#Star Trek/Reader
make-me-imagine · 2 years
Green With Envy
Plot: Spock begins to notice an unusual anger coursing through him. With the only reason he can find, being You and Samuel Kirk.
Pairing: Spock (SNW) x GN!Reader
Request: Jealous Spock - pre relationship Requested By: @anonymousewrites
Warnings: None!
Words: 2.2k
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As the sound of your laugh met Spock's ears, he felt his pulse quicken as his eyes darted around. Spotting you in a nearby lounge room, his lip quirked as he spotted a bright smile on your face.
But as his eyes moved to the person your smile was directed at, Spock felt his stomach twist. Samuel Kirk was sitting beside you, showing you something on his personal PAD.
Spock wasn't sure why he suddenly felt, what he could only describe as, angry, as he saw the two of you so close, laughing and smiling together. He and Sam were not particularly close, but why should he make Spock feel like this? How did his mood shift so quickly?
As he looked between the two of you, a thought crossed his mind. Were you two dating? Spock was almost startled at how this thought made him feel. If you were happy, he should be happy. So why wasn't he?
Spock's eyes met the curious gaze of Commander Riley's. "Commander." He greeted, trying his best to not look back over at you.
"You okay Spock? You look pretty angry."
Spock rose a brow as he tried to collect himself "I am not."
She was clearly unconvinced but just smiled softly "Alright, if you say so."
"I did say so. Excuse me, I am late for a meeting with the Captain." Spock said curtly before he continued down the hall.
Una watched after him before looking into the nearby room. Her eyes quickly found you and Sam as you sat together. Una smiled softly, understanding much quicker than Spock, what was going on in his own mind.
--- --- ---
As Spock walked swiftly down the hall and towards your station, he ignored the impatient feeling in his chest. Ever since he saw you and Sam earlier, he had been wanting to know more about what was going on between you.
He attempted to convince himself that it was solely to make sure you two could remain profession if you were in a relationship. But even he was not so oblivious to his own feelings to know that was a lie. He just wanted to know if you were together. He wanted to know if you were happy. No matter how much the thought of you and Sam together seemed to irk him.
Entering into the room, his eyes scanned around for you. He felt an ache of disappointment when he saw you were not at your station.
"Ensign." He called out to the one in your place. "Where is Lieutenant L/n?"
"Oh, they're with Lieutenant Kirk working on a project."
"A project? Which project?"
The ensign shrugged "I don't know Sir, but they should be just down the hall."
Spock nodded his head as he began to make his way to where he would hopefully find you. Were you skipping out on your shifts just to spend time with Kirk? He took in a deep breath as his chest tightened at the thought.
Hearing your voice in a nearby room, he stepped in spotting you immediately. You were leaning over Kirk's PAD, showing him something.
Spock took in a deep breath "Y/n."
You looked in up surprise as you heard your name. Spock rarely called you by your first name, especially when on duty. You felt your ears burn a bit "Yes?"
"Captain Pike wants you in the mission debriefing."
Looking at the time you mumbled under your breath as you turned to Sam. "You got it from here?"
He smiled at you "Yeah thanks. I'll show you later."
You smiled at him as you began to follow Spock out of the room. Your eyes scanned Spock's face, and you could tell something was off. His face was usually blank, but calm. Now, he had wrinkles in his forehead, and his jaw was clenched tight.
"Is something wrong Spock?"
He looked over at you briefly "No."
You looked forward, feeling a pang in your chest. Something was definitely wrong, but he clearly did not want to discuss it with you
Spock silently chastised himself for his tone as he replied to you. He was not surprised that you could tell something was wrong with him. You could always tell what he was feeling, even when he did not, like now.
After a few moments of silence, Spock could no longer hold in his curiosity. Speaking, in a tone he thought was casual, he glanced over at you "What project are you and Lieutenant Kirk working on?"
Spock's tone was abnormally monotone. "Uhm, I was just helping him figure out what to do for the anniversary."
You saw Spock hesitate in his step for a moment. He looked over at you, clearly stunned "Anniversary? I was unaware you two had been together long enough to have one."
Now it was you who hesitated, well, more like stumbled. "What?" You let out a surprised laugh "No, not mine and Sam's anniversary, his and his wife's anniversary...did you not know he was married?"
Spock now stopped fully as he looked down at you. "No, I did not."
"And you thought he and I were....dating?"
Spock stared at you for a moment "Well, I had seen the two of you recently. And you seemed close, so I assumed."
"Well you assumed wrong." You chuckled as you continued to walk "I was just helping him set up a surprise for her."
Spock watched you closely, feeling a warmth spreading in his chest, and an almost overwhelming feeling of relief. As he felt a smile begin to form on his face, he quickly pushed it down.
"That is very kind of you. I am sorry for making such an assumption without more information."
It was almost impossible not to notice that Spock's voice had lightened considerably, and his face was no longer clenched in distress.
You couldn't help but consider it had something to do with him assuming you and Sam were a couple. You looked over at him and spoke softly "It is a bit unlike you."
"Yes. I agree."
Looking up, Spock noticed you were growing close to the debriefing room. Stopping again, he looked down at you. Before he could speak, he heard both your names called by Pike, who had just arrived as well.
As you were ushered inside, Spock was forced to keep his thought for later. And forced to deal with the impatience that would come with it.
Walking out of the room, and saying goodbye to Uhura and Nhan, you were left with the odd feeling that had settled in your chest.
During the entire mission debriefing, you were aware of Spock's almost constant gaze. Every time you looked over at him, he was looking at you. The only times he was not, was when the Captain asked him a question, but even then, sometimes his eyes would flick back over to you, if only for a second.
This unsettled you, but not in a discomforting way. It made you feel shy, and almost hopeful. The way his mood had shifted from before assuming you and Sam were a couple, to after when he learned this was not true. Something changed, something you had been waiting for. For him to look at you, to see you.
You felt your heart leap in your chest as Spock's voice came from behind you.
Stopping, and turning, you felt your face and ears burn a bit hotter. "Sir." You greeted, your voice small.
"I was hoping you might be free to have dinner with me tonight."
Your breath seemed to vanish as you stared up at him. "Uh, dinner? Yeah- yes, I'm free."
Spock nodded, and the ghost of a smile sat on his face. "Good. At seven in my quarters then?"
You nodded, clearly bewildered, and even more so when he bowed slightly and let without another word. You watched him disappear before letting out a soft breath "What just happened?"
--- --- ---
Sitting down across from Spock, your heart was beating heavily, your breaths almost forced to stay even. You looked around Spock's quarters, as he set a drink down in front of you.
"Thank you." You said politely as you looked down at the food in front of you.
You felt your ears burning as you realized it was one of your favorite meals. How did he know?
Spock, as if reading your mind, spoke smoothly "I inquired from Captain Pike if the two of you had discussed food, since both of you enjoy cooking. He informed me that this was one of your favorites."
You nodded lightly with a smile "It is, thank you. That's very considerate of you."
As he nodded his head lightly, you thought you saw a small smile, but it passed quickly. As you began to eat, Spock seemed to be lost in thought, so you gently cleared your throat "I have to admit, I was a bit surprised that you asked me to have dinner with you, let alone in your quarters."
Spock shrugged his head "Yes, I know it is very unusual of me to have asked. And the setting I am sure, seems quite personal. But there was a reason behind it."
You smiled "Yes, I assumed so. I hope there's noting wrong?"
"No, there is nothing wrong. Not in the sense, that I am seeking your help for anything."
You nodded softly as you took a bite of food. "I see."
"I thought the topic of conversation I wished to bring up, would be too personal to have in the mess hall."
Your felt your chest tighten "Oh, okay." You nodded, clearly perplexed.
"I lied to you, earlier today in the hall after I found you with Lieutenant Kirk, when you asked if something was wrong." You rose your brow and he continued. "Again, there is nothing wrong in the sense that I a requesting your help, though it does have something to do with you."
"With me?"
He nodded lightly "I was....effected by the thought I had, that you and Samuel Kirk were a couple. At first I thought maybe what I was feeling was due to mine and Kirk's past conflicts. But, once I learned that the two of you were not in a relationship, I felt...relieved, and even glad. It was then that I understood what I was feeling."
As he paused, his eyes locked onto yours and you were sure you stopped breathing.
You blinked as you felt your face and ears burn hotter. You swallowed and took in a sharp breath. "You were jealous?"He nodded once, and you nodded your head as well "Okay. Uhm, in what sense?" You asked curiously as you nervously played with your napkin.
Was he jealous that he thought you were in a relationship and he was not. Or was he jealous that he thought you were in a relationship with someone else?
Spock thought for a moment before realizing you were trying to find out for sure what he was jealous about. "I was jealous in the sense that I thought Samuel Kirk was with you, and I was not."
Your mouth fell agape as you processed what he said. "Oh." You muttered softly.
"This makes you uncomfortable?"
You shook your head "No, no it doesn't, it just surprises me that's all."
He frowned a bit "In a...pleasant way?" He asked cautiously.
Realizing he must be struggling to figure out your feelings as you struggled to find your thoughts, you let out a bewildered chuckle.
"Oh, yes, yes it's a good surprise. I mean, I just, never thought you would ever be interested, or even think of me in that way at all."
"I am sorry I never made it more obvious. I must confess, I was unsure if what I was feeling was romantic affection for you, or platonic, as I do consider you a friend. But after the jealousy I felt today, I understand now which it was. And I hope I can assume, since it is a pleasant surprise for you, that you feel the same?"
You were both surprised and amused in the almost shy edge to his voice as he spoke. The way his eyes were a bit wider as he talked, clearly in new territory, and almost nervous.
You smiled at him and nodded "Yes, I do."
"Then, would it be alright, for me to ask if I could court you?"
Your eyebrows shot up a bit "Court me? As in for marriage?"
"That is a common connection. But in this case, I would take notes from a more human stand-point, that I believe you would call 'dating'."
You let out an almost relieved sigh "So, you are asking if you want to date me, like, be my boyfriend? Or whatever the Vulcan equivalent is of that?"
You saw Spock's lips curl into a small smile "Yes, if you would have me, that is."
Feeling a chill run through your body, you smiled, almost shyly. "Yes, Spock, I would have you."
His smile widened a bit as he reached across the table and placed his hand on top of yours. "I am glad. I very much desire to explore these feelings with you Y/n."
You felt your chest grow warmth as he smiled at you, something you did not often see. Looking down at your hands, you turned yours over, so your palms met.
Locking your eyes with him again, you grinned "As am I."
xx End xx
Hope you enjoyed! I struggled a bit with it lol
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @caswinchester2000, @imaginesfire, @rexit-mo, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Star Trek/Spock Taglists: @starfleetimagines, @groovy-lady, @asgardianhobbit98, @agent-catfish-kenobi, @starship-argo, @cs-please, @tinymushrooms
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generalkenobee · 4 months
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ghouljams · 11 months
I got brain rot of Cowboy!König just being so fucking frustrated over his darling sometimes because she’s so sweet and trusting and just a bit naive so she does stupid things like leave her doors unlocked so he has to go and lock them for her just so that he has some peace of mind.
He will never know peace with Bee. Even when they get together she's the type of person to go, "Why would I worry about that? König will handle it." And he will but Christ woman, worry about something, please.
You are so interminably trusting it is bordering on insane. König twists the knob on your front door and sighs when it opens with little fuss. When you’d talked about how safe this town felt he really had hoped you didn’t mean it was “leave your door unlocked” safe. Apparently you had. He slid the door open enough to let himself in, and shut it quietly behind him.
He may as well, you practically left him an invitation after all. Stupid. Naive. You’re a woman living alone, shouldn’t you know better?
He thinks you keep your spare keys in your kitchen. Really you should have offered him one with how often you see each other, but it’s fine, he’ll grab one for himself and lock up while he’s at it. König is quiet searching your kitchen drawers, mindful of the clink of silverware as he eases each drawer open to look for your keys. It’s late enough that you should be dead asleep, but one can never be too careful. Nothing. He goes to check the table by the door, wincing at the creak of unoiled wood sliding against itself. He pauses, sliding his fingers carefully into the opening to feel for- yes, there it is.
A little ring with two pink metallic keys. He slides one off and takes a moment to put it on his own key ring before replacing the spare and sliding the drawer back into place. There, nothing left but to lock up. 
He hesitates, his hand on the front door waiting to open it. What is stopping him from leaving? No. What’s stopping him from staying? Your little orange cat winds its way around his legs, just as eager to see him as its mother always is. König bends down to scoop it up, feeling the rumble of its purr and scratching between its ears.
“Bringen wir dich zurück zu deiner Mutter,” He tells it with a low whisper. That’s what’s stopping him, he wants to see you. 
He knows where your room is, of course, up the stairs and at the end of the little hall. Your old floors may creak for you, but he’s never had any trouble. Your door is open, your windows are open, you are open. Sleeping soundly under the cool breeze from the ceiling fan, looking so sweet and soft, and vulnerable. 
This was the problem. You left yourself too vulnerable to threats. It’s just not healthy. What if something were to happen and he wasn’t here? He sets the cat down on the floor, and brushes a strand of hair off your face. Pretty. His pretty girl.
You make a soft noise as the cat jumps on the bed, and he- God- No, no, he has to go. He can’t stay. He can’t.
It is a long walk back to the front door, but he doesn’t forget to lock it behind him.
König is such a worry wart sometimes, you think it’s funny that a man his size is worried about safety. He looks like a one man army, but he always double checks that he locked his front door before he leaves. You just wait for him in the truck, eager to get to town and get your weekly shopping done. When he finally gets in the cab and turns the truck on, you catch a flash of pink hanging with the rest of his keys. It looks just like one of your house keys, but that can’t be right.
“Is that my key?” You ask, feeling something pull in your gut, König glances down at his key ring, “How did you get my key?”
“You gave me one, did you forget?” König says with a frown, “You said you needed someone to feed the cat when you go into the city.” You nod hesitantly, thinking. Did you give him a key? You do need someone to feed Spot when you have to make the trek out to civilization. 
“Huh, yeah I- Thanks for that, I guess.” If König says you asked him you must have. He’s got no reason to lie to you.
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dataentryspecialist · 1 month
Y'know what's great about Data?
Ok one of the things that's great about Data
Even if he barely knew you. Even if you were just passing acquaintances at best. If you showed up at his quarters one day in your frigging pajamas and was like "I had a bad dream and I'm afraid to be alone" he would absolutely be like "you are welcome to remain with me as long as you wish"
Then if you fell asleep on his couch or whatever he would carry you to bed (or at least tuck you in with a comfy blanket)
And then if you were awake enough to grab his sleeve and ask him to lay with you to keep you safe, he would maybe be confused as to how his presence can keep you from having another nightmare, but still lay with you because it'll make you feel better
And in the morning when you feel silly and embarrassed, he would assure you that it was nothing to be ashamed of and he is just honored you trusted him with your concerns.
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orange-cheetah · 1 year
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dira333 · 10 months
Bonded - part 2
Spock x reader
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“How is it?” McCoy asks when you walk into med-bay.
“How is what?” You ask back while crossing the distance towards the replicator, requesting two cups of coffee.
“Having a bond with that green-blooded hobgoblin.”
“It’s been a day, okay?” You quip and hand him one of the cups, “So far we haven’t killed each other.”
McCoy grins at that and takes a sip.
“You acting like you hate him won’t fool me, dear. You’re pretty obvious about your feelings.”
You groan and step aside, hoping that will end the conversation. It doesn’t.
“Date night?” McCoy asks two days later when you step out of your office after having gone through all your paperwork - or more accurately, PADD-work. You rub your lips together self-consciously, aware of the color of the lipstick you rarely use.
“What does it matter?” You ask back, hiding your anxiety behind a cool facade. Not that it works, McCoy sees straight through you.
“Nothing. Have fun.” He grins while saying so and you roll your eyes at him and step out of med-bay.
It doesn’t take you long to realize that date night with Spock usually means the choice between two things: Meditate with him or play chess with him.
You usually opt for chess as it gives you the opportunity to talk while doing so, but you’re rather bad at chess so you’re mostly quiet as you try not to lose too badly.
It takes you two weeks or four date nights until you’re tired of it. But how do you tell him that without offending him?
You don’t want him to realize it by reading your feelings through the bond and keep calm as much as possible until you’re tired of that too and drop in the seat in front of McCoy’s desk with a groan.
“How do I tell him that I hate chess?”
“By using your mouth, for example?”
You roll your eyes at him. “I would have done that if it was easy. For someone so intent on nosing around in my matters you could have better advice.”
“You want better advice?” McCoy puts down your PADD and looks at you, “Do you think you two are still bonded because you are a shy wallflower that says yes to everything he likes and does? If he wanted something like that, he could have found plenty of those on Vulcan or elsewhere.”
You stare at him wordlessly for a few seconds before you push yourself out of your seat.
“This must be the worst version of ‘Be yourself!’ I’ve ever heard,” you tell him as you walk out his office.
“I hope so!” He calls after you as you leave.
“You are early,” Spock tells you as you step into his ready room.
“Well yeah,” you say, “I like spending time with you.”
He looks up at you, eyebrow raised in question.
“You have something to say?”
“Yes. I hate chess.”
Spock stops short and you take a breath.
“Well, I don’t exactly hate it, you know, but I’m really bad at it, but I figured we could still talk while playing chess whereas meditating seems just plain impossible to me.”
“What do you propose then?”
“There are so many things to choose from. Watch a movie, listen to music we like, make music even or just, I don’t know, talk like we did that first time. And that’s just the innocent part of my ideas.”
He quirks the left side of his mouth upwards until it positively looks like he’s smiling and you grin back at him.
“I’m open to all of your ideas,” he says and you nod.
“Well, how about you show me what we can do with that bond thing anyway?”
You feel a tingling sensation at the back of your head where the connection rests and close your eyes involuntarily as pictures, sounds and feelings trickle in.
You can see yourself talking on a conference, can hear Spock talk to Captain Kirk how you would be a viable addition to the team and feel his eagerness to talk to you when you first step onto the Enterprise.
Your eyes snap open as you realize what he’s trying to show you and the connection stills.
“I am very interested in what you might have to tell,” Spock tells you softly and gestures towards the couch for you to take a seat.
-months later -
It feels different to date when you’re bonded.
It feels different to be bonded.
You are not just yourself anymore and everytime you say or do or feel something, you are reminded of that.
When Ensign Kreger vomits all over your shoes you can feel Spock’s annoyance pricking you right at the back of your skull. It makes it harder to stay calm.
It also makes it harder to stay friends with Dr. McCoy because you can literarily feel Spock’s feelings whenever the CMO makes you laugh. Not that Spock would acknowledge himself having feelings at all, anyway.
“Stop that,” you tell him one morning as soon as you’ve made it to your quarters after an exhausting Gamma shift. You’re sprawled out on the bed and Spock is standing in the doorway, face passive, but annoyance ringing loud and clear through your bond.
“I merely wish you would take better care of yourself,” he states and you grunt.
“Vulcans do not lie,” Spock claims and steps forward to pull your shoes from your feet.
“But you keep information to yourself. You are annoyed by the fact that I’ve managed to have fun with Dr. McCoy.”
He stops what he’s doing and it’s getting harder for you to stay awake.
“That is true,” he finally confesses, “I admit that the logic of your friendship with the CMO appeals to me in a way I do not particularly like.”
“What?” You turn your head to look at him. “What logic?”
“Doctor McCoy has similar interests, a similar sense of humor and he is fully human. You fit together.”
You snort. “But he does not make my heart jump whenever I see him. Something you should know because we are bondmates.”
“That is a feeling and therefore purely illogical.”
“Illogical or not, I love you.” You tell him, your tongue made loose by exhaustion.
He leans forward to press his lips to your temple.
“I love you too,” he mumbles softly against your skin as you slowly but surely lose your fight and fall asleep.
A relationship is always hard work.
Sure, the bond helps you understand what the other is feeling and it makes many things easier, but not all.
The bond intensifies feelings, the positive ones and the negative ones as well.
You feel twice as happy when you’re happy with Spock, but you also feel twice as angry when he’s angry with you. Or when you’re angry with him. The lines blur until the source of the feelings are no longer clear.
“You could just tell me what she’s telling you,” You snap as you pull out a new uniform from your cupboard.
“I did. She informed me about the progress of the new vaccine.”
“And why did she giggle then?” You throw him a look, annoyance coursing through you, “Don’t tell me vaccines have turned into some new joke nowadays. Or is it just the French way to look serious?”
“Are you jealous?” He asks back, too calm for your liking, “Of Dr. Lefebvre?”
“She never talks to me, okay?” You tell him, huffing out in anger, “And when she does she speaks French which she knows I don’t understand and now she’s talking to my boyfriend, all giggly and smiley and I’m sorry if that makes me feel anxious, okay?”
“I do not think smiley and giggly are terms that-”
“Spock!” You interrupt him, “I don’t want a grammar lesson! I want you to tell me that no French Doctor could ever take you from me because you don’t like French or something like that.”
You wave your hands in the air, trying to capture what you’re feeling as if Spock didn’t already feel that through the bond.
“Dr. Lefebvre thinks we are married,” he says instead and you gape at him.
“What? Why?”
“Because we are close, we’ve been dating for almost two years. I told her we aren’t and she was giggling because she mentioned something about getting down on one knee and found it amusing that I did not get the reference.”
You lean your head against the door of your cupboard.
“Humans go down on one knee when they propose,” you explain to him and he nods in understanding. “That makes sense. Vulcans sing when they propose. Or hold a speech, whatever feels more natural to them.”
“Do you want to?”
“What? Sing? Hold a speech?”
You smile at him trying to copy your humor and shake your head.
“Get married.”
“Oh… well, we are bonded. In Vulcan terms, we are already engaged.”
You laugh at that and step over to where he’s standing, waiting for you to get ready.
“Take my hand, Spock.” You can feel your heart picking up speed, your brain trying to get you to rethink what you’re doing, but you’re not one to rethink yourself.
“Why?” But Spock is.
“I’m trying to ask you to marry me, so take my damned hand!”
He pulls a face at you but takes your hand and watches you with curious eyes as you go down on one knee. It’s difficult in the uniform you’re wearing, but possible.
“Will you, Spock, do me the honor of becoming my husband as soon as we make it to the next starbase?”
Spock crinkles his nose. “Our next stop is on Delta Vega, which is an ice desert void of any civilization. If you do not want to get wed by the poor man working the starbase, I’d advise waiting for a more suitable place.”
You groan.
“Would you marry me then on the next starbase we are both happy with?”
He sends you a strong feeling of happiness through the bond instead of answering and you laugh and jump up to wrap your arms around him.
“And now, the custom of kissing my fiancé,” you joke with a smile before leaning in.
He meets your lips with his own and you can feel an emotion through the bond, taking over your mind.
It’s happiness in its purest form.
It’s love.
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moonlightshaiku · 11 months
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Spock x Reader
Word Count:
Warnings: second hand embarrassment, puke
Ao3: N/A
I just like the idea of accidentally giving spock a vulcan kiss, okay????
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You knew that Mccoy's response of "Well be more social, then," was a result of him being busy. Not paying attention. But, you'd taken it to heart.
Being alone in your room so often had tanked your mental health. Introverted or not, part of "self care" is letting out your thoughts and feelings.
You can't help but think that self care is too complicated. Hygiene in itself is a fifty point list.
The best plan you had was to introduce yourself to someone. That in itself is difficult. There are too many options and techniques.
It was hard when it was just humans—or at least, mainly humans—back on Earth. But in the Enterprise? With even more races and cultures? Squeezed in? Together?
You enter the lift, blandly speaking out your destination. It's only when you notice the shoes next to you, shining, that you realize you have a chance to just— do this. Get it over with.
The anxiety swells in your throat, and you can't help but think it's not worth it. It'll take so much effort, and if you don't say anything, they'll never know.
"Good morning!" You chirp, before you can put to much thought in. It's much more gruff than you meant. You realize, as you swallow, that this is the first time you've spoken today.
You almost wonder if they're going to reply, but then you see a hand.
It barely takes a second to connect the dots. A handshake! Easy.
In your excitement at the ease of this venture, you bring your right hand to meet their left—and—oh.
Wrong hand. Your hands are touching. Theirs is straight, yours across it. Your ring and little finger are touching the side of their hand, your thumb tucked over their's.
You glance up at them, you don't make eye contact.
Your first two fingers presses against their last.
His last. His last two fingers.
He's male.
"Oh sorry, wrong hand!"
A Vulcan male.
He's Spock.
"Oh shit."
You jerk your hand back.
"The crude wording is not needed, Lieutenant-Commander."
"Spocckkk." You draw out through your teeth, voice high pitched.
The doors open, no one is there.
"I am. Fuck, I am sorry. It wasn't— fuck, sorry."
The door closes. The lift remains still.
"I didn't mean to—" you take a breath. "It wasn't my intention to—" you pause.
His eyebrows raise, your heart beats faster.
Can he report you for harassment over this? It was just a handshake— be pretty fucked up if he could.
It would be pretty fucked up if he couldn't, too. Damn.
He probably should report you.
He won't.
"Kiss you?"
The words feel like bile in your mouth.
Or are you about to puke?
"That's not a question. I did not mean to phrase that as a question." You attempt to repair quickly. "I did not want to kiss you."
Oh that sounds plan rude!
"Or, er— you know what I mean."
You blink at him. How long have you been talking?
"Are you done, Lieutenant-Commander?"
You stay quiet, and after a few moments, you realize that it's a genuine question.
"You can— you can call me Doctor. And yes. Sorry."
He nods. "Doctor. It was a mistake. It is of no consequence, and does not alter my opinion of you."
You nod, anxiety not fading. You do, however, remember to breathe.
"Can I make it up to you?" Is your timid reply. You find that Spocks eyebrows can reach impressive heights.
"I suppose so. However, I do not see a reason that 'making it up to me' is needed."
You let out a breathy chuckle after a long moment of silence, and it does good to ease the tightness in your chest.
"Okay." You breathe. "When... do you have time?"
Spock doesn't take any time to think. "Tonight would be sufficient."
You nod. "My quarters."
He nods.
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"Okay, you'll probably have to add another bead, so it'll fit. Let me—" you shift closer to him, taking a look at the bracelet in his hand. "—look at it."
It's only slightly too small for him, now. He'd decided to use the small glass bead in an elaborate pattern of rust, royal blue and copper. You had used the large plastic beads, and jokingly put an S bead on the bracelet. Baby blue.
"I do not see the point in making bracelets, Doctor."
You laugh. He's been happily putting beads on a string. He'd taken around ten minutes just choosing colours.
"Only idea I could come up with, really. Part of human culture."
You lean over, shoulder bumping his. "Okay, that looks good. Can I check it?"
Spock's eyebrow twitches. "Yes. That is agreeable."
"Alrighty." You gently grab each end of his bracelet, and he sticks his hand out. You bring the bracelet up, cupping his wrist like a U.
"Huh." You huff, scooting forward. "Okay, yeah, that's good. Want me to tie it?"
You glance up, making eye contact with Spock. The green of his face makes your eyebrows crease, but his face stays impassive.
He nods.
You promptly begin tying the bracelet, tearing your gaze away from his.
Once you have it double knotted, you reach over to the table, retrieve the scissors, and grab his hand.
Once you've snipped the excess, you hide the knot under a bead.
You hum. "Yes?"
When looking to Spock, you are met only by his unwavering stare and green cheeks. No words.
Your gaze travels down, your hand holding his.
"Oh fuck me."
"That does seem to be the message you are sending, Doctor."
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"May I have this dance?"
Pairing: TOS Spock x Reader Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series Words: 1.3K Summary: Sometimes all you need to do is talk and dance. A/N: I feel like this one is a bit OOC but I don't really care right now.
Not my gif!!!
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Sighing, you close the door behind you and kick your shoes off your feet. Note to self, next time just wear comfortable trainers. No one would care anyway. In a way, you were grateful to your husband for dragging you home early from the New Year's party, because you weren't sure how much longer you could have stood in those shoes.
On the other hand, you felt melancholy rising inside you as your eyes fell on the clock, which told you that it was only twenty minutes until midnight. You had been looking forward to the party for weeks, where the whole crew would meet (the five-year mission was over and the Enterprise had been in dock for repairs for two months) and the sight of familiar faces had put you in high spirits. However, Spock had taken you aside at a little after eleven and asked you to leave.
He was not too keen on large gatherings of people, even if he knew them well, and the loud music made his ears shrill. You had known that this would happen, but you had still hoped that you would at least manage to stay until midnight. Nevertheless, you did not grumble, but said goodbye to your friends and then, led by Spock, started on your way home. After all, he had only come and practically suffered for your sake and for your love, so you could not refuse to let him go if it became too much for him.
"You're disappointed." His voice made you look up. As so often, it was far from emotional and with his arms folded behind his back, he looked as if he were reporting to the captain on the Enterprise. "No, I'm not."
"But you're not happy about us leaving either." You sighed and walked over to him until you were standing in front of him. "I want to be honest with you Spock. No, I'm not happy. However, I'm not angry or disappointed either. I knew we would leave early because you are not comfortable with such festivities. However, I had hoped that we could stay there at least until midnight to celebrate the New Year with the others."
You smiled and gently felt for his hand, which he allowed. "However, I don't want you to feel guilty either." "I am Vulcan, I do not feel emotions." You just shook your head with a smile. "Of course not." You tried to turn around, however Spock continued to hold your hand. "If you had said so, we could have stayed."
"No," you shook your head. "You were uncomfortable and no celebration or party in the world is worth making you feel bad." "What a sentimental way of thinking." Smirking, you broke away from him to go to the bathroom and take off your jewellery. "Don't act like you wouldn't have done the same in my place, Spock."
"Maybe." He sounded thoughtful, lost in thought and you didn't get a longer answer, however, this was nothing new for you and you didn't think anything of it, so engrossed were you in removing the jewellery as well as make-up and the tightly fitting hairstyle. You only looked up when soft classical music flew into the bathroom. French, eighteenth century, if you were not mistaken. Confused, you drew your eyebrows together. "Spock?" No answer.
With another sigh, you set aside the rag of make-up remover you had just been about to use and left the bathroom. "Spock, what are ... you doing?" The last word almost stuck in your throat as you stepped into the living room. In no time at all, Spock had moved the furniture aside to create an open area in the middle of the room and had gathered pretty much all the candles in your flat together, lit them and spread them around the room so that they provided the only source of light.
He himself stood, still dressed in a festive black Vulcan tunic in the centre of the room, his face bathed in gold from the candlelight, his arms folded behind his back. "Spock, what...?" You were at a loss for words and Spock merely raised an eyebrow before taking elegant and lithe long strides towards you, coming to a stop in front of you. He looked down at you and regarded you for a few moments.
"I realised again tonight how much you have to give up to be married to me. I am aware that I am not always easy and that in many ways I do not conform to proper human behaviour. I am also aware of the fact that many persons around you have not spoken well of this marriage, but you have not allowed yourself to be influenced." He lowered his gaze slightly and you thought you could see a greenish glow on his cheeks.
"I have not fulfilled my duties as a husband well and no," he interrupted your protests before they could begin, " I will take no criticism in that regard. You have made many sacrifices and I have seldom appreciated them. For that I would like, humbly, to ask your forgiveness. I am also aware that it is not nearly equal to what you are doing to conform to my customs, however, I hope to make a start with this." Without hesitation, he slowly brought out his free hand, not covered in gloves, and held it out to you, his gaze now locked razor-sharp on yours.
"May I have this dance?"
For a few moments you were speechless. You had told Spock at the beginning of your relationship how much you loved dancing, but Spock had never shown any particular affection for it, so at some point you had stopped asking. However, you had always enjoyed it. Always.
It had been something private between you, almost intimate, since Spock, as you might expect, had not enjoyed indulging in such emotional things in front of other people, which was why you had danced supremely in the privacy of your quarters. That he now asked for it, willingly, and even seemed pleased, warmed your heart and almost caused you to turn into a squealing teenager.
"I would be honoured."
Carefully you took his hand and instantly you were flooded with feelings of affection and pure love that almost brought tears to your eyes. Gently, Spock led you onto the self-made dance floor and pulled you so close to him that you thought you could feel his heartbeat. Slowly Spock began to lead you, spinning you in circles and being, as in everything, elegant, smooth and just perfect.
In time, you relaxed enough to rest your head on his shoulder and sigh contentedly as his scent hit your nose and he pulled you even closer. "Thank you," you whispered after a few minutes of silent dancing and Spock just hummed softly in denial. "There is nothing to thank me for, Adun'a."
Before you could answer, bangs sounded outside and a glance at the clock confirmed your suspicions. "It's midnight," Spock spoke your thought as you broke away from him and walked over to the window on your balcony. Spock stepped behind you, "Do you want to go out?" "No," you shook your head. "Those fireworks are loud and I don't want your ears to hurt." "I already told you, it's not just you who has to forego-"
You interrupted him. "However, I would like to do something different. It's kind of a tradition, even if we're a few seconds late." "Very well." You laughed softly. "You don't even know what it's about Spock." "I trust you."
For whatever reason, these words gave you the rest. Gently you put your hands on his cheeks, pulled him down to you and pressed your lips to his. It wasn't a very long kiss, but it conveyed all the emotions you wanted to show and gave Spock enough time to pull you a little closer to him. "I think I might take a liking to that tradition," Spock reflected and you could see the amusement in his eyes and had to laugh.
"Happy New Year, Spock." "I wish you the same, Adun'a."
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Plot: When you and Trip get stuck working together, your dislike for each other comes to a head. But when you literally get stuck together, the reasoning behind your dislike, and other underling feelings for each other becomes clear.
Pairing: Trip Tucker x Gn!Reader
Prompts/Request: enemies to lovers (more like 'friends to enemies to lovers') "Stop." "Stop what?" "Everything you're doing, all of it." and "Out of all the people I had to get stuck in a room with, it had to be you?" <changed slightly
Requested By: @le-green-lion
Warnings: A somewhat heated kiss, but that's about it.
Words: 1.8k
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As you worked on the shuttle in silence, you could feel Trip's presence behind you like a hovering fly. You had managed to avoid being around him for a while, and it had been a couple months since you two had a full conversation. Annoyance, and hurt sat in your chest anytime you were around him.
He retaliated against your annoyance towards him, with his own, and your previous close friendship turned into...well, whatever the hell it was now.
"Are you almost done with that?" His voice interrupted your thoughts.
You rolled your eyes softly "Why? You wanna check it over to make sure I didn't mess it up?"
Trip let out a soft sigh "Well if you aren't confident with your own work, I'd have no problem doing so."
Closing the panel with a bang, you looked back at him, your eyes saying everything you needed too.
"I was asking because I need more than two hands on this." He said with clear annoyance as he gestured at the busted door panel.
As you began helping him, the two of you sat in silence again. Watching his hands closely, you saw him begin working with an unnecessary wire.
Trip paused "Stop what?"
"Everything you're doing, all of it. That doesn't need work, it's fine, this is the part that's damaged."
"I need to get to this wire to re-direct the power."
"No you don't, look-" reaching over, you pointed out another wire "This one."
Trip let out a sigh "I could do it with this one too."
"Then that would lead to unnecessary work, and you'd risk shutting down the power to-"
"Alright, alright, I'll do it your way just stop."
You felt anger rush through your chest, "Why can you never admit when you are wrong about something?"
Trip looked at you and rose his brow "Why can you never let me do something my way?"
"Why does your way always lead to even more work?"
"It does not."
You rolled your eyes "We've already been here two hours longer than necessary because I've been letting you do things your way."
"My way may be slower than yours, but I get the work done with more efficiency."
As you opened your mouth to speak, a sudden loud beep tore both of your attention away, as you saw the shuttle door quickly clamp close with a loud bang.
"Oh great." You mumbled.
"Nice one." Trip said as he looked over at you.
You opened your mouth in offense "How the hell was that my fault?"
"If you had just let me do what I was doing that wouldn't have happened."
"It could have happened either way, why does it have to be anyone's fault? The shuttle is totaled Trip."
Backing away from the panel, you turned your back on him. He felt guilt ripple through his chest for a moment, realizing you were right.
After attempting to get the shuttle doors to open, and failing you smacked the door lightly.
Realizing you left your communicator with your bag outside, you let out a sigh "Please tell me you have your communicator on you?"
Trip froze as he realized he left his outside with yours. "Uhh."
You let out a sigh "Great."
Walking over to the front of the shuttle, you sat down. Trip watched as you tried to communicate with the Enterprise. As you lowered your head Trip let out a soft breath.
"Comms are down too aren't they?" You nodded your head in silence and he stood up "Of course they are."
"Just another thing we have to fix."
"Should I do it, or would it take too long?"
You repressed an eye roll a you mumbled in annoyance "Out of all the people I had to get stuck in here with, it had to be you?"
"There was a time you'd enjoy being stuck in here with me."
You felt your heart jolt at his comment as your ears burned lightly. Remembering what made you change how you felt about Trip, your heart ached a bit.
Your voice came out soft, almost a whisper. "Yeah. Well not anymore."
Trip felt his chest tighten at your comment as he let out a sigh, shaking his head. Feeling the past frustration and confusion wash over him again.
"Why is that again? You never told me why you suddenly hated me out of nowhere."
You stayed silent as you tried t work the comms, your heart beating faster with his words.
"We used to be pretty close, hell we'd spend half of our time together, then you suddenly acted like I was some-"
"Egotistical, stubborn liar?"
Trip lifted his hands in the air as you spoke "Yeah, like that. What the hell did I do?"
You spun around in your chair, anger clear on your face "You really don't know?"
Trip gestured with his arms "No, Y/n, I don't."
As you spoke, the memory of the overheard conversation replayed in your mind. Trips hurtful words poured from your mouth in a monotone voice.
"How could I like someone who was only brought on the Enterprise because Captain Archer owed a favor to an Admiral? Besides, we have nothing in common."
As you repeated the words Trip had regretted for months, the guilt he felt was multiplied as he felt mortification grip him.
"You heard that?" He mumbled.
"Yeah Trip, I heard that." There was obvious hurt in your voice as you turned away from him again.
Trip stared at you for a moment as he took in a deep breath. "That wasn't what you think, I didn't mean that."
You lowered your head for a moment before you turned back towards him again. "No? Then what was it?"
He stepped forward "Malcolm was ragging on me for having a crush on you. He got me all riled up and I wanted to get him off my back. I said those things as a lie, to make him stop. I don't even know why. I didn't believe those things. I know you're here because you're good at what you do. And the fact that we were so different is something I loved about you."
"So you said those things about me because you were embarrassed he thought you liked me? That's not much better Trip."
"No, no." He let out a frustrated sigh before moving to sit across from you. "I just didn't realize how obvious I was being about my feelings, and I guess I panicked because I didn't want Malcolm to out how I felt about you."
"...So you did have feelings for me?"
"Yeah, I did. I do. But then suddenly you were acting so different, and I just...retaliated, 'cause I thought maybe you found out and didn't feel the same."
"I did."
Trip's raised his brow "You did?"
"I did feel the same. That's why what I overheard you say, hurt so much. I wanted to talk to you about it, ask you why you said those things, but every time I saw you, I felt so embarrassed and hurt, and I just got angry."
You watched as Trip lowered his head. Looking back up at you he shook his head lightly as moved closer to you. Reaching over he took your hands in his.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I said those things, I'm sorry I was too much of a coward to tell Malcolm the truth. That I was head over heels for you. And I'm sorry for blaming you for the door, I know that wasn't your fault."
You smiled softly at him, knowing he was being genuine. Relief washed over you, as did regret. Maybe if you had spoken to him earlier, you wouldn't have felt like this for so long.
You looked down at his hands holding yours. "I'm sorry too, I should have talked to you about it."
He stared at you until you met his eyes. "I miss you." He said softly.
You smiled softly at him "I miss you too."
As your eyes locked, you felt a familiar tension rise up again. You no longer felt anger and hurt as you looked at him, but the familiar affection you thought was unrequited. As his eyes flicked down to your lips, you came to the full realization that it had not been unrequited at all.
Leaning in slowly, Trip stopped just an inch away from your lips, his nose pressing lightly against your own. He hesitated for only a moment before he pressed his lips against yours.
Your eyes shut as you returned the kiss, as it became deeper and more passionate. His hand came up and cupped your face as he pulled you even closer by the waist with his other hand. As your own hands came up to his neck, your breaths became heavy between the moments your lips broke away.
As three loud bangs echoed through the shuttle as someone hit the outside, you and Trip broke away out of alarm.
"You two still alive in there?" You heard Malcolm call out.
"Jesus." Trip muttered as you both took in deep breaths.
Suddenly as the shuttle doors slid open, you opened your mouth in confusion.
As Malcolm peaked in, he smiled. "You two kiss and make up or should I lock you in together for a bit longer?"
"What?" You and Trip said at the same time.
"Well I got tired of all the bickering between you two, so I wanted you to work it out. And I knew you would run away from each other the second you had the chance, so..."
"So...you locked us in here on purpose?" You finished.
He nodded "Yep. Now please tell me if worked."
"Turns out it never would of had to, if you hadn't ragged on me for my feelings in the first place."
Malcolm crossed his arms "Yeah, I kind of had a feeling about that. Sorry...But?"
You and Trip locked eyes for a moment, Trip, repressing a smile looked over at Malcolm "But, we're good now."
Malcolm smiled and nodded "Good. Now, you two actually gonna fix the shuttle before we die of old age?"
Grabbing a nearby rag, as Trip grabbed a wrench, you both chucked them at Malcolm as he ran away with a laugh.
Shaking your head with amusement and annoyance, Trip stood up and walked to the door.
"Little weasel." He mumbled, as he looked back at you. "I guess we do have to finish fixing this thing."
You nodded and stood back up, watching as Trip walked up to you again. He stared at you with a soft smile.
"After we do, how about we get some dinner and talk. I missed talking to you."
You nodded with a smile "That sounds good."
His eyes flicked to your lips briefly before he smiled "Good."
xx End xx
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @caswinchester2000, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry,
Star Trek Taglist: @starfleetimagines, @groovy-lady, @asgardianhobbit98, @agent-catfish-kenobi, @starship-argo, @cs-please
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ensignsimp · 4 months
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TOS Spock w/ a Touch Starved! S/O
A/N: When I get specific requests like this it makes me wonder if ya'll are okay!
Prompt: Spock and a Touchstarved S/O
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It was one of the reasons you and Spock got along so well.
You didn't treat him like an outsider, and he never judged you for your struggle with physical touch.
When he first offered you the ozh'esta (Vulcan finger kiss) you were hesitant.
It was hard to feel what he meant at first until it hit you all at once.
You almost fainted due to the stimulation.
He felt bad at first until he saw the reason why you had such an adverse reaction.
The two of you decide on slow exposure therapy.
It starts slowly with the ozh'esta then the two of you hold hands.
It takes a while before he can hold you comfortably, but you start to enjoy it.
It takes time and effort but the two of you eventually find a way to make it work.
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generalkenobee · 4 months
okay okay okay. we need to talk about the Vulcan ear sensitivity thing. I think you're onto something in that they wouldnt be able to get their ears pierced, like this is silly but if they pierced their ears taht's probably very scandalous, like nipple piercings for humans?? but also like their ears are probably sensitive in a good way too, like imagine having to touch spock's ears for some reason and he almost moans like um that's hot
OK so...Spock damn near creams his pants when you even get close to his ears like if you need to whisper something to him he's all😮‍💨💦🫨
"Spock" you called out across the room and he walked over to you "yes lieutenant?" He asked voice calm and collected. You stood up on your tip toes to whisper the question into his ear "Dr. McCoy always asks for Ji-" the sound of Spocks voice interrupted you "aughh..mm" you backed away from him "a-are you alright? I didn't hurt you did I?.." Spocks cheeks flushed green "N-No luitenate..I just Vulcan ears are.. sensitive...." you looked up at him embarrassed "Oh.."
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writingsfromstarfleet · 7 months
[AOS] Spock - The Other Kirk
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♫ - Spring Day - BTS
A/N: Hello! I think I've written something similar before, honestly I don't remember, but if anyone is still reading these or is still here, enjoy! Hugs! x
for @lovinghufflepuffgirl <3
fem! pronouns (she/her) :)
Growing up, Iowa was life in the fast lane, and things were always constantly moving. The Kirk's were a well-known family, whether it was for your father, Lieutenant George Kirk, and his work in Starfleet, or it was your brother, Jim Kirk, and his truanting and general misbehaviour. America was entirely different to space, and you quickly found that out on your first assignment in Starfleet. 
Life on the Enterprise was definitely different to normal life. There were people of different races, species, genders; you name it, it was here. All beings from outer space worked together towards one common goal and it was a close community aboard the ship. You yourself, were human. From Riverside, Iowa on Earth, you were the sister of the Captain, and that didn't really make life too simple. 
Despite the difference, your brother stuck up for you no matter what, whether it was earth or the academy, it didn't matter. You were his pride and joy, and he would protect you with his life. 
By nature, your brother Jim was loud, obnoxious and confident. There never really was anything he wouldn't do, the man had confidence built from steel. You guessed that's what came from being the Captain. You were the polar opposite of him. Quiet as a whole, you kept your books and studies to yourself, always picking a small, closed off corner of the mess hall to sit in. Most people talked to you in relation to your brother, never really anything else. But, you weren't too offended. 
There was always someone a little different, though; Spock.
Your brothers first officer, Spock was always by his side, or on the bridge as acting captain. But, on the semi-rare occasion he wasn't, Spock tended to join you in the corner without much being said between you. In a way, you quite enjoyed it. It was a mutual understanding; you knew he didn't always favour talking, and so a simple smile and a nod of acknowledgement before you both delved back to your datapads and meals, was enough.
This pattern developed over time, and you found yourself sat with him more and more. Conversations started to naturally come between you, and before long, you were learning more and more about him, as he was you. One day, was different, it was still the same old routine, but the conversation was different.
"Good evening, Y/N," Spock started, placing his pad and drink down on the table. "How are you doing?"
"Hi Spock, I'm doing well, thank you, I'm a little stressed out over this, but other than that, it's good." Spock saw your face, brows furrowed but still trying to maintain your usual polite smile. "How are you?"
"I am well, thank you. Perhaps I can help you with that." 
Spock spun his pad round and sat down next to you for the first time. Usually, he was less personal and more formal, tending to always sit across from you. But this time, Spock chose the seat next to you instead. You suddenly felt nervous, though you had no real reason to be. Spock took your pad from you, fingers brushing delicately across your own for a second. Though it was only that second, the feeling lingered for a while. Spock stared at you for a moment, and quickly diverted his eyes down. If you hadn't known any better, you'd say his cheeks went a little red. 
"What is it you need help with?" he asked, voice low.
"I just don't understand any of it, I'm trying my best but I can't make sense of what feels like a thousand pages of writing." 
Spock sat with you for nearly two hours, explaining and writing and helping you where he could. It felt like he had been there all night, and as he spoke and talked you through everything paragraph by paragraph, eventually, it started to sink in and you began to understand. Even being Vulcan, Spock could not hide the pride on his face and a small smile after you explained the study back to him. 
"Well done, Y/N, I am impressed." His voice was different, and it sounded happy. His tone and smile told you that.
"You're smiling, you must be proud," you laughed out, and quickly got nervous again. "I, uh, didn't mean it like that if I offended you or-"
"Do not worry, I am proud. You have managed to learn something you did not know. That is an achievement and you should be proud too."
"I couldn't have done it without you, thank you," you replied, not really too sure where to look. You became sheepish, something you had not been much around Spock for quite some time. Whether it was the closeness, or the care from him, you weren't sure. 
"It has been an enjoyable two hours, I would like to do this again sometime," Spock seemed a little cautious, taking a breath before continuing. "Perhaps, without the studying."
He took you aback a little, before it fully clicked he was asking you on a date. 
"I would quite like that, Spock."
The day came to a close as he walked you back to your room before bidding you a goodnight. 
The morning came and you were up bright and early for your shift. As you finished getting dressed and tied your hair up, your comms system rang out.
"Lieutenant Y/N to the Captain's ready room."
With confusion and slight concern, you made your way to Jim's room with haste, not wanting to upset him in case he was in a bad mood or you had done something wrong. Reaching the room, you didn't even have to knock before the door swung open. You stepped inside, and  your brother sat with a face like thunder. 
"Captain? Or Jim today?" you asked, in the same joking manner as usual. 
"Spock?" he replied. 
"Weird choice of name, but who am I to judge?" you replied, shrugging. 
"Not funny."
"Never claimed to be, you've always been the clown. What's up with you?"
Jim raised an eyebrow, very clearly unimpressed.
"When were you going to tell me you were dating my first officer?"
You couldn't help but laugh. "What? I'm not dating Spock, relax. We just eat together and we're going on a date later this week, but I would love to know who told you that, because they found out before I did and that's one hell of a talent."
"Y/N, seriously. Have you thought about this?" You furrowed your brow, nodding him to elaborate. "This is Spock, he's a Vulcan, which means emotions are not his specialist subject."
"You'd be surprised, Jim. Why do you care so much anyway? He's your XO, you trust him don't you? He wouldn't hurt me, if that's what you're worried about. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't try this out and I won't go this weekend."
Jim stared at you, trying to summon any semblance of an answer for that, but realised he didn't actually have a legitimate reason to stop you. He did trust Spock, and he would trust Spock to keep you safe like he does, and to care for you. There was nothing really he could do to stop this, nor was there any reason he could see.
Sighing, he shook his head. "You're right. I just worry for you, you know? You're all I got, and-"
You cut him off with a hug. His grip tightened and you buried yourself into his shoulder. Pulling back, you smiled at him. 
"Don't worry, I love you too. I won't get myself killed, but if I do, he's all yours."
Jim laughed, and you joined in, grabbing your drink and heading towards the door. 
"Plus, it was Spock or Bones, so take your pick where you want."
With that, you closed the door over a little, laughing to yourself. From around the corner, you saw Spock, who raised his brow.
"Spock and Bones? What about us?"
You shrugged. "Nothing important, but if you go in there I'm sure you'll find out."
Spock cocked his head in curiosity, and you smiled.
"You look adorable like that, by the way." You leaned in and kissed his cheek, and swore you saw that blush red on his cheeks. "See you later."
As you walked away, Spock stood for a second, and touched his cheek where you left that kiss, and very faintly from behind the door came a voice that snapped him out of it.
"What the hell!"
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sachiko1309 · 6 months
Fuck me, while I taste your fingertips
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Summary: The title says it all
Word count: 2827
Warnings: pure smut, soft to rough, made for my finger and hand fixated vulcan loving people ;) (aka: @mystery-star)
Minors DNI !!! this contains adult content
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I was just walking out of the shower, my towel still wrapped around my body, the hair twisted into a sloppy bun on the back of my head. Spock was sitting on his desk, working down some files on his PADD. I had been teasing him the whole day to the point where he had looked like he was about to snap any moment. To my surprise he kept his demeanor pretty well and only those who knew him very well, were able to see, what was really going on inside the Commanders brain.
Knowing he was probably trying his hardest distracting himself with anything, I sneaked up behind him, putting my lips right next to his ears: “I need you.” Was all I said and he immediately tensed up. Taking a deep breath, he turned off his PADD and rolled his chair back a bit. His eyes were trained on my body, looking me up and down with a hungry look on his face.
I tried my best to not get too distracted by the things it did to me, keeping my eyes trained on his face. “Remember what I told you earlier?” I asked, waiting for him to respond.
“You have asked me a lot, today. Please elaborate further to which event you are referring.” He pressed out, his voice just as tensed as his body.
“I think you know.” Letting go of my towel, I grabbed his hands, slowly starting to play with his fingers. His reaction was instant. He let out a low moan, sinking back into his chair, half closed eyes watching my fingers play with his.
“T’hy’la…” His voice was husky and he stopped talking, when I pressed light kisses on his fingertips. Taking the last step between his legs, I put his hands on my hips, forcing him to look me in the eyes. “Do you trust me?” My question had him raise his brow. “You are my wife; it would be illogical of you to assume I do not.” His answer made me chuckle lightly. “Good thing I learned to translate your words to what they actually mean.”
Sinking to my knees I never let him out of my sight. As if on que, he spread his legs further apart, making it easier for me to kneel between them. Out of reflex, his hands went to my head, but I held them down. “No, not today. I want to take care of you.” He immediately obeyed my command, resting his hands loosely on his thighs.
I let my fingers run over his thighs, his lower stomach, making him shiver and twitch in anticipation, before I gave in. Slowly opening his belt and pulling down the zipper. When I freed his member, I pressed a soft kiss to the tip, eliciting a low moan from Spock. “Please…” He begged, but I didn’t give in. Planting soft kisses along his shaft and sweetly licking his tip, until he was panting above me.
Then I stood up, holding him down by his shoulders, when he tried to reach for me. “Relax.” I climbed onto his lap, lining up his cock with my entrance, slowly sliding down on him. Had I not been horny all day, that maneuver would have been nearly impossible. Because unlike what Spock seemed like on a day to day basis, this man was packed. And when I finally bottomed out on him, I let out a deep moan, holding onto his shoulders to gain some control back. Instantly his hands gripped my hips, rolling them along his lap, earning a high-pitched yelp from me. Fighting against the hot waves starting to rise in my body, I shook my head: “No. Give me your hand.”
Spock looked at me confused, but complied. And when I led his right hand to my lips, the realization dawned on his face.
I started with kissing his palm down to every finger, before I took his middle and ring finger in my mouth, wetting them with my saliva. Before was even able to fully take them down my throat his head rolled back, the grip of his left hand growing harder on my hip. It was working.
Sucking on his long digits, I let my tongue circle around them, like I was giving him a blowjob. I switched between his fingers. Changing the speed and depths I took them into my mouth with. And the longer I sucked on his fingers, the more agitated his breathing became until he was panting again. That’s when I decided to give him the last bit. Letting my right hand wander to his ear, I softly stroked the outer shell of it. And as soon as I touched his ear, he bucked up underneath me, forcing his cock deeper inside of me, a loud moan rolling through his chest. I let his hand go with a soft plop, reaching for the other one, repeating what I was doing.
His face was covered in a soft shade of green, the tip of his ears painted a flashy dark green. I was watching intently, how his mouth shivered, quiet Vulcan curses flowing from his lips. His whole body was tensed, his hand gripping my body tightly as if he needed to steady himself on something. “T’hy’la…” He breathed out, opening his eyes. And the look he gave me, said everything I needed to know. He was close, begging me to come.
I took his fingers down my throat as deep as I could, simultaneously clenching around his cock and stroking his ears in the most sensual way I could. That’s when it happened. With a loud moan ringing through the room, he came. I could feel his cock twitch deep inside of me when he shuddered underneath me. The feeling of hot seed shooting up my core, filling me up. It was heavenly seeing him come undone like that.
He pulled his hand out of my mouth, grabbing me and pulling me flush against his chest. His grip was hard but I liked how it made me feel even closer to him. It took him quite some time to calm his breathing to a point, where he was able to talk again. “What… Why?” Was all he was able to press out, making me smile. It didn’t happen often, for Spock to be out of words, but when it did, it was the cutest thing I could imagine.
I shrugged my shoulders. “Why not? I know how sensitive your hands and ears are and what it does to you, seeing me fidget my fingers all day, so I wanted to do you a favor. It was kind of mean of me singing that song, while literally performing finger porn right in front of you. I am actually quite surprised you made it that long without pulling me into the next room and fucking me senseless.” I smirked.
He raised an eyebrow, now almost back to his calm and collected self. “You did that on purpose?” I just laughed. “For what other reason would I be singing ‘Talking bodies’? I mean the line she sings the most is literally ‘fuck me while I taste your fingertips’. So that just got me thinking of a new way to please my husband.”
His eyes went dark, hearing what I shamelessly admitted. “You want me to fuck you, while you suck on my fingers?” I nodded, feeling the blush creep up my cheeks. He just tilted his head, obviously stuck in his thoughts. “Then why did you not let me touch you and refrained me from moving one bit? I believe this was not as pleasurable for you as it was for me, giving the fact you are a human.”
I just shrugged. “I don’t mind it.” But my words visibly made him upset. Getting up with a low growl, he pressed me against the closest wall: “Do you think I will let my wife go to bed without giving her at least one orgasm? I am not some miserable human man, who is incapable of pleasuring his woman.”
His words made me rip my eyes open, staring at him like a deer in headlights. “What are you…” I didn’t need to finish my question, because the look he gave me, mixed with the fact, I could feel his cock hardening inside of me, told me everything I needed to know. I was in for a long night…
As soon as my back hit the wall, his lips were on mine, kissing me with such force, it left me breathless. The rough fabric of his clothes rubbed against my skin, my nipples growing hard to the touch. Him still being in his clothes caused something to stir in my mind, I didn’t know existed. It was a deep longing and satisfaction for his dominance, which only took him seconds to realize. Kissing down my chin until his lips caressed my earlobe he whispered: “Tell me,” His voice was hoarse. “Tell me what you want.”
I could feel myself grow wetter at his words, relishing in the hard touch of his hand on my breast. “I…” My body betrayed me, not letting me speak, when his thumb stroked over my hard nipple. “I… I want…”
“What, rom ko-kan. Speak to me and I will oblige.” He groaned; face deeply tugged into my neck. Taking my hands out of his hair, he started to rid himself from his shirt. Now he was just in his dress pants. Pinning my hands above my head with one arm, he intertwined our fingers and as soon as he did it, his feelings crashed into my head. “Please…” I whimpered, rolling my hips as much as the position of my being pinned against the wall let me.
Spock kept on playing with my breast, looking at me with a wolfish grin, while his hips kept me pinned. “Please what, t’hy’la?” The teasing side of him breaking through. It was obvious he wanted me to beg for him and if it would have been any other day, I probably would have put up a fight, testing his patience. But not today. My whole mindset was taken over by my husband, no other thought strong enough to cross my mind. He was all I wanted and the whole day I had trouble concentrating on anything else than him. I was putty in his hands.
And when his free hand wandered from my breasts to my clit, I reared up in a sinful moan. The jolts of pleasure ripping through my body in hot shots, while he teased me mercilessly. I tightened the grip of my legs around his waist, pulling him in even deeper. Spock sighted, giving me another soft kiss on the lips. “I take that as my answer.” He groaned, his hips pulling back and snapping forward again.
“Oh God yes…” I breathed out, arching my back to be closer to him. It was all the encouragement Spock needed, releasing my hands, he grabbed my hip to guide my movements better. I wrapped my arms around his neck, trying my best not to claw at his back. “I don’t mind it.”
“What?” I was confused, far to caught up in the heat of the moment.
“I don’t mind you marking me.” He repeated, tilting his head back, to take a better look at me. I raised my eyebrows, biting down on my lips, when his cock brushed against the spongy spot deep inside of me. “But the others will see during training.” I argued, my voice shuddering with pleasure. Now he was wearing a sly smile on his face. “I hope they will.” Was all he said, before he bent down, pressing his lips onto my nipple.
“Spock… Please!” I cried out, not caring about a single thing in the world. I could feel my orgasm nearing. The hot waves that started deep in my core now growing to a big tsunami threatening to drown me at any given moment. “Go on, t’hy’la.” He encouraged me, wrapping a hand in my hair and pulling my head against his shoulder.
“Cu-Cumming!” My moan turned into a cry, as my body shuddered. Bright lights exploding behind my closed eyes.
“That’s it. Be a good girl, make a mess on my cock. You are doing so good for me.” He cooed, lips brushing over my ear while he spoke. His praise striking me deeply. But instead of slowing down like he normally did, to give me some time to regain strength and consciousness, he kept his pace. “Spock… I cant… please…”
He just shook his head. “You really think I would let you go this easy? Teasing me all day with those filthy fingers of yours. You know what it does to me, when you wear those rings. When the jingle like that with every move, sparkle in the lights of the bridge. And your earrings… I should have known better when I married you. But those piercings you have… they make me want to ravish you, just by looking at you. Do you even know what a whore you are considered on Vulcan? Eight piercings and at least 5 rings on each hand….”
I let out a soul shattering moan, clawing on his back, not caring that my long nails probably let some red scratches behind. Spock cussed at the pain, but his thrusts didn’t falter for one second. “You are the most beautiful and filthy woman roaming the universe and I am so fucking lucky to call you mine. But I will not let you get away with teasing me like that. You hear me?” He grabbed my chin, shaking my head softly.
“Yes, Commander. I am sorry. I will stop wearing so many rings and piercings.” I cried out, tears forming in my eyes from the overstimulation he forced me through. “Oh, hell you wont.” He growled. “You will wear them. Understood? I want you to look like a whore, because you are my whore and nobody else will see you like I do. But just remember if you ever try to tease me like that again, I will show no mercy. I wont wait until our shifts are over. I will bend you over the next desk I see and you can pray that nobody walks in on us, is that clear?”
“Yes Commander!” I yelped. My body shaking in pure bliss as another wave of an orgasm initiated itself deep inside of me. It wasn’t until now, that I realized, that his movements got sloppy. His breathing was rigid, sweat dripping from his forehead. A look of determination present on his face. “Fuck.” He cussed, a rare occurrence for him to do, but when he did it, it send butterflies of pure filth down my stomach.
Catching my lips in another kiss, he bit down on my lower lip, leaving it sore and slightly bruised. It wasn’t until then, that I realized with what force Spock had pressed me against the wall. I was sure that I would be sore the next morning, but I didn’t care. My mind only caring about the jolts of pleasure racing through my body. My moans were muffled by his kisses as my legs started to tremble again, fighting against his hips, muscles growing tired. “Don’t stop.” I pleaded, my grip on his shoulders growing harder.
“Never.” Was all Spock pressed out, his hands gripping my hip so hard, it was on the edge of painful. “Come for me now!” He ordered, his thrust growing rougher. Without much time for my brain to react, my body surrendered, shattering into thousands of tiny splinters. I let my head fall back against the wall, a loud and sinful moan ringing through the room. My body shaking violently, as he growled and thrusted deep inside of me for the last time.
He shivered between my legs, as his orgasm washed over him. My spasming walls milking him for the second time this night. And when his throbbing cock slowly stopped twitching, he pulled me into a deep hug. His breath fanning over my neck, while he held me in his warm embrace. I took a deep breath, trying to clear my mind far enough to speak. “I love you.” Was all I was able to mumble, my tongue still heavy from my orgasm, but Spock seemed to understand.
“Nash-veh ashaya du, t’nash-veh k’diwa.” He whispered into my ear, while slowly walking towards the bathroom. We were still wrapped up tightly into each others arms and I could feel my slick and his seed slowly trickling out of me. And when he carefully lifted me up and set me back onto my feet, my legs gave in underneath me. He was just quick enough to catch me. “Let me run you a bath, t’hy’la. You are sore and the warmth will help your muscles relax.”
For everyone wondering what on earth rode me to write this:
You are either welcome, or I am sorry for ruining this song for you 😂
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captainsophiestark · 2 months
Not A Doctor
Bones McCoy x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: Star Trek
Summary: Bones' SO hurts themselves on an away mission and has to stitch themselves up as well as they can to buy time for a med evac to the Enterprise
Word Count: 1,533
Category: Fluff, Humor, a little bit of Angst
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"Shit," I hissed, pressing a hand to my side as I slid down the wall. When I finally got up the courage to pull my hand back and look, it came away with a lot more blood than I'd hoped to find. I'd fallen pretty far and managed to avoid any broken bones based on my pain levels, but the wound in my side was gaping and looked concerningly serious.
I could practically hear the extended bridge crew chorusing "I told you so" from here.
As if on cue, my communicator beeped. I grimaced, but managed to take it out of my bag and open it to respond.
"What's up?" I groaned.
"Y/N, where are you?" came the voice of Jim Kirk, one of my best friends and the captain of the Enterprise. "Scotty's reporting he can only find two targets to beam up."
Dammit. That figured.
"I'm... not totally sure. I was trying to follow the signature on my tricorder to that plant I've been looking for when the ground just gave way under me. I'm not sure how far I fell, but I hit something pretty hard on the way down and I've got... quite the gash in my side."
Silence on the other end for a few moments, then:
"Hang tight. We're coming to find you."
The communicator hung up with a click, and I sighed, ignoring the flare of pain in my side. I had faith in Jim's determination and ability to find me, especially with Spock here helping him, but I still needed to do something if I wanted to be alive when they found me.
Thankfully, I'd watched my boyfriend, Doctor Leonard McCoy, stich people up often enough that I felt fairly confident I could do a passable job on myself. I dug some sewing supplies out of my bag that I hadn't removed from my last away mission misadventure, and pulled the hem of my shirt up to get a better look at the wound.
I grimaced, gritting my teeth and trying to prepare for this. I'd been so excited to join Kirk and Spock on this away mission. This planet was supposed to have one of the rarest plants in the galaxy, and I'd been looking forward to finding it since I'd first heard we'd be coming here. And now, I was at the bottom of this pit or cave or whatever, slowly bleeding out, without even a picture of the plant to show for it.
I tried to focus on my breathing as I threaded a needle and put it to my skin. I knew the wound needed to be disinfected before I totally closed it, but I didn't have anything on me to do that with, and I knew Bones would be able to take care of it for me if I could manage to get back to him.
I took a few deep breaths to steel myself, then stuck the needle through. I swore loudly and kept up a steady stream of expletives as I sewed up the wound. I pulled it closed as tightly as I dared, then held my jacket to my waist to try to staunch the remainder of the bleeding.
I sighed, long and hard, then leaned my head back against the wall of whatever hole I'd fallen into. I had no idea how long those stitches had taken me, but it certainly hadn't been quick. Hopefully, it wouldn't be too much longer before I heard Jim and Spock stumbling down some passage towards me.
I focused on deep breaths as the pain continued to throb in my side, completely zoning out to the time and environment around me. Finally, I heard some shuffling movement from a slightly more gradual incline up ahead of me. The voices of my friends echoed out, curious and searching.
"I'm here!" I called back, my voice a little weaker than normal. I cleared my throat, then tried again. "Here!"
A moment later, my friends came into view. Jim grinned at me as Spock started scanning the space, probably trying to decide on the best way to get me out of here.
"How're you holding up?" asked Jim. I forced a smile.
"Living the dream."
He scoffed, then moved to crouch beside me and put one of my arms over his shoulder.
"Spock! Come help me."
"We'll need to get around the corner and most of the way back up the incline we came down to reach a spot where Mr. Scott can register us," said Spock as he joined us. "There seems to be some property of this rock that's prohibiting the transporter signal from reaching us."
"Great," I huffed, grimacing as my friends pulled me to my feet. Even resting most of my weight on them, I was still seeing spots. "This is gonna be great."
Between the three of us, somehow, we managed to get back into transporter range. I almost lost consciousness at one point, but we'd paused, and I'd managed to pull myself back from the brink. When the Enterprise's transporter room finally materialized before me, the relief was palpable, not least of all because Bones was waiting for me.
"Y/N," he said, jumping to attention and rushing onto the pad to replace Jim at my side. With Spock's help, we started moving immediately for the Med Bay. "What happened?"
"I was following the signature of the plant I was looking for on my tricorder. Then all of a sudden, the ground gave way underneath me. It wasn't a straight drop, I don't think, but I fell a pretty long way, bouncing off the rock slide and the walls of the cave I fell into on the way down. I'm bruised, but I don't think it's anything bad besides the cut on my stomach."
Bones nodded. "We'll get you to Med Bay and make sure."
Luckily, my boyfriend was very good at staying calm and focused in a crisis for his patients. He was completely in the zone as he and Spock helped me into a bed once we reached Med Bay, and then Bones started checking my vitals and assessing my injuries. I watched him carefully for any break in his usual bedside manner to tell me if I needed to be worried about something, but none came.
Hopefully that was a good sign, and not just because he was an incredible doctor.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity to me, Bones returned from his testing and reappeared by  my bedside. His hands were on his hips, but he seemed calmer, and definitely out of intense doctor mode.
"Alright, the good news is you'll be just fine. But I'm still gonna need to disinfect the wound and stitch you up," he said. I gave him the best smile I could muster.
"Sounds like a plan."
He sighed, then gently lifted my shirt high enough to give him access to the gash in my side. The light touch of his fingertips sent goosebumps along my skin, but I did my best to ignore them, especially as Bones frowned.
"What the hell did you do to yourself?" he asked, not looking away from his work on my side.
"Uh... I slammed into a rock. We covered this already, remember?"
"No, I didn't mean your injury." Bones paused and looked up at me, the smallest smile tugging at his lips. "I meant these stitches. Yikes."
I scoffed and rolled my eyes, making Bones chuckle as he got back to work.
"Okay, whatever. I'm a biologist, not a doctor, dammit. I think I did a pretty good job, considering the circumstances."
"Mm, I guess so. Barely."
"Hey!" I laughed, hitting him lightly in the shoulder. "You better knock it off or I'm gonna start practicing my stitches on you."
Bones snorted, but I could see the smile on his face as he continued working. Thanks to the medical facilities of the Enterprise, it barely hurt as he undid my messy job and redid it with a much better one of his own.
"So... what are you doing after this?" I asked after a few long moments of letting him work in peace. He paused to look up at me again, one eyebrow raised.
"Don't tell me you're hitting on your own boyfriend after only the low-level painkillers I gave you?"
"I can and will hit on my own boyfriend whenever I want, no painkillers required. But I was mostly asking if you had other patients to deal with after me, or if you'd be free to come cuddle on the couch and eat junk food with me. I think it'd really help speed up my recovery process."
Bones' mouth quirked into a smile again as he put the finishing touches on my stitches.
"Well if it's for the wellness of a patient... I think Nurse Chapel might be willing to take over from me for the rest of the day."
"Thank goodness for Christine."
Bones and I shared a smile, then he returned to his work and I watched him contentedly. Obviously, life and death situations on away missions were never ideal—but I couldn't really bring myself to be upset about how this one had played out, even if I hadn't managed to get my plant in the end.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
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multi-fandomedfreak · 6 months
Star Trek TOS // Dating Headcanons
Authors note: I just loveee Jim and Spock in TOS they’re just so baby girl
(also guess who’s back 😏)
Pairings: Spock x reader, Jim x reader
⚠️Warnings⚠️: None
🖖Spock 🖖
-Love languages are touch and words of affirmation [CHANGE MY MIND]
-He would looove to hear you compliment him any time of the day
-Most definitely melts at your touch and it's obvious
-bro legit sucks at hiding it, tbh it’s kind of adorable lol
-Oh especially when you oh so barely touch his hands or his ears, like your ghosting over them, and he's putty in your hands lol
-He can’t handle anyone else touching him tho
-Will. Not. Leave you alone
-I’m being dead serious
-Like sure he may look like he enjoys his solitude more than the average person
-But he loves to be around the people he loves most
-Even if he’s not directly interacting with them, he just likes being in the same room
-If you’re just reading together on the couch in silence together?? Bros enjoying every bit of it
-His face is probably a bright green shade the whole time
-I will die on the hill that Spock loves being touchy with people he deeply trusts and loves
💖 Jim 💖
-Will kiss you no matter where you are (that’s a threat)
-Well unless you don’t like excess pda ofc, he respects your boundaries
-Pretty sure he’ll fight whoever doesn’t
-Walking together? He’s holding your hand
-Sitting next to each other? Either an arm wrapped around your shoulders or a hand on your thigh/knee
-He’s guiding you somewhere? A hand on your lower back
-Hotel? Trivago.
-Shoulder Grip™️ almost every day
-Mostly cuz that’s how’s he likes to pull you in for a kiss
-Loves and I mean LOVES leaving small love bites on you, especially on places only he can see. It makes it feel more intimate to him
-If you ever bandage him up after he’s hurt, he insists that you kiss where it hurts (according to him it instantly heals it)
-Also asks Bones to back him up on that
(Spoiler: he doesn’t)
-This man gives the best hugs, they’re literally so warm and cozy and I will die on that hill
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