#Right from the get-go she's just so ready to take everything in stride and I like her! She's cute and charming and funny and interesting
sysig · 6 months
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Some Betty highlights from her way-too-long comic roughs (Patreon)
#Doodles#Adventure Time#Betty Grof#Simon Petrikov#Can you tell I like her intense expressions#Betty's so cool I really like her character#I like how she's set up in AT and how she's further explored in Fionna and Cake :)#Right from the get-go she's just so ready to take everything in stride and I like her! She's cute and charming and funny and interesting#She's just a really well-rounded character for how little screentime she gets :D#And she's quite fun to draw so that's just a bonus haha#Obviously a mix between Adventure Time and my own style - sharp hair swoops aren't really on-model but I just like them lol#But I really like AT's eyes - they're so simple but they can be so communicative!#And Betty gets two eye styles which is Very cool >:3c#It really makes her stand out :D#I dunno if you can in her blank/wide-eyed style but she's meant to be wearing her Magic Woman getup I just forgot her hair kerchief#She's not As fun to draw with it on but I want her to be accurate as well!#It was fun to draw her interacting with Simon as well <3 Them flirting just makes me so 💕💖❤️💞💝#I'm /still/ not over his little lovehearts from Broke His Crown like fjdslafdshfdf it's so cute#Them being silly and gentle with each other gets me so bad ♥#I imagine just from these even removed from context you can tell this doesn't go particularly great for them tho haha#Also lol @ myself - I wrote this caption before finishing Part 3 which uhhhh#Part 3 ended up being well over 150% as long as this so-#They're just too fun and interesting!
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libraryofgage · 7 months
Good Vibrations Part One
Hello, it's me, back at it again with another Steddie AU.
Anyway, if I were tagging this AU, these would be the most important ones: Deaf Steve Harrington; Tooth-rotting Fluff; Getting Together
If you wanna be tagged in future parts, just let me know!
As always, if you see any typos, no you didn't ;)
Steve has blown through three pairs of hearing aids in the past year. The first pair had lasted a few years and needed replacement because of normal wear and tear. The second pair was sacrificed during that fight with Jonathan. He hadn't been wearing them, but they'd been in Steve's pocket, and he'd landed at just the right angle to feel them shatter. The third pair was taken by the Russians because, despite Robin's shouting and cursing at them for being dumbasses (and this was before she actually knew what they were for), they accused him of recording their kidnapping and torture.
Honestly, he wouldn't recommend fighting Russians and Billy and Mind Flayers and driving while nearly totally deaf.
The funniest part of it all, though, is that Steve doesn't even use hearing aids regularly. He normally only wears them at home. The pair lost to Jonathan were present because, well, that whole day had been a lot for Steve, and he needed the comfort of knowing he could stop reading lips the moment it became too exhausting for him. The pair lost to the Russians was because he'd been getting ready to tell Robin about being deaf. She'd already clocked the weird things he does (well, weird to her, normal to Steve), and he figured letting her in on the big secret would bring them a little closer.
Of course, that didn't go the way he expected. Robin thought he was confessing love and decided to beat him to the punch. That's how he learned Robin is a lesbian, and Steve couldn't let her be the only one admitting to something like that, so he told her about being bi and his long-standing, hopeless crush. And being deaf. But the bi with a crush thing seemed more important in the moment. She took it in stride, it brought them closer, and then Robin asked if Steve could teach her sign language.
Which meant that Steve had to learn sign language because he never had. Between not wanting to feel even more different than he already did and trying to convince his parents that, really, everything was fine and he didn't need to go to a special school for deaf and hard-of-hearing kids, he'd never learned. Learning it had somehow felt like an admission of weakness, and that was the last thing he wanted. But he learned for Robin, and they stumbled through sign language together, creating new signs only they knew.
But that's all in the past now, and Steve is working his ass off at Family Video to afford a new pair because he refuses to ask his parents for money. If he asks them, they'll come back, and that's the last thing he wants. They don't need to have all their worries confirmed that Steve is helpless, and he doesn't want them anywhere near Hawkins "Hellscape" Indiana.
So. Working his ass off, taking extra shifts, and babysitting the kids as much as he can to make up for the whole Friends and Family Discount he gives their parents. He's exhausted, but he gets to recharge somewhat during his lunch break.
About a ten-minute walk from the Family Video is a record store, which Steve has started visiting daily to just breathe. The lone worker in the store is usually too busy listening to her own music to pay Steve any attention, letting him wander and try to determine which records will best serve him.
Steve drifts over to the rock and heavy metal section, hoping to find a new album but unsurprised when he doesn't. He browses through them anyway, moving past Metallica and Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden. He already has all of these albums on his shelf at home. He has the cassette tapes for them, too.
But he really wants something new. He likes the novelty of experiencing unfamiliar vibrations through the speaker, letting them thrum through his fingertips and into his bones. It's fun and relaxing, and after all the bullshit he's been through lately, he probably deserves something relaxing.
After glancing over a few more familiar albums, Steve sighs and glances at the counter by the door. The lone worker is standing there, headphones over her ears, and idly flipping through a magazine. She's chewing gum, and Steve braces himself for the sheer hell of trying to read her lips without making it obvious he's reading her lips while she's got something in her mouth to disrupt the normal shape of words and sounds.
But he has to try. Steve takes one more deep breath before walking over, shoving his hands into his pockets when he comes to a stop at the counter. The girl raises a hand, motioning for him to wait, so he stays quiet as she finishes reading her page. She flips to the next one before looking up, not making any move to pull her headphones off.
"Hi. Do you have any new rock or metal albums coming in soon," Steve asks, feeling the vibrations of speech in his throat and hoping his words aren't too loud.
They don't seem to be. The girl doesn't flinch or pull back. She just looks him up and down, taking in the polo shirt and the nice khakis and the Family Video vest he forgot to take off before leaving. Finally, her neck and shoulders jerk slightly, and Steve knows she's huffed in annoyance. "No," she says, the word clear enough in the shape of her lips for Steve to know it immediately.
He frowns slightly, his fingernails digging into his palms. Steve wouldn't mind just leaving now, but something keeps him there. He just...he really wants new music. He needs something new. "Are there gonna be any shows nearby?" he asks.
The girl rolls her eyes and says something, her mouth distorted by gum-chewing. Steve can barely make out the words "you" and "check" from her response. Thankfully, it's accompanied by a vague gesture at something behind him. Steve looks over his shoulder to see a bulletin board with flyers plastered across it.
"Right. Thanks," he says, nodding to her before walking over. The flyers are all different colors with various fonts that scream for Steve's attention. Some of them are for bands, some are advertisements of garage sales or instruments in need of a new home, and others are just business flyers from stores nearby.
He's seen the bulletin board before, but he's never actually paid attention to it. Steve has always been laser-focused on browsing the records. But now, Steve carefully reviews each flyer advertising shows. Some are for comedy shows, which he immediately dismisses. One seems promising, but then he sees how far it is, and Steve definitely can't do an overnight trip like that.
Finally, Steve sees a flyer advertising a show at the Hideout later that week. It's close enough that he won't be out overnight. The place is kind of seedy, but Steve figures he can find some corner near the stage to hide. Or he can bring Robin and let her help him navigate any potential social situations. He tugs the flyer off the board, gaze lingering on the "Corroded Coffin" emblazoned across the top.
He knows the band. Of course, he knows the band. He's extremely familiar with their singer. From a distance. Honestly, Eddie Munson probably doesn't have the best impression of him, but Steve's heart never really cared about that. Because Eddie is like everything Steve wants to be: he's loud and unafraid of being so, he doesn't care about his image and how others perceive him, and he looks like his laugh sounds beautiful. Steve wouldn't know if he's actually right about that last point, but Eddie throws his head back when he laughs, eyes crinkled and hand over his stomach like his muscles ache.
His mouth suddenly feels dry, but he's also filled with unprecedented courage. Steve has graduated (barely), and that means a significantly lower chance of running into Eddie during the day if watching the show somehow goes wrong.
Steve folds the flyer into quarters and stuffs it into his back pocket. He'll be overly aware of it being there until Robin starts her shift and he can show it to her, but that's okay. He throws a quick thanks over his shoulder as he leaves the shop, glancing up at the bell he can't hear that signals the door's opening. He vaguely remembers what bells are supposed to sound like (he'd heard a few before losing the ability to hear them), but he doesn't let himself dwell on it.
Instead, he focuses on the trip back to Family Video, keeping an eye on the road to watch for any cars he wouldn't notice otherwise.
When the final bell rings, Eddie Munson can't get out of class fast enough. He'd been packed for the last five minutes, and he slid out of his seat the moment that first peal rang out. He has a gig to prepare for, and every second counts. At least, each second counts until he notices something (or someone) that could prove entertaining for a while.
He spots Dustin alone near one of the exits, and Eddie decides to relieve the kid of his isolation. He waits until he's behind Dustin to shout, "Henderson!" and throw his arm over the kid's shoulders, ignoring the way he jumps like he'd been expecting an attack.
"Holy shit!" Dustin shrieks, jerking back to look up at Eddie. "Don't do that, man, you're gonna give me a heart attack."
Eddie snorts, waving away Dustin's concern as he continues toward the exit. The general flow of students trying to get out helps him along, and Dustin doesn't seem to realize they're actually moving until they've gotten into direct sunlight. "You're fine," Eddie says, "Anyway, whatcha doing all alone, Henderson? Lose your way?"
"No, I have...stuff to do today," Dustin says, shrugging as he blinks to acclimate to the sunlight.
Oh, yeah, way too cryptic for Eddie to not dig for more. "Stuff? What kinda stuff? Got a hot date? Going shopping with your mom?" he asks, and then he gasps dramatically and moves to stand in Dustin's way. He puts both hands on his shoulders and very seriously says, "Be honest, Henderson, you're seeing another DM, aren't you?"
Dustin stares at him for a few seconds before rolling his eyes and shrugging his hands off. "Who else in this town DMs?" he asks, "Other than Will, I guess, but he's still working on a campaign."
"Fair," Eddie concedes, "so, whatcha really doing?"
After a few seconds of getting nudged by the students around them, Dustin sighs and says, "I have chores, okay? But that doesn't sound cool to say, does it?"
Fair. Eddie nods in agreement and moves out of Dustin's way, continuing to follow him. "So, what, your mom picking you up today?" he asks.
"No, Steve."
"Oh, the famous Steve."
Dustin nods, looking over the parking lot before pointing to one end. "Yeah, he's awesome," Dustin says as Eddie follows the direction of his finger.
And standing there, leaning against the hood of his car and looking to the side where a group of trees is swaying in the breeze, is Steve Harrington. Steve "The Hair" Harrington. King Steve. The worst thing, Eddie thinks, is that Steve looks good. His hair is still perfect, of course, and his stupid little striped shirt is pulling against his biceps and riding up just enough for Eddie to see a tiny sliver of tanned skin above his jeans. He looks a little tense, but Eddie chalks that up to him being back on the campus after already graduating.
"Harrington? You've been talking about Steve Harrington this whole time?" Eddie asks, his voice a little strained, "How the fuck do you know Steve Harrington?"
"He's my babysitter," Dustin says, his voice implying that much should have been obvious, but Eddie wants to grab his shoulders and shake until his head rolls off.
Steve Harrington doesn't babysit. He doesn't know nerds that talk about D&D. He doesn't drive nerds around. At least, he never did in high school. Granted, Eddie never actually talked to Steve, but everybody knew that Steve Harrington was too cool for, well, anything that wasn't the typical jock and popular guy shit.
As he's thinking about the last time he saw Steve Harrington (in the halls, while the guy had bruises and looked worse for wear), they get within shouting distance. And Eddie has zero impulse control when Wayne isn't around, so he doesn't think before shouting, "Hey, Harrington!"
Next to him, Dustin whips his head to glare at Eddie. And Steve Harrington doesn't fucking react. He just keeps staring at that group of trees like it's the most fascinating thing in the world. "Dude," Dustin says, grabbing Eddie's arm and yanking harshly, "don't shout like that."
Eddie frowns, anger beginning to simmer in his stomach at the complete lack of acknowledgment. "Why are you upset with me?" he asks, gesturing at Steve as he continues, "I'm not the one being a douchebag here."
Dustin opens his mouth, about to say something, only to snap it shut once more. He frowns like he's just realized he can't say something, and huffs with frustration. "Just...just don't do that," he finally says, keeping a hand on Eddie's arm and dragging him across the parking lot. And, yeah, something is definitely weird here.
Instead of just walking up to Steve, they make a large arch until they're within Steve's line of sight.
Eddie watches as Steve notices them, seeing Dustin first and pushing off the car. He relaxes for a split second until he sees Eddie and his shoulders tense again.
Once they're close enough for Eddie to count the moles above the collar of Steve's shirt, Dustin grins and says, "Hey, Steve." But it's odd, because Eddie has never heard Dustin talk this slow or this carefully, like he's doing his best to enunciate his words.
Steve flashes a grin and ruffles Dustin's hair. "Hey, twerp, you're late," he says. He then glances at Eddie, his grin becoming a little smaller, and says, "Hey, Munson."
Wait. Steve Harrington knows Eddie's name? And he called him by it? He said Munson, not Freak. Eddie stares at Steve for a few seconds before nodding. "Harrington," he says, "how the fuck did you become a babysitter?"
Is he just imagining things, or is Steve looking at his mouth? Like, really intensely. He's definitely not, because Steve looks up after a few seconds with a raised eyebrow. "I needed some extra cash. Also, don't swear around Dustin. I'm the one who gets in trouble when he curses in front of his mom."
Something about the words makes Eddie grin. Never in a million years would he have guessed that he'd be talking to Steve Harrington. And he would have laughed you into Mordor itself if you suggested their conversation would be about Dustin Henderson swearing in front of his mother. "What's his mom do when he swears?" he asks.
Because he can feel the conversation veering into something potentially embarrassing for him, Dustin lets go of Eddie and starts pushing Steve toward the driver's side of his car. "Okay, we gotta go. So many chores, so little time," he says, his voice back to that normal speed and enunciation.
Steve frowns slightly, looking down at Dustin and tilting his head just slightly. "What?" he asks. Instead of actually answering, Dustin just makes some vague gesture with his hand and looks at the car. "Oh, right. Go ahead and get in the car. And, uh, see you later, Munson."
"Is that a promise?" Eddie asks before he can think better of it.
Steve pauses, looking at Eddie's mouth with a slight scrunch to his nose. He seems to be considering something as Dustin scrambles into the passenger seat, watching them with narrowed eyes. Honestly, Eddie is surprised he's not blasting the horn to hurry Steve up. Finally, Steve comes to a decision and meets Eddie's eyes again. "Your band has a show tonight, right? At the Hideout? I was planning to go. So, yeah, I'll see you then, I guess."
And with that, like he hasn't just fucking rocked Eddie's world, Steve Harrington gets into his car. He makes sure Dustin is buckled before waving at Eddie and pulling out of the parking spot.
Eddie finds himself waving back, staring dumbly at the car as it pulls onto the street. It only hits him a few seconds later that Steve Harrington is coming to his show. At the Hideout. His metal show. A Corroded Coffin gig at the Hideout.
Holy. Shit.
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vivwritesfics · 9 days
Hii!! Could you please write a Max verstappen x soulmate reader. Like they can speak in each other's minds and how they first met. Like fluff or angst or whatever you want . You make the call. Please 🥺🥺
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Nothing, just an inchident. Fucking asshole.
Those were the first words her soulmate ever said to her, the first time she heard his voice in her head. She stopped what she was doing, looking around with wide eyes.
What the fuck?
What the fuck?
And that was how it started. The two had be so fucking surprised, buy recovered quickly. They gave awkward introductions, without actually telling each other anything about themselves.
It took the two of them a moment to realise that, whatever they thought, the other person could hear.
It seemed the two of them hadn't shut up since.
She learnt pretty quickly that he loved to talk, that he loved explaining things. He was a nerd, he loved gaming. She could have listened to him go on about gaming for hours (and she often did).
She couldn't remember what she had told him. Definitely everything but her name. God, how long had it been since his voice first entered her head.
Hey, she said as she woke up.
There was usually no response as she waited for him to wake up. She'd tried to use this to work out where in the world he was, but he was always moving, always on different time zones.
A few hours later, there he was. Hello, schat, he said in her mind. A small smile crossed her face. Are you doing anything nice today?
He rarely spoke about his own day, she noticed. But it wasn't a problem. If he wanted to her know, she'd know. My dad got me tickets to see my local race with him, she replied, pausing her makeup to concentrate on talking to him.
There was a beat before he responded. You still there? She asked, pausing on her eye liner.
What race? Cars or horses?
Cars, she responded.
Again, there was a moment of silence. But then, Not the Formula One, right?
She thought back to what her father had told her. Yeah, the Formula One.
Her soulmate when quiet after that. There was a good few hours where she finished getting ready and went with her father to the race track. All that time she'd been trying to talk to her soulmate, and all that time she'd been getting nothing in return.
It was a little disheartening, thinking her soulmate didn't want to talk to her.
No, it was really disheartening.
As she and her father sat in the stands, she couldn't help but sulk. What had she done to upset him so bad he didn't want to hear from her? Of course he could hear everything she was thinking, but she didn't much care if he wasn't going to reply.
But then all twenty cars were on the track and the lights were flashing red, ready to go green.
I'm going to win this one for you.
It had been so unexpected, it nearly had her jumping out of her seat. What? Are you here?
As soon as I'm standing on that podium, you'll know it's me.
She must have realised it then, that her soulmate was down in the number on Red Bull car. She didn't take her eyes off of it for the entirety of the race (unless she was forced to). Holy shit, that was her soulmate down there.
And he did win it. Won it for her. She watched it all, him finishing first, the podium celebrations.
How do I get to you? She asked as she hopelessly looked around. Max Verstappen was her freaking soulmate!
Stay right where you are, schat. I'll come to you.
She told him where she was, apparently able to do that now she knew for sure who her soulmate was. And there she waited as he finished a debrief with the team and got changed.
But then he was striding towards her, cap pulled low. For so many years he'd been just a voice in her head. And now he was in front of her. Smiling down at her with surprise in his eyes.
"You're beautiful." Those were the first words he said to her, the first words that weren't echoing around her head.
"So are you." Wiping her hands on her jeans, she held one out and gave him her name.
Max took her hand and shook. "I'm Max," he said, wearing his usual pretty smile.
Holy fuck, Max Verstappen really was her soulmate.
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buckyalpine · 7 months
TW: drugging, sa, Bucky x protective reader
I’m in a whumpy angsty mood where I want everyone, I mean EVERYONE to be protective and caring over Bucky, taking care of him and making sure he’s okay.  
TW: Sexual assault (not reader), drugging
Bucky takes a sip of his drink and immediately knows something isn’t right. He doesn’t get drunk, he can’t. So why did his entire body suddenly feel lax and his vision hazy. He blinks a few times, trying to focus but it only makes everything worse, his skin feeling warm. 
“Doll?” He tries to get up and look for you, only to stumble as he gets out of the chair. The rest of what happens in a blur when a pair of soft hands help steady him. 
“Has anyone seen Bucky?” You come around to the lounge area in search of your favorite super soldier, surprised when he wasn’t sitting with the rest of the team either. 
“Thought he was with you” Steve looked confused while Sam smirked; everyone knew the way Bucky trailed behind you like a lost puppy, so it was strange that you of all people, didn’t know where he was...
“Last I saw him was....he’s gone” Nat frowned, seeing the bar stool not only empty but also knocked over. 
“Where could he be” You scanned the room once more, feeling uneasy when you still couldn't find him. “Let me go check his room” You decided to make your way up to the elevator while Nat followed just to be safe, the both of you surprised to see the door slightly ajar. 
The muffled sound coming from his room made your heart race faster, his strained voice barely audible. 
“Please, no” 
You saw red, striding over to his room, bursting through the door, gasping when you saw a woman straddled on top of him, her hands working at the buttons of his shirt. Her eyes grew wide, yelping when you ripped her off him, throwing her to the floor. 
“What the fuck are you doing?!” You spat, punching her across the jaw, your knuckles connecting with her teeth causing your skin to split while she cried out.  
“Well-well he wanted me too!” The woman spat causing another surge of anger to flow through you, lunging for her again. 
You were ready to tear her to shreds but a soft whimper pulled you out of your rage. You turned to see Bucky’s tear streaked face, waiting for you to hold him. Nat nodded for you to go to him, grabbing he woman by the hair, covering her mouth from screaming too much, not wanting to stress Bucky more. 
“Don’t make a sound” Nat hissed in her ear, pinching a nerve to keep her still while calling for he rest of the team to come up. 
“Doll” Bucky clung onto you like a small child, still struggling to understand what was going on, all he knew was that he was safe again when you protecting him. 
“Bucky, I’m here baby, it’s okay, I got you” you cooed, holding him tightly, covering him with the sheets, your heart breaking over his vulnerable state. He shook his head in confusion, while you stroked soft circles on his back to calm him. 
“Is he okay?” Nat tightened her grip around the woman while you blinked back tears, soothing Bucky. 
“What the hells going on” Tony frowned, approaching the room with Steve and Sam in tow after seeing Nat’s text message. 
“She drugged him. Tried to have her way with him” Nat snarled while Steve’s jaw clenched at the sight of he woman who nearly rolled her eyes while his best friend was in distress. He held back from doing something he'd regret, mumbling something to Nat before coming over to Bucky. Bucky stayed hidden in your comfort, whining whenever you shifted, terrified you’d leave him, needing you more than ever.  
“Stay with me?” He pleaded softly, still feeling so out of control, his head spinning, the touch of the other woman still burning his skin. “Don’t want her, want you”
“I know baby, it’s me, don’t worry, not going anywhere” you whispered, kissing his forehead as he relaxed slightly, closing his eyes. “Stay awake for me though Bucky, alright? I need you to stay up”  
“But m’so tired” Bucky slurred, his eyes growing heavy once again, your hand gently patting his cheek to keep him from sleeping. 
“I know baby” You continued to rock him while he struggled to keep his eyes open. 
“You’re gonna kick her ass for all of us, right?” Sam whispered to Nat, the redhead silently nodding, already planning on ripping the woman apart as she dragged her away. 
“Buck, you alright?” Steve spoke softly, his eyes filling with tears at the small nod Bucky mustered. Sam joined his side, gently squeezing Bucky’s shoulder. 
“We’re here for you, okay? Just stay awake for us Buck” 
Bucky let out a muffled hum, his body still running hotter than usual, making it harder for him to stay awake. 
“Sam, get him some water please” You whispered while he nodded, running off to grab some, coming back seconds later. You brought the glass to his lips, helping him drink before setting it aside. “Baby, can I take this off? I’ll help you feel better” Bucky let you take off the rest of his shirt, everyone leaving the room so you could help him with the rest of his clothes, covering him back up in your arms once he was just in his briefs. 
Tony brought over his suit to run a quick rest over the drugs that were now in his system using a needle to get a sample of blood to scan. 
“Its okay, it’ll be quick terminator, I promise” Tony whispered, doing his best to only take a tiny amount not stressing him more, so he could get an immediate reading on what Bucky had been given, breathing a sigh of relief when it wasn’t anything that would cause major harm or damage. “Standard narcotics. Just a fuck ton though. It’ll be out of his system without an issue but stay with him” 
You nodded, carefully monitoring Bucky until he was less groggy and disoriented, the both of you still wrapped up in the sheets. He blinked at the sight of your slightly bloodied hand, kissing your palm before pressing it against his cheek. 
“Are you okay baby” you whispered against his hair while he continued to nuzzle into you, not wanting to leave your warmth. 
“You protected me” He whispered, burying himself further into your hold, finally being able to fall asleep now that enough time had passed. “My angel” 
“I’ll always protect you my love” you whispered, holding him tighter as he closed his eyes, “Always” 
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kadwrites · 10 months
my mother's daughter | T.S
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summary ; you and your mother get into a heated argument
warnings ; arranged marriage!trope , angst , mommy issues?, fluff, soft!tommy , your mother is kinda annoying , ada is a girls girl idk
a/n ; i don't know what to think of this part ??
your nostrils flared as you stride through the venue's corridors to the room your family had booked to get ready in.
madeline and fiona walk behind you, too nervous to say anything. tommy stayed behind, too many important people were there , he couldn't just disappear yet.
you open the door and there she is, celest and her daughters around her, you lift your dress and crouch
"what did she do?" you drop the dress and hold her face in your hands , looking at her. her eyes red and her lips quivering
"it's okay..."
"no it's fucking not."
"why are you here? you should be with the guests!"
your face twitches and your sister grips your hands whispering "no no no."
your nieces hold their breath as they stare at eachother. the room is tense , the air feels scarce
you turn around, your chest is heaving with angry, shallow breaths "what the fuck is wrong with ya mum?"
she closes the door behind her, fearing someone will hear. someone was hearing all of this, madeline and fiona were behind the door.
"what are you on about , young lady?" she speaks sternly
"and ya 'ave the fucking nerve to act angry?" you walk closer, moments from the day she told you about the marriage flashing in your head "look at what ya did to 'er!"
"she wanted to wear my necklace!" she raised her voice
"who cares? it's just a necklace!" you raise your voice too
"i do! it was meant for you, not her" she points at your sister "she got her own engagement party and her own wedding when she married that twat."
"i don't fucking want it mum, i don't want the fucking necklace." your teeth grind against eachother "i don't want anything from ya."
"how dare you...." she points her finger at you now
"no mum, no ya don't get to play this fucking card anymore" your voice cracks "why couldn't ya just let us be fucking happy for once mum? why did ya 'ave to do this?" your eyes fill with tears "right when i started being happy again? when i accepted everything? you do this"
"you're acting like i ruined your party!"
"ya made my sister cry!" you point at celest "she's been the one that's comforting me, taking care of me when ya were too busy playing the role of the self righteous mother." you take a step back , pointing at celest "she will wear whatever the fuck she wants,"
your mother puts a hand on her chest "how could you speak to me like that?"
"how could ya be so selfish mum?"
"selfish?" she chuckles bitterly "you wouldn't be here without me..." she points at the door behind her "this place? you wouldn't have even dreamt of seeing without me, that dress? you wouldn't have even touched without me, nothing here would be even a reality with me."
your jaw clenches and you just stare at her, in disbelief.
you just walk out, your feet leading you to god knows where,
your mother glares at celest before turning but stopping in her tracks, seeing tommy at the door.
"girls, would ya please take your mother out? maybe take 'er to the ladies room yeah? let 'er wash 'er face." he stares at your mother while he speaks, and your nieces scurry out with their own mother
"excuse me." your mother tries to leave but he blocks her way again
"get back in here."
she turns, staring back at him
"ya will listen to me , and ya will listen carefully." he speaks in a monotone voice "ya will go to your daughter, and ya will apologize and ya will fucking behave for the rest of the night."
"what?" her brows are furrowed, she's offended
"and if ya even think of pulling a stunt like that on our wedding day, i will drag ya out of it kicking and screaming if i 'ave to." he doesn't falter or even respond to what she said
"this is a family matter, it doesn't concern you."
"she is my family," he gets closer to her "ya do not want to test me , elizabeth. ya know what im capable of."
"what are you going to do thomas? kill me?" she asks with a bitter hiss
"ya arranged this whole thing so i can protect your daughter did ya not? , that's what im fucking doing" he doesn't even dignify her protests "ya will act like a happy mother, ya will not embarrass me or my fiancée , ya will not cause a fucking scene in my engagement, do ya hear?"
she doesn't speak, just looking at him
"i said do ya fucking hear me, elizabeth?"
you somehow found your way outside, to the garden, you sat on the marble steps. wiping off your tears as they continued to flow.
you see someone sit beside you in your peripheral vision, and you both don't talk for a minute.
"ya shouldn't cry tonight , it might bring bad luck, might curse your marriage." the person next to you spoke and you turn to see her
you recognize the features , you recognize the attitude.
"yeah well, it might as well be cursed." you look back at the beautiful rose garden, thinking maybe the sight of something beautiful will soothe the pain
"what's making ya cry then?" ada lights a cigarette, offering you one. you wave your hand, not wanting one.
"my mother" you say with a sigh, tears blurring the sight before you
"what 'appened ?"
"we had a fight about a stupid necklace" you look down, you see your tears landing on floor "i love 'er , but it's so hard for me to like 'er. it's so hard to just be around 'er"
"does she do this often ? making ya cry?"
"i guess the same way all mothers do" you speak softly, as you look at her
"why are ya letting 'er do that to ya?" she says with a raised brow "tommy says ya got fire in ya"
"well it's 'er fire that lit mine" you chuckle "it feels like i'm so much like 'er and yet we are nothing alike"
"ya 'ave two choices" she exhales the cloud of smoke as she motions with her cigarette "ya either let 'er win, let 'er make ya cry one more time or ya go and enjoy your fucking engagement party that ya spent days planning"
before you get to answer you hear a set of footsteps that are heading towards you, and when you look over your shoulder it's none other than your husband-to-be , standing there , his eyes drifting between you and his sister
you stand, looking at him, and you can't help the tear that runs down your face again
ada looks at the both of you, almost amused at how soft her brother seems, and he looks at her "would ya fucking mind?"
she puts her hands up, surrendering before walking off , still smiling in amusement
"ya can't cry today"
"bad luck aye?"
"that" he nods "and ya'll ruin your fucking makeup."
you chuckle, wiping off your tears "i'm sorry...".
he's never seen you like this, and nothing could've prepared him for how tight his chest would feel when he looked at you and saw those eyes of yours red and wet, your cheeks almost stained with tears and your voice filled with misery
"for what?" he asks softly , his body moves on its own, his thumb wipes away the tears
"for leaving alone with the guests" you sniffle a little bit, "for crying too"
"nothing for ya to apologize for."
you take a deep breath and fix any stray hairs, you smooth down your dress "we should go back"

"look at me." he puts his hands on your shoulders and speaks with a small smile "say 'i will not let my mummy make me cry tonight' "
you raise a brow "no"
"say it now come on"
"i will not let my mummy make me cry tonight" you give him a tight lipped smile "happy?"
"very." he let's you loop your arms with his as you go back to the party.
the rest of the evening went smoothly , the guests were happy, and you were too. tommy kept your mother away from you. and you didn't even notice. celest laughed and drank with you and your friends, your dad and your brothers were having the time of their lives.
"i want to propose a toast, to the two lovely groom and bride to be. i wish you all the happiness" a guest, you recognized as a business partner of tommy's
you smiled and your champagne flute went up, and so did tommy's. and then your mother got up, holding her own flute , and your smile faltered.
tommy grasped your hand under the table , and you just glanced at him before looking back at your mother
"i want to propose a toast as well," your mother smiled, looking at you. "to my lovely daughter and tommy, i wish you both a happy long life and a bright future, cheers!"
you smiled and sipped your drink, and tommy never took his eyes off your mother
"i think i might just lose my mind and go fight 'er again." you whisper into tommy's ear, your hand on his shoulder, the other hand in his, he holds your waist as you two dance "or stab 'er with a spoon... i don't know."
he chuckled and you glared at him again "i'm glad ya find my misery amusing."
"it's less your misery and more your angry face" he murmured
you scoff and you look away, trying very hard to not smile
"ya look beautiful" his voice wasn't playful, and his eyes were soft on you.
suddenly you were hyperaware of his touch on your waist, his hand gripping yours.
you look at him again,"thank you" your smile gives you away "ya look good too, ya always do"
"i do?" he raised a brow and an amused smirk replaced his smile
"ya don't 'ave a mirror in your mansion?"
taglist ; @tardisloverz , @optimisticsandwichgladiator , @theshelbyslimited , @illuminwtesz , @goldensunflowe-r , @gruffle1 , @warrior-of-justice , @mgdixon , @babayaga67 , @goblinjnr , @justaproudslytherpuff , @budugu, @twlegit , @amberpanda99 , @aesthetic0cherryblossom , @capswife , @lets-turn-and-burn , @affabletimelady , @edencherries , @globetrotter28 , @eg-dr3amer3 , @sadroses98 , @fairytale07 , @hakudaru , @swordofawriter, @esposadomd , @blogforficslol
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myhappylittlesideblog · 4 months
See You When You Get Back
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Shane's a big jerk in this
Summary: Checking in with those going on a supply run creates some drama within the crew. (Season 1 ish)
A/N: My first Daryl piece! Needed some soft Daryl in my life lol. I haven't finished the show yet, currently in the middle of S.6 and it's been a long time since I watched season 1&2, so sorry for any inaccuracies.
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Runs weren’t your thing. Not right now. Maybe in a few months you’d be able to stomach it- going out amidst walkers and even more twisted survivors to find food. And toothpaste. God, you needed toothpaste. But even with the protectors of the group on your side, watching your back, you knew you wouldn’t make it back to camp. Not right now. Maybe someday. 
Everybody was clear on that. The “not right now.” So those going out on the supply run would check in with you, ask if you needed anything special and then leave you be to do their laundry or clean the little dishware you had all collected.
They collected. The ones who could collect things- those going on the runs. You just cleaned. For now. 
“Hey.” It sounded more like a grunt than a word. 
Daryl pulled you from your thoughts. Like a hand dipping into the waves to yank you up into the clear air to breathe. 
“Need anythin'?” He asked once you looked at him. 
You smiled. A lips pressed together - thanks for thinking of me - smile. 
“The usual. Diamonds, meth, whatever you can find.”
He snorted, rolling his eyes. 
“And toothpaste if you can find it. But I let Andrea know that.”
He gave a curt nod. “Kay.” 
“See you when you get back,” you said to him. 
A laughing hiss came from behind you. “Damn, girl, tell 'im how you really feel.”
Shane stood behind you. Snarky. Smirking. Shaking his head. 
Though Rick was the one who found you on his way out of the hospital, it was Shane who let you join the group. At least, that’s how he saw it. You were grateful to him, he protected you, provided for you like he did the others. When you had no place to stay and no tent of your own, he let you share his. It was a generous gesture that was starting to come back to bite you each time Shane acted like he had a say in everything you did. Even more than the others in the group, that is. 
“What?” you said. 
His fingers dug into the belt loops in his jeans as he leaned to one hip. “Everybody else gets a pat on the shoulder or a hug. 'Be safe, keep safe,’” he said, imitating a whiny voice that wasn't quite yours. He shrugged. “Guess she couldn’t care less ‘bout you, Dixon.”
You heard the distinct click and jangle of Daryl putting his crossbow over his shoulder, ready to move out. Your jaw clenched at the thought of him leaving with Shane’s words in his head. 
“Why would you even say somethin' like that?” You shot at Shane. “I would never-“
“Ya don’ haf’ta explain yerself,” Daryl mumbled to you. 
“What was that?” Shane called. 
“I said she doesn’ haf’ta explain herself to you,” Daryl said, taking a step toward you, but angling himself toward Shane. Ready. 
“I think I know her better than you do, Dixon,” Shane said. “We share a goddamn tent-“
“If you think,” you interrupted both of them, “that I’d say such a thing about any one of us, then you don’t know me at all. But Daryl’s right. I don’t have to explain anything to you.”
Shane’s eyes went narrow. He crossed the open space between you, the span of two tents, in just a few long strides. You felt Daryl stiffen at your side as Shane stuck his face near yours. 
“You be careful who you align yourself with, (Y/N). If I were you-“
“Yer not.” Daryl said. 
Shane didn’t take his eyes off you. “If I were you, I’d choose better than a redneck with a few arrows.”
Even with his harsh words, his gaze softened toward you. Then he turned away and made his way back to his tent. 
Once he disappeared, you sighed, hoping the tension in your chest would dissipate with the air, but it didn���t. 
“Dick,” Daryl mumbled. 
A dry chuckle left you as you turned to him. His cheeks were pink with anger but his face was calm now. 
“Daryl, when I said- I just meant that-“
“I know what ya mean when ya say it.” His arm snaked around your neck, pulling you into him. Fast, hard, and unexpected. “I’ll see ya when I get back.”
He spoke into your hair. You felt his lips and breath move against your skin. And then he let go, gone as fast as he appeared, and you watched him saunter toward the rest of the group going on the run, his crossbow fit to his back. 
A/N: A part two may come! I can't just leave you in a tent with Shane after all that, can I?
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dykeomania · 5 months
lovergirl!hazel headcanons
。.。 just some evidence of a love that transcends hunger, tbh.
a/n: i needed a break from writing a fic and wanted to write something sappy. this is the something sappy in question. wanted it to give how-you-become-hazel's-lover -> what she does when you're actually her lover vibe but it just got real mushy. i like it. i hope you like it, too. proofread, but i'm blind as fuck + i'm rusty, so.
tags: gender neutral (i think. i may have fucked up once or twice. please correct me if i did, i proofread fr fr over time. not intended for cis men), body neutral, and poc friendly. some niche reader things (tarot mention, reader wears makeup). mild nsfw -- kissing, making out, heavy petting. almost third base. starts in high school, ends in college.
practice fanfic etiquette. please don't plagiarize or repost my stuff.
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ღ*♡∞:。.。 hazel callahan who sits up straight on the edge of your bathtub and looks up at you in complete awe when you're getting ready. she's got the dumbest, most lovesick puppy look in her eyes as she watches her lover line her lips, and apply a sheer coat of gloss on top. when they turn around to ask if it's even, hazel smiles so wide that it makes the apples of her cheeks sore.
she doesn't really know if it looks okay, she just knows that she wants to kiss you.
she only manages an mhm because it's what you want from her and, well.. at this point, hazel's convinced that she'd drop just about everything to give whatever you want.
you snicker, closing the space between you in slow and steady strides. "what are you looking at, huh?" you teases, grin stretched across lips lined nude, gleaming pink.
"mmm..." hazel can't help but like, drunklenly (she's dead sober).. haphazardly loop you in by the belt loop, head tilting easily to the right. "yyyyyou."
her eyes droop as she falls victim to the familiar spell that you cast over her. one that starts with you taking her face in her hands, and bringing yourself close enough for to take in all at once. she's made dizzy by the smell of your conditioner, made defenseless by the familiar trace of your body wash radiating off of your skin.
"what're you looking at me for?" you grin, your hands hot on her cheeks as you stand between her legs.
"why wouldn't i wanna look at you?" hazel gently manages, hand finding comfortable purchase on your hips. she grips gently with admiration, fingertips pressing into sacred flesh of something, someone, who she couldn't believe is hers. "you're just so pretty."
but let's take a few steps back first,
ღ*♡∞:。.。 hazel callahan who meets you purely by coincidence. you don't go to fight club, and you don't do cheer. you don't have any classes together, you hardly even know of each other. you do, however, have to work concessions for football together one night.
ღ*♡∞:。.。 hazel callahan who doesn't talk much, and honestly standing next to you feels kinda stupid with the bruise that she has on her cheek. she usually never really cares and she's usually super talkative -- she doesn't talk much because well.. she doesn't really know.. how to. how to talk to pretty people -- well, it's not like she finds you pretty, it's just.. anyways,
ღ*♡∞:。.。 hazel callahan who makes some dumb joke about athletes and you kind of snort.. and she's immediately charmed. hazel callahan who has a desire to keep you entertained, and continues to do so throughout the remainder of the game.
ღ*♡∞:。.。 hazel callahan who actually is in your class, but, neither of you just really noticed. hazel callahan who sits next to you in the weeks following. who spends her free periods with you. who eats lunch with you. who eventually gets around to telling you about fight club, over turkey and rye sandwiches.
"so you just, like..." you take a break from chewing, tonguing some bread out of your back molar. "punch the shit out of each other, and it's school-sponsored?"
"...well, yeah. but in like a self-defense, queer way. bring people together, create some solidarity. a safe-space on campus for queer community, kind of thing."
"oh okay, so like, in a slay way," you revise.
hazel stares. scoffing out a gentle laugh. "uh... yeah.." hazel furrows her brows, shaking her head. "um.. what does that.. what does that, like, mean?"
ღ*♡∞:。.。 hazel callahan who becomes your best friend.
ღ*♡∞:。.。 hazel callahan who really likes you. like, as a person.
ღ*♡∞:。.。 hazel callahan who likes you maybe a little bit too much.
ღ*♡∞:。.。 hazel callahan who doesn't know how to embroider, so when you embroidered her converse -- creating a wreath of vines, speckled with bright little flowers around the all star symbol -- she was so happy. but she felt so bad because she didn't know how to repay you.
"let me make it up to you?" she insists, fingers playing with your own, but not creating enough distraction to prevent you from protesting.
"what?" you scoff, subconsciously locking her hands with yours, as though you're about to declare a thumb war. "no, how?"
"i don't know! this is so nice, let me like..." hazel shrugs voice dropping timidly, "..take you out or something."
a beat passes, one that feels like forever. a large enough one to create space for all the butterflies to rumble around both of your stomachs, and for the elephant to pass through the room. hazel can't tell if it's your hand that's begun to sweat in your grasp, or if it's hers.
your eyes narrow at her, grin stretched into something cheshire as you shake your hand, and hers. "i think you just wanna take me out on a date."
hazel smiles sheepishly, cheeks flushing a bright flamingo. she shrugs, next words quiet and intentional,
"so what if i do?"
ღ*♡∞:。.。 hazel callahan doesn't know how to embroider but she does have an eye for wildflowers. when the girl who shows up at your doorstep, it's with a dorky smile, a batch of spring, and a bandaid wrapped around her index finger and her thumb. the flowers that she biked about an hour north to pluck -- from a field she discovered after having simply gone too far -- are bunched together and wrapped in a trader joe's paper bag, the kind that her mom always leaves in the kitchen under the sink. she put the boquet together herself. spent too much time thinking about whether or not you would like the arrangement or the colors, probably went to the store to grab a few of your favorite flowers that she couldn't find.
"oh, these are for you. see, i tried to make this whole thing, like.. semi.. transactional. again, like, i don't really know how to embroider flowers, or like anything really, so... these were next best thing, i guess." she offers, as though it's nothing.
"you look.. really nice." hazel's eyes linger, stricken and dumb. she fills her lungs with air, huffing out her next sentence. "are yoooouuu.. ready to go?"
ღ*♡∞:。.。 hazel callahan who thinks that star signs mean nothing, and doesn't know jackshit about crystals or anything of the like. but hazel callahan who is all eyes and ears, criss-cross-apple-sauce with you on her floor, as she watches you knock your knuckles on a deck of tarot cards and shuffle through them for what you called a "semi unreliable, two-card reading."
hazel callahan who jumps a little when two cards fly out from the deck. who furrows her eyebrows when you turn the over. an the lovers and two of cups, both upright.
"what..." she snorts. "what does that mean?"
"um.." she watches you blush. "it means.." and she blushes when your eyes linger on hers, and then look up. feels her stomach flutter when she watches you take a deep breath in through your nose, like you're shuffling through all of the words in your head.
"...let's just saaaaayyyy... nnnew connections might be coming your way, soon."
hazel has no fucking idea what that means, looking at you, she surely could hope that that's true.
ღ*♡∞:。.。 hazel callahan who is shocked that you want to like.. have a sleepover with her. this doesn't really happen to her. like at all. but it's happening with you, so she's down.. but it has to be planned. hazel callahan pulls out all the stops to try to make sure that it's.. well, perfect, she guesses? she makes sure that it's on a weekend where her mom is out of town (not even because she wants to do anything but you know how her mom is). she asks you what all of your favorite snacks are beforehand, and offers to go get more if you run out. she makes sure that you have satin pillowcases if you have textured hair, just in case you forget a bonnet, or anything. probably does that regardless of whether or not that's applicable to you, because she hears it's better for your skin and what not. she gets a weighted blanket for you and some extra pillows + takes out an extra throw if she knows that you get cold easily, or damn near strips her bed down to just one comforter and gets a desk fan to face her bed if she knows that you get too hot.
ღ*♡∞:。.。 hazel callahan who you create a shared movie list with, and who will sit with you and watch all of your favorite movies. all of your least favorite movies. will watch movies that you insist that she must see and will do so with very little fight because it's whatever you want, really. hazel callahan who is very quickly realizing that she would do whatever you wanted, as long as it meant that it got you to smile.
ღ*♡∞:。.。 (hazel callahan who, granted, talks through a lot of those fucking movies. like. hazel callahan who has a really fucking hard time paying attention to movies.)
ღ*♡∞:。.。 hazel callahan who clearly has overthought everything. who laughs at and understands all of your dumb jokes and is always a little shocked when you laugh at hers. who lets you rest your head on her shoulder when you watch movies in her home-theater. who lays with you in her bed and compares your tiktok for you page with hers and finds it a little too easy to poke fun of you. finds it not as easy to remain calm when your head rests comfortably on her chest, and thus hopes to god that all of the cringy tiktok audios are masking the sound of her heart beating out of her chest.
ღ*♡∞:。.。 hazel callahan who looks at you when you mention that it's getting late, and insists that there's a guest room if you wanna sleep in there, or an air mattress that she was supposed to blow up.
"it's too late for that, though." you frown.
"no," hazel, being hazel, is quick to reassure, shaking her head. "no, no, i could totally blow it up. we have an automated pump, it'll take like 20 minutes."
"mm, i don't know, it's still kinda late for all of that..."
hazel blinks at you. her eyebrows raise, corners of her lips gently upturning. "okay. i mean, do you wanna take the guest room?"
you look up at her, eyes big on purpose. "that guest room's kinda scary." you lift a brow. "it's dark. and cold."
hazel thinks she might.. be tripping. she has to be. her blink is slow, and her face knots together, and releases -- the way it does when she gets all timid and indecisive. "o..kay..." she grins nonetheless, furrowing her eyebrows. "so then .. where are you gonna sleep?"
"..i mean.." you burn, and so does she. "...i could just sleep here with you?"
ღ*♡∞:。.。 hazel callahan who can't help but feel girlish and vulnerable laying in her bed with you, her stomach tied in knots over how there is nothing usual about this situation. fully seeing you in your pajamas. feeling the gentle flesh of your bare calves rub against hers. being within such close proximity of you that she can still smell the lingering remnants of soap on your skin from your shower.
ღ*♡∞:。.。 hazel callahan who dares to let her finger dance on your upper bicep, but that's just about it, really.
ღ*♡∞:。.。 hazel callahan who only nudges closer only when you nudge closer. who only lowers her voice, when you lower your voice. who only holds eye contact when you start it, but is always the first to look away.
ღ*♡∞:。.。 hazel callahan who falls into a trap: eye contact held after some conversation that did not, and does not matter. she follows your eyes down, chocolate eyes focusing on the arch of your cupids bow. she does tilt her head up to find her nose nudging softly against the underside of yours. she doesn't know how you two got this close. hazel callahan who feels her hands grow sweaty, feeling your breath linger over her the chap of her lips. who nearly stiffens when she feels your hand press into her back, but instead arches into the crevice your body makes and presses her palm against your hip.
ღ*♡∞:。.。 hazel callahan who does what she thinks she's supposed to do, and kisses you -- soft and gentle, like the whispers that fluttered over both of your lips earlier. brief, and endearing.
her lips stick to yours, and then her lips press into yours. and then her lips open when yours do, and her hand tightens on you when yours does.
ღ*♡∞:。.。 hazel callahan who has no fucking idea what she's doing. like, seriously. she kind of knows -- i mean, okay, yeah, she knows how to kiss, but this is, like.. not just a kiss. hazel's kisses are brief. gentle, maybe a little slow. never this deep. hazel callahan who forgets herself when her fingers weave through your hair. hazel callahan who doesn't recognize the way her breath shakes in your throat when your fingers ambitiously sift through her thick, black locks and pull.
hazel callahan whose lips slot over yours, and unlock. who leans forward when you lean back, and is almost nearly on top of you.
ღ*♡∞:。.。 hazel callahan who doesn't know what to do with her hand, so she puts it everywhere. glides it over your side, presses it over the expanse of your lower back. who smooths her hand under your shirt and marvels in the way your skin burns against her palm. who itches to explore, traversing over your stomach, venturing up, up, and up--
ღ*♡∞:。.。 hazel callahan who stops dead in her tracks when you hum something sour in her mouth and grab her wrist. who looks at you stunned with parted lips as you softly shake your head against hers.
"not yet," you pant, opening your eyes to look at her. "not yet."
ღ*♡∞:。.。 hazel callahan who bats her lashes, dizzy with affection yet sobered from your action. she knows how you sound. not like you're rejecting her, but like you're admitting something, which you.. might be. something that she understands. regardless, she understands.
but she burns bright with embarrassment, stomach rattling with a guilt that crawls up her throat and wraps around it, tightening and tightening...
"yeah," she manages a whispers after a while. somehow, it's still raspy. "yeah, okay.."
"don't be," you shake your head. "keep kissing me."
you rush, and it's kind of just in time. whatever stinging was lingering in her chest subsides as you bring yourself closer, lips softly capturing her lower lip in affirmation after hazel just stares at you.
hazel callahan who blinks, oscillating between consciences, dazed and a little confused. she's cautious and readjusted, her hand only lingering over your side as she whispers a faint "are you sure..?"
the sentence dissolves when on the tip of hazel's tongue when her lips find yours again, at your action, which is her answer. hazel callahan who listens. who lets you take her hand and place it somewhere that feels more comfortable, somewhere that's right and yet still sensual.
ღ*♡∞:。.。 hazel callahan who is wiped, but intentional with every kiss that either you or her leads, every swipe of her lips over your jaw, every tender kiss that you let her place against the stretch of your neck.
ღ*♡∞:。.。 hazel callahan who will admire within her bounds. kissing you, and drowning in you until she is simply too sleepy to continue. until she is dizzy and feels comfortable enough to nuzzle her face somewhere into the crook of you, breathing you in until you become a part of her dreams,
and she will wake -- in the morning, and in the middle of the night -- only to have a hard time believing that she isn't still dreaming.
ღ*♡∞:。.。 hazel callahan who kind of has to get used to.. all of it. who crushes, even though she's already "achieved," so to speak. who grins at her phone when she's texted, who finds any excuse to facetime you and keep you on the line -- sometimes just so that she can look at you. who finds any excuse to be around you.
ღ*♡∞:。.。 hazel callahan who you can't get rid of once you go both go to college. who facetimes you whenever, who visits you on weekends. who comes into your space and steals all of your sweatshirts and your pajama pants and of course, all of your spare time.
ღ*♡∞:。.。 hazel "no, i can make that for you" callahan who can't embroider, but can crochet. she will buy you that jellycat that you really want, a hundred percent. hazel callahan will also greet you with a fucked up rendition of said stuffed animal that you wanted (giving jamdog, perhaps) and furrows her eyebrows when you have to hide your laugh with your hand.
"what?" she asks, grin dulling only for a moment. "do you not like it?"
"no it's--" you cover your mouth. "it's perfect." you cackle. when you cup her cheeks, all the worry and fear of judgement fades. sort of. at least enough. "you're perfect, babe. i love it."
ღ*♡∞:。.。 hazel callahan who does, in fact, keep a picture in her wallet of her lover, ready at all times. hazel callahan who weaves her lover into casual conversation.
ღ*♡∞:。.。 hazel callahan who still doesn't really understand figure of speech all that well so when you say things like "i wish you could just come over," she literally goes "..well like, i could,"
and then proceeds to make like, a three hour drive.
ღ*♡∞:。.。 hazel callahan who keeps the picture that you hate of yourself as her lockscreen and it's not to spite you, it's because she thinks you're beautiful, and she has no idea what you're talking about.
ღ*♡∞:。.。 hazel callahan who figures out what names you like to be called by throwing everything at a wall and seeing that sticks. pretty. handsome. lover. angel. baby. and when she does find one, one that makes you blush just about as hard as she does every time you even look in her direction, she holds it over your head to high heavens. makes it your contact name. uses it to punctuate reassuring sentences, when she greets you, when she tells you goodnight.
ღ*♡∞:。.。 hazel callahan who gets to take you on real dates, and gets excited to. who gets giddy when you get ready. who gets to fix your hair and come up behind you when you take mirror selfies once you're finished. who now feels comfortable enough to place her hands at the mid-point of your waist and let them venture toward your frontside while she rests her chin on your shoulder, and leans in to kiss your cheek. who tells you you smell nice, and makes you smile when she buries her face into some part of you and literally just goes rahhhh!!!!
ღ*♡∞:。.。 hazel callahan who is also stuck sometimes, in moment such as these, watching the wonder who she has had a crush on since high school -- jesus, has it really been that long? -- with gentle eyes and a completely disarmed disposition.
hazel callahan who is honestly such a fucking loser -- like, literally, loser-since-birth, no-hope-since-middle-school, gay-haircut-and-new-repotoire-can't-save-you, loser, and can't help but ponder and marvel over how someone like you is in her hands. in her face. in her life.
"m'not that pretty," you insist, fingers weaving through her hair, nails etching at hazel's scalp in a way that hazel has grown to like. love, even.
her eyes flicker over your face, smile lopsided and eyes heavy like despite everything, you don't even know the half of it. she scoffs, voice hardly above a whisper,
"yeah no, you are so much more than pretty."
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A flock of elephants
Written for the November warm-up round of the @steddieholidaydrabbles
Prompt: Bakery AU
Rated: T
CW: some sexual tension and innuendo
Tags: Baker Steve, Rockstar Eddie
Notes: Can be read as a continuation of this microfic
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“You don't understand how huge a deal this is, Steve,” Dustin says. He’s wiggling in the passenger seat, trying to take in every bit of their surroundings as they pull up to the concert hall. 
Steve huffs and squints at the signs. There's security and fans and staff everywhere and he can feel a headache coming up. 
"A guy asked me to bake a cake, so what? It's literally what I do for a living, nothing-" 
"A guy asked you to-" Dustin sputters. "Excuse me, what did you say? Eddie Munson commissioned you to bake a replica of his world famous Warlock, do you have any- Do you even know who Eddie Munson is?" 
"Of course I know," Steve grouses. "I don't live under a rock." 
"Oh yeah?" Dustin levels him with an unimpressed look. "Name one of his songs." 
"Please," Steve rolls his eyes. "You're blasting that shit on repeat, it's practically seared into my brain. Especially the one about the elephants." 
Dustin stares at him. Steve resists the urge to pinch his nose.
"You know the one! What was it? Flock of Elephants?" 
Dustin crumples into the car seat and slaps both palms to his forehead. "It's A Court of Sycophants, Steve! Oh my God!"
"Synchro-what?" Steve ignores the way his neck prickles and takes a sharp right. "You just made that up. Now help me look for the delivery entrance or we won't have ourselves a deal at all." 
Once they find the entrance, it turns out he forgot the ID badge that the label sent, because of fucking course he did. He spends about half an hour trying to convince the grumpy security guard to let them in while Dustin has a complete meltdown. Just as he's ready to give up, they're rescued by the appearance of a tiny blonde in a pink cardigan who cheerfully introduces herself as Eddie’s manager. 
"Sorry about Hop," she says for what must be the fourth time, while Steve sets up the guitar-shaped cake at the center of the buffet and Dustin inspects the backstage lounge with awestruck eyes. "He takes his job very seriously." 
"Yeah, I noticed," Steve mutters. She seems nice enough, but he really doesn’t wanna engage in smalltalk right now. The bustle of the stage hands and the hot air of the venue are making him squeamish. All he wants to do is get this over with and go home.
Unfortunately fate must hate him, because that is the exact moment that a familiar voice says, "Hey, Chris. No matter what Hop tells you, I didn't order hookers to the venue. I dunno where he got the-" 
Dustin starts squealing. 
"Oh my God, you're Eddie Munson!"
Eddie squints at him like a confused cat. 
"Last time I checked, yeah. And you are?" 
"Dustin," says Dustin, like that explains everything. "I'm with Steve." 
Eddie’s eyes flit over and his face breaks into a delighted, dimpled smile. 
"Baker boy, hi!" 
Steve's mouth goes dry. 
He doesn’t know why, but all of the easy confidence of their last meeting is suddenly gone. 
Maybe it's because they were in the bakery, on his own turf, and now they're on Eddie’s, where the lights and the noise and the hum of the crowd in the auditorium are grating on his nerves. 
Maybe it's because last time, Eddie looked like just some guy in his ripped jeans and ratty hoody, unwashed hair piled in a chaotic bun, and now …
… now he's in a pair of leather pants that are so tight they may as well be spray-painted on and what looks like a fucking harness, hair cascading around his face and shoulders in a halo of messy curls and is that eyeliner? 
"Woah," Eddie breathes, eyes growing large, and yup, eyeliner. Definitely eyeliner, Jesus fucking Christ. With two long strides of those impossibly long legs, he's beside Steve and ogling the cake with an awestruck face. "This is fucking incredible, dude, it looks just like the real thing. You did all that from the photos?" 
By some miracle, Steve manages to channel the incoming blush into a sly pop of his hips and a smug eyebrow quirk. 
"Told you I was the best." 
Eddie is looking at him like he didn't bake a cake but hung the moon, which … in combination with the eyeliner and the leather and the harness of it all? Steve squirms in his jeans.
"Okay, erm … if that's all, I'll send over the bill by-" 
"Wait, what? You're not staying for the show?" Eddie swivels to Chrissy, all righteous indignation. "Why are they not staying for the show?" 
Chrissy shrugs, at the same time that Steve says, "That's really not necessa-" 
"We'd love to stay!" 
Dustin shoves himself between them, elbowing him in the kidneys. While Steve is still coughing, Eddie turns to Chrissy. 
"Show the young man to the backstage area, Chris?" 
Dustin looks like he's about to die of happiness, so Steve resigns himself to his fate. 
"Will you play the one about the psychopaths?" he asks as they trail after him. "It's his favorite." 
"Psycho-" Eddie’s brow wrinkles.
"Sycophants, Steve!" Dustin hollers from ahead. "Jesus!" 
"Anyways," Steve says over Eddie’s rumbling laughter. "You really didn't have to-" 
"I know I didn't." Eddie accepts his guitar - the real one - from a stage hand and slings it over his shoulder. "But I saw what you're best at, so I figured I'd return the favor." 
"Careful there," Steve huffs. "All you've done is ogle my cake. You may wanna try it first." 
"Oh, I'm planning to …" Eddie's smile is sharp as he leans in, close to his ear. "Preferably with less people around, though." 
And then he's gone, stepping out on the stage, making his guitar wail. 
Steve can't quite tell if the roar in his ears is the crowd or the sound of his own blood.
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rosiesmuts · 9 months
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Words: 2,200
Tags: 🍑
A/N: Late quickie.
It could only be described as paradise. The gentle rays beaming down, crystal clear blue water surrounding all around. A vast system of valleys and caves with not another person in sight. Yet the only thing your mind could process is the barely covered Thai idol–her skin glistening with beads of ocean droplets lighting up her already pale skin.
"Are you sure about this Lisa?"
"Just shut up and take the picture. I've been living under a microscope for the past 7 years."
She raises her arms above her head and poses for the perfect Instagram shot–the teeny bikini barely covering up her tight little ass.
"Let me see. Let me see." Lisa excitedly scurries over after hearing the shutter of the camera click. While she giggles and taps her fingers against her phone, you're left gawking at her ocean soaked body. Even with paradise all around, there's only one thing on your mind. Everything about Lisa was long and slender, every inch of her body from her fingers all the way down to her toes. Two tiny pieces of neon green fabric left almost nothing to the imagination; a thinly veiled excuse of a bikini. It's truly a magnificent sight, how could anyone be so toned yet soft and smooth.
"... And it's posted!" Lisa screams out energetically. Seven years of living under constant scrutiny, her contract is at an impasse while both sides remain under negotiations. Lisa was always a wild child, but now she feels the extra freedom with the weight of the company off her shoulders.
Lisa smirks, catching you staring like a deer caught in headlights. No point in denying it now, your slack jawed expression says it all.
"I'd tell you to take a picture, but you already did." Lisa teases as she catches you in the act. She walked towards you, a mischievous smile on her face, taking slow methodical strides with her long legs until she's nearly pressed against you. "Do you like what you see?" she whispers into your ears. Clearly a rhetorical question, one that she gives you no time to respond to. Hands and lips are all over you, lips nibbling at your collarbone while hands frisk at your chest. Lower and lower she goes, leaving a trail of kisses and light bites as she takes place on her knees.
She's in prime position, but she's one to play naughty little games. Over the protection of your shorts, Lisa gently grazes your shaft with delicate light touches. But that's not all, her full lips kiss the tip of your clothed cock–your desperation for her touch grows with each passing moment. Her cute face didn't match her lecherous actions, but this is only the beginning of what's to come. Her hands travel up to your waistband, her fingers sliding under the elastic. Painstakingly lowering your shorts until your friend springs into position.
"There's my favorite little toy." Lisa sing talks as she takes a hold of your cock.
"Excuse me? Little?"
"There's my favorite big toy," Lisa giggles at your bruised ego. "Now lay back and let me have some fun."
You do as instructed, laying flat on your back. Lisa straddles your right leg, leaning in to give your cock gentle kisses and licks, her soft tongue playing with your precum. She looks at you with her big gorgeous eyes, "Are you ready for some real fun Oppa?"
Her lips part and she sucks hard on your head. You moan out loud, your hips bucking upwards to meet her oral assault. Her mouth is warm and wet, it feels as though she's bathing your member in a pool of her own saliva.
"Mmmmm, I can feel you getting bigger and harder." She moves lower now, using her gentle fingertips to caress your balls. "I don't know if I'll be able to fit you in my mouth, but I'm going to try."
Her hair is getting in her face, so you hold it back. Your cock hits her throat, but she gets lower and lower each time. She gags a bit, but still manages to keep sucking away. Soon enough she's deepthroating you, her pink tongue swirling around your head as she looks up at you with a grin.
"You taste good."
Up and down she goes, taking the full length of your cock into her throat every time. The elicit noises of her gagging are the most erotic sound in the world. Lisa's stroking your thighs as she bobs her head, keeping constant eye contact. She pulls away and takes a deep breath before diving back in–holding herself down, her nose pressed against your pelvis until she turns red, tears running down her round cheeks.
She pulls herself off, coughing and gasping for air–a long trail of saliva still connected from your cock to her chin.
"I thought you said it was little." You tease as she struggles to catch her breath.
"Nope, it's big" She pouts. "But you're such a dirty boy, making me gag like that."
"I didn't make you do anything. You gagged yourself, you filthy little whore."
"Excuse me, I'm your filthy little whore." She giggles. "And I want more. Are you ready to stick that big cock into something tighter than my mouth?"
She bends over on her hands and knees, shaking her delectable cute ass in your face. As much as you love to slowly peel off her bottoms, there's no time to waste, pulling the knots on one side of her bikini and throwing the flimsy cloth into the sand.
You stick two fingers into her mouth, she sucks and licks, coating them with her saliva. Using your well lubricated digits, your tease around the ring of her ass. With great care you work your fingers inside, watching in awe as your fingers disappear into her tight hole. You continue on, twisting and twirling, spreading her out for what's to come.
"Just fuck me already" Lisa begs, always the impatient one when it comes to her ass.
"Your wish is my command, my Thai princess."
You grab ahold of her hips, moving her forward and then pushing her back. Your cock still slick with saliva, pressing your tip against her tight hole. Just your head penetrates when she lets out a scream of pain and pleasure.
"Keep going," she whimpers, her body relaxing to take more of you in.
You go slow, inch by inch, watching her as she squirms, trying not to move too fast. Her body relaxes with each pass, feeling her opening spread wider. Soon enough you're fully inside, your cock buried within her. Every inch of her is squeezing you tight. You've fucked her ass dozens of times by now, but each time gets better and better.
Your hips start moving, Lisa's moans blend perfectly with the sounds of the ocean.
"Harder, faster!" She begs.
You oblige, holding on to her hips as each slam of your hips gets faster. Every one sends shivers through her body, forcing a stuttering gasp to escape her lips. With a tug of the string to her top, it floats down into the sand–moving your hand upwards to grope her tiny tits, pinching her sensitive nipples in your hand as you pound away at her ass.
"Ohhh~" Lisa squeals, desperately trying to grasp at the sand.
"Is this what you wanted?"
"Yes, yes!" She cries out. "More!"
With that you pick up speed, thrusting with everything you have. Your stamina has grown immensely since you started fucking each member of BLACKPINK. Her body tenses up, her ass clenching even harder against your shaft.
"Just like that. Just like that." Lisa pleads. "Give it to me. Fuck me Oppa!"
"As you please"
Your pace continues, slamming into her tight little ass. Her body writhes under you, her moans turn into shrieks threatening your ear drums even in the open air. Her tenseness immediately loosens up as she screams out, her orgasm ripping through her body.
Her back arches, her ass spasms around your cock. Her beautiful face is locked in a grimace of pure ecstasy. Lisa shakes uncontrollably, her mouth wide open and her eyes squeezed shut as she convulses. You keep pounding away inside, holding onto her hips tightly, your thrusts slowing down to prolong her bliss.
"I... I..." Lisa pants, "...I haven't came that hard since that last time you fucked me."
You chuckle, kissing her on the cheek.
"I'm glad I could help, you were amazing."
"I forgot how good you feel..." Lisa leans back into your embrace. "...But what about you, Oppa? You still haven't cum." She feels your rock hard cock still pressed against her cute little ass.
She pushes you on your back, her long body looking intimidating from below as she towers over you.
"You know it felt amazing when Chaeyoung gifted you my pussy for your birthday..." She giggles.
It was hard to believe, Lisa allowing you fuck anything but her ass on her own volition, but there was no time to harp about it. She straddles your waist, reaching down to grab a hold of your cock, lining up your tip to her wet, post orgasmic folds.
You grip her hips, guiding her in. Her tight little snatch opens up for you, allowing you to easily slide inside. Lisa squeezes her pussy around the base of your cock, massaging it with her insides. She's earned the title of main dancer, doing body rolls with you buried deep inside her.
"How's it feel to have my pussy wrapped around your cock again Oppa?"
"Well get ready for a ride." Her hands plant on your chest, bracing herself upright. Her feet steady themselves in the sand, then she's off to the races, bouncing herself up and down, your entire length gliding against her silky walls.
"Mmm...so fucking full..."she whispers to herself, snapping her head back. Your hands sneak up when she closes her eyes, your thumbs circling her sensitive nipples. The sudden jolt of excitement only redoubles her efforts, the sound of clapping flesh carries in the wind. A subdued moan escapes her lips and her movements become erratic. Her fingers interlock with yours, her eyes fluttering and her leg start to quiver. With a renewed, intensity, your upwards thrusts match with her downward slams and she screams out in ecstasy once again.
"Such a greedy little one, cumming again when you were supposed to be helping me."
Rather than answer your playful little tease, she leans in and shoves her tongue in your mouth, moaning into it while she rides out her orgasm. Her lips pull away and she lets out a sly smile, still leant over, her small little breasts just inches from your face. Once again, she shows off her renown dancing skills, twerking just her hips up and down. Showing off her multiple talents, her hips never stop moving even while she reaches behind and tickles your balls.
Followed up are little whispers into your ear; "They feel so full Oppa. I want you to cum for me. Cum anywhere you want. On my tiny little tits or my toned abs. Maybe on my face, hell you can even cum inside of me if you want..."
Her words are just the motivation you need.
"You're gonna make me - " You cry out, trying to hold back.
Instead of slowing down, she speeds up her twerking. Her chest rubbing against yours as she leans in and nibbles on your ears. "Just let go. Cum inside me Oppa."
Her erotic words hypnotize you into submission. You thrust upwards into her, driving yourself deeper with each forceful stroke. Her velvety walls squeezing you hard, and you finally release inside of her with a hefty groan. She keeps twerking her hips, trying to milk you for all your worth.
"That's it" She coos. "You're a dirty boy, filling me up with your cum."
She leans back and smiles, spreading her legs apart, making a display of the spunk oozing out of her and onto the sand.
"I'm a mess Oppa, but I like it." Lisa giggles.
You sit up, taking her dainty hand into yours and helping her up to her feet. She goes ahead of you, leaving her bikini behind and proudly makes her way back naked to the beach house.
She turns around and screams back at you, "GET READY FOR ROUND TWO OPPA!"
You let out a sigh, laughing to yourself, watching Lisa skip away without a care in the world. You lay back in the sand before following her back, taking the stairs up to the second floor. As soon as you enter the door, you see the four girls sitting on the couch.
"Hi!" They cheerfully greet you...
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tacticaldiary · 1 year
Unlikely Intruder
Pairing: Leon Kennedy x Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Special agent Kennedy bested by the most unexpected intruder in the middle of the night. A ruined night of sleep leaves the both of them sharing a soft moment.
A/N: Enjoy! Requests are open!
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Leon’s always been a light sleeper. 
It comes from years of living on the edge, of catching an hour of sleep in any cramped, temporarily safe location he could during missions, gun loaded in hand and ready to shoot if need be. From harsh training that molded him into the indestructible person he is today 
It’s exactly why he’s awake the moment he hears a small, muffled thud downstairs. Blinking the sleep out of his eyes, he slowly unwinds his arms from around the person next to him, casting her a soft glance. 
The thud comes again and Leon’s sitting up, reaching for the pistol in his nightstand. 
Did someone break in? He strains his ears, but there are no footsteps, no indication of broken window glass. He knows all the doors were locked, he checks them every night before bed. 
Obsessive, she jokes at him whenever he goes through the little night-time routine he has. 
Perhaps he was, but if being called obsessive was the consequence of ensuring her safety, he’d let her jeer at him for hours. 
“Leon?” The soft voice steals his focus momentarily. He watches his girlfriend shift, rubbing at her eyes and sitting up, most likely sensing the wariness rolling off of him in waves. “What’s wrong?” She stifles a yawn, pulling the sheet up with her. Disheveled and disoriented from sleep, she looks adorable. He’d take her right back to bed if not for the prickling chill running down his spine.  
“I heard something,” Leon tells her quietly, turning his attention back to the door. “Something downstairs.”  
“What?” Her eyes widen and she sits up straighter, casting a cautious glance at the door. “Like a person? Did someone break in?” Her voice comes out hurried, and Leon squeezes her arm gently to calm her down. 
“You’re alright.” He assures her. “You’re with me, aren’t you?” 
“Cocky much?” She manages a small smile, which dissipates as a crash comes from downstairs. Leon’s on his feet immediately. 
“Stay here, baby.” He orders, in that deep authoritative voice she’s heard him talk to others at work with. “Lock the door behind me and don’t come out. I’ll come and get you, understand.”
She wants to protest, wants to insist that two people are better than one, but knows that Leon is built for this life, that he knows what he’s doing and she’d only be the added challenge of someone he needs to protect while investigating. 
“Okay.” She agrees. “Yell if you need help, alright?”
“Sure.” Leon leans down, presses a kiss to her hair before striding off, gun in hand. 
The click of the lock she turns behind him unsettles her more than it reassures her. 
Minutes pass without noise, not a peep. No thuds, no crashes, nothing but the silence that bubbles into eeriness the longer it goes on. What was going on? Did Leon find something? Someone? 
The next crash makes her jump out of her skin. It’s accompanied by a muffled, loud curse from Leon, something so out of character that it makes her instinctively grab the doorknob. 
She hesitates. 
He said not to follow...but she rarely hears Leon raise his voice like that. Worry prickles at her, the need to make sure he’s alright winning over her hesitation to stay safe. Creaking the door open, she pads quietly through the hallway, slowly stepping down the stairs. 
It was alright. Everything would be fine, she just needed to find Leon. She’s taken a couple of self-defence classes, Leon had arranged them for her and even given her a few lessons himself-
Though those ones ended up with her having a little more fun at the end. 
Shaking her head to rid herself of the thoughts that had no business coming to her now, her breath hitches as she hears chairs and tables scraping, Leon groaning with effort. 
She peeks around the corner, heart racing, ready to run in to help him and-...
The fright drains out of her at the sight.
Her boyfriend, this strong, deadly special agent, this fully grown man wrestling with a small, spitting angry raccoon around their kitchen. The latter is hissing and trying to scratch at him while Leon holds it by the scruff, an angry red scratch across his cheek, bleeding sluggishly. 
“Are you alright?” She asks, Leon’s gaze snapping to her. 
“Thought I told you to stay put.” He shakes his head, giving the creature a frustrated look, holding it at arms length. 
“That was before I knew you’d be bested by a raccoon.” She laughs. He does not look amused as he pulls open the front door and ushers the animal out, firmly shutting and locking the door behind it. 
“It did not best me, I just wasn’t expecting it.” He winces when he touches the scratch on his cheek.
“Same thing.” Padding her way across the kitchen, she tilts his chin to the side to get a closer look. “That look nasty.” She smiles when Leon kisses her palm. 
“Stings. Not too bad though.” 
“Come here.” She runs a washcloth under warm water in the sink and hoists herself onto the counter, gesturing him over. Once he’s slotted between her legs, hands bracing himself on either side of her, she leans in and gently cleans the blood off of his face. “Let me know if it hurts.” She meets his eyes briefly. 
He wouldn’t. 
Leon drinks in every single moment she decides to touch him. He’s not used to touches that don’t come with expectations or hurt, so being with her is a reprieve from his busy life. He stares at her face unashamedly while she works, the water warm, her gentle touch cupping his face soothing. He admires the line of her jaw, the softness of her eyes. 
She was beautiful. The best thing that ever happened to him. 
Sometimes he wonders if someone as tainted as him deserved to come home to a person as pure-hearted as her.
But then again, Leon supposes he can afford to be selfish this one time. Just for this. 
“It looks deeper than I thought.” She snaps him out of his thoughts. 
“I’ve had worse than an angry raccoon scratch.” He quips, smiles widening at the disapproving look she casts him. 
“Do you think it was carrying anything?” She asks suddenly. “Like rabies? It was wild, wasn’t it?”
Leon thinks for a moment. He’d come downstairs to the creature rifling through their pantry which had been left cracked open. it had not taken well to Leon’s attempt to remove it and had lunged at him. he didn’t get to check it it was foaming at the mouth or not. 
All plans of going back to bed with her fly out the window. 
Leon groans and drops his head down to her shoulder. A trip to the ER it was then. “Shit.” He curses, muffled by the fabric of the shirt she wore to bed. It’s one of his, he notes. 
A soothing hand cards through his hair, scratching gently at his scalp. “I’ll get the car keys.” She huffs out a small laugh.
Requests Are Open!
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solefae · 1 month
GURL first off i literally LOVEEEE UUUUUU OMGGGGGGGGG. but love n stuff aside🫶🏾
TROUBLE. jey uso
SUMMARY ── You been in a bratty mood all day, testing Jey's patience to its limit. When you take it too far with you’re attitude, Jey decides it's time to put you in your place.
AWWW ILYT BABYY 🤍!!!! and u asked and u shall receive… 🤭
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"Girl, I swear to God..." Jey muttered under his breath as he watched her flounce about the kitchen, deliberately making as much noise as possible.
She knew he had an important call in five minutes but was doing everything in her power to be as disruptive as possible. Clanging pots, slamming cabinets, singing off-key - the whole works.
Her attitude had been out of control all day, from back-sassing him that morning to rudely blowing off his attempts at conversation. Jey was at the end of his rope with her bratty ass behavior.
When the timer dinged loudly right as his meeting was supposed to start, that was the final straw. In two large strides he crossed over and shut off the oven timer with more force than necessary.
"Alright, enough is enough." Jey turned to pin her with a stern glare. "What the hell has gotten into you today, girl?"
She frowned petulantly, avoiding his eyes. "Nothing, I'm fine."
"Bullshit." He grasped her elbow firmly. "You been pissing me off on purpose all damn day with this attitude. I'm not playing your games no more."
Jerking her arm away, she shot back hotly. "I didn't ask you to! God, get off my back already."
A dangerous glint entered Jey's eyes at the blatant disrespect. His voice dropped an octave. "Watch your tone with me, girl."
She rolled her eyes and turned to walk away, obviously not getting the message. Big. Mistake.
In a flash Jey had her pinned against the fridge, hands gripping her hips bruisingly. She gasped but he silenced any retort with a searing kiss, dominating her mouth completely.
When he pulled back she was breathless and wide-eyed, arousal pooling faster than she cared to admit. Jey's hands slid under her ass to hoist her up provocatively.
"You've been asking for this all day, teasing me non-stop." He spoke low and dirty right against her lips.
With that ominous promise hanging between them, he carried her off to the bedroom, intent on taming his wild little brat once and for all.
Stripping her clothes off efficiently, Jey stood back to admire her naked form hungrily. She squirmed under his intense gaze, nipples pebbling in the cool air.
"On the bed, hands and knees. Ass up high." He commanded gruffly, already shedding his own layers. Always so big on following orders, she complied eagerly.
Calloused palms dragged up her thighs to spread her cheeks, boldly delving between folds from behind. She jerked at the unexpected contact, already slick and ready for him.
"My, my, someone's excited." Jey's low chuckle made her tremble. His thick finger circled her clit teasingly before plunging inside, crooking just right to brush that spot.
Her walls squeezed instinctively at the delicious pressure. Soft whimpers escaped with each pump, greedy for more sensation. Two fingers scissored her open deftly, working her up with practiced ease.
"You like that? My fingers feel good inside that tight pussy?" He murmured crudely, loving the way she shuddered at his filthy words.
She couldn't form a reply, brain reduced to mush under his skilled touch. All she knew was the desperate hunger building low in her gut, spiraling ever tighter.
Jey spread her further with his free hand, leaning down to swipe his tongue up the seam of her ass. She keened loudly at the new stimulation, so sensitive already from his fingering.
Heated breaths ghosted over her soaked folds as he spoke. "So wet for me, girl. Bet you'd like my dick buried deep too though, wouldn't you?"
"P-please, Jey..." she sobbed, unable to take anymore teasing. She needed him inside, filling her up completely.
He chuckled darkly, hot breath fanning her arousal. "All in good time baby, I'm just gettin' started." With that ominous warning he delved his tongue into her quivering hole, driving her mad.
She was coming undone within seconds, walls clamping down on his fingers hard as waves of bliss crashed over her. But Jey wasn't letting up, relentless in wringing every last drop of ecstasy from her trembling form.
By the time he finally pulled away she could barely hold herself up, limp and sated. Jey shifted back, admiring his handiwork with clear satisfaction.
"You enjoyed that, didn't you?" He cupped her ass possessively, massaging the reddened skin. "Betcha that attitude all gone now too?"
She couldn't form words, only nodding weakly in agreement. His praise and manhandling had transformed her bratty mood completely. All that was left was a hot, submissive mess craving more.
Jey chuckled, running soothing palms up her back. "You ain't done learning yet though, girl. Bathroom, now."
She scrambled unsteadily to obey, brain fogged with endorphins. What fresh torment did he have in store now? Her core clenched deliciously at the thought.
Under the spray of scalding water he crowded her against slick tile, hands roaming everywhere all at once. His arousal jutted proudly between them, making her mouth water to taste.
"Suck." Was all the command Jey gave before guiding himself past her kiss-swollen lips. She moaned around his girth, hollowing her cheeks to take him in deeper.
Water cascaded over them as he began pumping in a steady rhythm, hitting the back of her throat leisurely. One large hand tangled in her hair to hold her still for his relentless pace.
Saliva and precum dripped down her chin to mix with the water washing over their passionate tableau. She swallowed around him eagerly, loving the powerful way he used her mouth for his pleasures.
His thrusts grew erratic, cock throbbing heavy on her tongue. "Fuck, that's it girl. Take it."
With a vicious jerk of his hips he came down her throat, groaning loudly as she sucked him through the aftershocks. Only when he was completely spent did he let her pull off, panting and gazing up adoringly.
Jey hauled her up for a demanding kiss, tasting himself on her lips with obvious satisfaction. "Now it's your turn again, beautiful."
He spun her around, bending her forward over the glass shelving. The cold surface did little to soothe her fiery skin as he spread her wide once more.
This time when he breached her entrance there was no teasing, driving home in one deep thrust. A strangled cry tore from her throat at the delicious fullness.
"You feel so fuckin' good baby, so tight and wet for me." Jey praised gruffly, already setting a brutal pace.
His hips snapped forward powerfully, plunging deeper on each stroke to brush that heavenly spot inside. She was falling apart around him within minutes, walls sucking him in greedily.
Jey groaned loudly, pistoning his hips at a brutal pace through her climax. The sound of skin slapping wetly mingled with their mingled shouts echoing off marble tile.
It wasn’t long before his own release hit, pulsing hot ropes of cum inside her as he growled out curses. They slumped together under the spray, coming down slowly from their high.
Turning within his strong embrace, she kissed along his stubbled jaw sweetly. “Thank you daddy….”
Jey chuckled, nuzzling her fondly. “Anytime, ma. You know I’ll always set your ass straight.” His hands slid down to massage her cheeks tenderly.
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taglist aka my loves! ⇩
@blacst4r @truefant4sy
@yeaiamme2 @cody-uso
@riverina69 @christinabae
@shantinextdoor @empressdede
@paigereeder @bebesobrielo
@butterfi1es @jstarr86 @femdisa @shes2real
(lemme know if you want to be added/removed!) 🤍✨
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imaginesheaven · 1 year
Price x Wife!reader + TF 141 family headcanons
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Oh my god! I love this man way too much *haha*
Warning: Literally none! Just pure fluff and happiness
Price knew from the beginning you wouldn’t be a stay-at-home-wife and he respects and supports this decision of yours with all he has to offer.
You love your job as an attorney and probably keep going for the rest of your life. Since you came from a family of military members you even specialized in this kind of niche. You give everything to help out soldiers with legal advice and support.
That was also how the two of you meet firsthand.
John saw you one day walking over the base in a tightly fitted suit in big confident strides. Of course, he was blown away by your appearance. Everyone was who could get a short glance at you. But it was the fighting spirit in your eyes that pulled at his heart strings. You were ready to bring down the biggest enemy no matter the cost.
And if that wouldn’t be already enough to win his heart over, you proofed your literally perfection when the two of you had your first conversation.
“Captain Price. Nice to meet you finally. I only heard good things about you and your boys.” – Your voice, the words you chose, your kindness. John isn’t a man that gets speechless often, but in this moment his head was absolutely empty.
His team could see how smitten the Captain was with you within seconds. They would never leave this chance behind to tease him about it.
“Hey, Captain, your favorite attorney is on the base.” – “Gaz, you better shut your mouth or I will do it for you…”
It took Price weeks to finally work up the courage to ask you out on a date. He would disclaim that he needed more research about you which translates to he wanted to keep admiring you from afar as long as he could.
His team couldn’t help themselves but fall in love with you too instantly in a platonic way. Every single man of them would sacrifice their life for you.
You couldn’t deny it either you loved them to pieces the same way. With John by your side as your husband you saw the others like your own little family.
“How are our boys doing, John? They are coming for Dinner next Friday, right?” – “Sure, they wouldn’t miss your amazing cooking skills, love.”
Price wouldn’t be jealous at all when you give the boys your undivided attention. In the end you are falling asleep next to him ;)
Here and there they would compare how much you love them like children. “Forget it, Soap. I am her favorite.” – “No, Gaz, you have no idea.” – “Boys, I am her favorite Ghost boy. You all lose against me.” – Price only folds his arms in front of his chest throwing around confident glares, “I am the one she married~”
You only can shake your head laughing how they act, “I love all of you equally.”
You settle into your new mother role very fast. It is an honor for you to take care of the TF 141 team even before you got married to Price.
“Here you go, boys. Care packages for the few days you are away. Just the way you all like them”, you give everyone a handmade package of things they could need on their missions. For the records you never missed one mission. You are always prepared for the day of their leave.
Just like you waved them goodbye you are also there when they come back from their mission. Always with a smile on your lips you hug every single one of them and welcome them back. The kisses though are only for your favorite Captain.
Bringing the whole team together for the holidays since you live close by the base and most of them not going back home to their families if they even have one.
“So, here you go, Soap. One for Gaz. Not forgetting my lovely Ghost boy. And last but not least, my Captain”, you give every one a Christmas present. No one would admit it, but your gifts are always the best. You take time and care to find for everyone the perfect thing.
Having some alone-time with your husband is a challenge though. It is like the boys have a sixth sense. They ring the doorbell smiling innocently. “Heard you have a movie night … Can we join?” Price knows you never can say “No” to them so he has to share his wife, his popcorn and even the couch. At the same time John couldn’t be mad at you. He adores how you love your boys.
Cooking for them is another thing you love to do. John gets a ton load of homemade meals with him to take with him for the boys. Price has to drill them even more to work out since they are eating literally non-stop.
“And another round for you, Gaz!” – “But, Captain!” – “For each piece of cake you eat you run!” – “Damn it… I had the whole cake!” – “More running! Less talking!”
All these acts of kindness bring them to work even harder to make the world a better and safer place for you.
And of course, not forgetting the scary dog privileges you have with them. You can feel safe everywhere you go with the big men trailing behind you like lost puppies.
But also, when you are on your own. They teach you enough to take out a whole army on your own. Just to make sure you will never get hurt.
Your reputation carries onto the base too. Everyone knows you are under the protection of Captain Price and his Task Force 141. You want something you get it within seconds. No one dares to touch you, insult you, talk back at you or something else. The boys make sure of that.
You don’t have to lift a finger in the house anymore. The team got your back mowing the lawn, getting cleaned out the garage, painting the walls the color you wanted for ages and even more.
Sometimes you love to tease them then: “Well, I don’t know. The garage looked better last year. You are all kind of slacking~” – “Heard you, ma’am! We can do this way better!”
These trained killers and soldiers would carry you on their arms over the world if you asked them nicely.
The team knows you can handle the world on your own, but they do it out of love for you. It is their way to pay back the love and care you give them. You are the shining light of hope in Price’s life, which he has to share with his team, but that is more than okay for him.
Imagine how they react when you adopt the gentle giant König into your little family. At first, they were more than mad.
“Why him? Don’t you love us anymore?”, they were literally acting like you stated that König is your new favorite boy. You rolled your eyes at them smiling, “Stop being childish. I still love you all equally.”
Like you promised you take care of them all the same and put your heart into your care like you did before.
König has no fucking idea at all how he got into this situation. You literally saw him one day on the base, walked over to him and said word for word: “You look hungry. I’m sure you haven’t had a homemade meal in months. Come with me.”
And with that he followed a random woman over the base, who just claimed she will cook for him. How could he deny this kind of creepy and random offer?
For him it was the best decision in his life to follow you.
The team accepted their fate since there is absolutely no room for discussion in this situation. And with that you all grow into a happy little family once again.
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vivwritesfics · 1 month
Jester Stole His Thorny Crown
Chapter Eight
He never had a choice in his life. His dreams were nothing more that that. Dreams. But then he met a lounge singer at his brother club and everything changed.
idk why this one has some big paragraphs, i got carried away lowkey
Series Masterlist
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Everything had changed now, hadn't it? She'd kissed Charles and now everything was wrong. Or was it right?
Ber emotions had never been this mixed up before, she hated it. Part of her didn't want to go back into work, could face him. Or Arthur, for that matter. But Arthur hadn't done anything wrong and she couldn't let him down like that.
As she got ready to head out to the club, there was a knock at her door. She pulled it open quickly, her clothes for tonight's performance half shoved into her bag. "Can I help you?" She asked quickly.
But then she saw who was standing at her door. She swallowed the lump in her throat. "Charles," she said, voice thick. "What're you doing here?"
He held up a plastic bag. "I brought you dinner," he said.
"Oh." She let out a breath. "Well, I don't have time for dinner, sorry. I've got to perform tonight."
He nodded and stood to the side as she walked out of the apartment and pulled the door shut behind her. "Of course you do," she said. "I'll go with you."
She couldn't exactly refuse him, could see? Not that she wanted to. Or did she? Ugh, everything was so confusing! And nothing sucks more than not knowing what you want.
She didn't say much as she walked down to the lounge, Charles following behind. She held the door open for him and followed him in, around the tables and towards the back room. "Do you have time to eat before you go on stage?" He asked as he laid the containers of food out on the table.
It was far too much for two people. Bottom lip pulled between her teeth she looked at the clock behind him. "I've got five minutes. Can we eat after my performance?"
She'd never seen Charles Leclerc, the Charles Leclerc, look so dejected before. Part of her seriously thought he was going to pull out his gun and aim it straight for her chest. But he just nodded his head. "No, yeah, of course," he said as he shoved the containers back into the bag.
This wasn't Charles Leclerc, not the Charles that had come to her for piano lessons. This was a shell of the man she had found herself both scared of and attracted to. Had she done this? Was it her kiss that had turned him into this... husk of himself?
She sucked in a breath as she turned to walk away. But there was that voice in the back of her head, telling her to turn around and do something. So what if she was a little bit late for her set? What would Arthur do, kill her? Not if she didn't put on her heels and ran like hell.
She let out a huff, one that had Charles looking up (one that he certainly wasn't supposed to hear), as she dropped her bag. She pushed the door shut and turned to face him, her hands on her hips. "I want you to kiss me."
Charles looked at her, his expression entirely confused. "Huh?"
What the hell wasn't he getting about this? "Charles Leclerc." This was taking all of her bravery. "I want you to kiss me. Like, grab my face, stick your tongue down my throat and all of that."
That was all it took for Charles to stride across the room. His touch was gentle as he moved her back against the door. His hands cupped her face as he leaned it.
He pressed his lips to her own. His tongue didn't immediately invade her mouth like she had said. No, he was gentle as he moved his lips against her own, as he parted her lips and licked inside of her mouth. It was so fucking sweet, but it was set by Charles. He stole the breath from her lungs as he kept her pressed against the door.
Charles pulled away, but he kept his forehead against her own, breathing heavy as his thumb moved over her cheek. "Don't you have a performance to get to?" He said and pulled away.
His cheeks were flushed as he pulled her away from the door and left the room. She couldn't help but smile as she checked the clock and quickly got changed into her dress.
As she ran towards the stage (still in her trainers), she caught Arthurs glare. But she could do little more than grin as she paused at the edge of the stage, straightened herself up and walked over to the piano. Her shoes were too quiet on the floor as she walked.
Charles was in the first row, watching as she sat down. He grinned when he saw the look on her face, her smile that could only be described as dopey. Her fingers hit the notes as she began a song. But, within a few notes, she was messing up, apologising to the crowd and starting again.
This was the affect Charles had on her. He watched almost her entire performance, only getting up at the end. But he got up to walk into the back room, to wait for her.
At the end of her performance, Charles heard the claps from the crowd. He could picture it now, as she stood up, bowed and rushed off the stage.
Heading back to him.
She rushed into the back room and shut the door behind her. "So, what were those dinner plans?" She asked as she picked up her bag and began pulling out a sweatshirt.
When she had her clothes out of the bag, she looked at Charles. Asking him to turn around, it was embarrassing, but she deserved this little bit of privacy. Gone was that confidence when she'd asked him to kiss her, her performance had taken it out of her.
When she made the request, Charles turned to face the wall. She attempted to be hasty as she pulled down the zipper of her dress and pulled her sweatshirt over her head. She quickly stepped out of the dress and pulled the sweats over her legs.
"You can look now," she said, shoving everything into her bag.
Charles pulled out the seat beside his own. She left her bag by the door and sat beside him, immediately reaching for the food. "Fuck," she said around a mouthful, completely forgetting her manners. "I was so damn hungry."
A laugh, a genuine, bubbly laugh left Charles's lips. "I can see," he muttered. But then there was a gentle touch to her cheek as he brushed her hair back.
She released a breath, head falling forward. "Charles," she said and he pulled away. The way she turned towards him, the way she looked into his eye, his every nerve was on fire, and he was terrified. (A man that didn't get terrified. This was the power she had over him. That, more than anything, was scaring him). "What are we doing?"
"Having dinner," he answered quickly.
He had hoped for a laugh of some sort, for her to see the humour in his answer. But she just shook her head. "You know that's not what I mean." She put her food down and wiped her sweaty palms on her sweater. "I can't sit here and pretend I haven't heard the stories about you. How goddamn terrifying you are. I can't pretend I didn't have to listen to Arthur complain about how loud you are with a different girl almost every night." She didn't miss the way his face dropped. "What am I to you? Am I challenge, because of how resistant I was?"
"No! God, no," he answered quickly. He pushed his hair back, away from his eyes. "Look, don't ask me to explain it, because I can't. But, for the first time in my life I don't want to fuck you and get the hell out of there as quickly as I can. For the first time in my life I want to kiss you. And kiss you again. And again. And maybe forever."
It wasn't an answer, not really. Charles knew it wasn't what she was looking for, but he couldn't offer her anything else in that moment. The way she released a breath, he didn't know if it should have scared him or filled him with elation.
But then she looked at him, looked right into his eyes. "Good," she said, smile crossing her face. "Because I want to kiss you too." She leaned in close, until she was almost touching his lips. That small bit of distance between them, it was agony. But she didn't push forward, and it had Charles on the edge of his seat, filled with curiosity.
Her hands were in his hair, scratching at his scalp in a way that almost had him moaning into her mouth. But then she spoke. "No more of this moping around because I kissed you first, okay?"
Charles rolled his eyes. "That's not what happened." He'd practically pulled her into his lap, his grip on her hips tight. When she tugged on his hair, it really did dislodge a moan from his lips. "Okay, fine." He leaned forward, finally closing that gap between them.
Permanent Taglist (CLOSED): @biancathecool
TAGLIST (OPEN): @ninifee1802
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corroded-hellfire · 10 months
A imagine where mean girls pick on y/n like .. carol and her friends & eddie comes into the picture and defend you? 🥺
Picking on people is bad. Loving on Eddie is good.
Words: 1.3k
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“You’re such an idiot,” one of Carol’s underlings spews at you with laughter. 
“Do you know how many people saw it? You’ll never live this down,” the other member of her entourage adds.
Between third and fourth period they’ve cornered you against your own locker, standing so close that it would be impossible to slip between them and escape. Your notebook for your next class is clutched against your chest and you’re pretty sure you’re going to get paper cuts from how tightly you’re holding it. 
“You look like a clown.”
The last thing you want is for the three mean girls in front of you to see you cry, but you can’t help it as your eyes well over and warm tears leave tracks down your face. You wince as one of the tears runs over your busted lip, the salt burning the large cut. Of course Carol notices the flinch of pain and doesn’t hesitate to pounce.
“It’s going to hurt when you kiss–oh that’s right, no one wants to kiss you!”
Her cronies cackle as if this is the funniest thing they’ve ever heard in their lives. The way Carol has these two so whipped and ready to do her bidding is both terrifying and impressive. You turn to face your locker, spinning the dial with shaky hands as you try and get your combination right. Anything to not see those faces so gleeful at your misery. Even though you need it, you put your notebook back in the locker. Before you can do anything else, Carol’s hand appears and slams the locker closed.
Eddie turns the corner and strides down the hallway. He catches sight of Carol and her crew and instantly tenses up. The reaction to seeing them together, knowing they’re ganging up on someone right now has his fists clenching and his shoulders bunching up towards his ears. As he gets closer, he sees the top of your head – hair he would recognize anywhere. The squeak his sneakers make as he comes to an immediate halt catches the attention of one of the wannabe-Carols. 
She doesn’t have time to even open her mouth before Eddie is shouldering his way through the girls to get to you. He seethes, seeing red, and instantly wraps a protective arm around you.
“Don’t you assholes have anything better to do–hey. Sweetheart, what happened?” Gently, he cups your face, carefully avoiding your injury. Dark brown eyes scan over your face, checking to see if there’s anything else he needs to fret over. When he’s sure there’s only the one abrasion, he whips his head towards Carol and her friends. The searing glare he gives them is enough to have one of the lackeys taking a step back. 
“Did you fucking touch her?” Eddie’s voice is menacingly deep, and it sends a chill down even your spine. 
You shake your head, about to tell him, but Carol beats you to the punch.
“She did that to herself.”
Eddie isn’t convinced. He turns back to you, his face immediately morphing from fury into concern. You assure him with a nod and a slight sniffle, though.
“I was climbing the rope in gym and my hand slipped. I fell and hit the ground face first.” You’re aware the words sound a little funny as they come out of your mouth. There’s swelling around the open cut on your top lip and between that and the pain, your voice is off. The girls snicker at how you speak, and it takes everything in Eddie to ignore them. 
“Are you okay, angel?”
“M’fine,” you assure him with a shrug. “Just sore.”
Eddie slips his hand into yours and gives it a gentle squeeze. You know it’s all in your head, but you swear the pain on your face lessens as the butterflies in your stomach rise. 
Looking back towards the succubuses in front of you, Eddie clenches his jaw.
“I’m not sure what you three find so God damn funny. Weren’t you the one who pissed herself on the middle school field trip to the zoo, Carol?”
The head of the clique scoffs and looks Eddie up and down as if she were inspecting a dumpster full of garbage.
“Shut up, freak.”
The term means nothing to your friend anymore, so he just turns to the next girl.
“Karen, I seem to recall you ramming your brand new car that your daddy bought you into the church’s nativity display last Christmas.” He rounds on the last one. “And Ellen, I remember hearing you had a nosebleed at homecoming and your white dress wasn’t white for very long.”
None of them will meet his eye, all looking off in different directions. Carol’s the first one to gather her nerve. She clears her throat and straightens her spine before addressing Eddie. 
“So what? You’ve done a million things worse than that, devil-worshiper.”
The grin Eddie gives them makes your heart swell but causes worry to appear on the faces of your enemies. Eddie just shrugs, your hand moving up and down with the movement since it’s still clutched in his.
“Maybe. But you can’t make me feel like shit for any of it.”
His hand slips out of yours and you’re about to pout, but he wraps his arm around your shoulders instead. It immediately makes you feel safe and warm inside. Eddie starts to lead you away but turns back and smirks.
“Don’t think you’ll be making fun of my best girl anymore, either,” he says, causing the butterflies in your stomach to triple. “That is, if you don’t want your names coming up in my next ritual sacrifice.”
You have to summon all of your strength not to laugh, both at his words and the look of horror on the girls that you’re leaving behind. Eddie leads you around the corner and you don’t even pay attention, following him blindly, when you realize he’s led you into the nurse’s office. She isn’t in there, but Eddie brings you over to a cot and nods at you to sit down. As you do, he walks over and opens a small freezer behind the nurse’s desk and pulls out some ice. 
“How’d you know where that was?” you ask, voice still funny.
Eddie shrugs as he sits down next to you. He swipes a paper towel from the table next to the cot and wraps it around the ice. 
“Been in here enough times over the past six years.” He playfully smirks as he hands you the ice. 
It burns as you press it tenderly against your split lip. You can’t help but wince, immediately taking comfort by resting your head on Eddie’s shoulder. As if on reflex, his arm comes up and wraps around your waist. 
It’s quiet for a few moments before you softly say, “Thank you for defending me.”
“You never have to thank me, sweetheart. As long as you’re okay.”
“Just embarrassed,” you admit with a sigh.
He presses a sweet kiss to your head. “I’m always willing to do something even more embarrassing to take the heat off of you.”
You giggle, your head brushing against his neck as you do.
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
Eddie gives you a reassuring squeeze. 
“How about we ditch the rest of the day and catch that new cheesy horror movie that’s out? We’ll probably be the only two there and we can make fun of it as loud as we want to.”
“Sounds perfect,” you say.
Eddie stands up and offers you his hand, which you gladly take. He links his fingers with yours as you walk out of the nurse’s office.
“And if you need me to help with your lip, I could always kiss it better.”
A small gasp leaves your mouth, that being the last thing you expected him to say. Flustered, you just nudge him with your shoulder hard enough to knock him sideways. You don’t have the words to say that that’s exactly the medicine you’re looking for.
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danikamariewrites · 8 months
Hiiii :) I love your work so much💙
Can I ask for Xaden Riorson x reader where reader find out she pregnant and doesn't know how to react or how to tell Xaden. Also her dragon is extra protective of her and won't let anyone near her, especially Dain🙄
Xaden x reader
A/n: I now officially need Xaden in this scenario
Warnings: angst and fluff
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You had avoided Xaden like the plague yesterday. You weren’t ready to face him with the news the healer gave you last night. You’re pregnant and it scared the shit out of you.
The healer told you to avoid stress and anxiety because it’s not good for the baby, but that’s all that surrounded you. A million questions ran through your mind as you picked at your breakfast. How will Xaden react? What will happen when you give birth? Will you be kicked out of the riders quadrant?
You could feel Xaden’s eyes on you which made you clench your jaw even more. Liam gently placed a hand on your shoulder and you jump. You also hear Cadmus growl in your mind at the surprise touch. “Sorry, just…are you ok? You seem, not yourself.” “I’m fine,” you grumble out.
Liam opens his mouth to say something else but you shove up from the table, stomping out of the dining hall. When you get to the flight field you see Cadmus is already waiting for you. Some of your other squad members are also mingling on the field as well as Dain who’s looking over his flight plan for today.
You try to hide behind Cadmus hoping he doesn’t notice you. Cadmus must’ve noticed Dain walking over because he lowered his head and let out a deep snarl. You just wanted to get through lessons and figure out how to tell Xaden.
When you landed back on the flight field Xaden was standing at the edge of the field waiting for you. You put on a big smile and tan up to him like everything was normal. “Hi baby,” you fling your arms around his neck. Xaden reluctantly wraps his arms around your middle, patting your back.
“Hi sweetheart.” He whispers and pulls away from you. You tilt your head at his unreadable face. “Let’s talk. Wanna go to my room.” You slowly nod as he takes your hand.
Xaden closes his door as you sit on his bed, anxiously fidgeting with your fingers. Xaden strides across the room, leaning against his desk and crossing his arms. “What’s goin’ on y/n? You’ve been avoiding me and don’t deny it. I thought we could tell each other everything.”
You could see the hurt in his beautiful brown eyes. His eyebrows creased, casing his scar to crinkle. You felt a lump forming in your throat as tears started to burn your eyes. “I’m sorry,” you choke out through your tears.
A small sob escapes your lips and you cover your face with your hands and just let everything out. “I’m sorry Xaden. I just don’t…didn’t know how to tell you. I’m just so scared.” Xaden climbed onto the bed, pulling you to sit in his lap, cradling you to his chest.
Xaden rubs his hand up and down your spine, shushing you calmly. “It’s ok sweetheart. It’s ok. Whatever it is we can get through it, ok.” You lift your head from his chest wiping at your eyes. “Ok,” you breathe out. “Promise you won’t be mad?”
He holds your face in his large hands, rubbing his thumbs at your tear stained cheeks. “I promise y/n. I could never be mad at you.” You nod, closing your eyes. Letting out a shaky breath you finally find your voice to tell him. “I went and saw a healer the other night. I’m pregnant.”
You can feel Xaden stop breathing for a moment. He hugs you to his chest again. “Everything is going to be ok, y/n. I will be with you no matter what you decide to do.” “Thank you,” you whisper and cling to him.
“I don’t want to decide right now though.” “That’s ok,” Xaden says quickly. “We’ll figure it out sweetheart.”
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matan4il · 1 year
Buddie 614 meta
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What I find to be the loudest about Eddie’s arc here is that the whole ep is meant to show us everything that can go wrong when people try to live up to others’ expectations, and how much better it is when people are looking in and figuring out what’s right for them, which means they’re performing for and as themselves. That’s the context for Eddie’s date and story. He needs to figure out how to want a romantic relationship again without feeling like it’s a task he’s performing just to please others. That’s the place he gets to at the end of the ep, which is a good place for him to be. ~~
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And this is essential to Eddie. Based on how little people talk about it, maybe many in fandom aren’t aware of how 911 implied back in 217 that he only married Shannon because she got pregnant. Eddie said explicitly he didn’t think he was ready to get married at the time, and he brought this up in the context of Shannon and him having Christopher. So I think it’s very meaningful that here, when his aunt wants to set him up, he jumps straight to the (wrong) conclusion that he’s expected to marry Vanessa. He was under this pressure to perform for others before, he knows how disastrous it can turn out, and you know what? Trauma totally triggers this kind of reaction. It tells us where he’s at emotionally, that there are still things he has to deal with. ~~
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Speaking of trauma, another symptom of it can be denial, and we do see a bit of it from Eddie during this ep. Remember how he claimed he doesn’t panic back in 501? Right to a doctor’s face while she’s diagnosing him with panic attacks? He did it again in this ep. The thing is that healing isn’t linear. He was advancing with some things, but in 614, faced with his aunt’s ambush, he feels cornered back into a place he’s been in before, a place that left its scars on him, and Eddie regresses. Which is okay! But that’s one step back in order to take two steps forward. Before the ep ends, he will figure out that it’s better not closing himself off completely to the idea of getting into another relationship, even if Tia Pepa’s surprise blind dates are not the way to go about it. ~~
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As a side note, I loved Bobby basically trying to trick his subordinates into giving him a review, and poor Buck stepping right into that one. I saw it coming and I almost choked laughing. This show is damn brilliant with comedy, too. We don’t give it enough credit for that! But it's also a moment when I was really proud of Buck. If Eddie's panic caused him to take a step back, we got to see his husband, who grew up so unloved that he needs every bit of approval he can get, being mature and able to point it out when Bobby was over-praising him in his evaluation. And you know what's more? Bobby knew it would go like this. He has seen Buck's growth and he knew his surrogate son would do the right thing and correct this. Bobby's set up wouldn't have worked otherwise. Excuse me while I get emotional over this. ~~
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Fitting for an ep where 911 flexed its comical muscles, it was embarrassing how hard I laughed at Buck’s reaction to Eddie’s romantic woes. Remember when Buck heavily implied how hurtful it was to be ghosted by Abby, saying in 502 that he had been in Ana’s position, of being unwanted and led on instead of getting a clean break up? Well, look at how quick Buck was to suggest ghosting as a viable option for Eddie this time! It’s almost like Buck doesn’t even notice that he will offer whatever it takes to keep his husband away from these potential Love Interests, even if it contradicts stuff he has said in the past himself. The way Buck could be so calm making this suggestion, and take the “threat” in stride, because duh, he knows his husband wouldn’t want these LIs intruding on their marriage and family either, and it’s absolutely legit to just ghost this girl if she doesn’t get the memo, was hilarious. And honestly, who can blame Buck? He’s defending his hot man. ;p ~~
Which brings me to my weekly gif set, that I dedicated this time to Buck pointing out on Eddie’s failure to let Ana down easy. I mean, it already IS canon that these two talk about everything, it IS canon that Buck is someone who gets to hear all about Eddie’s romantic woes. But this proves that Eddie doesn’t just fill him in using broad strokes, stuff like just letting Buck know that he indeed broke up with Ana. No, they get down to the finer resolution as well, and Buck gets to hear every detail about how Eddie did it with the delicacy of a bull in a china shop. And clearly, Buck wasn’t about respecting either Ana or Eddie’s pain during that break up, at least not enough to stop Buck from teasing his husband about it. XD It’s so funny how naturally Buck’s staking his claim on his husband even while they’re discussing going on dates. I see you, Buck, and am totally with you! ~~
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One last “made me laugh” point. I’m tempted to snicker about Pepa telling Eddie he should be shopping for antiques. I’m queer, so please excuse my dumb queer humor, but ummm. That’s not a very straight suggestion for your nephew, Tia. Or maybe that’s deliberate, maybe it’s implied she is trying to set up Eddie with anyone, girls or guys? After all, she did use gender neutral language during this ep... So we can’t know for sure, but something tells me Pepa just wants Eddie to officially have someone, and if she learns that Buck actually IS her nephew’s other half? (I can’t call either of these morons ‘better half’, sorry) Then she’d be the first one to throw them a party! And I love that, and I love her. Because after all, she’s not just a sassy queen, she’s not just incredibly loving and caring with her nephew, she was also willing to sacrifice her own image in his eyes, she was willing to be seen as herself, and not as what he expects, in order to help remind him that even if his first marriage failed miserably, he can find the courage, move on and re-commit himself to someone else. And soon maybe Eddie will realize and Pepa will find out who is that someone else that Eddie can have a beautiful committed r/s with...
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~~ Thank you so much for reading and for any reblog, like, comment or supportive tag! I really couldn't keep doing these without knowing people want to see them. Also, my eternal gratitude as always to @whosoldherout​. I'm always in awe of your giffing!
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