#SUCH a pain
spacethread · 1 year
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Life, as they say, finds a way 🌿 cotton and silk floss on linen, 2022.
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My toxic trait is not properly labelling my files and instead just shuffling through them all slowly whenever I need anything.
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talion-graves · 11 months
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Birds of a feather
This was such a pain to set up but it was totally worth it in the end, probably my favorite screenshot I’ve taken so far. 
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Having to put an ointment and then cover it with diaper cream 4 times a day on a potty trained child just ain’t it for me. We are on day 8 of 21 and I am so tired of it. Like in a diapered child it’s too easy to just make it part of diaper change. But since Bo is potty trained it’s a whole separate step. Plus he’s getting diaper cream all over his clothes. His underwear just feel so gross because they’re caked in diaper cream.
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victorluvsalice · 9 months
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-->However, while Victor may not be in any particular danger of failing a spell thanks to being charged these days, the charge itself is still a danger to him -- so after discovering I could copy meat, I took a moment and had him discharge to avoid any potentially-fatal magical electrocutions. Before getting right back to it by copying Smiler's herbalism potions. :p Those shelves aren't gonna fill themselves! (Though I did also discover while he was doing this that you can set raw blocks of beeswax out for sale -- I forgot to get a picture, but I promptly set out a bunch and paired them with Victor's honey to make a "bees" shelf. Because why not.)
-->Smiler, for their part, kept fishing for a while, picking up a kissing gorami and another betta. The betta I turned into a plasma pack for them, while the gorami went into the fish freezer -- though, uh, I made a big error while trying to move it in there. See, BrazenLotus's produce and fish retail fridges have options on them that let you mass-move certain types of stuff stuff, like all harvestables, all meat and dairy, and all fish. I was trying to figure out how you automatically moved fish, when I accidentally clicked on "move all SUPPLIES." This did not move the fish. . .
But it DID move all of Smiler's insects, fertilizers, upgrade parts, and robot salvage parts. Not into the freezer, though, as it couldn't accept those items. Instead, they ended up in the worst place in the world -- household inventory.
Did I mention Smiler had 73 robot salvage parts? Along with 66 common upgrade parts? Yeah, getting all of THOSE out of the household inventory, along with all the other upgrade parts, insects, and fertilizers, was a pain. >( About the only plus was me discovering that robot salvage and other upgrade parts of that nature could be set for sale, along with fertilizers. So I set a few robot salvage parts out on the shelf Smiler's bots are living on. *shrug* Might as well get SOMETHING out of that whole mess, right?
-->ANYWAY -- even with that nonsense coming back to bite me in the ass (always watch what you click on, kids!), everyone in-game continued to have a most productive day at the store. Alice continued her adventures in canning, both in the Simsco Canning Factory sense (making boxes of meat substitute and dried sage) and the Cottage Living sense (making jars of mushroom and eggplant conserve, complete with some very fancy knifework on the latter). Smiler changed over from fishing to apothecary stuff, making more synthetic food tablets, then moved onto straight-up herbalism once I got all their stuff back from the depths of the household inventory, making more Tummy Therapy for Victor to Copypasto later. And Victor made some more perfume (trying out the "Happy" and "Energized" scents and developing a Like of Cooking in the process), created his first batch of kombucha by loading some snapdragons into the juice fizzer, and copypastoed some animal treats straight into another magical talent point! I had him grab the "A Little Extra Chemistry" talent to improve the quality and taste of any potions he may eventually make. :) I wrapped up shortly after the "Snapbucha" was ready and Smiler had made their latest thing of synthetic food tablets, but I was very happy with everyone's progress at the store this day -- seems we're getting closer to the actual opening day all the time!
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pieroulette · 11 months
me trying to keep up w my reading routine:
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last-answer · 11 months
this sucks aw man
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dumbassacademia · 2 years
Obsessively making individual five minute at a time daily planners for each day of the week bc I’m starting a New Dream(Ish) Job in two weeks!!!!!
it’s a receptionist/paralegal position (technically paralegal but it’s mainly gonna be reception stuff to start with potential to move into a more involved role once I see how I fit), Super laidback, actually on the day shift, I’m allowed to bring my laptop and work on stuff when I’m not busy so I’ll have plenty of time for writing, and reading to keep me sane, it’s not a lot of hours and there is a commute so that’s gonna mean a paycut but I need to start budgeting like an adult and not a 5’5 six year old anyway so this’ll be a good burst of slap in the face motivation
Putting in my two weeks at the end of my shift today
This has been a small life update
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soryualeksi · 2 years
My phone is broken. Somehow, it just goes into "Charging slowly" when plugged and it's just. So incredibly slow. You have no idea.
So now I need to save all my shit, plug the sim into one of our old spares and bring it to a repair service to idk get the battery exchanged or whatever is broken. And that's such a pain. ;_;
But the phone is still good and I'm NOT buying a new one after just two years, I'm so tired of shit breaking. ;_;
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fibro-memes · 7 months
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just-spacetrash · 4 months
the 'what if you played it a little risky' post literally Changed my life but i cant fujkign find it in my blog because its. a tiktok screenshot
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you may think your only options are
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but in fact you can
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lesbianralzarek · 4 months
"life doesnt get better, you just get stronger" does NOT include ages 11-17. life does in fact just get better from there. those years are dogshit. like, you do get stronger but its mostly just a factor of not being 11-17 anymore. positive thinking helps but it doesnt fix whatevers going on at 15, you have to brute force through that one raw
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purrfurnax · 19 days
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owlmylove · 8 months
the flesh is unwilling and honestly, the spirit isn't too keen on the idea either
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