#Niyana writes
myymi · 2 months
My god SIX ESSAYS?! I nearly had a heart attack when I had to write 3 of those suckers. You are a strong warrior at heart for doing for much writing like that.
yeah the writing portion of my lessons ask for about 6-9 essays each class. no idea why lmao im only going to write one in the final test but eh.
this was my last class for them tho (hence why i said id drop a fic) so im done w doing ridiculous amounts of essays finally ahhdjsjd
it wouldn't bother me so much if the prompts were actually interesting
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cosmoshard · 9 months
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LOOK ITS FRENDO ART :DDD @niyana-the-ambiguous-mobian fic is amazing, i feel bad i haven’t reccomended her stuff more like DANG good writing right here T^T✨💗
words: 5,181. Chapters: 1/?
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currantlee · 5 months
In Defense of Sonic (and Nine)
I've seen quite a few people complain that Sonic lets Nine go at the end of Sonic Prime and even defends him from everyone else, mostly because it's seen as inaccurate characterization of Sonic. It's pretty much the same issue people had when IDW#50 came out, and just like back then (even though I didn't post about it at the time), I disagree. In fact, I'd argue that this is exactly who Sonic is - and always has been.
Think about it. Despite how often Sonic and Eggman have clashed in the past, despite the fact that Sonic knows that it's very unlikely Eggman will ever change his ways (safe for a few brief instances), he has never once tried to kill Eggman or otherwise eliminate him permanently. He gives Merlina a chance at the end of Sonic and the Black Knight (even though the canon status of that can be debated). He lets Metal Sonic run at the beginning of the Metal Virus Arc in the IDW comics. And of course we have IDW#50, in which he specifically explains to Surge the Tenrec why he is doing this:
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(Source: niyana-the-ambigous-mobian)
The list goes on. I also want to point out that Ian Flynn, the guy who wrote the comic above, is the same guy who was a writing advisor on Sonic Prime. So yeah, Sonic's forgiveness is something that is very present in his interpretation of the character, but again, it's been there before Flynn as well.
If Sonic lets Eggman, someone who has always been his enemy and is very unlikely to change, get away time and time again - then how could he not let Nine get away? Yes, Nine and him had a rocky start, but they were genuine friends at one point (and Nine probably still wants to be Sonic's friend deep down). Aside from that, Nine isn't a narcissistic man like Eggman is. He is a deeply troubled, and quite frankly, scared kid. I mean, look at him:
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I know Nine is really mostly comes off as aggressive and really desperate in these scenes, but fear can (and commonly does) manifest in this way.
But there is even more. Sonic finally sees everyone from the Shatterspaces as their own person at the end of Sonic Prime. That's also why he decides to sacrifice himself in the end: not just for himself and not just for Nine - he does it for all the characters we've met. However, he probably can't help but be reminded on Tails by Nine regardless. And I mean, we all know what Tails means to Sonic. He's more than just a sidekick to him - they're like brothers. Heck, Sonic even calls Tails "little bro" in Frontiers:
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So yeah, all things considered - I think Sonic not just leaving Nine alone but forgiving him is very in character, all things considered.
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multicolour-ink · 11 months
To  @niyana-the-ambiguous-mobian, @jellyfishinc, @burningmusicfunnygiant, and the 6 anons who have sent me writing prompts
I am very sorry I have not managed to get to them yet! I feel really bad and I don’t want anyone to feel disappointed or frustrated with me - even though they probably do.
I promise I will get to them, but I do have a full time job and other commitments, and prompts would need to take a back seat.
Sorry this is a bit brunt - but I just wanted to explain myself and apologise.
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I posted 670 times in 2022
That's 342 more posts than 2021!
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I tagged 657 of my posts in 2022
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#hermitcraft - 216 posts
#bible - 131 posts
#bible verse - 109 posts
#star trek - 87 posts
#leonard mccoy - 62 posts
#star wars - 51 posts
#bones mccoy - 45 posts
#spock - 32 posts
#tos - 29 posts
#jim kirk - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#spock inventing a new method of storing coffee so that mccoy and kirk can have fresh coffee is just such a lovely detail thank you diane
My Top Posts in 2022:
Obi-Wan is just great at getting people to hate him enough to devote their entire lives to the single goal of destroying him
I mean-
Darth Maul
Darth Vader
Inquisitor Reva
Asajj Ventress (not anymore, but at one point...)
General Grievous (rip)
So yeah. Lots of people have had it out for one guy in particular and that one guy is Obi-Wan
128 notes - Posted June 4, 2022
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Bones is always ready to rush towards you for a frantic embrace
136 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
One of my favorite things from the Sonic 2 movie (that I haven’t seen anyone talk about yet) is
(mild spoiler below cut)
THE WAY TOM JUST. okay. so. You know that scene where he is trying to play volleyball with the other guys and gets pummeled and is just generally the guy on the outside looking in at the others being all chummy?
You know how those scenes usually go in movies? The guy getting pummeled usually gets all “I’mma get ’em back” or huffy or something.
But Tom? No. His first thought at seeing the squad all congratulating each other is “I wish my son had a friend group of his own.” I really liked that. It really shows what a Dad he is, good for him. ALSO I just wanna point out how Relationship Goals Tom and Maddie (Maddy?) are! They are so cute and sweet and good for each other. I mean, we saw that already in the first film, but man do I love healthy relationships being portrayed in media. Love them.
I love how the Sonic movies, while not taking away time from the title character and the original Sonic gang, can create genuinely good secondary characters that each get their own moment (hah!) to really shine through.
Quality writing, there 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
269 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
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This is one of my favorite gifs of this man. It’s just- the softness of it. He’s so, so fond of these knuckleheads he’s surrounded himself with and you can see it plain as day. Look at that little head shake! Perfection!
395 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Yoda is unpredictable and chaotic, honestly I don’t even know if he knows which one he’d do at any given moment.
452 notes - Posted March 18, 2022
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wanderingmind867 · 1 year
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I posted 3,204 times in 2022
That's 3,055 more posts than 2021!
732 posts created (23%)
2,472 posts reblogged (77%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,346 of my posts in 2022
Only 27% of my posts had no tags
#asd - 703 posts
#my thoughts - 688 posts
#neurodivergent - 658 posts
#autism - 655 posts
#south park - 495 posts
#autistic - 404 posts
#neurodiversity - 252 posts
#random thoughts - 236 posts
#actually autistic - 226 posts
#stan marsh - 198 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#i also took sation from avatar: the last airbender and how they based their four elements and kingdoms on real world cultures across asia
My Top Posts in 2022:
I hate the summertime/the heat and humidity associated with it. The extreme heat makes me feel very tired and upset. Thank heavens for air conditioning, I suppose.
52 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
I often worry that I'll never make a friend. The only people I'm close to irl are people either above fifty or just below. My family makes me worry double, because they're always reminding me of this fact and pushing me to make a friend in person.
80 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
You know, I had heard there was another musical like Hamilton from the seventies called 1776, so I just went and looked up it's whole soundtrack, and I can safely say I think it's better than Hamilton in many ways.
Although the songs aren't the most catchy songs I've ever heard, they're still pretty good. Although I liked the few songs from Hamilton I did bother listening to, I found the songs from 1776 have more meaningful lyrics and delve into more dark topics.
Although I haven't seen either films movie adaptation, I can definitely say 1776 is far more historically accurate. 1776 doesn't hold back from discussing slavery and the facts that most everyone back then was at least slightly prejudiced. The song "molasses and rum" is proof of that. I've heard 1776 also deals with Thomas Jefferson being a slave owner far better than Hamilton does, although I can't back that claim up because I haven't seen footage with which to compare.
Finally, I'd just to mention that 1776 and Hamilton both have Main characters who are largely forgotten figures in US history: John Adams and Alexander Hamilton, respectively. The difference here is that John Adams is probably one of my favorite founder fathers, if only because both he and his son were abolitionists. Alexander Hamilton, however, was a slave owner and an elitist. Not exactly inspiring stuff, if you ask me.
88 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
I'm beginning to contemplate whether a post I saw on Reddit about masturbation acting as a stim has any truth to it. I say this because I'm beginning to look for explanations for my masturbation fixation/addiction/etc. I sometimes masturbate three times a day, something I myself consider abnormal.
Once you take into account my lack of sexual feelings towards anything other than writing (and sometimes photos in combination) alongside a fixation with reading erotica and making myself masturbate, and we might see why I don't truly want to chalk it all up to teenage libido. It very well could just be that, but the simplest solution is the hardest to accept, in my case.
88 notes - Posted May 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I found this on Reddit, and it explains something about myself I have never quitw been able to articulate:
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(It makes just as much sense to say fear of judgement in my case, I think).
202 notes - Posted October 2, 2022
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Writing Prompt (ignore me if you got this one already): Maddie giving Sonic a bath?
Another Maddie and Sonic prompt! I always love writing these two. I’ve seen a few stories similar to this one, but I’ll take a shot at it.
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Maddie walked slowly through the hallway of the first floor of the house, listening hard for any signs slight creaks or feet pattering.
“Sonic! You better not be tracking mud through this house mister!” She yelled throughout the house as she looked in the hallway closet.
Letting out a heavy sigh, she went back down to the first floor only to stop on seeing a small clumps of dried mud on one the steps.
‘Oh great, I just mopped this floor yesterday.’ She rubbed her face as she continued down the stairs.
She whipped her head towards the sound of the front door opening, hearing Tom’s voice entering the room.
“Hello? I’m home!”
“Hey babe, I’m over here.” She called out tiredly.
He paused as he hung up his coat, hearing the weariness in his wife’s voice. “You alright?”
“Yeah everything’s good.” He stared at Maddie for a few seconds before he took off his hat and made his over towards her, hugging her.
“Hmm you sure? You sound like you ran a marathon without having the insane smell of rancid body odor.”
She rolled her eyes and punched him in the shoulder as they released from the hug. "It kinda feels like that now, I'm trying to look for you-know-who."
He gave her a questionable look. "Is it Ozzie? Cause I think he's out in the backyard."
"Not him, Sonic."
"Uh-oh, what'd he do this time?"
"You'll see why once you see how Ozzie looks." She moves slightly, motioning him towards the back door.
Tom walks hesitantly towards the window of the door and looks out. "Oh dear god in heaven."
The bottom half of the retriever’s body was covered in mud, which has since completely dried up. He started wagging his tail fiercely as he saw his owner through the window and jumped against the door.
"No jumping Ozzie, get down." The dog obeyed and walked away as Tom made his way back towards his wife.
"Who's that chocolate lab in the backyard?"
"Oh very funny."
"What on earth were they up to out there?"
She let out a breath as she shook her head. "I honestly don't know, apparently he thought it was a good idea to hook the hose up to the sprinkler since it was getting pretty warm out, but Ozzie followed him out, grabbed the hose from him and the rest is history."
He whistled while looking down, slightly chuckling from the described events. "Well that explains everything, so where is the main suspect?"
"That's exactly why I sound like I run a marathon, I found him completely covered in mud trying to wrestle the hose from Ozzie's mouth. Once I told him he needed a bath, he took off like a cat with it's hide on fire and I’ve been looking for him ever since."
Maddie crossed her arms as she leaned against the counter. "I think he's still somewhere in the house, I don't know where he would go if he was still filthy."
Tom shrugged his shoulders. "I mean he was pretty filthy before he came to live with us, heck he barely wears any clothes."
"Oh my, That's....not the point I'm trying to make Tom. I just don't want him and Ozzie tracking mud throughout the house."
"Well then I guess Oz needs to stay outside and have his bath out there. I call dibs on that job."
"Wait, why are you calling ‘dibs’ on that one?”
“I think it’s fair since I wasn’t here to witness the events, I get to choose which one to take care of.”
“That’s not even close to being fair!”
“It is for me.” He ducked his head she swiped her hand at his shoulder.
“Tom! I’m being serious!”
“Yeah me too, last time I tried to give him a bath, I couldn't find him for almost two hours.”
"Oh great, could you at least help me find him? I don't want to keep looking that long."
He placed his chin in his hand and gave him a questioning look. "Hmmm I don't know, I'm putting my life on the line here for you.
Maddie grabbed his tie and tugged it, pulling him closer to her. "How about if you help me with this and you might get a certain reward once the task is done?" She whispers seductively as she lowers her eyes.
Tom blushes slightly as he tilts his head in interest. "Are we both thinking of the same reward here or is it something that could be food related?"
"Well there could be some food involved if you help me out." She gave him a wink as she walked away.
"Oh hell yeah this is so happening." He rushed after her as he loosened his tie from his neck.
'What the heck were they talking about? What's so important about eating food in the tub?'
Sonic listened from the very cramped kitchen cupboard as he heard the couple walk away, moving slightly to regain feeling in his legs that fell asleep.
As he moved, his elbow hit against a pot making a loud clanging noise. He winced as he kept still and listened for any incoming sounds.
After a few minutes, he heard the faucet turn on in the bathroom upstairs. "Oh geez, she's really serious this time." He whispered to himself as he slowly pushed the door open and crawled out on his hands and knees as he looked around the kitchen.
"I can’t believe she’s still looking for me. Usually Tom would just give up at this point." He mutters as he walks over to a nearby mirror.
His azul blue fur was almost completely covered in a dark brown color, splotches of mud were splattered all over his face and torso and his red sneakers looked more like short, brown boots.
'Oh man, that hose really did a number on me.' He winced as he tried to pick at the dry mud stuck in his arm fur. "Oh great not only is it not coming off, it's starting to itch." He growled as he started to scratch his face.
He tiptoed out of the kitchen and in front of the staircase, listening to the cabinets being opened and closed. ‘I know I heard Tom's voice out here, I wonder where he went? Maybe he's with Ozzie outside, he was pretty filthy out there...well no thanks to-.' He pauses as he hears the bathroom door open and sees the light pour into the hallway.
He quickly ducks as he goes to hide behind the wall, peeking his eyes around the corner and watching Maddie’s shadow on the wall.
“You going somewhere?”
He lets out a little gasp as he slowly turns his head and sees Tom standing right behind him, looking down at him while his hands on his hips and a amused look on his face.
“Uh.....no?” He said sheepishly as he stood up straight and faced him.
“Hmm, if that’s the case then why are you hiding from Maddie after she said you needed to take a bath?”
He shrugged his shoulders as he rocked back and forth on his heels. “I....just...don’t feel like taking one?”
Tom gave an unamused look before lowered himself onto one knee. “Listen bud, I’ve been in the same boat before when I was younger.”
“Rolling in mud?”
“Uh no, not wanting to take baths.”
“Yeah, I didn’t want to take one since I still felt ‘clean’ even after a few weeks of not bathing, but my parents were starting to notice that I hadn’t been smelling clean as usual and it got to the point where they stood outside the bathroom door and would checked if I washed throughly.”
The teen’s eyes widened in shock as he listened to the story. ‘I don’t even want to know where they checked’.
“But it’s also important that you do bathe on average, do you realize how many germs you have on your body right now from all that mud?”
He rubbed his fingers against his palms as he thought about that last statement. ‘I mean, he kinda has a point with the whole germs thing, but how much on average does he mean?’
Meanwhile, Tom continued to wait for the hedgehog to give him a answer, only to not receive one seeing that he still thinking about it. Knowing he wasn’t going to get one soon, he simply grabbed Sonic around his torso and stood up, holding him away at arms length.
Alarmed by the sudden motion, he grabbed onto Tom’s arms and looked at him, confused. “What? Wait where we going?”
“Where do you think?” He said with an exasperated tone as he made his way up the steps.
Alarm bells went off in his head as he tried to pry the hands holding him loose, kicking his legs in the process. “Wait! I haven’t made up my mind yet!”
“Well I’m making it for you, you were thinking about that way too long.” He held him farther away from him to avoid being kicked by the flailing feet.
“But you never gave me a chance to say my part on this!” He voice rose in pitch as he continued to struggle his way out of the firm grip.
Stopping at the top of the steps, Tom held Sonic closer so he had direct eye contact. “So what’s your say on it then?” He replies nonchalantly with a blank face.
‘Oh he is not buying this.’ He dropped his arms as his eyes darted around the room. “That I....am.......not...umm...going to-.” He stopped abruptly as Tom continued towards the bathroom.
“Tom! Stop! You’re violating my rights of free speech!”
He let out a laugh as he made his way to the door leading to the bathroom. “Violating- it’s a bath, it’s not your voting rights.”
“It’s still my rights!” He yelled as grabbed onto the doorframe, holding onto it tightly. Tom sighed heavily as he stopped and continued to hold him.
“Sonic, let go.”
“Seriously? Come on, just let go.”
“No!” He continued to hold on as he felt Tom trying to pull him away from the frame.
Maddie sat on the edge of the tub as she watched the two of them, she let out a small laugh as she turned off the faucet and continued to watch the current predicament.
Tom struggled to pry the hedgehog off the door frame as he tried move his arms to avoid be kicked. He glances back to see his wife, looking at him with a wide smile on her face.
“I could use some help over here.”
“Oh but it looks like you’re doing a great job with this.” She said with fake sweetness in her voice. He glared back at her before turning back towards the stubborn hedgehog.
“Ok I’m giving you one last chance to let go NOW.”
He lets out a ‘hmm-mmm’ noise as he continues to hang on.
“Alright, time to bring out the big guns.” He adjusts Sonic’s body to one arm and uses the other hand to tickle his side and under his arm.
Sonic lets out a high pitched laugh as he kicked his legs and lowered one arm to grab Tom’s hand, loosening his grip.
As soon as he lowered his arm, Tom gave one final tug and wrapped his arms around him, pinning him to his chest. “Gotcha!” He hissed as he felt Sonic’s head quills poke into his chest as he wiggled to get out the unwanted bear hug.
“That wasn’t fair! You can’t use someone’s weakness like that!”
"You should've let go when you had the chance, It’s not my fault that you’re ticklish there.” He walked closer to Maddie, who stood up and held her arms out.
He passed Sonic over to her, who has since given up on trying to get away and limply dangled as he was placed in her arms. “Your package was delivered as promised ma’am. I’m hoping there will be a tip involved?” He bowed as he put on a fake cockney accent and looked up at her expectantly.
She giggled as she adjusts her hold on the grumpy teen. “Oh you’ll definitely get more than a tip when we’re done with this.”
He gave a self victory pose as he quickly brushes off the dried mud off his uniform. “Yes! Love you honey!” He gives her a quick peck on the cheek as he rushes out the bathroom door and closes it behind him.
Sonic gave Maddie a look of confusion as he placed him down on the toilet cover and helped take off his shoes while he took off his gloves. “So, what do you guys even do in the bath with food anyway?”
He saw her eyes widen slightly before her face became neutral. “I'll tell you when you’re older.” She said in a serious tone.
“Uh, ok then?”
“Alright, go on in.” She ushered Sonic into the bath as she got out bottles of body wash and shampoo.
“Ok.” He goes to put his foot in the tub, only to lift it out and face her. “Maddie, I can take the bath by myself.”
She raises her eyebrow at him. “Yes normally I would but since you kept trying to hide from me earlier, I feel it be best if I helped you this time. To make sure you completely clean.”
‘I had a feeling she wouldn’t leave me be after all that. Worth a shot I guess.’ He sighs in defeat and quickly placed his foot in the tub, only to feel his foot slip against the smooth floor and fall in head first with a splash. Maddie gasped as he leaned over the side, coughing slightly.
She pats his back lightly as he continued to cough. “Oh my gosh, you alright?”
He coughed once more before nodding. “Yeah, ugh some of it got up my nose.”
“Did you bump your head?”
“Uh no, I don’t think so.”
Giving a sigh of relief, She got on her knees as she poured some shampoo on a washcloth. “Well at least it’ll be easier to scrub all that mud off now.”
She started to scrub his head with the cloth as he splashed water on his arms. “Goodness, do you realize how much grass and twigs are in your quills?”
“Hmm no, I was too busy try not to drown via water hose from a golden retriever mastermind.”
“Oh, well you really have quite a bit just just nesting in there, there’s enough to build a bird’s nest in there.”
“What? I was just in the grass, how’d I get that much?”
“I have no idea sweetie, that’s exactly the reason why you needed a bath. You would have tracked all this stuff into your bed and heaven forbid if you had any insects on you.”
He freezes up and cringes at the thought of those creepy crawlers in his room, let alone his bed. “Oh god.”
“Exactly.” She removes the last of the debris and rinses some water on his head. She pours more shampoo in her hands and starts to scrub behind his ears.
Pausing from scrubbing his feet, he lets out a soft purring noise as he closes his eyes and leans into the touch. He starts to smile as she also scrubs underneath his chin.
‘Oh my god he’s like a little kitten.’ She bites back a laugh as she continued to wash around his face.
After making sure no more dirt was on him, she rinsed him off with the showerhead, got up and grabbed a towel while Sonic unplugged the drain. "How do you feel now after getting rid of all that mud?"
"A little cold, but refreshed! I kinda smell like apples or something."
"Green apple, it's a good scent to have after a nice bath." She held up the towel in front him as he got out and wrapped it around him, the towel being so big it managed to cover his whole body, including his head and eyes.
He lifts part of the towel off his face as she helps him dry off. "Hey Maddie?"
She continues to dry off his head until she notices his hands were starting to wring together, making her stop and remove the towel from his eyes, looking fully at him.
"I...*sigh* I'm sorry I gave you a hard time earlier about...all of this. I'm sorry for being stubborn and not listening to you and...wait that's the same thing. What I mean to say is that I'm sorry-oh geez I already said that..um I just wanted to say-." He felt a hand gently lift his head up and saw Maddie smiling at him.
"Apology accepted, your just lucky you're too darn cute for me to be mad at you." She teased as she nuzzled his nose with his.
He lets out a giggle, blushing as she pulled away and helped dry off his arms. "I'm not that cute. I'm probably handsome than most kids, but not cute."
She stops and looks up at the ceiling as she ponders for a second. "Hmm you know what? You're right, you're not cute at all."
Taken aback, he looks up at her shocked at the blunt response. "Wh-what?"
"Nope, not even close."
'Why'd she say it like that?' He blinks as he feels a pout forming on his face.
"You...are....adorable!" She ends the statement by grabbing the unsuspecting teen and hugging him tightly with the towel protecting her from being poked by the quills, earning a grunt of surprise and discomfort from him.
"Ack! Maddie! Your hugging me too tight! I can't breathe!" He cries out as he tries to get out of the death hug.
"How are you talking if you can't breathe right now?" She starts to loosen the hug but still holding him.
He gets his arms free and pushes his hands against her shoulders, trying to make space. "I......don't know?" He makes a confused face as she starts to laugh as she hugs him tight again. "Aww even your confusion is adorable."
"Ow! Maddie! What is with everyone and wanting to hug me so much today?" She pulled back again, looking at him with mock serious expression.
"You can never have too many hugs in one day young man, well that and also one other thing." Before he could ask, she started to pepper small kisses all over his face and forehead.
He squinted his eyes shut as he moved his head from side to side, trying not to smile at the sudden affection.
"I saw that."
His ear twitches at her voice and peeks an eye at her. "Saw what?"
"Don't think I can't see you trying not to smile." She smirked playfully at him while poking his nose. "You don't want to admit it, but you know that you're adorable too."
"No I'm not! Your kisses just feel really weird on my face."
"They feel weird?"
"Yeah...they just do."
"But you were trying not to smile though, that must mean that you actually liked them?"
"Nope! I don't think that at all." He shut his eyes and turned his head away from her dramatically, crossing his arms.
"Oh, well I can think of one more thing that proves that you are completely adorable."
"What?" He says in a whining manner as he braces for her answer.
"Your laugh." She then starts to blow raspberries on his cheeks.
"Mahha-ddie! Stohop!" He struggled to keep a straight face as he let out a few giggles.
"Oh but you're smiling and laughing now, that's usually a sign if you really happy about something."
"Nohoho ihiht doesn't!" He places his hands on her face to push her away and pants as he grins victoriously at her. "Ha! Now you can't give me anymore kisses!"
She jerks her head away from his hands and narrows her eyes at him, who is still has his arms out. "Oh you think you're safe from that?"
His face drops as she quickly digs her fingers in his armpits and lets out a high shriek. "GAH! AHAHAH! MAHADIE NOHOHO!"
"What was that? I can't hear you, you're laughing way too much." She adjusts herself and sits on the floor crisscross, still tickling the squirming hedgehog.
"Really? Ok then I guess I'll go back to this then." She proceeded to blow raspberries in his neck while still wiggling her fingers under his arms.
Maddie halts her fingers and freezes as she hears Sonic, still laughing and panting as he sat in her lap. 'Did he just...?'
"Sonic?" He looks up at her, still giggling softly. "Did...you just call me mom?"
His breathing hitches as she sees his eyes widen and looks forward, away from her gaze. "I...uh...I don't know, I might have said it....I'm sorry." His voice lowers to a whisper as he looks down at his hands. 'Oh no, is she mad that I called her that? I didn't mean to, it just came out that way! Oh man this is so awkward-. '
He flinches as he feels her arms wrap around him again, this time softly. "It's ok sweetheart, you can call me mom if that's what you feel comfortable with. I'm not mad, just took me by surprise that's all."
Feeling the tension lift off his shoulders, he wrapped his arms over hers and they continued to sit together the bathroom floor.
"Wait, does this mean I have to call Tom 'dad' now?"
He hears her laugh as she releases him from the embrace. "Well, you don't have to, it's completely up to you. Besides it might make him feel more old if you do."
"Hmm, I'll think about it then." He jumps slightly at the sound of Ozzie's barking and Tom shouting coming from downstairs.
"Oh dear, we better go see if he needs help."
He wraps his arms around her neck as she got up. "Knowing him, he probably does."
She shakes head as she gives him a final kiss on the forehead, putting the towel in the clothes bin and carrying him out of the bathroom.
As she walked down the stairs, she could hear scuffling coming from the living room and turned the corner to see Tom trying to dry off/wrestle Ozzie on the floor.
"Uh Tom? You need any help?" He glanced up to see the two of the looking amused at him.
"Heh, no I'm doing great with this big guy. He just needs to keep still for more than 10 seconds!" He said, falling on his stomach as Ozzie ran away and started to roll over all over the carpet.
Maddie makes an exaggerated face at Sonic, who muffles a laugh behind his hand. She places him on the floor as she makes her way over to Tom. "Well, I completed my task, but it seems like you still having trouble with yours."
Tom brushes off his partially wet shirt as he gets up. "Yeah, luckily this wasn't a contest, though I did hear a lot of laughter up there. What were you guys talking about?"
Maddie zips her lips closed as she glances over at Sonic on the couch, who mimics her as he crosses his legs on the seat, smiling widely at her. "It's nothing to worry about."
"I hope you guys aren't thinking about keeping secrets from me." He places an arm around her shoulders as she looks up at him.
"Either you can know what we were talking about or you don't get your reward tonight." She replies firmly, crossing her arms.
His head jerked as she finished, seeing her expression and backs down, raising his arms up in surrender. "Alright, alright you win this round."
"You bet I do." She kisses him firmly on the lips as she walks away. Tom sighs contentedly as she walks away, with Sonic clearing his throat getting his attention.
"Sooo I'm still confused on what eating food in the bath means. Is it something just adults are allowed to do?"
Tom blinks at him before walking over and clasping a hand on his shoulder. "You'll understand once you get married, get a job and have less time to enjoy certain things." He struts away while clapping his hands and bolting up the stairs.
The hedgehog furrows his brows as Ozzie comes over to him, still panting from rolling around and places a hand on the dog's head.
"Oz, I feel like being an adult is going to be a really weird experience."
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Elsa wielding a ice spear and riding Nøkk through the forest to any intruders, heck yes.
It'll be even better at night, where if they're trying to sneak around in the cover of darkness, all you hear in the distance is the faint sound of the kulning echoing in the night. They turn around and see Elsa on her beloved water steed with the outline of the moon shining behind her, her ice spear then glows in her hand as Nøkk stands on it's hind legs and lets out a powerful whinny.
She holds up her spear over her head as a warning and makes a ice shield in the other hand, the intruders take off out of the forest and she glowers at their retreating figures.
*gorging on popcorn* yasssssssss
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hey, mystery! sorry for not like. not really saying(?) anything for a hot sec. quick q; d'you have a favourite sonic fic, in any form of sonic media? :eyes::eyes:
Hello Darlin’!❤️✨
To be honest, I really don’t read fan fictions anymore. The last time I read a fanfic was 2020. I’ve been busy with Uni work, lab work at the museum, and I’m writing a research paper that I’d like to publish soon. There’s… really no time for me in the day to read and appreciate other people creative writing talents🥺 I like to admire from afar, though!
I do, however, have a few authors that I definitely will give shout-outs to that I know write things for the Sonic Cinematic Universe:
I wrote one last year as well…
This is a post is free for anyone to tag with their favorite fanfic authors. Let’s spread the love and recognize their talents!❤️✨
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nikibogwater · 2 years
Thanks so much for the tag, @sergeantsporks! Went ahead and started a new thread 'cause I didn't want to clog up my followers' dashes with a long post.
Rule: Tag 9 people you want to know better!
Favorite piece of clothing you own? One of my best friends got me a Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker shirt for my birthday this year and I want to be buried in it, I love it so much.
Your comfort food? I have several, tbh. I'll just go with the first one that popped into my head: mac and cheese.
Favorite time of the year? Winter. I love cozying up in knit sweaters and drinking tea on a freezing night.
Favorite Song? It's still Protector by City Wolf lol. There's a lot of nostalgia associated with it now, so this probably isn't going to change any time soon.
Do you collect something? Not on purpose, no. But my bedroom is full of random bits and bobs and memorabilia that I've gathered over the years. Maybe you could say I collect memories?
Favorite drink? Hot cocoa, though I'm more often seen with a mug of coffee.
Favorite fanfiction? In the Aftermath, by PoetryInMotion. Both because it's an amazing story about my favorite Star Wars characters, and also because it's the fic that led to me meeting the best writing buddy in the world. 💖
No pressure tags: @the-fandom-hopping-mage, @badsongpetey, @niyana-the-ambiguous-mobian, @meadow-roses, @tenebrius-excellium, @bluheaven-adw, aaaand ummmmm anybody who wants to hop in!
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cosmoshard · 1 year
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I posted 7,618 times in 2022
That's 7,253 more posts than 2021!
213 posts created (3%)
7,405 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,653 of my posts in 2022
Only 39% of my posts had no tags
#rottmnt - 813 posts
#sonic - 266 posts
#rottmnt movie - 266 posts
#one piece - 251 posts
#rottmnt spoilers - 239 posts
#funny - 238 posts
#lmk - 144 posts
#lol - 125 posts
#wow - 80 posts
#tmnt - 67 posts
Longest Tag: 101 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
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1,367 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
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1,704 notes - Posted November 23, 2022
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1,978 notes - Posted August 10, 2022
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6,513 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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9,268 notes - Posted August 31, 2022
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thecasperanfamily · 3 years
(Random scenanagin based off a witnessed event of my one neighbor while playing with his kid)
Zoe, walks into the bedroom and is stunned to see Douxie sitting on the floor with multiple jump ropes tied around him with a scowl on his face:....."Uh.....is everything okay in here?"
Douxie, unamused: "Well, your son had the most, brilliant idea to tie me up as a 'punishment' for what I did when you were gone."
Zoe, raises an eyebrow: "What did you do?"
Before he can answer, Smol!Lin comes running in behind Zoe with a plastic sword in hand and a spaghetti strainer on his head, pointing the sword right at Douxie: "He ate the last of the snickerdoodle cookies and Archie said that a dragon had taken over his body and made him eat them!"
Zoe, in feigned surprise: "A dragon you say? Oh dear, that sounds rather serious."
Lin: "Yeah! I have to save him from it before it takes over his body!"
*Lin rushes out of the room*
Zoe: "My god, he actually tied you up?"
Douxie, shrugs his shoulders: "I mean, he kinda did, but he only knotted one of the ropes so I can get out of it easy enough. The little bugger is pretty crafty when he wants to be."
Zoe: "Ah, but why'd you eat all of them? You know how he gets when you don't leave him any."
Douxie: "I mean it wasn't just me! Arch wanted some too but of course he just only saw me getting them from the-, Ow! Lin! Stop it!"
Lin, runs at full speed towards Douxie, now carrying a toy shield and hitting him in the head with the sword: "Let go of my daddy, you meanie dragon!"
*Douxie lets out a grunt in annoyance and uses his magic to quickly loosen the knots from his "prison", shooting up in a crouching pose and holding up his hands like claws*
Douxie, in a over the top, dramatic voice: "You dare try and attack me little boy!? You have no idea who you are dealing with!"
*Lin, lets out a yell and runs at him with the sword pointed at him but squeaks in surprise as Douxie dodges him with ease and tosses him over his shoulder, holding him upside down against his chest*
Lin: "Ah! Put me down!"
Zoe, watches on as the two playfully tussle around on the floor, turning to walk out of the room: " Oh gracious, just don't break anything in here again!"
Lin: "Mom! Hehelp me!"
Zoe: "Sorry little knight, I'm not the one who tried to take on the mighty dragon by himself."
Also asjhdgfajhsgdf of course Smol Lin would attempt to imprison his father. 🤣 I like to imagine Nari and Archie are just like....chillin' in the background through this whole thing.
Douxie: ...So I don't suppose there's any chance of an alliance here, is there?
Archie: No.
Douxie: ...What about a charitable rescue, then?
Nari: I am not inclined to rescue you at this moment, no.
Douxie, taking one hand out of the ropes to place it dramatically over his heart: That is cold, Nari. Very cold.
Thank you so much for the fantastic submission, @niyana-the-ambiguous-mobian (also your neighbors sound delightful)! ✨
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Great Sonic Movie fics Masterpost!
I’ve recently gotten into the wonderful world of Sonic Movie fanfiction! I know there are some....gross ones and it can be hard to find the good stuff. So I’m going to share my favourite fics with y’all!
Thank you @ebachan for this amazing idea!
Pocket Hog AU by @tharkflark1 and @nursingtie413
This has to be my favourite! It’s an AU where Tom and Maddie meet Sonic ten years earlier and it’s the cutest thing! There are a few chapters already.
@tharkflark1 also made a one-shot AU of the AU based on the deleted Baby Sonic intro, and it’s absolutely heartbreaking.
The Four Stages of Trauma Recovery, as told by Dr. A Burdett by @humanityinahandbag
This one is about Tom and Maddie going to a therapist so they get a better idea of how to help Sonic, who is showing clear signs of trauma. The only problem is that they tell the truth about Sonic. It’s really well written!
After the storm by @lakesandquarries
These are some beautiful stories about the Wachowski family and Sonic’s struggles to adapt to his new life. It’s really really good and has several chapters up already!
Too much by @rockmilkshake
What if the Metal Virus apocalypse happened in the movie universe? This fic broke my heart, burned my crops, punched me in the stomach and stole my wife, but it is a damn good angst fic!
Midnight Stroll and Congratulations, it’s a boy! by @sapphireskeletons
The first one is about Crazy Carl saving Sonic (and you know how much I love Crazy Carl) while the second is about Sonic meeting his grandmas. Real good!
I thought hedgehogs liked taking baths? by @niyana-the-ambiguous-mobian
Super adorable Sonic and Maddie bonding! She also has several one-shots on her Ao3 account I haven’t gotten to read yet, but after reading this one I know for certain that they are good stuff you should read!
5 Times Sonic Caught Himself Before Calling Them 'Mom & Dad' and 1 Time He Didn't Hold Back by @samanthafrank
The fic that actually got me into reading them in the first place! The chapters that are currently up are really sweet, angsty and well written!
Emerald green by stagemanager
I literally just started reading this one but so far I love it! If you love Longclaw then you should check it out, no doubt! It also has a very interesting idea of Sonic’s origin.
These are my favourite Sonic Movie fics! There are some that I haven’t gotten to read yet, and I know there aren’t that many, but I hope this post will get more people to support these wonderful writers and maybe write their own fics.
Also, if there are any fics I haven’t mentioned that you love, or want to share your own work, then feel free to do so!
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lorebird · 3 years
🖊+that pretty cloud octo!!!
EVA MY BELOVED......... heehoo
Ok so. Homegirl wakes up in the metro with 0 memories alongside an inkling that feels. Very familiar? But the snatches of memories she gets from them have a very strong sense of fear. Neither of them know their names, so they start going by 8 and 9 (from the numbers tartar gives them)
9 is Super good at all the trials, but 8 has. No idea what she's doing FJDNFKD. They teach her some basic skills w weaponry, but she doesn't end up tackling any of the trials bc of how dangerous they are. Unfortunately, kamabo doesn't like stragglers!
Sanitized octolings start coming after them outside of battle. Since 8 isn't contributing at all, they're trying to take her away and turn her into another stock soldier. So now the two of them have to be on the defensive constantly :(
However, they both make it through! I'm not sure exactly how I'm gonna write the Blender Scene, because like. Woah epic plot twist but 9 was 3 (Aj) all along. I think it'd be fun for Aj to be the one in the blender, having been separated from 8 during an attack. 8 manages to fight through the sanitized octolings with what she's picked up from 9, then saves them, but is forced to run off again as more soldiers move in. The whole escape sequence happens, sanitized 3 and all, before she's forced to take down NILS all on her own. But they end up with a happy ending, yay!!! Eva chooses her new name, and Aj is able to regain nearly all of their memory (through a combination of mem cakes and the help of his friends + re-experiencing stimuli).
Eva, however, remembers pretty much nothing. She's kinda unsure about regaining those memories? Aj has come to mean a Lot to her -- but she keeps having snatches of unsettling memories about him. Their tentacles grew out while down in the metro (no longer w the sharp cut she usually has) and something about it was. Very potently familiar to her. She's scared of ruining her image of Aj, who she's developed a v close relationship with
Then uhhh BAM! Mini war criminal shows up in octo canyon!
So like. Marie finds a kid wandering the canyon Absolutely Terrified and unable to speak inkling. Inklish??? And also they're identical to agent 3 so. Something Is Going On There!
Eva ends up coming along when Aj is called in, despite his statement that he was very much done with the nss. And when she sees the kid, who starts crying out in octarian, memories hit her like a brick wall
So! That kid is a clone of Aj, created by Eva when she was still in Octaria. Back then, under the name Niyana, she was a bioengineer who was pushed into creating stronger soldiers by a desperate leadership. Cloning tech is used regularly to create more octarians, as well as steroids used to buff octoling soldiers (which gives them the green sclera). They become very common practice as pressure increases during splat 1 hero mode + the time before splat 2's campaign. During the first hero mode campaign, a sniper clipped Aj and took off a chunk of their tentacle, which was recovered to create clones from.
The first clones were coming along far too slowly. Steroids were used to try and accelerate things, but very few made it through. One appeared to be growing well, and started training with hypnoshades (since Octavio's music wasn't very powerful against them). Hey why does splatoon have like 3 different methods of mind control within canon,
Anyways! That clone's body began breaking down not too long after. They lashed out in fear, leaving Niyana with her scar, before that one was lost too. The injury ended up snapping her out of the music's control, and she was finally fully aware of the ethics of what she was doing. She took the 9th clone -- the only one that made it this far -- and ran. They got separated in the canyon when running into Aj, who fell into the metro with Niyana, and the rest is history.
So uh! Now Eva has that on her plate to deal with!!!
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solar-socks · 4 years
Is there any fan fic writers that you also look up too?
OMG way too many to count! I am Extremely blessed and lucky to know a few fic writers personally. Of the ones I know personally, a lot of them are artists that I mentioned before, but these guys I MUST say are my personal gods:
@moralitas @samanthafrank @humanityinahandbag @theincredibledogboy @niyana-the-ambiguous-mobian and Bucky from Discord 
They are SO Impossibly good I can’t even process it! There are no words that exist to express how incredible their fics are! Anytime their name comes up, it’s an instant classic and an instant fave, no matter what it is! Their world building, characterization, EVERYTHING is flawless! Reading their fics is like watching a movie made of words! I will scream their praises from the rooftops! 
This might be cheesy, but I really look up to anyone that can write! I can’t write at all, I’ve never been good with words- I always just BARELY passed writing/English classes lol 
So to Anyone and Everyone who can write, you are a mythical being to me. You are talented beyond words, and you should be proud of yourself every single day for you have been blessed and are a blessing! 
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ranboounlabeled · 3 years
Incorrect Quotes
So I had the bright idea one day to make incorrect quotes based on a DnD campaign and the players. Why not post them here? If any of them find this and request this to be deleted, I won’t mind. Blu - DM, any other character you don’t see listed here Tuck - Alzora Autumn/Me - Aria Maria - Yeet Bard - Tad Whipple - Niyana ~ Aria at 3AM: Alzora wake up Alzora, annoyed: What is it? Aria: If butterflies fall in love, do they feel humans/mobians in their stomach? Alzora: The rest of Team Supernova: Niyana: aria what the fuck Yeet: No no, wait. She has a point. Yeet: What if they’re mobian butterflies? Snipe: What if they just feel really tiny butterflies in their stomachs? Niyana: That’s morbid. ~ Aria: is pink panther a lion Alzora: say that again but slower Aria: i don't get it? Alzora: he's the pink PANTHER Aria: okay? but is he a lion? Alzora: Aria. he's a panther Aria: is that a kind of lion??? Alzora: no it's a fucking panther Aria: I just googled it. Are they not pink?  Alzora: AND LIONS ARE??? ~ Yeet: *gets shot* Shit. Alzora: Language! ~ Niyana: Is 4 alot? Aria/Alzora: Depends on the context. Aria/Alzora: Money? No. Aria/Alzora: Murders? Yes. ~ Yeet: Just a reminder that I'm non-binary so if you've got a crush on me, u gay bro ~
Alzora: if one of you says that stupid thing again I will not hesitate to give you frost bite Aria: aw that's so sad alexa play despacito Alzora: starting with you Alt idea from our DM (context, Alzora is an ice dragon and I compare her to Elsa alot): Aria: thats so sad, alexa play Let it Go. Alzora: you will die in 3 days ~ Niyana: THE FLOOR IS LAVA Yeet: *helps Snipe onto a chair* Alzora: *throws Aria off the table* revenge Niyana: There are two types of people ~ Alzora: If anyone says ‘mood’ ‘same’ or 'me’ in response to something I say ever again, I will throw you out the nearest window Yeet: Mood Aria: Same Niyana: Me Alzora calling tad: hello? Tad can you come here quickly? Tad: why what happened? Alzora: well lets just say there’s a gun in my hand, 3 dead bodies on the floor, blood on the walls floor and ceiling, and police on the way Tad: Tad: what Tad: The police are going to be there? Yeah, you're on your own ~ Aria: Mobius is a hot, molten core with a solid crust. Therefore, its a ravioli Alzora: Please stop Yeet, taking notes: No no let her finish ~ Aria: Comparing me and Alzora is like comparing apples to oranges. Aria: I mean, I like apples, and I really don't like oranges. Aria: Oranges are annoying. ~ nesta: fuck your cake! aria: 
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~ Niyana: I’ve been working on my evil laugh! ‘Cause everybody’s got an evil laugh, you know, like... Ha ha ha ha HA! Like that. Alzora: Okay, here’s the thing. You’re not ready... for the evil laugh, okay, you can do a chuckle? Like a mildly upset chuckle? After MY evil laugh. ~ Snipe: You're smiling. Did something good happen? Aria: Can't I smile just because I feel like it? Niyana: Alzora tripped and fell down the stairs. ~ Yeet: So, why is Aria mad at you? Alzora: They sneezed and I accidentally said "shut the fuck up" instead of "bless you". Yeet: Alzora: Yeet: How do you accidentally say "shut the fuck up"?! ~ Alzora: Anyone who says 'uwu' or 'owo' again is being arrested for crimes against humanity! Aria: Cwimes against huwumanity. Alzora: I'm going to break your fingers. ~ Yeet, while crying: LOVE IS DEAD AND NEVER EXISTED! ALL YOU DID WAS BETRAY ME AS I LAY SICK AND FESTERING! YOU ARE THE DEFINITION OF DREAD! Snipe: Are you ok???  Yeet, crying even more: NIYANA STOLE MY FUCKIGN WEAPONS! [This breakdown is immediately followed by Yeet trying to beat the shit out of a 15 year-old] ~ Alzora: Good Morning!   Aria: Good Morning everyone Snipe: Good Morning. [ half of everyone else says their good mornings] Yeet: My god you all sound like robots! “good morning” this “good morning” that. Yeet: Spice it up!!! Niyana: HEY MOTHERFUCKERS ~ Alzora: *falls*  Alzora: Alzora: I suppose I’ll have to add the force of gravity to my list of enemies. ~ Aria: Tall people are the enemy! Alzora: I'm sorry, I can't hear you from up here. Aria: I will tie your fucking shoelaces together and you won't even know it! ~ Niyana: But rules were made to be broken! Tad: They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken. Nesta: Uh, pinatas. Alzora: Glow sticks. Yeet: Karate boards. Aria: Spaghetti when you have a small pot. Niyana: And rules! Snipe: Don’t forget bones. Yeet: Ye-Wait no- ~ Aria: Onion rings are just vegetable doughnuts. Alzora, used to Aria: Sure they are, Aria. Aria: Your stomach thinks all potatoes are mashed. Alzora: Okay. Aria: Lasagna is just spaghetti-flavored cake. Alzora: … Aria, oblivious: Lobsters are mermaids to scorpions. Alzora, crying: Aria, please stop. Yeet, fascinated: No, continue. ~ Yeet: Hey, Snipe, what are you doing here? Snipe: This is where I come to cry. Yeet: What. Snipe: I said this is where I come to be a cool guy. ~ [loud crashing comes from Team Supernova's room, Tad runs in to find the room completely trashed] Tad: What happened in here!? [The rest of the Team are on an elevated surface]  Aria, on top of the bookshelf, shaking: We saw a spider... ~ Yeet: Isn’t it amazing what friends learn from each other? Aria: I learn a lot from Phin because he makes so many mistakes. ~ Aria: AVJDJAHDHSHS Tad: what is that? Aria: a keyboard smash Tad: how do I do it? Aria: just press anything Tad: 7 ~ Alzora: Bitch. Aria: Blocked. Alzora: Wait, unblock me, I need to tell you something. Aria: Unblocked. Alzora: Bitch. ~ Alzora: Don’t say a word. Aria: Aria: Fergalicious. Alzora: I said no words. Aria: Oh, I see. Two weeks ago playing Scrabble, it’s not a word. Now suddenly it is a word because it’s convenient for you. ~ Aria: Olli? Why are you outside? It's pouring! Olli, drenched: The aesthetic, Miss Aria. Aria: Olli, please. Olli: ThE aEsThEtIc, MiSs ArIa! ~ Niyana: There’s no “i” in happyness. Aria: There is if you fuckin’ spell it right. ~ Niyana: Do you care if I take the skin off the Furby? Niyana: I want to make him a God. Once he is free of his sinful flesh he can begin the path towards enlightenment. He will take care of Us. Niyana: Also I want to softhack his circuits. Yeet: I literally could not care less but never say anything as frightening as that sentence ever again. Tad, not looking up from his sketch book: I could design some long furby designs if you need me to. ~ Stella: I have a mafia! Yeet: We have a Niyana. ~ Yeet: Bro. Snipe: What bro? Yeet: Tell the whole world we’re bros. Snipe: *whispers* We’re bros. Yeet: Why’d you whisper bro? Snipe: Because you’re my whole world bro. Yeet: B R O. ~ Yeet: Your house is burning down! You can only save one thing. What do you save? Aria: My house?? ~ Aria: Yeet, do you ever want to talk about your emotions? Yeet: No. Alzora: I do. Aria: I know, Alzora. Alzora: I’m sad. Aria: I know, Alzora. ~ Stella: *looking around in closet* What should I change into? Snipe: A better person. ~ Whatever characters Yeet writes into fanfiction: *hugging and vibing* Yeet: Who would ever want to harm such a loving relationship? Yeet, brandishing a pen: I WOOOOULD! ~ Yeet: Chillax~ Alzora: That’s not a word. Yeet: Sometimes the ones who deny “chillax” are the ones who need to chillax the most. ~ Aria: 13 year old me would be both terrified and in awe at who I am now. Niyana: 13 year old me wouldn't think I'd get this far. Yeet: I would fight a 13 year old me. ~ Snipe: Yeet came into my room in the middle of the night, I pretended to be asleep, and they stroked my hair for a minute then left. Are they planning to kill me??? Aria: No they just care about you, idiot. ~ Yeet: Well, I guess you could say I’ve fallen for you. Snipe: You just fell down seven flights of stairs, how are you even alive? ~ Yeet: I wish I could block people in real life. Alzora: A restraining order. Niyana: Murder. ~ Alzora: What the frick is wrong with you? Snipe: Please be more specific and resubmit with the proper paperwork. ~ [on a city bus] Stranger: Are you traveling for business or pleasure? Alzora, in full armor: Combat. ~ Aria: Who ate my fries? Yeet? Yeet: I don’t like fries. Aria: Snipe? Snipe: I don’t need food. Aria: Niyana? Niyana: …It was Alzora. Alzora: Yeah it was. Aria: wh ~ Alzora: They are completely literal people. Metaphors go over their heads. Yeet: Nothing goes over my head... my reflexes are too fast! I would catch it. ~ Yeet: Live by the ass, die by the ass. Tad: S t o p ~ Niyana: Is there a word that is a mix between sad and mad? Tad: Malcontented, disgruntled, miserable, desolate. Yeet: Smad. ~ Tad: If someone is trying to rob a civilian, what is the correct course of action? Yeet: T-pose to assert dominance Tad: No. Niyana: Say "Thank you Chaos, for this meal I'm about to have" and then- Tad, interrupting: even worse Yeet, taking notes: Wait, let her finish ~ Aria: Hey Alzora, do you think Snipe feels regret? Because i just saw him choke down one of Tad’s pancakes in half a second. Alzora: Snipe has only one emotion and that’s hubris. ~ Yeet: *peeling a banana* May I take your jacket lol Snipe: Do you think other people can't hear you? ~ Aria: You have to pick your battles, Alzora. Alzora: I’m full of rage and I’m picking all of them. ~ Nesta, T-posing in the hallway: Good morning, parental figure. Tad, not looking up from his coffee: Hello, problem child. ~ Yeet, throwing his head in Snipe’s lap: Tell me I’m pretty. Snipe, lovingly stroking their hair: You’re pretty fucking annoying, that’s what you are. ~ Yeet, hoarsely: I think I'm losing my voice. Niyana: Ha! That means you can't yell at me anymore! [later that day]  Niyana: Turns out, Yeet is scarier when they’re quiet. ~ Snipe: WE'RE SINKING IN DEEP WATER. Yeet: Don't worry. I learned this from a survival TV show. Yeet: OH TOOOOODLES-- ~ Niyana: Who else uses can openers to drink soft drinks? Yeet: This is extremely unhinged I must try it immediately. ~ Snipe: Boil up some mountain dew. It’s gonna be a long night. Aria: You could have said anything else. Yeet: fire burn and cauldron bubble, baja blast to fuel my trouble. ~ Aria: What do you want for dinner? Niyana: How about Sonic? Aria: *whispers* He's so fast how would we catch him-
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