#Roman Skies AU
beelz-bub · 6 months
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octopiys · 4 months
omg that old guard piece 😮
i did not know i needed this au until now! life changed, thank u
Oh my goodness I'm glad u enjoyed it :D I'm gonna take this ask and use it to infodump the au ideas I had.
Makarov was one of the first immortals (Laswell knew of). He was born during Roman times, kind of like I said, but he was more often known as Emperor Nero, (or one of the worst guys to exist) and only sought to bring about destruction. Now, historically, Nero committed suicide so he wasn't held liable for his actions, but what if this was the moment that Makarov found out he was immortal? And he took this opportunity to continue for what was essentially behind the scenes, toppling empires and governments as he went. The collapse of the Pttoman empire, he fired the first cannon to break down the walls of Constantinople, he gave the idea of the guillotine that then turned into the Reign of Terror, he's bringing about World War 3. He's wild and I hate him but he's a great villain. He almost turned in Laswell to scientists during the scientific exploration during World War 2, and that's when she realized how horrible he was.
Laswell was a World War 1 spy, born in 1887. She was caught over in enemy territory and executed point blank, and only realized she was alive when she woke up in a pit. She and Ghost had been brought about similar ways, it seemed. When she realized she was alive, that she couldn't really die, she disappeared. Years later, during the Great Depression, she met a man who called himself Vladimir. They grew close, until she caught him coercing a world leader into launching an attack, or starting a war, or something extremely serious and something she extremely frowned upon. Eventually, she realized that he had been causing wars and destruction for thousands of years, and left him, disappearing again. Traveling for years on money she'd saved doing odd jobs, or invested, she meets a few other immortals, one named Jonathan Irons, who had been around since Colonial New England, a man also corrupted by Makarov, another man named Frank Woods, a veteran killed in the Vietnam War, later turned CIA operative before once again being "killed" on an op, giving Kate, his mentoree, an in to the American CIA, and where she had been ever since. The only other (outside of the task force) that she had met was her wife, Athena.
Ghost was born around then, and if we stick when he turned immortal, it would've been around the same time he dug himself out of what was essentially his own grave in the comics. He suffocated in that coffin, and then again when he was halfway through the dirt, before finally unearthing himself and making it through the Mexico-Texan border, before again in front of that border patrol guard. Out of all the immortals Laswell knew, he's died the most. When the patrolman discovered he'd lived again, they reported it directly to the General, who passed him on to Laswell, then eventually to Price.
Reader, as said in the previous post, was found to be immortal during that mission when they bled out in front of Price.
Price figured out he was immortal halfway through the Irish Rebellion, when General Duff himself shot him dead, and met Laswell briefly during World War 2. They'd done their best to stay in contact since then, and eventually, Price formed Task Force 141 by working his way into the Queen's air service despite how much his family and first wife would've despised him for it. He met a man named Nikolai, who was killed in the second World War, executed when he was thrown off the ship and drowned by an anchor at the bottom of the ocean. He's taken a fancy to the skies since then. He still doesn't know how the man escaped. Must've taken years.
Soap is killed by Makarov, we know now. Seems like his whole heart wasn't set on dying, because he didn't stay that way, and we all know John MacTavish sets his whole heart into something before actually doing it. He wasn't determined to die... I guess that's why he didn't.
Gaz is a... Special story. He's the only one who hasn't died yet, and he's almost younger than Soap. It would make no sense that there were two immortals being created at the same time, so in his mind, there's no way in hell that he's one. And he hopes he doesn't have to find out. Not soon anyways. Watching his friends go down each time.... It takes a toll on him, and then they just- they just get back up, like nothing had ever even happened. He's not sure he could do that. Not yet, not soon, at least.
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vipersiia · 2 years
old ones
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simon ‘ghost’ riley / gn!reader
warnings? violence mention
notes: i havent seen any au typa work yet, n i have,, so many ideas. this one is if you n ghost r ancient deities. can be read as either romantic or platonic.
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Ghost is the god of war and you’re the god of victory.
In tales as old as time, you’re never described without the other close by. With war, ideally comes victory. When people prayed to Ghost they had to in turn pray for you as well.
It’s not like they’re far off, it was super unlikely that you would be found without your other half.
Both of you tend to join militaries, picking a side and fighting for the hell of it.
That's what led you to Task Force 141.
Rumors quickly spread, how you two were a force to be reckoned with.
And yet, no one could solidly describe your appearances, much less your actions. One minute Ghost would be using a SCAR-H and then suddenly the gun was gone, and he wielded a blade.
The ruthlessness in your movement, blood coated blades and the thuds of the dead not far behind you. Unable to see your movement, just barely visible. One moment in the street, the next in an alley-way stepping over the dead.
The way he walked, so silently and yet it demanded attention. Never far from his side was his fellow Lieutenant.
You always walked absurdly loud, and yet it felt unnatural. Your steps are too precise and planned too carefully. People speculated that you stepped purposely, as to assert your presence.
Bodies always tense, and ready to move at a moment’s notice. How neither of you ever seemed to relax.
You both were often compared to the Gods, how ironic that you shared a name right? (“I’m surprised we’ve never been found out.” “Maybe one day.” “Wouldn’t that be interesting?”)
Unlike Ghost your face was “common” knowledge. How odd is it, that no one could really agree on your features. (“He has a roman nose. What are you talking about?” “Are you mad? He has a flat nose”)
The glamour is always hiding you, keeping your true forms under lock and key.
Power always seems to ooze out of your veins, demanding that their eyes be on you.
Both of your eyes are always shifting in color, his eyes just slightly too red, yours too vibrant.
Soap insists that your eyes glow in the dark, you both laugh at his words. But how far off is he really? (“I swear, their eyes glowed in the dark on our last mission! You were there too Gaz!” “Okay, I think you’ve had too much to drink”)
People talked, of course they did, they talked about how ironic it was that their two lieutenants shared names with ancient gods. How your call-signs were planned around each other.
Star-gazing with Ghost, late at night, as gods don't need sleep. Ghost removes his mask, and you both release your glamour. The stars shine brighter when you do, the moon’s light lighting up your paths.
Early mornings with Ghost, sitting together watching the skies. Soft voices speaking about things long gone. Past conquests, wars previously won. (”That cloud looks like your mask.” “That cloud looks more like your chariot.” “Maybe you need to get your eyes checked dear.”)
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anxso · 7 months
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@ygoc-week Day 7 - AU
Clear Skies is a story that involves multiple timelines and a version of Z-ONE trapped, trying to find a solution to a time loop. This VERY mucH revolves around Rain and Kalin.
One timeline we get to see is a brief snapshot of an attempt where Z-ONE defeats Roman and is able to restore Rain’s memory prior to her awakening in the Satellite, so during the Team Satisfaction era she’s instead a murderer-menace.
Yet stilllll ends up in a relationship anyway and is facing a firing squad for the things she and Kalin have done. He sets off an explosion, and they manage to escape.
It gets cut off there in the main story BUT I honestly was so enamored with this timeline that I wrote out how they ended up warming up to each other. This one-shot is prettttty long, almost 4k words! but I’m happy I get to share it for OC Week! I originally wrote this for the Angstober prompt “Crimes of Passion” because oh, doesn’t that fit them perfectly?
WARNINGS FOR THIS ONE-SHOT: alcohol use, gun violence, a drinking game that gets. hot n heavy. implied/offscreen nsfw (nothing that would be an E rating on AO3, don’t worry~!)
full fic under the cut :3c
Soft beeps filled the hospital room. Kalin Kessler had fallen asleep on his knees, his hand in Rain Orichalcum’s; she lay comatose on the bed. Z-ONE appeared in the visitation seats in a green flash wearing a blank expression.
“Again. Again,” Z-ONE whispered. “How many times have I been here?”
A swirl of violet flames birthed the figure of a Dark Signer, Ccapac Apu wearing Rain’s skin. Its black robes lined with blue drank in the noonday sunshine. Its drawn hood casted shadows over its dark eyes, but its grin was free and bright. “If it isn’t the worthless machine back again! What are we at now? Should I be celebrating three thousand?”
“When you are snuffed out,” Z-ONE said, “those taunts will vanish with you along with all the anguish you have woven into the universe.”
“Little old me?” It feigned surprise. “But I was happy to eat up one timeline! Here you are creating ever more for me to feast. Tell me, rusty bucket of bolts, do you ever consider how those timelines end up? Ever had one stick in the old brain?”
“What? No. It doesn’t… matter.”
“Oh, but it does. A tree fallen in the forest may go unheard by humanity yet makes sound enough to scatter the birds, and a timeline abandoned by your sorry self continues to spiral until ending up in my wondrous arms. Or are you a depressed solipsist?”
Z-ONE stared. “I go on. It is what I do.”
“The weight of it all must eat you up.” The wicked god hovered over Z-ONE, spittle flying with its words. “The decisions you’ve made and the sheer agony they’ve resulted in. I know you lie to me. They’re lodged in your brain as much as I continue to experience them—every timeline continuing on, every light for me to consume! You should try godhood sometime, but oh, no machine could process it. You would fall to pieces. I suppose it wouldn’t matter, since you’re already a heap of junk!”
Z-ONE’s fists balled. “I am no god. Nor am I a machine. The probability exists. I merely have to find its branch. Your days have been numbered from the start. As for the other branches…”
Z-ONE stood. “A god such as you exists simultaneously on every timeline, and so you will be eradicated everywhere; everywhen.”
“Eradicated!” The wicked god laughed and slapped its knee. “Funny! You aaare funny. You don’t like to talk about them, but I have my favorites! Timelines you’ve screwed up, that is.”
“I’m done talking.” Z-ONE’s bracelet shone emerald. “I defy your ending.”
The wicked god rolled its eyes. “Whatever, whatever, see you next time around.” It cleaned beneath its grimy fingernails and studied Kalin and Rain.
Its smile curled up.
One thousand three hundred and seventy-seven.
Z-ONE tampered with the game of gods by defeating Roman Godwin, possessed by Earthbound Immortal Uru. Uru had snatched Rain Orichalcum’s memories. She was left as a complacent girl with childlike naïvete. A chance run-in with Kalin Kessler netted her an opportunity to join Team Satisfaction and survive in the post-fallout wasteland known as the Satellite, an island used as garbage disposal for the nearby New Domino City.
The Rain Orichalcum who had her memories returned before any such meeting took place, before growing close to humans who showed her kindness and empathy, was a very different person indeed.
Smog intermingled with the gray clouds blanketing the overcast sky. Kalin Kessler strolled the grimy Satellite streets whistling a tune. He kicked a can as he went and periodically glanced up at the rooftops. He passed a pair of stray dogs fighting over a scrap of rotten food and tossed them a fresh granola bar. 
The hairs on the back of his neck lifted. Wind swept through the streets, carrying litter and brushing the collar of his Team Satisfaction vest against his cheek. He spun on his heel, his focus locked on the rooftop of the building behind him.
A pale woman with long, black hair and blue eyes glared down at him. Her legs dangled over the building's edge. Kalin said, "Heyo, it's just the girl I'm looking for!"
She thinned her eyes.
"Oh, how I enjoy our long and eventful conversations. You know, they've started calling you the shadow. I don't think it fits so much. What about something more creative, like, Raven!"
She rolled her eyes. 
"Not your name, then." He sighed and made a show of slumping sadly. "One of these days, I'll find it out! Eh, I have a more, uh, pressing priority today. You got a hard number on how many Securities you've killed?"
Her head tilted, expression unchanging. She held up both hands and lifted one finger, two fingers, all the way to ten. Then she curled her fingers and shrugged. 
"So many you don't know?" 
She confirmed with a nod. 
"See! That's a problem for us. You, too. They're hiking up their numbers in the Satellite and making it worse for every one of us. It goes pretty counter to what I'm trying to do around here, which is to stay on the low to keep Security out of our hair. S'long as we got a nice, united Satellite, Security's the only fuckheads. Make sense?"
She stared.
"Come on. There's gotta be something I can do to convince you to leave them alone. Anything you want? I'll find it. Anything you wanna do to me? Hell, murder me instead for all I care. The rest of my team can take it from there."
"Your logic is flawed," she said, and he jumped. Words! From her mouth! "Every human is a fuckhead."
He couldn't help it; he laughed. "Ah, you got me there! Hey, you duel? How about a bet?"
"I'll take a bet," she said, "but we'll play my game."
"What game's that?"
She smiled in a very unpleasant way. "Drinking. You pass out first, and you never acknowledge my existence again. I pass out first, and you get your wish. I'll leave the guys in gray alone."
Very many a thought raced through Kalin's mind. If this was her game, she was surely better prepared than him. On the other hand, he had biology on his side considering his size over her. "You got yourself a deal."
She dropped onto the street before him, her boots stirring dust. Her loose-fitting black shirt, one arm missing the fabric, swayed with her stride. He followed her without word and with a wide berth. He'd heard enough stories to know even a perceived slight could end his life.
Yet there he went, following the Satellite's infamous murderer to who-knows-where. If he survived, Yusei and Crow would kill him. Jack would shoot him one of his more judgmental looks.
Perhaps he should rethink this.
Nahh. It was for the good of them all, so he had to. Plus, free drinks. They might end up being straight up poison, buuut-
"Here," she said.
Gray waves splashed up the high, craggy shoreline. Across the inlet, New Domino City caught rays of sunshine. The smog in this part of the Satellite, so close to the factories, blocked out the sun. She stood inside a control building connected to a now-defunct hydropower plant. The steel dam still stood, and trash floated on the disgusting green water behind it. 
Kalin followed her inside. She wound down a steel staircase. Their clanging footsteps echoed, testaments to how deep the plant stretched. She stopped three stories down. The emergency generators kept on the lights, and select rations lay scattered on the many control panels. In the corner lay a sleeping bag, an unlit lantern, and scattered bottles. 
She struck a match and lit the lantern. He studied the place. A few cockroach corpses rested here and there but nothing serious. He said, "Must stay pretty warm way down here in the winter."
She yanked down a large switch on the wall, and the humming overhead lights shut off. Screens and buttons provided minimal bright blue lighting. Most came from her lantern, a buttery orange glow. "Do you feel colder now?"
"Huh? Not really."
"The electricity here keeps the heat going," she said. "Since I don't need it, well. There it goes."
He kept a straight face, but it wasn't the greatest news to hear. They hadn't reached the snowy part of the year but the chill was enough to wake him up in the middle of the night. He'd worn only his typical red t-shirt, jeans, vest, and boots. His socks had more holes than he could count, so the cold found his feet first. "Not many places still get heat. How'd you find this?"
"I'm not here for small talk." She picked up two glass bottles of clear liquid and dropped into a rotating chair. I took the one beside her. The pair of tall bottles rested between various knobs and dials, and the lantern sat on the floor between us. The upward casting of shadows darkened her eyes and the hollows of his cheeks. She said, "Truth or dare's the game. If you pick truth, you drink."
The thought of what she might dare him to do skyrocketed his pulse. He said, "You should drink first. Y'know, so I'm sure you're not poisoning me."
She rolled her eyes and took a deep swig. "Guess I'm truth first."
"Your name!" he said. Uh. Surely there were better options, and yet.
"Rain," she answered. "Rain Orichalcum."
"Wow," he whispered. "Rain…"
"Don't- say it like that."
"Like what?"
She shook her head. "Your turn. Pick."
"Truth." He smelled the bottle. Fuck was it strong. He took a swig and coughed. Stuff almost came back up as vomit but he hit his fist against his chest and kept it down. The strength of it flooded his sinuses and lingered there. "Ugh, what the hell?"
She was laughing. He was too stunned to speak. She swiftly recovered her composure and swiped the bottle from him. "All the other stuff isn't strong enough."
"So you drink fucking rubbing alcohol?"
His brows shot up, and he studied the stuff with renewed interest. It'd hit him within seconds and he felt the urge to laugh even though nothing had happened. He rubbed his mouth and said, "Uh, your question?"
"What are you trying to do to this island? Conquer it?"
He blinked. "Kind of. I don't know. That doesn't sound like the right word. We're trying to, like- unite! Thaaat's the word. Yeah, so, right now it's split into a whole bunch of territories run by different gangs. They make life hell for anyone who's not in their gang, and lots of times, members of the gangs act like slaves to whoever the gang leader is. We're not like that. We wanna take them down and let everybody be free. We can make the Satellite as good a place to live as the City that way."
"Why do you believe that?" she said.
"Ha! I'm not drunk enough to fall for that. You gotta ask me next time."
"Fine." She drank. "Truth."
"Why do you keep killing people?"
She squinted and cleaned out her ear with a pinkie. "Do fuckheads deserve the lives they've been given if they use it only to abuse others? Take these other gangs, for example. Clearly you have a case of an individual with power who abuses it and takes advantage of those beneath the leader. Why should they continue to exist?"
He snorted. "Yeah, okay, they suck. Why does that mean you get to kill 'em? Like, why do you get to decide that?"
"I answered my question."
"Ugggh. How many in are we?"
"You've had two shots," she said. 
"What? No. I'm gonna fall out of the fucking chair! Whatever. I'll take a dare!"
Rain struck a match. A single strip of smoke rose up between them. "Your tongue. Five seconds."
"What the fuck?"
She arched an eyebrow. Psycho. Kalin opened his mouth. The heat started at the tip and slowly moved back inside his mouth, her fingers touching his lips. "One. Two. Three."
He shut his eyes tight against the searing pain. He smelled something burning. She dragged out her vowels: "Fooour…"
He clamped down his teeth, snatching the match and smothering it with his tongue. Her fingers came away wet, and she gaped at them. He grinned with the blackened match as his toothpick. "Five!"
She scowled and took a swig. "Truth."
"So boring!" A corner of his mouth quirked up. "How many shots does it take to get you to pass out?"
"To be determined."
He threw up his hands. The fact it didn't throw off his center of gravity was a good sign insofar. "Lemme ask a real one since you can't answer that. It's only fair." She nodded, so he said, "Why d'you hate people so much?"
A corner of her lip jumped with her snarl. "Because of what they did to me."
Hangups, eh. He considered the bottle. "Meh, do your worst. Dare again."
She giggled. He about fell into the floor hearing it. He deeefinitely had the lead. She said, "Really?"
"Yeah, really! What's the torture gonna be this time?"
She leveled an even stare at him. "Take off your shirt."
He busted out a laugh. Her expression didn't change. He said, "Oh, so I've caught the shadow's eye, huh?"
The chair spun behind Rain as she shot to her feet and gripped a fistful of his shirt. He grinned and held up his empty hands. She dropped him and sniffed. "I hope you freeze to death."
"Mhmm, that's it." He was too far gone to fear her snarl. He tossed off his vest and peeled off his shirt, stretching to leave his broad shoulders. She sat with the chair backwards, her chin resting on its cushioned back. The bottle dangled from her fingers. She kept her eyes locked with his. The cold raised bumps on his skin but the thundering pump of his blood kept him plenty warm. He smiled, saying, "I can tell you're trying sooo hard to keep your eyes up there."
Her expression soured. She downed three massive gulps, finishing the bottle, and tossed it aside. "Truth."
"Do I get three?"
"I'll ssstab you," she said. 
Her blinks were getting uneven, too. That with the slurring meant very good things for him. He nabbed the next bottle. "Are you really gonna follow through on our bet?"
She let her arms dangle over the chair, and her cheek pressed against the chair. "Mmm. I would still defend myshelf."
The lantern flickered yet the light was bright in his eyes–electric. "Myshelf?" 
"Shut up. You take three. You slowed down too fast for it to be fun."
He swallowed a trio of the nasty stuff. He stumbled and had to find his chair with a probing hand. "That answer works for me. I get a truth now, right?"
"Yeah." She stood up and swayed. A firm hand on the chair kept her upright. "What the hell is with your interest in me? You're always talking to me and wanted my name and- you've heard about me. You know what I've done."
There was a tremble to her that could've come from any number of things. Kalin chalked it up to the alcohol. "Suuure. I've got connections. I know the witnesses. Funny thing about all the stories is how all those kills were for the purpose of protecting a victim. Crazy stuff! There's always someone who was in danger and got away."
"That's not true," she hissed.
"Okay, take your sip and lemme ask you for the truth."
She grit her teeth and growled. "Dare."
"I get mine now? Finally!" He crossed his arms over the back of his chair. "Shirt off."
"Come on. You can't act that way when you made me do it."
Her inhale was sharp. Her focus rolled down his bare arms and abdomen. Her frown was a tight little thing as she threw off her black shirt. Loose gauze bound her chest. The lantern light caught on the light hairs surrounding her navel and trailing up her flat stomach to the white wrappings, the topmost loop of which was juuust open enough-
"Stop," she snapped.
"Yeah, yeah. The hell do I do? I think if I have another sip I'll, like, die." 
There was also the curve of her hips, how the lantern's flicker played its soft and warm light over her skin disappearing into her waistband-
"Dare," he managed.
"I dare you to claw out your own fucking eyes."
He blinked and stared at his hands. "Shit."
Rain doubled over laughing. She stumbled, hit the floor, and lay on her back still busting a gut. He started in with her. She said, "Dumbass."
"How'd you know the nickname my friends gave me?"
They broke down into a new fit. 
"I dare you to drink more," she said.
"Huh? That's gotta be against the rules!"
"Fuck your rules."
"Can't argue with that," he said, and he drank. He couldn't taste it anymore. Probably he was dying or something, but what a way to go. "Your turn."
She pushed up off the floor. "Dare."
The lantern was low and sputtering. He leaned into the dark and said, "Touch me."
Her eyes widened, the reflected spot of orange like a sunburst sky. He laughed and ran his hand through his hair. "No, that was stupid, I-"
But she was approaching him, cautious like a feral animal attracted to proffered food. He stood stock still. She studied him from his ice-blue locks long enough to fall in his face to his warm hazel eyes to his bare chest. Her fingertip pressed onto his sternum and traveled down, tracing the outline of his abs, leaving a hot touch in every trench. He realized he was hearing her breaths, loud and echoing, and he was holding his own without meaning to. She pressed her hand to his stomach, and he gasped, the incredible warmth of her enticing a shiver throughout all of him.
"You know," she whispered, her fingertips glancing up his chest to land on his shoulder, "I think it's your turn."
He could only remain upright and breathe.
"Kalin?" she said.
A shaky exhale left him. He laughed a little, and she squeezed his shoulder. "This is the greatest day of my life."
"You said my name," he murmured, staring up at the ceiling. "And I've never heard it said better."
She clicked her tongue and turned away. "I can tell I'm drunk because that one kind of worked."
His arm looped around her waist. "How much?"
She shook him off, and he stepped back. She said, "Drink or don't. I'm still gonna win."
He took a swig. His vision went blurry for a few seconds but he managed to blink it away. "Ask away."
She met his eyes and said, "What do you want to do to me?"
His brows lifted and he had absolutely zero control over his stare landing on her chest, on the gauze-wrapped curves swelling and retreating with the rhythm of her breaths. She inched closer to him, licked her lips, and said, "Dare."
He pinched the end of the gauze above her cleavage and waited, the question in his eyes. Her fingers curled around his wrist and the smallest part of him, the still sober bit, expected his bones to snap. But she guided his hand to unwind the binding and free her bare skin. The white strips fell and curled around her feet. He stared at her and she at him, their exhales long and intermingling, the world silent outside the thrumming beats of their hearts.
She snuffed out the light with her bare fingertips and pressed her body to his. She kissed him and he tasted like bonfire smoke. He couldn't think beyond the need to be consumed by her heat like the damn match, left a burnt and useless nothing, and he didn't care. Her dark hair was silk through his fingers and he had to hold her ever closer. They fell onto the sleeping bag. The glow of the LED screens turned her eyes electric blue, and he grasped her face to brush his thumbs beneath them. She kissed him again and her fingers found his waistband. 
It's dark outside–a seemingly abrupt state but one that occurred gradually, the sunset a fleeting and dying beauty to behold.
"We can't keep running forever. What do we do?" Kalin slammed his fist into the alley wall, and his knuckles bled. The pouring rain filled the open wounds. "I don't know what the fuck to do!"
Rain sat slumped on the opposite side. The white roots of her hair showed on the crown of her head. The drizzle dripped down her face like stray tears. Blood mixed in the liquid from the cut on her cheek, the graze of a bullet. "The clothes factory?"
"Fucking Security knows about it, and about your power plant. The hideout, too. Shit. That explosion got you away from the firing squad but brought more of those fuckers out of the woodworks. Where do we go?"
"If I turn myself in-"
"Don't give me that shit. We go down, we go down together."
"I wouldn't be anybody without you!" she said. "You have to keep going, even if I-"
He took her hand between his. "You're everything, whether I'm there or not. Let's get going. Hard to hear with the rain, so we gotta stay on the move."
They climbed the rooftops. Flashlights attached to assault rifles cut through the storm. Shouts rang out but the downpour drowned them. Rain and Kalin ran from building to building, offering minimal exposure. Bullets fired. Glass shattered by them. They hit the deck and scrambled outside the back exit.
A horde of Securities awaited them. A pair filtered in from behind and jabbed them forward with their barrels. Rain followed Kalin's lead by holding up her empty hands. The Securities surrounding them were all poised and ready to fire their uncountable weapons. 
A voice crackled over their comms. The Security wearing a scarf clicked his radio, saying, "Roger."
All fronts fired at once. Rain screamed but the bullets whizzed past her and tore Kalin apart. The onslaught ceased. She dove to his side and gathered him in her arms but he was gone, gone. She roared and threw out her deck, touching every card. An army of monsters filled the sky. Dragons blasted Securities and blades stabbed clean through bulletproof vests. A panicked Security fired wildly, automatic weapon churning out bullet after bullet. Several Securities fell yet the attack of the enraged monsters did not end.
Scarlet blossomed from Rain's chest. She collapsed in a splash of water. The endless gray sky brought her back to that day so long ago it felt like decades past rather than months.
How love slows time.
Her breaths weakened, and her heartbeat slowed.
It doesn't have to end like this.
Violet blazed from both Rain and Kalin's forearms. The mark of the Giant glowed, and fuchsia flames ate away at their bodies until nothing remained.
(reminder I’m just a writer, artist credit in alt text!)
OC week has been so great!!! I’ve loved seeing and reading about all your blorbos <3 (and I’m in a few nice OC spaces if anyone wants in/ to add on discord, anx)
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bug-decal-kissing · 5 months
Hey friends!
All the works I've collected today are NSFW; they'll be below the cut :].
The Beginning is the End is the Beginning, by grylos, was updated today, with 6/? Chapters released! It has a rating of Explicit and Graphic Depictions Of Violence, with additional tags "Genocide, Slavery, Sexual Slavery, Bombs, Suicidal Thoughts, Sad, Happy Ending, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Backstory, Slow Burn, Child Abuse, Past Abuse, Physical Abuse, Explicit Sexual Content, Corruption, Consensual Non-Consent, Rape/Non-con Elements, Self-Harm, Grooming, Oviposition, Bugs & Insects, bug sex"
You can read it here:
Please mind the tags for chapters 5 & 6 ! Stuff is getting hEAVY,,,,,
A new work, It is snake day by othersin, was published today, with 1/1 Chapters released! It has a rating of Mature and No Archive Warnings Apply, with additional tags "god AU, moon god prismo, sun god scarab, Shapeshifting, snake prismo, Romance, Married Couple, Married Life, because openly flirting with your husband in his office is expected, scarab is not able to get any work done, Cute, Romantic Fluff, scarab loves any shape prismo appears in, prismo loves scarab just as much, Drabble, Short One Shot"
You can read it here:
Snake Prismo my beloved <333333 He's a BIG SNAKE obviously <3 I, too, wish to be hugged by a giant cold snake it sounds like the perfect weighted blanket,,; they are IN LOVE and it fills me with VIOLENCE/pos.
A new work, Roman Skies by DrNickMD, was published today, with 1/? Chapters released! It has a rating of Mature and Graphic Depictions Of Violence, with additional tags "dark medieval mystery drama, Adventure Time AU, Roman Skies au, finn has imposter syndrome, monster jake is peak, lots of shipping (Prismo's doing), prohibited wish fic they write, scarab likes angst, Slow Burn, Exes, Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers. lovers to enemies to lovers to enemies again HAHA, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, time period is questionable, Queen Bonnibel is both nicer and meaner than she appears, Crimson is mean (period) sabuebouwq, Save me Spectro"
You can read it here:
FINN AND JAKE YEAAAAAAAAAAAAH !!! Monster Jake is always a win >:]c I am side-eyeing Queen Bubblegum and also EXCITED FOR WHEN CRIMSON MAKES AND APPEARANCE HEHEHEHEHE AND SPECTRO IS HERE shaking trembling for the prisjake I need it/pos
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count-doodoo · 5 months
some of many people i'd like to get to know better
tagged by @charmwasjess (an absolute ICON)
favorite color: blue! but specifically, like, light-supersaturated-yellow-undertones-blue. blue himalayan poppy kind of blue (see below). tumblr "post now" kind of blue. clear summer skies kind of blue. not navy/baby/cadet/royal (yes i'm unreasonable levels of intense about this. i don't hate navy/baby/cadet/royal blues but i prefer a lot of other colors over them and feel very maligned when i say my favorite color is blue and ppl assume it's that. anyways.)
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last movie/show: the ballad of songbirds and snakes. catch me ranting about it @things-stronger-than-fear where i am LOSING MY GODDAMN MIND.
last song: "making the bed" by olivia rodrigo, i think? idk i have the ability to play four (4) chords on the guitar and sing very out of tune, the consequence of which is me doing much Jamming, and i cannot recall what i last played because me, having brain cells? pfft.
sweet/savory/spicy: sweet! it's an actual facts problem tbh. (and i have absolutely no spice tolerance, it's honestly embarrassing. tears in my eyes sucking on ice levels of disaster ensue whenever i try to eat spicy food.)
relationship status: single and not looking to mingle. god help me i don't have time for REAL relationships when i'm busy with yelling about fictional problematic assholes
last thing googled: red bean ice cream recipe (if you've never had read bean desserts before... they are so fucking good...)
current obsession: i'm kind of getting into flower identification, because i was recently pretty embarrassed to realize that i don't even know what species that stereotypical 5-petal flower is meant to be. (my more unhinged roman empire is fictional evil old white men with constant deranged smiles and weird levels of admiration for grandchild-coded protagonists. i'm very delulu about fix-it aus where dumbass white man doesn't become evil and instead becomes unhinged grandpa who's maybe a touch too murderous to be normal but at least he didn't take over the government and become a dictator? i could brush it off with doo but now with coryo as well... i fear i have a type)
no pressure tags: @prahacat @rochenn @bluedaddysgirl @hws-mathieu @quarra (my app has been being Like That recently so sorry if you already did it! also if anyone sees this and wants to join in feel free)
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thebestworstidea · 6 months
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Advent Gift Art 3 of 24
canadiantardis Snowball fight with the Sanders Sides (your pick on who is on which team) (any AU, so it can be human or the actual Sides) or Your current FAVE ship cuddling on the couch as it snows outside a window within view. They have hot cocoa or something.
This is specifically for the best oneshot I've ever written 'Waiting to Know'
Things: they're probably visiting Patton's hometown of Snooserville. Virgil's hat has a bobble that looks like jack skellington's head. He's more interested in building a good fort than throwing snowballs. Logan has a snow ball thrower and is about to unleash hell on Roman and Patton. He's wearing a deerstalker hat with the flaps down because that's what they're designed for. Roman is wearing white gloves because he refused to wear black ones. He's got earmuffs because they were designed to keep your ears warm without messing with your hair. Meanwhile Remus and Janus are taking a cocoa break behind the other fort, and got distracted. Janus's knees hurt anyway, the snow isn't doing his balance issues any favors. Remus isn't wearing gloves. Patton meanwhile is wearing mittens. He's also wearing a ski suit, since he's the only one who actually likes the snow, so he owns one.
I put way too much thought into this; it's practically a fanfic on it's own. But hey a picture is worth a thousand words. So that's what, ten drabbles?
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shsl-fander · 1 year
Midnight Stroll
Logince fanfic
Pairing: Logan x Roman
Word Count: 513
Genre: Fluff
Au: Human
Summary: Logan and Roman walk through the city at night together
A/N: Dialogue HEAVILY inspired by Butterfly Soup Chapter 2
@autisticlogankin @spacedouterri @milliesfavoriteinterests
The dim lit street lights grazed their path, shinning a blinding glare towards them as Logan and Roman slowly walked through the streets. The city surrounding them would have been a complete void if it weren't for the numerous tiny specs of light scattered throughout the city. The lights coming off buildings were almost like tiny stars, illuminating the dreary dark skies.
Logan sipped his coffee, holding it in one hand while the other was carefully intertwined with Roman's.
"Can I try yours?" Roman asked, his head perked up and eye wide with curiousity. "I'm almost done with mine sooo."
Logan sighs softly, rolling his eyes at Roman's begging once again. "You won't like it, Prep," he explains, simply shaking his head.
Roman's eyes widened, eyebrows raised before he scoffs in offense, glancing around in disbelief. "Jokes on you I take that as a challenge!" Roman declares eagerly, his voice coated with that oh too familiar dramatic flare. "Gimmie, Nerd."
Logan raised his eyebrows, a completely unamused expression spread across his face, however he hands his drink to his boyfriend. "I'm only doing this so I can once again prove you that I'm always right," he states matter-of-factly.
Roman groans, "My god I can't believe I found someone more annoyingly competitive than I AM," he whines, before slowly taking a sip out of Logan's coffee. The moment Roman tasted the drink, he was jolted at the bland bitter flavor that had just hit his tounge. "AUGH EW GROSS BLEGH!" he yelps, shoving Logan's back into his hands instinctively.
"HOW DO YOU EVEN DRINK THATT," Roman cries, throughly shaking his head."You're insane Nerd."
Logan just sighed, exhaling softly before gently rubbing his temple."and you're an idiot Roman, but alas I'm still here with you," he pauses in between his sentence, allowing his gaze to fall and meet Roman's eyes, which were glistening due to the light shinning on him. His eyes had an emerald shimmer to them, and Logan found himself captured by Roman once again, so easily just by gazing at him. "Because I love you."
Roman's expression softened, slowly moving himself closer to Logan as he places both their drinks down on the street so he could clutch both his hands. "I love you more," he smirks.
Logan clasps Roman's hands as well, gently rubbing his thumb over Roman's. He rolls his eyes, "you're impossible to please," he mumbles, "That is preposterous."
Roman scrunched up his nose, "No It's not," he corrects with a hum, "I love you times infinity so hah!"
"You can't multiply infinity, " Logan starts, pushing up his glasses as he spoke,"Infinity is a concept, not a number. So is love for that matter," he nudges.
"Well too bad, Nerd! I did it! Love you times infinity."
Logan sighs once again, but he doesn't bother hiding the tender half-smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
"If you're going to speak nonsense then I love you times infinity, plus one."
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julielovesbugs · 7 months
Cette semaine, j'ai eu la chance de trouver un livre que je cherchais. Je l'ai trouvé chez Mckays à Winston Salem. Le Mckays de Greensboro déménage malheureusement à 35 minutes de là et le magasin fermera définitivement ses portes, ce qui est très triste car j'y suis allée si souvent au fil des ans. Le livre que j'ai trouvé s'intitule Laws of the Skies (Les lois du ciel) de Grégoire Courtois. Ce n'est que lorsque j'ai eu le livre entre les mains que j'ai réalisé qu'il avait été écrit en français par un auteur français ! Il s'agit d'un roman d'horreur sur un voyage en camping. Le cadre est un terrain de camping dans la chaîne de montagnes Morgan en France !
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beelz-bub · 6 months
Here's the Dark Medieval Mystery Drama AU I mentioned before :D
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I'm still working on the rest of the references but I'll shove a little story summary under the cut, if you have any questions I'd lovvee to answerrr
The basic plot is Scarab, who's known as The Crimson Knight, is sent to complete a secret mission for the Queen (who is Princess Bubblegum, her name is Queen Bonnibel), so she assigns Finn and Jake to watch over The Cube (a cursed magic item that poses a threat to the kingdom, The Crimson Knight's main job is to watch over The Cube). While watching over it, Jake gets curious and investigates it, only to discover Spectro the Wishgranter inside, who's a cool dude, and they become friends. The legend says that Queen Bonnibel in her early years asked for a wish from the cube upon its discovery only to be cursed with a horrible punishment, immortality with a cost (she suffers more pain the longer she lives).
The mystery drama comes in and Finn and Jake eventually look into it more, now protecting Spectro. They discover that it was all a lie, the Queen along with the Crimson Knight have been abusing Spectro's wish ability (he can give as many wishes as he wants). There's more to it, but I'm still working on everything lmaoo
- characters -
Queen Bonnibel - Human cursed by The Cube to be immortal, has lived for 2,000 years. (this is a lie, she's secretly made of candy, The Cube is just her way of staying in power. She takes advantage of Spectro)
Finn the Knight - a young but loyal knight, only here to serve and protect the kingdom from evil. Has previously fought the Lich, an evil necromancer that sought to kill all life. His success in the battle shot him up to top knight under Crimson.
Jake the Monster - A being of unknown origin, he is trying to find his real family and discover what he is. A brother to Finn, Jake is his companion. The two are always side-by-side.
Crimson Knight - A being of high power and status in the kingdom. The queen's top knight and right-hand man. A bug creature from unknown origin, he takes his knightship very seriously. While Crimson is being shown off around the kingdom, surprisingly, most people can't recall a time they've ever been in contact with him for more than a few moments. Finn has only ever said one thing to him, and then never saw the bug again (despite Crimson being his superior). His real name is Scarab, prefers Crimson Knight as a professional name.
Spectro the Wishgranter - A malevolent being residing inside of The Cube, a cursed magic item of great power. When given a wish, the wish maker receives a horrible punishment in return. The Cube is kept on lockdown deep inside of the castle, protected by the Crimson Knight himself so no one is swayed by the evil deity. (all a lie of course. Spectro isn't evil, he just has an unfortunate circumstance. His shadow is the evil part, a separate being from himself. When released from the cube, both beings are set free. Spectro is kept inside to keep his shadow on lockdown too. His wishes are never evil, you can have as many as you desire. When touching the cube you enter his domain and meet the Wishgranter, he's a nice guy, and never would hurt a soul.)
**The Queen is both in the wrong and is right to keep Spectro locked down. She just takes advantage of his wishes and lies about what he is to dissuade people from looking into him. Trusting that this evil being is being contained responsibly. Spectro's shadow does pose a threat to the kingdom if released.
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caixxa · 8 months
@violasmirabiles tagged me to list five favorites out of my own fics, thank you for the opportunity! (I got the tag maybe two months ago but my relationship with ao3 has been kind of rocky and distant lately, so)
I chose to base my choices on ~vibes~ and the happiness writing them has brought me.
The numbers are just for keeping track, these are not in any particular order.
Father Cristiano’s Redemption (football rpf). This historical AU multichapter was such a ride to write and I learned so much doing my research on topics like WW2 bombings on Wales, post-war Britain, education and clothing of Roman Catholic clergy, horse-drawn farm equipment, recruitment practices of the French Foreign legion... I listened to such eclectic music as inspiration, from hymns to Eva Dalhgren and Nightwish to The Rolling Stones and Manic Street Preachers. I felt and I still feel confident and proud in my storytelling, the world-building of my AU (rural post-war Welsh village with flashbacks and cuts to other places in Europe) and my characterization. It's one of my earliest works, from the mid part of my short-lived football rpf writer era but it's still very vivid and visual in my mind. I like how the wide ensemble works, too.
Minä suojelen sinua kaikelta / Midnight in Paris (hockey rpf) I have written whole ass inspiration music posts for this hockey rpf story before it was even finished. It's the rarest of my rare pairs, I'm the only one who has written them on Ao3, and is't it an achievement that the English version, a fic with a Finnish liiga grinder as the main POV character has 898 hits and 49 kudos on Ao3? It is! This is one of my faves because I love Savinainen so deeply, and whenever I get back to this fic I feel that my characterization of him is so good. And the short POV shift to Sepe works well.
camera ready (hockey rpf) My flagship. Which means I peaked in 2019 which is kinda sad considering it's 2023 now. But anyway, this porn AU ran from January to August 2019 with about weekly updates. It's my longest and most read, most kudos'ed and most commented work. It has also attracted a large number of lurkers who have later told me privately that they're absolutely into the AU despite never leaving the mark in the kudos or comment sections. (And that's okay! Everybody has the right to have their own standards or comfort levels when it comes to public engagement with writing. That said, after the inevitable sequel slump of the next part of the series, money shot, I haven't felt like returning to the AU even though I have been tempted to, I still love the characters and their world.)
Summer Kisses (hockey rpf) I love writing summer in Oulu. Northern Finnish summer skies are just... all of this. I also love writing the wholesome all-star charity golf gentlemen having hot sex. This is a true combination of serene calm ambience and just... indulgent filth. I love dwelling in this story.
his boner is a foot-long concrete dildo (hockey rpf) Surprise! This is where I'd normally put my forever fave, the cornerstone of my hockey writing Jussi at Jussi's but this one is one of my favorites and I didn't want to leave it out. It's porn, it's very dirty and evil and sometimes it's just fun to make something so wrong work so very right.
So there! Thank you for listening, support your local fic writers, anyone who feels like it please list yours and tag me! Love you, bye!
also tagging @isconnormcdavidok @thosedaysthatwill @hard4softthings if you feel comfortable doing this and haven't already or lately, please!
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starlightshadowsworld · 9 months
So .....Finnick landed in panem through a Storm.....
Jasons once told Jupiter to change the gods System ...
In canon Jason died shortly after that .
And in this au the punishment could have been taking jasons son, his beloved Baby from him ....
Finnick surviving that Storm might have been luck or ...Neptune silently Rebelling against his brother which he cant do openly ....
Maybe its Not a coincidence that Finnick endwd up in the sea / Fishing assosiated district .....
I definitely don't think it's a coincidence that Finnick ends up in the district associated with fishing and the sea.
One of the few districts where its people know how to swim.
Jason speaking out against his father and the punishment being that he lives.
He lives and can never get the family he so desperately wants to have.
Jason screaming and sobbing, held back by his own father as his son is taken from him.
The son born from his love to Percy being torn from his embrace.
And Percy, Percy who is so enraged and hurt seeing his son taken, and being powerless to do anything.
Jason's screams will haunt Olympus for the rest of their lives.
I also see it as Jupiter being afraid of what power that child could hold.
Being born from the love shared between the son of the sea and the son of the skies.
Of Greek and Roman.
Such a child could overthrow him and he cannot allow it to live.
Neptune is outraged, but he cannot stand against his brother lest they start another war.
What he does instead is guide the wicker basket, getting every being in the sea to swear on the Styx for it's safe passage.
Until it finds Mr Odair fishing.
Unfortunately Finnick is far from safe.
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sandersidesbigbang · 2 years
In Space With Roman
Rating: Teen
Pairings: endgame prinxiety, background logicality
Summary/Excerpt: The job was simple: transport 100,000 people to start a new life on a new planet and there was no one better suited for the job than Virgil Storm. But with getting stuck in a wormhole and someone sabotaging the ship, the trip is anything but smooth sailing. But Virgil is determined, and with the help of his head engineer Roman, they may just be able to make it through in one piece.
@starry-knight-skies Hi! I’m  Laura but you can call me Starry. I love writing all different kinds of aus, they're so fun to explore!
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heroineimages · 2 years
Roman table-top campaign
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So playing Expeditions: Rome has occasionally gotten me thinking about what it’d be like to play an Ancient Rome AU tabletop campaign where the party are procursatores, exploratores or speculatores for the Roman army during one of it’s many conquests or on one of it’s many frontiers. I mean, each of these groups often broke into small scouting squads about the right size for a D&D party. And, frankly, any of the base D&D classes should work as legionaries or auxiliaries. Discussion and story ideas to follow. (And, coincidentally as I was working on this, I got an email notification that my copy of Age of Antiquity is on it’s way!)
As I mentioned above, any number of famous Roman campaigns should work nicely for characters playing as legionary special-ops. Caesar used scouts extensively in Gaul, while playing as speculatores during the siege of Alexandria could feature plenty of action and intrigue. Other options might include serving under Pompey during the Third Mithridatic War in Asia Minor, various conquests in Iberia, Germanicus’s expeditions across the Rhine, or Trajan’s wars in Dacia. On the other hand, playing as scouts or legionaries fleeing in the aftermath of a famous disaster like Boudicca’s destruction of Legio IX, Teutoburg Forest, or Crassus’s defeat by the Parthians.
Meanwhile, playing as exploratores or speculatores on any number of the Roman frontiers would provide opportunities for exploration, side-quests, npc interaction, and maybe even-dungeon crawling. The most obvious would be a party stationed at Hadrian’s Wall or the Antonine Wall in Roman Britain, with forts to defend, Pictish ambuscades to scout, and even Celtic ruins to explore. Similarly, a party might be stationed along one of the river frontiers, defending against the Germanic tribes along the Rhine, Dacians or Sarmatians along the Danube, or against the Parthians along the Euphrates. Or playing as legionary speculatores keeping the peace between Numidian or Berber tribes in North Africa again could create a lot of chances for combat, exploration, and npc interactions. Though, the option I really like is being stationed in one of Augustus’s garrisons along the Upper Nile to defend against incursions from Kush and other Nubian kingdoms to the south. I especially love the idea of scouting the desert and getting to discover and explore cursed Egyptian ruins filled with undead mummies and giant scarabs.
OR if you’re not into playing as the Romans, I think there’re a lot of similarly great stories to be told by playing against them! You could play as Britons attempting to smuggle weapons through a checkpoint at Hadrian’s wall, escaped gladiators training local Numidian tribes to fight legionaries, Parthian scouts feeling out Roman defenses, Suebi raiders sneaking across the Rhine to hassle Roman supply lines, or Kushite spies stealing info on legion troop movements. Skies the limit and I love a lot of these possibilities
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vulgarvixxen · 1 year
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I posted 461 times in 2022
That's 395 more posts than 2021!
42 posts created (9%)
419 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 81 of my posts in 2022
#🧪 anon - 13 posts
#vixxen speaks - 10 posts
#not safe for sanders - 8 posts
#anon ask - 6 posts
#nsfs roman - 5 posts
#nsfs logan - 5 posts
#nsfs virgil - 5 posts
#supersecretsmutside - 5 posts
#nsfs janus - 5 posts
#minors dni - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 90 characters
#also i might not use it at the start of the fic but it will be what i build the fic off of
My Top Posts in 2022:
Loceit, #25. “i love you. so, so much.”
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Anding these together, because there will be more of the Bikini!AU aaaand cause this derailed from the og plan
Warnings: 18+, semi-public sex, nearly getting caught, mild panic attack, lmk if should add more
I love you
“I love you. So, so much” Janus professes as Logan uses his tongue to make love to Jan’s clits again, he lovingly pets the other’s hair from where it had fallen into his face. This was round three excluding the original beach escapade and Logan was proving to have extreme stamina. He’d have to reward his new lover with a day of pampering, neck massages and happy endings, to show how appreciative he was for the attention. Janus was close again when a door slammed downstairs and they could hear another side headed straight to the laundry room …exactly where they were holed up! They both froze, adrenaline and endorphins fogging their brains too much to think clearly. Patton’s cheerful voice was right outside the door when another voice called out for him, “there’s an extra towel in the bathroom, don’t worry about it Peppermintbear!” They heard Pat’s steps go back to the stairs, “Okay, smart thinking Remus!” And the oblivious side left again, likely back to the festivities.
Janus sagged in relief, that was too close for comfort and he was glad that Remus was still running interference. He was going to make a comment on being in the “closet” when he noticed that Logan was breathing hard and still staring at the door, “Dove, are you alright?” He was answered by a sob, instantly he was off of his perch on the dryer and next to Logan on the floor, “Dearest we are safe, it’s alright now. Breath with me” they took deep breaths together on the laundry room floor, hands clasped as pulses began to slow back down. “Is it alright if I sink us into your room? I think you need to rest.”
He gets a nod from the quiet logical side and cautiously sinks them into the indigo room. With a bit of help Logan is able to get into bed but as Janus goes towards the door he tries to sit up and makes a whimpering sound much like a kicked dog, “don’t leave”. Janus practically dives onto the bed so he can hold Logan close, “Not leaving, dove, I can just snap the lock. Don’t want anyone walking in and waking us.” With a snap the door that Janus was headed towards locks and he settles his hand onto Logan’s back again to continue the embrace. After a while of just holding each other and letting the tension bleed out of them Janus starts singing and using a second pair of hands to cradle Lo’s head.
“ you are my sunshine
my only sunshine
you make me happy
when skies are gray
you’ll never know dear
how much I love you
please don’t take my sunshine away”
“Did you mean it? Do you love me?”
“If I had my gloves on I’d say, “I hate and loathe you, you disgust me whenever you’re near” but I don’t so I will say. I love and adore you, you are a delight to be in company with. And I mean every word.” Janus punctuated the statement with a tender kiss. “Rest now, Dove, the kids will be home by the time you wake.”
“So Jan and Lo huh?” Virgil asks in a low tone, trying not to get the attention of the other two in their group, “yeP!” Remus pops the word like a gum wad bubble. “Cool” “mhmm”
7 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
I simply think. Logan teaching Thomas how pussy works.
You are so right anon and honestly I had intended for this to have twice as much Logan but Thomas became the focus. I hope you enjoy this anyway.
Warnings ⚠️: 18+ only, oral sex, vaginal fingering, hint of degradation, hint of feminization kink, slight dom/sub elements, lmk if I missed any
Logan class in session
It happened while talking to Talon and Joan about exes. Talon had lamented about a guy who would never go down because “he didn’t think pussy needed that much fuss.” it made him realize he didn’t know anything about pleasuring a partner with a vagina. Sure he knew from biology where some stuff was but it was only a vague idea and that didn’t help him know what to do or where, and that’s how he ended up here in the mind-palace with Logan and two very enthusiastic volunteers.
On the projector screen was a very simplistic illustration of the human vaginal anatomy, Logan was talking about how the muscular canal is both elastic and flexible. Not as interesting as the fact that it expands? During? Sex? then just goes back to normal later? Why hadn’t that been in his college biology textbook, that was more relevant than the section on how the nose smells! Oh and it turns out those weird videos he came across as a young adult where the actresses “squirted”? Yeah that’s a real thing not just something for porn, the porn was still exaggerating and lame but it was real! Thomas was really enjoying this time with Logan…and two oddly quiet twins.
“Now that we have gone over some of the basic understanding of the vagina and it’s parts I think it’s time for some on hand experience. Remus and Roman have been kind enough to shift their anatomy to a human,” he stops and glares at Remus who just huffs and waves off the teacher’s obvious reprimand, “a human vagina, so you can see how different stimuli are received. Any questions before we begin?” Thomas raises his hand and is called on.
“Why do we need both of them to shift?”
“Ah! Yes, great question! Well just as every penis is unique so is every vagina and as such no two people will respond the same. You will switch between them to try and find what each likes best, and it helps to have a backup if one of our subjects needs a break for water!” Logan says it like he’s reading a script but there is an underlying chipperness one would more likely associate with Patton, it was nice to see.
“You really thought this through. Alrighty I guess I’m as ready as I’m going to be.”
Thomas’s tongue teased Roman’s folds, earning a sighing moan from the red twin, it wasn’t Roman’s “spot” but Thomas liked the breathy moans it pulled out of the other. He teased a little longer before he added circling his thumb around so it swiped both the clit and it’s hood. That got Roman howling out in pleasure, arching his back and grasping for anything for leverage. He switches his tongue and thumb so he’s pressing the tip of his tongue against the clit in a flicking motion.
Bolstered by the pleading of his ego Thomas continues his flicking, every few licks longer than the others until the cries of “fuck” become screams of “yes” and “Thomas” but he doesn’t stop until Roman is squirming and whining.
“Amazing work Thomas, you found the places that give Roman the most stimulation and used that to help him reach a satisfying climax.” Praises Logan as he helps Roman sit up and sip some water. “I believe our other subject is very excited to be of help, don’t keep him waiting.”
At the direction Thomas wipes his face of the cooling mix of ejaculation and drool and heads over to where Remus is whimpering and clutching the end of his casual shirt. It was kind of cute seeing him so needy and willing, maybe he could do this sort of thing with the intrusive side more often.
“Just lean back now, I’m going to find what makes you feel good. Ok?” Remus nods eagerly to the instructions and falls back onto the bed/table thing both twins have been situated on, his hands still hold his shirt but now his legs are spread and Thomas has to swallow to keep the drool in his mouth from running down his chin.
“Are you always this horny or is it just because you’ve been waiting?” Thomas teased as he leaned down to take his experimental lick over the folds.
“I could hear what you were doing to Ro-Ro and how much he was loving it, couldn’t wait for that to be me. Thomas, make me your bitch, make me feel like a Duchess only good for making her king an heir.” Remus pleads and Thomas backs off to look the side in the eyes.
“Do…do you want me to use she/her while we’re doing this? Cause I’m fine with that but I’m not going to call you names while I’m trying to make you feel good.”
“Shit, yes. Yes please use she/her and call me Duchess if you get the chance to talk!” Remus blushes as she admits what she really wanted and Thomas chuckles at how cute he finds her antics right now.
Right off the bat he finds that she likes her urethra teased a lot more than Roman had but that nibbly kisses on her inner folds got the best gasping jolts out of her. He takes a chance and nibble kisses Remus’s hood as he’s running his fingers over her folds and into the vagina and is rewarded with a chant of “𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞, 𝐦𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞“ so he kept up the rhythm before changing the angle of his hand so the urethra gets some attention and he can tell she holding back,
“Duchess, be a good girl and cum for your king.” As soon as he finishes his encouragement he is back to nibble kisses but not for much longer as Remus let’s go and let’s her orgasm wash over her. Thomas is thrilled when she “squirts” a stream of ejaculation on his hand between clenches.
“You ok my beautiful Duchess?” He asks after Remus has stopped gasping for breath.
“Wonderful! You’re a natural Tommy, you put straight white guys to shame!” She giggles, she pauses as Logan comes over to help her up just as he did her brother.
“Remus, though in her own words are a bit lacking, is correct. We’ve only had one lesson but I’m confident that should the need arise you will be prepared to bring pleasure to a partner who has a vagina.” Agrees Logan as Remus enjoys her water and waves at Roman who seems to be trying to stay awake.
“Thanks, I really enjoyed this. I feel like I’ve gotten close to the three of you and not just in the biblical sense.” That gets another giggle from Remus and a smile from Logan.
“No more talk, I want snuggles!” Roman demands in a sleepy grumble. It doesn’t take much to snap the twins into clean, soft clothes and shift the mind-palace into a big pile of padding, blankets and pillows. With three of his sides dozing off Thomas couldn’t help but think that he owes Talon a nice candy bouquet for planting the idea in his head.
* fuck fuck, Thomas don’t dare stop, by the gods don’t stop!
11 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
Bless your followers with more long Patton. 🙏 mayhaps a bit of him going deep. 😳
I gotcha fam 🖤
Full of Feelings
Warnings: 18+ only, sexual encounters, clothed sex, hand-jobs, spit-roasting, cum eating, blow-jobs, Remus eats something unusual
A new normal had settled upon the Mindscape, it was not unusual to see Patton walking around in sheer or transparent clothing throughout the day. There were more family nights now too, everyone taking turns to have Pat sit in their lap. Being able to take in that beautiful cock and Patton being happy to accept touches had boosted everyone’s moods and relations were mending, the world was healing.
Movie night had them all on the couch watching a cheesy RomCom, Patton had pulled Janus close with a “it’s a little chilly” as an excuse to cuddle. They were at the second sexually tension scene and by now Jan sat fulling on Pat’s lap. That’s when a thick pressure grinded up against Janus’s ass, coupled with a needy whine from behind him. Subtlety Janus pushed back to increase the friction, loving the way he could feel Pat from his ass to his base. They humped for the rest of the movie, picking up speed close to the end and finishing when the light came on. Janus came so hard that if he hadn’t been wearing briefs it would have been audible, the cum from Patton soaks through to his skin making the clothing even more soiled. The others stare with hungry eyes but say nothing. “Thanks Jay-bird, I’m a lot warmer now.”
During an idea session Remus and Roman argued over the placement of some jokes, it was loud and Virgil was getting a headache from the noise. He was about to just leave when Patton took his and guided it to his barely concealed erection, Virgil tilted his head until Patton started to rub a palm against Virgil’s crotch. Oh! The pair tuned out the twins and focused on slowly jerking each other off. Eventually the twins shut up and watched the lovely show in front of them. Once Virgil came he put more effort into bringing Patton to completion…the meeting table had to be cleaned but Virgil didn’t have a headache anymore.
Logan wanted to be filled, he had gone to Remus for help but the usual tentacles in his anus were not cutting it. He was about to ask Remus to stop when Patton walked past the, unintentionally left opened, door. The father side popped his head in and the pair stopped, “Lo-Lo are you alright? You feel kinda sad.” Patton asks, Remus looks at the logical side with panic but is waved off. “Just need a little …more.” “Maybe I can help!” And that is how Logan ends up spit-roasted on three tentacles in his anis and Patton’s cock in his mouth, full and content. (He continued to be full and content from all the cum and mucus-slime he had taken too.)
Roman was making Patton a new robe but he wanted this one to hug the heart’s body unlike the ones before that were flowy so he needed Pat’s measurements. He had the arms, chest, and hips now he needed length and inseam. Length was just an inch longer than Roman himself and inseam waaaaas “Ro that tickles, if you wanted to touch you just had to ask!” The heart laughs as he runs a hand through Roman’s hair, and Roman can’t help it when he sighs and leans into the touch. The project is set aside as Roman and Patton exchange heated touches, sweet kisses, and grinding hips until they both spill all over Roman’s outfit. He doesn’t mind continuing his work in the nude, not if it’s for Patton.
Thomas was out on a date and Patton was feeling all those extra feelings and hormones at full blast. He was about to try taking a cool shower to ease the heat boiling in his guts but just as he was about to get up Remus entered the room. The darker creativity stopped abruptly and sniffed the air like a hunting dog, turning to look at Patton with a queasy smile, “does daddy dearest need a hot hole to fill? Cause I got several!” Remus says with a cackle. Patton is so happy that Remus is showing his caring side for a change, “sure kiddo! Take me however you feel most comfortable with!” With a snap Re is on his knees and pouring ranch!? Flavored lube onto Pat’s cock and sucking it down his throat like a slurpy. It doesn’t take awfully long with the strong suction and tight, warm squeeze for Remus to be swallowing Patton’s large load of cum. He licks his lips, kisses Pat, and skips away happily. The fatherly side giggles as he watches the other leave, he likes this new normal.
13 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
Going off the hiking prompt: Logan getting double dicked against a tree
Survivalist Hike
Warnings: 18+, pre-hyperthermia, d.a.p., mild sex-pollen, snake anatomy Janus
There has been a lot of stress in the Mindscape lately, projects in the works and deadlines to be met. Logan had taken the brunt of it all trying to keep the schedule and keep the others motivated while also planning for the coming weeks, he was relieved when they reached the weekend that Janus marked for self-care. He was burnt out and wanted some time away from the “office”, luckily Janus had suggested they go camping which Logan had been asking the other side to do for months now. You see Logan loved hiking and camping in the imagination where he could watch the wildlife and study them, it relaxed his mind while stimulating his body! He figured that Janus would also enjoy the outdoors since it was late spring and the weather would be accommodating to their other’s snake attributes. This is how they found themselves on a mountain in the imagination with an unexpected cold front rolling in bringing freezing rain and howling winds, having only one extra blanket in their tent.
“Uuggh one of the twins must have changed the forecast after we left, the bratssss!” Janus hisses, his breath just barely visible in the cold air. “We will speak with them when we return. Which I suggest we do soon since this temperature could become dangerous for your health.” Logan replies as he packs away his things, his fingers numbing the longer they are exposed to the cold. “But thissss was sssupposed to be your weekend, a time to relaxxx” the other pouted as he snuggled in the one blanket. Logan sighed but kept packing, sure he was disappointed but he wasn’t going to risk their health and safety for a trip that would just cause more stress. Better to go home and just go back to work.
“I know itsss not the same but we could ssspend the night in my greenhouse, it will be warm there and you can ssstudy the plantsss.” Janus suggests when he notices the resigned look in Logan’s eyes, he doesn’t add that his snakes also live there so the logical side will be surprised. A bit of light returns to Logan as he thinks about it, “Yes, that sounds like an acceptable second choice for our trip.” He reaches out to sink them out but the imagination pushes back, like stretched rubber bands they spring back to where they were. A few more tries prove just as fruitless, “they messsssssed with the sssettings! Stupid boysss!”
Getting out the map, one Roman gave him to fill out, Logan looked for the closest exit…it was miles away. He let out a deep sigh, there was no way either he or Janus could hike that long in these conditions after a long day of walking already under their figurative belts. There had to be some other way out or at least somewhere safer to wait until the storm passed, wait what was that symbol on the map across the river from them? “Janus, do you know what this symbol means? It’s not on the key.” The shivering snake looked down at the paper with a critical glare before his eyes widened and a giddy smile graced his face, “that is a love nest, Roman and Virgil come out here for their little sex retreats. It will be nice and warm, probably full of booze and firewood too! Logan it’s so close!” The embrace of the snake hybrid startled the logical side not only because it was unexpected but also because Janus’s skin was as cold as the rain outside, they needed to get to this “love nest” quickly. “Put on all the clothes we brought and use one of the sleeping bags as cover, I’ll carry the bags. We might get there before the sun sets and leaves us in the dark.”
They trek the dirt path and across the footbridge over the river to a strange looking tree, where the other trees were thin and tall, this one had a stout trunk and thick branches that turned up like a flute glass. With the dwindling light it took far longer for Logan to find the hidden entrance into the secret getaway, a knot on the trunk was a latch-knob that needed to be lifted to open. By then a sheet of ice was coating the ground and the sleeping bags they used as coats and Janus had stopped talking a few minutes ago, a troubling development. He tossed the bags to the side of the entrance and dragged the snake side into the shelter. He noted that Janus moved sluggishly and was beginning to take a blue tint on his human half, “T-takkke offff the w-w-wet c-clothes an-and shhhoes, gotta g-get you warmmm.” Logan chatters the instructions as he also strips off his wet shoes, socks, and pants.
Janus gets his shoes off no problem but Logan has to help him get the outermost pants and shirts off so they don’t soak his already freezing skin. Once he gets Janus on a plush seat with a dry blanket Logan staggers to the fireplace and throws on the logs stacked by the wall, thank goodness for magic since the logs replenish after a moment. His numb fingers fumble with the match but eventually he gets the fire going and starts looking for anything to help them heat back up safely, Janus especially needs to warm up without shocking his system. In the kitchen he finds a two burner stove and a kettle that he fills with water and sets on a burner to heat, there is some strange tea in a red box that smells sweet and fruity that they can drink. In a room upstairs there are plenty of dry clothes to change into while theirs are still wet. When he comes back down with sweatpants on and some more layers for Janus the water is ready for tea. Its fruity scent is even stronger as it steeps in the mugs, he’ll have to ask Roman for some when they return home.
“Janus, I know moving is uncomfortable but you need to drink something, please.” He coaxes the lethargic side to take the mug who immediately curls over the source of warmth. A good sign. Logan finds another blanket and to conserve heat sits next to Janus, it also lets him keep an eye on the other’s health as the night progresses. Silence is filled with sips and the popping crackles of the fire that has warmed the room considerably, it’s peaceful and as their mugs are drained the sides start to fall asleep leaning against each other.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Way too soon for his taste later, Logan woke feeling better but also a little off. He figured it was just the fatigue and skipping dinner that made him feel “funny” but as his mind woke more he noticed that his companion was missing, “Jan? Where?” He looked around and saw that the blanket that was tucked around Janus earlier was now leading down the hall. Groggily he followed down the hall to find his missing companion and check on his health, the snake side needed to keep warm. So it was worrying to see discarded layers thrown haphazardly about as he neared the over the top bedroom. “Janus?” He calls out worriedly, “Here darling, closer.” Janus’s voice is huskier than normal and sends an ember of heat to his guts, it was a wonderful feeling that washed away the weirdness he woke with. He walked more into the bedroom, towards where he was sure he heard the other call to him, when he was shoved up against the bark-like wall.
Lips met his in searing kisses, hungry but experienced as they coaxed open his mouth to drag out sounds that Remus would approve of. A thigh nudged his legs apart to give Janus room to pin him in, three sets of hands tugging away at fabric to get to heated flesh, “So warm darling, you make me so warm. Want you, want to be in you.” Janus moans between kisses, and Logan wants that too, wants to chase this feeling and let Janus ruin him. “Yes, yes, I want you too!” He gasps as a set of arms lifts him up.
He hadn’t noticed when his boxers came off but the sensation of his dick rubbing against Janus’s own dicks made his head spin at how amazing it was. When a slick finger enters his hole he thinks he sees stars, Janus, please! Feels so good!” He cries as the other side adds another finger, “Soon darling. Don’t want to hurt you, my love.” And that hits Logan hard, Janus could use him right now and he’d thank him for it but the selfish side was being gentle, considering his needs too, it was far softer than he was used to when he was with the others. Before he can get too into his own head Janus adds a third finger, pumping and curling the digits to find that sweet spot.
The musical sound that Logan makes when Janus hits his prostate breaks the resolve the snake side had, “I think you’re ready love, relax for me.” Janus bids as he lines up one of his dicks with Logan’s hole. He slides in and let’s the logical side sink down onto him slowly, “That’s it darling, there we go.” A beat later and Janus starts to rock up into Logan with one dick as the other still ruts against the other’s own. The night is filled with porn worthy moans and gasps of each other’s names, the buildup of heat between them steaming up the windows.
Logan can feel his climax nearing but he wants more, wants something else, “Janus, I can’t take both, give me both.” He pleads as Janus thrusts again, “Ok love, but you have to stop me if it hurts.” Janus agrees, he uses two sets of arms to lift Logan again and holds his dicks together to ease them in. It stretches him but it doesn’t hurt like he half expects so he only whines needily to get the other moving again. Janus just huffs fondly and sets back to his pace, rocking up in a rhythm of in and out, in and out, the squeeze of Logan’s hole heavenly hot and accommodating to the girth. “Feel so good in you Darling, so perfect. My perfect Logan.” He whispers as he speeds up a bit, listening to the other’s breath hitch at the compliment, he keeps calling Logan perfect and darling until he feels the logical side spill cum over both of their stomachs. He can feel his own release close behind so he takes the time to kiss as much of Logan as he can reach as he thrusts harder, when he cums his teeth sink into soft flesh and his vision whites out.
When Janus comes back into himself he finds that he and Logan are still connected and entangled together. The logical side is pushing back his sweaty bangs and looking at him with such reverence that it’s frightening at first. “Are you alright darling? I didn’t mean to break skin.” The bite was bleeding and once again Janus was glad he wasn’t venomous. “I’m fine, you don’t have to apologize for something I liked.” A blissful smiles graces Logan’s lips and Janus feels his face blush bright red, a strange twist since they had just fucked and now he was flustered.
They stayed there on the floor until the room temperature started to get noticeably cooler, retreating onto the bed and under the plush comforter. The next day came quickly and with much warmer weather, they spent most of the morning and afternoon lazing in bed where it was cozy. Hiking was forgotten in favor of repeating the events of the night before, several times. When they returned Sunday evening everyone commented on how relaxed Logan looked…if he and Janus decided to take more hiking trips no one made comment on it, except for the dwindling supply of Vitali-tea in the love nest, oops!
23 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
11.“shh, you can take it. you're doing so well.”
The itsy-bitsy spider climbed up the spout
Shout out to @supersecretsmutside for helping me pick a ship and concept when I was too overwhelmed by the possibilities. This prompt is frankly too delicious and I couldn’t settle on how to use it!
Warnings: 18+, spider!virgil, Inaccurate spider anatomy, sounding, frotting, oviposition/eggpreg, dub-con(consent for the future is given later), lmk if I missed any
It was nice having Patton on display all the time and getting absolutely pounded by his giant cock but for Virgil it was having an annoying drawback. His spider half was “female” and being bred was making him need to lay a clutch, unfortunately Thomas didn’t know much about spider mating habits so instead of just laying the eggs in a nice little bundle of web he needed to insert them somewhere warm first. Virgil had held back for so long but now he absolutely needed to lay in someone or the clutch would be lost, his instincts wouldn’t allow that. He could go to one of the other dark sides but neither one of them had the body heat his eggs needed. Logan would love to experience the process for science but he has been so upset lately that he might not be able to enjoy it…maybe next clutch. Roman probably wouldn’t mind but he was busy helping Thomas with work for the next script, and…and Patton would likely be grossed out by having spiders inside of him, even if they were his babies. Bother Logan or scare Patton away? Ugh why was his life so difficult!?
So deep in his anxious debating Virgil doesn’t notice when another person comes up behind him until there are arms around his waist and a thick package rutting against his back, if he wasn’t so horny from the hormones urging him to lay he would have been startled. Now though? He twists in the other’s grip and claims their mouth in hot open-mouthed kisses. Even clothes the frotting spurs on his need, mating out in the open didn’t feel safe so as the two continue to get hot and heavy they sink out into Virgil’s bedroom. They land on the plush bed and for the first time since they started Virgil notices the bright blue Georgette cloth used as a wrap skirt, of course Patton would be the one to find him in such a state! He makes quick work of getting his ovipositor out of his pants and unknotting Patton’s skirt, the drive of his instincts causing his mouth to water at the sight of the thick long cock that filled him with such delicious hot seed. Later he will wonder if he’s venomous like Janus because Patton becomes putty under him, lax and pliable as he takes the other’s throbbing erection and starts to slide into it.
Oh! It’s so warm and tight around his thin appendage, his natural slime-like secretion letting him glide in without difficulty. “Hung!” Patton chokes on a confused gasp at the new feeling, he’s never been penetrated before and had never imagined his first time being like this. The farther Virgil goes the better it feels to be so incredibly full, the weird purple stuff oozing out with his pre cum tingles the same way Virgil’s mouth is, it’s like heaven. Virgil pulls back just a little to get more coating inside the other’s cock before he starts pushing all the way in, stopping only because he reached residence. Patton is underneath him moaning and sobbing from the pressure keeping him from cumming, a now clawed hand brushes away his tears, “s͟h͟h͟,͟ ͟y͟o͟u͟ ͟c͟a͟n͟ ͟t͟a͟k͟e͟ ͟i͟t͟.͟ ͟y͟o͟u͟'͟r͟e͟ ͟d͟o͟i͟n͟g͟ ͟s͟o͟ ͟w͟e͟l͟l͟.͟”͟ the spider side rumbles affectionately as he nibbles little love bites along his mates chest, coaxing his to relax so the appendage will keep going. Some more tingling kisses and backing out for the slime to build up let’s Virgil press on with just a wet pop and a shiver of bliss running up Patton through his cock.
Now inserted to his base and inside the hottest part he can get in his mate Virgil lets his cluster work their way through the ovipositor, the eggs are the size of the small beads (8/0) and slip easily into their father. Shallow thrusts force a bundle of eggs into their resting place and finally the deed is done, their brood is being warmed and are safe for the short time they need to incubate and Virgil has a whimpering mewling mess of a mate under him begging for more. With his human mind becoming clearer without the need to lay he can help his mate enjoy their time connected even more. He slides most of the way out and begins to slowly slide in just to pull back out just a bit, sounding Patton’s cock with his still inflated ovipositor. Shaking and moaning in pleasure, Patton hardly has time to call out a broken “close” before he’s cumming on Virgil’s appendage and he can feel the now slightly bigger eggs (5/0) pushing up out of him.
The barely still inflated ovipositor is marbled in translucent purple and pearly white that makes Virgil’s dick hard in knowing that he made his mate feel good but the throaty moans still coming from his mate mean the process isn’t done yet. Weaving together a cone of his silk Virgil starts pumping Patton’s cock, milking out the eggs and mixture of their cum into the soft safe silk. “Virgie, it feels so nice. Like I get to keep cumming and cumming, those little beads rub inside so perfectly. Virgie, honey, baby, can we do this more? Love feeling you inside me so close!” The heart babbles as he watches the last of the objects leave him and his body goes limp on the bed. Virgil nuzzles him and closes the web up around their clutch. “You keep fucking me all the time and I’ll keep making babies to fill you up with.” He purrs in response. Patton gasps, “babies?! Oh gosh we’re parents, of course I’ll give you more children! As many as you want honey!” The enthusiasm is appreciated as the idea of more healthy broods make the animalistic side of Virgil preen at having such a providing mate.
“So many, Pop-star, I want so many. But I might not be able to always go to you for incubation, is that alright?” Some of his normal anxiety is bleeding back in as his post sex high and animal need wanes, the idea of his mate rejecting him in some way is settling into his mind. “Of course baby, I want to help you with our…eggs? But even I know I can’t be there all the time! Lo-Lo and Remus will want to help for sure and I know Roman loves feeling useful, do what you need to bring those spidery little kiddos into the world!” If he could move Patton would be snuggling his emo sweetheart and peppering kisses all over his face but Virgil was fidgeting with their loving bundle and sleepiness was dragging Patton under anyway.
“Cuddle me? After you put the kids to bed?”
“Yeah, I can use some cuddles after that too.”
*(8/0) is very small and (5/0) is about twice that and barely smaller that a standard poni bead
26 notes - Posted April 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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leopoldainter · 6 days
Mika look at my clock
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I'm why Ken's there
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Like Oz purports to desire hosting in Buffy the Vampire Slayer
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And a soil line and ski bench Or those could be trees.
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Signed and Dated, the farting godfather moka HUT!* old gulf FISH! love love nice work folks by the tent whirl of tennis prose wax that metalic alloy your safe now but then agai DA4
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