). Though it was quite unfortunate that he’s learned the powers of darkness and not that of the light, however, he has sworn to protect the light by using the darkness that he’s grown so accustomed to as The Gentleman Thief.
-- Kuroshitsuji
A vigilante prowling the streets of London, adored by the people, however, scorned by the Scotland yard. His loyalty, however, would reside with those who crave justice.
-- Fire Emblem: Three houses
With growing concerns and suspicion over Lady Rhea Lupin took it upon himself to explore the Monastery and its secrets. Enrolling as a teacher under the name Maurice working undercover whilst acting as the masked gentleman thief by the name of Arsene Lupin helping his students and other teachers alike from the shadows. (His loyalty lies under the faction Byleth chooses.)
-- Assassin’s Creed
-- Fullmetal Alchemist/BH
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etrata · 11 months
Winners are Serenity Rosemead, N.O.R.A, and Dr. Sango Akagane! Will post Serenity vs. Sango tomorrow, then the winner of that bracket will go up against N.O.R.A after (given N.O.R.A won a best of 3, she gets the advance to next round pass)!
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enigmatic-elegance · 7 years
All character kinks: spankings
I have a lot of characters…….
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know
“..do you think I deserve that?..”
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know
“I hit back..”
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know
“..Honestly, never tried it but.. It sort of sounds like it could be fun!”
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know
“It’s hard to resist, to be honest. I can’t blame you.”
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know
“I’ve done it.. But I prefer to do other things to one’s arse.”
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know
“I don’t feel anything anymore..”
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know
“Just another way to get good girls to make bad sounds.”
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know
“Please don’t hit me..”
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know
“I’m sure it could be fun. I also might kill you..”
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know
“I gain nothing from this.”
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know
“Real talk sometimes I smack my own ass. Fun times.”
Lost Child:
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know
“No..touch.. make bite.. bite..”
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know
“Go away.”
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know
“Not one of my own, to be rather honest. Too submissive for my taste.”
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know
“Great way to get my attention..”
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know
“Hurt me, I’ll hurt you back. Won’t that be fun?”
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know
“Not really m’thing but I get how it’s hard ta resist.”
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know 
“Just ask Clementine, hmm?”
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know
“-Un.. -ACC-ptable. Can.. -with no– input.”
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know
“It is so much very the fun to enjoy with.”
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know
“I fear I am well past that part of my life, kura’kia.”
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know 
“I’d rather just be left alone, honestly..”
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know
“Honestly? I got enough on my plate without ya tryin ta jump my ass all over..”
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know
“It may be smaller but it can take a hit.”
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know
“Something fun about punishing the Confessor, I’ll admit.”
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know
“Only twenty five people have ever tried, twenty three died within one day, twenty one of those twenty three perished to blunt trauma.”
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know
“I’ll do it.. if you command it.”
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rhaishara · 5 years
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N.O.R.A (en Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/esVOk2HEcV Outer Space Awards 2019. Participante # 21 ¿Hemos abandonado nuestra humanidad para sobrevivir? ¿A esto hemos quedado reducidos? ¡Poco más que máquinas y aberraciones sólo por sobrevivir! ¡Y ellos son los peores y todos ustedes lo saben, sí ellos, que manchan nuestra herencia, mestizos y traidores! ¡N.O.R.A su simple mención mancha nuestras bocas …
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grindcorebot · 6 years
[Grindcore|Bandcamp] N.O.R.A. - All kind of ugly sounds VOL. I https://t.co/4y43DglWPL pic.twitter.com/51V0sGWaYN
— Grindcore Music (@grindcore_bot) October 4, 2018
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dmtagbot · 6 years
[Bandcamp] N.O.R.A. - All kind of ugly sounds VOL. I https://t.co/jl45olmyrD pic.twitter.com/i6gNZUQG72
— #death metal in BC (@dmtag_bot) October 4, 2018
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neverendthings · 7 years
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The Monster under my Bed. You can always follow me for more.
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vi0lense · 6 years
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Фотопроект творческой группы N.O.R.A. Galatea 2.0 Презентация состоялась 18 мая 2017, КЦ “Хитровка”
http://vnore5.wixsite.com/galatea2-0 https://vk.com/galatea02
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