#Nanase Kitsune
foundfamilyhq · 3 months
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pthariensflame · 4 months
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I am very happy with @danshive’s art.
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dizzyhslightlyvoided · 5 months
Okay, now Ashley's impressed with Nanase.
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egsreactions · 1 year
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Before anyone asks me what this is a reaction image for: Whenever you've hit rock bottom and are still going, clearly. Also those are very cute hardhats. I was compelled.
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oinkymoo · 5 months
Nanase really went 👀 huh
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privateeye-cj · 1 year
Over The Rainbow deleted scene.
"Can we ignore LittleSuze for a moment?" Susan asked, a light blush still on her cheeks.
"If I'm allowed to stop trying to calculate the energy required to have her hover like this?" the blond Japanese, Hakuba, said in a pained tone.
"Can I touch her first?" Conan piped up, still rubbing sleep from his eyes.
Susan suppressed a snort. Little Suze reluctantly abandoned patting the sleeping Nanase's hair and flew over to him. Hovering just 15 cm from his face, the fairy doll offered a tiny hand. Conan gulped, and slowly extended a finger. He seemed to stop breathing when they touched.
"If you have eliminated the impossible..." Kuroba began.
"Stop misquoting Holmes!" Conan and Hakuba both shot angry glares at the magician.
"Logic is the beginning of wisdom" Kuroba said.
"Not the end," Susan finished with a smile.
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M!Nanase's haircut was not that bad.
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Please keep in mind I don't know most of the ships/couples in the preliminary round. If you think something doesn't belong in this poll, vote that couple/ship out & please be civil!
For Ellen and Nanase (there's a lot & i love them just based on this):
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For Rictor and Shatterstar:
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For Megumin and Yunyun:
For Judai Yuki and Yubel:
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For Chi Soo and Gi Tae:
For Pat and Pran:
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may i ask who you've had submitted for star trek and also if you've had any submissions from the webcomic el goonish shive 👀
From various Star Trek medias, Elim Garak has been posted already, and in terms of other submissions, I have Jazida Dax, Paul Stamets, Hugh Culber, Adira Tal, Beckett Mariner, Hikaru Sulu, Jett Rino, Gray Tal, Seven of Nine, Andy Billups, and Jennifer Sh'reyan.
For El Goonish Shive, I have submissions for Tedd Verres, Grace Sciuridae, Elliot Dunkel, Ashley, Nanase Kitsune, Ellen Dunkel, Justin Tolkiberry, Diane, and Catalina Bobcat
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bcomic-blog · 6 months
Been rereading some goonish Shive chapter and I am pretty this was Tedd mom talking, which I didn't catch in the first read:
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And honestly I think it's really funny how, kind of childish she sounds? It make me really want to see her in person.
Yes, definitely
A lot of readers guessed at the time that it might be her, but it wasn't at all obvious or certain that was correct until the climax of the chapter, (still one of my favorite scenes in the Shive canon)....
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As to Noriko (Tedd's mom) coming across as immature: I think there are several bits to that
1) They've never specified birth order between the Kitsune sisters but Nanase's mom has SUCH an older sibling vibe, it's not surprising that Noriko has younger sibling vibe
2) I suspect she may have a bit of Spoiled Prodigy arrested development?
3) But in fairness, she's monologueing her train of consciousness while alone in her room, no reason for her to filter herself to not seem immature!
But, yeah, can't wait to actually meet her. There's no reason, after missing every other event, for her to show up to Edward's wedding, and yet I 75% expect she will, but it'll turn out there's some magic-emergency type real reason she finally turns up
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hellcatinnc · 4 months
Valentine's Memes Otome/Anime Edition - NSFW
Continue with some sexy men of otome/anime and my first reaction when I see the picture. If you have any man you want to see and my reaction let me know. Again this is NSFW
Arnold....Daddy... sounds the same to me... this man can surely be my daddy
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Challe...baby you are too hot to handle but I still wanna try
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Jinshi is a naughty boy.... I want to play with him
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FFS Ran Ran - Orgasm Face - YES PLEASE!
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Oh Ren You Fuckin Tease
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Noah - Damn Boy!!! RAWR!!
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Have No Clue (Nanase Haruka) But I Don't Even Need To Know - This is him getting out of a bathtub like WTF
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Miketsukami - Oh baby boy turn into that kitsune.. and breed me!
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Oh Kasha you will be the death of me with just your look
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Naofumi Iwatani - He is a hottie especially since Kaito Ishikawa is voicing him
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FUCK!!! Aki Is My MASTER!!
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Natsume & Victor ----- sdfvjsdofvjaoisdngfious *DROOLS*
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Zayne OH BABY Think I need a shower too...seems a bit moist on this side!!
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zeemczed · 1 year
As a fan of both Monster prom and EGS it is my solemn duty to try to give characters from it a monstersona (I mean not really, but i will anyway because i want to):
Tedd: Either a Fae or Genie. (It is so hard for them to be restrained with all that magic, you have no idea.)
Elliot and Ellen: Golem. (Started as one big golem but were separated into two smaller ones.)
Nanase: Kitsune. (It's almost painful how obvious this one is.)
Sarah: Witch. (Dream of someday joining in the adventures of The Coven. Might have a lot of fanart about it.)
Susan: Monster Slayer with faint traces of elf. (She prefer not to talk about either of those things.)
Diane: Half-elf. (Found out recently. Half freaking out. Half think is awesome.)
Ashley: Angel. (Very low ranking. Constantly thinks she is gonna fall. She is probably right.)
Grace: Is the only one who is completely human. (I think that would be very funny.)
Very good options. I headcanon'ed Elliot and Ellen as dragons (because DRAGON SISTERS!), but golem works pretty well too, and I figured Susan for a werewolf because of the card game arc. Also yes Ashley is VERY much going to fall. Harder than Azazel if that's possible. (Damien would be super supportive of her kinky nonsense stories fwiw and would be her most outspoken fan)
Also: -Justin is fae, claiming descent from the Tuatha. -Lucy is an oni. -Rhoda is a sorceress. -Catalina is a catgirl and might be related to the Oberlins. Distantly. -Tensaided is a MINOTAUR HECK YEAH -Sensei Greg is Sensei Greg. Because a non-perverted Anime Style Martial Arts master is abnormal enough to qualify. -Rich is a troll, Larry is a really tall goblin.
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masterweaverx · 4 years
Me: “I should probably be writing so I don’t get so desperate at the last minute that--”
My brain: “The El Goonish Shive characters as students of Beacon academy MAKE IT HAPPEN GO GO GO!”
Me: “FINE. I’ll draw notes, but I’m not necessarily doing the story!”
So anyway here’s some notes for a story I’m not necessarily doing.
Team SPET (Spectral), led by Grace
Grace Sciuridae:
Faunus, Vale origin. Squirrel tail, “antennae” forelocks, and clawed fingernails/toenails (not actual claws, she just let them grow out.
Emblem: An acorn, generally worn as a pin on her sleeve.
Outfit is a loose long-sleeved shirt in green, black pants, bandoleer belt with a sheathe for her weapon and pouches, and no shoes/gloves.
Beacon uniform adjustments: no shoes, and she doesn’t wear the neck ribbon thing, but otherwise standard girl’s outfit.
Semblance: Extensorary. Grace can extend her aura to feel anything in the area, manipulate objects, or simulate flight.
Weapon: Shade Tail. A zweihander that splits into two bladed whips. Possible Dust effects.
Backstory: Kidnapped as a child by Damien, who in this universe is an absolutely insane faunus-supremacist that thinks he can control the Grimm, Grace lived several unkind years in the forests of Vale before managing to escape and arriving at Beacon academy. Ozpin let her in as a student mostly to provide her the protection of paperwork, since from what she’s describing Damien might be tied to the Bigger Secret of the world. She becomes partners with Tedd during initiation. Her upbringing does leave her mostly the same as EGS prime canon, ignorance of all social norms included, but she has an especial dislike of the creatures of Grimm due to Damien’s madness. Also she doesn’t get racism. Period.
Susan Pompoms:
Human, Argus origin. Appears mostly the same as EGS canon, with exception of single blonde side-braid.
Emblem: Venus symbol, used as a belt buckle.
Outfit is a dark blue longcoat has straps on the back, through which backpack straps are run to hold onto her Big Box O’ Stuff. Wears blue pants held up by belt and going into calf-high boots, black leotard, and black three-finger half gloves. Shoulder armor and a metal backbrace.
Beacon uniform adjustments: Boy’s uniform instead of girl’s, but otherwise standard.
Semblance: Portation. Susan can mark any container as hers and teleport whatever's in it to herself and back.
Weapon: Morrígna. A warhammer that can split into a sword and mallet. The mallet can morph into a one-handed gun.
Backstory: The early parts of the backstory would remain basically the same, but she doesn’t meet Nanase until Beacon and has only a passing familiarity with Sarah as ‘Oh yeah, her family comes to Argus sometimes.’ But she would have a friendship/rivalry with Pyrrha, which might lead to some interesting interactions with Jaune. She winds up partnered with Elliot during initiation. And, upon realizing how completely unaware of social norms sheltered Grace is, would be very vocal about certain people not abusing her.
Elliot Dunkel:
Human, Mantle origin. Literally looks the same as canon, because why break a good look?
Emblem: An oval with some abstract lines, seen as a symbol on his shirt.
Outfit is a White cape and black crop-top, black pants and white shoes, belts in an x-shape over his belly with pouches for carrying things.
Beacon uniform adjustments: he does not wear the white undershirt. That’s it. The jacket’s buttoned up, but he doesn’t wear the undershirt.
Semblance: Soul Fury. Elliot can draw on the negativity of others, such as pain and fear, in order to increase his own physical attack strength. He has trained this to a degree that he is capable of jumping to intense heights.
Weapons: Honor and Justice. Arm-mounted bladed tonfas, capable of shooting grappling hooks from the wrist to either drag himself to a location or to bring a foe to him. Used to be part of the Four Ideals, but leg-mounted equivalents went to Ellen.
Backstory: Saved Tedd from some bullies during one of his visits to Mantle, became close friends. Otherwise standard backstory. Some people might note his childhood doesn’t mention his twin sister, and he’ll say there was a whole money-legality thing until recently. Anybody with a truth-sensing semblance will know he’s lying. The truth, however, is Very Classified. Like seriously you don’t know how classified it is.
Tedd Verres:
Human, Atlas origin. Left half of his hair is the original ‘long hair’, right half is the new ‘pixie cut’.
Emblem: A circle with three lines extending from it, which is placed on his equipment.
Outfit is a light blue longcoat with internal pockets (and everyone is going to comment on that since none of the other characters have pockets), light blue pants, black shirt and boots. Also some purple armor around his chest that is slightly rounded and matching greaves on his legs.
Beacon uniform adjustments: wears the girl’s outfit, but with a tie.
Semblance: Copyscan. Tedd can identify other people's semblances with some observation, and make limited-use copies of them with physical contact.
Weapon: Convergence. A gauntlet with an extendable shield, which also stores copies of semblances. Ted also has an energy pistol called Expedience.
Backstory: Tedd’s dad still works for a coverup agency, but now it’s the RWBY-canon ‘Keep Magic and the existence of Salem an utter secret’ cover-up agency. Tedd was brought into this against his father’s wishes when General Ironwood realized the potency of his semblance, but this also gave him access to a few classified doohickies such as this fused universe’s version of the Dewitchery Diamond. Going to Beacon is meant as a ‘field test’ of Tedd as an agent, at least according to Ironwood, but there’s also his dad wanting him to have friends that aren’t involved in all the top secret drama. Also yes, he does have a copy of Ellen’s gender change spell in Convergence which she willingly refreshes for him, and he will sometimes spend time as a girl. (Possible connection to May Marigold down the line?)
Team STNE (Stone), led by Sarah
Sarah Brown:
Human, Mistral origin. The only real difference is that her hairband now sports fancy curls and flanges and also it’s made of bronze as a sort of informal helmet.
Emblem: a double-sided question mark which is engraved into her arm guards.
Outfit is a pink knee-length dress, belt with four pouches radially aligned. Armored boots, greaves, and with her shoulders, all bronze.
Beacon uniform adjustments: none, but she still wears her headgear.
Semblance: Lookout. Sarah can instantly take in details about her environment to a highly detailed degree, with a range that extends the more aura she pours into it. While she can examine things that might be hidden, i.e. the inside of a closed book, she cannot change anything.
Weapon: Zauberei. Spear/staff that can shift into a rifle and split into a pistol and dagger. It sort of looks like a giant paintbrush?
Backstory: An ordinary Mistral combat student who went up against Pyrrha Nikos and Susan during some combat tournaments and got a case of starry eyes for both of them. Upon hearing they were going to Beacon, she decided to go too because why not? What she doesn’t realize is that she’s going to be put in charge of a team of Secrets and Drama. She winds up partnered with Justin during initiation.
Justin Tolkiberry:
Human, Vale origin. Aside from a very fancy set of earrings in one ear, he looks about the same as his canon counterpart.
Emblem: Abstract fire, which is displayed prominantly on the back of his gi.
Outfit is an open orange gi with lots of red fire patterns and buckled belts around the ankles, thighs, biceps, and forearms. Also sandles. And he does have a belt around the pants with a few pouches.
Beacon uniform adjustments: Wears sandles instead of shoes.
Semblance: Not known, exactly. Justin knows he can ignore damage sometimes, but the details are unclear.
Weapon: Dashing Delver. A rectangle-headed shovel that turns into a tower shield/sled.
Backstory: Basically the same as canon Justin, except that because Remnant is more accepting of LGBT+ people overall he wasn’t bullied and was just very irritated at Mellissa. Also Elliot and Nanase were on entirely different continents so there’s that. He’ll be the snarky rational one when everything about his team is revealed. 
Nanase Kitsune:
Faunus, Menagerie origin. Has naturally dual-colored hair to match her naturally dual-colored fox ears.
Emblem: A heart-shaped fox head thing she wears on her shirt.
Outfit is a black jacket, yellow croptop with emblem in red, red skirt with yellow trim, red armbands, black shoes, and a pouch belt that hangs off one hip instead of being used as a belt.
Beacon Uniform Adjustment: She keeps her armbands.
Semblance: Fairy Companion. Nanase can summon fairy companions to herself or anyone she has an emotional connection with. These fairies run off her subconscious unless she deliberately controls them, and can be used to communicate, scout, or detonate as weapons. Their size is controllable, ranging from ‘hold in one hand’ to ‘outright as big as Nanase herself’, though they always appear to be wearing what Nanase is at time of summoning. Larger fairies take proportionally more aura to summon.
Weapon: Faewind. A backpack with four cable-attached fairy wings. Each wing is a bladed arm/leg shield with inbuilt nozzles that serve either as short-range blasters or a jetpack when retracted.
Backstory: The Kitsunes are a very important family in Menagerie, with a lot of political clout, and Nanase is expected to reflect that as her mother sends her to Beacon in order to indirectly represent Menagerie at the Vytal tournament. Nanase, however, is using this first chance to not have to be a Perfect Icon to actually search for her own identity. She becomes partners with Ellen during initiation, and picks up on how Ellen is really not comfortable talking about her own past. There’s a slow gradual growth of trust going on, and Nanase slowly comes to realize she might love this girl.
Ellen Dunkel:
Human(ish), Mantle origin. Looks the same as canon because of course she does.
Emblem: A rectangular mirror with a suspiciously familiar diamond shape in the center, painted on her shirt.
Outfit: Where Elliot wears a cape, Ellen wears an open coat. But otherwise it’s basically the same, if adjusted for female.
Beacon Uniform adjustments: She doesn’t wear the socks. That’s it. She wears the shoes but not the socks.
Semblance: Shift Beam. Ellen is capable of generating a beam of light from her palm. If the target has no active aura, it is impacted with a degree of force relative to the amount of aura input. If a target does have aura, the beam can cause temporary physical alteration; Ellen is still learning the ins and outs of this, but she can usually make other bodies more like hers (i.e. physically female). This is noted to be unusual, since no other known semblance outright shapeshifts people. Consequently, she tries to avoid using it in ways where this can be observed.
Weapon: Courage and Virtue. Leg tonfas. Complete with jump-jets. Used to be Elliot's.
Backstory: Officially she’s just the long-lost twin of Elliot’s who recently got back out of the foster care system. Unofficially, the dewitchery diamond exists in this fused universe and Ellen has to keep her origin a secret because if Salem heard about her hooooo boy! The original plan was for her, Elliot, and Tedd to all be on the same team so they could protect each other but she wound up partnering with Nanase and then on a seperate team and now Ellen is conflicted between explaining her origins to her partner and not wanting people to freak out. But she does slowly start to explain her various quirks, as people (especially Nanase) start to notice stuff about her.
The Plot:
I dunno, team SPET and STNE interact with teams RWBY and JNPR and get involved in the world-spanning conspiracy? My brain is saying this is enough for now.
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Like seriously, rereading early El Goonish Shive, it's clear in hindsight that Tedd Verres was the eggiest egg who ever egged, and that this eggness involved a kind of performative hypermasculine jerkishness in a "the kind of Straight Guy™ he thought he was supposed to be" sort of way (which actually kind of parallels his cousin Nanase, now that I think of it, since she dated Elliot as "the kind of Straight Guy™ she thought she was supposed to be attracted to"), which manifested in the form of being overtly horny at girls his age.
And this pretty much directly seems to parallel Dan Shive writing a protagonist with said performative jerkishness and perversion. And both Dan and Tedd developed out of this!
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egsreactions · 11 months
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meowloudly15 · 6 years
El Goonish Shive: A Rant
There's a pretty darn awesome webcomic on the 'net called "El Goonish Shive". I am a fan. Some of its highlights:
-Excellent character writing
-Adorable lesbian couples (don't judge me)
-Some AWESOME callback moments that prove for just how long the strip has been planned in advance
-It's hilarious
-The way in which the art style gradually improves is TREMENDOUS and gives me motivation to draw
-"I'M TOO YOUNG AND TOO MALE TO BE THE MOTHER OF A SEVENTEEN-YEAR-OLD FEMALE ME!" (Yes, this is an actual thing that was actually said in the comic.)
So... below holds spoilers for those of you who have not read past the twelve-year mark. (Yes, there is a lot of comic for you to catch up on.) YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
I like pretty much all of the characters in the strip, but the one whom I like the most?
Nanase Kitsune.
I think this quote sums her up pretty well:
"She's athletic, smart, trilingual, can kick the *** of anyone who messes with her, is theoretically good-looking enough that most people are nice to her by default (I wouldn't know because she's my cousin)… and when she's not burned out, she's an insanely potent magic user." -Tedd
You get a character like that, who has all that PLUS the longest-running, most stable relationship out of all the teenagers in the entire strip, some truly epic scenes of awesomeness, AND was on the receiving end of an AWESOME Deus Ex Machina moment, and you may think that she's a Mary Sue. (For those of you who don't know, Mary Sues are essentially perfect characters in relation to the story.) But she doesn't have everything going for her.
Nanase has had her share of struggles, what with dealing with her own sexuality, in general, in relation to her mother's more conservative views, and in relation to Ellen; witnessing her girlfriend ALMOST DIE and risking her life for her; that one incident in France (which is one of a number of reasons why I like Susan so much); and the hair issues. (Of course, that's an exaggeration.)
Again, you may see that and think, "She has had lots of angst. She is extremely gifted/lucky/favoured. She's definitely a Mary Sue." She's not. You know why? Her personality.
Nanase is very nice. She's almost always kind to others, no matter the situation. In the incident involving the hair (from which I took the above Tedd quote), Sarah summarises Nanase's reaction as the following: "And then something does go wrong and she's all understanding and awesome about it." Nanase is also calmer than pretty much all of the cast. She's serene and nice and a good person.
But she doesn't have a big head about it.
Nanase, above all else, despite her many talents, is humble.
Believe me, a Mary Sue would not be quite so humble.
Nanase is just a generally likeable character. She's sympathetic and cool and has an excellent personality and is not as perverted as some characters (e.g. Tedd, Ellen).
Last but not least, she's grateful. I think this is a good quote to end with:
"I don't know, but I thanked God all the same."
Nanase is a good little gay Christian wizard girl.
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