#Ram is the frogging best
aspynnwoofs · 19 days
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i, uh. tried to make a scene from the First Temple in aWiW
i think it’s okay
i did this without any sketch, i just took my finger to the phone
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salty-croissants · 5 months
Bullfrog and Rayman/Ramon x pregnant reader : talking to their child
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Thank you @elyn-27 for the request !
This is a really cute concept , always down to write something wholesome for my favorite boys ://)
Hope it turned out okay ! 
Details : use of female reader ( preferred given the premise ) ; 
established relationships ; 
no warnings needed 
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Bullfrog 💚
Oh yeah … he definitely talks with the baby a lot , mostly when the both of you are someplace safe , just cuddling after a long day . 
Hearing Bullfrog whisper in the coziness of your room , his head gently placed against your belly , never fails to make you smile . 
< Oui , mon petit , that really happened today ! 
If your mother didn’t patch me up , it would’ve all been very troublesome …
She truly is une merveille ~ > 
< Aww , honey … ! ~ > 
You can see his eyes light up every time he hears the baby move even just a little , and it’s honestly the most precious thing : 
this frog is just so excited about your child , but he tries really hard to contain himself to avoid overwhelming you too much … 
Instead , Bullfrog continues on caressing your belly with his strong , gentle hands , a smile of pure delight on his face while he does it . 
Bullfrog does indeed get worried about what kind of life your child will have to live , given he is an assassin who often has to leave for the mission assigned by the Warden , and the thought of not being able to be there for them because of what he does crushes him …
However , as soon as you give him that soft , understanding look and pat on the bed to suggest him to lie down with you , he just feels a wave of peace and most of all love wash over his troubled mind :
resting his head on your belly is something that works like magic for your lover .
< Mm , mercy mon amour … > 
< No need to thank me , sweetie : we are going to be okay , I just know it . > 
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Rayman 🧡
Okay , did I mention that Bullfrog is one who talks to the baby a lot ?
Because Rayman beats him fair and square on that account : 
if he could he would never leave your side , busy to explain your child just how perfect in every way their mother is . 
It’s very cute ;//C//; 
< Oh yes indeed , y/n is very wonderful ! 
She is the light of my life , my beautiful sweetheart , and - > 
< Ray honey , you’re gonna be late for work ~ > 
< Oh - I almost forgot — 
Uh , I’ll be back soon , okay ? Both of you , wait for me ! 
Love you ! > 
< Love you too !
… heh … your Dad is surely something isn’t he ? ~ >
Rayman definitely kisses your belly pretty much every time you’re together , enjoying to hear your adorable flustered giggles …
< Ah , there is that lovely smile … god , I wish we could stay like this forever , I’m in heaven whenever I hear your voice ~ > 
< H-Heyy come on , now you’re just trying to make me blush ! ~ > 
< Hehe , can’t say that’s not true darling ~ > 
Rayman also loves to place his head on the crook of your neck , occasionally giving it a little kiss while his hands gently hold your belly …
It’s a very intimate little moment that really helps him calm down , especially after he’s had a long day at work . 
You really make this man feel like home , and he will never be able to thank you enough .
< I love you … mm … I love you so much , y/n … I can’t wait for our little angel to arrive … ~ > 
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Ramon 🖤
Ramon’s nights are often tormented by nightmares and understandable worries for you and your child’s futures , so most of the time he ends up resting his head on your belly , the comfort of your warmth being the only thing that can put him at ease …
< Bad dream … ? > 
< … yeah . 
Is it okay if I … ? > 
< Of course Ram , you can stay there as long as you want .
We are both here for you … don’t forget that , okay … ? > 
< I could never … > 
And it’s mostly at night , while he is trying his best to fall asleep , that you’re able to hear Ramon talk to your child with a very quiet voice to avoid waking you up : 
it’s something that he does fairly often , it’s just very soothing for him .
< … it’s not gonna be easy when you’ll get here , I won’t lie to you … but I promise that no matter what happens I’m going to keep you safe … I will keep all of us safe . 
I owe this to you … I owe this to my beautiful y/n … > 
< Mmm … are you talking about me back there , Ram ? ~ > 
< Oh - 
I … heh , thought you couldn’t hear me … 
I still one hundred percent mean what I said , though ~ > 
Whenever he has to leave your place ( something that almost never occurs since he wants to be there for you as much as possible ) , Ramon makes sure to say goodbye to both of you before heading out , it’s something that he never forgets .
< Be careful out there , my love … mm … we will be waiting for you . > 
< I’ll be careful darling , don’t worry … take care of yourself while I’m gone , okay ? 
And the same goes for you . >
After one last kiss on your belly he steps out in the dangers of the street , with only one thing in mind : 
going back home to you and your child , no matter what . 
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leorawright · 1 year
Can you do Zenyatta, Ramattra and Maximilien with a reader who loves frogs?
Yeah of course!
Omnics with s/o who likes frogs
He's got a little pond near where he lives so you and him go there and watch the frogs
He enjoys seeing you look so happy and excited to see frogs he thinks it's adorable
Also sometimes if you're feeling sad he'll go carefully pick up a frog and bring it to you so you can hold it
Seeeing you smile even over something so small males him happy
He's honestly a little confused at first
Frogs?? Really???
So now whenever you're sad and he doesn't know what to do he'll go find a frog and just drop it on your lap
He makes you a little terrarium to keep the fogs he's giving you
Seeing you smile every time you see them tho is what makes Ram happy
He's not the best at cheering you up but you know what he is good at? Giving gifts
So when he learns you like frogs he builds a little garden/pond on top of his casino and fills it with frogs and fish for you
It's now where you two hang out a lot
Something that Max learned about you is that your happiness is infectious because now he likes frogs just as much as you
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cuckoo-on-a-string · 1 year
Hello, Mr. Monster (Three. Shadow)
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Summary: Eros and Psyche retelling with soulmate!AU elements. Morpheus x oc/female reader
Master List
Chapter Track: "Dream State (Dark Day)" by Son Lux
18+ (violence, swearing throughout, referenced child murder)
TAGGING: Tag lists break my posts, BUT I reply to comments the day of new chapters, so you'll get a personal update every time you stop to chat. ;)
A/N: Very short chapter this time. Mental health is quietly shitting itself and making writing difficult. Thank you all for your patience.
3: Shadow
The Not Deer smelled blood.
It smelled her blood, sweet with sand, ripe with magic. And this time, unlike all the others before, she had not escaped – and she was alone.
Teeth aching to close on her living flesh, thirsty for the hot blood flecked with its master’s power, it screamed.
She’d fallen too far inside her little moving fortress, and it couldn’t reach her. It could see, though. It could smell. And wasn’t it wonderful? Fresh red bloomed on her face, filling the night with the scent of the hunt.
If it could get through the window or beat down the door, it could have her. Finally. Eat her all up and lick the fluids off the carpet, crunch her bones and chew the soft fat of her pretty brain. Then sleep off a full belly under a pile of last year’s lacy, skeleton leaves, as it did after every good feeding. It caught children who left the path and slipped just beyond their parents’ sight, drunk men daring the dark on a summer’s night, anyone foolish enough to put too much faith in their own skills under the trees when the sun went down. In a hundred years, there had been many.
But she would be the best meal, and the last, because word already spread that the lord was returned, and soon the Not Deer would be missed. Urgency fueled its attack, but its antlers caught on the window frame, and though its legs stretched too long for a deer, its hooves couldn’t strike the valley between the seats.
It rammed the van, furious. Grey foam frothed from its lips, turning the forest floor black with rot where it dripped.
“What are you doing?”
A century was not long enough to forget its master’s voice, and as it heard the whisper of eons at its back, shock froze over delight.
It stalked the dark long enough to recognize prey. It was not a deer, but it froze like one now with fate ringing in its ears. The hunter waited as the Not Deer came to rapid terms with its renewed vulnerability, and the nightmare turned, clicking, to face the Nightmare King.
The Not Deer did not have words. That was not how it had been made. But the king didn’t ask his question in search of an answer.
The Not Deer was meant to hunt in dreams, to threaten and rip at hunters who killed too many, to remind those without caution what they had to fear. But it feasted on living mortals instead. The Corinthian introduced him to the fantasy, made the cut in the nightmare’s mind that festered into fantasy, and when it had the chance, it left the Dreaming to hunt.
It consumed a young dreamer who’d left his bed to catch frogs under the full moon, and the boy had tasted well. So, the Not Deer found new dreamers to eat, glutting itself on muscle and marrow. Until it smelled her. Then it ate others in frustration, because nothing smelled as good as the one with his maker’s name scratched in her heart, glowing gold, drawing him like a new lamb’s bleats or a dying rabbit’s shriek.
The King of Nightmares simply looked at it and understood. He’d already known. He must have. It was in his nature as it was in the Not Deer’s to admire screams.
“You have betrayed your purpose.” The king spoke softly, and the Not Deer bowed, the tattered flesh on its antlers dragging along the dirt. “And you have chosen most dangerous prey.”
Dangerous not because of herself, for all her tricks. Dangerous as the mate of a greater monster, a jealous king with dominion over every night terror and the things night terrors feared.
Eyes darker than any shadow, hard and unforgiving as obsidian, the king stalked nearer. The Not Deer didn’t move. It had witnessed the Endless’s wrath, had seen others of its kind unmade, and knew it was too late to flee.
A low grown and the chime of shifting glass disturbed the dead quiet of the forest, and the Not Deer wondered if the king’s mate would wake. It hoped. She cared for the weaker ones, the creatures of the Dreaming that did not bite into the waking world as the Not Deer had. Even though it hunted her, hurt her, she may show mercy, may ask for it.
But she slept on, disturbed by other nightmares in the Dreaming, and the king’s frown grew deeper. His attention splintered between worlds, and just as her dreaming had led him to the threat in one world, her distress in the other called him home.
Perhaps he would forget. Perhaps the Not Deer may escape to find more dreamers and keep itself as itself.
Even as it began to imagine what it could chase, kill, taste with more days of freedom, the Nightmare King’s eye turned back to it, and he lifted one long arm to spin the Not Deer back to sand.
“I am needed elsewhere. I have not the time to return the tortures you are owed.”
It bucked while it still had legs, roaring and clicking as body, senses, and mind fell grain by grain. If it thought its master would return, it would never have dared. It did not want to disappear. It wanted, it wanted…
“And yet.” The king stooped to take a handful of the witch’s salt from the circle she’d made around her vehicle, and he sifted it between his fingers, thoughtful as the ash stained his fingertips. “Since it was her pain and fear you stole –” he lifted his hand above the half-formed Not Deer and let it rain down “– let her repay it.”
The black salt caught inside the nightmare and burned like it never had before. It wasn’t discomfort. It wasn’t an unpleasant, stinging shock. It was agony without end, and the Not Deer abandoned any idea of survival or escape in an instant.
It needed to be unmade. To stop. To forget.
Its lord did not lift his hand, and the legless, heaving beast of horror whined in desperation.
“Perhaps this taste of her power will satisfy you.”
If it had words, it would beg.
The Nightmare King’s attention had already shifted back to the Dreaming, however, and he paused only long enough for his shadow to swallow the wailing thing before moving on to where his mate’s dreaming mind called for help.
Then all the Not Deer knew was the darkness and its pain within it. Her scent twisted through the sand, and soon it summoned no hunger, no greed, only unbridled terror it could not escape. Not even when it tore itself apart.
In the Dreaming, the Nightmare King pulled her from the nightmares and held her in his hands for the first time, negotiating an opportunity to soothe her, to feel the places in their souls where they met, so she might understand…
She woke with something damp between her legs and glass studding her palm.
Spears of light poked through the forest canopy, glinting sharp through her eyes, into the sensitive spaces behind them, burning her retinas from the inside out. Rainbows danced in the broken window, reflecting in the shattered diamonds over the floor. The driver’s seat. Her clothes. She decided to wait before trying to move, get her senses together, give her head time to steady before she did anything stupid. Like grating herself like Parmesan cheese on the remains of her window.
She closed her eyes for a minute. Breathed.
Something was off.
Her mouth was dry as cotton, and her tongue did nothing to help her equally dry lips as she pulled it over the broken, peeling skin.
She felt…
Hurt from her encounter with the Not Deer, but also well rested. Lighter almost. Like she suddenly had more attention, more energy, even though she had glass in her hair and a situation she strongly suspected may lead to a UTI if not immediately addressed. Which of course led to the question of what the hell she and the monster had really done in her sleep, if it was just the wettest dream of her life or if she ought to be running for Plan B. She didn’t think he’d go that far without asking, not after he so carefully sought permission. And wasn’t that a hell of a thing?
Sought permission. Honored it. Soothed her and held in a way her waking mind struggled to grasp. The concepts melted in her thoughts like ice as she woke, dripping away in cool streams of sensation and memory.
He’d been grand, and big, and frightening, but he didn’t use his power to crush her, as she’d expected.
After so many years anticipating the worst, she wasn’t sure what to do with this reality. Where things hadn’t gone tits up. With a creature beyond a god who assumed he had boundaries before she even drew them. Where the worst hadn’t happened.
Her monster had made a riddle of himself for her to solve. She’d need time to come to terms with that. With him. After a lifetime of the darkest expectations… well.
Getting up, though. That came first.
She shifted, wary of the bad, bad glitter threatening an unplanned trip to an urgent care as she picked the best spots to plant her elbows.
Rolling onto her knees, she tried to crawl forward, but something snagged her foot, and she finally noticed the pull of a grip around her ankle. Her heart didn’t skip a beat. Her breathing didn’t stutter. None of the normal, horrified reactions burst from trembling lips and teary eyes.
She knew that hand.
Looking towards the passenger seat, she saw the desiccated arm vanishing into the shadows under the pilot chair. Dead skin flaked away from crusty patches of old blood, and misty black shadows curled within, ready to turn into nightmare claws to terrorize small children.
The fingers squeezed, questioning.
“I’m alright, Jeff.” She reached down to pat him, glad to find something as expected and faithful as the needy nightmare worrying after her wellbeing. “It’s okay. Not Deer still lurking outside?”
Two quick squeezes – No.
The bastard must’ve given up when Jeff arrived. Never did like an audience, and Jeff could be a real pain in the ass if he wanted to be. Pretty literally.
As far as she knew, Jeff was only the arm. Maybe he had a few more inky swaths of darkness he kept tucked under low furniture, but he never manifested anything past a bicep. He didn’t speak with words, only by touch, and they’d learned to communicate by squeeze ages ago.
Once upon a time, he’d been the first nightmare to find her, and on the last night she had a family, he’d clung to her leg like a shackle – warning her, begging her not to follow her curious ears to the raised voices outside her door. Ever since, even though he had terrible timing, she never doubted his intentions.
The touches in her dream with Morpheus told her a lot of other things she wasn’t fully prepared to analyze.
She hadn’t had a fucking cup of coffee yet. She couldn’t be expected to contemplate the single greatest threat to her continued freedom before caffeination. Simply unreasonable. Inhumane.
So, she shoved it out of her mind – again – and climbed out of the mess. Her first aid kit was in the back, under the narrow bunk where she usually slept. She popped the plastic case open with her back to the sliding door, the Not Deer’s dent poking into her peripheral vision as a grim reminder of the previous night.
Another nearly.
She had a strange relationship with death. Dozens of near misses over the years made the sickening adrenaline rush and following crash routine. Some people could schedule their periods in their planners. Some days it felt like mortal peril penciled itself into hers. She was afraid, but too often, and she’d lost the technique of it.
As she plucked a few stubborn bits of glass from her hands, cleaned the tiny holes they left behind, and bandaged everything up, Jeff made himself useful. He swept up the fragments he could reach in long sweeps, pulling it all into the fathomless darkness of his home under the pilot seat. When he’d cleared that side of the van, he withdrew and manifested on the driver’s side. He reached up to pluck shards from the cushions, and his fingers spidered along the carpet, seeking little dangers he could remove from her world. In the time she took cleaning herself up and shaking the glass out of her hair outside, the nightmare cleared the interior of debris.
“Thank you, Jeff,” she said as she hauled herself into the driver’s seat.
She caught her own eye in the rearview mirror. She caught her first look at the bloody goose egg over her left brow, too. Could be worse, though the swelling might get some attention she didn’t want. Rusty red flakes peeled away from the trails leading into her hair, and she tentatively poked the edge of the swelling. Like running her tongue over a canker sore – she just couldn’t help herself, even though she knew how it would end.
It hurt.
She groaned, dropping back against the headrest. Fan-fucking-tastic. The scratch needed cleaning and antiseptic, which meant a stop at the nearest convenience store with a bathroom. Nothing like scaring some gas station clerks first thing in the morning.
At least gas stations had coffee.
Fresh air breathed through the broken window, washing the smell of fear and blood out of the van. She took in as much as she could.
She needed to go, but she wasn’t sure where, and going never got her very far without a destination. Her pockets had bottoms, and she’d hit the seams fast if she didn’t budget gas money.
Where should she head? What did she need?
Out of sight, Jeff softly grasped her left ankle. He hadn’t been so clingy in ages, and she wondered what the little nightmare knew that she didn’t. It wasn’t like he was a great conversationalist. Their talks took creative shortcuts – yes/no taps, Morse code, even a Ouija board once or twice – but they still chewed up time she wasn’t sure she had, and even when well-equipped, Jeff wasn’t chatty. He couldn’t help her work through this chaos.
And there was her answer.
She needed people. Folks to talk with, to lend her an ear and a shoulder to cry on. Someone to distract her, friends who knew her and would keep her safe from rogue nightmares like the Not Deer – maybe even help her pick apart her feelings over the star-eyed Endless and his… attention.
People. Friends. Plural.
Checking the date on her phone, she did some quick math and determined where her favorite group of miscreants might be found. Hadn’t they sent her a text? A few weeks ago? She’d been so consumed with the pull across the ocean to the Burgess estate she barely read it. No time or attraction. Now, though – different story.
Destination in mind, she put on her sunglasses to protect her eyes from the inevitable wind through the open window and turned the key. The van grumbled to life. Bouncing over the rough little road she’d called home for a few nights, she smiled to herself. Happy in the moment, alive with a little purpose and a goal to chase, on her way to friendly faces.
Only after speeding an hour down the highway did she realize what felt so off – the pain in her chest had eased.
Next chapter: Link
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presidentstalkeyes · 1 year
Compton Boole Beeswax:
Earlier today I was thinking about Compton's Cookoff, and I have a Crackpot Theory-slash-Headcanon: the four animals that help Raz prepare the meals are all based on other people from Compton's life.
Pork Chopper is based on his father, a police officer (i.e. a pig) who Compton remembers as being very 'tough' with him, encouraging him to fight back against bullies ("they'll be much nicer once you've put 'em through the slicer!"). Their relationship deteriorated once Compton got involved with the Animal Liberation movement, eventually deciding he was 'sick in the head' after blowing up those animals with his mind - something Compton apparently agrees with, as Pork Chopper calling the hosts 'sick' is portrayed as an attack of conscience. Compton still has positive memories of him and may have wished to reconcile, going from Chopper's sudden turn for the upbeat (in contrast with Butch Oleander who was portrayed as a monster).
Frog Flipper is his son - and the father of Dogen and Sam - a high-strung, nervous, overworked individual ("I gotta pull a double shift?!") who tries to stay positive but always seem on the verge of flipping out. Compton had to raise him fresh off the heels of losing everything in the fight against Maligula, an experience comparable to trying to fry an egg over a constantly-moving fire. Later, his son came to him for guidance on how to manage Sam and especially Dogen, only to be pushed away - by then Compton had isolated himself and believed his advice would only make things worse. He'd ultimately turned his son into the same parent he had been.
Patty Puree is his ex-wife and the mother of his son. Compared to Cassie, who he saw as a friend and someone he could approach, his relationship with his wife was far more uneven - she'd always seemed like a high-and-mighty figure, well beyond his reach (hence why she's the hardest to get to), who carried herself with a regal air. He convinced himself trying to reach out to her would just end with his hand getting blended into paste. In the end, he thinks, she only married him out of pity and to help raise their child. The fact she divorced him once their son became an adult only confirms that for him.
Hippo Pot I'm not so sure about, since he only has one line and it isn't anything especially noteworthy. My best guess is that he's an old partner-in-crime from Compton's Animal Liberation days, someone reliable who kept him focused and relaxed, hence why the ingredients relax while boiling... but they are still boiling, and Compton believes he can never relax, otherwise he'll boil over.
The fact that all four of them are involved in Ram It Down but never actively judge him like the Ford, Hollis and Otto stand-ins do suggest that, to some extent, he's 'moved on' from them and doesn't care so much about their judgment specifically. However, he still can't forget them, so they're relegated to side-roles in his mental game show. This also shows that, despite everything, a part of him wanted to move on even before Raz arrived, he just gave him a push in the right direction. Tellingly, they're still on the set if Raz comes back to the level later, unlike all the Judges.
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kururu418 · 9 days
Got any Dallas and Helmut interactions? Just interested in how those interact since the both can't stand each other. Probably butt heads more than rams in a mountain pass 🐏
Dallas scowled down at Helmut, not at all happy about the spike he had missed. It was set a head too high, and they botched a point because of it. “Ya set the ball too high…”
Helmut grit his teeth. “You didn’t jump high enough…” 
“I ain’t a frog Helmut. How high do ya think I can jump?” 
“Higher than that. Now get up there. I’m not adjusting to bad habits,” Helmut said matter-of-factly. He walked off, and Dallas glared after him angrily. 
Dallas loomed over Helmut with a frown on his face. “Listen here partner, just because my sister takes to ya, doesn’t mean I won’t squash ya,” he said. 
“Bigger and stronger people than you have tried,” Helmut said, brushing him off. “Now get back to work, you country bumpkin.” 
Dallas’ eye twitched, and he moved to go after him, but Tony grabbed his shirt. “C’mon dude, you know it’s not worth it…” 
“Little shit…” 
“Dallas! Set it!” 
Dallas got under the ball and scowled. They were out of formation and the only one he could reasonably set to was Helmut. He already wasn’t the best setter, and the blockers were already setting up to shut him down. They were gonna shut Helmut down for sure. 
“Damn it…” he said, setting the ball up. He scowled even deeper when he realized he had set it a little too high. There was no way Helmut was going to-
Helmut shot up into the air, bringing his hand back as he soared up towards and then spiked the ball past the block, shanking it off the side of their hands and sending it outside of the court before they could receive it. Dallas looked shocked. The kid jumped like a jackrabbit.  
Helmut turned towards him with narrowed eyes. “You didn’t plan on setting it that high, did you…?” he asked, sounding pissed off. 
“Didn't think ya’d reach it seeing as how yer shorter than a flat bellied snake…” 
“Very funny. I might be sure, but I’m twice the player you are. Don’t forget that…”
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keldabekush · 2 years
Wretched likes Coruscant well enough.
He doesn’t mind the constant noise as much as some do, doesn’t complain about the speeder traffic making it hard to sleep like Feerit, who tosses and turns and sometimes sleeps with a pillow clutched over his head, all very melodramatic.
Personally, if he was going to complain about anything it would be the people - and he does.
Gods, does he complain about the people.
It’s like they walk around all day thinking of ways to be fucking irritating. They walk like they’ve got somewhere important to be and ten seconds to get there, and that it’s somehow his fault, too.
He’s going to start shouting “RAMMING SPEED” every time he gets shoulder-checked on the streets.
But aside from that, it’s not the worst posting. He has his siblings, he only has to run headfirst into blasterfire a couple of times a month, and the nightlife is nice.
He likes that if he sticks his head out of the window, no matter what time it is, he can usually always hear music in the distance, people laughing. He doesn’t mind the people so much when they’re far away from him.
It’s just as busy in some of the lower levels as up-top is, busier by far in a couple - but the lower down you went the more subtle the sounds became. Loud laughing and shouting turns into low murmuring and machinery working, droids coming back and forth with pistons whirring, but alive with habitation nonetheless.
Patrol down here can be dangerous, if you’re as visible as the Guard are. Best to go in pairs, but Wretched had sent Pallas back up ahead of him with three broken fingers, after some idiot kid on a BoostBoard had almost thrown them both over a handrail.
Kid was fine, Wretched had frog-marched him home without his board, which had disappeared over the edge with no hope of retrieval, and handed him to his Mom like a spitting lothkitten.
Now he’s keying his clearance code into the pad by the lift, and he’s ready to be back in the barracks.
There’s a particular spot where you can stand on level eighteen-oh-six just outside the old powerbank building (long defunct, used now as a storage facility by some up-top firm) and hear a conversation being had forty levels above you, echoing strangely through the thermavents.
It's where a lot of ghost stories must come from, Wretched thinks, stepping into the lift car. The doors are a little sticky, but they slide shut just fine.
Tell your kids that if you hear people talking but there's no one else around, you’re actually eavesdropping on the dead and you better keep walking before they notice you’re there. It’s rude to listen in.
Or, well. That’s what he would do, if he had kids. It’s what he would tell his little brothers if they had the time for stories, anymore.
When the lift ticks past level eighteen-oh-six, he wonders what the voices from the pipes are saying today.
It’s a long way up from the lowest levels - the bottom rungs, as low as the lifts go. They don’t go all the way down, not by far. Coruscant below the lifts exist in theory, but Wretched has never seen it; just the grimy orange tape blocking off the sealed exitways, and stomach-swooping voids where staircases have been demolished.
It’s strange to only see the shape of something in absence, he thinks.
Anyway, he’s never stopped for more than a glance at the sealed ports - if you don't stay sharp down there you might as well draw a bullseye on your forehead.
The lift whirrs in the comforting way that machinery does, and carries him further up. He checks his sidearm, shrugs his electrostaff out of the way so he can lean against the wall. It’s a long way up.
The vibration of the lift hurtling skywards on its rails rumbles through the meat of his shoulder. He wishes that the installed seating wasn’t so thoroughly vandalised - only the brackets where fold-down seats used to be remained bolted to the inner cabin walls, and he wouldn’t sit down on the floor if you payed him the Chancellor's salary.
Ten minutes later he’s almost dozing, when the tone of the mechanical hum changes. The vibration winds down, like the lift is preparing to stop.
There’s no way he’s reached the surface yet, so frowning while he shakes off his comfortable haze, he double-checks the control panel. The little light above the level-count tells him that the lift is still locked to public access - no one should be able to call it from any level without Guard clearance.
Maybe Beeju was running as late as him, Wretched thinks. It must be him, calling the lift from one of the three-oh levels.
The display readout tells him he’s on twenty-four-thirty-six. Could be wrong. He flicks the screen.
It resets to 0-0-0-0, so he flicks it again, harder. Perhaps a little frustrated. The numbers flicker back on reluctantly, one at a time. Something very cold rises in his gut as he reads.
It’s not a level that exists - yet, anyway.
Coruscant hasn’t yet finished a six-thousandth level, let alone a seventh, but it’s a number he knows, because it’s attached to every piece of paperwork about him from his decanting to his clock-in this morning.
He could recite it as easily as he breathes. The number is his.
The lift shudders against its rails, and stops. The doors are grinding open before he can get a hand on his sidearm and then -
Loud, wet gasps echo in his ears. His breath is gone, his lungs won't take in more than a teaspoon of air. He shouldn’t be here.
The gasping is him, he realises, drool rolling over his lip while he heaves, open mouthed. His fingers are numb, he can see his hands in front of him clawed against the dirt-packed-over-steel but he can’t feel them and he can’t look up. His blaster is lying by his left hand . The clip is empty, he knows.
He doesn’t know where he is, his neck is tight and straining with the tension and he can’t look up because he doesn't want to see what might be there if he does - he shouldn’t be here he shouldnt be HERE—
— He steps out into the senate district.
The artificial sunshine is overwhelming on the upper levels, and his visor takes two-point-six-seven seconds to adjust - lagging again.
He wipes the blood off his palms, shoulders his electrostaff. Ignores the wash of warmth on the back of his neck like a breath, like someone following close behind. He doesn’t turn around as he walks home, and he doesn't have an answer when he’s asked where his sidearm is.
Stolen, he says eventually, and he fills in the paperwork while Feerit tuts over his shoulder.
He hesitates before he types out his number, just for a second.
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the-eoors-rule · 6 months
*another fight!*
Welcome. To Jurassic Death.
The Big One info:
Height: 6 foot
Weight: 330lbs
Weapons: Tooth and Claw
Strengths: Was the alpha female of her Velociraptor pack and the first antagonistic Dinosaur of the Jurassic Park series, Extreme strength (As a Velociraptor the Big One possesses strength far above that of a human, Can effortlessly tear humans apart, Can dent metal), Extreme durability (Despite being an extremely lightweight Dinosaur the Big One possesses a high level of durability, Was unharmed from ramming her head into a metal cabinet at full speed, Survived several seconds of being bitten by Rexy), Extreme speed (As a Velociraptor Blue can reach running speeds easily exceeding 50 mph, Dodged multiple bullets at full sprint), High intellect (Understands the concept of killing for sport rather than food and seems to enjoy it, Outsmarted several highly trained Soldiers), To this day she is still one of the most memorable Dinosaurs of the entire Jurassic series.
Weaknesses: Her sadistic nature and urge to kill can be used against her e.g. can cause her to be led into traps.
Eightie info.
Height:never said but Alex has recorded its taller then a horse. But..he never specified. So best shot 5ft 10in to 6ft 5in
Weapons:claws teeth tail.
Strengths:thanks to a underground cave systems in another earth the Dinosaurs have survived and evolved in a new land but also thanks to a chunk of radioactive uranium being under its nest while it was a egg it became a predator that according to Alpha and Sunblood "is more a unnatural freak then a natural predator" extreme Strength (often killed volcaorapters with one bite to the neck or head. The doctor claims she can easily kill goats while Alex put down she killed a sabertooth tiger with ease. When it's body is dissected alpha says it's bones and muscles are more compact and bigger then a Dinosaur it's size should be.) Extreme durability (Alex could barely faze it with his base gear which includes a knife a slingshot with steel balls that can badly damage dogs and easily break bones was apparently more mad then hurt when a pipe was brought down on its tail.) Extreme speed (Could keep up with a bike going 60mph Alex using a Dinosaur form that temporarily gave him quote 'the speed of the pack hunters this thing was pretending to be.' And Eightie still outran him. With a running start could jump over 25ft.) High intelligence (it's smart enough to tell if humans are trying to play possum to avoid it. Is aware of the ideas of killing for sport. Outsmarts and tricks various people to hunt them down. Always ambushes its prey it's always careful and seems to understand the concepts of guns electric fences and adapted quickly to getting out of its habit and hunting in a city when someone stupidly thought it was a good idea to make it a weapon.) Thanks to the radiation it has extra teeth like it has an extra set of teeth. bigger vital organs 4 VERY sharp claws on each arm small spikes up it's spine and a pair of bone petruteutions on the end of its tail. His eyes are sunken in to help it better in the dark. Alex thinks it can sense body heat or bio electricity as it attacked a man in stealth gear. Might have poison resistance as it LOVES frog meat most of which evolved minor poisons to deter birds.
Weaknesses:it got its name because it has some scales that are dark brown in color that are the shapes of figure eights on its sides and tail...the rest of its body is green. It is cannollicly dead as Alex killed it with a two shots from a shotgun but to be fair the model was strong enough to cripple other Dinosaurs and had also killed bigger in one to two shots.
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voidsentprinces · 1 year
Homestuck Day. Time for an annual short hand.
Homestuck is about four kids who want to play a hit new game together that devours their reality and gives them items, armor, and titles with powers. But, because it destroys reality if they can’t win it, their reality ends.
Sorry did I say Homestuck is about four kids? Sorry, Homestuck is about a group of gangsters trying to kill one lady in particular, her boss, and the bosses’ right hand man. But in doing so kick starts the end of the universe.
Sorry did I say Homestuck is about a group of gangsters? Sorry, I meant Homestuck is about a mail person and a mayor trying to make their way through the universe when an incel on another planet kills his Queen and gives himself god powers and kick starts the end of the universe.
Sorry did I say Homestuck was about a mail person and a mayor? Sorry, I meant Homestuck is about a group of alien children who have overtly complicated relationships who live in a fascist, brutal society and are divided into a caste system based entirely on the color of their blood. They also just so happen to align with the Horoscope. They also try to get together to play a game but after some of them accidentally kill each other and at least two people purposefully kill each other and leave at least one person blind. They find they’re not able to win the game because the Incel who killed his Queen is also under the unfiluence of the BRITISH.
Sorry did I say Homestuck is about a group of alien children? Well I didn’t stutter because those alien children fucked up their reality they decide the best use of their time is to harass the first four children and thus get dubbed internet “Trolls” which is perfect cause thats the name of their alien race anyway. Funny thing about how they fucked up their reality. You see while the original four children are moving forward in time, the Trolls are from the future and all their online interactions with the kids happen in reverse order. From being future all knowing internet gods to their first actual meeting of one another online on the forums. Think Tenet but before Tenet was Tenet. But for internet forums. Anyway, because of this the trolls are free to mess with the kids and at least one of them gets one of the kids killed at least once in a rocket flying accident. But that same kid goes onto make incestous, homoglobian, homunculus clones of himself, his four friends, and their parental figures making them a mesh of being related but not really being related and becoming a bootstrap paradox.
Sorry did I say Homestuck is about a group of alien children? I meant the mail person isn’t able to deliver mail, the Mayor is the Mayor of a Can Town and the Incel who is possessed steals on of the kids dogs but its alright because the Mail Person is SO ENRAGED that they also get the power of the kids dog that power is ULTIMATE OMNIPOTENCY! And the two spend the rest of the series literally just fighting each other. Ruining the universe.
Sorry did I say Homestuck is about a mail person who isn’t able to deliver mail? I meant it was about the author who is being harassed by the ram troll’s ghost but then the BRITISH kick his door in and kill him ruining the future endings of this story...where was I?
Homestuck then actually becomes about four kids trying to reset their universe before the BRITISH arrive and thus causing a supernova and the birth of a frog so powerful it propels them through the four wall into another universe. Meanwhile a Clown boy goes randomly insane and kills a cat person and a muscular troll before being sliced in half by the vampiric one with a chainsaw who also kills the Harry Potter stand in for killing the mermaid stand in because Harry Potter was jealous the Royal Mermaid was paying more attention to the IT Beelon Musk and kills him too. By the way, one of the ones who is already dead is possessing a robot version of herself built by a muscular dude but she has no interest in him cause she’s also ALL IN on Beelon Musk. The Spider one who ended up blinding the justice one also crippled the bull one. And kills him too cause if you’re gonna start a murder party, you might as well get to EVERYONE! Anyway justice gal kills spider troll. Fuck where was I again? Oh right
Sorry did I say Homestuck was about four kids trying to reset their universe? Cause if you like kids, yo dawg check this out, we got kid version of the kids parents who are also kids trying to play a game together, so you got kids from the kids of the kids, ya dig? No? Well fuck off this isn’t going to get any easier cause these kids universe is also getting fucked by the BRITISH.
So Homestuck is about these eight children hanging about doing fuck all with the remaining trolls while one of them tries to raise an army of the--
Sorry let me back track, Homestuck is about twelve different trolls who are already dead but not really? Who are the ancestors of the main trolls but different personalities and a little more emphasis on the ones we didn’t get focused on before because they got killed when the Clown went insane. Also cool fact this Royal Mermaid stand in crows up to be Betty Crocker. You heard that right. But in this world Betty Crocker is a motherfucking Empress of the Universe and right hand murderess extradoinare of the BRITISH!
Homestuck is actually about the BRITISH being the most incel person you’ve ever met and spliced with Eric Cartman and Jeoffrey Baratheon. The universe is ended but he dreams of being a cool king pin dude, my guy. But he can’t do that cause he’s chained to a stone tablet and when its his turn to sleep, he is replaced with his creative sisters. Who is the stand in for the fan artists and thus is just the best in world...so naturally he hatches a plan to kill her and escape. Which he does. He then goes on to take over Homestuck and make a shitty clay puppet show. One of the four children who are the kids parental figures in kids form kind of sort of maybe also become clowns and yell things like CAUCASIAN because they are awkward teenagers who don’t know how to express their feelings. Some of them might be dating trolls, some of them might be dating the Mayor of Can Town. Bottomline everything gets fucked so now they have to try aga--
Homestuck is about the Spider Troll not getting killed and thus fixing the timeline and everyones issues just in time for them to split up into squads. One squad has a giant ghost army of all the times the trolls have ever died in every universe ever to the BRITISH to stall the BRITISH for the other squads to beat the game. Another Squad is task with fighting the possessed Incel who killed his Queen and became possessed by the BRITISH! Then another squad has to fight and kill Betty Crocker right hand murderess of the  BRITISH! and lastly, a group has to fight the gang members who are back for some reason...also one of the original four kids has to go calm down the two dogs from fighting. But only distracts one the mail person then gets angry enough to punch out the kid and take the others power killing him for good. Its...a cocaine induced, hyperactive fuck a thon of fighting. But the kids win and go on to live happily ever after.
There is probably 20,000 things I missed but there, that is fucking Homestuck. I saved you hours of your life.
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icecreamsodaaaaa · 2 years
What are some of your WoF headcanons?
Oh ho >:]]] I’m glad you asked
I’m going to start with Mudwings and Seawings
(Also oh boy, there’s a lot below this)
Mudwings make complex burrows underneath the ground and mud, usually these burrows go above ground as well, sorta like termite nests!
Mudwings like to wrestle… like a lot. They even have sports where they’ll wrestle with alligators and crocodiles(although they have to be cautious about getting bit)
Some Mudwings have pouches on their throats, they use these poaches to make noises similar to frogs. Also, some Mudwings develop poisons in poison sacs below their head
Very diverse, there are many types of mudwings as their kingdom borders on so many other kingdoms and well, they are right in the center of Pyrrhia.
Mudwings closer to the shoreline and ocean have functional gills! They also develop more frills and have more sandy colors to help them blend into the ocean floor as they hunt for food by camouflaging. They also tend to have brighter markings, some with bright pinks and oranges of coral reefs
Mudwings closer to the rainforest are much smaller and are more likely to fall prey to leopards and other such predators so they have rectangular pupils. They are much smaller due to living on the ground in dense jungles. They also are able to eat mildly poisonous things like plants and animals which results in them also being slightly poisonous. They also have brighter colors mixed with much darker browns and blacks(like poison dart frogs)
Mudwings closer to the mountains have more curled ram shaped horns or horns that angle upwards like goats! They also have shorter tails and have the ability to scale almost 90° rock walls and cliffs. They are omnivores but mostly prefer plants but they will snack on the occasional lizard or rodent. They bleat. They also have grayer and washed out browns and reds.
Mudwings in the center of the kingdom are more like the Mudwings in the books
Mudwings have unions and more ethical work conditions compared to the other kingdoms. Despite being stereotyped as lazy and dumb, they are very productive and have the ability to just hang out due to working for a few hours.
The Mudwing kingdom is one of the best, at least socially, to live. You just have to get used to giant dragon eating predators like snakes, alligators, oh and mind the leeches.
Mudwing sib groups can include any dragon from any kingdom and any mudwing of any age. They’re a lot more common then seen in the books
Seawings tend to live in small caves and nooks under the water. They also can bury themselves under the sand. Some Seawings are nomadic cause finding places to live in the ocean is pretty hard. Seawings can also move while sleeping and can sleep with one eye open(I feel like tsunami used this to creep out the other dragonets akdjkd-)
There are costal villages of seawings, which some seawings live there for most of their lives but often they’re used as pit stops for other seawings
There’s three main subspecies of Seawings
Typical Seawings, like in the books with perhaps a few changes, they tend to resemble larger, open water animals like sharks, whales, dolphins, etc.
Seawings in shallower waters have much brighter colors and they can shift the colors of their scales, not to the extant that Rainwings can though. They blend into the coral reef and have very diverse body types, ranging from smaller and shorter body length to much longer, more eel like bodies and tails. Some are also venomous and poisonous(due to the food they eat).
Seawings in colder waters near the Ice kingdom or in deeper waters are much bigger and have thicker scales/skin. They also have sharper features and spines. Some also have thick and oil coated feathers(like penguins). Others have bristles coating parts of their bodies(like yeti crabs!). I feel like this depends on how far down they live in the water. Also note that Seawing Hatchlings with feathers are extremely fluffy
There are rumors of giant creatures lurking in the depths of the waters. Most were made up to deter Hatchlings from wandering too far from their parent and getting gobbled up by a killer whale or a shark, though… some of these rumors are true
Seawings have a strict society and set of rules, not as strict as icewings but still, there’s a lot of rules of conduct and ideas of how to be “proper” usually used in upper or middle class Seawings
(Part 1/5)
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porter-pumpkim · 2 months
So, that rise TMNT amphibia au, think I called it rise of amphibia or something? That! Specifically when it gets to the part where raph and Mikey finally reunite
Unlike Sasha, raph genuinly thinks this is a peace negotiation and an innocent party, while grime is scheming behind his back to kill hop pop,
I can absolutely see sprig being jealous that Mikey has another sibling sense in this au by now Mikey is HIS brother, then suddenly this HUGE SPIKEY HULKING MONSTER SHOWS UP WITH THE TOAD ARMY, STANDING NEXT TO CAPTAIN GRIME! and Mikey is just like "RAAAPH!" and leaps into a tackle hug, meanwhile raph is fully prepared to adopt his little brothers second family.
The first half of the episode plays out fairly similar, although instead of raph insisting on being alone with Mikey, its grime insisting raph and Mikey catch up
Grime "you two catch up on what you've missed, I'm sure you have many stories to tell, I'll 'deal' with the frogs."
Raph "You sure there grime? You ain't really the best with... face man stuff- raph can help out if-"
Grime "nonono! You deserve some proper family time, besides, I'm sure... I wanna say minni? Would love a tour of your new room!"
Mikey"Say what-"
Raph "I mean, a little brotherly time wouldn't hurt-" (he probably really wants to be alone with Mikey just to make sure he's ok real quick but also doesn't fully trust grime to run what he thinks is a peace thing yet)
The part at the frog party with sprig finding out its a trap plays out as normal, meanwhile with raph and Mikey, raph is full on babying Mikey, pestering him on if he's ok, what happened while he was alone, probably freaking out when he hears about the tax collectors breaking Mikey's arm that one time and planning a VERY stern talking too for them, while Mikey is asking why raph is even with the toads when "they are literally known for being jerks!"
Mikey actually does need to use the bathroom or something when he tries to leave the room, but unlike with Anne, the door is actually locked, raph didn't do it, and they realized they've been locked in
the brothers head down to the party, the toads assuming raph knows the situation sense he's literally the luetrnnant, entering the banquet room where the frogs are freaking out and the toads are blocking them in
"WHATS GOIN ON IN HERE!?" "oooo you're in for it now! Get em lieutenant raph!" They leave the room, raph is very confused "no actually what's happenin? This was just supposed to be a party and then a negotiation!"
Sprig very much doesn't belive that raph is clueless and has deemed the giant spikey man evil.
Raph is guessing grime in fact did go behind his back and use the kill hop pop plans instead of actually fixigg tge frog opression issue, informing the frogs on what grime wants to do and that they need to get out, and of course the frogs are freaking out at the execute hop pop thing,
Mikey suggests they go through the sewers after trying to tell one eyed wally no bombing (wally still thinks yes bombing) "just like home!" The frogs are disgusted while for raph and Mikey things almost seem normal for a bit other than the sewer monster down there,
Acedentally get captured
"Ah lieutenant Raphael, always playing bog jump while everyone else is playing flipwart. I know you wanted peace but that simply isn't going to happen, the toads have ruled over the valley for generations, and will continue to do so once that pesky little frog is gone!"
Instead of making Mikey and raph fight, Mikey has to fight grime himself, sense raph refuses to hurt his brother, though raph probably tries to butt in once Mikey looks like he's losing (possibly grime causes the scar on raph? That or he butted in at the worst time so Mikey acedentally stabbed him) Mikey manages to defeat grime and demands he hold up his end if the deal to spare hop pop, and if course grime tries to just throw hop pop anyway, but right then wally's boom shrooms go off!
Grime falls off the tower while raph and Mikey try to get everyone down tge stairs safely, raph and Mikey try to discuss a plan while the tower crumbles, raph not wanting to leave Mikey, but also not wanting to abandon grime, even after this betrayal raph probably has at least seen some good in grime, plus he might need to prevent future crimes, Mikey convinces raph he'll be ok on his own, and with that, raph nods, then jumps off the tower.
Grime is at the edge of the woods with his small band of deserters, looking utterly lost, when a disturbingly large hand is placed on his shoulder, looking up, it's raph, who looks stern and dissapointed, like a parent about to give a lecture, before smiling, patting grime on the shoulder, before the team enters the woods, raph turning to nod a goodbye to Mikey, grime just sort of staring between them for a moment, before they fully leave.
Mikey waves goodbye enthusiastically with a wide smile, until raph is out of sight, and the smile becomes a bit more sad, small tears pricking his eyes
Sprig "you ok mikey?"
Mikey "yup! Totally.... fi.." He cuts himself off with a damn fountin of tears "aaAAAA I MISS HIM ALREADYYYY"
The little hug and fade out
Then the little bit at the fountain and the end of season 1
DIDNT MEAN TO WRITE AN ENTIRE EPISODE LAYOUT BUT EY IT HAPPENED! ifk why this su popped up again but oh god I was trying to figure out what was gonna happen with raph for way too long! But he fits so well for strength!
The story definitely changes a lot using Mikey, raph, and Donnie instead of the girls, but I think it still mostly works ^-^ plus it's just fun to think about
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alchemisland · 2 months
Green Hell
Vietnaming names they blacked out of docs, alphabet black ops
Men sweat so much they’re made of salt
Heat trapped in by a verdant vault
Riddled fronds mark where they repelled last night’s assault
It’s so hot the gunmetal boils, hotter than I ever recall
Lightless flame and flameless light, the blameless dead in the charmless night
The guns recoil as if in horror
There is surrender with honour
There is – radio shhhed by screeching bomber
Burns from that napalm no balm will salve
A line of pleasant palms bullseyed by missile salvo.
Sailing grenades wailing at eachother like duelling banshees
Sailing downriver no one ever plucked a banjo here
Deliverance, risen up from death or fear.
Purple haze and a whole rainbow of chemicals
Mirrored aviators, copper tache with an attache case that’d stock an alchemist
Green berets caught red handed, the tower of bayoneted babies by now rancid stands for 
Unsure what my stance is, keep my boots planted
Elephantine gods who rose and reigned before the fall, their visage haunting pillars in the jungles under fog
Poison frogs throning logs, lizards the size of dogs, deep sucking bogs, rampaging feral hogs, older things that scarce evolved
Enemy presence here is strong, I can sense a thousand vietcong
Yet I cannot see a single one.
Burnt body clean up, sagging bags tagged boys inside them
War is hell his helm decrees, swoops low brests ruinous debris
Smoke smell on the breeze, a lifetime’s debriefing needed
Heli door leaners disrupt the rice harvest, shot up the crop
They shout sorry when a stray dog cops one, wordless for dead sons
Fevers out here’ll turn a man inside out, shit squirting out red like had rusted spout 
Heavy smoke session, eyes to heaven
Souls of levelled friends ascended
Life the bread’s unleavened present
Heavy rain means heavy shelling, keep Charlie at bay
Practising drills, marching in formation when jungle to single file distils
Can’t have another Tet offensive, mindset defensive
Pensieve hippy soldiers bouldered on witch finger blems
Odour from the open tentflap, disorder in the ranks
Imagine giving them an order
If each death is expensive, here is mounting debt.
Spend your birthday on sandbags
Fewest bloodstains makes glad rags
Bent double like old hags
Two gunners trading fags for mags
Send your sister a thanks card
Fresh socks, my feet wet which never mine met
On my account don’t fret 
By my count six months left
Pray my gun won’t jam, sending best to the fam
Signing off lights are shining on, sun force through dark like a battering ram.
We’re fighting ghosts 
You can’t nuke ideas
Bombing and bombing
And bombing to free us.
The Gunboat sides would scald your hole 
Flotilla fleet like a surface shoal
Forward stole, through gunfire wove
Settling smoke white as peace doves
Bullets spiral  
Turning from horrors to solace of bible
Helis saw in firing rockets
Torture victims left to mock us 
Nothing shocks us
In Hannoi line of mannish boys muddying their waters
Emptied for pointless death in goalless slaughter
The river is brown and murky, teems with scabrous form 
Every vile thing there abounds, even fish sporting horn
Da Nang is loud with bangs, Apache nose with painted fangs.
Enough rizlas to shroud a mummy, forget you miss your mummy
Mist your mind, it feels lovely, sandbags almost snugly
Out here reside villains, valiants, dalliances behind french valances
Shifted power balances, old crumbling residences
If you’re moving, keep moving like a machiavellian schemer
Under torture realized your handlers never laid out the schema.
Skeet bites itch like eczema, exert you to death out here
Every second plants feeler is a life stealer
Never been a kneeler but Rimmon’s altar appeals
An apple is peeled and placed into a stuck pig’s mouth, sides of trout and pints of cloudy stout for portly majors
Men are kept like beasts, beaten like curs, suspended until lamed in watery cages
Stages of grief, meaningless the musings of sages in a rank pit swimming with dire phages
There are no roads between hills tramped passable by steers
Artillery sinks down into bog like a corn king’s torn corpse when the rivers near.
0 notes
salty-croissants · 6 months
m a y b e a bullfrog (or ray I don’t mind) with a FtM partner ? :3
Thank you for the request !
I gotta say I was a bit nervous about this one , this is the first ever FtM reader I’ve ever written … I really hope I got it right :,I
Details : use of FtM reader ( he/him pronouns are used ) ;
established relationships ;
no warnings needed 
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Bullfrog 💚
Okay , so three words : supportive frog boyfriend .
Bullfrog is the biggest sweetheart and he is going to support any decision you make regarding your identity . 
He is going to love you no matter what , nothing is ever going to change that ❤️
If your hair ever gets too long for your comfort , Bullfrog will be more than happy to help you with it since I think he’d be pretty good at those aesthetic related things …
Plus it’s just very relaxing to feel his gentle touch on your head as he takes care of you …
< Thanks sweetie, I really appreciate it ~
 I would’ve cut it myself , but you remember how it went last time , haha … > 
 < No need to thank me mon amour : you can always count on me . >
He definitely takes your preferences with pronouns and names very seriously , and if someone were to make you uncomfortable by not respecting them or saying something bad to you in general Bullfrog will definitely react accordingly : he may not be in favor of vengeance , but he won’t allow anyone to make his beloved upset , and he can be very … 
Persuasive . 
< Alright sir … I need you to listen to me , because I will not repeat myself .
Unless you start treating my y/n with the respect he deserves I’m afraid I can’t let you be near him . > 
< Hah , and why would I be scared of … of …
Is that a … knife … ? > 
< Oui , and I assure you it would be quite a shame to … go down this path . 
I hope I’ve made myself clear . > 
< Haha , yep ! Yeah , we’re clear , crystal clear !! > 
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Rayman 🧡
Rayman is just so proud of you for finding an identity that fits with who you want to be , and much like Bullfrog he is incredibly supportive of any choice you make .
I also believe that since he spent his whole life being cast out for who he was and what he looked like , he would definitely shower you with love and compliments to let you know that he accepts and loves the person that you’ve become . 
< y/n … ? Have I told you how beautiful you are today ? > 
< Hehe , you did , three times I think … but I won’t mind if you tell me again ~ > 
< I just can’t help it , darling … when I look at you , I just can’t believe I got so lucky , y’know ? You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me … I really mean that . > 
< Aw Ray … I love you so much ~ > 
If you need to use binders ? Rayman is going to make sure that you have the most comfortable ones he can find , discussing all the details with you to get something that works the best for you : 
he just can’t stand the idea of his y/n hurting in any way , shape or form , and he wants to do his best to actively help you somehow . 
< You okay honey ? Does it feel alright ? > 
< Mhm , yeah ! Thanks again for helping me pick it Ray , this one fits so well ! > 
Despite his very friendly and cheerful demeanor around other people , if somebody ever were to say something mean spirited about you … 
Boy , he’s going to be pissed .
< Uh , excuse me … ? What was that about my partner ? 
How about you leave him the hell alone ? > 
Rayman is definitely very protective of you , and he’ll do anything to keep you safe , even if it means risking to damage his reputation as Eden’s voice …
You’re far more important to him than any of those things after all .
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Ramon 🖤
Remember what I said about Rayman being protective of you ? 
Well , now this man will go absolutely feral if anyone dares to even remotely touch you or say something bad to you .
You’re precious to him beyond any measure or logic , and this means that Ramon will often be quite careless about himself if it means keeping you safe …
< Ram , what was that ?? Those guys could’ve killed you ! > 
< It’s fine … I’m … okay . > 
< No you aren’t , you’re bleeding . 
I can handle those kinds of comments , I’ve dealt with them before , you know that … 
I don’t want you to throw yourself at dangerous situations for me , isn’t that what you always tell me not to do ? > 
< That’s different … hiss - > 
< Careful , don’t move around too much … that’s a deep cut , we need to patch it up right away . > 
< … thanks y/n … sorry about that . I just - when I heard them call you those terrible names , I couldn’t just … >
< It’s okay sweetie , just take it easy … I’ll take care of you , now and always . > 
Sometimes you like to surprise Ramon by wearing his clothes ( even though they’re often a bit small ) , especially his coat , and the way he smiles while staring at you never fails to make your heart skip a beat …
You really are the only reason for happiness he has left . 
< Heh … what are you doing ? > 
< Well it was getting a bit cold , and your coat was right there , soo … I thought I’d try it on for a little while ~
I can take it off if you want though - > 
< No no , you can keep it … looks good on you , love ~ > 
Overall , Ramon will do all he can to make you see how much he cares about you and that he really can’t live without you in his life :
expect lots of physical affection , which also includes gentle caresses and kisses on your scars ( only if you’re okay with it of course ) … anything he can do to make you feel appreciated ? He’ll do it .
< God , you’re so pretty , y/n … I wish we could stay like this forever … > 
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mdshariful · 4 months
Today we review a ready-to-emulate box that looks very attractive for its price and what it offers called the Hyper Base R1. you may also like Data Frog SF2000 Best Cheap Retro Console. Hyper Base R1 Retro console It seems like a good option to us, since it has Amlogic S905X3 SoC with Tanix TX3 Box and 4 GB of RAM. In addition to using this box as an emulator, we can run most applications, play 4K UHD content at 60 fps without problems and play 2D and 3D games. As a system we have Android 9 as a normal box in the internal memory and EmuELEC 4.4 with more than 70 emulators installed and thousands of games on microSD. We only need to insert the micro SD to load the games with EmuELEC, to start the box in emulation mode and access the games, if we do not insert it the box will start with Android 9. A simple and fairly economical solution for those who do not want to complicate the installation and downloading of retro games that also includes a pair of joysticks with vibration to play. As always, we recommend backing up your microSD card as soon as it arrives. JMachen Hyper Base R1 Retro Gaming Console - 51,667 Retro Gameshttps://t.co/0OsMUdST4k pic.twitter.com/0YcVSUxwhL — TV Box Stop (@tvboxstop1) June 30, 2022 Specification of Hyper Base R1 Feature Specification Processor AMlogic S905X3 (Quad Core, up to 1.9 GHz) GPU Mali-G31 MP2 VPU Amlogic Video Engine 10 (HDR10, HDR10, HLG support) RAM 4 GB LPDDR3 Storage 32 GB eMMC (expandable via micro SD card reader) Wireless Connectivity Dual Band Wifi, Bluetooth 4.2 Connectors 1 x USB 2.0, 1 x USB 3.0, 1 x 10/100 Ethernet 1 x SPDIF audio, 1 x HDMI 2.1 Included Accessories IR remote control, 2 x controllers, HDMI cable Charger, 256GB microSD card with games Operating Systems Android 9 (internal memory), EmuELEC 4.4 (microSD) Price (on AliExpress) Starting at $26 with shipping included Availability Available on AliExpress The Hyper Base R1 case is powered by a 12nm AMlogic S905X3 SoC. This chip integrates a Quad Core with an ARM Cortex-A55 processor up to 1.9 GHz and a Mali-G31 MP2 GPU. VPU is an Amlogic Video Engine 10 with HDR10, HDR10 and HLG support. We also have 4 GB of LPDDR3 RAM and 32 GB of eMMc internal storage that we can expand using the micro USB card reader or one of the USB ports. Connectivity and Other Feature This box has dual-band WiFi and Bluetooth 4.2 wireless connectivity. The connectors included in the plastic case are a USB 2.0 port, a USB 3.0 port, a 10/100 Ethernet connector, an SPDIF audio port, and an HDMI 2.1 video output. In addition to the microSD card with games, a basic IR remote control, two controllers, HDMI cable and charger are included. Price and availability Hyper Base R1 Box with 2 controllers and 256GB card can be purchased on AliExpress for only $26 including shipping. A great option for the price.
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dilesxpressions · 4 months
Jazmin Adachi
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1. Name, Year, Major, and Hometown 
Jazmin Adachi; 4th year/alumni; Biopsychology major, human development minor; Atlanta, GA + Palo Alto, CA 
2. What’s your Roman empire? 
The fact that the time zone on the East Coast is 3 hours later than the West Coast, so when BeReal goes off at 3:00 PM on the West Coast, it goes off at 6:00 PM on the East Coast. This is just so ridiculous because that means the people on the East Coast have completed their day and have nothing to “BeReal” about.
3. What is the best compliment you have ever received? 
I caught up with a friend I hadn’t talked to in a while, and she told me that moving to New York spontaneously was such a “me” thing. 
4. If your life was a movie what genre would it be (comedy, horror, drama, etc.) and what actor would play you? 
Comedy or documentary; some Asian actress idk we all look the same
5. What is something on your college bucket list? 
Horseback riding which I have completed :) 
6. What’s your guilty pleasure? (song, movie, food etc.) 
Watching Victorious 
7. What are your bad habits? 
I yap too much 
8. What are your favorite song lyrics? 
“Ring ding ding daa baa 
Baa aramba baa bom baa barooumba 
Wh-wha-what's going on-on? 
Ding, ding 
This is the Crazy Frog 
Ding, ding 
Bem, bem 
Ring ding ding ding ding ding 
Ring ding ding ding bem bem bem 
Ring ding ding ding ding ding 
Ring ding ding ding baa baa 
Ring ding ding ding ding ding 
Ring ding ding ding bem bem bem 
Ring ding ding ding ding ding 
This is the Crazy Frog 
Ding, ding 
Br-br-break it, br-break it 
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum 
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum 
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum
Bem, bem 
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum 
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum 
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum 
This is the Crazy Frog 
A ram me ma bra ba bra bra rim bran 
Dran drra ma mababa baabeeeaaaaaaa 
Ding, ding 
This is the Crazy Frog 
Ding, ding 
Da, da 
Ring ding ding ding ding ding 
Ring ding ding ding bem bem bem 
Ring ding ding ding ding ding 
Ring ding ding ding baa baa 
Ring ding ding ding ding ding 
Ring ding ding ding bem bem bem 
Ring ding ding ding ding ding 
This is the Crazy Frog 
Ding, ding 
Br-br-break it, br-break it 
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum 
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum 
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum 
Bem, bem 
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum 
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum 
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum 
This is the Crazy Frog 
Bem, bem” 
9. Defend your unpopular opinion/ hot take 
Black olives make a great snack 
10. Describe a time when you had to step up and be a leader.
For the last group project of my undergraduate career, my group and I had to create a public service announcement video about health disparities in a certain community. The project was to make a presentation and have a voice-over on top of it about the announcement. In this scenario, I will use fake names heheh. There were 5 team members: Mike, Clara, Oscar, Scarlett, and me. The project was due on Sunday and it was Wednesday. Mike created a timeline for when parts of the projects should be finished. We decided that Mike, Clara, Oscar, and I would split up parts of the research and create the presentation as well as create a script for the voice-over. Scarlett would then do the voice-over part. In addition to the research, I also took on the job of creating an organized presentation as well as helping Scarlett do half of the voiceover as I have slight video editing experience as well. 
Mike created a timeline of when everything should be finished and helped accommodate a lot of our schedules. For example, I had a rave to go to on Saturday, so I asked Mike to go ahead and change my planned schedule from Saturday to Friday. Scarlett was also not free on Saturday, and as her job was the last thing to do, Mike moved her items to Sunday. When Sunday rolled around, I finished my voice-over parts very quickly and edited them to send over to Scarlett. The task was simple: I just read off the scripts that everyone else provided. I let Scarlett know that the script might have to be shortened a bit as our teammates made it long and there is a time limit for the video. Scarlett agreed but said that she was not home yet and would have to do the voice-over later in the day. 
As 6 PM rolled around, Mike called me as we were worried that Scarlett wouldn’t do her part. I had a birthday dinner to attend and could not do Scarlett’s part quickly. We got no updates from Scarlett until around 8:30 PM when she said she was working on it and would submit it. At around 11:00 PM, she sent in the project. My other teammates thought we were all relieved until I noticed that the video was almost a minute and a half over the time limit. We started complaining about how our grades would go down because of the overtime, and Scarlett edited the video to make the voice-over faster which made the video sound very awkward and still about 30 seconds over. With 35 minutes remaining, I decided to step in and shorten the script that Scarlett did the voice-over on, and rerecord everything Scarlett did. When finished, I still had about 13 seconds to spare with no fast-forward editing on my voice. I submitted the project at 11:57 PM with 2 minutes to spare, and my teammates thanked me for my hard work. We all got a 100 on the project – except for Scarlett. 
There was a feedback form for teammates who did not contribute too much, and I wrote one for Scarlett. Nothing against Scarlett; I’m sure her quarter was hard, and I did feel bad. However, it was the last project of my undergraduate career, and it took Scarlett about 4 hours to do half of a voice-over with the script given to her. I frantically redid what Scarlett completed in 12.5% of her time. We already worked around Scarlett’s schedule, and she did not have to do any research on the project whatsoever. I took on her part, did the research for my slides, wrote my script, and created the template for my slideshow. There is no excuse for her not being able to do 10% of the project, especially when she almost negatively affected the entire group’s grades. I don’t know what grade she got,and I wish her well, but I hope she did not get a full score when she contributed nothing to the team. This was more of a rant about my teammate not doing the work she was supposed to do, but I do believe that I stepped up heavily to become the leader of my team’s project for us to get a good grade.
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djmusicbest · 10 months
Best New Trance (R/D/H): August 2023 by Beatport
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- Artists: Beatport DATE CREATED: 2023-08-04 GENRES: Trance (Raw / Deep / Hypnotic) Tracklist : 1. Ram-J - Nowhere Bells(Regal 23 Rework) 2. Remotif - It's Inside U(Original Mix) 3. Kim Misil - K-Hole(Original Mix) 4. Kick Fill - Quest(Original Mix) 5. Airod - Meet Me In The Club(Original Mix) 6. Aura Infinity - Millenium(Original Mix) 7. Pico Boulevard - Xenomorph(Shutdown Mix) 8. RAW AF - Acid($kal$ki Remix) 9. Ressdan - Komatiite(Album Mix) 10. Basil O'Glue - Empire(Naden Remix) 11. Kim Misil - Arodisi(Original Mix) 12. Spaceship Commanders - Stranger Things(Original Mix) 13. Matisa - Sunrose(Original Mix) 14. Perel - Tranceform(Original Mix) 15. Van Dope - All Together(Extended Mix) 16. Super-Frog Saves Tokyo - Reactivate(Solarstone Retouch) 17. Hard Angel - Bountiful Immortals(Original Mix) 18. ORYMA, Pasquale Racca - Cadence(Extended Mix)   Download FileCat Read the full article
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