quirkwizard · 7 months
Blood Manipulation and Overclock for a marriage?
New Quirk Name: Blood Pump
This Emitter type Quirk allows the user to control the flow of the blood within their body. This can let the user enhances themselves by rapidly moving the blood throughout the body, granting them a form of super speed. This can cause an increase in adrenaline as well, helping the user perceive and react to stimuli at such high speeds. This control of their blood can let the user marionet themselves around, able to suddenly move their body in, and forcibly push the blood from themselves, letting them remove toxins from it. The user is resistant to the extreme affects this process has on their body. This gives the user a versatile ability, their control over their body giving them a variety of uses. They can run circles around their foes, quickly plan around their foes moves, suddenly move themselves out of harm's way, counter act Quirks attempting to control their body, or simply use it to keep blood from falling out of themselves. Though the usage of this Quirk is heavily based around the user's heart and blood flow, potentially hindering it's usage if the user is harmed. The stress of the Quirk can burn out the user and strain their heart, requiring them to limit how much they apply it, and cannot target their blood when it is outside the body.
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parin-gurumin · 1 year
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i’m bad with posting, here’s an Overclock from the first of this month
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christarmewn · 2 years
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For any of you MHA Vigilantes fans, I decided to draw Koichi Haimawari if he were a UA student!
I can imagine Overclock as his teacher, with Pop Step in his class with some of the other MCs.
Or idk, how would he fit into class 1-A? I bet he'd have a lot to chat about with Midoriya haha
Anyway hope you enjoy :>
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photo-roulette-wheel · 3 months
Over Clock
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sometimes a family is
emo (hivemind)
the Twins (you'll never guess which one is the scariest one!)
horse (hivemind again)
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stagnata · 2 years
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bestfnafcharacter · 1 year
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apothecaryassistant · 2 months
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He engaged the overclocking, and the world slowed.
The cars began to crawl, papers stopped being tossed by the wind, and the birds hung in the air like baloons. But the blow coming at his head still seemed fast. So he push further.
Slower! Slower! As every moment stretched into minutes, he was able to take control of every minute detail, manage the perfect reaction down to every twitch of muscle.
But the body was too slow at this point. Signals were sent to muscles, and the response took agonizing moments to return. Momentum was an impassive wall. The blow was seen too late, the fist already too close to dodge. So he pushed further into the overclock.
There was no going back now. The body nolonger responded. The fist hung in mid-air, and he could count the stitches on the carbon-reinforced knuckles, the sight of which shakily changed as individual neurons from the eyes updated.
Noone ever pushed overclocking like this. Noone who survived. The sudden increase in processing would flash fry his brain - he knew this. He could already feel his thoughts becoming scattered - sporadic as tissue warped and connections failed. But there was nothing he could do - he was doomed. All he could do is cling to his last moment as long as possible.
If only he'd paid more attention before...
He was dead before the blow landed.
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trashware-net · 7 months
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teknodiot · 11 months
XPG’den İki Yeni DDR5 Sertifikalı RAM!
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quirkwizard · 20 days
Not really a question on quirks but do you think o’clock worked for the safety commission like hawks and nagant or was he more of an underground hero like eraserhead?
Hey, you are more then welcome to and are encouraged to ask about questions not related to Quirks.
Hero Commission may be a bit far. We don't know enough about his history, and nothing about him or his skills implies a link. Still, I do believe that Oguro was an underground hero when he was O'Clock. There were the various jobs he undertook as a hero, including infiltrating an underground fight club and tracking All For One, both of which would be better suited to a low-profile hero. Oguro was exceptional at these and exhibits similar skills as a vigilante. Even Oguro himself admits how much better he is at these jobs. There's also his Quirk. While "Overclock" is powerful, it's not the most reliable in more direct conflict given its downsides. It's much better used in short bursts or surprise attacks as opposed to the more constant battles of a hero. He even admits, as O'Clock, that his Quirk was more suited to gathering information. More clandestine work, where your skills matter more than your Quirk, would certainly fit that.
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thefantastician · 5 months
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sonic scribbles
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christarmewn · 2 years
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Going along with my design of Koichi as a UA student, I stuck him in the brief screenshot of class 2-A for fun. Man, imagine Eraser having to deal with two problem children in back-to-back years 😂
Design based off of this post
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romulovieira2007 · 1 year
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Overclock! Looks like you got yourself a little found family. Care to make a quick introduction for each?
Overclock: Howdy. They are like family, I guess. Can't imagine doing this shit without em. We commandeered a tank today. Good stuff.
[In a dark, drafty cobblestone room, the gang sits around a small fire seconds from blowing out.]
Alright, see that guy in the corner? The guy in the hoodie and the resting bitch face, and those red eyes? That's Noonwraith. Well, part of them. They've been with me for a long time. Makes this job a lot less insufferable. I met them first by the ocean while trying to find a target in a seaside island cave. The much bigger version got woken up and tried to squash me like a bug. Got to talkin', and I guess that's history. A lot of brains in there. I don't mean smarts, I mean literally, many brains.
Then those two freaks over there sitting in the window- JESUS CHRIST. Seraph, get down! We're 78 stories up! Uh, anywho, that's the twins, Maven and Seraph. They kinda just.... Showed up. They're great fighters, they knock down hordes like they're nothing, I don't know how they do it. Creepy kiddos. Uh.... Are they even kids? I have no clue. Awfully smiley, the angel-looking kid keeps coughing up black shit. Nasty.
Then, there's my Steed. That's also Noonwraith. Like I said, just part of them. Big old horse this time, real agile, kinda nervous. Sure, they look all rotten and goopy, but I think that's just an aesthetic thing.
[The ashes of Overclock's cigar blow out, the fire nearly fizzling out.]
Oh, sorry, kid. Gotta deal with the fire. Nice talkin' to ya.
[He tips his hat.]
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