#Stolen A Stolen Story
author-a-holmes · 2 years
Okay give me the rundown on Stella because I think I'll love her
*vibrates with excitement*
Okay, okay, okay, Stella is my baby, so I'm afraid, since you asked about her, I might end up drowning you in details.
Stella is my main character for Stolen. She starts off the book as, what's known in world, as a Jack-Thief. This is a freelancer thief, unaffiliated with a guild, who dabbles in all types of thievery.
(Stolen Spoilers beneath the cut...)
Through plot events, she finds herself alone and in a strange city, and is approached by someone who wants her to steal some documents. They claim the documents belong to them, and that they're just reclaiming property that's already been stolen from them. Stella doesn't quite believe them and refuses the job.
She then finds this same person has broken into her room later that night, and realises this wasn't something she actually had a choice in.
The whole starting inspiration for Stella was I wondered what would happen, how things would play out, if an amature thief successfully stole plans from a guild master, in the very heart of their own guild, and then tried to sell those same plans back to him.
And that's what Stella does. She steals the papers, because she doesn't have a choice, and then tries to trade them back to the guild master she took them from in exchange for help escaping the city.
What my poor baby doesn't know is she's just stepped into the middle of a turf war between two guilds, and escaping the city isn't in any way, shape or form, a possibility. The group she's just betrayed has a network across the land, so there's nowhere for her to run.
The guildmaster offers her protection instead, and she takes it, and that's really the foundation of the plot.
Stella's wonderful to write though, she's truly so much fun, because there's so much dichotomy to her character.
She was raised in a very particular manner that gives her an unusual outlook on the world. Some things she's very worldly about, she's not shocked by sexual advances, or open flirting, or lying, or betraying people... and other things she's been kept very sheltered from. Like genuine caring relationships. Support and positive encouragement. Trust based relationships. Murder and violence.
And while it doesn't come up in the first book, until the very, very, end, and Stella herself doesn't become aware of it until Book Two, there's a very specific reason why she was raised in the way she was.
My other MC for Stolen, Reilly Mosswolf, will spend a great deal of time undoing the damage that's been done by her isolation, and when Stella finally realises how she was manipulated, it may or may not break her, just a tiny bit *evil smile*
And have some gorgeous art I had commissioned of Stella and Reilly, just because you asked about her, and I can't stop sharing this piece. It's gorgeous, and it was done by @knuttydraws
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thebramblewood · 26 days
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Hot off the presses, it's the first (and probably only) issue of Vatore Magazine! Pick up your copy now to see all 22 (!) looks in detail, shop the must-have CC, and - most importantly - collect some new scraps of coveted Vatore lore. 👀
So, yeah, guess who thought they were going to do a straightforward decades lookbook and ended up making things entirely too complicated? 🙋‍♀️ The visual side of my brain is always tickled when CC creators put together little catalogs for their collections. That was my initial inspiration. Then I did a half-baked magazine cover concept and wanted to make a better one. I used this template as a base, and the headlines ended up being the most fun part. Anyway, I don't know how many people will click the link let alone scroll through the entire thing, but you'll be rewarded with several paragraphs of Vatore history if you do. I did this more to properly establish their timeline for myself than anything else, but I put a lot of care and time into it, so I appreciate anyone who reads. ❤️
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macbethz · 8 days
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thestuffedalligator · 19 days
I’ve talked about this before but I feel obligated every now and then to talk about the time Jimmy Stewart smuggled a yeti finger from a Nepalese Buddhist monastery to America.
The Pangboche Hand was the skeletal hand of a yeti who was a disciple of Lama Sangwa Dorje, and the finger of the hand was stolen in 1959 by a Bigfoot researcher named Peter C. Byrne after the monks refused to let him take the hand for research. Once Byrne got the finger into India, “It’s A Wonderful Life” star Jimmy Stewart, James “Anatomy of a Murder” Stewart, smuggled the finger out of India and to the States by — allegedly — hiding it in his wife’s lingerie case, because no gentleman would ever check a woman's lingerie case.
Byrne, by the way, was hired to steal the finger by eccentric millionaire oil tycoon Tom Slick, who spent the ‘50s obsessed with cryptozoology before dying in a plane crash in Montana. Not important for the story, important to me personally that you know this.
And I tell you this because “Jimmy Stewart smuggled a yeti finger in his wife’s lingerie case” is a fun collection of words and also to remind you that cryptozoology is awash with colonial assholes who will step over other cultures to find the “proof” they feel entitled to.
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rainingriversofyou · 3 months
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Jude x Carden - The Cruel Prince - Artist: scribbubbles
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mpreghotties2 · 2 months
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i-only-see-daylight · 3 months
Cardan: I have a question for you
Jude: Yes I’d cry if you died Jude: Yes, I’d still love you if you were a worm Jude: Yes, I still love you Jude: No, I don’t want to break up
Cardan: Thank you
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murasaki-cha · 5 months
You get someone to read The Folk Of The Air trilogy. They start The Cruel Prince. They get shocked that the prince is like, actually really cruel.
It's a canon event. You can't change it. They must go through the true tfota experience
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msmimundo · 2 months
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Part 3 hooray!!!
I finally finished school so free time babyy ~
The beggining of angst. But worry not for it will be fleeting. Made in paint cause paint tool sai didnt answer today, hope it still looks alright
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serien-grl-22 · 28 days
I'm begging you to reread TFOTA and think after every sentence which leaves Cardan's mouth that he CANNOT LIE. And I'm not talking about our basic stuff like "You want to hear me scream." "Yes I do and maybe one day I will.", but more about basic stuff he pops out, like when the folk was eating Snardan he was just like "I always new I taste delicious." Sir, what?
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neongreengummiebears · 3 months
Not to sound like a boomer on main, because I love my phone- I do. But I really miss the day when I could hang out in public without having to hear everyone else's phones. I don't care if there are babies crying (because babies cry sometimes) or if other people are having conversations (because that's what people come to cafes and such to do) but hearing tinny little phone sounds blasting out loud out of their speakers drives me insane. I'm only in my 30's, why are you making me complain about how things were "back in my day" like I'm 80? Public phone noise is prematurely aging me. Send help.
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may12324 · 1 year
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Oak and Suren - together they make a heart!
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alex-iltempo · 1 year
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Gorgeous Jurdan part III
Here's ⚜️part I ⚜️_⚜️ part II⚜️
By @lilithsaur
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toointofiction · 1 year
"It would be safer if I hated him. Since I cannot, perhaps it is good that he now hates me."
someone needs to tell suren about hate and the greenbriar men
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manikas-whims · 1 year
i love how Oak has a little of all his family members in him.
Etiquette and pragmatism from Oriana
Murder mode similar to Madoc's bloodthirst
Definitely Jude's anger
Vain, Charming, Flirtatious like Cardan
Playful like Vivi, Coy like Taryn
With a pinch of lovetalk from Liriope
And ofc, the Greenbriar bloodline from Dain
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ink-going-insane · 23 days
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hi have this random thing i made
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