#Should have a lot more time to dedicate to content creation next month but also less stability
nopanamaman · 10 months
Hello everynyan how are you fine thank you
I'm thinking of making a Patreon in the near future, and while I do have some ideas for the content I'd post there (WIP stuff, more behind the scenes, detailed extra lore, early access to prequel comic pages, monthly illustration votes, etc.), I think getting some input would be good.
What would you like to see on there?
(video sneak peek tax)
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zibdigitalnz · 1 year
When it comes to ensuring that your website is seen by the right audience and generating conversions, nothing can be more important than SEO. However, getting a good rank on search engines takes time and knowledge. That's where professional seo agencies come into play: they help you establish an effective strategy for improving your website's visibility in order to achieve better results.
So why should you choose a professional SEO agency? Here are some reasons why:
Expertise and Experience
You can learn a lot about SEO, but that doesn't mean you're ready to implement the right strategies on your own. Think of it this way: if you don't know how to build a house, it's better to hire an expert who does. The same is true for SEO--the expertise and experience of a seo agencies will bring success where your own efforts might fail.
Agencies have access to more resources than individuals do, so they're able to implement more complex strategies that take into account multiple factors such as content creation, link building and social media marketing (SMM).
These elements are all important for achieving results in search engine rankings; however, if one thing is missing from your strategy then everything else falls apart like a house built on quicksand!
Strategic Approach
There are many reasons why businesses choose to work with an SEO agency. One of the most important is that they have the expertise and experience to provide a strategic approach to your SEO needs.
A strategic approach means that they will analyse your website and your competitors' websites, then develop an SEO strategy that is right for your business.
This is a more effective way of doing SEO than trying to do it yourself because it allows you as a business owner or manager time for other things like managing staff members and overseeing day-to-day operations at work or home.
The professional seo services auckland use this method when creating customised solutions tailored specifically for each client's needs.
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Time and Resource Savings
As a business owner, you have limited resources and time to dedicate to your website. It's important that you spend your time wisely in order to get the most out of every investment made in marketing.
An experienced seo services auckland will be able to provide a range of services that cover every aspect of digital marketing--from content creation and social media management, through search engine optimisation and paid advertising campaigns.
This means that instead of hiring multiple people with different skill sets (such as an editor, graphic designer and developer), an agency can do all these things under one roof while also providing expert advice on strategy and execution plans for each service offered by them.
As such, businesses are able to focus more on other aspects like product development while leaving digital marketing responsibilities solely in their trusted hands!
Proven Results and ROI
Businesses that work with a seo agencies have a proven track record of results. The reason for this is simple: the SEO agency has the experience and expertise to help you achieve your business goals.
Agency-backed SEO solutions are also more likely to be effective because they're based on tried-and-true strategies, rather than those that were popular last week or even last month but aren't any longer.
The fact is, no one knows what Google's algorithm will look like next year--or even next month! But by working with an experienced team of digital marketers who understand how search engines work (and don't), you can rest assured that your investment in SEO will pay off over time with increased traffic and conversions.
Holistic SEO Solutions
A holistic SEO strategy is the key to success in your business. An agency that offers holistic solutions will help you with every step of your marketing plan, including content creation, link building and social media marketing.
The experts at an SEO agency are experienced in all aspects of search engine optimisation (SEO) so they can provide you with quality advice on how to make your website more visible online.
We understand how important it is to have your website rank high in Google search results, so professional seo agencies offer the best SEO solutions. Thes team of experts will work with you to develop a strategy that will increase traffic and conversions on your site. Source: https://seochristchurchnz.blogspot.com/2023/06/strategic-seo-solutions-why-businesses.html
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mack3030 · 3 years
Things the Sims 4 Community Can Do About Paywalls...A Post...
[This is going to be a bit long, so you may want to save it and read it when you have time, or just...you know, buckle in.]
I thought I would ring in the new year by talking about something that I feel we as a community need to finally decide on. (It’s been debated since 2017 or so, and it’s now 2021...) I’d like, if possible, to try to suggest some real solutions and choices that we can make that will hopefully create a better and more honest community out of all of us.  Now I would like to start by making some postulates. In geometry, postulates are facts that do not need proven with a mathematical proof. They are assumed to be true. Thomas Jefferson and the founding fathers would call these “Self-Evident Truths”. I would like to use these as a bit of a basis for my arguments. 
Truth: The Sims 4 has been enough of a cash cow for EA.  If you buy the base game ($40) plus all expansion packs (40 each x 10) + all game packs (20 each x 9) + all stuff packs (10 each x 17) you would come to a total of seven hundred and 90 dollars ($790) plus tax. This is of course, without sales, bundling, etc, which many people DO take advantage of, but STILL. That is a TON of money for EA’s pockets.  EA makes a majority of its money on the fact that the Sims 4 is an “incomplete game”. It “completes” the game further and further by adding more “expansions” to the game to the point that it seems almost useless to buy the base game alone without adding to it. 
Even with sales and other things, it’s easy to spend over $500 dollars on the sims 4 game + expansions. Still a lot of cash for a game that is years old. This is just money that is spent on the game that goes to EA. This does not account for:  * Money spent to buy a new computer because your old one wouldn’t run the sims.  * Money spent supporting CC artists who have donations open or early access.  * Money spent on access to sites that have ads/paywalls/exclusive sims 4 CC such as Leosims, etc. (Which are the problem, frankly)
We should be able to respect the fact that a majority of us paid a hefty amount for this game. It is unfair, and frankly greedy to REQUIRE people to pay MORE just to unlock or gain access to specific user created content. 
I am not talking about a VOLUNTARY support or donation because they like what you offer. I am talking about FORCING people to pay if they want to ever be able to use the CC or mod you offer. 
Now, the typical defense for this is “Well, I’m an artist! I spend time/effort/etc working hard on these meshes, the code, etc to make this content!”  Which leads me to point #2. 
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Truth: Mods, CC, and other content for the Sims 4 are useless without the game. Once they are created/uploaded to the game, all copyright to those objects IMMEDIATELY transfers to EA. 
I teach art in a Missouri public school. Our state standards dictate that when art students are in middle school grades, they have to learn about copyright, fair use, and creative commons. While I am not a copyright lawyer, I have had to learn enough about this subject to teach it. So allow me to break down a few facts about copyright: 
First, when ya make it, ya own it. There’s not a process to apply for a copyright. The moment you create something that is 100% your own work, you hold the copyright to it. 
Second, when you make something that is created based off of or USING someone else’s intellectual property as a reference or resource it is a fan creation. In art, we call this “fanart”. It is not 100% your own work. Someone else’s intellectual property is involved. 
Fan creations always have tread a very thin and shadowy line when it comes to different companies and the legality of them. You can easily search google for various articles explaining it, but to summarize it in a short method: 
Most companies do not actively go after those who create fan creations unless they are making profits that could instead be going to the creators of the intellectual property. If the fan creation is discovered to be making profits and/or taking the intellectual property in a direction the creator does not approve of, they have legal options to pursue (court, cease and desist letters, etc). 
Third, Copyright can be transferred from person to person. In most cases this is done through a written document that both parties sign, however there IS an exception to this that EA uses to allow itself to transfer your copyrights to your content to them: 
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EA’s agreement with you is non-exclusive, meaning that the moment you hit “agree” on the sims 4 terms and conditions, you have handed over your rights to any CC you create for the game. 
If you want to maintain full creative rights over the mesh/mods/etc you make then, you have to not make that content for the sims 4 and make your own platform to host it on. This is way easier said than done. 
Truth: There have been various examples in the past of CC creators who have stolen meshes, bases, bits/pieces of work, or “inspiration” for CC from other sites/companies, who have been called on it publicly. 
The most recent event concerning this was drama concerning itsbrandysims and their use of meshes from imvu/secondlife (you can see my opinion on the subject HERE), but there have been other documented cases. Leosims, for example, has been listed as an example of someone taking meshes from secondlife creators and reuploading them (when it was told to me, I was shown THIS thread as evidence). Another well known creator was accused by a former sims 4 cc creator (who now makes content from second life), and was called out in THIS post in 2019. 
The horrible part of this? Many of these creators are charging people (often at not so great rates as well), for STOLEN content. Content they don’t even own, that they ripped from another place. This should not be accepted by a community that loves a game as much as the Sims 4 community.  Truth: EA has provided a way for people to make money while not hiding content behind paywalls entirely, and the INTENT of this was to OFFSET COSTS.  Almost every post about content locked behind paywalls features this post found on the Sims Forum from 2017. In it, SimGuruDrake, who was the community manager at the time (she has since left the Sims 4 team for another job).  Most of you who have seen this discussion topic before know this post by heart, but I’d like to highlight one important aspect of it: 
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One thing that is always important about communication is the intent behind it. The intent for people to be allowed to make patreons and allow early access wasn’t so people could just make money for themselves, the idea was to offset costs to buy programs to make the content. For example, a yearly subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud (which has photoshop, illustrator, etc) costs a couple hundred dollars US a year. If someone was using photoshop to help them create their CC in addition to blender or other free programs, EA/Maxis wanted to allow the creator to not have to pay for making the CC out of pocket.  Can EA/Maxis control what people spend the money they make off of patreon on? No. But it should be noted that the intent of this action was to help people pay for supplies for their hobby more than to make a business out of it. 
Onto the next truth! Truth: There is an image that disputes this post above, however the authenticity of it and timing of it are very disputed. 
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This image is often thrown around by people who lock content behind paywalls, but I would like to take a second and try to provide an honest assessment of it.  First of all, I have a bit of a problem with the fact that the original person who “messaged” SimGuruDrake this question has not been identified. This image was not posted on the tumblr of a CC creator who claimed “Hey I reached out to a sims guru and this is the answer I got!” The main pages that have this image are either tweets from CC creators using it to defend their stance on paywalls (ex: here), or tumblrs/tweets “debunking it” (ex: here, here).  I even reverse image searched this image using google, and another platform and could not figure out where this originated from. Of course, I’m not an expert, but...still. 
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The fact that the origin of this picture is unknown casts doubt on it. If it were a well known CC maker who is known for being honest, that’s one thing. But the fact that we don’t exactly know where it came from is suspicious. Because frankly, anyone with some decent editing ability could photoshop this. 
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Here’s my imperfect edit, but I’m just a self-taught graphics nerd and I am not as dedicated at faking screenshots as some. (And the crap photo quality didn’t help.) Another common issue is that at the supposed “time” that this question was being asked, some state that SimsGuruDrake had already left the Sims 4 team. I will admit, this photo is within the correct timeline, as SimsGuruDrake did not officially depart the sims 4 team until February 2018. (There is a post on the sims forums that has a timestamp that confirms this.) But, if you were in the process of leaving your job within the next month (as a two week/30 day notice is common when leaving a job), would you REALLY be answering questions in DMs on twitter, or be focusing on packing up, and training your successor?  The last thing that really makes me doubt the validity of this picture is the fact that it’s not really easy to message the sims gurus on Twitter. This appears to be twitter from the screenshot (although there are some things that are a little out of place from the current UI): But when I attempt to direct message a sims guru I get this message: 
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I even tried seeing if I could reach out via DM to Drake herself, (who now posts under a different twitter) to see if it was possible: 
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Could the policies have changed since 2018? Possibly, but I feel that opening up direct messages is just asking for Sims 4 team members to get angry messages, so this could very well be a long running EA policy. I have also reached out to her via a twitter tag (as of 1/2/21), and will update y’all if I get a reply:
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Okay, so now that we’ve gone through all of this, let’s talk about the last truth that’s really important:  Truth: Putting content behind paywalls has generally been considered disgusting by many in the sims 4 community, and TAKES AWAY the choice of people to support CC creators they love/appreciate WILLINGLY.  A few notable posts sharing the disgust with this practice can be found: HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE & HERE). And these are just what I can find from a simple precursory search.
Okay, Brainiac. So what can we do to solve this problem? 
Well, there’s a few methods we can employ, and sadly, it’s going to take a bit of a commitment and concentrated effort from the community. 
Step #1: Make the COMMUNITY the VICTIM instead of EA. 
Now when I say this, I don’t mean we’re actually victims, but mean that instead of constantly saying things like “WHEN YOU DO THIS YOU VIOLATE EA’S TOU!”, thus making EA the “victim” of the crime. We change the dialog to saying “When you lock stuff behind paywalls, you cheat the sims 4 community and disrespect their choice to support you or not.”  Because let’s be honest. Maxis/EA really doesn’t give much of a care about if people aren’t following this rule. You can report people to the team, but as far as most people have seen, it doesn’t get anywhere. But if we make it where the community is the party being “wronged” it is much harder for those who have paywalls to not be scared. Because the community, in the end, has to be with them.  DepthofPixels had a really amazing post about this HERE. 
Step 2: Decide to not support anyone who puts their content behind exclusive paywalls and do not hesitate to spread the word about why you choose not to do so. 
By that, I mean
not paying any patreon accounts that don’t offer either their content 100% for free, or offer early access.
And sharing about why you choose to do that on your social media. Something I might suggest would be to make it a bit personal and share something like:
Instead of spending $15 a month to get exclusive content from Leosims (or any other patreon/paywall creator here) I’m spending that $15 supporting creator x, creator y, and creator z, who don’t put their work behind paywalls! 
Link their patrons, share why you like their content, and why you take the stance to make the community better. Make it a positive thing, praising the people who are doing RIGHT by the community. 
Yes, you may not get their content for a while (although there are some different places (
) to find them *cough*. But in the end, is it worth supporting someone’s content when they’re treating the community badly? 
Step 3: Report creators who actively steal content from IMVU/secondlife to those respective companies, and all others to EA. (Even though nothing may happen.)
Here’s the deal. When people steal from either of those sites, they are infringing on someone’s copyright, as well as Imvu/secondlife’s copyright as well. It’s not okay, and they should be held accountable for it. Here’s the LINK for submitting a ticket to Secondlife. I haven’t been able to find one for IMVU, but maybe someone else will find one. Let those companies know and allow them to handle those specific creators.  As to the other creators, EA may not handle them at the moment. But IF (and this is a wishful thinking “if”) there were suddenly a flood of messages about certain creators...? I think they might have to pay attention to some of those messages. There is an official report form, but it might even be worth tweeting to SleddingGuruFrost, who is the current community manager asking about their stance on paywalls.  And last but not least: 
Step 4: Make sure that those who are doing the right thing and not putting their work behind paywalls feel appreciated. Show them some love via a tumblr ask, or by tagging them on twitter, or by going up a tier on their patreon (or pledging for the first time). Celebrate these heroes who are creating content and not forcing it on us. 
Us asking for people to give us a choice to support them isn’t being greedy, or disrespecting their time. We just want transparency, and respect from those who create content for the game we love so much versus them treating us like we’re just a source of income. I know it might seem a bit hard to do this for some of you, and for some it may seem like I’m preaching to the choir, but we have to decide where we stand on this issue and stop letting those who abuse this system keep doing it. We can make a difference if we decide as a COMMUNITY to work together.
With commitment,  ~Sunny
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creativerogues · 4 years
CreativeRogues Discord Server Coming Soon! (Announcement + Q&A)
Yep, this is happening, I guess?
A CreativeRogues D&D Server is something I’ve been wanting to do for a while as I’ve been getting more and more comfortable running D&D Online through Discord.
I’ve always wanted to interact as much as I can with the Community, and I think this is the logical next step for us!
Now of course people will have questions, and I’ll try to answer all of them here, but if I don’t answer your question specifically, please leave a Comment or Reblog with @creativerogues so I’ll see it and try to answer it!
What to Expect...
They’ll be a General Chat Room for the Community to hang out in and message or talk to each other, as well as specific Rooms dedicated to things like easy Character Creation, and a DM Writer’s Room where DMs can share their ideas and get help from other DMs to create an even richer experience and create even better stories with help from the Community!
Games will be ran on a Schedule (To Be Determined!) and will run as often as possible, since life can get in the way sometimes...
We’re also planning to make Rooms dedicated to the different Tiers of play, so you don’t have to play a Character from Level 1 all the way to Level 20, simply tell us what kinda Game you’re looking for!
So how will this work?
You can join the server as a Casual, a Player or a DM. 
If you feel like you wanna play in a Game or DM a Game, simply put the word out and we’ll do our best to make a Game available for you!
Can I have @creativerogues as a DM?
Depending on my availability, I’ll be running Games for people in the Community that want to play, putting together groups of like-minded Players and setting up Campaigns: Some Campaigns may only be a Oneshot or a Short Adventure, some may span weeks or even months if the Players truly do want that.
But they’ll be more than just me there, they’ll be other fantastic DMs out there willing to run Oneshots, Short Adventures or even a whole Campaign for members of the Community, but we ask that you please be patient while we sort out the kinks!
What “Setting” are we playing in?
Well that’s up to you! 
You can play in an Official Setting such as Forgotten Realms or Eberron, or if you’re a DM you can set up a group within your own homebrew setting, or you can work with other DMs in the Community to make an inter-connected world spanning multiple campaigns and adventures, the possibilities are endless!
What “Edition” are we playing in?
It’ll almost certainly always be 5th Edition unless an overwhelming number of people request for games in other Editions.
How do I join?
We’ll be putting out an invite to a few close and long-time members of the Community first to test things out, but once everything is set up, simply send a Message asking to join and boom! 
Now for the “Fun” Part!
If you want to play a Game, you’ll need to know how I run my own Games!
Now I’m no Big Time Online Dungeon Master, but I do have a way of doing things that tries to get you from starting as a Player to actually playing in a Game as quickly as possible.
Below I’ve put a big ol’ (and somewhat intimidating, I will admit) Template for a wannabe Player to fill in the blanks, hopefully making the process quick and easy for a DM to pick your Character up and plop them into a Game as quickly as possible.
Character Template
Discord Name: We’ll need this for Reference.
Character Name: What’s your Character called, or what Name(s) do they go by?
Race: What Race is your Character?
Sub-Race: If your Character’s chosen Race has multiple Sub-races, which one are they?
Class: What Class is your Character? What kind of role do you want them to play?
Subclass: What Archetype is your Character?
Background: What did your Character do before they became an Adventurer?
Origin: What Environment was your Character born or raised in?
Alignment: What Alignment is your Character?
Equipment: What Equipment does your Character want or have on their person?
Appearance: What does your Character look like physically? What colour eyes do they have? Is their hair short or long, curly or wavy, and what colour is it? All these things and more... 
Outfit: What is your Character most commonly seen wearing?
Age: How old is your Character? (Minimum Age is 18)
Build (Height & Weight): Is your Character short, stocky, tall, slim or something in between?
Distinguishing Marks: What’s the first thing someone notices about your Character? A scar? A tattoo? A piercing or item of clothing they always wear?
Backstory: Whether tragic or happy, this describes the important events in your Character’s life before the real adventures begin!
Character Goal: What does your Character want to achieve before the end of the Game? Do they want to be a Ruler? Or become an Archmage? Maybe they just want to reunite with lost loved ones? That’s up to you!
You may notice some things that aren’t on your standard Character Sheet, such as Origin or Distinguishing Marks:
Origin is the Environment that your Character was born and raised in, and I’ll provide a list of examples below:
Arctic: A snowy Tundra or Frozen Wasteland.
Coastal: Port Towns, Beaches, Seaside Cities, Etc.
Desert: Sand Dunes, Dry Hot Wastelands, Etc.
Green-lands: Forests, Grasslands, Hills, Swamps, Jungles, Etc.
Mountains: Mountains, Volcanoes, Valleys, Cliff-side Cities, Etc.
Under-dark: Underground.
Urban: An In-Land City, Trade Centre, Capitol City, Etc.
Otherworldly: Another Plane of Existence, such as the Feywild, Shadowfell, Elemental Planes, etc.
Other: Anywhere that does not fit into the other Environments. (Maybe your Character lives in a series of Underwater Caverns, or on a Floating City, or maybe they were born and raised on a Sailing Ship, all good examples.)
This lets Myself and other DMs place your Character in an appropriate part of the World!
In addition to all the Character Creation Stuff going on for when Games are up and running, we’ll need to know a bit more about you!
What kinda games do you like? Do you like disabling traps and solving puzzles? Do you like exploring the world and role-playing? Or do you prefer combat and fighting monsters?
The objective is to have fun playing D&D, so let us know what makes D&D fun for you!
Is this a lot of work upfront? Maybe. But in the long term it means you should be able to request a Game, bring a Character Sheet, and drop into the Game as smoothly as possible.
Sidenote: I know I’ll be asked this, but Homebrew Content is entirely up to the Dungeon Master that’ll be running your Games, if you want to use Homebrew Material or 3rd Party Resources, that’s a conversation to be had between you and the DM.
Reminder: This is all in Testing!
Things will be clunky at first, that’s for certain, things will go wrong and be awkward and we hope you’ll be patient with us while we sort it all out!
I can’t wait to play a Game with you lovely people, but yeah, CreativeRogues out!
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(1/2) hi there! so, i don't really consider myself a "new" christian- i've felt drawn to god since i was young- but i only started reading the bible about a week ago. i set a goal for myself of reading 20 chapters a day so that i will have read the entire bible in ~2 months, which was very manageable initially because april break was still in progress when i started. however, now that i have schoolwork to do, i'm finding that i just don't have enough time in the day to read that many chapters.
(2/2) i don't want to disregard my goal, but if i force myself to read too much each day, i fear that i won't be able to retain or appreciate much of what i read. i'm not sure what to do. should i lessen my ambitions at the cost of taking longer to read it overall, or somehow muscle through 20 chapters a day at the cost of not fully understanding them? sorry this isn't relevant to lgbt matters- i'm just always comforted by your advice and wasn't sure where else to turn. thank you for your time!
Ah, don’t be sorry! If I could talk about the Bible all day every day, I’d be thrilled! (I’m autistic and scripture is my mainstay special interest haha)
This gets super long so tl;dr: I vote for revising your goal and reading less per day. You don’t wanna get burned out, and you want to be able to retain what you read and have the chance to really mull it over! 
It means a lot to me that folks like you come to me for suggestions; I’m by no means an expert but golly do I love the Bible, and I’ve been reading it since childhood -- first picture book & abridged versions, then the “real deal” starting in ninth grade, and these days I often translate passages from the original Greek and Hebrew. So I’m always joyful to share what I’ve learned about reading the Bible, particularly in ways that combine the spiritual and the scholarly. 
I super admire your dedication to reading the entire Bible; most Christians never do so and while it’s by no means a prerequisite to being Christian, I find that actually reading it all can be a great help in many ways:
First, it means that no one can tell you what’s in the Bible without you being able to bring your point of view to the discussion, because you’ve read it too. You don’t have to just accept what others say about it, ya know? 
Secondly, there really is deep richness in the Bible; the Holy Spirit will breathe through the pages as you read and enliven your heart. You’ll learn more about what it means to be in relationship with God, with yourself, with other humans, and with all Creation. 
Finally, only in reading the entirety of the Bible to you come to see the overarching themes of scripture, the fullest glimpse of the God it reveals. The separate fragments and books of the Bible are distinct from one another in many ways, written by many authors with differing opinions and understandings of God; but once you’ve read them all it is possible to trace the path of the Divine across them all. 
Hopefully, you’ll grow more comfortable with things like contradiction and doubt. You’ll learn how to scoop up glimmers of the Divine even in Bible stories that make you shake with anger or scratch your head nonplussed. You’ll learn that being faithful doesn’t = having all the answers, but instead is about a willingness to engage in dialogue with God and with others, to constantly learn and question and grow. 
All that being said, 20 chapters is a lot to get through in a day!! Whew!! I do recommend reconsidering your goal. It was a valiant one and I’m impressed you were able to do it for a time, but it’s totally okay to re-plan things. I used to be really, like, averse to the idea of revising goals; I felt like a failure or like I was weak or something if I had to change them? So if that’s what you’re feeling, do what you can to let that feeling go. There is no shame or weakness in realizing that your current plan isn’t working for you. The true shame is in refusing to change your ways when everything is pointing to a need for change! 
Decrease your goal to something more manageable, so that you don’t start dreading your scripture reading and get burnt out. You don’t want to resent the time you reserve for reading! You want to be open to the Spirit’s wisdom as you read. 
Honestly, if your goal were to become as general as “read at least one chapter each day,” or even “read at least one paragraph each day,” that would be totally fine! There may be days when you get more done, but even a little passage of scripture is full of richness. And you’ll be showing your dedication and learning spiritual discipline in making time for even a little passage in a busy day. 
Yes, you’ll be reading for a lot longer; but there is no rush. Reading the whole Bible isn’t just about cramming all its contents into your brain; it’s also about letting the words seep into your heart. That takes years, lifetimes even. 
Still, I understand the desire to have the whole Bible in your head. So the rest of this post is going to try to balance the “scholarly knowledge” of the Bible that you logically want to get into your brain as soon as possible with the spiritual wisdom and impact of the Bible, which is cultivated over a lifetime.
The spiritual side of Bible reading
I’m gonna share a passage from Sister Macrina Wiederkehr’s book A Tree Full of Angels about Bible reading, because she describes the richness held in the tiniest crumb of scripture and the wisdom in taking it a little at a time better than I can. 
Let’s start with her explanation of the spiritual discipline called “Lectio Divina,” reading the Bible in an embodied way that enriches our understandings of God’s presence in all Creation:
“Here is a way to harvest the Word of God. 
The monastic tradition to which I belong has always stressed the value of seeking intimate communion through persistent dwelling with and in the Word of God. We call this form of prayer Lectio Divina (Divine Reading). Lectio Divina is far more than what we ordinarily understand as spiritual reading. It is reading...with the eye of God, under the eye of God. It is reading with the desire to be totally transformed by the Word of God, rather than just to acquire facts about God.
The incarnational aspect of Christianity reminds us that all of life is full of God. God is in all. Lectio Divina, then, is a way of reading God in everything. ...
In the tradition of our desert fathers and mothers...the emphasis was on the reading of the Scriptures. This was the Word of God par excellence. The discple was encouraged to hover over the word of God in the Scriptures as the Spirit once hovered over the birthing world. ...The one who is immersed in the Word of God in the Scriptures is eventually able to read God in all things. ...
Macrina then brings up Guigo II, a monk from the 1100s who came up with four phases or degrees of the Lectio: reading, meditation, prayer, contemplation. 
It sounds to me like you’re currently most focused on the “reading” phase, since you’re busying yourself with getting through the whole Bible as soon as you can. That is totally cool! 
Guigo II described the reading phase as putting food in the mouth, while “meditation chews it, digs for the treasure. Prayer extracts the flavor and helps us get to know the treasure. Contemplation embraces and welcomes the thirsty soul.”
I know that there are days when I just can’t seem to get my spirit into the latter three phases of the Lectio; I can only manage the reading phase. So I read, with the faith that by absorbing the content of Bible pages into my brain, there will come a time when I chew on that content, digest it, find the treasure in it. Thus I don’t think it’s a bad thing to read the Bible primarily in that “info-gathering” mode -- the more scholarly mode -- but when you’re ready and able to wade in deeper, do so! That might be every day for you, especially if you don’t spend all your time and energy on cramming in as many passages as possible; or it might be something you don’t really get to until you’ve read whole books of the Bible. I’m not saying there’s one right way to do all this -- just stuff to consider! 
But I will emphasize the “meditation” phase Macrina describes next, because I think it might help you decide that yes, you do need to cut down on just how much of the Bible you read daily. Here’s what she says about how much of the Bible she reads in one sitting:
“Read until your heart is touched. When your heart is touched, stop reading. After all, if God comes in the first verse, why go on to the second? A touched heart means God has, in some way, come. God has entered that heart. Begin your meditation. 
Meditation is a process in which you struggle with the Word of God that has entered your heart. If this Word wants to be a guest in your heart, go forth to meet it. Welcome it in and try to understand it. Walk with it. Wrestle with it. Ask it questions. Tell it stories about yourself. Allow it to nourish you. Receive its blessing. To do this you must sink your heart into it as you would sink your teeth into food. You must chew it with your heart.
... You may ask if there is ever a day when my heart is not touched. Yes, there are many. On some days each psalm or gospel passage is like the parched earth. There is nothing moist or life-giving to be found in the words I read. I see this barrenness as a message from God also. ...God also speaks in silence and darkness. So when nothing comes, when darkness prevails, then too, I lay my Bible down. My word is silent darkness. I carry the dryness, the emptiness, the silent darkness with me through the day. It is only in darkness that one can see the stars. I have seen too many stars to let the darkness overwhelm me. Even though You are silent, still I will trust You.”
So, yeah. That’s Macrina’s instruction for reading the Bible -- it leans very heavily onto the spiritual side of Bible reading. But the scholarly side is important too, especially for your first go-around! Let’s get into that.
The scholarly side of Bible reading
People who have to read part or all of the Bible for school know that Macrina’s method of reading only “till your heart is touched” is pretty, but not pragmatic. There were times when I’d be assigned all of Exodus, or all of John, or all of Paul’s letters to read within a few days or a week in seminary -- so I wasn’t that focused on getting spiritual fulfillment out of the words then! I just had to cram that info into my brain so my teacher would know I did the homework!
I feel like your first Bible read-through is probably going to lean more heavily on the scholarly side than the spiritual, because if the stories aren’t already in your head, getting them in there is your primary goal. 
As you read I cannot recommend enough the use of footnotes or commentaries or other resources to help you make sense of what you are reading. Especially when you come to the more problematic or culturally-complex parts of the Bible. You’re not the first to have questions and confusion and distress about things in scripture; so let others who’ve been in your shoes and done research help you out! By finding trusty resources, you’re leaning on a whole community, just as Christians are called to do. 
I’ve got a post here with recommendations for Bibles with good footnotes, for online Bible resources, etc.
One of the resources listed in that post is the Bible Project’s YouTube series that offers a short video for each book of the Bible. It might be cool for you to watch through all of those in the coming month, so that you can get those “main ideas” and Bible stories into your head now, even while your reading of the actual Bible slows down. Those videos can be like a “sneak peak” for what’s in store as you continue to read through scripture. 
If you prefer text to video, you could also consider getting a “family Bible” / “children’s Bible” to read through! I recommend the DK Illustrated Family Bible, because it has wonderful historical notes and images, and it quotes from the Bible verbatim rather than paraphrasing it in kid-friendly language. Reading through that Bible could totally be done in 2 months, no sweat, unlike getting through the whole Bible. And then you’ll have the main stories and themes in your head asap, while not letting your Bible reading overwhelm you or burn you out.
To wrap up, here are a couple other resources you might find useful as you continue your reading:
A webpage I made discussing a framework for scripture that takes it seriously and affirms LGBTQ+ persons; concepts like divine inspiration, “cherry-picking,” and the rule of love are also discussed
A post addressing misogynistic passages of the Bible; oh and another post on sexism in the Bible
A post addressing the potential for antisemitism when reading the Bible through a Christian lens
And in my Rachel Held Evans tag you’ll find quotes from her wonderful book Inspired: Slaying Giants, Walking on Water, and Loving the Bible Again, which is such a helpful little book for those wanting a crash-course in things like cultural context, divine inspiration vs. human authors, and grappling with violence in the Bible.
I hope that something in this post helps you out, anon! And best of luck to you as you continue your journey through scripture! 
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illfoandillfie · 3 years
Hello! I was wondering if I could get a Month Ahead Reading please? These past couple of months have been very challenging, and I graduate at the end of next month and honestly I am just hopeful for any form of positivity. Thank you!
Here you go love, apologies its so late! 
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Week 1: Ace of Coins + Page of Cups + Broccoli (Leadership)
So the aces are symbols of beginnings and just staring out on something new, and the suit of coins (pentacles) is tied with the material - things like finances, and work and that kind of thing. Which means that the ace of coins indicates opportunity, prosperity and a potential new venture. This new venture may be related to your school work or a job/career situation. The Page of Cups is a bit of a dreamer. He represents happiness, surprise, sensitivity, and imagination come to life. This says to me that whatever this new opportunity is, it’s related to something you’ve been thinking about, maybe hoping will happen. If you’ve been thinking about applying for a job in a particular field or starting your own business or maybe continuing your studies, now is a good time to look closely at that and make a start on it. 
The Broccoli card really ties into this with its message of leadership. One interpretation is that you could find yourself in a leadership roll, perhaps within a group work setting or as the organiser of an event/celebration/whatever. It could also be read as an encouragement to take the initiative and throw your hat into a ring (or many rings) that offer possible opportunities for you. There is certainly a lot of potential here so don’t be afraid to take whatever chances are offered to you. 
You may even start to see some of these opportunities appearing during the end of March as well as into early April. 
Week 2: The Sun + Reconciliation + Commitment 
I love seeing the Sun come up in a reading because it’s such a happy and positive card! It’s symbolic of success, joy, celebration, contentment and peace. Early April will bring energy and optimism. Two oracle cards jumped out as I was shuffling so I took them both. Reconciliation of course may refer to a reunion with someone so if a trouble relationship has been on your mind, you may find peace in burying the hatchet. But this card may also refer to just connecting with loved ones, spending time or celebrating with the people you’re closest to. Commitment with The Sun may refer to reaping rewards for hard work and dedication. It could also be a call to refocus on your dreams and figure out what your next steps will be. Of course, I should also mention that commitment could be a sign of someone committing themselves to you, potentially with a proposal, but if that doesn’t fit then ignore it. Because monthly readings can be kind of vague I try to include as many different interpretations as possible and not all of them will fit your current situation. 
Week 3: Queen of Coins + My Backyard (Home is where I make it. I can find sanctuary every day.)
The Queen of coins represents practicality, financial security, generosity and opulence. She is a down-to-earth woman who is loyal to those she loves, who takes care of her family, and is often seen as motherly. But she also has business savvy, and financial intelligence. Which is why she can also be surrounded by luxury and wealth. This Queen of Coins may represent you and your position around the middle of April - the self-made woman, independent and wise. She may also signify a person of importance in your life, possibly an older woman, who desires to help you. She will show you love and/or care, as well as help guide you if you feel stuck or unsure. 
In this context, the My Backyard card could indicate that the Queen of coins is someone you know, possibly someone related to your home. It may also be encouraging you to make a space of your own where you can draw the queen like wisdom and energy from. The guidebook entry says: “No matter where you live and no matter what you call your backyard, place loving energy into it. That can simply mean keeping it litter free and clean. It could mean adding plants of a sculpture. It could mean creating a herb garden or even adding bees. Even if you share this space with others you could create a spot that is yours energetically. One way the ancients did this was to bury a charged crystal or an object they owned in that spot.” Perhaps having somewhere you can return to, even while things are changing for you, will help you stay on the right track? 
Week 4: Seven of cups + Stargazing (When you gaze at the stars you give yourself fairy-focus. Your intuition will flow more freely and reveal what you need to know about your situation.) + Wish Wisely (Use your wishes wisely to manifest your heart’s desire and take practical steps towards making your dreams come true.)
The seven of cups has a couple of different meaning. One one hand it can represent dreams or fantasies, on the other it can be about choices. I feel like it’s a bit of both for you. Earlier we had the Page of Cups card which relates to dreaming or fantasising about possible futures, so it may be that you’ve got that sort of daydreamy energy around you. But, with this being around the time you graduate, it may also relate to the choices in front of you. Finishing your studies is great but the question is what do you do next. This card may be saying that you have a lot of options in front of you but its also a warning that not all of them are good. This is where the Stargazing card comes into it. Listen to your intuition, or that inner voice telling you what you really want, and pay attention to what it’s saying before you make your final decisions. The Wish Wisely card also talks about dreams coming true but it reminds you that just dreaming and wishing for them isnt enough. You need to take practical steps too. Funnily enough, in the rider waite smith deck, the first meaning listed in the guidebook for the seven of cups is “Fairy favours” which I didn’t realise until after I’d pulled the oracle cards from the fairy deck. Perhaps this week will be a bit of a magical one with the fairys on your side, trying to help you see where to go next. 
Week 5: Page of Wands + 8 of Wands + Mystery + Peace
The 8 of wands is a card of rapid movement, quick decisions and breakthroughs. I can see this as an indication that the next month is going to feel as if its moving fairly quickly and before you know it you’ll have graduated. The Page of wands represents exploration, excitement and freedom. I think it makes sense for such traits to appear around that particular event. But this is a card of opportunity and adventure. Although, interestingly, this page is also described as somewhat of a dreamer. Pages are also messengers so it may be that this week you’ll receive news about something important, or related to one of the opportunities you saw at the beginning of the month. 
The mystery card represents the idea that it’s okay not to have all of the answers all of the time. Embrace the various mysteries of life and let things unfold as they need to. And peace is an invitation to bring a sense of peace into your life. It might be with meditation or by taking some time off from everything, or just by spending time doing something you enjoy. You’ve worked hard though and you deserve the break. It will help you find the curiosity and excitement of the page of wands. 
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I also drew some more oracle cards as a way to try and get a sense of the overall energy of the month. 
I got you 2 ice cream oracles: Mint Choc Chip (endurance / determination / fortitude) and Pistachio (emotional healing / independence / responsibility) 
It seems as if the lead up to your graduation won’t be completely easy but you have the strength within you to keep pushing forward. The emotional healing part I think could tie in with that peace card and I think this is a reminder to look after yourself as best you can. 
On that note, I also pulled you 3 sacred self care cards. Originally I intended to get 2 but the first one that came out was Connect with your Womb and I wasn’t entirely sure how relevant that would be lmao. That being said, the guidebook does say it could be a mother’s womb OR the cosmic womb and I think it’s more about connecting with your potential for creation, whatever that looks like to you. All the same, if it doesn’t resonate, ignore it lmao. 
Your other 2 sacred self care cards are: Use your hands and Watch a movie. Use your hands relates to creating something physical, be it artistic like pottery or painting, or something more practical like fixing a broken tap or planting a herb garden. It could even be as simple as repainting an old piece of furniture or hanging some nice art on your walls. Whatever you choose, doing something physical with your own two hands that has a tangible result will give you a feeling of accomplishment and a boost of confidence which will help you tackle bigger and more complex problems. Watch a movie is really just as simple as it sounds. Pick a movie or tv show you enjoy or one you’ve been wanting to see, sit down and watch it. Of course, you can turn it into a fun movie night, getting cosy in your PJs with a few favourite snacks, and maybe a few friend (irl or over discord or whatever). If you live somewhere where movie theatres are open it could also be a chance to treat yourself to a solo date night! However you decide to do it, watching a movie can be a great way to slip into fantasy and indulge when you need some time out!
Next we have 2 destiny cards: Courage and Compassion. These are both keywords that will be relevant during the month of April. Compassion especially draws to mind the Queen of Pentacles, so keep it in mind during the middle of the month. And courage is similar to the traits displayed on the mint choc chip ice cream card too. 
And finally 3 Queen songs. I must admit, I originally couldn’t find my destiny cards desk and so figured I’d throw it back to when I first started doing these readings and draw a couple of Queen songs for you and then, right as I was about to take the photo I found the missing deck lmao so I just included both. 
Anyway, your songs are: Get Down, Make Love / Dead on Time / Good Company. 
I definitely suggest listening to these songs a couple of times during the month and seeing how they resonate for you or if there are any messages you can pick up in the lyrics. A few quick thoughts though. Dead on Time has quite a fast pace to it and this immediately made me think of that 8 of wands card and the rapid movement it suggests. Get Down Make Love is a slightly odd one maybe. Initially I thought it might have to do with ~connecting with your womb~ but looking through that deck theres another self care card which is literally just “Sex” so maybe not lmao. Good Company made me think of the Queen of Coins if she is another person who you can turn to for advice and guidance. It may also just be an indication that keeping up relationships and friendships will be beneficial this month. But, like I said, have a listen and see what they make you feel. It might just be that these are all bangers that will help get you moving or feeling pumped up!
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pearl-and-penny529 · 4 years
Miraculous Fanfic: Truth Seeker Part: I
(Miraculous belongs to its rightful owners, the following content is just fan made)
                              Heyaa and welcome Miraculers!
                                      ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
This fan fiction has been brought to you by Pearl and Penny . The format of the following piece may be a bit different from what is usual, nevertheless we hope it’s going to be interesting and as entertaining as several of the beautiful creations here on tumblr .After all, a little change is good, don't you think? Anyway, back to the introduction..where was I? Oh, right. The subsequent parts of the fanfic would be uploaded later on as specified. PLS DO NOT COPY WITHOUT PERMISSION OR REPOST.
                                  ❃.✮:▹More Details◃:✮.❃
Number of words: 1482
Time taken: 1 week
Category: Writing/Fanfiction
Previous part: This is the first one
Next part: Part 2, to be uploaded on 18/10/2020
Pearl: Storyboard
Penny: Editing
                           --------- ♡ Thank you and Enjoy ♡ ---------
Scene: Miss Bustier’sclassroom: Classes are over; Marinette is packing her bag when she notices Alya vigorously typing something on her phone
Marinette: Hey Alya, I see you’ve been busy for quite sometime… What are you up to?
Marinette tries to peek over her shoulder but Alya turns aside, not allowing her to see the screen
Alya: Patience, my dear, patience! You might think my theories about Ladybug are crazy, but you watch, girl. I'll prove you wrong,cause’ this blogger has got the cat in the bag! The scoop is going to be (in a sing-song voice) absolutely amazing!!
Marinette: (Laughs) So I’m guessing it has something to do with the Ladyblog?
Alya: You bet! Remember that one time when I nearly figured out ladybug’s identity? When she dropped that textbook- OUR history textbook-while swinging across Paris with her yoyo?
Scene: Flashback from Pharaoh
Alya: Don't blink now, 'cause we are live from Paris. Yo peeps, Alya here, bringing you the one and only Ladyblog. (Helicopter noises) Huh? What is that? (Ladybug flies by, hanging on to her yo-yo, tied to a helicopter. She drops a book). Ladybug in action. Hang on 'cause we're going for a ride. (Alya runs over and picks up the book) Freak out! What you got here is no ordinary book, it's a tenth grade history book. And I should know, 'cause I've got this very same book. Could our very own Ladybug be a high school student, (zoomout to reveal the Ladyblog website, which Marinette Dupain-Cheng is watching the video from) in real life? Whoa!
Scene: Flashback ends; Back to reality: Inside the classroom
Marinette: Oh... (chuckles nervously) Yeah, I do remember.
Alya: So it was clear that she is a tenth standard student like us! Chances are, she may even study in our school!!
Marinette: (gulps) You sure about that? I thought you had lost that book before returning from the museum…
Alya: I am absolutely 100% sure. Ladybug could have easily taken that book with her while I was busy filling my fans in about how she saved me from the akumatised villain. Talk about superheroes being fast!!
Marinette: But-
Marinette is about to say something when Nino bursts in, hastily handing Alya an iPad with a fan page named ‘Lila and Ladybug’ open on the the screen.
Nino: Alya, check this out -- Lila is also running a blog about ladybug!!
Alya and Marinette: WHAT!!??
Alya grabs the tabletand after examining it carefully, clicks on one of the videos.
Lila in the video: I am such a big friend of Ladybug and she likes me sooo much. She even promised to tell me who she actually is. To be honest, we are almost inseparable, so it was not really impossible to see that coming.
The video ends; Marinette stands up and strikes her fists aggressively on the table; Alya frowns.
Marinette: She is such a fibster!
Alya: You can’t say that. (Looking down) Maybe she really is close to Ladybug...
Marinette: Why on EARTH do you never notice her lies?? What’s so special about her? She’s just like any other student in this school, well, except for the fact that she’s a pathological liar and psycho!! (Marinette starts to hyperventilate)
Alya: Marinette, calm down! Are you really jealous of her? Listen to me, don’t let your emotions get the better of you.
Marinette: (looks at Alya and crosses her arms) Why would I be jealous of Lila?
Alya: Well.. for starters, you know that she has a crush on Adrien and can ACTUALLY spend time with him. Secondly, I am sure you remember that our classmates wanted to vote her as the class president instead of you... and third of all she is the center of attention whenever she’s in the class.
Marinette: ..You really believe all that?
Marinette looks at Nino
Nino: (nods) Iagree with Alya.
Marinette: What’s wrong with you guys? It is as if you trust Lila over me!
Alya: Marinette, could you give me any reason why I should not trust Lila?
Marinette: (laughs sarcastically) You have NO idea! She is a brutal girl!
Nino scrolls through the blog and widens his eyes.
Nino: Whoa! She has reached 90 thousand followers in one day!! Alya you gotta step up your game!
Alya: (looks at the screen and gasps) Wha- What?
Marinette: She doesn’t deserve these many followers… she faked everything!
Alya: B-But I have been pursuing the Ladyblog for more than 8 months with only so much dedication and devotion. You guys know that, don’t you? You’ve seen me pour my blood, sweat and tears into this, and now Lila suddenly pops in and she’s become a celebrity and Ladybug’s best friend in a day??  (cups her face while trying to hold back a tear) Maybe she really is b-better than me.
Nino: (sits down next to Alya and lowers his voice) Hey, No one is better than you. You are the best, all of Paris knows it!
Alya remains stiff and lets out a sigh; Marinette suddenly recalls the huge pile of unfinished work she has back at home (as usual hehe)
Marinette: (jumps up and rushes to go out) Aaaaahh I have to go home, I have three assignments due tomorrow and a personal request from Jagged Stone to design the cover of his new album!! Oh, my parents are gonna kill me if I don’t help them out in the bakery even today... I’ll see you guys later (runs out the door and shouts) and Alya do not worry the truth always wins and I am sure about it!!
Scene: Marinette’s room: Marinette is listening to music, and embroidering on a piece of cloth with her tongue out.
Tikki: (pacing in circles around Marinette) Something doesn’t seem right. Lila is unpredictable – You can never know what she came up with this time.
Suddenly a thought strikes Marinette, making her gasp; she accidentally pricks herself with the sewing needle.
Marinette: Ow!
Tikki: What is the matter Marinette? You very rarely miss a stitch.
Marinette: (turning around to face Tikki) Do you remember how Lila spoke about revealing my identity?
Tikki: Yeah, she did, but that would be another lie.
Marinette: Tikki… what if she ends up getting akumatized and causing an illusion of me detransforming?
Tikki: That shouldn’t be a problem, she doesn’t know who you actually are.
Marinette:  But the whole of Paris would think Ladybug is a dope! One time I convince them that revealing my identity would be dangerous, and the next moment, I suddenly do it! That’s a nuisance, don’t you think?
Tikki: That’s for sure, moreover, Chat Noir would think that you believe Lila over him.
Scene: Adrien’s room:Adrien is watching Lila’s blog at his desk
Lila in the video: She even promised to tell me who she actually is-
Adrien: (pauses the video and rotates his revolving chair to face Plagg) Lila is a serious liar. It’s getting out of hand, Plagg!
Plagg: (eating a large piece of camembert with his eyes closed) But she seems so confident, it’s hard to tell whether she is lying or not.
Adrien: It could be another illusion. The whole of Paris may fall for it, (subtly smiles) but I bet Ladybug would not.
Plagg: (swallows the entire piece) Kind of weird, when you think about it -- How would she create an illusion as Lila? If she is Volpina then everyone could tell she is akumatised and guess that Ladybug is an illusion.
Adrien: You might be right, I guess she has a lot of plans set up for it. Nice thinking, Plagg.
Plagg: What can I say? My brain is filled with cheesy goodness.
Scene: Agreste Mansion (the next day): Lila and Gabriel Agreste are speaking near the entrance
Lila: So far all is well, sir.
Gabriel: Good. I would keep myself ready.
Lila showcases an evil smile before exiting the mansion, and then starts recording for her blog outside.
Lila: What’s up fans? This is Lila, and guess what!  Ladybug has agreed to reveal her identity to all. I would be reporting live today from the Eiffel Tower… Get ready for the big surprise!!
Scene: Alya’s room: Alya is in bed, watching the blog on her phone
Lila in the video: …Ladybug has agreed to reveal her identity to all. I would be reporting live today from the Eiffel Tower…
Alya: (Sits up straight and exclaims) This is impossible! I bet ladybug would never do it.
Scene: Marinette’s room
Lila in the video: …Get ready for the big surprise!!
Marinette: Yep, we are in for a surprise for sure.
Tikki: Come on Marinette, you do not believe her, do you?
Marinette: (scoffs) I do not at all.
Scene: Adrien’s room
Adrien: (Lila’s video ends) We have to be ready for the moment she strikes......
                                          ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
                Thank you for reading, have a miraculous day/night!!
                                                Bug out ^^
                                          ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
This post is also available on Miraculous amino in the account of Samantha (Pearl)
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chavire · 4 years
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We answered a few questions about the band during quarantine, for the spanish fanzine Face The Lie. As we were pretty excited about the questions and thought it could have some interest, here it is in its english version.
(photo : Manon Monjaret)
Hi guys! How are you doing? Before starting maybe we should put ourselves in a situation. Who are Chaviré? In which other bands do you play or have you played? What motivates you to tour, make songs?
Hi, thank you for giving us some space to talk about CHAVIRÉ and what we put behind this band. As a presentation, we could say that the band started at the end of 2013 and that we played our first shows at the end of the next year, in 2014. We previously played — or still play — in A.S.T.R.O., COLD HEART DAYS, DÉDALE, GHOST FRIENDS, HOMESICK and WATERTANK to name some of our other bands. We started to play together as some friends, convinced by our love for the same songs and the desire to bind them with some politics we felt connected with. Six years later, it is still those three main reasons that hold us together, writing songs and play them live.
Last summer you released your new album, titled Maintenant Que Les Flammes Sont Partout ("now that flames are everywhere"). What did you wanted to express with this title? And what can you tell us about this album?
We tried to give this record a title that would be the testimony of the era that surrounded its creation. We think it's pretty clear for everyone who looked at the world around us that we couldn't possibly spend three months without seeing the people from a country rising up against their leaders and taking the streets against them. We wanted to dedicate the album to those involved in the increase of those flames all around the world and sing for their constant multiplication.
The lyrics of this album seem to me a bit more convoluted than those of your previous albums, you have to give them more readings to understand them. Did you wanted to change your way of composing the lyrics or was it an involuntary evolution?
As usual, our lyrics are very influenced by the books and authors that go with the writing process. You are right saying that maybe it is a bit different from the previous records. We always said that the lyrics were very influenced by some texts and that we stole a lot to put it in our songs. This time it's still the case but we tried to give some more space to poetry and theater. As time goes by, we were a bit scared to look like those anarchist bands that repeat slogans song after song... We are glad to hear that you noticed this change of things, it is obvious to say that there is politics everywhere but it is better to show it, by using an unexpected extract of a anthropologic book or some lines from a poem. For the first time with this record, we tried to quote most of the references so maybe it will give some ideas and things to dig in.
What is the story or background behind "Alice, 1977"?
Radio Alice is an Italian radio from the end of the 1970s located in Bologna. It's closely linked with the italian autonomous movement from the same era and more precisely the A/Traverso collective. The quotation «Le pouvoir n'est pas seulement là où se prennent des décisions horribles, mais partout où le discours enlève le corps, la rage, le hurlement, le geste de vivre» comes directly from an A/Traverso leaflet. Overall, the song was written in opposition with some of the quirks of the communities that surround us, where it is more valuable to look radical, rather than actively trying to change the world. At some point in the italian movement, there was this turning point where it didn't make sense for some of them to claim their worker identity, their women identity, mostly because all of these categories were those of the power, of this world, and these communities wanted to split up with this world and its categories.
With “Alice, 1977”, the idea was to put this era to the attention of people who perhaps don't know it, allowing them to find some inspiration in it. Most of the questions we're passing through are obviously not new, and it was in our opinion a political sequence where these questions found some interesting treatment.
What does CHAVIRÉ mean?
It could be translated in english as “capsized”, it refers to the moment right after a boat has overturned. We won't lie, this name is at first the result of a joke, more or less.
One of the things that surprised me in a good way when I first knew about you was that you didn't have Facebook, but instead you have a Tumblr page with, in addition to information about the band, a lot of political texts. Do you just don’t care about Facebook and those networks? Why did you chose Tumblr?
We “chose” to make a Tumblr page at first because it seemed to be the easiest thing to put something a bit more “personal” than just a Bandcamp page. Moreover we were so unable to manage a website by ourselves, and none of our close friends seemed able to build one that we could manage easily... In fact, the way we decided to be visible on the Internet has been very determined by our poor capacities and the fact that we decided, since the beginning of the band, that we preferred to make us visible only when we had something to say rather than just be here to be here — it is pointless to try to tackle professional rock bands in this game, doesn't it? And yet, we recently created an instagram account... We also wanted to upset some diehards from the other side!
What do you think of the term emocore? For you, when does a group cross the hardcore barrier to enter emocore? Is it a matter of lyrics, sound, attitude,...?
Well, it's just a subgenre doesn't it? The barrier is just crossed when the one who makes the poster decides to call a band this way. It has been historically a way to gather bands that were playing at the same time from the same area (for the Revolution Summer it basically works like this), but at some point, it is a way to play punk music.
It was said about you that you take music too seriously, belittling those who play only for having a good time without sending a message. Don't you conceive how someone can do it or is it simply not your thing? Do you have friend bands like that?
Well, if music obviously contains a game aspect — who would deny it? —, we would rather play it with smart people. It's not about any kind of content or attitude, it is mostly about having the feeling that we share more with some bands than some chords or shirts. We are still sorry for those who felt judged by us, we couldn't fill the lack of interest they seem to have for themselves, and at some point we still can't understand why they needed our approval so much.
Do you conceive a hardcore scene without politicizing? And a DIY without a political background?
We have to be careful with this sentence that repeats to anyone who would listen that “personal is political”: the recent history proved us that it led us to believe that we just had to buy at organic stores and not to say swear words to become a potential ally for an ongoing revolution, to simplify. But music contains this interesting idea that it can't be undone from its whole production process: its material production obviously (from gear to electricity), but mostly because its production is tied in a network (people who play, who release, who book to make it easy), under technical and aesthetically pleasing considerations (how do we want to sound? do we play well enough? does the interpretation fit to the idea?). At some point, the choices and the answers to those questions imply to get you into some positions that translate political views about the world. Depending on how they fit with others, it can create friendships and even “scenes”. In order to answer your initial question, we could say that obviously we do conceive a scene without politicizing (but it is even more than that, we'd rather say “with views about the world that are radically different from ours”), the question consequently becomes “do we have something to share together then?” and it is immediately easier to answer.
In Maintenant Que Les Flammes Sont Partout you included a song about May 68, something that lately interests me a lot. How influential is this and the situationist movement today?
There is a very tenuous link between the uprising of May 68 in French universities and the Situationist International, as you may already know it. It is hard to fully understand why, but a part of this relation seems a bit forgotten today in the official history, one of the main reason is to be found in the fact that Situationists refused to be represented as leaders, as opposed to some figures at this time. Fortunately, Kristin Ross relates this incomplete story in her fascinating book May '68 and Its Afterlives, talking about how this political sequence has been erased and captured by the freshly reshaped neoliberalism to present it as a liberal and individual revolution. As we already said for the autonomous movement that took place in Italy during the second part of the '70s, these moments are very inspiring and rich in lessons. They refer to insurrectionary times when the power could really be overthrown.
In the case of the Situationist International, it's important to understand that since the late '50s the group theorized and wrote about the reconfigurations of the post-war capitalism, and the advent of the consumer society which really arose at this moment. It was a moment of radical artistic avant-gardes: Antonin Artaud just died ten years before, the surrealist and lettrist movements were still recent experiences for the situationists, the Beat Generation was experiencing overseas and this artistic emulation gave them paths to explore and to renew the forms of art without separating it from the revolutionary horizon.
With these months that have passed since the appearance of the Mouvement des gilets jaunes, what balance do you make of it?
We lived something that could be considered as the most unsettling political event of the decade or even more, with the appearance of this gilets jaunes movement last year. Still today, it is hard to gauge the political and existential impact created by the outbreak of these yellow vests on some roundabouts in the November dawn. We're not overplaying it by saying that they helped to re-draw the lines of the political division, in that they opposed the revolutionary action to the revolutionary posture and bliss, and proved us that revolution was a question of desire instead of a rational one. For a part, they were people that never took part in radical politics as we can understand it, that never attended a demonstration or organized a strike, etc. In some areas they created what could be considered as communes, existing as a community in a world — this unbearable fiction — that had always made them existing as individuals.
It seems that in the whole world people are waking up and taking back the streets seriously. Either in Chile, Venezuela, or in France itself. Have we reached the maximum pressure point for people to explode?
We took so long answering this interview that in the meantime Lebanon went up in flames too, and while most of these countries were facing some major representation crisis with the whole institutional politics, a virus sent us back in our respective homes as separated individuals. We're insisting on the concept of “individual” because it's fundamental to understand that this category is a pretty recent one that has emerged with the modern definition of “society”. It's very clear now that both the “individual” and the “society” have emerged in order to defeat communities that were an ungovernable model for the powers, or at least less easily governable in that they were indivisible entities. We have to consider the return of this hypothesis after two hundred years of capitalism, the need of community (this is basically what communism is all about) comes back to the point, by every means, and the people go out, fight the police, and take the streets.
I read that in your first concerts you distributed sheets with the lyrics and explanations. Do you keep doing it? What was the reason, make clear parts that were open to various interpretations, expand information on the subject or try to make people really listen to what you have to say?
We distributed our lyrics for quite a long time, but to be honest we haven't done it for a while. This move was influenced by some bands before us, mostly from this first french emo wave with band that used to do so. The idea was to put the lyrics right in front of the audience, as something we could claimed but also as a starting point to talk about. One of the reason that led us to stop was also the idea that there are other ways to “talk”: gesture, music and intensity that can become languages when we start to take them seriously and make a good use of it, they can convey things that words sometimes cannot.
Do you read / do fanzines? What importance do you give them in the hardcore / anarchist scene? Lately I have heard more than one person saying that it isn’t coherent to continue to make fanzines on paper and contributing to the environmental impact having such powerful networks which reach as many people as the Internet. What do you think of this?
Some of us used to write fanzines back in the days, and we also have to recognize that after have been serious fanzine-readers we're less curious these days. Because of it, we are tempted to say that there are less issues than a few years ago, which is probably wrong and mostly influenced by the fact that we don't really dig in. We talked above of this idea of “network”, and fanzines do participate from this idea that autonomy should be earned everywhere it is possible. At some point, we could say that there is victory everytime a fanzine can bypass the traditional plan established by the music industry.
About the fact that 200 printed zines could possibly contribute to the environmental impact, well... maybe some people should try to think about how “green” their online datas are, in fact it really is a stupid accusation. Once again it mostly lies on the idea that politics is an affair of separated individuals doing their own parts more or less, which is the one of the lies of the liberalism. We can continue to pee while taking a shower and turning the lights off when leaving a room, it's pointless if we don't take seriously the idea of overthrowing economy and industries.
Related to the previous question, what is your opinion of the Internet? Does it make us better or worse?
Do you really think that four guys who have a hell of a job creating a Tumblr page could have any useful opinion on this internet thing?
A few days ago a friend told me that if one day I go to France I must go to Nantes, because it is the best city in the state. What happens in Nantes to have earned such fame? Is it really that cool? Because one of the things that you talk about on your album Interstices is about the feeling of apathy generated by living in a gentrified and clonic city, isn't it? What good things happen in your city?
With Interstices, we wanted to summarize what creates this unified feeling from one metropolis to another, from almost every gentrified city center. This is the fascinating thing with the metropolis paradox: on this captured-by-control-dispositives territory, there are at the same time desertion acts and zones that try to re-think autonomy and rooms of manoeuvre. What makes Nantes pretty specific at some point is this relation between the city center and its countryside. In fact we can't fully understand what makes this city special without talking of the well-known ZAD of Notre-Dame-Des-Landes right? Everybody knows it for the resistance against the airport that was supposed to be built there (and that will never be) but the thing is that the ZAD was, and still is, a territory fighting for its material autonomy, which tries to bind metropolitan resistances with the experience of building a form-of-life from the community: an attempt to build a commune for real.
Three of us have lived in Nantes for almost ten years now. Is the city really hype these days? It is hard to tell in our cases, we're living there and cannot really take this stance to measure the impact from elsewhere. Let's just say that this is a city with many secret stories, artistic and political ones, and since we're living in Nantes we felt connected to some of them and tried to take part of. I guess this is what holds us here. In concrete terms, we could talk about La Dérive which is a bar and a community canteen we're involved in. It's a place where you can drink, eat, attend a book presentation or a movie or just come to play chess with a friend. There are places like Les Ateliers de Bitche where you can attend nice shows, and La Commune de Dalby Football Club to play football on Sunday afternoon with some friends.
In your Tumblr you include a very interesting text about the pros and cons of the free price. It attracts me a lot, because besides allowing anyone to feel excluded based on their economy, it empowers you in the process and makes you abandon the role of passive consumer, but I share the opinion that if it becomes institutionalized and becomes something systematic it can lose the critical and anti-capitalist background. Have you set or have you considered putting your albums and merch at free price?
When we first read this text about donation in Maximum Cuvette (a french zine from Grenoble), we thought it was smart enough to practically ask the question of the economy inside a microcosm that tends to get rid of it, to examine the institutional process always contained in economy and at the same time how this “name your price” thing could bypass the rigidity always contained in standard economy. You're absolutely right and the text says so, at some point donations can feed the illusion that we got rid of the economy which is obviously a lie, it is just an attempt to manage with its rigidity but under a re-institutionalized form: this is never enough and it is important to be aware that donations are just a way to make the best of the situation.
Since we started CHAVIRÉ, our merch as always been on donation. It was at first the easiest way to manage with selling merch to us. We talk about it together from time to time, we sometimes evoke the idea to sell merch at a flexible-fixed-price, like “a record costs 10€, if you really can't afford it, well, less is fine too”. For now we keep it this way, also because it became a kind of a habit, but to be honest this donation thing is so ritualized around us that it often works as a disguised fixed price, and does not really empowers anyone at the merch table because almost everyone there can afford what you sale. To be honest, we're more and more lax with our whole merch stuff and barely see the point in having five different shirt models and buttons and patches and so on mostly because we're not really into it anymore...
Many times I feel frustrated in some way by trying to explain the operation and ethics of DIY to people who are not involved in it. How would you explain this?
Well, we would point at the fact that the ethics behind the whole DIY thing in punk community is mostly based on the increase of a practical autonomy. This is mostly about what DIY should be all about, the growth of a network that could exist by itself, for itself without depending on any power or institution. This idea of a proper existence is important, because it implies some requirements with ourselves trying to build something that is not just an “alternative”, a counter-model based on a mirror effect from the cultural institutions, because this just reinforces the legitimacy of it, putting us back to the margins. When this is said, we didn't say much, but let's keep in mind that the operation led by DIY is one of the many attempts where autonomy is experienced (we talked about the ZAD and the late '70s Italy already, there are many examples). These autonomous experiences can be sometimes hard to translate with words, most of the time they are understood when they're lived, when they overtake the words to become perceptible, incarnate. In fact, the words can't describe the mixed feelings of joy, mutual requirement, friendship of these autonomous attempts that hold people together, how can it be explained as something else than the promise of a fast-track life?
You have made some very cool ripoffs of Orchid, Embrace, Portraits Of Past, ... for stickers and merch. Do you have any more in mind?
Let's say we have already done way too much of them for just one band. So everyone knows that we have great tastes and that we're not too bad at Photoshop (s/o to our best ripoff that you did not mentioned which was a Chanel one), but it has to stop now!
In addition your flyers, covers, "logos" like the (A) made of flowers are very worked up and for me they have very good taste. Do you take care of this or do you entrust it to friends? Which graphic artists inspire you the most?
For sure this whole artwork thing is something that matters to us, we wouldn't deny it. But it is pretty clear that it has evolved a lot since the moment we started the band from things more “traditional” — not to say expected, such as the combo of typewriter font and linocut drawings which is the perfect example — to more personal artwork: since the last record, the Atelier McClane duo took care of the whole graphic thing to tie the images with the sound and the words. Some of us have an interest in visual arts and we have friends who consider that any revolutionary act will need to find its own form, which implies to think about its graphic one. Let's just mention the work of the Atelier McClane obviously but the Capital Taboulé collective from Rennes too, the Super Terrain collective from Nantes, Bonjour Grisaille and the Atelier Summercity from Brest, Marine Le Thellec from Marseille to talk about our friends and favourite ones. We couldn't end this list without also mentioning Hugues Pzzl who made the artwork of Interstices and our split with BASTOS, and who contributed a lot to renew the visual forms of the punk scene in France — a renewal that was so much needed.
Which situations, books, movies, people, actions, bands have inspired you the most, both to do things with Chaviré and to do things on your personal life?
This is always a touchy question, fortunately we left as much references as possible in the whole interview that could be used as a part of the answer. And obviously we'll be happy to develop if anyone wants to know more, our mailbox is always open!
What are you most keen on to lately? What do you like to do in your free time? What frees you from everyday boredom?
Since we are, as a large part of the world population, currently cloistered home while answering this interview, we have plenty of this free time you're talking about. Here in France, it's been a month of quarantine and we mostly spent it separated from each other but with friends and families. We tried to take advantage of the situation writing new songs, sharing playlists and movie recommendations, keeping in touch together. We don't know when the zine will be out but this moment is very decisive and we have to be really attentive, in order to act as soon as it will be possible. A few weeks ago, an absolutely incredible text entitled “Monologue du virus” has been published in the French media Lundi Matin and has since been translated in various languages (https://lundi.am/What-the-virus-said). Recently we also discovered the Leftove.rs archives (https://leftove.rs) which is an incredible database about autonomy with many leaflets, zines and books from pretty much everywhere around the world.
Future plans?
Improving dad skills.
Doing more muay thai.
Getting degrees.
So far, thank you very much for the patience of answering all this! Anything else to add? See you, hugs!
Thanks again for sending this absolutely fascinating interview, which is hands down one of the most interesting we've ever answered to. Hope we've been precise enough, feel free to write us if it's not the case in these troubled times.
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ryanmitchelloregon · 4 years
Ryan mitchell rex putnam | Best Small Business Tips and Ideas
Ryan mitchell rex putnam - Deciding to start a business can be one of the most exhilarating decisions you make in your life. We are living in a world wherever everyone wants to make extra money and add to his income. Most people have achieved this by acquiring great business ideas. When one starts up a company, he must be ready to meet competition. It is important to note that you would not need to become rich or popular to succeed in business but have to think smartly. But there are a lot of moving parts and many different elements to consider.
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Ryan mitchell rex putnam | 10 basic tips essential to start a business successfully.
Tip 1: Get inspired and Love your idea | Ryan mitchell rex putnam
Every business begins with an idea you may have imagined of opening your own business for years, or motivation may have hit you suddenly. Nevertheless of the source, the first step of starting your own business is coming up with a business idea. And as important as your idea, you must in love with the idea.
Tip 2: Do Your Research / learn everything about the business | Ryan Mitchell Portland Oregon
You've recognized your big idea, now it's time to balance it with the reality. Are you truly ready to start a business? Answer the questions below and see what you need to prepare yourself for business. For a small business succeed it must fulfill a need, solve a problem or offer something the market wants.
You can identify this need in many ways by doing research, focus groups, and even trial and error.
Ryan Mitchell Portland Oregon | As you search the market, some of the questions can be:
• Is there a need for your anticipated services or products? • Who needs it? (Target Costumers) • Are there other companies offering similar services or products right now? • How is the competition? • Can or how will your business fit into the market?
Tip 3: Make a Business Plan | Ryan Mitchell Portland Oregon
You need a business plan in order to make your business idea a reality. If you expect to seek monetary support from an investor or financial organization, a formal written business plan is a must.
Even if you don't need monetary support, a simple business plan can give you precision about what you hope to accomplish and how you plan to do it.
In overall, your business plan should summary your business goals and the inspiration behind them, as well as your plan for realization of your goals in terms of marketing and funding.
Tip 4: Planning Finances | Ryan Mitchell Portland Oregon
Opening a small business doesn't have to involve a lot of money, but it will involve some investment.
There are a number of methods you can fund your small business:
• With Small business grants • By Financing • With Small business loans • Or Angel investors
You can also attempt to get your business off the ground by bootstrapping, using as little capital as necessary to start your business.
Tip 5: Business Structure | Ryan Mitchell Portland Oregon
Your small business can be an individual ownership, a partnership, a limited liability company (LLC) or a corporation. The business structure you might choose will impact in many factors from your business name, to liability, and how you file your taxes.
You can choose an initial business structure, and with time re-evaluate and change your structure as your business grows and needs to be changed.
Tip 6: The Business Name | Ryan Mitchell Portland Oregon
The name you choose plays a role in almost every aspect of your business, so you want it to be a good one. Make sure you think through all of the possible consequences as you explore your options and select your business name.
Once you have selected a name, there is the need to check if it's trademarked, currently in use and if stills free you will need to register it. A individual proprietor must register their business name with either their state or county clerk. Corporations, LLC, or limited corporations usually register their business name when the creation paperwork is filed.
These days you need to have a website, so please don't forget to register your domain name once you have selected your business name. The best domains and more valuable online are the ones ending with .com.
Tip 7: Licenses and Permits | Ryan Mitchell Portland Oregon
There are a range of small business licenses and permits that may apply to your situation, depending on the type of business you are starting and where you are placed. You will need to inquiry what licenses and permits apply to your business during the initial process.
Tip 8: The Business Location | Ryan Mitchell Portland Oregon
Setting up your place to work is essential for the operation of your business, whether you will have a home office, a shared or private office space, or a retail location. You will need to reflect about your place, equipment, and overall setup, and make sure your business place works for the kind of business you will be doing.
Tip 9: Accounting System | Ryan Mitchell Portland Oregon
One of the most essential systems for a small business is an accounting system. Your accounting system is essential in order to build and manage your budget, set your charges, conduct business with others, and file your taxes. You can set up your accounting system by your own, or hire an accountant to take away some of the work.
Tip 10: Promote Your Small Business | Ryan Mitchell Portland Oregon
As soon your business is up and running, you need to start attracting customers. You'll want to initiate with the essentials by writing a single selling offer and building a marketing plan. Explore as many small business marketing ideas as you can so you to choose how to promote your business most successfully. Completed these business start-up actions, you will have all of the most important small business bases protected, and be prepared for small business success.
15 Business Ideas to Generate Extra Income | Ryan Mitchell Portland Oregon
If you want or need to start a side job because you still need to wait a little bit longer to start your own business, here are 15 suggestions for you.
1. Make money Blogging | Ryan Mitchell Portland Oregon
If you enjoy writing, find a theme you're passionate about and start a blog dedicated to covering that theme and anything else interesting you enjoy to talk about. All you need is a laptop, some time, and inspiration to consistently write. It can start as a hobby and turn into a business over time. Creating a blog is free, but if you want to look professional it can cost less than $ 12 per month.
2. Buying or selling on eBay | Ryan Mitchell Portland Oregon
Thanks to internet there are more opportunities to make money than ever to buy and resell products for extra money. There are lots of people buy at a discount and resell them on eBay for profit.
3. Freelance writing | Ryan Mitchell Portland Oregon
If you're great with words, you might be capable to find some work as an online freelancer. A variety of publications need online content in the form of product, stories, service descriptions, and reports, and if you have the talent and ability, you could easily be the one to create them. Luckily, all you need is a computer and Internet connection to get started. You can start here freelancer.com
4. Social media expert | Ryan Mitchell Portland Oregon
Now a day almost everyone uses Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, but did you know that many companies are willing to compensate people to support them managing their social media accounts and sometimes you can do it part-time from home. If this appeals you, to find social media jobs you can start by writing companies with a social media presence and visiting sites like Elance.com for opportunities.
5. Proofreading and editing | Ryan Mitchell Portland Oregon
Do you have strong English skills and outstanding grammar? You may have chances to work as a proof-reader from home. Marketing for this can be hard; seek out those who might actually be able to use your services and advertise directly to them.
6. Virtual assistant | Ryan Mitchell Portland Oregon
Many companies and individual professionals like having someone who can check and answer their email, organize task lists for them, someone who can update their calendars, and perform other administrative tasks, with minimal communication. The best of being a virtual assistant is that you can offer this service from home with a good Internet connection.
7. Website design | Ryan Mitchell Portland Oregon
If you know a little bit about web design you can approach small businesses in your community, as they could use a very basic web presence to tell others about their business. These businesses usually don't have a large budget for websites and create a great yet simple website is for you, get a bunch of clients from your local community, create sites for them, and maintains them for a small fee. You can easily get enough businesses to have a nice side business of your own with a low investment.
8. Affiliate marketing | Ryan Mitchell Portland Oregon
Certain types of online businesses will pay you to promote their products and encourage sales. If you're interested in learning more, check out affiliate marketing programs such as Click-bank, Commission Junction, and these websites are trustworthy and you can earn money by posting their products in your blog, website or Facebook. The secret of online business is all knowing targeting the right public and marketing efficiently. It can be overwhelming with all the information available online as more than 50% of the information is just a waste of time.
9. Become a business or life coach | Ryan Mitchell Portland Oregon
If you are a good speaker and passionate about the business world and able to inspire and encourage others in a unique way, you could marketing your services as a business or even a life coach. Take your passion and expertise to the next level giving advice and suggest actionable steps people can take to progress their professional and private lives.
10. Start a resume writing service | Ryan Mitchell Portland Oregon
If you're excellent at writing remarkable resumes that in the end result in people getting the job, contemplate advertising those services. Most of your work will spin around writing, editing, designing, and proofreading, so you will only need few supplies outside of your computer and basic software to get started.
11. App Developer | Ryan Mitchell Portland Oregon
Web app development is the creation of application programs that reside on remote servers and are delivered to the user's device over the Internet. Now a day you can do apps with software's you don't really need to be a weirdo to do it, you can be an app developer for Facebook for instance and of course you can do it part-time and home based.
12. Business Consultant | Ryan Mitchell Portland Oregon
If you are high organized and skilled being a good problem solver this job is for you. Companies bring Business Consultant to identify their problems, provide solutions and optimize companies. The only investments are your skills.
13. Data Entry Service | Ryan Mitchell Portland Oregon
Many companies and online businesses require some type of manual information tracking, creating a vast amount of data entry work. Although there are many work-at-home scams related with data entry work, there are a lot of genuine chances available for genuine data entry businesses. If you are an excellent typist with an eye for detail, a data entry business is a great idea for you.
14. Freelance Writer | Ryan Mitchell Portland Oregon
If you have the skill to write and inform people in a certain area, you can write small books or guides and sell them online, the biggest books platform is Amazon.com, where you can display your books for free and when they are sold, you will receive a percentage from the selling. Payments are made every month depending on your sales. Investment is only your time to write and imagination.
15. Internet Researcher | Ryan Mitchell Portland Oregon
The Internet provides a vast amount of information. If you can quickly and efficiently navigate through that wealth of information, and essentially find a needle in a haystack, you can create a very successful business as an Internet researcher. Search for this kind of job online or about a company which is looking for this of service.
I give you only a glimpse what you could do, and these are just a few ideas, but many ideas were left behind.
First of all I advise you to think what you like to do as a hobby or in your free time, why don't you make profit from what you are doing already?
You have the world as your disposal, but for a business to work out the first thing from all things is, it doesn't matter what you intent to do, but you have to love it. If you love what you do it doesn't feel like a job, you will be doing it with joy and this way you will be successful.
There are some side business opportunities that have grown more common in the past few years. And thanks to internet you have much more opportunities, ideas and help to develop your business.
2 notes · View notes
ajulianromantic · 5 years
Intro to Arcana Bonanza
Hello hello, all! I hope you’re all having a lovely day!
After a few months of being very active in the Arcana fandom here on Tumblr and playing the game for about a year, I have decided to create a side blog dedicated to The Arcana! My main blog, @daneel-the-sister-of-castiel, is just too much of a mess for me to dedicate to one fandom. 
I have had the privilege to meet so many lovely individuals within the Arcana fandom and have come across so many talented creators whose work I want to dedicate a blog to. Special shout outs to @julians-chest-hair, @sketching-jess, @apprenticesofia, @harmonyowl, @ayeyocitrus, and @supersaltylikethedeadsea for inspiring me to create this new, hopefully positive, Arcana safe space. If you’re not following them and are into the Arcana fandom, I highly recommend following them as they have so much awesome content and are very sweet individuals.
Some info about myself: My nickname is America, and that’s what I’ll go by on this blog. I’m a young adult female (pronouns she/her) with a passion for romance and adventure of the literary kind. I am an INFP, a Virgo, and a Hufflepuff. My favorite LIs are Julian (ultimate favorite) and Lucio (a very close second). It goes without saying that I will not tolerate any hate towards Lucio or myself for liking him. We all are welcome to our opinions, but we must be respectful of our differences. I am also an avid writer who loves to write fanfiction and have another side blog dedicated to my writing @fanfictionamerica. I should also let you know that my inbox is always open, and you all are welcome to come by and message me, start a friendship, or have someone to rant to or fangirl with. I’m always looking for some good conversation! 
My newly created fan apprentice is Mileena Teyleir (pronouns she/her), and her love interest is Julian and maybe Lucio (I haven’t decided if I want to make a separate apprentice for Lucio or not). You are welcome to ask information about her, draw her, write about her, or ship her with your apprentices so long as you don’t steal her. I’ll be making an information post about her in the next few days, so you can get to know more about her!
(rules and more information shared below the cut)
Now, let’s lay out some ground rules. I want to keep this blog as positive and respectful of a place as possible. This means: 
• No bullying.
• No character hate.
• No depiction of non-canon abuse towards a character.
• No depictions of rape or incest or anything of that nature.
• No hate towards other users.
• No stealing or plagiarism.
• Submitted works should be properly tagged.
• No content with lots of mature language should be submitted. Content with some language will sometimes be shared, but never too intense.
• No NSFW content. Slightly suggestive content may be shared as well, but never full-blown NSFW content.
Some more information: 
• You are welcome to share your work on this blog as well as other people’s work. I have a submit button on this blog for a reason, and I created this blog to share amazing Arcana content as well as participate more in the fandom with my fan apprentice. However, if you submit someone else’s work, it must be with their explicit permission and must be properly credited to the original creator. If not, I will remove it.
• Discourse may be shared, but there will not be a lot of it and if shared, the original creators and other’s opinions must be respected. I rarely participate in discourse, so there will not be much.
• Suggestions as to content I should share on this blog are welcomed and encouraged. In the future, I might even create masterlists of different content and creators (so long as I have permission from the people themselves to do so) to organize content shared on this blog.
• Giveaways and commission information will and can be shared.
That should be it for now. If I think of anything else, I’ll update this page. I would love to see this blog to get some exposure, so the wonderful content can be shared with as many people as possible. Reblogs and shout-outs are appreciated but not necessary. I hope to create a wonderful blog that shares the beauty of the Arcana fandom and look forward to sharing my passion with other amazing people! Here’s to hoping you all enjoy this new creation.
Until next time, your fellow Arcana fan, @ajulianromantic 💜
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iwgenerator · 4 years
The Best Affiliate Programs 2020
If you are interested in making money online through affiliate marketing in 2020, here is a definitive guide that will help you to pick the right affiliate programs to suit your business.
Affiliate marketing is high-potential growing market – slated to be a $6.8 billion market in the US alone in 2020.
In this article, I have covered a couple of the most profitable niches out there - Online Marketing and Blogging. These are ever popular niches that have a huge potential when it comes to affiliate marketing. Here you will find trusted affiliate programs in areas like Web Hosting, Website builders, Autoresponders, Training, SEO Tools and other Services. I will be updating this guide with more affiliate marketing niches and programs as we go through the year.
If you are just starting out, learn how to pick the most profitable niches for your blog here
Although you don’t need a website to get into affiliate marketing, it is definitely a good idea to invest in a website, if you are serious about affiliate marketing.
A well-designed website - with some good content - will help establish your brand and build trust. It can help establish you as a thought leader in your chosen area. This will in turn translate into higher affiliate earnings for you in the long run.
Below, you can check out my recommended website creation resources. You can of course, go with your favorites. These are just the ones I’ve used to run my business – and they have worked for me quite well.
A Little Bit About Me...
I have been an Affiliate Marketer for a long time. Although I have other businesses, a considerable part of my income comes from affiliate marketing. I am also a certified life and business coach and have helped a lot of people set up their online businesses.
Before we move ahead, please read the disclaimer below.
Disclaimer: Some of the links I have included here are my affiliate links. If you do purchase anything through those links, I will get a commission for that sale. I have made every effort to be completely honest with you when it comes to the programs I recommend here. Most of them are trusted by affiliate marketers (and customers) from across the world. You can read my full affiliate disclosure in my privacy policy.
Now that we got that cleared, let’s get started and make some money!
The Best Affiliate Programs 2020 – Category 1: Website Creation Software
When it comes to Page and funnel builders, ClickFunnels is the undisputed leader. The simple but intuitive drag and drop interface, combined with the options available makes it a must have for anybody setting up an online business. Clickfunnels pays 40% commissions on its plans and on top of that there are other target-based incentives. It’s a great affiliate program to be part of.
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Commissions are paid weekly after the 30-day refund period as long as there is a minimum of $50 earned. ClickFunnel’s 2-tiered affiliate commission platform also pays you 5% sub-affiliate commission on everything anyone your sign up promotes. ClickFunnels has many more trainings that you can promote and earn commissions.  Most of them are free which makes it very easy to promote.
Join Clickfunnels
Leadpages is another very popular landing page builder. It helps users build all sorts of web pages- landing pages, squeeze pages, entire sales funnels easily. They have an excellent affiliate program that pays 30% recurring commissions.
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Join leadpages
 leadpages affiliate program
Another great Webpage builder is OptimizePress. They have been around for a long time and is a highly respected brand. They have some amazing templates and simple drag and drop page creation software.
As an affiliate, you will earn 30% on the Front end products (OptimizePress Essential, Business & Suite Packages).  This means you can earn up to $59.70 per sale on the front end when you become an affiliate.
In addition, you can also make 20% recurring commission on all account renewals.
check out optimizepress
 optimizepress affiliate program
 WP Profit Builder
Another landing page builder that I’ve used a lot is WP Profit Builder. It is a simple, drag and drop web page builder that offers a huge number of templates and tons of other cool features. The product is prized at a onetime payment of $47. There are other offers – like templates club etc – as part of the funnel.
You get 50% commission on each sale. The best part of this is the low price, making it a very easy product to convert. You can become an affiliate of WP Profit Builder through either JVZoo or Clickbank.
Buy WP profitbuilder
To become an affiliate, you need to apply through JVZoo or ClickBank
 The Best Affiliate Programs 2020 – Category 2: Web Hosting
Web hosting is one of my favorite affiliate marketing categories. It is also one of the most popular affiliate marketing categories out there. More and more businesses are going online, and every new website requires a host.
In my experience, most bloggers who start out in affiliate marketing join web hosting affiliate programs first. They are also great because most of them will give you a solid recurring income.
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Before recommending a web hosting service, make sure that you are familiar with the platform yourself. I suggest don’t recommend a program based only on the commission. You don’t want to end up recommending the wrong service to your readers. Make sure that the service is dependable, has good features and has some great reviews from existing customers.
Before you go through the list of the best web hosting service affiliate programs, take a look at this opportunity to become a Web Hosting Reseller yourself.
Click Below To Get Your FREE Reseller Account Activated
start your web hosting business
 Believe me there is a lot of money to be made in the Web Hosting space. Here are a few of the best web hosting affiliate programs for 2020. They are dependable, provide great service and, from an affiliate point of view, pay high commissions as well.
I love the Bluehost affiliate program because it is a highly respected affiliate program. A number of affiliates I know make quite a large income just from promoting Bluehost hosting service. They have an attractive pricing model and that makes it easier for new affiliates to promote the program through their blogs.
The Bluehost affiliate program offers a multi-tiered commission structure starting with a onetime pay-out of $65. The pay-out depends on the amount of sales you make. So, the more sales you make, the higher your overall pay-out. Commissions can range from $65 to $130 per sale.
They also have a great affiliate support team. You get a dedicated support team who are highly responsive when it comes to addressing your queries.
Their referral cookies are set for 45 days. That means if your leads make a purchase within the next 45 days, you get the credit and the commission. Affiliate Payments are done between the 16th and the end of each month. You need at least $100 before they release your affiliate payment.
You Can Buy Bluehost Web Hosting Package For $3.95/Month. Click Below
Buy BLUEhost Web Hosting
 BLUEhost affiliate program
HostGator is another very popular hosting provider that can help you make a good affiliate commission. You can earn up to $100 per hosting sign up. You also get flexible commission structures and your co-branded landing pages and offers. They also have a tiered commissions structures – the more affiliates you refer, the more you earn commissions.
You can either choose a performance-based or a hybrid commission model that offers recurring payments too.
When you join the HostGator affiliate program, you get access to dedicated affiliate account manager and lots of promotional tools like banners, text links, excellent article content, and email templates.
I like GreenGeeks because they are both user and environment friendly. If you operate in a niche that supports the environment, GreenGeeks Web hosting might be a good option to suggest to your readers. GreenGeeks try to support he environment by by replacing 3x the amount of energy consumed in the form of renewable energy credits.
They pay you up to $125 per sale - based on performance and traffic levels. You also get a dedicated account manager who will provide you with all the help you need in order to succeed. GreenGeeks havesome great reporting tools. Also, there is no minimum thresholds to release your affiliate payments.
Another good affiliate option is Liquid Web. They offer a variety of hosting services– including managed WordPress hosting, dedicated hosting and cloud hosting. You can earn 150% commission for each sale. Depending on the sale, you can make anywhere between $150 to $7,000 per sale.
Like some of the earlier hosting providers, they too offer a two-tier affiliate setup. This means you get a small credit for the sales other affiliates make through your 2-tier link. If you are looking for higher pay-outs, then Liquid Web is definitely an option you should be looking at.
 The Best Affiliate Programs 2020 – Category 3: Autoresponders
Aweber is an email marketing platform that is great for businesses and marketing teams because of their email templates and design features. They offer a 30% recurring rate.
Try Out Aweber Autoresponder Here
GetResponse is another great autoresponder service that offers a 33% recurring commission. They have an excellent email marketing affiliate program. GetResponse is very popular and is quite easy to convert as well.
Try GetResponse For Free For 30 Days
ConvertKit is another powerful email marketing tool. They have a lot of features that supports bloggers. They have a easy to use email automation tool and can create triggers based on website actions and actions inside of emails. A friend of mine runs their program, and they offer a 30% per month.
The Best Affiliate Programs 2020 – Category 4: WordPress Themes
Elegant Themes
Elegant Themes is one of the most respected brands when it comes to WordPress themes. They have released over 87 WordPress themes. They have over 600,000 customers. For $89, you get access to all their themes. If you want to recommend themes to your readers, you can send traffic to Elegant Themes website and get a 50% recurring affiliate pay-out.
Click Here To Try Out Elegant Themes
Click here to join  their affiliate program
 Theme Forest
Theme Forest from Envato is another great theme library that you can promote. The themes are excellent for any type of website.
Here are some of the key features:
Top quality: Made by some of the best designers and developers. Checked thoroughly by Envato's quality team.
Built for all devices: These templates are designed to suit all screen sizes.
E-commerce ready: Themeforest E-commerce site templates will integrate perfectly with the likes of Magento, Shopify and many other platforms.
Great Support: All themes come with detailed documentation on how to use them. Plus, they also provide great support.
Envato pays 30% affiliate commissions for each sale.
 Buy themeforest themes
 join envato affiliate program
 The Best Affiliate Programs 2020 – Category 5: SEO Software
SEMRush is a powerful SEO tool, to help website owners rank better on Google and other popular search engines. You can pick the right keywords, conduct website SEO audits, and analyse your competitors’ websites to determine their strategies. Their affiliate program offers a 40% commission to their partners.
 join semrush affiliate program
 The Best Affiliate Programs 2020 – Category 6: Internet Marketing Training
Digital marketing or Internet marketing is a very popular niche as it attracts new, aspiring online marketers every day.
While there is a ton of information available on how to start your online business – especially affiliate marketing, a lot of new marketers fail to generate any significant income during their first few years.
As with any other business, there is a right way to do internet business. Once you develop a good foundation in internet marketing, it becomes easy to make money online.
Here are some great programs that you can check out and also promote to make a solid passive income as an affiliate.
Internet Profits Partner Program – By Dean Holland
It was Dean’s coaching that helped me succeed as an affiliate marketer. Dean is a self-made internet millionaire and a great coach. He has affiliate programs for all levels of marketers along with some great step by step training. The pay-outs start at $10 for the basic products to high ticket commissions like $2500 to $3000 per sale for his high-end coaching.
You can check out Dean’s Internet partners Programs here:
Big Commissions Blueprint – For Beginners – Low and Recurring Commissions
Internet Partners Program – High-end – For Hight Ticket Commissions
 Wealthy Affiliate
Wealthy Affiliate is a great platform for new marketers to learn how to succeed online. They have a great step by step training program. The best thing is- It's FREE. They also have an excellent Affiliate Program.
Join Wealthy Affiliate Program Here
Affilorama offers some great training that takes you step by step from a newbie to an established blogger and a successful affiliate marketer. They also have a free membership and some great back-end products that convert well. They too have an excellent Affiliate Program.
Join Affilorama For Free Here
 The Best Affiliate Programs 2020 – Category 7: Spinning/ Rewriting Software
While I will always recommend writing original posts, sometimes bloggers and other website owners find themselves in positions where they need to rewrite pieces of content that they found on the net. Though there are a number of spinning software out there, I would recommend only a couple of them that help you create articles of very good quality from existing posts. So let's look at the top ones.
 Spin Rewriter
Spin Rewriter is a web based article spinning software released in 2011 by Aaron Sustar of SmileyTech Solutions. With several advanced features and functions, Spin Rewriter is currently one of the smarter content spinning software’s available and has received great reviews since its release.
Spin Rewriter is a powerful tool. It uses algorithms to completely revise the articles into a copy that no one has ever posted before.
Spin Rewriter is a powerful tool that rewrites content on multiple levels - paragraph, word and sentence. It also uses appropriate synonyms to improve the quality od rewriting.
I love their affiliate program because of 2 reasons. Spin Rewriter is super easy to convert.
They pay you a 50% recurring commission on every product in their entire funnel.
Check out Spin Rewriter's FREE Trial and then sign up for their affiliate program below.
Access Spin Rewriter For FREE
WordAi is another great Rewiter. It uses AI technology to produce high quality content.
WordAi can rewrite entire sentences and paragraphs in just a click. You can easily create unique content. Apart from English, this tool also supports various other languages including Spanish, French, and Italian. It is one of the most popular software out there for rewriting content.
They pay you a lifetime recurring commission of 20%. Check out WordAi below and join their affiliate program to start making a passive income.
Access Word AI Here
  Best Affiliate Programs 2020 – The Next Steps
Affiliate marketing is not tough. But in order to succeed, you need to be disciplined and treat this like a real business. You can read more about how you can build an affiliate marketing business here.
Top Affiliate Marketing Tips for 2020
If you need any help, please feel free to write to me at [email protected] OR you send me a message through the Contact Me page.
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classicmarvelera · 5 years
The Marvels of Roy Thomas
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2018 saw revival of an era that was known for Roy Thomas’ writings and co-created characters that go back to the late 60s. At first, in September of 2018 it was announced that Marvel would start or re-start publishing three ongoing Conan titles and in the same month came the 1st trailer of Captain Marvel (starring Carol Danvers/Brie Larson), a character created by Roy Thomas and Gene Colan 
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Buy Marvel Legends Captain Marvel Wave here
Carol would become Ms. Marvel in late 70s (thanks to Gerry Conway, Carla Danvers, John Buscemi and Joe Sinnot) as part of drive to launch more superheroines but she would recieve her powers much earlier in Captain Marvel no. 18 (1968) when Thomas was writing the title  
For those who don’t know much about Roy Thomas, he not only succeeded Stan Lee as Marvel’s Editor-in-Chief but is also someone who co-created many of Marvel’s most popular characters, many of whom have graced the silver-screen along with TV. It is hard to imagine anyone other than Stan Lee who has co-created more characters than him. To name a few of Thomas’ co-creations, they include (but not limited to) Wolverine, Ghost Rider, Man-Thing, Valkyrie, The Defenders, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Morbius the Living Vampire, Black Knight, Vision, Adam Warlock, Yellow Jacket and.......Ultron (Defenders is the only team that was solely conceived by him)   
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Buy Marvel Visionaries: Roy Thomas
When Diversity became the new norm 
If the concept of an Anti-Hero was introduced by Timely Comics in the Golden Age with Namor the Sub-Mariner, its popularity reached new heights in the 70s thanks to Thomas’ co-created characters. In fact, the Bronze Age of comics began with the introduction of anti-heroes such as Wolverine, Punisher and Ghost Rider followed by Hollywood inspired characters such as Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Morbius and Shang-Chi that were Marvel’s approach to meet the demands of Blaxploitation, Kung-Fu and Vampire fans at the time 
Gone were the days of a major super-hero with his/her own title being a White male or female nor were they a reflection of a WASP-ian world which DC Comics couldn’t get out of. Of course, Stan Lee, Steve Ditko and Jack Kirby laid the foundation for such a universe but during Roy Thomas’ tenure at Marvel; the horizon was broadened. This new approach paved the way for Marvel to launch standalone titles for characters like Black Panther written by Don McGregor with art by Billy Graham and Rich Buckler 
Roy Thomas’ Imagination...second only to Stan
As a writer, Roy was Stan’s true successor. His uncanny ability to take storywriting and character creation to a whole new level makes it popular among today’s readership much like Stan and Jack’s work. When we compare him with his successors, they were mainly “leaders” who took Marvel to new heights due to their superb Editorial skills/leadership but their level of creativity couldn’t match with what Thomas had delivered. Joe Quesada comes a close second but his Editorial tenure is more about redefining characters and injecting Indy blood into mainstream comics. In case of Thomas, achieved success as a writer, editor and a co-creator similar to Stan
But what makes his contributions to Marvel unique from the rest are highlighted below: 
Marvel’s 1st Inter-Galactic War 
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Buy Avengers: Kree/Skrull War here
Galactus came to devour Earth. the Skrulls infiltrated life on Earth only to end up as cows but the Kree/Skrull War was different. This was the first Space Opera of EPIC proportions. In this story, Earth is caught up in an Inter-Galactic war between the Kree and Skrull empires 
The arc involed Avengers, Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) and Fantastic Four as protagonists and such an excercise at a grand scale at the time was never done before. Yes there were guest appearances by fellow heroes but having something that would be the foundation for future cross-over events to come was the first of its kind. This series was way ahead of its time to the extent that it served as a foundation for Brian Michael Bendis’ Secret Invasion arc in 2008. This just shows the richness of the content 
Enter Retcons 
Both Marvel and DC had practically shelved much of their Golden Age characters that weren’t first tier superheroes. It was Roy who still saw potential in them and had cross-overs in which the Golden Age characters would time travel to meet their future selves or their Silver Age replacements. Of course this just didn’t give birth to the new, ground breaking concept of Retroactive Continuity (Retcon) but it also gave birth to new characters that would keep Golden Age continuity fresh for Silver Age audiences    
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Buy Invaders’ collection here
What Ifs & Team-Ups
DC Comics had an on-going series called Imaginary Stories which served as the pre-cursor to Elseworlds imprint in the late 80s. Marvel didn’t have a title that would have stories of its flagship characters that weren’t part of its mainsteam continuity. Again, this gap was filled by Thomas with the What If title that continued till 1984
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Buy What If Classic collection here
Another successful title was Marvel Team-Up which mostly starred Spider-Man. The series co-created by Thomas and Ross Andru continued till 1985, explored various superhero combos within the mainstream continuity of Marvel Universe
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Buy Marvel Team-Up collections here
The Deal Maker & a Savior
While working as an associate Editor in 1970, Thomas proposed to the then publisher of Marvel (Martin Goodman) to license Robert E. Howard’s Conan. The reason for doing so that Marvel was recieving requests to have literary properties adapted into comics and Conan was the most requested by the fans. It wasn’t easy to get it done as the budget was limited for licensing. But Roy was so dedicated to his work that he was even willing to knock a couple pages off his rate “to even things out"
The deal happened, Barry Windsor-Smith was hired to do the art and the rest is history. Conan The Barbarian continued till 1993 making it one of Marvel’s most successful title in the 70s 
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Buy Conan the Barbarian: The Original Marvel Years Omnibus Vol. 1 
Another licensing feat for Thomas was of Star Wars. In his blog post entitled “Roy Thomas saved Marvel”, former Marvel Editor-in-Chief Jim Shooter (who was an associate Editor in the mid-70s) recalls the struggle Marvel was enduring due to weak titles suffering from bad content strategy that resulted in declining sales. As a way out of financial misery, Roy had suggested to license an upcoming science fiction movie called Star Wars and publish an adaptation thereof 
While Jim and Roy didn’t see each other eye-to-eye and due to their disagreements Roy ended up writing exclusively for DC Comics in the early 80s, the following excerpt from Jim’s blog post says it all about Roy’s initiative and its success that continued well into the next decade:
“There was a lot of opposition to Star Wars.  Even Stan wasn’t keen on the idea.
Even I wasn’t.  I had no prejudice against science fiction, but wasting time on an adaptation of a movie with a dumb title described as an “outer space western?”
I was told—don’t know for sure—that George Lucas himself came to Marvel’s offices to meet with Stan and help convince him that we should license Star Wars.  I was told that Stan kept him waiting for 45 minutes in the reception room.  Apocryphal?  Maybe.  Roy would know.  But if so, it still reflects the mood at the time.
I don’t know how Roy got it done.  I was just the associate editor, and not privy to much of the wrangling that went on.  But, Roy got the deal done and we published Star Wars.”
- Jim Shooter: Roy Thomas saved Marvel
This was a time when Disney didn’t own Marvel and Star Wars. Just imagine where Marvel would be today had it not been for this deal worked out by Roy
End Note
It is fair to say that his work at Marvel has had a cult following over the years but now its going mass considering the the successes witnessed at the box office and Netflix
The re-launch of Star Wars comics in 2015 saw a million copies sold of its first issue, Marvel in 2018 won the rights to re-publish Conan titles, the What If title has also been re-launched  
All of this begs the question: What was the secret behind Roy’s successes at Marvel? He may be the only writer/creator one can think of who was able to gauge popularity of Hollywood’s entertainment genres with comic book readership at the time. In most of his works, Hollywood’s reflections cannot be ignored. In the 60s, it was the Star Trek & Space Odyssey inspired space opera, in the 70s it was Kung-Fu, Blaxploitation, Anti-Heroes and Crime-fighting duos
In the year 2019, with the release of Captain Marvel movie in March; the superhero fans are being entertained with comics and movies that owe a great deal to this man. It wouldn’t be odd to name 2019 as ‘The Year of the Roy’   
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➡️ Get the entire Roy Thomas’ Marvel collection here
59 notes · View notes
theonyxpath · 5 years
The above is Page 4 of the ongoing Trinity Continuum: Aberrant web comic You Are Not Alone that we started last week after a teasing build up of the cover. Long-time fans will recognize the character who comes together from vines and plant tendrils as Antaeus, who was one of the most powerful members of Team Tomorrow – at least in the first edition.
He may still be all that, or maybe not, but that’s why we’re doing the web comic as we are – to let everyone get acquainted with the world and characters of Trinity Continuum: Aberrant.
I have followed a few web comics these past few years (although right now I’m only following Stand Still, Stay Silent; a beautifully illustrated Scandinavian post-apocalyptic exploration epic – google it, it’s fantastic), and I think there’s a lot of value to them as a creator, so this very specific use as a lead-in to the new TC: Aberrant and its Kickstarter is really just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what we could do with the format.
For now though, we’re really interested in hearing how merging the sequential story with a sequential release set-up that will start to run at the same time as the Kickstarter will work for folks. We think the web comic format is excellent (especially with veteran writer Paul Jenkins nailing the feeling of the setting, and with the multi-talented Doug Stambaugh doing the art), but most importantly, do you?
Tell us what you think as the story develops – it doesn’t matter if you never checked out Aberrant before, or if you already know who Dr. Duke Rollo is – please let us know here or in the comments of the web comic!
And who knows? If this Trinity Continuum: Aberrant web-comic works out, maybe we’ll use the format to create more sequential storytelling projects – a new Exalted 3rd comic series of short comics like from 2nd Edition, or new “Tribebook style” werewolf comics, or something for Scion or Pugmire like nothing we’ve ever done before.
There are a lot of possibilities to explore!
V5 Chicago By Night art by Felipe Gaona
Now, you might have noticed that buried up there was a mention of the Trinity Continuum: Aberrant Kickstarter. It’s true, it’s going to start next week!
Just like our latest Kickstarters, we have the text completed, our Storypath experts (yes, we actually have some now that our creators have been able to pore over the Scion, Trinity Continuum, Dystopia Rising: Evolution, and They Came From Beneath the Sea! core books!) have reviewed and revised the rules sections, and we have a smattering of the art ready.
We’ll have amazing Reward Tiers: some with just the TC: Aberrant book, some with the Trinity Continuum Core book as well, and definitely the sorts of upper level rewards our backers just can’t get enough of! Plus lots of PDF packages that include first edition projects, and Stretch Goals for a staggering array of different sorts of added rewards – all themed to reflect and enhance that specific Aberrant take on the super-hero genre.
Aberrant, first edition, was both a labor of love and a nightmare of frenzied creation for me, personally, and for both those reasons I’m hugely excited about this new edition. As a very long-time comic book fan (I started collecting Marvel comics just as the cover price changed to 25 cents an issue, if you can believe that!) and a guy who did a graphic novel as his Masters Degree thesis, I was filled with ideas for how to bring a new look to comic book TTRPGs.
Not all of those visual ideas panned-out, some because we reached too far out of the TTRPG comfort zone, but most because in order to make them work we needed the original developer, the graphic designer (who also had designed the look for the Aeon books), and myself to all work together to take the writing into the different kinds of layouts and visuals needed that worked with both the Trinity series and the specifics of the comic book genre.
Unfortunately, both those other gentlemen left the project (and at least one of them left WW entirely for a while) before the book was finished.
M20 Book of the Fallen art by Oliver Specht
Basically, I had a pile of text to sub-divide as best I could into the sorts of sections that worked with the visuals. In comic book terms, I had the script and the art, but needed to combine them, but without the writer or original artist around to help tweak the two elements so they’d work together for maximum impact.
So I’d handle my Art Director and department head duties through most of the day, and then settle in and do the book layout (and coloring, and lettering, and logos, etc) into the night so that we’d get the book out on time. While I’d have really liked to make some alterations to the text, I just didn’t have the time to change it so much as to take the chunks and rearrange them.
That’s why I’m in the credits page as Art Director, and Ron Thompson is there for Layout – Ron was my White Wolf alias, and I used him when having my name in the credits too many times just looked like a bit too much me. To me, at least.
I tell you all that, so that I can tell you that this edition, Trinity Continuum: Aberrant, was not created that way at all. Or I should say, the love and excitement is still there, and not just from myself, but the creation process has been a full-team press of very dedicated creators.
From the early “big picture” talks between Impish Ian Watson and myself, to the continued “how are we going to do this?” conferences with me, Ian, Eddy Webb as Storypath games overseer, and Steve Kenson (who is THE guru of super-heroic TTRPGs) where we set up the details and changes to the setting, all the way through the confabs I had with Mirthful Mike Chaney as we picked through possible artists, this has been a fantastic team effort.
And we didn’t need to rush through any of the parts to get us here!
Finally, and in a totally different direction, here’s a teaser ad for ANOTHER cool thing happening next week in July. Keep an eye out on the Slarecian Vault community content page for a titanic (see what I did there) series of inter-connected releases that work together as an epic campaign!
And that’s it. So, so…
Many Worlds, One Path!
Starting next week, on Tuesday July 2nd at 2pm EDT, the Trinity Continuum: Aberrant Kickstarter will blast its super-powered way into our lives!
Onyx Pathcast art by Michael Gaydos
This Friday’s Onyx Pathcast features an in-depth discussion with Dixie, Eddy, and Matthew taking a long look at harassment – a difficult subject that affects gamers and creators alike: what it is and how to deal with it!: https://onyxpathcast.podbean.com/
And Here’s More Media About Our Worlds:
The Onyx Path News returns tomorrow with a live edition on our YouTube channel at 15:00 BST! Be there for talk of new releases and project updates, as well as our next Kickstarter!
Matthew Dawkins has been uploading all the games of ours he’s been running lately, and is coming to the conclusion of the Scarred Lands actual play he ran for Red Moon Roleplaying! Here are links to the next two episodes: https://youtu.be/wKuyrVRB1EY and https://youtu.be/KxZzkpDmV-c
Travis Legge’s Scarred Lands actual play also continues apace here with Myths & Matchmakers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmiXCaSrrCIjmCJQQ7oLwLNahmDbdn_2J There are few people who know Scarred Lands like him!
Not leaving the Scarred Lands, we also have Devil’s Luck Gaming who continue their costumed actual play: https://www.twitch.tv/DEVILSLUCKGAMING
And it must be a Scarred Lands kind of a month, because Caffeinated Conquests continue to blunder through the Gauntlet of Spiragos here: https://youtu.be/ygamfg9yBak
Now venturing into the Chronicles of Darkness, we present Occultists Anonymous‘ latest episode of the Mage: The Awakening 2E chronicle they’re running (and they’ve been very impressed with Signs of Sorcery): Episode 23: Giant Problems Songbird speaks with the Supernal being he has summoned, Wyrd makes an important phone call, and the cabal feels mighty defensive! https://youtu.be/vjarpxda1Po
Episode 24: Nosey Neighbors Following the phone call to the cabal’s new “friend”, Atratus and Wyrd discuss and plan defenses, while Songbird goes to the gym to blow off some steam. Splitting the party…https://youtu.be/WBTzpXoNQnw
And swooping over to the world of Exalted, the Story Told Podcast continue their Dragon-Blooded actual play here: http://thestorytold.libsyn.com/fall-of-jiara-episode-8-a-journey-begins Eight episodes in and the adventure is really kicking off!
Roll the Role recently concluded their fantastic actual play of Trinity Continuum: Aeon, which is viewable on both their YouTube and Twitch channels, linked below:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvGGHFXrqTyBA2wSCCbJbRcm7XoZh_cVk www.twitch.tv/rolltherole Please do give them your support! 
And the Keeper of the Archive (a more ominous name than the Gentleman Gamer) has just started their breakdown of Scion Second Edition over on their channel, so check out part one! https://youtu.be/q2qUE0pJID4
Lots of Onyx Path content for you today!
Please check any of these out and let us know if you find or produce any actual plays of our games!
As we find ways to enable our community to more easily play our games, the Onyx Dice Rolling App is now live! Our dev team has been doing updates since we launched based on the excellent use-case comments by our community, and this thing is awesome! (Seriously, you need to roll 100 dice for Exalted? This app has you covered.)
You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).
If you enjoy these or any other of our books, please help us by writing reviews on the site of the sales venue from which you bought it. Reviews really, really help us get folks interested in our amazing fiction!
Our selection includes these fiction books:
We’re working with Studio2 to get Pugmire and Monarchies of Mau out into stores, as well as to individuals through their online store. You can pick up the traditionally printed main book, the screen, and the official Pugmire dice through our friends there! https://studio2publishing.com/search?q=pugmire
We’ve added Prince’s Gambit to our Studio2 catalog: https://studio2publishing.com/products/prince-s-gambit-card-game
Now, we’ve added Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition products to Studio2‘s store! See them here: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/all-products/changeling-the-lost
Scarred Lands (Pathfinder) books are also on sale at Studio2, and they have the 5e version, supplements, and dice as well!: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/scarred-lands
Scion 2e books and other products are available now at Studio2: https://studio2publishing.com/blogs/new-releases/scion-second-edition-book-one-origin-now-available-at-your-local-retailer-or-online
Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books? Try this link! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Onyx-Path-Publishing/
And you can order Pugmire, Monarchies of Mau, Cavaliers of Mars, and Changeling: The Lost 2e at the same link! And NOW Scion Origin and Scion Hero are available to order!
On Sale This Week!
This Wednesday, we have two new creatures for Exalted 3rd‘s Hundred Devils Night Parade, as well as Dragon-Blooded digital wallpaper at DriveThruRPG, and Exalted Chibi style stickers at our RedBubble store!
Gen Con: August 1st – 4th Save Against Fear: October 12th – 14th GameHoleCon: October 31st – November 3rd We’ll also be back at PAX Unplugged later this year!
And now, the new project status updates!
DEVELOPMENT STATUS FROM EDDY WEBB (projects in bold have changed status since last week):
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)
M20 Victorian Mage (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Geist 2e Fiction Anthology (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition)
Exalted Essay Collection (Exalted)
Trinity Continuum Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum Core)
Wraith20 Fiction Anthology (Wraith: The Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition)
One Foot in the Grave Jumpstart (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2e)
Dragon-Blooded Novella #2 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Exigents (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Terra Firma (Trinity Continuum: Aeon) Titanomachy (Scion 2nd Edition)
Crucible of Legends (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Many-Faced Strangers – Lunars Companion (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Contagion Chronicle: Global Outbreaks (Chronicles of Darkness)
Monsters of the Deep (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Tales of Aquatic Terror (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Kith and Kin (Changeling: The Lost 2e)
Scion: Demigod (Scion 2nd Edition)
Second Draft
Tales of Good Dogs – Pugmire Fiction Anthology (Pugmire)
Dragon-Blooded Novella #1 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Across the Eight Directions (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition core rulebook (Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition)
City of the Towered Tombs (Cavaliers of Mars)
TC: Aeon Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Masks of the Mythos (Scion 2nd Edition)
Scion: Dragon (Scion 2nd Edition)
WoD Ghost Hunters (World of Darkness)
Oak, Ash, and Thorn: Changeling: The Lost 2nd Companion (Changeling: The Lost 2nd)
M20 The Technocracy Reloaded (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Creatures of the World Bestiary (Scion 2nd Edition)
Heirs to the Shogunate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Scion Companion: Mysteries of the World (Scion 2nd Edition)
Deviant: The Renegades (Deviant: The Renegades)
Let the Streets Run Red (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Cults of the Blood Gods (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
TC: Aeon Ready-Made Characters (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Legendlore core book (Legendlore)
Manuscript Approval
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant core (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Pirates of Pugmire (Realms of Pugmire)
Hunter: The Vigil 2e core (Hunter: The Vigil 2nd Edition)
Chicago Folio/Dossier (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Memento Mori: the GtSE 2e Companion (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition)
Night Horrors: Nameless and Accursed (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
Spilled Blood (Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition)
Lunars: Fangs at the Gate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Heroic Land Dwellers (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
DR:E Threat Guide – Helnau’s Guide to Wasteland Beasties (Dystopia Rising: Evolution)
DR:E Jumpstart (Dystopia Rising: Evolution)
Post-Editing Development
M20 Book of the Fallen (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
V5 Chicago By Night (Vampire: The Masquerade)V5 Chicago By Night Screen (Vampire: The Masquerade)
CofD Contagion Chronicle (Chronicles of Darkness)
Witch-Queen of the Shadowed Citadel (Cavaliers of Mars)
Distant Worlds (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Scion Ready-Made Characters (Scion 2nd Edition)
Dark Eras 2 (Chronicles of Darkness)
In Art Direction
Contagion Chronicle
Dark Eras 2 – More finals in and going to WW for approval.
M20 Book of the Fallen
VtR Spilled Blood – Art from A and M in, waiting on the rest.
Trinity Continuum Aeon: Distant Worlds – Sketches coming in.
Trinity Continuum Aberrant – KS Sketches and finals coming in.
Hunter: The Vigil 2e
Ex3 Lunars
They Came From Beneath the Sea – Getting it going.
TCFBtS!: Heroic Land Dwellers
Night Horrors: Nameless and Accursed
Ex3 Monthly Stuff
In Layout
V5: Chicago – Starting NPCs chapter…
Trinity Core
Trinity Aeon
CoM – Witch Queen of the Shadowed Citadel 
WtF Shunned by the Moon – 2nd proof.
DR: E – proof back from Eddy
Aeon Aexpansion
C20 Cup of Dreams – This week.
Ex 3 Monthlies – At WW for approval
At Press
Dragon Blooded – Deluxe shipping to Studio2.
Dragon-Blooded Cloth Map – Shipped to Studio2.
Dragon-Blooded Screen – Printing.
The Realm – PoD files uploaded.
Trinity Core Screen – Printing.
TC Aeon Screen – Printing.
C20 Player’s Guide – PoD proofs ordered.
Geist 2e – Need to input Errata.
Book of Oblivion – Putting in errata.
Trinity: In Media Res – PoD proofs ordered.
Scion Jumpstart – Gathering errata from Backer PDFs.
Scion Ready-Made Characters – Gathering errata from Backer PDFs.
Today’s Reason to Celebrate!
OK- so when I don’t have something specific to put here, I go to Wikipedia and look up the date and see who is born/died or any great events on this date. Today there was this:
637 – The Battle of Moira is fought between the High King of Ireland and the Kings of Ulster and Dál Riata. It is claimed to be the largest battle in the history of Ireland.
Now as is, this might be interesting particularly for Neall and the Scion community. Except I read it as the Battle of Moria, and for a minute I wanted to know which one, and was that the battle where Thorin got his Oakenshield appellation?
1 note · View note
inky-thoughts · 7 years
How to Organize a Zine 101
Hey guys!
Since I'm almost through with my very first zine that I organised myself, I just realised how many mistakes you can make without even knowing, and I learned so much within the last few months where a lot was kind of trial and error. So I thought, you guys might like to learn more about this, and I could share my experiences and newly gained knowledge! Maybe this helps if you are looking into organising your own first zine.
If you have any tips and tricks yourself you'd like to share, let me know, I’m excited to hear about them!
I am going to go through the different steps and phases that you should take into consideration, so this might get a small series of some sort? I hope you're up for this.
Also a small disclaimer:
I'm mostly talking about fanzines that have multiple contributors, and it will focus more on artists/illustrators and writers as that is where my experience lies. I have contributed on several free e-zines as well as a printed charity zine, and now have organised my first printed for-profit zine as well.
Phase 1: The Planning
This might sound really obvious and maybe silly, but there are quite a few things that you should take into consideration before just starting a project that might overwhelm you easily. Don't already head off and create a twitter account before you haven't sat down and thought about these questions first!
First of all, you should think about the zine itself:
What topic/theme should it have?
If it is a fanzine: What ships/characters/... should be the focus?
What format does your zine have (printed/e-zine/both)?
What should be included in the zine? (Illustrations, comics, writing, photographs, ... all of them?)
How many contributors/pieces do you want in your finished zine? (especially important for printed zines)
Do you want to have additional merch, e.g. bookmarks, stickers, charms, postcards, ... , that people can purchase with your zine in a bundle?
How are the specs (how many pieces per creator/how long is one piece especially for writers)?
Is it a for-profit, charity, or free zine?
After you now have a vague idea of what you want, you need to think about competition as well if you're not having a free online zine.
How big is the fandom/target group of the specific zine you want to make?
How old are they and how likely are they to spend money on your zine?
Are there only a few, but very dedicated fans?
How many contributors can you gather from the fandom? How is the general quality of fanworks?
Are there other zines that are similar or maybe with the same topic/theme/focus and what sets your zine apart from them?
Are there other zines going around at roughly the same time with the same target group, and should you perhaps wait a little so people can afford your zine again?
Is it a thriving fandom on the rise or has activity already peaked? If no fanzine: Is your theme at the pulse of time, or has some accute relevance to a lot of people?
Especially on tumblr, there are a few blogs entirely dedicated to zines and specifically fanzines. If tagged accordingly, they'll reblog all kinds of posts about a zine, but mostly Call for Submission, Zine Schedules, and Preorder Announcements (we will talk about these later on.) It is really helpful to check those out, sometimes there are even blogs solely about one fandom's projects, so it gets watered down even more. You can also test waters through polls etc. if you have a loyal followership that might just buy your stuff because it has you in or on it. However, I don't really find those very reliable.
The next questions are mainly about the doablity of the zine for you:
If there is any kind of production costs, do you have funds to cover them if the zine doesn't sell well enough?
Do you have anyone you can trust/are friends with who is also enthusiastic about your topic that they can help you?
How do you want to split work? How much do you want to contribute to the zine yourself?
Are you ready to make the commitment to dedicate basically every free minute of your life for the next 6+ month on this project? Are you in a relatively steady environment where you don't need to handle moving, changing jobs, schools, whatever at any point during your zine work?
I highly recommend you to at least have one other person to do the organisation with you, preferrably are two or even more.
Please do not underestimate the workload you'll get, even if it doesn't seem much at first, you will write so many e-mails because you need to get back to your contributors for one thing or another, you need to make sure the files are all correct, if you have writers you need beta-reading while also putting the zine together and finding a good printing service and making sure everyone is on time. For the last 6 months, this zine was basically my job, because it is just that, just without a clear salary, or none at all.
The next thing is kind of working out a schedule, with the rough stages/phases zine creations usually have.
Application/Gathering Contributors You have the option between public applications where people just send in portfolios and you pick from those, or you invite contributors you think are interested in the zine and you would like to have in it. Sometimes, there are zines that do both, but it's rather rare. There are some zines (usually free e-zines) that accept literally everyone who applies, and while it creates an opportunity for lesser known creators and beginners to gain a little exposure and experience, it doesn't necessarily mean that the overall quality of content is consistent and what you want to hold in your hands. I had applications open for a bit more than a month since I was very eager and didn't establish any kind of excitement or build-up thereof until finally applications open, but generally it's very common to have a full month to gather applications. The minimum should be 2 weeks, though. Also, don't let yourself be blinded by the sheer amount of applicants, especially in smaller fandoms, top tier creators are rather rare and everyone tries to get into a zine about something they love.
Curating Contributors If you don't have an Invite Only zine, you'll have a very busy time ahead now: You need to look through hundred or more applications and filter who is a fit for your zine, and who is not. Bear in mind that you aren't only looking for quality of work, but also which creator's style fits your zine best. Especially if you have several disciplines in your zine (e.g. illustrations and writing), I only can recommend to split the work load according to your speciality. That way you work faster and more efficient. Give yourself at least 2 weeks, the bigger/more popular the fandom, the longer it probably will take.
Sending Acceptance/Refusal E-Mails After you chose your pick, you'll need to let people know who's in, and who is not. I would advise to send out acceptance letters first, since there will be first dropouts immediately after you finally agreed on them. As soon as you got everyone to confirm their participation, take those who barely didn't make it and put them in for pinch-hitters. You will be surprised how many you'll probably need along the way. After they confirmed that yes, they'll be pinch-hitters, send out the rejection e-mails. I consider it curtesy to send them because as applicant, you really want to know where you're standing. Calculate roughly 1-2 weeks for the e-mails because things just tend to drag along and people need a long time to respond.
Confirmations This usually only applies if you offer people to make collaborations. They need to be able to check out who else is in the zine, who is up for collaboration, whose style suits them best to collab with, test the waters with each other, and usually should come up with an idea, so again 1-2 weeks would be needed for that. However, if you have got your contributors confirmed and just need the backup and refusal mails, just set those deadlines parallel.
1st Draft Depending on how much you're already asking for, you might want them 1-2 weeks after the rejection mails went out (if you really just want to know what kind of ideas people got), or up to a month if you want first sketches/summaries. The first draft is also helpful to see if two people got the same idea, and you can steer people a little bit into the "right direction."
2nd Draft Usually this is where at least 50-75% of the work should be done if you don't take a 3rd draft. Most common are 2 Drafts and the endproduct. Give people at least a month between 1st and 2nd Draft.
Final Draft This is when the finished pieces should be due. Depending on the time of the year, the contributors might be under a lot of stress, so set this deadline roughly 1 month after the 2nd Draft. You will be stressed, everyone else will be stressed, so give yourself the time you need. Also listen to your contributors and observe if there are a lot not cutting a deadline, then maybe push them back for another 1-2 weeks. It will make everyone more relaxed.
Touch-up Phase Especially with writers, you'll need at least 2 weeks to touch up the final draft they submitted.
Buffer Time (don't write that into the official schedule but definitely calculate with it) There will always be unexpected events that will require buffer times. You also will need time to put the zine together if you didn't work on designing the file beforehand while everyone else was creating. Still, you'll need to fix some things and polish the whole thing. Minimum buffer should be 1-2 weeks.
Contributor Preorders With printed zines, it is curtesy to give every contributor a printed copy of the zine for free with them only paying for shipping & handling. This kind of established itself as compensation for their work that usually ends up to be for free as most zines are either for charity or barely cover their production costs. To know who of your contributors even wants a copy, you should give them roughly 2-3 weeks to preorder. Having those exclusive orders helps you to divide between contributors and the regular costumer if you hold both at the same storefront.
Previews (+ Proofs) Before you're launching public preorders, dedicate at least 1 week to previews to get everyone hyped up. Contributors and the "official" zine site post excerps of zine pieces so people get an idea of what the feel of the zine is. If you already got proofs/samples printed until then, post pictures of those, too! If you don't post the link to the shop yet, there definitely wouldn't be a problem to have the previews start at the same time as the contributor preorders. That way, contributors also have the chance to get a glimpse at their peer's works.
Public Preorders Depending on how eager people are for your zine, you can leave preorders relatively short, but no less than 2 weeks if you don't get an insane amount of orders within the first couple of days. People must be able to check out prices and get their paycheck before preorders close again. Some zines have a stacked preorder system where the first X orders are cheaper, and then there will be leftovers or a second phase of preorders after the first bulk has been shipped. However, this doesn't happen very often. If you don't have a hugely popular zine or are cutting way too close to any important deadlines, consider having 3-4 weeks of preorders.
Production As soon as you got your numbers from the preorders, RUN AND PURCHASE EVERYTHING. Depending on where you get your zines printed (also don't forget the optional merch on this!), you can be ready to go within a week or even more than a month. Calculating with roughly 3 weeks if you're getting your stuff from mostly national level is a good rule of thumb, however shit happens all the time anyway, so to be safe use 4-8 weeks. Let your customers know immediately if there are any delays that weren't planned.
Shipping Depending on how many orders you've got, shipping can be a hassle and most likely will take up one week or longer. Since domestic shipping is fastest, ship international orders first, that way customers don't have the feeling that they're forgotten.
E-Zine Currently, a common trend is to first get the physical copies sold, and then sell e-zines to gather more money and cover leftover production costs of the printed zine. Especially international customers and college students prefer e-zines because of the incredibly high shipping rates around the globe. E-zines aren't linked to any production at all after you got the file put together, so if you set up your storefront with the download, everyone simply downloads it. You can have those open as you like, common is anything between 1-3 month and even a whole year. If no money is involved at all, a lot of zines just exist as a permanent free download in a dropbox or other cloud, so this is the least complicated process.
Conventions Really, it's not necessary to put this up in the schedule, but thinking about it might be helpful. If you have a physical zine, you and some contributors might want to sell it on conventions, so offering them to buy a bulk to a smaller rate can be helpful to spread the zine's exposure. We handled this with "buying on commission" - mainly the contributor only pays for the printing costs + shipping, and later will pay part of the profit back to you. Especially with international contributors, be aware of the longer shipping time. Also reprints might take their time. I personally made it a rule to order the reprints 3 months before the con, and reprints can be made up until one year, but really, you don't need to do this.
After you've got your rough schedule, I would advise you to already gather information on how to produce and spread the finished zine. This also helps to know how much you should have in your backup fund for the zine.
For physical zines/merch
Check out printing services! compare prices and quality as well as product range, and find out how long production takes
Find an online storefront where you want to sell it if you don't have one yet
Research on conventions and fairs where you might sell the zine
Learn about shipping rates and which company is suited best for your purpose
For e-zines
Research on your options:
If it's free, what cloud-service are you most comfortable with?
Find a dowload hosting platform you're comfortable with that also lets you charge per download
Is a round-mailing an option? if yes, do your research on online storefronts as well.
Advertising + Web Presence
This is basically finding your social media where you want to spread the word and store all the information of your zine. It is common for a zine with multiple contributors and mods to have its own web presence.
Tumblr and twitter are very popular for this as tumblr basically is a quick-for-setup homepage where you can spread information incredibly fast if you get to the right people, you have the option to answer questions people have regarding your zine, and twitter is nice and handy to keep applicants and potential customers updated. Also think about where you've got a large following and can advertise the zine yourself. Twitter/tumblr is not required, but most definitely helpful.
If you yourself aren't very known or popular, try to get more influencial people interested in participating, or simply promoting your zine. It definitely helps to have a larger audience. Also find out about the tags used by largely popular zines, and what you can learn from them. Learn how the fanproject blogs filter content they might reblog.
Things you also shouldn't underestimate is affiliations! If there is a zine/project with a largely similar forcus and theme, try to get on their better side, and help each other out. They might be your competition, but if you schedule your zine in a clever way, you won't need to worry about this at all since preorder phase won't overlap at all. They might help you advertise your zine while you do the same for them.
There are also forums on zines and fanzines, but I think nowadays it's rare that you'll go viral through those. I personally don't have any experience with those, so if anyone has, I'm happy to hear about it!
next >>
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thecosydragon · 3 years
My latest blog post from the cosy dragon: Interview with Lillian Brummet
An Interview with Lillian and Dave Brummet, authors of One Small Garden
Lillian and her husband Dave are the team behind Brummet Media Group, high-fiving cheerfully as they pass each other on the way from checking off one item or other from their long to-do list. After moving to their dream location (in the Kootenay Region of BC, Canada), they have been methodically converting the abused lot over to the little park it has become – and in doing so have gained certification with bee, pollinator and wildlife organizations. Their home, too, has become energy efficient via the many upgrades they have done. Their business includes Dave’s music studio and percussion accessory products and graphic design work as well as numerous award-winning non-fiction books and popular blogs. Today we help them celebrate their latest book release – From One Small Garden, with over 300 delicious, nutritious recipes!
How many books or short stories have you written?
L: I’ve only written a couple non-fiction short stories, numerous non-fiction articles, bn oth product and book reviews, and a total of 7 published books, if you count an e-book (Jump Start For Writers) that no longer exists. Currently we have a 2-book series on green living (Trash Talk), 2 books of poetry (Towards Understanding; Rhythm & Rhyme) and there’s marketing advice for writers (Purple Snowflake Marketing). Our most recent release is a cookbook: From One Small Garden that, as you might derive from the name, focuses on recipes that help people take advantage of garden harvests and reduce food waste.
Where did you find all the sources for your research?
D: I do most of my learning online, for instance when it comes to understanding a new program for vector graphics I will comb YouTube for tutorial videos. Somewhere online there is a video explaining everything you need – and more usually. I would never have attempted repairs to household appliances or automobiles if I didn’t have access to tutorial videos. Learning how to do things yourself can save you a bunch of money as an entrepreneur too. However it also means that you have to be able to learn, have the patience and then actually apply that new skill. Not as easy as it sounds, believe me.
What do you do when you are not writing?
D: I play drums in a rock band when ever possible. I also teach both drum kit and hand drum lessons. I have an active repair shop in which I build, fix and tune djembe drums (among others) and manufacture a few percussion accessories as well. I enjoy doing the graphic design work for all our marketing and that is a never-ending learning journey in itself, but certainly an enjoyable one.
Who, or what, inspired you to pursue a career in writing?
L: The first writer I ever knew was my mother, who dabbled at the craft for a short time. Later, teachers would comment about my writing, truly moved by what I wrote. These were the earliest influences, slowly pointing me in this direction. Some of my poetry was published, then I won some writing awards… later I took some career evaluation tests and writing kept coming up as a career option. Dave’s emotional support and strategic skills have been of great value; having that strength, someone to mull over challenges with, split the work with, and just share the experience in general.
What have you learned about while working with your spouse?
We do some of our best creative work when we are just discussing stuff together over a cup of coffee during a break. And, we always have a note pad to jot down the ideas that come bursting out because, sure enough, the best ideas are the ones that slip your memory if you don’t.
Describe a typical writing day.
L: There is no real typical day for us; 2-3 days per month are dedicated to managing the blogs, about 16 hours are spent networking, advertising, sending out queries to media and following up on marketing opportunities every week, a few hours per week are spent managing social media. Any one day can also involve cleaning the office, workshop, studio… assisting Dave where I can. However, I’ll share an example of a ‘behind the scenes’ look at one day: upon waking, we have breakfast and coffee and deal with the fur kids, get some house duties done, check emails/messenger/text messages for any important communications, and after a brief discussion about what each other’s goals are for that day, split off in our different directions. I’m in the office responding to interview questions while Dave is in his office working on images and ad creations for our cookbook (From One Small Garden). After this interview, I plan to complete a few touchups to some articles we wrote last week. We always take a break to make lunch and clean up after. Depending on what Dave might need from me, I may take on the task of going through the emails etc. one more time, responding and dealing with what I can… or I might start some seeds for the garden and do some laundry. Perhaps I’ll be dealing with garden harvests or taking an online course during the afternoon hours.
How do you manage social media, what social media have you used, which do you like to use the most and why?
D: I personally use Facebook for networking with specific groups and for general announcements, YouTube for posting video content and blogging for building a presence and sharing information with followers. Lillian is the one that handles the blogs and a majority of the social media and I am happy for that as she is very good at it and knows the ins and outs. She has a lot of relevant connections already from over 20 years experience of promoting our business and books.
How do you go about choosing a book title?
D: For me the title almost always comes near or at the end of the writing process. If ever I have had an idea of the title first it was usually changed by the time the book was done. A title for me has to explain the book’s purpose or intent in some way. I like it to be catchy and not too wordy. Like a good melody that you can easily whistle, a good title should be memorable, appropriate and roll off the tongue easily.
What is your contribution to society?
D: As a drum teacher I hope to help the next generation of drummers by passing on the knowledge of drums and percussion I have accumulated in my career. I run a program called Drum it Forward that I was inspired to create years ago. I go to the schools and offer my services as a drum doctor armed with all the spare parts I have amassed along the way and fix their gear. The schools don’t have the budget to pay for this and the poor teachers don’t necessarily have the time or knowledge, so I do it as a donation. All I ask is that if they have any spare parts or pieces laying around that they consider donating it to the cause to perpetuate the program.
Tell us the process of creating the cover for your book.
D: From One Small Garden’s cover was a process that evolved over the years. By the time the final title was decided on the concept of what we wanted to portray was clear – How to cook with fresh produce. If you look at the front cover closely, in the background is an image of our actual garden ghosted out with dishes of prepared food in the foreground – from the garden to plate in a sense. The back cover concept is similar but with images of our freshly harvested produce in place of the food dishes. All from one small garden – is what we have lived for the past 30+ years as a life style and a health choice and we know it saves a bunch of money while having you eat like royalty.
Are you looking about more information about these authors? Here’s some social links for you to check out!
Amazon Author Page 
from https://ift.tt/2WWURQn
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adieka · 3 years
How Much Effectiveness is Social Media for SEO?
(1) How Much Effectiveness is Social Media for SEO? (2) Does Social Media affect SEO? Search Engine Optimization? (3) Do Social Signals Work for SEO? (4) How Important Are Social Signals to Rank? (5) Some Value of Displaying Social Share Numbers in SEO (6) Social Shares Help You Rank Higher in Google Is a Myth! (7) Can You Rank a Blog Post Purely on Social Signals With No Backlinks? (8) Do You Do Buying Social Links From Any Influencer Else? (9) A Social Media Content Strategy for a Niche of Maternity (10) Is Instagram Good for Backlinking? (1) How Much Effectiveness is Social Media for SEO? Christine I’m looking for information on link building using social media and how I can effectively use social media to grow our Search Engine Optimization (SEO). This is for a legit online business and I’m focused primarily on a North American and European audience. Anyone willing to point me to some useful reading? Anything from beginning to expert. 2 👍🏽 2 [filtered from 12 💬🗨]📰👈
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Peter Try “The Art of Social Media” by Guy Kawasaki. It’s not written from an SEO perspective, of course. It’s really about optimizing your social media channels and getting the most out of them, but it’s got useful tips on engagement on social. If you can be engaging on social, you can influence your rankings indirectly through all the traffic you send to your site from social posts.
Christine ✍️ Great! Thank you!
Jay You can't link build with social media, but you can have strategies for awareness and brand mentions which does help Search Engine Optimization (SEO) somewhat but only for your brand. If you don't have a brand and just have a generic web site… social media is not going to get you long lasting results.
Christine ✍️ Thanks for the reply and info. We are hoping to use social media to better establish and grow our brand. We have a number of things that we’d like to roll out over the next couple of months, so I’m trying to learn as much as possible so I don’t waste any opportunities. Do mentions have any direct effect or does that solely help awareness and traffic? Jay It's not direct, but I believe Google keeps an awareness of brand mention across the major social platforms. There's no way to know absolutely how their algorithm takes it into account, but from what I understand it does help. The problem with social media is that there's no link permanence and individual account values can't be corroborated easily by Google. However, it is a good way to both jump-start awareness as well as garnering opportunities for attracting web links that do matter in the long term. If you focus on social, your primary efforts will be: Page creation & maintenance on Facebook. Don't focus on post volume at first, focus on post quality and engagement. Make sure your posts are both attractive and interesting and trigger engagement from anyone seeing the post. This will fuel Facebook to show your page posts to more people more often. Facebook's algorithms are based primarily on engagement. If your brand/business has a visual angle to it take advantage of Instagram. Again, quality over quantity. Make people stop scrolling to want to look at your photos & like them. Pinterest is OK but doesn't usually drive social value. Twitter is good if you have truly interesting and unique things to say. All of these social platforms require regular attention, especially early on as you build up a following. Create a blog and add 2-3 posts to it weekly. Interesting topics, nothing bland. If you Google the topic you want to talk about and 8,000 other sites already have the same article with basically the same information you plan to post - write about something else. Or, if you have a truly distinct spin on a topic then go ahead, but you really need links to it to out-rank those who already have a foothold on the search terms related to the topic. As you build your main web site, also make sure to always focus on best practices. You don't need an SEO company to tell you what those best practices are, just Google for advice and you will find a million articles. SEO companies are good for helping you determine why you may not be ranking for specific terms, or how to lift your Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) a little higher, or to review your site to see if you are doing something wrong, or to look at technical stuff that you may not have familiarity with - like sitemap files, micro tagging, link building (the legit kind, don't fall for the mass backlink scams), HTML mark-up, etc. Christine ✍️ Thank you for such a thorough response. This is helpful info!
Chris Social media signals (e.g shares, comments likes on posts that mention your brand/on your page) directly help with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) but it's not a HUGE ranking factor. There's nothing amazing or special that you can genuinely read about. Getting specific ideas to help would be optimal, your business has a lot of viral potential, think voice over (VO) competitions, posting VO work/parodies , I remember the EA sports guy going viral a while back, stuff like that will help you get a lot of mentions and grow your brand. It's all about the content you produce and how normal people will interact with it. There's a lot of reading you can do out there, but ultimately doing actual SEO would probably help you a lot more, especially if you are targeting business owners.
Christine ✍️ Thanks for the response and info. We’ve been tossing around some viral video ideas, but you sparked a few new thoughts from my partner.
Doug Social media, at the moment, helps with traffic and branding if you have a large enough audience and/or wallet. Besides improving dwell rate, it does nothing to “help” with rankings on Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs).
Christine ✍️ So it sounds like rolling out a well planned social strategy going for brand awareness and traffic is what we should focus on. Thank you!
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(2) Does Social Media affect SEO? Search Engine Optimization? Horia created a poll. Cheers, everyone! Here's an interesting thought experiment: Does social media affect Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? More specifically, do your social media efforts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram et. al.) have any impact on organic rankings? Would love to get everyone's verdict in the poll and your opinions in the comments. Thank you! 66 votes 15 votes 10 votes
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Marty Marion🎓 » Horia From my viewpoint, if one objective is to generate more searches for keywords or phrases that are important to you, then social media can have a massive impact on stimulating searches… and searches result in clicks… which definitely impact Search Engine Optimization (SEO)… so I would think social media CAN affect SEO, not that it DOES all the time… I always like to look at social media strategies as PART of a comprehensive SEO plan. 💟👍🏽4
Horia That's a great argument, Marty! So I take it you see the benefits of social media from a "social engineering" point of view, where you create momentum for phrases, which in turn stimulate queries. 💟👍🏽2 Marty Marion🎓 » Horia Yes, stimulate intrigue, questions, etc that make people search for the specific subjects (phrases) that are most important to you and make sure your pages are super optimized… 👍🏽2 Lees » Marty Marion Can you give us an example from the past in which you used this technique? Or is this just a theory? 👍🏽1 Marty Marion🎓 » Lees Sure. Have used it often. For a big ecommerce lingerie company we did social posts asking men to post their favorite "sexy celebrities" from the 1950s through 1980s. Searches for "sexy + lingerie type" etc went up and so did sales through organic. For a jeans company we asked "how skinny are skinny jeans for men?". Same results. Questions seem to provoke searches. 👍🏽3
Petter I do believe that some signals are included, but not to the extent that SEO users in general should have a great understanding on how to engage the public etc. there. I believe that SEO users should work with SoMe consultants, but Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a large enough field in itself, so for my part I'm happy to let SoMe consultants take the lead there, and just see how SEO can benefit from it in the ways Marty described above (open to any venue where my clients make more money). As I see it, there are two main issues with some of the "myths" going around on how social signals has an effect on Search Engine Optimization (SEO): 1: Engagement metrics is not a direct ranking impact. If it was, then the webpages that exists to spin shareable content would win in the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs), but they don't. 2: Monitoring social media is possible, but it requires a lot of resources - and Google is already tasked with monitoring everything that can be monitored - so dedicating the amount of resources needed to be on top of this makes very little sense when there are so many other signals that aren't as "fleeting" and temporary. BUT: Google does tie in Facebook business profiles to businesses, so this might in some way somewhere feed into the algorithm, but from the little research I have done - I have yet to see any correlation between rankings and active, inactive or no business profiles on ie. FB - so if there is a signal there, then as of now it cannot be a strong one. The link from your business profile on FB is nofollow - so after march 1 2020, social media profile link might start to add value. However - visible links (written URL's that goes via redirects with nofollow) may count towards a mention when/if Google picks it up. Hashtag trends is fairly available, which could make sense for Google to tie into on queries that are fresh (I believe that at least their machine learning algorithm focusing on obtaining meaning to queries ties into this in some form or way - ie. "planking" made no sense before, but then suddenly became a trend - and I believe Google wants to be relevant on such queries and the only way to be that is to stay on top of what queries might mean). And again, like Marty stated above, Social Media has the ability to provide impact on amount of brand queries as well as other queries. So it is a valuable channel for the client to pursue. But again, I believe that our clients are better off if they have someone who solely focuses on these channels helping there, leaving us SEO users to cooperate with them but at the same time keep our focus on Search Engine Optimization (SEO). 📰👈
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(3) Do Social Signals Work for SEO? John Do Social Signals Work For SEO, Whats Your Opinion? 📰👈
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Kumar Yes...do work...do it on proper way.. After publishing new page or post...share it on social media..and do social signals on it.. Also after doing any guest post...do the same...👍3
John ✍️ Great Advice. Kobi » Kumar what do you mean by social signals? Kumar » Kobi most powerful social media's... Twitter - Retweets. Facebook - Shares. Pinterest.. - Repins. Share on all these platforms and do social signals...
Blair Yes they do work but for me best be Twitter signals overall if they come from popular accounts. John ✍️ Really? Do you think Twitter is better, why?
Kumar » John most powerful social media's... Twitter - Retweets. Facebook - Shares. Pinterest.. - Repins. Share on all and do social signals... You will see the positive response..👍2
Mike They only work in making your link building look less fake. No direct impact on rankings and I say this after buying 10’s of thousands of signals for numerous web pages.👍3
John ✍️ I Agree and Disagree......I seen someresults but nothing major.👍1 Tiwari » Mike It is all about quality and not the quantity. These 5 dollars bot-generated Fiverr social signal gigs are just worthless. Mike I’ve compared urls that I built links to with, and without social signals, never saw 1 case where a kw rank improved due to signals. Even on less competitive branded terms. If you know a vendor who can provide a better experience I’m all ears! Mike Nah, Ive used providers “recommended” by notable people in this group and others, never Fiverr...but I might as well have used Fiverr for the results.👍1 John ✍️ » Tiwari 👍.
Hays I've seen it work in for time-sensitive queries like events. I had a site ranking in the top 3 positions for a few top keywords after an event/raffle we had got shared a few hundred times and we had over 10,000 post engagements, that brought 7,000 visitors to the page in 3 days from Facebook. So within 24 hours from the post we were ranking for these keywords. 3 years later, after the event we still rank number 1 for our focus keyword which was the item we raffled. This last year's event ranks number 2 for same keyword and similar item.👍1📰👈
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(4) How Important Are Social Signals to Rank? ArtRos How important are social signals to rank? 3 👍🏽 3 [filtered from 25 💬🗨]📰👈
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Roland They can help in some areas but not a requirement for success. One very useful return from posting on social media is quicker indexing of the site promoted. Keith Webpages with a significant amounts of social engagement are likely quality pieces of content that have generated a number of other Google related signals that convinces Google to rank them higher. Doubting the causation to social signals impacting ranking that much as they are so easy to manipulate. Maggie it's part of trust and authority within your niche - but Google can tell fake social signals from true engagement. It won't affect your rank negatively if you don't have them, but they help to some extent. Peter You can indirectly influence your rankings through traffic to your site from social, so I’d say put out great content on social (or post links to good website content from social) that gets people wanting to visit your site. Steve Hi, it depends on what you mean by social signals, but as long as you mean getting likes/shares/etc for your content then I think it's definitely a positive factor. Here's a screenshot of a page of mine in the fitness niche: As you can see it has gathered over 2000 Fb shares and engagements over the years (I think 10k or more but Buzzsome has a 1 year limit to show, anyway… ) and this page ranks rather well in Google for its target keyword. Granted, I also managed to build a lot of white hat backlinks to it with outreach strategies and the Skyscraper Technique, but 1, even before I started link building to it I saw a nice little upward movement for it in the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) after I started getting so many FB shares for it, so I think all those shares definitely sent a positive message to Google. 2, the social shares helped in one more way with Search Engine Optimization (SEO): I displayed a big Social Share Counter box on this page so that when I asked other people to link to it (you know with the outreach Skyscraper link building technique I mentioned earlier) it helped me get a "yes" from more people because they saw how popular the page was already. So I'd say bottom line: yes, social signals do help a lot with SEO both directly and indirectly. Steve P.s.: Unfortunately I got all those thousands of shares back when my site was http and not https, and since I switched to https the social signal counter doesn't really work, that's why I had to rely on Buzzsumo data as proof that you can see for yourself.📰👈
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(5) Some Value of Displaying Social Share Numbers in SEO Neil Is there 'value' in displaying social share numbers - yes or no? (and why) 3 👍🏽 3 [filtered from 30 💬🗨]📰👈
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Fleming No not for SEO purposes. It's more to show users that your website gets engagement and has value its more to create user engagement.. Imagine walking past 2 shops one has customers queuing even outside, while the other has no customers whatsoever, which one are you likely to want to go in? Now some people will go to the empty one to avoid the queue however most will want to know what that shop has the other doesn't. Hope that makes sense Neil it did in my head as I wrote it lol Its also worth noting that a lot of those plugins you can change the number of likes retweets so it doesn't even reflect the real shares etc half the time. 💟👍🏽5 Neil ✍️ On my own website I do display the shares which may look great on some urls that get shared a lot 1000+ shares etc BUT - some urls don't get shared and then potentially have the oppositive effect - 'this url has little value' (maybe it has). Also, I do wonder whether displaying what is your website's popular pages - is this giving valuable data to competitors… all this, without the effect of slowing down the load time (albeit hopefully minimally). Fleming I just see it as a vanity metric who cares if it was shared 1200 times if only 5 read the whole thing and got anything from it? Its kind of like when people go yeah my video was view 10k times but only 4 got past the 30 seconds. Daine » Christopher is right, it is a vanity metric to a degree. But, here’s the thing. It has value because: 1. Social Proof: It encourages other people to share it, thus expanding your reach, audience, and traffic. 2. It builds authority and credibility. It shows that the piece is popular. 3. It has a hidden SEO benefit, because when conducting link outreach, posts that have been shared a lot convey popularity, and value, in turn helping to increase the chances of gaining a link. People are more inclined to link to popular content. 4. It encourages people to read it more, due to social proof. Social proof is very powerful, psychologically. 5. Social signals MAY play a small part in ranking. 💟👍🏽12
Neil ✍️ THAT is my gut feeling - and why I have stuck with it… Hazi Social proof. Fleming Does it hold much value though? when social proof can be easily manipulated as most plugins you can add the share counts etc? Daine It’s more ‘perceived’ value, rather than real value. Fleming » Daine yeah more a trust signal kind of thing. Daine » Christopher , yeah, exactly. Lancaster Perception is reality and the only reality is the one your visitor chooses to believe when they are on your website.
Micha » Daine I’d go with on this one, with these additions: 6: each share is a potential batch of new readers, therefore, possible links 7: BuzzSumo recently did a study of over a million datapoints and discovered sharing on social media is half of what it used to be. Whether that’s an ongoing trend or not, FOMO, likeability, credibility and the “follow the herd” effects are all indisputable market persuaders.📰👈
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(6) Social Shares Help You Rank Higher in Google Is a Myth! Martin This guy disappointed me. Are social shares really unimportant in ranking? Myth #5 Social shares help you rank higher in Google [38 💬🗨]
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Janka You're disappointed by the truth? 👍🏽9
Shubham » Janka ✔️ Ronald » Janka lol, thats society in general though 👍🏽1
Fouad Why being disappointed? I think he explained it very well. 👍🏽1 Doug At the moment, there is no evidence to suggest that social shares directly help improve the ranking of a website. To my understanding, it might help with User engagement if it’s compelling content... which would likely help with rankings. (Arguably if it’s compelling content it would likely rank well anyway outside of social shares). Also, it might help get a page indexed that is currently not. Social Likes and Shares are too easy to spam and manipulate. The only thing I could see Google doing in the future is assigning authority or credibility to individuals who share content based on their voice within a certain community/industry... that might be an interesting (albeit somewhat concerning) progression on this topic. 👍🏽6 Bhati I have site which get traffic from Google and only links it has are from facebook shares. 👍🏽3
Owais » Bhati What type content the website shares? Bhati » Owais viral articles, political, national news. I have multiple sites. 👍🏽1
Farhat yup, social share is very important, it helps your URL to indexed and make engagement with the audience, which helps Google bot to understand your content is useful to users. 💟1
Carl » Farhat agreed i have a 50k sku ecommerce store we get lots of social shares
Kevin To explain it simply : Bot shares won't help SEO, because it won't drive traffic. But real human share will benefit to SEO BECAUSE it will drive traffric in the end. But this is not the number of shares / likes that matters but rather the fact that it drives traffic or no. In others words, you would better have a 1K shared post that drive 50% traffic than a 20k shared post driving 2% traffic. 👍🏽4 Smith There's no evidence that there's SEO traffic because of the social shares. He is right. It's the other way. You get more social shares because of your SEO traffic. And that makes sense. 👍🏽4 Suraj Only believe on your experience, there are share only there review. Toth They're an indirect factor. Way too easily gamed to be a direct factor, for Google anyhow. 👍🏽4 Hazra It certainly doesn't have any impact for info post. Social shares helps to gain more visibility which indirectly increases the chance of getting natural back links. That's it.. 👍🏽2 Homer He's wrong. Social shares are social signals, and will affect both indexing and ranking. It won't get you to page one alone, but it will make a difference. 👍🏽1
Hamid but you can't say that they are impacting directly to your rankings. 👍🏽1 Homer » Hamid Yes, because I have had sites move up from page 10 to page 5. They are. 👍🏽1 Hamid » Homer Great, so how do you monitor that really due to socials this happened? Homer » Hamid On the sites that this happened on, I only had social signals going to them. The content was also old and had quite jumping around in the SERPS. The site also had no real traffic going to it. I always start link building with social signals only, meaning that there was no other factor.
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(7) Can You Rank a Blog Post Purely on Social Signals With No Backlinks? Lyon Can you rank a blog post purely on social signals with no backlinks? [filtered from 22 💬🗨] 📰👈
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Nabil It depends on how hard to rank for the keyword yet how powerful and specific your website, last but not the least how's your website's technical Search Engine Optimization (SEO) status. Arif If you're not an instant-lover, or you're not in rush, well... yes you can. but if you are, well this method doesn't suit you. Roger You can rank an article with just dummy text and no backlist but, for that to happen, there are certain variables that need to occur and, one of the most important is keyword difficulty/competition. Oliver There is absolutely NO evidence that social signals are being used by Google as a direct ranking factor. 👍🏽1 Tanvir I think yes .. it depends on the content you have ... like if you have good content and people visit your site from the social site ... and then they create backlink ... then yes you can rank 😃 Joe Ive been doing this for 20 years and love the variety of opinions here. In various ways there is a tiny bit of truth to many of them, but Oliver states the truth. That being said other items on the page will affect the ranking. Social signals alone will do nothing for you. Social signals combined with other things like a great description in the social post or key technical aspects of the page will get additional people to click and visit so while you may think you did it with social signals, it is misleading. No one strategy is good all by itself. That is something Google frowns upon. you need multiple strategies and techniques. Above all you need kickass content which drives traffic and engagement. you might have zero backlinks and crappy technical but if your content rocks, you have people visiting, staying and engaging, Google will still rank you. their priority is the searcher and giving them the best results for their query 👍🏽1 Jim Ranked for this, no backlinks bro
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Oliver The website has 130 do-follow referring domains (according to Ahrefs), only ONE internal link (with a keyword-rich anchor text) from the homepage would be more than enough to rank #1 for that keyword, Google still uses PageRank internally. Your website looks awesome and from what I'm seeing you have a lot of useful content, reviews, case studies, and etc.. 👍🏽1 Jim » Oliver yeah but in terms of referring domains pointing directly to this page, there's none, so yeah.
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(8) Do You Do Buying Social Links From Any Influencer Else? Olga Hello! How often do you buy social links or blog posts for your projects? [filtered from 28 💬🗨] 📰👈
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Mike I never buy social links... at least not from an SEO perspective. I might approach someone with a significant following about advertising with them, but that is for the traffic, not any Search Engine Optimization (SEO) benefit. Not sure what you mean by buying blog posts. If you mean posts for your own site, I regularly pay writers to create content. If you mean guest posts on other sites, I pay for those frequently, but never through anyone selling them as a service. 👍🏽8
Wren » Mike wow so interesting. How do you go about advertising with someone with a significant following, do you get them to share your product and do they have to declare that it's a paid promotion? Mike » Wren Depends on the situation and what we are promoting. Sometimes, I might have a client willing to sponsor a YouTube video in exchange for the content creator doing one of those typical 15-30 second pitches you see on a lot of videos. In those cases, a sample of the product or a few products will be sent to them to use in the video. Stuff like that. It's never a video 100% devoted just to the product or service. Instead we sponsor one of their videos they are already doing. Wren » Mike ok, so does that mean they don't to say they have been paid for it. Mike » Wren They will say something like, "this video is sponsored by...." Wren » Mike ok cool. Cheers for sharing this with me. 👍🏽1
Singh It is not a good idea to buy a social link....in a long run it can affect your website very badly 👍🏽3
Olga ✍️ » Singh how's that? Singh The purchased social links are likely bots or inactive accounts, so they won't engage with your posts. This means your posts won't show up on Explore Pages, or on your real audience's newsfeeds. It will also make it hard to measure metrics. 👍🏽1 Olga ✍️ mm I see. That's true. Thank you! 👍🏽1 Singh Thanks for sharing
Laura Never. I share my links to my website's own social accounts. If pay-per-lead (ppl) wanna link to my pages or projects they can go ahead, I don't do any "link building" and don't find it necessary. 📰👈
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(9) A Social Media Content Strategy for a Niche of Maternity Ammar Hey SEO Pro's.. I've got a brand with a niche of maternity products.. I'm. regularly posting content on its social media platforms but I don't know why I'm unable to achieve any engagements or likes.. Could any of you experts please let me know what I'm doing wrong if possible please? Facebook link: https:/facebook.com/mamanmeofficial Instagram: instagram.com/mamanmeofficial Any type of help is appreciated, thanks a lot! 1 👍🏽 1 [filtered from 17 💬🗨]📰👈
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Shetty You do have a decent number of followers. What about your insights? How many people are you reaching and how many are taking action? Website clicks?
Ammar ✍️ Its not very good atm even after paid marketing as well..
Dielan Could be due to the fact you are only targeting consumers in Qatar? It’s not a very large country
Ammar ✍️ Tried removing Qatar, same results no effects :S
Lowry Try to engage your followers. Ask questions, post to articles & ask peoples opinion about them. Post a small fb survey about what baby merch products they want to see on the market. Eva You’re posting too much about your brand and products. Try posting 20% brand/product posts and 80% other. Who is your target audience? What are their challenges and interests? Share posts that solve a problem for them, that they can relate to, that they find useful. Particularly on Facebook, it’s about being social, not selling.
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Ammar ✍️ Tried posting tips - quotes- and stuffs like that but still no effect :s Eva » Ammar yes, you’ve posted tips and quotes but in the caption you’re selling. It’s the first thing Mums read as they scroll through their feed and they won’t even read the quote or tip in the image. You don’t have to sell in every post. Also, because you have small numbers, try sharing viral posts from similar parenting pages Ammar ✍️ Noted, What are your thoughts on post styling? are they good or do i need to change anything? Eva » Ammar I think the styling of the image is good. Just a couple of things. 1. This post, for example, [product image] I recommend that instead of writing about the business, you explain what this product actually is and how it can help a mum. 2. On Facebook don't use hashtags. 3. Try to limit the posts you have with links to an external website. Facebook likes to keep people on Facebook, not clicking out somewhere else. This one, for example, [quote image] Instead of writing about the business, write something that resonates with a mother, 'Do you feel like you need to keep your eyes open with matchsticks at the moment? Don't worry, babies start to figure out night and day by 3 weeks so (hopefully) you can get a little more sleep. Remember too, you'll have a different audience on Facebook and Instagram so try to share different content on each. Try and find a parenting group and ask mums with newborns what their challenges are and craft content around that. For each product you promote, relate it to the mother. What problem can it fix? How can it help them get more sleep? How can it help their baby sleep more? How can it fix their sore back? How can it help with breastfeeding and helping them get more milk? But also, share humor, Facebook users love humor that relates to their situation. With Instagram hashtags, look at what your competitors or similar businesses are using. Click into the hashtags, have a look at the content that is being shared and what's getting the best engagement. Ammar ✍️ These info's are gem, thanks a lot!
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🔗🏹 Gergo My opinion: There are different tactics to use for different platform. Niche website built for organic traffic-turns into product selling, or other monetization methods. IG is not a platform for niche site-building, it is for entertainment! My point is, try to look for user intent perspective. People generally not using IG for finding any product to buy… imo. Another key issue is IG is full of bots, my friend tested and built 6000 followers in 3 months on a personal account with a simple code… yes it got banned, but we just wanted to see how far it goes… I assume your follower base probably full of those bots, commenting, like-ing anything, but its not a real audience with intent to buy. Haven't looked for deeper atm, but there is a huge different building a site and getting 2k traffic and converting into sales, as having as IG account and 2k followers… Sebastian Very interested. One very quickly look at the account. What comes first is mind. Is have your content made up by mother's. Join some library mother and baby groups and survey them for what are interested. Than post those on Instagram.📰👈
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(10) Is Instagram Good for Backlinking? Mikkel Is Instagram a good or necessary Backlink? [filtered from 24 💬🗨] 📰👈
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Andrei No, social media links are nofollow and do not pass link juice. Useless for SEO. 👍1
Ethan » Andrei that's not entirely true.The main argument being that social media doesn't directly affect your SEO. However, it does have an impact on the factors that do affect rankings such as traffic, meaning it indirectly affects your rankings. So, it may not directly increase your seo or provide backlinks but it definitely please a role in your seo ranking and should be utilized for best practices. 👍5 Andrei » Ethan sure, but that kind of argument can be made for any type of marketing, including paid ads. You gotta draw the line somewhere and say this is an SEO job and that is something else. Back to the question at hand, having a genuine, well maintained social media profile is a must for most businesses and will marginally contribute to your search performance. Having a backlinked social media account sitting idle is not going to contribute to your seo. 👍1 Ethan » Andrei true and I see your point there. However, social media plays a massive role indirectly with your SEO. I mean social platforms have there own search engines after all so this plays as another way to provide your company with more traffic to increase SEO. We all know how important local seo is and you might as well forget about it unless you have a social media presence. Social profiles will also ranking on Google so if you want to draw a line, then technically your now creating seo for your social profile and ranking on Google with it. Don't forget about how much content is shared through social media as well 👍2 Andrei » Ethan all good points! Although I think social media is not exactly critical for local seo. Is it? There is GMB and schema and some local directories. Never seen social media on this list. 👍1 Andrei » Ethan I feel like we are arguing, so I wanted to stress that I'm not, this is how I express curiosity. It might come off arguing-ish since my first language is russian 🙂 👍1 Ethan » Andrei I am not arguing either but I am glad that your clarified. I hate how facebook is used so much for that 🙄. I am curious as well and want to always better my skill and knowledge with SEO. I enjoy general conversations about it. True, but most if not all of those that rank without social media have been around since the dawn of google. If you take a new company and try to start ranking, it would be much much harder without social media platforms. If you were to take the same company and start with social media from day one, they are much more likely to start ranking on google faster and higher. 👍1 Swanson » Andrei I treat social media as another directory to update for locations. Will I manage your profile and post for you? No. But I want to make sure that your locations are listed correctly, that the descriptions and contact info is consistent with the rest of your web presence. I tell clients it’s just another channel you can use to present content they are adding for their site. 👍1
Ryan Let's say you are a taxidermist in a city of 1,000 people. You have one competitor.. All else being the same, your competitor has a website of the same quality as yours. If you have optimized Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and let's say you posted 50 posts, my guess is you would be ranking ahead of your competitor. It's not like an Instagram account will rank you, but in most cases it's common sense to have one, probably worth the 5 mins it takes to set it up. You're establishing your brand online. Could you go without it, of course. 👍2 Russ I just don't get why Instagram is so popular lol… You cannot put links in posts, which just seems daft and pointless… So if someone posts something that looks interesting, no way to find out more, you have to Google it for more info. So no backlink SEO benefit either. you cannot even share/re-post other people's posts from the app, you have to get another 3rd party app to do that. 📰👈
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