bilestat · 7 months
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taniushka12 · 1 year
i know its ridiculous of me to say this in this site but i think people here should be more aggressive (AND definitely more nuanced)
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virgincels · 4 months
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ft. leon s. kennedy x fem!reader
tags. daddy-daughter incest, femcel reader :3, reader wants to get raped so she talks about that, dub-con for like a paragraph, suicidal thoughts, awful thoughts in general, tiny bit of somno, threats, spanking, slapping
note. HAII :3 back on my femcel shit… god i rewrote this like 15 times and restarted over and over so i hate this 😭 it’s clunky so ignore any mistakes!!! feedback n rbs always so appreciated <3 was thinking of og4 leon but.. honestly idk atp !! anyway sorry again for the slow decrease in quality in this .. title has nothing to do w the fic ack ok bye :3
tumblr removes fics that use, for example, tw non-con and any nsfw tags in general from the tags. for this reason, as i’d like my fic to appear in the tags, please understand that this fic contains dark content under the cut. reading this comes at your own risk.
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There are two things you want to get off your chest.
You are not, under any circumstances, ugly. Your face just takes getting used to. (This is a cope.)
You have a crush on your dad. No excuse for this one. Cupid is a conniving bastard. That’s that.
These might not seem like related issues, but they most certainly are because being ugly is hard, and having a crush on your dad is equally as hard.
You’re a sweet girl, you didn’t choose to come out ugly, it’s not your fault you turned out this way. It’s unfair, but ultimately no one meant for it to happen
(Well, you hope no one meant for it to happen unless someone had a vendetta against your mother and cursed her firstborn. She’s an irritating lady, you can see why someone would do so.)
You won’t even be the kind of below-average woman who marries a mediocre man to have mediocre sex to make mediocre kids to live in caustic mediocrity. You have one friend, she’s an online friend, and she might be a lonely old man. To be entirely honest you would prefer that. ‘Cause that would mean someone out there wants to creep on you.
If you weren’t ugly, having a crush on your dad would be socially acceptable. That’s why daddy-daughter porn spans pages and pages and pages of Pornhub. Everyone loves to watch a busty, blonde slut on her dad’s dick. If you didn’t have a crush on your dad, being ugly would be perfectly fine— No, that’s wrong.
Being ugly is never fine. Being ugly is on the same level as being a rapist. Being ugly in the presence of people who are objectively not ugly is, like, worse than being a rapist. ‘Cause all the dudes in high school were rapists in the making. Ted Bundy-style shit.
Grope an ugly bitch in the bathrooms and she wouldn’t speak up, and if she did— She just wouldn’t actually. Would be burnt at the stake Salem style. Hung. Crucifixion perhaps. Ugly girls aren’t good enough to die like martyrs did, however. Especially not ugly girls who cry wolf.
Why on God’s green earth would a hot guy go out of his way to slap a freaky-looking girl’s ass, right? Got girls lined up down the halls waiting for him to sign their perky tits, he doesn’t need to rape. It must be wishful thinking on her part, right? A wet dream she took as reality.
Why would you say that? Do you want to throw what he’s worked for down the drain? Accusations like this, they’re not jokes, y’know that? He’s got a scholarship, college wouldn’t take something like this so lightly.
Aw, you miss her. This goth chick in senior year. Your sorta friend. When it all went down and she had nowhere else to go, you invited her over because you’re a nice girl with no nefarious intentions. None at all. When she lay beside you at night, and she opened up, and she thanked you for believing her, you totally did not have your hand in your panties. And you totally did not rub yourself raw while she spoke about it in excruciating detail. You did not treat her rape case as erotica.
The dude got away with it of course. He was on TV the other day in fact. NFL. Baltimore Ravens. Still stupid hot. God, you wish it was you he picked - wouldn’t have told a single soul. Would’ve sucked the sweat from his jockstrap without complaint.
You’re too repulsive to be touched or raped, and you’ve learnt to live with that. Passing out in alleyways would result in rapists who frequent the area to avoid those very alleyways. Only your hand knows the cushiony softness of your tits, the wetness between your legs, how great your mouth feels— Only your dildo knows that, but you can imagine it’s good. You’re a total catch. A nympho. Men love nymphos when they’re pretty, which you are not. So you’re a nympho without the sex appeal. So in other words you are a pervert. A degenerate. A fucking freak.
It’s time to start sticking your fingers down your throat. ‘Cause that’s what gorgeous girls do to achieve that grave-robbed look. Heroin chic. Modelesque. It’s all the same type of beautiful. Emaciated and sickly. Dead girls are the sexiest ‘cause they can’t say yes or no and if there’s no no then it’s a yes. A nymphetic loophole of sorts. Men love dead girls that double as nymphos. Unfortunately, you are well and alive. Walking into traffic seems like fun, but you would be classed as roadkill, and it wouldn’t be tragically beautiful, just embarrassing to get scraped off the concrete like that. Even in death, you would be ugly because you are ugly to your very core. Your bone marrow is so ugly no scientist would want to make stem cells out of it, polynucleotides so deformed— You’re ugly. No need to wax poetic about it. Nothing poetic about being ugly.
Dad is the closest a human being can get to perfection. A divine image. Michelangelo is, like, dead and gone. David should've died alongside him. Dad deserves to take his place in the Accademia Gallery. With the way people gawk at him, he might as well be art. You’re surprised he doesn’t sell tickets to merely exist in his presence. He’s hot like a Calvin Klein model, and mom is hot like a regular model. Due to how you’ve turned out, you have a few qualms with your mother.
Like, what the fuck happened to you in her womb? Did someone take a mallet to one side of her belly to ensure her child came out as asymmetrical as one can be? A lack of nutrients maybe? Was she dieting during the pregnancy? Did dad fuck her too hard? Busted her womb up or some shit.
It simply might be that two rights make a wrong.
Or you were a tester before she popped your siblings out. Little ichor-filled putto. They were child models, scouted in their diapers, and you would stand behind your mother and the cameraman so hurt you couldn’t even feel jealous. Now they’re all grown up, fully-fledged erotes, and they’re working and doing all this shit you still haven’t managed to get a grasp on. Navigating the world as an ugly bitch is terribly hard.
Rape kinks are developed, dads get crushed on - awful, terrible things happen when girls are ugly and alone and unable to leave the comfort of their bedrooms.
Pretty girls have daddy issues that are dealt with in standard pretty girl fashion - finding emotionally unavailable, salt-and-pepper-haired men to fill every hole, including the one in their doll hearts. The thing is pretty girls don’t go for their dads. ‘Cause a lot of the time dads are gross. Dads do not look like your dad does. And to be fair you don’t exactly have daddy issues. Your dad is present and he doesn’t hit or shout or do anything out of the norm. Maybe this is a you issue.
It is a you issue, not even an ugly girl issue or an any type of girl issue. It’s your issue and yours alone.
It is your issue that when Leon asks what you want for dinner you almost ask for his hand around your throat or his hand in marriage. Either would be fine. Both would be preferred.
Severing your relationship would be even better. Goddamn, girls with absent fathers are lucky. You wish he was anything but your dad— It’s just that if you weren’t his daughter, dad wouldn’t ever look your way, he would pass by you like every man does.
Dad is a busy guy, and he’s a strange guy in the sense that he’s never really bothered with you. He loves your sister, and he loves your brother. But everyone loves those two. You don’t think he likes you very much, you can deal with that. Doesn’t mean you have daddy issues ‘cause no one likes you very much. So it’s a you issue and you should try harder.
Leon’s home early today. He’s collapsed on the couch, withered into himself like he always is after business trips. Mom said not to disturb him. You don’t. Then you do. This is like crack to you. Dad.
More specifically, dad without mom hovering over him. Dad’s sleeping so your brain is not stewed by his intense gaze. It only ever lingers on you for merely a second, but your stomach flips like you’ve got appendicitis and your legs spread involuntarily.
He’s a light sleeper, you’re well aware. He’s also a living, breathing Ken doll so you don’t put much thought into it when you reach out to ghost your fingers along the bridge of his nose. So pointy it could pierce your clit. Your clit. His nose. Oh, it could work so well, you want to grind yourself to mush against it.
Until dad shifts, he’s so beautiful up close you almost forget he’s real, not a wax figure. You trace the straight edge of his jaw, then thumb his petal lips, dragging your pointer finger over the fuller bottom one to push the tip into his wet mouth. Your dad is a slut. ‘Cause he sucks for a good second or two. Heat licks at your insides. You might vomit. His spit glistens like cobwebs when you take it back. That hand is shoved down your pants. That finger finds your clit, uses what spit is left to get it nice and wet. Which is totally unneeded, you’ve been soaked since god knows when, your pussy doesn’t know when to quit.
Feels good knowing that a part of dad is in you, his spit pushed into your hole. You’ll give him something back, it’s only fair, you smear your slick on the spot you traced. His tongue pokes out, likely to combat dry mouth, it swipes along his bottom lip— He tastes you. Heat engulfs you, chars your body from the inside out, the scent of rotting meat is in your nostrils.
Dad tasted you.
Holy fuck. You sit there with a trembling smile, staring down at him and he does not rouse. Shit, you’re creepy and you know it, but you’re not stupid. What other chance do you have? You unzip his old shearling jacket, underneath is that compression shirt that fits him too well. You map out the ridges of his abs, the slight dip between his pecs, every hard line that makes up his body. He smells so sexy, lavender and leather, must be some sorta pheromone ‘cause all you want to do is drop your face into his tits to bathe in that scent, to have it stick to your skin. Shit. Holy fucking shit. You’ve got a sex doll instead of a dad. That explains the distantness. He’s made of silicone.
The door clicks the moment you find it in yourself to click open his belt.
“What're you doing?” Mom ruins everything. She’s had it out for you the moment you formed in her womb. “He’s sleeping, don’t disturb him.” She says tersely, placing her Coach Tabby on the coffee table.
“He was cold.” That’s why his nipples are peaking, piercing the fabric of that shirt. Should be illegal to wear that in public. He’s asking for it.
“Yeah?” She asks, unconvinced, bending down to unclasp her heels.
“Yeah.” You stand up, dad’s indirect kiss on your cunt, shoot her a nasty sneer before you scuttle away to your bedroom for the rest of the day.
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There are stairs that creak and stairs that don’t. You hang around down here at midnight often so you know the right path to take as to not alert your parents of your presence. They’re speaking about you.
“—be careful around her.” Truly, you hate your mother.
“What is there to be careful about?” Right? You tell her dad.
“Just, just be careful. She doesn’t y’know.”
“She doesn’t what?”
“She doesn’t get off her ass, she doesn’t talk to anyone but, well, I don’t know actually, she doesn’t talk to anyone at all.” You could pretend and say it hurts, but it doesn’t. There’s nothing insulting about the truth.
“What’s that got to do with me?”
“You’re a guy, she doesn't talk to guys.”
“We don’t talk much either.” Dad is too stiff to make conversation, and you collapse anytime he breathes in your general direction.
“Yeah, but, Leon.” Mom sounds exasperated, but she’s not getting her point across well. She should know better, dad’s skull is thicker than cement. “I’m worried.”
“What, for me or her?”
“Her, obviously, I don’t want her to… I want her to get out, like, I want her to do stuff,” mom sniffles, she is so putting this on to make dad feel guilty. “It’s so hard to watch your adult daughter just sit in a room and do nothing all day, Leon, she’s like a big fucking baby, why is she like that?”
“Babe,” he coos, and your knees buckle.
“Go talk to her.”
“Go talk to her about it,” Mom repeats, voice shaking. “She doesn’t listen to me.”
They go back and forth for a few minutes, and then dad sighs and says fine. You make haste back to your hovel that doubles as a bedroom, crawl into bed and try to look natural.
Leon clears his throat before he knocks, when you don’t answer he pokes his head in. He says your name and you stir, sheets taut to your body as you peek up at him.
“You should open a window in here.”
When you don’t respond, he sits at the foot of your bed, looks around and nods. His gaze is scathing. Not purposefully. You just take it that way.
“Dinner’s ready,” he lies, then he leaves. His perfume lingers, and you touch the space he was sitting in, his warmth remains.
The day after that, you’re in the living room, tuckered out after mom forced you to help her with the groceries. You’re not cut out for this sort of life. The living sort of life. You were made to rot.
“Door wasn’t locked,” Leon says when he steps in, he puts his keys down, shucks his jacket off, tracks mud halfway down the hall and into the kitchen.
“Your shoes, Leon,” Mom groans, “she came in last.”
“Oh, sorry,” you say absentmindedly. If it doesn’t include tits or dicks or pussy it is none of your business. You have enough energy to keep up with one thing and that is your porn addiction. Groceries really took it out of you.
“You should be careful, rapists might come in, murderers or some shit.” Leon is speaking to your mother. Not you because he has seen your face and he knows very well that an ugly girl like you would survive out of sheer ugliness.
Mom snorts, “I think you’re the scariest thing that could walk through that door, honey.”
“What’s that supposed to mean, huh?”
You’d like to know what that means too. Well, you get the gist, ‘cause you’ve heard all those stories. Dad and his wandering hands.
“You know what that means.” The sound of lips smacking is enough to have you feeling sick, dizzy as you cling to the walls and make your escape. “Did she leave— Quit it, Leon— Hands off, can you go talk to her, please? Properly this time.”
He forgets to knock this time, or he can’t bother to knock. Dad sits in that same spot, he opens his mouth and closes it about five times.
“Mom’s worried about you,” Leon says robotically. “You good?”
“I’m great.” Your tone is unconvincing, but he clearly doesn’t care enough because you're his dirty little secret. Not in a sex way. You would do anything for it to be in the sex way. Dirty little secret as in the ugly kid he chooses to ignore purely because you’re ugly. Dad doesn’t like ugly girls, you know that. He doesn’t think they’re worth a second glance, even a first glance is too much. Dad is superficial and his love is plastic.
These are all things you’re making up in your head based on assumptions. This is how all attractive men think. Ugly girls aren’t worth rape, dirtying your dick in ugly pussy sounds like a hassle. If you were pretty, you wouldn’t fuck an ugly guy. Even as a self-proclaimed ugly girl, you still wouldn’t fuck an ugly guy ‘cause they’re gross, and it’s not like they want you. Ugly guys shoot high and aim for pretty girls. Duh.
So you get it. Honestly. Whatever. Dad doesn’t like you. That’s okay, you don’t like him as a dad anyway. You love him like an obsessive lover. A hallway crush that stars in your late-night rape fantasies. And you’re fine like this. You’re so fine.
“Can I… Can I actually have a hug, dad?” You muster up what is left in your hollow heart to ask him that. It’s a big deal.
Leon blinks at you, levels you with his blank stare. He’s so handsome you want to blow your brains out, it’s an easy feat because you’re always looking for reasons to blow your brains out. Every straw is your last and yet you’re still here.
“Sure, sweetheart.” Dad opens his arms, and you crawl towards him, head on his shoulder as his arms loop around your waist. Oh, god, you will your heart into giving out. Dying right here in dad’s arms is ideal.
He holds you so gently it’s brutal. He crushes you with the weight of his loveless love. Dad’s so good at pretending you almost think he cares.
“Can you… I want to stay like this.”
“Uh, sure, sweetheart,” Leon calls everyone sweetheart. Sweetheart is his default. Sweetheart ranges from Auntie Ashley to babysitters to lifeguards and retail workers who aren’t getting paid enough to deal with some old man making eyes at them. Not that anyone minds dad’s attention. It’s fucking unfair. Mom is babe, and your sister is baby, and your brother is buddy or sport or tiger or whatever shit he pulls out of his ass. And you’re sweetheart because you’re not important to him. His firstborn daughter is not important to him ‘cause she’s ugly. More of a specimen than a human.
You would do anything to keep him here.
“Dad?” You whisper into his neck.
“I want you to…” Your lack of life flashes in front of your eyes. Bedroom. Bedroom. Porn. Bedroom. Porn. Porn. Dad. Not much. What have you got to lose? “I want to— I want to fuck you.”
Dad is silent. Then: “Oh.” He never makes the move to pull away, so you sit snugly in his grip for a few seconds longer.
“I— Dad, I touch myself thinkin’ about you.” Your stomach ties itself into a Gordian knot.
“Yeah, okay, why don’t we— Yeah, fuck, I see what she meant, okay. Wow, that’s a lot. Sweetheart, why… Listen.” Dad says a whole lot of nothing as he takes your hands off him.
“Please… I love you, dad. I really like you— I know it’s weird, dad, I do, seriously, I know, but please I just… I just like you.” There is no explanation for it. “Dad… Daddy.”
He full-on winces. It’s like you’re being flayed. Something inside of you just— Just shatters. Not your heart ‘cause it’s pumping more blood than it ever has. Fragments of your sanity splinter into even smaller segments until there is nothing left but nauseating levels of mental disturbance.
“If you don’t…”
“You seriously trying that right now?” Leon scoffs, and he’s so cocky you get hot under the collar.
(Between your thighs too, but that’s a different story.)
“Yeah, I’m serious— If you don’t… If you don’t do it- do it with me, I’ll tell mom you… I’ll tell her you raped me.” In actuality, you would never tell mom if daddy raped you. You would treasure it, keep it in a heart-shaped locket and think about it when you get off twelve times a day. Getting your pussy reamed by dad’s cock would fix you right up.
“Don’t— Are you okay?” Leon smacks your hand away, his tone is even.
“You do it too— I know you’ve done it, I know how you and mom met.”
His face drains, pallor yellowish. “That don’t… That’s different.”
“How is that any different?” Different ‘cause he’s hot and mom is hot. Leon passed it off as a drunken mistake and they end up getting together. It’s not rape if the perpetrator is a hottie. You agree, but still— It’s not fucking fair.
“‘Cause I didn’t do this.” Leon gestures abstractly.
You kiss him, hands braced on each of his tits, digging your fingers into the meat to feel him tense and harden like he’s wearing a chest plate. “You’re so hot dad,” you whine into his mouth, and Leon is quick to push you off, your wrists in his hands. Makeshift handcuffs.
“Listen, sweetheart,” Dad is using his dad voice. It’s like porn to you, only makes you wetter. “I don’t like hitting girls, but you’re givin’ me a damn good reason.”
“You can hit me, daddy.” You offer your face to him, stretching your neck forward, closing your eyes as you wait for the impact. It lands firm on your cheek, his fingertips catching the tip of your nose. Fuck that felt good. Shit. You think you’ve creamed your panties. “Again, dad, hit me again—“ He does. Harder than the last time. Your head knocks backwards, and your brain must have a dent in it.
Dad puts you over his lap and you’re so sure you’ve entered the pearly gates. Or the innermost circle of hell. Probably that ‘cause Jesus Christ are you steaming.
“I hate stupid little sluts that try it out on me,” Leon drags your sweats over the swell of your ass, “Do you have a dick?”
“What, dad— No!” You tell him, more mortified at his question than you are by your bare ass under his palm. Fuck— You’re so wet it’s disgusting, dripping down your thighs and surely staining his lap. Thick like treacle.
“No? Were you gonna rape dad with this stupid cunt?” Oh, you hope he spanks your pussy. Porn makes it look delicious. “You look like you might have a dick with that face of yours.” He traces the seam of your cunt through your panties. “Or is your pussy just fat?”
Good fucking lord.
“Dad…” You arch into him, only to have a hand come down on your left ass cheek. One. Two. Three. They all hurt bad as each other. Four. “Ouch!” That one hurt real bad. Five. You feel like a naughty child. This is not as hot as you thought it would be. More dull and embarrassing. Not even the good kind of embarrassing.
Leon puts you on your knees, the hand wrapped around your jaw forces your lips into a pout, and you think he is going to kiss you— God, you close your eyes and wait for it, lean into him, shit you’d pop your leg if you were standing up. He spits in your face and it trickles down the bridge of your nose.
“Got me dirty with that filthy pussy.” Dad speaks offhandedly, he speaks to you like you’re dog shit. Not dog shit stuck to the bottom of his shoe. Just dog shit on the side of the road. Like the sort that bothers you enough to complain about it, but it doesn’t ignite any real anger.
His hand remains tight on your jaw, then he drops it to fish his fat cock from his pants to slap the drippy head on your cheek. The sound ricochets off the walls. Hits you like a bullet. Holy fuck. Dad really just did that. You giggle, batting your lashes up at him as pretty as an ugly girl can, and he grimaces so it can’t be pretty.
“Christ, you nasty fuck,” Leon snickers at the look on your face, “What’s wrong with you?”
“Daddy,” you whimper, nosing the tip of his dick, he smells so good you want him in your mouth, “I jus’ love you lots.”
“God, I hate ugly little freaks like you.” He said that already, no need to rub it in. Another slap of his cock on your face. Your heart beats for him and him alone. “You know what I think?” Dad guides his cock into your warm mouth. “Shit, that’s good— I think your mom is a liar.”
His dick is all you’ve ever wanted. It’s heavy on your tongue, though the longer you suckle on the tip, the weightier it gets, and he’s wet. Dripping all over the place. You must get that gene from your dad.
“‘Cause I don’t think,” he grunts, palm resting on your forehead to push you off his shaft, “I don’t think I could make a kid this ugly.”
“No,” you say breathlessly, “No, you’re my dad, my daddy.” Crouched down below him, you lave over his balls, putting more effort into this than you have done with anything else in your life. Gargling dad’s balls is your best work. Nothing else you have to be proud of.
Your pussy is pulsing, shit has its own heartbeat, you drop your hand down to soothe your poor cunt, rubbing figure eights into the bulge of your clit over your panties. It’s not enough, you push them to the side, your fingers slip a couple times, not enough, only dad’s fingers are enough, only his cock will plug up your leaking hole.
“Get off me,” dad instructs, and you might be glued to him, but you detach yourself immediately. “C’mon, stand up.” You use his thighs as leverage, standing on shaky legs that threaten to give out at any second. He takes your shirt off. “Cute tits gone to waste,” dad sighs like it’s heartbreaking. “We could've done something about it, y’know? Could fix your face right up, just had to ask daddy.”
“Really, dad? I want to be pretty, daddy, I want to be pretty for you, you never call me pretty— Daddy, I want to be pretty, please.” You clasp his shirt, and he brings you into his lap once more, raising your legs to slide your panties down so you’re free bleeding on his lap. Free bleeding without the blood. Just good old pussy.
“Messin’ with you, sweetheart, can’t fix that dog face,” dad coos to you tenderly, and the plain-as-day insult flies right over you. Dad could get you to sell both your kidneys if he keeps talking to you like that. “Just gotta live with it.”
You have. You have lived with it. That’s what you do. Live with your ugly face. You could die, that’s an option, but you choose to wait it out. ‘Cause dying is pretty scary no matter how much you want it. And Leon’s dick is hard beneath your pussy so there are things to live for. The world isn’t all cruel.
“Up,” he taps your lower back, you raise your hips and he presses his cock to your stretched hole. Toy after toy after toy. All to ready yourself for dad. When you sink down on him, your body convulses. It’s the sweet release of death. Or an orgasm. Fuck. Dying on dad’s cock is— You haven’t died on his dick, he fucks you through your high, feet planted firmly on the ground as he thrusts upwards, dick angled just right.
Heroin is meant to be good. You’ve seen Trainspotting. Better than any cock— You don’t believe that for a minute. Unless he’s leaking smack straight into your pussy, numbing your walls. Could be that ‘cause god— You’re not really thinking, not that you think much, when you decide to shove your fingers into his mouth.
“Daddy, can you taste me?” You ask him, giving a languid grind of your hips down onto his cock, you regret it immediately ‘cause it’s so good your cunt squelches loudly. “Do you taste me, dad? Dad—“
“Yeah,” Dad says, muffled, “Shoving your fingers down my fuckin’ throat, you little psycho, ‘course I taste it.”
Shit. Shit. Shit. Daddy looks so pretty with his lips wrapped around your fingers, you fuck them in and out of his pink mouth, his tongue runs along the length of your fingers like he’s sucking a nice cock. Treating your fingers better than you did his dick.
Daddy’s splitting you in two. He fucks you without a care in the world. ‘Cause he doesn’t care about you. One-time-use pussy. You’re disposable like the gloves you get with box dye. Like a plastic spork. His cock is so deep he might as well tear open your middle and fuck your guts. Leon grabs your hips, forces you up and drops you down. The air in your lungs has no time to build up— You grasp at his shirt, bouncing in his lap like you’re a fleshlight, and you would be so happy with that title. Dad’s personal fleshlight. It makes you giddy.
Leon’s cock twitches inside of you, when he lifts you off of him, your pussy clings to the tip, holding on for dear life, insistent on milking daddy’s dick, taking every drop of his cum.
“Daddy…” Your head drops to his shoulder. “Please, daddy, am I pretty? Can you call me pretty?”
His hips stutter, and you don’t have to see his face to know he hesitates. It’s a struggle to call a girl like you pretty. “You’re so pretty, sweetheart.” Then he dumps his load so deep— So deep, you warm to the thought of having your daddy’s baby. You already fucked so why not go the extra mile?
Dad doesn’t kiss you, but he lays you down and tucks you in like he never has before. “Your mom’s worried.” He goes back to the topic at hand and you groan, covering your face with a pillow. “Hey, we can, uh…” Leon scratches his head. “We can y’know…” He shrugs, glances down at you. “Can do that if you try pulling your weight a little.”
The promise of your dad’s cock is enough to have you applying for every job in a thirty-mile radius. Dad’s cock is a fix for an ugly girl like you. You’ve got a pussy only your daddy could love, and you think you’re more than okay with that.
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cinnamostar · 5 months
blind date
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pairing : changbin x gn!reader
summary : when you’re set up on a blind date and it turns out to be your ex boyfriend from two years ago
wc : 1.6k
cw : nonidol!au, they’re exes your honor, fluffy, cutesy, not proof read that much idk what else
a/n : wrote this on my phone again so sorry for any mistakes! i don’t really know how to feeeel abt this fic, not my best work but i hope you like it!
you let out a nervous sigh as you enter the restaurant, a cold shiver traveling down your spine as the hostess leads you to your table, one your friends reserved on your behalf. you were starting to regret agreeing to this blind date your friends, hyunjin and felix, set you up on, but they were so insistent on it and said they found the ‘perfect’ match for you. you weren’t sure if you could trust them that much, but you knew at the very least, whoever it was wouldn’t be some creep like your other unfortunate dates.
hyunjin and felix were some of your best friends, ones you made in the last two years since you moved to the city due to a new position you got in your company. you met them by chance through a few coworkers, and since then, the three of you have been inseparable. they were incredibly supportive people, but they were tired of hearing you complain about shitty dates every weekend, so they decided to take matters in their own hands, stating they know this really cool guy through some other friends who was ‘totally’ your type. and apparently this new guy just moved to the city a few months ago too, so you would be the perfect tour guide for him too.
regardless of your nerves, you decide to put your trust in your friends as you patiently wait for this mystery man to arrive. you were curious to know what those two boys believed your type was and what made them so hellbent on making you go on this date, but perhaps curiosity killed the cat.
“hey, sorry im late!” a voice you were all too familiar with rings in your ears, the man before you rushing into his seat across from you with an apologetic smile as your mouth hangs open in utter shock and surprise, goosebumps making themselves known all over your body.
once he sits down, he looks up to meet your flabbergasted expression, the smile on his face falling once the realization hits him. his faces pales, almost as if he just saw a ghost appear right before his very eyes.
“changbin?” you ask incredulously, still not able to accept the ridiculousness of the situation.
“y/n?!” he mirrors your tone, except he was far more boisterous than you, causing a few heads to turn as he flashes a sheepish and apologetic grin to the other patrons around you two.
“i… uh, you’re my blind date?” he questions in a lower volume with raised eyebrows.
you sigh, an astounded chuckle escaping you, “i guess so…”
“i see… since when did you move here?”
“uhm, a little bit over two years ago. i ended up taking that promotion my company offered me,” you respond, a hint of anxiousness trembling through your words.
“oh, so, basically after we broke up..?”
“mhm,” you hum in confirmation, your body feeling tense due to the awkwardness that hung in the air between you two. “felix and hyunjin told me you just moved here, right?”
changbin nods, “yeah, one of my old friends needed a roommate and i just kinda wanted a fresh start, so i took my chances. how do you know hyunjin and felix?”
“coworkers,” you reply shortly, not really sure what to do in this situation.
“oh, cool! they’re old high school friends of mine, we only reconnected recently,” he smiles gently, biting his lips due to his nervousness, “i’m sorry if this is awkward.”
“ah, no, it’s okay. it’s no one’s fault, this is just some crazy coincidence,” you reassure him, “we don’t have to go through with the rest of the date, it’s okay to end it he-“
“no, no!” he interrupts, a dusting of pink appearing on his cheeks, “if you’re okay with it, we can just use this to catch up, no? it’s been awhile since we last spoke.”
you let out an uncertain sigh, “i’m fine with it, it’s just that we really didn’t end on the greatest of terms, did we?”
changbin’s face grimaces as he reflects back on the last months of your relationship, ones that were filled with constant fighting and disagreements over the littlest of things, which ultimately led to a very over dramatic break up since you both had become sick of each other over time. “no, definitely not,” he chuckles, “but we can catch up like old friends, no? unless, you wanna miss out on a lovely time with me, then that’s your decision,” he teases, the old changbin you once fell in love with slowly peaking through.
you roll your eyes playfully, “right, it would be a shame if i missed out on something like that,” a smile breaks out onto your face, a sudden wave of butterflies and shyness overtaking you. “sure, let’s catch up. i don’t mind.”
“great,” he clasps his hand almost as if he was celebrating this small victory, an embarrassed smile taking over his features, “well, i guess hyunjin and felix weren’t lying when they said this ‘mystery date,’” he lifts his hands to do air quotes, “would be my ideal type.”
you shake your head, laughing at his statement, “right, they weren’t wrong at all. maybe they were a little too spot on.”
somehow, those two hit the nail on the head and somehow paired up two former lovers through some miraculous twist of fate. there was no denying that your heart still had room for changbin, a piece of it feeling empty since your relationship with him ended. at the end of it, you had chalked it up to right person, but bad timing, as each of you were far too engrossed in each other’s career goals that inevitably took time away from the other. it wasn’t the right set of circumstances for either of you, as nether of you were at a stage of life where you could nourish a healthy relationship. he was once the person you imagined to spend the rest of your life with, but at that time, you thought if you weren’t able to bear hardships with him, then maybe he wasn’t meant to be that person. it was easier to accept you two were never meant to be, but your heart knew better than that. your heart knew he was the one, but that life just cruelly got in the way of your relationship with him.
eventually, the waiter came around to take down your orders, briefly interrupting the flow of conversation you and changbin were having. in some strange way, talking to changbin against was incredibly refreshing, as you missed the sense of safety and familiarity he brought with him. he was still the same sweet and endearing changbin you once fell in love with all those years ago, and maybe those feelings of love never truly left your heart as each time he would giggle, your heart would thump out your chest. you found yourself having to resist the natural urge to hold his hand, or to reach over and pinch his cheeks like you use to do back when you were together.
you missed this, and you missed changbin more than you could’ve ever imagined. his very appearance was enough to rekindle old flames of affection you once held for him, ones you never thought you’d be able to experience again. you both were enjoying every moment together, laughing and poking fun at each other as if nothing had ever changed, and before you knew it, two hours had gone by in the blink of an eye.
changbin insisted on walking you to your car, matter-of-factly informing you it’s what chivalrous men like himself do, which sent you into a small fit of giggles.
a gentle breeze bellows through you both, a comfortable silence filling the air, the awkwardness from earlier no longer to be found. you look up to the night sky, taking a chance to admire the full moon that glistens above you.
“you know, whenever i look at the moon, i still think of you,” changbin confesses in a hushed whisper, a longing look in his eyes as if he was looking off into some distant memory. you turn to him with a quizzical expression, urging him to go on. “you use to always tell me to look how pretty the moon was nearly every night. even if we weren’t together, you would text me to go outside and look at it,” he reminisced fondly.
“you always looked too,” you smile.
“honestly, i didn’t really get it at first,” he laughs, “but i loved you and it always made you happy whenever we looked at it together, so i made sure to look at it every night. even if we were fighting and weren’t with each other. even now, i still look up and think of you.”
your face grows hot as his words fluster you, the unexpected vulnerability catching you off guard, “thank you,” you respond gently, “for doing that for me. it always made me feel very loved.”
“i still do it. i think part of me will always love you no matter what.”
your breath hitches, your eyes widening as he looks away bashfully, not expecting or planning for those words to ever leave his mind. you let out a soft exhale through your nose, a shaken smile taking over your features, “i feel the same way too.”
quietness returns, neither of you sure how to continue the conversation as you reach your car, “well, this is me,” you break the silence, pointing to the car next to you, “thank you for today, it was… fun. i had a lot of fun.”
he nods, “me too,” taking in a deep breath, “do you… do you want to do this sometime again?” he asks meekly, fearing your response.
“yeah, i’d really like that, changbin.”
“okay, great. it’s… it’s a date?”
“it’s a date.”
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via-l0ve · 9 months
Hello! I've been binging your fics/imagines lately and I just can't get enough! I don't know if this was ever done before, but--
Could you do a general, platonic (perhaps mildly romantic, like how I see Dean kinda gushing over Y/N idk, your choice!) imagine on how the men (Sam, Dean, Castiel, maybe Crowley [which would be funny]) would react to Y/N being some kind of powerful angel, like that sits at a pretty high rank and has the power to do all sorts of stuff? Healing, destroying, anger being so destructive it could kill a human (but albeit a peaceful being). This angel would probably serve as a guardian to the Winchesters, or a superior to Cass or a complete surprise and maybe unlikely companion for Crowley? I imagine it'd be a scenario where they're saved last second during a massive fight, probably get to know er type deal. This sounds kind of cheesy as I ask someone else to write this but I hope it doesn't sound too weird, I almost wanna go anonymous HAHA. I know this is VERY specific but I don't wanna confuse you! It's something I wanna write out into a fic myself but the way you write would make it super interesting! :)
So sorry if this was too much, I'm very descriptive!
Angel. (SPN pref!) 🩷
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a/n: stop omg. this idea is so cool! also - thank you for the kind words!! i appreciate you so much!! i hope you enjoy this!
warnings: slightly romantic!!
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Dean met you on a hunt
he was being himself and basically bleeding out, but he was still fighting
you, being in charge of the dink, had to come down and help out
when you appear, a bolt of white light strikes the ground and your voice projects through the atmosphere
“you will not hurt this man.” you say, hair blowing in the wind and eyes glowing
dean was flabbergasted, also a little scared, but also a little bit in love
eventually you just kill the entire vampire nest because they’re stupid and you turn to dean.
“are you okay?”
he’s even more confused because this angel just came down and slaughtered the threats to him and now they’re talking so.. nice.
you heal his wounds and boom. now he’s your friend
he follows you around like a lost puppy and also brags that he’s friends with not one, but two angels, and one is even more powerful and higher up than fucking CASTIEL.
as he gets to know you he knows how sweet you are and it inteigues him even more because - as i said, you’re a powerful angel who can kill anyone but you’re so nice to him, Sam, Bobby and Cas.
the first time he sees you angry he literally gets all red and falls for you
You first met sam when he was basically bleeding out in a motel room
Dean had gone to get food and sam had been hiding a pretty nasty gash from him
so now he was sitting alone trying to patch himself up (and being unsuccessful)
so, you made your appearance and tried to keep him calm
you appeared and he saw you and went 👁️👄👁️
“it’s okay. i’m an angel. i will not hurt you.” you say softly, stepping towards him
sam is still a little wary but he lets you heal him
you press your fingers to his forehead and he’s all good (albeit a little scared hahah)
he always has the smuggest little smirk on his face when you get angry on his behalf
he likes the feeling of having such a powerful being watching over him all the time but it also makes him nervous because of… his past💀
addicts recover
When you came down from heaven to help the Winchesters and Castiel, he was happy to see you
he knew, despite rebelling from heaven, you wouldn’t judge him
he spends a lot of time near you
like, standing right next to you
i like to think that you have better “people skills” than him for whatever reason (it’s just funny) and he just kind of sticks to you ykwim
he thinks you’re so cool
he dosent step in to help you in fights because he knows you can handle it and kill anyone you want
he’s blushing and kicking his feet when he sees you🤭🤭🤭
absolute power couple if you guys got together like omg
but yeah
he always defends you if anyone says shit
he’s just such a cutie pie
you popped in when crowley was holding dean and sam hostage
you came into the room, eyes rolling already.
“let them go.” you said, voice sounding bored as you’d done this multiple times already.
crowley looks at you
“oh god, you again.” he scoffs
BUT he dosent even bother to argue and lets them go
which shocks the boys because that’s not like crowley
but he’s smitten for you
it’s giving enemies to lovers
but anyways
you guys have many encounters and end up talking a lot
crowley talks about hell and you talk about heaven
and he finds himself not hating you
and suddenly he wants to be around you more and learn about you and watch you be a badass angel
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hanjsquokka · 2 months
hey! i may or may not have found out my crush had a gf while i’ve liked him (😔😔) so i’m pretty deep in my feels- if you could do a like scenario similar to mine but when seungmin finds out and comforts the reader about it? you can play with it however you like, but it’d mean a lot to write it.
thanks so much!!
Ahhh I totally feel you there! I still remember when I found out that the guy I had a crush on for four years (I'm such a loser lmao 😭) had a girlfriend. This was short since I'm a bit slow on motivation rn but I hope you like it anonnie <3 (Also projected a few of my own feelings into this ajkdjs)
I feel like Seungmin is the kind of person who's like actions speak louder than words. He'd notice every single detail and not say anything but rather show his affection through small actions. Idk why but this just makes me feel so soft :(
kim seungmin × gn!reader , fluff , comfort , 0.5K words
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Honestly, you should've known. You should've known he was taken. No guy as perfect as him could've been single. Perhaps it was fate's way of telling you to move on when you saw him in the coffee shop, his arm slung over a girl's shoulder, laughing at something the two of them found so funny their faces were pink. Maybe you would've dropped your piping hot coffee in your hands if you didn't turn away quick enough, trying to erase the image from your brain but it played over and over again, taunting you, mocking you for getting your hopes up so high you thought you had a chance.
In the midst of your solo pity party (watching your favorite TV show), your doorbell rang. The incident happened a few days ago, but you felt so… defeated. There was no one to blame. No one was at fault. And you couldn't even dislike that girl because you knew her. She was such a kind person, you could never hate her no matter how much the jealous side of you wanted to.
“Oh, Seungmin, what are you doing here?” You asked when you padded over to the front door in your fluffy socks, decked in your comfort hoodie and sweatpants.
Seungmin didn't say anything for a few moments before he lifted up a bag he was holding. “I got something…” He said quietly, stepping into your home and slipping his shoes off.
The two of you settled onto your couch, you curiously waiting to see what your friend bought. Your mind was temporarily distracted from the gloomy mood you were previously in.
“You said you wanted to try these right?” He revealed a box of small cupcakes. You easily identified them as the products of a new bakery that opened, one that you had been dying to go to. You often told him the same, pointing to it from across the street as you walked side by side.
“Min… you didn't have to…” You swallowed back whatever emotions were building up inside you — either from the pure kindness of Kim Seungmin that he refused to admit openly or from your earlier breakdown caused by your failure of a love life.
“I wanted to.” Was all he said, placing a cupcake generously topped with frosting and sprinkles. You watched him take one for himself before you bit into the pastry, the sugary cake bringing a small smile onto your face. “Knew you'd smile.” He cracked a grin which only made you smile widder, letting out a small laugh. You fell into a comfortable silence with him, both of you relishing the baked delicacies he bought until he spoke up again. “There's… going to better guys than him.”
Your mouth hung open. “How do you…”
“You're wearing that hoodie with those socks and watching that show. You think I didn't notice?” He asked, as if it was the simplest thing ever — spoiler alert, it wasn't, at least not for you. You were shocked. Since when did he pay so much attention? Since when did you not notice? Just how much of an open book were you and how good was Kim Seungmin good at reading? “Close your mouth or you're going to attract flies.” That snapped you other of your little daze, hitting his shoulder while he laughed. He calmed down after a moment and cleared his throat. “I'm serious about that though — you'll find someone better.”
You looked straight into his eyes. Maybe you already have.
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©hanjsquokka | copying, translating or republishing my work is strictly prohibited
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impactedfates · 9 months
Helo helo hi I've been uuuh reading your HSR stuff and I lov all of them!! Aozjebeusnsjs
Aneeway!! Feel free to discard this request if it makes you uncomfortable in any way
Dan Heng + Vidyadhara! Sibling! Reader [purely platonic] where he just got news that another Vidyadhara is now like, being released from the shackling prison [Idk if you can even be released from there] and Reader is basically suffering the consequences from the isolation for so many rebirths and all that stuff [lets say he's been Dan Heng's sibling for all rebirths so it hurts more.. But hurt/comfort hshsb]
I'm sorry if the request is too specific because I haven't really been seeing like platonic sibling stuff with characters
I hope you have a great day!! Remember to hydrate and eat if you haven't already!! Stay safe!! o(>∀<*)o
A/N: Hello hello!! I've only written 1 HSR thing so far (by the time I got this, I hadn't posted the previous Blade fic), but I'm glad to see you seemingly like it! I'm a bit confused on the premise/prompt you've given me but I tried my best to try and write it anyways, hopefully this is somewhat what you asked for, and apologies if it's not o(TヘTo) And don't worry, I'll remember to hydrate, eat and stay safe! Make sure you do as well now :)
W.C: 919
Warnings: Hints of torture/abuse but not actually said (if I missed any pls say!!)
Extra: Dan Heng is in his Vidyadhara form + Reader is his younger sibling + The Shackling Prison description may not be accurate honestly.
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The chains around your wrists still strained you. They still hurt. You didn’t even know why you were there, well, you couldn’t remember why you were there. Every reincarnation, you would find yourself being taken away and into the Shaking Prison. Quickly chained up and suffering the consequences of a guy you can’t seem to remember, but all you knew was that he was your brother and his name was Dan Feng?...Or did he go by a different name now?
Whatever the case, you started growing resentful of him, although you couldn’t remember. You knew that you were paying the price for what he did, and you’d be stuck in the loop of getting reincarnated and spending you 700 years in the Shackling Prison.
Dan Heng stood idly in Scalegorge Waterscape looking at the parted seas. Breathing in and out the tranquil air…until a yell alerted him, he turned around and saw the current High Elder, Bailu running to him with her maids in tow.
“Dan Heng!!”
“Bailu? Is something wrong?”
He asked, turning around fully and crouching down to be on level with the smaller Vidyadhara. She took a bit to catch her breath, the maid with her smiling apologetically at him. She stood up straight and began speaking, although rather quickly.
“There’s a Vidyadhara who recently got permission to leave the Shackling Prison because now you got your banishment lifted, people thought it was fair if they got released too and they’re asking me to meet and release them as well as help them settle back in b-because I’m the High Elder but I can’t…can you do it?”
Dan Heng blinked a bit, he understood what she was saying but he was rather confused. A Vidyadhara released because he was able to walk around the Loufu freely? Although perhaps the maid didn’t realise this was the case as she tried to explain what Bailu said in simpler terms.
“Bailu wanted to ask if you could take her place at releasing and showing this Vidyadhara around to get them settled in. The Loufu has changed a bit ever since they well…were sent to the Shackling Prison”
She explained, Dan Heng slowly stood up and considered it before nodding. It wouldn’t hurt right? Just to help them settle back in and then he can go back on the express.
Footsteps can be heard echoing the halls, your head darted to the door as your eyes narrowed. Feeding time won’t be till much later, you knew that due to how long you stayed in the prison. It was practically muscle memory at that point. But what entered wasn’t a cloud knight but…another Vidyadhara?
“...So…you’re [Name]”
He called out softly, walking towards you slowly. Your eyes widen a bit, you recognize him. You’ve seen his pictures a few times when people tried to jog your memory of who your brother was. You quickly tried launching for him, you were mad. He had made you suffer for so long and yet he acted so calm?
He didn’t flinch at all or move back. It wasn’t as if you were able to actually get to him anyways. You were still in chains and could only go so far.
He slowly started, it seems he was told about the situation in more detail.
“Go away Dan Feng, you did this to me! Y-you…why do I have to suffer because of your mistakes…why did I have to suffer your punishment”
Tears welled up in your eyes, as the chains slowly shook alongside your body. You sniffed a bit.
“N-now look…I-I’m crying…I shouldn’t b-be crying…I-it’s been so long s-since this started…I-I should be used t-to this by n-now…right?”
Your lips quiver, looking away from him. 
“You have every right to cry…it’s just you showing emotions…it’s healthy to cry…so…please, don’t hold it in”
Your eyes slowly wandered to the taller Vidyadhara man. Before giving in to his words and letting the tears fall.
“D-Dan Feng…y-you’re such a scoundrel…I-I”
“I’m not Dan Feng…I’m just…a reincarnation of him…maybe that does make me him but…I won’t let my past leak into my future…please…call me Dan Heng…I want to fix the mistakes of my previous incarnation”
He speaks, slowly walking over and sitting next to you. Your eyes followed his figure slowly. You stayed silent, Dan Heng took this chance to continue a bit.
“I understand it’ll be hard to forgive me…even if I may not remember what happened…I just know you’re suffering due to the actions Dan Feng made…and because…we’re apparently siblings”
“Is…that why I’ve always been placed here…?”
“Correct…according to Jing Yuan who gave me more details…we’re related…in every reincarnation we face, no matter how many times we do so…we’re always siblings”
He paused for a bit, letting the silence set in before standing up, you heard the jangle of keys and the straining feeling of your wrists gone. You quickly stood up, nearly tripping over.
“I…thank you”
You nod a bit, slowly looking up at him. You were confused, the stories you were told, the things you heard about Dan Feng…and yet when he stood in front of you and how he spoke, how he acted, didn’t stay true to what you heard.
Then again, according to him, he isn’t Dan Feng, but Dan Heng…
“You know…’Dan Heng’…that isn’t far off of Dan Feng…like a letter off”
“Ha…yeah I notice that”
He nods, silence overtakes the two of you again before he extends his hand out to you.
“Come on…I’ll get you an Immortals Delight”
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Hopefully I managed to make a good-ish hurt/comfort thing! 😥 Thank you for the request!! There’s currently 3 more in the line that I’ll be working on the coming days :) Feel free to leave more requests!!
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dreams-and-drabbles · 2 years
hi can u do cyno with hate/jealous smut? ( like theyre rivals and cyno sees some guy flirting with reader so he puts her in her place…idk 😭
-xoxo, 🥟
[🥟] Welcome back, anon!! I’d be more than happy to write this for you!!! The jealous trope is always a fun one, hehe! Sorry for the late answer, and I hope you have a lovely week!!
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((Minors DO NOT INTERACT!!! ))
Cyno wasn’t particularly interested in many things. He did enjoy Genius Invokation TCG, and perhaps the occasional blend of yogurt, rice, meat, and dried nuts, all roasted up into something delectable…
In fact, the thought of food was what had brought Cyno to his current location in the first place. He’d been hungry and had planned to eat—
What he hadn’t planned on, was the sight of [F/N] —
She was as annoyingly bright as always, and it seemed as though she’d brought company—
Now, Cyno had no problem with bright people. [F/N], however—
Well, she was the type to use that brightness to deflect. That was what irritated Cyno when it came to her...
Throughout all the time he had spent with her in past, [F/N] had never once been honest with him. She’d never once voiced her opinion, instead opting to follow the lead of whatever he chose to do— She’d always said ‘you choose’ whenever he asked her for her input, and that—
That had annoyed him to no end…
More so, the way she seemed to draw others in.
She was bright, so of course there would be those that flocked towards her—
“What would you prefer, [F/N]~? “
“I think I’d like some curry—“
Cyno’s eyes narrowed, and he exhaled sharply.
Was it just a him thing, then?
She was perfectly capable of making her own decisions with others, so why wasn’t she in his company?
‘I’m not intimidated by you.’
She’d said that, before her first assignment with the Matra. He’d had high hopes, then—
[F/N] proved to be incredibly skilled, and for a time—
Cyno was sure she’d come close to his position, but she’d suddenly stopped training as hard as she’d been.
She fell behind, and Cyno…?
He’d earned his title.
Still, the interaction between the two was grating on him in a way he hadn’t expected..
Against all logical reason, he wanted it to stop.
Really, all he needed to do was show himself…
That was generally all it took for someone to back off.
He’d have to keep that one in mind.
Cyno’s eyes narrowed on the two, before finally he made his decision.
“[F/N],” he greeted, his gaze taking in her surprised expression.
The man beside her stiffened, awkwardly smiling at her, before scurrying off.
Cyno withheld the urge to smile as the man left—
What was wrong with him today?
[F/N] always had a knack for getting under his skin…
[F/N] huffed, her gaze trailing to the man’s retreating figure.
“No fun. He was actually kind of cute, you know?” She muttered, her gaze petulant.
Cyno scowled, “Is that so? By what definition ?”
[F/N] blinked up at him, her lips parted in shock.
“Huh..?” She muttered, her response unintelligible.
Cyno stepped a bit closer, leaning slightly over the table.
“For example, if he’s cute— How would you classify me?” He asked, his tone holding a slight edge.
[F/N]’s eyes widened, and to his surprise her cheeks flared with color.
“You…? You’re asking me? Gosh…You’re…you’re untouchable. Most everyone thinks you’re attractive, but no one can touch you. It’s like you live in a different world.”
Cyno’s eyes narrowed at [F/N]’s response and he extended his hand.
[F/N]’s eyes widened, and she grabbed his palm, studying it with her hands.
Cyno withheld the urge to chuckle at her response.
“Your theory was wrong. Well, partially. I only let a particular few touch me…”
[F/N] withdrew her hand, her cheeks tinged pink. “Oh…? I’m one of those few? Then does tha mean you…want to…?”
Cyno’s lips quirked upwards, “I want to teach you a lesson. You’re horrible at communication.”
[F/N] scowled, her cheeks tinged pink.
“That’s rude..! You’re the one who’s horrible at communicating… Plus, we’re in public!!”
Cyno raised a brow, “You’re the one shouting and insinuating things…”
[F/N] scowled, averting her gaze.
Cyno offered her a small nod, heading back towards the front of the line to order. He paused, briefly, glancing back at her with a small smile.
“If you are interested in that lesson, however… I’ll be staying at the base this evening.”
With that, Cyno ordered his food and returned to the base. He finished his meal, before looking over the newest list of marks. He’d finally gotten an idea of the next potential site when a knock resounded on his door.
His brow twitched and he swung the door open with a sigh.
[F/N] stood at the door, her cheeks tinged pink. Cyno examined her face closely, noticing the slight sheen to her lips.
She’d fixed herself up…
That was actually rather cute.
“So…That lesson…?” She mumbled, her gaze downcast.
That wouldn’t do…
Cyno cupped her cheek in his palm, bringing her face closer to his.
“Lesson one… Make eye contact when you’re speaking to others.”
Cyno spoke, noticing with satisfaction the way her cheeks flared at their proximity.
“That’s-! You’re-!”
She exclaimed, and Cyno smirked, before pressing his lips against her’s. He pulled her inside the room, breaking the kiss and closing the door. He glanced at her, a small smile on his face.
“Lesson two… Don’t interrupt a conversation, especially if you’re speaking to a superior…”
[F/N]’s cheeks burned and she looked down.
Cyno closed the distance between them, his eyes narrowed. “What was lesson one again?”
[F/N]’s gaze trailed to his, and crimson hues met [e/c].
“Eye contact…” She mumbled, her lips pursed into a small pout.
Cyno nodded, a smirk slipping onto his face.
“Good. Now, for lesson three… Honesty is a virtue. Will you trust me?”
[F/N]’s cheeks burned, “Yes. I’ll trust you, Cyno.”
Cyno smiled, leaning over [F/N] and pressing his lips to her cheek. His breath fanned out against her cheek as he spoke.
“Lesson four… The ability to complete a task. Strip.”
[F/N]’s eyes widened and she chuckled a bit breathlessly, before pulling off her top and unfastening her bra. She slipped off her bottoms soon after, her gaze trailing to Cyno. She was about to ask him what he was going to do, when she processed the fact that he was already naked, a familiar container in his hand.
“How on Tevyat…?”
Cyno chuckled, “It’s a bit easier when you don’t typically wear a top.”
[F/N] nodded, biting her lip.
That was fair, she supposed.
“What’s lesson number five..?”
She asked, her tone soft.
Cyno’s eyes narrowed and he caught her wrist, pulling her close to him.
“Tone control…” He responded, his tone less harsh than it had been.
[F/N]’s eyes widened and she nodded, a bit of excitement coursing through her—
Cyno wrapped a hand around her waist, pulling her towards him, before coming down on her hard—
[F/N] let out a light whimper at the force of which Cyno was pressing up against her.
She knew he was strong, but this was—!!
“Ah… Shit…” She huffed, digging her nails into Cyno’s skin. The General Mahamatra jerked forwards, his thighs pressing against her—
Shit. She could barely manage to process.
They were toned—
“Do we need a lesson on language..?”
Cyno asked, his tone raspy as he pushed himself even closer, his hips thrusting lightly against her form.
[F/N] gasped, biting back the foul word that came to mine.
“No…Keep teaching me…this one…”
She huffed, her tone higher than before.
“Manners first. Say please.” Cyno rasped, his thrusts quickening.
[F/N] keened, her cheeks flaring with warmth.
“Please…” She muttered, her voice shaky.
Cyno pushed further, adjusting his position slightly, before slowing to a more rhythmic pace.
“Good girl.” He praised, his voice deep, before thrusting harshly against her form.
[F/N] gasped, her eyes widening as a flush of heat spread throughout her form—
Cyno continued to thrust against her, and she bit her lip trying to hold in a moan—
They were still at the base.
Holy shit. They were still at the base—
“C-Cyno what if someone hears…?”
[F/N] huffed out, and the thrusts paused momentarily.
“There is a reason I said tone control…”
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uglypastels · 2 years
Eddie being shocked when he saw reader (cheer captain) with her own tattoo's on her bare back and shoulders at a random store.
AHHHHH OMG please I love you.
i hope you like this!!
warnings: swearing, Eddie being a bit... idk, he stares a lot (but not in a super creepy way)
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Never, in a million years, would Eddie have even imagined seeing you here. 
Miss Perfectly Tight Ponytail and Pastel Leg Warmers. Lady Cheer of the Highest Order of Hawking High… it could not possibly be you he saw looking through the rock record section in this dingy little music store. 
He did not mean to stare, but he also could not get himself to look away.
At first, he thought he was dreaming. You had entered the store, the light from the entrance wrapping you up in sunbeams like a halo. You practically sauntered inside, with your head held high, that damn ponytail swinging from side to side like it always did in the hallway, making your way over determinedly to the back of the store. His eyes were glued to you like to a car crash at the side of the road– although, perhaps, he had been the one that totalled. 
He tried his best to get his attention back to whatever he was doing—right, looking for a new amp cable since something had bitten through his old one.
Doubt you ever had to deal with those kinds of problems, he thought. Probably lived in a big, nice house– two stories, picket fences, a double-door garage and probably a tiny dog to yap at anyone who dared near—one of those neighbourhoods where he would be put on a watchlist just for walking by. 
His mind should have been on those damn cables, but he couldn't concentrate knowing you were standing behind him. His curiosity was taking over him, wanting to know what you were looking for. Was it a specific song or album? Were you trying to find something you had been looking for already or wanted to explore something new? For yourself or as a gift? Weren't you dating someone? Yeah, that dude Tony from the football team… why was he even thinking about this? 
From the corner of his eye, he saw you flip through the records, one by one, barely giving them the time to read the titles. So, no, you knew what you were doing. Hunting for that one specific thing, the image already clear in your mind. Maybe he could help you? He knew the store basically like the back of his hand… better even, since he usually forgot the stuff he would scribble down with pen or marker on it when lost in his ideas. 
Done with one row, you searched through the next one, bottom lip between your teeth as you concentrated. Now a gross feeling was coming over him. He should not have been looking for this long. It wasn't right. Shaking his head, he looked away, back at the amp chords. He had already narrowed it between the two– 
'Hi, excuse me,' he heard your voice speak up, and his attention flew straight back to that other side of the room. You had walked over to one of the employees of the store, asking for help, 'do you guys have any Mötley Crüe?' 
Eddie listened on in shock. He had never been the one to dismiss someone's interest because of their appearance, but… there was no way you would be into that? At this point, it was with fascination and admiration that he watched as the store employee led you to the racks of records you had just been next to. He saw how you patiently waited for the clerk to went through the stock, finding the one item you had somehow glazed over. He noticed that beaming smile that appeared on your features as you thanked the person, the Mötley Crüe record now in hand. 
But you weren't done. You kept on searching for something. With a huff, you turned around to the opposite side of the aisle, and that is when Eddie Munson felt his heart get stuck in his throat. 
It was nearly visible, at the edge of your shirt hem, a dark line across your lower back, stretching over your skin– that was a tattoo, no doubt about it. 
y/n, cheerleader captain y/n, had a secret tattoo. Who would have thought? 
Eddie couldn't contain the smirk at that thought. He was seeing a whole new side to you. One that was dark and gritty, apparently. And so many more thoughts started harassing his brain. 
What was the tattoo of? How many people knew about it? Certainly, your cheer friends couldn't have– that shit is definitely against school regulations. Hell, the number of times he had gotten sent to the principal's office wearing sleeves short enough to show his bat tattoo… and he had never encountered you there. No, we wouldn't want that kind of scandal on your permanent record. 
He occupied himself with the record in front of him– country gospel, whatever that was– as you walked over to the counter and paid for your haul. With the sweetest smile, you thanked the clerk again, and with the purchase in hand, you made your way over to the door. 
But you did not take the shortest way to the exit. You walked around, through another aisle. You walked right towards him. 
'Hey Eddie,' you said, more cheerfully than anyone had ever said his name before. It made the hairs at the nape of his neck stand up. 
'Uhm, hey–' he choked, so you filled in the gap. 
'No, yeah. I know.' He didn't want you to think he didn't know his name. Although, maybe that would humble the queen of Hawkins High a bit, huh? If one of her subjects didn't even know her name. But it was too late for that. He cleared his throat, suddenly unable to look you in the eyes. 'What, uhh, what are you doing here?' 
'Just doing some shopping,' you held your new records close to your chest. 'You?' 
What was he doing again? He couldn't think straight. The only thing occupying his mind there was that ink over your back. Would you have any other secret tattoos? Of course, they would have been just as well hidden as that one, with how small your cheerleading costume is and all… 
'I'm just–' c'mon, for fucks sake, what was it?' 'looking for a new amp chord.' He finally pointed back to the display of things behind him. 
'Oh, do you play?' You asked enthusiastically. 
'Yeah. Guitar. I'm in a band… actually.' He should just shut up before he made it worse, 'Corroded Coffin.' Too late. 
'Ooh, cool.' Those words could have sounded cheap and condescending, but you had actually sounded interested. 'Do you guys play anywhere?' 
'Yeah, yeah. At the Hideout. Every Tuesday night.' 
'I might have to go and check you out then.' You started walking, passed him right by. When you were standing chest to chest in the narrow aisle, you stopped, however. 'You know, get my fair share in this time.' 
'What?' Eddie blinked slowly. 
'Nothing.' You flashed your smile and continued walking. Almost at the door, you turned around. 'It's a dragon, by the way.' With your hand on your hip, fingers placed in a way that when you walked out of the door, Eddie could see you pointing at what he now could see was the tail of the mythical creature on your lower back. 
When the door behind you closed, Eddie fell to his knees, biting his cheek, cringing at his own stupidity, but also really hoping he would see that upcoming Tuesday. 
The End.
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kiriwiwii · 10 months
hihi hello!! i just found ur blog and i really enjoy your writing <3 can i request kaoru and rei with an s/o who's scared of thunder and lightning? tysm!! pls take your time and have a good day/night ^^
a/n: im sorry this took so long🥲 i literally started this the next day you sent the request but i got sick and i was so busy all week i couldn't finish it. this is kind of a scenerio?? but also headcanons? idk but i hope you enjoy it 😭❤️
|| Kaoru and Rei With a S/O Who's Scared of Thunder ⋆ ★
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► Rei Sakuma
now, imagine: you're in rei's house, in a dark gothic room. it's filled with big bookshelves, and ornate chandeliers are hanging from the high ceiling. you're sitting on the dark-coloured couch, trying to warm yourself in front of the large fireplace with a cozy fire crackling in the hearth.
as you're sitting there alone, waiting for your claimed-to-be-a-vampire boyfriend to come and bring you a cup of coffee, you see a lightning strike through the window, followed by a big loud thunder.
a little scream comes out of your mouth, while the rain starts to pour heavily. you call out rei's name, but can't hear his answer because of the storm that just started.
you try to comfort yourself by wrapping your body with a blanket, but as the thunder gets louder and the rain gets heavier, the lights in the room start flickering.
with the fear surrounding your body, you feel a hand reaching to your shoulder, just about to touch you.
right before you let out yet another scream, you turn your face around just to see your dear boyfriend, smiling at you.
"oh my dear, are you afraid? sorry to keep you waiting, but i am here now. there is nothing to be scared of."
seeing rei's face already gives you comfort. he slowly sits near you, wrapping his arms around your body. you put your head on his chest, letting him gently stroke your head.
feeling his touch gives you a sense of warmth and protection. rei feels so safe to be around. you feel like the storm outside can't reach you, can't hurt you.
whenever a situation like this happens, rei usually prefers cuddling with you until the storm ends. while he hugs you tightly, he likes to chat. perhaps about your fear, so he can help you overcome it but if his beloved one doesn't want to talk about it, then that's fine. he still finds a way to make you feel comfortable.
no matter what he talks about or what he says, hearing his beautiful, soothing voice is enough for your fears to vanish away.
► Kaoru Hakaze
this time, you are both going on a walk outside, having a date. kaoru kindly holds your hand and listens to you telling him all about your day. the way he looks at you... the warmth of his gaze is enough to see how much he is in love with you.
in fact, he is so in love that he didn't even see the dark clouds coming your way in the sky.
while you guys keep walking, you feel your hair getting wet. you look at kaoru, he looks at you.
and you hear a big loud thunder.
you frightenedly jump at kaoru, hugging him so tightly that he doesn't know if he got scared because of the thunder or you.
he quickly takes off his jacket, holding it up above your head so the rain won't affect you. you both run to the nearest indoor area and start waiting for the thunderstorm to cease.
while kaoru apologises countless times for his mistake, -not checking the weather before taking you out on a date- you look at him, very disappointedly, and start to walk away. leaving him just standing there 🧍
and thaaaaaat's what kaoru was afraid you would do, but of course you didn't ^^
whenever you both run into a storm, kaoru knows you're afraid so he tries to distract you in the best way possible. he takes out his headphones so maybe you can calm down listening to music. or he sings to you, a calming melody or a song you enjoy. anything to make you feel okay.
he holds you close, giving you a gentle kiss on the lips. "don't worry" he says, "i am here with you."
kaoru is a loving, affectionate boyfriend. he wants you to feel safe with him, he wants you to know that you're loved and he won't ever leave your side.
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bomberqueen17 · 3 months
adderall day 1
I'm not going to have any particular deep thoughts about this, but I feel like I should write stuff down. Several people have advised that.
I still don't know how much this is going to cost me, as my insurance couldn't be verified and I'm going to have to do messy things probably to find out. But I've got the pills in my hot little hand, 16 of them, and a follow-up appointment, and perhaps by then I'll know what this is actually costing.
It seems that it varies wildly how people manage to get ADHD dx's. Many many PCPs will not diagnose it or prescribe for it. It seems extremely gatekeepy to me, and not in a helpful way. my own PCP, as I describe more and more of my struggles to get healthcare in general, is being revealed to me to be less and less of any kind of a good fit-- she just seems baffled by everything I say. She asked if I have heartburn, for example, and I said, truthfully, oh yes, if I don't eat regularly, one of the ways I realize I've gone too long is that I start to have heartburn. So I've learned to be conscientious about my eating schedule, and eat small meals and snacks at regular intervals throughout the day, and that has cleared up the problem. And this actively baffled her, she was like "i've never heard of anything like this", and I can't imagine what she thought I was saying. Does no one else in the human race ever get queasy/stomach-acidy from going too long without food? Especially eating heavily and then not eating for a long time afterward? That's the worst for me, so I avoid that. I highly doubt I am the only person ever to experience this. But she seemed convinced that I must not know what heartburn is.
That's just one example. So. If I can get my head on straight at all, I am going to start looking for a new primary care physician. I'm sure this doctor is fine, just not for me.
(She is obsessed that my fasting blood glucose levels are too high. I read an article about it, in the 2010s sometime the CDC decided that 5.7 was a new worrying number (I don't know what the units are, but 7 is what people with well-managed diabetes shoot for), and now they were going to declare this new number "pre-diabetes" and start medicating it. The WHO has refused the concept of "pre-diabetes", pointing out that about 2% of people with this number wind up developing full-blown diabetes whether medicated or not, and that's about the same number of people who develop diabetes without having had this diagnosis, so it is in fact not any kind of reliable indicator of looming diabetes, so it should be referred to as "elevated fasting blood glucose levels" and not the new fictional "pre-diabetes". But there's money in selling that medicine, so American doctors are encouraged to make this diagnosis. And my doctor has put it into my chart that she plans to start me on Metformin if this number does not go down.
I'm refusing that. Medicate me for diabetes if I develop diabetes. I can be annually screened for it just like anyone. Sure, keep an eye on it! I take this seriously. But i am not getting medicated for a condition the WHO thinks is fictional. Thanks.)
Anyway that was a digression.
I'm hoping to at least make a start on dialing in my meds with this online guy, so that when I switch PCPs I can show up with the ADHD treatment as a fait accomplit and not have the new PCP throw a fit. I might try it with the current one too-- "Idk you told me it was incredibly complicated and insurance doesn't cover it so I went to my insurance company and they sent me to this guy and it wasn't complicated at all and I'm responding super well to the treatment so I guess this is what I do now?" but I am just anticipating her throwing a fit of some kind, since she is absolutely convinced I have major depressive disorder and has been trying to get me to go back on Celexa, which did me so much no good that I cold-turkeyed off it and gave myself horrible brain zaps. Don't fucking do that guys.
(It was with this same practice! It's on there, I no-showed to an appointment because I had so little executive function I wasn't even able to keep track of it! And she's still like yah medicating u for depression is super what's going to work. ma'am i have never been suicidal but I remember being on Celexa and most of it was my shitty life situation at the time but mostly it is a gray expanse of despair and ineffectualness, and getting inexorably fatter whilst starting to develop an eating disorder about it, and getting benched by my roller derby coach despite exercising myself to constant exhaustion and performing better than I ever had on the track because she saw my spreading waistline and assumed I was slacking off, and anyway. Yeah no.)
So anyway. I'm letting myself be stream of consciousnessy because it seems right. I had a reasonable breakfast, a lot of water, some coffee, a multivitamin, and my first pill about an hour ago, and am now ensconced in the recliner with the cat because the cat insists. I have started to feel.... kind of... like my throat feels kind of dry so I'm drinking more water, and I just got a little bit not quite dizzy and am acutely aware of all my eye movements, so I guess that's notable.
OK the plan. I would like to someday be able to make to-do lists, that's a medium-term goal. Meanwhile I'm still doing narratives of how i'd like a day to go. I have fallen off that a bit; I've been trying to do not a bullet journal but a just regular day planner in this new year (i got something on clearance off amazon lol) and mostly what I've used it for is as a diary post-hoc, writing down what i got done, and making little notes of what I want to get done, because otherwise my memory wipes itself and I don't know what I did all last week either. I fell off it this week because Dude was out of town and I was off kilter. But I'm going to fill back in what I can remember-- I'm keeping track of what meals I cook, what exercise I do, things like that-- and hope to keep it up going forward.
Routine, I hope, is what will help me.
Today. It is rainy today. I didn't get some of my stuff done while Dude was gone because of course the list I made would have taken six weeks of work, that's how my lists go. But I did get a lot done, so I'm going to write all that down. And today it is rainy, so I can spend time in the basement. What I want to do is empty out all my nice baskets I use to tote craft things around, and re-fill them with more curated selections. I think one basket for like, all the sewing tools, just all of them, in one place, and then another basket that is like, all of the embroidery supplies, and then a container that is An Adequate Selection Of Thread and also machine-sewing supplies? maybe? and then Active Projects can go into a third container that may or may not travel with me. Anyway, thinking about that is a work in progress.
I need to pack for my first trip of the season to the farm. I need to put away all the supplies from painting the kitchen, because I am finally officially totally completely done with that. I need to then tidy the kitchen counter and there's a little wooden cart that used to have our coffee stuff on it and I've been using it to dump all the shit and assorted project detritus from the ongoing painting on, and I need to then move that cart somewhere once I've put away all the things on it.
That seems like a reasonable amount of things to expect to complete today. OK I need to get out from under this cat because I have to pee now. All right. She'll be fine she just wants the chair really.
Yah ok i really gotta pee and dude is in the shower so i'm going to go get dressed and dance around a little lolsob. wish me luck.
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OK this is gonna be a very unorganised post but here are some of my goofy ahh headcannons for a modern avatar AU (Spider-centric) that are really just and amalgamation of headcannons from other people like @bigbluealienlover93 and an Encanto modern AU fanfic I read half a year ago 💅😭 idk idk sorry my brain is incapable or unique ideas at this moment ndidnaofjdj
Modern Avtar AU Headcannons (mostly Spider)
Ok so I feel like it makes complete sense that Spider in this AU would live under the staircase like Harry Potter except like, he’s obv got a bit more space and the whole room is super aesthetic like, he’s got crystals and photos and cute lights all over the place and sketches that he drew and a ukulele in the corner.💅
Style-wise he has a bit of a grunge, charm girl vibe going on
Personality-wise he is of course an extremely chill, creative and mischievous kid who likes to do spiritual stuff with ✨crystal girlie✨ Kiri and get into trouble with ✨father’s disappointment✨ Lo’ak. Tuk loves to hang off his arm but he has a rather strained relationship with Neteyam who is, in ever sense of the word, an opposite to him. The perfect ✨✨✨golden child✨✨✨(with too many high expectations forced on him COUGH COUGH)
Jake is a chill dude who works freelance and likes Spider a lot but keeps him at an arm’s length as to not have to pick him over his wife Neytiri. BTW!
Neytiri’s a doctor who sells herbs from her garden as a side-hustle, knows a lot about herbalism and is very in tune with nature overall, a trait that every other Sully and even Spider had gotten from her. A girlboss who hates the blonde kid, but not for his personality. You see, his biological father, Miles Quaritch, was involved in a case of her father’s murder and although the culprit was never put behind bars, it is a widely accepted version that Miles was the one who killed Eytukan.
As a result of it Spider got infamous around the neighbourhood for being “that guy who’s dad is a murderer” and the woman can barely look at him sometimes let alone tolerate him, so Spider avoids her at all costs, makes up constant excuses to not be present at family dinners and gatherings but there is only so much he can miss before Kiri inevitably drags him out from his Harry Potter staircase room to join in, because in her eyes he is and always was family.
One of those nights, (yes I’m about to write a narrative in the middle of a headcannon post, you cannot stop me🧍) the dinner doesn’t go well. Spider speaks a word too much and Neytiri explodes, taking out all her pent up grief, desperation and anger she felt like she could not express around her family for years on the kid over the dinner table. She ends the argument with words that cut Spider like a knife. She screams that he’ll never be a Sully, that he’ll never be one of them.
Spider’s world crumbles as all his hopes of ever being liked by Neytiri get destroyed with her confirmation of his deepest fears. What is even worse perhaps, is that the only person who takes his side and stands up for him…is Kiri. Everyone else were either silent or ripping themselves apart, trying to calm both parties.
With tears at the corners of his eyes, Spider gets up and runs off. He shoves some stuff into his backpack before all but busting out of the house, running as far as he could, then taking the first bus he could catch and disappearing into the night.
His phone is blown up with calls and messages but he turns it off, not even checking who was trying to reach him. Propably Kiri.
On that same bus, in the very back, a group of delinquent teens decide he is the perfect victim for them to pester, so once Spider gets off, they do to.
He tried fighting the kids but they overwhelm him, delivering a hit after hit.
And then…
A tall figure appears from the dark. Spider isn’t feeling too well at this point and can’t hear what he says, but he can certainly see the figure brutally kick the asses of the teens, and even manages a chuckle through his hurting jaw as they run or limp away. Someone just got in a fight to help him? damn.
The figure crouched in front of Spider, lying on the asphalt and picks him up, trying to speak with him. The blonde thinks he saw those scars somewhere before…
In his daze, the words come out before he can stop himself.
So, Quaritch! What’s up with him?
He’s a man currently retired from the military and owns a small car repairing business and has a badass motorcycle with skull and flame patters on them, there’s no way he doesn’t.
Is obsessed with a healthy lifestyle, can cook, goes on jogs 5 in the morning (because of course he does) and lifts. You can remove a person from the military but never military from the person. 🤷
He got wrongly accused of murder and dragged into the mix while trying to stand up for an old friend of his, Lyle Wainfleet, who was another suspect in Eytukan’s case. Miraculously, he avoided going behind bars but as a result, the custody over Spider was lost, which was a major hit for Quaritch as he just lost his wife Paz. He spent almost a decade being heavily depressed and barely crawled out of that state several years ago.
He hates Sullys with a passion for taking away his son and life , perhaps he plans to enact revenge? Who knows 👀
For now though, the only thing on his mind is Spider, as he puts two and two together, realises the kid he had protected is HIS SON and scrambles to get him to the hospital. Talk about destiny.
Anyway here it is, my chaotic word vomit 😭 hope y’all liked it? I might write more or make a one-shot idk idk if you got any questions abt this you can drop them in the ask box ✨
BTW, @bigbluealienlover93 is currently writing a spider modern AU fanfic so if you wanna see that I suggest you stay tuned for their work!!
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myouicieloz · 7 months
Do you have any thoughts on the rest of the girls’ trailers?
i do!! they’re not exactly theories, though… just scenarios who could possibly match that vibe.
like, for winter:
- something like jennifer’s body, yk?
- small town, nothing ever happens, everyone hates their lives, always cloudy and rainy.
- everyone’s just eager to get out
- she’s the quiet kid, always walking with her gaze glued to the ground, not caring if she’s bumping into like half the students on her way to her locker.
- and she’s got that weird aura around her, too. perhaps it's the flannel jackets, or the way her hair is constantly disheveled, or the bags under her eyes… anyway, everyone’s always weary of her.
- And they’re right
- Idk if you know jinx, but just like her, winter’s always seeing stuff, too. Like you’ll always catch her muttering to herself or shaking her head as if to discharge all the ideas off. She always seems busy, too.
- whenever she’s asked something, she’ll simply stare at whoever’s asked and huff before getting back to whatever it is that she’s doing (which is usually writing aggressively in her worn out journal).
- Her mind’s always clouded with thoughts that bother her with their intensity, clogging her brain as they confront each other constantly. it leaves her restless, hyperactive. winter wishes she’d get a single moment of pure silence.
- she has plenty of hobbies (obsessions): like mangas, science, zombies… her bedroom is full of posters and miniatures. also, there are clothes and stuff everywhere. her mother has given up on telling her to tidy it up.
- she’s never around, either. winter’s mother. being a nurse in one of the 2 hospitals in town, she takes too many shifts for the sake of her health. Winter had told her to slow down countless times until she understood: her mother loved her job. It was what fullfilled her; being with her coworkers and helping others made her life meaningful.
- so winter let her be. seeing her at least a bit less miserable made the girl feel less like she ruined her mom’s life by being born when she was still so young; barely leaving high school.
- winter’s always biting her nails, moving her legs frantically or hitting her pen on the table.
- no one ever asks her to stop, though. no one has the guts to do so.
- the first time you properly talk to her is when you get assigned to a big project together. winter would usually do those projects by herself, but the new teacher insisted no one was left without a pair. the poor woman was new to the school and still so full of life and hopes...
- she was young and naive, clearly thinking she could help with whatever it was that was wrong with winter.
- she didn’t think you’d actually accept to work at her house, truth be told, specially since it was an unspoken rule to not be at least an arm’s length near her at all times. at least it was what it seemed like, at school.
- “have you guys ever actually taken a look at her?” you answered when your friends warned you about it, “she’s so tiny and frail. anyone could win her in a fight. she’s harmless, guys.” you all laughed, as your eyes were glued on hers, in the cafeteria. she was already staring, but you didn’t mind. you just smiled back, making her blush and look away.
- you found her house too cold and gloomy, even more than the city itself. it lacked light, and you shivered as you went up the stairs. the deep shade of red of the walls reminded you of blood, and you were relieved to see the ones in her bedroom were painted a different color; surprisingly, they were purple, which made you giggle.
- you two start working, and you’re not at all surprised to find out how smart she is. she talked effortlessly about the project, being patient to answer your questions as she explained what had to be done and what you’d be doing. the work was basically all done, and she’d gladly do it all by herself, but you insisted on helping. you just hated the idea of being useless, even if it was just in a stupid lesson. you two get the work done quickly, and winter found herself enjoying her evening: you were kind, and didn’t treat her as if she were the most despicable thing on earth like people would do, at school. your sweet smiles and calm nature made her relaxed, almost as if the voices in her mind finally agreed on something: how peaceful you were.
- she caught herself staring at you again, suddenly a little at ease.
- you got comfortable around her, too. which was why you had come to her again, days later you’d turned in the assignment.
- “would you help me, please? you’re like, super smart, and i don’t really want people to know i’m failing.” you asked her for some tutoring over that same class, and she reluctantly agreed to it.
- you stared going to her house everyday after classes and winter was growing fond of you, loving to have your full attention. you even took her to the local fun fair, which was one of the best nights she’d ever had since she could remember.
- you two were somewhat friends, even though your friends always would always send you weird looks once you started defending winter whenever they talked shit about her in your presence. she kept your secret—about the grades, and you were truly grateful for her help. you found her sweet, funny and very observant. which she was, indeed.
- in fact, winter was so observant she was the only one to notice the bruises on your arms and shoulders, even thought they were well hidden in the thick hoodies you never took off, not even inside.
- she didn’t say anything at first, thinking the things you did were none of her business. but as the days went by, and you were still trying to hide them, she started to wonder.
- “did you do those to yourself?” she asked, one day, while you were focused on doing a few exercises your fucking teacher had said were worth some extra points, ones you needed badly. her words, though carefully elaborated, made your eyes widen, as you shook your head furiously.
- “n-no, of course not.” you’d told her, toying with her hands as you decided wether or not to tell her. but it was just winter, right? there wasn’t anyone she couldn’t possibly tell, and she had kept your secret, once.
- with that in mind, you took a deep breath before explaining about how your uncle had been living with you, your siblings and your parents ever since he lost his job. all he does is spend the whole day drinking and watching tv, but sometimes, he gets frustrated with his own stupid ass and with the miserable life he has in this fateful city. in one of those days, he was specially mad, and threw you against the wall right after you had arrived home and stopped by the living room before going upstairs.
- you assure her it’s ok—he’s getting a job and moving out soon, but winter’s grip on her pencil was proof enough of her rage.
- she made you promise you’d tell her if it ever happened again. and, as much as she wanted to call the authorities immediately, you forced her to sit back down, begging her not to. you didn’t want to cause any trouble, specifically since he’d soon be gone, you reiterated.
- “yes, he’ll be gone.” was all she answered, her gazed fixed on your face. you shivered at her cold tone, but forced yourself to shrug it off.
- once you were gone, all winter could think about was your beautiful skin, all marked because of that fucker. this wasn’t how it was supposed to be: not to you, the dearest person she’d ever known. you were so sweet, empathic, and nonjudgmental… the thought of someone making you suffer was enough for her to nearly destroy her room, trowing things in the air to try to rub off the anger. however, it did nothing to ease her restless mind; the thoughts were back, now as loud screams in her head, agreeing on something for the first time: that winter had to make your uncle pay for hitting you.
- she forced herself back into her desk as she planned her future actions. it took her days, but she managed to finally come up with a perfect plan.
- winter waited patiently for you to leave home as she sneaked into your place, dragging her feet through the carpet. she took her time observing the fucker, hammer throbbing in her hands as she watched him get himself even more waisted, dropping a beer after the other.
- she finally decided to put her plans into action as he went into the guest room, probably to do one of the 2 things he knew: drink and sleep.
- her favorite part was tearing the door open, she thinks. to get rid of the wooden chips as she delighted herself with your uncle’s screams, pleading for mercy that wouldn’t be granted to him, not after what he had done. no... no one gets to hurt you and live.
- It’s what she kept repeating to him, ducking quickly to get his pleading hands off her as she saw his movements stop, slowly.
- she cleans up after that and, when morning comes, she offers you her condolences, as soon as she spots you, in class. your eyes are red and swollen and winter hates to be the reason of your sadness, but it was necessary, after all.
- you let yourself cry in her arms, hiccups leaving your chest as you get all the stress you self out of your system. winter tried to be as empathic as she could, patting your back as she assured you that you were all safe; no one would hurt you anymore— there was no reason to be sad or scared. you nod, clinging to her as the words get etched onto your brain.
- you only realize your uncle’s murder hadn’t been shared with people from outside your family circle weeks later. as if you’ve been woken up from a trance, you shift uncomfortably besides your friends as your eyes found hers, once again. your body trembled with fear as you refused to acknowledge all the patterns launched right into your face.
- immediately, winter smiled, with all the feigned innocence she’d been showing you all those months. it didn’t matter what you thought: you were safe, and you were hers. forever.
this is too messy sorry ^^ i wrote it in the middle of my lecture lol
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plantboiart · 30 days
I am in purgatory or perhaps hell (had a 3 hour nap that I got up from around 10pm and have not been able to fall asleep and it is now 3:40am).
anyways, could u talk abt some headcanons that you've been wanting to? /nf ^-^
Oh shit sorry to hear that, can kinda relate I woke up at like 3.30 am and couldn’t fall back asleep today lol, hope you can get some rest though
Also! Absolutely!!!! Hold on entering my mind palace hhhh
Kian has NPD. I know this. In my heart. Very much like a case of “I /need/ to be better than others because if I’m not then I don’t have any worth at all”. Like he holds himself to impossibly high standards that he would never actually expect from anyone else because he’s supposed to be different
Rand also has npd. I also know this in my heart.
Got reminded of this while relistening to ep 4, when I first listened I just like. Decided to hc Rolan as transfem. And then promptly forgot and made him into a gay man instead oops
Rand was given Barc as an emotional support animal after Rachel disappeared
Kian’s parents were teens when they had him, which. Definitely played a role in why they didn’t do a great job with him. I imagine at least one of them (specifically his mom idk why) had like very strict parents who like. Disowned them when they got pregnant which is a pretty big part in why they ended up how they did
Rolan was a weird mix of super anxious and super obedient but then also extremely rebellious when they were young. Like extreme switches between being terrified of doing anything wrong and disappointing his parents and then a day later running away for a few days and getting drunk with the others because he just couldnt handle them
Stolen from @cleverpaws Rolan had like. Longish hair as a teen. Basically as long as his parents would let him have it
Kian went through like every possible hair color as a kid and preteen before settling on blonde because Identity Issues
Have. Touched on it a bit in the series but yeah Kian in my mind definitely did sex work at some point while living in Hollywood. He stopped after someone literally like nearly killed him (which i also referenced in that one oneshot! Fun times)
Becky’s band stayed together after her death/disapperance and ended up pretty popular. Like. Not a household name but they would definitely have a bit of a cult following especially within lgbtq+ circles
Rand was the tallest of the guys for so many years and he was so upset when Rolan had a sudden growth spurt and got tall
Also. Stolen from my convos with cleverpaws Kian was Rachel’s favorite babysitter because he 1. Would listen to her infodump 2. Was the only one that would agree to like. Play dressup and such with her and 3. Was actually smart enough to somewhat understand what she was talking about
I have talked about this before but. Rand. In my heart. Would not be skinny he is overweight and i need this to be more popular as a hc
Coming back from the dead healed all of kian’s wounds which unfortunately included his piercings :( he needs to get them redone oof (at least he still has his tattoos)
Speaking. Of tattoos: the guys would all get matching tattoos after everything happened
Not really a headcanon per se. But. I did realize yesterday that ive kinda accidentally started thinking of what happened between kian and becky under that tree as like. An allegory for sexual assault. Which. Yeah. Rough.
Mentioned both in the coming out oneshot and in a previous post at some point but kian has just a small box of things that mean a lot to him that he keeps hidden away and managed to keep safe even while homeless and stuff. It will definitely show up later on in the fic
Rolan has gone to a gay bar once, almost had a panic attack, and decided to never try again
No clue if i will include this in the therapy series or not. Also cant remember if ive made a post about this or not. But. Rand would start working out at some point after they all survived simply to flirt with kian better (pick him up. He just wants to be able to carry kian around)
Speaking of rand after they all survived (im not in denial shut up) he would eventually discover just a very genuine care for gardening. Like. Non weed plants. Hed grow a very nice garden in their backyard :)
Rolan has had 4 girlfriends in the past, one in high school, one in college, and then two afterwards. They all ended relatively calmly
I can absolutely give more if you want but to not make the post way too long here it is lol
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hadesfromspace · 1 year
I'm having a big brainrot moment
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This au was mainly inspired by BitB and its 80s vibes, so this au doesn't have anything to do with BitB other than the weird shit is happening-aspect
I really want to write some horror stuff for this au because I have a lot of ideas bc of bitb (Does it include analog horror?? Maybe, maybe not) but uhh they're in high school! and uhh yeah weird shit starts happening there, people start going missing, vhs tapes start appearing and everyone's behaving oddly. I am tired i'm writing this at 2 am, i did this whole thing in a bit over an hour or so
i want to smooch Gilles, my brain farted and i just made him into a cute lil guy
ALSO also in my head they're all trans, idk if i'm gonna make it canon or not but i'm thinking about it
ok good night i hope y'all like this and would maybe perhaps want more content for this au
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badbatchblog · 2 months
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Hello everyone! This is Omega. Since we've just started up this blog, I thought it would be a good idea to have us introduce ourselves!
I'll go first. Like I said, I'm Omega! I'm the newest member of the Bad Batch, and although I look like the youngest, I'm actually the oldest! I used to live on Kamino working as Nala Se's assistant until my brothers came to rescue me after the Empire took over. I'm really good at using an energy bow and playing strategy games. I have a Tooka doll named Lula that my brother Wrecker gave me. And my Trooper doll too! Oh, and I have a pet! Her name is Batcher, she's a Lurca Hound. Gonky and AZI are part of our family too, but I don't think they'll be joining the blog. Umm. I'm not sure what else to say about myself! I'm still trying to figure things out, honestly. But I'm excited to meet new people and chat with all of you!
Ok, here are my brothers! -Omega ☀
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heya everyone! I'm Wrecker! I like to blow stuff up and eat good food and cause a ruckus! the last part is what Tech and Crosshair say I do anyway haha. I'm the biggest and strongest of all of us and proud of it! I also get called the sweetest one by other people, but idk I think Omega is the sweetest one. I do think of myself as a nice guy tho! just don't get on my bad side hehe. uhh let's see, what else... oh! I only have one eye! my other one's a fake one. if you saw the scar on my head, you'd understand why! oh yeah and I know Omega said I gave Lula to her... which I did! but we still share her. Omega just gets to keep her more often. I don't need Lula THAT much! ...don't listen to anything Crosshair says otherwise. ok I think that's all! lookin' forward to talk with you guys sometime!
-Wrecker 💪🏽
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Hello. This is Tech. I am the main source of information and the main mechanic for the Bad Batch. I possess a high level of intelligence and dexterity that allows for me to bear these titles. I set up this blog as a means for us to get to know the people of this website better, with the hope that it will provide some much-desired information about the society culminated here. In fact, it would be much appreciated if we could get specific information from those who choose to interact with us; anything you're willing to provide will do. Oh. Omega has informed me that this was supposed to just be about myself... I'm afraid the rest will have to wait until another time. Or perhaps saved for potential inquirers. Regardless, I look forward to whatever is gleaned from this experience.
Addendum: It appears as though there's some confusion surrounding my existence. Misinformation, if you will. Well, I can assure you all that this is one hundred percent the real me, and any rumors surrounding my death have been greatly exaggerated. If you require further proof, by all means, ask for it. That is all.
-Tech 🧠
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Echo here. Wrecker already stated it, but I'm actually a former member of the squad. I'm also a former member of the 501st Legion. I still consider myself a part of the family though (and the others do as well), which I appreciate. I have several cybernetic augmentations and limbs, curtesy of the Techno Union, thanks to an accident I endured a few years ago. It's fine, I'm over it now. I've accepted who I am, and if other people can't, then that's their problem. I probably won't be as active here as the others, but I'm more than happy to answer any questions thrown my way.
Thanks. -Echo 🔌
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hey. name's Hunter. i'm the leader of this squad. i have enhanced senses and am good with blades. my face has half a tattoo on it. i like to keep my hair back with a bandana. don't mess with my squad or you'll regret it. i don't know what else to say. i'm no good with technology stuff.
(Addendum: It's true, it took him 15 minutes just to write all of this out. -Tech)
-Hunter 💀
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The name's Crosshair. I'm a sharpshooter, and the best damn one you'll ever meet. If you want to know more about me so badly, then ask me yourself. Information like that doesn't come for free, after all. I don't care how much Omega fusses at me about it either. Like she's doing right now. Yes, that's correct. Keep fussing, kid, and I'll just keep mentioning it. Pout all you want. Cry, even. Anyway... my actions speak louder than my words. Send me questions if you want, I don't care. Just know that you're more likely to get a decent conversation out of me than Hunter. The man can't even capitalize his sentences correctly. So go ahead. Ask me something. Just don't expect anything... pleasant in response.
Oh... and Wrecker was totally lying about Lula.
-Crosshair ❌
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