marinerainbow · 8 months
@wicked1will0sparkles I got another Popshine related imagine for you. Remember those two asks i sent you related to Buffy?
Well I've been listening to the Once More with Feeling soundtrack again, and it's made me think of possible stuff for the Monster AU
Ok so we know that Buffy died, and Willow the witch brought her back to life, but it had drastic consequences on Buffy, right? What if Poppy died, and Witch!Shiny decided to try to bring her back? (And it may or may not have the same impact on Poppy as it did Buffy)
Like you pointed out in the last Popshine imagine, Shiny knows it'd be worse to lose a good girl than a bad guy. She would be devastated if she ever did lose Poppy that way. But in the Monster AU, Shiny can not only actually do something about her dead friend/lover, she's also crazy enough to try. And possibly distraught enough to try to hex anybody who gets in her way.
For bonus angst: imagine Ghoul!Wheezy's reaction to this. After he himself was brought back to part-life. By her hand no less. Shiny insists she's going to do a better job this time, that she's learned from him. But he's got enough clarity to know that it's better to just let Poppy be at peace.
What do you think?
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drewsjasmine · 3 years
Anthony called Ron “Popshine” in his Emmy post for hun and Jas too 🥺
Oh yea i saw that! so cute 🥺🥺
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marinerainbow · 5 months
I have been obsessed with Bistro Huddy for a couple days now, and I found this video and... I can't. I can't stop thinking about this with my Poppy ships. I had to write this crack XD
@just-kit-ink and @wicked1will0sparkles I have a feeling this'll get a chuckle out of you guys (for the sake of argument, let's say that Shiny and Poppy do work for the TP from time to time in this fic. Like... Poppy can offer them info about some of the Uptown toon she works with, and Shiny can do all kinds of crimes with them).
It was a rare, and almost frightening, sight to see the boss smiling. Not in an unnerving way, not in smug pride, but actual genuine joy from another person. It almost never happened. Which was why Greasy knew something had to be up between Smartass and Poppy when he saw the two laughing and drinking coffee side by side in the kitchen.
"Ohhhoho! You really said that??"
"Well 'yea, what else was I gonna say? You 'shoulda seen the look on his mug!" The weasel breathed out a few chuckles before he noticed the new presence and looked up, just in time to see his right hand man smirking at him knowingly. Rolling his eyes and shrugging, Smartass chose to just cut himself off, now that he and Poppy weren't alone anymore, "Alright, I'll tell 'ya what happened next later. Seeya at lunch."
It wasn't lost on Poppy that another person's presence did ruin the mood, but she didn't make any implication about that. She didn't want to hurt the Spaniards' feelings... That and work needed to be done anyway. So she just nodded, "Alright. I should get you the paperwork you need by ten, at the latest."
"Sounds good."
Poppy walked off with her mug and a smile, nodding and offering Greasy a cheery "Bonjour." As she passed him and slipped out the kitchen door. That left him the opportunity to smirk knowingly at his boss, who rolled his eyes in response, "Buen día."
"Shuddap, Grease."
Though 'shutting up' was not on Greasy's plans. Not after what he just witnessed. The weasel took his time grabbing his coffee cup from the cupboard and pouring himself some of the much needed caffeinated liquid, all while keeping eye contact with a Smartass who was ever-increasingly going back to his grumpy persona. This probably wasn't a good idea to poke the bear before he could finish his coffee... But hey, this was what happened when you chuck out the TV the night before, and there was nothing else to entertain your right hand man, "So, I see you and Poppy have a little something going on~"
Usually there would be a tapping foot- or a death glare- or a twitching hand and glancing towards the nearest object that would tell the taller weasel that there was indeed something happening between his boss and their sweet friend. However, Smartass must have been truly exhausted since he just huffed and went back to stirring his coffee, "There ain't 'nothin going on. That's just how a work marriage is
The ear-to-ear grin on Greasy's face fell instantly after that, and looked like his brain was shutting down from attempting to process what Smartass just said. As if he claimed that Bugs Bunny was actually a crcodile, "A... A Work marriage?"
"What?? You 'nevah heard of it??" The hint of jealousy in Greasy's eyes seemed to be lost on the head weasel. He looked more surprised at the thought of him not being aware of the special relationship one could have with their coworkers, "Well I ain't explainin' it-"
"Ohhh no, I know what a work wife is. Because that is what Poppy is to me."
The sip that Smartass had attempted to drink almost got coughed up onto his suit. The pink weasel actually had to set the cup down before he glowrred at the other toon. There was absolutely no way his ears were working right. At least Greasy better hope they weren't, "Excuse you??"
Instead of being intimidated, Greasy just crossed his arms and seemed to take on the challenge instead, "You heard me, boss. If she's work married to anybody in this house, it's me."
"Oh no. Uh-uh bub. She's work married t'me."
"No, Poppy is my work wife."
The two weasels whipped their heads towards the doorway, looking at a just woken, disheveled, feral looking Psycho staring at them like they were the insane ones. And he was sending Greasy in particular a glare that could make any iron-willed man feel weak in the bladder, "You already have Shiny. You can't have Poppy too."
At that, Smartass immediately turned back towards Greasy with his fists on his hips, "Oh! You got that lunatic, but you're over here movin' in on my work gal??"
"MY work wife! Get your own!"
"And who's to say I must limit myself to one beautiful woman, eh?" Greasy glanced between his comrades with a hand to his chest, like he wasn't just getting on Smartass' case for being work married to Poppy, "How is that fair?"
"How is tha- BOY-"
"Actually, I'm Poppy's work husband too."
"WHAT!?"All three looked straight at the smoker, now standing in the doorway and looking like he just made the biggest mistake in his life. Why he thought it was a good idea to say that out loud, who knows. But the smoker just groaned and walked further in the kitchen to grab an apple from the fruit bowl, with Stupid following after him.
"Duh, what's happening here?"
Seeing the big lug of a weasel come in all confused made Greasy and Smartass narrow their eyes at him in suspicion. Psycho on the other hand was too busy growling at an unphased Wheezy, "Estúpido, you better not say you're Poppy's work husband too."
Stupid blinked at his brother and coworker for a moment, before his eyes lit up once he caught up with the topic of discussion, "Huh? Noooo, we're not work married!"
"Good. I don't need'ta deal with yo-"
"She's my work mom!"
The whole room fell silent. Smartass and Greasy glanced to each other before looking at the oblivious Stupid, and even Psycho had paused his confrontation with Wheezy- who was now burying his face in his free hand, "Stu, don't-"
"And Wheezy is my work dad!" The buck toothed toon proclaimed happily as he pointed to the internally dying Wheezy, still blissfully unaware of the tension in the room, "He and Poppy work adopted me! We even got ice cream yesterday!"
At that moment, without even looking up from his paw, Wheezy knew his smokes would not be enough emotional support to face these ridiculous weasels, "Ok, guys-"
"¡Destructor de hogares!"
"Is there ANYBODY in this house NOT puttin' the work moves on her!?"
"I'm not, boss!"
Breakfast and coffee were on no ones mind now. The entire kitchen was quickly filled with screaming, threats, and proclamations of betrayal. Poor Stupid could only stand there, glancing to his work dad and pleading with his eyes for an answer of what to do. Though all Wheezy would do was suck in as much toxic smoke as he could while he still had the chance. Before Smartass could throw the toaster, or Psycho could pounce on somebody.
The only thing that could break up the whole room was the very rabbit of discussion when she poked her head inside in concern. Her eyes pinned down against her head and her eyes were wide as they darted to each individual in the room, "Uh, g-guys? Is everything-"
"Get outta here while you still can, Pops."
"What do you-"
She just barely managed to contain her shriek when suddenly all four pairs of eyes locked onto her, making her stand straight up at attention. The moment to escape was long gone now, "Guys...?"
A long silence hung in the air as the first three weasels all looked at each other, as if agreeing upon something, then looked right back at Poppy. Stupid scratched under his propeller hat in confusion, and Wheezy closed his eyes to fully enjoy the silence before it would be undoubtedly ruined again.
"What on Earth- What are you guys talking about?"
Having taken this out to the living room, Poppy was seated on the couch and resisted rubbing her temples. The papers she was working on for Smartass were currently strewn about the coffee table, but all she could focus on were the weasels surrounding her. Wheezy was sitting on her left, not at all wanting to be here either. Smartass was sitting straight up in his own chair, tapping his foot with his arms crossed. Greasy had been trying to sit on Poppy's right, though he kept getting driven off by Psycho who was standing by the couch like a gargoyle. And Stupid was busy getting himself a bowl of cereal in the kitchen now that it wasn't crowded anymore.
If Poppy had been told she was going to be in the middle of a work love triangle- or rectangle in this case- with four of Toontowns biggest criminals four years ago, she would have laughed it off as a joke.
"I don't know how we can make it any clearer, but fine." Smartass huffed out as he leaned forward, almost looking like he was in the middle of one of his business meetings, "These nimrods think you're their work wife. We gotta clear it all up, like usual."
"Poppy, it's alright. I know this is all a terrible misunderstanding." Greasy still hadn't managed to slip past Psycho, so he chose to kneel in front of her and take her paw in his hands all dramatic like. He looked like the love interest in one of his novelas, and Poppy just looked so tired, "Just tell these putas that you, Shiny, and I are exclusive. Then we can get back to normal, si?"
Poppy was once again interrupted, but this time by Psycho as he hopped over the couch just to smack at Greasy's face and hiss like a territorial housecat. The second in command managed to jumo back in time, but that didn't make the lunatic back off, "¿¡Qué carajo!?"
"You go be 'exclusive' with Shiny!"
"Yeah, you shouldn't even be here!"
While the three spiraled into yet another argument, Poppy heaved out a defeated sigh before looking towards the only sane one right now. Their eyes met and, like always, they shared a silent moment of pity and understanding for the other, "Help me."
Although he truly felt sorry for his work wife, and wanted nothing more than to escape this madhouse, there really was nothing Wheezy could do for either of them. All Poppy had to see was his slumped shoulders to know what he was going to say, "I tried, Poppy. You know how they get."
The toon groaned as she gave in and leaned back on the couch to rest her head on the back. Her headache growing with each curse word flung around. Why couldn't these guys just... The bond formed within a stressful and emotionally draining work environment knew no bounds. It couldn't just be contained to one individual. Why couldn't these jerks see that??
Well, at least Wheezy understood it. And Greasy, to an extent... Maybe it was more of a pride thing between him, Psycho and Smartass. If that was the case, then she could get this fixed no prob-
"Alright then. How about a fight?"
Blinking back into the present, and getting over the jarring sudden silence that befell the living room, Poppy turned her head far back enough to see the source of the familiar voice; Shiny standing in the middle of the open front door, with what looked like a crate of her homebrewed alcohol tucked under her arm. The arguing must have been loud enough to cover Shiny coming inside. But either way, her announcing her presence caused the three weasels to actually pause in their bickering, "You guys heard what I said."
Oh god no, "I- Shiny, I don't think that- we don't want that to happen."
The weasel lady just shrugged as she kicked the door closed behind her, taking turns to look each and every one of them in the eye- including Psycho, despite the probability of him taking that as a challenge in the mood he was in now being high. She didn't even bother trying to hide her smirk while placing the moonshine on the nearest syrface as she reiterated, "If you guys want her to choose, why not prove your worthiness and fight for her?
"Shiny, for the love of God, no." Wheezy stated in a firm voice he didn't often use. Glancing to his team, he could see the gears turning in Psycho's and Greasy's heads as they briefly shared a look. Fortunately, though, Smartass at least was currently stuttering out a response in disbelief. Hopefully, that meant the boss' sanity was coming back.
"Too late, Cowboy."
"No! No, not too late! Guys!-"
"You know what?!" Finally. Smartass was being the leader he should have been from the start. Standing up and pointing a finger at the mischievous woman, who just raised an amused brow right back at him, he snapped, "You don't get to come in here and-"
Though he was too late. The time for actual sense in this house had passed. That was made obvious when Smartass was sent flying over his chair and across the room. After a straightjacket clad weasel launched himself right at him. Psycho' battle screech and Smartass' cursing and gun clicking filled the room, and all Greasy did was pull out his switchblade and started cleaning it; preparing himself for war.
Although his expression remained partially neutral, his shaking hands while he lit up his whole pack and jumped right out of his seat showed how absolutely done he was. He wasn't going to bother trying to pull those maniacs away from each other. Not when he didn't even want to make a big deal out of this in the first place, "I'm out."
"PSYCHO NO!" While Wheezy was walking away from the others, Poppy leaped up to her feet with intentions of trying to break up the fight. Though before she could take a step towards the brawl, she was stopped when Shiny placed her well manicured paw on her shoulder. Looking behind her, Poppy watched her shake her head, silently telling her 'it's not worth it, honey', "Shiny!-"
"Let them get it out of their system. They clearly need it, sugar." The woman casually shrugged. The tiny smirk on her lips, though, showed she had more selfish reasons for starting this between them... And that she wasn't going to even try to hide it, "Besides, it's funny how easy they all are. Isn't it?"
"N-No! I can't let my work marriages fall apart!"
"Oh, please. This'll get through to them better than 'sitting down and talking it out' ever would. And you know it." Shiny sighed- not as dramatically as Greasy was renowned for, but there was a hint of drama behind it- before wrapping her arms around the rabbits shoulders and pulling her around and close, making Poppy completely face her now. Good thing, too. As the pencil holder that flew behind Poppy would have hit her in the eye otherwise. Even though Poppy was upset, the look of worry and slight anger towards her was absolutely adorable, and only made Shiny's grin broaden, "Besides, it doesn't really matter in the end. Does it?"
The tiny frown on Poppy's face faltered at that. Though not because she was comprehending how close her best friend was now, "How?"
"'Cause you and I both know that out of everybody here, I'm your true work spouse."
"Oh my god-"
"Hey! I didn't say anything about being the only one! I'm just saying that I'm the matriarch of your little work harem~"
Somehow, despite her soured mood, despite the waging three-way war happening just mere feet from them, Shiny still managed to get a smile, and even a little chuckle, out of her. Shaking her head, Poppy decided in that moment to just press her forehead against her favorite lady's crown, and enjoy this tiny moment between them while it could last, "You're terrible."
Not paying any mind to the sounds of agony from the three men, or the crashing and breaking of wood, or Smartass' "WHERE'D PSYCHO GET THE LAWN CHAIR!?!?", the dancer just touched noses with her little rabbit and giggled alongside her, "I know~"
While the girls were distracted, Stupid poked his head out of the kitchen doorway to see what was causing so much of a rucus. Crumbs of ceral still unwiped from his lips, "What's going-"
One look at the three feral weasels, a mising Wheezy, and Poppy and Shiny completely forgetting the world around them, Stupid had made probably the smartest decision he ever hsad made in his life at that moment. He quickly and quietly slipped back in the kitchen to finish his food, "Nevermind!"
This got a little genuine Popshine'y at the end of the crack. I don't regret it XD
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marinerainbow · 6 months
Thinking about Poppy just... Being absolutely overwhelmed and done with people. Not just in an exasperated way, but she feels like she's going to start crying because everything is just too much right now. Rent is due and she miscalculated her budget so now she's got that looming over her head. Her boss keeps pulling her away from her own work and dumping more tasks on her. Customers seem to have collectively woken up on the wrong side of the bed and take it out on her. And she had to cancel plans she had because she felt far too exhausted and it's just making her feel even worse. And to top it all off, her parents decided now was a good time to call.
But also thinking about how her friends would comfort her. Shiny hears how Poppy is ready to crack over the phone and decides to come over with some take out and a dumb movie. Moony calls to ask Poppy a rabbit question for Cake, then invites her come over to be with their mutually adopted child (still Cake. Poppy and Moony didn't have kids XD). Psycho's Poppy senses going off and he immediately pulls away from whatever he's doing to go check on her, and curls around her and holds her when he finds her barely keeping it together, etc.
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marinerainbow · 7 months
Hey! So while I was reading your Popshine/JessicaxRoger Switcheroo AU I was listening to that Steven Universe Song- Its Over Isn't It (And just a precurser- i havent seen this show i just like the song and am just taking context clues from it). And I've been stewing on it since, and can't stop thinking about a Shiny x Poppy x Psycho love triangle with this plot! Lots of angst ahead, I warn you 😅
Like, imagine both Psycho and Shiny are in love with Poppy and she cares deeply for the both of them too. Shiny can make a joke of this, playfully argue with Psycho any time he's around and bother him as much as she can- because she doesnt think she'll actually lose Pops to him but his presence does annoy her. Her heart is, inevitably, broken when in the end Poppy chooses him.
I was fine with the men-
Who come into her life now and again.
I was fine, cuz I knew,
That they didn't really matter until you.
I was fine when you came, and we fought like it was all some silly game.
Over her- who she's choose-
After all those years, I never thought I'd lose.
Poppy and Psycho then have the twins, and Shiny fades into the background (as much as she can, I mean. Poppy still loves her and wants to be friends of course)- until Poppy dies. I'm not sure how, considering she is a toon of course, but it was definitely tragic.
Now Shiny has to help Psycho take care of the twins because he can't do it alone (She certainly knows it), and she needs to keep the last bit of Poppy left over, safe.
Of course you're welcome to ignore this if you want! Just thought I should tell you since it's about your OC's 😅
Ok ok ok. Before I get into my response to this, I've got some headcannons for this little AU. So. Poppy is dead. Psycho is not only mourning the sudden loss of his wife, but he's also a father now. He's got two kids he has to figure out how to raise through the depression. This would be hard on anybody. But on someone as mentally unstable as Psycho?? Holy. Shit. He's gonna need a lot of help. Shiny knows this, and although she and Psycho aren't friends thanks to their little love rivalry (I like to imagine she and Psycho could get along on their own. Maybe not be best friends, but it's Shiny's whole damn job description to get along with everyone she meets. If they didn't love the same woman, she could have made an acquaintance with Psycho work), she steps in whenever she can. Being more than just the Godmother Poppy asked her to be for the kids; at this point, the twins are practically her own, too. And she's the closest they have to a mother figure in their lives.
In fact, I think in this storyline, Shiny would have offered to take Psycho's position in the Toon Patrol. Those kids need a parent who won't get pulled away because of a new job. Or could easily be killed on said job either. And Psycho needs to be able to focus on his children full time now that it's just the three of them. Sure, if he does die too, the twins will be under her care, but Shiny isn't going to deprive them of the father they need now. Not to mention that this is around the 60's-70's; burlesque clubs aren't very popular now. Not as much as they were in her time anyway. Shiny needs a new job. And hey, she already had one foot in the criminal life with her moonshine business. Why not kill two birds with one stone? (Sometimes Psycho does have to get called for a job that only he can do, though he is still mostly a stay at home dad.)
So to the twins in this storyline, Shiny is not just their cool aunt. She's involved in so much of their lives. Going to school functions with Psycho to support all three of them, celebrating holidays all the time with them, and just generally making sure he doesn't screw up as a dad. She and Psycho here don't necassarily like each other, but she's short of moving in with them from becoming a complete member of their household. It's partially due to her legal status as a godmother, and she herself has grown an attachment to Poppy's children. And it hurts her so much more because this is the family of the woman she loved, and the other man.
Because she's trying her best to be the stability this family needs, Shiny never got to really mourn Poppy's death and, as such, hasn't been able to truly move on. She feels like she can't truly talk about her position about this to anyone since she has to be strong for the kids. But eventually, bottled emotions have to come out one way or another. Why not let them come out in song?
Also, after our convo, I'm making widower gardener Psycho canon in this AU :)
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Warnings for: past character death, angst, plenty of cursing, a lot of crying. Also emotional singing (I don't care if it may come out as cringy- if I can't animatic Shiny singing this song, then I'm gonna write it!)
January 2, 1973
"Goodnight, Shiny."
"G'night, you little rascals. Don't forget to bite the bed bugs back for me!"
The two children giggled, Percival letting out a "That's gross!" around his laughter, before their father gently nose nudged them both towards the hallway. The twins gave him and their godmother one final hug before making their way to the back of the house to do as they were silently told how they could behave so well despite being raised by two hooligans, Shiny had no clue. It must be Poppy's influence. Usually Psycho didn't pay much mind to bedtimes, though it was late on an already long day. They all needed rest...
The grin on Shiny's face finally fell, only after Psycho glanced briefly towards her- telling the old dancer in his own way to go home now, before following his children. Now it was just her alone standing in the seemingly empty living room. It had been a long day for them all. Especially for the kids...
'Another birthday come and gone...'
visiting the grave of a woman that they didn't even know, but were supposed to. That would be scary and thought-provoking for anybody. No matter how old or young they were. Who knew what kind of shit was going through Penny and Percy's heads whenever they saw their mothers name on a tombstone?
But at least, they had as good of a support system they could get. All Penny and Percy needed to worry about now was what story their father would tell them tonight, and how many sheep they'd have to count to fall asleep. But they were getting older, too. And someday, they would lose the innocence that came with childhood...
Shiny's fists clenched, and an ugly frown tugged at her lips, choosing to glare at the floorboards as if they somehow spoke ill about her. Every year, this day was so damn hard for her. At least on the twins' birthday, she could distract herself with Penny and Percy's happy demeanor and what the day is supposed to be about. But on Poppy's birthday, all anybody could think of was how their friend was no longer with them to celebrate with.
The weasel woman growled a little before silently storming towards the front door, trying so hard to ignore the pain in her heart. She had to leave and go home anyway, but she also needed some fresh air. It was the only thing that could help her now- or at least that was what she could hope.
The former dancer's paw hovered over the doorknob in hesitation when she heard the familiar pitter patter of rain drops hitting the roof. Before she even stepped outside, 'Of course. Of course, it's going to be raining tonight.' If she were religious, she would have taken this as a sign that even the universe was sorrowful on this day. didn't bother with thoughts like that. They brought no reassurance or comfort to her despite so many people telling her it would.
Shiny just barely managed to not slam the door behind her before sinking down onto the porch steps. The night air was chilly, causing the rain to feel ice cold on her skin, not that Shiny cared at the moment. And the lamp across the street had gone out again. Shiny hadn't bothered turning on the porch light; it would just draw more attention towards her. More so than a wrech sitting on someone else's porch in the rain in the middle of the neighborhood would. At least the people around here knew to mind their own business.
That was one of the things Poppy liked about this place when they went house hunting; it was a valuable perk for anybody married to unlawful citizens. The perk for Shiny was that her house was just a few blocks away, and she could have visited Poppy and the kids more often...
"Fuck!" She roughly rubbed her eyes, trying desperately to get rid of the now familiar stinging before the floodgates started. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. Why? Why? Why did it have to be so damn hard just to think of that woman's name? To think about a future that would never be reality now? She knew why, but why!?
Shiny sucked in a long, overdue breath and heaved it out before slumping over in defeat. Her elbows were resting on her knees, but they hardly supported her it felt like, as she hung her head. If she closed her eyes, she knew that Poppy's grave would be all that she'd see, so Shiny settled for just staring into the wet, muddy ground. Her voice was so soft, so fragile, she would have wondered if she actually said anything if she wasn't focusing on other things, "Why did it have to be you?"
God. So much had changed over the years. It was hard to believe they all had come this far. How much they all had changed. Sure, Smartass still had his gang, and the rest of the boys were still in it. But everything was different. And it wasn't just Psycho becoming a father and widower. She was different...
So much had changed. Nothing was the same. Or ever will be again... She couldn't even remember the last time she sang. Singing and dancing used to be one of Shiny's favorite forms of expression; it had been more than just a way to make money to her. But there wasn't a need for it now. She worked in the night under a very different career now. What point was there in singing anymore?
Shiny ran a paw through her hair it had grown longer over the years. She simply hadn't bothered to cut it anymore. She couldn't see the point in it nowadays before tilting her head to the left to look at the poppies lining the house. She was careful, despite her broiling emotions and shaky paw, when she reached towards the one closest to her and grazed her fingers over the petals. It was actually Percy's idea to plant the poppy flowers, 'so mom can be home' he had said. Just more proof that the little kit thought about things a lot more than kids his age should. Of course, planting your mothers namesake to try to keep her close wasn't how it worked, but who would care? Certainly not his father. Or her.
'You always loved my singing.' The thought wormed its way into Shiny's head before she could stop it. But now that it was there, she just... Couldn't fathom the energy to force it away. Not while she was out here alone, on her sweethearts birthday, with the cold rain and breeze as her band for the night, 'And I loved to sing for you... I'd give anything to sing for you again...'
But Poppy wasn't there to hear her sing anymore. It was no longer the same. Shiny had always thought that she sang for herself, which was partially true. But she found out the hard way too that she also needed someone to offer her voice to- something to sing about. But what?
"I was fine... With the men... Who would come into her life now and again..." It had been years since she had found it in herself to sing anything. Let alone whatever was on her mind. She somehow already knew what she was going to sing about before the words even left her lips, but right now, she couldn't care less, "I was fine... Cause I knew, that they didn't really matter... Until you." Her eyes narrowed into a spiteful glare, as she thought about that damn weasel inside the house now. She wanted to think of him as a homewrecker in all honesty. Though how could she when Poppy had never loved her the she had hoped she would?
A shaky breath, to try to calm her raging nerves. It was futile, but it was either try or just go all out and bat shit crazy in the rain. Shiny focused back on the flower, thinking back to all the stupid things Psycho and Shiny used to do to compete, "I was fine. When you came, and we fought like it was all some silly game... Over her."
Another crack in her voice. Another breath, "Who'd she choose..."
Shutting her eyes tightly, Shiny managed to tear her gaze away from the flower bed and lift her chin towards the cloudy night sky. Though it wasn't in pride, "After all those years, I never thought I'd lose..."
"It's over, isn't it?" It was, wasn't it? "Isn't it?" Now that she was never coming back, "Isn't it over?" After leaving behind so much, "You won. And she chose you. And she loved you. And she's gone..."
Only one thought crossed her mind as a droplet that wasn't from the current weather slipped down her cheek; if their silly little game was over now... "It's over, isn't it? Why can't I move on?"
Penelope felt restless, sitting upright in her bed and watching the rain pattering against her window intently, rather than laying down and trying to sleep. She always loved the rain. As long as she could remember. She especially loved it when it was a heavy downpour.
Though she was scared that mom's poppies would get ruined. Thankfully, dad was already on it, and had left real quick to make sure the garden had shelter for the night, "Percy?"
She didn't look her brothers way, but she could still hear the sleepy muddle in his voice. She didn't know how he was able to hunker diwn to bed so quickly, "Yeah?"
"Do you think mom liked the rain too?" Dad and unkle Wheezy had mentioned that their mother wasn't too fond of thunder a few times, but thunder and lightning were different... Maybe she had something in common with mom.
Finally tearing her gaze away from the window, Penelope looked over to the other side of the room, where Percival, in his own bed, was. The little weasel rubbed his eyes and blinked them into focus before he shrugged, "Maybe... Dad likes the rain, and they did a lot together. So she probably did."
"Yeah. That's right..."
Penny nodded, though Percival noticed how she looked to be frowning. He sighed, knowing exactly what she was thinking. It was something they both thought about, especially on days like this. How everyone they knew got to know their mother... Except each other.
Wordlessly, the kit crawled out of his bed and walked over to his sisters side of the room. He did hop on the bed with her, but he did reach over to hug her, which she returned silently. Neither of them spoke a word. They were young, but they still knew each other best.
"... I'm gonna get a glass of water." Penny decided after a moment, pulling away from the sibling embrace and sliding off of her bed easily. Percy decided to follow her. It sounded like they could use a drink- as their unkle Smarty would say.
The trip to the kitchen was relatively short. It wasn't even too bad when they had to get creative to reach the glasses in the cupboard; usually, dad got the cups down for them, but he wasn't around. So Penny just climbed onto the counter like she had seen dad do sometimes and passed down her brother the cups. They had done this trick a lot, much to their family's detriment.
Percival could only hear the rain pouring down onto the roof. Though he was reminded that he wasn't the twin that inherited their mothers hearing when Penelopes ears twitched and tilted towards a direction. He followed confusedly after her when she started walking towards the front door, "What is it?"
The rabbit child's ears were pointed toward the door, before her bright blue eyes widened, and she hopped onto the couch closest to the front window. Percy followed suit, searching for whatever it was that she heard. When he saw the familiar figure sitting on the porch, his eyebrows shot up to his forehead, "Shiny?"
"She was supposed to go home, right?"
The two shared a look. Silently asking the other the same question; listen? Or go back to bed?
In that secret language only siblings could understand, the two agree to creep back towards the front door and crack it open. Just a tad; not enough for Shiny to hear them, buy enough for them to listen to what she was saying.
Or rather, singing, "Shiny can sing??"
Lucky for the twins, the rain was loud enough in Shiny's ears to block out any other sound. Honestly it was a wonder she hadn't gone deaf from countless night in the past dancing along loud bands... Her heart ache might have had a hand in her lack of focus now, too.
The weasel gritted her teeth and tugged at some hair strands- which was getting wetter by the minute. Including her clothes and fur. But she just couldn't give a damn now. Besides, it allowed her to pretend that the tears streaming down her cheeks were just raindrops, "Who am I now in this world without her!? Petty and dull with the nerve to doubt her..."
Poppy was always naive; she always wanted and hoped for the best in this wretched world. But that didn't mean she was dumb. Poppy had faced her own suffering in her life, and she always looked out for the people around her, no matter how awful they truly were. The way she treated her criminal friends, how she treated her, was proof of that. Shiny knew that she could always trust the rabbit because of it. And that was what made Poppy stand out to her out of everyone in her life, and what she had loved the most about her.
But nowadays... She still loved Poppy, and she loved the twins. But sometimes, Shiny wondered what would have happened if she had tried to discourage Poppy from more of the choices she had made. Would it have been worth being more controlling if it meant Poppy would be alive now?
The singer shook her head at that, knowing in her heart that that kind of thinking was wrong. Besides, it's not like it would change anything, so what was the point? "What does it matter? It's already done. Now I've got to be there for her kin..."
From the front door, Penny and Perry couldn't believe their ears, and even shared a look. As if they had to verify with the other that what they were hearing was really real. Their aunt had always told them that she and their mother were close, but she never said anything about this. She never looked this sorrowful talking about their mom. She was always so cheery and strong; had she been hiding this from them all along? "Percy...?"
Their shared thoughts stopped in their tracks when Percy noticed Shiny standing up from the porch, and quickly gestured to his sister. The kits ducked behind the door, just in case she had planned on going back inside, or was about to glance behind her. They stayed there, holding their breaths, until they heard their godmother's voice again. Louder, almost yelling, and more strained this time. Like she was cracking under the weight of what she said next, "It's over, isn't it!? Isn't it!? Isn't it over!?"
They both flinched from their hiding spots, feeling the pain that Shiny carried through her voice. They slowly peeked back outside once they deemed it safe, and could see Shiny now stood up from the porch and off the steps, standing fully in the pouring rain now. It was hard to see with how dark it was, but it looked like she was trembling even. All Penny and Percy could do was continue to listen. It was all they knew what to do now.
The weasel felt like she was going to crack under the weight of all her pent-up emotions. Her breath huffing out all shaky and fists clenched so tight by her sides. She felt so weak right now, on her own, but all she wanted was to scream and shout and punch a pillow. Or better yet, a wall. Her vision felt blurry, and not just because of the tears in her eyes, and she wasn't even thinking about all of the painful memories like before. Right now, even though it felt so hard to do, all she could do was take in one long breath, and scream into the sky with all the heartbreak that she had pushed down all these years, "You won, and she chose you! And she loved you! Now she's gone!"
That's it. There was no turning back now. She couldn't take it back now. Or fault the ears of anyone who may have been listening. Blinking away raindrops and tears, as if that final scream had taken her voice, all Shiny could manage now was a soft, pained tune, "It's over, isn't it? Why can't I move on...?"
Quiet sobs escaped her lips as her head fell, now staring at the muddy ground. Her shoulders shook with her crying, but that didn't stop her from wrapping her arms around herself, trying to find some way to find warmth and comfort now, "It's over, isn't it? Why can't I move on?"
Letting out everything she had locked away didn't help in the slightest; all it left was cold emptiness. At least, that's what it felt like now. At least no one was here to see her like this...
Her eyes grew wide, and a gasp escaped her before she whipped back around towards the doorway. Seeing the two she had hoped would never see this side of her was bad enough, but seeing the utter confusion and worry on the twins' faces, worry they shouldn't have to feel for her, made her heart sink even further than it had. How much did they hear? "O-Oh! Hey, guys... Shouldn't you be asleep...?"
Usually, the kids would have some witty excuse, or at least what they thought was clever, and act innocent. It would make Shiny laugh every time before she called them out on their mischief and sent them back on the right path- doing whatever it was they were supposed to be doing. But now? Stepping fully outside and onto the porch in their pajamas, Penny and Percy didn't answer her. At least not with words. Though the many questions that they didn't ask- or didn't even know where to start- were clear as day in their wide, sad eyes.
They heard it all. Or at least enough. Enough where she couldn't make up a lie to distract them. Not that that would have stopped them. They were persistent little kits.
And now, because she couldn't keep a damn lid on herself, wasn't strong enough to keep it together, Shiny had no choice but to reveal the complete truth, "... I... Kids, I..."
But where does one even start?
I really wanted to add Psycho's reaction as well. But I couldn't figure out how to write it in while making it flow with the story. I'm kinda afraid that adding the twins in this already jumbled the flow of the drabble a bit- but I haven't written them yet, and wanted to try 😅
He is in the backyard, so I don't know if he could even hear her sorrow... Though maybe he came back inside last minute?
But anyways! I hope you like this answer, and I apologize for taking so long XD let me know what you think! ^^
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marinerainbow · 8 months
@wicked1will0sparkles I know you suggested Grimhilde could be the Jessica to Poppy's Roger in an AU (and I'm definitely writing something for that!), but imagine if it was Shiny who got to be the Jessica of the relationship (I say that like she isn't already XD)
I'm thinking that maybe the weasels are looking into some case that the girls are somehow related to. Maybe Shiny is the one being convicted of murder after having to 'deal' with a particularly nasty patron from the club, and Poppy is trying to prove her innocence. And they get separated, just like Roger and Jessica did, while they're both trying to figure everything out, too; Shiny taking matters into her own hands, and Poppy teaming up with the people she thinks can help.
Also, just- in general, I can definitely see Popshine in Roger's and Jessica's scenes. Shiny explaining that Poppy makes her laugh. Poppy defending Shiny and finally losing her patience before getting hit by bricks. Poppy writing Shiny a love letter!!! I had to try re-writing some of the scenes with them XD
Warnings for some cursing. And murder mention.
Poppy watched from the side of the van as the weasels entered the building, worry written across her face as her fingers dug into her palms despite all the guns and knives the Toon Patrol carried with them. She definitely didn't want to be anywhere near whatever was going to happen to the guy they were after, the one who was supposedly behind Shiny's framing, but being out here on her own acting as a 'look out' didn't sit right, either.
What if Shiny was in there? How could she stay out here while the man who hurt the woman she loved was in there? She couldn't just stand here doing nothing!
'Deep breathes, Poppy.' The rabbit kept reminding herself, taking in the shaky breaths that didn't at all help her anxiety and brimming anger right now, 'They need a look out. You have to help them now... We're just one step closer to proving Shiny isn't a killer. Just focus on that...'
Inhale... Exhale... Inhale... Exhale... Stay calm. Stay rational. beep the horn twice if you see or hear anything. That was all she had to do. She couldn't flake now-
Everything went black for the horror toon, and her unconscious body would have fallen onto the concrete ground. If it weren't for the one responsible for her concussion catching her in her arms.
"I'm sorry, baby!" Shiny whispered, feeling her heart ache for her honey bunny as she carried her body to the red convertible parked around the corner, just out of sight from anybody who might peak outside the windows- which was a good thing, considering the commotion Shiny could hear from the building. She didn't need a stray bullet to hit Poppy, "I promise I'll make it up to you when this is all over."
After securing Poppy in the trunk of her car, the soft look in the performer's eyes turned merciless before she set her sights on the complex where that bastard was. It was high time to clean up this mess.
"Come on!"
It wasn't everyday that Smartass took orders from anyone, or let his patrol do the same. But it seemed like tonight was an exception as they all followed her out of the alley, no questions asked.
They all turned a corner, but came to a sudden stop. Shiny's eyes somehow grew wider and flashed a lime green when she saw the state of her wrecked car. Or rather, the fact that her trunk was open and empty, "Poppy? Fuck, where'd she go!?"
"Poppy?" The pink suited weasel repeated, looking at Shiny incredulously as she looked around her car in a panic, as if the rabbit in question was somehow hiding in the rubble, "That dame ran on us back at-"
"No, she didn't!" Shiny whirled around with an even meaner look on her face than before, causing Stupid to step back nervously while Psycho decided to take a sniff around the wreck. She was this close to popping that shrimp a new one, "I was keeping her in the trunk to keep her safe!"
"Keep her safe??"
Shiny narrowed her eyes at the smoker before huffing and looking away. She didn't have time to argue about her lack of options. Not with Poppy and the real murderer on the streets, "We ain't getting anywhere in my car. Where's your guys'?"
"Oh! It's gone!"
"WHAT!?" Whipping their heads towards the direction that Stupid was pointing, everyone could see that their van was not only stolen, but the street looked like an utter mess. More so than usual. Like someone was driving like a maniac. Or an idiot. Psycho cackled, finding this situation utterly hilarious for reasons mostly unknown, while Wheezy pulled out a few new smokes with a shaky hand. Greasy groaned and muttered some spanish curses to himself, and the proud smile on Stupid's face melted when he saw his boss' ear twitch, "... SON OF A!-"
"Calm down, Smartass. It looks like it was just Poppy." Shiny, slightly calmer now with her theory, sighed as she glanced to Psycho. To which the loon nodded as he recovered from his laughing fit; either that nose of his was somehow able to conclude this, or he just agreed with her theory. Either way, Shiny was willing to take it, "Pops isn't the best driver. She must be at her wits end if she's stealing."
"Mierda. You could say she's a better lover than a driver." Greasy, of course, couldn't stop himself from stepping beside the dancer and making such a comment. Though the lack of a perverse grin on his mug and the more sarcastic tone in his voice showed he was getting just as frustrated as his team was. And was the only reason Shiny only rolled her eyes at him as opposed to sending him a death glare.
"Better than you could possibly be, I assure you."
Apparently though, Greasy wasn't upset enough not to let out an offended huff and look down at the lady weasel incredulously, "I'll admit, senora, she's a cute one. But what could make you say such a thing?!" Was that rabbit not as innocent as she looked?? Oh, he was gonna have to get her secrets when this was all over... It could be part of her payment to all of them for doing this damn job.
For the first time that evening, Shiny's lips quirked up in a small but loving smile before she sighed and crossed her arms. Not at all bothered by Greasy's disbelief as she looked at him straight in the eye, "She makes me smile. That's what."
"Tie 'em up! We'll handle 'em later."
Despite Shiny's resistance and Poppy's attempt at a rescue- bursting into the building with the tommy gun she had found in the weasels' van, before getting yet another smack to the head- the two women were forced back to back and bound together. It was that God forsaken proof toon rope too, so neither of them could try to pull any toony tricks up their sleeves to get out of this bind.
Shiny snarled and even tried snapping her teeth at some of the goons, especially at the ones who seemed to enjoy subduing them a bit too much. That didn't stop them, of course, and Poppy's pleading of them to back off of the weasel was only met with mockery. But it wasn't taken any further than that, fortunately. And the two were left alone when the brutes walked away.
Poppy tried to control her fearful trembling. She knew that Shiny was terrified as well, even if she tried to hide it; she had to put on a brave face now while their fate was looking grim. Despite her efforts, though, the only thing that managed to calm her enough was when Shiny's fingers intertwined with her own, "It'll be ok, baby. We still have each other."
Poppy looked over her shoulder to face Shiny as best as she could, her brown eyes filled with dread and heart sinking for her lover. How could Shiny still remain calm and comfort her during this time? Why did any of this have to happen? Why... Why wasn't she able to save the woman she loved? "Shiny... I... I'm so sor-"
"Shh. Don't focus on that." Shiny insisted softly, regarding Poppy with the warmth and care she had just for the rabbit. Though she knew that Poppy must be able to see her own fear as well, and squeezed the rabbits paw lightly for both of their comfort, "... I'll be honest with you, Poppy. I'm not sure how we'll get out of this one. So we can't waste time with unnecessary apologies."
Her ears pinned back at the reminder, but she didn't try to finish her sentence. Shiny was right. She didn't want to spend their possible final minutes in self-pity. Right now, she just needed to take a deep breath, and she had to focus on Shiny now, "I'm sor- I mean... I-I love you. Shiny. You're truly the most amazing woman I've ever met. I mean it." There was no possible way to tell Shiny the depth of her love for her. Not in the small time frame they had at least. But this was a good start, at least.
However, instead of returning the 'I love you', Shiny just raised a single brow down at her, "Hm. That's funny."
"What's funny?"
"You just told me you've never looked in the mirror before, though I swear I've seen you do it every morning."
God. Even after everything, even despite the grim reaper knocking on their door, Shiny still had the time to make her heart sing and illicit laughter from her. Of course, it didn't make her completely forget their situation, but it was enough to get Poppy to look up into her eyes adoringly and let the rest of the world fade away, "How are you so charming and lovely all the time?"
"'Cause I've got the right gal, darling." Shiny's heart felt like it was melting, witnessing the pure joy and love Poppy had for her right now. It always did. But right now, it felt even more impactful than the first time Cupids arrow struck her. Thank God weasels were drawn with long necks; she still had to crane her head back, but it was worth it to be able to plant a kiss on Poppy's temple and hear her happy squeak, "You ready to find out what's on the other side for toons?"
Shiny already knew what Poppys answer was gonna be. Even with the serene look on her honey bunny's face, "No."
At that, Shiny let out a small, dry chuckle. She found no humor, nor was she trying to be sarcastic. It was just all she could do at this point while Poppy held tightly onto her paw. It was all either of them could do now, "Me neither."
This is all I've got. I wanted to write more scenes, but I couldn't figure out how to write them! (I STILL don't know what the major plot happening behind the scenes in this AU is or why Shiny was framed. How could I write the scenes that involved all the exposition or Doom?? 😅) but these were still fun to write! ^^
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marinerainbow · 7 months
Poppy's S/O, no matter what ship, could carry her spare pairs of reading glasses for her in case she loses or breaks hers (she's careful, but she does live in slapstick filled Toontown). Poppy appreciates it very much ^^
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marinerainbow · 9 months
Oh god, @slashingdisneypasta I had a thought for the gals and I need your input on this.
Ok so, you know I ship Poppy with (75 percent of the Toon Patrol) Psycho, and Shiny with Greasy, right? Well. Imagine that these girls are dating their designated weasel before/during the events of the movie. And they get the canon ending of the movie.
Now that the weasels are dead, all Shiny and Poppy have are each other. They stick by each other's sides and help the other through the pain of losing their boyfriends in a town that has/would turn their backs on them. They were friends before, but this experience has brought them closer... Very much closer.
How do you think this is gonna go? Poppy would feel extremely guilty about loving someone again after Psycho died, and Shiny can't believe she's managing to fall in love a second time after Greasy. But they both feel safe and happy with each other. And more importantly, how do you think Ghost Greasy and Psycho would feel about this?? Whether or not Poppy and Shiny are still keeping in touch with them or not?
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marinerainbow · 7 months
//Okay so after all your Francophone Poppy headcanons, I need you to stop what you're doing and listen to this beautiful song! It's so Poppy and her ships! https://youtu.be/FsWewKIEZ9Q?si=GpI5n0-p2qBu0mD1
@wicked1will0sparkles when you can, you have to listen to this song. Trust me.
This!!! This this this this this!!! Yes! This absolutely goes with Poppy's ships! Especially with the weasels. Especially in the canon ending for- well, any of them. Why?
These lyrics: Yes, I want to stay, but I can no longer love~ I've been too stupid~ please stop~ stop~ how much I regret~ no, I didn't want all this. That would sum up Poppy's feelings and thoughts when she found out that they were going to dip Toontown. She doesn't want to leave the one she loves, but she can't be with someone who is going to destroy everything. She's already been with someone who took everything she loved. She will not go through that again. She'd try to stop him at first, knock some sense into her man, and if need be give him the ultimatum; stop doing this horrible thing, or she will leave.
And, as the canon ending of the movie, we all know how that story would end :(
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marinerainbow · 10 months
GRANNY BOONE AND DAISY DUKE?? Well, I bet I'm going to love Shiny then XDD She sounds great! ^^
I wonder, and I'm sure you knew this was coming but- how would she and Poppy get along? ^^
You know The Dukes of Hazzard!? That's one of my favorite movies!! (I haven't seen the TV show though.) And yeah, Granny Boone is honestly how I imagine Shiny would be if/when she gets older. Mixed with a bit of Stanley Pines.
Poppy and Shiny?? Uh... Wellll ngl I was kind of hoping you'd ask that, but I'm also kinda embarrassed 😅
I'm way too excited you asked this, so I gotta get the REALLY self-indulgent stuff out of the way. I ship them. I ship them hard. Poppy is a closeted bisexual that desperately needs a take-no-shit girlfriend, and Shiny is a raging pan that would adore her soft BAMF gf. I've thought about them together and their dynamic for a looong time honestly 😅
Though if I'm not being as self-indulgent. I like to think they'd be friends ^^ Shiny can easily be a bitch, but she'll be friendly as long as you're friendly too. And you and I both know that Pops doesn't have a mean cell in her body. Shiny knows you gotta be cautious with people, even if they appear kind on the outside. But once she realizes that Poppy genuinely is a caring person who really means no harm, Shiny would be happy to get to know her.
They don't live in the same apartment complex. Shiny has a house on the far side of town. Not to mention her night life; Poppy would be trying to go to sleep by the time Shiny is out working in the club. So the most likely scenario they would meet would be while Shiny is shopping for a new work dress at the boutique (she decided to check the place out after she finally got Smartass to tell her where he got his suit).
Poppy would be pretty surprised with how bold Shiny is, but since she isn't actively being a bitch, Poppy is just shocked momentarily. After it wears off though, she'd actually start to admire Shiny in all honesty. Even if it is surprising to hear all the things Shiny would say, Pops thinks it's so cool that she feels comfortable enough to share her opinions with anybody (*cough* not to mention she thinks she's pretty. Yes, even outside of the ship, Poppy would think Shiny is beautiful)
On Shiny's end, she thinks Poppy is adorable and sweet. Again, it would take her a while to fully trust her, but once she does she would like Poppy. Sure, she's not really used to being around a more reserved crowd, but Pops can handle her (if she can handle the Toon Patrol, then she can definitely handle Shiny). She also wants to bring Poppy out of her shell more; help Poppy become more confident in herself, and understand that she is strong. She's just more quiet/subtle about it than Shiny is. (She would totally flirt with Poppy. She thinks she's a cutie pie.)
(*cough* platonically or romantically, if Shiny ever heard about Henry and Ben, she hates them instantly- especially Ben- and is in Poppy's corner, "Poppy, baby, I love you. But if I ever see those ass-hats, I'm busting their heads onto the curb." "Shiny, please don't." "I ain't gonna go looking for them. I'm just letting you know because I love you.")
Either way, neither of them would mind each other. They have vastly different tastes in entertainment and style, different morals, and lead different lives. But they respect and like each other above it all.
One more thing; since Shiny knows/conducts business with the Toon Patrol, maybe that's how Poppy gets introduced to them? Like maybe they hear that Shiny's getting close to 'the lady at the shop' and decide to see what's up? Or eventually, Shiny decides to just introduce Poppy to hear acquaintances/business partners? What do you think?
Thank you so much for asking about Shiny!!!
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marinerainbow · 9 months
Alright I've been listening to Jenny (I Wanna Ruin Our Friendship) non-stop the past few days. I'm caving in. I have to vent the gay. Nobody asked but I'm making a Popshine analysis post.
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(Was this an excuse to talk about them? Idk but I had to sit down and type this out NOW so you all have to suffer)
So as I said, I've been listening to Jenny for a while, and I'm starting to see it fitting with Poppy and Shiny.
Poppy and Shiny would be another example of 'opposites attract'. However, for various reasons, they don't dive into each other right away. Not just because it would be a slow burn in the first place, but because of their own worries and insecurities too. Especially for Shiny.
For Shiny, it's a lot of things. She's never had a genuine relationship before. Every other person she's been intimate with was just a fling, her trying to manipulate them for something she wanted, or just friends with benefits. Not to mention that she's used to being around a more rowdy crowd and, therefore, is used to being more straightforward (unless she's trying to steal) and dealing with touchy people.
But with Poppy, a kind lady who acts so formal but not in a stuffy way, it's completely new territory. Not only does Poppy not at all talk to her or regard her the way Shiny is used to, but Poppy herself is not at all used to people being upfront with her. Sure, Shiny will lightly flirt with her friend, but she and Poppy both agree that that's just that; friendly banter. At least for a while.
Then, when Shiny fully realizes she's crushing on her new fretful, sweet, worth more than high-class gal pal, she gets scared. Genuinely scared. She's never gotten this close with somebody before. At least not like this. And yet here she is, feeling her heart flutter for somebody for the first time. For someone who doesn't live the same life as her. Someone who couldn't be anymore different from her if they spoke different languages.
And Shiny, by now, sees that Poppy- again, unlike her- gives her heart away so easily. She shares her heart with somebody before she shares a bed with them. Complete opposite to what Shiny does. She's watched Poppy fall in love with at least one other person before they get together. And, for the first time, Shiny gets jealous. She and Poppy have been friends for longer since this new guy showed up, and yet she gets to be the third wheel. It's also another punch to the heart when she considers that Popppy may not even be into women at all, and she needs to stop being ridiculous so her best friend can be happy.
As for Poppy's side of things. She was raised in a conservative household. She always imagined she'd wind up getting married, having a baby or two, and settling down, and thought that that was how things were going to be for her. Granted, life Downtown has helped her relax on this and realize it doesn't have to be the end all be all. But she still imagined that she'd end up with a nice man once she did get married (which she genuinely wants to do). Even when she realized she was attracted to women too. Even after she tried to deny her feelings and chalk it up to just her being able to appreciate feminine beauty.
But then, her first real female friend comes along and starts confusing things for Poppy. She's been told her whole life in various ways that she had to find a nice boy to be happy. She's accepted the fact that she doesn't need somebody to be happy, but she didn't expect to find a nice girl to start falling for. Let alone a girl who uh... Isn't so nice.
Just like for Shiny, this is completely new territory for Poppy, but for the added reason that she didn't expect to fall in love with Shiny at all. And even when she realizes this, she doesn't expect Shiny to reciprocate; the flirting is just part of Shiny's language, and she's never seen the weasel ever have romantic feelings for anybody. Shiny is hard to read, but with how long they've been friends, Poppy thinks she knows her. Enough to know that her friend wouldn't like her that way anyway at least, even if there was some truth in her playful flirts.
But, as Shiny knows, Pops wears her heart on her sleeve. Even when she tries to hide her emotions, they come bubbling to the surface eventually. And that's how they both find out that the other loved them. Because Poppy couldn't keep it to herself anymore. And Shiny, despite her own worries, is all too happy to let this happen after so long of pretending things are just normal between them.
Even the way Shiny would veiw their budding romance would correlate with the song. While Poppy would veiw love in general as taking the next step of a relationship, Shiny would see it as 'ruining the friendship'. Not necessarily in a bad way, even if she is scared of this new thing, she just sees it as that their simple friendship will not be the same if they become more. Poppy says, "I want to become more with you" and Shiny says, "I want to ruin our friendship"
TLDR: Jenny (I Wanna Ruin Our Friendship) is Popshine's theme song.
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marinerainbow · 9 months
*Shiny is pranking Poppy with a fake phone call*
Poppy, cleaning up after dinner, completely content: 😌
Shiny: *picks up phone* Hey, Stupid. What's up? Oh wow, you're going Christmas shopping?
Poppy: 😯
Shiny: Nah, Poppy can't do that. She's busy cleaning.
Poppy: *tosses sponge aside* I'm done cleaning!
Shiny, holding back a smirk: And you're going to the Cafe afterwards??
Poppy: 😟
Shiny: No, Poppy wouldn't want one. She doesn't like all the Christmas drinks.
Poppy: Yes I do!
Shiny, snickering: Wooow, you've got a pretty busy day ahead of 'ya. You're gonna go home and make cookies and watch Snow White???
Poppy: 🥺🥺🥺
Shiny: No, no. Poppy isn't interested in any of that-
Poppy: *grabs her bag* Yes I am! I'm on my way!!!
Shiny: *cackling*
Based off of this adorable video
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marinerainbow · 8 months
I put Shiny, Poppy and Lottie in an incorrect Quotes generator XD I thought it would be funny- it was. Here are the highlights! XD
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Hope this brightens your day a bit!! ^^
Omgggg this is g o l d XDDD
For the first quote; Shiny would roll with it. 100%. She loves it so much XD she tells the guys, "Hey, guys? Did you know it's my bi today?" The weasels are so sick of her crap XD
(She also assures Greasy and Poppy that they'll celebrate their bi days too when they are ready)
Shiny raised a brow at the little weasel in front of her, before crossing her arms, "Your first mistake was assuming I agreed to apologize when I never said a word. Didn't those asshats back home teach you not to raise your expectations so high?"
"Oh, c'mon. It'll be fun!" She insisted, placing her hands on her hips, "It's not like you got anything planned, right? Besides, it's not like you have to use your own money. I got quite the haul last night~"
Her smirk didn't waver when Lottie just raised an accusatory brow at her, "No. It ain't my cash either. That's the best part~"
Omg XDDD everyone says that. Though honestly, a dare from Poppy? They don't have anything to worry about XD
Now the real question is; who's the father of the baby? (Or mother *side eyes Shiny*)
The weasel looked at her girlfriend with a deadpanned look for a long moment. Long enough to make the urge to grin in Poppy dissipate and wonder what Shiny was thinking. Until, "Those dumbasses set you up to this, didn't they?"
Now Poppy couldn't hold back her giggling. Which only grew worse when Shiny rolled her eyes and muttered curses directef at the 'dumbasses' under her breath, "No, it was Lottie... I'm sorry! I just... Thought it would be a nice little prank?"
"Jeez honey. You either take things literally, or you have the worst timing with jokes." A tiny smirk slipped on her lips as Poppy couldn't hold herself back any longer and started to slip out full-blown laughter. Though her smirk grew when she got an idea of how she could get revenge on her 'innocent' girl, "I guess this means one thing, then."
"Haha... What?"
Her giggles turned into a surprised squeal when she was suddenly pushed back onto the mattress. She barely had time to react before Shiny leaned over her, pinning her in place by her wrists. Her pale cheeks turned a right shade of pink when she saw the plotting look in her sweethearts eyes, and the grin that never failed to make her knees feel weak, "I'm gonna have to teach you some lessons tonight~"
Aw, c'mon Shiny, don't be a Smartass XD Poppy is clearly excited about it! So it can't be that bad XD
Poppy is gasping because the baby Lottie swore, and Shiny is just rolling her eyes before going back in to flirt with Poppy (as far as she's concerned, she's just trying to get a friend's with benefits relationship with Poppy. Oh she has no idea how far this game of hers will go XD)
Thank you for sending me these! I love them so much ^^
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marinerainbow · 7 months
Poppy and Shiny are at the store, and Poppy wants to get revenge on her girlfriend for all the times she flirts with her in public
Poppy: Hey Shiny, do you want raisins?
Shiny: *kinda confused, wondering where this question came from* Not really...?
Poppy: How about a date?
Shiny: *laughing, once again being reminded why she loves Poppy*
Poppy, confident that she was successful: 😌
Shiny, getting in real close to Poppy now: Shoot, girl. Where you wanna take me~ 😏
Poppy: *getting all flustered and giggly now* NO!-
Source is this video. Honestly this video would be Poppy trying to publicly flirt with all of her ships, but it fails in various ways XD
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marinerainbow · 10 months
Popshine headcannons
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They started off as just friends. Even through Shiny's playfully flirty comments and the occasional time that Poppy stared after her friend too long... That's all Poppy thought that they would be. Until one night, when Poppy had decided to visit Shiny before her shift at the club, things just... Fell into place that night.
The kiss hadn't felt sudden. Which wound up surprising Poppy more. It felt natural to kiss her friend even though no confession of love had been made. And for some reason, it didn't scare her. Shiny, however, seemed completely content. As if she had been waiting for this in so long, "Damn, 'Pops. What timing." She whispered, chuckling at Poppy's flustered and awed expression before they dove back into each other.
Poppy decided to just spend the night at Shiny's place- something she hadn't done before, but had been wanting to for longer than she realized. Even though she was alone when Shiny ultimately had to leave for work, it still felt right to be here. It was thrilling, it was soothing, it was even a little scary. But both women knew that night that this was where they wanted to be.
Out of all the ships I have for Poppy, I feel like this one would be the most... Content? I'm not quite sure how to describe it. But these two being together feels like the most 'right' out of all the ships? Next to Pocho at least.
They'd wind up being one of those couples that have to find ways to work around each other's schedules. Poppy works at the boutique by day while Shiny is recovering from her own job, and at night Shiny is getting herself psyched for the club while Poppy is feeling exhausted after a long day. But they both find ways to make it work.
One of the ways they make it work is that they call each other. Usually at night, since Pops has insomnia, but sometimes they call in the morning too. It's usually just them checking up on the other, seeing what dates they can fit into each other's schedules, and just chatting about anything and nothing. It's comforting to them both to hear the others voice.
Sometimes, when Poppy is feeling particularly restless, she'll hop on the night bus and head to Shiny's establishment. They always spot each other easily; they both stand out from the crowd in their own ways. And Shiny can never help herself from walking away from whatever she's doing just to greet her girl.
In fact, Shiny's whole area is the place they can be the most affectionate with each other. In public, at least, since this is the 40's after all. It's where the creeps come out of hiding, yes, but since barely anyone cares about what's proper there, Poppy and Shiny get mostly unbothered.
Shiny will drop by Poppy's work, too, when she can. She likes being able to spot Poppy while she's working, and ask her for 'help' around the store. They both know damn well that that's not what she was really looking for- mostly, sometimes she's genuinely going around shopping with a totally-not-stolen credit card. But it's still fun for them.
Speaking of shopping. Shiny insists on taking Poppy out for retail therapy whenever possible. Even when Poppy insists she can't afford to, she'll say that she's got it covered. Before Poppy realizes it, she's got a whole new wardrobe thanks to her gal.
Shiny has more intimate experience, with men and women. But Poppy was her first romantic relationship. She had never gotten serious with anybody before, it felt strange to her at first. And although Poppy has had more romantic relations than Shiny, she had never been with a woman before. So, in a way, they're both able to guide the other in those departments.
Shiny is a, surprisingly, protective partner. Especially towards Poppy. She already has to deal with rowdy assholes every night; the last thing she wants is for her sweetheart to get pushed around too. And she knows that a girl like Poppy would make a perfect target to some creepers, so she's constantly watching her back when they're out.
Shiny... Can not cook to save her life. She tries, but more often than not, she just sneaks some food at work or orders take out. When Poppy found out, she took it upon herself to teach her girlfriend how to cook. And she drops by a lot more often now with food.
On Poppy's end, she's not so experienced with fixing things around her apartment. Like plumbing or cracks in the wall. Shiny may not be a carpenter by trade, but she knows a thing or two about that stuff, and is more than happy to come over and help put.
Even though Shiny isn't as involved in the crime life as the Toon Patrol are, Poppy does still want her to quit the moonshining business. She's scared Shiny will get involved with the wrong people because of it, even with the weasel gangs' protection. This does become a frequently brought up topic.
This would be far down the road. But once they were ready, Shiny and Poppy would still buy rings for each other. That'd be their way of marrying each other without rising suspicion (Shiny would love to be open about their love, but even she knows that it could be dangerous for them if they do. So she agrees to keep quiet about it). Though they're toons, so they'll be able to live long enough to see gay marriage become legal in the states.
There's more, but that's all I got for now XD I hope you like this ship as much as I do! ^^
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darlingpassion · 7 months
Human Poppy is 4'10. Human Shiny is 5'6 (5'7 in heels). And she's strong too.
Shiny doesn't lean over Poppy to fluster her. She lifts her up to eye level to not just make Poppy only focus on their height difference, but also how easily she could pick her up and do whatever she likes with her. Like a doll. (Her doll, as Shiny would put it).
Basically, they're this meme.
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