#One can't simply keep this idea contained and not go mad
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 10 months
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A friend pointed out how in this post, Mobei Jun looks like he's wearing a shirt, opening up the avenue for him to have been secretly stuffing his bra this whole time. The scandal of it all needed to be exposed.
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reginaaxxwrites · 10 months
It Took Time (Fred Weasley)
This was been in my draft for months already. I decided to finally post it. This story contains 6.2k words. Enjoy!
Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader (With a little bit George x Fem!Reader)
Warning: IT CONTAINS SMUT (Guys, I know this is the first time I released smut fanfiction. I just hope this one is good enough. I did not intend this story to have smut, but there you go. Enjoy your meal.)
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How do I start this?
I am madly in love with George Weasley. Yes, the famous George Weasley who always gets into trouble along with his brother, Fred Weasley. It was hard liking someone inside your circle of friends.
I tried not to be obvious about my feelings for him. I try to act casual because it's my way of controlling myself to burst my emotions when I'm with him. But sometimes I just can't help myself from showing him.
George would always sit beside me and talk about everything. Like his favorite spell or his memorable pranks. With every word he says, I can't help but get lost in it. I stare at him with dreamy eyes. And even if I get lost in his words, I still understand everything he said and it always piques my interest. I'll never get tired of his stories.
Unlike his brother, George seems to be more reserved. I don't know how to explain it but without Fred, he wouldn't be as chaotic as he is today. I guess they just complete each other.
"I think he fancies you," Angelina whispered beside me. I nudged her and rolled my eyes.
"I think not. Now, shut up and let me do homework." I continued to write on my parchment paper.
"Boringgg." She yawned.
I would be lying if I say I didn't think that he fancies me. I mean, it's possible. Or maybe I just like to assume things and feed my delusions. Because there are times he would flirt, but I don't know if that was intentional or if it's not.
"Damn you, Angelina." I glared at her. She looks confused as to why I cursed at her.
"I am mad. I really fancy him. And I can't do something about it." I buried myself on the table.
"Then confess to him. You'll never know until you initiate the move to tell him." She's right but what if I have been wrong all this time? That he simply just sees me as his friend.
George Weasley, why are you so hard to read?
"So... Any ideas how will you confess to him?" Angelina leaned on the table with a teasing smirk placed upon her lips.
"Shut it." I tried to ignore her but she was too clever to know it'll just keep bothering me and in the end, I would talk about it.
"Oh, I don't know, Angelina!" I slammed my quill and looked at her. I noticed that the Common Room went silent, so I looked around. They were all looking at me.
Okay, maybe I slam my quill too loud and too hard. I gave them my apology look and went on about what they were doing a while ago.
"Whoa, calm down, girl. You know I think it's unnecessary to confess--"
"But you just said a while ago?!" I am upset. Because it's been frustrating since then when I started to like him.
"I know. But listen to me. Everyone in this room knows you fancy him. Even his twin teases you about it. I'm sure George knows it too somehow. Maybe he just acts dumb because like you, he doesn't want to assume things."
"So, I should confess to him?"
"It's not like it's your obligation to do so. But if it's what you want. If it's the only way to stop you from overthinking then go. Take the risk or lose the chance, they say." Angelina smiled at me. She just knew the right thing to say.
I'm scared.
As the day goes by, I intend to show that I like him. But I'm not sure if he can tell. I'm not good with words. Never was. I'm starting to stutter, I can't even look at his eyes when I talk to him. I'm nervous whenever he's around.
Poor George doesn't know what I was feeling. How I was acting weird when he sits beside me during class and in the Great Hall.
If I don't tell him sooner, I'll forever look dumb in front of him.
"I can't tell him," I whispered to myself. Maybe it's because it's too soon. George and I recently got close this year because he joined me in playing exploding snaps during the first day of our sixth year. Ever since then, we just talk and talk.
"Hey, Longbottom." I knew I recognized that voice. I looked to see George making his way beside me.
"George." I greeted with a faint smile.
"I was looking for you."
"You are?" Why was he looking for me? Millions of possibilities went through my mind about why he was looking at me.
"Yes, I am. Lee was telling me about our paper and told me to get you so we could start at the Library." Oh. Of course, our research paper.
"You? When did George Weasley suddenly talk about boring stuff? What piques your interest?" I teased him and he just laughs.
Damn, his laughter. It's making my stomach churn or whatever it is.
"Well for one, Lee wanted to finish this paper so he could still be commenting in the upcoming Quidditch. Because Godric knows how bad his marks are."
"Aren't yours bad as his?" I raised my eyebrow at him.
"Rude but yes. That's one, no, two. And lastly, we know the kind of nerd you are and how you like to finish the given tasks as soon as possible. Aren't we making this easy for you, Longbottom?" He was grinning and looking at me. I swear I could feel my whole face turning into a beet red.
"Fine, Weasley." I took my stuff as he leads the way through the Library where Lee is waiting for us.
Once we entered the Library, Lee waves us over to the table where he was and books are already opened. I sat beside him while George took the seat in front of us.
"You do realize we still have a month to do this paper, right? We don't have to start right away." I told him while I bring out my notebooks and quills and ink.
"Who are you and what have you done to Y/N?" Lee acted surprised as I rolled my eyes at him.
"I mean, the sooner we finish this, the better. Don't you agree, George?" He looked at his best friend who nodded and grinned like an idiot.
"I feel like you two are messing with me." I glared at them.
"Never," George answered.
I didn't push the subject any longer and started to skim the books Lee placed on our table. I guess, it is better to have this paper finished.
Later that night, I told Angelina how my day and her day went like we always do before going to bed.
"Have you decided?" Angelina asked while she was helping me brush my hair. We were both looking at each other in our reflection in the mirror.
"It's only a month since I started liking him. Don't you think it's too soon?" I was already playing with my necklace's pendant which was given by my mother. I did this a lot of times whenever I'm nervous.
My best friend held both of my shoulders and gave me an assuring smile.
"Then take your time. I'm sure you'll get the courage to tell him. I mean, we're Gryffindors, are we?"
"We are."
It was getting worst.
Exams are coming soon and I cannot focus. His image comes into my mind and I can't focus. I really need to tell him. I should, it would help me clear my thoughts. It was now or never.
I grabbed my sweater before leaving the Common Room and looked for the red-haired male almost everywhere in the castle. Then, I remembered they were supposed to be at the Courtyard today.
When I finally saw the guy I was looking for, I didn't waste any moment and grabbed his wrist. I heard some of the students whistling and teasing us, including his brother while I look for a quiet place where we can talk.
"Is something the matter, Y/N?" He looked into my eyes, his eyebrows furrowed.
"I... I--there's something I need to tell you..." I could faint at any moment because my hands were cold and shaking.
Deep breaths, Y/N. You can do this.
"I like you. It's bad, I know. We became friends not long ago. It was getting worst and I can't just sit still and do nothing about it. You don't have to like me back. And I understand if...if you don't want to be friends with me anymore..." I could feel my cheeks getting wet from my tears.
Ha, why am I crying?
I'm frustrated and confused because, for the first time, he's the first guy who is gentle toward me. I couldn't look at him even though I want to see his reaction. I'm scared.
"I don't know what to say... It's not like every day I received confessions like this. But..." He took a step closer to me. "Could you give me time? To think about, I mean."
I didn't answer him instead, I nodded. I tried to wipe my tears but a hand stopped me and gave me a handkerchief.
"Here. Don't cry."
I went back to the Common Room and saw Angelina waiting for me. She saw how red my eyes are and quickly went over to me. She embraced me, comforting me in her arms.
"How did it go?" She asked as we enter our dorm room. We sat in my bed and she tried to fix my face.
"I do not know. He told me to give him time. But Godric knows he won't talk about that conversation again unless I initiate it."
I tried to avoid George every time we cross the hallways, Angelina would sit beside me during classes and never left my side. 
I was fixing my things when suddenly the door slammed hard. I turned to look around to see Angelina panting hard as if she had run all the way into our dorm room.
"Angelina! Are you all right? You look like you ran--"
"That's because I ran all the way in here." She took off her scarf and throw it on her bed.
"You need to talk to him." She firmly said to me. I looked away.
"Y/N, it's more painful to leave a question not answered than get rejected. I cannot stand my two best friends avoiding each other when they only got to be friends before the term started." She took my hand and helped me to stand up.
"I don't want to get your hopes up. But I heard him and Lee talked about you. He told Lee that you had a chance but--"
"Nothing comes good after 'but'." I joked.
"I know. But he's scared, Y/N. He doesn't want to hurt you. If you talk to him now... You might help him to chase away anything that scares him from being with you. You need to take another risk."
Another risk...
"He's in the Common Room. Talk to him, Y/N. If it doesn't work out then I'm here for you. Always." She kissed my cheeks and pulled me out of the room. We took downstairs and saw the three of them.
He was laughing together with his best friends, Lee and Fred. Angelina went over to them and the two boys stood up. They both looked at me and smiled. The boys and Angelina left the room, leaving me and George.
"Am I an idiot for liking you this much? Because if I am, then I must be the most idiotic of all idiots." I fake laughed but he didn't. His face showed an expression I'd never seen before. It was dark. It feels like he took my breath away.
He took steps closer to me.
"I'm sorry. I don't think I am ready to be with someone. I don't want to hurt you because you are one of the most important people in my life." I saw how he wanted to touch me or take my hand. But something was stopping him. It's like he can't take the risk of touching me like I'm fragile. He thinks that once he touches me, I'm going to break. He is scared of hurting me more.
"I'm sorry for making you wait for nothing."
"No, I get it. And I'm sorry... For avoiding you, for acting like I didn't know you, or pretending like we weren't friends at all after I did something that made you feel uncomfortable." I gave him a faint smile.
"I hope we can still be friends."
"We are friends, George. We always will be." our eyes never left looking at each other until the clock struck midnight.
"Good night, Weasley. I'll see you tomorrow." I started to walk away. I didn't bother to wait for his response.
"Good night." I heard him say before I reach the top of the stairs to look at him one last time before entering into my dorm room.
The rejection helped me to calm my thoughts. To stop me from assuming but the sudden actions from him never stopped. How he makes sure I don't get sweaty and hot from the sun's heat. Or when it rains he casts a spell to make an umbrella and we would share it.
I don't get him.
How can I move on when his words are contradicting his actions? Why does he keep making me a fool?
"What're you three doing?" I saw the twins and Lee brewing something in their cauldron. Potions ingredients were everywhere. If McGonagall saw this mess they would've been sent to detention straight away.
Newt Spleens
An orange snake.
A green leaf.
"Fred and George Weasley! You're making an aging potion! And you, Lee Jordan, tell me why am I not surprised that you're also a part of this?" I know what they're trying to do. They're going to try and trick the Goblet of Fire.
"Of course, you could tell by looking at the ingredients. Brilliant, isn't she?" Fred grinned like an idiot.
"No need to state what's always been obvious, Forge." He commented on his brother. They continued to mix the potion as if I wasn't there to scold them which I am debating on it.
"Have you decided?" Lee asked.
"It's painful to look at you when you're trying to decide whether to tell McGonagall or you'd rather help us finish this potion." He explained.
"Actually... I'm not. Because this is stupid. Dumbledore cast a spell around the Goblet. You cannot trick the Goblet of Fire or Dumbledore." I lectured them but they just snickered.
These boys.
"No wonder Hermione worships the ground you walk, Longbottom." Fred teased me as I rolled my eyes at him.
"You three are going to regret it," I warned them but they just seem not to care.
"And thank you for the warning." The twins said in chorus.
"you know us--"
"breaking the rules." They gave me their most mischievous smiles.
I looked at Lee and he just shrugged. "What they said."
The next day, we were in the Great Hall during our free time. Hermione sat beside me, reading her book while I helped my brother with his assignment.
"You're joking," I told my brother. He looked at me, confused.
"You don't need my help in Herbology, Neville. You have high marks than I was when I'm in your year. Have confidence in yourself."
"Really?" I pinched his cheeks as I nod at his question.
Suddenly we heard laughter and looked to see the three pig brains. They went over in our direction while holding a small bottle containing the potion.
"Done it." Fred showed us the potion. I rolled my eyes at him while Hermione was trying to stop them.
"Honestly, don't even try," I whispered to her but she continued.
"It's not going to work." Hermione sang the words as the twins went closer to her. Fred looking at her, closely as well as George.
"Oh, really, Granger?" Fred smirked at her. Hermione tried to explain what I already told them last night.
And of course, they didn't listen to her and drank the potion. She looked at me, annoyed at the three boys. I mouthed her 'I told you, so.' before she went back to her book. Harry and Ron seem to be fascinated by the trick.
After they drank the potion, they stepped inside the circle and the students clapped and cheered them on.
Oh, now I'm curious what's going to happen. I watched them put their paper in the Goblet. We saw nothing happen to them so the students clapped in amazement. Of course, I believed that something is still going to happen.
And something did happen.
"Argh!" Lee, Fred, and George flew out of the circle as they aged into an old man. Peals of laughter filled the entire Great Hall. I couldn't help but also laugh. They tried to punch each other and put the blame on one another.
Later that day, Angelina and I decided to visit them in the Hospital Wing. They were finally going back to their age. Well, almost.
"I'd say a beard looks good on you, Weasley." I joked as I sat beside his bed. I touched his beard as he chuckled.
"I still look like a thirty-year-old man." He smiled.
"Better than looking like an eighty-year-old man."
"Ouch. I expect to still look handsome at that age." He placed his right arm on his left chest as if he was struck in the heart.
"Are you? I didn't take a good look. I was busy laughing earlier." I teased him and Godric, I hated when he gave me that smirk on his lips. I want to rip it.
Calm down, Y/N.
"At least tell me I made a perfect potion. Don't want to disappoint a potion master."
"You... You were never bad at potions, George Weasley." I gave him a gentle smile and he just kept quiet looking at me.
"I was already rejected and yet I still hope for us to happen." I buried my face in my pillow. My best friend sat beside me.
"Why do I feel like you're about to try and confess to him one more time?" I know she was teasing but damn her because she is giving me an idea to do so.
"Oh, no. I am only joking, Y/N! Don't even think about it." She said, firmly. "I swear I'm this close to swinging a bat on a bludger and then aiming it in his face."
"Please don't."
"I won't. Only because you said 'please'."
"What am I supposed to do? I expect these feelings would go away after getting rejected. Now, I'm only falling deeper." I'm starting to cry again out of frustration.
"Nothing. Just nothing." She looks at me as I sat down properly at my bed.
"You are not the problem here, Y/N. He's the one to blame. Putting you in this position where you should be moving on. Because Godric's sword, if only you know how boys from Durmstrang and Beauxbaton look at you every time you walked past them."
"See. You don't need to set your eyes only on one boy who rejected you but proceeds to act as if he fancies you. Find other guys. Move on."
"But what if he does like me? He's just not ready like he said..."
"That's bullshit. It doesn't matter whether you're ready or not. If you like someone, you'd still pursue them, take the risk even if it's scary. Just like you did. Clearly, he's giving you mixed signals." Angelina sounded angry. She was annoyed like she wanted to punch George if she ever saw him.
"Would you get mad if I told you that I just sent him a letter? Confessing to him the second time?" I pout as she turns her face into a sour one.
"Y/N LONGBOTTOM!" She was angry. Really angry. "What exactly did you write in that letter?!"
"That I still fancy him. That if I didn't receive an owl from him later this evening, it means... All he did meant nothing to him."
"Please swear to me that this will be the last thing you will do." She just sighed.
"I promise."
"Then, are you sure you're ready for whatever response you receive from him?" Angelina looked worried for me. That's why I am lucky to have her by my side.
As expected from him, I didn't receive any owls from him. I slept through the night so I don't have to cry until it reaches morning.
My best friend and I went to breakfast, avoiding that one Weasley. While I was eating and chatting with Angelina, someone poked my sides. I look to see Fred, grinning as he sat beside me.
"Morning." He greeted us.
"Is there something you need, Fred?" Angelina raised an eyebrow at her friend.
"Nothing. I just wanted to eat breakfast." He shrugged his shoulders while placing a toast on his plate and into mine.
"I can get my own toast." I sounded mean but I didn't mean to.
"Looks like someone had a bad sleep."
"She did, Fred." Angelina rolled her eyes at him.
"I see... Well, let me just enjoy my breakfast, at least." Fred grinned like an idiot.
The twins were a bit mean when they started a bet between Harry and Cedric. Poor Harry seemed to look like he wants to drop out of the Tournament. Sadly, he can't because it's part of the rules.
And then there's Fred, who would always pester me around. He would poke my sides, even if he goddamn well knows that's my tickle spot. He would open up to me easily, telling me how he had a crush on Angelina during our 4th year. But stopped pursuing her because my best friend clearly doesn't look interested in dating him.
We became closer. We became more than acquaintances. We were close friends.
We became inseparable.
Angelina noticed it. How happy I am. I was blooming, she said. She never saw me this happy. And she was wondering why but didn't bother to have it answered because all she cares about was my happiness.
"You're an idiot, Fred." I scold him. "And stop that betting game you and your twin started. It only brings war upon Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors."
"You know, I've noticed you kept saying 'your twin'." He changed the subject. I looked away and watch the birds fly into the gloomy sky.
We are both in Black Lake to get some fresh air.
"I do not know what you mean."
"Damn, I know he rejected you. But I get it. You see, the problem with George is that he's afraid of women. He once liked Angelina but he did nothing about it." I was surprised that George liked Angelina. This is the first time I am hearing this.
"You both liked the same girl?"
"It always happens. A bit frustrating, honestly. But at times like that, I'm willing to give up the woman I like for him. We're twins but he's the younger one so..."
"You let go."
"Always. For my twin's happiness."
"What about yours?" I felt pity for him. I know I shouldn't because he wouldn't like that.
"George's happiness is my happiness." He smiled at me. But I know it was a sad one. I leaned my head against his shoulder.
"A true Gryffindor." I felt him chuckle.
"So are you."
Oh, no.
No... I can't possibly be falling for him now. This would be an outrage. I can't.
It's only been three months ever since I stopped liking George. Three months since then I have not talked to him.
"You and Fred seemed gotten closer. Both of you suited more perfectly." Angelina, once again, I know she's joking but she isn't helping.
Does she need to know? Must she know? I don't know. She might make fun of me.
Godric, it feels like a sin to fall for Fred.
"Oh, dear... I know that look. You like Fred." She placed her hand on her lips and went beside me. "Tell me everything." She doesn't look disgusted. Instead, she looks like she's excited.
I told her everything I know and she can't remove her smile ever since I started talking.
"Godric! I knew it!" She was giggling. "So what do you intend to do?"
"Nothing. I can't let him know. He can't know. I won't confess. I won't tell him anything." I mumbled.
"Right. Let him be the one to develop his feelings for you. You don't have to do anything this time." She smiled and pulled me into a hug.
"You should never feel guilty for liking someone. I pray that this time, Fred will do exactly the opposite George did to you. You two suit together, really."
"Thank you, Angelina. For everything."
"What friends are for?"
Professor McGonagall announced that there will be a ball. The ball is only exclusive for the fourth year and above.
Our head of house started to prepare us for the ball. She called all Gryffindors from the fourth year and above to practice our dance steps. So we don't look stupid on the day of the event.
Ron and his friends joked about something while looking at Eloise Mignon. I felt my insides get irritated and then McGonagall called him over for a dance. Fred and George made fun of their brother as well as Harry.
"Now, boys. Find your partners." I saw my brother the first one to rise on his chair. I smiled at him and asked Hermione to dance with him. She gladly accepted my brother's offer.
The other boys finally went to our side. Fred reached my wrist and pulled me on the dance floor.
"Really? No asking but pull the woman you see first? How gentleman of you, Weasley." I joked as he laughs at my words.
"Pleasures all mine, Longbottom." He winked at me as he spun me and then dipped me down while his hand was on my waist and the other one on my hand.
I saw George looking in our direction while he was dancing with Angelina. I immediately broke our eye contact and focus on Fred.
"Smooth." I smiled. "Who do you plan to ask on the ball?" 
"Maybe Angelina? Or some girls from other houses." He answered. I got to admit that it broke my heart a little. I thought that it might occur to him that he can ask me.
"And you?" 
"No one." 
"I thought you were waiting for George to ask you." He teased but ignored it.
"Well, you thought wrong." I didn't mean to sound annoyed but I am. I don't why my mood changes suddenly. "Sorry..." 
"Hey, don't be. I heard girls tend to get stressed on upcoming occasions like this." I unbelievably looked at him. "What? I mean, has anyone asked you?"
"That's a bit rude to ask a girl." I raised my eyebrow at him.
"So, no one--"
"Fred!" I playfully hit his arm. "Of course, someone had asked me. But I turned them down."
"May I ask why?"
"I'm waiting for someone to ask me." I could feel my cheeks burn from embarrassment.
"George, then." He continued to tease me to his twin.
"Please stop." He just laughs at me and continued to dance me away.
The day of the Yule Ball came.
The person I wanted to ask me, is going with someone from Beauxbaton. While my best friend is going with George. 
"Stop fussing over your dress, Y/N." Angelina scolded me while she tries to adjust the back part of my dress.
"Must I attend?" I groaned.
"Yes! Because this might be the last time you'll experience this as a teenager. Now do me a favor and have fun." She finished fixing my dress and place an accessory on my hair.
"You look beautiful."
"I look like a clown." 
"I know you feel bitter because of him but please don't let it ruin your night. Besides going without a date has its perks." She winked at me while I got up and took my white shawl to keep me warm for the night.
"Like what?"
"You can flirt with any guy!"
"Funny. Because you know exactly enough that I can't flirt." I rolled my eyes. "So...you and George?"
"It was a last minute. He just happened to ask me in front of Lee and Fred just to prove to Ron and Harry that they can ask any girl to the dance. We're going as friends." I can't help but smile when Angelina told me what happened.
"Idiots." Both of us giggled the way out of the dorm and went downstairs. 
We saw George patiently waiting for his date, together with Lee. George's eyes were on me instead of Angelina's. I immediately looked away and pretended that didn't happen.
"You look stunning." He complimented her. I went beside Lee who smiled at me.
"Who's the lucky girl?" I asked Lee. The two started walking and we followed.
"Oh, I'm going alone." 
"I'm having trouble who to ask. So, I decided not to come with a date." I immediately understood what he meant.
"How about you? I heard you received a lot of requests and yet you rejected every one of them." Lee gave me his playful smirk as I rolled my eyes at him.
"Piss off, Jordan. Maybe I decided to come alone just like you did." 
"An answer that I'll never believe it's true." I slapped his arm, and we laughed it off as we reached the Great Hall.
Students are already interacting with each other. Giving compliments on how they looked good and the dress robes they were wearing. Some were already dancing while others are eating appetizers and drinking butterbeer.
While Lee keeps talking about asking the girl from Beauxbaton to dance and telling me exactly how he will approach the girl. A tall red-haired caught my gaze. Even though everyone can't tell who is who. I know and I can tell.
He looks handsome in his robes. That long hair he tried not to cut for a new look. But he looks good whether his hair is long or short. I pray not that he will not look in my way. Because I know what he'll do if he does. And I am not yet ready.
"Why don't you go and ask her already? I'm thirsty so I'll go fetch some drinks, okay?" I push my friend towards the girl. He didn't utter another word so I made my way to the tables.
I wasn't feeling to drink anything but water. After I got myself some water, I went further away from the crowd and the dance floor. I hid from my friends because I didn't want them to adjust to me. I want them to have fun without feeling obligated to make me feel better.
A famous band, Weird Sisters, started to take the floor. All of the students laugh and dance the night away. I saw two familiar Gryffindors, who also seems not to enjoy the event.
"And here I thought you went for the evening." I look up to see him lending his hand to me.
"And I thought no one will ever notice that I'm gone." 
"It's already impossible to not notice you, love." He was still waiting for me to take my hand. I was hesitating, scared even. 
"Were... Were you looking for me?" I asked.
"From the moment the ball started. But it seems you were hiding from the crowd." He answered. I took his hand and then led me to the dance floor. 
"I might start to think you fancy me." I joked. He pulled me closer, placing his hands around my waist. His face was close to mine. I could smell his cologne, his breath. I could feel him, his warmth. My heart was racing. 
"What if I am?" He answered in his low voice. His forehead rested on mine, never breaking his gaze on me.
"You're playing pranks on me." 
"Maybe I am." 
"Then stop."
"I can't." 
His eyes kept looking into mine and my lips. He was moving closer as if he was about to kiss me. Maybe he was. When the music stopped playing so did he.  
"I'm sorry." He gently pulled away from me.
"What for?"
"This." I felt sharp in my gut. "Shit. That's not what I meant."
"Clearly, it is. Good night, Fred." I turned my back on him and ran outside the Great Hall. I didn't expect him to follow me through the Courtyard.
"Y/N, please. Listen to me."
"I get it. I know you feel sorry for me. I know that the girl you asked should be the one you held earlier like that. So, why did you even bother to look for me, Fred? I am just your friend, aren't I?" My face was burning in anger but it was also cold because it was snowing. I was stupid for forgetting my coat in the Great Hall because I tried to run away from him.
"You are my friend. And you like my brother. So, you see? I'll be damned if he knew I was about to kiss you." 
"George made it clear he didn't like me. But I know it's also wrong to like you after George." Tears started to fall on my cheeks. "Merlin's beard, you are his brother, his twin. What will they think of me once they know I like you when not long ago I was trying to chase your brother?"
"We can't argue again because of a girl. I like you. Hell, I dreamt about holding you close to me, kissing you. Some of it came true, it was enchanting while it lasts." He tried to laugh it off. There was pain in his voice, his eyes were longing for me.
"I think I'm in love with you. You saw and accepted me. Understood me and my messy life. You have been patient with me. But I can't be with you when I know he's starting to fall for you." 
"That's not true."
"It is. You don't have to believe in me. But you will when he tells you. I'm encouraging him to. So, please. Let all your feelings for him fall back in."
"No. You don't get to decide for me. And you don't get to set free all the things so that your brother could get it. You may care for his happiness, but I care for yours." I stomp all my way to him. It was hard to walk wearing my gown and the heavy snow on the ground.
"George had his chance with me. He took that for granted. You don't have to fix things for him. I understand you love your brother, unconditionally. Because I also have a brother that I'm willing to bet my life on. But I know he can take care of himself. He can make his own choices. I guide him but that's just it. His actions, his consequences to face." 
"You're a good brother, Fred." I smiled at him.
"She's right, Gred." Fred and I turned to see George walking toward us.
"It turns out this potion worked." He showed us an empty bottle of invisibility potion. 
"I'm sorry for making you feel like you don't deserve anything at all you have to give everything so that I could have it. You don't have to sacrifice everything." He placed his hand on his brother's shoulder.
George then looked at me. He removed his coat and placed it on my shoulder.
"I guess I liked you a little too late." He placed his hand on the top of my head and when closer to my ear.
"Thank you." He messed up my hair and left the two of us.
Fred took my hand as he removed his brother's blazer. We followed him when Fred threw the coat on him.
"She doesn't need it." He said and he led me somewhere more quiet. I heard George laugh as we disappear in his sight.
We entered an empty classroom. He closed the door behind him and muttered spells on it. I was starting to get nervous. 
He turned to look at me. It was like seeing a whole different version of him.
"Sorry. Are you still cold?" He went close to me and held both sides of my arms. Caressing them to make me feel warm.
"A little." My eyes found his. 
We were about to kiss and this one would be it.
His lips found mine. He was gentle but started to get rough when I kissed him back, trying to follow him as if he was leading me. He lifted my weight which I was surprised by because I have a plump body. I don't have a toned and thin body like any other girl. And yet he still managed to lift me up as he placed me on a table. His rough, huge hands roam and grabbed my thighs. A moan escaped from my mouth.
"Don't hold it back in." He whispered between our kisses.
"Someone could hear us." 
"I cast a spell, love. No one can hear you. So be loud as you can be." He bit my lip and then his kisses went down on my neck. I could feel he was trying to hold back leaving me marks.
His body rested between my thighs. I could feel him getting hard every time he pushed his body while he kissed me. He was trying so hard not to undress me so he stayed his hands on my bare thighs.
"Tell me to stop. Tell me to go on. Whatever you want. I'll do it. Tell me." He stopped kissing me. His lips were plump and had lipstick stains. My hand went over to his buttoned shirt and unbuttoned the first one.
"Do not stop." With that, his hand on my thigh went higher to grab my ass. I grabbed his wrist while my other hand tried to mess up his hair.
"God, you're breathtaking." While kissing my neck, he slowly unzipped the back of my dress. I felt the warmth of his hand on my bare back. I wasn't wearing any bra so it was easy for him to access my breasts.
He grabbed my breast while his tongue played with my nipple. I arched back in pleasure, making it easy for him to do what he was doing.
"Be patient, darling." He pulled away from me and completely removed my dress, leaving me only with my undergarment. He also removed his top as I was still sitting on the table. I was awed to see him topless. Quidditch training did his body justice.
He went over to me once more to kiss me. 
"Open your legs." His voice filled with such dominance that I didn't hesitate to do what I was told. He continued to kiss me, massaging my breasts. Those kisses slowly went down my neck, chest, stomach...and down to my...
"Do you want to stop?" He asked. I was thankful for making sure I still want to continue.
"It's just..."
"What is it, love? Tell me." 
"Must you kiss me down there?" I looked away because I just asked a dumb question. I heard him chuckle and placed his hand on my chin to make me look at him.
"Do you trust me?"
I nodded at him and he smiled, kissing my forehead for assurance.
"I'm preparing you so you won't have to feel pain."
He slowly removed my undergarment and kissed my pelvis as he went down to my womanhood. As soon as I felt his lips and tongue on my folds, I arched back. The empty classroom was filled with my moans and his kisses. I was starting to feel like I'm going to explode so I grabbed his hair. He stopped.
"Not yet." He licked his lips and unbuckled his trousers. I saw how huge he was. I was starting to get scared, wondering if it'll fit inside me.
"Do you still want to continue?" He asked one more time.
"Will it hurt?" 
"Maybe. You have to tell me. May I have your permission?"
He slowly entered his length inside me. I winced in pain but knew Fred that was trying to be gentle as much as possible. When the whole of him was already inside me, he kissed my cheeks and tried to whisper sweet nothings. He was slowly thrusting, making sure I was feeling all nothing but pleasure before fasting his pace.
He continued to kiss me as his pace started to go fast. My moans were getting louder as well as his groans. He keeps kissing my neck and shoulders, hugging me ever so tightly. We were both close to our climax. And when he did, he pulled it out.
He kissed my forehead and went over to pick up my clothes. He helped me to clean up before we put our clothes back on.
"Can you walk?" He asked when he saw me struggling to stand straight.
"It's a little sore down there," I tell him. He looked like he was sorry for what he did. I smiled and tiptoed to kiss his cheeks.
"I'll be gentle next time. I promise." He said and then placed his coat on my shoulder. "Warm enough?" He smirked at me.
I knew it was a lie when he told me he'd be gentle. Because he never was. Can't blame a man with this amount of energy.
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ronearoundblindly · 2 years
Ever thought of a deep sea mermaid reader coming to the surface the first time only to be caught by sheild and in a holding area . While all that is going on bucky and steve went to the area where evidence is at to check for info based in their mission steve saw reader who is there mad caught momentarily head tilt when she sees the two and bangs her glass lettinf her out bucky found his buddy and saw reader whos now scared instead of dangerous . Steve stayed while bucky tells tony about this and they get to know eachother . Reader can communicate only bit frm low Contact(the deep sea mermaid here came from the mariana trench . Darker green skin with bright eyes and parts of her tail glow and parts of it have the same ability as an electric eel yet more stronger . This mermaid is from the deep cold ocean 😯)
Hope it is not confusing
Pretty much no more lead in needed...warnings for...idek, long-windedness? more uselessly thought-out details? Still no real editing in sight. Lots of fun with this one though because it's basically Steve Rogers needs a hug.
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The Raft holds the worst of the worst: villains, inhuman, and aliens too dangerous to ever leave. Rehabilitation is not the goal. Containment is.
It's usually during the first few days or weeks after a prisoner arrives that most useful intel can be extracted, and Steve understands that process is necessary. Extraction, however, isn't supposed to mean certain types of torture.
The deep, hollow thudding turns him away from Bucky as they make their way down the hall. Steve stops cold to listen. The noise could just be distorted boots on the metal walkways and stairs. Echoes do strange things in this floating isolation tank.
The sound doesn't stop. Instead, it's coupled with an enormous, gargling scream. Last time he checked, they don't extract information by almost drowning prisoners.
Damn it. He warned Tony to keep an eye on Ross and his henchmen. He knew they'd try to skirt the rules.
The bubbling stops as Steve stomps down a dark corridor, searching, until he can hear from the echoes and airflow that he's reached an end room. Automatically, his hand swipes the wall for the light switch.
It's a tank, ten by ten, built against the far wall so that three sides are visible through thick plexiglass, and you're...covering your face, curled by a fake edge of rock and flicking your fins in order to push you farther from the light.
Steve immediately hits the switch again. "Sorry."
He has no idea who he's apologizing to or what he's apologizing for because he's in the Raft. The things in here are imprisoned after all. People above his paygrade have deemed it necessary for you to be housed here, and that should tell him all he needs to know.
Still, he says it again. "I'm sorry." They're words that rumble in the dark, and he realizes that you can't understand him, possibly can't even hear him through the gas, solid, and liquid between you two He hopes his presence, maybe even his body language, tells you he is not here to harm you, no matter what you've done to earn a spot here.
He can faintly hear Bucky greet the guard for the inmate they came for, and he knows his friend can handle whatever the very-much-human prisoner dishes out. Good. Steve can't look away right now, not as his superior eyes adjust to the black that is not black anymore.
The thick, braided muscles within your tail shimmy you back toward the center of the tank, and as each small scale lifts in the current, pale light shines beneath, a hint of a hint of green glow that spreads over the dark skin of your body, covered in patches by a sea moss striping your torso.
The glow is so faint that all else looks black. Like a forest lit by the moon, you survive in shadow. He can see your winding, swift movements, the rippling pull of long hair dancing through water, and Steve realizes you are studying him, too. Well, he's doing his best to study you, but it's simply too dark. He wants to see more.
"Cover your eyes--" he gestures with his elbow raised over his face "--I'm gonna--"
He stops himself. You can't understand him.
Steve lumbers to the far wall, ticks on the flashlight of his phone, and props it to face the wall. The light is still so dim, especially what little hits the tank, that the average human would still grope around for the door.
Lavender. With irises that take up your whole eye and pin-prick pupils despite the near-black, he can see the colors of you. Your eyes are lavender, and there's deep violet tones wafting in the graceful, floating mane surrounding you.
"Hello," Steve mouths softly, lifting a hand to the glass.
Your head tilts curiously, inspecting the lines on his palm. His flesh looks so different from yours. He's pale and rosy. Fragile. You can see heat radiating off of him like rocks warmed by the sun. Fascinating.
Your hand raises parallel, fingers with thin green webbing splayed open in a questioning greeting.
"Never seen her do that before," Tony Stark's voice rings out over an intercom above Steve. "Now can you get her to take a freaking nap?"
You can hear the voice based on your frantic gaze darting around the top of your tank. Panic rips across your face. Your mouth opens to resonate with the same gargled shriek that drew him to you.
"I'm only trying to help," Tony's mechanical voice continues.
The solid top of your tank slides back to reveal a fake beach sort of landing upon which stands Iron Man. It's still dark except for Steve's phone in the corner and the exceedingly bright arc reactor on Tony's chest.
You're cowering again, even while Tony jokes lightly, "but you can't eat another guard. Them's the rules, honey."
Steve cocks an eyebrow at that. Did you really eat a human?
Iron Man turns to Steve. "Well, if she likes you, you may as well come on up."
Steve finds out that you've been at the Raft for nearly two weeks, growing more and more irritable (which Tony accepts makes sense) but refusing to sleep (which Tony argues at you loudly doesn't help your irritability). They found you in the Mariana Trench while the newest Stark vehicle was tested for pressure security before a space launch. He has no idea if you're one of a kind or an entire, undiscovered species.
Tony keeps throwing sassy insults your way, watching you peek your squinting eyes over the water's surface.
"Water's the right temp. 'Bout cold as we can make it without actually freezing her." Tony opens the helmet when it's clear you're not aggressively swiping for his legs, as he explained you regularly try. "Don't let her fool you. She can breathe the air. She's fine. She's just cranky," he squats to yell at you.
You wince at the sound and swim 'away,' which is at most six feet farther than you were.
"Cap, have you ever tried to explain the H.A.L.T. method to a mermaid? It's so simple. She's either hungry, angry, lonely, or tired. My money's on tired, and since that's a lot of money, I know what I'm talking about."
Steve's had an idea, and he instantly reacts, kicking off his shoes and heading straight for your tiny shore.
Despite the still bright glow of the arc reactor, your eyes are now wide and skeptical.
He's wading into your pool. The scary big thing with a split tail and bound fins makes his way right for you, smiling like he did with his hand up.
"Uh, hold up now, Rogers," but Tony's too late. "Wasn't joking about the guard."
Steve hisses as the cold water envelops him.
You bare your teeth at Steve in an awful green grimace, but he keeps coming. You hiss back, bubbles bursting at the corners of your mouth, but he keeps coming.
And then he grabs for you. And then he pinches you against him. And then he...and then it's...
Your head plonks back down to the water's surface, slippery form sagging against his arms and legs spaced around your back evenly.
Steve presses his chin to your crown, not worried about drowning you because, well, he can't.
"Pressure, Tony. You said it yourself."
"Yeah, but--"
"Astronauts have to train to sleep in zero-G, right?"
Tony grumbles noisily for a while, pacing around the shore's edge. "...can breathe air then she can handle normal air pressure...thirty thousand feet down and anything in between...probably some mating ritual on land if there's more of..."
After his mumbling goes quiet, Steve swivels your floating bodies in Tony's direction. "How about you go fix it before I freeze a second time, pal. What the hell is she even doing here?"
Tony shrugs. "Proximity and rooms designed for all types of...beings. Also Chuck." The heavy boots of the suit echo off the wet metal and stone. "I'll tell Barnes you'll be a while, huh?"
He'll stay as long as it takes, as long as he can stand it. Tony's called Steve a wet blanket more times than either can count; they just didn't know he was a weighted wet blanket that would come in handy one day.
Steve absently wonders whether he can float you both to a ledge so he doesn't sink while you sleep...and whether Chuck was his size and left a spare uniform onsite...
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I couldn't think of a title anyway, but I love the little ideas about what alien/semi-alien life would behave like and need in an average human environment. So much fun to think about. Onwards to more fantasy!
If you enjoyed this work, please consider reblogging, and thank you so much for reading. 💚💚💚
Teeny humor follow-up here.
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Okay, so in light of all the DSMP play talk, I decided to release the ideas that @rwggrace2 and I worked up a few months ago. To add some silly ideas to the serious, awesome ones going around.
Also, these were part of a conversation so the formatting is a little weird and there are some contridictions. sorry.
"The original cast doesn't actually do the acting except that Tubbo plays himself, but they're all consulting. We only cover the L'manburg arc for time but sequals are in the works. Each actor is also required to fill out a questionaire to make sure they understand their assigned character
The stage is a completely black and bare parkour set around the edges, and a very wide open space in the middle. There are a lot of lightweight black blocks and six bins of assorted props lined up against the back. The cast themselves is in charge of staging scenes and yes I absolutely want and expect props to get horribly mixed up. Aside from iconic moments there are no scripted lines.
It's chaos, it's madness. We reference Sad-ist, Derivakat, Passerine, WolfytheWitch, and other key figures in the fandom. Everyon's costumes are homemade based on the most popular fandom interpretation. Sally appears once and she's played by a normal woman in a salmon costume. 
Someone keeps shedding feathers halfway through and due to the bleeding black paint on the props no one can tell if it's Quackity or Philza. Jump in the Cadillac is added because we will never let cc!Tommy forget. Dream's mask has no eyeholes and everyone else has to position him correctly for scenes. Mumza is there but the only thing she does is sit at the top of the set and eat popcorn.
All of the props are foam, life-sized version of pixalated minecraft tools. For drug van scenes there are twenty bags of flour and a giant book that reads "PEOPLE THAT OWE ME (FOR DRUGS) (THAT I SOLD THEM)"
There is a post-curtain call scene where Ranboo shows up on the stage reading a sign overhead and say "the Dream SMP... well, it can't be that bad." 
Unlike in most real-life productions, being careful around the props and costumes is discouraged. The same costumes are used in the seuel production with no repair. We let Tommy's costume reenact Cast Away to prepare it for it's role in Exile. The venue is a defunct theatre that is rumored to be haunted. It needs to be haunted because Ghostbur will be played by an actual ghost.
To add behind the scenes tension, there will be actual audience voting during the president arc. It's tense because if the audience votes for something other than what happened in the story then the actors have to come up with a reason on the spot for why Schlatt wins anyway.
Besides Jump in the Cadillac, there is one (1) fully choreographed musical theatre moment with a song written by Derivakat and Lin Manuel Miranda (whom we have kidnapped). This musical moment must come at the absolutely most random time in the middle.
At one point during the presidential election George will simply walk off and climb up to a bed placed on a ledge in the set, where he remains for the reminder of the play.
For the opening of the sequel Tommy and Ranboo actually set a house on fire, but for safety and humor reasons it's a small dollhouse. As such George is now a dollhouse doll acted with by the human actor George in a fully black costume. Logstedshire is a taped-off square at the far right of the stage that contains toy version of the cabin, Trnet, Mushroom Henry, and later the tower is built out of LEGOs. The ocean is a baby pool.
The thing is, everyone is expected to give a heart-wrenching performance. Quote me on this but everyone must me "if it was heard in a radio production the audience would be SOBBING."
We play through to the stream where Tommy tells Wilbur what happened in Exile only so when that happens Dream is then played by an anteater. It's a symbolic move to show that Dream is no longer Wilbur's hero. The Egg is a plastic easter egg hidden in one corner.
All of the non-player children are played by stuffed animals. And all the voices for the stuffed animals are done by the parent actors.
Oh and also Charlie Slimcicle is played by the actial Charlie. Mainly because I don't think anyone else could do it like him. He has the most elaborate costume to really play into the slime aesthetic, and it's the only one that is actually treated like a proper stage costume.
The Doomsday scene is a play-by-play of WolfytheWitch's animatic, and it's the token musical scene completely with real dogs.
There is a trained crow to be Brian."
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too-true-to-believe · 6 months
Transcripts of Silas Anderson’s investigations regarding a group called Siblinghood of Skull and Flower. Events take place over a 3 week span from late October to mid November. 
Audio recording regarding the research of a potential cult. Call themselves Siblinghood of Skull and Flower, indirectly linked to several investigators disappearances. Gonna try and avoid the group's focus while looking into how they make money and get new members. I suspect they are the kind of group to not worry about getting money in less than legal ways, but I could always be surprised.
The Siblinghood’s goals are unknown, however due to the name it is likely the group is interested in scavenging carcasses for bones. No problems with that, till they start nabbing people of course. Can’t ever condone murder even if human bones look cool as shit. 
Turns out, Mariana Fletcher, owner and proprietor of Fletcher's General Store has a dirty little secret. Apparently, she has a tendency to cook the books to get better interest rates from the bank. Course, this is all coming from Pierre Byron who's the current proprietor of Daily Select Grocery and Pharmacy. Claims he knows she's doing cause "the amount of stock she carries don't match the amount of clients she gets." Gonna have a looksy at Fletcher’s to see if I can get to the bottom of this. Might just be a competitor trying to bad mouth someone. 
Watching Fletcher’s for 'bout a week and a half now and only ever saw one customer. Some dirty guy in his late 30s, didn't seem to like lil' old Mariana’s food. Shame, seems like she is in dire need of some loyal customers. Mariana herself ventures out into the Jackdaw Fields on an almost nightly basis, the only days she didn't go were days where it was below freezing. Unknown if this is general activities for the Siblinghood or simply due to the fact Mariana is a little old lady whose bones disagree with the cold. I could look farther into that of course but you know … can't investigate anymore if I get disappeared.  Ha ha … 
So I managed to talk to Mariana’s grandson, no idea who or where Mariana’s child is, with the help of buying him some candy and a promise to teach him how to widdle. Kids about 9 so take anything he says with a grain of salt, or like a whole salt shaker. Says his grandma likes to go out into the woods to collect bones but on nights when she goes out he's not allowed to get out of bed once the sun sets. Apparently she's got some kind of box that ‘smells like the apples left after we harvest’ that the bones go in once she finds them. 
Turns out Mr Byron was wrong about how much she ought to pay for products. Kiddo showed me their apple orchard, pointed out the hunting trails Mariana takes to collect meat, and introduced me to their pet chickens. Mean little bastards. Stole a whole button off my jacket.
Anyways, the kid also showed me “Grandma’s biggest secret”. Get this, she's got an honest to god bone stash buried out in the woods, under an old hickory tree. Couldn’t move them “or else Grandma’ll get really mad,” but contains a mix of human bones and animal bones. All degreased and defleshed. No clear organizational system, but the kid said Grandma put them right where she wants them. Kid says Grandma has a whole bunch of stashes like this, but he wouldn't show me any other ones. 'Parrently showing me this one scared him, coz he mad me pinky promise not to tell anyone or move the bones.
I … I’m gonna be honest I don’t know what to do? Like, clearly there's someone's bones under that tree, but what am I supposed to do? If Granny Mariana is willing to kill and stash whoever they are, then she’d have no problem doing the same to me. But I can’t just do nothing … right?  
The Fletcher kid likes me apparently. At least enough to give me a bracelet with about 25 teeth on it. Mix of human and animal, carnivore and herbivore. No ID yet.
I'm keeping the bracelet of course, don't want to upset my new friend, but ... fuck. What do I do?
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kidmachinate · 2 years
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Ever feel like you have no more options left? Like you're on the edge with no idea what to do? You're not gonna jump but you've explored your possibilities. You're unsure of where to go from here. Let me be clear. This blog is "Refusing to go Hollow", but I'd be lying if I never considered what I would be like if I just did.
Imagine being pushed so far that you just don't want to bother anymore. You fight for what you know is right but there is nothing you can ever do to please those around you. Don't care about what others think is what I'd normally say but what if this is at home or in a workplace? Not as simple. Makes it harder to not just lash out at someone or something. One or the other can bleed into each other and then you're in for a bad time. You might have to just turn around and leave both scenarios, right? A good consideration for being able to keep your mental sanity to stay in this world.
Much of life is easier said than done. Finding value in things and people you love. Deciding what to buy vs not buy. To get a college education or not. To buy a car or a house or not. Taking on too much of this responsibility can drive you mad. You feel as if something on the inside is creeping up on you. Like you have to keep it inside. Who knows what will happen if these thoughts or inner being is released.
Events that trigger anxiety don't help either. Perhaps you have micro interactions of betrayal or disappointment. How about disappointing yourself to go with? Things don't bode well for keeping these feelings at bay. You're gonna have to let it out eventually...but you won't...because it is better to stay shut, right? Wrong. You're gonna do it anyway though. You're gonna fight your gut on this because you're in survival mode. You haven't fully healed from a childhood or traumatic events that haunt you to this day. You simply can't find a way to purge these demons.
Time passes and all hell breaks loose. You've said and done plenty you regret. Did this happen at work? Probably jobless now? Did this happen at home? Guess that roommate you had or relationship you were pursuing said to hell with this. Do you continue to run amok, or do you find a way to contain the beast? We all know the answer and it isn't the easy one. However, once you've learned, will you ever gain those connections or value back?
We always need to consider the ways in which the Dark Side can consume us. Whether Badeline gets to win or not. Whether Anne Flores takes the device or not (all I'll say to avoid spoilers as this game being referenced hasn't even been out a year yet). Whether we find the light at the end of the tunnel or let the darkness consume us. You get the idea. Embrace listening, empathy, and understanding. Don't run Amok. More times than not, you're gonna regret it. Tell someone you love them today.
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the-firebird69 · 7 months
There's a huge war party going to three of the parks to retrieve Trump's stuff the others are getting up to do it and it's in the Midwest there are 10 Parks out there and three Parks outside that he put stuff in and they've only been rated about 10% and there's tons of stuff they need huge diamonds tons of gold giant numbers of Ruby's big ones and huge amounts of hardware and we need the hell out of there and this ordinance too it's his own people and they're grabbing it all cuz they have to go try and get ships from the max and the guys just sitting here and it's not doing anything and he doesn't get it. You think she does is the reason why I can't sit back it's very basic those people go after your stuff and they started raiding last week all over the world is just sitting there and they just keep taking it. He's also not putting up a fight this Africa lose it was going to come take it and Trump's elite guard that's what you want to call it but they were wiped out in those three areas and we suspect all of the 10 will be he'll be wiped out in the three later on there's no evacuation and this other news they're simply going to fight the max and it's everywhere and Trump has wanted by almost every nation and he's attacking people and he removed Becca's head and suck it on like a some sort of magnetic pedestal and if she didn't inject nutrients her head would stop working and she couldn't talk and she's a very mad at him because he's such an a****** doesn't know why he's doing that kind of thing and he said you're after my spot and stuff and she's doing something for that much and he's a liar and is doing it because he's stupid and he is going to get beaten to death by Brad and also fighting and pretty soon Trump will die over and over cuz his mouth won't stop and he won't stop finally he grabs Brad and Becca helps get rid of trump she might be Queen amidala and that's what it means to Trump he was for money easy money is from the women
Thor Freya
They took our Fortune and Trump did too and they're dying from it cuz I can't take it they have no sense about anything and they lose and it's terrible they're both kind of small now and fighting to death and so Jason is wasted our time for a long time and now people see it finally and her friend here guys caught up in this idiot and it won't leave me alone or let him go and they're disgustingly stupid somehow he's overcome them and he says it's with bombs and some nukes and they like getting hitting us and that's good to hear it's really a lot easier than fighting them in combat but really a bunch up cuz they're f***** and Trump issued orders to his people to take the stuff he thinks it will protect it and nobody likes you people because of this a****** and he's saying that to Trump but really we're going to have to go after him it's a good idea other people do it too you hit them with bombs and taking stuff conventional won't hurt the diamonds some people go to at him now to take him out
Yeah we're going to do that now there's too many it's such a pain it takes too long and we need the ordinance and the equipment and we don't want them in the Parks they're like all all of the products practically on Earth did they put stuff in and that's about 90% of the parts we didn't want that in the first place but we told people not to go there yeah the stuff there and they're encountering it and they're a bunch of losers and they make starship troopers pretty soon too and have all this stupid hardware and they said they need more Chinese shipping containers and they're going to get completely killed. Our Sun City a different way of shipping things and he did and we're doing it a lot and Trump is pissed it's cuz he's a b**** it's not very efficient using this container stuff and you don't need to put it in one and stack it like that is ridiculously dangerous that's one reason why he came up with it and your rapping with something no they're such a bag and there's a box of sort and the box goes one place and the other box goes to another and you can put it on a regular truck or in a regular truck and you don't have to deal with this stupid container but we need to do something with the containers not just melt them as a reminder is it going on right now and the guy is an idiot cuz he doesn't know what the hell's going on ever
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
0 notes
jinxthejubilee · 2 years
Random Thoughts
Totally NOT inspired by Encanto, today's topic: What if Lilith possessed the House of Lamentation?
Warning: Contains a few spoilers, but if you've been around here, you probably already know them by now.
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I have a few ideas of how this could go down:
After Lilith passed away in the Human World and regained her memory, instead of simply watching over her brothers, her spirit became infused with the house itself.
Or the more fun option: After MC meets up with Lilith and the whole fiasco of season 1 happens, MC becomes determined to see Lilith again or perhaps even bring her back. So MC finds a spell that allows Lilith to come back, but not fully, not yet.
Either way, I feel like MC would be the only one aware of the fact that Lilith is possessing the house, and not some random ghost.
Though I'm sure that Lilith wouldn't do anything to make the boys suspect it's her specifically, I can see her being helpful or doing something nice without any of them knowing; which if anyone was to turn around at the right moment, they could be just a tiny bit suspicious...
If a book is on the highest shelf, the book will "mysteriously" fall towards them.
If someone needs to find something, lost or not, Lilith will find it, carefully put that object somewhere where that person can see it, and draw the searchers attention by opening a drawer or rattling a shelf or table without weirding people out.
She even does little extra nice things and tasks just to cheer them up.
"Hey look Mammon! You're wallet was under the couch. *gasp* And look! There's extra $500 worth of Grimm in here!"
Or somehow, a cup of coffee, tea, demonus, etc., is always on the table whenever they need it.
If flowers start to bloom in the front yard, MC's gonna have to tell Lilith to reel it in a bit.
She'll also help MC with chores around the house, which would be so fun if MC is the dorky, musical type that goes around the house performing by themselves!
From what limited knowledge we have about Lilith's personality, she tends to get scared easily, and once she's mad it's really hard to snap her out of it.
So, I'd imagine that Lilith is (or was) an emotional person who wears her heart on her sleeve, and you can tell how she's feeling almost immediately since she's so expressive. Huh, I wonder where she could have gotten that from...*cough cough Mammon cough*
Like Mammon, Lilith is sensitive and picks up on the emotions of others right away.
But unlike her big brother, Lilith is not very good at keeping her feelings controlled and causes the house to go haywire sometimes.
Since MC is the only one who knows about Lilith essentially being the house, they're quick to realize when she's in a bad mood.
The "out of whack" House of Lamentation happens when Lilith is in great distress. Be it when she's sad, angry, or incredibly scared.
It mostly happens when she overhears something truly upsetting (i. e. the brothers are fighting or are upset for whatever reason, or if she believes something bad is going to happen).
When it happens, key indicators for what kind of mood she's in are:
1) How violently the house shakes.
2) If the wood floors break off or rattles.
3) How often objects are breaking or falling down.
It can take a while for MC to calm Lilith down.
Lilith can't hold on to grudges or sad thoughts nearly as long as Belphie or Satan, but it can last for a while. Give it, like, a max of 3 days to a week tops.
Added on to the fact that she can't express herself verbally, that can add a bit more fuel to the fire.
If Lilith is ever angry at MC, the best thing for them to do would be to leave Lilith alone for a while and not ask her for any favors (the house spying or "can you reach to grab my soda" type of favors).
Eventually, she'll start to hate the silent treatment she's giving you and then you can take the chance to talk with her about what you did to upset her.
If she's sad because the boys are arguing or they're really upset over something, Lilith will guide MC towards the person in question and urge them to fix it.
If she's scared or sad and in need of comfort, the MC would pet the counters, the floor, or the stairs railing, and talk to her. She doesn't like being alone when she feels like that.
If Lilith gets startled, be sure to calm her down quick, we don't need anyone getting suspicious about the jumping tables or chandeliers.
I'll bet MC would have a blast when the brothers aren't home. Just dancing, singing, exploring, and overall just vibing with a sentient spooky house. 🧟‍♀️ 🤗
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.... Well I mean, unless you have a fear of moving inanimate objects.
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languor-em · 2 years
Inscryption prompts you say?
May we receive some crumbs of angst with the prompt of Leshy arguing with the scrybes after they were turned to cards — with him believing this is the Best Possible Way to go on but they're angry and hurt and feel betrayed? Possibly leading up to the wolf and stinkbug being locked away?
Here y'all go!!! Angst!!! And super spoilery so!! Be warned!!! (Also I smattered in some personal headcanons because I'm a simp and legally required to do so)
That Unwanted Animal
In which Leshy tries to forget.
"What have you done?"
To his credit, Leshy did not respond to the card's accusatory words. He simply continued to sit and carve his masks, hoping fruitlessly that the repetitive shhk sshhhk of his knife scraping against wood would drown out that familiar voice. Stave off the guilt, he supposed.
"Do you have any idea what you have done? What you have destroyed?"
A different voice, less heartbroken and far more angry.
He ignored this one, too. Instead he focused on bringing life to the Prospector's face.
"Listen to me you Stinking Beast! Stop this madness!"
He tensed in spite of himself, painful guilt clawing a festering home in his chest. But he still made no move to acknowledge the three cards flung haphazardly on his table. His hands shook- imperceptible to most aside from him and his closest friends.
Naturally, they noticed.
"At least have the decency to look at us! At what you've done!"
And as desperately as he did not want to, he did.
And there was guilt, that unwanted animal, sinking jagged fangs into the flesh of his throat.
Three cards for three companions, three friends, three Scrybes. Three times he had betrayed those closest to him.
For the greater good, he reminded himself, to preserve them in forms befitting their honor. To save them.
"It is for the best," he said matter-of-factly, looking from the cards back to his carving.
"Say that enough and maybe you will begin to actually believe it," snapped the Stunted Wolf. Leshy did not respond.
"Leshy, dearest-" it was the Stinkbug who spoke next- her sweet, shaking voice doing nothing but driving guilt's teeth further into his throat, "It is alright to be frightened, love. We are all scared. But you do not have to handle this alone! We can get through this together!"
He knew in his heart that it was going to be her who struck him the hardest, gave him the most pause. They were one in the same cycle, after all. Life and Death, connected intrinsically. But he would not allow himself to be swayed, not even by her.
They would have done the same, hissed the frightened animal in his mind, Would have caged you, locked you away to rot in dust. No, this is honorable. This is right. This is noble.
"It is for the best," he said again, his tone firm and conclusive. Though he knew, just as the others did, that he did not quite believe himself.
The room went quiet, save for the faint crackling of a dying fire and the shy return of Leshy's carving. He thought, for a moment, that that was perhaps the end of it.
"I can't believe I trusted you."
It was the Stoat who broke through the veil of silence, its voice strangely weak in comparison to it's usual cocky cadence.
"I- we thought we were safe with you. And you just..."
It trailed off, it's voice failing it for the first time in its long, long life.
"You have killed us all, Leshy," said the wolf, his voice harsh and cold, "And for what? Power? Domination?"
"To protect you all!"
His outburst surprised them all, including himself. He had stood with a strength he usually tried to keep hidden, wooden claws digging dents into his table and splintering the surface. He was positively bristling, his long tail thrashing with barely contained frustration.
How could they not see? How could they not understand? The world was ending, rotting! It would have ended them all had he not done anything about it! He had saved them! Put them in the noble bodies of beasts, for them! This was not about power, not about games, and certainly not about domination! This was about...
He had lost something before to that all corrupting nothing. He could not quite remember what, who- but he knew he had not been able to protect them. And that fact ate him up inside, more so than that cruel animal Guilt ever could.
"You have not seen what I have," he finally murmered, his head cast downwards, "You do not know what I now know. Believe me, this is for the best. This is the only way."
And that was the end of it. The cards' words fell on now deaf ears, the Scrybe stubbornly forcing their names and faces from his mind.
And eventually, to an extent, it worked.
He no longer knew why looking at those talking cards brought him such pain. He did not know why the blighted pit in his chest made him lock the Stunted Wolf and the Stinkbug away where he could no longer see them. And he could not remember why he couldn't bear to do the same to the Stoat.
Leshy, the once great Scrybe of Beasts, one of four, was now just a man.
A frightened, lonely man.
A man who had forgotten.
And for that, a part of him was grateful.
And for that, the whole of him regretted.
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moonlightflower21 · 3 years
just like magic
a/n: angsty fluffy. normal raph. there may be mistakes and it may be hard to follow through lol. but i hope you enjoy ❤
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"y/n!! wait, please wait!!" the call of raph desperately trying to reach you fell on deaf ears as you angrily walked into the public so he couldn't come close.
it was so hard to decipher what you were feeling. betrayal, anger, sadness, embarrassment, pain. sometimes it felt like you couldn't even catch a break. he had been acting so suspicious and you couldn't help but recall what your best friend had said earlier, that when a boyfriend stop texting and calling back they were sleeping around.
he couldn't.... could he?
that one girl, amber, from the chief vincent crew had been crushing on him forever. you learnt that raph and her had a small fling years ago, before he ever met you. but other than that, you didn't know much else other than the fact that she absolutely hated your guts. the feeling was mutual of course but she never failed to make any small digs at you whenever you were together.
so when she came out of his room wearing nothing but lingerie, it wasn't an understatement to say your heart felt it had been stomped on the floor. leo, mikey and donnie were all out with their significant others so they couldn't even provide any help or shed any light on why she was in your boyfriend room
the reason as to why you came around was because you thought of surprising him, considering you hadn't even seen him for the last two weeks. he seemed to vanish for hours on end and while you didn't want to jump to any conclusions, you just had to talk to him. but seeing her come out of his room that he let no one in felt like a punch to the gut.
"when will you ever learn? first loves outshine any other" amber cackled in your face, swaying her hips as she left the lair. you couldn't even speak scared you would start crying on the spot. and the last thing you wanted was to give her the satisfaction.
you entered the room but aside her horrible perfume stinking the air, raph was nowhere to be seen. hell his bed looked empty. untouched. and yet his window was open, so perhaps he escaped? the more reasonable part of you disagreed vehemently, he wouldn't do this shit. and you couldn't trust that woman, she was out to drive you both apart
but this wasn't excusable either. the air felt constricting here, walls falling in closer so you left. angry tears on the brink of falling, the excited evening you had planned obliterated in small pieces.
the small bench in the park was empty and you sat, trying to reel in those thoughts but they proved to be a challenge.
"y/n please listen to me, i can explain everything i swear" you rolled your eyes but stood up. hearing his part would at least put your mind at ease and those burning questions could finally be answered.
"you get one chance raphael. let's go to my place, i don't want other people listening in" you look into his pleading eyes, turning the corner and walking home with him eagerly following you close.
raph entered your room, thankful for the heat that flooded his system. he didn't realise how long he was outside and how cold he was until he bagn to shake slightly. he turned his attention to you as you shrugged odd your jacket, brows raised at him.
"no more secrets, raph. no more lies otherwise we're done" you snapped, crossing your arms over your chest. he nodded, ready to answer the oncoming slaught of questions that had been scorching holes in your chest.
"who is amber? and do you still have any feelings towards her??" your voice trembled a little at the end of that sentence, hoping her put your mind at ease. his jaw seem to clench slightly at the memory of her which brought some amusement.
"she's someone i thought i was in love wit'. 17 years old me didn't know shit at the time. after a while, i knew whatever we had was just infatuation. it was never gonna work out. she wanted a relationship while i was looking for something small. but that's in my past. i don't have any love towards her anymore. she was just a silly crush"
"she was your crush? doesn't seem like it" "she was. ya can't be mad at that because you've also crushed on guys before i came but that's a good thing! because they led us closer to each other and look at us" he holds your hand, his thumb gently rubbing over your knuckles which was something he usually did to reduce your stress. and against your will, you could feel those familiar butterflies invade your lower belly.
"but why was she in your room? looking very cosy in there, i might add" your jaw clenched tightly, glaring at the floor in order to contain your anger.
"she what?? y/n i promise i had no idea why amber was even in my room. i wasn't even there. in fact, i'm barely ever there most days" he rubbed the back of his neck, hesitating the last part.
"why?" your brow lifts and he sighs, grimacing.
"well... i... uh... got a job" he chuckles awkwardly, expecting you to burst in laughter. but you just seemed to have a confused look, intrigued at his comment.
"a job?" you ask and he nods, fidgeting with the end of his shorts.
"yeah... in construction. splinter thought it would be good anger management. i started doing it to also pay back for the necklace... that ya don't seem ta wear anymore" he narrowed his amber eyes around your neck and true to his word, you had taken it off. your hand touches your chest, feeling only the bare skin instead. the only reason you had taken it off was because he just kept being so secretive around you. and you didn't know who to trust.
"so that explains the extra muscles on your arms" you ponder and he laughs, flexing his bicep.
"they got us liftin heavy stuff" he rolls his shoulders, aching from last night. "i'm sorry for not saying anything about it. i didn't want to be laughed at" he chuckles but there's no humour in his voice, just nervousness which is rare for raph to ever have.
"you'd think i'd laugh at you?? i'm the last person to judge and i think it's a good thing for you. it's healthy to let your anger out in this way, i'm proud of you. but you have to stop with these secrets, they're only driving a wedge between us" your hand is gently placed on his knee which he appreciates, with you he never feels pressured to say things. you let him take his time which he's never found in other partners before.
"i know i just didn't want ta disappoint ya, i'm not a millionaire and i'm not the greatest looking guy either. i just wanted ya ta be happy at somethin-" "raph, you could never disappoint me. i don't care about money or fame, i just want you to be as serious about us, i just want to be there for you. but i can't do that if you keep pushing me away, hiding these things from me" you sigh your previous anger melting into sadness and relief.
"m'sorry princess, i do care about us. there's just things that i have trouble saying. but i promise i never mean to intentionally hurt ya" he cradles your hand, his gaze on the floor in deep thought. your head gingerly leans against his arms and his finger places comforting circles around your knuckles.
"where is yer friend? aren't ya supposed ta go out tonight?" raph remembered, looking around the room.
"yeah she's supposed to come soon but i haven't confirmed anything" you lean back on the bed watching his amber eyes narrow mischievously. in the way you grew to adore.
"so what i'm hearing is, we have time?" he smirked but you gently nudge his chest, shaking your head with an amused smile.
"i'm still annoyed at you" you chuckle when he smiles softly, his eyes shining under your lights. he leans closer to you, simply just wanting to be in your embrace.
"and i'll spend every moment making it up ta ya. let's just cuddle, i've missed ya"
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mlwritingprompts · 3 years
Submitted prompt: Maybe we shouldn't be friends then.
Chat Blanc AU.
Contains Girlsquad salt. (is this acceptable here? I know that Alya salt is but I am not sure about salting the entire Girlsquad) (Salt is 100% welcome, bashing isn't. Salt is things they've actually done wrong, bashing is making stuff up just to make them look bad--like saying Alya's a bully)
Kinda angsty(?)
AU in which Rose's "dramatic threat" of banning Marinette of having sleepovers or movie nights with them if she did not give Adrien the present (as if it was not like Marinette is having anxiety due to the stress and trauma of bullying for years) and the girls outright cheering for her to simply give adrien the gift does not make Marinette happy or confident.
At all.
Oh, she isn't angry, or furious at them.
Just tired of this madness.
Of how this is how almost all their meetings and hangover became.
Nothing but them constantly talking about HER romantic problems.
About what is the best way to have her hook up with Adrien.
She doesn't hate them for it.
Because she was already affected by the idea that romance is "necessary" for happiness.
But she doesn't like how they keep throwing her into situations she doesn't like even when she explicitly tells them not to.
She doesn't like how they keep teasing her about her crush, even though it hurts her. The fact that they don't seem to understand or that they think her anxiety and fear is just her being silly and awkward just hurts all the more.
Marinette doesn't hate them. She can't.
They were her friends, her first ones in years.
Yet, if even after all this time, they still couldn't understand her simple phrase of "I am not ready!", they couldn't respect her own choices in her life, was this why she felt that she was not as close to them as she thought?
Marinette felt as if something was tightly binding her mind, remembering how she felt whe the fate of the world was on her shoulder when she took the mantle of Ladybug (and she still feels it).
It was not as intense or crushing, but it still was.
This made her discover something.
She has to stop this.
Right now.
She must stop them from hurting her with their constant dismissal of her boundaries, even if they were nice friends.
She didn't do anything towards Chat Noir's attitude solely because she is terrified of what might happen, of what Fu might say if she was selfish in her desire to outright stop that harasser from tormenting her any further, because if Fu had a problem, he would have told her, obviously.
But her friends? She has no pressure on her to simply make her hurt herself for them, wether they genuinely cared about her or not.
She was Ladybug first, after all. That's what Tikki and Fu kept stating to her, so it must be true.
So what if Marinette didn't fold to her friends for once? The worst is having to deal with an akuma, which she is  going to do anyways, so she might as well for this time, make her opinion clear.
The single word that she felt as if she was choking every time she tried to say to other people's requests/demands felt so easy to speak, so foreign, and freeing.
She still didn't know how to deal with all of this.
The girls stopped their cheering, silence in the air, as they looked confused and wondering wether they heard an unexpected answer.
"... What...?"
Marinette wasn't focused on who said that, but she just turned around and answered, knowing she won't be able to speak if she looked at them.
"I am not giving him the gift today, or any day I don't feel capable or confident enough. And no, this isn't something I will argue about or compromise."
She told them.
"Marinette! Please! You just need confidence!"
She felt Alya's hand on her shoulders.
She knew that her friend is trying to be supportive but...
"Alya, let me ask you and the rest a question."
Alya didn't know why she felt a shiver down her spine.
"Remember when you told me that it was awful for me to try to set you and Nino into a date without your permission? How upset you were? You all trying ti throw me into dates with Adrien or trying to have me do things I would never do otherwise is just as awful."
That point shocked them severely, and wound them horribly as well.
"I made myself clear many times before. I wasn't ready, I was worried, anxious, afraid, and yet you constantly keep ignoring this and keep telling me to just be confident."
Marinette turned around, looking at them.
"I can't just be confident and have my stuttering around Adrien disappear right away, I can't be confident and magically know how to act without messing around. You trying to make opportunities for me to confess, while I can appreciate them, they sadly make it more awkward and humiliating. And it hurts."
"That's why, from now on, I will only go after Adrien MY way, I will no longer involve myself in any plan of yours unless I know what I am supposed to do and how. No more sudden plans that come out of nowhere."
She sighed, seeing their shocked faces.
She knew she needs to nail this point home, to tell them how serious they are, even if she hated it.
"If you don't like this... Then maybe it will be better to not hang out anymore or be friends at all. If my friendship for you is only as important as your interest in having me and Adrien become a couple, then I have to say that this isn't what I expected a friendship is. See you tomorrow..."
 With that, she left, leaving the girlsquad horrifed at the fact that she sounded so serious when she told them that she will no longer be their friend if they kept caring more about their interest in the Adrinette ship.
Meanwhile, Marinette was walking home, her eyes already crying.
She... found herself not lying about the fact that she might stop being friends with the girls.
And yet... why does it feel so sweet, when it also hurts so much?
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angellesword · 3 years
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Description: You and Jungkook were best friends who were in love with each other. What would happen when Soojin, your half sister who you’re trying to impress, told you she’s in love with Jungkook too?
“Would you believe me if I said that I was scared of everything too?”
Pairing: Architect!Jungkook x Architect!Reader
Genre: childhood best friends to lovers, family drama, angst, fluff, idiots to lovers, pining, slice of life au.
Warnings: mention of abuse and drug addiction.
Chapter’s OST: Clean by Taylor Swift
Word Count: 4.5k
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Hectic was the best way to describe how the past few weeks of Hoseok's life had been going. Not only did he have to deal with the tragic death of his father, but he also needed to convince you to help him make the Kims pay for their dues.
Fortunately, he was able to do this. He felt like there's a big progress in your relationship as well. His heart swelled with appreciation when you told him that you liked staying in his apartment. It's nice to feel like you were being taken care of. Hoseok was the only family member of yours (aside from Taehyung) who didn't make you feel like you were an outsider.
However, it looked like things were back to square one again. After the Board of Directors' Meeting, you became aloof. You still stayed in his home, yet he couldn't feel your presence.
You were like a ghost. You only left your room when you were sure he wasn't around.
Hoseok was rarely home these days because he was busy running a company. As expected, your brother got the position. He wasn't just the biggest shareholder of Castle Architectural Firm, he was also its newest chairperson.
Hoseok was responsible, obviously better than his father. Taemin practiced nepotism back when he was still alive, but your brother assured you and everyone in the company that he would never repeat the same mistake of his father. After all, nepotism was the sole reason why the accident in Myeong-deong happened.
Just because Soojin was his daughter, Taemin allowed her to lead a project which she clearly couldn't handle.
You thought all the Kims were the same, but you figured Namjoon wasn't like the rest of them. For the longest time, you believed that he would do anything to save his family, even if they're in the wrong. But your view of him changed the day he revealed to everyone that he knew about Hoseok being another one of Taemin's children.
Or were you wrong? Truthfully, you weren't sure. The only logical explanation you could think of as to why he would take the sibling DNA test with your eldest brother was because he wanted to help Hoseok too.
"Hey, I just got home." Your musing was abruptly cut-off when Hoseok tapped your shoulders. "My mom and I are heading out to lunch. Wanna join us?"
You cowered, too startled to see him standing inches away from you. Damn. Were you that lost in your thought to the point where you didn't hear him come in?
You were in the kitchen, preparing your own lunch before Hoseok arrived. You were planning on bringing your food inside your room because you didn't want to be around your brother.
"Next time. I already prepared my food. Thanks though." You moved away from him as you opened the microwave, taking out a slice of pizza.
Hoseok snorted. He didn't appreciate the way you're acting right now. He was tired even though he only worked half day today. All he wanted to do was to spend time with his family. His mother agreed to meet up with him because it's been a while since they last saw each other. Jiwoo was busy traveling the world. She made time for Hoseok today though. She also said she wanted to finally see you. Apparently, Hoseok always talked about you even when you still didn't know you two were siblings.
"Uh?" Your brows pinched when your brother snatched the plate of pizza away from you. "What do you think you're doing?"
You gasped and groaned as he shamelessly threw the pizza in the trash bin. You were ready to scold him, but Hoseok was already explaining his point before you could even open your mouth.
"You've been eating pizza for days now. Do you want to get sick?" His jaw clenched as he looked at you in disbelief, expressing his concern. "You can't act like this forever, sister. It's unhealthy. And for God's sake, if you have a problem with me just say it."
You scoffed at his audacity to say these things. Hoseok was acting like he didn't know why you're ignoring him.
It's impossible.
"Really?" You shook your head because of disappointment.
You never liked conflict. Fighting with the people you loved was the last thing you wanted, but Hoseok hurt your feelings.
"You lied to me." You inhaled sharply. You couldn't cry, definitely not when your brother was still acting like he was oblivious.
"I don't know what you're talking about." He even voiced out his confusion. Hoseok crossed his arms too, brows furrowed while looking at you as if you're cruel for accusing him of being untruthful.
"Please don't do this." You whined, causing him to cackle. Don't do what? You were the one being petty the past few days. Why were you acting like the problem was with him? And what's with the puppy eyes? Did you really hate misunderstanding that much?
"I haven't done anything, sister."
"Yeah you haven't—" You quickly agreed with a wince. And then you added: "—haven't told me that Namjoon-oppa knows you're our brother too."
You expected him to flinch, to look at you with soft eyes, or to say sorry for keeping it a secret, but Hoseok did none of these.
Admittedly, he barely reacted as he asked "that's it?"
You scoffed.
"Seriously?" You couldn't help it. You gawked at him too. "We're supposed to be a team here, oppa. How could you not say something about it? And...and not only that!"
You were panting because of how fast you were speaking. It's like you had suddenly exploded.
His casual reaction was what triggered you.
"You also didn't tell me that Jungkook sold his shares to you." It's not like you minded that he was now the biggest shareholder of the firm. You just couldn't accept the fact that you didn't know anything about this. Did he respect you at all?
"Yeah I didn't." He admitted so casually. Hoseok actually looked like the conversation was boring him. You didn't expect the confrontation to be like this.
Now you just felt silly.
And annoyed.
You were annoyed that he's acting like this was not a big deal.
It was.
It should be.
"You're unbelievable." You shook your head and walked out.
Hoseok caught your wrist though. He prevented you from leaving by tightening his grip on your skin.
The stare he was giving you was cold.
"I'm unbelievable?" Hoseok chuckled, low and expressionless.
You shivered, thinking that this wasn't right. You were the one who was supposed to be mad, not the other way around.
However Hoseok was determined to make you feel like this was all your fault—at least this was what you felt as he explained to you his reason.
"I'm unbelievable because I asked for help?" He threw his head back as he chuckled in a sarcastic way. "Tell me...Would you still push through with our plan if I told you Namjoon wants to help us?"
Namjoon found out about Hoseok on the day of the accident. Seokjin was tasked to look after Sin-ae and Soojin. Namjoon, on the other hand, tried to clean up the mess. He also found out that same day that Soojin was responsible for the accident.
Namjoon knew he couldn't let this go. Protecting Soojin and tolerating her wrongdoing were two different things. He was aware that correcting a mistake through another mistake would cause more harm than good.
Namjoon was clever. He knew he couldn't get rid of all evidence so he couldn't protect Soojin by sweeping the mess under the mat. It was proven to be true when he found out that Architect Jung had the original copy of the building's blueprint and other documents that were detrimental to Soojin's case.
Apparently Taemin gave Hoseok access to a safety deposit box containing important stuff related to the company. Hoseok was the only one who knew the passcode aside from his father.
Namjoon knew right there and then that the only option he had was to help Soojin surrender to the authorities. He also wouldn't want his sister to run a company when it's obvious she's not competent enough to do it.
He didn't tell Seokjin about this though. What's there to say? Namjoon didn't really ask Hoseok about his plan. He felt like he would feel less guilty if he knew less. Namjoon's only wish was fair treatment even though he knew Soojin fucked up so bad.
Hoseok agreed. He hated what Soojin had done but at the end of the day, he was still his sister. What he wanted was to simply hold Soojin accountable. It's up to the authorities to decide what to do with her. He was just a tool that would make sure she'd get what she deserved.
The litigation was still ongoing, but they had to detain Soojin. It's because all evidence pointed at her. Your sister had multiple civil and criminal cases, one being gross negligence resulting to injury and death.
"Would you allow Jungkook to sell his shares to me?" Hoseok added, his jaw setting irately.
The look you gave him was incredulous.
"Why wouldn't I allow that?"
Hoseok was offending you. There's no reason for you to stop Jungkook from doing that because if you were being honest, the act actually helped.
"You tell me." Hoseok challenged. He let go of your wrist so he could fold his arms over his chest. "You're stubborn. You hate asking people for help. I've seen you all these years, you know? I've seen you turn your back on the people who love you. Honestly I don't know what's with you and Jungkook but it doesn't take a genius to see how much you hate the idea of him offering his hand for you to grab."
There's a pregnant pause in the air. You felt attacked. Hoseok wasn't the only person who said this to you. Taehyung did too, and you hated how harsh and right they sounded.
Was this seriously your fault?
"You like to give and give and give." Hoseok wasn't done torturing you. "But you never take and then you wonder why you're miserable all the time."
He let out a deep breath.
"You know very well now why I didn't tell you the truth. This time I want you to answer my question honestly..."
He paused just to swallow thickly.
"Why do you always refuse the love Jungkook gives you? The love we give you?" Hoseok bit his lip to stop the other question from escaping his lips.
You understood it though. You knew what he wanted to ask even though he didn't voice it out: why do you accept such abuse? From Taemin? From Soojin? From your mother?
Because it's the only kind of love I know. This was the answer to his unspoken question.
"Because it's not the kind of love I know." And this was how you responded to the question he had managed to voice out.
It took you many years, decades even, to finally admit that.
You had been keeping this reason to yourself for many years because you were certain no one would understand. People longed for unconditional love and affection, meanwhile you couldn't associate these feelings to how you viewed 'love.'
What you thought love meant was pain and suffering. It's very different from the love Jungkook made you feel.
He gave you hope, sincerity, patience, and most importantly: kindness.
Jungkook was so kind that it scared you. Because what if you got used to this feeling and then suddenly it vanished?
Would you be able to handle it? Would you be able to find something like this again?
"You won't understand it, Hoseok-oppa. You won't understand that I don't want people to save me or to give me everything. I don't want anyone to fix me." You had been saying this for a while now. If you remembered it correctly, you even told this to Jungkook. You hated when he tried to get involved in your business. Love wasn't supposed to be like that for you. It's not your love language. You didn't want that heroic kind of love, the one where your partner would drop everything just to be with you.
Us against the world? It's a fairytale.
You didn't like fairy tales.
But Hoseok snickered at this.
"Why? Are you telling me you're so used to pain that you can't stomach the idea of people loving you right?"
You didn't answer.
You were pensive: was there really a standard way of loving someone right? Some people wanted this. Some people wanted that. You didn't even think you fully understood the meaning of love.
Sometimes it made you cackle when they said they loved people without any reason. But then you also furrowed your brow and let out a puff of air when people said they fell in love with the sound of someone's smile, or the way their eyes lit up.
"I know I don't have the right to interfere. It's your life but I care for you and I want you to find happiness. You don't have to be scared anymore, you know? It's over."
He was saying that the pain was over. Soojin and her family couldn't hurt you any longer. Your father had been absolved from the criminal responsibility too.
Justice was being served.
You could rest now. You could finally think about yourself without feeling guilty all the time.
None of these was your fault. You have done your best to help.
Hoseok pulled you into an embrace. You didn't squirm against him.
"Promise me you'll talk to him, okay?"
The right thing to do was to agree, so you did by nodding your head and hugging him back.
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Hoseok ended up convincing you to join him and his mother for lunch. Surprisingly, it went well. Jiwoo was sweet and soft. She's nothing like Sin-ae.
"You wanna join us for some ice cream, love?" Jiwoo asked you after lunch. She said she knew this certain ice cream parlor that sold the best mint chocolate ice cream. It's their family's go-to dessert shop ever since Hoseok was a little boy.
"Oh, I'd love to but I actually have somewhere else to be." You smiled apologetically.
Jiwoo said it's a shame but that she understood. Your brother wasn't buying your excuse though. He felt like you'd just go home and lock yourself in your room. You tended to do that after a really good day. It's a defense of yours. You were protecting your heart because every time something good happened to you, bad news would follow right after.
"Where?" Hoseok lifted an eyebrow.
"Uh..." You paused, contemplating whether to tell him the truth or not. In the end, you chose to give him a vague answer. Not a lie, but not the truth either.
"I'm just going to meet someone."
Your brother's face lit up, thinking that you were referring to Jungkook. You knew this, but didn't bother to correct him despite having zero intentions of meeting up with your best friend.
"Take care, sweetheart. Don't mind your brother, he’s just being protective. But be safe, okay?" Hoseok's mom engulfed you into a hug.
It warmed your heart. This was your first time seeing her and yet you already felt comfortable. You wished she's your mom, which to be honest, was a terrible thing to say, especially when you're on your way to visit your real mother.
It was an impulsive decision. Years ago, you swore to yourself that you would never contact your mother even if you missed her terribly. This was what your therapist recommended too, saying that you couldn't keep seeing those people who hurt you.
It's easier said than done. Having lunch with Hoseok and his mother caused a pang in your chest. The longing you felt was so intense you're convinced you'd end up having a heart attack if you didn't see your mother.
You promised yourself you'd just ‘see’ her. Just a glimpse was enough. You even wore the hoodie of your jacket. You didn't want her to recognize you. You'd just observe from afar.
You doubted she remembered you. It's been what? More than a decade? Since the last time you saw her? You grew up. You were no longer the teenager who cried and begged the grownups to let you be with your mother.
The tears had dried and the shaking had stopped.
Or so you thought.
It was a shiver at first, and then your body trembled when you saw her nodding her head as she listened to the stranger speaking.
Yunhae. This was the name of the stranger. She was an addict trying to get better. Your mother and the rest of the group listened to Yunhae's story, some of them looked at her with sympathy, some of them remained impassive—like they had heard this same story a thousand times before and watched it all go down the drain.
In the end, they'd relapse. Just one taste, one sniff, one feel...and then they'd fall down the rabbit hole.
Your mother's eyes made you release a breath though. She wasn't staring at Yunhae like she'd disappoint her.
Hope. This was what you could see in your mother's eyes, however you realized that she wasn't really looking at Yunhae.
She was looking at you.
You panicked as you instantly turned away from her. She wasn't supposed to see you. She wasn't supposed to remember your face.
You were a fool for thinking this way. No mother could ever forget their child's face.
She was certain it was you even though you didn't turn around when she called your name.
You walked faster, desperate to leave the room. Sadly your mother didn't have a plan to let you go.
She ran after you, grabbing your wrist which forced you to look at her.
She called your name again. This time, uncertain. She examined your face, as if she'd get a perfect mark by staring at your eyes. The same eyes that used to look at her with so much love.
Your eyes were still soft, but she couldn't feel the sparks.
"It's me..." You finally admitted the truth when she caressed your face with quivering hands. Tears filled her eyes.
It's you.
"You're here..." And you're really here.
Was she dreaming?
"Yeah, but I need—"
"Can we talk?" She cut you off, afraid to hear you say you couldn't stand to see her face anymore. She thought you hated her and frankly, she couldn't blame you.
Hate was a strong word, but if you felt this way, she was sure it's warranted.
"Please." She begged and just like before, you gave in.
You were still weak when it came to her.
"Thank you. C-Can you wait for a second? I...I just need to—"
"Go ahead." You interjected because it's obvious she's panicking. You realized she wasn't sure how to tell you what she had to do first.
"I'll be right back." She promised before going back to her circle. Yunhae was still talking. Your mother felt bad for leaving them and asking Yoon-sung, one of the members of the group, to take the lead, but they could manage without her.
This was probably the only chance she had with you. She couldn't mess this up.
"Let's go?" Your mother smiled at you. You didn't show any sign of displeasure so she started walking as you followed her out.
Your mother brought you to the garden of the church building. You still found it hard to believe that your mother spent most of her time inside the church, but oh well. It's not like she had a choice. CA meetings were usually held in this kind of place.
From what you had heard, your mother was actually leading the CA meeting. She went from being a junkie to a respected leader.
She had come a long way.
You could see she's proud of it too.
"I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I can't leave them without a substitute." She smiled apologetically at you.
You folded your arms over your chest.
"I know. That's why you entrusted the group to your boyfriend, right?" You refused to look at your mother. It wasn't because you didn't approve of her choice in men, but you couldn't help but be wary.
"You know about Yoon-sung?" She was flustered.
Your lips curled up. Who wouldn't have thought that you would see your mother like this? Back when you were a child, you thought she wasn't capable of feeling other emotions aside from anger and frustration.
"No, but it doesn't take a genius to know. He kissed your cheek and looked at you like—" You abruptly stopped upon realizing what you're about to spill:
He looked at you like the way Jungkook looked at me.
Your mother noticed the way you froze, but she knew better than to ask. You weren't comfortable around each other yet. She had no business teasing you or prying information out of you.
"I see. I thought Jungkook told you about Sung and I..."
You whipped your head back at her. What did she say? Did she just mention your best friend's name?
Your mother confirmed it.
"Jungkook knows about my relationship with Sung. He used to t—" But she stopped speaking when she saw confusion painting your face.
Realization hit her.
"You didn't know."
Damn right you didn't. Jungkook never told you he went to visit your mother.
"Since when?" Your jaw ticked. You weren't mad, just...baffled. Why didn't he tell you?
"S-Since you were sixteen." She gulped while you sucked in a deep breath. "He visited me while I was still in rehab...and then in prison...and then...here."
Your mother had been through a lot. Your best friend somewhat helped her through it all. But if Jungkook was being honest, he'd say that the only reason he visited your mom was because of you.
He knew how important your mother was to you. He simply wanted to make sure she was doing okay so as not to worry you. Jungkook also asked her how to help you. He was certain that some things were difficult for you.
You barely ate and slept the first few months you had been separated with your mother. Jungkook wanted to learn how to soothe you. He was aware that despite all the pain your mom had brought you, she was still the only one who knew you well.
She knew the right way to brush your hair when you're trying to go back to sleep after waking up from a nightmare, she knew the words to say to manipulate you into doing what she liked. Jungkook wanted to learn this, but not to manipulate you but to make you feel at ease.
It hurt seeing you cry. It hurt seeing you suffering. He wished he could take away your pain.
"He told me all about you. I know I don't deserve it but it's the only thing that kept me sane. Thinking that at least you're...living your life out there."
There was a lump in your throat. Had you really been living? What were the things Jungkook told her? You wouldn't know if he lied to make your mother feel better because when you were with Jungkook, you were the happiest. Maybe he saw it too. He saw how your world brightened because of his presence.
"He's a good kid. Jungkook..." Your mother wiped her tears you didn't even realize were falling. "He did the things I was supposed to do. He made you happy, he loved you, and he took care of you..."
You could see gratefulness dancing in her face. This was the first time you had seen your mother look this way. She looked happy and content. She glowed.
"I owe him one."
This information pained you. Jungkook helped you and you appreciated and hated that. How could he think about you when he was hurting too? His father died shortly after you were separated from your mom.
He offered you support and you didn’t even bother to ask him if he was okay.
Why was he like that? Why did he love you so much?
This very moment made you realize that just like your mother, you owed something to Jungkook as well.
"Yeah. Me too..." And so you found yourself saying it too. It's the truth. Jungkook had helped you in ways you couldn't even imagine.
You didn't know it but the only reason Jungkook sold his shares to Hoseok was because he didn't want to compete with you. Admittedly, he even sold the shares below the fair market value. He sold it at cost, but not because he was dumb.
He just told your brother this: "I didn't lose, sunbaenim. I won. That's just money, but what you're gonna give her is your support. Promise me you'll take care of her, that you will not betray her."
You said you didn't want him to help you so he did it indirectly. Hoseok helped him help you.
"Will I see you again?" Your mother asked after a few moments of silence. You two talked about small things for the past thirty minutes.
You already considered this a long time, especially because you still didn't trust her. You didn't have any more stories to share. You ran out of topics for small talk.
You told her your father died though, but apparently, she already knew. It's all over the news anyway.
"Uh, I'm not sure..." You winced.
You had been working home for the past weeks. You knew your boss only allowed this because you were still grieving, but it's time to go back to reality again.
"I'm thinking about flying back to New York next week." You didn't know why it hurt to say this. A part of you was begging you to stay.
"You're thinking about it..." She repeated thoughtfully, as if processing your words.
You could only nod.
"That means you're still undecided."
Were you?
Yes, you were. Because if you had made up your mind already, then why were you still here? You were finished with your job here. There's no reason for you to still stay.
"Listen, I know I'm pushing my luck here, but do you...want my advice?"
It's strange...to hear this coming from here. People who knew the real relationship you had with your mother would probably laugh if they hear her saying this.
Since when did she care about you? Since when did she care about the decision you're struggling to make?
Could it be that she really changed? Was the past decade really enough to change a person?
You guessed so—this was what you thought as you remained frozen, waiting for her to say something that might change your mind.
She did.
She said something that made your heart painfully twist in your chest, a harsh reminder of why you were alive and why you got hurt in the first place.
She did something she wasn't supposed to do, and now she wished you wouldn't make the same mistake too.
You had the advantage.
Your mother smiled—warm and gentle—as she said: "Don't throw away the love you can freely have. Some of us aren't given that choice."
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aenngelic · 3 years
I will protect her at all costs (chapter 2)
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Disclaimer: please don’t hate me for it, if you don’t ship them please just don’t read it ok 🥲
contains: slow burn, Sniper falling in love with Kuon, Snipers view/thoughts, sexual fantasies, nudity, lemon stuff overall
It is a very long chapter I’m sorry
Note: please feel free to message me if you have certain romantic moments to include in the story! (Already running out of ideas oops)
It did not take long for us to find a bag of supplies. It was on a coffee table in some sort of lobby area. It seemed as if this building probably was meant to represent some kind of hotel, which I thought was a good thing, because that meant that there would be beds and showers to be found here as well. To our surprise, the bag contained mostly candy, which I wouldn't interpret as a balanced meal. However, the girl seemed to like this finding. It was only a matter of minutes before the chocolate residue stained the corners of my companion's mouth in a brown color. However, I preferred to smoke a cigarette at first and watch the girl devour her own body weight in the form of chocolate.
" This is fantastic! It feels like forever since I last ate chocolate! I faintly remember dieting before I entered this world too, so this must have been probably weeks since I held chocolate in my hand." Kuon said with delight. It was amusing to watch her enjoy sweets. Kuon's carelessness may be a burden at times, but her innocent character makes up for it.
" you partly remember your life prior to this, don't you?"
" Yes, not much to be honest. I'm sorry you can't," Kuon replied in a concerned voice.
"Tell me about it."
She gave me a visibly puzzled look before straightening her back so that she was sitting as straight as a candle on the sofa across from me, staring at her hands somewhat lost in thought. She seemed uncomfortable that I had now brought up this topic. Unfortunately, I could not take back my question. "Well," she began, "to be honest,the life I remember has not been the greatest, I guess." Kuon abruptly shook her head. " That's not true either. I was born into a rich family and had many privileges. My father owned a large company and had very high expectations of me from the very beginning. One day I was supposed to take it over. I was probably pretty lucky compared to other people. I was probably a big disappointment for him. My character was just not strong enough in his eyes. I also remember not really having any friends either, because I was privately educated. And anyway..." I could literally hear the lump in Kuon's throat as a tear began to stream down the girl's cheek.
" i'm sorry. You know, I didn't really mean to end up crying."
I felt my heart break once again, watching the girl grieve. I was surprised now, though, to find out that this yet seemingly uncomplicated high school student was actually carrying a lot of emotional baggage. I did not hesitate as I jumped up from my seat to calm the blue-haired girl. I really hated it like the plague when she cried. Trying to preserve my Coolness, however, I grumbled, "oh girl. What's wrong?"
I placed myself to her left, and pressed her against my shoulder while running my hand over her hair a few times. There was no way I could bring myself to face her, though. It would be too embarrassing and, after all, I was far from being the Prince Charming who would dry her tears with a silken tissue. Besides, I could not withstand the sight of her teary eyes. So there I sat, a weeping teenage girl wetting my blazer with salty drops of grief on my right, awkwardly staring off into the distance.
"It's, it's..." she stammered, not being able to form a word. "You're the first person I've been able to trust, and because of that, I'm kind of..."
She took a deep breath, "It makes me so unbelievably happy."
Almost for the second time that day, a cigarette nearly got stuck in my throat, but this time I was able to suppress my urge to cough. The girl seemed to really like me. But did I like her too? I would be lying if I said I did not care about her. And if she got killed, I could never forgive myself. It was astonishing how one could form such a strong bond with another person in such a short period of time. However, pouring out my entire feelings in front of her would not come close to the cool lifestyle I was pursuing.
" i'm also happy to have met you, Kuon.", i finally decided to answer after a moment of figuring out how to respond.
Kuon's face, which was still streaked with tears, started to smile again, which made me feel much relieved. However, it took her a while to completely stop her wailing . We remained in this position for a while, until at some point I realized that the girl had fallen asleep. Her head had lowered in the meantime even further toward the ground, so that after some time she was no longer leaning against my shoulder but much rather against my belly. When I noticed this after some time and looked down to the girl, a cute sight presented itself to me. Admittedly, on the one hand it felt nice to act as this girl's pillow. On the other hand, it triggered an immeasurable amount of embarrassment in me. But cool guys do like to take care of girls' comfort, don't they?
Therefore, I decided I'd rather not wake her up and hardly moved at all. I looked out the window to my right, watching the sunset and reflected on certain issues. I was thinking about Rika as well as the two girls we were trying to find and, of course, about Kuon and so many other things until my eyes started to close.
When I regained consciousness, the night must have settled in. Before I could even perceive my surroundings properly, I swiveled my head once to the left and once to the right and let my gaze wander through the room. Because the moon was particularly bright this night, everything around me had taken on a deep blue tone. It was so quiet around me that I could have heard a pin drop. In the next second I realized that I should not have fallen asleep in the first place. Somebody would have had to keep watch, after all! Crap! If an enemy would have come along the way, it certainly would not have been good for me and Kuon. I looked down to my thigh where the blue-haired girl was supposed to lie. I felt her place her head on my thigh at some point during the night, but when I looked down at my thigh, I could not find any girl. Where the hell was Kuon? A rational thinking person, as I was one, could of course assume that my companion did not necessarily have to be in danger, but could also have simply visited the toilet, for example. Nonetheless, my alarm bells started ringing immediately. Kuon was, after all, a young girl who, apart from the "rail gun", did not posses many possibilities for self-defense. So of course I was worried.
Without thinking much, I hopped up from the sofa, on which I had been napping a few moments before. In quick stride I wandered through the poorly lit hallway without really having a clue where I was heading. My head was foggy from the idea that the girl might be in serious danger. A few days ago, I probably would have accepted the fact that she was suddenly nowhere to be found and continued my journey. And now my stomach was already twisting at the thought of her getting in trouble.
Nevertheless, a short moment later, my heart pounding madly from the ever-repeating scenario in my head, I heard a noise at the end of the corridor. A soft, high-pitched humming was heard, drowned out by the pattering of many drops. Light emerged from the crack of a door on the left. Was she taking a shower? The feeling of relief spread through my chest, followed by some degree of annoyance. Why did the girl not wake me up? I took a few steps towards the door, but before I was about to reach for the door handle, I remembered that I should not do so. A gentleman never violates a lady's privacy. So I decided to wait.
I leaned against the local wall, one leg bent. Then I let my thoughts wander, while the pattering of the raindrops in the bathroom right next to me showed no indication of stopping anytime soon. A lady of high society must spend quite a bit of her life showering, I thought to myself. And before I knew it, the image of Kuon suddenly popped up in my head. In my imagination I pictured her body, wondering what it looked like completely naked. A bar of soap running over her plump breasts, leaving traces of foam on her soft, wet skin. A body swinging under the hot rainfall like a leaf in the wind, presenting its vivid buttocks. I wonder if she was shaved? Hardly had I been able to finish this dirty thought of mine and get mad at my filthy thinking when my ears picked up the sound of footsteps in the distance. And they were coming ominously closer.
Damn, I thought to myself and was about to reach for my rifle, only to realize that I forgot it next to the sofa where I had been sleeping. I had been so upset about her disappearance that I could seriously forget the most crucial item for our survival.What was I going to do? For a brief moment I was at a loss. Escape proved almost impossible at this point, since I was at a dead end and I could not force the approaching enemy down with any surrounding objects. Besides, if I escaped, it would only be a matter of time before the enemy would track down my helpless companion. In the next moment, almost instinctively, I reached for the door handle that led to the bathroom that Kuon had still claimed. Perhaps there were objects in the room that were suitable for fighting, or perhaps we could be lucky and not be found, I speculated in the heat of the moment. So I tore open the door and rushed into the bathroom, greeted by a hot haze that took over the entire area.
"Kuon!" I called out in a hushed tone.
Without hesitation, I pushed my way through the door that separated the shower from the rest of the bathroom as if I was walking through nothing. Until that moment, I had hardly given a thought to the circumstances of this situation. But at the latest, when finally the naked body of a schoolgirl jumped into my field of vision, I quickly realized this again. I was just about to violate Kuon's privacy. An obviously shocked girl looked towards me, that from 1 second to the other tried to cover herself desperately.
"Mr.Ma-", she was about to say, but I interrupted her raised voice by pressing my hand to her lips as quickly as possible.
While I was still in the act of stepping into the shower, I flicked the light switch in the same movement so that no sign of our presence could escape from the room. Maybe they would not find us here, I hoped at this point.
"There's someone out there," I whispered to the naked girl in front of me.
" if we are quiet, maybe we won't be found. If we are, then..."
Kuon replied to me with an unintelligible "Mmm" , which resembled the sound of a frightened gasp. My body had pressed so close to hers by now that I could feel the wetness of her skin soaking through my shirt. I had directed my face facing away from her so that I could sharpen my hearing for the footsteps I could hear. Furthermore , I did not want to add unnecessary tension to the whole situation. It was uncool enough to interfere with a naked girl taking a shower even if it was an emergency. My hand was still resting on her lips and even though I was wearing gloves and looking away, I could clearly feel the warmth building up in Kuon's cheeks. She was obviously blushing in this moment. But having her pressed against the bathroom wall while forcing my hand tightly onto her lips and not even keeping a distance of not 2 inches, I could not blame her.
For quite a while, we did not move at all. We listened closely to the footsteps, which came a little closer and finally slowly moved away from us again. Temporarily it was even so quiet in this bathroom that we could hear each other breathing. Kuon's breathing was fast and almost verged on hyperventilation in this situation. Because there was hardly any distance between our bodies, I could literally feel her chest rising and falling in short intervals. With each rise, her breasts brushed my upper body a slight bit. I tried, as always, to keep my composure and block out the fact that Kuon was completely naked. Only when several minutes had passed did my posture loosen and I breathed a sigh of relief.
"Okay, we should be safe for now," I stated and let go of the girl.
I flipped the light switch and had to swallow.
Kuon had been naked before too, but it was only now that the danger was gone that I could really comprehend this fact. She had tried to cover her breasts with her hands and had simultaneously crossed her legs, looking down with a shameful expression on her face. However, the concealment attempt seemed to be unsuccessful for her. Although I only caught a glimpse of her appearance before I turned away from her as quickly as possible, I saw her entire beauty for a moment.Her breasts were in relation to her otherwise so petite body, large and plump. She had a narrow waist and perfectly shaped legs, in combination with her smooth, fair skin. And so she shaved, I could still tell. What remained most imprinted on my mind, however, was the look on her face.I of course preferred to see her friendly smile a thousand times more than this face that expressed pure shame. But I could not help but adore the sight of her big sparkling dog eyes looking at the ground helplessly.
My breath stopped for a moment, but then I quickly cleared my throat, my gaze already averted from her, scanning the room for a towel. I tried to hide the fact that I actually wanted to slap myself for the thoughts I was having. Luckily, my embarrassment was not visible through the mask. I had to change the subject immediately before the situation became even more awkward:
"Sorry, Kuon." , I mumbled. I was surprised myself by my harsh tone. It took me a while to recollect the words.
"You should let me know next time you decide to go somewhere else."
"Oh yeah right. I didn't mean to cause any trouble.", Countered the girl who also seemed to be a bit embarrassed. So it wasn't just me who was feeling uncomfortable about this situation. Without giving my companion another look, I threw a towel right over my head at her. I had a precise aim.
" I'm going to get my rifle. I forgot it in all the hurry near the sofa."
Just as I was about to open the door to step out, the girl interrupted my process by grabbing my arm with unusual intensity.
" can you come back here afterwards? Please?"
"That's what I was planning on doing anyway. I'll be waiting right outside the door," I replied, a bit puzzled by this question.
" but I have -." she interrupted herself, shaking her head slightly before continuing.
Then her facial expression regained its former composure, whereupon she gave me her typical, beaming smile. I could tell, however, that she did not mean it honestly. How I could tell that, I had no idea myself though. But did she want me to stay here with her?
" no you're right. I'll hurry up and be done in a few minutes," she said. While she was talking, she wrapped the towel around her body in a quick movement, fastening it in front with the help of a knot.
I had meanwhile turned my gaze back to her. Although Kuon was now dressed, it was difficult for me not to inspect her from top to bottom. Her entire body was still drenched in a hint of wetness, so that her skin was reflectingthe bright bathroom light. It was also slightly red from the hot shower water. I wondered if the red tint to her cheeks was also caused by that, or if I was responsible for it.I could not help but notice the way the towel just managed to hide all the places it was supposed to cover and yet was far too tight. If she bent over, a special view would present itself to me. Immediately I dashed this disgusting thought from my head. If I continued to reduce myself only to her appearance this could end in negligence on my part and I would not be able to protect her properly.After all, that was the most important thing. I also discarded this thought. Had this strange girl really become so important to me? Nevertheless, there was no place for interpersonal relationships in this world.Before I could get any further into this train of thought, I turned away again and finally walked out of the room. I was in need of a cigarette.
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myfearless-love · 3 years
The Wildest Place You Run (3/?) - Pretty Scary Sometimes
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If anyone missed Killian in the previous chapters (because who wouldn't miss him, let's be honest) then I have good news: we are getting more Killian now that most of the flashbacks are done! I enjoyed writing this chapter as we dive deeper into the character's backstories and present happenings! I hope you like it too! Let me know :)
Also, check out the amazing and beautiful art that @thejollyroger-writer made for chapter 3 & 4!! I love how she always captures the essence of the chapters!
Vampires, Werewolves, Mages, and Elves. For centuries, they kept their existence a secret, but the constant rebellions against the strict laws of the Guild had led to a terrible tragedy. In an open clash, it became apparent to humans just what kind of monsters lived among them. Emma Swan loses the love of her life in the first battle of the war. A few months later, while still trying to process what happened, a mysterious and terrifying figure worms his way into her life. But the man is hiding far more terrible secrets than he reveals to her, pulling them both into a horrible situation...
Chapter: 3/? - Pretty Scary Sometimes
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Rating: M
Relationships: Killian Jones/Emma Swan
Read on: FF.net or AO3
Words: ~3k
Previous parts:
Ch 1 II Ch 2
TW for this chapter: Implied miscarriage
"Emma! Lock the door behind us! We probably won't be back before morning…"
David's voice snapped her back out of her memories and back into the present, and she stared up at her brother with misty eyes. "What?"
"Lock the door behind us," he repeated, shaking his head slightly in disapproval, and hurried out of the kitchen.
Somewhat dazed, she started walking towards the team of Hunters, but by the time she reached the living room, they were all gone. All except Killian, who was still fumbling with his gun holsters.
Her memories still held her a little captive, she stared wearily at the front door. It had been more than half a year, but she would never forget that night or that horrible half an hour she spent in the morgue…
"It can't be him! It's probably a mistake, Neal certainly isn't…" she shook her head and sobbed hysterically.
If David hadn't been holding her, she would have simply fallen awkwardly to the shiny floor.
"Emma! It pains me too, but if he were alive, he would have come back long ago…"
"No! He's not…" she repeated tirelessly, like a broken record. She couldn't comprehend that she had lost Neal along with the little one…
"Are you sure?" The coroner stared doubtfully at Emma, and there was also a hint of pity and contempt in his gaze.
Of course. To him, he was just a corpse, but to her…
"She won't calm down until then…" David sighed somewhat bitterly and stared at the white-covered body in front of them.
"All right," the coroner shrugged.
He was a short, broad, and severely balding man, with gray hair and several days of white stubble. He reached for the edge of the sheet with his stubby fingers, but before he could pull the fabric aside, a brutally burned hand slid off the autopsy table.
The breath caught in her throat, and she suddenly forgot how to breathe. They were long, thin fingers, just like Neal's. The skin was burned almost black, cartilage showing on the fingers.
"Maybe it was a bad idea..." David whispered, pulling her head to his chest and trying to shield her vision. He tried to soothe her, even though she was no longer sobbing anymore. Her eyes widened in horror, and she gasped for air.
"I think so, too. She's quite neurotic," the doctor grunted.
"Just keep your mouth shut! We didn't ask for your opinion," David snorted.
"Sorry," he muttered in a mocking tone and sauntered off.
He grabbed something from the table and handed Robin a plastic bag containing a sooty, burnt box. "We found this a few feet from the body. Does it look familiar?" The doctor scanned the faces of the Hunters impassively.
"Oh my God…"
"You've got to be kidding me…"
Emma didn't understand their outburst, she just saw the horror and shock on their faces.
"What's that?" Mary Margaret glanced at the tiny box with watery eyes.
The others, on the other hand, didn't seem to have heard the question at all, staring uncertainly at each other and the box.
"Can we have this?" inquired Robin.
"Of course. We don't need it," replied the doctor.
"How generous," Leo said.
"David, what do you think? Should we give it to her?" Robin stared at her uncertainly.
"What's in it?" Emma asked in a husky voice. "Is it something of Neal's?"
"No. It's yours," Ruby replied gently.
"No, it's not mine," she shook her head. It wasn't at all familiar to her.
"But what's inside is yours," David replied, nodding to Robin, who opened the plastic bag and carefully pulled the box out. "Emma… you probably would've figured it out or guessed, it's better to just rip the band-aid now," he whispered, stroking her hair.
Emma raised her head suspiciously. "What's going on?"
"I'm sure Neal would have been happy to see you wearing it…" he added carefully. "He was going to ask you to marry him that night…"
Robin opened the small box. Inside, her engagement ring remained perfectly intact…
She opened her eyes slowly and raised her hand in front of her face. The ring still glittered on her finger. It was made of white gold, and the most beautiful amber she had ever seen shone upon it. It was terribly painful to realize what a wonderful night it could have been, and instead, it ended with the death of her boyfriend and unborn baby. They could have been a family.
But she wore it, despite the pain it caused when she looked at it. She could still feel him a little close to her. It hurt, but not so much that she couldn't bear it.
"Swan, are you all right?" Killian was already standing on the doorstep, eyeing her anxiously.
"I'm fine," she nodded, but her tone was the slightest bit sharper than she'd intended.
"Apologies." He turned away, but she gently grasped his arm.
"I'm sorry. I'm not mad at you or anything. I didn't mean to take it out on you."
"It's alright, love." His lips twisted into a faint, understanding smile.
His good manners were sometimes in stark contrast to his appearance. His dark, almost black hair, disheveled as always, brushed against his forehead now, in need of a haircut. The thick stubble on his face was peppered here and there with a hint of ginger if the light fell on him at the right angle. His right ear was pierced and adorned with a solid black stone earring. There was no room for new tattoos on his left arm, various drawings of a compass, skull and crossbones, symbols, and plants were inked into his skin, likely to hide the age-old scar that ran from his wrist to his bicep. He also accentuated his eyes with black eyeliner, making his arctic blue eyes stand out as prominently as the North Star in the dark sky.
He wore his signature black outfit - jeans, a shirt that was always missing a few buttons at the top to reveal a generous patch of dark hair, leather jacket, and combat boots.
All in all, he looked like a textbook bad boy, which was why Emma preferred to keep her distance from him.
"You better get going," she remarked as the front door closed behind the others.
"They won't leave without me, anyway. Who would look out for them?" he let out a laugh, attaching a pistol holster to his hip. "Take care, ladies," he nodded to her from the other side of the doorstep, then disappeared into the night after the others.
Emma retreated into the apartment and carefully locked the door, padlocking it as a precaution. No one could say she hadn't heeded their warning.
"Are they gone?" Mary Margaret sank down on the couch.
"Yeah," Emma nodded and plopped down next to her friend.
She closed her eyes, leaned against the headrest, and stared up at the ceiling.
"I wonder what they're trying to accomplish with all this," Mary Margaret shook her head. "Rebellions everywhere, in almost every country. They can't defeat us, so what do they want?"
"I don't care what they want. All the damn beasts need to be wiped out," Emma hissed.
Ever since that night, she hated those monsters even more, and honestly, who could blame her?
Mary Margaret only hummed and nodded, and for a long time, neither of them said a word.
After a few minutes, her friend broke the silence: "Don't you miss it? Our old life?"
"What do you mean?" Emma glanced at her.
"When we went to college and this craziness hadn't started yet," Mary Margaret replied, and Emma raised one of her eyebrows.
"I don't miss it. If there's anything I miss, it's...him. But nothing else."
"Maybe you should take the ring off. It always reminds you of him. It's been over seven months. I know you don't want to hear this, but sooner or later, you're going to have to move on. There's life after Neal."
If it wasn't Mary Margaret sitting in front of her, telling her that, she probably would have slapped her or, at the very least, made her leave. But Mary Margaret was different. Emma knew she wanted the best for her, and she had much better insight into her situation than she did.
"I can't," Emma shook her head. "It would be like...I don't know. It would be like I was denying him or something."
"No," Mary Margaret objected vehemently. "It wouldn't be like that. To be honest, I didn't agree with the others when they gave you that damn ring. It was like twisting the knife that was already in your heart. If it had been up to me, I wouldn't have told you he was going to ask you to marry him. Sooner or later, you may have realized it yourself, though. Would it have been easier for you if there had been no ring?"
"Maybe," she breathed, staring blankly at the opposite wall.
Her gaze soon drifted to her ring. Maybe she really did need to take it off. "I don't know yet… Maybe in time," she replied.
"My advice is not to hesitate too long. It will be easier after that, believe me."
"I hope so," she smiled finally.
She was startled awake by the ringing of her phone. The rays of the full moon broke on the dry branches of the trees in the woods behind the house, and the silvery light painted indelible patterns on her bedspread with the shadows.
She forgot to close the blinds.
Her phone buzzed again and, still a little sleepy, she rolled onto her side in the huge double bed. She pulled aside the dark green canopy and reached for the vibrating device on the nightstand.
She glanced at the caller ID.
Of course.
Only David would call her in the middle of the night.
"What happened? Are you okay?" she immediately straightened up in her bed, holding her breath, waiting for her brother's answer.
"You're about to find out. We'll be home in five minutes. In the meantime, open the door and get the couch ready for Ruby." His voice sounded calm and Emma concluded that they couldn't be in too much trouble.
She ended the call, jumped up from the bed, and yanked open the door to her room. She ran down the hall and hopped down the stairs, taking two steps at a time. When she reached the front door, she took off the padlock, pulled out the deadbolt, unlocked the door, and opened it wide.
She ran back to the couch and tossed all the unnecessary things off of it. A couple of remotes, two blankets, and a few pillows landed on the cherry wood floor. Just as she stood up, she could hear the hurried footsteps of David and the others.
"Let me go! I can walk on my own two feet!" Ruby's voice sounded rather irritated, but her statement was immediately followed by a loud thud.
"I can see that," David hissed angrily, with a slight note of mockery in his tone. "Jones, if you will! She already tried to claw my eyes out…"
David marched into the apartment like an angry boar. He dropped his gun on the coffee table and sank into one of the black leather chairs. Leo and Robin nervously scurried into the living room, followed by Killian with Ruby in his arms.
Ruby stubbornly struggled against Killian, trying to break free of his grip, but he held her tight. It didn't matter that she could easily stand up to two guys, she couldn't outmaneuver Killian.
Killian wisely turned his face away from Ruby's tiny but sharp fingernails and carefully laid her on the couch.
"If any of you dare touch me again, I'll castrate you!" she growled, and then hissed, a grimace on her face immediately following.
"What happened?" Emma crouched down beside the brunette in horror.
"Can we go to your room?" Ruby pleaded desperately.
"No. She's been shot," David replied before getting up from the chair and drifting into the bathroom.
"What? Have you lost your minds? Why didn't you take her to a hospital?" Emma snapped, glaring at Leo and Robin.
"It was a miracle that we were even able to carry her here," Robin shrugged.
"I'll live," Ruby growled, but tears were running quietly down her face from the pain and exertion.
"Only if I take the bullet out and tend to the wound," David nodded.
"Ruby, we have to do this," Emma sat down next to her on the couch and took her hand.
She knew full well that she didn't like to be touched when she was injured. Ruby blinked up at David in alarm, disgust written all over her beautiful face. "Only you, David. No one else…" she moaned in a fading voice.
"All right, so be it. Let me over there, Emma. Take a look at Killian's arm until then."
She got up from the couch, grabbed a bottle of disinfectant and a bandage from the pile of medical supplies scattered on the table, and walked purposefully toward Killian, who stood silently by the banister.
"There's really no need," he shook his head with a forced smile when she reached him. "It's just a scratch, love, really not that serious."
"Not you, too."
"I don't—"
"Show me. I really don't have the patience for that right now, Killian," she interrupted him.
She didn't know what to make of the look he gave her. His impossibly blue eyes reflected annoyance, fear, and confusion all at once, but he soon relented and reluctantly peeled off his black leather jacket. The left sleeve of his shirt was completely soaked with blood.
He rolled up his sleeve. At first, she didn't see a wound under his many tattoos, it was hard for her to notice any damage done to his skin other than the scar that was already there. But as she scanned his arm she soon found a cut that seemed far too tiny for the amount of blood that adorned his clothing and skin. There was barely any blood flowing from it now.
"What the…" her eyes widened as she ran her finger over the wound, but Killian didn't even flinch. Right before her eyes, the cut disappeared under the ship wheel — or helm, as he called it — which wrapped around his bicep. "Killian," she stared at him, dumbfounded.
A mere Mage wouldn't be able to do that, even if he had as much power as Killian.
"There were Elves among my ancestors," he shrugged, his face becoming an imperturbable, grim mask. His gaze seemed petrified, expressionless.
That explained some strange things about Killian, Emma thought. He had an abnormally high physical resilience and was almost as fast as a Vampire or Werewolf. That couldn't be possible through mere magic.
"Oh," she couldn't force a more meaningful answer out of herself. "Why didn't you say that before?"
"I didn't think it was important," he shrugged.
"Sorry, but you don't look like an Elf," Leo shook his head with a grin.
Emma only now noticed that the other Hunters had been standing behind her the whole time.
"That's because I'm not one. Some of my ancestors were. I'm just a freak," his voice sounded strangely bitter and he turned his head away.
Instinctively, she took two steps away. Killian's icy magic flared up without warning, along with his rage.
"Hey, calm down, dude. I didn't mean it like that," Leo raised his hands.
"What's going on?" Mary Margaret reached the bottom of the stairs, still in her pajamas.
"Nothing new. Just a bit of bickering, the usual," Robin grinned.
Only now did Mary Margaret notice David at the other end of the room. A broad smile was on her face as she walked over to where he was still crouched by the couch, finishing patching Ruby up.
Emma turned away as they threw themselves into each other's embrace, kissing as if they hadn't seen each other in days. She glanced back at Killian who was watching her face with a coy expression. His gaze positively shone with panic, almost desperate.
"I… I apologize. I think I'd better go," he murmured, lowering his gaze.
He rolled down his sleeve and picked up his jacket, then stormed out of the apartment without further explanation. Emma stared after him, uncomprehending. She had always known he was kind of a weirdo. But this was unusual, even for Killian.
"What the hell was that?" she turned to Robin, confused.
"He's a little cuckoo in the head. You'd better not get any more friendly with him than you already have," Robin shook his head. "Seriously. He can be pretty scary sometimes. He's pretty weird."
She didn't answer, just stared after Killian thoughtfully. She agreed with Robin that there was something up with him. But she immediately ruled out the possibility that he was suffering from some sort of mental illness.
"You knew about this?" Leo turned to Robin.
"That he was part Elf? No, I would never have guessed that. But now that I think about it, it makes perfect sense. He's done things he wouldn't have been able to do otherwise," Robin replied and goosebumps appeared on Emma's arm.
Maybe Robin was right. She shouldn't get close to him.
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devak66 · 3 years
The Visit
Time for the third tale from the AU. This one involving tubbo visiting dream ooooo
Word count: 1383
The pop of lava was about the only thing he heard as the bridge he was on led him to his destination. Tubbo didn’t want to do this but he needed answers. The mode of transportation suddenly stopped once it reached the end. The maximum containment cell. Tubbo stepped off the bridge, keeping his gaze on the man inside as the bridge moved back to the other side of the lava moat. Once it reached where it had started, Sam called out “Once the lava is back down you'll be able to talk to the prisoner. Tubbo simply nodded. He was starting to regret this idea as he felt the lava pouring behind him, the residual heat on his back. He looked at the other in the cell, the divider had retracted as the lava had completely covered the entrance to the cell. The prisoner was first to speak
“I wasn't expecting you of all people to come visit me” Dream spoke, his expression unreadable from behind the mask. Tubbo was honestly surprised he got to keep it, seeing how Sam had been so thorough about nothing being brought into the prison. Tubbo honestly didn't know what to say. This man had done so much and Tubbo had prepared so many questions so he did not get overwhelmed in panic of being so close to the man who had threatened his last life. “So, are you here to gloat? You’ve finally won”
At that point, Tubbo had finally found his voice “No. I actually need to ask you some questions”
“Oh? About what? About how I sleep at night? The answer is not as well as i used to”
“No” Tubbo repeat “I want to specifically ask you about Ranboo” This caught Dream off guard, before he could question why, Tubbo added “He had a dreamonic transformation and i want to know if you were involved with that.. Somehow”
“He.. he actually transformed” There was a hint of a smile in Dream’s voice. Not a mocking or cruel tone.. If anything.. It seemed proud “What triggered the transformation?” he asked Tubbo
“I.. thought it had something to do with you,” Tubbo was worried about what Dream would say. He had been mad at how willing to attack Fundy had been, but he was right. If Ranboo is as dangerous as any other dreamon.. He’d have to be dealt with.
Dream shook his head “That’s not how dreamons work. The first dreamonic transformation, well technically any to a dreamon not trained to control it, has an emotional state that will trigger it. It can be anything from wanting to defend themself to simply stress. So. What caused his transformation?”
“I, in all honesty, have no clue” Tubbo admit “Fundy messaged me about a dreamon and when i got there i found Ranboo like that”
Dream was getting angry with what he heard “you have to be fucking kidding me”
“What is it?” Tubbo was concerned
“I told fundy about Ranboo in a moment of damn trust” Dream said “what im fucking saying is Fundy probably asked him questions that he couldnt answered and caused the fucking transformation” Dream was getting pissed, the roots of his hair starting to go white. Dream noticed Tubbo starting to back away and took a deep breath to calm down, his hair going back to its normal light brown color “I’m calm. I’m good” Dream assured. He put a hand to the mask and traced along the crack going down the middle to part way past the center.
“I have a few more questions for you, if you don’t mind answering them” Tubbo was terrified at the idea of a potential dreamonic transformation when he had no potential of getting out safely
“Go ahead. I have nothing better to do” Dream said “When you’re done I’ll have a little offer for you”
Tubbo didn’t ask what that could mean, and immediately asked the first of the questions “What did you tell Fundy?”
“Simple. I told Fundy about Ranboo’s other half, which is dreamon” 
“How did you know it?”
“Dreamons can… sense it” Dream lied “Dreamons have a magical aura that normal folk cannot notice”
“If that’s true, you'd be able to say if there’s another dreamon in the area” Tubbo wished he had been able to bring a book, this information is incredibly valuable and if he could had taken notes on it
“Yes. But why would i tell you, dreamon hunter?” Dream is glad Tubbo hadn’t noticed the amount of lies Dream had made. Because, why would he lie? He’s not leaving. But he’s not lying for himself. If anyone knew that Ranboo was his brother… who knows what the people would do to him
“Why did you get so mad about what Fundy did?”
“I… Um.. cant let my pawn and fellow dreamon get hurt” Dream said, thankful that he had his mask to hide his expression for that blatant lie
Tubbo frowned “You know Fundy told me what you had told him”
Dream didn’t respond. How to get out of this situation… “I know Ranboo is your brother,” Tubbo said, studying Dream’s body language. He couldn’t read his face, because of the mask, so he’d have to find other ways to analyze how he’s feeling in the moment or if he’s lying
“That could have been a lie,” Dream said. He’s definitely tense but trying to not be too obvious
“But why would you say something like that” Tubbo replied almost immediately “I know how you are, green man, but i don't see the strategic point in telling him. On top of denying it afterwards. Maybe you told him and regret it afterwards”
“If you know me so well, you know how i'm always a step ahead of you”
“But i also know that even you can make mistakes. And your biggest mistake for this conversation was showing how protective you are of Ranboo” Tubbo grinned. Checkmate
Dream was quiet for a few moments before he sighed “fine. You got me. But put yourself in my shoes. The tyrant that is hated by all, if people knew ranboo was my little brother, how do you think that would go? It would be a repeat of everyone finding out who your father is'' he said blatantly
Now it was Tubbo’s turn to be quiet “But all you did to him”
“What i did was all for a reason. I don't need to explain myself to you” He took a deep breath “You said little Tantabus had a dreamonic transformation?”
“You’ll want my help to help train him” Dream said “his dreamonic state will be difficult to keep in check without it, and i don't mean emotional training. Let me do this” “No..”
“You need me!”
“I don’t! Fundy snapped him out fine without you” Tubbo said
“You don't need to know”
“How did he snap him out, Tubbo” Dream was stern, staring at the goat hybrid
“By reminding him who he is” Tubbo replied, which made Dream laugh
“It’s not that easy. You need me. Ranboo was just tired, that's why he reverted to normal form”
“Tubbo. You don't understand all i've done for ranboo! Let me do this!”
“NO! Just stop!”
“I’ve done everything for him! The lies i’ve said to keep him safe, the lives i've ruined to keep him safe- this.. this isn't helping, is it”
Tubbo was backing away “No.. i can't”
“Think about it, please. I'm not your enemy in this situation. I just want to help Ranboo.. I’ve missed him” Dream pleaded
“Sam!” Tubbo called out to the warden, he was done with this visit
“Tubbo.” Dream tried
A voice spoke over the PA system “are you done talking to the prisoner”
“Think about it.. Please… i want to help” Dream said
Tubbo kept his gaze on the masked prisoner “Yeah, Sam, i'm ready” He looked away from Dream.
It took a few minutes for Tubbo to be brought out of the maximum security cell. Sam studied the smaller male “Did everything go well?” Tubbo simply nodded, he had a lot on his mind. Sam led the way out of the prison, after a few minutes of walking, Tubbo piped up
 “Hey.. Sam? Can I ask you something?”
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aros001 · 3 years
Going in blind: Watching season 5 for the first time. Random thoughts.
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Episode 1: Well...that dinner got dark. From what other fans have told me apparently Glimmer gets a lot of hate for her decisions during the series and I just find that odd. I was more annoyed with her in the early seasons where her actions were more harmless simply because she had no patience and wouldn't listen because of her immaturity. Season 4 and here though? Even her most reckless and risky actions have at least been fueled by the genuine desire to keep people safe during a very hard situation. Even here, yeah, she tells Prime something it's very bad for him to know but he was going to have Adora and everyone else literally murdered before her eyes if she didn't. I can't really be mad at Glimmer for making a bad choice when it flows logically and fueled by the desire to keep the people she cares about from being slaughtered.
I don't think we've ever seen Catra this completely at the mercy of another person before, save maybe for Shadow Weaver when she was a child. She has nothing to offer that Prime doesn't already possess. Nothing he wants that he can't get for himself. Her relationship with everyone these past few seasons have been either "I'm your commander and you have to do what I say" or "You are my commander and here's the reason you have to keep me around". This time she has nothing to protect herself behind and the only reason she's still around is because Prime might think of a use for her later.
I love having Scorpia on the heroes' side.
Episode 2: That ending though.
I think what helps elevate Entrapta for me and keeps her for being annoying or irritating is that the show really sells that she just genuinely has trouble understanding why she should/shouldn't be doing certain things. It's not stupidity or even pure self-absorption, she just struggles with people and social ques while machines and science is a lot more straightforward. Heck, she was probably able to bond so well with Hordak because work together in the lab was them meeting on a common middle ground she could understand and relax in. The way she's trying to overcome the issue to help save Glimmer reminds me a little of Mob from Mob Psycho 100, feeling a little frustrated in not understanding something that she knows she should be.
Episode 3: Anybody else get a Disney's Hercules vibes at the end there?
Catra: "Besides, O Oneness, you can't beat her! She has no weaknesses! She's gonna kick your...!"
Prime, smiling: "I think she does, little sister." [Strokes Catra's hair] "I truly think...she does."
This episode really sold how completely isolated Catra is. With the sole exception of Glimmer, she's in space, no idea where exactly she is, onboard a ship filled with nothing but Prime and hundreds of cultist clones. Throughout the entire series we've seen Catra push everyone away and now that she's in a situation where she is almost well and truly on her own with no power, freedom, or authority, she seeks out the one other person around to find any sense of comfort in. Despite everything, Catra doesn't like being alone.
Little child Catra lashing out because she didn't want Adora to have any friends other than her kind of reminds me of Glimmer and Bow during the Princess Prom episode. I imagine it's the same mentality. Growing up in isolation, even if in different forms, and finding only that one person they feel thay can really lean on, there is that fear that they'll find someone else they like more and start caring about them less, or even outright stop. The difference is Bow set Glimmer straight, assuring her he'll always be her friend no matter what but he's not going to be just solely dedicated to her. Her fear was understandable but she was not respecting him as a friend either. Adora never really had that with Catra, one because she was much younger and less mature than Bow, and Catra was probably all she had too, to an extent. As we saw season 1, she was always trying to look after her, even when Catra needed to take responsibility for herself. Bow is not Glimmer's keeper, while Adora too often was that for Catra, so Bow and Glimmer have a better foundation of mutual respect while Adora and Catra's dynamic has been really screwed up for a long time.
Kind of tying into that, despite all that's happened between them, the minute Adora hears Catra's in distress she starts panicking and tearing up. The last time they saw each other they were very much enemies and Adora was done reaching her hand out to her. I suppose you could make the argument she's really been hoping all this time that Catra would finally do the right thing for once, just probably didn't expect it to be like this.
Prime better not mind wipe Catra like he did Hordak.
Episode 4: See, calling the heroes the rebellion now makes sense since they are rebelling against the established power, which is Prime.
Love that trick with the reflections, where you can sort of see/sort of can't see She-Ra. A nice little tease for what I imagine will be a big reveal later.
I really like that explanation for what Bow's going through. Last season's finale was the last he'd seen Glimmer and was desperately trying to save her, and he's been consistently worried for her since then. Now that she's safe he's starting to let himself process his other emotions towards her, and I totally get it. It's hard to be mad at someone when you're also terrified over what might be happening to them, even if your anger is justified. While I get why Glimmer last season did what she thought she had to, it was still a big risk that Bow warned her about and she didn't listen, putting them all in danger. This situation and Glimmer's words is a very mature way of handle this topic. He's not wrong for being mad and it's not a contradiction to what we've been seeing from him this season. Humans and emotions are complicated.
Episode 5: SHE HAS PAAAAAAAAANTS!!! (I will miss the cape though)
That almost makes up for them cutting Catra hair. Seriously, that mane was beautiful!
But boy, speaking of Hercules, that return of She-Ra definitely felt like Hercules emerging from the pool of souls to save Meg.
With the one clone being disconnected from the hive mind and having a breakdown over it, that does make me wonder if Hordak has been connected to it. Wasn't he deemed a defect because Prime couldn't connect to his mind? I suppose it's possible that flaw was corrected. Clearly Prime can take over minds other than just his clones, like with Catra. But if he could do that I'm wondering why he just didn't when Hordak was first created and he instead cast him out to Etheria.
Was Catra purring at the end? I swear there was a sound that sounded like purring.
Episode 6: Assimilation is easily one of my biggest fears in fiction, be it zombies, Borgs and Cybermen, Get Out, the freaking Sapphire Dragon from Xiaolin Showdown that scared the hell out of me as a kid! Just the concept of having your free will and autonomy completely ripped away from you, potentially with you still being aware but unable to do anything about it, is horrifying! At least with Prime's chips the process is reversible.
Anyway, in lighter plots, I kind of love Wrong Hordak. He's really funny. I feel bad that he's being deliberately misled, but he really shouldn't be following Prime anyway, so...
I do like that Adora is being a little more tough on Catra. She needs kindness, yes, but she also needs honesty and discipline, the kind that has actual love and care behind it, unlike what she got from Shadow Weaver. Adora is genuinely trying to help so Catra needs to stop acting like a brat and LET HER HELP.
Episode 7: Catra was definitely purring.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume people probably ship Scorpia and Perfuma. Not that I have any problem with that. It's like the Midoriya/Todoroki ship; I don't ship it myself but I totally get why others do. It's a relationship based in mutual respect and one of the characters having a significantly positive effect on the life of the other. As long as the shipper themselves is not horrifically toxic, I don't care.
Also, I don't think I've ever been so intimidated by Mermista before than I was with that one shot of her in silhouette, just before the reveal she was chipped.
Episode 8: Okay, I definitely love Wrong Hordak. Just that realization of his. "Horde Prime...lied to us..." There's just something about it that's so full of character. Obviously he's a brainwashed clone but he was truly devoted to Prime and just to find out that he would keep something so big from them, from the hive mind that's supposed to be so open to him and each other, it destroys everything he ever believed in. It's hilarious to watch him prepare to lead his brothers in a revolt against Prime.
I assume magic is Prime's "weakness" in that he himself cannot control it. Obviously he can control magical beings like Spinnerella and have them use magic but magic itself is too free and too powerful for him to contain and fully fight back against. He's all about order and stillness and magic is basically chaos.
Episode 9: I like to believe the mushroom kingdom they saved is a Mario reference.
Something I like in hero stories is "the power of a name" or "the power of a symbol". Something as simple as Superman's S-shield can have so much weight and meaning behind it just because of the person it's tied to. She-Ra isn't just a powerful warrior to the people of Etheria, she's a hero of legend. We saw it touched on even back in season 1 how much Adora returning She-Ra to the world meant to everyone. She-Ra to them is a symbol of hope. If they have her on their side, then they believe they might be able to win and with that ordinary people can find the strength to fight too. It's something I think the Green Lantern put best with how the Blue Rings of hope supercharge the Green Rings of will but lose a lot of their functions when the greens are not around. Hope is useless if you don't have the will to also act, but in turn hope can give people the will to act. The more hope they have that they can win, the more they will fight to win.
That was the nerdiest comparison I've ever made.
Episode 10: I appreciate a good bad dad joke and that's why I can't approve of "punderstand". It's too much of stretch to flow well. "Ruined" was good though.
I'm less surprised that Scorpia's been chipped and more that she's even alive. She was at the bottom of the ocean when the roof broke and she's a scorpion woman. I don't think water is a very friendly element for her. She's even commented on how good the desert was to her.
I wonder her She-Ra mode is not working for her simply because Adora is exhausted; mentally and physically. I don't think she's ever used the form this continuously before, and she's been doing it without the First Ones' sword that she has experience with. Her new sword and its transformations may be made out of her own energy for all we know. And then there's just the emotional toil of having Catra back in her life while it feels like more and more of the world is being turned against her.
Episode 11: Oh, I'm definitely shipping Hordak and Entrapta.
I think Re:Zero has spoiled me on dark magic. While Micah with his dark magic is a threat, in this show and many others dark magic basically just equates to "spooky, evil, bad stuff" magic that isn't that different from most other kinds of magic other than being either harder to control or more geared towards causing harm. In Re:Zero, dark magic was DARK. It felt unnatural, like a perversion of how their world's magic is supposed to be and that it didn't belong in this reality. Micah's dark magic is basically "I'm attacking you with shadows, oOoOoOo so scary!"
Not really surprised Catra left. She just got Adora back and now she's potentially about to let herself die. Perfuma said it best, letting people in and letting herself be vulnerable is hard. Caring about Adora and watching her die would be a huge blow, so Catra would rather curl back up into her shell and block out Adora again than have to risk taking that hit.
Episode 12: I keep saying it but now having them right next to each other, yeah, Mara's She-Ra outfit is better than Adora's. I don't know, there's just something grander about it. Anyway, on topic, I'm a big fan of superheroes and legacy and all that and I really like Mara's words to Adora. All she did and sacrificed was so that others, especially the next She-Ra, wouldn't have to do the same. It doesn't matter how noble and heroic it is, tragedy is tragedy and anyone who knows that kind of pain doesn't want anyone else to have to go through it.
I'm not surprised by the love confession between Glimmer and Bow. I felt it could go either way with them either hooking up or just staying really good friends, but that in itself is a sign of how good and natural their friendship is. I can easily buy how it would evolve into something more between them. The situation they're in probably helps. When Glimmer was taken they both thought they might never see each other again and that fear and worry probably caused them to reevaluate how they feel about the other. They've been clinging to each other since getting back, as every day could be their last. Something like that is naturally going to push two people together.
Episode 13: So...are there any plans for a season 6? Or a comic continuation like Avatar and Korra got? Because this was a good finale...buuuuuuuuut I feel there are definitely some things that needed a bit more exploration.
This is typically why I like stories with epilogue endings, especially those set some number of years in the future. Little glimpses of what everyone's doing now, allowing the audience to fill in for themselves what happened in-between. There's nothing wrong with this episode but it does just kind of...stop. They beat Prime. Everybody's cheering and happy. Adora suggests they bring magic back to the universe. And...that's it. We don't see anything more. No aftermath, no post-war, nothing. We end on the moment of victory, and while it's not a bad moment it leaves the ending feeling a little incomplete.
It kind of feels like the writers either really had to rush to the ending to make the 13 episode deadline or simply didn't want to address whatever happens with Catra and Hordak now. With the bigger threat of Horde Prime it makes sense why everyone puts aside past issues and works together. But now that the crisis is over, naturally everyone would have to address everything the Horde had done to Etheria for years with Hordak and Catra leading it. Don't get me wrong, I believe that Catra loves Adora, I believe Adora loves her, and I believe Catra wants to be a better person. It's not like I'm saying she needs to be locked up or executed. But she did cause a lot of damage and put Adora especially through hell, and just because Shadow Weaver is the one who screwed her up so bad doesn't mean she doesn't have any responsibility for her own actions. So it just would have been nice to get even a little bit of lip service to show that Catra would be trying to right her wrongs from this point forward, instead of just "Prime's gone, everyone's happy, bye!" At least with Entrapta she seemed to genuinely not understand why what she was doing at the time was wrong and Scorpia, like Adora and Huntara, defected from the Horde to do the right thing despite it being even more part of her upbringing than anyone else. I can't even imagine what happens with Hordak now.
Don't get me wrong, this is far from the worst I've ever seen a redemption handled. I haven't read/watched any of Boruto outside of the movie and Gaiden tie-in but I've read all of Naruto and there is no reason that Orochimaru should just be walking around and casually talking with people after all he's done. Kaiba in the Yu-Gi-Oh manga built an entire theme park to try an murder Yugi and his friends and they bring it up like twice after that arc. Kylo Ren turning back to the light was one of the potential paths for his character, so that made sense in TROS, but they essentially did "He died heroically and therefore totally redeemed himself for every terrible thing he's ever done."; basically a cop-out. Catra's alive and can at least potentially still own up to her actions and work to redeem herself. And I love Steven Universe, but kind of like with Catra nearly killing everyone (including herself) via the unstable portal, fans have naturally pointed out that the Diamonds enslaved and committed genocide on multiple planets and really faced no consequences for that other than "Stop it". Catra's not at the gold standard of redemption stories, which for me is probably Zuko and Endeavor, but she's far from the bottom. I think the best way to describe it is that Catra had as good, if not better, reasons for being so bad and screwed up as Zuko did, just as good step-up for turning good as Zuko did, but she didn't have nearly as much payoff afterwards to make it feel like a full journey like Zuko did.
But enough about all that. Love the basically goddess She-Ra Adora became. Given the emphasis on healing powers with She-Ra we've had, I'm guessing that's essentially how she destroyed Prime. She purified Hordak and Prime was basically an infection within him. I like when heroes snatch victory from the jaws of defeat but I also when there's an implication towards the villain that "Wow. I never stood a chance." She-Ra's power just dwarfs his. Full potential realized by Adora and he was just gone.
Also I don't know how I forgot that Prime could jump into the bodies of his clones but his possession of Hordak got me. I genuinely couldn't think of how he'd survive after Hordak shoved him off the edge (set free by the power of love!).
And even if the ending feels a little incomplete, the episode itself still did well with my emotional investment. I was gripped by during Catra's confession and the tension within the heart.
Season 5 and overall series verdict: I'm very glad I saw this series. Even though its ending falls a little short for me, this was still really good. Seasons 3 was probably my favorite overall but this story had a very good flow to it. It steadily built up bigger each season, with Catra and Hordak being really compelling villains driving the whole thing. Not that Prime was bad. He was a genuine threat and his cult of clones is a good creepy concept. He's just not as good as the other two. I'm sure part of what elevates him up is because I'm thinking of the JL director's cut but Hordak really is just better Steppenwolf. Everything that worked about that character, Hordak is that to an 11.
Given how I've talked about her more than any of the others, Catra is probably my favorite character. Just the damage that girl has been through. I always understood why she was doing what she did, even though there was rarely a moment I'd agree with exactly what she was doing. Again, it's one of the reasons it feels like the series just kind of ended. There's a lot to be seen with Catra's character now, a lot that can be done, and it just feels like a shame to really not show any of it. This isn't a fault of SRPOP itself because so many series, especially animated and anime, are guilty of but it always bugs me when a series ends on two characters hooking. Relationships are interesting, I'd argue more so than the build-up to them, but no writer ever wants to actually explore them after the hook-up. I never cared about Korra and Mako being a couple but I still found their relationship as a couple more interesting and character building than any of the will they/won't they build-up to it. And I actually like the idea of Adora and Catra as a couple. It's a big reason why I'm so happy the Harley Quinn animated series got renewed for a third season, as it otherwise would have just ended on a hook-up between two characters who, like Adora and Catra, love each other but have had a complicated dynamic for a while. I believe Adora and Catra love each other, but they've got a lot of stuff to work out and I want to see that! Catra's got abandonment issues and that in turn caused her to be unhealthily possessive over Adora. Just seeing the two of them try to work through that alone would be fascinating.
Like I suspected early on, Scorpia's my favorite supporting character. Entrapta's a decent 2nd. Took a small dip when it seemed like she was joining the Horde over feeling abandoned by the princesses when they thought she was dead but that picked back up once it was made more clear "Oh, okay, you're not being petty or stupid. You genuinely don't understand." It made her a more interesting character, and I love her and Hordak's relationship.
Least favorite characters...probably Sea Hawk and those three former Horde friends of Adora and Catra. I never hated them but I never cared about what was happening when they were on screen. They fill out the world a bit, they drive the plot, they're not wastes of space, they even get some laughs. There are just so many other characters in the series way more interesting than them.
Biggest surprise for me was definitely Glimmer and Bow. I never thought I'd dislike them but the best friends characters in series like this can kind of go one way or another with how relevant or deep they are. Glimmer especially I was surprised how much I was invested. She really grew a lot as a person throughout the series and I thought the dilemma over the Heart of Etheria was a good one.
Honestly there's a lot more I could talk about but I have only so many words and my thoughts are a jumble right now so I'm going to leave it at that. I will say I really appreciate how supportive you all on this Reddit have been. It's something I hate about some other fandoms I'm in where they basically are so toxic that they make no one else actually want to watch/read the thing they're fans of because they can't help but associate it with them.
Original Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/PrincessesOfPower/comments/o2p6wq/going_in_blind_watching_season_5_for_the_first/
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