#Order Cancels Order
antonioboston35 · 4 months
OCO Order
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 months
Bucks loft still doesn't have a couch, we should be able to see it behind the weights in this image if there was one there
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because this still from 6x17 is from a similar angle and you can see the arm of the couch with the blue blanket draped over it
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proving that if Buck had a new couch, we should be able to see a little bit of it!
Couch theory is back baby!!!!
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flimsy-spine · 5 months
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my favorite madney scenes: [4/?] ⇢ Buck, Actually, 2.08
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mewvore · 11 months
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I went on a trip and I felt so happy and cute in this outfit
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elucubrare · 11 months
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guideaus · 9 months
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Neo Tokyo: Construction Cancellation Order
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shopwitchvamp · 3 months
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me the absolute first split second people are acting up in the shop
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undertheredhood · 6 months
jason todd falling in love with someone from the perspective of the other batfamily members has got to be the funniest thing ever, because he's not going to tell them anything about his personal life so easily, which is going to lead them to greatly misunderstand everything. so while jason’s giggling and kicking his feet while imagining his future wedding with his crush, his family is immediately calling john constantine to exorcise the demon that is clearly possessing him.
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keekeenuggets · 2 months
We don't talk enough about how well ALL of the Vees know and care about each other so much, like--
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We first see them when Velvette is calling Vox about Val being upset in ep 2, but there's no way he would have asked for the help himself. Like he's not gonna be like "hey get Vox for me I need him" because that seems too vulnerable, BUT he was expecting Vox to come.
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He literally says "Fuckin' finally!"
Which would either mean that Velvette told him Vox is on his way, OR Val knew Velvette would tell Vox to come. (It is possible he expected it because of the cameras, but Vox didn't seem to know Val was throwing a tantrum until Velvette called him, and Vox's plan for the day seemed to involve multiple meetings, so I don't think he watches the cameras often enough for that.)
Also Velvette knew how to calm Valentino down. She was busy with a fashion show and needed to focus on that, and she was mad that Val was wrecking her shit, but even after he was out of her hair and not a problem to her, she repeated to Vox that he needs to go take care of Val.
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"Take care of the piss baby!"
I 100% believe she could have done it herself (she probably did partly?? considering he stopped the tantrum and was in his room before Vox got there-- unless her telling Val that Vox was on his way was what did it, but that would still be something she knew to do), but she had a show to run. Still, she wasn't going to leave Val alone to be moping around.
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Also the fact Valentino seems to have some level of control over his smoke implies he wanted to be dramatic as fuck or wanted to hide himself and sat in a cloud of smoke on purpose.
Vox obviously knows how to talk Val out of shit, and canon makes it more clear that he understands Val well.
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But overall there's obvious intimacy between all three of the Vees in that they care for each other and know exactly what's needed and/or what will happen in situations like that.
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animationsource · 9 months
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ghostclowning · 1 year
ming fan's testimony
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thebeigewitch · 1 year
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l-ultimo-squalo · 9 months
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Construction Cancellation Order dir. Katsuhiro Otomo, from Neo Tokyo (1987)
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elia-nymmeros · 2 months
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Everytime i think i've seen everything in this fandom... wdym the man who exterminated Houses Tarbeck and Reyne down to the last child, who ordered an innocent 14-year-old to be gang-raped by an entire garrison before ordering his own son to rape her last, who emotionally abused said son down to his last moment on Earth for the crime of being born disabled, who ordered the sacking of an entire city and commanded every atrocity in the Riverlands all for his own personal and politican gain, wasn't evil? Tywin Lannister ruined the life of hundreds, if not thousands of people, including his own children, and the narrative is quite explicit in portraying him as the source of his own destruction. Tywin Lannister is one of the most evil, cruel, petty and malicious man of ASOIAF, even if he didn't personally commit every act of violence himself; the fact that I see people still somehow making excuses for his behavior is ..????!?!?
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if the animorphs fought with medieval-type weapons in their human forms, what would be everyone's weapon of choice?
I do not know a thing about Medieval weaponry. Any history buffs wanna weigh in on this one?
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orphyd · 1 year
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I’m swallowing my pride and anxiety and asking for help cause I can’t live like this until Friday and I’ve run out of options at the moment but please please please don’t give anything if you can’t I’m just doing this as a last resort…
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