liones-s · 2 months
my post about building credibility seemed to resonate with folks, so I figured I’d share some tips on what’s worked for me to do that:
1. Set achievable goals. Rather than saying ‘I’m going to write my essay today’, try ‘today I’ll make my outline’. I usually go for two, three goals max per day, and I actually number them in priority order on my to-do list so I can separate them from all the little things that I’d like to do but aren’t essential.
(*note on achievability: I’m coming at this from an academic focus, but these goals can be literally anything that’s important for you to achieve. Goal 1. could be ‘wash my hair’. It’s not about how big the goal is relative to the world, it’s about whether it’s important for you)
2. Take note when you achieve your goals. A big part of building credibility is acknowledging and celebrating your process, so even if it’s just for a moment at the end of the day, try to thank yourself for what you’ve achieved.
3. Don’t punish yourself for not achieving everything. If you set three goals and achieve one, you still achieved one goal. Notice and appreciate that, and try to take note of what stood in the way of the others. Maybe tomorrow you’ll choose to set two instead, and you might be able to make both of them.
I’ll share more tips as they come to me, but hopefully these can help folks get started on the process. Remember that building credibility with yourself is an individual experience so it’ll look different for everyone - you might find these work, or maybe they’re just a jumping-off point for building your own strategy
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blackswaneuroparedux · 10 months
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Notice the way in which people show their gullibility and their herd instinct, and their wish - or perhaps their need - to be fooled. Credulity may be a form of innocence, but it provides a standing invitation for the wicked and the clever to exploit their brothers and sisters.
Christopher Hitchens
Whose taking bets when the Woke fever will break and then try and find anyone who actually believed in it in the first place?
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
Elon Musk has chosen a new CEO of Twitter and plans to step down from the role within about six weeks, the billionaire entrepreneur said on Thursday.
Musk, who runs Tesla and Space X, did not disclose the identity of the incoming chief executive. He said he plans to transition to a role as executive chairman and chief technology officer, in which he'll focus on "overseeing product."
[Note: We have since learned that his replacement will be former NBCUniversal ad exec Linda Yaccarino. Source: CBS News, 5/12/23]
The announcement comes months after Musk pledged in December to step down as the head of Twitter as soon as he found someone "foolish enough to take the job."
Musk's tentative resignation late last year followed a Twitter poll posted by Musk in which 57.5% of respondents called on him to stop leading the company.
After acquiring Twitter in October, Musk made major changes to the company and its platform. In an effort to significantly slash costs, the company has cut roughly 75% of its 7,500-person workforce, raising concerns about Twitter's capacity to maintain its platform.
-via ABC News, 5/11/23
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pandemic-info · 2 years
How to check if a source is credible. Misinformation is straight up killing people
via reddit: What’s some basic knowledge that a scary amount of people don’t know?
EDIT: How to actually check if a source is credible:
- Identify the author and check their credentials. Also, see who their employer is, and consider how it might impact their biases.
- Compare headlines to the actual content of the article. Is it intentionally misleading to provoke an emotional response? Think about whether it's done to intentionally misdirect people.
- Check the date the article was published. When it was released could change if the information is outdated.
- Fact check the story by using websites like FactCheck.org.
- Dig deep to see if the news article cites sources and traceable quotes.
- Check if the URL has any misspellings or odd use of language.
Important things to remember:
Always consult multiple sources - Social media is NOT a reliable source (looking at you, Facebook)
- Be open minded and fight against confirmation bias.
- Avoid predictive searching so you don't get trapped in an echo chamber.
P.s. I save quite a few things from Twitter. When I do, I look who posted it, what their credentials are, if that's corroborated elsewhere, who else endorses them, etc. (Usually it's from researchers whose work I already knew from years back.) That doesn't mean they or the info is certainly infallible; it's just due diligence, to the extent I can.
If something is incorrect, I want to know. But likewise I'm skeptical depending who says so, what their credentials and sources are, and always: cui bono?
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b0ringasfuck · 7 months
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Quoting scripture shouldn’t increase your credibility. Calling people “phobes” shouldn’t increase your credibility. Quoting the brand name or catch-phrase of your organization shouldn’t increase your credibility.
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nightguide · 10 days
Yellowface exists on ambiguism, the totalist productions of faces and cards not re-instating minds to be
Just literally making middle east diaspora write ‘credible’ information about surviving members of the Holocaust made in their terms (erasing knowledge of humanity itself) like knowledge affirming abilities would go because like Japan did from world war 2 made changes to their likability to exist it’s changing representations from horrific history to cuteness become (kawaii, anime. That sort of thing) which is how White authors are buying rights to sell their goddamn lives for people-like liars to write everything for them and clear out the remaining chinese-diaspora to rhizomatic intermediaries (names above everything and they said ‘it’s okay to normalise slavery again) like i explained on twitter about Selena Gomez making the face as TIME’s most influential companies
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tmarshconnors · 21 days
ICC prosecutor seeks arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Hamas leaders.
Are you serious? The International Criminal Court (ICC) seeks arrest warrants for both Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and leaders of Hamas? What kind of parallel universe are we living in? It's absolutely mind-boggling that the ICC, which is supposed to uphold justice, is even contemplating this action.
First of all, let's talk about Netanyahu. Whether you love or hate his politics, he's the democratically elected leader of a SOVEREIGN nation. Israel, a country that is at WAR! If it wasn’t for the Palestinian Sunni Islamist group Hamas (a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organisation, led surprise attacks against Israel from the Gaza Strip. Where 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals were killed they wouldn’t have had this war they brought it upon themselves! The idea that Netanyahu, a head of state, should be arrested for actions taken in defence of his nation is preposterous and hypocritical. It's not like he's some rogue warlord—he's accountable to the Israeli Knesset, the judiciary, and ultimately, the Israeli people. How about focusing on real war criminals instead of targeting a nation's leadership for making tough decisions in a volatile region??!?!
And Hamas leaders? Let’s get real. Hamas is recognised as a terrorist organisation by many countries around the world, including the United Kingdom and the United States. They routinely launch rockets at civilian populations, use human shields, and perpetrate suicide bombings. These actions are not justifiable under any circumstances, and equating their leaders with a sitting prime minister of a democratic country is not only absurd but also dangerously misleading. 
What message is the ICC sending here? That there's no difference between a democratic leader trying to protect his country and terrorists who deliberately target civilians? I am so sick and tired of this blunt hypocrisy! This false equivalency undermines the credibility of international law and disrespects the victims of real war crimes. The ICC MUST be held accountable! Should have acted on Hamas years ago!! 
The ICC needs to get its act together. Instead of indulging in politically charged prosecutions that do nothing but fan the flames of conflict, it should concentrate on clear-cut cases of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity where there is no ambiguity about the perpetrators. The court's credibility and relevance depend on it acting judiciously, not politically or it has no reason for being whatsoever!
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fascistsarefreefood · 4 months
You may not be researching things properly
So I've seen a few posts where people were saying they researched a social issue on Tumblr and maybe this is just me missing my gifted kid era but I wouldn't call looking at stuff on Tumblr "researching"
Which is absolutely fine we don't always have the energy or time to look into current events properly but bear in mind if you aren't properly looking into a topic there's a chance you've been misinformed
So here's a better way to find out information if you're a Tumblr "researcher":
1. Find multiple sources (that make sense to you and preferably not just websites) I'd go for three at the very least make sure they're credible by looking at where the information is coming from and how old it is. Pay attention to the tone and try to work out if the source is biased
2. Read the information, all of it if you can, and make sure it makes sense to you. If the writing/tone is hard to understand find a different source.
3. Think through what was said and make sure it actually makes logical sense. If it doesn't keep researching until it does
4. Remember your search engine is biased it will show you the information it thinks you'd agree with so dig deep
Disclaimer that I am not a professor or anyone you would trust to tell you how to research I just like feeling smart
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civanticism · 10 months
The credibility of any social media post is inversely proportional to the number of gratuitous CAPS in it.
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liones-s · 2 months
I’ve talked about building credibility with yourself, and sometimes people will ask really great questions about that so I’m going to try to answer them. Let’s start with this one cause it got me for a minute:
“How do we not lose our credibility when there inevitably comes a time when we set a goal and don’t meet it.”
This is a really important question because this will happen for everyone. ‘Inevitable’ is the key point here, and so it’s important to build an idea of credibility that makes room for failure. The best I can offer is this - instead of thinking of credibility as a binary thing, think of it as a relationship. So it’s not about a 1 - 0 value where you either have credibility or you don’t; it’s more like a friendship where sometimes you miss something but it doesn’t alter the actual strength of the relationship. Like, if your friend accidentally forgets to text you on your birthday, you don’t stop being their friend. Maybe they text you the next day, or when they remember. They’re still just as good of a friend, and you wouldn’t hesitate to go to them when you need someone to talk to. Your credibility with yourself is much more like that - it won’t disappear because you miss a goal that you set. The relationship you build with yourself is much stronger than you think it is. Practice recognizing that a few missed goals don’t change what you’ve already made - the foundation of credibility is there, and no one (including yourself) can come back and undo the work you’ve already done. Each new success adds a new floor to the building, and missed goals don’t take away floors. That building is still standing tall and waiting for you when you’re reading to come back and build another level
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publicatiosui · 11 months
Paper, you know, plays the part of a storage battery and a conductor; it conducts not only from one man to another but from one time to another, carrying a highly variable charge of authenticity or credibility. -- Valéry, "Politics of the Mind"
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Character is indispensable to credibility, and credibility is essential to leadership.
Al Mohler
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defenders-of-dreams · 9 months
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sgrji · 9 months
A Comprehensive Guide to Background Verification (BGV) in Today's World
In our increasingly interconnected and digitized world, the importance of ensuring the trustworthiness and credibility of individuals and entities has never been greater. Background Verification (BGV) plays a pivotal role in this process. From employment screenings to tenant checks, and even in the realm of cybersecurity, BGV is a critical tool used to evaluate the history and reliability of…
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Hey scientists, learn how to make your research shine! 🤩
In this post, we share tips for accurately and clearly conveying complex concepts to broad audiences.
Learn how to move beyond jargon, engage your readers, and bring passion to difficult subjects. Whether you're creating content for social media, presentations, or journal articles, these tips will help you explain your work with style. Master both the science and the art of communication!
Let us know: which tips resonated most with you? How do you make your research shine? Share this post with fellow scientists and students who want to turn their findings into captivating and accessible content!
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