#Starco Mention
“The titan said Belos is evil tho! Are you stupid the show said he was evil!”“Masha said lil’ bro just got jelly that his brother got a girlfriend! He doesn’t have depth and his ending was supposed to be unsatisfying!”“But James Ironwood losing his arm is supposed to represent him losing his humanity”“Jason Rose said that James could’ve always become evil and sided with Salem”“They literally called him genocide general!”“But in this Q&A they said the puppies survived they just lost their laser powers! And in the tie-in material, they showed everyone was fine! You just hate Starco!”“The show/tie-in material/a fucking Q&A said blah blah blah!”These arguments are shit. TOH- “God says witches are evil so it is his duty to kill them!” is a pretty horrible justification for killing someone except when the titan says it to Luz. I don’t think Luz is in the wrong for killing Belos, he was a genocidal maniac and child abuser and genuinely irredeemable- nobody who hates the ending of The Owl House complains about Belos being irredeemable, they complain about the show flopping the cult critical message, how hunter’s possession felt like needless shock value, the show not properly setting up the collector or how the coven system/conformitorium’s writing is a mess or how Eda becoming a teacher makes as much sense as Toph becoming a cop and you can go ‘but the show said-’ what the show said had unfortunate implications, was uncomfortable to abuse survivors, and I can’t forgive the ass-pullery of the trailer-bait nightmare sequence or how in the hexside crew became irrelevant! When people complain about how Belos was handled nobody complains about him not getting a redemption arc- they complain that hunter should’ve been there to see belos die or how they hate Luz’s power up. RWBY -James Ironwood’s and Penny’s character arcs and deaths felt so ableist it’s actually uncomfortable to watch, I have ASD my sister, and like half of the people I know have PTSD, I don’t know any amputees but I’ve seen plenty making noise about how shit the writing was. Good, they should be mad! The show’s message about prosthetics/amputations was toxic! Not mention for all the hopeful messages Team RWBY screams at the top of their lungs about trust they knowingly broke Ironwood’s trust for very poorly defined reasons! while I do think ruthless pragmatism is a bad thing, team RWBY offered no alternatives, he wasn’t a villain- he was facing an ethical dilemma and got fucked over. And SVTFOE- I shouldn’t have to buy tie-in materials to understand the show- tie-in material should be a bonus not a supplement or requirement, I Don’t have to buy the ATLA comics inorder to understand the show, I don’t have to read all of Lord Of The Rings to understand the movies. It doesn’t matter how the show was supposed to be interpreted or how the audience is supposed to feel, and It’s perfectly valid for the audience not to care about damage control spinoffs (cough cough Steven Universe) or Q&A’s or whatever. I’ll admit sometimes the audience is fucking stupid and completely media illiterate but can we stop acting like anyone who doesn’t blindly consume product and go with what the writers said are stupid? I know im not articulating this well but I’m pissy rn and I’m having trouble deconstructing whats wrong with those kind of arguments but god there is so much wrong with these arguements
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What it’s your favorite daughter or son of the starco?
I'm not the biggest fan of fan kids anymore.
For the longest time, the starco tag was filled with fan kids that barely even mentioned Star or Marco, so I'm just sick of them at this point.
Also, I just don't remember the good ones. It's been a while.
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magmythedevil · 1 year
Hi There! So, I'm the one who made the ask about the criticisms Murder Drones has been getting lately and I wanted to make one more ask to follow up on it. I hope you don't mind and that this doesn't bother you at all, feel free to answer if you want and if you feel comfortable. 💙
So, I've seen the hate for MD get worse and worse (Some people have even made fun of others for loving the show and calling it Mid Or Awful) at least when it comes to over on Twitter..I've even seen someone say that the show is going the HB route when it comes to a show going downhill. If you don't know what I mean, basically Helluva Boss (another webseries on YT) started to slowly go downhill back in S1 sometime around episode 4 of the first season which is where I myself actually started to see a drop in quality and saw just how flawed it was, it's especially worse when you find out nothing was planned out. But, things got REALLY BAD for the show when S2 arrived and more and more critical videos and posts started to come out for Helluva..although with that show, I don't see anything being improved and getting better, especially since the creator herself sees herself as untouchable and sees no flaws with her shows and just absolutely refuses to take criticism.
But with Murder Drones, as I've mentioned..I'm kinda worried and concerned that this show could end up not improving on the issues people have had with the series and more people being thrown off and pushed away from it, some have already called it a drop in quality from Glitch Productions and it's weakest show or just not giving it a chance at all. Of course, there's absolutely nothing wrong with criticism and it's important to hear criticism as it can help you improve and some fans have pointed out and agreed with the criticisms, at least when it comes to it's pacing problem + adding too many mysteries and not answering others we need answers too. Someone also pointed out about the teasers Glitch throws at us when hinting at the next episode drop, some have called it a copout and just there to get us hyped and just false advertising and a cheap way to get fans to watch the show. As I've mentioned, some fans pointed out that telling by the thumbnails and teasers for the recent episode, everyone thought this was gonna be the darkest one yet for the show and a turning point but it ended up disappointing some in the end, ect. I kinda do fear this show going down the drain and even losing interest in the show myself and how people may view it. I'm even worried about the show being rushed, I fear that the reason both 4 and 5 have been struggling with it's pacing + some other issues is because the show is probably trying to rush to the finale, afterall we only have 3 episodes left before the season ends (S1 is supposed to have about 8 Episodes) and we aren't sure where the show goes from here, honestly.
But, back to the criticisms, most criticisms I've seen for MD is that the comedy is pretty bad (or not being funny enough for adults, or something like that) and ruins scenes that do not need them, mostly the intense moments, the shipping and hinting at romance, (Someone on Twitter literally called Nuzi another version of Starco (Star Vs.) I'm not joking!) the direction for the show, since many have mentioned that the story is all over the place and it seems like such a mess and doesn't know where it wants to go and that's kinda understandable..although I don't know much about Liam and how he does his storytelling, so maybe I'm missing something. For anyone who's familiar with Liam please let me know, because most people have pointed out they see the writing as lazy and rushed, but others have said that Liam has a unique and interesting way of telling stories and that's why the show leaves people confused, but idk..as I've said, maybe I'm missing something. I didn't know much about Liam Vickers and what he did beforehand before making MD, I did know a bit about Cliffside, but nothing before that.
Sorry for this post being super long and too detailed, but I wanted to add onto my ask from the other day and see if anybody else has been worried and feeling the same way, I know MD has a huge fandom, but I wonder how others feel when it comes to criticism. I know some fans understand that it's okay for others to dislike the show, but I've noticed the criticisms have gotten a little harsher, at least from what I've seen from people. But, I honestly want to know yours and even everybody else's answers, for anyone who want to give their opinions on this issue that's going around for Murder Drones lately. Are any of you worried and concerned for the future of the show and does it make you sad that the show has been bashed and shit on lately? Is anyone (especially if you're a huge fan of the show) worried about losing interest and the future of the show, or no?
As for myself and how I see things, I'll always love and adore the show and I'm enjoying where we're heading for the show and after that cliffhanger of Episode 5, it left me both excited and invested to see where we go from here, I want MORE of this show and wanna see where we go next and how this season could end. Although, I certainly do hope that Liam and the team do listen to some of the criticisms the show's been having lately and improve on that in the future, especially if we get more seasons of the series. Murder Drones really does mean a lot to me and I think it definitely deserves more love and appreciation, sure it's popular and has a fandom, but not many really talk and discuss about it when it comes to a webseries like Helluva Boss, you know? I remember discovering MD for the first time and it was during a hard time in my life and when I was struggling with my issues, it really helped me happy and smile during hard times and it's just so comforting and I just don't think I'll ever stop being hyperfixating on it. :3
I myself havent see any criticism at all, Just the fandom making memes, fanarts being happy and making theories. The only one i saw was sarcastic chorus's review where he says that episode 5 was the weakest one because the episode felt more like a a set up episode for next one.
And i have nothing more to say than what i alredy said before; I trust the creator and i believe things are going great and when the right time comes everything will make sense.
So If you want a very "scientifical"review analysing everything to say If things really are going bad or are going great im the worst person for It lolll, im just a guy who is in love with everything about the show so im unable to see things in an negative way
Also, comparing murder drones with Helluva Boss doesn't make sense.
These are two completly different shows that are being made in completly different ways, Just because hb is a big indie show doesn't mean all of the other indie shows are being influenced by It c'mom.
Its the first time Liam has gone this far with one of his stories, All of his other projects are unfinished (because you know, animation is hard and expensive) So please give the guy a chance before making those weird "things are going downwhill :/" assumptions
Idk what you guys are so afraid of, the story is going great for me, just because some episodes weren't as good for you as the others ones it doesn't mean that its a "helluva boss situation"
Also, the "It has to much comedy, It should be more serious" thing doesn't make sense for me, murder drones was never meant to be that serious, at least, not when its ins't needed, some people saw how dark episode 3 was and thought all of the other ones would be similiar to It and thats why some guys get disappointed every new episode.
Also on the Topic of the teasers, i agree that the teasers really make things seem like things are going to be more serious when they acctually arent, but saying glitch is doing It on purpose to get views is very.....they just like to make suspense, theyre not clickbaiting you and its very weird that you think that,
theyre just artist doing their best to give a good show. Theyre not a another "evil viviziepop" playing dumb with their viewers, you guys are traumatized JEEZZZ
maybe you just got anxious because you see way to much negativity, try to calm yourself. this is one of Liam's biggest projects, i can assure you this story and Its characters are in great hands.
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blanketorghost · 18 days
Irt this;
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I think what astonishes me the most is that at one point, my old instagram account was very very popular since I created a Starco fankid (Eos Butterfly) and I had around 2k ish followers around 2018. Were they all active? No, not really. But I could get lots of engagement from it with the price of it being just a replica of the svtfoe style. Drawings in my style barely got a 3rd of the attention.
Ig that's just what the faustian bargain of building a platform off of this existing art style and show was— that the style I built myself was not appealing to people. This was before Meta bought instagram, or at least very early in the acquisition.
Either way, to solve this issue, I created what is now my current instagram account and by GOD has it been an uphill battle to get my work out there. I started the account in 2019 and I have been at the 800 followers mark for more than 3 years now. Thing is, I still did fandom stuff that got attention— my Arcana mc definitely gained me some followers and even mutuals even after years of being innactive in the fandom. But now, especially in the recent years, growing your platform and finding a community in instagram is virtually impossible.
It's really sad, too, because my most successful ventures have been through instagram (the REQUIEM fanzine I organized and led + the Raeda Fanzine I was a part of) so its so incredibly sad to see instagram erode into... what, another DeviantArt?
Not to mention that, when I took breaks for mental health, bygod was it difficult to regain even 10% of my reach due to the shitty algorythm. Twitter is also hell, but at least it lasted a little bit longer before it crumbled into that same AI cespool Insta devolved into
Lmao anyways rant over </3
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holdingontodust · 1 year
Toffee character analysis
Showing vs telling
You've maybe noticed that Toffee is one of my favorite characters in svfoe but if you're not following me on twitter you probably haven't seen my hot takes on how he's a sliver of excellence in a show that consistently fails itself. Recently I decided to do a little analysis comparing what we’re told about him as a whole as opposed his actual on screen actions
I love svfoe, I swear, I just enjoy tearing it to shreds from time to time
A big part of Toffee's appeal to me is how little the show actually told us about him, it leaves me plenty of room to dive in and figure him out for my own purposes. We aren't left with absolutely nothing to work with due to extended materials and AMAs dipping a little into his backstory here and there so there's a little structure to use as guidelines.
But the thing is, Svfoe has a pretty noticeable problem with telling vs showing which amounts to many of the problems that I have with the series and why I enjoy ripping it apart occasionally. This telling vs showing problem usually presents itself traditionally with things being told to the audience instead of shown ex: practically every episode has Star declaring Marco is her best friend, but very rarely was it just shown without an accompanying verbal declaration (pssst this pattern continues with their 'love' too which is why I couldn't get behind Starco, but I won't get into that here). With Toffee it's a little different, because the problem is that what we're told about him in the extended materials doesn't actually reflect what we're shown about him on screen in the series proper.
Let's start with those extended materials and AMAs; aka what we're told about Toffee.
It's not much.
Septarians as a species are described as long lived creatures who hold the grudges of their forefathers as if they are their own. I suppose this is trying say that they hold grudges and it's bad that they can't let things go but actually there's a lot of cultures in both reality and fiction that are honor based societies so this actually makes a lot of sense to me.
The Magic Book of Spells introduces a book exclusive character, a Septarian named Seth, who is described by multiple queens as hostile, an advocate for Genocide against Mewmans and Septarian supremacy. As bad as this sounds, I'm going to go out on a limb and postulate that since we know by the end of the series that the monsters were victims and Mewmans have been in the wrong for generations, that this information may be exaggerated. Since Seth never appears in the show or other materials we only have the Book of Spells to go by and...Yeah, I don’t really trust a word most of them have to say about him to be honest.
The only narrator that we can consider reliable being Eclipsa, who got her information about from Globor, another monster who has had dealings with Seth and other Septarians in the past. Also worth noting is that Eclipsa's queenship followed her mother's and whom know Solaria was attempting active genocide against all monster kind- which was at least the second one in history since Mewman arrived...so I can't really say I think Seth and the Septarians be entirely in the wrong if they were still upset about that.
Seth is mentioned a few prominent times in the book, since this analysis is about Toffee I won't go into detail but tl;dr Seth has been personally screwed over enough times by the Butterfly family that it shouldn't be surprising at all that he didn't answer Comet's invitation to her peace banquet
As a side note: Comet herself is incredibly dismissive and insulting toward Seth in her chapter and it makes it very difficult for me to sympathize with her, or feel bad about her death- sorry, Moon.
So long story short, Seth is a big deal. It not directly said that Toffee had any sort of relationship to Seth but Comet implies in her chapter that Seth's ideals were inspiring to Septarian youths which hints that Toffee killing Comet was influenced by him if not directly ordered.
Toffee is also described as being a "Magneto like character" by the series creator, someone who "isn't wrong, but going about things the wrong way", and comments that he researched the Butterfly family like no one had before and used his powers for evil. According to the same AMA, Toffee has been learning about magic for a long time and was wearing the skulls of members of the Butterfly court that he killed. We’re also told by third party bit characters that Toffee killed Queen Comet the day she was supposed to sign the peace treaty, but Toffee himself never mentions anything about it, which I find odd, as big a deal as regicide  you’d think he’d gloat about it at least once.
All in all, what we're told about Toffee paints the picture of psychotic terrorist following in the footsteps of a genocidal maniac, who won't hesitate to kill innocent people and doesn’t care who he has to step on in order to achieve his goals.
This now brings us to the series and once again hoo boy, looking at nothing but Toffee's actions against the series as whole bearing in mind revelations from the later seasons really casts him in a different light.
The first onscreen victim of Toffee's machinations is Buff Frog, who is immediately suspicious of Toffee for...no real reason other than the plot needed him to. I've watched Fortune Cookies many times and still can't come up with a legitimate reason why Buff Frog is suspicious of Toffee right off the bat. It makes sense later (as much sense as can be expected from a kids cartoon, anyway) that Buff Frog would be threatened by and suspicious of Toffee when he has a spy drone take Buff Frog's place, but not in his introductory episode after knowing him for five seconds.
For his part, Toffee doesn't seem to have a problem with Buff Frog until Mewnipendence day. Granted, this is the first episode since his debut that Toffee actually appears so it's hard to judge what their relationship is like outside of these two appearances since Toffee orchestrates Buff Frog's dismissal in this episode. One thing we have to go on is Buff Frog's frankly a little paranoid sounding theory that Toffee full on replaced him with an electronic spy unit and will do the same to everyone. 
Toffee catches him at it but shrugs it off and shows him no animosity until Buff Frog volunteers to get the wand for Ludo. Since the equipment was obviously sabotaged to make Buff Frog look bad in order to manipulate Ludo into getting rid of him, it was definitely a premeditated move on Toffee’s part, down to predicting that Buff Frog would volunteer. This all sounds pretty bad, but given the fact that Buff Frog was entirely wrong about Toffee's intentions I don't really see why it was necessary beyond Toffee just quietly getting rid of a small annoyance to him.
And I feel like I should to remind everyone that Ludo punishes his minions the same way his own abusive father probably punished him (re: sending them to their rooms taking away milkshake privileges ect), which has been completely ineffective until this point. Seeing as Toffee’s official position that he was, you know, hired and presumably being paid for is "evil efficiency expert" with the description that he whip the other monsters into shape. Set up aside, this technically is exactly what Toffee's job is to do and encouraging Ludo to fire Buff Frog is a perfectly reasonable course of action.
The next victim is Ludo himself and I actually hesitate to call him a victim, because getting kicked out of his own castle was Ludo's comeuppance for his own terrible leadership and abusive tendencies. Ludo being abused by his family does not excuse his abuse of others, and throughout Marco Grows a Beard, Toffee does very little besides direct and observe, stepping in once (and possibly more that was off screen) to offer water to one of the monsters while Ludo's orders and actions failed across the board putting all of them in jeopardy and ultimately botching their best chance at obtaining the wand. Once they returned to the castle, Toffee rightfully points out that the day's failure was on Ludo, not the other monsters and successfully turned his, uh, "army" on him with next to no effort because Ludo is in fact guilty on all charges.
Which brings me back to Buff Frog, considering how fast Buff Frog was to join forces with Star over Ludo a few episodes later...I'm going to go ahead and say that there was really no point in Toffee getting him fired. Buff Frog's loyalty swayed just like everyone else's and Toffee probably could have just waited for him to reach a breaking point and didn't, but ultimately I'm going to pin this on a poor writing decision than a lack of foresight by Toffee.
In Season one's finale,  Toffee has Marco captured and held for ransom. And...yeah I kinda feel like this doesn't count as something too horrible since Toffee’s plan holding Marco captive and even threatening him with the crystal crushing was counting on the fact the he already knew that Star wouldn't let anything happen to Marco. It's a manipulation tactic that was the most efficient way if getting what he wanted, which was not ownership of the wand but the wand's destruction. Star has other friends and Marco's parents or even her own parents that could be used against her, but Toffee targeted one that he knows for sure she will trade the wand for.
But before moving onto his actions in season 2, there's more to analyze about Toffee's behaviors during Storm the Castle. The first thing of note is that Toffee treats Marco quite well while holding him prisoner, being quite civil and offering him food, and even releasing him so Marco could take a swing at him. However, Toffee doesn't fight back in this scene merely sidesteps (I guess) and forces Marco back into his chair without restraining him again, which suggests to me that Toffee isn't the one who put him in restraints to begin with since he's clearly not worried about Marco escaping or anything of the sort.
The fact that Toffee doesn't actually fight Marco, and has not been involved any of the battles since his debut gets more interesting when we find out he was a soldier and likely has been for much of his life.
In regards to his treatment of the other monsters, we don't see Toffee really interact with any of them besides Boo-fly whom he seemed to have a decent relationship with previously. I've seen people say that he praises Boo-fly and treats him well until they kick Ludo out and suddenly treats him like dirt once he's gotten what he wants, but I'd like to point out that Boo-fly keeps trying to pamper Toffee like he would have Ludo and Toffee makes it explicitly clear that they've already discussed that he doesn't want to be treated like Ludo so I chalk this up to a breach of personal boundaries rather than an example of Toffee’s manipulative nature.
This brings us to Star and Toffee's initial encounter. Toffee at first tries to be polite to her as he was with with Marco but was immediately blasted without even finishing his greeting. Toffee's plan seems to have actually been to try to her talk first with Marco as a mere bargaining chip, and threatening to harm Marco was his back up plan. Once again, this is hinging on the fact that he knows Star would trade the wand to him for his safety.
One last thing is that in retrospect we know Toffee's endgame is the destruction of Magic and his study of the wand means he likely knows that using the Whispering Spell was his way into the Realm of Magic. The last thing we see of Toffee in Season One is him telling the other monsters "It's been a pleasure-" before the Wand self destructs, so while I'm confident that Toffee knew he could get into the realm of Magic and was dismissing his "comrades" to carrying out the rest of his mission alone, I'm pretty sure he wasn't anticipating the wand would explode and endanger everyone.
Toffee doesn’t have an active in person presence in most of Season two, the clever viewer probably noticed right away that the bones making up Ludo’s wand and can infer that the voice speaking to Ludo through it is Toffee manipulating him once again. However, if someone were to start watching season 2 without the context of season one, the manipulation element gets lost and most of Ludo’s actions are exclusively his own, meaning that once again the things that happen to Ludo are a direct consequence of his own choices. Later when Toffee possesses him and speaks with Glossaryck, Toffee confirms that there he has a goal which he has been trying to lead Ludo toward with little success, but it’s pretty unclear what that goal ultimately is.
When Moon and the Magic High Commission arrive at the Monster Temple we see a first for the series: Toffee in active combat. Upon first viewing, with no context it’s a simple show down of Good (MHC) vs Evil (Toffee) in which we the audience are supposed to root for Moon and her team and feel a sense of helpless when they lose by a great landslide. However, once the series concludes and we know that the MHC were the final villains, suddenly the situation is swapped- Toffee is suddenly a martyr who was the first to stand up against the true villains of the series.
Even Star’s own revelation that “Toffee was right” and decision to destroy magic herself falls short in comparison to Toffee’s original plan. Star- due to time constraints most likely but still a failing of the show’s final season- comes to her decision pretty suddenly with no consideration of the consequences of her actions beyond not being able to see Marco. Toffee’s plan was clearly years in the making, with plenty of time to weigh his options and consequences. And somehow, the way Toffee pulled off his plan to destroy magic did not result in the instantaneous death of all magical beings, their magic was simply slowly rendered useless, and they were put into stasis (not killed) by Toffee himself absorbing their magic. 
Quick tangent Glossaryck himself is totally fine with his own death when Star meets him in the afterlife later and flat out says that stopping Toffee was ‘probably a mistake’  in later seasons. Glossaryck more or less confirms that he has been anticipating and even helping facilitate the end of magic for some time, and by saying that stopping Toffee was a mistake, he is admitting that it was his preference that Toffee be responsible- perhaps in attempt to spare us from Seasons 3 and 4.
Back on track- the Toffee situation becomes more muddy with the reveal that Toffee killed Moon’s mother; a devastating revelation for the show and the MoonToffee shippers, but ultimately something of a disappointment when all the build up leads to is two minute encounter, in which Moon, for some reason, decides not to kill Toffee with her Darkest Spell and instead just takes off his finger. I say for some reason because in the Magic Book of Spells and later in the series Moon claims she did it so that Eclipsa wouldn’t be freed for fear of her “evil”, but earlier in this same episode right after talking to Eclipsa, Moon herself said “She doesn’t seem that evil”. I feel like we missed a scene somewhere, but I digress.
Anyway the death of Moon’s mother is painted like it’s a sad thing, especially since she was about to sign a peace treaty with the monsters and this rebel Lizard just ruined every thing for everyone but there’s two things I can’t get over 1) again...Comet was really dismissive and insulting toward Seth so no wonder he wanted her dead 2) Archduke Batwin knew that one of his Generals, a Septarian nonetheless, took off with half his army and apparently decided that wasn’t anything to worry about. 
Like, of course, I still feel really bad for Moon here, but REALLY?
Also, we only have Batwin’s word that Toffee was the one who did it, but Toffee himself never claims responsibility and doesn’t ever hold Comet’s murder over Moon so I can’t help wondering it this was even true. Pics or it didn’t happen.
Going back to Toffee and his actions in the present. Toffee doesn’t spend a lot of time actively possessing Ludo, as far as we see he only does so in order to communicate, first with Glossaryck and later Moon he doesn’t even come out to talk to River or Star. He communicates to Ludo through the wand, and I shake my head at Ludo for somehow being surprised that it’s Toffee talking to him, like buddy...How did you not know??? Once again, Ludo’s actions are mostly his own, we don’t know how much influence Toffee actually has over him during this point because we can’t hear what the wand is telling Ludo. Throwing the Spellbook into the fire was “All Ludo” so likewise, ‘levitato-ing’ River and all the peasants that defied him was likely all Ludo too, considering how little interest Toffee’s had in hurting anyone up to this point.
Finally we’re here at the final show down. Toffee’s endgame is still unclear to the heroes, as well as any first time viewers, but Star sets out to stop him (beep beep, this is the future calling to once again remind us that Glossaryck says this was a mistake). I can buy that Toffee is smarter than the average monster, he may even be smarter than the average Septarian, but to suggest that Toffee anticipated every move made by every character in the series and manipulated event to go perfectly to adhere to a plan that ends with Star trapped in the realm of magic with no escape is going a little far.
From observation of his previous actions and behaviors, Toffee’s probably spent weeks trying to get Ludo to do what he wants him to, but we still don’t have verbal confirmation of what that was, and be left shaking his head at Ludo’s stupidity. Star figuring out that he’s in the wands and following him in was also likely not part of his plan, but her doing so presented him with a great opportunity; a bargaining chip for his missing finger. Now, it’s never made clear whether Toffee actually needs his finger back to return to the real world or if he just wanted it. From a story telling perspective based on the rules we have seen about Septarian regeneration, there’s really no reason that Toffee would have needed his finger, seeing as he already regenerated his arm around the wand earlier, resulting in Ludo’s wand becoming embedded in his arm, if seems like this was just a matter of his pride.
But there’s no evidence that suggests that he was actually capable of bringing Star with him when he did, since he regenerated around Ludo and had to actually spit the poor birb out. How could Star have come back in that regard? Toffee was probably bluffing and straight up lying about being able to bring Star with him- leaving her behind and getting his finger back serves nicely for revenge for having his finger blasted off to begin with. Further more, once this is all done, Toffee has the perfect opportunity to kill Moon himself, but instead walks away.
Even when Moon chases and attacks him, Toffee does nothing but deflect her attacks and refused to engage her in combat, not even when she tries to cast the death spell on him again. He does react violently to Marco punching a hole in his chest, but once again with Moon all he does is incapacitate her and walk away. As far as he is concerned, they’re done. 
Then Star revives herself and the show’s best story line comes to a rather disappointing end.
So in recap: what the series actually shows us of Toffee suggests that he’s a largely non violent man who uses it as a last resort and only against those who actually pose a threat to him, never on defenseless people and even when attacked first his main tactic is to disarm or incapacitate and arguably seems to go out of his way to try to hurt as few people as possible. 
The people he does actually hurt are usually- with a few exceptions- guilty of some crime and even then  Toffee mostly just waits for Karma to come back and bite them in the ass while taking advantage of the opportunities presented by his tolerance for idiots. 
Unlike the heroes, Toffee is consistently shown to thoroughly think things through, and attempt to talk to his enemies as his first engagement with them. To be honest, his calm and polite nature actually makes him a much better role model than the impulsive and violence prone leads who barge into situations and very often lie or cover up certain truths from their families for the sole purpose of not spoiling their own fun.
The only time Toffee was actively violent on screen was against the MHC who turned out to be villains anyway. Even during the war, Daron Nefcy claims the skulls he wears came from the Butterfly court, not soldiers or civilians, so likely corrupt government officials directly benefiting from the suffering of Monsters and lower class Mewmans. We can even argue that Comet wasn’t the saint she was originally painted as considering how she speaks of and dismisses Seth and the rightful distrust he has of her and her intentions.
Through his on screen actions, we also see that Toffee is a martyr, he might be willing to step on a few people to get where he wants to be, but not everyone is expendable to him and when it comes down to it, Toffee does the dirty work of tainting the realm of magic himself rather than sacrificing anyone else to it, most likely due to his regenerative abilities assuring that he can come back while others he can’t guarantee. 
There is one scene where Toffee actually acts like the violent psychopath he’s described as; and that’s in Meteora’s Lesson, in which...He’s a moody teenager that Glossaryck deliberately provoked with the intent of 'teaching him a lesson’ by way of causing him physical harm. Yikes Glossaryck, yikes 
In conclusion; Toffee is definitely one of those ‘the hero of his own story’ type of villains, and arguably a better one than the heroes we’re supposed be rooting for.
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Juliet and Capella at the Citadel of Starco, searching for other Starco kids.
Juliet belongs to @svtfoe4ever
Capella belongs to @galaxynixie
Adrianna-Marie belongs to @princekaiofstars
Ksenia belongs to _kristalfalls_ (Instagram)
Stellaluna belongs to @froppy-butterflyfan2000
The Starship of Ostar (mentioned) belongs to theostarfan18 (Tumblr; Deactivated)
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pinkandpurple360 · 4 months
Golden Chain Stolitzs anon here ❤️(and also the one making parallels between that fucked up "couple" and Angel's situation with Val -I refuse to refer to them as a relationship- I was just so....stuck by that scene of graphic domestic abuse -the contract one, I thought it was good drama surrounded by....all that- and so disgusted by the mere thought that we will get TWO MORE EPISODES WITH THE FUCKING SAD OWL DRAMA (at least) that I just.....snapped)
Anyways back to the point well everything I can think about that hallucination was that this is the closest thing we will ever get to actual acknowledgment of the huge power imbalance in this....I don't want to call it a relationship either- situation. Blitz literally has to look up at this huge set of white stairs, contrasting with his dirty appearance and surroundings- they are literally worlds apart- and so when he starts to clang not only is he CHAINED- but the goo that was meant to be his past, messed up relationships disappears- I just know that this will somehow be used later on (if its ever acknowledgment at all) it will be woobified and twisted to be all "oh Stolas is his new chance in love! that way all his past heartbreak can be fixed uwuwu" and I see it as someone just...giving up a part of himself to fit with this twisted version of- I can't even call it love, not even companionship- but ownership. Like everything, even Moxxie who at this point he had yet to be driven away from him just....disappears when he is in Stolas's clutch. And what he fucking says in that scene... "Are you afraid to fall in love, Blitzy?" Straight out of a horror movie line.
Sad but true, it’s probably the only time the real dynamic will ever be acknowledged. Before Stella the mean wife who wants alimony in the divorce, is put up as the big bad instead. I’m sure after she’s dead uh…found family shenanigans , blitz and three people who are openly hostile towards him and make him sad.
Yep two more episodes of stolas crying and tons of horrible things happening.
And the fact it was brought out by “truth” serum means this is like, the reality. It’s no misconception. He was bought by stolas’ family and never stopped being their property. Once the truth serum fades he goes back to arguing against stolas, then him asking for a reward right after said abuse, and blitz asking him what he wants, because he’ll provide it. I think that exchange is their only moment of mutual lust and it’s just..gross after all that. It makes you doubt everything awful that you just saw and insists they’re actually a couple you’re just remembering the past ten minutes all wrong…or something. To this day I can’t get through the full episode cause when the lights turn red it’s too hard to watch.
Blitz crawls up these stairs like an animal, clearly running away from his problems and towards stolas. And yeah, everyone around him disappears including him. Then he gazes up longingly at fizz’s voice. But fizz is practically married so why does it even matter? Those chains aren’t getting broken anytime soon, the next episode is probably Blitzø begging to keep being stolas’ toy while he abandons him. I genuinely have no clue what’s coming. It’s gonna hurt though. Although if the stolitzers are gonna apparently be sad then I guess? It might be ok? There seems to be this intent on making the relationship as toxic and gross as possible then suddenly switching to some unwarranted I love yous. Like catradora and to a lesser extent starco.
“Are you afraid to love people?” Why would he be afraid to love stolas I’ll give people three guesses. And is it really love or is it oxytocin from all of the sex? Not to mention people compiling the parallels to fizz’s story with Blitzø….idk where this is going but it’s going to be really really sad.
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embersekai · 5 months
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Whaddup, my fellow hounds! Welcome back to my den! I know it’s a month away from Valentine’s Day, but I’ve been thinking about SVTFOE lately. So, I wanna share one of my favorite OTPs, “Starco”, in a Valentines-themed Picsart collage.
I never liked Star and Tom (Star’s ex-boyfriend) shipped as a couple, even when they kinda have just broken up prior to the series.
Star should find someone better than that bad-tempered cambion.
Now, I’m glad that Starco became an offical ship. I gotta be honest: throughout the series, Star and Marco’s relationship is much stronger than anyone they’ve met. That’s how significant the quote on the bottom-left reflects.
Welp, that’s all for today!
🐾 Credits 🐾
Star Sticker - cuddlytrashmouth
Marco Sticker - dreamystarco
Rose Stickers - birdiescreations & kimmytasset
Moon Sticker - sona75
“You Are Beautiful” Quote - liismarii29
Butterflies Sticker - thesmilingkiller
Background - mirrorball126
Star, Marco, & Tom (mentioned) © Daron Nefcy, Disney XD
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(EDIT: also Happy New Year and a belated Merry Christmas and blog anniversary to me !)
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camerawhoisalsocam · 1 year
I just finished the crossover. Spoilers. This is a half baked rant filled review from both a RWBY critic and a life long DC fan.
This animation was wonky even for rwby, there wasnt any fights choreography that stuck out to me and I just finished watching this like an hour ago. Like it was so boring my mind was just not intaking anything that could stand out. Even V5 and V9 had some good fights, and both of those volumes got huge budgets cuts because of some other project being released at the time (genlock and this crossover)
The dialogue was just such a mess. And the voice acting oy vey this was rough. Rwby usually has great VA work from the main's at RT, the funimation crew, and a boat load of others. This just felt so off, like the cast was just asleep. Did the voice director just give up like a minute in?
This story was such a mess too! I know combining 2 seperate universes is always tough I wont lie, but converting DC characters with too many varying powers, Supermans multiple powers, wonder womans godly gear, Batmans Bat-everything, Flash' speed force, Cyborgs various tech, Jess' rings many capabilities, and Vixen's animal powered necklace, its all too much to convert to 4 set abilities. Semblance, Dust, Faunus additions, and Rwbys "its also a gun" weaponry isn't enough to fit what I listed off above. Just send the rwby characters to the DC universe.
And side note, just use the teen titans. No power scaling argument needed, their strong but not stronger than the league and are still stronger than the RWBY verse. Imagine Ren and any Robin understanding one another about being orphans, or any Robin and Weiss getting some development about their rich dads. Blake and Damian can get along over their troubled past, or even Starfire and Blake since their the minorities (Tamaranian and faunus) of their teams, or Raven and Blake being goth baddies! Superboy and Yang, anger issues, Yang and Cyborg, learning to live with disabilities. Imagine the chaos of Nora and Wally west and Beastboy. Hell you could even substitute the Jessica plot with Raven struggling with her powers. Theres so much more potential here!
And jesus they did not handle the rwby characters any better. They were all so full of themselves and acting high and mighty comared to the experienced hero's. I'd argue that its cuz the league isnt all there and cant remember everything. But RWBYJNR dont remember anything either! Their all in the same boat so why are rwby treating like the league hasnt fought worse threats, as mentioned Brainiac(an alien with 12th level intellect) and Vandall Savage (an immortal from the caveman times) and while im at it why is a guy thats running a breaking and very obvious simulation a such a big deal anyway?
Shipping, oh damn right im going here. I dont wanna see it, No Superman x Ruby, no Batman x Weiss, no Wonder Woman x Blake x Yang, no Jessica x Jaune, no Cyborg x Nora x Ren. NO! NONONONO we arent doing this. Did we not learn how problematic Starco was? Did RT not learn from Ryan Haywood that grown adults and teenagers shouldn't go together? Seriously im starting to think RT has a problem, I know thats an understatement but at this point im calling it a prediction.
Alright time to speed run these individual character issues
•Batman's arc on staying on Remnant was dumb. Gotham is his soul purpose, and he doesn't need powers. He has never needed them, he's always been able to overcome and keep up with these gods with his wit, skill, and tech.
•Yeah Weiss was just Batman's sidekick. She felt so disconnected from the plot I thought I was looking at V4-5 Blake. Plus why was she so persistent on keeping Batman in Remnant? Was her daddy kink that bad, is she just into older men who are trapped as teenagers? Gross.
•Superman and Ruby's arcs were weak. Ruby leader arc was just so lame, like her significant leader moment was just "sneak jessica and jaune away for a sneak attack" jesus that was lame. And Superman didn't have an arc really, his semblance unlocking, leadership, and blame for getting trapped was all super undercooked.
•The Wonderwoman, Yang, and Blake dynamic was so forgettable. Like I genuinely couldn't remember that arc, was it like a warrior thing right? And were they like... flirting? Really? NEXT!
•Oh god go back to the other one! Not the Ren x Nora x Cyborg love corner, couldnt they have done something else with these guys? This is just sad. Shame on you RT
•Oh yay, Jaune mourns over Pyrrha again. This is after V6 right, so did we have to focus on Pyrrha being desd again? Like come on let her rest, even DBZ doesn't bring up Krillin death as much. I do admit, Jaune helping Jess out was nice, their interactions were sweet.
•I did like Jess' anxiety arc, I think it was handled very tastefully and was a great way to write her character. She's too fucking adorable, her VA was one of the good one's. This actually gave her some great spotlight that we dont see much of besides DC superhero girls
•And I actually liked Vixen, design was fine and the voice was good, even if her power was heavily underutilized. But she was cool
•Barry what did they do to you? Oh Barry no! Why did they flash and make him so... nothing!? He looks like Bart and Wally mixed together. And he's the twist villian? Why didn't the technology based supervillian yake over the technology based hero!? Barry was so boring, I knew he was gonna be a side character but bro why make him the boring twist villian?
•Killg%re. Oh fuck if im not using the percentage thing im not censoring it this crossover makes me too angry to follow the rules. So boring. He calls himself so brilliant and smarter than Brainiac and Vandall savage yet his simulation was so easy to pick apart cuz the grimm, their freinds and family, their timezones, and even their own memories are so muddled anybody can pick apart this is a dream! His plan was so bad, stick the league in another dimension? Good so far. In a simulation, okay it can work. Turn them into teens so their hormones kick in? No, moronic, i hate it, I hate this! And look, out of every villian, why Killgore? The idea of a crossover is to grab your big guns and use their names to gather up your audience. If you wanted a lesser known villian who can alter reality go with BatMite, Mister Mxyzptlk, reverse flash, the Legion of Doom, or jesus anybody? Not somebody so forgettable that even KGBeast is more recognized than him.
Well atleast it's over... wait, part one?
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faelapis · 2 years
I saw your post mentioning/implying you have no interest in svtfoe. I’m curious about your opinions, such as the messy romance drama and framing star killing all magic is a good idea.
i'll be completely honest with you, i've only watched a bit of season one. it wasn't really for me. the whole vibe felt a bit too "wacky" for my liking. i don't have a hot take on that ending because i don't wanna be one of those people who just assumes based on other people's hot takes. like i dont even know if all the magic creatures actually died or just lost their magic, and i dont know the justification beyond something something starco being together.
i will say - my instinct is that it sounds at least kinda interesting, as far as endings go. like if its the kind of balls to the wall wish fulfillment where you can do anything you selfishly desire no matter the cost to others, i can respect that.
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I could write a full essay on this but that'd take way too much time and over the letter limit in a post, not to mention risking drawing the ire of any remaining Starco zealots so I'll just say that I am not a fan of this ship and never was
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I’m not going to call it a Starco episode or even really an intentional moment....But anyone else think about the fact that, despite initially worrying about getting to school on time to do his “nod-exchange” with Jackie, Marco not only immediately is on board with Star’s suggestion that they have a “freeze day”, but apparently took around 2 1/2 days (he mentions 60 hours had passed for him and Star) to remember his original goal.
And keep in mind that it’s all but flat out stated that he and Star spent almost those whole 60 hours together; presumably they slept at least a couple times and were apart for that, but otherwise, it seems like they were together the whole time. 
Honestly, in a way, it sort of foreshadows how the dynamic between Star, Marco, and Jackie will be when Marco and Jackie officially get together.
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dizzying-faust · 11 months
If you're going to do a post where you once again let people talk about the problems/issues SVTFOE, at least do a hard mode where they can't mention:
The romance stuff in general
All of season 3 and/or season 4
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kprs4ever · 1 year
What was your favourite SVTFOE moment?
Well, if we don't count the Starco kiss in the barn (had to sorry I love that scene 😊😊) it would have to be Marco teaching Star how to ride a bike! That moment was so fun! Oh and the moment Eclipsa got the wand to defeat Meteora! OH and when Star and Marco's love combined their worlds!! Okay yeah I mentioned three but I love them all.😊
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artianaiolanthe · 1 year
One of my coworkers mentioned he liked how Star Vs ended because he liked that Starco got to get her and that poor man just had to deal with a whole hour of me ranting as a result lmao.
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tacosandtomcos · 5 years
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