#Not intentional
my-autism-adhd-blog · 12 hours
An Autistic Meltdown…
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Is NOT a temper tantrum
Does NOT have a goal
Can happen with or without people around
Makes an autistic person vulnerable
Does NOT want to hurt anyone
Is NOT intentional
Is the result of some sort of overload
Lil Penguin Studios/Autism Happy Place
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alevolpe · 6 months
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sketch of my super hc, definitely super detached from canon, design of sil mil Venus.
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plumdale · 10 months
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galia’s best friends, lia & olivia. they are v pretty to meee <3
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honourablejester · 2 months
Xbcrafted, in his latest Hermitcraft episode: “I mean, what’s a shopping trip without some severed heads?”
Me: *Barrayaran flashbacks*
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123pixieaod · 10 months
pilot!Max x backpacker!Daniel 👨‍✈️✈️💼
Part 3
Part One; Part Two here!
Hey. It's Max, from the bus. Sorry, I'm going to have to turn my phone off now, but when we land in Qatar I'll turn it back on and we can arrange somewhere to meet
He stares at the message, and then feels mortified. It's not a business meetings he's trying to "arrange" for fuck's sake, it's breakfast with the hottest man he's ever met who he's not completely convinced yet wasn't a figment of his own imagination.
He backspaces.
Hey. It's Max, from the bus. I'll be stuck in meetings until the plane takes off so won't be able to respond to your messages, but once we land in Qatar we can message and find somewhere to meet👍
There. That's good. That's friendly, right? It looks like one of the texts his sister would send to her friends, it looks fine and standard and not awkward or tense. It's fine. It's fine. It's-
He hits send before he can delete it all over again. The ticks turn blue almost instantly.
Hey Maxy! Perfect, sounds like a plan :)) have a good flight and sweet dreams!
He stares at the message, and then brings his left hand up to his mouth and bites down on his thumb knuckle. Teeth in skin, pressing hard. Not enough to draw blood, but just enough to distract from the sensations in his chest.
"Did you hear the goose, Max?"
Max clicks his phone off and slides it into his pocket, as if being caught doing something unlawful.
"What?" He frowns at Lando, dropping his hand from his mouth.
"A goose," Lando repeats. He's meant to be going over the flight data but the ipad has been discarded on his lap. Wordlessly, Sebastian leans over and takes the device, clicking on the screen to reveal rows of neat graphs.
"What goose?" Max asks, annoyance growing. Being around Lando is like becoming pavlov's dog. After a while, there stops being a reason to become annoyed with him - it's just a natural response to his presence, a preparation for the undoubtedly nuisance Lando is preparing to be.
"On the bus," Lando insists. Max looks over at Sebastian, but he's either too busy reading the graph to notice or a fabulously good actor at pretending to be too busy reading graphs.
"A loud goose. Honking away. I think," -
"Oh", Max says flatly, finally figuring it out.
"It was flirting," Lando continues regardless, acting mystified. "And I've never even heard a goose flirting before, but this one was honking laughing away, it was-"
"Right," Max says.
"And unluckily, " Lando continues, "I couldn't hear any of the details, but then -,"
"Can we finish this?"
"I realise the goose must've been successful, because," with reflexes that Max always forgets is hidden under Lando's relaxed and easy going persona, small, tanned figures suddenly shoot out, wrapping around Max's wrist with an iron grip.
"For the record, my laugh is not the same as a honking goose," Max complains, trying to tug free. Lando ignores him, twisting his fingers so Max's hand goes palm down.
"The goose was successful!" He crows, using his free hand to gesture at the now faded numbers scrawled on Max's skin. Max slaps his hand away.
"You're a child," he says with no heat. He looks at Sebastian for help, but he's still gazing down at the tablet, ostensibly too engrossed in the data to notice their bickering. His lips are curving into a private smile, though.
"You're both children," Max corrects himself.
"Apparently so! I didn't even consider getting the number of my seat mate!"
"That's because your seat mate is married," Max tells him flatly.
"Hey, that's never gotten in the way of a torrid love affair. Right, Sebastian?"
"Exactly," Sebastian agrees, flicking to the next page of graphs.
"He's also your boss. Goes against the rules of conduct at F1 Wings I'm afraid."
"That is a good point," Sebastian says. Lando just waves his hand dismissively.
"Enough about my lost chance with one ravegously attractive Captain Vettel, let's-"
"You flatter me Lando."
"Not a word of a lie."
Max rolls his eyes. "You know, obsequioussness won't get you that promotion."
"Obsequiou-what?" Lando repeats dubiously, as if Max has just spoken Dutch.
"It means servility," Sebastian explains.
"Servility? Like to be polite?"
"That's civility. Servility is to be overly attentive and ingratitating."
"It means to be a bootlicker," Max informs him, deciding to put them all out of their misery.
"Right, first of all, by simply proclaiming the truth of our captain's fabulously good looks does not make me bootlicker, fuck you," Lando says lightly, ticking one finger down.
"Language," Sebastian says, flicking to the final sheet of graphs.
"And secondly, how come I'm the native speaker and you two are foreigners and know words like that?"
"Maybe your private school wasn't all it was cracked up to be," Max says, unable to resist the easy dig. Lando scoffs, rolling his eyes.
"Right, let's move away from civility and -"
"Servility and bootlicking and let's get back to the pressing matter at hand."
"That we're piloting an eight-hour journey and need to start doing some security checks?" Max asks, and Lando shoots him a look.
"No. The fact that you got the number of someone in the bus! I've never known you to even talk to someone outside of the work setting, let alone flirt and get numbers scribbled on the back of your hand."
"Gee. Thanks," Max deadpans before turning to Sebastian. "Isn't part of your job as captain to get us to stop talking and start doing checks?"
He glances up from the ipad, blue eyes sharp and bright. "Yes," he says after a beat. "But in my books Lando is right, this is a very important topic to discuss."
"My love life is not an important -"
"The discovery that you actually have one is -"
"Alright," Max says loudly. "As fun as this has been, I'm actually going to be a responsible professional pilot and -"
"We still have an hour and a half to complete checks which will at most take an hour," Lando says dismissively. "Come on, we need details!"
"Of what?" Max asks bluntly.
"Her name! How old is she, what's she doing, is she hot? How does she like her eggs in the morning," he adds with a smirk.
Max suddenly envisions it. None of your business, none of your business, yes, he's very attractive, and no, don't know.
That would be it. Just a simple change of pronouns, and it would all be done. Lando's eyes would widen, and Sebastian would continue to look at the graphs, poker face hiding his own shock, but it would be done. He? Lando would say, questioning, and Max would nod and change the subject, and that would be it. Finally. And it would only be his two coworkers, but it would be something. It would mean that his truth exists beyond this confines of his mind, that others knew it too. He. Not she, but he.
"Yes she's attractive", Max snaps, brusque and harsh and cold.
"Geeze, I thought you'd be pleased about it. You sound pissed off she isn't some ogre," Lando says. Max looks away. He brings his hand to his mouth, biting down on his thumb knuckle again. The pain of teeth into skin is a welcome destraction, taking away from the surge of self-loathing rising inside.
"Alright," Sebastian says firmly. "That's enough chit chat, time to start earning our paychecks. Lando, read the graphs. There's nothing unusual there, but -"
"Why do I have to read them if you've already gone over them and know there's nothing unusual?" Lando complains, but after one sharp look from Sebastian, wordlessly accepts the iPad.
"I'll help you with the configuring the altimeter," he mutters, well used to Sebastian's routine. He drops his hand, looking down at the pale indentations carved around the joint. He presses it into his crisp pilot uniform, hiding it as he slides past Lando to sit beside Sebastian.
Hey, breakfast in Qatar can't come soon enough
He texts it while waiting for the airhosts and hostesses to finish welcoming the passengers abroad. He's technically not supposed to have it on at this stage, but Landos blatantly scrolling through a video game subreddit on his latest apple device while Sebastian is taking the opportunity to read another few pages of the Anna Karenina copy he's been working on since they last flew to Moscow.
Daniel opens the message immediate.
Why lol, hungry already?
No, not hungry.
Is all Max texts. It takes longer for Daniel to respond, and Max watches the three bubbles bounce as he types.
I'm looking forward to seeing you again too :)
Part 4 here!
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frolltomstein · 6 months
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I wanted to draw something for fun in between my work projects, so here’s a little Julie Joyful!
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cr3ntist · 7 months
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Day 4 of HUESTUCK!
this one is definitely my favorite so far
go check out the companion kid :]
our palette as always from @floweroflaurelin
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Some Lola (th)inking
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ashenmind · 1 month
apparently the way to get people to follow you is to follow them for x time, unfollow them (cause you’re a fickle little bird), then mysterious get followed by them 2x later.
no idea why, but this has happened like five times at this point.
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kyngsnake · 1 year
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butch lesbians love his fashion taste
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redstrewn · 10 months
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goosehascats · 5 months
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Moon 5: Ryekit comes up with a plan to sneak out of camp with Hootkit.
Obviously kits don't get official refs till they're apps but. also. look at how cute they are... I couldn't not draw this prompt...
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savvyliu · 2 years
Nobody is busier than a person that's not interested in you
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mondaymelon · 1 year
ignore this
uhm so uh here are osme things u need to do
please update the smau i am crying
regain motivation (both to write and to live)
humanity is such a bitch
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ratshmarbled · 2 years
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teddy-bear-d · 2 years
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A goopy boi
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