#Spine Surgery
a-deep-purple-feeling · 9 months
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UNTITLED (16"x 12", acrylic paint, oil, dried flowers on canvas board; 21.1.23)
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sigyn-foxyposts · 5 months
December 22th
After the surgery!
Hello everyone, good news! The surgery was a success and I'm lucky to not feel any pain as for now, I got a lot of rest and even a whole room for myself too :D
Now I'll start rambling about things!
The nurses here are amazing and I even met a few cool and memorable ones.
Like a Swedish woman who's super nice and a funny guy nurse (we love guy nurses!) that helped me stand up for the first time after my back surgery. I felt very dizzy but I didn't pass out 😵‍💫
He had a fun humor tho that I easily got along with! When he gave me my name tag that I put around me wrist, I didn't realize he had switched it out as a joke until I was preparing myself for a shower.
Now it makes sense why he said "here's an extra wrist band you can keep as a suvenier"
That suvenier was my actual wrist band! I'm so neurodivergent I swear- sometimes I don't understand the jokes 😂
But anyways, since I'm 18 now and count as an adult I've sadly been alone at the hospital, it's my first time too. But that's alright honestly because there needs to be a first time to everything!
And that right now is me not depending on my parents like I've always done! Same goes for others out there going through this, you're safe and sound at the hospital even if your caretakers aren't there with you!
I feel very proud of myself for just jumping into this second surgery and get it over with, not being as afraid like I was the first time.
Of course it was still differicult for me, the whole week before I went in I felt quite depressed and upset that there was a problem with my back once more.
But than again when you've done something once, the other times won't really be that bad, especially when you know and understand what youre going to do!
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I'll admit before the surgery I was very nervous and did break down a little in tears when I first got into the surgery room.
Last time my mother had been there to comfort me but now it was the doctors who comforted me, I truly appreciate it.
These people know what they're doing!
I feel asleep just fine when they gave me a mask to breathe in some funky gas!
But I think when everything went dark I hallucinated for a quick second a weird green living room with a big bookshelf and a nice chair?? 🤨
But besides from that weird experience, when I woke up again and my parents did come to visit.
What's funny is that while I my head was fully awake my eyes were apparently swollen so I couldn't see anything, but talk and listen to the conversations.
I'll be honest it kinda sucked when I wanted to see things around me and be on my phone. But my eyes did eventually open up so don't worry haha!
Right now I'm just resting, I've surprisingly slept very well! I'll also have some guests over later today, it's only 9 in the morning right now as I'm writing this!
I'll hopefully update more later on about what's happening right now in life! But yeah yeah, I'll take it easy and rest already.
I can hear you guys already telling me hehe 😼
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bio-digital-jazz · 4 months
Help me move around again
TL;DR: After being on leave from work since October and two surgeries within 10 days... I'm in the hole bad and could use some help.
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arcanemoonstudio · 3 months
I hate to need to ask, but in struggling quite a bit since my emergency surgery last week.
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mobiusmobiles · 8 months
last monday: same horrible pain ive been in for months, can barely walk with the support of my rollator
last tuesday: artificial disc replacement turns into anterior fusion when the space is too small
last wednesday: walk without back pain for the first time since the crash
sunday: get discharged
today: walk a mile and a half, rollator only used for balance, with minimal if any back pain
things dont always get better. but sometimes they do.
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heyitssashag · 1 year
Post Op Day 10
The home support worker came today to give me a shower and wash my hair. I have clean hair. Hooray. She was an odd duck but she did her job and even changed my sheets.
I checked in with my comedy class online. Gave them a quick update about how things were going. Then I logged off early. I was just too tired to focus.
Ella ended up taking me for a walk to the cafe. I’m so thrilled. I got my raspberry cream puff and Ella got a piece of rhubarb upside down cake.
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The cream puff was delicious and everything I dreamed it would be. I also had a decaf americano. We walked almost 2.5km. It was tough because there are hills and I’m still moving really slowly.
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After we got home, the mental health clinician called me to introduce themselves. Let’s just say, they weren’t very organized. Then after a couple of minutes, said they’ll call me back tomorrow. It was a weird call. lol. I don’t think I have high hopes with this.
I’m really tired. I still feel disheveled. My mid/upper back is very sore which restricts most movement. I’m very uncomfortable. My right arm/hand is achey, sore and keeps getting numb or has pins and needles so I have to keep readjusting myself. I’m going to take a pain pill and have a cup of tea. Then will hopefully try and find a good podcast to listen to.
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curvierthanyou · 1 year
A while back I had a Thought: where do doctors get the metal for your spinal fusions from???
This started out with me making a joke about Elon Muskrat profiting off emerald mining and child labor a la his father. But then I wondered, where does the cobalt chrome and titanium in my spine come from??? Is it ethically sourced? Or is my cyborg spine the product of child labor????????
Now I really want to know
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lifewithchronicpain · 2 years
I spent the first eight years of my medical practice performing surgery for back pain. Seattle, Washington in 1986 was one of the most aggressive regions in the country regarding the indications for this operation. The reason for the surge was that we were introduced to newer technology that allowed us to attain a solid spinal fusion a higher percent of the time.
I was excited to be able to offer the option of surgery to my patients and felt badly if I could not find a reason to help someone out with an operation. I followed all my patients indefinitely and worked hard on optimizing the rehab. My results seemed okay, but were not close to what I wanted them to be.
Then the data came out in 1994 that the success rate two years after a spine fusion for low back pain in an injured worker was only about 30 percent. I immediately stopped doing the procedure, but did not know what else to offer. In the meantime, I began my own descent into severe pain.
During this period, I performed a one-level lumbar fusion at the lowest level of a young gentleman in his early 30’s. He had a work-related injury and been in pain and disabled for over 3 years. I worked with him for about 6 months to stabilize his medications, supervised his physical therapy and recommended several back injections. I knew nothing about chronic pain and the implications of a sensitized nervous system.
After the operation, he was worse. I saw him every two to four weeks for over a year to do what I could to help him. He became increasingly frustrated, and his behavior became so aggressive, I had to dismiss him from care. He quickly assaulted his grandmother for money for meds. He then headed with a gun to Eastern Washington, where I was holding a satellite clinic.
“He’s coming after you with a gun,” a relative warned. We alerted the police and fortunately he never showed up. I never heard from him again.
Around this time, one of my spine partner’s patients begin to scream and yell in the middle of a full waiting room because he had a failed spine surgery and his disability had run out. He proceeded to pick up a potted plant and throw it across the room. Fortunately, no one was injured. (Read more at link)
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jupiterhospital · 2 years
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PAINKILLERS, 29.03.23; 10" x 12 " acrylic on canvas board
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sigyn-foxyposts · 6 months
Important news‼️
Hello everyone, my followers and friends! I have some news, a while ago back on January 17th I made a similar post to this talking about how I had gone through a huge surgery to fix my scoliosis.
I've had scoliosis for years now, the sad news is..while that surgery was successful! There was something that ended up going lose and now on December 20th and 21th I'll go back into the hospital to fix it.
I don't know how long recovery will take but it won't be as big as the last luckily!!
So hopefully this goes well as the last and I'll be back on my feet with more content!
For now I'm thinking about just posting some fun stuff and my lastest art before I'll disappear! So you guys have something to look at I suppose ^^
Also I spoke about how I'd worship Hel if I made it through! Spoiler I obviously did!
And I wanna showcase my alters for her and Sigyn! Yes I have one for her as well to show my appreciation for both 😌✨✨
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Not our girlie getting a 2 story alter 🤭
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asiya2000 · 1 year
Types of Spine Surgeries and their Implications
Spine surgery is considered when a patient experiences severe neurogenic pain and non-surgical treatments fail to provide relief. It is typically viewed as a last resort after exhausting other options. Initially, patients are advised to incorporate regular physical activity and may receive over-the-counter treatments and anti-inflammatory medication. Non-surgical treatments such as home exercises, medication, physical therapies, and spinal injections are also utilized.
Two main types of spine surgeries are traditional/open spine surgery and minimally invasive spine surgery. Traditional surgery involves complete exposure of the anatomy, while minimally invasive surgery offers limited exposure and faster recovery. The choice between the two depends on the patient's condition and surgical requirements.
Various spine surgeries are available, including laminectomy for spinal stenosis, microdiscectomy for sciatica, and traditional lumbar fusion for spinal instability or degenerative disc disease. Minimally invasive procedures like lateral lumbar interbody fusion and percutaneous instrumentation are also performed.
A skilled spine surgeon should have expertise in both traditional and minimally invasive techniques and possess excellent communication skills to discuss treatment options with patients.
Patients should seek care from reputable healthcare institutions that provide comprehensive spine care and have a team of specialists to address various spinal issues. These institutions may refer patients to expert spine care providers for non-surgical treatments when necessary. know more click here
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joyful-witch · 1 year
Little personal update.
February was a very shitty month for me.
I almost died of sepsis. So that was fun.
Also Leo has been having seizures so we’re dealing with that now. We don’t know why and the CT scan he needs to find out why is like $10k so we’re just mitigating it rn. The dream of him becoming a full time service dog is now officially dashed and he e want to just train him to do task work at home now.
Also again I’ve been really sick and almost fucking died so that sucked. Current plan is to finish out this semester, have surgery to get rid of the infection this summer, and I’ll take the fall off to recover.
Anyhow I looked hot for like. Two days this month and here’s the fits.
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Fit for goth bowling (which just turned into a little thrifting trip and a stop by Steal N Shake). I was hospitalized with sepsis the next day. Yay for chronic infection and invisible illness.
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This one was this week. Accidental farm lesbian look because I got overheated.
Also I will post puppy pictures eventually I just. Have been very ill and have had very little energy.
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northeasthospital · 5 days
Spine Surgery in Patna | North-East Orthopaedic & Trauma Hospital
Get top-quality spine surgery in Patna at North-East Orthopaedic & Trauma Hospital. Our experienced surgeons use advanced techniques like spinal fusion and disc replacement to provide the best care. We focus on comprehensive care to help you return to a pain-free and active lifestyle. Book your appointment today for exceptional spine surgery in Patna. Our advanced facilities and compassionate staff ensure a comfortable experience. Trust us for your spine health needs and start your journey to recovery.
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healthcareplatform · 6 days
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heyitssashag · 1 year
Post Op Day 6.
The pharmacist told me I should call the neurosurgeon about my hives. So I left a message. Haven’t heard anything back. Didn’t think I would. I guess it’s not a cause for concern. I’ll keep taking the Claratin (antihistamine) for now. It clears up about 60-80% of the hives and itchiness depending on the time of day. Evenings are the worst.
I ordered a small amount of groceries but most of it was to get me “regular” again. The hospital didn’t help much with my bowel protocol. When you’re on a pile of narcotics things move a lot slower. I was getting a bit desperate and wondered if I should start gnawing on bails of hay. Instead, I got prunes and prune juice and it worked. Man, I feel old. lol. I also got other things like suppositories in case I had to break out the big guns but now I can save those for emergencies. <insert unenthusiastic “yay” here>
The home support nurse was here to clean me up too. I’m hoping I won’t need them for much longer. Right now I can barely raise my arms or bend down. Maybe in a few more days. Can’t really twist or turn yet, either.
I have to get the staples removed from my neck by Thursday. I’m going to see if I can get in to a walk in clinic otherwise I’ll be stuck having to head to the hospital. I was going to get home support to do it but I have to get an order from the neurosurgeon and I doubt they’ll follow up with that. They’re just too busy. Regardless, I think it’s better a doctor looks at it to make sure it’s healing properly. It’s times like these where having a family doctor so far away stinks. Waitlist to get a GP out here is estimated to be 2 years. Although, I may be considered priority because of cancer. I’ll check into it. I really love my GP, though. Had him for over 18 years now. Would be sad to have to get a new one.
At the moment, pain-wise, I’m doing okay. I’m not able to walk far without feeling exhausted and needing to sit down. I figured I should move more and get my heart rate up a bit so I walked up and down the front of the house driveway area with the walker.
Here I am sporting my non-matching night shirt and pjs bottoms with my sexy green neck brace.
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The walker sucked. I ended up putting it to the side and walked around the perimeter of the house without it. The kid was with me the whole time making sure I didn’t fall. It was so nice to be outside. The evening is much cooler. I’ve tried being outside during the day and nearly melted.
Anyway, I’ve started watching the show Succession, finally. So, I’ll likely be binging that. I need a new fun book to read. I have the book club book for next month but it’s starting off as a snoozefest. It’s got great reviews so I’ll stick it out a little longer. I’ll reveal the title once I know I’m going to finish it. Yes, I do abandon books occasionally when they’re a bore. I used to force myself through them but it’s a waste of brain power. I’ve learned the hard way that 99% of the time, they don’t get any better.
The kid downloaded some games for me on their Steam Deck. Right now I’m stuck at an impossible level on Diner Dash. lol.
Tomorrow there is nothing on the agenda aside from home support and having to return a few emails. I hope to walk a little further - maybe down to the end of the street. Who knows, maybe I’ll be able to get to the cafe by the weekend. I like to dream big! lol.
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