#Elf Larry
egsreactions · 11 months
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thefantastician · 1 year
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a merry christmas to all, and to all, a merry christmas
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mtg-cards-hourly · 7 days
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Drove of Elves
"The light of beauty protects our journeys through darkness."
Artist: Larry MacDougall TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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gameraboy2 · 2 years
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Wild Elf by Larry Elmore
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The Offering by Larry Elmore
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mudwerks · 11 months
(via Sly & The Family Stone Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin) 1970)
Larry Graham on bass
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jetwhy · 1 year
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ladyaj-13 · 1 year
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The Elf who Saved Christmas by LadyAJ_13
Written for the @1dchristmasfest! Check out the rest of the fics here.
Pairing: Louis/Harry
Tags: Fluff, Meet-Cute, AU, Mall Santa, Elf!Harry
Rating: G
Length: 2.6k
Summary: Ernie and Doris are tired, grouchy, and no one told Louis you had to book an appointment to see Santa.
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spyderschaos · 1 year
DnD character (Jolyn) backstory porq Alex(dm) ya me tenia loca
For most of her life, the sea was all Jolyn knew. She was born and raised on the Calico Jack by her moms Anne Bonny and Mary Read but dnd version so they were the captains bc I said so. She was born through magic bc Alex wanted to know how she was born idk. Her mom’s taught her everything she’d needed to know since she was old enough to… well do anything basically. Anne and Mary were sure that one day she would be the one to take over as captain of the Calico Jack and wanted her to be ready for it when they decided to hand over the reins.
Since she grew up on the ship, she got close to many of the crew members. Some even taught her things they had picked up from wherever it was they had been before. She learned how to be very sneaky, a skill that she definitely used very, very often. If something went missing there'd be no question that Jolyn had taken it. Of course, she’d give things back to the crew… she’d give most things back... she'd give some things back.
When she became a young adult, Anne and Mary decided that if Jolyn would one day be captain of the Calico Jack, she would have to learn how to lead a ship on her own. One that wasn’t the Calico Jack of course, not yet, I mean they couldn’t let anything happen to their ship and crew just yet. So they sent off Jolyn on a new adventure. One to start her own crew and take care of her own ship. And one day she would come back and tell them about all that happened.
And she did just that. However, the crew didn’t last very long. Turns out many of them ended up not liking life at sea and wanted to do something else with their lives, like start a boy band or something, who knows. So for plot reasons, they disbanded and set off on their own journeys once again.
After a long day of not having anything to do, Jolyn decided to stop by a spa. There she met others who were also looking for something to do. And off they went. To find something to do, a new adventure with a new team.
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This is her :)
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dragonchildcomic · 5 months
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I just finished inking this coloring page of Chase, my poor put upon elf. I am a fan of Larry Correia’s Monster Hunter book series, which portrays American elves as trailer park hicks. This is not the case for my elves, but Chase has dressed as a human to go unseen a few times. This coloring page is my tribute to Correia’s hilarious elven hicks. Enjoy.
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growingwithem · 2 years
Stay with someone who looks at you the way donghae looks at eunhyuk ♡
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mtg-cards-hourly · 7 months
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Drove of Elves
"The light of beauty protects our journeys through darkness."
Artist: Larry MacDougall TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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specklelouis · 2 years
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trapezequeen · 1 year
Song of the Day-Silly Song Saturday (3/18/23)
“My Baby Elf” by Larry the Cucumber
Reblog or Comment if you listened to it
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kursed-curtain · 1 year
Hear Me Out
A Kyle and Larry ficlet (and a rewrite of A Sharp Set of Hearing - a fic from one year ago~)
Kyle grew up with stories of his heritage strung to his heart - like a somber melody he could play by ear. Tales of the fae realm, of tricksters who stole from humans, and how their kind had faded away over time. The people of Daventry didn't take kindly to 'inhuman' creatures. From goblins, to fairies, and even… elves. Kyle rubbed the tip of his own pointed ears as he brushed his hair out of the way.
The only human that Kyle had told about his elven heritage was Larry.
Larry was curious about elves, and others who weren't native to his homeland, but he was also supportive of Kyle and Kyle's wish to keep his elf nature hidden. Larry helped plenty with hiding the whole thing, including double-checking that Kyle's hair covered up his ears when he was in public.
They shared stories about their lives with each other - for the more they understood each other, the better they could work together. Their differences were their strengths.
Kyle just wished others could see the same way.
Kyle and Larry couldn't remember the last time they went to a Daventry festival this lively. Ever since King Graham had been crowned, the kingdom gained a brand new splash of color to everything. The two of them were sent to patrol the festival grounds - though just because they were working didn't mean they couldn't have fun.
Often, with his high vantage point, Larry would point out an interesting looking stand, or Kyle would hear a merchant at one of the booths and make a mad dash to see what was being sold.
Eventually the two made their way across the festival towards one of Larry's favorite vendors - the sweet and pastry stand. Kyle was smiling from ear-to-ear, his heart melting a little at the sight of the handmade treats. Larry laughed, giving Kyle a quick tap on the helmet "Hey, hey, Kyle." Kyle looked up and Larry just smirked, "Let's go get some donuts."
Kyle just laughed, "Sounds like a plan!"
As the two walked away with their purchases - Kyle with his hearts and flowery fondant sprinkles, and Larry with his honey glaze donut - they saw crowds begin to form around the center stage.
"No one told me there was a performance today," Kyle muttered, "What do you think it's going to be?"
Larry leaned in and steered Kyle towards the stage, "Only one way to find out!"
Kyle stood on the tips of his toes. "What do you see up there, Larry?"
Larry squinted. "I see…"
A group of instrumentalists in gaudy outfits set up on stage. They brought drums and strings and a strange set of crystal balls held up by engraved handles.
Their lutanist strummed a note to test out the sound, and the note rang throughout the entire venue. Kyle jumped back in surprise, his ear twitching under his helmet. "When did lutes get so loud?" He groaned.
"It's not the lute, it's their crystals!" Larry pointed towards the crystal amplifiers, rippling with magic every time a note was played. Larry was enjoying himself, Kyle less so.
The rest of the band joined in, the drums and the cymbals causing Kyle to flinch. He gripped Larry's legs tighter, then closed his eyes and tried to drown out the noise with his own thoughts.
The sound simply rang through Kyle's metal helmet, enhancing the sound even more inside his armor.
Larry panicked when Kyle lurched back. "Kyle, what's going on?" All of Larry's focus was drawn away from the band and to Kyle. Kyle's knees simply buckled. Larry tried to call over the music again, "Kyle, what do you need?"
All Kyle could reply was a whimper.
Larry tapped on Kyle's shoulder, then steered Kyle towards a little recess between two buildings, far enough from the concert yet still in the festival grounds.
Kyle sat on a crate, breathing slowly. The adrenaline of the situation was still coursing through him, but he did his best to calm his nerves. Larry clambered off Kyle's shoulders and sat next to him.
"Can you help me take my helmet off?" Kyle's voice quavered.
Larry screwed Kyle's helmet off and placed it under his arm. Larry rubbed Kyle's back. "Are you alright?"
Kyle nodded, taking a deep breath in and releasing it. "Yeah. I think so. Just... a little frazzled." He laughed a little, trying to make light of the situation. "Who thought shiny rock music could get so loud?!"
Larry chuckled, "I think those were moreso metal crystals, but I'm not the geologist here!"
The two leaned into each other and laughed. Larry caressed the back of Kyle's aching ears. Kyle hummed giddily.
"Thanks Larry, I needed that." he said, feeling a bit of weight off his shoulders. "I'll be alright. But man… those crystals! How can anyone enjoy getting that close to them without going deaf?!"
"Yeah, it's like people want to not hear the concert. Very counterintuitive, if you ask me," Larry ribbed.
"Maybe they just want to feel the vibrations, or something." Kyle shrugged. "If only they knew how harmful it would be." He said, giving his ear a little rub.
Larry felt his own, rounded human ears. "Maybe it's just not as intense to them as it is to you?"
Kyle nodded "Probably," he sighed, "Another thing to add to the giant list of flaws…"
The sound of clanking metal boots approaching met Kyle's ears before it met Larry's. Kyle's ears perked up at the sound as he instinctively snatched his helmet from Larry and placed it back on. Kyle's eyes were wide, and he was looking all around now, like a mouse that just heard a housecat.
Larry's eyes darted around warily. "Kyle, what did you-"
The two turned to meet the gaze of Royal Guard Number One.
"I see you two took your break without alerting anyone to cover for you."
Kyle and Larry sat up straight. "We apologize for that, sir." Kyle managed to utter.
"You could have at least taken your break somewhere closer to the concert." No.1 huffed.
Larry sighed. "We could, but it's-"
Another riff rang through the air, and Kyle winced like a dog at a dog whistle. Kyle flinched, putting his hands to his helmet. "It's… so… loud." he winced again. "I- we just… needed a spot away from humans."
"Humans?" No.1 tilted his head.
"I… I mean…" Kyle's eyes darted around in distress, looking for an excuse.
Larry chuckled a bit and turned to No1. "The music is just a little hard on Kyle's ears, is all." He shrugged, "Plus, I don't want to go deaf standing next to the stage. There needs to be new regulations on volume." Larry mentioned, hoping to throw No.1 off the scent. Larry turned to look down at Kyle, who had a relieved and thankful look on his face.
"Ah, do you need me to go find you earbuds?" No.1's tone shifted slightly, to something more sincere.
"You would really do that?" Kyle asked, hopeful.
No.1 nodded. "Anything I can do to assist. Would you like me to get you some for you too, Larry? I have plenty. That way both of you can return to work."
Larry saluted, "Of course, sir! Thanks a ton!"
No.1 turned about face and marched off, though still wondering what shenanigans those two were up to.
Kyle untensed his shoulders and he could finally relax. "Thank goodness. I thought he was gonna figure it out!" he whispered. Kyle smiled at Larry. "Thanks, Larry, for getting us out of that one."
Larry winked back at Kyle and smiled. "It's what we do." He reached his elbow across his body for Kyle to elbow bump him.
Larry leaned back, resting his head on the back wall. "Though, don't you think Number One would keep your secret safe?"
Kyle curled into himself.
"I mean," Larry rolled to look at Kyle. "He cares about the both of us; he cares about all the guards, really. Don't you think he's honorable enough to not mind?"
"I don't think it's possible for him to 'not mind' anything," Kyle mumbled, "He's firm about his traditional values. I've told you the stories, right?" Kyle looked Larry in the eyes, desperation on his face. "What if he realizes and he… I don't know, what if he discharges me?"
Larry held Kyle's hands. "Not on my watch, he won't."
The two of them turned as Number One came back with a set of earplugs. Apparently he had spares - Maybe they were for all the times the guards spent causing chaos.
Kyle grabbed a pair, removed his helmet, and put the earplugs in his ears. The relief of being able to silence that horrible noise was almost euphoric. "Wow, this is fantastic." He said, "Thank you!"
No.1 nodded. Then he stared, tilting his head again.
Kyle wondered what was up with No.1. Larry was mouthing something. Whispering, possibly. "I can't hear you, I have earplugs in!" Kyle reminded. He wiggled his ears in emphasis, then realized No.1 was staring at them… At his ears.
Kyle's face flushed clean of any color.
"Oh those are... Um... Kyle's ear warmers!" Larry tried to make an excuse. He held onto Kyle's sensitive ear tips.
Touching the tips was a particularly rude gesture for elves, but this wasn't the time for Kyle to point it out. "Yes! That's it! Ear warmers." Kyle said with a nervous smile. "We... uh... it gets cold out here, you know?" he whispered, trying to act natural, even though his breathing was shaky.
No.1 didn't respond.
"What, you've never seen someone use ear warmers before?" Larry said, nervously laughing. "What kind of guard would you be if you've never worn them on chilly nights?" He chuckled some more.
"Your ears are cold in this blazing heat…" No.1 practically pierced through every lie they told right into Kyle's soul.
Kyle gulped, his stomach turning over. He could feel his heart racing, his ears getting red and more sensitive than usual, like he was about to combust. 'Get a hold of yourself,' he thought. 'You're blowing your cover.'
Larry was definitely sweating, his eyes darting from side to side as well.
Kyle and Larry looked at each other, knowing the other was thinking the same thing - 'Should we just tell the truth?'
At the same time, Kyle and Larry nodded to each other.
"You know what?" Kyle said, "You're right. These... these aren't ear warmers after all." He said nervously. He looked at his partner. "I... I'm an elf. A half-elf." His ears twitched as he said that last part.
No.1 cleared his throat. "Well-"
Larry jumped between Kyle and No1. "Sir, I'm not allowing you to discharge Kyle."
Larry turned to Kyle with a look like 'I got you.' Kyle held a look of gratitude on his face.
The guard put his hands up. "Wait. Wait. Calm down. I'm not discharging him." He looked at Kyle. "Is it true? You're an elf?" He said the last part with disbelief, "I thought all of them were gone."
"...The kingdom had a majority of fae banished for their suspected crimes against the kingdom." No.1 continued. "I just didn't suspect you would be one."
Kyle felt a chill run down his spine. "W-well I'm not here for revenge or to carry out any crimes,"
Larry added, "Kyle's trustworthy, and a strong asset to the guards, too!"
Kyle nodded, trying to hide his reddening face at the indirect compliment. "I promise I'm here to serve the kingdom and keep it safe."
After an unreadable silence, No.1 cleared his throat. "I believe you've been a guard long enough to prove that you aren't up to anything."
Kyle and Larry let out their breaths they'd been holding. Kyle smiled, "I'm glad that's off my chest! Though," he looked to No.1, "I still want to keep this a secret from most people, just to keep safe, but I can't keep it all inside forever." Kyle stood between No.1 and Larry. "You two can be… you can be my confidants, of sorts."
Number One put a hand on Kyle's shoulder and knelt to meet Kyle's eyes. "I'll leave it up to you if you want to reveal this to any others, but just know that I will defend you against the people who oppose your kind. Mark my words."
"I really, really appreciate that." Kyle said, giving No.1 a warm smile. Kyle felt a huge weight off his shoulders. "It's been hard, keeping it a secret, but you're right - my actions so far are proof I'm here for the right reason."
Larry hugged Kyle. "No matter what you are, you're always Kyle, and the best guard I know."
Kyle laughed, "Okay, the cheese is melting, you're in cheese territory!" Larry held Kyle, giggling the entire time.
"Not to interrupt," No.1 said, with a slight smile - glad to see them happy again, "But I believe it's about time you two return to work."
Larry leaned into Kyle. "Ready to get back out there?"
Kyle grabbed Larry's hand. "Absolutely, let's get out of here." Kyle said eagerly, like his normal self again. Kyle bent down and Larry sat on his shoulders.
Kyle turned back to No.1. "Thank you so much, Number One. I really appreciate your help." Kyle shook No.1's hand. "You're amazing."
The duo put on their helmets with a clang, muffled by their earplugs, then set off to watch the concert once more.
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