criticalrolo · 8 months
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tw blood and body horror
the test was a success!! this will only lead to more good things for hal in dread metrol I'm sure :)
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actionsurges · 2 years
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it does need to be said that we spent like 10 minutes with me haggling my way into arty being able to craft explosives and me scheming how to blow up the building we're sneaking into to steal from without it blowing back on us in a negative way
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sparksfromthefire · 9 months
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hal is REALLY grateful to have been rescued from lady seryan's lab xoxo
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rebuketheviolent · 8 months
the allure of one of lady seryan’s experimental supersoldiers in a dread metrol game is like catnip to lesbians
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theseasasleep · 2 years
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When sis tripped and dropped that tray of drinks...!!!!! I audibly gasped and had to pause the video! I felt that in my stomach; kudos to that tension-building, show. I knew it would happen, we all knew it would happen, but the constricting aura of an accident waiting to happen still gripped me like a vise. I swear I felt her flood of emotions: shock, horror, embarrassment, shame, the need to hide.
Yes, I expected her to drop that tray but it was the confluence of that event and of Serit's mischief that I did not expect, which added to the horror of the moment as I realized how his action would be interpreted by everyone in that room, most importantly, the sisters. Serit didn't switch brides because of clumsiness but that's how it will read and anticipating Seryan's horror, her sister's horror and their horror of a father's rage ramped all my emotions up further. All this feeling in a very few minutes. Good job, show.
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See that ferocity? That's my girl! And yet it is balanced by the reality of how she was raised, to ultimately capitulate, to defy only in quiet ways, ways that conform to the strictures of her household. As painful as this will be for Seyran, I am really looking forward to her discovering personal freedom and eventually exercising it against her awful father.
Having Seyran be the bearer of the awful news to Suna, to have her not only be that destruction but also to have her speak that destruction to her sister, whose only dream is marriage... The height of cruelty! I gasped again. Fucking cowards. Also, the mom could have bit this bullet for Seyran but she didn't and I... Don't expect her to be helpful. Pitiful, yes; helpful, no.
So here's a welcome improvement from ep 1 to ep 2: I like the Great Aunt much more now. She's far more sympathetic now - to the women of the house, as a character.
Great. Now we're locking our disagreeing daughter in a rough basement room to starve and dehydrate until she submits. Excellent. Dream father. Family goals.
Unfortunately Suna is developing all the earmarks of a truly dangerous future antagonist for our heroine. Dangerous not because I think she'll physically harm her sister but because Suna is Seyran's most trusted and she knows her inside and out. As Suna visibly struggles with her resentment of Seyran, even knowing how vehemently opposed she is to all of it, I see the petty hints of meanness. The saving grace being her love for her sister, her reason and her mother. When it hits her that she is to blame (she isn't), most of the meanness and rage turns inward and my heart just breaks for her. Who she will become as the series shakes out is interesting.
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cavalier-life · 6 years
Chapters: 8/? Fandom: Star Wars Legends: The Old Republic, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Male Sith Warrior/Original Character(s), Male Sith Warrior/Female Jedi Consular, Male Sith Warrior/Original Jedi Character(s), Female Jedi Consular/Original Male Character(s) Characters: Original Sith Character(s), Original Jedi Character(s), Original Imperial Character(s) (Star Wars), Male Sith Warrior, Female Jedi Consular | Barsen'thor, Female Imperial Agent | Cipher Nine Additional Tags: Original Character-centric, Original Character(s), Canon-Typical Violence, Sith Shenanigans, Sith Social Lives, Childhood Friends, Childhood Sweethearts, Sith Code, Jedi Code, Jedi Temple, Jedi Ideals, Opposites Attract, Angst, Complicated Relationships, Keeping Promises, Lost Love, Sith Empire, Sith politics, Slow Burn Summary:
The story of a Sith (Seryan Varicek) from a highly-placed family on Dromund Kaas, and a freed former Miraluka slave (Kylena) turned Jedi.
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entertainmentnerdly · 4 years
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When you get too much of a good thing, Seryangji, South Korea [OC] [2048x1246] via /r/EarthPorn https://ift.tt/2sL0D9c
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berlinosky · 4 years
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Seryan Ateş: a testa alta e senza paura. Rischiare la vita e continuare a lottare https://ilmitte.com/2020/11/seryan-ates-a-testa-alta-e-senza-paura-rischiare-la-vita-e-continuare-a-lottare/
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parelnard-blog · 6 years
Trotuyan et Glaryan
    Rempli d’une colère sans raison, Trotuyan Yeux-de-Haines arrivait à l’Est des terres de Seryan, l’Ugluhimedanagul des animaux. De nombreux troupeaux de Rasnis, chiens des plaines, amaigris par la faim, le suivirent sans pour autant l’attaquer. La haine formait une aura angoissante autour du disciple de Badragual, faisant fuir toutes créatures l’approchant. Les Rasnis, comme tiraillés entre la peur et la faim, n’en finissaient pas de battre en retraite après une approche trop confiante vers Trotuyan. Même les hauts Glamahaliser, pourtant si sociables et affectueux s’enfuirent en le voyant. Malgré cela, il s’en moquait. Car son esprit altéré préférait les voir empalés, souffrant, luttant pour contempler une dernière fois les paysages de Yada Warses. Toujours aveugle d’antipathie, troublé par Badragual, allant de l’avant ; froid, impassible et remonté, il parcourait les paysages vers l’Est. Désireux de faire comme son nouveau maître qui marcha vers l’Est, l’enviant, il fît comme lui. Il marcha pour élever sa colère haut dans l’Ånåmilyå, ce qu’il y a au dessus, à travers les montagnes qui poussaient sous ses pieds. Mais contrairement à celui-ci, aucune montagne ne s’éleva. Alors il continua, toujours acculé par les Rasnis, chiens de faim. La plaine commençait à monter. Puis un plateau vint à lui, comme tiré par des lianes des plus solides arbres des forêts. Le dénivelé y était important, mais non, l’escalade ne lui faisait pas peur et les muscles ne se forgent pas seuls ; au contraire de la pensée. Bien des roches lui bloquaient la route. Bien des chemins escarpés étaient effondrés mais non, cela ne l’arrêtait pas. Il montait toujours jusqu’à ce qu’une vague impression lui vint. Une fièvre tomba sur lui tandis que son ascension n’était toujours pas fini.
Lueur verte. Jaunâtre comme certains disent, se trouvait dans les parages. Gonflant à l’allure de l’air ambiante et prenant place dans le ciel. Glaryan, l’Ugluhimedanagul de la maladie s’imposait sur son domaine tel le maître de lieux. Lui, gangrène des Gul, Maladie de la vie, s’enivrait de son propre souffle fétide.
Arrivé en haut du plateau, Trotuyan commençait à voir une longue prairie bordant un lac aux vertes couleurs ; bain de Glaryan. Trotuyan, le Déterminé, s’y avança et alors, de sa voix, il appela : « Oh Glaryan ! Ugluhimedanagul ! J’ai fais bien des aventures sur nahalibeb ado makatarb l’île de la destinée ! J’ai rencontré Bildyan, ton sage frère tempéré ! J’ai rencontré Omyan, ton frère, pluie du monde ! Et sur chacune de leur montagne, j’y ai recueilli une partie de leur âme ! Ils me l’ont donné de leur plein gré ! Et non ! Après ça, plus aucuns Architectes de la vie ne me font peur ! Montre-toi, grande Ivresse mourante ! ».
Glaryan se présenta à lui, lueur blanche coulante et visqueuse : « Ainsi, le laquais de feu notre père est envoyé vers moi. Quelle raison te pousse, simple mortel, à te présenter devant la morte souffrance. Veux-tu de moi ce que mes frères t’ont donnés ? Te risquerais-tu de porter le fardeau de la maladie? »
A ça Trotuyan fronça les sourcils et son cœur se rempli de haine : « Feu ton père ? Badragual ne mourra jamais. Il est Yada sur terre et plus particulièrement Yada de la vie. De toi, de moi. Alors non, il n’est pas « feu » ».
Glaryan eut un rire toussant : « Pauvre fou. Suivre un faux dieu qui n’a d’âme que de lui. Tu l’a tué en cherchant à connaître le passé. Seul un être aimé peut être échangé pour voir ce passé. Tu l’a aimé et tu l’a tué. Car la tromperie t’a poussé à tuer ceux que tu a aimé, Trotuyan. Tout comme lui l’a fait avant toi. »
Yeux-de-Rage se rebella : «  Mens-moi encore Ugluhimedanagul et par la chaleur de Bildyan je t’évaporerais. Mens-moi encore et par la pluie d’Omyan, je te distillerais dans l’eramn aussi pure que le cœur d’un nouveau né. Alors donne-moi ton pouvoir comme tes frères l’ont fait. »
L’esprit ne prêta pas attention à ses vaines menaces : « Tu es faible Trotuyan ! Et tu es un idiot. Naïf comme tu es, j’arriverais aisément à te convaincre que la maladie est maître sur ce monde. Je te laisse passer ton chemin et en échange, je ne te tuerais pas. »
Trotuyan le Perturbé, s’agita : « Non ! Tu va me donner ta maladie et je tuerais tous les Gul. Ils ont fuis Yada Gual et méritent la mort ! »
Glaryan se prêta au jeux : « Alors viens et entre dans le lac. Imprègne-toi de moi. »
Ce que Trotuyan, Haut-Naïf, fit. Il avança et rentra dans l’eau opaque couleur verdâtre. Il nagea jusqu’à Glaryan mais plus il avançait, plus Glaryan reculait. Yeux coléreux, Trotuyan fatiguait de plus en plus. Assujetti à la fièvre et à la nausée, ces eaux infectés semblaient peser lourd sur ses membres. Lorsque ses muscles s’arrêtèrent de bouger dû aux maladies neuromusculaires, il se mit à dériver au gré du courant.
Glaryan se moqua de lui : « Pauvre fou. Seul Birdyan nous provoqua et sa chute fut plus rude et plus longue que ta triste existence. Il est toujours en train de s’étouffer avec le goudron que Ugluhimalion lui fait avaler. Je ne prierais pas pour toi afin qu’il t’arrive le même sort » Il lui cracha dessus puis s’en alla.
Trotuyan effondré de fatigue, regardant l’Ånåmilyå à travers la verte brume posé comme un tapis sur le sol du lac.
« Eram ado Glaryan zi eramn ado Glarssya fare » Une voix lumineuse parcourant la verte brume, éclaircissant l’Ånåmilyå de ces milles étoiles, vint à ses oreilles engourdis. Clair et belle. Lueur dans l’ombre. Glarssya se présenta face à Trotuyan, allongé sur le tapis d’eau. Regard-de-Sang, il ne présenta aucun signe de sympathie vis-à-vis de la femme de Glaryan.
L’Ugluhimedanagul de la guérison le prit dans ses bras comme un matelot en détresse à la mer que l’on remonte sur le bateau : « Lâche moi vile esprit, ta douceur me répugne ! Tu as abandonné Yada Gual en rejoignant Ugluhimalion  père de era Beb, et tu oses soigner les Gul. Eux, qui ont fuis Badragual pour rejoindre Miryan le sage ! »
Glarssya lui ferma les yeux et l’embrassa sur le front : « Personne ne nait mauvais Trotuyan. Seuls ceux qui ont décidés d’emprunter le mauvais chemin en payent le prix. Lion prestes galbe. Tout a un prix. Revient à la raison et prend cette absolution. »
Trotuyan incapable de bouger, sortit ces mots : « Garde tes absolutions esprit malheureux ! Rien ne me fera changer d’avis sur la dualité qui occupe ce monde ; entre le bien et le mal. Yada Gual est bon. Yada Warses est mauvais ! »
Glarssya fronça les sourcils et souffla sur l’eau jusqu’à ce qu’une brèche se crée dans le plateau ; formant une ouverture, puis une cascade. Celle où l’ont dit qu’elle est sans fin et qu’elle guérit de toutes maladies et tous péchés.
Emporté par le courant, Trotuyan fut aspiré par les flots sans pouvoir agir. Lui tétraplégique, ayant cru, naïvement défier les Architectes de la natures, les Ugluhimedanagul.
Quelques jours passèrent. Une jeune Gul qui était en train de se prélasser au bord de l’eau non loin du village, vit au bord de la rivière un corps coincé à travers les roches. Plutôt que la peur de Rahaisash l’emporte, elle s’avança puis regarda le jeune homme endormi paisiblement. Elle le gifla afin de le réveiller. Ce dernier bondit hors de l’eau comme pris d’une nouvelle conscience : «  C’est quoi cet endroit ?! Vous êtes qui ?! Où sont mes parents ?! J’étais encore avec eux avant que tu me réveil de ce trou noir ! »
La jeune fille, douce sont ses mains, le calma : « Je me nomme Armetelssya. Viens chez moi, je t’aiderais à retrouver ce que tu cherches. »
Il hésita. Alors l’Akrajuni vint à lui et l’embrassa. L’enivrant d’amour pour la Beauté en face de lui. Armetelssya lui prit la main et tous deux partir de cette endroit, laissant derrière lui sa vile existence altéré par Badragual. 
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sandramsizemore · 5 years
Workplace stress linked to heart disease
Today’s post is shared from sciencedaily.com
Work stress and impaired sleep are linked to a threefold higher risk of cardiovascular death in employees with hypertension. That's the finding of research published today in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, a journal of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).
Study author Professor Karl-Heinz Ladwig, of the German Research Centre for Environmental Health and the Medical Faculty, Technical University of Munich, said: "Sleep should be a time for recreation, unwinding, and restoring energy levels. If you have stress at work, sleep helps you recover. Unfortunately poor sleep and job stress often go hand in hand, and when combined with hypertension the effect is even more toxic."
One-third of the working population has hypertension (high blood pressure). Previous research has shown that psychosocial factors have a stronger detrimental effect on individuals with pre-existing cardiovascular risks than on healthy people. This was the first study to examine the combined effects of work stress and impaired sleep on death from cardiovascular disease in hypertensive workers.
Jian Li, Seryan Atasoy, Xioayan Fang, Peter Angerer, Karl-Heinz Ladwig. Combined effect of work stress and impaired sleep on coronary and cardiovascular mortality in hypertensive workers: The MONICA/KORA cohort study. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 2019; 204748731983918 DOI: 10.1177/2047487319839183
See also: Shift Work Reportedly Causally Related to Increase Risk of Diabetes and Heart Disease
…. Jon L. Gelman of Wayne NJ is the author of NJ Workers’ Compensation Law (West-Thomson-Reuters) and co-author of the national treatise, Modern Workers’ Compensation Law (West-Thomson-Reuters). For over 4 decades the Law Offices of Jon L Gelman 1.973.696.7900 [email protected] has been representing injured workers and their families who have suffered occupational accidents and illnesses.
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Workplace stress linked to heart disease published first on http://workers-compensation.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
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criticalrolo · 8 months
please give him a little forehead smooch for me (unless he would hate that. would he hate that?)
—trans guy with religious trauma who has caught Hal Derangement Syndrome
YEA 💗 if u give him a heads up he won’t hate it SKFJSJSK
diversity win: when your warden/surgeon was taking out your organs to make room for Angel Grafts she also took your Titties and Uterus. because she is an ally 🫡 and needed more room. for the angels
Hal voice: fuck it. we’re calling it a W that at least I don’t have to have a period on top of all this
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actionsurges · 2 years
highlights of the session
arty going alone to do recon, sitting in a locked bathroom while his familiar, locke, who was in Bird Form for the first time flew around an evil scientist lab, rolling a nat1 on stealth such that arty's former boss, our villian realized that finch that got into her lab was someone's familiar.
then proceeded to roll a 9 on a stealth check to vacate the premise as arty himself and decided 'fuck it' and just jumped off the floating island again instead of going the normal way down.
taking only 18 points of damage when he hit the ground and when a guard asked him if he was okay, arty, disguise self'd as a random guard said, "the guard shift was so fucking boring dude" before LEAVING
the above escapade is what landed arty in hot water with his not-girlfriend because she is so worried about how reckless he is and he is so bad at not having the thought process of "i can survive things no one else can so what's a little bit of pain to keep the people i love safe"
artylowe interactions of: barlowe taking arty's glass of whiskey upon realizing he, again, jumped off of a floating island and him going "stealing a man's whiskey is very lethal." the reply "testing a woman's patience is very lethal." and "noted, i'm sorry." // "you know i would've gone with you," "yeah but i didn't want to put anyone else in danger", "just you?", "well yea-" dm voice: you get the sense she intentionally leaves message range. // arty apologizing kind of and admitting that sometimes his lack of care for himself is a bit selfish & barlowe saying "i know it would take an act of god to kill you but it still worries me"
tfw arty 2.0 is roxy's brother
arty managing to knock lady seryan off of a 35 ft. ceiling bc of the bullshit that was his build + the magic item i took for the oneshot (a fire giant potion flavored as juicing himself LMAO)
roxy in her true changeling form and also telling arty that rusk is her brother. roxy threatening lady seryan and arty realizing how amoral & murderous roxy is atm and going "okay, i'll follow your lead, what can i do?" and covering roxy's back.
lady seryan being mouthy and sinister to roxy and arty dropping the pommel of his sword onto her jaw dealing 17 points of damage to her ☠️
roxy ripping lady seryan's throat out
my only nat20 of the night being arty's wolfhound familiar locke attacking and knocking arty 1.5 prone.
arty killing arty 1.5 by putting a shatterstick in its mouth and blowing it up
arty earnestly asking tashalaryx, a draco-lich who has taken the roof off of the building "hey can i help you" and then proceeding to get all of his people to safety, set the four remaining shattersticks to blow the entire vermishard up, surviving 40d6 and then 20d6 points of damage from the explosion and falling from the vermishard.
the reveal that the "dragon" tashalaryx was trying to find to kill is calliope, one of arty's closest friends and he never knew, and she's a changeling and "a good liar" and the story is one we will hear another time in our next episodical oneshot 👀
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hayderaltamimi · 6 years
مناقصة : Iraq Tenders - Upgrading of Ibn Al-Ebry Al Seryane School in Nineveh
from موقع المناقصات العراقية | شركات اعمال وظائف تعاون في العراق https://ift.tt/2ODghYY via IFTTT
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rebuketheviolent · 2 years
ironsong. ario/aurora/ripley. 516 words.
i wrote this a while ago when aurora did some harebrained combat shit and finally started fucking with her siberys mark/magic plague along with it. ario d'vadalis is the other player in my game, @childofeberron, who has been uh. EXPERIMENTED ON A LOT by their mother and at this point is part dragon! as have both of ario's brothers, with ario being the most successful experiment out of the three and orris ending up as a freaky draconic false hydra. we're a powerhouse party that does heavy damage but when we start going down it gets dangerous and... well. maybe aurora has a little crush she isn't analyzing yet.
The words sink into Aurora's chest with a sickening weight right as Orris' teeth sink into Ario's.
"This is what you get for doing this to me-"
And gods, Ario, Ario with the hesitant words and the warm, steady hands, blue fingertips and claws, lightning crackling between their teeth- something hits a crescendo in her head, watching blood seep from between Orris' jaws and hearing the sickening crunch of bone.
Ario goes limp.
She's barely standing. The blood is rushing into her head, all that movement and ironsong- Ripley's melody doesn't falter in her ears, just around the corner, but that song- all around, and up, and down, and branching over and around her again, making her blood run out silvery and wrong.
Every crevice in this building is made of fucking metal. She can feel it. She can feel it the way she feels her blood vessels and nerve endings.
Aurora understands what he's doing before he brings the doorframe crushing down onto Orris' neck. The metal bends under her will as easily as moving her arm. And the hydra, he looks at her for a flash of a moment; that grin is all knives twisting in her brain, trying to bore out Ripley, to bore out Ario, brushing over the hole where-
It takes her a second to realize she's screaming over the sound of cracking bone and crushing windpipe. By the time she has, Orris' neck is a mangled conglomerate of blood and viscera, caught in her makeshift guillotine.
She's already bending the doorframe back into place when his knees hit the ground by Ario. His armor kicks into gear, mechanics whirring with the effort it takes to wrench the hydra's jaws open and pull Ario into his arms. They collapse in her lap, pale, breathing shallow and frantic, blood dripping against Aurora's body.
"Ario, hold on, wake up-"
Starrin, she thinks. Starrin will know what to do. His steady gaze and tapping fingers, but- Aurora remembers with a twist that House Cannith will ask for the bloody, beating heart from her chest without a moment of hesitation, and Vadalis has already asked worse of Ario. Would Starrin send them back to the Kennels to bring them healing? Into their mother's care?
Because the touch of a mother is so healing, right?
No, she can't trust Starrin, can't trust Mabyn d'Vadalis, not Lady Seryan; she can trust herself- but her healing is tapped, and the Protector cannon isn't stitching their wounds closed.
"Fuck," she whispers, brushing sweaty hair from their eyes, and his armor shifts into gear again as she lifts Ario off the ground and into her arms.
Because the entire world can let her down, and everyone in it can ignore his pain and let him curse on the ground, but even caught lying, even with their darkest truths and the knife in the drawer laid bare for her to see, there is one person in the world she can trust with her life.
And that's who sends him into the pitch, unnatural black, Mabar wrapping around her mind.
Ripley d'Phiarlan.
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stephendavid · 7 years
'Christians are being killed en masse and tortured by Islamic State jihadists, and children are being beheaded in front of their parents; raped; and burned to death. Now Syriac Christians have decided to join other forces in a just war against Islamic State mujahideen and make a tough stance of defense against the heinous brutality of the Islamic State.... Austria recently became one of the first countries in the world to formally recognize the genocide being committed against Christians in Iraq and Syria. The ground assault is being carried out by the Syrian Democratic Forces, a majority Kurdish and Arab alliance, but dozens of Christians from the Syriac sect have also joined the fight. “We’re participating in the liberation of Raqa in the name of all Syrians. There’s no difference between Syriacs, Kurds, or Arabs. We’re all brothers,” Seryan says. The jihadists “blew up Raqa’s churches and forced Christians to convert to Islam. This is also why we’re participating in this battle.” Thousands of Syriac Christians once lived in Raqa alongside Armenians, Kurds and the city’s mainly Sunni Arab population, but many fled when IS overran the city in 2014.... Christians could remain in Raqa if they paid a special tax called the jizya [a Mafia-like "Protection" payment] or converted to Islam — but many of them chose to flee....
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cavalier-life · 6 years
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Star Wars Legends: The Old Republic, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Male Sith Warrior/Original Character(s), Male Sith Warrior/Female Jedi Consular, Male Sith Warrior/Original Jedi Character(s), Female Jedi Consular/Original Male Character(s) Characters: Original Sith Character(s), Original Jedi Character(s), Original Imperial Character(s) (Star Wars), Male Sith Warrior, Female Jedi Consular | Barsen'thor, Female Imperial Agent | Cipher Nine Additional Tags: Original Character-centric, Original Character(s), Canon-Typical Violence, Sith Shenanigans, Sith Social Lives, Childhood Friends, Childhood Sweethearts, Sith Code, Jedi Code, Jedi Temple, Jedi Ideals, Opposites Attract, Angst, Complicated Relationships, Keeping Promises, Lost Love, Sith Empire, Sith politics, Slow Burn Summary:
The story of a Sith (Seryan Varicek) from a highly-placed family on Dromund Kaas, and a freed former Miraluka slave (Kylena) turned Jedi.
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