strigital · 1 year
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here, have a pair of stabby fellas real quick while i work on those translations 🔪🩸
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pomegranatebat · 2 years
I DIDN'T REALIZE HORNY ASKS WERE GAME TOO! Can we get turian (Saren/Garrus/random turian) dicks out for harambe style?
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Weenie out here heheeh
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killbaned · 2 years
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me: i’m going to do so many little sidequests with eric i’ve never done before!
my fucking charm/intimidate score:
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cosmerelists · 4 months
What Cosmere Characters are Doing on a Snow Day
Snow doesn't really seem to happen in a lot of the Cosmere but, well...if they DID have snow, what would Cosmere characters be doing?
Lift: Sledding! Slicking the ground makes her sled go real fast!
Marasi: Inside, wrapped in blankets, drinking hot chocolate.
Allik: Inside, wrapping in fifty-thousand blankets, by the fire. He's still cold.
Venli: Building snow-singers. (Snow is lot harder to work with than stone!)
Susebron: Catching snowflakes on his (new) tongue. Having a great time.
Adolin: Building a snow castle out of snow bricks.
Maya: Silently and seriously helping Adolin build.
Azure: Leading a contingent of men in a truly epic snow fight. She is covered in snow splatters, grinning.
Kaladin: Leading the other contingent. So good at dodging that he hasn't been hit yet--except for the one time he dove in front of Skar to protect him.
Sarene: Making snow angels, mostly to piss off Hrathen, who is visibly shaking at the blasphemy.
Shallan: Making note of the various animal tracks in the snow, sketching them carefully.
Pattern: Staring at individual snowflakes as they come down, buzzing with intense excitement.
Syl: Zipping along excitedly among the snowflakes.
Navani: Just invented snow shoes and is watching her engineers craft them.
Sebarial: Sitting in a tent full of heating fabrials, in which he and Palona are drinking mulled wine and watching the festivities
Rock: Has created a Hot Stew Station where people can come and get warmed up.
Dalinar: Wearing Navani's snow shoes, standing silently, watching everyone.
Szeth: His white clothing blends into the snow. In his hand, a finely crafted, perfectly round snowball. His target: Kaladin. The snowball fight ended hours ago, but no one could find Szeth to tell him. So he continues to hunt, silent and invisible in the frozen landscape, stalking his next target.
He's having a good time.
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average-mako-enjoyer · 6 months
Mass Effect LGBTQ+ representation issues and some headcanons
I've seen a few Mass Effect posts about the sexuality of the trilogy's characters, and I'd like to add my 5 cents, since none of those posts take into account the whole xenophilia aspect of canon relationships. And some of us are here for it. For the aliens. I am here for them. I'm not sorry.
Also, I have to acknowledge the fact that Bioware has made some very questionable choices, and the in-game representation is bad. Like BAD-bad.
I.E.(this list is going to be looong):
All Male Shepard/Kaidan Alenko dialog for ME1 and ME2 was written and fully voiced, but NOT INCLUDED in the final version of the game. And I know that the same thing happened to FemShep/Ashley, but that a bit different because...
The only "gay" romances in ME1 and ME2 are for femShep, and either with a female-representing human-like aliens (who like to dress in tight clothes that emphasize the size of their breasts), or with the equally feminine Kelly Chambers in ME2. Because, you know, guys who buy this game will be more tolerant of two "hot chicks making out" (insert a bunch of mods that make your femShep wear only lingerie and look like a TikTok e-girl) than a more realistic same-sex romance.
Especially when this romance is between two guys. Because ew. Right, Bioware? But you also wanted to sell your games to LGBTQ+ folks, so you installed a…
… so-called "gay button" into your games.
Before ME3, no one except for "hot chicks asari" states their sexuality. You can go through two entire games as a straight character completely surrounded by other completely straight characters. Oh, maybe Kelly likes aliens a little too much, but "who doesn't like asari", right? Even asexual salarians are into them. Sure, a straight woman like femShep…
"Hot chicks making out" really sells those game copies, I guess.
If you think ME3 is better, think again. The only two gay characters in the game are Cortez and Traynor, and they are both supporting characters, who are not even in your squad!
Cortez and his whole "I lost my husband" drama is conveniently placed on the lowest deck of the ship, so if this story offends your bigoted sensibilities, you can just ignore him along with the "dumb jock" Vega who is really unpopular with the players. Is it because he's really friendly with an openly gay character? Oh, who knows?
Meanwhile, Traynor is either mocked (oh, she found EDI voice hot and commented on that! what a shame! awkward lesbians, amirite?) or fetishized (don't get me wrong, Donnelly is funny, but his remarks about Traynor are even more yucky than the way he talks about EDI and lube).
But don't get mad about all this, because all the women in the trilogy are fetishized and heavily sexualized. The best example of this is Samara, whose character design is a war crime.
Bioware made Benezia look horrible (she tried to make Saren change his ways not with her power or wits but with those giant bazooms and the cleavage, I guess), and then they doubled down in ME2 and gave a warrior samurai nun a boob window. A FUCKING BOOB WINDOW. Because boys buy games, and they love boobs, y'know.
Oh, and any inappropriate remarks made by NPCs in the game are directed only at the femShep. Just like the MShenko romance, the male version of the dialog is fully voiced, but conveniently excluded from the game. Because guys can't tell other guys that they look hot in "that soldier getup". That can make bigots uncomfortable.
And let's talk about bi representation, because Bioware apparently hates bisexuals as much as straights and some queers do (trust me, as a bisexual I've experienced both types of hatred, and it's ugly). The only bisexual characters in the game are Kaidan and Diana Allers.
If you're a bigot playing as the maleShep, you can "safely" kill Kaidan on Virmire in the middle of the first game and not have to deal with his uncomfortable love confession at all!
So, yeah, Bigots: 1, Representation: 0. The bisexual is successfully killed, congratulations!
If you play as femShep, you won't even know that Kaidan is/was bi. Because who wants a bisexual guy who is comfortable with his sexuality? You can't sell that kind of romance to the good ladies who buy this game.
Diana Allers romance, meanwhile, is laugh-worthy. If you play as maleShep, you won't even know that she's bi. And if you're femShep, this romance is as insignificant as the one with Kelly, you won't even get an achievement for it! You can also kick her out of your ship without any consequences, so she will be KIA offscreen. You will find about it via fucking email. Bigots: 2, Representation: 0. Both of dirty bisexuals are successfully killed, congratulations!
The bi-xenophile Kelly suffers the same fate: no achievement for her romance, you cannot continue the romance after ME2, and she will either take a poison pill and die or be killed in the Collector's Base/Citadel offscreen in ME3. If she survives both the base and the Cerberus attack, you won't even get to say goodbye to her before the final battle of the game. Bigots: 3, Representation: 0
9. And I almost forgot about Omega DLC that kills the only female turian in the game. Who's also into asari. God, they did her dirty.
"Those were different times," you might say, but all of this could have been fixed in 2019, when the Limited Edition was released. Instead, we just have fellow modders changing the design of Benezia and Samara, restoring MShenko (one of the most healthy, respectful, and mature romances in the entire trilogy) and other gay romances in the game, making all NPCs flirt with your character, adding female turians and krogans to the environment, etc., etc.
Still, I think these games are great. The characters, the cinematics, some aspects of the writing, great! I love that canon. But the LGBTQ+ representation in those games sucks. Big time. But that doesn't stop me from having a bunch of headcanons. For the sake of convenience, I'm going to separate out all the characters for the games in which they debut.
Mass Effect:
MaleShep/FemShep: Both are canonically bi. Both don't mind the alien physiology thing and polyamory. Both are "married to your job" type, so they were okay with casual sex and one-night stands, and only mellowed out while in charge of the Normandy crew. Because of convenience, both had more hetero than same-sex hookups.
Ashley: Straight as a plank and xenophobic, but not homophobic. She's definitely into maleShep, but more into the idea of him as a sole survivor/war hero/butcher of Torfan than an actual person.
Garrus: He likes turian and quarian women. And both fem and maleShep. But with maleShep, he's more busy with the whole "flirt him to death" aspect of their bromance, so there's really no time to get on the floor and get dirty.
I also feel that turian society in the game is very patriarchal, so Garrus has a bias towards femShep and feels less restricted by her rank. With mShep, I think he would have only acted if mShep had specifically pursued that relationship. But mShep is also more interested in just flirting with Garrus.
Kaidan: Canonically bisexual (more into women) and demi. Not into aliens, but not xenophobic. Not a stranger to casual sex, but would really prefer to go steady because #introverted and has enough problems already. "How can you flirt with all these people, Shepard, it's exhausting…"
Liara: She's into both versions of Shepard. And maybe a bit into one drell. Classic demi/asexual. Also, imo, all asari are agender and Liara is not an exception.
Tali: Is a mess and can definitely go cross-species (her romance with Garrus is canon, after all). She's also a massive nerd and a bit kinky. I think she's into human/turian/quarian males, but maybe this femShep really is THAT SPECIAL.
Wrex: Krogan women - that's his sexual orientation. Real bros with mShep, more cautious with femShep because bias. Another "married to his job" character.
Joker: Straight and nerdy. #Irony. Too cool for homophobia.
Chakwas: More married to her job than anyone on this list. Cool lesbian aunt.
And this post is already so long that I'll make a separate one for ME2 and 3.
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commander-krios · 1 year
I can now reveal my Shenko Summer fic for @dandenbo. <3 I'm so happy you enjoyed it! Special shoutout to my beta, @comeoniwantacoolname for always helping me out!
Title: Reflections and Regrets Rating: Teen Pairing: MShepard/Kaidan Alenko Summary:
Five times Kaidan nearly confessed his feelings to Shepard and the one time he did.
Additional Tags: Slow Burn, 5+1, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Friends to Lovers, Hurt/Comfort, Love Confessions, Major Character Injury
Kaidan could still smell the smoke on his clothing, mixed with salt water and conductive fluid. He'd intended to change after a long hot shower, but the debrief had taken the rest of his energy, and he hadn’t moved since. Sitting in the silent comm room, he hunched over, hands hanging between his knees, eyes staring at nothing in particular. 
The edges of his vision blurred and he closed his eyes, images of the battlefield as clear as the Virmire skies had been barely a few hours ago. The shake in Ashley’s voice as her pleas echoed in his ears: ‘get Alenko, Skipper. That bomb needs to go off.’
Shepard’s insistence that he could get both of them to safety, that it was important that they all survived this, that he wasn’t going to leave a man behind.
Shepard’s turmoil as realization set in, and the impossible choice he made at the very last moment…
Ashley .
She’d paid the ultimate price so the rest of them could escape, so that the bomb could take out the cloning facility. So that Saren’s krogan army was reduced to nothing but ash and bones, a smoking pile of ruins and dust amid the salty seas.
Sure, Kaidan was grateful to be alive, but not like this, not at the expense of someone else. Especially not Ashley Williams.
A sigh escaped, loud in the silent room. Kaidan stretched his legs out in front of him, willing the stiff muscles to relax. The haunted look in Shepard’s eyes before the debrief was burned into his memory. 
Maybe Shepard regretted his decision. Kaidan certainly did.
The smallest groan left his lips as he stood, his calves still protesting the movement. There was too much to do before they docked at the Citadel. He needed to clean his armor, and himself. He had a report to write about the situation on Virmire. He had a marine detachment to talk to, Mako repairs to oversee, and somewhere in there, he should probably eat, but as he turned towards the exit, he paused.
The sight of Shepard standing in the open doorway was unexpected. The lights of the CIC illuminated him from behind, leaving his face in shadow, his body outlined in white. He was a silent spectre, eyes shrouded in darkness, a ghost haunting his own ship.
A chill ran down Kaidan’s spine, his mind once again wondering if this is what other people saw whenever they came across the Butcher of Torfan.
“I was just leaving.” Kaidan managed, running a hand through his curls, wincing when his fingers caught on the strands. 
“I-” Shepard hesitated, stepping into the dim room, eyes downcast. The glow from the overhead lights only put more shadows along his face, creases that weren’t there yesterday now visible along his brow. “No, you’re fine. I- need to check in with the Council. Let them know the mission is done.”
They’d almost failed… Would the Council even care that they’d lost a human to Saren’s madness? Was one life worth the information they’d gained? One life for total destruction of Wrex’s hope for the krogan. One life for an entire squad of STG soldiers. One life that meant nothing to the people who lived in the relative safety of the Citadel.
What was one life to them?
“I’ll give you some privacy.” 
Kaidan tried his best to stamp down the grief in his heart. He knew Shepard had to be feeling it even worse. It was his call in the end. Shepard would be the one to deal with the consequences, good or bad. Kaidan followed the orders he’d been given. 
He knew that the haunted look in Shepard’s blue eyes was reflected in his as well. 
Kaidan found himself standing in front of his Commander a few heartbeats later, his hand on Shepard’s shoulder, squeezing gently in what he hoped translated as comfort, as support. 
The other man glanced at him, eyes wide in uncertainty. 
His grip tightened slightly, Shepard’s jaw tensing as he tried to pick his words with care.
Kaidan resisted the urge to pull Shepard into an embrace, to comfort away the pain, the fear, the regret that so clearly tortured him. He wanted to smooth the lines in his forehead, to wipe away the tears, to take the weight of a galaxy off of his shoulders. There weren't many things he could do in this situation, except be there to help when he inevitably took the fall. He wanted to catch Shepard when the galaxy tried to break him.
But he couldn’t .
Shepard was his commander, yes, but he was also his friend. And his feelings had nothing to do with the man himself. He wouldn’t further complicate what was between them.
“I know you don’t hear this often, but you did the right thing on Virmire, even if it doesn’t feel like it. That cloning facility needed to be destroyed.” 
Shepard’s strained smile was full of the sadness he’d never put words to. “Do you really believe that? After everything we’ve lost?”
Kaidan did, even if he regretted what happened, because the galaxy was worth preserving. There were people that needed protecting and they at least had a fighting chance to stop Saren now. But none of that mattered when Shepard met his gaze, the pain in his eyes stabbing Kaidan in the gut.
“I’ll be in the mess when you’re done, Shepard. I’m sure there’s something stronger than coffee lying around.” 
Even if no amount of alcohol could fix their problems, they could at least send Ashley off properly.
“You’re a good friend, Alenko. I’m glad you’re here.”
Neither of them said the obvious: Kaidan was there because someone else wasn’t .
Someone who probably deserved it more.
The hum of the drive core was comforting, the ripples of its mass effect fields washing over him and the blue glow a safety he craved in his most vulnerable moment. With a sigh, Kaidan relaxed against the farthest wall from the core, sliding to the floor, settling comfortably in the corner so anyone coming and going wouldn’t trip over him. Stretching his legs out in front of him, he closed his eyes. The dark energy tickled at the edge of his senses and his own biotics responded in kind, an intimate dance between them.
The silence in engineering was welcome, especially after the insanity on the Citadel. The Council had immediately dismissed Shepard’s claims about Reapers, placing the entirety of the blame on Saren and the Geth. Then the Alliance decided the best use of Shepard and his crew was to put them on lockdown. Captain Anderson, of all people, helped them steal the Normandy from the docking bay…
And now, they were on their way to Ilos to face Saren head on before he could get the conduit, whatever that was.
Kaidan wished it was all over with because he felt like he could sleep for the next few years. Or centuries.
He wasn’t sure how long he’d been sitting there when boots scuffed against the floor.
He managed to open his eyes slightly as Shepard sat beside him, their shoulders brushing, a kind smile on his face when he glanced over at Kaidan. “Hiding?”
“Is it that obvious?” He responded, a laugh escaping despite the pounding in his head, and he forced his eyes closed again. The migraines usually gave a little more warning than this so he’d been a bit surprised at the intensity of it. With a pained groan, he leaned his head back against the bulkhead, pressing a finger into his temple. “I’ll be alright in a little bit. The silence down here helps.”
Kaidan didn’t have to see Shepard’s face to feel him tense. “Kaidan-”
Patting Shepard’s hand affectionately, he tried to ignore the way his heart jumped at the sound of his given name on Shepard’s tongue. “I’ll be fine, Shepard. I promise.”
The commander muttered something under his breath, something that probably wasn’t very nice, but he couldn’t make out the words. Silence descended between them: companionable, comforting, and altogether more satisfying than it’d been before.
The humming of the drive core was still a pleasant white noise in the background and the cold metal of the wall behind him soothed his sweaty skin, keeping the nausea at bay. He opened his eyes a crack, unable to stop from staring at the man next to him.
Shepard was bathed in blue-white light, shadows dancing playfully across his face. He appeared strong, severe and yet, Kaidan felt nothing but peace and safety in his presence. His azure eyes nearly glowed in the dark, his skin an ocean of blues and whites, dotted with the tiniest smattering of freckles and scars.
He’d admired Shepard from afar for the last six months: watching him defend those that couldn’t defend themselves, feeling pride at how Shepard attempted diplomacy and understanding before resorting to violence, being witness to how every loss etched itself into his commander’s very soul.
It wasn’t long before Shepard caught him watching. With a quirk of his lips, he leaned his own head back to meet Kaidan’s eyes. “See something you like, LT?”
He was tempted to respond with an affirmative, to admit that he dreamed of Shepard at night alone in his bunk, that he wanted to press kisses along that strong jaw, or to brush his hands down Shepard’s back as he pulled him closer…
Clearing his throat, Kaidan glanced at the room’s light source, closing his eyes as the brightness made his migraine pulse angrily. Moaning, he leaned forward, his head dropping into his hands.
Shepard’s hand gripped him by the shoulder, keeping him from falling forward. When he spoke, his voice was a whisper. “ Hey . What can I do?”
Kaidan’s hands shook as he pulled them from his face. He kept his eyes closed, trying to make sense of what was happening around him over the throbbing in his skull. “The lights. Too much.”
“Why aren’t you in the medbay?” 
“Liara. Ilos Prep. Didn’t want to interrupt.”
Shepard grunted before he shifted away, taking his warmth as he stood. Then he leaned down to put Kaidan’s arm around his shoulders, pulling him to his feet. It took a few seconds for Kaidan’s brain to catch up with the movement. He wobbled momentarily until Shepard steadied him… his free arm wrapping around Kaidan’s waist and securing him tightly against his own body.
“What’re you-”
“Shh.” Shepard moved forward, keeping Kaidan’s weight supported with each step. “I’m getting you out of here and somewhere better to sleep this off. I need you on Ilos.”
Kaidan wished Shepard needed him in other ways, and he would probably scold himself for such thoughts later, but it didn’t make the desire any less real.
“Where-” The question wouldn’t come out so he stopped speaking, his brain feeling like it was going to melt out of his ears.
“My cabin. It’s cold, dark, and far away from everyone.” Shepard lifted a finger when Kaidan made to argue as best as he could. “Do this as a favor to me.”
If Kaidan was feeling like himself at all, he would’ve protested, telling Shepard that he knew better than to believe that taking the Captain’s quarters wasn’t a breach of whatever fragile friendship they had left, and he wasn’t ready for what that meant. Not when the galaxy was falling down around them.
But his brain wouldn’t respond, no amount of prodding did anything except make his migraine worse, so he allowed Shepard to herd him in silence, ignoring the raised eyebrows and confused looks the crew sent them when they passed.
Shepard’s cabin was cool, the air circulator keeping it at a low yet comfortable temperature. The lights were already dimmed and Kaidan’s eyes (and head) were thankful for the reprieve. He collapsed on the soft blankets, burying his face in the scent of Alliance-issued soap. It wasn’t anything special, but it smelled like Shepard. 
Shepard pulled Kaidan’s boots off and dumped them to the side for later, not bothering to line them up like a good soldier would. Then he helped to get Kaidan in a comfortable position, head on a pillow, blankets piled on top of him in a cocoon. Once he was situated satisfactorily, Shepard sat beside him on the edge of the bed.
“Did you need anything else?”
Kaidan swore that Shepard’s touch brushed against his forehead, twirling a curl around his finger before it disappeared altogether.
“‘M good, thanks.”
Kaidan was nearly asleep when Shepard moved, leaving him on the bed alone. His eyes shut as he spied Shepard in the chair across the room, a sentinel watching over him while he slept.
Mayday! Mayday, this is the SSV Normandy!
The words echoed in his ears as Kaidan pushed his way through the chaos, dodging terrified crewmen and dangling cables, sparks exploding in dangerous arcs. The ship shuddered beneath his feet, nearly knocking him to the ground. He grabbed on to the closest object, the mess hall table, and thanked his lucky stars that the thing was bolted to the floor. Or what remained of it.
A quick glance confirmed what he already knew: the ship was barely holding together. Fires had broken out across the deck, the emergency fire system soaked the floors, adding even more danger to the crew's haste to escape. Gripping his helmet tightly, Kaidan forced it over his head, coughing against the thick black smoke as he waited for the seals to engage.
A hiss sounded as oxygen filled his helmet and he took a deep breath, attempting to orient himself in the chaos.
Taking a step away from the table, he noted a partially burned body to the right. The familiar buzzcut of Talitha Draven made his heart jump into his throat, grief burning in his chest as he continued on, needing to find Shepard. He tried to convince himself it was to get orders, but he was truly worried. Comms were spotty and he hadn’t heard from Shepard since the attack began.
Another few bodies caught his attention as he made his way to where the distress beacon waited to be launched, each new face making his heart heavier. He knew each and every one of these people and now… now they were gone and for what? Hunting geth that weren’t a threat anymore? Doing the Council’s dirty work while there were other things to prepare for?
Like the Reapers?
And the end of galactic civilization?
The Council was blind and sometimes, as much as he hated himself for it, he wondered if Shepard had made the right choice in saving them. Only time would truly tell if they would help end the Reaper threat or only made everyone else’s choices more difficult.
The familiar sight of John’s N7 armor filled his vision, stopping the dark turn of his thoughts immediately.
“Get everyone to the escape pods!” Shepard ordered, hitting the distress beacon with as much force as he could muster. The console sparked briefly but thankfully, didn’t break. 
“Joker won’t leave the cockpit.” He shouted, hoping that Shepard heard over the blaring klaxons. He couldn’t see John’s expression with the helmet on but his blue eyes would haunt him. “I’m not leaving either.”
I’m not leaving you .
Shepard shook his head, almost as if he could hear Kaidan’s thoughts. “Kaidan-”
Gripping Shepard’s helmet, Kaidan pressed the front of his visor against it, an intimate gesture that neither were expecting. Kaidan’s heart pounded hard against his ribs, Shepard’s sudden proximity a desire he’d craved for months, but not like this.
Never like this.
Shepard closed what little distance was between them, hand on Kaidan’s neck, securing him solidly against him. The alarms screamed, fires burned only feet away, but the solid feel of John in his arms almost broke him. He’d wanted this for too long, but now, they didn’t have time. 
“Don’t make me go.”
Shepard sucked in a sharp breath and for a second, Kaidan could’ve sworn he shook. “You have to, Kaidan.” He pushed him away, not roughly but enough to put distance between them. “I’ll get Joker. The others are counting on you. Please .”
Kaidan closed his eyes, filling his lungs slowly with oxygen, trying to force his feet to move, to fulfill his orders. When he finally looked at Shepard once more, he knew he didn’t have a choice. He had a job to do and god dammit he would do it. 
I love you.
It was on his tongue and nearly slipped out, but his feelings were inconsequential as their ship burned around them, the dead staring at them with empty eyes. Talitha couldn’t be saved, but there were others that could.
Swallowing the fear that this would be the last time he saw John Shepard, Kaidan nodded. “Aye aye.”
When he turned his back on the man who had become his world in a few short months, running for the escape pods, there was a dark whisper at the back of his mind that told him it was a mistake. One he would regret for the rest of his life.
His fingers hovered over the datapad, the words not coming the way he’d intended.
It’d been a shock to see Shepard alive on Horizon, even with Anderson’s warning: There are rumors that Shepard is alive, Commander. Be ready for anything.
But the warnings, the hearsay, the hints about Shepard’s survival over Alchera had prepared him little for what he saw that day: the familiar ocean blue of John’s eyes, the all encompassing relief on the man’s face when Kaidan approached unharmed, the gentle brush of his hand against Kaidan’s shoulder before they embraced. His heart had soared with happiness to see the man he’d followed to hell and back standing in front of him, flesh and blood and very much alive . 
But the moment passed quickly, only to be replaced by more questions than answers.
How was he alive? Was it true that he was with Cerberus now? What had really happened over Alchera? And why was he here now ?
What was Cerberus’ interest in the colony abductions?
Were they involved? Was Shepard involved?
It didn’t matter what the answers were, not when they could be lies. How was he supposed to believe anything a dead man said?
While his head spun with questions, Kaidan’s gaze had taken in the changes in the man he’d once pledged his service to. Shepard’s skin was cracked in places and crimson cybernetics held his flesh together, red lines glowing bright like a beacon over his cheeks and jaw. But there was a darkness in his gaze that Kaidan had seen only a few times before and it scared him.
John Shepard wasn’t the same person who’d died over Alchera.
Now that he could look back on the interaction with fresh eyes, Kaidan admitted he was unnecessarily harsh in his reaction after. There was little he regretted in life, and the things he did regret he could count on one hand. His anger at Shepard on Horizon was one of them. If his former commander really didn’t have a choice from the beginning, then he should apologize. 
The blinking cursor mocked him. Twenty minutes since opening the messaging app and he had yet to write a single word. 
With a sigh, he ran a hand down his face. There was nothing he could say to make up for the years Shepard had lost and more than just John’s life had been destroyed over Alchera. His career, his scars, his friendships… The work he’d done as a Spectre swept under the rug by the Council and Alliance both, many now believing Shepard to be a raving lunatic. 
And this situation with Cerberus…
Another sigh slipped out.
Kaidan wished he could pour his heart out, to let Shepard know how deep the pain of losing him had been. To the crew, to him . The last images burned into his brain played on repeat in front of his mind’s eye: the Normandy’s destruction, and Shepard’s lifeless body drifting over the planet in the cold vacuum of space. No one had been willing to retrieve the man that had saved them from the Geth and Saren, of the hero who had haunted visions of things passed and things yet to come. On that day, Kaidan Alenko’s heart tore in two.
His fingers typed the message before he realized what he’d done.
The words stared back at him, his subconscious willing to destroy everything he’d built over the last two years, all for a man who was supposed to be dead.
These past two years have been more than difficult for me. Seeing you on Horizon brought back old feelings I thought I’d put to rest, but it seems that forgetting you is impossible. I can’t join Cerberus, I won’t, and it has nothing to do with you. Because if I’m being honest, I was tempted to throw it all away to be with you on the Normandy again.
But the Normandy is gone. 
I’m not the same person anymore. I sense you aren’t, as well.
The love I have for you isn’t enough for me to give up on everything I believe.
Kaidan swallowed around the lump that had formed in his throat. Even if he wasn’t sending a personal message that both the Alliance and Cerberus officials wouldn’t be reading, he couldn’t admit his feelings in that way. They both deserved better than that, even if they’d never get it.
Each day a life with John Shepard seemed further out of reach.
Especially with Shepard in enemy hands.
He read the message once more before hitting ‘delete.’
The shuttle landed at the pad a few feet away, dust blowing up into Kaidan’s face as he waited. Lifting his hand to shield himself from the worst of the air, he watched as the door slid open, revealing Admiral David Anderson. He wore his dress blues, medals shining in the bright sunlight. Grey was starting to show in his close cropped dark hair, but he still flaunted that dazzling smile that made him appear years younger.
“Major.” Anderson greeted, reaching out to shake his offered hand. “It’s good to see you. Here to escort us to the inquest?”
“Yes, sir.” He replied, eyes involuntarily straying to where Shepard was stepping from the shuttle. He looked better than Kaidan had seen him in years. This Shepard wasn’t the ghost he’d met on Horizon anymore, half-mended flesh barely held together with cybernetics. His scars had healed, concealing the eerie glow of the implants underneath it, and he’d even put some muscle back on his once thin, almost frail frame.. If Kaidan ignored their purpose for being here in Vancouver, he could almost pretend they were back on the SR-1.
“Major, huh?” Shepard smiled, raising an eyebrow expectantly, almost as if he was waiting for Kaidan to detail the mission that got him the promotion. Like he hoped Kaidan would treat it like old times.
But it wasn’t.
“It’s recent.” He said instead, nodding as Anderson excused himself briefly. Kaidan’s hands were clenched at his sides as he tried to reign in the sudden longing in his heart. He missed those smiles more than he wanted to admit. “I, uh, would rather not talk about it right now.”
“That’s fair. It’s not like I’ve done anything recently to give you reason to trust me.” If Shepard’s words brought him any hurt at all, his voice didn’t betray it. When Kaidan glanced at him again, Shepard was watching Lieutenant James Vega as he stood at parade rest beside Anderson, trying his best not to fall asleep at the conversation the Admiral was having with the lawyers assigned to him.
Kaidan stared at him in silence, memorizing the new scars above his brow, the freckles that dusted his nose, the smooth skin on his cheeks and jaw. John’s hair had grown considerably since Horizon, nearly brushing his shoulders, dusty brown locks that looked as soft as satin.
Kaidan resisted the urge to reach and brush his fingers through it.
This man had done awful things, was on trial for many of those crimes, but stood resolute, fearless. He always had. It was one of the things that Kaidan always admired about him. Shepard was the Butcher of Torfan, but he was also human… he made mistakes like everyone else. What made him different, even special , was that he wasn’t afraid of owning up to them. 
Is that what this was? A misunderstanding? A mistake?
Somehow, Kaidan didn’t think so.
“Did you do it?” He asked, voice quiet and yet, Shepard heard him as clearly as if they were standing in an empty room. 
Shepard’s jaw tensed and he glanced away briefly, blue eyes fixed on something far away that Kaidan couldn’t see. Lieutenant Vega had noticed the movement and looked at them with curiosity. It felt like forever before John shook his head, unfocused gaze landing back on Kaidan.
His fears must’ve shown on his expression because John’s eyes darkened. “Don’t look at me like that, Kaidan. Not you, of all people.”
“I’m sorry, Shepard.” And he was sorry. This wasn’t at all how he wanted to see his former friend again. Not after Horizon. The circumstances never seemed to favor them. “But you have to know what it looks like.”
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “The Butcher of Torfan getting more revenge against batarians?” He laughed, but there was no amusement in it. “Yeah, I get how it looks.”
“Not to mention, you were flying Cerberus colors.” 
Shepard flinched, the reminder an obvious low blow. “I was under Hackett’s orders.”
“Not officially and that’s all they care about.” Kaidan sighed, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose. “What happened out there, Shepard?”
“You’ve seen the report, what do you think?” 
“It doesn’t matter what I think.” Kaidan replied, opening his eyes to see the flash of pain on Shepard’s face before he hid it behind his usual stoic mask.
“It does to me.” 
The words were so quiet that Kaidan almost missed them.
“If you’re right about the Reapers, then you didn’t have a choice.” Kaidan said after a moment of silence, hating how strained his voice sounded at the admission. It’s not that he didn’t believe Shepard. He did and that was part of the problem. Because he knew exactly what happened when someone has no other option in a fight that was bigger than themselves.
“It doesn’t make it easier to bear though.”
The regret was nearly palpable in John’s words.
“No, it doesn’t.”
Silence fell between them again, heavier with a truth only a few people knew. Even if they thwarted the Reapers, even if they stopped the whole harvesting of organic civilizations, the loss would still be catastrophic. Winning wouldn’t feel like a victory at all.
“Kaidan, before I leave, there’s something I need to tell you. Just in case…” Shepard trailed off, but the meaning was obvious.
Just in case we don’t see each other again.
Kaidan’s heart broke at the look in his friend’s eyes. They’d once been close, telling each other things that they couldn’t tell anyone else, being there at each other’s six, knowing the other’s tells and expressions, but this gulf between them had only grown since Alchera, since Horizon. Kaidan didn’t want it to grow anymore. Not when the things he felt were still so real. “Shepard-”
“Commander.” Vega appeared at John’s shoulder, a hulking mass of muscle that would’ve been easy to spot any other day, but now surprised them with his sudden presence. “We have to meet with the Admirals now.”
John closed his eyes with annoyance, taking a deep breath to calm himself before he spoke. As always, there was never time. “I’ll be there in a minute.”
“Sir, Admiral Anderson-”
Shepard stiffened, but before he could snap out a reply, Kaidan cleared his throat, grabbing the attention of both men beside him. With a small smile, he tried his best not to look put out by the inquest, by the politics, and he was sure he failed by the slant of John’s eyes. 
“You should probably go, Shepard.”
He caught the hurt that John tried to hide behind his tense smile. “Yeah. Maybe I’ll see you around, Kaidan.”
As Shepard turned his back on him, Kaidan couldn’t help feeling the deja vu in the worst way.
“Is that what they did to you?”
Blue eyes flashed coldly and for a moment, Kaidan had a terrible thought that maybe Shepard was a threat much like the mangled creature lying on the ground a few feet away. Was Shepard another husk waiting to be unleashed by the Illusive Man? Could Kaidan trust him? And could he trust himself to do what was necessary if Shepard was a threat?
“How could you compare me to him ?” Shepard snapped, the bite of his voice familiar and foreign all at once. Like so much in their lives now.
He glanced away and realized too late, he probably shouldn’t have. If Shepard was a Cerberus weapon, he needed to watch his back. Unfortunately, the man who usually did that was the one he needed protection from . “Shepard, I don’t know what you are… or who. Not since Cerberus.”
A slight headache appeared as his brain forced the memory away, refusing to acknowledge the fear and doubt he’d held. Because it was his distrust of Shepard that had put them both in danger. 
“Is the person I followed to hell and back- the person I…” He managed to stop before he let the word slip: love. He was in love with John Shepard, but this was not the time for a confession. “Are you still in there somewhere?”
“They didn’t change me, Kaidan. But words won’t convince you, will they?”
No, words hadn’t convinced him. But Shepard’s actions, on the other hand, had spoken volumes. They always had, back when they were a lot younger and a lot less jaded about the future, when they were merely friends who hadn’t yet grieved for thousands of soldiers who’d died with a single choice. 
But they were both different now. Changed in drastic ways as the Reaper war dragged on. Because that was how war went, wasn’t it? It tore at every shred of your heart and your sanity until you’re left with nothing but the memories of people you once loved. Memories of who yourself had been at one time or another.
It took longer than he expected to open his eyes. Brain damage, skull fracture, some other things that seemed horrifying and probably should’ve killed him. Instead, he was lying in a hospital bed on the Citadel, receiving the best care that was possible in the middle of a galactic war, all because his closest ally was a Spectre. 
The overhead lights normally would’ve blinded him upon opening his eyes, but he was surprised to find them shut off, nothing by the artificial daylight of the Presidium streaming in through large open windows. Kaidan blinked a few times to clear the blurriness from his vision. A few minutes passed with nothing but the sound of his heart in his ears as his headache began to slowly subside. A C-Sec shuttle flew past the window, descending to the closest shuttle pad. Different species of birds flew through the air before settling on the branches of a small tree. A well dressed couple was walking the Presidium hand in hand, admiring the flowers that had been recently tended.
The Citadel was almost serene in its unrushed pace. He felt like an interloper in the peace, a soldier that lived and breathed war. He shouldn’t be here, he should be on the front lines. Or, if the morose part of his mind was right, even dead by this point. But he wasn’t . And he knew why.
John Shepard.
Shepard always put himself in harm’s way to make sure his people came home, and when they didn’t, he took it personally, even if it wasn’t his fault. Because most of the time, it wasn’t. 
Kaidan glanced to his right where he knew he’d find the man in question, sitting bedside on a clearly uncomfortable chair, hunched over the hospital bed with his head resting on folded arms. He was sleeping, breathing deeply with the quietest of noises leaving his mouth. With his gaze mapping Shepard’s face, Kaidan noted the dark circles under his eyes, the weariness that seemed to haunt his pale skin even when sleeping. Some of his skin was showing wear, the cybernetics glowing crimson between small cracks in his cheeks.
Whatever had happened since the incident on Mars was wearing on Shepard’s health and Kaidan felt a pang of regret. Some of it was his fault, the words he’d spoken to Shepard on Mars were harsh and for that, Kaidan should apologize. If he couldn’t rely on the people he loved and trusted, he couldn’t rely on anyone.
Before he could stop himself, Kaidan reached out, running his fingers through those thick brunette locks like he’d been craving for years. Soft to the touch, it slid through his fingers with little resistance, landing on the white sheets with nary a sound. He twirled a stray lock of hair around his index finger, smiling when Shepard stirred at the touch.
Opening his eyes, Shepard blinked as if he was unsure of where he was. Once he got his bearings, he lifted his head and glanced around, stretching to ward off the embarrassment at being caught in such a vulnerable position. 
“Hey, Shepard.” Kaidan said, unable to keep from smirking, noting the flushed cheeks and nervous movement of Shepard’s hand over his face.
“Kaidan. It’s, uh, good to see you awake. How are you feeling?” His eyes dropped to where the blanket had slid down, exposing Kaidan’s chest. 
He might’ve felt embarrassed if he didn’t enjoy the look in Shepard’s blue gaze, eyes roaming the expanse of skin and curly chest hair appreciatively. “Better. You didn’t have to wait here for me to wake up. I would’ve sent you a message.”
“Are you sure that’s true?” He glanced up, a worried frown pulling at his mouth. “You weren’t happy with me on Mars.”
Kaidan looked away this time, his hands seeming more interesting than the man beside him. “I was… wrong about you. I’m sorry.”
“I need to get this out, John. Please .” When Shepard fell silent, Kaidan took a deep breath, closing his eyes and releasing it through his nose. It was comforting to feel Shepard next to him, to know that he’d watched over him whenever he was on the Citadel, for however long Kaidan had been sedated. “We were both wrong about a lot over the years, but… this is all on me. I didn’t trust you when I should have.”
“I haven’t made myself very trustworthy.”
Kaidan snapped his eyes open, a glare directed at the man he couldn’t deny any longer. With everything he’d been through: the Alliance using his dark past to their advantage, the Council using him as a tool to further their power, the prothean beacon’s visions nearly tearing him apart, the threat of the Reapers and Geth… and then to top it all off, his death and Cerberus resurrection. The months of being forced to work with his enemies while his allies said terrible things about him, Kaidan included. Bahak and finally being proven right about the Reapers while everything the galaxy had built was being destroyed.
Kaidan didn’t know how Shepard was holding himself together.
“That’s ridiculous.”
The smallest grin appeared on Shepard’s face. “Hey-”
Kaidan wanted to reach out and shake some sense into Shepard, but he was partially to blame for that. He made Shepard doubt himself and he never wanted to see that again.
“I’ve known you for a long time, Shepard, and you’re being too hard on yourself. I’m sorry I wasn’t there with you after Horizon. Or Bahak. Or the millions of other times I should’ve been.” He paused, tongue going numb as he pushed his final thought into words. “You’ve always been strong for everyone else. Let me be strong for you.”
His smile widened. “From a hospital bed?”
Kaidan nudged Shepard's shoulder with his hand. “Ok, jackass, very funny.”
Shepard caught his hand before he could pull away, gently holding it against his chest, eyes sparkling with laughter. Kaidan missed seeing him so lighthearted, so at peace. If he could bring a little hope in the face of so much darkness, he’d accept that responsibility wholeheartedly. Entwining their fingers together, Kaidan gave a little squeeze.
“I’m here, John. I wasn’t before and I’ll regret that for the rest of my life. But-” He held up his free hand when it looked like Shepard would interrupt. He relaxed, watching Kaidan with wonder. “I’m not going anywhere. If you’ll have me, of course.”
Shepard was quiet, holding Kaidan’s hand as if letting go would be the end of the galaxy. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
Kaidan smirked, leaning closer and brushing his free hand through John’s hair before hooking a finger beneath his chin. Tilting his face so their eyes met, Kaidan let his hand drop to the bed. “What do you want? You’ve given everything for the Alliance, for this war. What is the one thing that Commander John Shepard wants?”
There was no hesitation in his next words. “ You .”
John moved faster than Kaidan expected, pulling him closer so their lips met sooner, their desire crashing like waves, relentless. Years and even death hadn’t quelled his feelings for the man in front of him, and it seemed the same could be said of Shepard.
“I love you.” Kaidan whispered against his mouth, enjoying the feel of John pressed against him. The muscles in his neck twinged slightly, but he ignored it in favor of kissing Shepard again, letting every feeling of love and hope and adoration he felt echo in his touches.
There was still a war to fight, and Kaidan likely had to wait to be officially discharged, but for now, they had each other and he wasn’t going to let what they had go without a fight. He’d wasted enough time. 
John broke the kiss, gasping slightly for air, and Kaidan laughed, the sound breathless and happy for the first time in so long. He sent Kaidan a bemused look, but chuckled quietly. “You’re impossible.”
“I’ll have you know…” Kaidan trailed off, his head so full of the reality that he’d just kissed Shepard that this fight didn’t seem to matter as much as it might’ve once upon a time. With his fingers tangled in Shepard’s hair, he brushed his lips against his jaw. “Actually, that’s fair. Considering how long it took to get here -”
“I love you.” Shepard interrupted, trailing a finger along his cheek, cupping Kaidan’s face in his hand a moment later. “I have for a long time, Kaidan. If I’d known-”
Kaidan leaned forward, their foreheads touching in the silence that followed. Regret. It was something both of them had, about so many things, but he wasn’t going to regret this . Because even if one of them had confessed at any time in their past, it wouldn’t have been right.
This was the moment they’d waited for.
“As much as I want to say it would, I can’t pretend that it would’ve made a difference. Changing anything about our past could’ve changed the future and not for the good. I love you, John Shepard, and I’m going to fight for us. No matter what happens.”
John nodded, but said nothing. There was nothing that could be said. They might not have everything, but they had each other.
It was enough.
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scwambledeggs · 1 year
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Date night with Saren❤ we watched spiderman and had a hot sexy make out sesh heehee :3c
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sol-consort · 4 months
Who is a non romancable npc that you would've liked to romance in each game?
I want to fuck Admiral Hackett.
Man, it feels good getting it out there, you feel me? These things are good for you.
Anyway, so.
didn't know much about korgans at the time and just thought they were the hottest thing alive. Especially that stare down Wrex and Shepard have when they first meet each other in the C-sec station and he's throwing his weight everywhere and not giving a single fuck about the cops trying to arrest him.
Are Korgans just not attracted to humans? He never makes a move on you. Ever. They're clearly into asari and we're not that far off.
In the first game, he was the only one to not respect Shepard from the start. It's kinda hot, yk? He was this mysterious edgy person with a jaded view on his race, and we were this hopeful human who wanted to encourage him to reunite the koragns. I wanted to have a slobby makeout session with him filled with teeth after his personal mission.
Listen to me. It was love at first sight. I still remember it so clearly when you talk to him in the prologue where he questions you about Eden Prime. The fact he was the one to recommend Shepard to the council as a spectre too is just the topping on the cake.
I think he was into us, as a human. Like everyone on the ship clearly was weary of him because of how fresh the first contact war was, and Shepard is the only friendly person to him besides Anderson.
My Ideal romance would've been us saving him from Saren then being a mentor and student kinda of ordeal? Like at a certian point we surpass him in power while sparring and he looks so proud of us and we lean in for the kiss and he doesn't pull away.
A Turian and a human romance would've been so scandalous on the first game bc of again, contact war. It would've been the perfect drama.
Doctor Chakwas.
You can't tell me that you didn't think about it! She is the only person taking care of everyone on this damn ship. We're in the middle of fuck off space clumsily stumbling our way into shootouts and coming out with bullets in godforsaken places!
She's the one that patches you up while scolding you for being so reckless. She can abandon protocols and formality as much as she likes because she's your doctor and has a right to! She can order a whole admiral around.
It doesn't help how she opens up to us about her fantasies in her youth of being this cute doctor and patching up wounded soldiers with stars in their eyes and living the romance dream. The game is begging you to make her dream a reality and give this older woman the true romantic experience she has been dreaming of!
Captain Anderson
Listen to me. Listen. No no come back. Come here!
I am an adult, you are an adult. We are adults. He is a very hot adult that I want to do unspeakable things to.
I'm just saying!!! I didn't know anything about him becoming Shepard's parental figure in ME2 and ME3.
So when I first met him in ME1 I was like oh. Are we about to...have a superior forbidden army romance situation? Am I your sugar baby? Golden trophy soldier? Why do you like me so much and treat me with so much favouritism? Are we doing it on the down low behind closed doors?
But no. They take him away from me like immediately afterwards and burst my bubble of fantasy. I forget about him for the rest of the game then I meet him at the end but it doesn't hit the same vibe it did at the start.
He just admires and respects Shepard. Nothing else :(
My romance and fantasy with him was very short lived and now he is more of a stand in parental figure.
The Illusive man
He is obsessed. Literally every interaction with him made me feel so giddy inside afterwards. It's like he gets off on just being near you and doesn't ask for nothing else. He is like a sugar daddy without the needed sugar.
And the "Cerberus allowance" credits money that you get after each missions just increasing in numbers didn't help. You report to him after every mission and he gives you more and more money. It almost makes you feel dirty in a good way.
Like based on his shadowbroker intel, he has the best escorts and strippers in the galaxy that he frequents. Yet it is you that he spends the most money on and you don't even have to put out or show a shoulder. It's not like a mercenary job either because one of his requirements is seeing you and talking to you, stalking you even.
Your meer existence gives him a rush and he keeps paying you for it, just to be allowed to witness you being you. I wish there was an evil romance option route where you go full human supremacy and agree with his evil plans to control the reapers and the last scene is like Shepard sitting on his lap in that room with the orange blue star.
I want that romance to be creepy and clearly self-serving. That both of them are using each other to get their own needs. There is no love involved, just obsession and hunger for power.
They wear a piece of your armour, they have a hole where their heart should be. They clearly look up to you so hopelessly with admiration.
And you're the first organic to treat them with kindness, show them warmth, help give them a name. You're everything they imagine love to be and more and they literally cannot process it. They can't comprehend the feelings they're feeling, they only know it's all consuming and they're short-circuiting around you.
It would've been a very fluffy and sweet romance where you really push the limit of the geth having a soul. To have a soul is to love, even if it's not romantic love.
But as a romance between you too, I feel like Legion having a scene where they pluck a small flower from the ground to present to you is everything. But then the flower gets crumbled in their iron grip and they look all dejected and sad.
You gently taking it and still thanking them for it, maybe putting the flower in the hole in their chest after giving it a small kiss. I have so many ideas, Legion deserves so much softness.
I don't think she'd allow a full romance, but we definitely would've had a complicated relationship. Both dominiating and ruling their own corners of the galaxy, yours just happened to be a moving ship.
It's like a ruthless queen and a faithful soldier. She could've made Shepard worse, you could've made her better. It's a very complicated love and hate relationship, a constant power play.
You send her Valentine's gifts that she claims to have thrown away, but you see her snacking on the box of chocolates that you got her the next time you visit. Threatening to cut someone's hand off because they asked for a piece.
She always tells you to go find someone cute to spend the night with but all of her strippers know better than to flirt with you. Aria warned all of them that you're off limit and no one even dares looks into your eyes.
Hell the fact she got a whole bartender to give you drinks for free after the last one tried to poison you? God that's hot.
But emphasis on complicated. Neither of you are willing to step down from your thrones and serve the other. She wants you on a leash like a dog at her side, you want to weild her like a dagger against your enemies throats.
Both of you were made for freedom and only deal with people who obey all of your orders. The two of you can never have a peaceful relationship because you're constantly at each other's throats but the attraction and tension is so thick in the air to deny.
Admiral Hackett
I don't have any excuse. I only started getting attracted to him during this game when we kept having constant communication with him.
He just...is very calm? Includes Shepard a lot and is very patient and wise. Steering you into the right direction and reminding you of the greater purpose you all serve.
But also he is down to earth in his own way, it feels intimate for him to call you just Shepard. Look at you with such eyes that have seen everything, it's like he is the single person that understands what you're going through in this, the single person to share your burden in all of this.
Because Anderson can't relate to Shepard in the way Shepard is supposed to be invincible steel, the way Shepard is supposed to be the unbreakable hero. But Hackett feels like he can relate to you in that way, like he too was in your shoes once and knows how lonely it must be.
How each relationship you have will always have a hallow emptiness inside because you can never be equal to someone. Each person you date will always see the commander Shepard before seeing you, the world will fall for your mask and not the one wearing it.
Except Admiral Hackett. It's like he can see behind the mask. He can see behind the titles and spectre status and the medals. He sees you as the little thing you are, so tired and exhausted from carrying the weight of the galaxy on your shoulders, you poor thing.
He's very caring in a way, no matter what wrongs you've done. He's very understanding too.
In ME2, he asks you for a favour and contacts you to help him. YOU! he asks YOU while you were a traitor working for Cerberus. god, the amount of trust he has in you.
Not to mention that he was actively stalling the alliance when it came to charging you for crimes for allying with Cerberus even before the whole favour DLC thing. In the Shadowbroker messages you can find him telling his subordinates "Negative" when they asked to finally bring you in.
It's also how commanding he is with just a single word? He does it twice. Once in the battle of Saren in ME1 when the alliance ships are beginning to retreat and he calmly refuses and tells them to move ahead.
And in ME2 where his subordinates write a long ass email on why you should be charged with treason but his literal only response is "negative."
His words carry such weight to them, fuck. It's so attractive the power and authority he casually throws around. Actually casually doing it unlike the illusive man who makes a point to show off to you. Hackett has nothing to prove and no one to impress.
The only person to view the commander Shepard as a fragile thing. The only person to understand what you're going through. The only person to realise what's truly at stakes here. How can I not want to be with him?
But with you he talks longer, he explains himself and line of thinking more. He doesn't treat you with the same strict attitude he gives to other soldiers. It's clear favouritism where he is gentler with you, softer like you're a fragile thing that might crack if someone even raised their voice at you.
Not to mention the whole "why pick me?" Dialogue option you get to ask him. On why he puts so much faith in you. Why he is always on your side.
And you get a straight answer for once. It's because you have this magical pull on people that gets them to work together, you were made to be a leader. It's easy to pay a merc to shoot a gun for you, but you cannot pay them for their loyality to follow you into hell twice. Yet you have that effect on people and he clearly sees your true skills that the others are blind to.
I have more, like James Vega, Samara, Mordin, Joker, EDI, Conrad verner, Saren, Sovereign, Kai Leng and Eve.
But I've written a lot, maybe for another time! Thanks for asking this, btw <3
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ripley95 · 3 months
Igniting the Fire
Chapter 2
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Pairing: f!Shepard/Kaidan Alenko
Rating: T
Chapter Length: 3.7K
After defeating Saren, Shepard and Kaidan are left with a big decision about the trajectory of their relationship. With the regs looming over their heads, it’s time to consider what they want. What better way to figure that out than some shore leave?
Read the full chapter on AO3
The dirt was coarse and gritty beneath Kaidan’s feet as he went to stand by Shepard. They were standing in front of Jane’s new house, admiring it. Neither of them had so much as set foot inside yet. Their rented shuttle’s engine was still running hot as it sat freshly parked behind them on a dry patch of land. But then again, the entire planet was practically a dry patch of land, at least as far as they could see. Intai’sei was an arid desert, after all. At one point, it was slated for future terraforming and development, but the high temperatures and vast stretches of deserts made it challenging to cultivate. So, as it was in its current state of development, most of the inhabitants on this planet were scientists and energy harvesting companies taking advantage of the windy atmosphere.
Kaidan couldn’t help but wonder if Admiral Ahern bought this place before or after he realised the terraforming efforts would fail. Did he expect the property to mature along with what he hoped to be a green planet, or did he actually want the solitude of the desert it was now? If it was the former, maybe it wasn’t so far-fetched he was willing to put it up for a bet, knowing its resale value may be dead on arrival.
One thing was for sure, though, the temperature on this planet was actually pretty relaxing. It didn’t come with the nice ocean views he dreamt of when considering going on shore leave with Jane, but the desert had its charm. Not to mention how private this place was. The seclusion was no joke and maybe exactly what they needed. Somewhere to be free and themselves without worrying about the regs. It was perfect.
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diaphanouso · 1 year
Fic Masterlist
Mass Effect, BG3, and The Shape of Water (2017). All fics live on Ao3!
All fics are one-shots unless otherwise noted; WIPs are denoted by an asterisk *
Mass Effect
*Vox Spiritus - M | FShakarian | [Chaptered] | Humanity-as-client race AU; Shepard, a cabal squad leader, joins the first human-turian mission in an attempt to catch Saren
*One (1) New Message - M | FShakarian | [Chaptered] | AU swap; Garrus falls asleep in his apartment one night, only to wake up on an unfamiliar ship in a life he doesn't recognize
Acts of Service - E | FShakarian | [Chaptered] | Garrus is a good boy in love; affectionate talon/nail grooming as turian headcanon
Acts of Temperance - E | FShakarian | Garrus suffers and is more in love than ever; meditative edging as turian headcanon
*Acts of Amity - E | FShakaryik | [Chaptered] | Garrus and Shepard's fantasies about Nihlus become reality
Flare - E | FShakarian | Sparring-to-smooching pipeline
Ship of Theseus - E | FShakarian | [Chaptered] | Flirting-to-smooching pipeline (also the first smut I ever wrote! 🎉)
Moon in Your Mouth - T | FShakarian | Garrus and post-Synthesis grief/angst
One in Ten Thousand - T | FShakarian | A very mogwai  space hamster Xmas
Twenty-One Seconds - M | FShakarian | [Chaptered] | A post-Destroy Xmas Carol
Growing Pains - T | FShakarian | Grunt loses his baby teeth
Happy Little Trees - T | FShakarian | Garrus discovers Bob Ross
Lead Me Home - M | FShep/Tali/Garrus | The night before the beacon, the end, a beginning
Deeper Understanding - G | EDI & Legion | EDI and Legion catch a movie while visiting the Citadel
Stay - E | Samara/Nihlus Kryik | How that "cat-and-mouse" encounter between Samara and Nihlus went down
Decompression - M | Nihlus Kryik/Dr. Chloe Michel | Dr. Michel runs into a handsome, injured turian who refuses her help, but it's not the last time they meet (the first fic with this pairing on Ao3! 🎉)
Longing Makes a Thief - E | Kasumi Goto/Rolan Quarn (Rolumi) | While trapped in a mansion together, Kasumi and Rolan Quarn get to know each other; creative use of 3D printer
Star Pupil - E | FShep/Kasumi/Conrad | Shepard and Kasumi are very mean to Conrad Verner and he loves it
Breathe With Me - E | FShep/Thane Krios | Shepard and Thane spend some time recuperating after the Reaper War
Sweet Tides - E | FShep/Hanar OCs | When Shepard is cordially invited to take part in a hanar ritual, she’s honored in a way she doesn’t expect (and is totally into); tentacles(!), hot Elder hanar with a deep voice
The Becoming - E | Prothean OCs | Stranded in a system with a broken relay, Karvok and Pavor make a home on Erinle, having escaped the Reaper threat; explicit rating is for gore/body horror
Agony of Creation - M | Morinth/Male OC | Morinth brings home her prey
Mass Effect Drabbles
Godless - M | FShakarian | 100-word drabble
Memories - G | FShakarian | 100-word drabble
Concussion - T | FShakarian | 100-word drabble
Come Back Alive - NR | FShakarian | 100-word drabble
Seashells - G | Mordin | 100-word drabble
The Taming of Time - M | FShryik | 200-word drabble
Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)
Dispel Darkness - E | Halsin/Female OC | A Ranger returns from the Underdark feeling unlike herself; she runs into an old friend who's more than willing to show her there's still good in this world.
The Shape of Water (2017)
Lonely Gods - M | The Asset/Elisa Esposito | A former god ruminates on the nature of love and reverence
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sparatus · 5 months
wip game
TEEHEE so bathhouse bullshit is an exchange fill, not secret because we crave validation, but it's desabrudas early years back when they still only sometimes got along
basic premise is the shitbird squad (des, valis, heavy, mal, and lup) are on gothis, already a garbage miserable planet, and the weather has been god fucking awful, nonstop rain for like a month, it's terrible, nobody's in a good mood and even best friends are at each other's throats, so the brass springs for a morale booster day including some time at a local spa. both des and val are looking for time away from other people, but end up in the same private room, and are both too proud and stubborn to just bow out and find a different one. arguing and one-upmanship and "i hate that you're attractive, fuck you" ogling ensues.
and here, a snip feat. baby saren, for comedy reasons:
Saren looked up reviews online for him. Didn't even say a word, just pulled it up on the cheap little terminal he used for school, slid it down the coffee table to Des, and went back to the historically-accurate Thiayan sentry tower he was building in CuBuild. It wasn't even a shitty spa like he’d been expecting, and that might have pissed him off even more if the mere concept of an actual soak in a hot tub instead of a shitty, low-pressure shower wasn't getting him vibrating out of his plates already. Friendly staff, massages, glowing reviews, plate care... private rooms. A private soak sounded good.
“You should go," Saren told him, pulling his terminal back over so he could consult his references again. “You've been in a bad mood, it would help you."
Desolas twitched. "I have not been in a bad mood,” he grumbled, more automatic than real.
"You were taunting Valis the other day. You only taunt her when you want her to beat you up, and you only want her to beat you up when you're in a sucky mood, ’cause it gives you an excuse to get in a fight.” Saren's eyes hadn't left the vidscreen, now zooming out to check his work. "And you calm down when she throttles you, for some reason. You know therapy’s free, right? We're communists.”
Desolas froze, his neck slowly warming. Oh, he was not having that conversation. Saren was old enough to know about sex, he was eleven, imperial public education covered sex ed starting at nine, but there was no age old enough to know why his big brother got woozy and in a better mood after a giant Edessi held him down and crushed him against the earth. And what business did he have calling him out like that, anyway? Fucking kid.
He watched the screen for a minute, then leaned over. “You forgot the quad."
Saren's mandibles fluttered. “The quad?"
“Yeah, the quad. Y'know. To complete the big, throbbing krogan dick you're building.”
Now it was Saren's turn to freeze, staring at the screen like a baby varren had just gotten its head lopped off in front of him. Desolas raised his hand to point. "See, there's the head, and that's the ridging, and–”
He was interrupted by a strangled shriek and a puny preteen scrabbling at his arm and cowl, and then wrestling his brother on the floor restored his mood enough to text Malcolus to put his name on the list for him. After he’d let Saren win and assured him his tower looked great and definitely not like a krogan penis, of course.
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outpost51 · 11 months
The 51 Post
This week sucked a whole lot actually (I started this draft on Tuesday, and I haven't touched it until 5pm Sunday) but I read a lot of pretty good shit so I think it balances.
Things You Might Have Missed
This Week's Jams
WIP Breakdowns
From the Skwad
Around the 'Blr
Things You Might Have Missed
get on my taglists for WIP updates, 51 post, tag games, and ask events!
BRHP: Chapter 15 posted; Talus is having a Bad Time.
I stabbed Adrien real good
BRHP: Chapter 16 posted; baby's first fight pit, and a family secret is revealed.
Not new, but I dug up Adrift and The Sky, The Stars, and Me so enjoy the spooky space shorts.
See more entries for SSSC 006 below, mine is here: i'll take everything.
Growing Pains: the 6th entry into the Lighthouse in the Fog shorts; our new Keeper is definitely adjusting so well to her new life.
I'm starting to release chapters of Unlikely Adventures on tumblr now!
This Week's Jams
stargazing || power-haus, solarays [spotify/youtube]
up down || boy epic [spotify/youtube]
gasoline || chymes [spotify/youtube]
dangerous || new medicine [spotify/youtube]
she went that way || missy [spotify/youtube]
illuminated || hurts [spotify/youtube]
WIP Breakdowns
Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Unlikely Adventures of Bitchface and Go F*ck Yourself
zadimus needs to stop it. that is all
Blinding Neon, Shades of Grey
you know what's fun to write? drug/dream sequences. you know what's even more fun? writing one for a detective in a flashy nightclub with murder on her mind
Stellar Parallax
saren is about to go do a Very Kill and jaen is So Excited About It. also wrex. but mostly violence
Lighthouse in the Fog
7th short will be coming out some time tonight, @thetrashbagswasteland picked some yummy prompt words
In the Works
y'all 🥺💕 thank you i needed a bunch of open-ended prompts to get the brain noodles out so i can hopefully not burn out on the main wips. i've still got the same backlog otherwise lmao
From the Skwad
IMPORTANT @fenrir-kin fell prey to the hellsite shenaniganuke, and is currently @vikingfenharel until it (hopefully) gets sorted.
Surprise Challenge 006 wrapped up with (mine's above): Just Take My Hand by @sparatus, Expanding the Vocabulary by @teamdilf, and The Storm Between Us by @thetrashbagswasteland
@equusgirl is going bananas with Sapphic Summer: i know with me, you'll get a little bit addicted, One Night, and will my hands ever be clean?
@sparatus also dropped chapter 1 & chapter 2 of Make Less the Depth of Grief and were it not for the laws of this land, i would have strangled him (affectionate) but also this tasty oneshot of Nautilea being so hot
@teamdilf HOW. New chapter of Alice's Adventures in Andromeda, another chapter of The In-Laws and the Grandparents, and another chapter in A Man of Many Talents. I'm calling witchcraft
@asher-orion-writes gave us this lovely oneshot set in Cardinal Sins and I'm??? yes
@princess-prawn dropped a new chapter of Next of Kin YESSS
@regalbois is writing his mlm war stories again and i'm vibrating please go read The Earth Abides
@commander-krios wrote more Dash/Leo (thank u for my life) and New Beginnings (thank u for TWO life wow)
Around the 'Blr
Art Claims are still going on for WIP Big Bang!!
@writernopal dropped character profiles for Magdalene and Sartor so this is your hint to get on the taglist for AASOAF 3
@tabswrites posted chapter 3 of Silver Sentinels and gave me life thank you, more please
@vacantgodling wrote this short for Lukewarm Rejection and we have no choice but to stan Trisha
@liv-is blessed writeblr with this snippet from Demigods i am eating it up
@void-botanist gave us this short for Another Ocean's Moon with LORE hidden in the tags hello
have you SEEN The Poster by @artdecosupernova-writing omg
@elshells dropped chapter 12 of Agent Ace YES congrats on the timeline choreography, bud!
wake up babes new Nameless Song short just dropped from @blind-the-winds
Outpost Updates Taglist: @tabswrites @writernopal @freedominique @asher-orion-writes @liv-is @starknstarwars @captain-kraken
Ask to +/- in the tags, replies, DMs, or HERE!
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menacingmetal · 4 months
Mass Effect Trilogy Tag
tagging my pookies @nowandthane @xoshepard :3
I am a fan since: I guess since early highschool era so 2013? i had played a bit before then tho
Favourite game of the series?: ahhh i rly like all of them, i guess me2 bc i like the vibe and updates to the game, but i do rly appreciate me1!!
MShep or FShep?: I love both of em but i've played femshep more.
Earthborn, Colonist or Spacer?: Colonist baybee. love that added trauma
Biotics or Tech: biotics are so fun but i play tech more?
Paragon or Renegade: Renegade voice lines can be extremely hilarious and badass, but I cannot be mean to video game characters so paragon ^^;
Favourite Class: i've been playing engineer recently and thats fun, but I do like vanguard and sentinel
Favourite Companion: you know its Legion
Least favourite Companion: Don't really have any bc I love them all, might have to say Jacob just bc of how bioware wrote him, and hes mean to tali, garrus and thane... and the fact he can cheat on you??? But its not fair, its not his fault they made his character like that. He deserved better. :/ (and also Liara SORRY just mainly bc of how much she is shoved into everything)
My squad selection: I have a soft spot of garrus & tali since you can have them in every game! but otherwise I mostly pick whoever would be good on the mission...
Favourite In-game romance: Garrus is what got me into Mass Effect but I dunno, I enjoy a lot of them. Jack and Thane's are very sweet, i'm a bit partial to Miranda bc she's my fav girl. Oh of course how can I forget Samantha, i love hers a lot!! Probably between her and Garrus!
Other pairings I like: Oh geez we will be here forever if i list them. But also I like almost everyone together lol. some top picks are Joker x Edi, Miranda x Jack, Shepard x Wrex, and Shepard x Legion of course lol
Favourite NPC: Kirrahe, Aethyta, Shiala, that smoking salarian lol
Favourite Antagonist: hmm... Bioware really got em right out of the park with Saren and Sovereign
Favourite Mission: I dunno they can be fun but then some parts can be annoying, i was literally gonna say the below answers but they're loyalty specific lol
Favourite Loyalty Mission: Kasumi, Thane and Samara, I love undercover mystery spy stuff. Legion bc well I like to spend more time with them even though the result in that is painful
Favourite DLC: Citadel obviously lol, lair of the shadow broker is also pretty good
Control, Synthesis or Destroy: you're not bioware you can't make me choose. (I do like synthesis personally only bc I wish I were a robot.)
Favourite Weapon: assault rifles, kassa locust and carnifex my beloveds
Favourite Place: wahhh everywhere, I wish I could actually go and live on the Citadel DESPERATELY, Illium is pretty, Ilos is gorgeous and I love the atmosphere
A quote I like: "Show me yours tough guy, I bet mine's bigger" Hot and badass femshep line. Of course anything from Legion, especially "Do these units have a soul" (not does this unit have a soul.)
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ficbrish · 1 year
The Sound of It
[AO3 Link]
[A treat for everyone in the 2023 Shenko Summer Exchange]
Rating: Teen and up
Tags: shenko summer treat, for the love of shenko, Fluff, Angst, Saying I Love You, Whole Trilogy, Dorks in Love, I Will Go Down With This Ship, Mass Effect 1, Alchera (Mass Effect), Horizon (Mass Effect), Mass Effect 3, POV Kaidan Alenko
[[TW/CW: Grief, expletive language]]
I wanted this to apply to all Shepards, so I use their name whenever I refer to them, and they/them pronouns when needed. The Shepard is a blank "insert your Shep here" Shepard. However, this is Shepard and Kaidan getting together in Mass Effect 1, which may deviate from other headcanons and/or playthroughs.
The sound of water coming through a faucet sounds different in space.
Chrrtsssshhhhhhhh is the sound of Earth’s gravity; Shurflunk—tunk-tunk-tunk-tunk is a pump punching through the vacuum and artificial gravity. It was the sound of the Asari and eezo echoing in Human routine.
Kaidan always knew First Contact revolutionized Human ships, but he didn’t know sinks were the way they are now because of the Asari.
“We all have to wash our faces,” Liara had explained the other day. Her cool tone would have been patronizing coming from anyone else.
Liara brought up a good point. Hell, Wrex washed his about three times a day! Which made sense for someone a few centuries old. Turns out no matter what species; if there’s a need, there’s a way to defy nature. Now they had adjustable water pressure in space.
“Ah!” Kaidan gasped. He forgot to turn on the hot water and splashed his face with what felt like liquid ice. His skin blushed in the mirror.
He sighed and wiped the water off the sides of the metal basin.
Kaidan gave his reflection a good, hard look: Get it together.
Shepard was there in his eyes when he closed them. He opened them again to a bewildered face in the mirror. It was obviously his reflection, but who was that stranger? Why did he look… happy?
He closed his eyes again.
Shepard was there. God, Shepard was there.
It was getting embarrassing, even when he already knew the taste of Shepard’s lips.
The heat and the softness. The fire. The stars.
Kaidan was trying so hard not to say it. It was too soon. They were still on duty.
What about shore lea—?
No, that’s still too soon!
He had to laugh at himself. Those words kept trying to burst past the brick wall of his mind into reality; into Shepard’s ears. The other day Kaidan literally had to bite his tongue.
“Why are you looking like that?” Shepard had asked him.
“Like what?”
“You’re making a face.”
“I’m not making a face.”
Now, in front of the mirror, Kaidan chewed on his tongue to see if Shepard was right.
Oh, crap! So he had been making a face.
Thirty-two and physically fighting “I love you” like it was Saren. It was ridiculous.
But it was too soon.
Way too soon!
He washed his face. The Asari sang their science through the water flow.
Why couldn’t he wipe that smile off his face?
*                       *                       *                       *                       *                       *
He should have said it.
Now the words died on his tongue. They’d followed Shepard into the grave. Only the words; their meaning was still alive, more present than Kaidan ever felt these days.
His mother was downstairs, yelling up through the closed door for him to get dressed. They were forcing him out of the house. Said it would be good for him.
Kaidan reached out his arm. It was an attempt to move, but it turned into a wish: Please, just let him feel Shepard’s hand close around his.
But Shepard never touched him.
Kaidan had to summon the memory. Shepard had a gentle, firm grip. Shepard’s fingers would dance and move between his like shifting liquid.
Nothing covered his fingers now, just air.
“I love you, Shepard,” he muttered into the dark.
Their last touch wasn’t even skin, just a bump of their helmets.
He had every chance to say it. Kaidan cut the words off whenever they started to slip out.
I love you, Shepard. His chest screamed with it as it wrent in two, then scattered into tiny pieces; floating parts of self that dissolved and sat back over his lungs like poison.
Kaidan was so sick of crying that his tears came out aching.
He should have said it every day, every moment.
Every thought of Shepard should have tumbled out with “I love you”.
Now Shepard wouldn’t know. Not in this life. Kaidan could shout it to the heavens for Shepard’s ghost to hear, but Shepard’s body would never ring with the sound.
He’d sell his soul just to feel Shepard’s arms around him for a second.
Kaidan should have said it. Over and over until Shepard was annoyed with him.
“I love you, Shepard.”
He really should have fucking said it.
*                       *                       *                       *                       *                       *
He said it.
Shepard was standing there, and he said it.
It happened. Shepard was in front of him, and the words tumbled out like an accusation.
But Shepard was… Shepard was alive!
And he said it! And Shepard… Shepard didn’t say it back.
That doesn’t—Shouldn’t matter!
Kaidan finally said it. And then he walked away.
Past tense, but he said it. Shepard knew now.
He wasn’t even thinking, it just burst out, and now Shepard knew.
It was all he’d wished for the past two years, to say it to Shepard’s face, and now he’d probably never see them again. He made a decision.
He made a decision.
He made a decision. But…
*                       *                       *                       *                       *                       *
Kaidan was back on the Normandy, back in Shepard’s arms.
“I love you, Shepard.”
“I know.”
It was a different ship with a different cabin, but it was them in their old sanctuary, and it greeted them like the moon greets the night.
He kissed Shepard on the side of their forehead. There was the familiar soft warmth, and the fire, and the stars.
“I love you,” he said between kisses.
Shepard laughed, “I love you too—That tickles!”
Kaidan held Shepard tighter, “Do you want me to stop?”
Shepard smiled that smile, “Never.”
“Then I never will.”
Kaidan kissed Shepard all over, repeating the words, meaning them every time. Meaning them in a new way with every second, every utterance.
The sound of his heart filled the room for Shepard to hear, body and soul. It was everything he wanted. Everything he wished for.
And Shepard said it back.
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ferusaurelius · 1 year
Spectre Evaluations Quartet
Ya’ll I can’t tell you how glad I am to have finished what started out as a silly one-shot and then decided to transform into a four-part series of developing-relationship ... Kryterius romantic comedy.
AO3 Links:
This will have no bearing on your evaluation.
Above center of mass in all respects.
Preserving joint environment lethality and ingenuity.
Adapt doctrine to circumstance.
... I’ve got a few fun background trivia points to expand on below the cut for anyone who is a fan of the pairing and this overall framework. ;)
Time for some fun character trivia that is alluded to in the stories, but that didn’t quite fit into the fics themselves:
1. This will have no bearing on your evaluation.
Nihlus in this AU is loosely based on the turian mercenary backstory I wrote for him in ‘The husbandry of victory is blood’, though only in the most raw outline. There are a few significant differences that will be apparent to anyone who has read both. It was important to me that Nihlus be both proud of his cultural differences and that Saren eventually take a great deal of care in acknowledging that pride.
I did not INTEND to write the whole quartet in such an experimental flavor of point of view! At least not at first. I tried to write the opening story in Chora’s Den with a more serious tone which just kept failing, no matter how I revised and poked and prodded. At some point, I just got the idea of Nihlus’s characteristic voice and reluctantly leaned into the absolutely ridiculous things it was telling me about what it was like to be a drunk ST&R candidate.
The most shocking moment in writing ‘This will have no bearing on your evaluation.’ (which was always its title!) occurred when wrapping up the ending scenes and realizing that Saren and Nihlus were respectively having two different conversations:
Saren: Realizing that Nihlus was making a genuine attempt to chat him up, since he hadn’t actually known that he was going to be chosen as a Spectre trainee. Saren has no idea what to do about a mentee who is personally interested in him, except put an immediate stop to all those questions so that he can focus on the job at hand. Beyond flustered by the implications, but also doesn’t want to admit to having anything remotely like an emotion, himself.
Nihlus: Confessing his many sins, still (unfortunately) realizing that Saren is actually his type for real and now they’re going to be working together. AWKWARD.
I wanted Nihlus to tell Saren the truth here even though it was going to make him look totally stupid!
The last scene is all about this dynamic and is intended to be the bedrock of their -- unique -- developing relationship:
Saren goes from interested, to blank-faced, to entirely still. Except that now his voice is flat, and his stare looks like it could melt a bulkhead.
“I will say this once,” Saren grates. “I expect you to keep the next two years professional. Your life and mine depend on whether or not you can maintain total focus on what I’m trying to teach you. Are we clear?”
Fuck, he’s hot.
“Aye, sir,” Nihlus answers, as automatic as if he were a fresh Ensign.
Saren accepts this answer, grudging. “While I am disappointed you did not acquire the selection results in advance of the announcement, I can appreciate the sheer audacity of your approach.”
What I intended to do here was illustrate on the one hand that Saren is absolutely laying down some ground rules for training, that Nihlus is still very much attracted to Saren (oops) and still capable of accepting those stated professional boundaries, and that Saren can respect Nihlus’s honesty and is offering a bit of concession or personal disclosure in return.
Even as the author, I didn’t expect Saren to admit that Nihlus had surprised or impressed him in any way. In retrospect (and after having written Saren as the background character in this series), I can see that Saren as a Spectre is used to nothing but lies and obfuscation and has no idea what to make of someone who is willing to confess to the truth of a situation so ridiculous that it beggars belief.
Nihlus doesn’t realize it yet, but Saren finds honesty to be a rare and valuable resource in his line of work. While Nihlus has a habit of constant internal narrative exaggeration, he’s also honest to a fault, especially with people he respects.
2. Above center of mass in all respects.
I wasn’t sure how much time I wanted to let pass between the first fic and this one, or where in the developing relationship I wanted to focus. However! I knew I wanted to stick to my absolutely rancid military jargon titles, and that I wanted to focus in some sense on the ‘evaluation’ implied by the previous story. What situation would create an opportunity for Nihlus to begin to realize that he’d earned Saren’s professional trust faster than anyone else in history?
Enter: the embassy hacking plotline, about six months into Nihlus’s training, after I thought Saren and Nihlus would have had time to get to know each other through regular assignments in the Skyllian Verge. I wanted to imply that they were busy enough outside the confines of the Citadel for something really dumb and standard to get overlooked (Nihlus’s security credentials). 
At this point I also decided that I wanted Alleia (still no surname, hah!) to become a recurring character, and that she needed to be a Blackwatch technical expert stationed on the Citadel. I generally imply that Saren’s usual area of operations is in the Skyllian Verge, so I wanted to set up a situation that would prompt him to return to the Citadel to “take care of things personally.”
It’s implied that a suspected ‘rogue’ salarian Special Tactics Group agent is framing the batarian Special Intervention Unit for a hacking incident at the turian embassy on the Citadel. While I don’t cover this in the story, Saren knows for a fact that he’s well-respected enough that such a plot is unlikely to have been conducted by any of the special operations units he’s already cowed into submission. He suspects independent sabotage conducted by a group he’d already been watching in Zakera Ward, so he sends Nihlus to talk to Alleia while he does his own investigating.
Offscreen, Saren seizes a too-good-to-be-true ambush opportunity to catch the suspect and gets himself blown up in the process. Normal. His calculation is that, if he does end up seriously injured and/or overestimates his ability to shield, Nihlus will be inbound fast enough to handle the rest of the situation -- and it’ll be one less threat to galactic stability, since there will no longer be any questions about infighting between STG and SIU. Which he considers a waste of time and resources when he could be handling real problems.
It’s a MUCH bigger explosion and trap than Saren anticipated (who knew?), but he still walks away thanks to his crazy!strong biotic abilities.
What Saren didn’t anticipate is that Nihlus knows him well enough to intuit every step in his decision-making process and is also FURIOUS about it! 
Nihlus incorrectly interprets the situation as Saren not waiting for backup on a whim, at least until Saren matter-of-factly states that he chose to take the risk only because he had Nihlus inbound as backup:
Nihlus has had enough.
“What, precisely, was the point of calling for backup if you were going to break down the front door. Alone! And then walk into a trap before we arrived?”
He can’t help the fury in his voice. He wants to snarl, too, but lets six years of Hierarchy discipline confine him to glaring full in Saren’s face, instead.
Alleia says nothing in the silence.
“It was a calculated risk,” Saren answers evenly, meeting him stare for stare. “I knew you weren’t far behind.”
This is the first time Saren has expressed that level of trust to Nihlus in so many words! 
Right after this, I got to further reinforce Saren’s level of respect for Nihlus’s abilities and judgment by actually bringing in that first performance evaluation. ;) I had a lot of fun letting Nihlus realize that Saren’s seemingly arbitrary expectations for his assistance were ... very likely ... grounded in a more nuanced view of his abilities than he expected. 
Nihlus is still confused and exasperated, but he’s also never gotten a performance review that unambiguously positive in his career -- much less from someone who appears to be the galaxy’s least enthusiastic mentor. Nihlus was prepared to be reprimanded for yelling at Saren, even if he was right about the risks and there being better alternative plans, but he was totally unprepared for positive feedback. XD
The theme/purpose of this chapter is establishing that Saren and Nihlus both exist with a professional rapport that (until now) they have been building together without openly acknowledging.
I had a great time allowing Nihlus to be beyond frustrated with Saren’s (apparent) neglect in the opening scenes, then frantic and worried at getting a request for backup, then furious about Saren’s decision to walk into a trap, and then finally deflated in the face of Saren’s regard.
Hard for Nihlus to stay mad about Saren relying on him for backup, after all! LOL.
3. Preserving joint environment lethality and ingenuity.
These events take place 18 months into Nihlus’s training, approximately a year after the previous fic’s embassy incident.
You can thank my research for my First Contact War AU fic for the whole opening scene with Nihlus as a marksman and armorer -- it decided to wake up and choose violence! Nihlus as a competitive shooter is a bit of a change from my other mercenary background handcanon thoughts, but it fit this AU setting really well and gave me an excuse to elaborate a bit on where Nihlus might have more expertise than Saren.
Alternative options to embarrass Nihlus I’d originally considered instead of Armax Arsenal Arena: damaged power armor and the undressing trope (but with an undersuit, and having to pretend he’s not attracted to the person he’s helping ... lol); something more mission-fic oriented with Alleia and Thanas as deputies/on loan from their regular units; Nihlus doing something a bit ridiculous and a bit brave and then having Saren get him out of trouble.
I’m really glad I went with the Arena plot in the end! Sparring-as-flirting is a favorite trope of mine, and this setup delivered on all counts. I got to turn it into a roundabout double-date thanks to Alleia and Thanas, with Nihlus snarking about Saren’s problems with pistol technique (see, Nihlus cares!) and then ... getting to write Nihlus doing a surprise trust fall with Saren! And Saren catching him!
They’re both surprised about this, by the way:
A barrel presses up beneath his jaw, and all at once he’s not alone.
“Surrender,” Saren says.
At point-blank, getting shot is gonna sting. He only has one chance to escape.
“Never,” he growls, going deadweight and fully expecting to hit the deck. In a real fight? Nope, not happening. But hitting a target on his back from prone isn't the craziest thing he's ever done.
Which is not what happens. A flare of dark energy catches him in the back, and then recedes until it’s just Saren’s hands between him and a hard landing on the floor.
“Really, Nihlus?” Saren asks, somewhere between amused and exasperated, still out of breath from the snap biotics.
Fuck, he may have miscalculated. Nihlus is warm from his neck to his toes. He’d give anything to see Saren’s face, but he doesn’t dare look.
This was so FUN to write! I didn’t even start knowing how or what was going to happen in this scenario, but the minute the whole ‘Saren catches Nihlus’ idea occurred to me, I knew it was the right direction to take.
Nihlus is expecting Saren’s reflex here to be totally different! He’s expecting to be shot, not caught! Everything happens so fast that there’s no hiding from either of them: Nihlus is personally invested enough to do free armory work for Saren on his off-time, and Saren’s actual instinct here is to keep Nihlus from falling.
Honestly, this was also my first real opportunity to hint that Saren is not as indifferent to Nihlus as he might have been at first. Wherever they started in relation to each other, I wanted to hint that the relationship dynamic and grown and changed in the intervening months even though both of them would still be reluctant to try to define or put any labels on each other.
Joke’s on Saren, too -- he thought he wanted things to stay professional, turns out he actually does kinda like Nihlus personally, as well. Oops! Didn’t see that one coming. ;)
While it’s not explicitly stated, Saren doesn’t have the consistent manual dexterity required to be an accurate shot without additional stabilizer mods or other aids. He prefers to rely on his biotics to do damage instead, though he still carries other armaments as options.
It wasn’t easy to keep this one true to the funny/snarky formula of the others while figuring out how to set up the emotional revelation in the end, but with tweaking it eventually fell into place.
4. Adapt doctrine to circumstance.
This was an absolute bear to write. While I knew that I wanted to at least give Alleia some screentime, and I suspected that was going to be at a promotion ceremony that turned into a larger event than Nihlus anticipated -- the intermediate transitions remained a challenge.
While my FCW AU fic has Saren as a Blackwatch recruit, for this scenario I chose to stick with a biotic Cabal background. 
I knew I also wanted Nihlus to not expect Saren to commit to attending whatever ceremonies were taking place -- so that he could be pleasantly surprised. ;)
The formality of this occasion also let me take a little creative license with what a dress Cabal uniform might look like, as well as setting up Saren’s complex (implied) relationship with his military honors and infamy. I was NOT expecting any of that background to make it into the story, and there’s plenty that is still missing.
For instance: this is the first time Saren’s worn his Star of Palaven in public, too! He received it shortly before he rejected Anderson for Spectre candidacy in this timeline (the paperwork took a little more than seven years), but also not long before he met Nihlus, and there was no graceful way to get used to the protocols since he was already a Spectre when he was officially decorated.
Nihlus has no idea that Saren has already made a number of complicated choices in attending Fleet promotion ceremonies, while also arranging for Nihlus’s surprise promotion ... in a way that all of his Navy peers will respect:
“Not even a whisper of a warning,” she sighs. “If I’d known, I’d have been ready to take vids. Then I could show you what your face looked like when he decided you merited a rank-pinning honor that dates back to before the Unification, delivered by a Recipient of the Star of Palaven.”
Nihlus puts his head in his hands. “Don’t remind me.”
Saren pinning Nihlus with his own rank insignia is one of the few Navy gestures that still has all the old meanings. In front of a Fleet audience? Not a single turian will have missed the significance of that trust being given to someone merc-born.
If he thinks about it too long it still makes him dizzy.
“It was also romantic, if you believe in that sort of thing,” Alleia teases.
He wishes he didn’t.
Again, I had SO MUCH FUN with figuring out how else Saren might potentially choose to make Nihlus’s promotion an occasion.
I’d read somewhere that military officers who were being promoted themselves occasionally gave their old rank insignia to the officers who were coming up behind them, to fill their old position, as a mark of esteem -- and I chose to alter that symbolism a bit for the Hierarchy Navy. 
While I only hint at this in the text: Saren pinning Nihlus with his rank insignia is one of those culturally Hierachy Navy touchstones that mixes the professional and the personal, and it’s also a gesture that, by its nature and by tradition, can only be done once in a career.
Alleia is correct that there are also romantic epics that feature this traditional gesture as a trope! XD
Finally, I knew from the very start that, since Saren was the one to draw the boundaries, he’d also have to be the one to instigate a discussion or an adjustment in the limits he’d set between him and Nihlus.
I considered a number of other scenarios where Saren left a note afterward, or put off that conversation, or did something else other than what happened here: immediately stating his intentions.
It was also hugely fun to work out how Saren might plausibly arrange to make Nihlus’s Spectre promotion as “by-the-book” Navy respectful as possible. I think you’ll agree that he outdid himself. ;)
PHEW. Now that I’m finished with the series, I’m also open to other asks. Either about this AU, different background details, turian headcanons, or other curiosities.
If you’re reading this: I have a tentative plan for a longer fanfic featuring these two characters, though with a more traditional POV structure. I’m not a terribly fast writer, so that’s about as much as I can say at this point...
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yeenybeanies · 1 year
Look you’re the only person I know off the top of my head so I’m sorry to call you out but-
Why transformer sexy?? I am intrigued and do not understand but wish to know more??
sdfjsdkfj PLEASE this is hilarious 😂 i would be more than happy to (attempt to) explain why transformer sexy. buckle up, babes, we're going on a journey.
the barest explanation i can give is that a) i find things like aliens, monsters, etc attractive; & 2) transformers are often relatively close in general shape to many human body types i find attractive, while also being so incredibly, distinctly not human, which, in my opinion, makes them all the more sexy. i'll admit too i do find many vehicles sexy, which is another bonus with transformers.
plus. they're B I G.
examples under the cut with some explanations to my own personal attraction, but disclaimer! these are all from the IDW1 comics! & the artists illustrating the comics DID play an important role in robot sexiness.
(i could go into other tf media too, but this is already lengthy sdhfjgh)
SO, let's start off easy. rodimus is a prime (heh) example of a sexy bot. artist: alex milne
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the broad shoulders. the narrow waist. the long legs. This is the main, overarching theme. This is the Good Shape™. He's got bright colors & a cocky demeanor. plus he can set himself on fire. those lights on his waist are tasty too. hot damn.
up next, we've got another classic: optimus prime. first two are milne, & third is by nick roche
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once again, we have broad shoulders & a snatched waist. we have big arms. we can also see from the second panel that these rigid, mechanical beings can be fairly flexible. plus, who doesn't love a beaten, disheveled man? i know i sure do. bonus points for him too because he's relatively big & tall as far as transformers go, whereas rodimus is average height.
up next is megatron. all of these are milne drawings
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personally, i think the black look is better––that's when he turned into a stealth bomber-type plane––but both looks follow the Good Shape. all about that shoulders & waist, baybee. the body language on display here is great, too. more examples of how much freedom of movement these giant robots have.
i can't not talk about my all-time favorite bot, fortress maximus. all three are by milne
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he is a bit blocker than previous examples, but that makes sense for a giant powerhouse tank prison warden like himself! & he does still follow the Good Shape. he's massive! he has fun helmet fins! he's got guns in his legs! he's handsome 🥰 (i do also like to imagine voices for lots of the bots, & i imagine his would reduce me to a quivering mess.)
we got some ladies too, don't worry! this is arcee, by casey coller & sara pitre-durocher respectively! look at her thighs, i mean damn! she's also ferocious, & i love that in a woman.
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then we have windblade & firestar (milne), & chromia & the mistress of flame (saren stone). the lady bots tend to be curvier in design (but not always), though not necessarily bustier. trust me when i say there are some boobalicious boy bots (*cough*prowl*cough*).
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& now for shits & giggles, some bots with exaggerated or unusual body shapes that i also find attractive for one reason or another 🤪 (hayato sakamoto, guido guidi, milne x3)
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i have SO many more examples, but we'll be here all day if i keep going 😅
In Conclusion: robbits sexy
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