#Solène of Paris -- France!
vs120shound · 4 months
Worth the prolonged wait. "New" content of Solène from Paris, France. Second "fresh" content since her flood of videos ended in July. From YouTube. Great to see her smoking in an up-to-date clip!
Solène was named by our network as the 2023 SF Newcomer of The Year. She is lovely. Might not be a passionate smoker; might not be an "outstanding" smoker. But smoking cigarettes is a habit for her. She is addicted. Solène understands how smoking enhances how sexy and beautiful she looks (as though she needed any assistance in that regard)! "Bonjour, mademoiselle!"
Dual-Media 35-Post, 161-Pack Ultra-Megapost!
"Je suis contente que tu sois revenue fumer des cigarettes, ma chère!"
("Glad you have returned, smoking cigarettes, my dear!")
This video is from YouTube's "kingxhan" webpage and was downloaded on January 27, 2024. It is the 25th most recent video uploaded on to "kingxhan" and has collected more than 3,800 views, ranking it as the most watched among the 25 most recently-added posts on the page, and that list features such SF stars as Skittlez Cano, IG@ale_smoke21, "New Italian Stunner"/"Amazing Italian Beauty" added on lostlighter23 on 012724 (link: https://lostlighter23.tumblr.com/post/740679782775373825/shes-back-in-black-resurfacing-on-yt-as-lovely), Belle from USA Smokers (Arizona, U.S.A.) and Bonnie from Germany, which constitutes a grand selection of new posts on "kingxhan!"
Previous Post on Our Network of Solène!
From lostlighter23 (vs120shound re-blog) on November 6, 2023 (QUICK HITTER #9) . . .
From vs120shound-2 on October 6, 2023 . . .
From vs120shound on September 6, 2023 . . .
From vs120shound on July 31, 2023 . . .
From vs120shound on July 8, 2023 . . .
From vs120shound on July 5, 2023 . . .
From vs120shound on June 9, 2023 . . .
From vs120shound on May 29, 2023 . . .
From vs120shound on May 24, 2023 . . .
From vs120shound on April 13, 2023 (Solène's debut) . . .
Post of Solène on Our Network in 2024 as the 2023 SF Newcomer of The Year!
From vs120shound on January 6, 2024 . . . (Not a link-directed post but here is the URL address: https://vs120shound.tumblr.com/post/738829597811081216/sf-newcomers-of-the-year-for-2023)
Those she beat out on the 25 most- recent "kingxhan" videos on YouTube . . .
Skittlez Cano
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"New Italian Stunner"/"Amazing Italian Beauty"
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Belle from USA Smokers (Arizona, U.S.A.)
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Bonnie from Germany
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Post of Solène on Instagram!
From IG@smoking_pleasure_ on January 26, 2024 . . .
An assortment of avatars and such!
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vs120shound-2 · 4 months
Our search for new content of Solène of France is inexhaustible! We never stop and never will. Hard to imagine just how delighted we were to find this new video of her on SFK. Posted by LivestreamSmokers who has similarly-named handles on IG and YT!
Might not be the greatest video of her but it is Solène and that's all that really matters. We believe this was shot, appearing on a livestream ⏤ she prefers Bigo Live! ⏤ after her flood of new content dried up in July 2023. So we're glad now to find a fourth clip of her since the summer slowdown abated!
This might not be the prettiest Solène has been in any of her videos. The lighting and phone/camera angles of this video do not do her justice. But the up-tight cropping and positioning of the lens did capture her cigarettes in a refreshingly different and slightly out-of-scale way. Some great draws on her cigarettes and this is the most frequently she has dragged on her smoke in any of her videos. Still not consistently strong, voluminous and shapely exhales, though some would need to be characterized in that way for the clip of 7:37 in duration. She has changed some things up. And we appreciate that variation from the norm for a Solène project. Very nice! She has strayed from her typical look with her makeup, with unfamiliar but complimentary eye shadow and lip gloss/lipstick as well. Solène is a champion of different looks to accommodate and to accentuate the vibes she wants to transmit to others from the mood she's in and the outlook that she brings for the moment! . . . And this is the introductory post for LivestreamSmokers on Smoking Fetish Kingdom. Same handle names for his accounts on YouTube and Instagram whose content already includes a presence of Solène. This is from the LivestreamSmokers debut post on SFK (light edits):
"Some of you may recognize this girl. I had a lot of people requesting more on my Instagram and Youtube [accounts], so I thought it'd be great for my first post on SFK."
The title of LivestreamSmokers post on SFK is "French Smoking Girl ⏤ Solene"
Previous Posts on Our Network of Solène
From vs120shound on January 27, 2024 . . .
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fayes-fics · 5 months
When The World Is Free: Chapter 1 - Sous le ciel de Paris
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader, WW2 AU.
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Warnings: none
Word Count: 2.1k
Summary: Welcome to the start of my new multi-chapter fic based on a request by the lovely @amillcitygirl! Please see the masterpost for a synopsis of this story. Please note that while I do have a plotted outline, I will be posting chapters as I write them, and I expect that process to take quite a few months. Please bear with me! This first chapter sets up the story - reader moving to Paris in the summer of 1939 and bonding with her new flatmate, Eloise Bridgerton. Please note that Benedict won't be turning up for a couple of chapters yet. Thanks to @colettebronte for beta reading. Enjoy! <3
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August 1939
Emerging from the underground Trocadero metro stop, you round the corner of the recently completed, gleaming Palais de Chaillot and stop dead in your tracks. There before you is the most iconic landmark of Paris. Perhaps all of France.
La Tour Eiffel. 
Breathtaking in its metallic magnificence, glowing in the setting sun. A sight that buoys your travel-weary soul seven days after you left New York: boats and trains finally bringing you to this wondrous spot. A light breeze even dances over your neck in greeting, a balm from the cloying subterranean heat of the metro. 
It's a light elbow check to your arm that pulls you back from a state of reverie. 
“A beautiful sight, but one you’ll get used to,” your uncle Robert chuckles, shaking your heavy leather case to indicate it's time to move along. “In fact, I've been told you will be able to see it from your appartement…” 
He has accompanied you to Paris and will see you settled into your new adventures before continuing on to visit friends in England. He spent the roaring 20s living right here in the 16th arrondissement himself and, indeed, has arranged for you to share living quarters with a young British lady, a relative of his English friends. It's a comfort to know you’ll have at least one English speaker to chat with as you dive headfirst into learning proper French as you go.
Robert leads you away from the amazing sight and into the bustling streets, alive with cars, trams, bicycles and pedestrians buzzing in all directions. It's all at once like New York City, but yet so different as well, cafe terraces filling the wide pavements with all manner of people gathered to sip robust cafe au lait and refreshing limonade. 
Within minutes, you are on a quieter side street and stopping outside a handsome honey-coloured stone facade with wrought iron window balconies and window guards, teaming with colourful, fragrant flowering pots. The number 14 gleaming white on a traditional navy blue tile. Your uncle pushes the enormous wooden door open, beckoning you into a cool whitewash wall corridor with mosaic floor tiles.
“Ahhh, Robert!!” a sophisticated middle-aged lady bustles from a nearby doorway and greets your uncle warmly, kissing both cheeks. It would appear they are friends of old.
“Y/n, this is Madam DuLac, your landlady,” he explains as you offer a handshake, admiring her boucle jacket and chic bun.
“Qu’est-ce?” she signals with a good-natured frown, obviously finding your polite greeting lacking, pulling you into a hug and two-cheeked kiss. She smells like Chanel perfume, cigarettes and baked goods. “You are in Paris now, ma chérie; this is how we greet one another,” she counsels in heavily accented but perfect English.
“You speak English?” you sigh, relieved, your French decidedly lacking.
“Bien sûr,” she smiles. “And please call me Solène,” she adds with a friendly smile.
“Eloise should be home from the library maintenant; the perfect time for you to meet,” she gestures towards an elevator cage surrounded by a sweeping grey marble staircase.
“I think I would prefer to take the stairs,” you admit, nerves flaring at the idea of such a contraption.
Your uncle laughs. “Well, I am taking it; I am not hefting this case of yours up five flights of stairs,” he adds dryly as you gaze up the swirling stairwell.
“Five storeys?” you squeak.
“The view is the best from the top,” Solène advises as she rattles back the cage entry and steps in, looking at you expectantly. 
Reluctantly, you follow, all three of you and your luggage crammed into the metal cage as it jerks to life and begins its ascent.
“You will get used to it,” Solène smiles as she reads the apprehension on your face, your vice-like grip on your small vanity case and handbag.
Luckily, the lift reaches your destination safely. One shudder before it stops, and the door concertinas back in Solène’s hand to reveal a sweeping hallway with doors left and right. 
“Ici,” she signals, the last door on the right-hand side.
But before you can knock, the door peels open, and a pretty, petite brunette jumps in surprise, dropping the book she is holding.
“Pardon,” she offers in perfect accented French, and you wonder for a split second if it is the correct apartment.
“Eloise, this is y/n,” Solène gestures.
“Ohhh, hello,” she grins, and the whiplash back to a plummy British accent is momentarily confusing. “I was about to go read in the courtyard, thought you might not be turning up today. Anyway… come in, come in!”
You shake her proffered hand as she ushers you into the apartment. Instantly, you feel a warmth spreading in your belly, like you have come home. It's light and airy, with large windows looking out across the Parisian rooftops, and yes, to the left is indeed the Eiffel Tower, still gleaming in the fading evening light. But the place also feels homely, that sort of messy that is lived in, comfortable. A large velvet sofa with tumbling stacks of books around it, a little kitchenette awash with colourful enamel cookware, and a jumble of art deco posters and random paintings adorning the walls. 
“Solène, I don't suppose you've baked any more of those rather delicious madeleines, have you? To welcome my new housemate?” Eloise pipes up with a chipper, conspiratorial wink your way. 
You already like her.
“Effronte!” Solène exclaims with fond exasperation before pausing. “There may be some…”
“I remember those!” your uncle adds with a tinge of nostalgia as he drops your suitcase. “You are in for such a treat, y/n.”
“Well, while our landlady decides if she’s willing to share the treats she has obviously baked but is being coy about…”Eloise raises a pointed eyebrow at the woman before returning to you. “...let me show you your room, then maybe a drink? I'm sure it's been a long journey.”
You nod and, with an exchange of grins, follow her down a corridor. She sweeps open the door to a lovely room, a large double bed with matching bedside tables and a dresser. But best of all, french doors onto a Juliet balcony overlooking a quiet courtyard filled with a riot of birch trees, their leaves gently rustling in the evening breeze.
���Mostly, it’s pesky pigeons down there, but you do get the occasional blackbird singing in the morning,” Eloise smiles as if intuiting your thoughts.
You spend some moments wandering the room and checking out the various fixtures, running idle hands over the furniture, already feeling remarkably at home with your new housemate and, indeed, your new home for the next twelve months.
“I'm just next door,” Eloise reveals, pointing a thumb over her shoulder. 
Your uncle appears in the doorway to announce that he and Solène are off to catch up as you unpack and suggests you all reunite for dinner later at a local bistro. It all sounds so very Parisian chic; you cannot wait.
“So tell me about yourself,” Eloise flops onto your bed, already wonderfully casual in your presence, as you open your case and the wardrobe to unpack.
“I’m y/n. I'm from a little town on Long Island called Patchogue, about fifty miles outside New York City. I'm 22…”
“Me too!” she interjects, then signals for you to proceed.
“I wanted to see the world before I settled down. And I’ve dreamed of living in Paris since I was a little girl...” You feel your eyes misting at the fact it's now finally coming true as you continue. “So my parents agreed to pay for me to come to Paris for a year. Under the strict agreement, I get married when I return…” 
“You have a fiancé?”
“Yes. Well, sort of. Stanley. We practically grew up together, and we’ve been going steady since we were eighteen.”
“Going steady? That's so American,” Eloise chuckles.
You nod with a giggle, then continue. “He hasn't proposed formally yet, says he is saving up for a ‘real nice’ ring, but it will happen. He is the son of my dad’s business partner. They run a construction company. So, while I'm here, they are building a home for us to live in when I return. We will get married next summer and move right in.” 
“You don't mind?” Eloise frowns.
“Don’t mind what?” you query as you hang up your favourite dress.
“That your future is so… plotted out. I couldn't bear the idea. It's why I think my mother let me move to Paris. She was so fed up with me refusing to settle down.” Eloise laughs, idly flicking through the magazine you were reading on your journey.
“I suppose I've never really expected anything else,” you shrug, pausing as you put away your hosiery, but her words make you contemplative. “You don't have a boyfriend back home?”
“God, no. Too many pretty Frenchmen to entertain me here,” she winks. “I’ll introduce you to some, just in case you change your mind,” she breezes, climbing off your bed and drifting to the door. “Wine?”
“Oh… well, why not? When in France, etc,” you agree and close the drawer on the pile of cardigans you have just safely stacked.
“That's the spirit!” she effuses over her shoulder as you follow her back into the living room, the Eiffel Tower still glittering in the dusk.
“This place is so lovely,” you sigh, transfixed by the view as she wanders over and hands you a glass.
“It is a pretty magical view,” she agrees, staring at the skyline with you, watching as each window seems to illuminate in soft yellow with the dying light.
“And the decor, too; I see you love books as much as me,” you smile, tilting your head to the piles before taking a sip of red wine. It's the perfect balance of refreshing, mellow fruitiness and tart tannin coating your tongue, so much better than any wine back home.
“Oh god, yes! I work in the library. I can bring home as many as I want,” she enthuses.
“So, are there actually any left on the shelves?” you jest, lightly, savouring your drink and wandering to take a closer look at a smaller painting that catches your eye. It's very different to all of the others.
“My god, this is beautiful,” you breathe, hugging your wineglass to your chest as you stare transfixed at the art. It appears to be a large country house, probably British, bathed in the warm pinkish light of dawn.
“That's home. Aubrey Hall in Kent. I think the family made me bring it in the hopes it would make me homesick,” Eloise deadpans.
“It’s a wonderful piece,” you breathe, fingers reaching out to lightly trace over the heavily oiled brushstrokes. Something about it is so captivating and intimate.
“I'll be sure to let the artist know,” she smirks. “Although I'm reticent to give him any more praise, seeing as, unfortunately, he is my brother.”
“Your brother painted this?” taken aback by the revelation, assuming it an heirloom.
She nods and comes to stand next to you. “Yup. Benedict. Second eldest. I'm fifth of eight, by the way. Hence ‘E’ for Eloise. It's a thing,” she rolls her eyes.
“Wow. Big family. I just have one brother...” 
“Lucky you. Although, as much as he is irritating, if I could only keep one sibling, it probably would be him,” she admits, taking a swig of wine.
“I love art,” you sigh, finally tearing your gaze from the canvas but already knowing it is something you will return to again and again. A pull you can’t quite understand.
“Oh, then I know the perfect job for you! There’s a gallery around the corner from the library, and I saw a sign saying they wanted an English speaker to assist international visitors! You would be perfect!”
“I would love that!” you extol, even as a tiny part of your brain lingers on the idea that it would be too good to be true if it all worked out, that fleeting sense of foreboding in paradise.
“Excellent!” Eloise’s enthusiasm pulls you back to the immediate. “So let’s get your glad rags on! It's time to hit the town for your first night in Paris!”
And thus, you find yourself being bundled back into your room to refresh and change for your first night in the city of your dreams. Indeed, as you find yourself being led by Eloise, arm looped in yours, through the bustling evening streets to a little bistro, your uncle and Solène already waiting at a table with smiling faces and drinks in hand, you can't help but feel this really is the only place in the world you could ever want to be…
Your adventure is just beginning.
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Benedict taglist: @foreverlonginguniverse @aintnuthinbutahounddog @severewobblerlightdragon @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @nikaprincessofkattegat @baebee35 @crowleysqueenofhell @fiction-is-life @lilacbeesworld @broooookiecrisp @queen-of-the-misfit-toys @eleanor-bradstreet @divaanya @musicismyoxygen84 @benedictspaintbrush @miindfucked @sorryallonsy @cayt0123 @hottytoddyhistory @truly-dionysus @fictionalmenloversblog @zinzysstuff @malpalgalz @panhoeofmanyfandoms @kinokomoonshine @causeimissu @delehosies @m-rae23 @last-sheep @kmc1989 @desert-fern @starkeylover @corpseoftrees-queen @magical-spit @bunnyweasley23 @how-many-stars-in-the-sky @amygdtjhddzvb @sya-skies @balladynaaa
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frmenu · 7 months
FrMenu: Your Culinary Passport to France's Diverse Food Scene
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When you think of France, what comes to mind? Perhaps it's the Eiffel Tower, the Seine River, or the romantic ambiance of Paris. But for many, France is synonymous with exceptional cuisine. French food is celebrated around the world for its richness, sophistication, and diversity. At FrMenu, we're here to be your culinary passport to this gastronomic wonderland.
About FrMenu
FrMenu isn't just a website; it's your gateway to the multifaceted world of French dining. Our mission is simple yet profound: to make your quest for the perfect meal a breeze, whether it's a special occasion, a quick lunch, or a gastronomic adventure.
A Wealth of Choices
France is renowned for its diverse culinary offerings, and FrMenu reflects this variety. Our database houses information on thousands of restaurants, spanning from cozy neighborhood bistros to Michelin-starred fine dining establishments, and covering a plethora of international cuisines. Whatever you're craving – be it a mouthwatering French baguette, authentic Italian pizza, Japanese sushi, or exotic dishes from around the globe – you'll find it here.
Real-Time Updates
One of the standout features of FrMenu is that our database is updated in real-time. This means that the information you access, whether it's menus, prices, or opening hours, is always accurate. You can plan your dining experience with confidence, no matter where you are in France.
Intuitive Navigation
FrMenu offers user-friendly and intuitive navigation. You can search for restaurants based on various criteria, including location, cuisine type, budget, and even customer reviews. Finding the perfect restaurant has never been easier.
Unbiased, Just the Facts
In contrast to other platforms, FrMenu doesn't host reviews or ratings. Our aim is to provide you with objective information, allowing you to make informed decisions based on your personal preferences. You're in the driver's seat; the choice is all yours.
Your Trusted Guide
FrMenu aspires to be your trusted companion in the realm of French cuisine. Whether you're a local or a visitor, our website will help you explore France's culinary scene and create memorable gastronomic experiences.
Join us on this exciting culinary journey, and discover the delights of France with FrMenu. Bon appétit!
To learn more about the people behind FrMenu and meet our authors, Solène and Geneviève, visit our "About Us" page.
Contactez-nous : FrMenu - France Restaurant Menus Adresse : 9 Ter Rue de Poissy, Saint-Germain-en-Laye Téléphone: +33 93 056 3438 Site : https://frmenu.org/
External Link:
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quidcrusheu · 5 years
À toi ma belle poursuiveuse Olympienne, je te déclare Solènellement ma flamme.
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bpod-bpod · 4 years
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Shooting Stars
Astrocytes are star-shaped nerve cells which pepper the developing brain, destined to become parts of different brain circuits. In these slices through an early mouse’s cerebral cortex, brightly-coloured ‘brainbow’ fluorescent sensors use blends of colour to highlight pairs of ‘sister’ astrocytes – cells descended from the same parent cell. The similarly-coloured siblings on the left are pictured a day later than those in the middle and appear to have grown further apart. This may suggest that 'related' astrocytes move away and intermingle – bringing diversity to areas of the developing brain. And perhaps only at a particular time – cells at a later developmental stage (right) don't show the same patterns of separation. Understanding more about how migrating astrocytes interact with their environment may reveal clues about how the brain’s circuitry matures before and after birth.
Written by John Ankers
Image from work by Solène Clavreul and colleagues
Sorbonne Université, INSERM, CNRS, Institut de la Vision, Paris, France
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Nature Communications, October 2019
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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revnaire · 4 years
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❝ sick and tired of cooking videos assuming i have forty perfect little bowls to put ingredients in. grow up.
𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
FULL NAME.   frédéric benoît corbin /  corbin frédéric de gourgue / frédéric corbin chastain NICKNAME / ALIAS.  fred, freddie GENDER. male HEIGHT.    189 cm AGE.  240, turning 241 this year ZODIAC.   cancer LANGUAGES.   french, latin, english, some greek, some passing knowledge in other languages that he picked up from colleagues along the years
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOR.  blond EYE COLOR.    dark blue SKIN TONE.     usually slightly tanned BODY TYPE.   tall, athletic ACCENT.   when he speaks english, he does so with a french accent. when he speaks french, his accent is parisian. FACE CLAIM.  chris evans DOMINANT HAND.   right POSTURE.   his posture used to be bad as he made himself shorter than he was — he was the third son, he was not supposed to catch much attention. he has gotten better at standing tall after he had to leave his family, but he occasionally still makes himself small, especially when he is somewhere where he does not want to be. SCARS.   many minor ones on his hands, souvenirs from various climbing adventures TATTOOS.  no, but he thinks about getting one. however, he is not sure if the ink would stay and he is not about to sink cash into something that will potentially last him a day BIRTHMARKS.   none. MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).  he smiles. a lot. there are lines on his face that tell the story of a man who laughs and smiles often and gladly
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
PLACE OF BIRTH.   bordeaux, france HOMETOWN.   technically bordeaux, but he is not freya. thus: paris. maybe new haven. MANNER OF BIRTH.  a rather quick birth on a sunny day, he was safely delivered and his family was overjoyed to welcome him FIRST WORDS.    mama or papa, there are differing accounts of what he said first SIBLINGS.   two older brothers, jean and andré, and one older sister,  PARENTS.   solène and jean benoît PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.  he is born relatively late into his parents’ marriage, and his parents are experienced as frédéric has two older brothers and one older sister. solène and jean benoît are no longer young and thus, they have more time for him than they had for his siblings. they have a lot of love to give to him, and they gladly do --- their love takes the shape of sunlit afternoons spent reading with his mother in the garden and learning to fence from his father.
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
OCCUPATION.    chef / professor CURRENT RESIDENCE.   new haven CLOSE FRIENDS.   marcus irvine, brigid martin, elena marlowe RELATIONSHIP STATUS.   single (?) FINANCIAL STATUS.   he is not rich. to amass wealth has never been a priority for him. however --- he was given a credit card by his aunt. he has no idea if it has a limit and if it does, he never has come close to maxing it out. RELIGIOUS STATUS.    supposedly roman catholic. in actuality, he dislikes the idea of organised religion. the churches and the stained class are pretty, however. VICES.     red wine and chocolate. he is also habitually busy with projects which have gotten him into legal troubles in the past. 
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.        bi ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.       bi LOVE LANGUAGE.   quality time. he likes to spend time with those he cares about, whether it is during a romantic candle light dinner in a restaurant or drinking coffee in his kitchen at six in the morning when the sun is slowly rising in the skies and he realises he has really just spent an entire night talking to someone. also: he loves to cook. it is one of his favourite jobs. he has won competitions. and yet --- his best kitchen work, he has done for loved ones. secret ingredient: genuine love. RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.   he does not really have tendencies as every relationship he ever had has been entirely different whether it was romantic or platonic. frédéric thrives when his zest for life is matched by those around him. he is also the committed sort who would show up at a loved ones doorstep at any hour of the day if he was called.
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.  tba HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.    rock climbing, reading up on important sociopolitical issues, cooking, playing football / soccer, discussions with his friends  MENTAL ILLNESSES.  none PHYSICAL ILLNESSES. none. LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED. slightly more left brained PHOBIAS.  there is only one thing frédéric is afraid of, and that is torture. he has experienced it in the past and the nightmares still linger SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL. frédéric owns a mirror, he knows how he looks. he also knows that he is charismatic and generally likable (unless he is fighting brigid over recipes) so his self confidence level? a non-negotiable eight. VULNERABILITIES.   he may have multiple degrees, but frédéric never learnt how to take a break. he tends to overwork himself, be it through simply accepting more shifts than he should or by taking on more and more projects. he is someone who likes to keep busy, is a diligent worker --- and thus, he endangers himself by overworking himself.
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margridarnauds · 5 years
obscure ask meme: 14, 26, and 3
3. what movie/game/etc. helps you calm down?
The Mummy, 1789, and Chronicles of Narnia for me. Also: Star Trek: TNG and Murder, She Wrote. They’re basically like time portals. Also, given that I nearly cried while playing Wii: Endless Ocean recently, I THINK it’s safe to say that that one counts. Even listening to the opening number is just…memories. Happiness. Calm. 
14. do you like makeup?
I like seeing what other PEOPLE can do with it and I’m always impressed and slightly envious of the transformation factor (the possibility of having cheekbones is very enticing, tbh), but I can’t be bothered to learn how to do it myself. It seems like an encumbrance as far as every day life. I DEFINITELY think it’s ridiculous that women are expected to double down on it in order to appear “professional” while their counterparts don’t. 
26. what do you think about genderbent Solène or Olympe? 
Hm…..I’m ALWAYS down for 1789 genderbends, because I think that you could get a really interesting story out of that, probably more interesting than the canon story. I would probably ship Fem!Laz/Fem!Ronan like fucking UPS.
More under the readmore because I ended up thinking way too much about this and very little of it ended up coherent:  
 I THINK Solène would be hard, if we’re assuming that she’s genderbent into a cis dude from a cis woman, given that Canon!Solène puts so much of an emphasis on childbirth=womanhood, which is personally……EH to me, especially when I know her character was written by a bunch of dudes, but….Hm, it’s hard because on one hand, I feel like a genderbent Solène (Solal?) wouldn’t have to deal with nearly the same issues that Solène has to deal with in canon. Obviously, Ronan fucking off to Paris after their father died would STILL be devastating on an emotional level, but it wouldn’t be quite the SAME level of devastation as a woman who’s lost her family home, the only source of economic stability they HAD in the form of the farm, and both of the major male figures in her life, with no inheritance or dowry to give her a cushion. The employment opportunities for a guy in France at this time were significantly larger, even though he COULD still be a sex worker, because it’s not like male sex workers didn’t exist at this time either, though there was always that added sense of danger due to the illegality of it. (Not that that…..REALLY stopped anyone. I mean, the Tuileries and Palais Royal were NOTORIOUS gay hangouts, though most of that, from what I REMEMBER was more casual sex rather than necessarily sex work.) And, tbh, you could even keep the Zuka/Toho thing with him getting a keeper, since it’s not like that would be UNUSUAL, though I could see him taking a more personal job like, say, a valet or a footman, since that would give off some plausible deniability. (Remember when I mentioned in Forgiveness that Ronan tended to act as Laz’s valet? YEEEEEEEEEP.) 
I think that Ronan would STILL be horrified, because it would still be a little sibling of his and Ronan’s deep enough in the closet at this point that he can see Narnia from his house and I think that, for all his posturing, Ronan is still something of a country boy, but it wouldn’t be the same as his LITTLE SISTER, since a lot of Ronan’s issues with Solène and sex work stem from….him being an 18th century man. Solène “gave up her dignity,” and now Ronan’s perfect little image of a societally acceptable life post-Revolution, where he comes back and everything is nice and happy and they can live on the farm together and Solène can get married off to a nice man and have ten kids while Ronan gets married to a nice girl…that’s all gone. I don’t…let Ronan off EASY for seeing his sister as being “ruined,” even though I do think that I ultimately go a lot easier on him than a lot of people do, but I do think that’s very much where his line of thought’s going. One of Ronan’s biggest flaws is probably that, for all that he talks of Revolution and changing the world….he doesn’t really….know HOW to move beyond his own prejudices. He can be surprisingly conservative like that. Which is far from UNUSUAL for a revolutionary at the time; he’s not UNIQUE there. I do think that if Ronan saw his little brother as an aristocrat’s kept boy, he would still FREAK. And then become Lazare’s kept boy because DO AS I SAY AND NOT AS I DO. 
Another thing that would be possible would be Solal becoming a soldier. That would be a job with steady shitty pay, food of questionable quality, a roof over his head of questionable quality. Soldiers occupied a very…ODD place in society at this point, if I’m remembering correctly from the research I did nearly a year ago, because on one hand, they COULD be seen as heroic everymen, but there was also a distinct stigma caused by their itinerant lifestyle (esp. re: women) and tendency of causing trouble in the towns where they were boarded. Because you have a bunch of guys in one town for a certain amount of time, some of them getting drunk and rowdy, particularly on holidays and festivals, and….It’s not the SAME level of stigma that sex workers had, obviously, but Ronan would probably NOT be happy with it, especially since it puts them on essentially opposite sides. I can also see Ronan FREAKING OUT over it because of the circumstances of their father’s death, which could cause a pretty similar argument to their canon argument. The “Je Veux le Monde” EQUIVALENT would then be him snapping against his superior officer and deserting to join the Revolution, where he and Ronan reconcile. Though, tbh, I’m not sold on EITHER of the Mazurier sibs being able to take orders. Like….Solène is pragmatic enough that Solal probably COULD, but I think he would be seething after a while, especially if he had a dick for an officer. 
Tl;dr: I think that a genderbent Solène would still be POSSIBLE, but I also think that so much of Solène’s arc is really inextricably bound to her being a woman in 18th century France.
Olympe would also be difficult, because the entire reason that she meets up with Ronan is that she’s the Queen’s undergoverness/confidant, and I think that it would be very…difficult for a man to be in that same level of confidence. Or, at least, to be in that level of confidence and NOT be accused of having an affair with her himself. Maybe he’s a young, softspoken courtier who somehow gets entangled in the whole situation? Maybe even a friend of Fersen’s, as opposed to Antoinette’s, with his Enlightenment ideals contrasting to Fersen’s conservatism? His father wanted him for military service initially so that he could carry on the family tradition, but instead he somehow became wrapped up in court life instead, learning to keep his mouth closed and smile. (Though in contrast to, say, Laz’s family, his father was very supportive of him taking an alternative path, even if he was disappointed.) But who still has a conscience and so rushes to the Bastille to try to save Ronan’s life anyway when things go south.
I actually think that Genderbent!Olympe would have a lot in common with Laz, since they would both have that military background and both are doggedly loyal to the Royal Family. With the key difference being that M!Olympe isn’t as DEEP into things as Laz is. Laz is just…covered in blood at this point, whereas M!Olympe ISN’T. 
Also, IF we go with the “Solal is a soldier” option, then that gives the two of them more of an opportunity to meet if Solal is anywhere near the Bastille at the time. 
It would also explain a LOT about his fear about getting involved with either of the Mazurier sibs, because THAT could ruin his life at court, and it would give Artois some leverage to try to use. Not that I haven’t written a carbon copy of that plotline with Laz before.
Again, it’s hard, because so MUCH of Olympe’s role is tied into being a woman in 18th century France. Again, not IMPOSSIBLE, but DIFFERENT. I think that you would end up with a completely different plot/character. 
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ana-work · 6 years
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Lil'horse toy from Solène's grand father 🖤 Done @lesdernierstrappeurs Paris few weeks ago ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #paristattoo #horsetattoo #horse #paris #anaworkmec! #tattoocute #chevaltattoo #cheval #tattooist #tttism #magictattoo #blackworkerssubmissions #anatattoo #love 🖤NEXT STOP🖤 - > NANTES - > PARIS - > BRUSSELS - > BARCELONA [email protected] (à Nantes, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoOV5OjlbHw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1p1vhkw3rneik
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vs120shound · 5 months
So many hot SF "rookies" from which to choose. We're giving you our Top-3 and bypassing an Honorable Mention list that would be too time consuming -- and just not comprehensive or fair enough -- to bring forward to the satisfaction of a sufficient percentage of our followers (we recognize an insurmountable task when presented). These three are in a class of their own. What they do in 2024 is yet to be determined. Cannot wait to see in what directions they are headed!
Dual-Media 44-Post, 276-Pack Megapost!
One is still posting livestreams on Bigo Live! but without the presence of cigarettes any longer; another purely is available on Social Media posts whose content on our brand was lifted from Instagram just about exclusively; the other, the youngest, has slowed down if not disappeared from having new content of her delivered on to YouTube! It is what it is! Hope you enjoy this re-cap post and have gained pleasure from being introduced to them throughout 2023!
(You read that correctly above with our breakthrough Dual-Media, no GIFs accounted for, 44-Post, 276-Pack Megapost! Remember a count towards the "pack" is an image, either photographic or a video. Thus one video with three photos is a count of 4. There's a lot of sizzling content to unpack here, and there is some duplication, to be honest and fair; we do not do subtracting for duplicates in tallying the "pack" count).
No. 1
Solène of Paris, France
From maruk of Smoking Fetish Kingdom
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No. 2
Dorine Zoppis vdr of Bordeaux, France (Dorine Zopp)
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No. 3
Mira Çelik of Turkey
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From Juniorjunior of Smoking Fetish Kingdom
Previous Posts on Our Network of the Top Three Newcomers!
🚬 Solène 🚬
From vs120shound on June 9, 2023 . . .
From vs120shound on May 24, 2023 (with her name still unknown) . . .
🚬 Dorine Zopp 🚬
From vs120shound-2 on December 2, 2023 . . .
🚬 Mira Çelik 🚬
From vs120shound-2 on August 2, 2023 . . .
From vs120shound-2 on June 4, 2023 . . .
From vs120shound-2 on June 4, 2023 . . .
Megaposts of Our 3 Star Newcomers!
Solène, whose wardbrobe can suit her every need!
From vs120shound on November 6, 2023 . . .
Dorine Zopp, born in Berlingen, Germany; Creator-Manager for simonnejewelry; does modeling, too
From vs120shound on December 20, 2023 . . .
Mira Çelik, elite at yoga, just shy of being World Class!
From lostlighter23 on June 22, 2023 (Turkish Smoking Girl series, 5-Pack Mini-Megapost) . . .
Some of Dorine Zopp's Jewelry Designs Brought into Production
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Mira Çelik Demonstrates Her Yoga Skills!
From Instagram@miracelik0733 on May 24, 2023 . . .
From Instagram@miracelik0733 on March 3, 2023 . . .
YouTube Video of Mira (68 have been posted)!
From YT's "Smoker Girls" webpage in September 2023 (no new posts in more than three months!) . . .
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globalhappenings · 2 years
From Paris, these Ukrainians from France return to defend their country
From Paris, these Ukrainians from France return to defend their country
Zoé Pallier, edited by Solène Leroux 06:18, February 28, 2022modified to 6:53 a.m., February 28, 2022 REPORT Since the beginning of the Russian invasion four days ago, nearly 370,000 people have already left Ukraine according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. While thousands of their compatriots are fleeing the country, they are doing the opposite. They decided to return to…
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assomicroland-blog · 6 years
Qui sommes-nous ?
Gérard Filippi
Entomologiste depuis 37 ans. Expertises, Entomofaune, Faune (Chiroptères), Reptiles et mammifères. Concepteur d’expositions à vocation pédagogique et scientifique sur la biodiversité, les insectes, les Dinosaures, Préhistoire à Capaventure. Chroniqueur France Bleu. BAC Scientifique, DEUG Sciences Luminy. « Capacitaire Entomologie » espèces non domestiques, élevage insectes. Etudes d’impact : volet écologique (VNEI). Incidences Natura 2000, dossier CNPN : demande de dérogation de destruction d’espèce protégée.  Mesures d’évitement, de réduction et de suppression d’impact, mesures compensatoires. Intégration écologique. Trame verte et Bleue, continuums hydrophiles et terrestres, continuités écologiques. Schéma Régional de Cohérence écologique (SRCE). PLU : Volet Etat Initial de l’environnement. PADD, Plan d’Aménagement et de Développement Durable : partie environnementale. SCOT : Schéma de Cohérence Territorial.
Rémy Poncet
Spécialiste Botaniste, écologue des communautés de bryophytes, cryptogamiste. Botaniste-phytosociologie, Conservatoire des espaces naturels d’Aquitaine. Cryptogamiste, Conservatoire botanique national du Massif central. Inventaire des communautés végétales des îles Kerguelen. Conférences colloques et séminaires internationaux. Botaniste conservatoire naturel du Languedoc-Roussillon Montpellier. Master de Science Environnement et milieux naturels : Université Savoie Mont Blanc. Chargé des inventaires floristiques et Habitats. Rédaction de rapport Flore & Habitats. Analyse des données bibliographiques et de terrain. Cartographie SIG.
Solène Schneider
Rédactrice BEE Faune Flore. Gestionnaire de projets. Spécialiste amphibiens. Participation à diverses études sur les amphibiens Parc de Port Cros, ONF, NEOMYS. Projet SIG de valorisation de la Réserve biologique intégrale des Maures. Assistante soigneur animalier divers secteurs (oiseaux, mammifères, reptiles). Master SET (Sciences de l’Environnement Terrestre), spécialité Sciences de la Biodiversité et Ecologie parcours professionnel Expertise Ecologique et Gestion de la Biodiversité, Aix – Marseille Université. Spécialiste études amphibiens, reptiles et tortues. Rédactrice BEE Faune Flore. Participation aux inventaires terrain
Benjamin Vollot
Ornithologue. Inventaires et rédaction de documents de synthèse (Natura 2000/Etudes d’impact). Technicien pour le CIRAD pour le suivi de la peste aviaire. Chargé de mission/conservateur pour la Faune Sauvage et la gestion des espaces naturels. Diplôme École Pratique de Hautes Études. Brevet de bagueur – CRBPO/Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris. BTSA Gestion et Protection de la Nature, spécialité Animation nature. Chargé des inventaires Ornithologue. Rédaction de rapport Ornithologue. Analyse des données bibliographiques et de terrain (Cartographie SIG).
Filippi Louise
Réalisatrice diplômée de l'ESEC (École Supérieure d'Études Cinématographiques) et de la Sorbonne à Paris, Louise Filippi a réalisé des courts-métrages de fiction, documentaires ainsi que des films promotionnels. Née dans le Sud de la France, elle a aussi travaillé sur le terrain lors d'inventaires naturalistes, filmant la biodiversité environnante et les méthodes de préservation mises en place par les équipes scientifiques d’Écotonia. Sur l’île de Sao Tomé, elle suivra les différentes étapes du voyage avec sa caméra, documentant la faune et la flore, les missions effectuées, les enjeux du projet, dans le but de réaliser un premier film pilote qui servira de base pour les expéditions à venir.  
Pearlstein Vincent
Elève en Terminale S (lycée Paul Cézanne) et diplômé du BEPC. A accompagné  de manière ponctuelle les inventaires naturalistes de l’entomofaune à Ecotonia. Apportera toute l’aide possible lors de l’expédition et les quelques connaissances acquises lors des sorties de terrain avec Ecotonia.  
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culturemedias · 3 years
L’Age d’or des actualités au cinéma pendant l’entre deux guerres
Ecrit par Zoé Dillie, Isis Dorison, Solène Didelle, Jeanne Dharancy.
Le sujet traité est l’âge d’or des actualités au cinéma dans l’entre deux guerres. Tout d’abord il faut comprendre que dans cette période il n’y avait ni télévision individuelle ni radio. La population s’informait alors en allant au cinéma. Les projections étaient composées d’un montage d’informations parlant des faits récents dans divers domaines. Ces courts métrages passaient juste avant les longs métrages pour lesquels le publique venait.
Pour traiter ce sujet nous allons d’abord expliquer l’importance des actualités cinématographiques a cette époque. Puis nous ferons un récapitulatif des actualités phares de cette époque. Enfin, la dernière partie parlera du Pathé-Journal et du Gaumont-Actualité.
I. L’importance des actualités cinématographiques au cinéma
Une source privilégié d’informations pour la classe populaire
Les actualités cinématographiques étaient l’étape la plus attendue du spectacle cinématographique dans la décennie 1929-1939. Ce nouveau moyen de diffusion de l’information est pour la société le seul moyen visuel de vivre les évènements. Grace à lui, il est désormais possible pour le public de visualiser les personnalités de la période comme Winston Churchill, Adolph Hitler, et bien plus encore. De plus des progrès ont permis le visionnage plus agréable et ludique :
1918 : Procédé trichrome a permis de visualiser pour la première fois un film d’actualité en couleur -> le défilé sur les Champs Elysées des troupes françaises victorieuses.
1927 : ajout du son à un reportage par la société américain Fox Movietone -> premier vol transatlantique de l’aviateur Charles Lindberg.
1932 : première actualité commentées par le journal Gaumont-actualités.
L’actualité cinématographique est l’unique fenêtre sur le monde pour la classe ouvrière.
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Ainsi ce moyen de diffusion d’informations prend une immense importance en France et devient le deuxième média, après la presse.
Un média qui jouit d’une liberté durant la période
Pendant la période d’entre-deux guerre, la fiabilité et la sincérité des projections n’était absolument pas remis en cause. Au total, il y avait sept journaux concurrents qui retransmettaient une perception assez complète des événements filmés. Le premier acte de censure a concerné une bande d’actualité en 1909. En revanche cela n’a pas impacté cette période d’entre-deux guerre puisqu’un décret en 1919 l’exclut de ces mesures de contrôle qui concernent le cinéma en général. En 1928, un autre décret apparait : le décret Herriot, qui dispense de visa. C’est en 1936 qu’une éventuelle contrainte fait surface : les responsables des journaux d’actualités sont contraints de remettre au Ministère de l’intérieur et à la préfecture de police un programme détaillé des scènes du journal, avant d’être projeté. Néanmoins, son application est peu répressive et assez libérale.
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Les journaux filmés contiennent des éléments qui contribuent à une vision objective des images projetés :
La recherche annoncée de la vérité
Le reflet du réel
L’absence de scénario
L’absence d’acteur
Le tout est mis en scène par des procédés cinématographiques subtils voir insidieux.
II. Les actualités phares de la période
Type de sujet très court, d’une durée moyenne de 40 secondes. En termes de mode, de sport, et de culture, certains sujets sont moins directs, mais plus spectaculaire.
Outre la politique intérieure de la France, l’information fait également état :
De la Guerre d’Indochine.
Des colonies françaises.
Des constructions Européennes
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Au début de 1936, après que le mouvement antisémite et les industriels aient pris des mesures pour contrôler l’entreprise, le tribunal de commerce a nommé un administrateur provisoire, qui a déclaré faillite car l’entreprise avait une dette estimé à 60 millions de francs, qui « ne pourras jamais être combler ».
III. Le Pathé Journal et le Gaumont actualité
A- Le Pathé Journal
En 1918, Charles Pathé, qui ne trouve plus aucun avenir au cinéma, revend ses actifs au producteur Bernard Nathan. Il ne conservera lui qu’un atelier situé a Joinville et reprend la production du Pathé journal, qui devient le premier journal d’actualités sonores.
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Pathé se diversifie avec dans un autre genre avec le Pathé revue.
Pendant l’après guerre, le journal diffuse les héros, la mode et les avancées technologiques.
En 1931, la presse filmée devient un marché très concurrentiel avec 7 journaux hebdomadaires diffusés dans les cinémas (le Pathé journal, France actualité, éclair journal, actualité Paramount, fox Movietone, Metrotone-news et paris-actualités).
En 1932, la société prend le nom de « France actualités-Gaumont », dirigée par Germaine Dulac, qui fonde en 1938 « la fédération des archives filmées », afin de regrouper les fonds de plusieurs entreprises et associations.
Sous sa direction de nouvelles émissions vont être crées, comme les actualités féminines, une émission hebdomadaires diffusée de 1932 à 1935.
B- Gaumont Actualités
Après la victoire française, en 1918, Gaumont filme en couleur, grâce au  procédé trichrome (objectif divisé en 3 parties, sélectionnant les 3 couleurs primaires), le défilé de la victoire.
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En 1919, Gaumont édite un journal humoristique bimensuel d’une dizaine de minutes, nommé « le canard en ciné ».
Après le passage au cinéma parlant en 1930, apparaît le premier numéro du journal commenté de France actualité Gaumont qui paraît en octobre 1932. Ce journal diffusera des actualités parlantes et des films documentaires.
A cette époque les actualités filmées au cinéma sont un véritable privilège pour la classe populaire, pour qui, cette manière d’information est leur seul moyen de savoir ce qu’il se passe dans le monde et de connaître les grand drames de ces années : l’explosion du zeppelin Hindenburg (1937), l’assassinat du roi Alexandre de Yougoslavie (1934, Marseille).
Ce qu’il faut retenir ici, est que dans l’entre-deux guerres les informations passaient par le cinéma sous forme de cours métrages. On les appelait les journaux car comme aujourd’hui avec nos journaux télévisés cela prend le dessus sur les journaux papier. 
C’est alors que des maisons de productions telles que Gaumont et Pathé s’adaptent et se lancent dans le marché concurrentiel du journal cinématographique. 
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dfartproject · 4 years
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Congratulations to 51 artists who will be part of DF Art Project exhibition in October. More visuals and videos will follow. ^v^ "Adele Bessy, Adrien Conrad, Alessandro Sebastianelli, Alexandre Woelffel, Annie Mallet, Arnaud Desfontaines, Aurélie Richard, Bergthor Morthens, Brno Del Zou, Cam Linh Huynh, Cédric RG, Christophe Faso, Claude A. Thibaud, Claude Gazier, David Deweerdt, Denis Blondel, Dominique Laude, Edgar Manuel, Emily Helstroffer, Turzo, RIST, Grégory Dreyfus, Hélène Planquelle, Jean Jacques Wambsts, Jean Jacques Piezanowski, Jérome Royer, Koo Tchi, Laurence Cornou, Lesley Oldaker, Malycia Perrierre, Marcus Jake, Marcus Wülbern, Marek Kvetan, Marie Christine Palombit, Mehnoush Modonpour, Michal Mraz, Miguel Garcia, Nathalie Hurtier, Nicolas Bertoglio, Olivier Valézy, Orlando Latour, Orlando Saverino Loeb, Paul Yves Poumay, Ronnie Jiang, Sandrine Vachon Thiébaut, Sarah Nassour, Solène Dumas, Suzanne Larrieu, Sylvie Colas, Vincent Balmès and Vincent Hélin" #art #artexposition #artistepeintre #artistefrancais #lesartistes #atelierdartiste #artcontemporary #artcontemporain #contemporaryfigurativeart #contemporaryfigurative #contemporaryartist #collectionneurs #collectionneurdart #artcollector #arttoday #artnow #artcurator #artcuration #oneofakind #artfiguratif #figurativepainting #figurativeartist #sculpture #sculpteur #contemporarysculpture #artdigital #digitalart #collage #collagiste #des_fig (at Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEPgpmgHqQy/?igshid=lia4zxtpyb5g
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margridarnauds · 5 years
001 olympe/solene please!!! (also i know i haven't answered in 8 years but please bear with me, i haven't forgotten i'm just very late)
Thank you! (Also it’s fine; I was just a little worried I’d finally scared you away!) The following thoughts might be slightly rambling, given my family’s doing our daily rewatch of Toho!1789 and Maniaque just came on, thus short circuiting my brain. 
when I started shipping it if I did: I seem to recall a conversation between you and @couldntgiveafox some ages ago where you were discussing alternative 1789s, and I believe I stumbled across it in my fall to 1789 Hell. I don’t think I really started actively SHIPPING it until I was writing Pour la Peine and the (still a WIP) Modern AU where they go to Disneyworld, since it showed off more how they would WORK as a couple. (Yes, really. In my defense, there’s something about Solène and Olympe working together to get Artois stranded on “It’s a Small World” that warms the cockles of my shipping heart.)
my thoughts: I think they have a lot of potential as a ship; I would REALLY love to have seen more of them in canon because I think that they’d have had a lot more potential than our canon ship. (Not that that’s SAYING much, but…) The two of them have two very different ways of dealing with things that really make them complement each other well. Like, Solène has a much more direct way of doing things; she probably had to shut down most of Ronan’s fights with the other kids in their village when they were younger, whereas Olympe…can handle herself, obviously, but she tends to prefer sidestepping it if she can and tends to prefer using the gun only as an absolute last resort. And Solène and Olympe both…fill in the gaps, with each other? Like, Olympe’s a woman who everyone sees as this simple little governess who can be walked over but has a spine of steel beneath those stays, whereas Solène is a woman who presents herself as being basically untouchable and unbreakable, but she has a lot of vulnerability beneath the surface. 
What makes me happy about them: Solène has this blunt, rough edge that really works well against almost everyone, but the second that Olympe enters the room? She melts. Even if she’s terrified of what exactly that means and trusting someone again. She’s basically the embodiment of “I’ve only had Olympe for a day and a half, but if anything happened to her, I’d kill everyone in this room and then myself.” And Peyrol. Even if he’s not in the room and had nothing to do with it, she’d still kill Peyrol for good measure. And for Olympe, she has someone who’s genuinely in love with HER and would be willing to bend over backwards for her. (It’s not that I dislike Antoinette or that I’m even particularly criticizing her, but I do think that she can be insensitive when it comes to Olympe’s crush right until the very end when she lets her go and that sometimes, she takes advantage of Olympe’s feelings without realizing it, causing Olympe to get into trouble. See: Je Suis un Dieu.) Like, Lazare and Solène would never ADMIT it, because fundamentally they have way too much between them, but they have more in common there than they’d ever admit. 
Finally: BLESS the Toho for giving me, like, five seconds of interaction between them. It might not have been much, but THEY TOUCHED HANDS. While watching Solène’s brother being brutally shot by his boyfriend, but hey, it’s not the WORST first date idea. And Solène’s CLINGING onto this girl she’s just met in that scene, after rushing herself in front of Peyrol’s line of fire to do it. 
What makes me sad about them: Obviously, the lack of interaction between them, even though, on the positive side, it means the show can’t ruin it for me. Solène is hard as a character to write, because all three Solènes are written so very differently from one another that it’s hard to get a grip on her, especially since it’s obvious that the French really didn’t…CARE about her, as a character, and that also means that trying to get their dynamic can be hard. Like, I still feel after all this time that I don’t have them down as well as I have L/R, which is something that I’m always trying to rectify. 
Also, from an in-universe perspective: I think…Solène is very like her brother, in the sense that she doesn’t see HERSELF as inherently inferior or incapable of love (the one thing no one has EVER accused the Mazurier Siblings of is a lack of confidence), but that so much has happened to her that she kind of takes it for granted that this isn’t going to end well. Our girl’s canonically lost her brother and father, she’s PROBABLY lost her mother (I mean, unless she’s just…living as a hermit somewhere since Ronan and Soléne ran away or left Papa Mazurier to become a famous adventuress, I think it’s a safe assumption), and it’s safe to assume she’s lost at least 2-3 siblings, if not more, and…as much as I’m against the idea of the Tragic Sex Worker, she’s also probably seen Things in her time on the streets. If nothing else, then sex work was very much a transitory job for many women, who would take it up in off seasons in-between other jobs (or marriage, for some women), so there are probably plenty of women who she knew and tried to get attached to who just…moved on. 
And I think that Marie Antoinette’s ghost is always kind of going to be there, in the background, even as Olympe moves on from the full force of her old feelings. And Olympe has her own issues when it comes to loss, not just with Ronan (who was a friend if nothing else) and her mother (if we’re going with the musical-canon where Charlotte du Puget’s been dead for awhile), but also with probably seeing Louis-Joseph die in front of her. 
things done in fanfic that annoys me: WHAT FANFIC? There’s so little of it available that it’s kind of impossible for me to find ANYTHING to really annoy me. The thing that annoys me when I’M writing them is that there’s this…odd tendency, with femslash, for things to be sanitized and clean and saccharine, as opposed to M/M and F/M ships. And, on one hand, I DESPISE that mentality, but on the other hand, I find that I’ve internalized some of that, even though realistically S/O have…so much that they could bicker over. If they wanted to. So I try to keep at least a realistic level of conflict in their relationship, without reaching R/O or even R/L levels. 
things I look for in fanfic: Existing is always a lovely thing. 
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Olympe/MA is always going to be a tragic crush for me; I’m not sure if it’d have worked in the long run as an actual RELATIONSHIP, but I’d be perfectly comfortable with Olympe being happy. Or accepting Artois’ offer, biding her time in London while slowly poisoning him so that she can retire in an obscene amount of wealth when the new king of France “tragically” dies only a few months into his new reign. 
Even though I’m pretty attached to Olympe being a lesbian and Lazare being gay and/or ace, I’m also not OPPOSED to them marrying each other as a matter of convenience post-canon, though…obviously. After the Takarazuka and Toho productions, there are going to be…issues with that one. (Lazare is incapable of being with someone when he hasn’t at least tried to kill their father.) Matthieu Carnot and Camille Lou in the original cast had HELLA chemistry with one another, and I’m not entirely willing to toss it all away.     
And for Solène…I’m not sure I’d go with ANYONE in the main cast. My main headcanon re: Solène and sexuality is that she’s bi, but the whole “Betrayal by her idiot of a brother” thing has really put her off the idea of being romantically involved with dudes for an extended period of time. Sexually? Sure, for the money involved. It’s her JOB, but she’s not going to go for anything that requires trust. Lucile is the obvious alternative, but I’m not sure how Lucile’s upper middle class upbringing would work with Solène and her profession, and the entire business with the engagement +…Lucile’s ultimate fate would work. (Also Lucile’s part in The Scene in the Toho version…it hasn’t put me off her as a CHARACTER, I still love her very much, but…it’s made me…less keen on her with Solène.) I also crackship her with Marie Antoinette. Marie Antoinette gets all the ladies in the main cast. 
My happily ever after for them: In the canon verse? They leave Paris, either getting out of the country or quietly running into the country, where they can live in peace without the Reign of Terror getting them. They establish a domestic life together, where both of them learn to trust again, even as Solène keeps her own funds Just in Case, because some things are a little harder to move past than others. Lt. du Puget knows, but he’s been too traumatized by his own experiences with the Bastille, as well as too grateful to the Mazuriers for all they’ve done to raise a fuss, and he becomes like a second father to Solène, with Françoise being a sister and partner in crime to her. Solène doesn’t lose track of her friends in Paris and visits them from time to time, even as she gets used to middle class life, and she never entirely loses her fire. They both die of old age, many, many years after the Revolution (because, as we all know, Olympe does not die at the end, and there has never been a time where she died at the end; it is her destiny to outlive the rest of the cast with her girlfriend.) And then, in the afterlife, Solène gets at least one slap in on her brother before they’re one big, happy family again. Because he does deserve it, tbh. 
Out of canon, I would honestly love to see a world where Solène/Olympe and Lazare/Ronan could have co-existed with each other as a family, albeit an insanely unorthodox one. I could see Olympe and Lazare having a marriage of convenience, with both of them having their own sections of the house that are just theirs, and with sex not even being a consideration. (Solène takes it more as a matter of course and the best possible option, even if she doesn’t LIKE Lazare; Ronan runs off and spends, like, a week crying somewhere before they can get him calmed down enough to explain.) Like, their wedding night is spent playing cards in bed until they can sneak out to their separate rooms, and at some point Ronan’s in-between them, drooling on Lazare’s shoulder while Solène glares daggers because if he hurts her girlfriend or her brother, she will not HESITATE to destroy him. Everyone knows that they’re gay AF and that a former under-governess to the royal family is sleeping with a former sex worker, mainly because Artois never shuts up about it (because if he can’t have Lazare under his thumb and he can’t murder the hypotenuse, he’s at least going to do his best to make his life miserable), but, does it matter? No. What are they going to do, not invite Lazare or Olympe to one of their salons? The horror, the horror. One year, for her New Year’s present, Ronan gives Solène a pair of earplugs so she doesn’t have to hear some of the ungodly sounds that come from his and Lazare’s side of the house. Everyone’s happy. 
who is the big spoon/little spoon: See, my GUT instinct is Solène for big spoon, since it gives her a place of security without her feeling pinned in, but also I love the thought of Olympe sometimes taking over, nuzzling into Solène’s neck and having Solène wake up and being like “Holy shit, this is real” even years later. 
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Taking walks together, reading. I like to think that Olympe helps Solène learn how to read (which is one of the areas where I feel like they differ from R/L. Even though I think Lazare would read out loud to Ronan, I’m not sure he’d go through the trouble of TEACHING him, especially since that’s…giving Ronan some serious power as far as being able to page through any of Lazare’s papers.) Sometimes, Solène just prefers to hear Olympe read out loud, with her absently putting her hand on Olympe’s arm as time goes on and she relaxes, since Olympe has a very bright, expressive voice that suited her well when she was an undergoverness, and even if she doesn’t mean to, she finds herself taking on different voices for different characters, which makes for an entertaining reading experience,. The two of them also help each other with their daily toilette, getting each other’s hair and clothes prepared. 
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This? Is an Olympe innovation. 
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And this? Is a Solène. She Tries. And Olympe loves her for it. 
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6mike6end6 · 5 years
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FATALITY/ Last week I’ve finished Solène’s forearm piece. Lines healed, shading fresh. Thanks for looking ! 🔗[email protected] or dm #tattoo #tattooing #falcontattoo #falcon #eagletattoo #snaketattoo #battleroyaletattoo #blackandgrey #blackandgreytattoo #blackwork #blackworktattoo #finelinetattoo #paristattoo #tattooparis #paris #parloiruk #tttism #blkttt #btattooing #tatowierung #tatouage #tatuaje #tatuagem (at Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzfJPB_lSd2/?igshid=elko7pl4pto5
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