lgspears · 2 months
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for the ThunderCats movie, i nominated Tony Curran as Mumm-Ra, Terry Notary as Slithe, Amir Jadidi as Jackalman, Alexander Ward as Monkian, Robin Lord Taylor as Vultureman and Ron Yuan or Liang Yang as Ratar-O.
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docgold13 · 9 months
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Profiles in Villainy
The self-proclaimed leader of the Mutant Army, the reptilian rapscallion known as Slithe had plotted to thieve the plans for the Plun-Darr weapon platform from King Claudius prior to the destruction of Thunderra.  Unable to obtain his prize, Slithe led his forces in chasing the Thundercats to their new refuge on Third Earth. 
On this new and strange world, Slithe and his followers allied with the villainous Mum-Ra, unaware that he had unwittingly pledged himself and his army to be mere minions and foot soldiers for Mum-Ra’s plans of conquest.  
Crass, unimaginative and cruel, Slithe made for a poor leader of the Mutant Army, but they followed him nonetheless, along with his chief lieutenants, Vultureman, Jackalman and Monkian.   Still, Slithe showed signs of cunning and his followers preferred him to the more demanding Mutant general, Ratar-O.
In the rebooted Thundercats continuity, Slithe is the leader of the Lizardmen and the first general of Mumm-Ra's army. He and his forces were responsible for the destruction of Castle Thunderra and acted as pawns in Mum-Ra’s plot to obtain the Sword of Omens and dominate Third Earth.  
Actor Bob McFadden provided the voice for Slithe in the original series; whereas actor Dee Bradley Baker voiced the villain in the 2011 reboot.  Slithe first appeared  in the premiere episodes of The Thundercats, airing January 23rd, 1985.
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king-hsssy · 7 days
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Brexio, she/her, aro/ace! My lovable Mu’Tant infiltrator, she’s about the size of Luna and just as loud. She was dumped on Third Earth by Ratar-O so she could annoy someone else (Ssslythe).
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firefaerie81 · 6 months
(liveblog tag in chronological order)
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Since Mumm-Ra can sense the Sword of Plun-Darr, maybe Ratar-O was wrong that he didn't know it was there and he was just waiting for someone to unseal it for him.
Or maybe he was right and Mumm-Ra could only sense the sword once it was unsealed. But either way, this was inevitable. If the Thundercats hadn't gotten the sword, it would've been Ratar-O, and I'd bet Mumm-Ra would have a much easier time getting it from him.
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actionfigureinsider · 2 years
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Thunder, Thunder,THUNDER!! • @super7 Super7’s latest wave of 7” scale #ThunderCats ULTIMATES! is nothing to snarf at! Including Mongor, Ratar-O, Willa, and- yes, finally! - Snarf, all with interchangeable heads & hands and multiple accessories, these made-to-order figures are available now on Super7.com! https://www.instagram.com/p/CjsnW0Wu2gF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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djtavy · 2 years
Iohannis: Un eşec în aderarea ţării noastre la Schegen probabil ar duce la o creştere a euroscepticismului în România
Iohannis: Un eşec în aderarea ţării noastre la Schegen probabil ar duce la o creştere a euroscepticismului în România
Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis a declarat, întrebat dacă o ratare a aderării ţării noastre la Schengen ar duce la creşterea euroscepticismului în România, că s-ar putea întâmplat probabil acest lucru, însă nu consideră că vom eşua în acest obiectiv naţional, deoarece calculele sunt făcute pentru varianţa unei reuşite, nu a unui eşec. „Pentru mine, pentru noi cei prezenţi aici la pupitre eşecul nu…
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dininimapentrumine · 2 years
Pocăința ca proces de o viață întreagă – Partea a VII- a (Psalmul 51)
Pocăința ca proces de o viață întreagă – Partea a VII- a (Psalmul 51)
Sursa foto: Photo by Dulcey Lima on Unsplash  Continuare de AICI, AICI, AICI, AICI, AICI și AICI Cît sîntem în trup sîntem tot timpul în strigătul ”binele pe care vreau să-l fac nu-l fac și răul pe care nu vreau să-l fac, iată ce fac!” De aceea, conștienți fiind de continua ratare a standardelor lui […]Pocăința ca proces de o viață întreagă – Partea a VII- a (Psalmul 51)
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mmahdy1666 · 2 years
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Člověk se chce v pekelném letním žáru projet "osvěžující meziměstskou tramvají" z Liberce do Jablonce a on tady kurnik šopa jede jen NAD autobus X11...🤔... inu poněkud hořká zkušenost dnešního dne. ...ještě o fous hořčejší než Radegast Ratar... 🍺🚋🚌🍺☀️🍀👍😜👌 (v místě Jablonecké tramvaje) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce_vYctrPha/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thundersolstice · 3 years
I was inspired to ask this after stumbling upon how detailed your fan metas are and all the thought put in them. I was curious if you ever thought about what role Ratar-O might have played in Season 2? Ratar-O ended up becoming one of my favorite villains due to him acting like a dark reflection to Lion-O.
This has been sitting on my drafts for ages because I accidentally lost a bunch of what I wrote (damn app) and ragequit. But in the interest of answering the ask before the year ends, here's what I got. Sorry it's so late, anon!
Always happy to ramble. I really like Ratar-O, too, especially as a foil for Lion-O. I have thought about Ratar-O’s role in future seasons a bit, but not at length, and nothing with strong support from canon material... That said,
ThunderMeta: On Ratar-O and the Rats
First, a quick summary of what facts I’ve gleaned from canon re Ratar-O and the rats, and a few assumptions I’m basing my headcanons on:
Ratar-O was the absolute ruler of the rats, but I'm unclear what his title is. I’m also unsure if he inherited his rule (as the heir to a ruling bloodline traced, at a minimum, back to Ratilla), or if he seized his rule on his own power. It’s probably splitting hairs, but I like knowing these things.
Perhaps worth observing: when Ratar-O states Ratilla is his ancestor, he could have meant it in a “the ancient rats are our ancestors” way, not necessarily a “Ratilla is my great-great-greatx50-grandfather” way. The latter has a stronger basis in canon because Ratar-O specifically states: “…My ancestor, Ratilla…” but, you know. Just putting that out there.
It’s unclear if Ratilla was already leading the rats or if he came to power after obtaining the Sword of Plun-Darr. I’m operating from the tentative assumption that if Ratilla was not “born a king,” then he established his dynasty with Mumm-Ra’s Sword. 
My tentative assumptions for Ratar-O are either: (a) Ratar-O is a direct descendant of Ratilla; and therefore Ratar-O inherited his rule, or (b) Ratar-O seized power and set himself up as the rats’ ruler by his own hand. I regret that I had to think so hard about that.
I’d like to see Ratar-O come back for a Round Two with Lion-O in either the second or later seasons, either as a lackey a la Slithe & co., or entirely independent of Mumm-Ra. I’d like to see Ratar-O moving against Lion-O on his own (they’re fun to watch together), but I think it’d be more likely for Ratar-O to approach the Ever-Living to ask for aid in revenging himself on Lion-O. I don’t recall that Ratar-O had a huge role in the classic series the way Slithe and Mumm-Ra’s other minions did, but I could see Ratar-O perhaps forming an alliance with Mumm-Ra rather than directly handing himself and his people over to Mumm-Ra’s absolute rule (as far as Rataro-O knows, anyway. lol)
Another thought I had is that Ratar-O might not return in the second season (although I do expect the rats to join the final battle against Mumm-Ra in the finale), but could appear as a villain in his own right in the third or later seasons, maybe in a kind of “I’ve been plotting my revenge on Lion-O all these years now feel my wrath!” way. That scenario could go all kinds of directions, and it’d make a nice early arc to keep the thundercats busy while Mumm-Ra is secretly recovering/freeing himself from the Ancient Spirits/&c.
Backing up a bit, I’m particularly interested in what Ratar-O’s people do in the wake of his defeat/the destruction of his mine: if the rats were abandoned by their ruler when he “fled back underground,” that may’ve created a power vacuum in the rats’ government, which would open the door to all the change and likely chaos that follows a deposed despot; or if Ratar-O only fled from Lion-O, but maintained his grip on his people, then there’s still the original question of the civil unrest resultant of tyranny, which could only be made worse by Ratar-O’s defeat at Lion-O’s hands, as well as general observations and talk about how Lion-O, an enemy king, treats the rats better than Ratar-O ever has (“Your people are just slaves on the other side of the whip!”)…
The rats clearly have a long, bitter history with the cats (along with just about every species on Third Earth lmao), so it’d be nice to see how Lion-O unites them under his flag (or his Code, I suppose), particularly since they have a very recent painful history in the cats’ enslavement and subsequent liberation. I wouldn't expect Lion-O to struggle overmuch to convince them to fight with him, but I would really, really like to see all the conflict that comes from the rats rubbing shoulders with their recently freed slaves, particularly through individuals' POVs. Such as, a cat (with their own story) recognizing a rat (with their own story) who beat him/her or killed a loved one or the like, and the many different ways similar scenarios play out across all these reunions. I'd expect to see healing if not forgiveness, eventually, but I wouldn't mind seeing any of the hundreds of other ways different dynamics end, either. And Lion-O getting caught up in at least one of these personal conflicts, and Lion-O talking to rats and cats personally and convincing then to move on, and just Lion-O being a fantastic leader to all these people with so much pain between them and hnnng I need it.
Now to conclude with a totally relevant gif.
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castlewyvern · 6 years
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fly-pow-bye · 4 years
How do u think Tygra will react to ratar-o alive and with the sword of plundarr
I’d imagine with horror, but I haven’t watched the episode yet.
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lioconvoy · 3 years
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While not my favorite iteration of the ThunderCats, I know that the 2011 series holds a special place in people's hearts. As a ThunderCats Historian, I feel it's my duty and privilege to obtain and preserve things from these series. So, I've purchased, scanned, and am now uploading, these in-studio model sheets from the 2011 series. I'm hoping that I can also do so with the original series as well whenever they show up (and hopefully I'll have the money to drop on them). These have a right to be preserved and enjoyed. If you're just a regular fan, you're welcome to save, use, or publish these. Same goes if you run general animation sites/blogs/whatever. However, if you run a ThunderCats site/blog/page/whatever, then I require that you e-mail me at [email protected] to discuss posting of these on your various media sources.
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firefaerie81 · 7 months
(liveblog tag in chronological order)
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The fight between Lion-O and Ratar-O is very flashy, and I like how Lion-O wins using the defensive power of the Spirit Stone to send Ratar-O's own attack back at him.
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Lion-O took Pumyra's criticism to heart, and committed to doing better. Pumyra has now seen that Lion-O's compassion does have an effect even on enemies, and she comes to appreciate him a little more.
Another reason Pumyra is my favorite is that I really like arcs where a jaded character rediscovers kindness and hope.
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valkyrie-soulless · 3 years
Voice Actors of AC Valhalla
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Character: Eivor Wolf-Kissed
Voice Actor: Magnus Bruun
Birthday: 3 January 1984
Languages: English, Danish
Past roles: Cnut (The Last Kingdom), Count Blücher (Gentleman Jack), Johnny (Gælden) Elias (Ballet D’Action)
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Character: Eivor Wolf-Kissed
Voice Actor: Cecilie Stenspil
Birthday: 22 October 1979
Languages: English, Danish
Past roles: Rapunzel (Danish Dub Tangled), Olivia (Kollision), Eva (Lang Historie Kort)
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Character: Sigurd Styrbjornsson
Voice Actor: Gudmundur Thorvaldsson
Birthday: 25 June 1973
Languages: English, Icelandic
Past roles: David Pillard (Chasing Robert Baker), Remus (The Witcher 2019), Tolli (Reykjavik), Andrés (The Valhalla Murders)
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Character: Basim Ibn Ishaq
Voice Actor: Carlo Rota
Birthday: 17 April 1961
Languages: English, Italian, Spanish, Cantonese
Past roles: Yakavetta (The Boondock Saints), Hedig (Grimm), Ratar-o (Thundercats 2012), Dimitri Zubov (The Mentalist)
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Character: Hytham
Voice Actor: Amir Sám Nakhjavani
Birthday: N/A
Languages: English, French, Farsi
Past roles: Amir (Fareed), John (The Detectives), Damastes (AC Origins)
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Character: Randvi
Voice Actor: Kajsa Mohammar
Birthday: 1 September 1990
Languages: English, Swedish
Past roles: Tait (Viking Destiny), Anna-Britt (Endeavor), Miss Mary Gordon (Savage)
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king-hsssy · 3 years
ThunderCats OC Master Post
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I have 7 ThunderCats ocs and I want to make a big ass post w/ general stuff about them so we can get to know the whole crew in one go.
So here it is under the cut you’ll meet all my cast! Alphabetically.
Asmoa (any pronouns)
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A naga indigenous to Third Earth, Asmoa is a scientist who works for Nyx and loves to mix dangerous mediums just to see what would happen.
Brexio (She/Her)
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Bombastic mutant assistant to Sssslythe, she was dropped off by Ratar-O to give the lizard a hard time. She's well versed in espionage as her small size benefits her efforts.
Eris (he/him)
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Created to defeat the ThunderCats, Eris is a False Thunderian created via science and magic.
Jezebel (she/her)
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Thunderian royal, all Jez knows is the high life and she intends to keep it that way.
Julius (he/him)
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Julius used to be apart of the royal weavers guild but broke away to peruse the lucrative art of high fashion and haute couture. Escaping the destruction of Thundera by a setback, he now wanders the galaxies searching for some place to call home.
Lace (he/him)
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OC for a 80s mall au. He hangs around the food court, Hot Topic and Spencer's and has been regularly chased out by Mandora for skateboarding around the fountain.
Nihil (he/him)
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Art by (@couchbo0yz)
Right hand man to Nyx, he runs the managerial aspect of her radio show and can be known to eat the competition.
Nyx (she/her)
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Exiled Thunderian mage turned night goddess due to a pact. Nyx runs a radio show where her loyal listeners, helping her acquire worshipers and survive as a deity on Third Earth.
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swan2swan · 4 years
I like the Lore too. Plus I like their version of berbils. They’re cuties💖 I’m just wondering if Thundercats roar will also take some different ideas, concerning mutants and Thundercats. Oh well, we’ll see how it goes. I like to think it’s a good combination of nostalgia and also new changes. Also, heard an upcoming ep will have Ratar-o return to lead the mutants
It certainly looks like they’re setting up for that!
...which is, again, something they’re doing better than the Sequel Trilogy. 
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