filmbyjy · 2 years
truth untold
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pairing: sim jaeyun x fem!reader
summary: growing up, you had an overprotective brother to be your surveillance. he constantly tells every guy you've liked off but what happens when you fell in love with his best friend?
no.of words: 7.5K (yes this is the reason why it took so long)
warning: tons of cursing, one part makeout and umm it's a little spicy so i'd say a little suggestive. i'm sorry but i had to because jake is hot. edit: okay after rereading it. there are tons of kissing scene and tons of me thirsting over jake. not much angst really. just one part. sexual jokes because why not.
NOTE: this is actually a request by an anon. i decided to turn it into actual fic because the concept of brother's best friend has always been one of my favourite. so yeah, hope you enjoyed this! oh and this is just a oneshot. there is no part 2!
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you never thought you’d be pinned to the bedroom door by your brother’s best friend but here you were. his adorable doe eyes staring into yours, his lips parted and nose extremely close to yours.
“i-i.” he manages to stutter out. you could tell he was really flustered. like he didn’t mean to be in this situation. after all, you were off-limits.
now let’s not get ahead of ourselves, how did you get into this situation in the first place?
well let’s fully explain in depth who this “brother’s best friend” is and why he was even here in the first place.
sim jaeyun or as he goes by preferably, jake. he was your older brother’s best friend. he was a year older than you. well, he was a few months older than you since he was born during the later parts of the year but he never lets it die down that he was still considered a year older than you.
jay, your dear older brother, became friends with him at the ripe age of 13. jay was sort of a little too overprotective at times with you, especially around his friends. you see, jay had many friends at 13 years old, he was quite popular but the friends that stuck the most with him was mainly sunghoon and heeseung. they of course quickly accepted jake into the friend group after he proved he was worthy of being considered one of jay’s closest friends.
so the first time you ever met with the puppy-like boy was when you were 12. you had just came back from your extra classes. you were tired and so you threw your bag onto the kitchen counter and searched for your tub of ice cream. you heard rustling from behind you but you thought nothing of it since you thought it was just your older brother.
so when you heard another voice other than your brother’s you turned around with an ice cream filled mouth. you held a spoon up ready to take another bite out of the tub of ice cream.
“(name)! show some manners and why are you eating ice cream? you haven’t even had dinner!” jay scolds you. you stared at the unknown boy beside jay. he was good looking, kinda cute too, definitely your type…
“this is jake, my new friend.” jay says as he notices your curious eyes inspecting his friend.
“hi.” you managed to squeak out. thankfully, you didn’t stutter or else jay would surely be suspicious of your tone of voice.
“hi.” jake answers back. he was adorable but he was even more adorable when his stupid plump lips adorned a smile. god, you were already smitten.
“the other boys are coming over, you better not come down here. we are conquering the tv for some games and movies.” jay warns.
“what? come on, jay. you can’t be serious, i wanna watch tv too!” you folded your arms. jay rolls his eyes.
“sorry but it’s my turn today.” he sticks out his tongue. you huffed. jake could only smile a little at the both of you.
this was not the last time you saw sim jaeyun. since the boy was only a year older than you, your schedules frequently lined up but that meant you’d see your brother too and well you see…
jay has this big thing of always mentioning you were off-limits to any guy you came across, this was also an unspoken rule to his friends because why would you want to date your best friend’s younger sister? that’s a no for the bro code.
the last time you ever crushed on a guy (besides crushing on jake but jay doesn’t need to know that), the guy was terrifyingly interrogated by your older brother and his best friends. ah right, jay having friends also meant that you would also have 3 other older brothers. the poor guy that you liked apparently apologised for having a crush on you and never spoke to you ever again. that was how terrifying jay was as an older brother.
this was also another reason as to why you did not mention you liked jake. you wanted to spare him from the scary older brother talk. the fact that they were best friends does not help, what if jay starts to hate jake because you liked him. you did not want to ruin their friendship just for your own happiness.
now you were turning 18, sure these past few years of knowing the boys was interesting but it still kinda made you sad that your interactions with them were limited because of jay’s unspoken rule. over the past years of knowing sunghoon and heeseung (who were also your childhood friends), they never really hugged you. if they did, they would get side eyed by jay. it was really a pity.
ah but let’s not forget how controlling jay was with your outfit, if you wanted to go out, you’d have to wear something decent. you weren’t allowed to even show much skin. not even your parents were this conservative, they let you do as you please because they wanted you to learn how to take care of yourself and be independent.
but with jay controlling everything, you were forced to keep your mouth shut and listen to what he says. hence, you weren’t allowed to be even in the same room as the boys. as mentioned before, you were 18. nothing much has changed. jay was still controlling as per usual but since jay and his friends have garnered quite the attention from the whole school for being good looking, they started to throw parties.
sometimes, the parties were held at sunghoon’s house but most of the times since your parents were out, the parties were held at your home. today was no different.
“(name), please stay in your room. we are throwing a party.” jay mentions as he tossed his soccer jersey into the laundry basket. he pushes it into the garage and shuts the door close. they were getting ready for the party.
“can i join? i mean i’m bored and i have nothing to do.” you fold your arms.
“yeah jay, (name) should join. after all, she is legal now. take it as a ‘she’s finally legal’ party.” sunghoon says as he taps away on the controller trying to beat heeseung. jay rolls his eyes.
“oh come on, jay. why can’t she join. she deserves to have fun, you know.” sunghoon says.
“she’s too young. moreover, there are tons of disgusting senior guys who may be drunk and will try to hit on her.”
“honestly, why are you gatekeeping her from getting a boyfriend. she’s 18. she’s only a year younger than us.” heeseung adds.
“are you hearing yourself? you know how guys our age are. you know they will try to get into her pants.” jay says.
“so? what’s wrong with me loosing my virginity to a random hookup?” you say. jay turns to look over at you.
“(name), i don’t want you to loose your damn virginity to some possible fuckboy.”
“then what about you? you popped your cherry when you were 16.” you fold your arms.
“that’s different, (name).”
“how is that different? it happened during a school camp with a cheerleader. how is that any better? you still threw her to the side like some chess piece.”
“okay okay, i think it's best if we stop this. the party is starting in an hour’s time and we still need to buy the possible snacks and maybe some booze?” jake says. jay rolls his eyes, jake was right they still have not bought snacks for their last minute impromptu party.
although, it was fine to have no snack at the party, they still needed alcohol. you see, jay’s parties are usually the most extravagant and most drunken filled teen party you’d ever go. it’s practically a must to get drunk at jay’s parties. moreover, tons of girls would certainly come over to visit the boys since they are the hot topic.
“fine, heeseung hyung will go buy the beer. sunghoon, you are with me on snack duty. jake..” he eyes jake. “you stay with my sister to prevent her from doing anything stupid.” jay says.
“what? i’m not a baby! i can take care of myself!” you grumbled.
“you are still my baby sister so one of us has to stay to watch over you.” jay points his finger at jake, “and you, you better not try anything funny with (name). if i catch you fooling around with her so help me i will-”
“chop my dick off. got it. i’ve heard your ‘overprotective’ brother talk a bunch of times.” jake finishes jay’s words. “you can trust me bud, i won’t do anything funny with your little sister. besides, you know i don’t like her like that.”
you felt your stomach drop, did jake just indirectly reject you? who knew it would hurt so much? you knew this would happen but hearing it directly from jake? you certainly did not feel great.
“hey, umm. sorry, i need to run to the restroom.” you say before going upstairs. you shut the bathroom door closed and crouched down on the floor. those words jake said kept repeating in your head. tears falling quickly.
“i knew this would happen but why does it hurt so bad.” you sighed. you sniffled. a knock was heard.
“hey (name), are you okay in there? i umm heard sniffling.” jake says.
you looked yourself in the mirror, your eyes were bloodshot, the eyeliner and mascara that you put on to make yourself look presentable to jake was ruined. why do you even bother trying? you did this for jake, someone who isn’t even allowed to be in a room alone with you.
you opened the door and faced jake.
“hey-wait why are you crying?” jake panics. what happened to you in there? he checks up on you to see if you got hurt. he was so caring that it actually hurt you. your heart breaks.
“i hate you.” you whisper. jake stops and looks straight in your eyes. you looked directly into his eyes.
“what?” he says. it’s like you could tell in his eyes, he was hurt by your words. you wanted to walk past him and go to your bedroom but he holds you back.
“what do you mean (name)? why do you hate me?”
“it means exactly that, jake.” you had to put a wall between you and jake, before it’s too late.
“i know you don’t mean it (name). tell me what’s wrong.”
“you don’t deserve to know what’s going on with me. after all, you are just my brother’s best friend.”
“yeah, i am but you’re like my little sister. i deserve to know what’s going on so i can help.” you laughed at jake’s words.
“of course, just a little sister to you.” you held in your tears and looked into his eyes. “was there ever a time where i was more than a sister to you? was there ever a time, where you ever look at me and treat me like a proper woman?” you pried your wrist off from jake’s grip.
you shut your bedroom door and memories from 2 years ago came flooding in.
it was summer, your family decided to rent out a cabin in the middle of the woods just for a simple holiday. jay decided it was best to bring the 3 boys over for fun. honestly, it was the best decision as it was one holiday you’d never forget.
because…jake almost kissed you.
“woahhhh, dad, this cabin is so cool.” jay gawks at the cabin’s interior. your dad and mom chuckled.
“well it better have been or else our guests wouldn’t have too much fun.” your dad mentions.
“mr.park, it’s really okay. thank you for inviting us.” heeseung says. he nudges sunghoon and jake.
“right, thank you mr.park.” jake adds. your dad smiles.
“well, there are rooms to be picked out. why don’t you kids go choose a room. your mom and i will settle with any room that is leftover.”
with that, jay shoves his friends and went running to choose his bedroom. sunghoon running after him whilst heeseung just shakes his head and walks over slowly.
“jaeyun, what about you?” your mom asks.
“i don’t mind any room.” he turns to you, “why don’t you pick out a room (name)?” you were flustered to have jake’s gaze over at you.
“umm, thanks. i’ll pick a room.” you rolled your luggage down the hallway. you could hear sunghoon and jay fighting for a room. heeseung had already chosen a room and so he was unpacking. you looked around for a room and found one that had the most perfect view of the lake.
it was accompanied by a small balcony with two chairs and a small table. the room itself wasn’t that big and honestly, you were sure it was smaller than the other rooms but you didn’t care about that. the bed was already a good size for you and it had a view you loved.
since you had arrived at the cabin with your parents a little late, the sun was starting to set. you placed your backpack down and rolled your luggage to a safe spot. you walked over to the balcony and sighed in content, not forgetting to snap a photo of the sunset which loomed over the lake.
“i see you’ve chosen your room.” jake says as he leans on the doorframe. you turned to the boy and smiled.
“the view is spectacular, come over here.” you gestured for jake to come over. he chuckled and went over to the balcony. you looked at jake to observe his reaction.
“you’re right, it’s really pretty.” yeah…really pretty. god, why did jake have to be so good looking. “can i come over to your room later? i wanna hang out with you later.”
you tilt your head, “but jay will say something.”
“then i’ll come over when he is dead asleep.” jake smiles. you smiled too.
your dad had gathered some firewood and threw them into the fireplace. it was really domestic and you enjoyed your time. however, you were more excited to have jake over in your bedroom after jay had fallen asleep. jake usually wasn’t a daredevil and would obey jay’s overprotective brother protocol but there were times where he would sneak in to hang out with you for a bit.
those were rare times, like currently. after jay had knocked out cold due to the extremely delicious steak your dad grilled. the boys simply kept talking about how they should hit the gym after this trip but for now, they would eat anything your dad had showed up with.
jake knocks on your bedroom door and pops his head in to check up on you. you were busy reading the book you brought from home. you looked up at the boy and smiled a little.
“come in.” you say. jake enters your room and shuts the door quietly. he stretches and you accidentally spot his toned stomach, you quickly looked away, feeling shy already. both you and jake settled on the chairs by the balcony.
“it’s really beautiful at night. i mean, the moon is directly shining into your bedroom. it’s perfect for some cheesy romantic movie.” jake says. you laughed.
“didn’t you say that you hate rom-coms?”
“yeah but they are always the classics.” jake adds. you nod.
the night sky wind blows against your skin, kissing it lightly. you felt jake’s hands grazing your cheeks, trying to move your hair behind your ears. you turned to look at jake. it was quiet between the both of you. a lingering tension filled the air and you could’ve sworn, jake was a distance away from you. when did he get so close?
he only leans closer, your heart beating quickly. was he going to kiss you? you shut your eyes and waited for his lips to meet yours. jake’s eyes were shut too so he surely wanted the kiss as well. it never came though because just as your lips were barely grazing jake’s, you heard someone shouting and opening your bedroom door quickly.
“(name), there is a large cockroach in my room. PLEASE HELP ME.” jay says. jake quickly hides behind the small wall so jay does not suspecting anything. you looked at jake discreetly, his eyes were widened. you could tell he was terrified to get caught by jay.
“i thought you were asleep?” you say.
“yeah, i was. before i stirred in my sleep and heard some weird buzzing flying noise in the bedroom. guess, what? it’s a motherfucking flying cockroach.”
“and you want me to go.” you fold your arms.
“you’ve killed a lizard before. cockroaches are equally the same. they are still weird disgusting creatures.”
“why didn’t you ask the boys?”
“well, sunghoon is dead asleep and i might get murdered if i wake him up. heeseung is on a call with his ‘soon-to-be-girlfriend’ so i rather not hear all the mushy shit he says. as for jake, i have no idea where that idiot went to. maybe he is busy fishing at night or being mauled by a bear. who knows, you know he always walks away randomly and does his ‘i am different from everyone else’ stance every time, right?” you glanced at jake again, he was scowling at jay.
“uhh yeah.” you sighed, “just show me where the cockroach is. you’re lucky i packed a cockroach spray knowing there may or may not be cockroaches.” you say.
“thank you, baby sis. follow me.” jay leads you to his bedroom. as jay walks first, you looked at jake and gestured for him to get out after you. he nods.
the next morning, at the dining table. you and jake sent each other weird glances and it seems like sunghoon and heeseung was the only one that caught on. they both message you in this groupchat you had without jay (because the boys still think they deserve to interact with you).
- heeseung: what’s up with the both of you?
- sunghoon: yeah, what happened?
- jake: nothing that you should know. me and (name) just hanged out last night.
- you: yeah, that’s all.
- sunghoon: dude, that’s unfair. i wanna hang out with (name) too :(
- heeseung: yeah :(
- jake: too bad :P
you looked up at jake and smiled. he smiles back when jay faces away from the both of you.
“alright kids, how does handmade pancake sound like?” your dad says.
back to the present, you grabbed the picture frame that was in your bedroom. it was a picture of you, jay, sunghoon, heeseung, jake and your parents. you had a swimming competition that time and you won a silver medal. sure, it wasn’t a gold but you cherished it since you were with your loved ones.
jay didn’t know but jake’s arms were around your shoulder in the picture. he was smiling brightly. you smiled weakly as you stared at the picture. however, you knew in the picture, you were not the reason why he was smiling brightly. the photographer at the time was jake’s crush and so he was probably smiling brightly at her and not because he was happy you won a medal.
you sighed. every memory you had with jake was always about your longing desire to date him. to hold him close and never let him go but he was never yours from the start. not when your brother shielded you from him. you heard a knock at your bedroom door, followed by a voice.
“(name), i don’t know what’s the reason for you to hate me but i’m sorry. for everything or anything i’ve done.” jake says. your heart aches, jake did not deserve to say sorry to you. you should be the one apologising to yourself for hurting yourself and falling in love with someone you can’t have.
you went to open the door and hugged jake. he stays frozen but wraps his arms around you. you cried again.
“i’m sorry.” you cried out. jake holds you close before patting your head and running his hands down your back.
“you did nothing wrong, it’s not your fault.” he says, despite not knowing why you were crying in the first place.
“no, you don’t understand jake. it’s my fault. everything up till now is my fault.” you say. jake holds you at arm’s length.
“what do you mean (name)?”
“i was never meant to fall for you and yet i did. this is my fault.” you confessed. jake stares at you wide eyed.
“(name), i-”
“no, jake. i shouldn’t have told you.” you hear the front door open and chattering downstairs. “you should go, i can’t go to the party anyways.” you say as you walked back into your room and shut the door. jake sighs.
“fuck, what do i do?” he groans into his hands. jake goes over to help his 3 friends. jay easily notices something is up with jake. he pats his best friend’s back.
“what’s up?” jay says.
“nothing much.” jake answers.
“you look…stressed. chill out bud, there will be tons of girls at the party and you can fuck around with them. get your mind off things.” jay explains.
“yeah, you’re right.” jake says. jay chuckles.
“i’m always right.” jay smirks. sunghoon smacks the back of jay’s head.
“wrong. i’m always right.” sunghoon adds.
“asshole, i was trying to comfort our friend.” jay rolls his eyes.
“alright, enough. jay, aren’t you going to change into something snazzy to entertain the girls?” heeseung says.
“you know it. oh and whoever rings the doorbell, let them in by the way. i’ll go take a long shower and get ready.” jay winks. heeseung gags, pretending to hate the wink jay threw at his friends.
now it was heeseung and sunghoon’s turn to question their friend’s behaviour. they turned to look at jake with concern.
“what happened?” heeseung asks
“something with (name), we assume.” sunghoon says.
“she likes me.” jake says. sunghoon and heeseung gasp.
“dude, that’s great.” they pat his back. excited that his friend has a girl crushing on him.
“of course, it’s great. if her fucking brother wasn’t jay. you know, he’d kill me if he finds out about me fooling around with her. you remember what he said before. he’d chop my dick off and i don’t want (name) to get in trouble too.”
“that’s true but jay has no right to stop you or (name) to fall in love with each other. yeah, he is her brother, they are family but it is (name)’s choice to choose what’s right and wrong. she’s literally legal and a grown woman now. she’s definitely not the same girl me and heeseung grew up with.” sunghoon says.
“so, what sunghoon is trying to say is…” heeseung pushes jake slightly towards the stairs, “go get your girl.”
“but jay’s in the shower-”
“shut it and go.” heeseung tells jake. jake huffs. he trudges up the stairs, he could hear the shower running and jay humming songs in there. his heart races. he sneaks past the bathroom and goes to your bedroom door.
he knocks on it lightly.
“jay, please not now. i’m busy!” he could hear your voice cracking. have you still been crying all this time. he sucks in a breath and opens your bedroom door. he shuts it and walks over to you.
“jake, what are you doing here? jay is here. you’ll get caught.” you say. jake only walks towards you more. you groaned and grabbed his hand.
“out.” you pulled him to your bedroom door but the next thing he does surprises you.
you were pinned to the door. his adorable doe eyes staring right into yours, it was widened along with his furrowed brows. his plump heart shaped lip were parted. as if he realised what he was doing was not intentional. he stutters a little.
“shit (name), i am so sorry. this was not supposed to happen.”
“i don’t mind if this happen-fuck, i mean.” jake groans. you giggled. “sorry.”
“jake it’s fine. i mean, if it was unintentional, you would’ve moved back by now right?” you teased. jake blushes. he takes a deep breath.
“what if i meant it to happen?”
“then, it was intentional?”
“(name), i like you too.” jake confesses. you could hear your heart beating. was jake fooling with you?
“you’re not joking, are you?” you asked.
“you know i am a horrible liar so yes, i like you park (name) a-and i want you to be my girlfriend.” jake says. you wrapped your arms around jake’s neck.
“who could say no to you?” you kissed jake right on the lips. the same ones you have been dreaming of smooching since you could last remember. jake relaxes into the kiss, his hands making their way to your waist.
it gets pretty heated real quick though and you never thought it would but here you were making out with jake against your bedroom door. he slips his tongue past and you were drunk on the feeling. you hummed when jake continued to kiss you passionately, his hands going over to wrap one of your legs around his waist.
you heard a small knock but neither you or jake acknowledged it. both too drunk on the feeling of each other. jake’s lips left yours, he starts to litter a few kisses on your neck and you whimper a little. then a loud knock was heard which caused you and jake to jump at the noise.
“(name)? i’ve been calling you for the past minute. have you seen jake? he suddenly disappeared and sunghoon mentioned you were the last one to see him.” jay yells over the loud music. seems like the party has started.
both you and jake looked at each other. the both of you were in a mess, his hair was a little messed up since you pulled on it slightly while making out with him and as for you, your lips were slightly swollen. surely if jay were to enter your room now, he’d see this mess.
“i didn’t see him, sorry. maybe he went to buy some stuff because he forgot.” your voice sounded rougher than usual. jake bites his lips.
“weird, he usually texts the chat though. anyways, please don’t leave the room. the party is ongoing and i-”
“you don’t want me to mix around with the seniors. yes, jay i know.”
“alright, then goodnight.” jay says. you could hear his footsteps going further and further. you let out the unknown breath you were holding in.
“jake-” he kisses you again. “we shouldn’t-” he pecks your lips.
“you heard jay, babe. he said goodnight.”
“yeah but that’s because i’m just supposed to stay in my room until i fall asleep. you on the other hand have to get your ass down there or else jay will get suspicious!”
“i can always text him and say i went home when in fact i’m next to you in your bed, trying to put you to sleep.”
“jake!” you hit his arm. you hear another knock at the door.
“hey, you two okay in there? sorry, i mentioned you were the last person to see jake, (name). I forgot that you two were kinda talking to each other.” sunghoon says. you went to open the door. sunghoon pouts.
“it’s okay hoon, where is jay right now?”
“downstairs, he’s busy with some chick. she’ll probably occupy him for the rest of the night. you don’t have to worry.”
“alright, thanks.” sunghoon inspects the both of you.
“were you two…making out?” you looked at jake and then back at sunghoon.
“we, umm. we kissed and i asked her to be my girlfriend.” jake says.
“oh, that’s great. good luck trying not to get caught by jay though. he as you know is really terrifying and overprotective.” sunghoon pats jake’s shoulder.
“I’ll try not to get my ass bitten.” jake says.
“you’d be into that though.” sunghoon jokes.
“park sunghoon!” you say.
“what, why are you defending your little boyfriend. would you like to watch his ass bitten by your brother. didn’t know you were into that (name).” sunghoon smirks.
“sunghoon, would you please shut the fuck up?” you say. he sticks his tongue out.
the next few weeks were hard. you had to sneak around with jake a lot and he would always send secret glances at you while jay wasn’t looking. it didn’t help at the fact that jake was always constantly so affectionate, i mean you weren’t complaining you liked this. however, with the existence of your brother…it made physical affection become the hardest part of your relationship. this unfortunately was what the boy had signed up for.
just like recently, where jay weirdly invited you to have a movie night with him and the boys. hah, kidding you invited yourself in by begging him. jay simply rolled his eyes and allowed you. you knew he loved you too much to push you away. that was the great part of being jay’s younger sister.
you were getting popcorn from the kitchen (homemade). the boys had ate everything so you were tasked by your dear brother to help fill the bowl with the extra ones in the kitchen. jake decides to sneak off and meet up with you in the kitchen. you were scooping the popcorn into the bowl when you felt arms wrapping you. the culprit nuzzles his head on your shoulder. you snickered.
“really babe?” you asked softly.
“i haven’t held you today and you know finals are soon.”
“yeah, that makes me realise. i need to study.” you say.
“can i join you in your room, baby?” you turned to face the puppy eyes your boyfriend was giving you. you playfully rolled your eyes.
“no, jaeyun. moreover, jay will realise that you are gone.” you hear footsteps trudging closer so you pushed jake away and he quickly pretends to look into the fridge. you continue to scoop up the popcorn.
“(name). you are taking too long on the popcorn. movies are boring without them.” jay huffs.
“yes, dear brother. at your service, i just finished scooping them up. just scoot your ass back to the couch.”
“they better be buttered up just nice-”
“yes, they are. you are the one who made them.” you deadpan.
“ah right.” jay looks at jake. “let’s go dude, you have been staring at the fridge for a long time.”
“sorry, i was looking for my drink but it seems like it’s not there.”
“oh, took the last can. sorry.” jay shrugs and goes on his way back to the living room. jake glares at where jay left off to.
“i’ll buy you your drink. if that makes you feel better.” you say.
“thanks babe.” he whispers it loud enough for you to hear and blows you a kiss.
like previously mentioned, for the boys, as it was their senior year, they had finals before they graduated. you and jake unfortunately couldn’t meet much since he was busy studying. he obviously apologised through texts and you forgave him of course. when finals was officially over, your parents had surprised the boys with a deserved holiday trip to the cabins!
it made you think about the previous time at the cabins, the time when jake was about to kiss you. hmm, do you think he could actually kiss you for real this time? (though you were quite literally dating now)
you were packing your things. the boys had already packed and they decided it was a smart idea to have a sleepover. besides, your dad had already rented out a literal tiny bus for this trip. it was already sitting on the driveway. you were packing your things late at night since you couldn’t sleep.
“couldn’t sleep?” jake says upon entering your room. you turned to him and smiled. he pecks your lips.
“yeah, kinda have been debating on what to wear.”
“who are you trying to impress hmm?”
“you.” jake laughs.
“might i remind you that you are already the future mrs.sim.” he boops your nose. you scrunched your nose.
“well, mr.sim. I still wanna look good and maybe take some pictures so i’m not only trying to impress you.” jake hums. his eyes falls onto the picture frame. it was the swimming competition one.
“you know, i wasn’t staring at the photographer who took this photo.” jake says. you looked at him.
“you weren’t?”
“yeah, she was just my friend. she knows i like you so she teases me all the time. i have a different photo, she sent the one where she caught me shamelessly staring at you with loving eyes.”
“no way.” you didn’t believe him. he takes out his phone and scrolls around for the photo. pretty easy to find considering he has a locked folder solely dedicated to you ever since you two started dating.
“see?” he shows you the photo. it was true, jake was staring at you. you looked up at him.
“i meant it when i said i’ve loved you for the longest time. it’s just, i couldn’t confess because of your brother but…” he takes a hold of your hand. “we are here now. together as a couple.” he kisses your knuckles.
“babe.” you pout. jake pinches your cheeks and steals a short kiss from your pouting lips.
“we still have that kiss that we haven’t completed back at the cabin. wanna recreate what happened before your brother bursted into the door?” jake asks.
“you still remember what happened?”
“of course, it’s the day i nearly kissed you. one of the most memorable moments my 17 year old self could experience.”
you snort, “what? nearly kissing your best friend’s 16 year old sister?”
“hey, to be fair. you wanted it too. you leaned in too!” jake says.
“well babe, who wouldn’t want to kiss you? you were mr.hot guy back then.”
“and now i’m mr.taken.”
“yes, you are.” you pecked his lips.
the next morning, your mom makes breakfast. sunghoon walks into the dining area dead on the inside.
“what’s wrong, sweetie?” your mom says.
“i think i screwed up on my finals. what if i don’t go to the same college as you guys?” sunghoon pouts at his friends. your mom affectionately ruffles his hair.
“sunghoon, you are smartest boy i know. plus, you still have ice skating as a career. at least you did your best.”
“mom, am i the one smart too.” jay innocently says.
“oh, jay sweetie. i’m already thankful if you get into college.” your mom says. jay huffs. jake and heeseung laughing at him. you smiled.
“(name) sweetie, how is going along with the boyfriend hmm?” your mom suddenly says. your eyes widened. jay’s eyes too.
“mom, i don’t have a boyfriend.”
“sweetie, i see you constantly smiling on your phone.”
“yeah, i was watching something funny which is why. plus, it was late at night. you know i laugh quite loud.” you explained. your eyes met with jay’s. he was sneaking in small glares at you to get you to admit it.
it was about 12pm, your dad had placed everything needed in the compartment. for smaller bags, it can just be dumped into the back since there was more than enough seats for everyone.
“everyone ready?” your dad asks. you happily replied with ‘yes’.
with that, you set off. you were sitting in the back with the extra baggage. there was only one seat left next to you and you knew none of the boys would settle next to you. everyone was falling asleep or so you thought. jake makes his way to the seat next to you and you tilt your head at him. you checked if jay was asleep and he was. his head laid on sunghoon’s, how cute you thought.
jake holds your hand and squeezes it. you took out earphones.
“i missed you.” jake whispers. you smiled. “i also missed your lips on mine.”
“jake, we can get caught.”
“just one kiss.” jake gives you his best puppy eyes ever. god you were so weak for him. you sighed.
“fine.” jake leans in and kisses you. you thought he was going to cut it short but you were wrong. he holds you in place, a hand raising to your cheek as he tilts his head to deepen the kiss. it’s been a while since you and jake ever got this intimate so you missed this.
you pulled away only for jake to chase for your lips once again.
“babe, we can’t. not right now, okay?”
“just one more?” jake pleads.
“we can’t makeout here. everyone is here.”
“then…later?” jake says.
“okay.” jake makes sure to steal one last peck before going back to his seat.
your dad finally pulls up to the cabin. he somehow managed to even reserve the same one from 2 years ago. everyone leaves the bus, they stretch and went over to help get the items from the compartment. even moving them into the cabin. you were helping your dad and you were the only one outside along with him.
“hey kiddo.”
“yeah dad?”
“i saw you and jake.” your eyes widened. right, your dad was driving obviously he would be able to witness whatever happened. he can’t sleep while he drove everyone to the cabin.
“dad i-”
“i’m not mad sweetie, don’t worry. i’ve always felt that you and jake should be together, even your mom agrees. she had a feeling, you liked him.”
“we know how your brother can get so we won’t say anything about this but just to let you know…we are proud of you.” you smiled.
“thanks dad.” your dad ruffles your hair.
“now, go choose your room.”
“yes, dad.”
you went into the cabin. it was almost the exact same, maybe they just changed up the furnitures and renovated it over the years since it was pretty old. it brought more nostalgic when jay and sunghoon went to fight for bedrooms.
“things never change.” heeseung says whilst shaking his head. he heads straight into the hallway with his luggage. you were left with jake and your parents.
“you don’t have to be uptight. i already know about you two.” your dad tells jake. he lets out breath and instantly goes to hold your hand.
“let’s go, mrs.sim?” jake says. you giggled.
“sure, mr.sim.” you retort back. both you and jake went over to the hallway. your mom watches over you two.
“they remind me of us in the past.”
“your brother wasn’t protective over you though.” your dad says.
“yeah but seeing them so in love reminded me of us.” your mom coos.
you chose the same room from 2 years ago. it still had that spectacular view. once again, you were shocked that none of the boys had chosen this room. they probably took the same rooms in the past. unless, of course, jay didn’t want his little visitor to appear again. you prayed that history did not repeat itself because you’d love to actually kiss jake, without the same incident happening again.
of course like back then, jay and others passed out after eating your dad’s steak. it was too good.
you did as you were previously doing back then, reading your book and being too engrossed in it forgetting jake was ever supposed to visit you in the first place. jake knocks on your door and he pops his head in just like back then. you giggled.
“can i come in?” jake asks.
“yes, you can.” you placed your book down on the bed and made your way over to jake. he shuts the door. you went to peck his lips but he stops you.
“this was not what happened.”
you whined, “are you seriously going to roleplay what happened back then?”
“it was romantic.”
“yeah, before jay interrupted us and you were almost caught.”
“he isn’t going to burst in again, babe. trust me.”
“are you sure?”
“fine.” you realised that meant you had to act shy around jake. you forgot you were ever like this ever since you agreed to be his girlfriend. “wait, that means i have to pretend to be how i was back then.”
“but i was horrible back then.” you say. jake shakes his head.
“i thought you were adorable. now. say those words.”
“but you’re already in my room.”
“ah right then i should probably stretch shouldn’t i?” he smirks.
“you saw me gawking at your body back then? oh my god, jake! that’s so fucking embarrassing.” you groaned. he stretches and you looked away this time. he reaches over for your chin to get you to look at him.
“eyes on me, babe. don’t be shy now, you’ve already seen my body tons of times.”
“that’s because you insist on being shirtless when we sleep in the same bed together.”
“yeah and you love it.” he cockily smirks. you rolled your eyes.
“let’s just fucking sit down.” you groaned. jake chuckles.
the both of you settled down on the chairs in the balcony like old times.
“it’s really beautiful at night. i mean, the moon is directly shining into your bedroom. it’s perfect for some cheesy romantic movie.” jake says.
“i forgot we were roleplaying-”
“say it.” jake says. you sighed.
“didn’t you say that you hate rom-coms?” you say in the most monotone voice.
jake didn’t seem fazed by your tone of voice so he continued. “yeah but they are always the classics.” you deadpanned.
“I really don’t like how you actually remembered what you said.”
“hey, i was flirting with you. how could i not remember? you laughed at it and agreed with me. to me that was progress on stealing your heart.” you snickered.
and just like back then, the night sky wind blows against your skin, kissing it lightly. you felt jake’s hands grazing your cheeks, trying to move your hair behind your ears. you turned to look at jake.
“just fucking kiss me.” he flicks your forehead and you groaned.
“not what happened.” you grumbled at his words.
he leans closer. you shut your eyes and just waited. finally your lips met with his and there was no interruptions this time. jake kisses you with so much love and passion. he was really waiting all this time for this, the kiss you two shared in the bus was not enough. he wanted more, to drown in your lips and so he did.
one of his hand grazes your cheeks. the other tugs forward your chair to the point where you and him were sitting closer. this wasn’t enough though, he needed more. he pulls away.
“babe, i-” before he could get a word out. he hears a throat clearing behind the both of you. there stood your brother. sunghoon and heeseung were standing beside him, hiding behind jay since it seems like they were caught guilty of not reporting this to him. they were also a little traumatised that they witnessed the kiss you two shared (they obviously knew you two were together but they have never seen you two actually kiss).
“jake? care to explain why you were kissing my little sister?” jay shoots him a terrifying gaze. jake’s breath hitches.
“i umm.” jake takes a deep breath, “jay, me and your sister are dating.” he says.
“okay.” jay says. both sunghoon and heeseung turned to jay like he was crazy. even you and jake were shocked.
“no ‘overprotective brother’ talk?” jake cautiously asks.
“why? do you want one? because i-”
“no no no. it’s okay.” jake says. jay nods.
“(name). you’re happy with jake right?”
“u-uh? yes. I am.”
“good. then, you better treat her well.” jay points to jake. he nods.
“but why are you okay with this?” you asked.
“jake, is the best option out of any other guy. i’ve known him for years and he is most definitely perfect for you so yeah i don’t really care if you date him.”
“what about us then? we’ve known you since literally childhood.” sunghoon asks as he points to both him and heeseung.
“like i said. the best option out of all the guys out there.” sunghoon’s jaw drops.
“yah! I would be a great boyfriend to (name)!” sunghoon huffs.
“please don’t put that image in my head. i can handle jake but you? hell no.” jay turns to you. “if you and jake ever break up, please don’t date sunghoon.”
“uh okay?”
“this is discrimination against me!” sunghoon says.
“and by the way. i already caught you two smooching in the car. never knew kissing made so much noise.” jay says before leaving your bedroom. “oh and please use a fucking condom. i don’t want to get a niece or nephew at 19.”
“jay!” the door shuts.
“so umm, wanna continue kissing?” jake asks.
“the mood is ruined, jake.” he tugs you forward to his lap and you fell right into it.
“well, it’s not ruined for me.” jake dangerously says. it was all it took for jake to kiss you again. where mother nature could be the only witness to this escapade.
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thesleeplessdream · 2 years
WARNING FOR: Flashing lights/spoilers Also this might be more fun to watch if you've read the books sooo 😬 In the end I'm not 100% satisfied with the result but it was fun playing with camera angles and drawing her hair over and over ^^ As I've said to others, really it's just a storyboard gone wild 🤠 @rotgoc-celebrations​! Edit* I felt like one of the shots was not as clear as it could have been, this is how I originally intended it to look like if I had the energy -_- *cough* and yet you managed to make this in less than 30 min last night?? *cough* Too graphic maybe?? Sorry 😷😭
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byersbeefstew · 2 months
so sorry but if you're in a rush whyyy are you ordering a coffee and expecting it to be done in literal seconds
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qlossytbh · 2 months
𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐭 - 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐝 𝐱 𝐛𝐚𝐮!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 Spencer reacts to your new hair-do
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 fem!reader, just a lot of disgustingly sweet fluff, Spencer’s a blabbering mess, sweetheart!reader, sunshine!reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 1.3k
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 i actually find this one so cute oml
𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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You walked the corridor, taking long strides as the sound of your heels clicked and echoed across the hall. You smiled sweetly at your fellow co-workers, as you struggled to hold the papers and books in your arms. 
People around the BAU usually loved bumping into you in the morning, mainly because of how infectious your good mood seemed to be. You always walked into work with that huge smile displayed on your features, immediately infecting those around you. No one understood how someone as bright and, in a sense, pure as you could work in such a mentally demanding environment. You’d sometimes take part of seeing the crime scenes and assisted in a few of those cases, but during most of them, you’d stay around and help Garcia with certain tasks and whatnot. 
You waved at one of your more familiar coworkers as you hurriedly made your way to the conference room, desperately trying to make it to the meeting where the rest of the team was waiting. A small wave of anxiety rushed through you, knowing that Gideon was bound to scold you one way or another for being late.
As you turned the corner, your body collided with someone else's, causing a few files to fly away along with two or three books, landing lightly on the ground. A small groan left your lips as you rubbed your arm, before you began to profusely apologize. "I’m sorry, I didn't—"
But to your suprise, when you motioned your gaze upward, you were welcomed with the familiar view of one of your favourite people in this whole office. "Spencer!"
You couldnt help how an increadibly wide smile splattered onto your face as you realized it had only been him whom you bumped into. You noticed however, how Spencer was just staring at you dumbly, moth slightly fallen agape, looking as if not a single thought was going through his head— which was a rare ocassion. 
"Your hair—" He said barely above a whisper as he took in your face. 
You furrowed your brows before dawning with realization. “Oh!”
You hand ran up to your now shoulder length hair and combed your fingertips through the ends of it with a small.
"Yeah, I felt like cutting it all off, seemed eaiser to maintain and I was aiming for it to be healthier, but I’m still getting used to it you know.." You said, leaning on your heels and looking at your friend who seemed too dozed off to be listening to anything you were saying.
And that he was. Spencer had been too busy rerunning his daily schedule in his head as he walked the halls, coincidentally, just as late as you are to the exact same meeting. He felt like an idiot for bumping into someone, cursing internally at himself, and felt even more horrified as he realized that it had been you. And to make matters worse, he had sent all your papers flying everywhere. The embarrassment he was feeling at that exact moment was uncomparable. 
But every running thought stopped when he looked at at you and god. He felt like wind had been knocked directly out of his chest and suddenly his mind went blank. He stared at your now short hair, admiring how incredibly breathtaking it made you look. 
The length framed your face perfectly, encentuating your cheekbones and jaw structure and from what he could see, you’d also gotten a small fringe done. Your cheeks glowed a natural pink hue while your eyes gleemed happily and Spencer couldve sworn in that instant second that you were the most beautiful thing he’d set his eyes on. 
"—Spence." You cut through his thoughts, reeling him back to reality. "You in there?"
He swallowed nervously before nearly jumping to his feet just to answer and prevent you from thinking he had some sort of mental problem for staring so much. "Uh— Yeah! R-right here.."
You dipped your chin slightly as he continued to look at you, your ever persistant smile still plastered onto your features. The sudden pattering of your heart didn’t deter you from observing Spencer with a curious gaze, wondering what was going on in that big head of his. "It's short…”
He mentally slapped himself. You laughed.
"Yeah, it is actually! Didn’t really plan on it being so short, I asked them to leave it longer but the hairstylist lady didnt really listen," You chuckled to yourself, running a hand nervously through your hair. "Do you like it?"
Spencers stomach was doing all sorts of flips and turns as you gazed up at him, looking so sweet. But he couldnt seem to emit any sort of words, anything he thought of responding seemed wrong and the words he wanted to say wouldn't move past the back of his throat. His eye quickly caught a glimpse of your scattered papers. 
"Shoot, uhm—“ He bent down and began collecting all of the pages together nervously. You offered him a humored smile before beinding down and helping him with all the fallen objects, shaking your head at his endearing antics.
It was always so humorous to see how collected and steady Spencer usually was, alwasy able to keep his thoughts into one straight line, aiming to get as much information out as possible, in the most cohesive way possible. He usually held himself so cautiously and carefully. His intelligence was something you loved about him. 
But to see how much of a blabbering mess he’d become around you, made you think very fondly of him. How his hands would begin to fidget nervously and how his words became all twisted. Spencer always had so much in his head, but the second you came into the picture, everything vanished— except the thought of you. 
Derek specifically always teased Spencer with his ‘oh so obvious’ crush, stating how he had 'no game' and if he didnt ask you out sooner he was going to do somethng about it. You were an absolute sweetheart and everyone knew you and Spencer would work perfectly. 
You finished collecting your last book and stood up, sighing in relief. You took one last look at Spencer, beofre looking up at him with a glint of mischeif in your eyes. "You should be careful next time Dr. Reid," 
Spencer could feel his pulse in his neck. He opened his mouth and closed it before clearing his throat. "Yeah, I wasnt really—“
"Spence," You called, pulling him out of his thoughts before he could become a stammering mess. "I’m just teasing."
Spencer swallowed and offered you his signature side smile, wihch cuased your own to grow. You looked behind you and gestured towards the other side of the hall. “We should proabably start walking if we want to—“
"It looks really good." Spencer spat out nervously, too quick for you to catch. You tilted your head, ever so slightly and raised your brows. You hummed, not quite sure you had heard the words that left his mouth. 
"Your, uh, hair—“ He prodded, pointed to your new haircut. "It looks really good— you look really good,"
Your smile grew and your eyes softened. You probably looked like a child on christmas morning. Heat rushed up to your cheeks as you tucked a piece of hair behind your ear timidly, suddenly scared by the way your pulse had quickened. 
"Thank Spence," Your voice was sweet as hunny and all he wanted to do was for you to continue looking at him the way you were right now. You stopped with a bit of hesitation, before welcoming him to come walk with you towards your conjoined meeting. "Walk with me?"
He nodded silently and walked by your side as you rambled about your weekend. Spencer loved talking about the things he knew, and sharing as many facts and statistics as he could, but when it came to you, all he ever wanted to do was just listen.
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i may or may not have a little series in the works🤭
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fruedian · 2 years
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sukunas-wife · 5 months
can you please do sukuna reader and yuji going in the caffe and yuji trying hot chocolate for the first time ?
i literally live you so much <3
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“What the hell, why?” Sukuna eyed you suspicious of your question.
“Ryomen Sukuna-” covering your toddlers ears you gave his dad a look. “You walk around shirtless with four arms and two faces at 8 foot whatever everyday, I’m just asking you to down size and lose the second pair of arms for maybe 2 hours.”
Sukuna grumbled crossing his arms over his chest taking his son when he reached out for his dad “Shame I’m the only one who walks around shirtless in this house.” Holding Yuji on one arm the ruffled his boys hair, “What do you say brat? Do we go do whatever your mom wants or do we rip our shirts off?”
“Shirts!” Yuji screamed immediately trying to rip his shirt to copy his already shirtless dad. “That’s my boy!” Sukuna cheered him on when he managed to tear the hem slightly, “We don’t wanna go, two against one remember that parable or something you read a cord of 2 or whatever.” Sukuna turned away from your cold glare propping Yuji on his shoulder “It’s not like we really belong in public anyways.”
You huffed, looking down, sniffling, the tears burning your eyes as they start to roll and you took a shaky breath “Ryo please, I just wanted to spend some time with you and Yuji at the cafe where I first saw you. Yuji hasn’t seen the city and I just wanted one maybe two hours of your time but you won’t even do that..” your shoulders shaking as you tried to not cry, Yuji who was piggy backing on his dad’s broad shoulders pulled his hair “You made mommy cry!”
Sukuna rolled his eyes sighing heavily, “crying won’t solve your problems y/n, I said no.” Yuji pouted tugging he dad hair as if they were reigns to a horse, “daddyyy” he whined and leaned over his dads head to look at him.
Sukuna huffed before trying to gently flip his brat onto the bed “Stop you’re not helping.” Yuji giggled before running over to you, wedging his body between your knees to hug your waist, “It’s okay mommy we can still go, daddy doesn’t have too.” You sniffled rubbing Yuji’s back, “My sweet little Yuji.” Your teary eyes broke Sukuna when he finally looked at you, “FINE. Im killing anyone who gets in my way.” You smiled standing up and taking Yuji’s hand, “Good we’ll be waiting at the entrance.” You placed a quick kiss on Sukuna’s cheek and he just looked at you in disbelief, “You turned my own blood on me with your fanciful tears, disgusting.” He side eyed you as you closed the room door not hearing or seeing him smirk “What a woman.”
He stood there before calling for Uraume to come get his robes ready, he’d be needing smaller attire for the day.
It didn’t take long for Sukuna to alter his appearance. He stood in a simple wide armed white Robe with a printed belt and plain scarf. On his shoulders was a giggling Yuji who kept reaching up to the passing branches his chubby hands smacking Sakura branches making them shake and fall. On the occasion step Sukuna would purposely shake him to make him hold tighter and scream. You’d smile watching until you got to the city, “let’s hurry! It’s just before lunch.” You hugged Sukuna’s arm, looking up at him with that damn smile, he caved “Hold on brat.”Yuji immediately gripped tightly to his dad’s hair as Sukuna hoisted you up, “I’ll make this quick.”
It felt like a breeze to before you refocused and Sukuna was already putting you down keeping Yuji on his shoulders. “Down.” Yuji bounced on his dad’s shoulders. “No, if I put you down you’re just going to run around.” You smiled at Sukuna placing a hand on his arm, “Sit down with him Ryo I’ll do everything else.” Sukuna looked at you with his usual resting face that looked like a frown, Yuji unknowingly matting his dad’s hair while he played with it. Sukuna caved leaving your side to sit in a corner booth away from everyone, he crossed his arms over his chest after he put Yuji down to sit next to him. Yuji smacked his hands on the table “daddy!” “Hm.” Looking down at his son “That’s man’s talking to mommy!” He stood up in the bench one chubby hand smacked on the table the other chubby finger pointing at a man talking to you, “That’s the cashier brat.” “…. oh…. WHAT ABOUT HIM!” He pointed to man who was now talking to you, you had a forced smile and almost a sympathetic look, “Go bite him.”
There went Yuji throwing himself under the table running to fight his dad’s battles, “for daddy!” Was all you heard before you watched the man in front of you yelp and shake his leg, looking down you saw Yuji clinging to the man’s pant, jaw locked on his thigh almost growling. “Yuji.” You forced back your smile coughing to cover a laugh. “Baby let go.” He side eyed you when you grabbed his sides and he let go, standing up you held Yuji’s hand, “Like I said this is my son and that’s my husband.” The man turned to find Sukuna staring at hin with more than an intimidating look, “forgive me.” The man bowed his left and quickly moved off, you smiled down at Yuji ruffling his messy hair, “My little knight in shining armor hm?” He puffed out his chest smiling “yeah!”
After you grabbed your tray with drinks and let Yuji carry the paper bag of sweets you ordered, you made your way to the booth where Sukuna was staring aimlessly out the window. Watching as Yuji slid into your side of the booth you set the drinks down, “Black coffee with 6 packs of sugar,” you turned to Yuji smiling pulling him into your lap “I got you some special, the waitress has to bring it okay?” He nodded “okay!” He still hadn’t let go of the paper bag Sukuna had been silently eyes as he drank his Coffee, “hand em over.”
You sighed smiling watching your husband try to pry the paper bag from Yuji’s hands, Yuji who slipped off your lap holding the bag to his chest and turning away, “no!”
“Here are your drinks! Two hot chocolates one kids with extra whipped cream.” The waitress quickly left after seeing how your husband was playing tug o war with Yuji who was standing on the booth seat. “Listen brat-” Yuji let the bag go mouth and eyes opening wide as he saw the pile of cream on the short cup, “What’s that?” Bringing his tiny fists to cover his mouth you could see the sparkle in his eyes, “I want you to try it.” He sat himself in your lap reaching for cup that you slowly put in his chubby hands. He spread his fingers over the cup “it’s hot.” “It is, so be careful.” You guided the cup supporting it from below when he tried of drink from it. The first thing to happen was mushing his face into the whipped cream that made you laugh and Sukuna scoffed with a slight smile. Pulling the cup away, “Let’s try to clear some of that up,” you took a spoon scooping out a dent in the whipped cream to see the hot chocolate, bringing to spoon to Yuji he opened his mouth wide. You watched as he closed his mouth and his eyes widened and he clapped his hands “Is good! Daddy! Try!” You both looked at Sukuna, the smile on his face unfaltering as he rested his face against his propped up hand, “You try it first brat.”
Yuji nodded looking determined “I will!” Taking the cup in both hands, your hand guiding the cup, you saw how he stuck his tongue out to test both chocolate first before starting to drink. You looked at Sukuna who looked equally as shocked when your son started to take bigger brinks. When he put the half empty cup down he let out a loud “Aahhh dalichous.” (Delicious) Your smile couldn’t be held back as your peppered the side of his face you could reach with kisses “Look at my little man,” you placed a kiss on his cheek, “so grown you have a little mustache.” He giggled at your kisses shaking in your hold. “Try it daddy…” Yuji wiggled out of your lap just to run to Sukuna, trying to climb into his lap. Sukuna who wanted to resist couldn’t when Yuji looked at him with those big pleading eyes and pulling and on his sleeve, something he definitely learned from you. Sukuna rolling his eyes let Yuji into his lap grumbling about how he better not get comfortable. You watched as Sukuna opened his mouth, his free hand guiding Yuji’s so he could drink from the cup. Yuji’s closed eye smile making Sukuna waver, “it’s… good.” You and Sukuna both watched as Yuji never shifted off his dads lap, holding his cup with two chubby hands drinking and eating pecan cookies until his tummy with round and he fell asleep leaning back against his dads chest. Watching as Ryo held Yuji against his chest, you couldn’t help but awe.
The rest of your visit with your husband was filled with Yuji’s soft snoring, as you both talked quietly about how much things had changed, Sukuna suggesting another child, preferably another boy. You rolled your eyes and would’ve swatted him if Yuji wouldn’t have been cradled against him. Soon enough you all got up ready to go. The quiet snores because Sukuna had fixed Yuji to let his chest on his, and his head tucked between his neck and shoulder. “You’ll stay warm like this.”
Your walk home was peaceful, Yuji was sleeping, drooling on his daddy without a care in the world and you were hugging Sukuna from his side. His free arm moving to hug your waist and keep you warm and with him, he looked down at you, that mischievous smirk, “So, about that second son-“ he was hit with falling snow that had you laughing so hard you had to stop the breath, “We’ll see.”
Ty everyone and for my tag list! My Brains been everywhere but i try!
Sorry it’s so long! I need some background lol
@cyder-puff @domainofmarie @satorisgirl @sad-darksoul the other 2 wouldn’t let me tag!
I’m sorry 🤍 but tyty for everything
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bunnliix · 1 month
Okay so what if you're driving home with some of the ateez members but Wooyoung gets really touchy and starts to finger you while trying to keep Seonghwa asleep and trying not to make Jongho and San in the front realize what's going on-
oooo yes! I love this so much. And I love that I woke up to this ask too hehe. And I didn't expect it to get this long but like I'm so bad at keeping my writing short. This is almost 900 words long oml
A continuation of this ask can be found here!
You’d be trying so hard to not move, so you wouldn’t wake Seonghwa up as he was sitting next to you, his head on your shoulder. Your hand that was closest to Wooyoung moved to grip his thigh tightly, fingers digging into his pants as you took a deep breath in, trying not to outwardly react to his actions. You keep your eyes forward, pointedly ignoring Wooyoung’s attempts to get your attention, watching Jongho and San as they talk in the row in front of the three of you.
“Awwww, you’re really trying to hold back those pretty noises? C’mon, I don’t think the boys would mind hearing how good I make you feel. Might even make them jealous that they can’t have you like this.” Wooyoung whispered in your ear, as his fingers found that spot in you that makes you see stars and a small gasp escapes your mouth, making you panic.
Thankfully Seonghwa didn’t wake up because of it, however San heard it, turning around to look at you with a concerned look on his face, eyebrows knitted together. 
“Are you okay?” He asked you, to which you hurriedly nodded, which wasn’t convincing. He clearly didn’t believe you, but knew he wouldn’t get an answer out of you.
You gripped Wooyoung’s thigh with an iron grip, tighter than before as his pace sped up, his fingers curling inside of you to hit that spot almost every time. You bit your lip to attempt to keep the noises from tumbling out of your mouth, though your breath was clearly heavier than it was before, a sign that you were getting close to your own release.
Wooyoung smirked, he loved seeing your reactions, and loved provoking reactions from you as well. He loved to see how much you had to restrain yourself from moaning because of how well his fingers were fucking you, as you sat with Seonghwa-hyungs head on your shoulder. He placed his thumb on your clit, slowly rubbing circles as he slowed down the pace, letting you feel lulled into a sense of false security.
You take a deep breath in, trying to slow your racing heartbeat, and refocus yourself, trying to avoid squeezing your thighs together for friction. Only to let out a yelp as Wooyoung’s fingers started up a lightning fast pace once again, garnering the attention of the two boys in front of you, as well as some movement from the man leaning into you. 
“Are you okay, noona?” Jongho asked you, concern painted on his face as he turned to look at you. Your looks didn’t help, your face was flushed and your lips were red and slightly swollen from the constant biting to hide your moans. 
You cleared your throat before answering the youngest member of the group, “I’m okay, I promise Jongho. Just pinched myself accidentally and didn’t expect how much it would hurt.” You told him, trying to convince him and San that you were truly okay. Jongho seemed to buy it, but the look in San’s eye said that the man wasn’t convinced.
They both turned back around, and right before Wooyoung started up his actions again, Seonghwa shifted, leaning more into you than before and you held your breath, worried he’d wake up, but thankfully he didn’t. This gave Wooyoung free reign to once again continue on, and this time he was determined to push you over the edge, plunging his fingers in and out of you just as he knew you liked as his thumb rubbed your clit once again. His only goal was to get you to fall apart for him, and since they were close to their destination, he had to do it quickly. 
Your breathing sped up as he quickly brought you to the edge, one hand accidentally grabbing Seonghwa’s pants as your eyes rolled back as the pleasure of your orgasm rushed through you, tiny whines that thankfully went unheard by the men in front of you. Wooyoung smirked as he watched you fall apart for him finally, slowing down the pace of his thrusts as you came down from your high, removing them once you started squirming from overstimulation.
“Such a good girl for me.” He whispered in your ear, pulling his fingers up to his mouth to taste you and cleaning them off at the same time. 
Your head fell onto his shoulder as you tried to get your breathing back under control after Wooyoung’s actions. You closed your eyes, exhausted after having to keep quiet for so long, when you felt fingers run along your folds once again. Squirming and thinking it was Wooyoung, you opened your eyes to quietly scold him, only to find that the arm under your skirt didn’t belong to him, instead belonging to the man who was supposed to be sleeping. Watching the hand emerge from under your skirt, you watched as he pulled his fingers up to his mouth, his tongue darting out to lick at his soaked fingers, cleaning them of your cum.
“If you’re going to try and play games back here, you really ought to be more discreet, Wooyoung. Though, darling, you do taste divine.” Seonghwa commented, almost as if it was a casual everyday thing to talk about. He sat up straight once again, but not before he winked at you, making you blush.
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rosedom · 3 months
hii!! i'm that gaming anon, and for the gaming req i was imagining soft sex w him and bodyworship? like i wanna kiss him:( his hands, from his fingers to his shoulder, his neck, his mole, his piercing oml<33 I just love him sm I'm sorry hehehe, wanna see him cry (from pleasure!!) have a great day:33
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"an unnamed player has invited GA-MING to play . . . your reincarnation will be well-loved
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✦ㅤㅤ 【 CW 】 dom!top!amab!reader, sub!bottom!ftm!ga-ming, soft n' gentle body worship + praise!, ga-ming's beauty mark, vaginal fingering, PIV sex, (slight) overstimulation, creampie, alluded aftercare .
A/N : this took so long ,, i am so sorry (⁠ ⁠:⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠∧⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠:⁠ ⁠) this ask haunted my inbox (in a good way !!) .
"do you want to watch, [PLAYER]? press KEEP READING to spectate the match."
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Ga-ming is so, so easy to maneuver; he's liquid-smooth, soft and malleable in your palms.
It's a heady thing, really, to have a man so outgoing—so everywhere at once, be that at the harbor or in the docks, perhaps the streets themselves in his dazzling dances—be still here, with you.
He melts into you, letting you take the heft of his weight as his knees begin to buckle. Lifting him is an easy, easy thing, holding him up by his hips, and all he does is whimper.
Soothing him, saying, "I'm here," while you push him to sit back on the bed. You kneel between his spread legs, gazing up at him with a dirty, molten gaze.
Rather sudden, too, you reach for his hand. You take it in your own—his fingers, his palms, all calloused yet fitting so, so perfect in your grasp—, bringing him right to your lips.
Ga-ming gasps, quiet, watching enthralled as you kiss each knuckle, brushing against the back of his hand and even his thumb. "These hands," you murmur, press into his skin. "So, so strong—" you pause, laughing. The breath of it swims over his knuckles and makes him twitch, just slightly. "So captivating. I almost envy the Suanni you dance with."
Breathless, he asks, "Why?"
"Because it gets to hold your hands, have you holding on tight to it." Your lip curls in a grin. "Can you blame me for being a lil' possessive, sweetheart?"
Up his arm—past his jutting wrist bone to his elbow—, your lips lay sweet and tender kisses. He giggles when you reach his neck, but it swiftly falls into a soft moan when you latch onto that tantalizing birthmark—the beauty mark, truly living up to its name—and lick, suck.
"Y'know, Ga-ming," you mumble, rumbling across the thin skin of his throat when you lathe a kiss across his Adam's apple before promptly returning back. "They say beauty marks are where a past lover kissed you most." You nip, once. "How naughty."
"I—I had no control over that!"
You detach yourself easily, bringing your thumb up to rub at the blooming mark, surrounding that which naturally lies so beautifully. "'m only teasing, baby. You're so pretty everywhere. Honestly, I'd be offended if you weren't marred by these." You press, slightly, delighting in Ga Ming's small gasp. "I wonder where you'll have them in your next life, hm?"
You lean down and kiss his nose. "Here?"
Beneath you, his cheeks burn when you kiss the apple of each, asking, "Or here?"
His eyebrow, next. "Maybe here. I wonder if your soul would register a kiss here?" The metal of his piercing is warm—warmed from his body, from his radiant blush.
Unhesitatingly, Ga-ming answers. "It would."
You hum. "How're you so sure?"
"'Cause I register it plenty well!" His tone is indignant—playful—, so you simply must kiss that off his lips. Here, now: all he should be feeling is good, utterly and entirely.
He mewls into your mouth, readily opening up for your tongue. As you lick across the tender roof of his mouth, Ga-ming squeaks and pulls back—pulls back, only to bump his forehead back against yours as he pulls you to straddle him. You let him guide you before you guide him in turn, adjusting so you've got him laying flat on his back and staring up at you, starstruck.
The new position makes his bangs fall aside, the glistening metal of his piercing catching the light. His eyes, wide and pretty umber, fall to your lips in the split second before he jumps up, just a lil'—enough to kiss you, to bring you down with him.
"Eager lion," you mutter against his lips, laughing when he whines.
"Please," he says, begs, his lion eyes wet with unshed tears. He's pretty, like this—teary-eyed and pleasure-drunk, surrendering to your touch and letting himself be worshiped—just like the good boy he is.
And so you murmur, call him your good boy right against his Cupid's bow, right as your hand slides down his bare body and nudges against his throbbing cock, his soaked cunt.
"You are eager, hm?" You kiss him again, again, again, over and over again as he giggles first and then starts whimperin' and moaning into your mouth. He can't help exclaiming—not when your fingers press into all the right spots, each stroke against his cock making him clench around nothing and beg for more.
"In, in," he begs, gasping against your lips and arching his neck. You chuckle, low, dipping for a kiss against that beauty mark on his neck while your hand dips in, just how he asked. He cries a "Thank you," harsh and helpless.
It takes minutes—rather hours, to him, to his syrupy-slow thoughts—to prepare him, to have his cunt stretched wide n' loose on three of your fingers.
You coo, "There you go," as you brush your thumb against the jut of his cock, making him clench and pulse around your fingers, whining into the air.
"Fuck me, please," Ga-ming begs, so open with his words—with his cunt, too, but that’s rather vulgar, isn’t it?—so soon. His words are slurred, a mess of syllables that makes you want to kiss him, fuck him 'til he's entirely unintelligible. “You—” he hiccups, here, a soft hitch of his breath that’s punctuated by the loss of your fingers from inside him, sliding out of him nice and smooth, “—promised! You promised me.”
He’s got you there. You did promise him, earlier, before you even had him in the bedroom. You promised him, with a gentle smile and a soft touch, that you were going to fuck him—particularly, that you were going to fuck him until he cried. Of course, he accused you of bluffing, at first; so, naturally, you were going to prove your word, make him swallow his own.
Ga-ming thinks that, by begging, by whining and saying you backed out of your promise, he’ll get the upper hand. He’ll be able to say, “I told you so;” and while you love hearing his pride, you love more making him eat his own words.
And eat them he does, swallowing heavy the saliva that sits on his tongue and slips out the corners of his pretty lips, kiss-bitten and plump. “Oh—” he cries, his head falling back and leaving his thick hair to splay across the pillow, haloed around his head like an angel.
(You wonder, briefly, if it is blasphemy to make love to an angel.
It must certainly be a sin to make an angel cry. In this regard, you’re glad to be a sinner.)
His end comes quick, like this: with your cock pressing up deep into him, nudging against the tender protrusion of his g-spot; with your thumb rubbing tight, friction-filled circles on the head of his thick cock; and—your favorite—with how you whisper sweet-nothings into his ear. Really, Ga-ming doesn't stand a chance against your onslaught.
Though his end is quick, yours isn't; Ga-ming isn't sure if he wants to revel in the sparks of oversensitivity zinging up his spine, making his marked-up thighs absolutely shake around you. “I’m—’m too sensitive,” he cries out, pawing at your back as fat tears well up in his waterline.
“Oh, sweetheart,” you murmur, licking at his neck and not letting up in the slightest. “You can give me one more, can't you? I promised you, after all.”
“You—!” An affronted look flits across his face before it dissolves back into tearful pleasure, hazel eyes squeezing shut and making more and more tears bead off his lashes.
“One more?” you repeat, kissing his nose once, twice. “One more, baby.”
He nods. “One more,” he acquiesces.
“One more.”
It takes two.
It takes two—two world-shattering orgasms, honey-thick over Ga-ming's body—, for you to finish, to cum inside him n' fill him right on up. His cunt's all puffy, clinging to the base of your cock and milking you softly, gently. It’s an unconscious thing, the way he milks you; but it feels so lovely, warm n’ cozy-like, and you rest your forehead against his as you catch your breath.
Beneath you, Ga-ming giggles. “Was s’good,” he slurs, breathless, tangling his fingers into the hair at the nape of your neck and smiling up at you.
You hum. “You were so good,” you murmur, pulling out slow and easy; he mewls at being left empty, after so long of being full. “So good for me, little lion.”
He tilts his head for a kiss that you grant, wiping him down and cleaning him of the mess between his trembling thighs. His cunt’ll be tender, tomorrow—already is, really—, but, for now, he nuzzles into your throat.
A bath can come later, too.
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it took me so much to not go into avid detail about how his cunt'd look once you pulled out of him つ﹏⊂ thank u for reading !! xoxo
25 FEB. 2024, @rosedom, rosey .
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slxtmeri · 11 months
Chucklers after you get back from a long trip. Them just welcoming you back and all the things they would get or do for you, sfw and nsfw... just an idea I've had on my mind...
♡ as soon as he sees you when you come home, he's running up to you and giving you the biggest hug oml. hands are around your waist, lifting you up, not wanting to let go. (and he doesn't, for at least a good minute or two).
♡ kisses all over your face and neck until you're blushing and giggling, squealing for him to stop
♡ carries all your luggage and REFUSES to let you help with any
"nope, nope, put that down. i can handle this stuff, baby! let me help you, love."
♡ constantly touching you, hand on your waist, arm around your shoulder, holding your hand. he missed you so much while you were gone
♡ as soon as your stuff is inside, he carries you to the bedroom, your legs wrapped around his waist
♡ he lays you down on the bed, still kissing you. his mouth trails lower, and lower, until his head is settled between your legs
♡ eats you out like it's his last meal, your hands gripping his hair motivate him to keep going
♡ makes you come undone several times, until tears of pleasure are pricking at your eyes and you're too fucked out to form a coherent sentence.
♡ cuddles you until you both fall asleep. expect him to fuck you senseless the next day
♡ picks you up from the airport and twirls you around until you're both dizzy.
♡ can't stop smiling. there's a shit eating grin on his face for the next 24 hours at LEAST
♡ doesn't stop talking about how much he and the cats missed you.
♡ hand on your thigh on the drive home, rubbing comforting circles
♡ stops to get you your favorite food on the way home, he just wants to spoil you
♡ as soon as the two of you arrive home, he's bending you over the nearest surface. whether it be the kitchen island, the couch, it doesn't matter. he's so needy for you
♡ teases you until you're wet enough to take him. then he's fucking you until you can't stand
♡ praises you so so much more than usual.
"fuck, baby. you're so perfect for me, hmm? letting daddy fuck you as soon as you get back. my sweet baby."
♡ takes a bath with you afterwards. cleans you up all nice then carries you to bed <3
♡ gets so excited when he sees you, he hugs you so tight you have to tell him to calm down
"charlie, i missed you too. can barely breathe, baby."
"shit... sorry sweetheart, i just missed you a lot."
♡ as soon as you get home he's giving you presents that he bought for your return. probably orders your favorite takeout, too.
♡ repeats how much he missed you, how he wishes you were there for the things he did whil you were away
♡ asks for any and all photos you took during your trip
♡ he practically drags you to the bedroom after you two finish eating
♡ begs for you, saying how much he needed you
"s'been too long, baby. please let me fuck you, please."
♡ hickeys all over your neck. he's not even thinking about how you two have to meet up with friends the next day
♡ you end up riding him, rolling your eyes at the friction you havent had since before you left
♡ once you get too tired, he's gripping your hips and fucking up into you.
"that's it, baby. so so good, my love, fuck."
♡ stays inside you for a few minutes, hugging you, savoring your time together.
♡ picks you up and carries you to the shower, cleaning you up before bringing you to the couch for a nice long movie
a/n: holy shit i got carried away. the brainrot is real 😭 anyways ily anon, enjoy!!!
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faexfilms · 2 months
i need need NEED whiny, whimpery, desperate nerd!anakin. like yes baby, you’ve never felt the touch of a woman, i’ll ride you like a cowgirl now🙏🙏
Ask and you shall receiveeee<3
pairing: reader/nerd!anakin
a/n: Oml I don’t know how this ended up so long. Also this isn’t proofread so ignore any mistakes.
You almost didn’t know what to think when Anakin offered to tutor you. He sat beside you in class, more often than you had realized. Kept his eyes on you longer that you had even paid attention to, yourself in your own little world. But when he kept noticing your inability to focus in class, your dwindling grades shown on the papers and short assignments you submitted being handed back to you, he couldn’t even help himself from inserting himself into your little world.
So when you had agreed on a whim, you didn’t know what to expect. You and Anakin had never really talked much, occasional glances here and there, maybe asking to borrow a pencil every once in a while but that didn’t prepare you for the two of you being alone together.
You had almost forgot about his offer until he showed up at the door of your campus apartment late in the afternoon, some apology on his pretty plump lips about being caught up with his roommate. His blonde curls a mess on his head as if he had been dragging his fingers through it, the button up he had been wearing all day hanging loosely off of his body, even when it was usually all put together and tucked into his pants.
Your fingers played with the doorknob to your apartment door, a sudden wave of nervousness washing through you as you let him in. The black lacey tanktop you wore suddenly feeling too small, too bare without something to cover the pieces of your skin. But when you noticed the way his eyes traveled your body, you felt it go away…
The words spoken from his lips falling on deft ears, the numbers and names passing through his pink lips all being forgotten as you watched him struggle slightly. His fist clenched gently around the pencil within his hand, the small glances across your bare shoulders and the nervous looks back to papers in front of him. The way that he couldn’t help but let his eyes travel the curve of your breasts, a small stutter escaping him as he cleared his throat. Letting a small deep laugh fall from his lips, making you laugh softly too even if you found your own self distracted by him.
God, why didn’t you see this all before?
He was beautiful, more that you had given him credit for. Even with the wire-framed glasses sitting atop his face, shielding parts of his eyes, the deep blue of his irises drew you in. The way his pupils dilated as he looked you in the eyes, as his eyes traveled down your body. You didn’t understand why you hadn’t truly seen him before…
Maybe that’s how you ended up the way you did.
Stopping him mid sentence, the words halting from his lips as you dragged your fingertips gently down his forearm. Heat pooling in the pit of your abdomen at the small inhale he took simply at your touch. The way he looked so confused and flustered down at you as you touched him, your innocent doe eyes staring up at him as if you were doing nothing wrong. Looking as if you were simply waiting for him to finish explaining whatever he was talking about…But then you got impatient.
“Can I be honest with you, Anakin?” You asked softly, your dark eyes meeting his own as your fingertips traveled down to his wrist. Grazing against the soft skin near the sleeve of his shirt, loosely grabbing ahold of him. Watching as his eyes darted down to where you made contact with him, his eyebrows furrowed in the cutest little look of confusion.
He blinked as if he didn’t believe this was happening, looking as your fingers wrapped around his wrist, the way you were leaning into his body. The curve of your breasts visible from the hem of your tanktop. Two small peaks pushing out from underneath the dark fabric, Anakin wasn’t even sure if he remembered how to breathe in that moment, nevertheless remember how to form words…
He nodded so fast as soon as his brain started working again, his eyes fixated on your body. The curve of your hips, the way the long skirt you were wearing was riding a slit up your thigh. God, he couldn’t find the words when it came to you.
You couldn’t help the small curve to your lips, your eyes traveling the expanse of his face, enjoying all of this too much. He was so easy toy with. One glance, one movement, a few words escaping you and he was already yours… Even if he didn’t know it yet…
“I’m having a little trouble focusing…I don’t know why, I don’t know if it’s just because I’m sort of in a mood but I don’t really think we should study anymore tonight.” You said innocently, tilting your head softly as your fingertips grazed his own. Traveling the back of his hand, grazing the rough but soft skin of his palms. The words soft like velvet and forming on your tongue so easily, almost as easy as it was to make Anakin stop all together.
His eyebrows furrowed intensely, his eyes blinking faster than he could even take in what was going on…Your fingers on his own, your touch against his body. The way he watched the fall and rise of your chest across your skin, his breaths much more shallow than your own. What are you doing to him?
His eyes could barley meet your own, not when you were toying with him like this. He knew your game but he couldn’t bring himself to believe it. Why him? Why now? This couldn’t be happening…
“W-what would we do instead? Of studying I mean…” He muttered out, a small shake of his head at the way all the thoughts were pouring through his head. Too many, too fast. Too many possibilities and yet he still only wanted one.
You couldn’t help but let out a soft little laugh, your eyes meeting his own once again. Burning into his, feeding that desire that filled him. Drawing in further and further out in him. He always wanted you, there was no secret in that for him. But now, he couldn’t even describe it.
That draw he felt towards you, like a moth to a flame he followed you. He couldn’t stand his day without seeing you even if you didn’t see him back. He knew you even when you didn’t want to be known…He knows you enough, felt you enough that you didn’t even have to say the words on the tip of your tongue. That very alive desire that lived in you, that was burning beneath your skin, he felt too. He could feel it on you. That burning touch as your fingertips grazed his skin, the heat of you gaze falling across his lips. It was a miracle he didn’t give all of himself to you then…
Anakin couldn’t fight the pathetic little moan that slipped from his throat as your lips finally met his. His hands eagerly making their way up you body as you settled onto his lap, neither one of you wanting to take this slow. The taste of your lips, your sweet scent filling his nose, it was enough to drive him mad.
“Please…” He begged, his voice so soft and airy as he pulled away from your lips for the slightest moment. His warm breath fanning you lips, his hardening cock protruding so painfully from the confines of his light pants. Dragging and pushing up against you with movements of your body against him, struggling underneath the tightness of his belt.
He needed you…There was no sense in denying that.
His whiny little voice brought a small smile to your lips, only egging on your want to tease him. To make him bend and snap to your will as you knew he would so easily do for you. Even if you knew what he wanted, even if he asked so nicely, nothing could make you give him anything so easily. That small break in his voice, the breathless words falling from his lips. It was all worth it to deny him even if you could give him all he wanted so easily.
“Please what, baby?” You questioned him softly, your voice taunting him as you traced your thumb so gingerly over the side of his cheek so sweetly. Acting as if you cared so dearly for him even if you weren’t yet giving him what he so desperately wanted from you.
He spoke your name like curse from his lips, the softness of his skin underneath your fingertips as you chuckled at his frustration. Only drawing him closer and closer to the precipice of insanity as his hands bunched up in the fabric of your black tank-top, his fingers brushing up against your hips. Completely ignoring the way your skirt bunched up around your thighs, just solely fixated on your lips and the heat between your legs that rested against him. His lips drawing closer and closer to your own because he couldn’t get enough of you. His palms wrapping around the curves of your hips, dragging them against his clothed cock. A small whimper escaping his lips at the warmth of your core even through the layers between you. His lips just barely grazing your own.
The suddenness of his movements caught you off guard, a small pleasured gasp making its way out of your lips at the friction between your legs, your body falling into his movements, your mind dizzied with the way he felt against your heat.
He chased after your lips with his own, the heat of his breath fanning against you as his eyes burned into your body. So eager, so desperate to taste you, to feel you…
But you couldn’t let him go so easily…
You tilted your head gently away from his lips, watching his face change as he pouted silently. His pretty plump lips closing around nothing in defeat as his eyes left the gaze of your lips and looked dazed into you own. Not missing the way his tongue darted out and licked his bottom lip, wetting it as his tried to connect your lips again. Silently daring you to meet his tongue with your own, to have your tongue against his lips.
“You’re a good boy, aren’t you babydoll?” You questioned softly, a small curve to your lips as your fingers brushed his messy curls away from his forehead. Your left hand burying itself into the curls at the back of his head, brushing your fingers through it.
He let out a small disgruntled sound at your words, feeling so humiliated to be beneath you like this. Begging for any ounce of attention, for more of your touch. Your lips…But at the same time, he couldn’t deny the fire it lit inside of him. The burning feeling he felt all the way down his body, his cock twitching in his boxers at the mere sound of your voice.
He nodded, not trusting himself to open his lips but still a small whimper escaped him anyway.
“Then use your words…For me?” You gingerly asked him, his pupils blown as he stared up at you. Nodding again in acknowledgement. “Now what is it you want, Ani?”
“To-to use me…Please…I need you.” He pleaded.
“Use you? You poor little thing…You want me bad, baby, don’t you?” You teased him, you fingertips caressing his face as you looked down at him. You were so in awe of him, the way he begged so nicely for you. The way he gave into you so easily. He liked so pretty beneath you that you couldn’t even resist his words.
You guided his hands to the buttons of his shirt, watching his nervous hands fumble with them. His eyes flickering up at you as his chest heaved shallow breaths. The sight of him struggling so obviously made you smile, you hands clasping over his own and getting them done in half the time. Your lips molding over his, his tongue eagerly meeting yours.
There was something about the way he pulled off you rshirt, his hands nervously tracing up your ribs. Clasping over your breasts as he kneaded them within his hands, his mouth gently sucking and tasting each one. Eager eyes meeting your own before you pulled him back into our lips. Kissing him all teeth and tongue as you grasped him within your hand. Running your fist down his warm length, your thumb tracing over to sweet drops of precum at his tip. Trying to contain yourself as you felt him pulse within your palm.
The way he writhed as you let beads of your spit fall onto his length was enough to make you go dizzy. Obsessed with the way he pulled his hips back from it but also bucked himself into your hands, a small moan falling from his lips as a small sheen of sweet coated his forehead. The corners of his glasses fogged up ever so slightly because of the heat of your bodies, the warm breaths he struggled to contain between his lips.
He stilled completely when you slid down on his length, his whole body tensing at the feel of your heat wrapping around him. Suffocating his cock, your warm velvety walls draping him in your slick. He was afraid to move, afraid to make a sound besides the small struggled cry that escaped his throat as your hips met his own. The feel of you driving him so much closer to what both of you were chasing and he was far from ready yet. He didn’t want to disappoint you.
Anakin’s hands clutched your bare thighs, fingertips pressing into your skin. Holding you in place while you let out a small pleasured gasp as he bottomed out inside of you. Your eyes met his as you felt your hips connect, both of you lost in the feeling of your bodies meeting.
Your fingertips made their way up the bare expanse of his chest, gently caressing his skin. Feeling his body relax into your movements, him looking up at your eyes. Watching the way you cared for him in the way your fingers slid across his body, the way your eyes met his own. He knew he would never be able to move on from this, to think of anyone else this way. Not when you felt so good around him, not when you buried his length so deep inside of you... He was yours, completely and utterly yours…
“Relax baby, you’re such a good boy…” You praised him, your fingertips brushing across the the soft skin of his cheek before you gently took of his glasses. Setting them on your nightstand before you looked back down at him, a new look passing across Anakin’s eyes before his lips parted. His hips bucking into your own, drawing out a soft moan from both of your lips.
You braced yourself on his shoulder, drawing your hips slowly together. Fixating on where he ended and you began, feeling the heat flow from his body into your own. You loved the way he kept closing his eyes ever so softly as you slid down against him, his body lost in the newfound pleasure you gave him. So utterly lost in the feel of you, your body molding against his.
You drew your lips together as you started riding him at a faster pace, a whimper against your lips as your tongue slid across his. Tasting him on your lips, wanting so desperately to be a part of him, to be closer to him than his pulsing cock inside of you. In your frenzied haze, through the small moans falling through your lips, it hardly felt like enough. To be this close to him drove you crazy but you couldn’t help but want more. More of his body meeting your own, more of his pretty cries against your lips.
You couldn’t get enough of the way his eyebrows furrowed as your hips met, his eyes clenching shut as you started to become too much for him. Not being able to focus on anything else but the way he fit inside you so perfectly as you wrapped around him. His pretty lips open and ready and you couldn’t help but bring your teeth against his bottom lip, biting the skin softly as he groaned into your mouth. Bucking his hips into yours.
That burning coil inside the pit of your abdomen kept getting stronger and stronger, lost in the way he felt against you. Lost in the way he looked so pretty beneath you as his cock pulsed inside of you, him not being able to hold back the sounds of pleasure coming from the depths of his throat.
Both of you were so close, chasing the high of each others bodies. Chasing the warmth that filled you as he hit that spongy spot deep inside of you. Moans falling from your lips as you wrapped your arms around his neck. Moaning into each others mouths as you both gave yourselves to the desire that burned through you
Anakin’s lips parted as he grasped your hips, looking up at you between furrowed brows, nibbling at his lip as he tried to hold himself back. “Don’t stop…Fuck.”
The sound of the curse falling from his lips drove you wild, your cunt clenching around him as you felt his body intense beneath you. The muscles of his abdomen contracting as he bucked his hips into yours, brushing his hips into yours as he couldn’t hold himself back any longer. A struggled gasp coming out of both of your lips as shots of his warm cum filled you.
You couldn’t help but cry softly as his cum filled your walls, contracting around him at the sheer and utter filthiness of it. Meeting the peak of your own release as you buried him so deep inside of you, coaxing both of you through your orgasm. Burying your fingernails into the skin of his back, loving the small little hiss he let out. The small involuntary cry that fell out of both of your lips as his hips moved on their own accord and bucked back into your cunt when your bodies were still so sensitive.
Both of you tried to regain your breaths, your bare bodies clasped to one another’s. His arms loosely held over your waist, your hands resting against his chest as you rested your forehead against his as you tried to calm down your beating heart. Finally pulling away to look down at him, his eyes looking so deeply into yours. A bunch of emotions swirling around in his, his lips parted as his breaths started to become less shallow, feeling the rise and fall of his chest underneath your fingertips.
You couldn’t up the corner of your lips as it upturned, a small smile making way onto your lips as you looked down at him. “You look so pretty like this…”
Your words were enough for him to smile back, a small deep chuckle falling from his pretty plump lips as he looked back up at you. Everything said in his eyes, everything said in his body still against yours.
He was yours…
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milksuu · 7 months
Hey hey heyyyy!!! It's me, the one that keeps stalking your page! 💙🧚‍♀️
I wanna say that OML I LOVE YOUR WRITING!!! AAAAHHH! And I'm so so so happy to see that
anyways, this is a request for how the heartsteel boys would react to a lover with big bazoinkers who usually wears baggy clothes suddenly wearing something tight fitted??? Heheehehehe.
Also, how would the react if you were hit on by someone else due to their lover having big personalities?? (You don't have to do this one if you're uncomfortable ofc!!)
Also, keep up what you're doing, feeding my unhealthy obsession with these fictional (but very attractive) men. I hope you have an amazing day/night!!!🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️
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❥ prompt: So, you got the big boinkers. The huge bagonzos. The gigantic bonobos. Whatever guys called boobs these days. You're super self-conscious about them, ever since you hit puberty. You've tried to hide them. But with the upcoming red-carpet event for the music awards, you can't wear baggy clothes next to your Heartsteel boyfirend. You had to look your best. Or as some would say, your breast. ❥ content/warnings: mild suggestive themes, possessive boyfriend energy, over protective boyfriend energy ❥ characters/pairings: v!Heartsteel (aphelios, ezreal, kayne) / f!reader
Aphelio's thought you always looked cute and comfortable in your hoodies. In casual form, it was his aesthetic as well. Until the time came for a special event.
Aphelio's hadn't imagined exactly what you would wear. But surely, it might be a long-sleeve and turtleneck to match your conservative style. He understood how you felt about your particular assets. He would never suggest you to wear anything that didn't make you feel secure.
He was absolutely wrong. So, so, so wrong. (Wait. Did he actually like being wrong?) He got the long-sleeves part right. But the black mini-dress you sported hugged all the curves you possessed. With just a bit of thigh fat squeezed at the hem. If Aphelio's could ever speak again, he'd beg to be immediately silenced between those thighs. And at the top, there was a glorious boob-window that any e-girl would go absolutely rabid to have.
He had to look away a few times. Thankful to have a mask covering most of his flustered features. Maintaining a semblance of composure, he led you by the hand, speaking to you through squeezes between your hands.
Down the red-carpet, with flashing lights, the two of you posed. One camera man took a picture a little too angled for his liking. Your hand trembled in his. Blushing and holding your breath. Embarrassed tears pricked the corner of your eyes. Afraid of the possible lewdness that would be plastered in magazines. You didn't want to even imagine the headliners. And what would they say about Aphelio's? That he was dating some sort of 'all-boobs-no brains' bimbo? You wanted nothing like that for him.
Aphelio's sensed all of your emotions and didn't hesitate his next move. He dragged a discreet foot against the carpet, folding it in a manner that caused the paparazzo to trip. When the shady-cameraman fell, his camera smashed to pieces against the ground. The man dramatically fell to his knees, holding his head and weeping in buckets.
You gasped. Aphelio's merely rolled his eyes dismissively, tugging you way. He knitted his brows, and squeezed your hand tightly. You knew exactly what he did. You smiled, condensing your chest against his arm.
Feeling his face heat up again, he looked away. After acting so cool, and looking so cool, there's no way he'd let you see him blush like a high-school boy.
Ezreal never minded you wearing baggy clothes. He thought it was fun—for him! He loved diving underneath your oversized hoodie, and poke his head out the other side. Like you two were some odd circus attraction. That, or pretend he was a sailor drowning in a sea of boobies. He liked wearing the stylish hat.
He wasn't exactly sure what you would wear to the event, but he wished it was something he could fit inside later. He was joking. That was a total joke. So long as you were comfortable in it, he didn't mind.
When he saw you step out of the limo, his jaw completely dropped. He felt like one of those cool male-lead movie stars. Taking off his glasses in iconic slow-mo fashion, mouthing the words "Oh, Baby."
He spared zero time to lead you by the arm. Ready for from some press worthy photos he knew you two were going to absolutely rock.
Making it to the concessions room, where the liquor and horderves were plenty, it was prime time for music stars to socialize.
One young rapper approached, way too drunk off his drink, slurred with a smirk at your general direction. Commenting on whether or not Ezreal paid for you to have boob job in order to please him.
The giddy-boyish-sunshine smile turned utterly dark. The laugh he forced was ear grating. It chilled you to the bone. There was a flash of yellow. And briefly, you felt your arm empty of his presence. Then the scene unfolded. The man's drink completely spilled all over him. Another flash. He was pushed, stumbling to the ground.
Ezreal merely snickered into his suit sleeve when bouncers in the room dragged the drunk man away by the collar. Deeming him too drunk and unfit for the show, and subsequently tossed out.
Ezreal tugged you off to a far, secluded corner. He took you into his arms, squeezing tightly. Apologizing into your ear. You smiled softly, and rubbed his the back. Reassuring him you weren't hurt by the comment. And gave him a grateful kiss into his hair for sticking up for you.
Kayn 'Big ol' Tiddle Bitties'. If he could change his middle name to that, he would. It'd be his other rap persona, in ode to your breasts. Rhaast approved. And sure, you may be insecure about them, but Kayn fucking hell wasn't. He swore, one day, he would scream in praise at the rooftops. (Thankfully that hasn't happened...yet.)
He prayed to every demon, anti-christ, Eldritch God on this forsaken plane of existence for you to bless his presence with those huge knockers. And holy shit, did you ever at the event.
From the outfit alone, if he leashed himself for you, and placed a crop in your hand, he'd be on all fours. This wouldn't be a classy event anymore. It'd be an all-out fetish party.
Sadly. Reality kept it to a red-carpeted event. Where he had to act professional. Lead you accordingly, and restrain himself on every level possible. It took all his effort to not just call an Uber and take you in nearest love-hotel.
After mingling before the show, it was time for the awards. You took your seat next to each other. As the event played on, with various performances, you felt something being thrown into your cleavage. You looked down, spotting popcorn. Turning a cheek, you saw a group of young men laughing. Making comments about your breasts, and high-fiving one another when they 'made the shot'.
Kayn noticed. And boy, was he about to lose his shit during a performance speech. You placed a hand against his chest, whispering for him not to make a scene, and not allow the clowns to hurt his reputation. Fine—he wouldn't commit a crime. But he would show them who they were fucking with.
You slapped a hand over your mouth, muffling any lewd noises. Kayn planted his face in your cleavage, biting and licking your chest. He took up all the popcorn, and spat it out the guys like buttered bullets. They jumped with looks of disgust, cursing under their breaths about how damn crazy he was. With a final growl, they scurried away.
Kayn cackled, and you had to shush him when Yone leaned back in his chair and gave a look.
an: holy shiii tysvm for this req. @ccraccz! you're a genius. pls keep stalking my page *smooches you* sadly i have to break this up into two parts, since I wasn't expecting to make it so long??? lmfao??? pls stay tuned for part 2
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leosxrealm · 4 months
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pairing(s): Charles Leclerc x male! Norris! reader
request: Charles Leclerc x m!reader but his older brother is Lando and he always goes to his races and gradually learns about Charles and grows a hatred for him bc he thinks he's just a rich French (Which Charles constantly corrects) guy but he eventually gets to know him so its like an enemies to lovers kind of thing?
warning(s): fluff!! kind of slow burn, long chapter (3k words), mentions of manipulative ex, alcohol, reader is Charles' gay awakening, also reader and Charles didn't have the best first impression of each other
(a/n): reader's age isn't specified so it can be read as whatever age you want reader to be (21+ cause there's alcohol involved). this was requested so long ago oml. hope you enjoy it anon <3
!not proofread!
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Bahrain, 2023
"Can't you fucking watch where you're going?"
"Yo. Chill out, mate," You say, a little taken back by the stranger's outburst and even your own response. You throw up your hands in surrender, leaning your body slightly backward as if to tell the guy in the red t-shirt that you didn't mean any harm. 
You didn't intentionally bump into him. Who even does that? Too busy talking to your sister on the phone, you didn't see where you were going. And it looks like he didn't either. It was a mistake made by both of you. Why was he making such a big deal out of it?
"Don't tell me what to do," he lets out through gritted teeth. Turning on his heels, he walks away. 
"What's that dude's problem anyway?" you scoff, your mood turning sour at the strange dude's behavior. "What dude?" your sister asks. 
That took you by surprise, you forgot you were on a phone call with her. "Some French dude I ran into. He was being a bitch for no reason," you grimace, thinking back to the encounter.
"You know who he was?" your sister asks, curiosity getting the best of her. 
"Nah. Couldn't see his face."
You continued talking to your sister for a while, just until your brother was free from some team meeting that he had to attend after the free practice session.
"You have any other plans for the night?" your brother asks, looking up from his phone. He was definitely planning on hitting some bar with his friends. You could take a break, let yourself unwind for a night, you think.
"Not really," you say with a shrug. 
"Who's that?" you practically shout, trying to be louder than the music playing. "Who?" Daniel shouts back. You point at the man across the room. He was standing next to your brother, talking to him. 
"Oh! That's Charles," Danny answers with a grin. "Lando and him are good friends. I think," he adds as an afterthought. You hum in response, not like he would have heard that over all the noise. You recognize the man now, he is your friend's teammate. "Oh, they're coming here," Danny says, tapping your shoulder. 
"I don't think I've introduced you two yet," is the first thing Lando says when he reaches you. "Y/n this is Charles," you stick out your hand, giving the new guy a 'hey' as well. 
"Charles this is, Y/n." Charles just gives you a nod and a loose handshake, before disappearing somewhere else. You raise your eyebrow at his odd behavior. 
"Don't mind him. He's a sweet guy, he just had a bad practice today," Daniel says from next to you. You simply shrug, it's not like he mattered to you. 
"Anyway," he grins, summoning two shot glasses from god knows where "Who's ready for some good time?" Lando cheers, ready to have some fun. You shake your head at your younger brother, of course, he's ready to party.
"Not you. You're still practically a child," Danny says while side-eyeing Lando. Your brother opens his mouth, ready to give his friend a piece of his mind before being interrupted by you. "He's right, bro," you nod, "You're what? Like 13?" 
Lando was no longer cheering.
"Y/n! It's so good to see you mate!" Carlos says, bringing you in for a side hug. "Carlos!" you laugh, reciprocating the hug, "it's been a while." 
"Yeah, mate. You kinda disappeared on us," he laughs, trying to remember when was the last time he saw you in person. "We were going to get lunch. You wanna join?" 
"Uhh...There he is," he says after spotting his teammate. "Charles!" he waves his teammate over, "Do you mind if my friend here joins us for lunch?" You look at him puzzled, you hadn't even agreed to it yet. You shake your head, typical Carlos.
"Uh.. yeah no. It's fine."
You just blink at him, not that he would notice cause he was busy typing away on his phone; he didn't even look your way. A little rude, you'd say. 
It's a nice Middle Eastern restaurant that Carlos had picked. You and Carlos were busy talking away, reminiscing about the past, and catching up to date on each other's lives as well. Sure, you had seen his Instagram posts, and known what he had been doing, but hearing it from him was still different. Same for him.
A sudden ring disturbs your conversation with Carlos. "Sorry I have to take this," Charles says as he gets up, and exits the restaurant. You raise your brow, a little confused by his behavior. Not just today, but ever since you've met him. You have seen interviews and fan interactions with him, he certainly did not seem like the grumpy type.
"He certainly isn't like the guy they show on television," you comment, sipping on your wine. Carlos sighs, making you look at him. "What?" you raise an eyebrow. 
"He's a good guy... It's just... I don't know..." he pauses, taking a moment to think, "There's something going on with him." He chews the inside of his cheeks, squinting his eyes to look at Charles who was leaning against his car outside the restaurant, still on a call with someone you didn't know. "I heard, he's having some problems with his girlfriend."
"Trouble with his girlfriend?" you ask, taking another sip of your drink. With nothing to do here, you had been getting bored either way. And a little gossip never hurt anyone.
"Yeah. I don't know the details. It's just what I've heard," he sips his drink, "They looked tense around each other too." 
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Miami, 2023
"Didn't expect to see you here." 
You turn around, your scotch glass still in your hand. "Charles," you were surprised as well. You didn't expect to see the Ferrari driver at some random charity event. "Care for a drink?" you wave to the bartender, not even waiting for his answer.
"Scotch. Neat," he orders. 
He takes a seat beside you, gulping down his drink in one go. "You good, mate?" you ask, a little concerned about the man. "Hm? Yeah. Don't worry." If he wasn't going to tell you himself, you wouldn't push him. After all, you two weren't exactly friends.
You two stuck to each other for the rest of the evening. It was better than walking around alone. During this time, you had gotten to know a bit about each other as well. He wasn't as bad of a guy as you had originally thought. 
"Yeah, she clearly knew he was flirting with her, and instead of telling the guy she had a boyfriend, she was flirting back. Even letting him cling to her."
"Oh..." you take a sip of your water, deciding on no more drinks for the night.
"And when I asked her about this, she called me a "jealous, possessive boyfriend who's taking away her freedom." Her words, not mine." he continues to rant, using air quotes to emphasize his point. He sighs, she had betrayed his trust; even if people wouldn't exactly call this cheating, in Charles' book, it was. 
"It's all good now. I'm over her," he smiles.
"No wonder you were such a piss baby in Bahrain. No offense," you chuckle slightly.
He looks down a little embarrassed, he knows how he acted like an asshole during that time. And not just to you. He would've understood if you would've given him the cold shoulder tonight. But you didn't.
"Yeah... About that-"
"It's all good, mate. No hard feelings," you cut him off. You knew he was sorry about his rude behavior, it was written all over his face.
"You wanna ditch this event?" you ask, a smile growing on your face. He laughs, not expecting such a question after the (one-sided) heart-to-heart conversation that you two just had. He appreciated it nonetheless. If you were trying to lift his mood, it was certainly starting to work.
"And go where?" he asks after a good laugh.
"I know someone who's hosting a party," you shrug. 
"Ditching an event to go to a party?"
"Ditching a boring event to go to a fun party," you correct, grinning at him.
"You never said it was gonna be a houseboat party," he shouts over the loud music. "Welcome to Miami!" you laugh.
You grab his elbow, dragging him towards the tiki bar. Ordering two drinks, you push one in his direction. "What's that?" he eyes the drink.
"This," you emphasize, raising your own glass, "is the perfect way to forget about your gaslighting ex-girlfriend." He laughs, appreciating the humor. The both of you chug down your drinks. 
You drag him over to the dance floor, quite practically forcing him to dance. "Come on, mate," you urge him, "If you wanted to be boring you could've stayed at the event." He laughs, finally loosing up. You two continue to dance, having some more drinks in between. 
"Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!..." The chanting continues, daring, challenging you to jump in the water. Charles sneaks up behind you, pushing you into the water. You turn around just before he could, holding onto him, and dragging him in as well.
You submerge, laughing as you do. Charles gasps, still a little surprised, before he laughs as well. He holds on to your shoulder, still heaving. Your shirt that you had worn to the charity event, sticking to your body.
 He eyes you, for longer than he should have. This was new. He doesn't think he had ever been interested in another man's body before. He tears his eyes away, trying to cool down the warmth that suddenly spread throughout his body. 
Your friend, the host, pulls you up, slapping you on the back in the process. You help Charles after, "accidently" pulling him by a little more force than needed. He bumps into you. He doesn't pull away like you half expected him to. He pulls away just slightly enough to see your face. Your hands go to his hips, swaying his body, along with yours, to the beat of the music.
The sound of laughter rings out in the surprisingly empty street of Miami. It's a small road, probably that's why. It's well into the early hours of the morning. 
It's media day and Charles knows his manager's gonna hate him when he shows up looking dead, still hungover. He couldn't care less about that now. He hasn't felt this good, this free, in forever. 
He looks to his side, you're walking beside him, one of your hands in your trouser's pocket, the other holding your blazer, a few of your shirt buttons open, slightly exposing your well-built chest and shoulder. 
"I'm so fucking tired oh my god," you laugh, looking up at the sky. Even though you couldn't see the stars because of all the lights, the sky still looked pretty. "Me too," he says, his eyes fixed on you.
"Hm?" you look at him from the corner of your eyes, "something on my face?" 
"Huh? No. Why would you think that?" he clears his throat, averting his eyes. 
"You're staring." The tip of his ears turns red. He can't believe he got caught staring. "Not that I mind." His eyes widened, but he didn't reply. You look at him from the corner of your eyes. Did I make him uncomfortable? you wondered. 
You don't say anything after that as the both of you walk back to your hotel. Charles' room came first. You stood behind him as he unlocks the door. "Wanna come inside?" he asks, turning around, and standing in the doorway. 
You smile, "Can't." He frowns slightly at your vague reply. "I have a flight in a few hours. And I still have to pack and take a shower. I should probably get something to eat as well," you scratch the back of your head, sometimes you get sick of traveling so much. 
His mouth forms an 'O' in understanding. "You're not staying for the Grand Prix?"
"I have yet another event I have to attend," you sigh, "and this one... I can't skip."
You start walking backward, not ready to turn your back on him yet. With both of your busy schedules, you don't know when you will be able to see him next. 
"I'll see you around, Charlie," you give a short wave, turning your back on him, and going to the elevator. Charles watches you leave, till he can't see you any longer. He looks down, a smile gracing his face. You had started calling him that at the party, he had thought it was because you were drunk, but apparently not.
It was truly a night he wouldn't be able to forget.
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Silverstone, 2023
Charles has been on the lookout for you ever since he arrived here. It was Lando's home race, and he was hoping you would be there as well. It's Friday when he hears from Carlos that you're in the paddock. Supporting Mclaren, obviously. 
Carlos and you are good friends, right? Would that be enough for you to drop by the Ferrari garage? And you do. You stop by the Ferrari garage to say hi to Carlos, or at least that's what Charles thinks. 
You've been talking to Carlos since you arrived. A different thought inhabits his mind. Do you remember him? Was he even worth remembering?
He doesn't want to find the answers to his own thoughts that are going wild. He doesn't think he can handle you saying that you don't remember him. That night, as simple as it was, meant a lot to him. He doesn't think he can handle the person he's been searching for, ever since that day two months ago, to say that they don't remember him.
"Y/n, I hope you remember my teammate, Charles."
Carlos' voice rings through his ears. He looks up to see Carlos and you walking over to him. You nod, glancing in his direction. Carlos looks behind you to see his engineer motioning him over. "I'll see you later, mate. It seems they need me."
"Charlie," you grin. A sudden warmth spreads throughout his face and body. It's been so long, far too long since he had heard your voice. "Y/n."
"Walk with me," you say to him, quiet enough that even he was barely able to hear it. He walks beside you wordlessly. "How you been, Charlie?" there it was, that nickname again. "Uhh... I've been good. Barely gotten any time to myself after having races back to back."
You nod in understanding. Athletes really do have a tough schedule, don't they? You walk around the paddock, running into a couple of people on the way, who were very surprised, to say the least, at your unexpected friendship with the Monégasque. 
You talk about things, completely unrelated to either of your lives, just enjoying each other's presence. In a people full of paddock, there were only you two. 
As much as Charles loves racing, he wishes he had a little more time before he had to go for the free practice. "Charlies," you call out, making the Ferrari driver stop in his tracks. He turns around, a confused look on his face. "Dinner tonight? On me."
It felt like his face was on fire. Were you asking him out on a date? No, he shouldn't get his hopes up. You're friends with half the grid, maybe they're invited as well. He nods, his face the same color as his car. 
"Great," a grin spreads on your face, "I'll see you tonight." 
Charles was trying to tie a tie when he heard knocks on his room's door. He rushes around the hotel room to get to the door. "Y/n..." he trails off taking in your outfit. You looked... expensive. All his previous worries of over-dressing were gone. Now, he was worried that he was under-dressed. 
"Charlie," you greet him. Your eyes land on his messily done tie. "Having troubles?" Charles looks down, following your eyes. "Uhmm..." he clears his throat, a little embarrassed that he couldn't even tie a tie. 
You laugh, following him into his room. "Lemme see," you gesture for him to come closer. He does. He steps a little closer, not too close; he tries to respect your boundaries. You pull him closer by his tie, careful enough to not hurt him.
"How am I supposed to help you with it if you're gonna stand so far away?" you murmur, your hands working on his tie. "There," you smile, "all done." You don't step back. Neither does he.
He looks down, the tips of your shoes are almost touching his. That's how close you're standing. "Should I wear something else?" he questions, "I feel under-dressed."
"You're not. You look perfect," you grin at him, "Trust me, Charlie."
You open the passenger side for him to get out. It feels a little weird, Charles thinks, he has always been the one to hold open the gates for people, his dates specifically. He was raised to be a gentleman. It felt different for someone to open the hold the gate for him. 
He thanks you as he gets out of your car. You had insisted to pick him up. The both of you walk towards the restaurant. Charles heaves out a sigh of relief, there's no paparazzi around, at least he could enjoy the night peacefully with you.
"Reservation for two. Under Norris." 
Reservation for two? he gulps. He's happy to be able to spend time with you alone, without other people butting in, but he's also nervous at the same time because you two are alone. 
The both of you are led to a table. He walks behind you silently. The butterflies filled his stomach. Since when did he get so nervous on first dates? Was this even a date? He frowns ever so slightly, he hopes it is.
The conversation flows freely between you two. No cameras flashing in your faces, no people there to recognize you two. It was more peaceful compared to your night spent in Miami. 
Like all good things, the night had to come to an end as well. You find yourself standing in front of his hotel room once again. "Want to come inside?" He hopes this time, your answer would be yes. 
It was.
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(a/n): was this close to adding surprise angst once again 🤏🏼 uh and i won’t be making a part two for this. i felt like the ending was perfect so i left it as it was. if you have any drabble ideas with this pairing don’t hesitate to send that in!! hope you guys enjoy this :)
HC: Carlos asked for all the details later when he found out about your veryyyyyy unexpected friendship with Charles
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theehoneeybee · 7 months
i’ve never made a fic request before but here goes! could i get a mike schmidt x reader request that’s something like….
reader is an old friend who fell out of touch with mike but they stumble into each other. one thing leads to another and they besties again <3 but both of them are like ‘wait oh NO they’re HOT’ but both are also too emotionally dense to realize each others feelings. fluff + some angst where one or the other or both think they don’t like each other but they work it out in the end??
+ bonus: abby loves reader and reader is just so good with her (maybe they draw together and reader just older sister’s abby or maybe reader emergency babysits abby and they get along perfectly or smth?) and mike is just *heart eyes*
(sorry if it’s too much… i just love this man oml… the movie was so good ;w;)
thanks~ 🧡
You really slayed with this idea. I'm obsessed. This ended up being longer than I anticipated but I'm not mad. I'm gonna write the bonus one as well in a separate post so keep a look out :) lmk if you liked it!
Word count: 1.9k
It was unmistakably him. The last person you expected to run in while grocery shopping was Mike Schmidt. The grocery store was always quiet this early in the morning, most people were still asleep. Your hands gripped the handles of the cart tighter as you stared at the familiar stranger.
The last time you saw Mike was not long after his brother Garrett was taken. He wasn't the same after that. The outgoing boy you once called your best friend had disappeared. The loss of Garrett tore his family apart. You tried your best to be there for him but he shut you out, shut the world out. You kept calling him to check in but after months of silence, your calls slowly came to an end.
Even a decade later, Mike looked the same. He had the same curly brown locks and beautiful hazelnut eyes, but now they were accompanied by heavy bags. He slowly turned around, clearly not expecting any recognition today. You watched as his eyes narrowed for a moment, examining you before widening in shock.
Mike couldn't believe his eyes. His childhood best friend was standing in front of him, in a random grocery store at 6:30 in the morning. He clumsily shoved the box of cereal back on the shelf as he turned to fully face you.
"It's been a while," Mike says awkwardly. "How have you been?"
"Quite a while." A decade to be exact. "I've been doing alright, nothing special. How've you been, Mike?"
Hearing you say his name again after so many years was surreal. "I'm fine, y'know, same as always."
The two of you stood in awkward silence for a moment. "I have to keep shopping, but," you grabbed a notepad, scribbling down your number and handing him the page. "I'd like to catch up sometime. See you around, Mike."
You strolled down the isle, leaving Mike standing in silent shock. He stared down at the numbers of the page, years of childhood memories flooding his mind. He pocketed the page and promised himself he would call you.
Mike stared at the phone, the numbers staring back at him in anticipation. He was more nervous than he'd care to admit. Mike was going to call you but he kept putting it off. One day led to two, then almost a week later he finally decided to man up. He took one last look at the handwritten number before dialling it in. Mike held his breath as the phone rung.
Ring... Ring... Ring...
He blew it. He'd left it too late and now you're weren't going to pick up-
"Hello?" Mike couldn't speak. The words wouldn't make their way out of his mouth. "Hello?" you repeated again.
"Hi, it's uh, it's Mike."
"I thought you were never going to call."
"I'm sorry," Mike apologies. "I was going to but, I-... I'm sorry," he said with a guilty chuckle.
"I forgive you."
Mike cleared his throat. "I was thinking we should catch up." He twirled the cord of the phone between his fingers like a love-struck teenager. "We could meet at Sparky's tomorrow?"
"Does 11 suit you?"
He nodded before realising you couldn't see him through the phone. "Yeah, 11 is fine." His attempt at being nonchalant was embarrassing.
"Great, I'll see you then Mike." He could hear your smile through your voice. Mike hung up the phone and let out a breath of relief, slouching back into the uncomfortable kitchen chair.
"Someone's got a daaaaate," Abby sung in a sing-song voice from the living room.
"It's not a date!" Mike yelled back defensively. Of course it wasn't a date. Just two childhood best friends meeting up after a decade apart. Completely normal.
Mike stood at the doors of the diner, nervously fiddling with the strings of his hoodie. Not that he'd ever admit it to anyone, he changed his outfit three times in anticipation. Of course he landed on his usual hoodie and jeans combo, but he couldn't understand why he was so nervous.
"Fuck it," he whispered to himself and pushed open the diner doors, the bell chiming invitingly as they swung open.
He nervously walked through the diner before he spotted you. You were sat at one of the leather booths, head resting on your chin as yo gazed out the window. The bright winter sun shone through the window, gently illuminating your face. You brushed a stray strand of hair out of your face. You looked so beautiful. He hadn't mentally prepared himself for that. In his mind, you were still the thirteen year old with braces that he remembered. You looked so different now, but you were still so remarkably yourself. He almost spun around and ran out the diner back to the safety of his car, but he didn't.
"Hey," Mike said quietly as he took a seat in the old leather booth.
You turned to face him and a sweet smile formed on your lips, sitting up straight. "Hey yourself. Here I was thinking you had forgotten about me again," you were serious but you looked at him with a sly smile. Your eyes darted over Mike's face, taking in his features. His curly brown hair shone in the sun. You may have had a little, well, rather big, crush on him when you were younger, and felt similar butterflies in your stomach.
Mike looked down sheepishly. "I'm sorry. I never meant to cut you off like that. It's just after Garrett was taken, I- I couldn't handle it. I shut down."
You held your smile, but your eyes shone with sadness. "I know. I forgive you Mike." He couldn't help the feeling of guilt rising in his stomach. "Now," you said, grabbing your menu. "What are we eating?"
The server who took your order was lovely. While he commented about how great the breakfast menu was, he insisted that the lunch one was nicer. It was the most important meal of the day after all. You ordered a simple meal of bacon and eggs on toast. Mike chose something a little different. Pancakes with ice cream. He always had a sweet tooth. You remembered back to when you would make cupcakes together as kids. Of course, it always ended with one of you smooshing frosting in the others faces.
You dug into your food and the awkward small talk slowly evolved into a conversation between friends. Mike's tired and closed-off demeanour melting away to reveal the talkative, happy kid he once was. The hours passed by in what felt like minutes as you caught up on years of life. Years you had missed out on spending together. He told you about his sister Abby. You never got to meet her since you fell out of contact before she was born. But from what Mike described, she sounded like a lovely girl. The way he talked about her with such compassion warmed your heart. He always was the best big brother.
"Did they every find out what happened to Garrett?" you quietly asked, scared you were pushing a boundary.
Mike solemnly shook his head. "No. They never found him or the guy that took him."
Your expression fell. Some part of you was holding onto the hope that they would have gotten some closure. For Mike's sake. You knew he blamed himself for Garrett's kidnapping. You gently placed your hand on top of his. It was comforting and familiar. "I'm so sorry, Mike."
"Thanks. I've accepted that they're not going to find him." The two of you sat in silence for a moment. "I never stopped thinking about you, y'know?"
Your heart skipped a beat and you felt your cheeks burn. You were certain that after all these years you had faded from Mike's memory. Hearing those words made your heart soar.
"I know you think I forgot you," Mike continued. "But I could never."
The two of you smiled, staring into each others eyes as your friendship rekindled.
"Gosh! They like you Mike. You're so stupid sometimes," Abby insulted, barely taking her eyes off her drawing.
You and Mike had been seeing each other non-stop for the past week. He felt himself longing for your company, wanting you to be by his side. The feeling scared him. He wasn't used to that kind of intimacy. Mike had convinced himself that there was no way you were interested in him. Slowly, he began to distance himself from you. The occasional missed called turned into cancelled plans. He felt guilty about it, just as suddenly as you shit back into your life, he was pushing you out. It was for the best.
Mike groaned and closed his eyes, leaning his head back against the couch cushions. "I don't need dating advice from a ten year old."
The knocking of the door drew Mike out of his misery. Sluggishly, he got up and answered it, immediately standing up straight when he saw you waiting outside for him.
"Hey, um, what are you doing here?" Mike asked with a nervous smile.
"Just stopping by," you said calmly. "Can I come in?"
Mike slowly nodded and let you inside. His house was modest, in need of a few repairs, but it was loved. Abby's drawings were strewn around the place, with even the occasional crayon mark on the wall.
"Don't you have homework to do, Abby?" Mike turned to look at her, shooting her a knowing look.
She smiled. "Nope," but skipped off to her room regardless.
"She looks just like you," you said with a small smile as you watched the girl go.
Mike stared at you anxiously, waiting for you to yell at him, to tell him how terrible he was, but nothing came. You wandered into the living room, kneeling down to look at Abby's drawings. Mike was in almost all of them.
"Did I do something wrong?" you couldn't hide the crack in your voice, not looking at Mike as you spoke. He felt a pang in his chest.
You thought the two of you had something special. You wanted him back in your life for so many years and when you finally had that opportunity, he pushed you away yet again. You wanted Mike back, not just as your best friend, but more this time around.
Mike sighed and stared at you guiltily. "No, of course not."
"Then why are you pushing me away again?" You turned to face him, eyes glossy with tears. Mike frowned and walked over to you.
He brushed a fallen tear off your cheek and you leant into his palm. "I'm just an idiot." His voice was barely above a whisper. "I like you and I don't want to lose you, but that thought scared me. I didn't know if you felt the same so I did what I knew best. I'm sorry."
You sniffled, laughing softly through your tears. "God, I thought you didn't like me! Every time I tried to make a move you completely ignore it."
The fact you had been flirting with Mike this whole time went straight over his head. He thought you were just being nice.
Mike let out an embarrassed chuckle. "I'm just dense I guess. But I do like you, [Name]. I really like you."
"I like you too," you whispered. Mike hand drifted from your cheek, gently tilting up your chin so you met his gaze. In a moment of confidence, he lent in, his lips softly meeting yours. You lost yourself in the kiss, your hand resting on his shoulder as you melted into him.
After a moment, you slowly pulled away. "Promise not to leave me again?" your lips brushed against his as you spoke.
"I promise."
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goldengirliez · 2 months
oml, please help me, I can't stop thinking about giving head to Manila Mikey.
Idea from this drabble! ☆
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02:53 pm
We all know how Mikey is, deep inside that apathetic shell of his, his empty heart and dull eyes, he's aching uncontrollably to feel anything aside from that void that consumes his senseless.
He gets so overwhelmed that he often forgets to eat, shower, and take care of himself with basic actions.
But he has you. His beloved, his light in the darkness, his anchor during the storm that keeps him grounded.
Even on days when intrusive thoughts caress his skin alluringly, you're there to keep them away from your man, you're there and keep him alive.
Just like today.
It's a hot, clammy day: no matter how many windows you may want to open, the air won't just come in to cool down your dripping skin, the oppressive weather creeps through your lungs and violates them, taking away the oxygen you need way too soon.
You're hot, you are bored and you're tired of waiting for your boyfriend to get out of the shower so you can get it all for yourself.
Your bare feet tap softly against the floor, quickly moving towards the bathroom where you left your beloved around thirty minutes ago, ready to scold him for taking so long.
You put your hand on the golden, rusty doorknob and turn it silently. Pushing the wooden panel open with a small "creak" sound, the humidity of the post-shower air invades your senses, inserting in between the fabric of your soft garments and dampening your skin even so slightly.
Your eyes immediately fall on the figure in front of you, seated on the glossy, black stool next to the sink.
Mikey's head is dropped low, his wet liquorice hair is covering his pale, porcelain skin: his onyx eyes are slightly visible to you and they are surely lost in nothingness. He's sitting still, not moving a muscle as if he didn't even notice you enter before.
You're not going to scold that poor angel for a fucking shower: you're going to scold yourself for not taking it with him. He often gets lost in thoughts and that's not a good sign at all.
"'jiro, what's wrong?"
You carefully step closer to him, crouching down to his level and cradling his fluffy cheeks in your hands: slowly blinking his eyes, as if was slowly waking up from a peaceful dream, he looks up at you desperately.
"Please, make them shut the fuck up".
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Often the best way to silence your thoughts is to focus on something louder than the voices inside your head.
That's what Mikey needs right now.
Usually, he would let you suck him off to your heart's content but that's not what he needs right now: he needs to feel loved, cared about and seen. He needs to know he's there with you and not anywhere else lost in his mind.
You can feel the hardness of the cold tiles underneath your knees as you kneel in front of him, which is in contrast with the hotness of that cute, pinkish mushroom head of his shaft and the smoothness of his skin in your palm.
Manjiro's eyes are focused on you, just like you asked him to: they are completely blown out, his angelic face has a cherry red hue on his cheeks, and his lips are slightly puffy due to his constant biting in them.
When your tongue gently wraps around the tip and sucks on it harshly, squeezing with your hand the base of his dick (just how he likes it) his onyx irises roll in the back of his skull and his hand goes straight to his mouth, muffling with a hum one of his pretty moans.
Just when you take him deeper, your ears are blessed with his unfiltered voice, a desperate call of your name: you can feel his hardness make its way down your throat gradually, and the salty taste of his pre on your taste buds makes you salivate.
Just when his cock touches the back of your throat your eyes water and not because of the burning sensation or the ache of your jaw but because of his goddamn pretty face.
Manjiro's wet liquorice hair is sticking to his damp forehead due to the water of the shower he took; onyx orbs are staring deeply into your soul, flickering up and down your face not knowing where to focus; sweat is dripping down his defined jaw and sliding on his bobbing adam apple every time he gulps; his black undershirt is sticking to his string chest; his tattooed neck is stretched to the side as he can barely keep his head up due to how good you're making him feel.
He's a masterpiece and he's all yours.
"Baby... Y-You're taking it so fucking deep– oh fuck!"
It wouldn't take long for you to bob your head according to his liking when his calloused hand touches your cheek and smoothly runs up through your hair, gripping it slightly so it won't cover your eyes.
The burn in your throat might be becoming unbearable but having your man scream your name endlessly is what keeps you up: his whole attention is on you, you're the only one he's thinking about, you're the only one he's feeling.
You can feel him throb against the walls of your mouth, his veins pulsating underneath your skilled tongue: you take him out with a slurping sound and begin to fist his cock, squeezing the tip and gripping the base, fiddling with his balls, wanting to coo at him as a last push. Your sugar-coated sweet-nothings are the most sincere as you look into his eyes with heart-shaped ones almost: good boy, I love you, baby, this is all for you.
After a dark time that day, he's finally seeing stars.
Mikey's orbs shine with the tears that roll down his burning cheeks, his voice is desperate and whiny, unable to keep up with the pace you're setting just for him.
Wet, squelching sounds that echo through his ears along with your praises are like a melody and when his hand comes on top of yours as you keep on moving it fast, you know you've done the trick.
"Ah– oh, shit! B-baby, I- I'm- I- please".
As you kiss lovingly his inner thigh which is decorated with every shade of red because of the blooming love marks you gave him, he feels a shock of electricity run down his spine.
As a blissed cry of your name booms out of his chest, his eyes scrunch shut and his head gets thrown back, you're already there to put your mouth on his throbbing tip and keep his love seed into your mouth, safe and sound.
He takes a while to calm down, but when he does he doesn't hesitate to get you on his lap and hug you close, whispering with a heavy breath how much he loves you, how grateful he is for having you by his side and an endless string of thank you.
You're both dripping in sweat, fuming due to the heated act you had so the sudden thin, delicate breeze that comes in from the bathroom door makes you sigh contently.
Manjiro's the one to speak first "I guess we need to shower again", he chuckles... His genuine laugh makes your lips curl into a fond smile as you take his hand in yours and kiss his knuckles gently.
"I'll do it with you so I'll keep the bad thoughts away this time".
He loved the sound of that.
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I'm experimenting with new kinds of writing so I don't know how I feel about this drabble: it was simply living in my head rent-free–
I hope you enjoyed reading this drabble!
English isn't my first language so I apologise for any mistakes!
Sending y'all hugs. ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ꒰ঌ ♡ ໒꒱ ⊹ ࣪ ˖
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©GOLDENGIRLIEZ do not repost or modify on any platform.
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risingsuntarot · 2 months
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General Messages & Advice !!
⚠️TW Quick mention of s*icidal ideation⚠️
I honestly had no set plan for this reading negl so I kinda just pulled out some cards to describe the collective energies and give them some advice sorry if this is long !! This took me quite a while so any love would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks for reading 💜
Excuse any typos :+//
Pile ONE
---Cards pulled---
Ace of cups/Queen of Coins/2 of Coins
9 of Coins/7 of Coins/8 of Wands
I see you're able to either barely able hold onto your emotions and new beginnings or you manage them quite well no inbetween
Youre extremely intelligent, patient yet fast and direct, dedicated and multifaceted it may have taken a lot to get to this point although
Im sensing a lot of emotional sensitivity yet you are perceived as stone when you feel like glass
"Petite, Cute, Princess, Marilyn monroe, Dainty" maybe youre described as such?
Strong sense of justice and very dependable, able to maintain balance
Maybe you feel lost inside? S*icidal ideation ? Or loneliness is a big factor
Possible lack of belief in change and self confidence
Im getting Hopeless romantic or dissatisfaction in love life if im being honest
No inspiration for life :'+(
Unstable Family background or relationships
Youre extremely pessimistic arent you? Im so sorry but i feel genuine pain hurt and the urge to cry almost? But something wont allow me to
Suppressed emotions or memories :+((
Eagle "see from a higher perspective"
Air Gaurdian "Shift your perception"
Lord "Take charge with authority"
High Priest "Intend ans Create"
There is a need for the sun and nature for playing a huge part in your healing, maybe its seasonal depression or simply anxiety or the "no inspiration for life" thats here
Bed rot could be a thing
There is a need to release old habits desires and ego
Confide in a masculine figure in your life or a masculine figure sees your distress (Gender doesn't matter its all energy)
Protection is needed and maybe a nice cleanse, maybe a cedar bath?
Again seasonal depression is coming up lol
You could be either a pieces or one of the Air signs
Take pride in your appearance, in the card she has long flowing black hair and stunning eyes!! Piercings too? Specifically a left nose piercing
Over thinking/pondering lol
Possible past friends or connections have ended badly?
Opportunities will only open up when you open your eyes and see that what you choose to see in the world if what youll perceive and experience
Lord of the rings/DND/Elden Ring/LARPing?
Rams could be significant or Aries sign!!
Learn a new instrument!! Make more art but with your own style ? Maybe youre in a art achool that doesnt allow for much individuality? But being a proud ab your individuality here is important!!
Birds are an important sign here, look out for feathers, hawks or eagles!!
If youre indigenous/Native/Aboriginal you may be receiving an Eagle Feather from an elder or during ceremony?! What an honor oml
Willie Jack from reservation dogs Vibes !!
---Channeled Songs---
LVL up - David strickland, Drezus, Aspects, prognosis
This came on during writing the eagle feather bit a lyric that caught my attention was
"Been a problem, Still a problem
But problems are what you need to grow"
Runaway - Lil peep
"Everybody act like they care, Why the fuck do everybody act like they care"
When I'm Gone - Eminem
"Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling
And I didn't feel a thing,
So, baby, don't feel no pain
Just smile back"
---Cards pulled---
The hermit/Knight of wands/8 of wands
9 of cups/The Empress/Strength
Im getting like lost rebellion? And being unhealed and hurt inside from past trauma's specifically abandonment, neglect or betrayal from authority figures or those you had trusted
Feeling empty and misguided despite only trusting yourself, and no one seems to want to listen to your advice/experiences leading you to feel isolated and forgotten in a way?
Maybe you're a party animal, possible drinker and/or just popular/known in social settings
There is heavy overindulgence in emotionally fufilling things, specifically overspending and maybe other possible addictions (sleep, food, drugs etc)
Mother/Feminine figure is very important in your life
You look to them for approval of many things but they may have been not caring about your emotional needs or satisfaction rather they cared more about your hidden strengths and "beast inside" ?? Or even how "weak" they perceived you, they may have been disappointed at your strengths and abilities, n maybe they put you in some kind of martial arts or boxing despite your disinterest in it?
Quick to move on from situations!! Yet indecision and regret is coming through Strongly
Impatient with skills and talents that dont turm out they way you wanted so perfectionist type vibes
You are a clear communicator but tend to be rather impulsive with decisions or say one thing and do a completely different thing
Extreme harshness towards oneself and heavy judgement too :+(
Feeling exposed? Like all eyes are on you yet you dont want them
I feel a facade of confidence but there is true confidence coming through by the tiniest bit? yet it's heavily based on the feminine figures perspective in your life one with authority also your own perspective on yourself
Lots of self hatred and anger
Family oriented, getting protective yet detached energy tho
Cancer by my chemical romance came on so that song may be relevant?
Wise One "Grow within your current situation"
Mountains "Stand your ground"
Stargazer "Set your sights higher"
Direction guardian "Choose your path"
Owls maybe significant to you and other avians such as ravens
The wise one card depicts a woman with feathers in her gray hair, description of someone possibly?
Also a crescent moon is atop the owls head so maybe Athena or Greek mythology is important to you
I sense there was a lot of hardship in your life, ups and downs, peaks and valleys yet you choose to persevere and stay strong
I see you have may have been passed down a gift having to do with dreams, keep a journal and look into meanings of those dreams!! Also maybe astrology is something you love to look into or have an interest in ?
Although something is blocking this gift from its fullest potential i believe there is healing or a cycle to be closed off before youre allowed to fully tap into it !! It'll take time and work on your part
As of now you have many choices to make in many areas of life, youre heavily protected by your guides and loved ones, the direction guardian is depicted with a Seraphim as described by the hebrew prophet Ezekiel!!
Specifically in Ezekiel 28:11-19 is where the seraphim is described
You have choices, this card is to remind you that YOU have the power of your own path and direction
---Channeled Songs---
Cancer - MCR
"Baby I'm just soggy from the chemo
But counting down the days to go
It just ain't living
And I just hope you know
That if you say (if you say)
Good-bye today (good-bye today)
I'd ask you to be true (I'd ask you to be true)
'Cause the hardest part of this
Is leaving you"
No place to hide - Korn
"Some will look at the time I looked back into my life
You wanna touch me to see what's in my eyes
Why do you make me remember my hate, all this shame?
Don't you hate me? Sometimes"
"Mine delusions acquainted,
Bubbles erotica,
Plutonium wedding rings,
Icicles stretching,
Bicycles, shoestrings,
One flag, flaggy but one,
Painting the paintings of the alive."
Although this seems like nonsense many fans believe its abbreviations or like code!! Soo...
M D E = Media and so on
The sentence comes together as:
"Media back-end power is bullshit, opposing force for the power of propaganda"
Stole this^^^ from genuis btw lmao
Theres the "lost rebel" part lol
---Cards pulled---
2 of swords/The Chariot/10 of Wands
Ace of Swords/Knave of Coins/6 of wands
I feel more a message for this pile? And i do apologize but it is quite shorter than the rest but I will try my best to deliver both tho
You seem to be a very balanced person with clear morals and judgement, you have an ability to see all shades of gray in a black and white world maybe you work in the justice system? Or are dealing with the justice system ?And this stresses you out greatly yet you maintain hope for all that you see and deal with even if you see repeating injustices to those around you
Maybe PTSD is a factor here too, overthinking your own trauma or others
Anyways despite your position here you choose this pile for a reason !! You offer people truth and often give closure to cycles that needed to end
With the 2 of coins tho i think there is some imbalance between what you can and cannot do ? If that makes sense, like you can heal others or give them justice but cannot do the same for yourself :+(
Anyways the message i sense from this pile is pretty straight forward, you are giving someone (or yourself!!) the chance or closure to heal once more and whatever you may be waiting for is coming in quite quick although I feel there may be someone who may come in to sabotage the whole thing so be careful about who you choose to reveal this information to
They may offer a trade of some sort?
A deal, hush money or simply intimidation
Up your protection and be aware of fake friends yet still remain hopeful about the outcome because i see it turning out in your favor
Snake "Shed old skin"
Protection Guardian "Drop your Shields"
Winter "Take care of your needs"
High Priestess "Harness mystic power"
Again straightforward, beware of fake Friends and deals with strings attached my advice here is to up your protection and stand your ground!!
Drop your gaurd with those who you KNOW you can trust, you may need ro let out some stresses and emotions? Because the card winter is all about needs and hibernation so sleep well, eat and take some time to relax !!
Also might be an indication that whatever this situation is it may have happened in the winter/colder months
While in this time of self care and healing strengthen your knowledge and strengths learn how to master them !!
Your dreams and own special psychic gifts are important and potent !! Use them for yourself at this moment in time use that healing energy for yourself
Have confidence in yourself and know and own your protection because again you are heavily protected at this time you will most likely know who to stay away from very soon
Follow you intuition and what it tells you !!
---Channeled Songs---
The bird and the worm - The Used
[Whispered Post-Chorus] "Don't tell on me, don't tell on me. No, don't you tell on me, please. It's okay, don't tell on me, please..."
I find it interesting that its not the actual audible lyrics but if you listen to the song this is what the whispers are saying so...take it as it resonates
Spiders - SOAD
"Approaching guiding light
Our shallow years in fright
Dreams are made, winding through my head"
Bad dreams might be significant to you? Please try to relax good things are coming !!
Mama - MCR
"You should have raised a baby girl
I should've been a better son
If you could coddle the infection
They can amputate at once
You should've been
I could have been a better son"
Pile Four
---Cards pulled---
5 of cups/4 of wands/Knave of coins
8 of wands/6 of cups/Knave of wands
I believe there currently is dissatisfaction with your love life or offers within love at this moment or even just impatiently waiting for your current partner/interest to "make a move"
There isnt a lot of hope or faith in the connection on your part but i do see this person is interested they just operate differently and have some concerns
Mostly having to do with being used for their material gain, name position and/or authority
They do see this connection quite successful but they hate being put on a pedestal, due to this they wont have the guts to come forward if they do!! It will most likely be impulsive or very confusing and indirect which might leave both of yous flustered mainly them
This might be over drinks because my face is warming up lol
They see you as the four of wands and 6 of cups what a wonderful pair of cards together!!
But they see your disappointment and or pulling away from their energy which is turning them off easily but they still have their eyes on you
They have no time to be a chaser or to be chased this person is quite serious in their relationships so dont play childish games, play stupid games and win stupid prizes right?
They have come to a decision on their own but its also up to them when this information is revealed to you directly
Also there seems to be a sort of distrust with relationships on either sides which needs to be addressed before hand
Communication maybe be an issue
Medicine Guardian "Be open to healing information"
Elder "Healing through lineage"
Peacekeeper "Harmonious resolution is possible"
Lady "enjoy growth a reap rewards"
I feel like time is needes to open up tp yourself and heal some issues on your side first, become the best possible version you can before you can move on with this
I see that this connection may heal cycles in your family and generational trauma possibly?
Its your job to keep cool despite the circumstances now and remember to mediate and that peace is always an option. Not every battle is worth fighting
However this goes you will be happy with what you see in the mirroe nonetheless!! Enjoy your hardwork and healed state
---Channeled Songs---
Fed Up - Ghostmane
"I'm fed up with the fame
I'm sick of reading my name in any other way than I intended
Fed up with all of these motherfuckers misunderstandin' me
I'm fed up with the ones that try to say you a fan of me
But then they turn their back and mothafuckers abandon me
You think I'm sitting high with everything, but now can't you see?
I'm livin' in reality, a struggle, not fantasy
I'm in a million-dollar couch, back then I was in a van"
No you girls - Franz Ferdinand
"Sometimes I say stupid things
But I think, well, I mean I
Sometimes I think the stupidest things
Because I never wonder
Oh, how the girl feels
Oh, how the girl feels"
Driven Under - Seether
"Must be something on your mind
Something lost for me to find
Do you know I'm faking?"
I feel this is more the distrust with their previous relationship possibly?
Also this lyric
"We have to succumb to the feelings we can never face
I need you, I breathe you
I can't go through this all again
We have to succumb to the feelings we can never face
I need you, I breathe you
I can't go through this"
Also pile 3 may have some messages?? I accidentally typed pile three for this one? :+//
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jiniret-writings · 6 months
With You
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Bangchan x Reader
Warnings: Reader calls Chan Chris (is that a warning?)
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The metal felt cool and heavy on your wrist, but not obnoxiously so. It was a welcome weight, like someone held it. Chris finished the clasp and moved it around your wrist, making sure it wasn't too tight.
"Good," you said, lifting your arm above your head before letting it drop dramatically as though you had weights attached to them. Chris took your hand and kissed it before kissing your forehead.
"Be safe, yeah? And call me if you need company."
"I will. Bye, love," you said, giving him one last kiss on the lips before heading out.
This had become a little routine between the two of you. With comeback approaching and Stray Kids being busier than ever, time with your boyfriend was precious and rare. You had taken to staying at his studio with him to keep him company and spend time with him. The only drawback being that he worked long hours and hunger was inevitable to strike, so you made it a habit to go out to get the two of you food while he worked so you didn't break him out of his "zone".
Chris loved you, but he couldn't fight the bouts of worry that overtook him when you left alone late at night. Especially in the winter when the sun set so early, by the time it was time for dinner, it was pitch black outside. He had tried to get you to order delivery for meals and snacks, but you had insisted on going out yourself, saying it was good to stretch your legs. He couldn't argue with that, but it didn't help the pit in his stomach when he saw you walk out into the dark.
It was during one of these moments of eerie quiet and loneliness that the idea hit him. He was tapping away at his desk, unable to get any work done. His friends had told him about how random guys seemed to be getting bolder in the streets with girls who were alone. They told him in good faith so he could warn you--which he did--but it also made him worry more. As he was drumming his fingers, resisting the urge to text you for the fifth time in as many minutes, he looked down at the bracelet on his wrist.
It was one of his first purchases on his idol paycheck when he started making a substantial amount of money. It was a welcome weight, always serving to ground him when he felt stressed.
It was a almost useless gesture. Realistically, if someone really wanted to be a prick, they wouldn't care about a heavy bracalet on your wrist, but it brought him some peace of mind. The next day, before you could go out, he grabbed your waist and pulled you to him. Placing a small kiss on the inside of your wrist, he removed his bracelet and put it on you.
"What's this for?" you asked, confused on the gesture.
"So that I'm with you," he said, still holding your waist. "Whenever you go out, just take it off my wrist."
You looked down at it, eyes shining with love and appreciation. You understood what he had left unsaid. It looks out of place enough with the rest of your jewelry that it could only mean you got it from your boyfriend. From him.
"And," he continued, moving you so you were sitting in his lap. "If someone tried anything, it's heavy enough to be a weapon."
The smirk on his lips was mischievous, but you knew he was dead serious.
"Got it," you said softly, kissing his cheek.
And so your routine was established. Even when going out with friends, he would give you a piece of his jewelry to wear with your own. More often than not, it was a ring he wore whenever he was in the mood for one. He rationed that it was just a placeholder until he got you something more permanent and more yours.
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This semester kicked my ass like no other oml. MY mistake for thinking I could keep writing in between assignments, but my professors seemed hell bent on making sure we were drowning busy. That means I have like 30 unfinished works and a need to write something fun until my fingers fall off ♡
This is an idea that's been spinning around my head for a while. It's finals week so starting next week I have all the time in the world to write! Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated! And as always, have a great morning, afternoon, evening, and night!
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