#Reduced Costs
ninjaglobal · 5 months
Unlock the World's Freshest Fruits: Bangalore Importer Connects You Globally
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Craving exotic fruits or sourcing the perfect seasonal picks? Look no further than Ninja Global Bangalore's leading fresh fruit importer! We bring the world's finest produce to your doorstep, ensuring exceptional quality and freshness.
Why Choose Us?
Global Reach: Access a vast network of trusted suppliers across the globe.
Seamless Logistics: We handle everything from sourcing to delivery, making import a breeze.
Quality Assurance: Rigorous quality checks guarantee the freshest, most delicious fruits.
Competitive Prices: Get the best value for your money without compromising on quality.
Elevate your import experience with NINJA GLOBAL, an international trade-enabling platform by Ninjacart.
Build Credibility: Establish trust with international buyers and sellers.
Streamline Trade: Simplify documentation, payments, and logistics.
Grow Your Business: Expand your reach and access new markets.
Ready to taste the world? Book a free consultation today and discover how we can help you import the freshest fruits with ease! Call us: +91 7618782596 Visit: https://ninja-global.com/
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As one of the leading pharmacies providing specialty medication in New Jersey, we are big promoters of immunizations. As with healthcare professionals all around the world, we highly recommend getting immunized with the recommended vaccines.
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jaideepkhanduja · 1 year
Thriving During Economic Downturn: How to Succeed When Times are Tough
An economic downturn is a challenging time for businesses and individuals alike. It’s a period when people experience financial insecurity and struggle to make ends meet. However, while it may seem counterintuitive, thriving during an economic downturn is not impossible. In fact, many businesses and individuals have been able to come out on top during such times. In this article, we’ll explore…
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haloocomm · 1 year
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IVR (Interactive Voice Response) is a technology that allows customers to interact with a company through automated voice menus. Here are 5 reasons why IVR can be beneficial:
Convenience: IVR allows customers to access information and services at any time, without the need for live support.
Increased efficiency: IVR reduces wait times for customers and allows companies to handle a large volume of calls simultaneously.
Improved customer experience: IVR provides customers with quick and easy access to information and services, improving the overall customer experience.
Reduced costs: IVR eliminates the need for live support, which can be expensive, and reduces the need for call centers.
Increased customer loyalty: Satisfied customers are more likely to return, and IVR helps companies deliver a better customer experience, which can increase customer loyalty.
Halocomm is a company that specializes in IVR solutions. They offer customizable IVR systems that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of a business. Their solutions can help companies improve their customer experience, reduce costs, and increase customer loyalty.
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transgendz · 2 months
My roommate and I are financially unstable while he does through a long, complicated diagnosis process that started as we stopped being homeless. I just got a job, and it's going to pay well and allow us to get caught up and stable, but I don't get my check for a week and a half. We have rent due on the 1st, our storage bill due at the end of the month, and we are out of food.
Dm me for proof or details
I will do art for anyone who gives, just message me @theartistrans I also take commissions there.
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Dm me for zelle
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5 Ideas to Reduce the Cost of Travel
5 Ideas to Reduce the Cost of Travel
An unusually gentle view of the California coast Other than airfare, (which, unfortunately, has gone through the roof over the past couple years) …5 Ideas to Reduce the Cost of Travel
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silentgrim · 6 months
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fiovske · 8 months
if ur still into harry potter in 2023 then just fucking unfollow or block me i can't take this shit anymore don't reblog posts from me tagging them harry potter characters do you know how EMBARRASSING that is? to ever be mistaken for an idiot or worse, indifferent? op is gonna think *I* entertain hp clowns which ew ew ew could not be further from the truth. i cannot be seen associated w your ilk. leave me out of it.
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mwolf0epsilon · 8 months
Not to start beef on main but what was the POINT of creating and then endearing us to Rex, of making him such an integral part of The Clone Wars and Rebels as a protagonist and supporting character, making him not just Anakin's and Ahsoka's captain but also their friend and most loyal ally, if you're gonna fucking snub him from the plot completely?
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dawnscales · 8 days
Being Jewish in Europe right now is having to check all the parties you can vote for during the EU elections to see what flavor of antisemitism they come with or if they actually have a damn braincell and then hope that what they stand for actually aligns with your political views.
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ramayantika · 4 months
She's my roommate and if she were absent for days or were having a medical problem, I would have gladly sent the answers to her and helped her
But the thing is nobody is sick and she has attended all the classes. I made my notes in question answer form, sat hours on the laptop to make flashcards and mock questions for practice and even answered it. Now she wants them all because I am done with all the material.
Like it would actually just take the same time as me to make your own answers instead of copying it of me. If I wouldn't have done it, she wouldn't have bothered with me at all for it.
The thing is I feel annoyed when people do, because I sacrifice outings and many social activities just so I can study, and prepare for classes because I have dance classes and practice to attend too
And then see another person who will spend classes talking to every other person, getting up late etc. She studies yes and can even score better than me sure.
But I hate to see my hardwork be used when you were in perfect health and were present all the time, but chose to spend the remaining time roaming around after class.
And the material is really easy, like just make answers from the damn slides.
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plaguedocboi · 2 months
If you ever lose a leg, you should get a peg leg for your Ahab cosplay
How expensive and legal do you think it would be to commission a whale ivory leg? Legitimately curious
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sleeppaw · 2 months
Authors and how they use their wealth
John Green: Uses his wealth to help fight tuberculosis
Rick Rhodian: Set up a publishing arm for Black, Asian, Hispanic and Indigenous authors
Andrea White: Campaigns for education and reading.
Many other authors have highlighted injustice.
Suzanne Collins: Disappeared into the woods
Then you have JK Rowling who is using her wealth to fund hate.
If I ever become a successful author, I would use my wealth to fight against injustice or pull a Suzanne Collins and disappear, only going out in public to promote a new book.
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nellasbookplanet · 10 months
Having finally read the Nimona comic (it’s very good, everyone please go read it) I can’t help but find describing it as being about the power of incredible violence to defeat an authoritarian state, as I've seen done, to be both kind of misleading and ultimately reductive to the story as a whole.
Yes there is incredible violence in the comic and it was in the end what tore down the corrupt system, but it was also Nimona's downfall, destroyed her relationship with her only friend (and led to her (temporary) death by his very hand as he could no longer stand by her and her actions, even as he never judged her, recognized her role as a victim and tried to save her until the end), put countless civilians in danger, and ultimately did little to nothing to address how to actually fix the problems of the system to keep them from returning. In fact, Nimona as a character shows little interest in fixing anything. She suggests killing the king and having Ballister take his place, despite Ballister neither wanting this nor having the experience to pull it off (and would, in fact, only result in replacing one king with another rather than lead to an entirely new system, as is often the case with bloody uprisings). When people start dying from the illness they spread, Ballister wants to immediately stop it; Nimona suggests they let more people die to further rile up hatred and anger against the institution. Nimona isn't a good guy looking to save people; she's an angry, hurt girl looking to hurt those who hurt her and those who have the potential to hurt her in the future (even when Ballister is one of those people). She is the villain the state turned her into.
And that is kind of the point I see the story making. Not 'you need incredible violence to tear down an authoritarian state' as something good and celebratory, but rather 'an authoritarian state will ultimately lead to its own downfall by creating monsters of its own making, and while said downfall is needed the fact that it has to happen at all is deeply tragic because there are no winners here'. Nimona isn't a villain-villain (the true antagonist is obviously still the Institution), but she isn't a hero either. She's a tragic figure with a tragic end that the state brought upon itself by mistreating its people. She doesn't stick around to help rebuild and heal, and she doesn't (to our knowledge) get to see her home become a better place. It's a bittersweet end where the very person who tore down the oppressors is too broken to enjoy the end result. It isn't a story about rebellion, it's a story about the inherent and justified self-destruction of authoritarian systems.
(Writing it out like this, I realize that, thematically, it’s very similar to n.k. jemisin's broken earth trilogy, which you should all also read because it is incredible and not very friendly to authoritarian states.)
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unofficialadamtaurus · 6 months
Casual Adam gets approached by a random person making YT content, said person asks him what he does for a living and how much money his outfit cost.
random person has a death wish
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If giving the youtuber a death glare isn't enough, he'd probably say "None of your business" to both and try to walk away. Further bothering would result in violence.
Non-scroll version under the cut.
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transgendz · 5 days
Emergency Commissions
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One of my checks was a couple of days late last week, and the more lucrative of my 2 proper jobs has given me only one day of work this week (seems to be system issue?? I'm waiting for a reply from my higher up, there seems to be a queue of sorts) I have no idea when I'm going to get my check this week, either. Although it's supposed to come in on Tuesdays, I have heard from coworkers it is likely to be delayed again. On top of all of this, I have had wifi issues for a week, and I work from home.
I was already going to have to do some commissions to make rent this month before the reduced work hours and wifi issues. I have to pay rent on Saturday, and I do not get a grace period. I cannot emphasize how screwed me, and both of my disabled roommates are if my check doesn't come in on time, which is apparently not likely to happen.
I am setting this goal for $600 which is how much I am going to need for rent if my check does not go through in time. I will update this post accordingly, and turn off rbs if I get my check before rent is due, but tbh if i thought that was happening I wouldn't be making this post.
Anyone who help with this can contact me at my art blog @theartistrans for art like you see above. There may be a bit of a wait because I have 2 jobs and this, but I will mail you the piece if you pay the shipping also.
Dm me for proof or more details. More details are also in my tags.
$C V PP Kofi
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