#Obesity epidemic
butterbelly · 2 months
Dreaming of becoming 300lbs
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bulking-texan · 4 months
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Ready for the gym or Dairy Queen
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fitness-not-haes · 4 months
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shaftking · 6 months
Straight up can morbidly obese people stop calling themselves “plus sized” as if they’re just curvier than the average or are kinda chubby. Girl you are 300 lbs. Almost as wide as you are tall. You are not plus sized, you are super sized. You have a legitimate problem that is not helped by underplaying it.
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vaichubs · 6 months
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thyofthee · 2 months
Remember kids, many companies who are trying to ‘help’ with the obesity epidemic are payed off by major sugar companies; such as Nestle, Hershey, Mars, General Mills, etc; to say that lipid-fatty foods are the ones causing the epidemic.
While just like anything a heavy amount of fatty foods is not good for you, simple sugars that are pumped into the foods and drinks meant for people and especially children, are way worse for people.
The idea that a diet should contain more Carbs than proteins, dairies, and fats is what causes mass obesity especially within children, tooth decay, gum decay, strokes and chronic heart conditions.
A healthy diet is mainly protein, vegetables, fruits, with limited carbs. There’s a reason once humans started mass farming of rice, wheat, and rye we also saw all these conditions appear.
This isn’t just American consumerism, this is world wide. Even if people talk about how Europe doesn’t have as much sugar in their foods, candy and chocolate companies dominate.
And by allowing these companies to continue, we see an increase of human rights abuses (especially Nestle in Africa) and monopolization.
Nestle is trying to monopolize water, stealing it from reservoirs from Africa and selling it back to the people at extreme mark ups. They’re distilling of this water is leaving these countries with no other option than to by or drink contaminated water.
Coca-Cola is Mexico while yes does not use corn-syrup (one of the most unhealthy inventions by mankind) still holds a monopoly over entire Mexican states. They take the water for their bottling plants leaving people to have to buy Coca-Cola as a way to not die of thirst. This is why Mexico has some of the highest tooth decay rates and childhood obesity rates in the world.
And if you’re the type of person to blame this on GMO’s you don’t know what you’re talking about. All human agriculture is genetically modified that’s how we have most fruits especially citrus plants. But we have grown these plants to have an exuberant increase in sugar to the point that zoos have to stop giving things like apples and bananas to their animals because they’re getting cavities and dying of obesity related heart conditions.
The reason nobody does anything about this is because sugar companies are the biggest companies in the world. They use fake rivalries (such as Pepsi Co. Vs Coca-Cola, Hershey Vs Mars, etc) to make you buy more products and fuel them. Almost all companies are owned by these major brands.
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9private-rant0291 · 4 months
Being fit , slim or just not have excess fat is freeing in itself . Ive seen and read too much of the Fat acceptance group whine about everything . Much to all their dismay
1.) No one will comply/copy your lifestyle unless its among your communities
2.) If you say Health at every size . Shut your yap when people are fit or have pretty/skinny/woman privilage
3.) We have a life outside Scarfing down Junkfood and process food
4.) Victim blaming isnt cute . Also saying its linked to racism your using other peoples race as a excuse How pathetic
5.) Health is acessable at many many ways
6.) Healthcare providers dont want to help your butts due to your bublering Selves
7.) Fashion brands wont comply to your demands get over it . Estimate cost per yard of materials and services to make the garments . If you have the skill then Make your own clothing
8.) Yes its your fault you went Fat (except thoes who had legit illness) but thoes intentional weightgain....you are all stupid not learning how Obesity is the gate way to many illnesses
9.) With your distruction , misinformation and bullying You are pushing everyone back then turning them stupid
10.) Being obese Leads to an EARLY DEMISE
11.) Sure its not our problem to care about your Your body . Just showing up as a slob , telling people #9 Your making people unhealthy due to you not putting effort
12.) Stop projecting your insecurities disguised as "Body Positivity" you all stole that community thats suposed to be for the amputies , victims of thoes who be hurt irl and have Scars or have scars that were made fun of!
13.) You all shouldnt have a word in anything about anyone who wants to lose weight to be fit, be pretty, glow up , want to take advantage of pretty privilage
14.) Everyone has Preffrences and when we say we dont like Fat people Get over it
15.) Instead of whining ...again Put in the work .
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personal-blog243 · 6 months
Why gyms should be free….
In America there are SYSTEMIC reasons why we have an obesity epidemic. It has to do with out food system, our healthcare system, long hours working at a desk, etc. it is not anyone’s fault if they have a weight problem.
However, I think something that would be helpful is if it was free to go to a gym instead of having to pay a fee!
Obviously the food industry and the healthcare industry are the current primary targets, but I think a movement to abolish expensive gym membership fees would also improve public health.
We need a movement to fight for free public gyms if we actually cared about people’s health instead of just fat shaming individual poor people.
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morlock-holmes · 1 year
Have you seen Matt Yglesias's article on the obesity epidemic (slowboring.com/p/americans-have-been-gaining-weight)? I'm curious what you make of it.
The "People simply couldn't afford to get fat in the past" hypothesis also strikes me as being a bit shaky in the same way that all hypotheses are a bit shaky.
Weirdly, nobody seems to have done any deep research on obesity trends by wealth over time periods.
The problem with the narrative of "Well, as food gets easier to find we expect obesity to increase" is that you'd kind of expect obesity to correlate directly to wealth, and if poorer populations in the US were more obese then richer ones with more access to food, that would be odd, and yet the highest third income-wise has the lowest obesity rate. (Ignore the conclusion, which perplexes me)
The best guess seems to be that the wealthy are less sedentary than the middle class and poor, which raises its own odd questions.
Again, as far as I know there hasn't been any research on changes in Obesity rates among various wealth cohorts which is simply wild to me. If access to food is the primary issue, then I would expect that Obesity rates for, say, the top income quintile to be essentially stable, since that group would have the least variation in the availability of food.
Like, okay, as I said before, Coca Cola was 5 cents a bottle back in 55. So drinking 24oz of coke every day for a year would have cost you $18.25, which is not nothing but surely was well within the buying power of the top wealth quintile in the US in '55?
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butterbelly · 8 months
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2019 vs 2023
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hey. do you think fatphobia isn't real? do you think its made up? do you think fat people are complaining about the natural consequences of their actions?
why do you care?
no, really, why do you care so much about fat people? why do you care that they are "complaining"? why does it make you so mad? everyone complains. all the time. and, i mean, this is tumblr! nothing matter here. why do you care so much?
why do you get so angry at fat people you think are gross? why do you care so much about someone else's supposed eating habits? hygiene habits? lack of exercise routine? why does any of that matter?
are fat people actually doing anything to you? affecting your life? changing laws or bullying you? really? how? do you think that fat people are coercing skinny people into fat lifestyles? how? by existing? by complaining? by talking about problems in their life?
are you concerned that they're ruining their bodies? why do you care?
its not your body. its not your life.
unfortunately, if this post does end up getting gears turning, the people who change their mind won't say anything. the people most likely to respond are the fatphobic "anti-fat activists" who are blinded completely by their hatred of fatness and fat people. any fat person who finds this post, please be cautious of the notes. i don't know what they'll look like.
but if you have someone in your life who might benefit from these questions, go ahead and ask them. ask them to explain their bias. maybe it will make them see how pointless it is to hate fatness. safety first, however.
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isaacsapphire · 2 years
What do you think is "going on" w/r/t obesity discourse? (answer private or not at all, if you want.) This of course is a topic which makes me go full militarist, "I would like to not fall out on a 12 mile ruck" mentality.
The distribution of BMIs within a population is the outcome of like, literally the entire society's food system, labor, recreation, And erotic imagination/status competition, and also affects all those things.
And yes, it is absolutely downstream And upstream of military stuff too.
The big glaring thing that is ignored by most people who pontificate on the topic is that since the 1950s or so, increasingly the food corps explicitly designed new products to Not trigger satiaty and to be "cravable" which is a nice way to say "addictive".
They did this to increase demand for the food product inputs like corn and dairy, which are in oversupply because of combinations of American government policies/subsidies and improvements in farming technologies (including but not limited to the use of petrochemicals as fertilizer).
Staying the fuck away from "processed foods" is the real secret of most diets. Yes, it is possible to lose weight eating a small amount of McDonald's food, but it's hard to do that, because 2000 calories of McDonald's doesn't make you feel full, so you'll eat 5000, or 10000 over a day.
And let's talk about that "cravablity" and reward pathways a minute. Say you're standing on a street corner, feeling kinda shitty. What is the fastest, easiest, cheapest way for you to chemically, biologically make yourself feel better? You duck into a convenience store or fast food joint and get a snack for 1-10 USD and feel better. Cheaper, easier, more accessible than even booze and cigarettes, and there's no social or legal stigma against it.
The more you eat, the fatter you get and the more cells you have crying out chemically for more food. In some people this appears to create a runaway cycle. Some people have this issue more than others, but appetite and satiaty are biological, chemical things and they don't work the same on everyone.
For added bonus fun, food is super important socially and many people absolutely flip their fuck if the people around them don't eat what they think they should, be it for religious, moral, or physical reasons; the internet is littered with stories of coworkers, inlaws, and even significant others trying to force or trick people to eat stuff they don't want to.
Even innocently, food and social occasions as minor as a weekly work meeting are synonymous, so the temptation and social license/pressure to eat is almost constant for many people.
Reducing the average activity level is probably an input, but the variability of exercise is almost irrelevant in personal weight ("you can't outrun a bad diet") and the human body adapts to increased exercise very smoothly in every study on the topic I've seen.
It's definitely possible that various chemicals floating around are relevant, but it's reaching to go there first as a hypothetical mechanism before addressing the elephant in the room of Doritos and Mountain Dew.
Like, studies about "hyperpalatable" food generally use Ensure. You know, the stuff that is so unappealing that it's used as a diet?
But ultimately, it's all downstream from government policies around food production, which are hauled around by the nose by industry interests.
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fitness-not-haes · 5 months
Health at Every Size
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vanilla-voyeur · 2 months
The Ozempic Olympics: Hollywood is Ruining Our Health
D'Angelo's best video yet! Finally a discussion on obesity that isn't cringey af
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shaftking · 4 months
“You can’t tell someone’s health just by looking at them!!!”
As someone with “invisible” illnesses: Are you sure? Let’s try applying this to other demographics. So someone incredibly underweight is healthy until proven otherwise? Someone with a skin condition or even temporary dermatitis? Someone who is a regular cigarette smoker? Someone with severe cerebral palsy? Are you sure that there’s so visible indicators at all for peoples health and wellness?
We can tell when people are simply tired based on physical indicators, like eye bags and posture. Are you really telling me that other even clearer indicators of worse health than just a bad nights sleep just don’t exist?
This whole argument is really exhausting because it’s another case of people trying to act like the exceptions that prove the rule are actually just the rule.
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haes-revisionist · 2 years
I see a lot of FAs claim they are recovered/recovering from an ED. Now if I don't genuinely have a reason to doubt them, I won't. I haven't ever been diagnosed with an ED, so I know I won't be able to completely understand, but I have and still do struggle with disordered eating.
With that being said, if going from one unhealthy weight to another is part of your process, then so be it. Recovery is not linear. But what is important is that you don't stop there. Don't stop trying to heal your relationship with food until you're able to maintain a healthy weight because being at the opposite of where you were does not mean you are ok now.
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