#Same with all the other Jedi like obi wan with satine/cody
love the idea of aroace mace windu who just- doesn’t get? why everyone is having such a hard time with the attachment rule?? Like just don’t??? Fall in love???? This shit is easy guys why are you so bad at this
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lightasthesun · 5 months
Imagine surviving the war only to lose most of the people closest to you.
The Woman that once upon a time held your heart in her hands.
The Girl that you loved like a daughter and whose death would ultimately lead to you losing your only brother.
In this universe, the river of time flows differently. Each step, each choice, and each poignant moment in its stream drift slightly off course.
It starts like this:
When Ahsoka and Bo-Katan ask the Jedi Order for aid in freeing Mandalore from Darth Maul's grasp and finally putting an end to the former Sith's reign, Obi-Wan does not ignore their call for help. Satine's ghost still haunts his nightmares, and it's the look on her sister's face, along with the redheads snarling accusations and Ahsoka's distant demeanor, that cause his typically composed exterior to splinter.
Through the cracks in his shields, a presence slips in – wild and tumultuous, yet practically radiant in its brilliance.
Days, months, weeks and even years later Obi-Wan will wish he'd taken a little longer to cradle her presence close.
It ends like this:
Anakin with Windu on the Invisible Hand. A incapacitated Sith in custody and another, more vile, more cunning, more sinister, choosing the wrong moment to reveal himself. A twist of fate. A long lost friend showing signs of old loyalty. Lightning. Screams. Hurt and Betrayal. The Chosen One as he was meant to be without terrors of the night influencing his most damning decision. Red clashing with purple, with blue. Red, blue, purple, blue, red, purple— A head rolls. The cackling stops.
For a moment, Peace.
A bond, frail at the edges but oh so resilient, crafted amidst blaster fire and silly nicknames and bets made on the battlefield, breaks—
Anakin screams.
On Mandalore the last chess piece falls with a Padawans last sacrifice.
First, Maul taunts. Maul laughs. Maul feeds on rage, on grief and hurt and terror, terror, terror. He's stronger here. Less controlled too, but while his greed costs him his head, his strength costs Obi-Wan the centerpiece of his lineage.
Obi-Wan holds his daughter as she bleeds out in his arms. His shoulders shake but he does not cry. His eyes burn but he does not weep. His lips twitch but he does not sob. He holds Ahsoka much the same way he held Satine only months before.
“No, not you too.”
Something flickers inside his mind, once, twice. It grows ever dimmer and Ahsoka's grip on his shoulder, ever weaker. A feeble voice inside his mind, It's okay. It doesn't hurt. I'll be okay, Master.
But this time no reassurance, no hand to his cheek, no last confession, nothing, will temper the anger slowly rising in tandem with his grief. He needs a medic. He needs a medic, now. Where's —
Obi-Wan doesn't like the expression on the face of his slowly approaching Commander. The furrow of his brow, the emotion in his eyes. He doesn't like that Cody has taken off his helmet and reaches out to hold Obi-Wan by his shoulder as if he knows Obi-Wan needs the physical support, as if Ahsoka is going to —
Obi-Wan turns his eyes back on his Grandpadawan. Hers are barely open, her lips smeared with blood. Obi-Wans eyes catch on the red trailing down her chin and the length of her throat.
Ahsoka catches his eyes and smiles. She tugs on their bond the way she had always done before a battle, up until her last assignment on Caito Neimodia.
She tugs once, twice, three times. His heart squeezes painfully in his chest. He tugs back three times.
He does cry then. For the life she will never have. For the peace she will never experience. For the war she fought and whose final victory she will never reap. For the girl he learned to love as his own.
And even in her last moment, even in pain, even after Hurt and Miscommunication, and Betrayal born out of insecurity and misjudgment, she still worries for others first. For him.
You're safe. You're all sa—
He shushes her. Tired amusement tingles across their bond.
Inhale. Exhale. Inhale.
You are forgiven, Obi-Wan.
Exhale. The light winks out and as their bond shatters his last remaining one pulls tight with white hot agony.
Cody is all that keeps Obi-Wan upright right then and there.
The war is over. They won. So many dead. His lineage torn asunder.
Ahsoka is dead. Anakin won't speak to him. Qui-Gon is dead. Dooku is imprisoned.
Here the river of time finds a stream parallel to the one we know.
Obi-Wan and Yoda at the end of things.
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twinterrors29 · 1 year
Cody was about 6 (physically 12) when he and his batchmates started looking up Jedi they might be assigned to on the holonet, ostensibly gathering intel on preferred tactics and planning maneuvers that play to the different Jedi's strengths
Cody, of course, saw some footage of Obi-Wan, looks up his profile, and immediately said 'that one, he's it'
Wolffe told him that he's insane, that there's no way he can know who he'll be assigned to work with when the time comes, and also that Kenobi wouldn't care in the slightest anyway
Cody, of course, replied simply: 'Challenge Accepted'
he snagged Obi-Wan's space-email address and sets himself up as a penpal
again, Cody was Baby, but he'd already started training to write like a Commander of the GAR
Obi-Wan, for his part, was initially very confused about this stranger emailing him and their very confusing way of speaking, combining intense military jargon applied to all areas of life with very childlike topics and focus
then he concluded that this stranger is an older teenager, ie an 18 year old, who just graduated from a military academy and into service, looking for someone to talk to with shared life experience
and well, he'd been feeling a little isolated, spending most of his time with only an increasingly moody Anakin for company away on missions, so he responded, and continued responding
they became friends, and as Cody grew older, he definitely developed a bit of crush on the cute older guy who was giving him positive attention
he expressed this affection primarily through stronger exhortations for Obi-Wan to wear armor on his missions, and suffered a lot of teasing from his batchmates for blushing while checking his messages
when Obi-Wan was assigned to the Padme protection mission, he told his penpal just enough detail that Cody was able to figure out who it is Obi-Wan was after
and he had just seen Prime's ship landing...
so Cody messaged Obi-Wan back immediately, over voice for the first time, telling him to stay put on Coruscant because he had a lead to offer
then staged a minor coup, captured Jango, and brought him to Coruscant to present to Obi-Wan as a gift
Obi-Wan, meeting the seemingly-early-20's Cody in his armor, had all of his assumptions about his penpal apparently validated: clearly, the man he'd been talking to for the past four years was about 18 at the start, and had grown into a confident and attractive young man
so he decided to flirt a little
Cody had never been so tongue tied in his life
however, he managed to rally, focusing on handling off Jango as the suspect in Obi-Wan's investigation
Jango, of course, immediately refused to give away any useful information, only opening his mouth to call Cody a traitor, which gave Obi-Wan the further wrong impression about Cody and Jango's previous connection, suggesting that they were members of the same military organization (their armor looks Mandalorian? or Mandalorian inspired? Satine was always fretting about some terror cell or other, and the Journeyman Protectors on Concord Dawn did still wear armor he recalled)
Cody agreed to be taken out on a sort-of-date while Judicial started processing Jango, and they both had a great time and expressed a desire to continue this relationship
but then Sidious insisted on getting his plan back on track, the whole clone-army thing came to light right as the war started, and Cody turned to Obi-Wan and asked if he can be assigned to his battalion
Obi-Wan agreed despite his concerns about conflict of interest; after all, he's still assigned to work with his Padawan all the time
Cody was very smug at having finally fully proven Wolffe wrong
and then, of course, Obi-Wan heard about the double aging, did some hurried mental math, and had a completely different set of moral crises to fret over
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Codywan POTC AU ideas
Ok so people seemed to like the idea (and my lack of experience in actually making posts that reach people showed when I tried to make this post through reblogging and it didn't appear anywhere :') ) so here's what I currently have with some rough drawings!
Here's the original post I made about it
Ideas and drawings for AU below, please feel free to use!! No idea if I'll actually write something for it, the creature in charge of driving my brain will decide I guess.
Ok so, Obi-Wan fills the role of Elizabeth and Cody is Will in terms of who’s the governor’s child (or grandchild/ward here) and who is found floating at sea with a mysterious medallion and becomes a blacksmith. Going to deviate from the story a lot but needed Cody to have that blood importance link - you will see why later.
Dooku is governor who takes in his grandson Obi Wan as his ward after Qui-Gon’s death, then brings him with him to port royal (feel like Dooku is a good fit for all the colonisation/sugar plantations/definitely not the good guy the films presented him as considering Caribbean in the 1770s.) Obi-wan and Cody grow up keeping in contact and obliviously infatuated with each other as per films.
Not sure if there’s a Norrington equivalent here. Satine would probably be the easiest fit in terms of romantic triangle but couldn’t be an exact match as she’d never be a soldier even if we ignored period accuracy (no idea if I will or not) and a lot of his actions would be an insult to her as a character. Think it would probably be that Satine and Obi-Wan are dear friends who aren’t interested in each other romantically but are being pressured to marry because advantageous match etc. (Possibility of both getting into Methodism and abolitionism through that and that being their points of discussion, and the clash occurs when from start of events of second film Obi-Wan goes and begins to take a much more active route to abolition eg. Killing slavers and boarding their ships to liberate those inside. Satine being against the killing and violence etc but thats later on!)
For Captain Jack Sparrow, who better than the greatest space pirate of them all, Hondo Ohnaka! (Was considering having Quinlan Vos for it but feel like his moral compass is too strong honestly)
As in the films, black pearl (possibly renamed) attacks the port and Obi-Wan is taken aboard with medallion when he invokes parley and, when he gives his surname as Fett, is taken away as they leave. Barbossa I’m currently thinking is Maul (which ties in beautifully and absolutely not completely accidentally with the clone wars episode where Hondo’s crew mutiny him to join Maul) who is going to manage to get singularly obsessed with Obi-Wan by the end of the events of the first film where he is not actually dead/possibly reincarnated like Barbossa in the films but blames Obi-Wan for everything (which would honestly be more justified than the root of Mauls obsession in canon).
Cody breaks Hondo out to help him rescue Obi Wan, they assemble a crew on Tortuga. Various Jedi characters will be appearing as part of a large network of escaped slaves and outlaws (for various reasons) who want to help people in similarly difficult and/or dangerous situations. The Jedi have had dealings with Hondo before and essentially have a similar reaction to him as ghost crew in rebels - don’t trust him as far as they can throw him but often forced to work with him against their better judgement.
Plot progresses as first film but more oh the real villains are the colonisers (though Maul and his crew are giving them a run for their money). Find out that not only is Fett blood needed to break the curse since Jango was involved with initial treasure taking, but there’s a mysterious extra reason why people are wanting to get their hands on a son of Fett. Murmurs of gaining favours with others saying it’s bad luck to have one on the same ship as them. Jedi and Hondo who have known Fett are also reluctant to give their opinion when Cody asks what Jango was like.
Movie accurate romantic and sexual tension between obi-wan and cody, gonna say period accurate homophobia also playing its part in stopping them acting on it.
After being rescued from being marooned Obi-Wan promises Dooku he will marry Satine if they rescue Cody, then sneaks out of ship to help take the Pearl and then on to rescue Cody. If it is Jedi in the crew they may well go with him but otherwise same as film. Hondo persuades Maul that he should become a commodore and Mauls crew “take a walk”. Then events as film but Obi wan kills Maul.
When they’re back at port royal, Cody saves Hondo from execution and Obi Wan saves them both either through really banking on his power as Dooku’s ward/heir or sneaking them away with distraction (possibly even before execution date). I quite like the second option as there’s an opportunity for using smugglers tunnels and a first, desperate kiss as Cody escapes with Hondo to join the crew on the Pearl.
So ends first film as it were. Here’s some more rough drawings of Cody and Obi-Wan start of first film vs third film. I absolutely used a reference for that first drawing of Cody and I nabbed the obi wan base for the drawings from another piece I’m working on so sorry about style discrepancies!
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Second film! Satine and Obi-Wan’s wedding is taking place the next day and Cody, who has been writing letters back and forth with Obi-Wan , is waiting in the smugglers cave for him so they can run away together. But Obi-Wan never shows. Cody either hears at port or through Satine directly (who knew the plan to run away and was banking on the scandal meaning she could avoid marriage for a good while afterwards) that Obi-Wan has been taken into captivity by a Lord Palpatine/Sidious working for the interests of the East India Trading Company. The charges are for aiding and abetting pirates, his role in helping Hondo and Cody escape has been discovered apparently (maybe yes maybe no, Palpatine doesn’t give a fuck he just wants the compass). Cody somehow finds out about the compass being the wanted trade (Satine as a go between perhaps? Saying she’ll send hired men to get the thing that will save her fiancé?) and heads off in search of Hondo.
Hondo’s meanwhile been visited by an old friend to tell him it’s time to pay his debt, and the black spot appears in his hand. Surprise it’s not Jango! It’s Either Fox or Rex! Hondo scared shitless and runs ship aground on an island which is where Cody finds him and his crew at that time. (Do the Jedi help him get there??) Anyway think the island scenes will be more OFMD vibes than actual events of dead man’s chest.
Hondo tricks Cody into going onto shipwreck to search for key he’ll trade in return for compass. Flying Dutchman arrives and with it it’s captain, Darth Vader.
Another very rough drawing I added extremely rough shading to! Vader is combined Davy jones style with a vampire squid because 1) on brand 2) the membrane sections reminded me of the his mask. He’s wearing a bicorn hat which wouldn’t actually be the trend for another couple of decades but let’s just pretend Vader is incredibly fashion forward.
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Cody is alive and so not of interest to Vader, until Hondo, who Vader has sensed and has appeared in front of on the Pearl, tells Vader that he’s a Fett and so part of his payment of 100 souls. Vader scoffs that a Fett son is payment of another’s debt and can’t be used by Hondo, but Hondo replies that Jango Fett died on land and so has no need to settle his debt anymore. Vader finally accepts when Hondo tells him Cody is in love, giving him a fortnight to find the other 99 souls.
Cody hasn’t heard this on the other ship so first he hears of it is Vader basically telling him and welcoming him as another son of Fett. Cody is confused when Vader tells him he can join his brothers on deck, figures he means crew mates, but instead comes face to face with dozens of men who look near identical to him in various states of ‘fishification’.
More rough drawings! I spent too much time on these but they’re still rough so heck it. Only did Alpha 17, Rex and Fox for these ones.
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Alpha has been part of the crew for the longest time, as the first son that Jango Fett ‘paid his debt’ with. Torn between hair styles, but he’s turning into a great white shark. Alpha hasn’t known any life outside of the ship as he was barely walking when Jango took him to Vader. Jango essentially decided to settle his debt with Vader by making the souls to give himself because he’s a full out bastard. Mostly this meant one night stands and then showing up a few years down the line and promising to the mother he’d take care of the child.
Fox actually managed to live his life without Jango taking him as a child but it was still a hard life and he’s actually encountered Lord Palpatine/Sidious before. He doesn’t talk of that time but he has the brand on his neck from it (the pirate P). Either Palpatine killed him or eventually he either ran into Jango or those who knew of sons of Fett and believed that sending one to Vader would grant you favour from him/gain you a wish or something. It doesn’t, Vader just subtracts one from Fett’s debt. (Possibility of Palpatine killing Fox hoping to gain communication/favour with Vader?)
Rex is the most recent addition to the brothers in the crew aside from Cody. He’s only a couple of years younger and only a bit of fishification has started. He’s the most hopeful still of the brothers. He’s the one Cody trusts most and has as a confidant for his plan to steal the key.
Meanwhile Obi-Wan has escaped and disguised himself as a pirate. Manages to find Hondo and various Jedi. They may their way to island with the chest on it and Cody, who has managed to escape the Dutchman (name change pending) appears and fights Hondo.
Feel it would be kind of funny if Maul were to appear at this point and go all KENOBI, just to add to the chaos.
Vader is Anakin and fulfils the role of Davy Jones with Calypso being Padme (fun bit when they go to see her in her human form and they’re met by the handmaidens). Not a perfect fit as padme isn’t flighty and wild like the sea but hey ho. So Vader locked away his heart and trapped Padme in human form.
I honestly have no idea if the twins are running around somewhere or not and what they’re doing. Ashoka is definitely around somewhere as is Ezra and other rebels.
Had an idea of reincarnation or believed to be of Obi-Wan as someone Vader viewed as his in some way. Can either actually be reincarnation of just that they look similar/obi-wan is a descendant but Vader ends up obsessed with him which helps add validity when they pretend he’s Calypso/Padme.
Satine has been facing off with Palpatine and his cronies from a legal stand point but Palpatine isn’t playing fair or legal (particularly when he gets Vader’s heart (possibly delivered by Maul?)). Bo Katan would be sick to turn up and fight anyone and everyone.
Not sure if Jango is actually dead or not, but he had Boba and since he stuck around and loved his mother he thinks of him as his true child and has amazing cognitive dissonance to not be horrified and trying to rescue the others. But think he’s probably dead and boba’s running around somewhere not even aware how much danger he’s in (but possibly told by Jango not to tell people his real surname).
Oh also! Note on initial drawing - so I imagine that occurring with Mace Windu filling the role of Barbossa in the wedding scene!
Anyway hope there’s something in here that intrigues people!
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anxiety-banana · 9 months
star wars things that make me smaddy (sad/mad/happy):
(subtle ahsoka spoilers ahead)
-thinking about lil baby ahsoka falling asleep in plo's arms when she was just a tiny bean
-ezra knowing his parents before they died (unlike half of the chosen one tragedies out there)
-kanan not being around to raise jacen, but he still got to raise ezra and sabine
-ahsoka and sabine's complicated relationship and the fact that they keep coming back to each other because they know. they know they love each other and they know they work best together and they know that in the end they'll always return
-anakin's tiny little hands taking apart and putting back together every appliance obi-wan has
-force ghost anakin watching ahsoka live her life
-force ghost anakin being a proud dad to ahsoka when she takes sabine on as an apprentice and talking to mando and every little thing she does the same as she did when she was a teenager
-seeing little live action ahsoka mannerisms and phrases that just hit you as absolutely perfect ahsoka
-obi-wan getting to find comfort in someone like him; satine seeing this too-smart jedi and going "he's mine"
-watching hera interact with her son
-sabine's little loth cat
-sabine living in ezra's tower
-an ACTUAL TEENAGER PLAYING TEENAGE AHSOKA i'm proud of the casting director
-live action clone wars ahsoka and her baby face
-live action cw ahsoka's voice
-the bulky design of star wars mechanics because that's how it was imagined in the 70's that never changed even though modern technology has progressed
-a room full of force sensitive younglings making their toys float and the creche master having to stop them from "accidentally" throwing them at others
-jacen and chopper's obvious attachment like that droid took one look at the tiny child of mother and decided he had to become the best babysitter in the galaxy
-star wars as a franchise surviving and thriving and growing into such an enormous fanbase with people in production who actually love the characters and love what they're doing
-seventy year olds who watched a new hope when it came out being able to connect with their grandchildren over luke skywalker
-the brotherly affection between all the clones
-the thought of ahsoka learning some jawaese and anakin learning some togruti and them both learning mando'a and UGH they just love each other and they want to be apart of each others' cultures
-ahsoka always sparring with rex and winning for the first time and just absolutely losing her crap
-rex is just so proud
-ahsoka and cody bonding because they're the same rank and they don't feel like they have to perform for each other
-cody stepping back and letting rex become her ori'vod but he was prepared for her. he loves her and she doesn't know it. he always loved her, even if it was first just the thought of her.
-when they get to know each other ahsoka realizes cody is more reserved, but is just as crazy as her own legion and she just feels so at home with him
-ahsoka expresses her anger to anakin, because he understands, but then he reminds her that anger comes from a place of pain and hurt and sadness and she just absolutely loses it because she's so tired
i feel better now thank you for listening have a good day <3
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mademoiselle-cookie · 11 months
Obi-Wan is a Gary-Stu?
This accusation really surprised me. How can we see this guy as a perfect and overpowered being? Annoying at worse, everyone has their own sensitivity, but that's not enough to make him a Gary Stu.
(Warning, what follows is only based on my memories. I can forget stuff)
Is he overpowered with the Force? It's never said or shown that he's special in that area, so he's at most just quite powerful. Nothing to do with Yoda or Anakin who are said to have broken records with their midi-chlorians, anyway. He's very good at animal and mind control, and never fails, but the only one it happens to is a Padawan.
Is he physically strong? Although he knows how to fight very well, he is only a simple human (just boosted by the Force). And from a lightsaber mastery point of view, even though he can take 2 Sith at the same time, he also lost several times against Dooku. And if he is obviously excellent with firearms, he uses them twice max (not counting the Kenobi series which I have not seen). Given his age, what little we see of his physical abilities clearly comes from his training and experience, not from an incredible innate talent.
Does he have a prestigious position? He is a Council Member, the governing body of the Jedi Order, but he is also not the Grand Master of the Order or the Head of the Council. Even if he looks younger than the others, it's never emphasized. And the Council itself is subordinate to the Senate. Even a young and kind Senator like Riyo thought she could give him orders as she pleased.
Is it particularly special? He is not the chosen one of a prophecy, nor the person the embodiment of the Force has chosen as his replacement, or the child of a being extremely powerful and important to the Force itself. He is not even the main character of the saga. In TCW, you really only see 3 of his men, very underdeveloped (mostly Cody), and one gets killed without us seeing Obi-Wan's reaction. Nothing like the 501st. Even though The Mandalorians were brought into TCW for storylines about him, his romance with Satine exists completely for Anakin and not for him. The only thing really special about him is how obsessed villains, and especially Siths, are with him (it's indeed one of the Sue's traits).
Do we particularly praise him? He's the only one I remember having a nickname in the movies/series, and his ship is named after him (again, that's the only one it's about. The others are values like the Endurance or the Resolute). But that's background. When it comes to characters paying him compliments, there are quite a few for someone so well-known. I remember Leia asking for his help in ANH, Qui-Gon in TPM (but he also criticizes him a lot) Anakin in AOTC (but same as Qui-Gon), and I believe Satine (but again she spends more time criticizing him and I think she mostly compliments his looks). On the other hand, there are times when praising him was possible, even logical, but completely missed:
in the Malevolence arc, everyone compliments Anakin for going to the enemy ship (while he's just fixing the consequences of his own decisions) but nothing at all about Obi-Wan following him (which everyone knows);
in the Umbara arc, the 501st compares Krell's incompetence to Anakin's skill, but no word on the only other Jedi on the planet, Jedi who loves and protects his men, Jedi who knows about the 501st and reassured blue virus survivors when their own General didn't care, Jedi who will lose one of his most known men for the public;
In Rebel, with the many, many times Rex compliments Anakin, Gregor could have done the same thing, he'd have better reasons to (and I would have cared about his death. I hadn't seen TCW yet at that time).
Anakin (who is admittedly the main character but above all a future Sith who is clearly on this slope apart in TPM) receives MUCH more praise.
Is he of prestigious descent? We don't know his family at all and he never talks about it (again, not seen the Kenobi series). I don't even remember his home planet being mentioned in movies and TV shows. As far as we know, his parents are absolutely nothing special. They are neither kings, nor senators, nor influential, nor rich.
Does he ever fail? Forgetting all about Anakin's downfall because it wasn't his fault, in TPM he lets himself be overcome by anger and grief and almost gets killed by Maul. In the AOTC, he is too arrogant and overprotective to trust Anakin and gets scolded for it. In TCW, he admits that he would have left the Jedi Order for Satine, he allows himself to be dominated by his anger against Maul again, and - even if it is understandable because it was deserved and that he was tortured mentally and physically for several days - the smile he threw at Rex before he killed the Zygerrian does not really fit in with Jedi values.
Does he have a perfect life? His people were slaughtered by his own student whom he raised, the galaxy he swore to protect applauded this genocide, those responsible for this massacre rose to power, his master, the woman he loved and a close friend died before his eyes, he ended up spending 19 years on a desert planet that was nothing, Bail Organa died along with his entire planet, and in the OT era he, Yoda and Luke were the last Jedi alive.
So no.
Of course, when you're next to the walking disaster that is Anakin, it's easy to look perfect (especially since Obi-Wan is literally the foil of Anakin, the example of what he should be or do). Add to the fact that he's played by a handsome, charismatic actor and the character is funny and calm, where main character Anakin was extremely embarrassing and creepy, the comparison stings and can make people who identify with the latter uncomfortable.
That doesn't mean Obi-Wan is actually perfect. He would not have needed to have development arcs in TPM and AOTC. And that's why we love him. Not because he's perfect (95% of people who say that are joking) and everything is easy for him, but because it's extremely, painfully hard. He tries. He always tries to be good, to do good. He always, always does his best. He's just a human, with flaws and selfish desires, which makes his repeated choices to stay on the light side, even after losing everything, even more beautiful.
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voidartisan · 2 years
Ideal TCW Modern AU:
Qui-gon adopted Anakin and Obi-Wan. He disappeared under mysterious circumstances and left everything (including guardianship of Anakin) to Obi-Wan. At this point Obi-wan has met and married Satine. Anakin is still living with them while he finishes up school, and is still secretly married to Padme (they eloped because they were afraid Obi-wan would disapprove of the age difference). Korkie is Satine's nephew who she ended up getting custody of. They're fostering Ahsoka, and Anakin (despite having a rather sibling-like bond with her) wants to adopt her, but has to get his life together first. Satine and Padme are both lawyers and Obi-wan is a professor at the local university. All the other Jedi are professors as well. Quinlan is the crazy neighbor who went to high school with Obi-Wan. Yoda is the mischevious old man who lives across the street. Jocasta Nu is the sweet old librarian that everyone (correctly) suspects used to be MI6. Her goal is to knit ugly Christmas sweaters for the entire faculty. Kit Fisto has the only house on the block with a pool and lets anyone use it so long as they come to his frequent barbecues. He is wearing a hawaiian shirt and bermuda shorts constantly and also has most of his students convinced that his the literal ancient Greek god Poseidon. Plo is a neighbor down the street who has a soft spot for Ahsoka and is her father figure. Mace is the president of both the university and the HOA. The clones are a massive family that somehow all squeeze into a single house across the street from Plo. They all refer to each other as brothers, and no one has any idea how they're all actually related. The Bad Batch are the somewhat estranged relatives that live in an rv traveling around the country and have custody of Omega for some reason. You can set a clock by the time Cody jogs in front of your house in the morning. Rex and Anakin are the same age and have been best friends since high school. Obi-Wan and Cody are also roughly the same age, and met mostly because of Rex and Anakin. Ahsoka and Anakin create shenanigans. Chaos ensues.
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jedi-hawkins · 4 months
Bryn (Jedi OC) x Obi-wan Kenobi
So Bryn, my Jedi oc, is in a poly relationship with both Hunter and Obi-wan (fully consensual, and codywan is also cannon in my oc au, no clonecest). This is an amazing character workup, in combination with TBB S3 premier, it really got my writing flow going!
I originally found this character question sheet by a reblog from @anxiouspineapple99 months ago - go check out their work, it’s incredible! See the og character question post by @shiny-self-shipping here.
See the post about Bryn and Hunter's dynamic here!
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Who makes the other blush all the time and who finds it adorable?
Bryn makes Obi-wan blush more
Who sings in the shower?
They both do, but Bryn does so in a quieter voice, Obi-wan belts with his whole chest in the 'fresher.
What would their song to each other be?
From Bryn to Obi-wan: Happy Accidents by Saint Motel
From Obi-wan to Bryn: Like Real People Do by Hozier
Who embarrasses the other in public with kisses and pet names?
Not that they can be super openly affectionate, Obi-wan is the flirt master of the Jedi Order, so he is a little more touchy than Bryn in public (a hand on the small of her back, a quick shoulder pat/rub, fixing her hair, wiping something off her cheek). And of course he calls her 'my darling,' people who know them turn a blind eye or assume it's just their long-standing relationship as working Jedi and Obi-wan's innate flirtiness.
Who curses, and who reprimands the other for it?
Bryn uses true swears more (kark, kriff, etc.) Obi-wan uses more moderated swears (blast, etc.) Neither really reprimands about it.
What small quirks do they love about each other?
Bryn was always forgetting/losing her comm device. Eventually when the Clone Wars started, Obi-wan got her a conducting headset so she would literally be wearing her comm and couldn't lose it as easily. Obi-wan always leaves his tea mugs laying around half-finished, and he never uses a coaster (it's tea rings everywhere, but Bryn loves it)
Who makes the other laugh more?
Bryn makes Obi-wan laugh more during daily life with little to no effort. Obi-wan makes Bryn laugh more through intentional actions when he can tell she needs a distraction/pick me up.
Who gets jealous easier?
Neither really get jealous. They are both secure in their relationship to one another and are highly dedicated to their duties as Jedi. Bryn and Obi-wan also encouraged poly relationships with Cody and Hunter. Maybe Obi-wan gets jealous because Anakin listens to Bryn only a little bit more than him?
How did they know they were right for each other?
They came to the temple as younglings at the same time and basically grew up together. They always had an innate bond where they could sense how the other was feeling. They have a long history of working missions together and when Obi-wan admitted his feelings for Bryn (Freudian slip when they were protecting Duchess Satine), Bryn realized she felt the same. They both know duty comes first, but each other is a close second.
Who brings up the subject of kids first?
Kids were never on the table. That doesn't happen for Jedi. They do consider Anakin their child in a way, since Bryn (in my au) was the one to discover Anakin while she was with Obi-wan and Qui-gon rescuing Queen Amidala. Qui-gon was originally going to give Bryn Anakin as a youngling, but when he died, the Council ruled Obi-wan would take him since Qui-gon was the only Jedi Master present at Anakin's discovery and Obi-wan was Qui-gon's successor.
Who's adorable when they're sleepy, and who gets grumpy and irritable?
Obi-wan isn't super cuddly in his sleep, but he is very touchy in the morning and refuses to get out of bed (not a morning person) He'll be grumpy until he gets at least one cup of tea before 0500. Bryn is moreso cuddly before bed/during the night, but she won't mind a few morning cuddles before bringing Obi-wan his tea and getting a strong cup of kaf for herself.
Who's more protective?
Neither is super protective, they know each other can handle themselves. Bryn perhaps worries about Obi-wan more since he has Anakin to worry about.
How do they express their feelings (Words, visual art, a song, etc.)?
They have an inside joke that started when Bryn came to help Obi-wan and Qui-gon rescue Queen Amidala. When Bryn left to go into Mos Eisley, Obi-wan gave her a single Republic Credit and asked for a souvenir. "It doesn't matter what it is so long as it's you that brings it back." Bryn never got a sourvenir, but instead gave Obi-wan the credit back when they parted ways and asked for a souvenir. They continued the tradition, handing the same credit off, but sometimes there will be a little trinket from whatever world they were off on too.
Where would they go on a 3am adventure?
They are both animal lovers. They'll often sneak away to stroll through the temple stables or the base kennels to dote on the animals.
Who has a hobby only the other knows about?
Obi-wan is actually fairly talented with crochet. He originally picked it up because he rescued a loth kitten that was half frozen to death and he made it a little blanket (it was super lumpy and misshapen) but now he'll crochet little beanies for the tubie clones, or blankets for Jedi younglings, or meditation mats/pillows. It's a very meditative practice for him and the tactile feel of the yarn is grounding for him.
Bryn is extremely gifted with accents and impressions. She has put on accents for undercover assignments, but only Obi-wan has heard her impressions. She did it one night randomly after Obi-wan had a bad day and her impression of an exchange between Commander Fox and the Chancellor had him crying from laughter.
How do they hype each other up?
They'll make sarcastic jabs at each other either before or after debriefing meetings, or even on-mission to break the tension/pressure that comes with being a Jedi General. It reminds them to not be so hard on themselves in the most serious time of their lives. If the receiver makes a jab back, then the instigator knows they're okay, if not, then that's a cue for a private check-in later.
Who picks flowers for the other?
Obi-wan picks the flowers (he has no idea what species they are) and gives them to her as a game. Bryn identifies them (a niche interest of hers) she is never wrong.
Which one wears the "I'm with stupid" t-shirt?
Obi-wan, but only because Bryn gave it to him to wear around Anakin.
Who's the better dancer?
Surprisingly, (perhaps not) Obi-wan. Bryn can hold her own, both in lively dancing at 79's and in a ballroom, but Obi-wan is shockingly light on his feet and a master of hip grinding.
Who infodumps and who listens with heart eyes?
Obi-wan infodumps about the weirdest things, Bryn listens and laughs along at how passionate he gets about different topics. Obi-wan is definitely a war history buff and the galaxy has had a lot of war so the info never ends.
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heaven-s-black-box · 7 months
Notes- Modern Star Wars pt.1
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- the jedi all go to the same temple, in this au the jedi religion is no different then being Jewish, Muslim, Christian, ect.
- Caleb and Cal are neighbors, they've been besties since kindergarten (I refuse to separate these two, they are now a pair)
- Caleb's nickname is Kanan
- masters= parents (adopted or bio, a few exception cases like Ahsoka and Ani, Obi wan and Ani, ect.)
- obi wan is qui gon's bio kid, Anakin was adopted
-Ahsoka is adopted by plo koon
- while I would love to include all clones, last time I tried that I fried my modern AU, so here's a more edited list with my faves
- Jango had Boba and Omega
- Rex and Cody are brothers, they're boba and omega's cousins
- the bad batch(quintuplets) + domino twins are brothers and are boba and omega's first cousin once removed (so Jango's aunt/uncle's kids)
- pretty much everyone in the fett family joins the military to some degree
-Bd-1 is Cal's small dog, C3P0 is a golden retriever (or possibly a service dog for Ani due to childhood trauma) and R2 is a cat (maybe a tuxedo), Chewwie is one of those big super fluffy dogs, Chopper is a ginger cat, and Jar Jar is Padme's overly excitable yippy dog (couldn't decide on a breed)
- Hera and Kanan eventually adopt a wolf dog they name Dume, Chopper hates sharing attention
- Kanan adopts Ezra
- Sabine is related to Bo-Katan and Satine (somehow, I know she's the same clan so extended family!)
- After meeting clan Wren (I am writing this as I watch Rebels) I have decided Ursa was Satine and Bo-Katan's adpoted first cousin once removed
- Hera is totally Airforce, like I feel like that's the closest to her role in rebels, her and Kanan met in highschool
- their song, which later became their first dance at their wedding, is "Ain't no mountain high enough"
- Zeb is another friend of theirs from highschool, he was a year or two younger
- Zeb is a security guard, Ezra is an animal conservationist (see him and Loth wolves), his parents had a radio show where they talked about endangered species
- Kanan is a firefighter (because irony) and Cal is an elementary school teacher who is in charge of his school's fencing club
- in this au Kanan's injury comes from a job, once he's blinded he joins Ezra in his work
- Cere is a highschool music teacher, Merin is a history teacher who also has an elective cultures course, and Greez is a freelance pilot who's business is definitely totally 100% legal(/s aka he takes some shady jobs)
- Cere and Greez are neighbors, Merin works at the same school as Cere, and she meets Cal through her
- Din obviously adopts Grogu at some point, and Luke volunteers at the temple's Sunday school which is where he meets them(???)
- I feel like Luke would own a martial arts school, Leia becomes a politician like her mum, Anakin would be a robotics engineer
- Satine is prime Minister of Mandalore, Bo- Katan is either military or lawyer (she strikes me as the lawyer type), Sabine was going to join the military but ended up pursuing an artistic career, Korki wants to go into politics like his aunt
- Mandalore works like the u.s where it's a bunch of small countries a trench coat, except they're more functional... mostly
- Obi wan is either a social worker (helping other kids like Anakin) or some kind of diplomat, he only became a diplomat cause he took a few classes to spend more time with a cute international student *cough* Satine *cough* and found he was good at diplomacy
- Plo Koon and Ahsoka are body guards/ security, Plo has his own company, Ahsoka started as being in charge of marketing (I consulted my mom for Ahsoka's job and she suggested marketing because she's so bubbly)
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passionat3 · 3 months
I've never actually written star wars fic to completion, but I've been tempted to try again with an idea I've had for years, I know i have basically no followers because this blog hasn't been active in a decade but if anyone sees this and likes it some support would make my day ♥️♥️♥️
note: this AU of basically, the war is over, obi-wan and anakin saved each other, ahsoka and rex and cody are still their family basically lives in my head rent-free. Sometimes the variation of anidala have nothing in common and their relationship dies painfully because actually, there's no way out. Occasionally a bit of obianidala. these are just some ideas for a story from that!
ideas: satine, bail organa and obi-wan and anakin find themselves kidnapped by the same people. Yeah Satine is alive, deal with it. Disgraced former senator Padma Naberrie learns the power of a weapon in her hand when she teams up with Captain Rex and Commander Cody of the former Open Circle Fleet and surprise, their former padawan ahsoka and Bo-Katan, Mand'alor to mount a rescue mission.
Ahsoka being knighted -- some kind of delve into how to be a jedi is to choose the light and the code and one's fellow jedi and not simply accepting any corruption the jedi council gives. She is a Jedi in every single way that counts. She echoes her masters. Drifts through the galaxy, has a fling with a pilot, ends back on Coruscant. Goes to the Jedi Council because she has noöne else, noöne other than Anakin and Obi-Wan,
She helps care for younglings for a time, hardly sees her masters busy with clean-up. Begs the council for the chance to do something when she can feel their hurt and danger
Palpatine was defeated, in hiding. He turns into some kind of ... something??? Like in the sequel trilogy, doesn't take away the emotional satisfaction nearly as much, just because this is only a few months after the initial confrontation.
What is balance? Star Wars has always pushed this idea of equal parts light and dark. But what about choosing the
Satine: stands before a Mandalore in ruins. She retreats into the shadows, hopeless and indifferent to the galaxy healing and celebrating the end of the war. She gives rule to Bo-Katan, the Mand'alor in possession of the darksaber, her dear sister. She visits her dear friend Padmé Amidala to make sense of the new world order. She is taken by Palpatine because he is angry that Mandalore defied him to the battle's last breath.
Bo-Katan is Mand'alor and Mandalore is more like it was than it has been in a generation, but it is also destroyed. To beg help from the Republic is cowardice, but to let her people suffer is an even bigger cowardice. And then her sister disappears, and for all she hated the New Mandalore, Mandalore cannot lose Duchess Satine.
Obi-Wan and Anakin get sent out on a mission by the council. Everyone can sense some kind of residual darkness in the force, on the planet Mustafar there have been reports of strange happenings. High-profile galactic figures disappearing. They are lured to Mustafar due to Palpatine's interest in studying a force dyad.
Padmé's Queen Jamillia finds out that she is pregnant and carrying on an affair, though she refuses to name the person. She doesn't break it off with Anakin, begs him to wait for her. Both are in shock that it was ultimately her duty that got in the way. Before this, he is having doubts over there being very little to save. She goes to her family palazzo in the Naboo Lake Country to rest and recover and heal from her forced abortion and learns who Padma Naberrie is when she isn't Padmé Amidala anymore. Sabé and her handmaidens shocked by the change, see only glimpses of their lady when Satine comes.
Rex and Cody are ... Confused. They were the Open Circle Fleet as much as Obi-Wan and Anakin, who became their dear friends. But they still have the Jedi to give them missions and purpose. They feel caught between the threat of a newly peaceful republic and obsolescence after such a short life and paperwork. They do not want to lie down and die after a taste of life and the possibility that they can choose (Order 66 chips removed alongside some Kaminoan brainwashing), but they sense that duty is something that they would choose in every life. Duty to their generals.
Bail Organa finally understands the power of his wife's throne. He did not become senator from her power, he had worked his way up before they even met, they were not in a relationship when he was sent to Coruscant as their representative in the Galactic Senate. But Breha is adored the galaxy over and Alderaan still has resources of people and money to rebuild the galaxy, one of the only centres of art, culture, literature left after people turn on Naboo, bombing of Mandalore and lower levels of Coruscant sensing power vaccuum on the surface. Bail finds himself at the forefront of the rebuilding effort, his fellow senators are pushing to name him Chancellor. He feels that he cannot possibly accept when he cannot go a minute without comming Padmé or Obi-Wan for help, but Palpatine wants his competition gone.
Naboo unofficially blockaded because of the influence of Palpatine, people are fleeing. They were rich enough that noöne is starving, but they will be poor in a generation, they had mostly trade, very little industry by the time the Clone Wars came around. Kind of like Shattered Empire comic, on a much faster timeframe
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jedi-lothwolf · 3 months
Day 4: Les Misérables (Survivors Guilt)
Fandom: Star Wars (Post Order 66)
Summary: Obi-wan Kenobi deals with his guilt.
    It had been years since the end of the Clone War. Obi-wan still thought about it often. He wondered how he survived or why he kept persevering.
    When he was 25 he survived a battle with a sith. As a padawan he should have been the one laying in the ground. But instead Qui-gon, his only father figure, died.
    During the war he watched his friends slowly die off until he was the only survivor of his friend group from his earlier years. It didn't seem fair. He still stood even as his men fell beside him.
    Maul killed innocent people to get his attention. He killed Satine just to get to him. Her death had been his fault yet he walked away.
    The Jedi purge had killed most every Jedi. The clones, their most trusted ally had killed their Jedi generals and commanders. The younglings in the temple had been slaughtered like cattle. They were defenseless.
    Most of the council had fallen yet he was alive. Instead of fighting, Obi-wan walked away. He hid Luke from his father; a monster he had taken part in creating. Even if by accident, there had to be something he could have done for Anakin.
    Everyone around the man died. Their ghost haunted every corner of his cave. They whispered in his ears, asking him why he survived.
    Maybe he needed to go outside. So the man walked out of the cave. He let the hot sun touch his skin. Every part of his old life tormented him. The memories plagued his life. They destroyed him in the same way he domed the people around him.
    The sun only made him hotter. He had hoped that maybe it would melt some of the guilt that had frozen him, but it didn't. Luke was around five now.
    The man had fallen into a routine. Yet nothing he tried made him feel any better. Obi-wan didn't want to spend the rest of his life miserable, he didn't want to be consumed by the tormenting memories and guilt that he had been swallowed whole by.
    Maybe a walk could help?
    Walking around, Obi-wan couldn't escape his own mind. Padme should be raising her children. But Obi-wan had let Anakin kill her. He couldn't save her, maybe no one could.
    Dealing with others survivor guilt had been easy. Obi-wan knew how to comfort Cody when his brothers died, he could help with the feeling that he should have done more or that he should have been there or that it should have been him. The jedi could explain that nothing could have been done and that his brothers wouldn't want him to feel so guilty over something he couldn't control.
    The same has gone for Anakin and the rest of his men. Obi-wan had talked to Kit Fisto when he started to feel that way and he had helped to calm Depa Billaba with the death of her first battalion. He had helped to guide Anakin in helping Rex with the guilt of Umbara.
    It wasn't so easy to get rid of the guilt yourself. Nothing helped. Obi-wan started to run. Like running would do anything. You can't outrun yourself, it's impossible. Getting away from the cave, from where his lightsaber rested, seemed like a good idea. Maybe he just needed to get away from that faster?
    It was hard to run in the sand. Stopping, Obi-wan sat in the scorching hot sand. What was doing? This was where his life was supposed to go. He was supposed to be living happily with the people he'd lost.
    There was nothing left to do. So he walked home. Tears fell from his eyes as he walked. The guilt worsened with every step.
    Being the survivor was hard. It might have been one of the hardest things Obi-wan had ever done. But there was no way to change that. The fact was he wasn't god, he wasn't even close. All the people who died were going to die and there was nothing he could do about it. Obi-wan Kenobi was just a man. No man on his own can prevent death. No matter how hard they try they can only put it off.
    The entrance of the cave Obi-wan sighed. Facing himself, he walked in and sat down on his bed. Laying down, he let every feeling drag him down until he was lying there sobbing. Sometimes you have to let yourself feel it.
    Hours went by and he finally calmed down. The feelings would live with him forever. The memories would haunt him forever. There was nothing he could change and now he had to live with it. Why he survived, Obi-wan still didn't know, but there had to be a reason. There had to be. The Jedi just wished he knew what it was.
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yes hello, @exxasperatedauthor posted a fic abt fox (let the sun in, I believe) and idk how but my adhd ran away with it, so here are my random thoughts and scenarios involving my OC that I have come up with since I read that fic a day or so ago
Nevaeh has to go to some boring Senate party for connections or whatever tf and the Corrie Guards are standing watch, but so is the 501st (idk bruh, just any reason for Rex, Fox, Riyo and Vae to be in the same room, alright?) Eventually, Nevaeh gets sick of it, so -- as you do -- she sneaks out of there with Rex to find a closet to make out in. They head for their regular one and basically stumble inside already kissing, not even bothering to turn the lights on. But Nevaeh hears/senses something, so she does break the kiss and turn the lights on only for Fox and Riyo to be interrupted mid-make-out-session. I'm talking his tounge in her mouth. And they just like. 👀👀👀 And slowly Fox and Riyo break the kiss. And they're just like,,,, Nevaeh slowly nods and looks up at Rex and then they both just 👍👍 "jup we approve" "You kids have fun, if you need us, we're one closet over. you know the one across the hall with the brooms" and fox and riyo (who only recently started dating and didn't know there were Others™) are still just like 👀👀👀
Nevaeh starts hosting a girls night for all those women who are dating men they shouldn't, bc of politics or jedi council bs. So Nevaeh and Rex, Padmé and Anakin, Satine and Obi-Wan, Riyo and Fox and any other matches that I might come up with during the writing of this fic. It's mostly just the girls sitting around drinking wine and talking abt their dumb, loving boyfriends and by the end of the night they are all too drunk to function and all the guys (who come to Vae's place to pick up the girls/Rex is there to hang with Vae) are just like "aw♥️" and put them to bed while they dissolve in giggles
on very rare occasions the men are invited to these parties and thats when shit hits the fan
one time all the guys were there, except for Anakin, and Padmé was pissed at him so Nevaeh (being slightly tipsy and knowing Anakin) goes:"Don't give him an inch. You best believe that if you let that man shanan once, he's gon shanan again." and everybody FUCKING LOOSES IT
"Padmé, write that down."
The next morning the ladies are all meeting at the Chancellors office (nursing a wicked hangover OR for extra funny, still drunk from last night and hiding it BADLY) for some political something something idk, yelling at him abt clone rights maybe? anyway they're waiting in that foyer room or whatever it is and suddenly Anakin barges in with Obi-Wan, and Rex and Cody and very quietly Nevaeh just says "Ah yes, the ShenAnakins have arrived." and everybody is just like "don't laugh, don't fucking laugh shit you guys stop THE CHANCELLOR JUST WALKED IN STOP LAUGHING SHIT"
and Obi-Wan and Rex didn't hear it, but they know exactly what happened and they just look at their girls trying not to loose their shit with the endearing puppy dog eyes
bonus: Fox was standing off to the side at attention bc he was on duty, but the women naturally gravitate towards him, bc he's Riyos boyfriend and therefore their friend anD HE HEARD AND HE'S SUPPOSED TO BE STANDING AT ATTENTION BUT HE'S LITERALLY INHALING HIS OWN TONGUE
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duxhess-kryzewan · 2 years
Idk if you still do Obitine fanfic requests, but I was wondering if you could do one where Obi-Wan and Satine almost get caught by the Jedi Council and Anakin (and maybe Padmé) have to frantically cover for them left and right? I adore your work, been reading them all day if you can't tell 😅
- Lies, Sweet Lies -
While Obi-Wan had never explicitly stated his reasoning for leaving Coruscant so abruptly Anakin knew - in the uncanny way he had always been able to read his master - that he was jetting off to Mandalore to see Satine. 
He wouldn't say anything, of course. How could he? He himself had spent the entire morning with Padme. Out of everyone in the Order he had no right to chastise Obi-Wan. 
Still, at least he and Padme were more often than not on the same planet. He doesn't quite know how Obi-Wan does it; being so far from Mandalore. Then again, his Master had gone literal years without seeing Satine. He's certain both of them have a patience that neither he nor Padme posses. 
He had been standing outside the entrance of the Senate chamber, chatting idly with Padme about his latest mission when Mace Windu shouted his name. 
"Master Windu," Anakin greeted, "Is something the matter?"
The Jedi Master eyes both he and Padme cautiously, gaze shifting from one to the other for a bit longer than Anakin was particuarly comfortable with. 
To his relief though, the older man didn't comment on them. 
"I'm looking for General Kenobi." He says gruffly, "But it seems your master has vanished and hasn't answered his Comlink. Any idea where he may be?"
Anakin felt his blood run cold. Surely Obi-Wan wouldn't have been so careless as to leave the planet without coming up with a valid reason. 
To his relief, its Padme that jumps in. 
"I actually just saw Master Kenobi only this morning."
He knows immediately that his wife is lying; Obi-Wan had left late last night, a fact that Padme is more than aware of. 
"Did you?" Mace questions, "I don't suppose he had mentioned where he would been heading today, did he?"
Padme froze, unprepared for the question. As much as she was a quick thinker on her feet, and could convince someone of even the most outrageous lie by sheer virtue of her honest demeanor, he knows that she doesn't know enough about Obi-Wans day to day and missions to come up with something plausible. 
"As far as I know sir, he had mentioned going to the medical station. Some of the 501st were injured just before we returned. I suppose he wanted to check in on our men."
Mace narrows his eyes, clearly unconvinced. 
"You mean to tell me Obi-Wan pulled himself away from the temple to pay a visit to the clones medical station?"
Anakin hoped that Mace couldn't detect the slight panic that was bubbling in the pit of his stomach. 
"I recall you saying that his com was lost during their mission, didn't you Anakin?" Padme asks, looking pointedly at him. 
God bless Padme and her quick thinking. 
"You're right," Anakin says in a tone he hopes is convincing enough, "Cody had found it after we cleared out. I assume he had taken it with him to the Medical Station; it's likely Obi-Wan went out to retrieve it." 
Mace looks back and forth between the two of them. If he isn't convinced by the story, he doesn't vocalize it.
"Contact the Medical Station, would you? Tell them if Obi-Wan hasn't already left his presence is required by tomorrow morning, Master Billaba is returning from Chalacta with an urgent update for the Council."
Anakin nods enthusiastically. 
"Of course, Master Windu. I'll get in contact with them immediately."
Without so much as a goodbye the older man saunters off, and with him went all the tension Anakin had been holding in his chest. 
"That was a close one." He looks at Padme, "Thank you, for that. I don't think I could have come up with a cover story that quickly. The lost com was a brilliant idea."
"Working in the Senate has certainly helped my quick thinking skills," She says, "You need to contact Obi-Wan now and tell him the council is looking for him."
"If he isn't answering for the council I doubt he'll answer for me." Anakin say with a shake of his head.
Padme grins, "He might not be answering, but I'm certain Satine will."
He can't help but return her grin. 
Obi-Wan watches as Satine looks out the windows that lead to the balcony. It was nearing sundown on Mandalore, and the skies were lit up in an array of orange and red. It wasn't often she was given the opportunity to gaze out onto the sunset, and it wasn't often he was given the opportunity to gaze at her. 
"Does the sunset interest you more than my presence, dear?" He teases, coming to stand beside her. 
Satine chuckles softly, "Can't I admire the presence of both?"
He had arrived hours earlier, sneaking into Sundari Palace undetected. He had wanted to surprise her, and so he hadn't alerted her of his arrival. Instead, he had waited in her private chambers until she returned from her conference with the neutral systems. 
To say she was surprised to see him would have been an understatement. Had she not been so shocked to see him standing in the middle of her room he's certain she would have panicked at the intruder.
Not that he gave her much time to react, by the time he saw the initial panic leave her eyes he was already kissing her. 
He places a hand on her hip and looks out towards the skyline. As much as he loves to tease her he can't help but understand her fascination with the sky. It was a sight to behold. 
"I suppose," He says, "So long as the sunset doesn't overshadow my visit."
Satine chuckles before leaning up and pressing a chaste kiss against his lips. 
"I would never allow it."
Reconnecting with Satine felt like both the most daunting task and yet the most simple decision he's ever made. He was a man that valued truth above all else, and he could not deny one truth more than the other. He loved Satine just as he loved being a Jedi. It was a conundrum that plagued him more often than not. He knew he was going against the code that he held so dear, yet he cannot being himself to pretend as though being in love with Satine is wrong when it is something that felt so conclusively right. 
"I'm glad you're here," Satine says, resting her head on his shoulder, "It was a lovely surprise."
"I thought so," He presses a kiss to the top of her head, lips lingering for just a fraction longer than necessary, "It's been too long."
"It has." She agrees, voice a bit more solemn than before.
He feels guilty every time he leaves, knowing that she would be waiting anywhere from weeks to months to hear from him. He hated it, jetting off around the galaxy with the knowledge that she was waiting for him. 
But Satine was nothing if not dedicated to her duty, and she understood as well as he did that if they were going to act on their feelings for one another it would only be allowed in fleeting moments. 
It wasn't fair but then, neither was the war they were both thrust in. She fighting to keep her people out of it, and he entering the fray and fighting for the republic. 
"I miss you terribly." Satine admits, "More so than normal, which is why I'm overjoyed to have you here."
Another pang of guilt hits him square in the chest. 
"I'm sorry," He says, "For always leaving."
She looks up at him, eyes narrowed in a way that lets him know she's deadly serious. 
"Don't you dare apologize," She tells him, "I made my choice just as you did. There is no place for apologies in that. They do no good to us."
"You're right," He takes her hand in his own and raises it to his lips, "No dwelling on the what ifs. It's a waste of the time we have."
There's a wicked grin gracing her lips as he speaks, "I can think of a few more productive use of our time."
The hand he held in his own was suddenly tugging him in the direction of her bed, and who was he to deny her anything?
He had just collapsed on top of her and pressed his lips to the base of her neck when the familiar chirping of Hololink sounded throughout the room. 
"Ignore it." He requests. 
She hums contentedly but still tries to squirm out of his embrace. 
"Obi-Wan." She huffs. 
"How often are we alone, Satine?"
"Not often enough," She relents, "But no one knows you're here, and they're likely to send guards this way if it's important and I ignore it."
He sighs in defeat and rolls off of her.
He watches as she finger combs her hair and adjusts the collar of her dress. The last thing she would need is someone questioning her dishevelment. All the better for him too; best not to alert anyone she has a consort in her private chambers. People would start to suspect things.
When Satine accepts the call, the last face he expects to see is Padmes.
“Satine!” The younger woman exclaims, though her voice is lacking in its normal excitement.
“Hello Padme,” Satine greets, voice as even as ever. “Is everything alright?”
He watches as Padme opens her mouth to answer, but is cut off when the holo is taken out of her hands. When it settles back into focus, it’s his Padawans face that he’s greeted with.
“We have a problem,” Anakin says, forgoing a hello, “The council is asking me where Obi-Wan is.”
Upon hearing that Obi-Wan scrambles off the bed, grabbing his discarded tunic and pulling it over his bare chest. Anakin might have been made privy to his relationship with Satine, but that didn’t mean he wanted to hear the teasing that would surely come from the younger man.
“Anakin,” He says, coming to stand behind Satine, “What’s going on? Did something happen?”
“Other than having to make up a complete lie to Mace Windu about your whereabouts, everything is going fine.”
He groans, not even bothering to hide his displeasure. If there was one thing he didn’t want to happen, it was for Anakin to be tangled in his web of lies when it came to his relationship with Satine.
“You what?”
The projection flickers for moment and obscures his padawans face but he’s certain he caught a glimpse of an eye roll.
“Lied to Mace Windu, to cover for you. Padme and I both.”
Having Anakin lying to the council is one thing, but dragging Padme into his mess was worse.
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan places a hand on Satines should, “You shouldn’t have lied to a council member, and certainly shouldn’t have involved Padme.”
“I involved myself, Obi-Wan.” Padme assures him, “And we didn’t have much of a choice.”
“Still,” Obi-Wan says, “I dislike the idea of someone lying on my behalf.”
“I very well couldn’t tell them you jetted off to Mandalore to see your girlfriend, could I?”
He doesn’t need to look at Satine to know the both of them are blushing at Anakins brash description of their relationship.
“What did Mace want, Anakin?”
His thumb gently rubs the exposed skin of her shoulder; trying his best to soothe the worry he knows is bubbling inside her at the thought of their relationship being exposed. He can’t say he blames her. If anyone less friendly than Anakin and Padme found out it would be a disaster for the both of them.
“Master Billaba is due to return shortly from Chalacta, evidently they’ll be holding a council meeting tomorrow morning to discuss whatever information she found. Master Windu was looking to inform you, I’m assuming, but you weren’t answering your comlink.”
His mind briefly wanders to the comlink he has hidden safely in the pocket of his robes, which lay somewhere discarded on the floor. No doubt he was too preoccupied with other things to have heard it.
“Yes, I mustn’t have heard it.”
Though out of view, he can hear Padme giggle lightly in the background.
“Thank you, Anakin, for being gracious enough to cover for the both of us. Don’t let his feigned annoyance fool you, Obi-Wan is just as grateful.” Satine says in the same tone she uses to address her people. Clear and crisp but sincere.
“If anyone asks,” Anakin says, “Particularly Master Windu, you were at the medical station with the 501st retrieving your lost comlink, which Cody so graciously found and held on to for you.”
It worries him a bit how well Anakin was able to lie to a council member. But then, he had been lying about his relationship with the Senator for years now.
“Very clever.” He says with a shake of his head, “I suppose I’ll be departing soon, then.”
The thought saddens him and he can tell by the slight slumping of her shoulders Satine feels the same way.
“We’ll see you soon then, Master.”
“Thank you both again,” Satine says, “Truly. Time is precious and I appreciate you doing what you can to provide us with it.”
He may have been given the moniker ‘The Negotiator’ due to his impeccable social and verbal skills, but he knows Satine could give him a run for his money any day on that front. She was as articulate and sincere as she was serious and dedicated.
“Anytime, Duchess.” Anakin says.
“I’ll be talking to you soon I’m sure,” Padme says to Satine, “Take care in the meantime.”
“You too, my friend.” Satine says warmly.
“See you soon, Master.”
The image flickers for a moment before vanishing completely and Obi-Wan releases the breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding.
“I apologize.” He says, sliding the hand on her shoulder up to cup the back of her neck, “It seems my impromptu visit turned into more trouble than intended.”
“Isn’t that how it always goes?” Satine asks. Her tone is light and teasing but he knows there’s an undercurrent of truth to it.
“I had truly intended to stay for at least another day.”
Satine leans forward, her hands flattened against his chest, and kisses him sweetly.
“I am grateful just to have been able to see you, even if our time was cut short.”
There’s something about the way the evening sun illuminates her pale hair that makes him feel a bit weak at the knees. It always seemed that she somehow became even more of a breathtaking sight when he had to leave.
And he thinks in some regard it would be easy to walk away from the order if this - the love of his life drenched in the evening sun - was waiting for him when he did.
But he knows as well as she does that they both have a duty to their people, one that must be carried out by them.
“If I could give you all the time, I would.” He says sincerely.
“And I would do the same for you,” She kisses him again, slower and sweeter than the one before and he suddenly feels like he can’t breathe, “But we have our duty, and it must remain that way.”
He doesn’t know what else to do but loop his arms around her smaller frame and draw her close to him.
She tucks her head into the crook of his neck, fitting against him like a puzzle piece he hadn’t known he was missing in the first place.
How can something that goes against the code feel so right?
“I should go,” He says reluctantly, “Before Anakin slips and gets us caught.”
He can feel her chuckle against him as she presses a kiss to his neck before retracting herself from his grasp.
“I will be patiently awaiting your next return, Master Kenobi.”
He smiles, “I will always return to you, Duchess.”
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cherrybombfangirl · 1 year
Happy Aromantic Visibility Day! 💚🤍🖤
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In honor of Aro Visibility Day, here’s my Star Wars OC Omara!
Omara is a Jedi Knight, and is a General during the Clone Wars with Oni-Wan and Anakin. She’s Obi-Wan’s adopted sister and a lovable goofball.
They’re aromantic bisexual, and isn’t interested in a romantic or committed relationship. She has quite a lot of exes and past flings and slept around a lot, but never had any romantic feelings or attachment to them- which is why they Jedi Council can’t get after them for it. She’s very disconnected from the idea of romance, and doesn’t understand Obi-Wan’s love for Cody or Satine sometimes.
She’s also a Fem presenting Nonbinary, and goes by She/They pronouns. They are ok with feminine titles like sister or aunt, but doesn’t like being called a woman or girl. She does love mix-matched pronouns and titles however.
Omara has no padawan of her own, instead becoming the cool single wine aunt that all the kids love and the parents lowkey hate.
She’s very tactically smart, and dual wields two orange lightsabers. They’re also a talented force weirder and love to use the force in creative (and morally questionable) ways. She’s also good with a blaster.
She may be tactically smart, but she’s also dumb as rocks. “Hey Anakin, I bet you a hundred credits I can fit my entire lightsaber in my mouth!” <- actual thing she has said.
Omara is also black with her hair usually in braids and pulled back in a ponytail or bun. She has dark brown skin, and dark brown eyes with gold flecks. She’s also partially deaf from an explosion during the war and has a hearing aid from the Republic that has the same drawbacks as modern hearing aids.
Omara is the general that all the clone squadrons would love to have because she’s a tactical genius and will back all of her clones up, fighting on the front lines with them. Anakin and Ahsoka also love to go on missions with her over the other Jedi generals.
And of course, her brother Obi-Wan. They were the same age when they became padawans, and their masters were also friends. As much as Obi-Wan and Omara annoy each other, they do love each other and wouldn’t trade the galaxy for their sibling.
Happy Aro Visibility Day!
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badbatch69 · 1 year
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Obi-Wan Kenobi was back on the battlefield, fighting side-by-side with Commander Cody. They were surrounded by enemy soldiers, but they were holding their own. Obi-Wan could feel the power of the Force flowing through him, and he knew that they would be victorious.
Suddenly, the battle turned. The enemy soldiers were overwhelming them, and Obi-Wan knew that they were in danger. He looked around for Cody, but he couldn't see him. He called out for him, but there was no answer.
Obi-Wan was starting to panic. He didn't know what to do. He was all alone, and he was going to die.
Then, he saw Cody. He was standing in front of him, blocking the enemy soldiers. Cody was smiling at him, and Obi-Wan knew that he was safe.
Obi-Wan reached out and took Cody's hand. They looked into each other's eyes, and Obi-Wan felt a surge of love and passion. He leaned in and kissed Cody, and Cody kissed him back.
They were lost in each other's embrace, and Obi-Wan felt like he was in heaven. He had never felt so happy or so alive.
But then, the dream started to fade. Obi-Wan opened his eyes, and he was back in his bed. He was alone, and he was covered in sweat.
Obi-Wan sat up and took a deep breath. He tried to make sense of what he had just dreamed. He had never dreamed about Cody before, and he didn't know what it meant.
Obi-Wan got out of bed and went to the window. He looked out at the stars, and he thought about Cody. He knew that he loved Cody, but he didn't know if Cody loved him back.
Obi-Wan sighed. He didn't know what to do. He loved Cody, but he was afraid to tell him. He didn't want to ruin their friendship.
The Jedi Order forbid attachment. And little did the fellow Jedi know that Obi-Wan’s coping mechanism was to be a non-monogamous bisexual nympho… But this was different. Cody was different. Obi-Wan hadn’t felt this way since he attempted to block his feelings for Dutches Satine that led him down his current path.
Obi-Wan turned away from the window and went back to bed. He lay down and closed his eyes. He knew that he would have to talk to Cody eventually, but he wasn't sure when.
Obi-Wan didn’t won’t to make the same mistake he did with Satine. For now though, he would just have to keep his feelings to himself
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airasilver · 1 year
These are the people that, in the whole universe, can call Anakin Skywalker out on his bullshit:
Obi-Wan Kenobi (this iffies a lot because Obi-Wan will call Anakin out and then go do the exact same thing.)
Captain Rex
Commander Cody
Admiral Firmus Piett
General Maximilian Veers
Commander Fox
Mace Windu (to his displeasure alot of times since he has to deal with the fall out)
Plo Koon (He dad's everyone so when he gives you the LOOK, you know you're in trouble.)
There are only a four who can call Obi-Wan out:
Mace (see above)
Plo (see above again)
Alpha 17
Ahsoka can't call either out because she does what they do. Padme is a hard no because they just pout at her or give her tooku eyes, same with Bail. (Plus, Padme is not good for Anakin and he for her. So they're not getting together here. They're friends though.) Breha could but she lets that up to the others. She has a whole planet to run.
Satine is also a hard no because she gets called out on her bullshit. Not to mention she has to justify what she has done to everyone that followed the warrior ways (which is more than just bounty hunters and etc) to Dooku and Jaster and the combination of Jedi and True Mandalorians (the genocide of the TM never happened and while yes, Jango became a slave still and yes, Montross betrayed them, Jaster lived. The Vode still happened but they and Jango were found when the CCs were still babies. The Alphas and Nulls were only two (how far apart are they really?), the rest were still in development stages but they all got born.
There is one person who can and will call everyone out on their bullshit. Including Yoda. (This isn't including the wondering Jedi who can do so with ease.)
Shmi (she's the mom and while she might be young compared to Plo and etc, when she calls you out, like Plo, you know you're in trouble.) (Shmi is also the only one who can and will bully Dooku (let's say his family died out here) into caring for himself. He won't admit it but she's his favorite. Especially since Shmi brought Komari back to the fold.)
Shmi is the Lady and no, I won't change my mind.
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