#Prayer community
mysticalblizzardcolor · 7 months
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Would you like to join Self-Realization Fellowship in praying for others? Prayers offered by participants in the Self-Realization Fellowship Worldwide Prayer Circle help create a growing tide of divine power, encircling the globe with harmony, goodwill, and peace. Learn more: https://srfyoga.org/49IHB2Q
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hestiashearthfire · 10 months
You do not need a sign.
For the love of the gods, just pray. You do not need to be called. You do not need to be contacted. Just pray.
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miss-little-luna · 4 months
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Today I give you thanks. For all that you do for not only me but for the ones I love, the ones I have never met, and the ones who are reading this prayer now. Without your presence in my life I would be lost. Your love gives me strength and the courage I need to get through my daily battles. When I feel alone, you are holding me. When I feel sad, you are give me a reason to smile. When I'm angry, you make me realize it will pass and life is to precious. And most importantly, on days I feel like my Faith is out of sync, I know your standing in my shadow waiting for me to reach for your hand. Never leaving my side. Thank you God for all that you do. Your love is something I don't deserve but each day you find a reason to believe I do.
Today, I ask you, Lord, to bless those who need you. Those who are struggling with guilt. Those who also feel like they don't deserve your love. May you show them that even tho we are adults, when we pretend to still be little, we will ALWAYS be your children, and your love for us will never fade. In diapers, in onesies, playing with toys and excaping our daily lives. In a space that's safe and fulfilling, may you show that your presence and acceptance will always be there. 🧸🩷
In Jesus name I pray, Amen
1 John 4:16
"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them."
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ranger5000 · 3 months
Prayer to Aphrodite
Aphrodite, glory of Olympos, golden one, incomparable goddess, born of seafoam, borne on the ocean’s waves until you found fair Cyprus’ sandy shore–your beauty by god or mortal unseen, your power over heart and mind unknown, your touch unfelt, your voice unheard.
All things, all life, all men and women incomplete without your presence.
Aphrodite, who sees the truth within us, who gifts us with what we need; beloved Aphrodite, dear one, blessed one, who holds us close, whose gentle persuasions overcome out doubts and fears, whose hand in the world we see in one another, we praise you, we honor you, we delight in your gifts.
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herdreamywasteland · 4 months
a letter to Nex Benedict
Dear Nex,
you were a child. and we failed you. our children are the future, and we couldn’t even give you a future. it has been 16 days since you died, one for each year of your life, and nothing has been done. This is a horrible injustice, but the worst injustice of all, is the loss of your life.
I am so sorry, and I pray that God has embraced you in his loving arms, and assured you that you were made in his perfect, holy, image. I am so sorry for what happened, and what didn’t happen.
I did not know you. I did not know your name, or what you were like. I did not know your favorite food, or television show, or book. I did not know if you liked coffee, or if you sat strangely in chairs. I did not know if you had ever been to a Dennys, or if your dinners were always homemade. I did not know your name until February 8th, 2024. I did not know you, and now I never will. But I do understand.
I understand what it is like to be hated. I understand what it is like to be told you are worthless. I know what it is like to have nothing done about an injustice.
and I know what it is like to feel scared.
I am so sorry. I cried for you last night. I cried for the beautiful person you were, and the beautiful adult you will never be.
I hope you are in heaven, or whatever afterlife you believed in. I hope that you are respected and loved, for eternity and beyond.
I am so sorry. You didn’t deserve this. It was not your fault.
I am praying for you. I am praying for your family, and your friend. I am praying that justice is served.
most of all, I am praying that you are finally safe.
I cried for you last night. I think about you a lot. 16 days, 16 years, an entire lifetime.
I hope you forgive those girls, though they don’t deserve it. Even if you don’t, you are still better than they ever will be.
I don’t know you. I never will get to. I think, in a different universe, at a different time and place, I would have been your friend.
I am so sorry.
I hope you are safe.
I hope you are happy.
I hope you know you are loved.
Nex Benedict, thank you. Thank you for teaching me something, for opening my eyes.
Nex Benedict, I pray that God gives you another chance, in a world better than this one.
Nex Benedict, I didn’t know you. But, in a way, I love you.
Another trans teenager
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hiddenhearthwitch · 4 months
Hail Frigg Prayer
Written to the feel and scheme of the Catholic Hail Mary. I grew up Catholic and often miss the flow of the Hail Mary in prayer so I altered it to fit All Mother.
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Hail Frigg, full of grace divine,
The All Mother, forever shine.
Blessed art thou in wisdom's light,
Guidance and comfort, day and night.
Holy Frigg, source of strength and might,
In your embrace, we find respite.
All-knowing Mother, hear our plea,
Guide us on life's vast, unknown sea.
Frigg, with love, your children bless,
In your wisdom, we find success.
Support us in each trial we face,
Grant us your mercy and embrace.
Patron | Instagram
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solarpunkani · 5 months
my dad went to the library to get some books (his goal is to read more this new year) and he brought me back a lil announcement abt a 'bring your own craft' kinda event that happens every Friday from 10 to 12
on the one hand: possibly a cool way to make crafting friends, get out of the house, go to the library more often
on the other hand: the odds of me being conscious before 12pm most of the time is Extremely Low
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originalhaffigaza · 3 months
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uma1ra · 2 months
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soccersoccer · 1 month
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Prayer circle to find Viv a pen.
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a-sip-of-ambrosia · 3 days
desperately wishing for a temple because at this point, it would be the only place where i can feel safe, bask in the love and greatness of my gods and pray to my heart's content without being judged for the loyalty i have to them...
is that so much to ask?
but of course, i can only continue to wish.
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maryhale1 · 3 months
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How to protect yourself , your home and your family ❤️
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hestiashearthfire · 5 months
Gentle reminder as we go into 2024 to please practice fire safety when giving offerings. If you have live candles and incense on your altar, never leave them unattended, and always keep a bowl of water nearby for safely extinguishing any lit matches, incense sticks, or other flammable items. You can even get fancy and have a dedicated water bowl if you must, but be safe. Fire is pretty, but dangerous.
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misslittleluna · 7 months
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"Autumn exists to remind us that things must end to begin again. For He is in control." ✝ ↟↟
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childofthewolvess · 7 days
A Prayer to Apollo
last night, i had to make the decision to go home instead of go to a concert that i was really excited about because my disability decided to act up. it was the right choice; i had a sore throat, and i was wildly exhausted, and needed the mental energy for today. if i had gone to that concert, i would've suffered today with my disability when i had a 10 hour shift. afraid of getting sick, i was sitting in front of Apollo's altar drinking tea to soothe my sore throat. i prayed and prayed and prayed that i had the strength in me to do my 10 hour shift today, and that i'd dedicate my tour today to him, but that i needed the strength, or at least encouragement. i went to sleep early, for him, to recognize that my body needed to heal, and when i woke up, every trace of fatigue was gone.
i woke up without a sore throat, with the energy and vitality, and i dedicated to making it a good day for Apollo, to thank him for his healing. I ended up having the best tour that I've ever had in my life (tour guide of 4 years), with the best tips i've ever recieved, and the sweetest people coming together admiring nature while singing songs from the 80s. Apollo was there, lingering in laughter between song verses, in the sunlight turning the van into a sauna, healing hearts through strangers singing one tune together. i was astounded and moved by my tour today, i feel like some of my faith in humanity is restored.
Apollo heard my prayer, not only of healing my body, but healing my heart just a little, too.
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mayasaura · 2 years
Call me a hopeless goth, but I kind of like the Ninth House's funerary practices and I wish we knew more about them. At least, I like what they could be: what I imagine they once were, before their culture was shattered.
The Ninth as we see it is a civilization in its death throes. It's a utilitarian horror show, hollowed out by tragedy and stripped of all dignity and sentiment, but we have good reason to think it wasn't always like that. They have a history of fine textile production and poetry, and occassionally forming hero cults to celebrate cultural icons. There used to be families who raised their children communally. Before the sea of tiny coffins, the Ninth may have known how to live, and even how to mourn.
There are glimmers of what their death culture might have been like in Harrow's prayer beads: made from the bones of her ancestors, a tangible link to her history and community. And in Gideon searching for her mother in the leek fields, imagining that a woman she never met is still present in her life.
In a living culture with a functioning community, the use of human bone as a crafting material could make mundane objects into momentos, ways to keep loved ones close after their passing. The skeleton servitors could be seen as a way individuals continued to care and provide for the community, even after death.
If their dead are routinely exhumed to be added to the chore rota, it would make sense for the exhumation, cleaning, and raising of those bones to traditionally be a cultural ritual like a graduation or funeral. Most of those skeletons would have had living friends and family working alongside them, when the Ninth still had generations. The skeleton sweeping the chapel used to be someone's uncle. People in these cultures do mourn death. We've seen them with the corpses of people they knew, and they're not completely desensitized; just very weird. There's a throw-away line once about Harrow having a pet peeve about personalising the skeletons, which means it must be fairly common to do that. What was to stop previous generations of the Ninth from getting scolded for putting funny hats on Cousin Balbus's bones? Nothing, that's what. Balbus liked hats, anyway, so I don't see how it was disrespectful.
I'm sure Wake didn't get a ceremony when she was raised as a servitor; the main beneficiary would have been Gideon, and god fucking knows no one ever went out of their way to make her feel like part of the community. I'm betting no one does raising ceremonies for anyone, anymore. The Ninth is as good as dead, and no one ever taught the youngest generation how to mourn. But for ten thousand years, the Ninth successfully lived in very close proximity to mundane natural death. It's fun to imagine what that looked like.
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