mainenorth · 5 months
June taking Holo Megs to tired single mom karaoke
THIS ^^ Megatron has only sung when she was in the mines so she doesn’t know any other kind of music so everybody gets confused.
She also doesn’t know any of the songs that people are listening to because she doesn’t use her radio.
Cue the Stunticons teaching (screaming the lyrics because they can’t sing either) her Careless Whisper (she hates it)
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plentyoffandoms · 1 month
Nick Wayne x Female Reader??? Semi-Angst and Fluff? The reader sees some bad comments people are making against Nick and she defends him over social media which leads to Bick thanking her with a kiss and them confessing their feelings to each other.
Nick Wayne x f/Reader
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Main Masterlist ♡ Wrestlers Masterlist ♡ Miscellaneous Wrestler Masterlist
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warnings: some swearing.
Gifs & photos do not belong to me. 1st gif @junglehooks 2nd gif @elitehanitje
WC: 970
Requested by @hooks-martin hope you like it.
I couldn't take it anymore.
All these toxic wrestling fans are coming after Nick. Saying how he isn't a good wrestler. That he is only signed with AEW because of who his dad was.
That it was all because of Darby Allin that got him here. Yes, Samuel did help, but Nick would have eventually gotten here.
None of them have any idea how long he worked towards this. They have no idea that he was going to be here no matter what.
But, the comments from the haters kept coming. From wrestling fans who have never once stepped foot into a ring, and have no idea what it actually takes to do everything all wrestlers have to learn and do that they do not fully cause harm to others and themselves.
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Nick tells me not to pay attention to what they say. He says this every single time I bring it up, as since it is bothering me, it must be bothering him.
"I post, and then I don't look at my phone. They can say what they want as they hide behind their keyboards, but I don't look at the hate." Was all he said to me.
Well, it bothered me, one of his oldest friends.
I met Nick in the third grade when I transferred schools, and even then, all he could talk about was wrestling.
I didn't know it then, but that is when I fell in love with him as he talked about going to watch his father wrestle that weekend.
Speaking of his dad, who we all still very much miss, people would compare him to his dad, and they should never be compared with one another.
I heard the notification go off on my phone, bringing me out of the thoughts of the last holiday I spent with Nick, his mom, and dad.
I grabbed my phone and instantly regretted it.
Nick posted a photo, not even five minutes ago on Instagram, and the haters are already there, I was going to ignore it, just like how Nick does, but then, one comment seemed to stick out more than one.
I have never seen this user comment on any of his stuff before, but damn, they aren't going at Nick about his wrestling, but by his looks.
It didn't take me long to start an argument with a stranger on the Internet, defending my friend, well secret crush.
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Tag list: @lghockey @nicoleveno14 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @melissahausen @faerieofthenightcourt @tahiri-veyla @crowleysqueenofhell
I was showing Tyler something that I wanted to buy when I saw notification after notification of an argument going on the latest photo I posted on Instagram.
I usually don't bother with it, but I noticed one particular username, and I had to check it out.
I saw the comment about my appearance, but also how my best friend was sticking up for me and isn't backing down.
I know she always does, but this time, she was going off.
"I gotta go and see what she is up to." I said to Tyler. "You mean save her before she goes completely mad, and the two of you get called in to HR?"
"Wouldn't be the first time we got into trouble." I said while laughing at the memories of all the shit we used to get up to.
I found her exactly where I knew she would be. In her hotel room, muttering to herself. Most likely trying to figure out what she was going to say next.
"Just let yourself in." She said without looking up.
"You are making yourself crazy over this person." She slammed her phone on the bed and looked angrily up at me, which I found adorable.
"Look, I ignored them after you asked me too about your wrestling, but when it comes to your looks and appearance, nope, I can not stand by and allow that." She said to me as she moved positions. I sat down next to her on the edge of the bed.
She was about to grab her phone as the other person had responded, but I grabbed both her hands and turned my body to face her.
"Thank you." I leaned in to give her a kiss on the cheek, just like I have always done, but she turned her head at the last moment, and our lips connected for the first time.
We both pulled back in shock, but she smashed her lips against mine as we shared our first heated kiss.
I needed air, so I pulled back, and I rested my forehead against hers.
"Maybe now isn't the right time, maybe it is. Maybe there isn't a right time." I started to yammer.
"Just spit it out, Nick." She quietly said.
"I like you, and I love the fact that you stand up for me whenever you get a chance. You always have, and that is one of the reasons why I fell in love with you," At this point, how I was feeling just seemed to spill from my lips.
"Well, Nicholas, I am also in love with you."
"Wait, really?" I was stunned.
"Of course. Why do you think I defend you so much."
"I should have known." I could help but laugh as I said that.
"Yes, now about you, and I go out to dinner."
"You asking me out?"
"Yes, I am Nick."
I stood up and grabbed and held my hand out for her take. She placed her hand in mine, and I helped her off the bed.
"Time for this very long, overdue date, and I have the perfect spot." I ignored her questions as we left her hotel room.
I ignored the comments after posting a photo of the two of us that night, her kissing my cheek, and me declaring my love for her for the world to see.
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delilahcalicocat · 1 month
Can i request an AEW Hook x reader fic where reader got pregnant with his baby and she broke up with him without telling him that she was pregnant. Reader returns to AEW 1 year later for Taz's birthday and she brings the baby with her but she tries to hide the baby from Hook. Hook finds out the truth somehow
A/N: Ofc!!! Honestly I made it half-angst half-fluff :) and reader had twins in this I guess-
♡~Wha- How...~☆
{Ratin: Fluff and Angst}
{Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of Pregnancy/Birth.}
{Pairing: HOOK/Tyler x Fem!Reader}
You and Hook had dated for sometime, until the night you'd caught him with your own friend in your bed..
A little while after that, you two made up. Until Hook splashed the cold water and said he wanted to break up with you..
You were a mess after that day, watching him move out of your house... the tears mixed with your eyeliner.. the stains on your cheeks for the rest of the day.
You both wrestled for AEW, so what was wrong.. Did He move on?
You didn't know. But you couldn't care because you never told Hook about the secret, you wanted to tell him. But then he broke up with you-
Next thing you know. It's been a few months and you wish you could wrestle, but you had two little Demon spawns crawl into the world a month ago. So you were on the shelf.
But while said spawns were asleep, you flicked through channels on the TV. Knowing if you even wink. Those demons would cry.
So you tried your best to stay awake, but failed majorly. You ended up asleep in 30 minutes probably for not sleeping for almost 2 weeks straight because of your kids.
You eventually recovered, and you were ready to wrestle again. But- you had to travel with your son, since your mom had forgotten to get him out of the car seat from your trip to the shop, so while your daughter Arianna slept soundly in her cradle. You had to deal with Jayson, who was a feisty little mess.
Your jaw dropped when you saw.. Him.
"Fuck- Tyler's coming..." You spoke, hiding your son in your locker room
You heard Hook chatting with Taz, about the birthday plans after the show.. you tried to be as silent as ever so they wouldn't know you and your son were in the locker room
"Alright Dad, I'll see you later- have fun on commentary" Hook spoke as his dad walked off
You on the other hand were still silent, until you left your locker room to go towards the ring.
"Oh! Hey Y/N!" You heard Danhausen say at the worst possible time
"Hi Danhausen!" You said back, trying to act like everything was peaches & cream.
"Hey Y/N-" You froze like a Mouse that was seen by a cat
('FuckFuckFuckFuckFuck') you thought, you were panicked.
"Why do you seem so nervous? Is there something up? Y/N?" He asked
"Oh, I'm just nervous to be back y'know?"
"You sure? Because it seems like your-"
"YES! Fuck! I'm sorry I'm just nervous for my match- I gotta go warm-up." You spat
Quickly you ran off, and handed your son off to your good friend Darby. Since Willow was busy.
"Oh. Hey Darby, what're you doin'?" Hook asked
"Just Watching Y/N's Son-" Darby Said
"Y/N has a son? Wow... I thought she wouldn't have moved on that fast" Hook said
"Dumbass- it's your fucking son. You knocked her up before you left her. So she is a single mother of two." Kenny Omega spoke
"Wha- How-..." Hook looked shocked
After that revelation, he went off to find you. You'd just come back from your match and wanted to go get your son until Hook stopped you.
"Hey Y/N, I found out about Jayson and Arianna" He sighed
"How the fuck did you- why do you- The fuck?!" You spoke quickly.
"Kenny and Darby Told me what happened after our break up." He said
"So? What's the fucking point Tyler? You've probably got some girl waiting for you." You spat
"Actually no. I've stopped my whole streak of cheating, I feel awful that I left you before you could tell me..." He admitted
"Can I actually trust you..?" You asked
"Yes, Y/N I'm sorry.." He said
You both hugged and Hook gave you some time before the big dinner to think...
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theunderestimator-2 · 10 months
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Rover, obscure early LA punk teen scenester, Masque denizen and nowadays a Las Vegas mom of 10 children, as captured ca. '77-'78 at the Atomic Cafe, in the Little Tokyo district of Los Angeles (the photo was also used as the back cover of The Klan "Pushin' Too Hard" b/w "Cover Girls" 1980 single by Posh Boy).
Rose, aka Rover [a nickname her high school bestie gave her because she couldn't stay in one place but was happiest roving around] is one of those girls who, according to Alice Bag, "added life and color to the early punk scene and made it so very interesting. She also received one of the first wounds (six stitches in the scalp) in the "us against them" skirmishes that seem to occur whenever people are afraid or intolerant of those who look different from them. It's hard to imagine a time and place when having short, crazy-colored hair could provoke a violent reaction from a stranger, but that was what it was like in the 1970's."
As Rover recalls:
"I believe I took the first hit in the social war we had waged against the norm. I was 16 at the time. I was outside of the Canterbury with my friend Brian (from Fullerton) sitting on a parked car. Two guys drove past on a motorcycle and the passenger threw a wine bottle into our little crowd and it hit me in the head. I didn't know what had happened. I grabbed my head & knocked a hunk of glass out and it fell to the ground. Then, a rush of pain and a river of blood and I stumbled forward and leaned against the Canterbury for support. I was dazed and in a state of confusion. They grabbed me and helped me walk. Gerber & Natalie took me to Lorna Doom & Belinda Carlisle's apartment. Darby was there. The paramedics arrived and bandaged my head. They joked about my hair color, saying they couldn't tell what was hair color and what was blood. If I wasn't the first hit, then I guess I was a shot of energy to all those around me."
Being badly teased in school in So Cal just for being pale white, in '77 she was a 16-year-old who ended up actually living in the Masque, the Hollywood multi-roomed labyrinth, the club and a meeting spot that soon became the center of the universe to many punks, misfits, outsiders, degenerates and the nascent punk scene that began bubbling up around 1976, with groups like the Screamers, Germs, the Weirdos and the Zeros, the Bags and the Go-Go’s, who she also roadied for.
"I walked into my very first show [a Dickies show at the Whiskey, Dec. '77] and knew I had finally found my home planet!!!! Remember the Twilight Zone episode with Elly May Clampett? She was laying in a hospital bed with bandages covering her face, consumed with self hatred & confusion because she was born so ugly that she couldn't fit in with society. The bandages came off and all had failed. Then it's revealed that she is really beautiful in a world of ugly and has to go live in a community with others like herself. That's exactly how I felt when I walked into the Whisky that night. Everyone was pale and it was ok."
(***photo provided by artist & activist @regi-mentle-black-blog , another active participant in the early LA/SF punk scene and friend of Rover, who was also crashing at the Masque back in the day)
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burningvelvet · 3 months
to cope with my post-binge blues from watching black sails, i just finished the treasure island audiobook. it's my first time with any treasure island media - now i have to watch the muppets movie. any way here are my thoughts:
- i knew the character of trelawney had to be based on the romantic era edward john trelawny of byron/shelley fame and I WAS RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sources: WONG, AMY R. “The Poetics of Talk in Robert Louis Stevenson’s ‘Treasure Island.’" A Sandison Robert Louis Stevenson and the Appearance of Modernism
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- i know that black sails isn't fully intended to be a perfect prequel or meant to be taken as filling in all of the gaps to treasure island but i'm still going to compare & contrast the two lol
- billy spending his whole life obsessed with flint and having alcohol withdrawal induced hallucinations about him. OMG. and i'm shocked that they just casually dropped that he visited flint in georgia to get the map like did flint request to see him before he died, was it just about the map, or did he want closure about the whole thing, did billy seek flint out, why didn't they kill each other, how the fuck did that whole thing go? i need more information dammit
- saw another post on here talking about how in black sails flint has that speech about the drunk guy named flint asking his grandpa for rum before disappearing into the sea and then in treasure island we find out flints last words were asking a "darby mcgraw" for rum before he died SO IN THE BLACK SAILS UNIVERSE DARBY IS HIS GRANDPA and so im wondering DID FLINT 1.0 EVER EXIST AT ALL OR WAS IT SIMPLY FORESHADOWING ALL ALONG but at the same time it doesnt matter because the black sails creators said the ending is intentionally canonically up to interpretation and black sails canon and treasure island canon dont match up any way but still it gives us so much to think about bc we never canonically find out who the fuck darby is
- the doctor is the funniest character ever and him giving zero shits about billy or silver is hilarious LMAO
- rly enjoy the descriptions of the contents of billy's pockets and chest. i love old shit and that whole nautical aesthetic ugh. im currently wondering about the significance of the five sea shells billy had (jim wonders abt them too) if they were souvenirs from the island or what... but we never find out!!
- and what the fuck was up with those black spots I NEED ANSWERS! It worked on Billy but not Silver?
- having grown up on PotC i'm very enthused at the references (the song, the rum, "dead mens chest," etc)
- wish we saw more of jims mom, she was lowkey a badass for a moment there telling everyone off and willing to face the wrath of the pirates with her son lol
- love how the men just take jim on for his valour and then decide to make him a cabinboy and the mom just gets a replacement son to help her around the house lmaoooo i wonder if that was a common thing for single women to do though?
- long john silver has a sort of jekyll/hyde personality (btw the author stevenson also wrote jekyll/hyde for those of you who dont know!) - also why the fuck did they leave him to his own devices toward the end and not have a gun on him 24/7 like? i was also shocked that he didnt run off with all the gold only some of it. most chaotic character ever
- my biggest questions are why did black sails take out the alcoholism and the sea shanties? but importantly the alcholism - if they were going for gritty, as they were? flint and billy's alcoholism is integral to their characters (defines their characters actually) in the book as contrasted by silvers moderation & thats rly interesting. and the lack of singing is just boring - pirates rly did have sea shanties - however i can understand for time constraints per episode and whatnot them taking out the singing for practicality - but the alcoholism again is integral to those characters as well as being historically accurate and realistic & would have added a lot imo
EDIT: immediately after posting this i realized that since there are a few years between the treasure burial and flint's supposed death in georgia, he could have become a drunk in that time if we're creating a black sails to treasure island timeline, and billy wouldn't have become a drunk til later on since black sails is set roughly 20 yrs before treasure island.
HOWEVER - by the talks of it in treasure island, and all the pirates referring to flint as a drunk etc., it would still seem that flint was always that way when they knew him, prone to drinking... but at the same time i guess you could say all the characters are jollier than in black sails as indicated by their singing and their more stereotypical piratey ways.
however i still think the alcoholism & addiction theme would have added an extra layer to everything especially after flints sad drunk scene with eleanor. also in toby stephens deep fathoms interview he said flint is essentially like an addict when it comes to his delusion & desires. anyway i digress
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transcript here, audio is on youtube: https://www.justsaypodcast.com/blog/2018/12/18/transcript-interview-with-toby-stephens-of-black-sails
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maizethecorn · 11 months
Transformers fic series called Darkness featuring Jack/Megatron with an overview of Transformers Prime
So, I have followed this fanfic writer the last couple of years. The author’s name is Misgel and delayed writing this amazing, three part series due to the author being in college, author finding a job, author being sick and other life mishaps. Now, I have no idea why the last part of this fantastic, three-part trio logy fanfic has not been completed. (The reason why the fic has not been completed doesn’t matter. I just want this amazing story to be finished.) The third part of the fic has been on a cliffhanger since 2021.
The fanfic revolves around the cartoon Transformers series called Transformers Prime. This cartoon started in 2010 and lasted three seasons. One of the main characters was sixteen year old Jack Darby. Jack went to a high school called Jasper High. The series takes place in Nevada. Jack works a part time job as a drive thru cashier at a restaurant called KO Burgers. He makes mediocore grades, daydreams about having a cool car or motorcycle to impress the popular cheerleader Sierra and goes home to his mom June Darby who is a single nurse working to support herself and her son. By chance, Jack meets a talking motorcycle named Arcee, jumps in the driver’s seat when Arcee transforms and is dragged into the war of the Autobots. Jack meets hyperactive, teenage Miko Nakadai who dyes her hair bright colors and nerdy, bullied Raf Esquivel who both are friends with the Autobots. At first, Jack proclaims way too many times in the series that he just wants to have a normal life but ultimately accepts his role over the course of the series of being an Autobot ally. He keeps his afterschool activities a secret from June but she eventually finds out her son is hanging out with giant robots. June’s not happy with this revelation but she comes to terms with her son’s higher calling to save the world from Decepticons and becomes somewhat involved with the Autobots herself. I did read many fics pairing June off with Ratchet who she is on friendly speaking terms with or government Agent Fowler who involves her in a few missions. In the show, Jack hints he’s not a fan of his mom getting to close to any males but he just needs to accept his mom is allowed to have a love life of her own while he is off with potential love interest Arcee. Jack spent much more time with Arcee than his girlfriend Sierra so I saw the sixteen year old boy and the giant female robot who could be a motorcycle being a more potential couple. I don’t care that the human and transformer characters don’t have certain atomical parts for an intimate relationship since fanfiction has a beautiful way of taking care of those relationship obstacles. Maybe I’ll post some of those fic links for another day if I feel like it. Anyway, back to this fic:
So, the cartoon never addresses what happened to Jack’s dad in the series. This writer Misgel comes up with a backstory that Jack’s dad was in the military and Jack, June and his dad had to move all the time. Misgel mixes in events from the Micheal Bay Transformers movies for this fic. Technically, the fic would be considered a crossover between the live action Transformers movie and the Transformers Prime cartoon. Some of the movie characters do show up in the fic. Jack’s dad dies with some other soldiers when getting caught up in the crossfire of Megatron who is the leader of the Decipticons being engaged in combat with the Autobots. Two officers come to Jack’s house and tell Jack and his mom that Jack’s dad is dead. Numbed with grief, Jack attempts to go through the motions of life going to school and not developing connections with anyone other than his mom. However, he meets Arcee and his life is turned upside down like the cartoon. The fic is cannon until the part where Megatron and Jack meet in a cave. In the cartoon, Jack leaves Megatron trapped by rocks in the cave and returns to the Autobot base with Arcee. In this fic, Jack frees Megatron from the rocks in the cave to show the Decepticon leader kindness and mercy. In return, Megatron decides not to kill Jack and takes him as a prisoner to the Decepticon warship called the Nemesis. The Autobots do attempt to rescue Jack but fail. At the warship, Megatron tortures Jack to find out where the Autobot base is and looks into Jack’s memories with a technological device that invades Jack’s mind. 
Megatron finds himself intrigued by Jack when he realizes Jack is the son of a deceased solider and sees some of the heroic events Jack has performed to save the lives of his human and Autobot friends in Jack’s mind. He decides not to kill Jack since he finds Jack reminds him of how the Autobot leader Optimus Prime used to be as Orion Pax before absorbing the matrix. So this is a rundown of what Megatron does with Jack instead (maybe death would have been better, you decide?): First, after mind raping Jack with a device hooked into his brain and not giving him food and water for several days, Megs notices Jack isn’t looking too good and deduces he has no food or water for Jack on his ship. Instead of raiding a grocery store, Megatron forces Jack to drink the blood of Unicorn by giving him CPR with the dark purple energon. Unicron was regarded by the Autobots to be a giant robot that was the destroyer of worlds and energon is the ore liquid that the Autobots and Decipticons drink to stay alive. In Transformers Prime, the story revealed when Unicorn went into a coma and floated in outerspace, his robot body formed the basis of the planet Earth. Earth is teaming with purple energon steaming from Unicorn’s body at the Earth’s core. Back to my list of what Megatron does with Jack:  Jack wakes up after Megatron gives him CPR. Megatron keeps Jack his prisoner for a long time and tells him his own version of why the Autobots and Decpticons went to the war and why the planet Cybertron was destroyed where the transformers used to live.The purple stuff that Megatron gave Jack has now caused some changes to Jack’s body. 
The purple energon transforms Jack’s human body to where he is now dependent on the purple ore to live. He can still eat human food and drink water but his body isn’t sustained by human nutrients anymore. He also now understands and speaks the Cybertroian language that both the Autobots and Decipticons speak. There is also the mind link Megatron and Jack share since Unicrons blood flows through both their bodies. Both robot and boy feel each others emotions. Other than that, Jack is still human and now mentally scarred. Jack realizes Optimus Prime and the other Autobots left some details out of how the Autobot/ Decipticon conflict started and now he doesn’t know who he can trust. Surprisingly, Megatron does let Jack go free but Jack’s life is a mess. His relationships with his girlfriend Sierra, Arcee, Miko, Raf and the everyone he knows except his mom June fall apart. Mostly throughout the trilogy fic, Jack is struggling to recover from the trauma/manipulation Megatron inflicts on him and from Stockholm Syndrome. Megatron goes from seeing Jack as a human pet/ replacement for Optimus Prime to caring for the teenager as a son of sorts. Megatron actually gets upset when Jack says he hates him. Angry, Megatron scratches the walls of his warship with his claws thinking about how to get Jack to respect him. Throughout all three fics, Megatron and Jack argue because Jack doesn't like how Megatron blatantly kills everyone to get what he wants. Of course, Megatron has no problem with killing all sentient life since he's been killing whoever disobeys him for millions of years, is a insane psychopath and excepts Jack to be fine with whatever murders/killings/crimes he commits. On the cartoon, Megatron and Orion Pax/Optimus Prime were once friends until they disagreed on what to do politically with their planet Cybertron and this fic suggests Megatron is looking for a replacement in the friendship he once had with Optimus in Jack. In return, Jack finds himself horrified that after finding out Megatron killed his dad, that he has grown attached to Megatron and doesn’t want to see Megatron die. His horror deepens when he realizes he acknowledges Megatrons death would be like losing a second dad. What a dilemma: sixteen year old human kid doesn’t want to lose his silver metal robot dictator father figure who killed his human dad since dictator has been spending lots of father/son quality time with kid in a forced relationship without boundaries.  Misgel did say in a comment to a reader that the relationship between Jack and Megatron is a twisted father/son relationship of sorts. It’s not a healthy relationship since Megatron wants to kill everyone close to Jack to make Jack loyal only to him but boy, it’s an intriguing trainwreck of a relationship that you will find yourself wasting a whole day, days, months or weeks on reading or rereading. Also, Jack is missing out on going to highschool in this fic since he’s saving the world so he will probably have to get his GED later. It’s absolute torture Misgel has not updated fic fic in a few years but you should read the story anyway because it’s got drama, action, sci-fil, fantasy, violence, family issues/mental health issues and a coming of age story with a teenager wrapped up in a neat little box with a big bow. Here’s the first link to the first part of this wonderful story:
Here’s the second link to the second part of the story:
Here’s the link to the third part of the story:
Favorite Possible Fanfic Ending : Jack would stop the human government and Autobots from killing Megatron by convincing them to give him a second chance. Jack would confess to Megatron that he sees him as a second dad. Touched by Jack's confession, Megatron would realize he doesn't care about the Decipticon cause anymore and stop being the Decipticon leader. He would discover Jack's safety is the only thing he really cares about anymore. The Decipticons would disband and Megatron would go into exile in outer space. No one would want Megatron to stay on earth since he's killed so many people. Megatron would accept Cybertron is never going to revive and just focus on helping the planets/people he has hurt for the remainder of his life. Jack would finish his high school education and get a job at NASA. He would go up into space and join Megatron in his humanitarian efforts of helping others. The final chapter ending would be Megatron showing Jack where they would be going on a virtual map within a space ship. This ending would be cheesy but I would love it to pieces.
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aridridge · 1 year
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rosenberg family reunion
the peacekeeper: liz rosenberg, 52, she/her. oldest child of esther and enoch. loving single mom of ellie and darby. no-nonsense nurse of 23 years and tired of her family’s shit.
the nosy relative: ellie rosenberg, 28, she/her. oldest child of liz. the first to dole out gossip at the family function. 
the anxious new parent (part 1): darby rosenberg, 26, she/her. youngest child of liz. wife of waverly. handywoman mom who can’t wait to have a science baby and teach them to fish. 
the anxious new parent (part 2): waverly rosenberg, 27, she/her. wife of darby. elementary school teacher and tree-hugging hippie who wants a big family.
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I’ve made my decision! I think I wanna take on the task of rewriting the aligned continuity (other than the games)
Ok, so I’ve already talked a bit about the Rescue bots rewrite, and now onto the Prime one. Like they are now the series will be going on at the same time.
But, unlike what I’ve said about Rescue bots so far, I’m going to explain why I wanna rewrite Prime before I talk about the bots and their alt modes. Sort of sharing what I enjoy about the show (and let me tell you I love this show) and what really bugs me about it.
Ok let’s get my likes and dislikes about the Prime team and the three kids out of the way first.
Optimus: before I say anything else, this is probably my introduction of him, along with all the others. I like him, he keeps cool and is level headed. He sees his mistakes and improves upon them, and rarely does he allow his emotions get in the way of his decisions. He’s wise and knowing, but still has moments when he makes mistakes. There’s not much I have to say about him
Ratchet: I love this old grump! He knows what he doing, cares for his team, you see his growth in the fact that he didn’t care for the humans to being protective of them. We see him questioning his leader, and being wise himself. He may not be my favorite but he’s definitely around the top!:)
UltraMagnus: at first I didn’t have much of an opinion on this guy, then I started to like him (I’ve realized I have a thing about big guys who are very rule oriented, especially if they are associated with blue), then I heard about other versions of him and realized how flat he seemed. I just wish him and some others were a bit more rounded out.
Bulkhead: I like him, he’s a gentle giant but still can be quite tough. I don’t have anything against this giant, so I don’t have much to say.
Wheeljack: I love him, he’s the reckless bot we need without being too cocky. I like his character and don’t have much to say about him.
Arcee: she’s a tough gal and is clearly dealing with a bunch mental issues, especially due to the trauma that she has. I love her story, enjoy her personality, and like Bulkhead I don’t have much bad stuff to say about her.
Cliffjumper: I know we didn’t get much of him, as he was killed literally in the beginning of the first episode, and we got that flashback of him. Though I like what we got about him, and wish they did something more with his zombiefied body.
Bumblebee: I love everything about him, he suits his young character, but it’s obvious that he’s smart and talented. There’s not much I don’t like about him
Smokescreen: okay, he’s probably the only bot that I have a few meh’s about. I like how he was in the third season, but hated how he was in the second season. I get though he was written to be that way, but here’s the issue, he’s a guard who was tasked to protect someone super important. I feel like they wouldn’t give that job to someone as young and arrogant as him, and I feel as though he should have gotten wiser in the presence of said important prime.
Finally let’s get onto the more controversial characters, the three kids.
Jack Darby: ok I know what I’m about to say is controversial, but I honestly don’t like him too much. He’s such a flat character to me, he has few interest and those seem so stereotypical. I get it he’s the hero character of the kids, but his heroic and smart moments seem so forced to me. It feels like in order for him to shine, the others must be incompetent. I just wish he was rounded out more and his moments of bravery and smarts weren’t so forced. Also I know he’s a teen with a single mom, but he’s a little too moody for me.
Miko Nakadi: ok I feel as if she’s the most controversial character. Honestly she’s my favorite, she’s loud and rambunctious and for me she made things more exciting. But I do see her flaws that have made people hate her. She doesn’t learn from her mistakes and keeps making them over and over again. She felt way too incompetent for a exchange student, I believe you have to meet a certain score in order to actually enroll into the program. She is kind of dense to danger and others feelings from time to time.
Rafael Esquivel: I like him and wish that he’s was in the show a lot more, especially at the later episodes it seem as though he was put a lot more in the background. He’s smart for his age and though I know people hate that he’s that smart for his age, I like it. Though I wish we got more explanation as for how he’s able to do that stuff on the computers as well as he can and how he can understand Bee.
That’s all I have to complain about the main characters for now, I don’t have much to say about the Decepticons and all I have to say about the human characters is that I wish they were more rounded out.
Ok now for some things that I wish were added or changed.
I wish that the humans connected more to bots that weren’t there guardian. I wish we got more background on each bot and the war. More moments with M.E.C.H, and other dangerous humans. Also I kind of wish we got more cybertronian’s, especially on the Autobot side.
That’s all I’m gonna say for now, and to whoever chose to read this, if you have ideas or even concerns please tell me, and I’ll respond best I can. And please I’d love questions.
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wrestlingisfake · 8 months
WrestleDream preview
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Christian Cage vs. Darby Allin - Allin is challenging for the AEW TNT championship, in his hometown of Seattle. It's a best two out of three falls match, so the first guy to score two falls (by pinfall, submission, count-out, disqualification, or stoppage) wins the match and the title. Cage has been acting like the TNT champion ever since he helped Luchasaurus win the belt on June 17, but he didn't officially win the belt until September 23, in a three-way match against both Lucha and Allin.
The story has dragged out for months and it seems to be well-received, but there's not much to it beyond the fact that Cage is a mega-dick and Allin has a strong attachment to this particular championship. I could get into how Christian has become a meme for fixating on his opponent's dead fathers and single moms, but that's not really pertinent here. I also don't expect his talk of becoming a real father figure to Allin's protege Nick Wayne will amount to anything. Once the bell rings, it's just going to be a hometown hero against a ridiculous heel running out of ways to avoid a straight fight.
Christian spent most of his career intertwined with Adam "Edge" Copeland, whose WWE contract reportedly expired at the end of September. Naturally fandom jumped the gun and started fantasy booking Edge getting into this storyline two weeks ago, so by now there's a lot of hype for his debut. If he's in the building tonight, my guess is he'll make his entrance after the match is over. I'm not at all convinced that he'll align with either of these guys or play a role in the finish. But I guess we'll see.
I was on the fence about who would win here until they made it clear this match would close the show. We've got several local boys on this card and I don't think they'll all win, but you gotta figure the one in the main event has to win. WWE would jump at the chance to defy that expectation, but AEW isn't nearly so eager to fuck with people, so I think Darby will secure his third TNT title reign.
Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Bryan Danielson - Sabre is the NJPW World television champion, but as far as I've heard the title is not at stake here. This match is more about simple pride, and delivering a dream scenario for mat-based wrestling.
Danielson is such a good grappler that he routinely won the Wrestling Observer's annual reader's award for technical wrestling, and when he retired in 2016 the award was named in his honor. The only other man to hold the award in the past 17 years is Sabre; Bryan once joked that he came in second for the Bryan Danielson award. A scheduled matchup in 2022 was canceled when Danielson was sidelined. Now planning his second retirement, Bryan is circling back to that unfinished business.
I expect these two to just have fun exchanging holds and working however they want. That may or may not click with AEW's audience. I mean, the AEW fanbase isn't going to ridicule this for being a nerdy scientific bout. But Sabre is all about wriggling in and out of holds, not splashy high-impact maneuvers. And Bryan isn't doing this match to not work Sabre's style; the point will be to beat him at his own game. That could come across like a chess match in the middle of a football game, if they're not careful.
I had a pretty good feeling Danielson would win here...when I still thought this match was going to close the show. The fact that it isn't suggests they don't want to end with a local favorite going down in defeat. And it makes sense for Bryan to put over the younger guy on his way (eventually) to retirement. However, I think there's at least a chance of a Danielson win, so I'm picking Sabre but not with a ton of confidence.
MJF vs. Vincent Marseglia & Bobby Dutch - On September 22, Vincent and Dutch, of the Righteous, earned the right to challenge MJF and Adam Cole for the ROH tag team title. However, Cole injured his ankle on September 20, and revealed on September 27 that he'd need surgery. Rather than forfeit the championship, Max insisted on defending the belts all by himself.
Before Cole got hurt I was sure this was a slam-dunk easy win for the champs. Now I have no idea. The Righteous really have no business winning the ROH tag title from two top AEW stars in the middle of a hot storyline. They certainly have no business pinning the AEW men's world champion. On the other hand, I'm not a fan of a top singles guy winning a handicap match against a solid midcard tag team--WWE used to do that all the time, but that doesn't mean I want AEW to start. Also, what's the point of having Max retain? It'd be a huge testament to his devotion to Cole, but you'd just be setting up another two-on-one situation for the next title defense.
Regardless, I think this should be sports entertainment at its finest. Max will have to pull out all his cheap tricks to stay alive, and because of the storyline the fans will be solidly behind each and every one of those tricks. I don't see him retaining the belts unless someone does a run-in, and right now Max's only friend is not exactly equipped to run into anything. So if he does win, it'll probably involve a whole new wrinkle in the ongoing saga...
Kenny Omega & Kota Ibushi & Chris Jericho vs. Will Ospreay & Konosuke Takeshita & Sammy Guevara - Don Callis and Takeshita turned on Omega a few months ago, and Guevara turned on Jericho a couple weeks ago to join them. Ospreay hasn't formally joined the Don Callis Family but he's been helping them out an awful lot for someone who isn't technically involved. Omega and Jericho needed backup, so naturally that means the return of Kenny's ~very special friend~ Ibushi.
I don't expect this match to resolve any feuds. At most it'll set up Jericho vs. Sammy and Takeshita vs. Ibushi. I'm not sure where that will leave Omega or Ospreay, who already squared off in June. You'd think the destination is Golden Lovers versus Takeshita and somebody, but I'm not sure who ends up in that role. The Callis faction is still a work-in-progress, so they'll probably get the win as they continue to coalesce into their final form.
Eddie Kingston vs. Katsuyori Shibata - Eddie is defending both the ROH men's world title and the NJPW STRONG title. Shibata's ROH pure championship is not on the line, and pure rules won't be in effect. I'm not sure there's any point here except that Eddie loves Japanese wrestling, so he's been going around wrestling all the guys he admires. On paper I'd call Shibata the heavy favorite, but it doesn't make sense for him to be a triple champion. So the story needs to be about Eddie overcoming Shibata's withering offense with sheer force of will. Kingston retains.
Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler vs. Kyle Fletcher & Mark Davis - FTR (Dax and Cash) are defending the AEW tag team championship. This is a rematch from October 1, when FTR beat Aussie Open to retain the IWGP tag title. The build for this is the same as every other big tag match you've ever seen, with both teams claiming to be the best, and resenting the other being called the best, and everybody's trying to feed their kids yadda yadda. Point is, the wrestling will be good. I suppose a title change would be okay, but I'm thinking FTR will retain.
Kris Statlander vs. Julia Hart - This is Statlander's 13th defense of the AEW TBS championship. Julia has not lost a match since April, when she came up short against...well, Kris Statlander. I've been digging Julia's whole spooky chick gimmick and it's gratifying to see her getting a push, although I don't know if switching the title here is the next logical step for her. Of late she's been spraying black mist into the eyes of Skye Blue and Willow Nightingale, and I have no idea how or why that'll play into this match. Something tells me Kris will retain and Julia will refocus on that spooky stuff.
Adam Page vs. Swerve Strickland - Strickland is from Tacoma and is bound to be over huge in Seattle. I've been profoundly disappointed in the writing for Swerve's storylines in AEW, and I think he's been criminally underutilized. He desperately needs a big win as a statement, and I'm not confident he's going to get it here. They've tried to make this feel like a huge grudge match, but the go-home promos just didn't click with me--each guy basically said what they would have said to literally any other opponent. I like Page and want him to get back into the groove, but under the circumstances I have to pull for Swerve to beat him.
Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson vs. Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn vs. Orange Cassidy & HOOK vs. Penta El Zero Miedo & Rey Fenix - This is a four-way match where the first man to score a fall on any opponent will win the match and a future AEW tag title shot. This feels kind of random. I get the feeling the Gunns are next in line, and the other three teams are just here so we won't expect the Gunns to win.
Ricky Starks vs. Wheeler Yuta - Starks is now 0-2 against Bryan Danielson but he still talks like he's winning, so now Danielson's young boy is going to try to shut him up. I mean, Starks needs a win and he's obviously going to win here, so that's good. But since Yuta is the bottom bitch in Danielson's group it really emphasizes that Starks had to take a big step down to find somebody he could beat. I'm not thrilled about that, but as far as this match goes I'm sure they'll make him look good.
Shane Taylor & Lee Moriarty & Diamante & Mercedes Martinez vs. Athena & Keith Lee & Satoshi Kojima & Billie Starkz - This is on the pre-show. I haven't kept up with ROH lately so I assume Taylor's team is the latest incarnation of Shane Taylor Promotions. I don't know that the other team has any reason to be in this fight. The only storyline I'm aware of is how Athena is a heel but she's "graciously" recruited Starkz, a babyface, as her personal minion. Kojima seems to just be here to remind us that this was ostensibly a New Japan tribute show. I guess Athena's team wins.
Claudio Castagnoli vs. Josh Barnett - Another pre-show match. Barnett is a former UFC champion and once headlined the Tokyo Dome with New Japan. But modern wrestling fans may know his name best from Josh Barnett's Bloodsport, a regular fixture in GCW's Wrestlemania weekend schedule. I'm a bit surprised they're just throwing his AEW debut out there like this, but maybe that's because Claudio's just going to beat him in 8 minutes.
Max Caster & Anthony Bowens & Billy Gunn vs. Shane Haste & Mikey Nicholls & Bad Dude Tito - Gunn and the Acclaimed are defending the AEW trios title on the pre-show. The challengers are Zack Sabre's teammates in TMDK. I hope this means Haste does a cool entrance with his theme song and the orange hat h had during the G1, but knowing AEW they'll accidentally play Slapjack's entrance theme instead. The champs obviously have to retain.
Luchasaurus vs. Nick Wayne - Yet another pre-show match. Wayne is the son of journeyman wrestler Buddy Wayne, who trained Darby Allin in the Seattle area. Luchasaurus is a 65-million-year-old dinosaur with a master's degree, who is unwaveringly loyal to Christian Cage for no apparent reason. So they're going to fight here, probably to keep each other from running into the main event. I'm sure Nick's flippy moves will keep him alive for a while, but Lucha is going to grab this kid and squash him like a bug.
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sonicasura · 8 months
In your Corazon in TFP AU, what if Sanji had been brought along or a Shadow version of him appeared and his first response to seeing June Darby was flirting with her 😆
Sanji will hit on June and Arcee. For his Shadow version, it's basically the Jump Force equivalent to him fighting any female character in the game. Does just 1 damage with freaking heart eyes. Easiest to do with Arcee or Nami.
For actual Sanji, he was found before Jinbei in Bologna, Italy. Absolutely wrecking culinary chefs with his incredible cooking skills until a Shadow Don Krieg decided to ruin the fun. Bumblebee and Arcee were sent when Usopp warn them that the Shadow uses deadly poison.
You can say neither were expecting Sanji or learn how much of a flirt he is. Jack never brought out a frying pan so fast when the chef began hitting on his mom. I can't forget the team learning about the Monster Trio aka the powerhouses of the Strawhat Pirates.
Sanji definitely earned his title of Black Leg as his legwork and kicks are no joke. To see shatter a cliffside with a single kick to walking on the air itself was insane to say the least. Despite his slightly perverted personality, Sanji did get along quite well with everyone.
Now our blonde's tragic story was learned in two parts. First when Jack ask Sanji where he learn to cook so well. No one on Team Prime expected to hear cannibalism, especially since it reminded the bots of Spark Eaters. However Zeff done it so Sanji wouldn't starve as they wait for help.
Second part came when Katakuri was found. Hearing Sanji being not only a prince but an abused test subject by his own father hit everyone hard. It explain the blonde's odd mannerisms and oh boy did everyone despise Germa 66 except for Reiju who been a victim like the blonde been.
An entire rollercoaster when Sanji gets involved.
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primevein · 1 year
The Prime of His Youth: Prime of His Youth: Book I: Forging His Own Path: Ch05: Nesting
Jack and Arcee pulled into the garage of the Darby home. Jack stepped off to close the garage door as Arcee transformed and sat down. Jack sauntered over to the couch and sat down.
"Don't you have to make dinner?" Arcee asked, and Jack sighed.
"What I want to do is sit right here and just... relax..." he uttered.
"I'd cook for you, if I could get to the stove." she stated, "And knew how to cook. But Fembots are less affected by fire. It's weird seeing your squishy flesh so close to fire."
"You're worried, aren't you?" Jack asked.
Arcee kneeled down in front of him, "I guess I can't hide it from you." She reached out to grab his hand.
"Once we get used to it, it's almost unheard of to get seriously burnt while cooking." Jack tried to say.
"Which means there's always a chance..." Arcee quietly, sharply voiced.
"It's more likely to leave it turned on and cause a fire." he tiredly stated.
"You're tired, I should..." she said, and Jack pulled her hands up and kissed them. He then leaned forward to kiss her before standing up. "Promise you're not going to hurt yourself."
"I promise." he said, blew her a kiss, and opened up the door to the house.
* * *
Arcee sat against the back wall as the garage door opened up. She eagerly stood up and stepped off to the side as June drove her car inside. She stepped out and looked up at Arcee. "It's amazing how I'm getting used to this."
"I'm sorry for being in the..." Arcee tried to say.
"You should never apologize for that." June said to her. "I would much rather have you here, than somewhere else." Arcee looked about nervously. "You look like you have something to say." Arcee looked at her nervously before looking away again.
"Why don't you have your shower?.."
"Whatever it is, I'll support it." June stated, and Arcee turned to look her in her eyes.
"Even if you cry?" Arcee asked.
"Even if I cry." June simply replied. "I'll go have my shower."
* * *
Jack stepped into the garage, only to see his mother in a bathrobe on the couch. "Mom?" he asked. She patted the couch beside her, and he moved to sit down. She looked to Arcee and he followed her gaze.
"So." Arcee said, and paused, looking nearly fearful, "As I said, I actually have a lot of money. More money than I know what to do with." She paused. June smiled at her and waved her to go on. "Well, I figured out what I want to spend it on." A pregnant pause followed as the two Humans waited for her to find the words. "It turns out land on Earth is pretty cheap."
Tears started to appear in June's eyes, and she wiped them before waving for Arcee to go on.
"What's going on?" Jack asked.
"I want to buy us a house." Arcee stated.
"A... house?.." Jack asked, and looked up at the ceiling.
"I don't know much about Human houses, so I had Agent Fowler help me." Arcee stated. "You might call it a garage, but I'll call it a house. One that is completely out of the way."
"Men..." June sniffled, "Make a house, women make it a home."
"Can you... help me?" Arcee asked.
"Of course I can!" June exclaimed, and wiped her eyes.
Arcee knelt down and looked Jack in the eyes. "You've been working on your bikes wherever you can find room, but now you'll have all the room you need." Arcee reached her hands out to his and he took them, and then kissed them. Arcee pulled her hands away before pulling June into a deep embrace. This gave June permission to start crying onto her shoulder.
Jack sat there, moisture appearing in his own eyes.
* * *
Jack on Arcee pulled up to the old, disused garage, with June in her car right behind them. Jack dismounted Arcee, and she quickly transformed as June pulled off the road into a small, single line parking lot, and pulled into a spot. She stepped out, putting on a forced smile.
Jack took off his helmet, handing it to Arcee, and went to hug his mother. He then kissed her on the side of the head.
"You can say what you want to say." Arcee said with simple finality.
"Oh?" June asked, "It's just... maybe you don't need your mother to your love nest..."
This caused Arcee to laught out loud. June seemed hurt for a moment, "Sorry, it' just... not what I think you Humans would consider cozy..."
"What... would... you... say about it?" June nervously asked.
"That the rust has set in." Arcee said, "Heavily. Your real estate tv shows call it a fixer-upper." June wiped her eyes, "So, he's not out of the nest yet. Into the love nest? Your expressions confuse me."
Jack rolled his eyes, "Love nests are cozy and quaint."
"Not this?" Arcee asked.
"Less rust and industrial metal." June said between sniffs. "So, is this literally just a rusted out old mechanic shop? Does it even work?"
"I hired a contractor who looked at the machinery, and gave me a quote to repair them." Arcee simply stated, and Jack gave her a questioning gaze. "Would you believe it if I said that Fowler did that part?" Jack smiled at her. "So, all we have to do is go inside, see what you don't want."
Jack patted her on the butt as he walked passed, giving June a start.
* * *
Jack stepped in the shop, and it honestly looked like every - single old mechanic shop he had seen. Metal walls and ceiling. Only windows are extremely high in the air... for anyone other than an Autobot. Off to the right was an office-type space. The large, window-less garage doors all lead to hydrolic jacks that looked at best disused. "They... can get them working again?"
"They seem to think so." Arcee simply replied.
"Would they work for your bikes?" June earnestly asked.
"Hm?" Jack asked, "Not at all. They would work for cars if I wanted to branch out. Not sure yet."
"Then do you need them repaired?" June asked.
"Well, I'd like to keep one." he said, and looked at Arcee.
"Hm, what?" Arcee asked, "You're the mechanic. I'm the what?, apprentice?"
"House wife." June said with a sniffle.
"House wife?" Arcee asked, "The only thing I do for him is let him ride me whenever he wants." A prenant paused followed, "That means something completely here on Earth. I realize that. Not sure if I should apologize." She paused for a moment, "Oh, yeah, we need a kitchen big enough for me to cook in."
"I didn't know you can could?" June asked.
"I can what?" Arcee asked, "Absolutely not. But it's a Human thing I want to try." She looked shy for a moment, "Kind of hope you could maybe teach me?"
Tears appeared in June's eyes along with a brilliant smile.
"Where are we going to put it?" Jack asked, and Arcee looked to a door to the back and shrugged. Jack walked over, June a few steps behind him. Arcee waited until they were almost there before stepping over, and ducking to get under into a warehouse.
"It's kind of house-like, right?" Arcee asked. "If not, we can get house builders."
"Clear out the junk, pull out the shelving, and it would make a nice house." Jack stated.
June looked about how dark and dreary it was, and choose not to say anything.
"We need more light." Jack said, and she instantly smiled. She couldn't stand it if her son wanted to live someplace so truly dark and dreary. "More ventilation. Plaster on the inside would lighten it up, and add insulation."
"We can get the..." Arcee tried to say.
"We can do it ourselves." Jack said with a bright smile.
Arcee continued to look around, "We can do what?" she asked. When Jack didn't reply, she turned to look at him, "You want us to do the building ourselves?!" Arcee asked. Jack nodded, "You know I don't know anything about building, right?" she asked.
"You did want to learn to do Human things." June said with a smile.
"But... there are people that can do that for us... with money..." Arcee pleaded. "Isn't that the whole point in having money?"
"Remember when you helped me with the motorbike for class?" Jack asked.
"I didn't exactly help..." Arcee tried to say dismissively.
"Did you have fun?" June asked.
"Well, yes." Arcee stated.
"That's what couples need." June simply said, and Arcee looked at her curiously. "Yes?"
"I've never really asked... partly because it's, uh, sensitive, but you never talked about..."
"I loved him. He's dead." June simply stated. "How he died doesn't really matter. Just that I had to raise Jack without him."
"He was always there." Jack simply voiced, and left a pregnant pause.
"Now that the war is over, hopefully you won't have to worry about the dying part." June said, and sniffed.
"And I would love to..." she tried to say, but Jack cut her off.
"Mother-in-law suite." Jack stated, and June paused.
"Wait, what?" a confused June asked.
"Did... did you think I didn't want to live with you?" Jack asked
"I just figured... with the..." she said, and looked between Jack and Arcee, "And the..." she said, and looked about the warehouse.
Jack raised his right hand in front of with just his index finger, "I want to work on bikes." he said, and then raised a second finger, "I need a place that has enough headroom for Arcee." He then dropped his hands, "None of that means I want to run away from you."
"You... don't want to?.." he said, and looked at Arcee.
"Hence why we should have a mother-in-law suite." Jack simply stated.
June said to have been completely overwhelmed with emotions and couldn't move. Arcee picked her up in a princess carry and kissed her on the top of her head.
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oldtvlover · 1 year
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So, tonight a minor shocker with Face of Evil, again from 1996 - and Hallmark!! Cast: Tracey Gold - Darcy Palmer Perry King - Russell Polk Shawnee Smith - Jeanelle Polk Don Harvey - Quinn Harris Mireille Enros - Brianne Dwyer and many more Story: In Face of Evil, Darcy Palmer (Tracey Golds) is a good-looking, blonde psychopath who can charm any man (it seems) into helping her – including the cop cabdriver in the final scene who is about to let her out of her handcuffs. In the course of the story, she takes on different identities (probably many, it is hinted, before the story begins), and erases the lives of those she devours. Her whole life is a tissue of lies and a closet full of corpses – as we get in Malicious (1996) and many such variations. Much of Face of Evil has a telemovie blandness of execution, but director Mary Lambert (whose career since early Madonna videos and Siesta in 1987 is intriguing from many angles) has some good gesture/action/visual-business scenes to work with. Such as the prologue, where Darcy tempts a cat to eat a bird she is feeding (much to the moral distress of a nearby little girl!). And especially the elaborate passage where she breaks into the University’s administration offices (an anti-heroine trait: she can get in anywhere – somewhat Hitchockian, à la Marnie [1964]), replaces a woman’s eye-drop liquid with acid, and then waits around the next day outside the building to reassure herself of the success of her plan – “It probably ate straight through to her brain!”, as she chirps to her (again morally horrified) classmates back in the dorm, watching the gruesome news on TV. Note, by the way, how absolutely bland/pretty and uninteresting the character of Darby’s friend Jeanelle (Shawnee Smith) is, always moping about her somewhat sleazy Dad (Perry King: perfect casting) who has neither time nor affection for her … Smith, by the way, has subsequently shown up in many horror movies of the Saw/Grudge variety, as well as the TV series Secret Life of the American Teenager (2008-2013). While on the matter of credits, let us also note the trajectory of writer Gregory Goodell, who has directed a bunch of telemovie thillers, as well as the horror movie Human Experiments (1980), and also wrote a guide to independent production. One of the distinctive and intriguing elements of Face of Evil is the role played by art. At the start, about to marry some hick named Quinn (Don Harvey), Darcy claims to be giving up her interest in painting. He tries to persuade her not to do this. That night, when she clears out, she takes her paintings (including “his” one, a gift to him, cut right out of its frame) with her. At University, inspired by the heavenly vision of art class, she works her wiles to switch her enrolment. Eventually, Jeanelle’s Dad will help Darby get her first exhibition. And not only is her art the explicit confession in surrealist-expressionist canvases of her actual criminal deeds – like stuffing a dead girl in her suitcase! – it also furnishes her with a kind of Nietzschean life-motto (shades of Rope [1948]): the artist must be free, with no restraining limits. Indeed, whenever Darcy psychotically cracks, it is precisely because someone, in her mind, threatens to curtail her artistic freedom. One of the most basic structures bequeathed to the modern thriller by Hitchcock and (before him) Patricia Highsmith in Strangers on a Train (novel 1950, film 1951) is the plot trope of “the fortuitously encountered stranger who enacts your most secret wish”. Face of Evil, adopting the evil gal pal template of Single White Female (1992) and other contemporary 1990s thrillers, takes this in an odd and highly perverse direction, which is in some sense also a scrambled reworking of the “Mom really did it” displacement-logic of Psycho (1960). In Darcy’s romancing of Jeanelle’s Dad, she does not merely take her BFF’s place as the beloved daughter – she does what the daughter longs to do but cannot: make love to him! And then, just to top it off, Darcy more-or-less throws exactly this wish-come-true in Jeanelle’s face. This logic also works, on a lesser but more humorous level, with the character of Quinn – whom Darcy rudely jilts, but who then comes after her, until he is trapped in a rolled-up car window and (discreetly) stabbed to death by her. Back at the point of his post-jilt rage, he informs his super-religious parents that he will return to the bar to once again take up boozing – the very bar “where I met Darcy”! © Adrian Martin June 2012 (taken from here now) Thoughts: Well, a normal looking woman is trying to lure a cat to kill a bird which she feeds. She gets interrupted by a young girl - and her fiance, Quinn, who introduces she as Darcy Palmer. She plays the perfect role until she has enough and flees from him - with their wedding rings and her own pictures (and one of his). At an airport where she meets Brianne, who starts college soon, both women just talk until Brianne goes to the restrooms and Darcy kills her, taking her identity and suitcase (with the body in it). At the college, and also earlier, she meets her new roommate, Jeanelle and they befriend quickly - until she sees Jeanelle's Dad, Russell (King with a ponytail first). In Darcy seems to grow a plan and she also switches her courses from music to art, her profession. Never mind, she sugarcoats Russell more and more as he likes art as well and she slowly begins to replace Jeanelle. Yet Jeanelle sees some holes in Darcy's story which changes anytime and she begins to research and phone to get the needed information. Darcy, meanwhile, has reached her goal and Russell has opened an exhibition for her - and she sleeps with him. Jeanelle has found out that Darcy is not even Darcy and so both women fight but Russell comes to the rescue of his daughter after finally realizing what is going on. The police arrests the woman who might weasel her way out, again.
Can be found on Youtube if I remember correctly. Enjoy!
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donnabroadway · 2 years
There seems to be a trend of people sharing their bad, at most, questionable at best decisions on social media in the name of being aspirational and it's not cute. There is nothing cute about getting online and bragging about how you don't know how to pay basic bills as a SAHW or mom or SAHGF. The amount of lawyers and professionals that tell you that being a stay at home wife is one the worst professions they see in family law and divorces should be a warning but for some reason we see a rise of women choosing to be stay at home girlfriends. I am not a hater. I try not to police other women's uteruses, bodies, and vaginas. What someone does as long as they are safe, fairly happy, healthy, and everyone involved is consenting, of appropriate age, and has the faculties to understand what is happening, is not my business. Women seeking to be kept women, mistresses, stay at home moms (not that they are the same, and trophy wives is nothing new and won't change. It also won't change that unless they are an exception or they are able to secure marriage, child support, or some other means of financial protection, they end up with nothing. I have never seen an old, retired sugar baby. Most sugar babies are young women between the ages of 18-25 and if they're lucky, they will get married or in a long term relationship before they're 30. It's an arrangement based on looks, youth, and ego and older women don't do that. Ashley Darby, as beautiful as she is, has found that her time as a kept woman is ticking, especially after having babies and becoming a mother. There is no guarantee with marriage but there really is no guarantee when playing the game of trying to keep a man interested enough to continue taking care of you, in exchange for being young, fun, and cute.
I wonder how many women who spent their teens, twenties, thirties, and part of their forties playing the role of perfect wife and partner to a rich and successful man, shaping their dreams and goals to fit his, and not doing much outside of supporting him, regret it. Even if the man continues to take care of them financially, how many women regret not leaving to find true love and happiness. At some point, youth and beauty become faded and options will dwindle, and not just in the romance department. Even men with money find their options dwindle from women who truly love them and are willing to build with them to women who just want to be taken care of and to some extent, scammers. It does not matter how well you age, all of us will have diminished options once we reach a certain age because the smart ones will stay married and the ones who are loose tend to be the ones who aren't great partners and probably aren't great people either.
There is no such thing as almost married, technically married, or even common law married because even that has to be proven in the court of law. There are only four legally recognized marital statuses, single, married, divorced, and widowed. Common law is not federally recognized and it varies from state to state. It does not matter if you've been with that man since you were in grade school, if he's the only man you've ever been with, if he's always paid all your bills and told you that he wanted to take care of you; the people who are in the business of getting your "husband" in the ground, settling his accounts, and verifying things do not care about your sob story about how in love you were and how he told you you didn't need the government in your business to prove your love, how his kids or mother were **expletives** for kicking you out of the decision making process and how they didn't even know him or he wouldn't have wanted them making decisions for him, or even you cursing them out and threatening to escalate the situation because you know someone who knows someone. If you don't have paperwork, either a marriage certificate, or something filed with the state naming you the executor of his estate, then none of that matters. I also think it's interesting how people think they can Karen their way out of bad decisions with tears or fear. It does not matter how things "should be," this is how they are and until any relationship other than the four I listed above is recognized, if you are going to be with any man long term, then you need to plan accordingly. I will never understand why we choose to be in long term relationships with no marriage in sight. I understand if you're young or there is some benefit to not being married, such as losing benefits or alimony, but two overly grown people having kids, sharing property, a life together, and even a defacto last name won't just spend the $25 to go to the courthouse to make it official. It's not the government in your business, it's being smart. You need to protect yourself because anything can happen to anybody at anytime. There are no guarantees.
Let's say your man is one of the ones who truly would "never," okay what about life? What about tragedy? What if he gets incapacitated? What if he gets a traumatic brain injury? What if he loses his job? Even people who own the company and the "job" lose their "jobs" every single day. None of us are exempt from the realities of life. It is irresponsible for a woman with children to not know how to pay her bills. This is not to say she should be paying the bills with her own money but getting online bragging about not knowing who your husband pays the mortgage to for the house you and your children live in, is irresponsible. and nothing to brag about. The amount of older women I know who trusted their husbands to handle all of their finances but got a rude awakening when they realized the bills weren't being paid how they were supposed to, their husband couldn't afford it, or they were now one step away from homelessness, is astronomical. It happens to women in all walks of life and it is naïve to trust someone with something like that. When it all falls apart, the bank, mortgage company, landlord, credit card company, etc do not care that you didn't know. This is the only scenario when not being married works in your favor because you're not responsible for those debts. You need to know how to pay your bills. If something happens to your husband or partner, you should be able to step in and handle things. If you aren't the one, he should have someone else prepared to handle things in the event of his demise. Young people die everyday. People who were once healthy get sick and become shells of themselves very quickly. Life happens in the blink of an eye and if that man decided he wanted to be the sole provider for you and your family is not stupid and he should have things in place to take care of you and his children when he dies, because he will die because all living things die, even if you don't want them to.
There is an old meme going around about a woman who was a mistress to a married man and she had two kids with him, he died and left her and the kids nothing and she went to the wife with her sob story and her kids asking for help and the question was asked what would you do as the wife. Call me heartless but I would tell her to get a job. If that man was taking care of her and he left her with nothing, that is on her. I guess she thought the children were insurance for child support but dead men can't pay child support and only legal parents, not spouses are responsible for child support, she is fresh out of luck and the wife owes her and the kids nothing. While she was living the high life, spending money, and making babies, she should have made sure she had some tangible assets for herself and her children. That is not the wife's problem and y'all are going to learn to stop depending on sympathy to make it through life. No one is condemning mistresses but make smart decisions. If you're grown enough to sleep with a married man, play house, or other big girl things, be grown enough to sit down and have a serious conversation.
Even if you are not his wife, if he is serious about taking care of you, there needs to be processes in place and someone who knows how to handle everything in the event of his untimely demise. You need to have him show you the mortgage papers and make sure your name is on the deed, even if you aren't married, have him show you life insurance policy, learn how to pay all the bills, or get in touch with who pays the bills, if your man got it like that and it isn't him, and you need to know about the assets he has. You also need to have a way to pay the bills if he's gone. Him giving you an allowance, letting you use the cards, while he pays the bills is not enough. There needs to be an account with money you can access or an insurance policy because it doesn't matter what is in your name, if you have no money to pay it and if you've been a stay at home mom for 20 years, you will not make enough to keep up that lifestyle, even with advanced degrees. You need money. That is a fact. And you should be able to access the money immediately. You don't want to wait weeks or have to go through a lot of red tape. You should be able to access that account and his money the moment he passes or become incapacitated because bills and hungry children don't wait. This goes for SAHH and kept men. If you don't work and are dependent on another person to pay the bills, even if they say you're equal, you still need money.
Too many women bury their heads in the sand because they want to reap the benefits of living the soft life and don't want to rock the boat. Even an Ostrich cannot bury its head in the sand for too long The reason why we don't hear about the bad is because it's not as sexy as bragging about not having to pay bills and having a man that will take care of everything and all you have to do is wake up and do whatever you want all day and people don't want to hear the reality or "negativity." The want positive vibes only. If you talk about the flip side, they will say you're lying, you're ungrateful, you're complaining, that you must have done something to cause that outcome, it could never be them, etc. This is why people don't even waste their breath. I know a lot of advice was wasted on me when I was younger because young people think we know it all and we think we're special and that can change the outcome and it won't happen to us and we don't realize we're new players in the same game.
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wenightmareyou · 2 years
92 Truths
michaela @agentdanaascully isabelle @carefuldaughtercas and i found this old tag meme that michaela and i did in 2015 so we’re redoing it 7 years later! i cant believe we’ve been on here this long jfc
(copying all of my old answers and keeping the funny ones bc there are some gems in here)
Once you’ve been tagged, you’re supposed to write a note with 92 truths on it. At the end choose/tag 25 people. (not doing this lmao)
I was tagged by michaela and isabelle in real life lmao
OPTIONAL: NAME: Kodie AGE: 23 Now here are the 92 questions:
WHAT WAS YOUR: 1. last beverage = Tazo awake tea 😌 2. last phone call = my mom lol 3. last text message = isabelle carefuldaughtercas 4. last song you listened to = heaven help us live 5. last time you cried = today listening to heaven help us live lmao
HAVE YOU EVER: 6. dated someone twice = technically? 7. been cheated on = yup 🙃 8. kissed someone & regretted it = yes 9. lost someone special = like as in died? if so yes 10. been depressed = maybe 11. been drunk and threw up = no 😇 
LIST THREE FAVORITE COLORS: 12. RED (keeping this answer the same as 2015 bc im endeared by the all caps 🥺) 13. black 14. yellow
LAST YEAR (2014) (lmao) HAVE YOU: 15. Made a new friend = yes 16. Fallen out of love = no 17. Laughed until you cried = yes 18. Met someone who changed you = yes 19. Found out who your true friends were = obsessed w the 2014 energy radiating off of this question. um yes i do know who my true friends are and i love them 20. Found out someone was talking about you = yes in a good way? 21. Kissed anyone on your [FB, Twitter, Tumblr Etc] List? = no GENERAL: 22. How many people on your [Fb, Twitter, Tumblr Etc] list do you know in real life = i know so many mutuals irl i have no idea,,,, like 20? 24. Do you have any pets = no :( im definitely definitely gonna get either a cat or a bird after i graduate though 25. Do you want to change your name= I really think I will someday actually <—-awww that was my answer in 2015 and i did 🥰 i love my name now, if anything i could see myself changing my last name someday but that depends 26. What did you do for your last birthday = lmao got boba and watched the lost boys with michaela 27. What time did you wake up today = i think 11?
🚨THERES NO 28 🚨 
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for = for Panic! to finally start releasing new music <—LMAOO RIP AT MY 2015 ANSWER 💀 uhhhh the mcr shows this fall/seeing rhys darby on monday!! 30. Last time you saw your mother = maybe a week ago? 31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life = I wish I could drive <—KEEPING MY 2015 ANSWER BC I STILL CANT FUCKING DRIVE but yeah god i wish 32. What are you listening to right now = the hum of the refrigerator/michaela and isabelle also filling this out rn 33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? = tom my best friend tom who’s tom? wambsgans 🥺 but no irl i dont think ive ever met a tom, i just have the fictional one i rotate in my mind 34. What’s getting on your nerves right now= waiting for a text back 🙄 35. Most visited webpage = tumblr dot edu dot gov 37. Nickname = i dont have one :(  38. Relationship Status = single 39. Zodiac sign = scorpio 40. He or She = they 41. Elementary School = tbh i wonder w old ask memes like this what kind of response they wanted. like are they asking the name of your school? are they asking if you enjoyed it? if you remember elementary school? bc honestly i do not remember elementary school, love and light 42. High School = again what do they want w this?  43. College = i miss it! a little bit! 44. Hair color = dark brown/red 45. Long or short = short 46. Height = 5'4" 47. Do you have a crush on someone? = no <3 48. What do you like about yourself? = i like to think im funny 49. Piercings = none 50. Tattoos = none 51. Righty or Lefty: righty
FIRSTS: 52. First surgery= wisdom teeth 53. First piercing = ears but i let them close 54. First best friend = her name was haley 55. First sport you joined = I’ve never actually done a sport before <—love the way i flat out lied when i did this in 2015 lmao. i did cross country for a few months when i was 13 56. First vacation = mexico 58. First pair of trainers = i’m sorry this is such a funny question i don’t know why someone would remember this
RIGHT NOW: 59. Eating = nothing 60. Drinking = tazo awake tea lmao 61. I’m about to = make lunch 62. Listening to = isabelle and michaela still lmao 63. Waiting for = a text back still!
YOUR FUTURE: 64. Want kids? = hmmm maybe? that sounds like a question for future me 65. Get Married? = ^^^ 66. Career? = finishing my last year of law school rn so probably a lawyer unless something drastic happens lmao
WHICH IS BETTER: 67. Lips or eyes = still both! 68. Hugs or kisses = kisses 69. Shorter or taller = taller 70. Older or Younger = preferably same age <—jfc this is still so true 71. Romantic or spontaneous = both! 72. Nice stomach or nice arms = not to be like all stomachs and arms are nice but they are :(( 73. Sensitive or loud = both 74. Hook-up or relationship = no comment 75. Trouble maker or hesitant = sun in trouble maker, rising hesitant, moon in hesitant
HAVE YOU EVER: 76. Kissed a stranger = yes 77. Drank hard liquor = yes 78. Lost glasses/contacts = yes 79. Have dated = yes 80. Broke someone’s heart = i think so? 81. Had your own heart broken = yes 82. Been arrested = no 83. Turned someone down = yes 84. Cried when someone died = yes 85. Fallen for a friend = i’m gay of course
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 86. Yourself = yes 87. Miracles = maybe? 88. Love at first sight = okay like yes but not in the way where you’re literally in love with them? but i definitely think you can have one interaction w someone and *know* if you had more time together you would fall in love 89. Heaven = yes maybe kind of but also no except when its yes but not actually yes no <3 90. Santa Claus = no 91. Kiss on the first date = lol yes 92. Angels = im copying isabelle and michaela and saying cas 
this was so fun, i cant believe we’ve been on here long enough to make these answers dated and cringy. i’m not tagging anyone but do if you want to! if im still on here in seven more years i’ll do this again lmao
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hi-there-buddies · 3 years
June Darby and Barbara Lake are the same person
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91 notes · View notes
Headcannons Masterlist
Soft Updates: Once A Month
One Shots/Series Fics Masterlist: Here
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Plus Size Reader
Birthday Edition
Sub! Roman w/ Plus Size Mistress
Public Sex
Hair Kink
Playroom Details
Fighting and Make up Sex
Face fucking
“The Missionary Position“
Taking Care Of A Sick SO
Tribal Chief and Bálor Contest
DD/LG Fluff
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SFW/NSFW (Aleister)
Dad!Edition - Baby Girl (Aleister)
Goth Reader (Aleister)
Jealousy (Aleister)
Comfort - SFW (Aleister)
Sexting (Aleister)
First Time Meeting The Doc (Malakai)
Smut (Malakai)
Plus Size Insecure Reader (Malakai)
Possessiveness (Malakai)
Stripper Reader
Stripper Reader Pt. 2
Dad!Edition (Malakai)
Accidently calling him Tommy
When He Falls In Love With His Psychiatrist/Reader (Malakai)
Calling Him “Daddy” For The First Time (Malakai)
Corruption Kink w/ Priest Malakai
Corruption Kink w/ Priest Malakai Pt. 2
Reaction To You Getting Injured
HOB resident pet fuck
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CNC Knife Play
Voice Kink
Brat Taming
Cheering Bee up
AU!Businessman Jay
Overstimulation/Forced Orgasm
Pregnancy Sex
After Forbidden Door
Student!Jay / Professor! Reader
Plus Size Reader
Teasing with a cock ring
Frat Brother ft. ELP
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Insecure Reader
Frat Brother ft. Jay White
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Tumblr media
Male Reader
Male Reder NSFW
NSFW Honeymoon!Edition
When You Win A Championship
Asking You To Be His Girlfriend
Trans Male/Female Reader
Dad!Edition Part 1
Dad!Edition Part 2
Period Edition
Tickle Fetish And Kinks
Praise Kink
DD/LG Relationship
Angry But Passionate Sex
Short Reader
Teasing NSFW
Comfort (SFW)
Comfort (NSFW)
Non Binary Reader
Singer Reader
Living Together
Wheelchair Bound Reader
Public Teasing
Mirror Kink
Going To Sleep
Black Plus Size Reader
Dating Someone From Wardrobe Department
Domestic Edition
Voice Kink
Reader Who’s Insecure About Her Vagina
Reader’s Water Breaking + Home Birth
Shower Sex
Riding him + the risk of getting caught
Reader with an abusive relationship in the past
Submissive Reader
Losing Your Virginity
Being His Masseuse
Celebrating His United States Title
Casual Intimacy
Pregnancy Sex
Quickie In The Pool
Stripper Reader
Impact Play Knowledge
Curvy Girl Lingerie
Damian x Reader x Rhea 
Soft and Reassuring
Single Mom Reader
Breeding Kink
Magic Mike! Damian
Creative Way To Tell Him You’re Pregnant
Angsty Sex
Random Theme
Actress Reader who’s part of the cast of The Witcher
Winter Honeymoon
Sleeping during sex
Michael Myers Kink - gone wrong lol
Valentine’s Day - Stripper Reader and AU!Bouncer
NSFW with Edge and Reader
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Demon King Edition
Biting Kink
“Submissive“ Demon King
Shy Reader
Face Fucking
Voice Kink
Super Horny And Tries To Tease The Reader
Knife Play
Pregnancy Sex
Reader’s Reaction To His Promo on SmackDown Against Roman
Brat Taming (Prince Devitt)
Bálor and Tribal Chief Contest
Black Tongue
Ask Drabble 
Dirty Talk w/ Demon King
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Enemies To Lovers
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NSFW with Damian and Reader
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Brat taming
“Make her cum with your tongue, put her sleep with your dick“
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Tumblr media
Breeding Kink
Mafia Boss
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Mood Board HC
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Dirty Talk
When You Get Injured
Angry Rhea/Teasing
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Celebrating after Summerslam
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Reader Calling Him Daddy For The First Time
Birthday Sex
Comforting When A Family Member Passes Away
Rough Sex
After winning the NXT title back
Halloween Smut
Angsty Sex
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Riding Him
Rough Sex
Possessive/Breeding Kink
Soft and NSFW
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Plus Size Reader Fluff
Comforting After a Break Up
With A Stripper Reader
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Dad!Edition (Baby Girl)
Dad!Edition (Baby Boy)
Dad! Edition (Teenage Girl)
Siblings w/ Mox
Uncle Edition
When A Woman Hit On You
When A Man Hit On You
Husband Edition
Plus Size Reader
Jealous Reader
Nurse Reader
Virgin Reader
General Kinks
Riding Him
Movie Date
His Reaction To When Someone Sees Your NSFW Videos
Comforting Him
Fighting And Making Up
Shy/Introvert Reader
Giving Head To Female Reader
The Reason Behind The Nickname “Fox”
Tooth Extraction
Sick Reader
Make up Sex
First Night In New Home
Pregnancy Sex
His Reaction To Your Celebrity Crush
Dirty Talk
Dad!Part 2
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Student x Teacher
Dirty Talk
Angsty Sex
Sneaky Sex
Professor Hangman - Blowjob 
Professor Hangman - Jealous
Professor Hangman - Jealous 2
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Reader With Panic Attack
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Predator and Prey
Roommates NSFW/SFW
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Brat Taming
How he treats a sensitive Sub
Flirting with The Elite in front of him
“Where Do You Think You’re Going?“
Random Prompt
With Plus Size Reader
Feral Matt
Sexual Punishments
Needy Matt
Vampire!Matt 2
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Plus Size Reader
Jealousy/slight smut
Sexual Punishments
Enemies To Lovers
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Reader Caught Masturbating
Virgin Brat
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Male Reader
Pet Name
Finding Out That You’re Pregnant
Celebration after winning a championship
Celebration after winning a championship pt.2
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Blindfolded NSFW
Jealous Elias In The Club
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Office Edition
Breeding Kink
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Tumblr media
Tumblr media
Shower Sex
Soft for his SO
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Agressive Make Out
Con Non-Con
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Single Mother Reader
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Tumblr media
Taking Care Of A Sick SO
Hate Fuck
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Photo Prompt
Sammy x Reader x Ethan
Sammy x Alan 5 Angels x Reader
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Johnny Gargano/Tommaso Ciampa/Reader
Jon Moxley/Eddie Kingston/Reader
Matt Jackson/Nick Jackson/Reader
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Kane NSFW  (to ava-valerie)
Undertaker DD/LG (to ava-valerie)
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