#Tañ ha Gerioù
wild-wombytch · 2 months
My misandry pipeline is that one fucking guy monopolizing three machines at once at the gym right now. Specifically, the three fucking machines I want to use. I wish his mother had her periods instead of him.
Dude is thin like a stick, no amount of "superset" will fix him if he doesn't eat.
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wild-wombytch · 5 months
Painting my jacket with all kinds of feminist shits was so worth it. I had another woman compliment me on it today, a young cashier and it made her open up about her abusive ex and visibly she really needed to talk and was still shaken up. I'm really glad if it's enough to be a beacon of safety for even only one or two women. And learning about their incredible lives and background and seeing how diverse we all are, yet experience the same sex-based violence.
And there's also something cool about smiling to all the women who cross my path when walking to places (yes even the ones who look mean. Especially them even, they likely had a shitty day or shitty years, they deserve some love). Creating a small solidarity with female strangers, making the streets just a little bit less hostile to women. And keeping the most unfriendly face possible I can summon when getting past men so the streets feel a little bit more hostile to them.
Anyway, simple things can make a difference. Purposely centering women is wholesome. I'm grateful for radical feminism for showing me that, while back in my libfem day it was perfectly accepted and even encouraged to pick on "terfs" and otherwise dissident women who didn't cater to males' feelings. I have more in common with women of any beliefs than with so called "feminist" and liberal males.
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wild-wombytch · 2 months
LMAOOO they sent me this and then blocked me like ???
I legit never interacted with this person ever. Some people think it's an airport here and they have to announce they block you like we give a fuck about complete strangers, especially the unhinged kind we don't want spamming us anyway.
Well, at least it made me laugh. What's a radblr week without some nutty delulu thinking they accomplish something by being chronically online, after all?
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wild-wombytch · 6 months
Tbh, there's something incredibly wholesome about my momma learning Korean and talking to South Korean women in her age range and laughing and having fun in video calls despite the distance. This is oddly inspiring. Like they're just talking about anything to learn each others' languages and I can hear them compliment each others like "Oh wow, you have a great complexion! Do you have a homemade recipe of skincare?", "Oh no, you speak very well, you're so smart!", "Oh wow, you want to become a yoga teacher? Awesome!"
Like idk, that makes me go all awww inside 🥹🥹🥹
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wild-wombytch · 4 months
Fwwwwww, what a day to be spammed by the delulu crowd 😴
I think I'll go back to reading for a while and let them scream at the wind or whatever they think they accomplish by attempting to hurt a butch feelings by telling her she doesn't perform internalized misogyny right lmaooo Die mad haters 💗 There are only two sexes and you can't buy womanhood no matter how much you eat capitalism's ass!
ETA : And I love you unconditionally, lovely, brilliant and strong radfems! Thank you for being there and putting up with my ramblings and occasional bad takes. Y'all deserve to soak in the blood of your enemies, a 100k deposit on your account as well as a year of your favourite meals and earth shattering orgasms everyday 💗🫂
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wild-wombytch · 1 month
TW : het moid ick + lesbophobia + vent
...I was pleasantly surprised that some dude I worked with during a travel messaged me on FB years later because we had a weird rivalry but also productive relationship back then and truth to be told, he was one of these ppl you need to meet at some point of your life to grow.
...then it took him about 4 messages to hit on me and tell me I'll find the right guy and he found me pretty back then right after I told him I found out ✨female homosexuality✨ since then. Ah, and don't forget saying he'd rent a Airbnb and invite me so we can drink alcohol and he can put some sounds (this way neighbohood won't hear my cry for help if the rape drug doesn't fully knock me out, IG)
Ffs, I just wanted a normal human to human conversation. No sausage party. Just "oh yeah, let's get a beer and talk like bros one of these days". Beside, I thought he saw me as a bro and (given how much we fought) as about the polar opposite of a housewife material. In itself, I thought that was deterrent enough since he's Roma and aiming for everything I am not exactly unless he means to leave his community, to whoch he was still very attached back then. But then again, scrotes would smash anything with a vag, human, animal, adult, minor, beautiful, ugly as fuck, trans identified or not.
Why do I even bother to hope moids have any sort of deeper feelings or are capable of normal relationships with women? I really hope I'll stop being naive and believe the best of people at some point, and that my misandry will catch up with the way I so quickly feel admiration for some people. Men aren't people. I should remember that. Probably tattoo it behind my eyelids. What a gross and bitter reminder. Barf.
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wild-wombytch · 4 months
Mix of reading review and personal shits and existential crisis about lesbianism : (also TW for rape, I'm putting the most TMI paragraphs in purple so you can skip them)
I finished reading a French book with pictures and portraits of lesbians. While I liked it (there are especially fascinating portraits of immigrant lesbians and elderly lesbians), I have mixed feelings about it.
On the bright side, no TIM apparently, even a TIF dating only lesbians and not pretending to be male who was quite wholesome to read about. We stan endangered species.
And the less bright side...A lot of the women here seem to be bisexuals calling themselves lesbians and saying they "became" lesbians or they made a choice or were "happy" with their male exes. A lot of uses of "queer" (although all these women undeniably are SSA, have sex with and date women). The average experience seems to be women who were with their moid for 8y or so, had kids with them, and then had experiences with women or met their current long-term female partner and have more babies with them.
It's a bit disappointing. Like, I can understand older women who married long term with men maybe being lesbians. I can understand women trying to be with men (like I did) because they had no real representation of lesbian relationships (especially in rural/very religious areas) and never questioned their lack of attraction to men because they thought everyone was meh about them and hetero relationships were seen as the "default" or because they were afraid of their attraction to women.
But I'm sorry, women who are happy with men can't be lesbian by definition. And women who stay for YEARS with their moids... like c'mon. (Kinda TMI following) I spent two weeks and a half with "mine" because I was stuck in a foreign country and couldn't go home after two days there and I already felt sick and wanted to kms and had genuine mental breakdowns curling on the floor crying and only calming down by mentally organising my luggage and making plans to maybe hitchhike and panhandle my way to the airport while taking opioids until I was numb enough to be gaslighted into giving him another chance. And another. And another...and so on.
Technically, I was never fully penetrated because I was so repelled that I became a venus flytrap and I'm thinking that the bleeding I had was more about having tears down there than my hymen. Very much a "you shall not pass" moment.
When I tried again with a male thinking that maybe it was just because the other one sucked as a person and disgusted me as an individual and other men would be different, I almost threw up during intimacy and cried (which didn't keep him from forcing me to sex acts I didn't want and which made me sick and hurt me anyway).
Genuine question: do y'all think it's possible to be lesbian when you're with a man for years? To be lesbian and have kids with your husband? Could it be internalized lesbophobia and lack of solid French lesbian community ? Or is it genuinely impossible in your opinion?
Because at the same time...a lot of these women also spent like 15, 20y with their current partners and couldn't be with men anymore if they were single.
But it bothers me. From one hand, this book is good at getting rid of the guilt of having been with men/raped by men, but on the other hand...I genuinely couldn't relate to the average narrative there. There was I believe 1-2 lesbian only who were gold stars and while some say men weren't for them or were a mistake...I haven't seen strong words against men and the male body or penises.
Like, for me, what makes me call myself a lesbian is not just my love/desire/attraction to women, it's also my repulsion for the male body, no matter how much I attempted to "fix" it. (Kinda TMI) And looking in hindsight to all the signs, like constantly ""joking"" "haha but what if I'm a lesbian" or being against traveling (before caving in the pressure) because just reading about penetration genuinely made me sick to the stomach and made me dizzy in a bad way, even before I was confronted to actual irl dicks (that plus dysphoria). I went with men in the first place because I'm fucked up and struggle to dissociate friendship, fear and love, and my ex was the first person who seemed to not treat me like garbage (the very first days we met online at least, afterwards it's a very different story) and because I had problems with alcohol and stuff and thought I was pansexual because I was attracted to women but never asking myself if I ever felt something for men (I didn't, except fear. Which sometimes gets tangled with having "butterflies" because again, I'm fucked up).
Idk, for me lesbianism by definition is tied to repulsion or at the very least indifference towards the male body (all the male bodies, not just the ones who traumatized you), not just attraction to the female body, which can be bisexuality.
I'm also curious (since I see this hot topic a lot) about everyone's opinion about women who simp for, say, fictional men (maybe even exclusively feminine male characters, created to cater to a female audience). Who for example have fantasies about them, which don't involve penetrative sex, thinking of dicks or male characteristics they'd be confronted to irl like smell and hair and average moid behaviours. Could it be internalized homophobia/misogyny? A way to feel safe/deal with some ossues they had with males? Can they be lesbians (maybe lesbian in denial)? If so, does it i stop once they accept themselves? Or is it a dead giveaway of bisexuality? Curious of what radfems think about this since I've since very varying opinions on Reddit and such and met women like that irl.
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wild-wombytch · 4 months
You should do that whole Buddhist monk protest thing where they publicly set themselves on fire.
No 💗
Sending suicide bait is childish. Especially to someone with a shitty mental health and who's father hung himself and who lives in an area with some of the highest national suicide rates. You're not the good person or cool activist you think you are. You're just a basic bully who can't handle women disagreeing with men. And if you continue, one day you'll wake up as a murderer with blood on your hands because someone will have followed through.
I sure hope you don't claim to care about minorities if that's the asks you send them. Telling a gay person to kill herself isn't progressive. Why don't you go and harrass people who are actually publically transphobic like Elongated Muskrat or actual Nazis who literally want to kill gay and trans people alike? Oh, right, they're men.
I'm not perfect but at least I'm not vile enough to send hate (and in anon, no less, coward), let alone suicide baits. You're a miserable piece of human being. Have a bad year.
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Here's the receipt of the 10€ donation I just made in your name to Lesbiennes d'Intéret Général, a French association funding actions in favour of lesbians, since your lot want us to die so much.
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wild-wombytch · 2 months
Uh...wtf happened on Tumblr within a month? Why are so many radfems' blog termed (and even some TRA's being honorary TERFs due to constant unhinged stalking)? Some of them didn't even make much OG posts? Is there/was there a new purge going on ln this website now that the pornbots calmed down a bit?
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wild-wombytch · 5 months
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Hahahehe, hi girl 😅😅😅
Sorry, I'm discriminatory about your specific kind. Get out of my WC!
(Steatoda paykulliana ?? I have an app that tells me S.Grossa but it doesn't look like it)
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wild-wombytch · 1 month
I got destroyed at the TRX + solo gym today.
Like, I'm starting to really love my frame getting bigger with bulking and with the baby hypertrophy (and I can tell the cut will be 👌 despite the bulk being really dirty and not smart), but damn. I'm already struggling to sit when the exercises were like. two hours ago. If *that's* already how I feel, I guess I'll just crawl on the floor to move this weekend. With my teeth and not my arms, preferably, because they got screwed as well.
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wild-wombytch · 6 months
Hi, women are great.
That's it, that's the post.
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wild-wombytch · 6 months
Their credit card code ???? That's a recipe for disaster ToT
Hi, anon, thank you for dropping by, I hope you had a nice weekend and are having a nice day 🌻✨
Unfortunately, yes, you read that right 💀
My mother really screams inside when she sees that, and it's multiple times a week, if not multiple times per days sometimes...
The disasters are already happening, but I kinda hope it gives these parents a reality check :
(for the Independent article below, the dad says he doesn't know whether he should be mad or laugh...moids will be moids, no matter the age, I guess)
(of course the parents blame FB rather than their own parenting. Like FB obviously needs to die but these specific events wouldn't have happened if the parents actually watched their kids and didn't give them access to credit cards' functioning)
...So yeah, some people really don't think about the logical consequences of things, as long as it keeps their kids busy and not crying or screaming or running rather than... you know...actually parenting them, playing with them, giving them plushies, going outdoor with them...etc I can't say I'm surprised, when the French gov literally had to make an ad for this specific kind of parents to stop posting pictures of theirs kids online and then making Pikatchu faces when they learn it's spread and sold in ped0 communities for some males to jerk off on the beach day where little Emily is in swimwear...
...tbh I don't get why so many people have kids if they hate spending time with them so much. Or more exactly, I guess they do so because The Straight Must Have Babies™ like they "must" have a big dumb house that leave them indebted and a big dumb car that gives them even more debts and a dog and must have a depressive breakdown after 8y of vety unhappy life together like it's no big deal because it's heterosexual culture and idea of success and fulfilled life and nobody questions it. And that's just one of the many criticisms I'd have about parents these days, because sometimes (often) I see things that make me want to nuke them and then myself.
For real, these neglected kids will grow up even more messed up than the average Tumblr population did. Then they'll vote. And will be our nurses when we'll be old. And they'll struggle a lot with empathy and resources saving with the climate crisis.
Anyway, that's bright mood Sunday for me apparently lmaooo Hope I didn't make you lose faith in humanity. It just sucks that I notice parents who raise their kids well and interact with them more than shitty to downright abusive parents when I go outside. But then again, Brittany might be an advanced case, because we're dealing with cultural traumas that created issues with alcoholism, violence, mental health issues, weird distance between kids and their parents, and so on.
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wild-wombytch · 7 months
So I just stumbled upon a blog reposting pictures of disabled women without names or anything.
...call me paranoid but that seems like a moid redflag, which would mean it's a fetish.
Somedays, I don't know if I'm starting to look too deep into things bc I don't trust men or if I'm legitimate to lose my faith in humanity.
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wild-wombytch · 7 months
Ok but..
Women with big thighs 😍😍
Women with fat ass 😍😍
Women with small tits 😍😍
Women with broad shoulders 😍😍
Women with crooked noses 😍😍
Women 😍😍
I love women. I love women's bodies. Thicc women are beautiful 💗. Hairy women are beautiful 💗. Women with uneven breasts are beautiful 💗. Sweaty women are beautiful 💗. Detrans women are beautiful 💗. Strong women are beautiful 💗. Butches are beautiful 💗. Femmes are beautiful 💗. Kill all men 💗. Women are beautiful and beauty is nothing compared to their whole values because women are amazing 💗.
That's it. That's the post. That's not deep, I just ✨Womened✨ while scrolling on Insta.
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wild-wombytch · 1 month
Not the sunny weather giving me the confidence to walk as if I'm in my natural lesbian pride territory, until I'm out-dyked by another butch with a dapper mane haircut.
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