ruby-static · 1 year
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sant-riley · 2 years
[ More task force 141 × OFC! reader headcanons] [pt2]
A/N: thank yall so much for all the love on the last hcs!! I hope these live up to yalls expectations <3 please tell me which ones are yalls favorites <3!!!
CW: She/her pronouns, Codename is Teddy, Simping, crude humor, Age gaps, cursing, British slander (if I miss anything, let me know!)
If you dye your hair, Ghost helps you dye it when y'all go on extended leave. The military doesn't allow unnatural colors so when you have a few weeks to a couple of months, he'll be the one to ask. "Cm'ere, I got the bleach already."
The guys like to go with her when/if she gets tattooed. Do they know what she's getting inked? Nope, but they like to keep her company and will go get her food if needed.
Teddy vocal stims,, alot. She has picked up on "Fuckin' hell" and it has yet to leave her brain and Ghost just stares in amusement. You can hear her echo it back to them once he says it on a mission.
Teddy is her codename but her nicknames vary from who's talking about her!
Ghost: Ted, Teds, Sweetheart, Runt
Soap: Bonnie, Rascal, Barra, Lass
Price: Rookie, Dear
Gaz: Love, Darling, Hun
They get on her ASS for being an American. They will poke fun at her every fucking chance esp if she speaks in slang.
Price shakes his head and tries to teach her the "proper" way of speaking but all she does is mock the accent. He has since given up.
The first time they see her off duty, it's shock. She looks so different when she's not in uniform, (if you have it: dyed hair, makeup) her normal civilian clothes. Soap is almost convinced it's not Teddy until she smacks him upside the head and calls him an asshole.
Being the first one to see Ghosts face because you're having a breakdown about all the murder and bullshit you've gone through, crying profusely and no one knows how to help bc everyone just shoves it down and represses it.
He trusts you, he knows he does so it doesn't take him much to take you into a secluded room and expose himself. He will say that seeing you silently stare up at him with awe made his feelings grow for you. He will not, but his heart definitely would.
Soap actively teaching you how to curse in Gaelic bc he thinks it's funny with your accent. Too bad you can barely understand when he tries teaching you so you're just kinda staring at him dead eyed.
Soap plays with your hair, alot. It soothes him to run his fingers through it or simply to yank it bc he's a little dickhead. He's the kind of person who'd let your hair routine and learn how to help you take care of it.
Ghost and Price straight up rustle your hair and thinks it's funny when you shove their hand away and get all huffy lmfao.
HELPING SOAP SHAVE HIS MOHAWK, there's no barber on base so you're the next best thing he has. Many of the team have walked in with Soap sitting between your legs bc he's way too fucking tall for you to cut his hair comfortably. Ghost walking in with you holding a razor to Soap's neck and just turning around and walking out immediately.
Price has given you a cigar to smoke, he knows for a damn fact you cannot handle it and laughs his ass off when you sputter. Top 10 favorite moments of his.
Gaz likes to give you British foods to try, he knows for a damn fact you will not like it.
"C'mon love, just one bite?" "I am not fucking eating beans on toast, you're insane." "It's a good meal!"
He gets so fucking mad when yall go to Las Almas and you devour the food there. Literally pouts bc he sees you with Alejandro and Rudy eating food and laughing together.
You play video games alot when on leave, please imagine trying to teach Ghost on the newer games that are out now. You make fun of him calling him an old man but he actually fucking wins potg/apex most of the time and looks at you smug as hell.
No one knows why you're called Teddy, so they all make up their own stories but you neither confirm nor deny. Soap says it's bc you're cuddly and cute like a teddy bear while Ghost says its bc you can maim someone like one. Duality of man.
Speaking of cuddling, it's not uncommon to have to huddle for warmth on missions. They all manhandle you to them and they all slightly do it differently.
Ghost sits you front to front with your chests touching While he sits up, arms around your waist with him playing with his knife, staring past your head and at the wall.
Price presses you into his side, a arm wrapped around your shoulders as he tells you stories about missions gone wrong, the smell of cigar smoke flooding your senses.
Soap also sits you on his lap with your back against his front while he buries his face in your hair. He tells you stories about his childhood and growing up with his mom, he wants yall to meet one day.
Gaz is usually the best prepared and has either a sleeping bag or a blanket, so he wraps it around yall making sure you're more covered than he is and sits close, yalls legs intertwined.
They worry so fucking much about you, you're young and while they have come to love and appreciate you, they can't help but wish you were anywhere else but here risking your life.
"You're too young to be here Kid." "And you weren't?" Ghost has to swallow down how much he wants to scream that he just wants you safe but he knows that's not his place, he isn't your boyfriend or husband.
Alejandro has doubts when everything goes to shit if they can trust you, since he hadn't seen much of you like he had with Ghost and Soap. But then he sees the way they speak about you and how these two burly strong men get a tender look in their eyes. He finds it funny but also feels great respect to you. It is not easy to get task force 141 to care so much about a new member but hey, you did it.
Alejandro takes you out dancing and drinking when you go back to visit Las Almas. He knows how to dance so fucking well and it's always a good time. He always has his hands on your waist and always makes sure you're okay with it. Perfect gentleman 10/10
Now Graves thinks that you're just some stupid kid but realizes quickly that while you can fight your own battles, you never need to. Just one look at Ghost staring daggers into his forehead is enough for him to swallow his tongue less it gets cut out.
Laswell treats you like her own kid, especially when she finds out if you have a bad home life. She always makes sure you're stocked up on necessaties at the base and invites you for lunch along with her wife often. She is the first one you call when you have anything personal to speak of and she is the mother figure you have while on missions.
Taglist <3 (If you'd like to be tagged in future works, please comment under my rules that are pinned to my blog!)
@tamayakii @teacupcollector @sweet-as-an-angel @marsbar127xx
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lemontsumu · 9 months
Wakatoshi is a sensible man.
He’s typically managed to stay levelheaded and composed, rarely goaded by provocations.
Except one time—that one time being the moment he’d caught sight of Atsumu crying in the dressing room before a TV interview.
‪Suddenly, Wakatoshi is far from calm, shoving anyone and anything in his way just to get to Atsumu’s side, falling to his knees to cup his tear-stained cheeks and run his thumb over his quivering lips. “Atsumu, baby, what’s wrong?” he sounds vulnerable, his voice so tender people around them would’ve mistaken it was not his own.‬
Atsumu leans into the big, warm hands cupping his face and meets Wakatoshi’s worried gaze. “Waka-kun, I-I… the-” he says between sobs, and it broke Wakatoshi’s heart seeing his beloved whimpering weakly in his arms. “T-The host-“
Atsumu doesn’t even get the chance to finish his sentence because Wakatoshi was already up on his feet and marching towards the production floor, all good judgement and reason thrown out the window.
“Waka-Waka, wait!” Bokuto tries to halt him.
“Wakatoshi-kun!” Sakusa also comes to his aid.
Aran who was just dilly-dallying around the corner picks up on the fuss so he approaches them and helps holding off Japan’s canon.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Thank heavens, Iwaizumi arrives and joins the fray, ever the voice of reason. “Why do you look like you’re about to maim a man?”
/Because I am/, Wakatoshi bites his tongue and doesn’t answer.
“Atsumu is crying. The host is at fault.”
“Are you sure about that? Because last time I checked he was doing him a favor.”
“Waka-kun!” Atsumu is a little breathless when he catches up to him, almost too late. “I think ya misunderstood! I asked the Aoi-san if we could postpone my segment because I wanted to shoot mine in Hyogo. He agreed and suggested we include a snippet of me and Samu in our old high school gym—if I wanted to. And I said yes, of course! I was crying because I was happy. Like so happy!” Atsumu beams, and Wakatoshi grabs him by the waist and kisses him with a sense of urgency, not giving a care about the crowd of staff and teammates that have gathered around them as if part of a melodrama.
“Alright, enough. Break it off you two,” Iwaizumi pinches the bridge of his nose, shaking his head in disbelief. “Get a room, sheesh.”
Well, the cat’s out of the bag.
Guess they can’t keep the longtime romance between Team Japan’s captain and his darling setter a secret no longer.
(Though, at least they didn’t have to cover up what could’ve been a wild scandal on national television.)
“Are you sure fine?” Wakatoshi asks a final time.
“Yes,” Atsumu sighs softly against Wakatoshi’s lips, ignoring Bokuto’s teasing whistles and Sakusa’s disgruntled mutters. “Yer so cute. Were you that troubled because of me?”
Wakatoshi clenches and unclenches his jaw, then he leans in to whisper, “I feel all sorts of things becuase of you.”
Atsumu swallows the moan that nearly escapes his mouth, knees buckling. Lucky for him, Wakatoshi catches him in his stronghold, always ready.
So the fact still stands: Wakatoshi is a sensible man.
It’s just that Atsumu is the only exception.
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yourdeepestfathoms · 5 years
or: Bessie goes OFF
TW: Shaming, panic attacks
        Naturally, Maggie had been curious when she heard an uproar of coos and squeals coming from the stage. She quickly fixed her costume (as it was another dress rehearsal day) and headed up to see what the commotion was all about.
She quickly regretted it.
Cleves was beaming, being surrounded by the other queens. This was because she was holding a dog in her arms. It was a husky and was a little big, but that didn’t stop Cleves from picking it up like it was a toy poodle. To any other person, it’s face was absolutely adorable, but to Maggie it was horrifying.
Jane was the one who heard the tight whimper and turned her head towards the noise. Maggie was frozen a few feet away, eyes bulging in their sockets.
   “You can come pet him.” Jane smiled warmly at her.
“He doesn’t bite!” Cleves added while her dog licked all over Katherine’s face.
Maggie begged to differ. Those teeth were getting way too close to the youngest queen’s cheeks and eyes.
   “N-no thanks.” She stuttered.
   “How come?” Anne pried, as nosy as ever.
   “I-I don’t-“ Maggie’s ears burned a little, “I don’t like dogs.”
Jane and Aragon were the only ones who didn’t yell at what Maggie had said, but the others were now all looking at her like she was insane. She shrunk back a little.
   “What is wrong with you?!” Anne cried and that made Maggie’s heart twist in what almost felt like betrayal. “How could you hate dogs?!”
   “He’s cute,” Parr said at a normal volume, but she wasn’t helping at all.
   “Yeah!” Katherine agreed, “He’s so fluffy and lovable! How could you hate this face?” She squished either sides of the husky’s furry snout and giggled when she was licked again.
All Maggie saw when she looked at that thing was hot drool and hungry eyes and gnashing teeth. She whimpered again, trying to push the thoughts from her mind, but they came rushing back with even more force than before. Another strangled noise escapes her throat and she sees Jane and Aragon exchange worried looks, but they don’t say anything.
   “Wh-why is it here?” Maggie asked, evading the question she had been asked.
   “He,” Parr corrects.
   “And Sasha said I could bring him as long as he behaved. And he is.” Cleves answered. She sets the dog down and Maggie feels her head spin. “See, look at how well trained he is.”
   “I cannot believe you’re afraid of dogs.” Anne said. “Even puppies?”
Maggie hated that she nodded. Red blisters across her face and she’s sure they can all see her embarrassed blush under the brutal stage lights.
   “How?!” Anne asked. “Seriously! That’s absurd.”
   “They’re just big fluffy friends!” Katherine smiled.
   “Here, maybe if you let him sniff you you’ll feel safer.” Cleves said and started walking over.
Maggie backed away, but she hit a wall and felt cornered. She pleaded for Cleves to go away, to get that hell hound away from her, but she wasn’t listening. She just kept trying to coax her out of her fears she now felt humiliated for.
A wet nose pressed against her quaking hand and her entire body tensed. Long seconds passed before, suddenly, the dog rears up and jumped on her, wagging his tail excitedly.
Maggie shrieked. The noise that came out of her mouth was something a woman being murdered would make and she began to sob loudly, screaming and crying in fright.
   “What’s going on?!”
Bessie looked like a storm when she rushed onstage. She saw what was happening and shoved the dog off of Maggie, causing it to topple to its side with a sharp yelp before scrambling to its paws and retreating behind Cleves. Maggie collapses to the floor and curls up into a ball the minute that thing is off of her, sobbing pathetically.
   “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Bessie bellowed, giving Cleves a look that could kill. “Can’t you see she’s afraid of dogs?”
The queens are all frozen. They don’t say a word and that pisses Bessie off even more.
   “She was attacked by dogs.” Bessie informed, venom lacing her tone. “It was one of her very first experiences after being reincarnated and you just made her feel like she had no right to be scared. How does that make you feel?”
Nothing. Bessie’s lips contorted into a snarl.
   “I expect nothing less.” She spat.
Bessie’s head snapped around to Katherine, who immediately regretted speaking up. The young queen swallows hard and felt pressured to continue under the bassist’s sharp stare.
   “Not all dogs are vicious.” She said.
   “Well, sweetie,” Bessie purred with thick sarcasm in her voice, “Not all men want to rape you, but you don’t see us shaming you for being afraid of them, now do we?”
Katherine flinched and whimpered softly. Anne snaps out of her shock to step in front of her cousin protectively, glaring at Bessie.
   “What the fuck?” She growled.
   “Doesn’t feel good, does it?” Bessie said.
   “Katherine’s fears are way different than Maggie’s.”
   “Oh, don’t you fucking dare,” Bessie seethed and her eyes practically glow with rage. It makes Anne take a wry step back. “Who fucking cares? You shouldn’t place traumas above others. They all hurt and they all damage the victim, and you have the audacity to say some are worse? That some don’t matter as much because it was a few cute puppies doing the maiming and not a human being?” She scoffed. “I knew you were dumb, Lady Boleyn, but I didn’t realize you were this dumb. It seems that when the sword took away your life, it took away your fucking brain, too.”
Anne’s body went rigid and she quickly backs down. Aragon and Jane attempt to step in, but they just become another target for Bessie’s anger.
   “Don’t even try to defend them.” Bessie snapped, “I thought at least you two were better than this, but I guess I was wrong. You just stood there and let them send her over the edge. I hope you’re real happy with yourselves, mums of the group.”
Aragon and Jane shut their mouths, unable to reply.
   “Listen,” Bessie said, blowing a harsh laugh out of her nose, “We didn’t go through what you six went through, but that doesn’t mean you’re the only who suffered. Who suffers. I know we mean nothing to you, we’re just the band who provides music for your spotlight, but can you at least try to care about people other than yourselves for once?”
She probably would have continued berating the queens if it weren’t for the small whimper she heard from behind her. Bessie turned around and crouched down next to Maggie, who’s still shaking really badly.
   “I’m here, love, I’m here,” Bessie murmured, her voice going from poisonous and wrapped in shards of glass to soft and velvety in a split second. “It’s not going to hurt you anymore, I promise.”
Maggie whimpered again, not coming out from her fetal position.
   “Can you stand?”
Although she really didn’t think she could, Maggie didn’t want to be embarrassed even more by being held (even though she wanted to). So, weakly, she pushed herself to her feet and stumbled off of the stage, with Bessie’s help. The second they were out of eyesight, however, Bessie scoops her up and carries her the rest of the way to the dressing room.
Maggie starts sobbing again the moment they’re alone, clinging tightly to Bessie, even when she’s set down on the couch in the room. She buries her face in Bessie’s chest, trying to listen to her heartbeat to drown out the snarling in her ears.
   “I-it hurts...!” She cried softly, “Bessie, it hurts!”
Her costume was suffocating her, tightening around frail flesh and rubbing the scars raw. She pulled back and started to claw at the fabric desperately. She whined softly when Bessie takes her hands.
   “Breathe, darling, breathe.” Bessie murmured, “Do you want me to take your costume off?”
   “P-please,” Maggie choked, “G-get it off. Please. Hurts...!”
   “Shh, shh,” Bessie hushed. “Just relax for me. I’m taking it off now.”
She was quick to unzip the zipper and tug the sleeves off of Maggie’s shoulders. She gently untangled the costume from her arms, allwoing the cool air to soothe the girl’s stinging skin, which was still scarred from the attack. Claw marks stretched on her stomach and back and thighs, and there were several bites on her arms and shoulders. Simply seeing the sight made Bessie even more angry with the queens downstairs. If they saw this, then surely they would have understood the terror.
   “There you go, sweetie,” Bessie murmured, “It’s off.” She began to rub Maggie’s back gently, being mindful of not touching the scars.
   “Th-thank you,” Maggie croaked, still shivering. Caring less about not having a shirt on, she twisted around and curled back up into Bessie’s arms. She felt safer in the embrace, like no hell hound could touch her with the bassist around.
   “No worries, love,” Bessie said, moving her hand up to stoke Maggie’s hair. “Remember to breathe, alright? I’m not going to let anything happen to you. I promise.”
Maggie nodded, cuddling closer into Bessie’s warmth. She stayed like that for a long time until she was only sniffling and hiccuping. Bessie kissed the top of her head before squeezing her shoulder comfortingly.
Maggie winced.
   “I...I don’t to stay down there.”
   “We aren’t.” Bessie said and a smile twitched on her lips. “What do you say about ditching rehearsals, picking up some ice cream, going on, and watching that one movie we’ve been saying we would see?”
   “Rear Window?”
Bessie points to her with a snap, grinning wider.
   “That’s the one.”
   “Can we do that?” Maggie asked shyly.
   “Surely we could after what happened.” Bessie said, already picking up their bags, along with Joan and Maria’s, as she was sure they would want to bail, too. “I’ll get changed at home, but why don’t you switch out real quick? I’ll wait for you outside.”
Maggie nodded and quickly got dressed into her normal clothes. She stepped out of the room and walked down the stairs with Bessie.
Maria was griping at the queens in Spanish while Joan watched on with an angry look, as they had heard what was going on and decided to try and finish what Bessie had started. They both perked up when they saw Bessie and Maggie and quickly skittered over.
   “Come on,” Bessie said, handing them their bags. “We’re leaving.”
   “What about rehearsal?” Parr said.
   “Find someone else to play for you for the day.” Bessie replied dismissively. “Surely we’re not that important to you since you felt the need to emotionally harm one of us with no care in the world.” She smiled at their wounded expressions. “Watch what you say next time, queens.”
With that, she turns and strides out of the theater with Maggie tucked protectively under one arm and Maria and Joan following loyally behind her.
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heroes-r-us · 5 years
Watashi no ātisuto |Chapter 7|
This chapter is a bit shorter than the others. But have no fear, I will start on 8, sooner or later....(;^ω^)
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You had been sleeping rather soundly when you felt it.
A gentle touch caressing your face.
Him. Makoto.
His scent alerted you.
You were nearly certain it was a dream.
“You know I'll always find a way to get to you 'Mega mine.” Hanamiya sneered down at you with a crazed look in his eyes. You opened your mouth and tears began to flood your eyes.
“Hush, don't speak, I know about your little friends. You don't want anything to happen to them, do you? Yes, that's it, close that cute little mouth of yours.” Makoto shifted over the cradle and trailed his hand from your cheek down past your chest to your stomach.
“My sweet little angel, I love your bed.” He towered over it with a maniacal grin and weaved his fingers through your hair.
“Are you nesting? You're nesting, aren't you? Oh, I'm here to help you, I used to help you all the time. Shame, I could have helped even more afterward, but you've always been such a prude.” He laughed and turned away from you to close the blinds on your windows.
“So which one is it? The raven-haired one? Or the blondie?” He looked over his shoulder, slim glimmers of light flickering over his eyes with a burning intensity that screamed danger. You didn't respond, you weren't going to tell him anything. Mirio and Tamaki were strong, they could fend for themselves.
“Or have you started to swing more towards betas?” He was watching your expressions carefully. Searching for an uncontrollable muscle twitch for information.
You had gotten better at hiding your emotions.
Fuck, that turned him on.
“Wha-what- How did you get into my room?” You demanded, voice cracking and revealing your true feelings. You were scared.
“A better question is 'how did I get into U.A. But I'll answer your question.” He laughed and turned around to fully face you, back straight and one hand on his hip.
“I got accepted into the school, so you're going to be seeing a lot more of me, Omega mine.” He took quick strides back to your cradle, in fact, they were so aggressive sounding you curled back into the corner furthest from him. “Now, now, don't move away. Don-DON'T!”
He used his alpha tone. You were scared, your reaction was reasonable. You cried. Hard. Sobs shook your form and you began to furiously shake your head back and forth. “No-no! Go away!” His hand snapped out and quickly pushed to strings into your skull. Your body immediately stilled, and your sobs turned into calm hiccups.
“Listen now, and listen wisely, bitch. I make the rules of our little game. You WILL stay away from your friends, you WILL ignore them and their calls, and you WILL NOT tell them anything. I live on this campus now. If I see you so much as look at them too long, I will not hesitate to take out the competition. I've been playing your game, I've been patient, I've waited for you to come around, and yes, I've slipped up, but know this; I have the capacity to hurt. You've witnessed this first hand. Your friends will die.”
Hanamiya released the strings, causing you to blink out of your daze, shuttering and gasping for breath.
He wasn't done yet though.
“One more thing my omega.” You whimpered and looked at him with tears staining your face.
“Your family is fair game as well.” With that, he walked briskly to your window, opened it, and jumped.
“Your family is fair game as well.”
It was happening again. It would never stop. He would never leave. He was tenacity and pride personified. Even if you were completely undesirable to him, he'd take you. Because he always finished what he started.
You would never be free from his web. His game.
Instead of crying, you sat there. Thinking. What was the point in fighting him? He could maim and kill, every time you ran you were provoking the monster under your bed. This was it. You were done running, there was no use.
He had won.
It was uncomfortably quiet as Tamaki sat across the table from Mirio. The air was tense and shaky, there were moments in which he wanted to say something but he just couldn't. It was unnerving, the calm smile. The too calm smile, as though nothing was wrong, as though nothing had changed.
“So how have you been, Tama-kun?”
So they were talking now, huh. There were so many things he wanted to say, but, at the same time, what if it was a false alarm? Sure the paper was addressed to you but-
“I won't apologize.” Mirio hummed and muttered a prayer before digging into the food the waitress had left. He glanced up to see Tamaki's confused expression and began to delineate what he meant. “What I mean is, I'm not going to apologize for what you saw in her dorm. I like her, and I'm gonna make her my omega.” Saying those words out loud solidified it in Mirio's mind.
Yes, he was. You would be his omega one day, that is, if you wanted to be.
Tamaki stopped staring when Mirio said that he liked you. But he hadn't stopped thinking.
“Anyway, how's your week been, mine's been pretty hectic with all the petty thieves and junk around its be- what was that?” Mirio stopped when Amajiki muttered something under his breath.
Tamaki tensed when he realized he'd actually been heard, and for a moment he panicked.
No, he meant what he said, and he'd stand by his word.
“I'm going to make her mine.” He raised his gaze to Mirio's in defiance. No, this was too important to waver on, you were too important to waver on.
For a moment they simply stared at each other, waiting for the other to laugh or back down.
Neither did.
“Well, I guess this means we're rivals now, huh?” Mirio hummed not breaking eye contact with his childhood friend. Tamaki didn't respond, instead, he nodded and muttered, “Itadakimasu.” Before taking a small bite of food.
“You know what? I'm glad! There's no one I'd rather rival than you, Tamaki!” Amajiki's eyes widened as Mirio happily finished his food.
“Just cause we're friends doesn't mean I'm gonna go easy on you though! I've already picked out the perfect presents for her!” Mirio laughed and took a long sip of his drink while the information sank in. He really wasn't holding back, was he? Mirio really was planning on making you his own omega.
“Well,” Surprisingly, Tamaki's voice rang out clear and strong. “May the best alpha win.”
Mirio grinned and nodded happily. There was truly no one he'd be more happy to rival with for the same omega. Besides if he lost, he knew Tamaki would take good care of you, and the two of them could continue being friends without worrying about grudges. Tamaki was a good, kind alpha, and he was the only one Mirio felt he could trust with you.
Little did he know, he was wrong.
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bigbadwolf619 · 6 years
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After her Rampage on Olympus Shiv was finally finished on her path of Vengeance killing so many Gods and getting back at Athena by tearing her apart and stealing her bones, however on her journey she received a lot of injuries, had her arm torn off, stabbed multiple times and even had her eye impaled Her Rage kept her going but now she has nothing left, her sister gone and her enemy dead, there is nothing else to do, walking in the snow of the Fallen Kingdom, Shiv finally succumbed to her wounds and fell in the snow dying, finally accepting her fate, however she was not gonna die Found by the Goddess of Lust herself, Shiv was taken and binded within the Goddess's Chambers trapped with special Black Vines that are nearly indestructible, Shiv found herself trapped and weakened within the Chambers along with an odd incense that drugs her and makes her weaker along with being aroused Shiv: Mmmmgh...Mmgh?! Mmmmmmgh! ????: Comfortable? Good Shiv: {she tries looking down but the vines make it hard} Mmmmrrrgh! Mmgh! {breathing heavily} Mmmm... ????: {walks in with bare-feet on the shining marble floor} Mmm, a scarred beautiful body, how do you like your new eye? Shiv: {she rolls her head back moaning in anger} Mmmmmmgh... ????: I'm so glad you're happy, ooh these scars {crawls onto her big bed} what have they done to your beautiful body? {strokes her body & stitches} Shiv: Mmmgh... ????: Hmm, do these ones sting the most when I touch them? Shiv: Mm... ????: Hmhmhm, do you know who I am? Shiv: {sees her face} [...Aphrodite? Dammit, 1 of the Gods I missed along with Zeus and the others...does she seek vengeance?] Aphrodite: You wonder why you are here, you may suspect it has something to do with killing my fellow Gods, Helios, Ares, Hermes...Athena, hmhmhm Shiv: Mmm... Aphrodite: Hmhmhahahahaha! Oh, I couldn't care less for those miser who kill for fun and maim anyone who is compared to them, slightly upset about Athena because she was very pretty, but she did horrible things to your dear sister, so I don't blame you, I would do the same Shiv: Mmmmgh Aphrodite: {jumps on her sitting on her waist} Woo! No I have you here because you made me have so many feelings about you Shiv, the way when you tore open the gate and ripped apart the army of Ares! A Mortal scaring a God! It was amazing! I was so aroused from your rage! Even with all those spears and arrow in you, you just slaughtered them all like they were nothing and Ares...his gigantic size wasn't enough to stop you, you smashed his head with his on ripped fist! Shiv: Mmgh? [She's...not angry?] Aphrodite: You were amazing, your rage excites me so much Shiv, but not only your rage {gropes her} Shiv: Mmgh {closes her eyes blushing} Aphrodite: Your heart too, your tears...when you butchered Athena...you roared like a beasts..but there were tears coming from your beautiful flaming eyes...it...it made me cry with you...you suffered so much and I felt it, you make me emotional, I wanted you so badly after seeing you in your rampage Shiv:... Aphrodite: I want you as mine and mine only {gropes both her breasts} Shiv: Mmmm! Aphrodite: You sound so cute when you moan, are you new to this? Hmhmhm Shiv: {she tries to struggle out her binds but her eyes widen from some sudden pain} Mmgh! Aphrodite: Careful, these Black Vines are aggressive, the more you struggle the more stronger and tighter it becomes, and also the thorns pop out piercing through your lovely skin Shiv: Mmgh... Aphrodite: Those thorns should be making you feel a bit better though, they let out your inner desires Shiv: {panting as her face goes red} Aphrodite: Hmhmhm, oooh I just want to eat you up, I mean I can {squeezes her breast teasing her} Shiv: Mmmm! Mm... Aphrodite: Hehehe, so cute, oh look, while the Black Vines make you feel pleasure they also heal your wounds, no matter how serious they are Shiv: {her scars & wounds slowly fade away on her body healing her}
Aphrodite: Now you look even more beautiful {licks her nipples}
Shiv: Mmm! 
Aphrodite: {licks & pinches her nipples then starts suckling on them}
Shiv: Mm...{her nipples harden as she moans & closes her eyes}
Aphrodite: Mmmm...so good {licks her breasts then starts kissing down her body to her abs} You kept in shape even after everything you been through, hehe {nibbles on her abs}
Shiv: Mmm-mm-mmmmm! {she could barely shakes her hips being restricted in her movements}
Aphrodite: Hmhmhm, that’s the sign of a virgin, hehe, I love you virgins, so sensitive when it comes to discovering your sexual desires, even the most hardest of warriors can quiver from 1 touch {continues to kiss down to  her pussy & holds her thighs}
Shiv: Mmgh! 
Aphrodite: Seems blades and arrows are nothing to you, but when it comes to playing you are as vulnerable as a little puppy {licks her pussy}
Shiv: Mm! {eyes widen} Mmmmm! {panting}
Aphrodite: Hmhm, already wet I, how naughty of you God Ripper
Shiv: Mmmm...
Aphrodite: {licks deeply in her while teasing her nipple & breast}
Shiv: Mmmmgh! {panting more heavily sweating}
Aphrodite: I have so many toys to use on you  and so many things I want to do to you, finally I will have my way
Zeus: {pushes opens the doors} Aphrodite, where is your Ambrosia for Hades? He is still writhing in pain after that savage’s attack
Shiv: [Zeus?! Damn, in this state I cannot do anything, if only I can break out and choke him! He isn’t going to show any mercy after I killed his children]
Zeus: Who is she?
Aphrodite: {uses her illusion abilities to make Shiv look like 1 of her other girls} Oh just 1 of my girls, this 1 has been especially naughty and must be punished
Shiv: Mmm?
Zeus: Well regardless, I need that Ambrosia finished or he will die
Aphrodite: Oh don’t over-exaggerate, he will be fine, he just needs to rest, I will finish his medicine and hand it to you myself, if you rush me, I may make a mistake and start over {strokes Shiv’s hair}
Shiv: [What’s going on? Why doesn’t he recognise me?..Is she...]
Zeus: Well...carry on then, but do not forget
Aphrodite: I will not {winks at Shiv}
Shiv: {looks away blushing} Mm...
Zeus: Hm {walks off & shuts the doors}
Aphrodite: Ugh what a grouch am I right? I swear all these Gods are just, blah-blah-blah {removes her gag}
Shiv: {she catches her breath}...Why...did you...hide me?
Aphrodite: Because I’m here to do what I want, not be a bully and be those grumps, besides {goes on top of her} Besides I have fallen for you and will not let them get their hands on you, I branded you with my mark for a reason
Shiv: I might end up killing you if I ever break out of this
Aphrodite: I will take my chances, besides, I know deep down you love this
Shiv: What makes you think that?
Aphrodite: Hmhmhm, well that depends whether you bite my tongue or not
Shiv: Bite your-{gets deeply kissed} Mmm?!
Aphrodite: Mmmmm...
Shiv: [Alright...I can breakout when I rip out her tongue...now...right now...why am I not retaliating? Come on...But then again...she didn’t expose me...I...I don’t know what to do...her tongue is in me...her hands are pleasing my breasts...and I feel something rub me below...something soft...something comfortable...is that...is that a fox tail? Is she...a fox? That would explain the ears...quite fitting for this devious Goddess...why do I feel this way...is this my true feelings...or is this a trick?]
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waystobcwickcd · 7 years
Harry Hook x Reader || Back to Stage One
Requested by: Anonymous Request:  Could you do a Harry x reader where Uma makes a potion that accidentally turned Harry into a child and the reader takes care of him for that day! Cute stuff like that thank you 😊  Word Count: 2020 AN: I hope this is okay! I feel like my fear of small children shone through in this fic, but it was fun to write. There wasn’t an age specified so I went very very young just because I imagined to to be funnier. Ended up super fluffy though like bless them. Content Warnings:  None!
You had convinced yourself that something was going on. The training had got more intense, and Uma was in a good mood for the most time, which meant that she was up to something. You weren’t complaining, you lived for moments like these and that was why you were still practising your sword fighting with Gil on the deck, even though the others had been told they could call it a night hours ago. But you were an over achiever, determined to prove yourself as the best fighter. Knocking his sword out of his hand, it didn’t take you long to have Gil backed up against the mast with your sword at his throat.
You didn’t have chance to gloat your victory though, as you heard your name been shouted from the distance. “Y/N! MY QUARTERS NOW!” With an apologetic shrug to Gil, you ran towards Uma’s quarters, guessing that it must be urgent from the tone of her voice. You walked in without knocking, you had gotten past that formality at this point, but nothing could have prepared you for what you were going to see.
“Is that—?” Looking from Uma to the child she was holding in her arms, you were trying to make sense of the situation. The red leather and wild black hair, made it clear who the kid was, but how it had happened was the more pressing question in her mind. “Any explanation?”
“Well it wasn’t on purpose. I’ve been working on it for months now, it was a potion my mum created that turned people into- well into children. Just as I finally perfected it, Harry barges in and drinks it thinking I’d managed to get some contraband or something.” Even though you could tell Uma was exasperated by it all, you still found it slightly funny. He was currently playing with strands of her braids, occasionally putting one into his mouth just to frown at the taste. “I don’t know why you’re laughing, you’re the one who is going to be looking after him.”
Your face dropped instantly as the situation became drastically less humourous. “Why me?!” You whined, glaring at the young Harry who glared back with impressively more intensity. “I can barely cope with him at his normal age, never mind- this!” 
Uma looked desperate at this point, obviously knowing what she was asking of you. “Please! I have to go and find the cure from my mother’s stuff, and you’re the only one left on the ship.” You found it hard to say no to Uma, especially when she was giving you the eyes that would make anybody melt. Still this was pushing the limits of what she could do.
“Gil’s still around! Why don’t you ask him?” It was a stupid question, and you were aware that it didn’t deserve an answer. He had managed to lose a grand total of five pets that were under his care, which is pretty impressive seeing as one of those was a pet rock. “Oh for crying out loud pass him over.” 
A happy squeal erupted from her lips as you took Harry from her, though you were not reflecting her joy. “I owe you so much Y/N. I promise I wont be long!” You had never seen Uma leave a room so fast, but she managed it, leaving you with the mistake she had made. You would never say you were great with children, so this wasn’t your dream job, but you would do anything to help out Uma and Harry. 
“Hey hey! Let go of that!” You yelled as he had reached to the table to grab his hook. Even as a child some things didn’t change. Still she felt giving a kid a weapon wasn’t the best idea, so she pulled it off of him placing it high out of his reach. This wasn’t the most popular choice she had made as a high pitched cry nearly deafened her. Then again it was probably a similar reaction to taking the hook off of Harry at his normal age, you thought, reminding yourself to mention that later to him as a joke. “Please stop crying! Please!” You begged, placing him down on the floor in front of you.
“Ye meanie.” He pouted, the whole situation just feeling utterly ridiculous to you. Still this was your friend and you weren’t just going to leave him with no help. You were sure that he would do the same for you, although he would find a way of taunting you for years after about it. Then again you were probably going to do that for him. 
“How about we go and do something better than playing with a stupid hook?” Harry gave you a look like there was nothing better than his stupid hook, making you realise that this chore was going to be a lot harder than you originally anticipated. “Why don’t we go and see Gil? Does that sound fun?” If anyone you knew would know how to entertain a kid, it would probably be him, mainly because he was still basically one himself. Holding onto his hand part of you was glad that you could look after him for once. Even though you bickered like mad, he was very protective of you even though you could handle things on your own. But seeing Harry vulnerable like this, giving you the opportunity to care for him the way he always did for you.
Instantly you saw your friend still on the deck, seeming to fight with the mast, yet still apparently losing as the sword flung out of his hand and flew towards you. Your reaction were impeccable, placing Harry behind you and catching the weapon one handed. “There’s a- um, there is a child.” He stated, not bothering to apologise for nearly maiming at least one of you. 
You just lifted Harry into your arms after you returned the sword to Gil, not really placing much faith in his skills not to do it again. “Yep there is, what do I do with him?” Trying to distract him from playing with your own hair. Instead he was biting one of your fingers, thankfully not hard enough to cause you any pain.  “I don’t know, maybe we could teach him how to sword fight?” You just rolled your eyes, as it became clear that he was going to be no help at all. “Hey he sorta looks like Harry! We should give him a hook!” You cared for Gil but you did not understand how he could be so dumb. 
Thinking about it, your place was probably the safest hideout until Uma could find a cure for whatever she had done to him. At least there you could try to tire him out so you could actually get some sleep, rather than staying up all night. You knew how energetic Harry was normally, so you daren’t even imagine what he would be like now. You didn’t live far from the ship, so the journey only took you a few minutes. “Now what do you want to do?” You asked as you placed him on the floor. Your parents were a no show, leaving you to fend for yourself, but you didn’t care. You much preferred it that way, at least you had your privacy if nothing else. 
“Play!” He shouted, reaching up to grab onto your hair. You were too tired to complain this time, so just sat there across from him letting him turn your locks into a knotty mess. Dangerously close to falling asleep, Harry’s squeal caused you to jump back into action. “Pretty!” He exclaimed clapping his hands as he praised his own creation.
On the other hand you were figuring out how you were going to untangle your hair for tomorrow. Looking at the wide smile on his face, you weren’t as annoyed as you thought you were going to be, instead scooping him into a hug. “I’m going to remind you of that when you’re back to yourself. Yes I am!” You cooed, knowing that you were going to get material out of this for months. “You probably wont remember this.” You paused as you realised that you could actually get a lot off of your chest as he could barely understand. “I love you, y’know. I don’t always act like it, and I may try to one up you like all the time, but it’s just because I love you and I really don’t know how to show it. And I’ll never say this again because I’m too scared but hey.”
He just looked up with you, eyes wide as he tried to understand what you were saying. “How about I read you a story?” You only had a handful of books, they were a rarity on the island, but you were a sucker for a happy ending. Placing him on your lap you held the book out in front of you both, shuffling back so you were both comfy. “Once upon a time, in a land far far away…”
You don’t remember when you stopped reading, but you both must have fallen asleep pretty quickly as the book had been left open on chapter one. Looking at the clock you figured that Uma must be back on the ship by now, and if not you could hopefully get some other people to take the load off of yourself. You didn’t want to wake him though, so softly lifted him into your arms, and took him back to Uma’s cabin. You got a lot of strange looks as you walked through the Isle, but you figured it was because of the child, forgetting Harry’s previous makeover. 
“Please tell me you’ve got it!” You whispered, not wanting to wake him up in case she had been unsuccessful. 
Uma just smiled holding up a bottle of bright blue liquid. “If you get him awake I’ll give him this.” She told you and you instantly went to action, wanting your Harry back more than anything. Shaking him slightly, he blinked a few times to adjust to the language. “Come on Harry, just have s drink of this.” Luckily for your captain he just grabbed it out of her hands and gulped it down quickly. No matter what age some things stay the same. 
Carrying him at that moment wasn’t the smarted idea, as the potion instantly started to work. You placed him down on the floor, letting him grow before your eyes. “What the hell happened?” He asked, rubbing his head and looking between Uma and yourself.
“That teaches you not to just drink my stuff without asking what it is.” Uma yelled, giving him a tap across the head. “You owe Y/N a big thank you, seeing as she has spent the last day looking after you after you stupidly turned yourself into a toddler!” She was acting angry but you could tell she was relieved that he was okay. Still she stomped out, leaving you two alone.
You reached up to where you had left his hook yesterday, passing it back to him. You knew that he hated been without it, and had already dealt with too much temperamental Harry in the last day to last a lifetime. “Thank ye, love. Gotta say, I’m loving the hair. It’s wild, a bit like you.”
“Mmm well that was your masterpiece. You even called me pretty.” You retorted sticking your tongue out to him, not realising that you were starting to act like a child now. 
He raised his brows, standing so he was towering over you. “From what I remember I called my hairstyle pretty, rather than yourself.” 
It was rare that you were lost for words, but if he remembered that, it meant that he could also recall what she had said to him. “Whatever, you were a child, who knows, your memory might be scrambled.” You shrugged, managing to make a hasty exit.
“Y/N!” He yelled, causing you to turn just before you shut the door. “I love ye too.”
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whisperwoofwoof · 7 years
Golden Ch 10
Rating: Mature Pairing: JongKey Chaptered/WIP | 1.4k words Warnings: Language, occult, supernatural Prompt: Dish soap, Children climbing a tree, Whistling, A sex scene, Holy water 
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12
Kibum didn’t have any more time to react when he felt a hand grasping at his neck.
Jonghyun, or rather whatever was inhabiting his body, stood before him and lifted him from the floor. The demon’s deep-set black eyes stared him down as he struggled to get free. It was to no avail because, no matter how hard Kibum kicked and flailed, Jonghyun’s strong arm had a tight hold on his neck. The lack of oxygen made the room dim. His eyes went heavy and he could feel his body losing the fight. In one last-ditch attempt to break loose, Kibum grabbed at the arm that was choking him, digging his blunt fingernails into the flesh before he dropped to the ground.
“Get the fuck away from him.”
He barely registered the other footsteps running down the hallway as he took a deep breath. All Kibum could sense in his haze were the occasional droplets of water and Jonghyun’s hateful growls. He was lifted by two pairs of arms into a standing position and quickly ushered out of the room. Only Taemin, the one who saved him, remained with the demon.
“Shouldn’t you be careful where you swing that stuff?” Jonghyun asked, smirking.
“I’m going to get you out of Jonghyun. I don’t care if it’s the last thing I do.”
Taemin stood tall, holding only a bottle of holy water in his hand.
“They really believed the salt thing, didn’t they?”
“Shut up.”
“They’re going to notice, Taemin. They’re going to find out what makes you the almighty demonologist, and you’ll be thrown in here with me.”
“I said, shut up!”
At that, Taemin threw more of the holy water on Jonghyun, effectively dousing him. He walked backwards towards the doorway, satisfied by the audible clink when Jonghyun lunged at him. Unbeknownst to Kibum, Jonghyun was shackled to the bedframe and unable to move very far around the room. Whoever this was and whatever business they had with Kibum didn’t matter, because against him, he was powerless.
“If you hurt any of them again, I promise I’ll send you back to Hell.”
He held his bottle as menacingly as anyone could hold holy water and stepped backwards into the hallway. Although he groaned in pain and frustration from being struck by the water, Jonghyun still attempted to claw for Taemin. As the demonologist closed the door, the other’s dark eyes locked onto him, holding his attention as the door clicked shut.
“Only if I take you with me.”
Taemin rounded the corner to find Kibum huddled into himself and being comforted by the other two. Instantly, he felt responsible since he was the one who told him it was okay to see Jonghyun. It was his fault that he got attacked.
“Hey, Kibum?” he approached him lightly, worried that the man was scarred for life.
He didn’t speak or look up and only curled in tighter at Taemin’s voice.
“I’m sorry. I thought we had more time until the possession took over. I shouldn’t have told you to go in there.”
Sighing, Taemin sat next to him, disturbing the couch cushions with his movement.
“We can still save him. This demon is seizing his body faster than I’ve seen, so we’ll need to take action quickly, but it is possible.”
With a sniffle, Kibum sat up to respond to him. He rubbed at his eyes with his shirt collar and spoke with an intensity that let everyone in the room know how serious he was.
“You’re pretty much on my shit list now, but I’ll be damned if we don’t get that demon out of him. You’re the only one who can help us, so I’m willing to do what it takes.”
Taemin patted Kibum’s knee and stood.
“We need to get back in there as soon as possible to complete the process.”
“Right. So, how do we do that?” Minho asked Taemin.
“I’ll need everyone’s help. Minho, you and Jinki will work together. Kibum, I going to need you to be strong because I want you in that room with me.”
“Me? Why not Jinki?” he gave his shocked reply.
“You’re going to help me with the exorcism.”
Taemin and Kibum took their steps into the hallway. It seemed to stretch further and further, with the bedroom door seeming out of reach. He clutched the bible and crucifix he was given, shivering as they walked. He tried to pay no mind to the ever-dropping temperature, though he noticed that the hallway was as cold as his own bedroom had been after the Ouija event. Watching him flinch as a door he passed slammed shut, Taemin offered some comfort.
“Jinki mentioned that his energy was getting stronger. Don’t let that scare you. Above all, no matter what you believe in, all that’s important is that your faith in Jonghyun is the strongest.”
Kibum swallowed as they crept closer and the house began to shake.
“Before we go in there, is there anything else I need to know? Minho didn’t even tell me he was a spirit sensitive.”
“To be fair, that’s not information one voluntarily gives.”
“Seriously, though, who are you really?”
If full disclosure meant that Kibum would trust him, Taemin would have to tell him everything. He had to make a choice, knowing all paths could come back and bite him in the ass. They faced the door, salt still littering the hallway, and prepared to go inside.
He could see his breath in front of him.
He vaguely knew where he was, but he had no control of his body. He tried to walk, but his legs wouldn’t move. He tried to reach for the door, but his hands wouldn’t let him. It was as though he was frozen, trapped in one of those nightmares where everything went to shit. His legs finally moved, but not on his accord. They were held back by restraints when they strayed too far from the bed. He could only describe this feeling as being a passenger in his own body. His head moved at the clicking of the door, creaking open to reveal two figures. As soon as he saw Kibum, he tried to cry out to him, but it was no use. The demon grew stronger and Jonghyun’s spirit withered.
“Back again for round two, I see,” the demon laughed.
The walls of the room rumbled, and lights dimmed. Kibum stayed clutching his items, unsure if he would even use them. He trembled in fear, resisting the urge to run down the road. He wanted to stop all of this and just start over somewhere new, but he couldn’t bear to think of leaving Jonghyun behind.
“Save the commentary, demon, and return to where you came from.”
Taemin stood tall, not faltering in front of Jonghyun, whose dark eyes glinted in the lamplight. He was confident that he could end this, no matter how long it would take.
“Open to the page I marked and start reading,” he told Kibum, who obliged.
In a frantic manner, he flipped the book open, and began to read the text. He shakily spoke, trying not to look at Jonghyun while he read the passage. His voice got stronger as he read, repeating it until his he stopped quivering.
“You be careful with the exorcisms, Taemin. You don’t want to accidentally hurt yourself.”
Jonghyun’s sinister smile made Kibum stop reading for moment, instead focusing on the thing inhabiting his lover’s body.
“Keep reading, Kibum, and don’t stop for anything,” Taemin shouted as he neared the demon.
The demonologist placed his hand on Jonghyun’s forehead, who immediately reached up to pry the man off.
“Leave this vessel, demon. We rebuke you in the name of all things holy and sacred. We renounce you from this plane of existence. Leave this body, leave it now!”
“Cute speech, but motivational words aren’t my thing,” Jonghyun smirked.
At that, he twisted the arm that was on him, not stopping until he heard a crack. With his demonic force, he pushed Taemin, sending him flying into the wardrobe doors.
“Taemin!” shouted Kibum.
“Don’t worry about him, Kibum. It’ll take more than that to maim him. In fact, let me show you why.”
Taemin pushed himself up from the wooden floor. He didn’t falter as he stood, appearing as though he wasn’t even hurt.
“Awaken, brother,” Jonghyun growled, fixated on Taemin’s form.
Kibum watched as Taemin stumbled into the light, eyes glazed in an inky black.
“Do you see your precious ‘demonologist’? He’s a demon himself!”
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Crush - Chapter 6. Rock The Boat
Pairing: Eric/OC *Abbey* Fandom: Divergent Rating: M
A memory from Eric’s past plays tricks on him. And it’s all about the girl, Abbey Ainsworth.
A/N: I’m trying to get these up as quickly as possible so I can try my hand at the newest chapter, so excuse me. :) Thanks again , of course, for reading and following the story.
Tags:  @iammarylastar  @badassbaker  @pathybo @mimigemrose @frecklefaceb  @beltz2016  @ariwolff14  @lauraaan182 @kenzieam  @tigpooh67 @elaacreditava @equalstrashflavoredtrash
Eric has his first smoke in days, blowing curling waves of white into the non-existent wind.
He only just realizes after a few drags that he didn't particularly want one. He'd only lit up because he was torn, Johanna's words running through him.
Marry Abbey.
Of course, the entire time of trying to break up her engagement and reignite something between the two – which he had to say, was extremely successful after this morning. He'd really not thought about marrying her, or really what he was going to do after things were settled and he was back at Dauntless. Was she maybe expecting him to ask her now?
This was exactly why he was smoking.
He chucks it after another pull and crushes it into the ground with the heel of his boot. It was past lunchtime and hours since Abbey's run-in with the Dauntless first thing. He'd expected Abbey to come find him, but she wasn't here. Maybe he expected too much, he usually did. Maybe he should find her?
Maybe it was the fact she wrapped her flowers round someone's face and had to re-pick them all. – He bets she's regretting that like a god damn thorn in her side.
Eric shakes his head, he can't go wandering off looking for her. Not only that, he was fatigued by Amity's early rising and constant late nights. It didn't help they'd scheduled work times around the sun which required them to be out fielding, or in Abbey's case, flower picking, by half seven.
He has too much for him to oversee and he still has to compose that damn email to Jeanine. So as per usual, he's clomping back up the steps to take his seat behind Johanna's desk. Every report needs to be signed by him, dated, then typed up and sent to a Dauntless database. At least it didn't require him to use his brain too much and it was like a habit now more than anything.
He's only half hour in and it must be around 2.30 when he hears someone treading lightly up the steps.
"Hello, Abbey." He grins from behind the desk as she approaches, her little blue dress floating from off of her hips. - That fucking hat…
"Just because I'm here, doesn't mean I'm not annoyed at you for when you tried to embarrass me in front of Johanna this morning." She's actually not. She's got a brown paper bag in her hand as she stops just next to him, then flops into his lap. "What you doing?"
"The usual, working." Eric lightly pulls on the back of her hair. "What are you doing?"
"The usual, nothing." She smiles. "Can you stop working now, please. I bought you lunch…" she sings, trying to lure him as she leans back and swings her legs that are hooked over his arm. "I was thinking about you while I was gone…" She kicks her feet.
"Oh yeah…" he drawls, biting the inside of his cheek and squinting at her close proximity. She was a devilishly cute little thing that he sometimes wanted to randomly maim.
"Yeah… There was this wasp and it was chasing me. Long story short, it reminded me of you…" She laughs as he digs his fingers into her side. "Come on, let's go outside, eat out there. It's such a nice day. You could use some sun on your face."
"That's enough. I don't exist to be plagued by your petty insults. Get off." He begins pushing her and she sighs. "Plus, if I'm seen sunbathing and eating picnics with you, what sort of image does that give? I'm turning into a fucking pansy."
"No. It gives off a good image… One that says 'I do what I want and I don't give a fuck.'"
Eric frowns at her. "You have a disgusting mouth."
"I thought you liked my mouth…" This time he actually shoves her off. "Eric, come on, I'm just playing…" She holds her hand out to him while he's still seated, furiously glaring up to her while she smiles down at him. "You won't regret it," she sings again.
Eric is regretting it.
It's a long grassed field, the area flattened around them while he lies, propped up on his elbow. It's itchy, hot, and there are flies. However, Abbey seems unbothered. She's lying on her front picking at grass, facing him. "You see your mom often?"
"Not as often as I'd like," Eric answers, still watching her intently. "You?"
"They come here every so often." She rolls over staring up at the sky. "I miss them. Sometimes I think I miss Erudite."
"You're talking shit now."
"I said I think because there's little things I miss. I don't miss the uniform though, yuck." Turning her head, she smiles at him.
"Hmm, yeah. I remember that little skirt you used to wear. The one with the pleats… You still got it?" Eric grins suggestively back.
"I'm sure I could find something similar." Knocking his elbow out, she rolls and lies on top of him when his head hits the grass. She slips her hands in his open jacket, running up his sides and resting her chin on his chest. "You feeling brave?"
Eric frowns at her. "Why?"
"I want you to tell me that you-" Before she can finish, Eric rolls her off, flattening her underneath him. He quickly finds the skin of her neck. "Good avoidance techniques…" she whispers while he begins kissing up her jaw. "We can… we can work on that…" His hands find themselves under her dress. Then he stops suddenly.
"Do you ever stop talking?"
"I'll only stop talking if you kiss me." But he doesn't move and his features scrunch up. "Eric? This is the part where you are supposed to kiss me…"
"Be quiet." He covers her mouth with his hand with her eyes frantically wide while staring up at him. There are voices carrying from somewhere in the field. The voices of men. Eric knew all the routes taken by his men. The particular field they were in was set back towards the trees and not something used by many people just from the way the grass grew high.
"You tell anyone you were here?" he whispers and Abbey shakes her head, mouth still covered. "Get in the grass. Stay down. Don't move." But she shakes her head a little more forcefully, gripping onto his jacket to keep him there. "Do it." He pulls his gun from his leg, clicking the safety as Abbey begins crawling slowly into the untouched grass. He passes her hat and rubbish from lunch and she grabs his face, kissing him quickly. "Stay there."
"I love you."
He hesitates for a split second, then smirks. Eric turns without another look, crouching and then slowly rising to the same height as the vegetation around. Two men stroll casually out into the field, talking, but every now and then looking over their shoulders, forcing Eric to duck.
They look like Amity.
He trails after them silently, just the grass rustling against him as he breaks a new path, snaking his way over to theirs. He continues to sneak lowly and closes the distance before they turn again. His gun is held out threateningly in front of him.
"Nice afternoon for a stroll..." he calls to the two men and they instantly stop in their tracks.
"We're Amity," one of them says before his eyes land on Eric standing viciously before him. That was also something highly suspicious to just randomly blurt out.
The young Amity looking guy who spoke begins putting his hands into the air and the other copies. "We're just… checking the fields."
"Names. Orders.," Eric barks.
"Zander. Tate. The orders were to check the fields," he repeats while the one on the right who stays quiet lowers his hand slightly and Eric aims the nozzle of his gun towards him.
"Good. So there won't be any problem coming back with me to check?" Eric says distrustfully while tilting his head.
The instant the two men look at each other, everything happens so quickly. They jump apart and Eric fires his gun, missing one by fractions. The one who was on the left begins pelting out into the field and the one on the right has fallen onto his back. Eric strolls casually over to him - and shoots him in the leg.
Crying out loudly, Eric ignores him, pulling his phone. It rings only once. "West furthest field of the dome. Immediate assistance." Then he starts after the one he can still see running in the distance.
There's a good minute of just the sound of grass whipping against his pants and his own breath battering against the heat to draw some type of oxygen in. But he's gaining regardless. There was nothing athletic about the Amity. The young guy then suddenly changes direction, looking like he's heading towards the line of trees. Eric susses he may lose him in there, so stops, aims, breathes in, and fires.
It's a direct hit.
The guy throws his limbs out as the bullet pierces into his back somewhere, then he falls forward. Eric buttons up the hefty conclusion that he quite possibly killed him.
Panting as he brings an arm to his brow, he peers over to the Dauntless guards who have begun swamping the area almost immediately after his call. Three of them run up the path towards him. "I think I may have killed the one over there," he tells them when they stop silently behind him. "Find his body and bring him back, see if we can find anything on him."
"Are they factionless?" one of the Dauntless ask. But Eric's now looking towards the patch where he left Abbey, completely distracted.
"Must be. If they aren't, you can tell their families they shouldn't have ran." Eric leaves it as that, noticing the one who he shot in the leg getting dragged away by some of the men further across from them.
His once composed stride turns into a small jog as he goes back for Abbey. "Ab's!" he calls out to the grass, eyes scanning the area somewhere around the flattened patch they were lying not too long ago. There is a small rustle and Abbey appears. She hesitates momentarily before leaping up and running to him. "Abbey are you-"
Abbey doesn't care for the people standing around and springs into his arms, wrapping her hands around his neck and legs around his waist. Her mouth finds his immediately, hysterically, and after a moment she pulls away, allowing him to breathe and form a coherent sentence. "You're so stupid…" she says, grabbing at his face viciously to smother him again.
"Abbey it's fine," he mumbles against her lips. "I'm fine."
"They didn't hurt you?" She leaves no time to answer and her teeth pull at his lower lip and now he's utterly lost against her. "Oh my god, I swear, if anything happens to you..."
"You've been in Amity too long."
"No, I've been without you too long." She descends down his neck and he shudders at the tickling sensation. – This is why no other woman would do. "Take me home, Eric." She grips the collar of his jacket, yanking briskly and forcing him to look her straight in the eye. "Now."
"Yes, ma'am."
It seems the shock of possibly losing him has ravaged her innocent soul. - Even though that was completely laughable. She had no idea about a number of situations he got himself into.
Abbey's on her knees, head shoved into the mattress as he thrusts brutally into her. She's making these pleasant noises that are beginning to crumble his once lust-driven motives of outlasting her.
It also doesn't help that the view from above is utterly extraordinary. Her pale, usually unexposed flesh that's been left untanned from the world, on full display to examine and do with however he wishes. He'd be lying if he didn't say he spent half the time admiring the way he glossily slid in and out of her and took great pride in the way she throws her head to one side to look up at him, gripping small fingers into his thigh, pulling him closer and deeper.
His hands sit on her ass, almost ripping the skin as he pulls her back. "Harder, Eric," she gasps when she can. And he's trying. She's utterly insatiable right now.
Eric tries to picture things in his head, sucking in his bottom lip and peering up at the ceiling. Work. Flowers. Johanna's face…
"Yes. Yes. Yes." – It's not working.
He growls when he slaps her on her thigh, raking his blunt nails back up and onto her hip. It's almost unbearable as she fidgets against him. Throwing his hand to her shoulder he yanks her up, her back curled to keep him steady and he lets a hand roam down her stomach then further down to where they are joined. She twitches and moans, almost jumping to get away, but he doesn't let her.
Abbey extends fully, turning her head to try to kiss him, catching him off guard. Without much resistance he lets her push him down as she climbs on top. – This will be his undoing.
She throws her hands to her hair as she grinds against him. "I'm gonna…." She sighs. – Good.
Once her movements become sloppy and she leans forward, he fists her hair, dragging her down to him as he keeps up with each thrust. His other hand finds her backside again and he holds it viciously, practically pinning her to him, and that's how she liked it.
She's coming, unable to form any words, just dribbles of ecstasy and he lets himself go with her, unsure of exactly what was exiting from his mouth either. – But he feels the way she fucking bites him again.
He pulls her head back by the hand still locked into her hair once they have descended and she pants euphorically. "You going to bite me every time?" He raises an eyebrow critically.
"Quite possibly... I think I need professional help." Her lips look red and sore, her eyes slightly hooded.
"I'd love to hear you tell them your little problem." He releases her and she flops against him.
"Hi doc, I have a little situation. When I'm fucking my boyfriend I also like to take chunks out of him. Is this normal?" She uses a high pitched voice, the words tickling against his chest as she talks against it. She lifts her head and smiles at the airy laugh Eric makes. "I better shower. Are you going to be working late?"
"As always. I'm behind schedule now anyway because of you… And then there's my factionless buddy." He groans as she moves, he can tell she's planning her hasty retreat as she throws a look to the bathroom just outside the door.
"Will you sleep here tonight?" Abbey says while her fingers skim over the piercings in his ears.
"If you want. Don't wait up."
"Way to sound enthused. Don't make it sound like a chore, Eric. Maybe I'll be busy tonight… with someone else who prefers my company."
Eric pushes himself up, gripping her tightly. "You, will not." His fingers curl against her jaw as he makes her look at him. "Can you not tell by me just being here, how much I fucking want you? Now get your flowery ass in that shower and stop your womanly, emotional crap."
"Okay." She smiles, feeling a little triumphant having got a little bit of committal out of him. "You coming?"
"They were factionless," Johanna sighs, wearing some overly bright, yellow, floor-length skirt that's burning into Eric's eyes and into the back of his brain. "One of them didn't make it."
Eric clears his throat. "Right. So it seems factionless have been disguised as Amity. I had my suspicions. Just needed proof… The main subject is, apart from the food problem drawing them in – thanks, Johanna. They may also be lurking in numbers. Thoughts? Suspicions? Give me something…" Blunt. Direct. Straight to the point.
Mark's here, Johanna's right-hand man. Eric watches as the guy goes to say something then hesitates, seemingly looking like he's thinking too hard. "So you're saying we're harboring the factionless?" he eventually spits out.
"No. I'm saying how do you know they aren't covert here?"
Mark squares his chest a little. "Johanna knows her faction well, thank you. She would know."
"It was too easy for them to slip in here, wearing their Amity clobber and going completely unnoticed. Surely your people would know; sense a difference? Not recognize the faces perhaps? Johanna wouldn't have to directly know of them. When did you last do checks on your people?"
"The problem with your theory, Eric, is that Amity wouldn't be watching out for strangers or attacks. We are a faction of peace." Johanna braces her arms to her sides, her hands flexed, she looks completely distraught.
"You… are… sitting… fucking… ducks," Eric hisses, leaning to emphasize the words. "Again, I reiterate, checks… on your people?" Mark and Johanna share a look. "Is that a hard fucking question?"
"We can start first thing tomorrow."
"Look for odd numbers. Ask about unusual activity, a meeting point, house, neighbors… At the moment though I wouldn't be surprised if they throw a hasty retreat. They'll know we're on to them. But perhaps it will work in our favor, be enough to rock the boat and there will be noticeable commotion and it'll bring something up."
"Very well," Johanna sulks. "We better start on the preparations for tomorrow. Come, Mark."
"Woof, woof," Eric sneers after him.
In the pitch black, Eric tries Abbey's door. It's unlocked and creaks open. Stupid girl, he thinks. But then again, at Amity, they didn't know any better but to be trusting.
Her whole hovel is dark and he stumbles around for minute kicking his boots and jacket off while making his way to the bedroom. He can just make out her sleeping form when his eyes begin to adjust. She's positioned to one side, buried beneath the covers, peacefully slumbering with her head crowned by the incredible amount of pillows.
Eric tugs his shirt over his head and discards his pants, pulling at the covers slowly to not disturb her. Abbey's breath hitches for a moment as he gets in and he strokes some hair off her face as she makes some throaty 'humph' noise. "Shh, it's me. Go back to sleep." At his words, she throws a leg over him and he holds it protectively. Sometimes, just laid like this, with this indescribable amount of responsibility that washes over him for her. Sometimes, he could almost whisper the words she really wishes for him to say.
"You're going already?" Abbey sulkily says, shuffling to the side of the bed. Her pajamas are skew-whiff, her hair tousled from sleep. "Also, you don't make coffee in the morning! You know that's a criminal offense, right?"
"Don't get me mixed up with someone else," Eric huffs while he zips his jacket quickly. "Also, reality calls and I must work at some point."
"You worked all night, though?" She pouts. "I had to play by myself…"
"Abbey!" he snaps her name condescendingly, giving her a sharp look. "Quit it."
"I can't… I keep imaging you all serious and sweaty with your gun..." Her eyes widen as he steps in front of her, taking her by the jaw again.
"It's my job. Now leave me to do my job and I'll tend to you later."
She scoffs, "Tend to me later? Like I'm a vegetable patch? You going to tend to my vegetable patch, Eric?"
"You're infuriating sometimes."
"Yeah and your use of words-" He kisses her quickly. "Suck." She knows she's never going to get him to stay, his kiss was the end of the debate. "Fine. I'll see you at some point… whenever you have time today."
"Low blow." He marches out to the living space heading for the door. "Bye, Abbey. Try not to get in any trouble."
Abbey sighs, crossing her arms once the front door slams. "Trouble?" she mumbles.
Mark appears from the steps slightly out of breath and Eric smirks at him. "Hello, Fido. You been a good boy?"
"Just because Johanna takes your shit, doesn't mean I will."
"Your bark is worse than your bite. That's the saying isn't it?" Eric sneers at him. "I'm guessing Johanna's busy trying to head her reprieve. How's it going back there?"
"Nothing's come up. When are you leaving again?" Mark squints at him.
"When I feel like it. I don't think I've possibly been around long enough yet to really get under your skin. So, another week tops." Mark shifts angrily in his stance and Eric can feel the rise out of him beginning to build. "Fido must be hungry…" Eric says under his breath. "Don't keep me waiting any longer. Why are you here?"
"I want to know the intentions for the factionless man being currently held. We don't want him here."
"I have a call with Max in less than fifteen minutes-" Eric's borrowed phone begins vibrating on the desk. "Scrap that, right now, so please make yourself scarce."
"Max…" Eric answers, giving Mark daggers as the man seems to hesitate before drawing in a lung of air, turning his back and leaving.
"I got your email. Seems we have a break-through?"
"Quite fitting really. I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner. Factionless was spotted here. I took one down, the other resides in the Amity Hospice as we speak."
"Should have known, sending you there, I could have seconded guessed drama."
"I don't like failure," Eric smiles to himself. "Besides, if I weren't here, we wouldn't have made as much progress as we have."
Max hums in agreement. "I'm trying to come to a term with Erudite to track Amity. You know, like we've tracked our own."
"How's that holding up for you?"
"We got the go ahead. Jeanine's practically pushed us to do it. Anything to head-hunt the inconvenience… But I had a few concerns with Johanna accepting it so we've made a few readjustments."
"It's not a serum, but a band that's fitted to the wrist and their perimeter is restricted. Effectively they can't leave Amity without us knowing or authorizing it. No band, not Amity. Easy, huh?"
"To what effect?" Eric has a spasm of worry in the base of his gut that he tries to swallow down. Anything that involved Amity involved Abbey.
"Anyone that isn't authorized, it will flag them immediately on breach."
"To be fair, Max, I can't see Johanna agreeing to that either. They live by their freedom. Breach of human rights etcetera, etcetera."
"It's too late, I've ordered it as a protocol now. If they have nothing to hide then it won't bother them anyway. Plus, the cargo is already on the way."
"Thanks for letting me know," Eric says sarcastically.
"I know you already have enough on your plate, so I headed this movement. You can instruct Johanna of my decisions however you wish, but just get it done… Also, I'll be running by Amity later this evening, so I'll see you then."
Eric hangs up the phone, suddenly feeling reluctant, more so than he had moments ago. He taps his fingers on the desk thrice. He didn't get paid enough for this shit-show.
Eric's seen to it personally to pin the Amity flower shop down. Two birds with one stone.
Abbey smiles brightly at him when he walks in, slightly faltering as some of his men filter in after him. She looks utterly beautiful. She wears yellow, not like Johanna's yellow, but it's the same floaty cut as all the other dresses she tends to wear. "What's going on?" Her eyebrows bow and the corners of her mouth tug downwards. Her head whips round as some of the Dauntless head out the back. "Hey! You can't go in there!"
"Relax, Abbey. It's nothing bad." Eric pulls the specific band out of his pocket that he had kept behind just for her. "Safety protocol. Come here."
"No. I don't want to be tagged… like… like pigs!"
He guessed this would be her reaction. "It's only to track your location. Look at it this way, I'll always be able to find you… Now come here, you haven't got a choice."
She puts her nose up at him and turns her head while holding her arm out. Eric grips her, yanking her forward towards his chest. He slides the band on her wrist, making sure his fingers linger a moment too long on her skin. Eventually, she meets his eye and all the ferocity has disappeared as she stares up at him. He takes it to his advantage to retrieve the pen-like device that slides into a hole on the side. It tightens strangely and other-worldly against her skin and beeps once, holding a green light.
"Eric, I don't like it!" She flaps her arm around, trying to get rid of the ugly black thing that's sat skin-tight against it.
"You'll forget it's there in a few days. Stop doing that. Relax… Relax." He pulls her towards him and she rests her head on his chest. "You're so fucking feral sometimes."
"Says you…" she muffles against the fabric of his clothes. "Are you really busy? I haven't seen you all day?" She turns her face up to him, giving him the innocent look he was beginning to become accustomed to. It literally begged him to spill everything to her.
"Yes. Max is on his way." His head spins towards the door outback as the Dauntless come strolling back through. "Times up," he tells her, stroking hair behind her ear. "I probably don't have to say that I'm not going to be back again till late."
"I know," she sighs. "I'm trying to keep myself busy here but it still doesn't numb the fact I miss your stupid face. What am I going to do when you go back to Dauntless?"
"Stop. I'm not going back yet. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it." His phone begins vibrating in his jacket. "Shit. I'll find you later."
"Okay," she says disappointedly, pecking his lips. "Love you."
"Don't do anything stupid, okay? Have you eaten?"
"Yes, don't worry about me. You're obviously needed somewhere else. I'll be here if you need me." Eric knows that tone, a particular way a woman talks when she's pissed off, but he can't let it get to him.
Eric squeezes her hand and leaves to the chime of the bell, walking broadly out towards the groups of people while pulling his phone and shoving the thing against his ear.
Abbey sighs after him, biting her lip. Sandra appears from out back with the same matching wristband, cautiously stepping up to the counter and towards Abbey who's looking a little tense.
"He scares me, but I've never heard him speak so softly… He's hot Ab's. Like bad-boy, scary, shouldn't-be-hot but is…" The older woman throws out and Abbey turns, smiling at her.
"I know." She tilts her head back and feels a burning, twisting sensation unraveling in her stomach as she watches him walk away.
Another smaller woman with glasses who goes by the name of Clem, appears behind Sandra, leaning on the desk as the retreating image of Eric gets smaller and smaller. "Like really hot…"
"Yeah, I know…" Abbey briskly faces towards the girls. "Do you think he's out of my league? …I think he's out of my league."
"Oh god, no! You both have your own leagues… You're just in different ones," Clem begins rattling on, nudging Sandra to also say something.
"Yeah, Clem's right. He should count himself lucky..."
Abbey's chest feels tight, her eyebrows knitting together tautly as she still chews restlessly at the skin on her lip. "Is this going to work – this thing we have?" She didn't really know why she felt the need to ask them, but she needed someone to ask or at least vent the silly thoughts in her head to. "Am I deluded? Are we moving too fast?" Her lips almost bleeding now and inwardly she tries to convince herself that they're not and that they've known each other since they were thirteen so that ultimately made it very long time.
"Hmm…" Sandra utters. "I don't know the man, but I can tell you that he looks like the type who would make it work regardless of what anyone else thinks…"
Abbey flicks something on the counter as she leans up against it. Even if her friend had honestly outed what she finally wanted to hear. She couldn't help but think that they were only saying it to save her feelings. But then again, she was just as messed up as Eric. They were quite the pair.
Only a few days ago she was convinced she loved Matt and could happily spend the rest of her life with him. But after seeing Eric and him conveniently coming to Amity, she had no doubts it was just a deranged outplay from an eager mind that wanted sanctuary. Eric was beyond sanctuary. He was home and had been for years.
She, in fact, was almost completely sure her entire being was meant to be with him. A thought she had when she was sixteen.
And the thought had never changed.
Eric waits as the Dauntless gray trucks roll up the Amity track. Max is in one of them somewhere, probably having already spotted him watching from afar.
Dust kicks up as it stops. There's been no rain. No mercy under the pure, unswerving sunlight. It had been days since he'd seen a cloud and everything was covered in the same frosting of dirt. He couldn't think for the life of him why Amity hadn't invested in some sort of Treadway, it would be highly efficient.
But right now, the sun was descending, and Eric guessed it was around eight just by the glooming colors plunging upon them and the fresh breeze making it all the more comfortable.
Max hops down from the truck in front, holding his hands out to the sides in greeting. "Johanna…" he drawls. "Eric," he says a little sharper.
"'Bout time you joined us." Eric smiles. "Thought for a minute you may be slacking on the job."
Max has got that glint in his eye, that same glint he sees whenever he decides to mock him and he knows he won't say anything insulting back in the presence of others. "Running Dauntless solo is hardly slacking." Max's eyes flit to Johanna's barn in obvious impatience, forcing Johanna to clear her throat.
"Shall we take this to my office?" Johanna throws Eric a look. "Although Eric has been pretty comfortable there of late."
"Johanna here thought it was acceptable to strike a deal with the factionless and feed them - Someone had to take control." His smile is fake and drops instantly.
"Now, come on guys, let's get along amicably. I think there is enough trouble here already then going for each other's throats," Max says smoothly, but he notices the way Eric grimaces slightly, then trails off into the distance trying to obviously distract himself from the delightful thought. "Johanna, if you don't mind." Max passes by her, marching off militantly in front while they follow behind.
Once they scale the steps, Max motions for Johanna to sit courteously, keeping that stupid smile on his face; the one he makes when he's under observation and Eric could literally gag. Eric would never show anyone that amount of goodwill. "How did my protocol go down with Amity?"
"They didn't like it, but then again, we weren't really given a choice," Johanna snaps the words a little acidic.
"It's for your own safety, and to track any possible occurrences. Alternatively, it promotes peace." Max is still smiling. "Look at it this way, at least we didn't plague you with chemicals."
Johanna grimaces, pulling all her features into a crumpled mess while her mouth laid steadily straight. "How thoughtful."
Eric leans on the banister, nearer to the stairs, crossing his arms, a crooked smirk on his face, loving the little show-down in front of him. He knew though that they were friends – but that always came second.
"And I also have to address the betrayal to the factions by you feeding our enemy." Max seems to sigh; it was now a boring issue that had been repeated too much for anyone to really care anymore.
"They were hungry. They threatened us. I had to do something, and that something was the most humane way. We don't-"
"Promote violence… and so on," Eric cuts in. "Tell us something we don't know."
"I've held off on informing the other factions just yet of your… crimes" Max seems to take a while to choose the right set of words. "Until this issue is resolved, all other concerns follow last. So that means you, Johanna."
"You're not perhaps working for the factionless, are you Johanna?" Eric mocks.
"Seriously, does he need to be here!" The frumpy woman has finally had enough, her voice has raised slightly higher as she throws an arm up into the air. This is a sheer pleasure for Eric to see. Every day he bashed her over and over and finally… finally, he'd cracked a little something from her.
"Eric…" Max warns and Eric gives him a wide smile.
"Sorry, Max. It's just been a long day…" Johanna rubs her head exaggeratedly. "The amount of explaining we've had to do… Amity's slightly distressed at the minute and it's going to be a while to fix. Not only are we being backhanded for possibly harboring the factionless – which we haven't." She gives Eric a quick dig. "…But also we still have our usual work towards the other factions and the weather hasn't helped." Eric notices for the first time how drained she looks. Her usual beaming face was drawn and she'd also lost a bit of weight. "It's going to affect the number of transfers we receive during the choosing ceremony and it couldn't happen at a worse time."
Max – the easily swayed oath, walks over to Johanna and places a hand on her shoulder. "At least Dauntless are here now. We will get to the bottom of this, and I will see to it that I inform the other factions of Amity's struggle. You can go, there is nothing else at the moment that we need your help with." Johanna stands with his hand still on her shoulder, smiling gravely. "Tell Joel I said hello."
"I will. Thank you, Max." Johanna lifts her cheeks again, her hands grabbing at her long skirt to stand and she walks passed Eric slowly, her eyes squinting at him for the slightest of moments. "Eric," she nods and takes the steps.
There's a brief silence until Max moves and takes Johanna's seat. "As if we didn't have enough to do…" His fingers find his mouth and he chews on a nail restlessly. "Now, potentially, we're all going to starve…"
Eric remembers Abbey's stupid words she used, things happen at weird times… "Perhaps we can rope Abnegation in on some of the work, I'm sure they'll oblige."
Max scoffs, leaning back. "I can't take much more of this shit. Jeanine's giving me a bad case of the blue balls."
"I can't even jack-off with her calling me at ungodly hours," Max continues regardless.
"As I said – Nice."
"What's going on with your little rose?"
"Abbey?" Eric's eyebrows raise slightly and he shrugs. "I stopped her marriage. I've stayed at hers a couple nights."
"You thought about what's going to happen when you go back to Dauntless and she has to stay here?"
Eric inhales for a long second, tilting his head slightly upwards, this was not what he wanted to go over at the minute. The honest truth is that he knew he would have to be back on forth – when he had time. And for a fact, he knew that wasn't going to sit well with Abbey.
Perhaps if he wasn't a Leader than things may have panned out differently and he would have had more of a chance to get away and spend more time with her – but that was out of the question. Even if that was weighing heavily on his shoulders, he knew he still wanted her and it would seriously fuck up his entire being if that was to suddenly change.
"I've thought about it, yeah. I just don't know what to do about it. Abbey's a little gutsy when it comes to these things and it's a discussion best served at a different time. There's too much happening at the minute." Eric thinks about it a little longer. "Fuck… Johanna told me to marry her."
"Not a bad shout. Alternatively, that gives her permission to stay at Dauntless without question as long as her duties are overseen on her time away. I can't remember the name for it now but it's some type of leave."
"I can't marry Abbey. I'll be putting a target on her back, spinning her blindfolded and leaving her somewhere I can't protect her." Eric runs a hand through his hair, trying to distract himself from getting angry by noting how dark it's become outside.
"Up to you, but if you don't, I think you'll regret it. Someone else might step into your boots while you're gone on one of those long winter nights..." Max shrugs indifferently to him. "I think you're a fucking idiot if you don't."
"Fuck you." Eric straightens himself out, seemingly done with this conversation.
Max sits up a little straighter, clearing his throat from the relaxed and accustomed way he was used to talking with close friends. "Eric…" Max tries to say but it's already too late.
"I can't, not now. I have no intentions of marrying Abbey-"
"Eric!" Max then sighs leaning forwards and scratching his forehead exasperatedly. "Shit, man…" he mumbles under his breath.
"Is it true?"
Eric's face drops. He actually doesn't even want to turn around; he wants to rewind the last two minutes. He hadn't even heard the little dainty thing coming and goose bumps rise on his arms suddenly from the mere thought of facing her. "Ab's, what are you doing here?"
A tear drops from her green flecked eyes, running across flushed cheeks. "Is. It. True?" Her lips really curl around the word as she fights back their trembling.
"I don't know how much you heard-"
"I heard enough!" She spins on the step and disappears as quickly as she came, the sound of a muffled sob echoing from below.
Max purses his lips and is sat like still on Johanna's chair, not brave enough to move as he feels the anger radiating throughout Eric's usually cool composure. "I'm sorry, man. I tried-"
"Fuck…" And Eric paces once or twice before he briskly stomps off after her.
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lemontsumu · 1 year
Wakatoshi is a sensible man.
He’s typically managed to stay level-headed and composed, rarely goaded by provocations.
Except one time—that one time being the moment he’d caught sight of Atsumu crying in the dressing room before a TV interview.
Suddenly, Wakatoshi is far from calm, shoving anyone and anything in his way just to get to Atsumu’s side, falling to his knees to cup his tear-stained cheeks and run his thumb over his quivering lips. “Atsumu, baby, what’s wrong?” he sounds vulnerable, his voice so tender people around them would’ve mistaken it was not his own.
Atsumu leans into the big, warm hands cupping his face and meets Wakatoshi’s worried gaze. “Waka-kun, I-I… the-” he says between sobs, and it broke Wakatoshi’s heart seeing his beloved whimpering weakly in his arms. “T-The host-“
Atsumu doesn’t even get the chance to finish his sentence because Wakatoshi was already up on his feet and marching towards the production floor, all good judgment and reason thrown out the window.
“Waka-Waka, wait!” Bokuto tries to halt him.
“Wakatoshi-kun!” Sakusa also comes to his aid.
Aran who was just dilly-dallying around the corner picks up on the fuss so he approaches them and helps hold off Japan’s canon.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Thank heavens, Iwaizumi arrives and joins the fray, ever the voice of reason. “Why do you look like you’re about to maim a man?”
Because I am, Wakatoshi bites his tongue and doesn’t answer.
“Atsumu is crying. The host is at fault.”
“Are you sure about that? Because last time I checked he was doing him a favor.”
“Waka-kun!” Atsumu is a little breathless when he catches up to him, almost too late. “I think ya misunderstood! I asked the Aoi-san if we could postpone my segment because I wanted to shoot mine in Hyogo. He agreed and suggested we include a snippet of me and Samu in our old high school gym—if I wanted to. And I said yes, of course! I was crying because I was happy. Like so happy!” Atsumu beams, and Wakatoshi grabs him by the waist and kisses him with a sense of urgency, not giving a care about the crowd of staff and teammates that have gathered around them as if part of a melodrama.
“Alright, enough. Break it off you two,” Iwaizumi pinches the bridge of his nose, shaking his head in disbelief. “Get a room, sheesh.”
Well, the cat’s out of the bag.
Guess they can’t keep the longtime romance between Team Japan’s captain and his darling setter a secret no longer.
(Though, at least they didn’t have to cover up what could’ve been a wild scandal on national television.)
“Are you sure you’re fine?” Wakatoshi asks a final time.
“Yes,” Atsumu sighs softly against Wakatoshi’s lips, ignoring Bokuto’s teasing whistles and Sakusa’s disgruntled mutters. “Yer so cute. Were you that troubled because of me?”
Wakatoshi clenches and unclenches his jaw, then he leans in to whisper, “I feel all sorts of things because of you.”
Atsumu swallows the moan that nearly escapes his mouth, knees buckling. Lucky for him, Wakatoshi catches him in his stronghold, always ready.
So the fact still stands: Wakatoshi is a sensible man.
It’s just that Atsumu is the only exception.
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