#Taking a break
worm-on-a-blog · 1 year
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hey! take it easy soon, if you can. 
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 1 month
Why We Re-Watch Our Favorite films?
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Future ADHD
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guessilllive · 2 months
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Just a random sketch from work :) been thinking about them a lot lol
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peaceinthestorm · 6 days
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Théodore Chassériau (1819-1856, French) ~ An Angel Praying in the Garden of Olives, 1840
[Source: artvee.com]
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capslocked · 25 days
i'll be back soon, promise
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akirateku · 1 year
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One too many late nights at work 😴
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akindplace · 2 years
If you need a sign to take a break, rest, sleep, even though you still have a lot to do, take this as your sign. If you need a break, take it, before your body takes it for you by collapsing. If all you can do today is rest, you are allowed to do so even when other people don't want you to, no one should have to allow you to rest but yourself, so give yourself permission. You are still worthy even when you're not being useful to other people.
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sarathrwizard · 2 months
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Yeah... I'm taking a break, but just for a week or so.
P.s Melissa, I have adopted the design you made of me! It's just so nice looking!!! :D
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rainingskeletons · 10 months
Hey everyone! Just a little heads up that posts are gonna be really sporadic in the next 2 months (even more than usual sorry!)
I can't garentee that I'll be able to get much free time to draw since lots of stuff happening in my irl and I'm in a deep motivation dip right now buuut it won't last forever! things should will return to normal soon. I'm so excited for the things happening in CH 5 but it's going to have to wait a bit longer.
As always I am overwhelmed with the love you guys share for this AU, you've made sharing this story so fun. Thank you!
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bloodrediscream · 10 months
Hey... I feel guilty for asking but I really am curious. Are you ever going to finish the Creator Wally AU? I understand that you're pretty devoted to Reboot and I, myself, am completely obsessed with Reboot, (I've made many a fanart and many a wallpaper collages) but Creator was the whole reason I even followed you in the first place! I just wanna know if his story will ever be completed or if he's on standby or if he's canceled...
Creator Wally’s story will be published but I can’t promise when exactly I think I’ll be drawing part 4 for his comic a bit later - sadly I do feel bad that his story was swept away compared to reboot Wally’s story and character. I do know a ton of you admire Creator Wally, I still plan on having his story but it’ll be some time before getting back to him.
Actually after this message is posted, I plan to take a break from welcome home content. I want to say that I noticed a ton of artist in this community has a ton of fans, but once something else is posted, there is a sudden change in algorithm or disinterest. I want to post more content of fandoms I’m in like-
TMNT! Or spider verse! Sonic, undertale, my little pony, Moomin, fnaf, some amazing anime I love, and of course original characters and much more🖤
but yes I will still post welcome home between those, but for now I’ll be taking a break. and if this sacrifices my following and likes, I don’t mind. Thank you for this question!💜💜💜
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 8 months
Hey guys,
I’ll be taking care of my mom for several weeks from her heart surgery. So I won’t be post as much. I’ll post when I can, I promise.
Thank you for being understanding. Here’s a hug. ♥️
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retropopcult · 11 months
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Phoenix Ramada Inn, 1967
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beeqisch · 11 months
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jason just... sitting there
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lleeeee1 · 1 year
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Sketching something I will never finish instead of doing more important things
While I was drawing I randomly remembered that they both canonically died in the movie, then I got sad lol
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jadethest0ne · 8 months
Taking a break
So, if y'all have been wondering where I've been for a while, I've mostly been busy with irl obligations such as work, but I've also been just taking a break from the internet.
At a point I realized that I was losing motivation for doing art and creative stuff, and I think a part of that is due to the push from fandoms and social media in general to keep creating content. I think I put a little bit of an unhealthy chunk of my mental energy towards that, and I only realized that once I was forced to stop going online so much due to work. Now that I'm not that busy anymore, instead of being online and "creating content" all of the time, I've been putting my time towards cleaning up and organizing my living space, enjoying the outdoors and going on hikes, and playing D&D with friends.
I still haven't really gotten back motivation to work on the creative projects that I had been building up, so stuff like TMNT: OH might not really come to fruition or anything, but I think I'm also okay with that. It's not healthy to force creativity in that way. Any of my creative juices have been largely going to collaborative projects and working on portfolio pieces to try to get a job in the animation industry, and I still intend to see that through. But that also means that I may not be on here as much.
Not sure how long this "break" will last. But you may see some older concept art and stuff that I've been keeping under wraps for various projects.
For now, I've been enjoying relaxing and just taking in the world around me. It's good to get offline every now and then.
I hope you all are well! Much love!
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Hello my maggots (especially the tumblr maggots whom I haven't seen on Discord recently), I've missed you so much and I'm sorry I haven't been posting the past few days.
It appears I used up all my XP in being a Funny Little Guy and left none for health (I'm not a gamer. I don't know why I tried that joke. The most experience I have with XP is learning Italian on Duolingo).
And I'll probably be taking a break for a few days more. Why?
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Well, no, unfortunately, not love.
It's that stupid motherfucker, Tommy the Haematoma of my ankle.
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But Asmi, you ask, didn't you fall down the stairs more than a month ago?
Why yes, yes I did. And out of that, two weeks were spent in bedrest/floorrest/whatever you call not being allowed to walk at all.
But thanks to the wonders of our Lord and Saviour Bildaddy, I am now resigned to two more weeks of bedrest.
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But yes. A bloody fracture would have healed sooner than this. But no no no not Tommy and his buddies called weakened and swollen ligaments and heightened nerve sensation (not as catchy as Tommy, are they?) who are here to overstay their welcome like a couple of Indian aunties dropping in during festival time to gossip.
Now, I'm not someone who exercises, okay. Au contraire. I'm more sedentary than the coins that Crowley superglues to pavements.
But I did like being able to at least walk around my room to pick up my art supplies. Or go to the kitchen for a snack without maneuvering a cane (Kaz Brekker era coming up for realsies) (but less sexy and more legless chicken style). I also now can't really go outside unless I'm staying in the car. The car hurts, too. So I have only attempted that once. All hail.
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So that is how I have come to be resigned to spending two more weeks (after already spending two) in bedrest and pain during the month before my birthday in the year 2024 of our Lord and Saviour Bastard and Damner Bildaddy.
It does tend to lower morale a bit. And I'm kind of active on the Discord server (I need to be, because otherwise my social interaction comes to a grand net total of 0) (just like the number of times Crowley and Aziraphale talked after Season 2) (ahaha sorry).
But being on Tumblr I feel like I should be making posts and I start getting stressy about notes even though I know I shouldn't. And thus my absence the past few days, and probably for a few days more.
C'est la vie. So it is farewell for now (I say dramatically about a few days break).
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But don't worry my maggoty loves, I shall return with chaos. As usual. And I'll still be on Discord unless the pain gets really bad. I love love love love love you so much.
At the end of 2023 I wished so bad that I wouldn't be alone anymore and now I'm not. And so neither are any of you. Like that meme said, we're not a fandom, we're a deeply unwell family. Applies both to the Good Omens fandom and to my own. My fans are rather more incestuous, but that's part of our, er, charm.
Sending you all the hugs and forehead kisses and love that you're okay with. I'll see you soon.
Meanwhile, I want you to promise to cause chaos on my behalf. Keep the Good Omens tag trending. Make cursed headcanons. Try not to murder anyone. Byebye, my little maggoty fly larvae.
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