#Ohio train derailment
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Bigger trains, fewer workers, less safety, more disasters. That's it. There's no conspiracy, it's just capitalism.
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mysharona1987 · 1 year
Afroman - Will You Help Me Repair My Door (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)
I am ashamed I did not hear about this classic until now.
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never-was-has-been · 1 year
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Interesting article (long read) on the Rail system's safety measures re: transport of Highly Flammable contents vs. the train's braking system that went into use in 1868 and is still used today in Ohio…
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jessiarts · 1 year
Seeing the difference in coverage (news media vs social media) on the Feb 3rd train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, USA on and all the issues caused by the incident, I want to see something;
The incident summed up (and there may be even more I missed):
train carrying 150 cars, twenty of which contained hazardous materials, derailed due a failure of a wheel bearing, due to poor inspection because inspections were cut from 3 minutes per train to 90 secs per train. (Remember the railroad strike? Yeah. Part of what they wanted, in addition to better conditions, was more time to inspect trains and to get faulty parts fixed. They were refused, and now we're here.)
the derailment (of 50 cars) caused a fire which threatened to make a car(s) with the vinyl chloride explode, so a controlled release (burn) of the vinyl chloride (toxic, flammable gas) was done to prevent this
residents within a 1 mile radius were evacuated beforehand
the event resulted in contamination of the air/water and mass deaths of animals like fish and chickens
residents were told it's safe to return home a week after the evacuation, and found their pets dead; water smells wrong; air smells and/or burns their eyes
People miles away are having the same issues with animals dying (schools of dead fish in water, livestock sick/dying) and water contamination
The chemicals are contaminating the Ohio River Basin (which is more than just the Ohio River, and effects/includes KY, WV, TN, IN, OH, and parts of IL, PA, VA, and NC) and could potentially also lead to the whole Mississippi River Watershed being contaminated. (that's like, 40% of the continental United States and starts to touch into Canada.)
That all said,
Please reblog if you vote so we can get a larger sample size!
Many think the Railroad company (and the government, because they sided with the railroad company in ending the strike) are trying to cover this up in the news as much as possible, and that most coverage is coming from social media (specifically TikTok) and I want to see just how true that is.
I'm not not kidding when I say I have people IRL, who do keep up with the news, who never heard about the derailment at all until I told them just a couple days ago. It doesn't look good.
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headspace-hotel · 1 year
I'm probably gonna regret attaching my name to this but I slept on it and I'm still really upset but now more coherent (so please delete this if it's unwelcome).
First of all I'm really sorry you're dealing w this shit. I hope you're taking care of yourself rn.
Second of all.... holy fuck Inneskeeper has handled this horribly. I'm trying to extend the benefit of the doubt and say he just needs time, we all do, but it's very hard when he's been acting as though a day is enough time for everyone to get over the fear he spread.
It's really upsetting to see him bring up both his schizophrenia and his career as reasons why he was upset without ever actually uttering the words "I'm sorry, I was wrong." without needing to read between the lines.
It's a really concerning trend I've noticed reappearing now that actual celebrities and just plain old popular users are becoming more open with their mental health, that "I was having a psychotic break/I was having a manic episode/I was blah-de-blah" somehow taking the place of an actual apology. As if explaining it means you no longer have to take action or responsibility.
Especially given he was bringing up his profession during all this. As a professional especially he has a responsibility. I know "this is tumblr" but this is TUMBLR. People don't fact-check. You have sway. Especially as a professional.
He could've made the post unrebloggable, but if he did I haven't seen it. He could've pinned a post that actually contained information/a retraction/a quick apology and explanation, instead we got "I'm taking a break". He edited the post, but given part of his defense was that reblog chains are uncontrollable an edit you would not see unless you clicked back to his blog is...
I'm really hoping that once he comes back he'll say something. Because I know parasocial relationship and all that but I really did respect him, as someone transgender and with some of my specific mental illnesses in a field I'm deeply interested in.
But now I'm just... tired. He spread that same cycle of panic and delusion to everyone who read that post. Here I was thinking that I just got my dog back from the vet and now she and everyone else I love was going to die, that the apocalypse was coming.
Until I did the googling he as an actual ecologist did not do. As if me taking a tumblr post and freaking is less acceptable than him taking a twitter post and freaking.
I don't want to cancel him or bully him. I don't doubt that he's gotten some ableist nonsense, because the internet sucks. But he really hurt a lot of people and did a lot of damage. All I want is him to plainly say "I'm sorry, I did it because [x/y/z] but it was still wrong and I hurt people. Here is some actual information. I'm going to log off." Without a billion asterisks.
And honestly maybe apologize for siccing people on you but frankly given how hard my opinion of him has tanked I'm not gonna hold my breath.
I'm fine. The block button is a wonderful thing.
My feelings are mixed. Yes, I see that it would be terrifying to have your mental illness warp your perception of an event, but...you're not the only mentally ill person on Earth, and it's no less terrifying to be triggered into an episode by false information.
I have been asked by several followers to trigger tag #unreality because that kind of thing really messes with them. And the post was framed in a particularly triggering way—encouraging conspiratorial thinking by saying that there's a "media blackout" and that the official sources are downplaying the severity.
The post is still circulating as of this morning, and the misleading version is still hitting people's dashes and suckering people in. Why would you not just make it unrebloggable?
I don't know. I really don't know what to think of the whole thing.
The Twitter OP makes me honestly furious, claiming that "the cops" "blew it up" when it was first responders putting their lives in danger to stop the burning train cars from exploding. It's so frustrating to see people acting like they're calling it a "controlled burn" to cover up idiotic mismanagement. The crews that responded to this accident at great potential risk to their lives don't deserve to be called cops and slandered for making the best decision they could have possibly made.
In general it's worrying how folks on social media are responding—by encouraging paranoia and mistrust by attributing malice or idiocy to the people trying to manage the accident.
Folks say "fuck cops" but they can't distinguish cops from firefighters and hazardous materials crews working to save lives. That's scary to me.
I don't think we know enough yet to ascertain the causes of the accident, but I want to caution against looking for a specific party to blame as being at fault, because...these things can happen even when we do everything right. As long as we use these hazardous chemicals to make things, this is always a possibility.
And it's not necessarily a "preventable" failure of society that we make and use PVC, either. One of the causes of how widespread plastics are is that they are genuinely useful materials with properties that no other materials have. PVC pipe is what probably makes the plumbing in your house. Before PVC, there was copper, which is incredibly expensive, has a tendency to burst with temperature changes, and corrodes and reacts with various chemicals.
And the sad fact is, environmental disasters like this happen a lot. Many of them worse than this.
Not too far from where I live, there was a case where tons of radioactive waste were dumped into a municipal landfill. This radioactive waste was being handled by workers who didn't know what it was and had no protection. This was a case of malicious dodging of regulations. Mining coal creates radioactive and toxic waste that is constantly mismanaged. I was doing reports on local environmental news for my geology class a while back and many of the coal mines in Eastern Kentucky have a hundredfold violations of environmental and safety regulations, and companies usually dodge responsibility.
I hope this incident inspires people to think and talk about environmental regulations and rights of workers in the rail industry. What with the railroad strikes going on, I think it's worth considering that this is why we need to look out for the welfare of rail workers—you want the people handling the shipment of hazardous chemicals to be well rested and well protected.
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lordiavolo · 1 year
again people in the ohio river valley area (pic below, and google your city to see where your water is coming from) we MUST avoid drinking the water if at all possible until we know for sure what is in it. there is a media blackout and trusting the govt's response is not safe when its all just "dont worry about it haha!"
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revengeismygender · 1 year
I can’t stop thinking about the extremely misleading post that was circulating last week about the train derailment in Ohio and the amount of people who believed it whole cloth and went into a panic (understandably — the post was terrifying if you hadn’t heard about the crash previously). I’m not trying to shit on OP who has dealt with enough and apologized/admitted that the post was misleading or the people who got scared, I’m just disturbed by the amount of people (some of whom lived in Ohio!!) unaware of something that had been in the news for a week+ at that point.
And I want to be clear, I’m not blaming anyone for not having the spoons to engage in the 24-hour disaster news cycle where you’re bombarded with bad news every second of every day. I can’t do that either. But people, you have to stop getting your news from Twitter and tumblr. You just do. SO,
here are some low spoons ways to know wtf is going on.
*disclaimer* none of these sources are perfect or without bias and I’m not claiming they are. Every news organization is influenced by who owns it, the government it exists under, etc. also, this is a very US focused list bc I am in the US. Other people please feel free to add helpful resources from your country.
NPR’s Up First podcast: this podcast is literally like 10 mins long and just runs through essential US and international headlines.
NY Times The Daily: this one is a little longer (25-ish mins) and hones in on a theme, though it does touch on other news.
Vox’s Today Explained: this podcast runs through the highlights of what happened that day in about 20 mins.
CNN/Daily Beast Cheat Sheet: read through top headlines of the day covering a variety of topics. There are links to articles if you want to know more but you get a blurb about each regardless.
NY Times Morning Newsletter: this comes to your email and is free unlike other Times content. Though there are links to articles that are behind a paywall, all you really need to get started is the headlines and blurbs in the newsletter itself and you can always start googling from there if you feel the need.
USA Today Short List: similar to the NY Times morning newsletter but this one comes in the evening. No paywall, easily digestible headlines and highlight blurbs.
I’m not saying you need to have google alerts turned on for every single news source. I’m not saying you need to camp out in front of cable news for 8 hours a day like your grandpa, or even watch it twice a day like your dad. I’m not saying you can’t learn some piece of world news from a Destiel meme every now and then.
But engaging for 10-15 mins a day with the basics of what’s going on in the world is very helpful in that at the very least it stops you from panicking about a “media blackout about the worst disaster since Chernobyl” since you will have seen it in 5 news sources already and know that it couldn’t possibly be true.
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gallifreyriver · 1 year
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artemis-pendragon · 1 year
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The authorities wouldn't even let this man go back to get his animals during the evacuation, and as a result some died or have serious medical issues. Fuck that shit!
If you want to learn more about the specifics of the horrifying and ongoing environmental disaster in Ohio, go to @ nickdrom on Insta and TikTok!! He's a citizen reporter who, until recently, has been the only person I've seen talking about this in depth. The chemicals are now getting into the Ohio River and previously healthy animals are crashing and dying even though the govt says the air quality is safe. PLEASE keep talking about this!!! The environmental impacts for people and animals have been extremely understated and the damage is nowhere near done.
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As someone living in the area estimated to soon be affected by the Norfolk Southern train derailment and chemical spill in East Palestine, I wanna make one thing clear right now: the people affected by the chemical spill do not "deserve it."
I know there's this weird trend where when a disaster happens in Appalachia or the South, people say that those affected "deserve it" because the state voted majority red or they're backwoods hillbillies or some other insult. No, no we don't. A bunch of rich Republican fucks gerrymandered the hell out of our states so they could stay in office and then didn't help upkeep the infrastructure of the state leading to catastrophes like this. The train derailed because the braking system on the tracks was ancient and hadn't been updated due to politicians not providing funding for upkeep. And now a bunch of people have to live with the consequences while the same bastards who caused this accident can just up and leave and live somewhere safer.
This shit should infuriate you regardless of where you live in the US. Because at the end of the day, something very similar could happen to you.
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mindblowingscience · 1 year
Headaches and lingering chemical smells from a fiery train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, have left residents worried about their air and water—and misinformation on social media hasn't helped.
State officials offered more details of the cleanup process and a timeline of the environmental disaster during a news conference on Feb. 14, 2023. Nearly a dozen cars carrying chemicals, including vinyl chloride, a carcinogen, derailed on the evening of Feb. 3, and fire from the site sent up acrid black smoke. Officials said they had tested over 400 nearby homes for contamination and were tracking a plume of spilled chemicals that had killed 3,500 fish in streams and reached the Ohio River.
However, the slow release of information after the derailment has left many questions unanswered about the risks and longer-term impact. We put five questions about the chemical releases to Andrew Whelton, an environmental engineer who investigates chemical risks during disasters.
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
Americans, your skies are burning, your water is poisoned and your animals are dead, and yet no nation has attacked you, you people will die of disease and poisoning and yet no attacker has bombed you, this is because the enemy is not in the east on in the west,but in your home
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z34l0t · 1 year
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foxsicle · 1 year
ngl but the chinese balloon bs making headlines everyday when ohio is undergoing an ecological crisis due to a toxic train's derailment (that workers were trying to strike to prevent) is just peak US political theater. it's incredibly infuriating
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sataniccapitalist · 1 year
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