#The Protectors of Joy AU
magicalcelestialgem · 3 months
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So a majority of people voted yes on the poll here:
And would you look at that, I finished it! And I am honestly kinda proud.
This takes place in my AU, The Protectors of Joy, where the critters are chosen by The Angel to protect lands from The Hand of Chaos and his minions. And I guess the main ship is DogDay x CatNap. I do not know when exactly they share a kiss, but this scene will happen.
Enjoy what I cooked! Or baked because this was supposed to be sweet! 💜 🧡
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monimccoythings · 3 months
Human!Alastor x Daughter!Reader: Devotion
These are all part of the same AU, I suppose, or not. But I like to think they are all part of the same AU, sometimes I forget what I write. Now this are just some deranged feelings and thoughts of Alive!Alastor.
Reminder: Alastor is in hell for a reason.
Tw: obsessive behavior, possessive behavior, mentions of blood, implied murder, manipulation.
tags: @anonymousewrites, @nonetheartist, @littledolly2345, @sunnyx07, @ouroborostheunholy, @mo-0-o, @sydneyyyya @lbcreations-blog
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Alastor had never been a sentimental man. Of course he loved his mama, she was a wonderful woman and her death had definitely caused him a great amount of grief.
And then you came along.
Your soft skin, your chubby hands that tried to grasp his larger fingers to no avail, your wide unfocused eyes that darted everywhere, taking notice of everything. How delicate you felt in his arms, you fit perfectly, like you were made to be there.
How easily he could break you, he ponders. One little snap and there would be no more of you. It would be so quick and simple. There was only one little thing.
He adored you.
Your quiet little coos, your incomprehensible babbling that sounded like you were trying to carry an adult conversation with him, the way you squealed with joy whenever one of your favorite songs started playing on the radio. You were delightful, and provided him with more enrichment than any of the bumbling fools he usually associated himself with could provide.
As years passed by, you started to get bigger, your world expanding, your knowledge growing. And with it, came the risk of having you slip away from him.
He had modeled you to be his perfect little angel, his little fawn. His obedient child. He would not allow anyone to take you away from him. He was your guardian, your protector. Some asshole looked at you the wrong way while you two were going on a walk? He was never heard of again. Some low-paid teacher was becoming some sort of role model to you? Ooops! Accidents happen!
He found that his reasoning for protecting you was also a good excuse to indulge in his darkest desires. A way to calm the itch that was always nagging at the back of his head.
Alastor did it for you. He was making the world a safer place for you. No matter how much fun and enjoyment he got out of it. None of those buffoons would ever taint your innocence with their dirty souls. Not even himself.
He would take his secrets to the grave, always hidden behind a wide smile. he would be the good father, the charming radio host, the modelic citizen. The blood in his hands, as delicious as it tasted, would never stain your clothes.
No one would keep you two apart, he would make sure of that. He was all that you could possibly ever need. Your world started and ended with him, as it should be. Let him be the barrier between your purity and the rotten society that lurked outside.
He suffered everytime you were forced to spend time apart of each other. Couldn't you see it? Did you feel it too? Whenever you were in school or he was working, it was complete suffering for him! His fingers drumming impatiently on the surface of the table, counting the seconds until he was back at home with you. Only the mental stimulation that took directing, writing and starrring in his own radio show for which he held great passion and the delightful hunt his side job provided were enough distraction to cope with his sorrow.
When did he become so emotional? He should be feeling embarrassed of himself or at least be very thankful that his mask of sanity wasn't cracking with all those feelings. Instead, he found himself embracing them. He embraced the painful worry about your wellbeing and his influence over you, the obssessive and twisted love he felt, the need for control, to ensure you remained his innocent and good child, and the bitter despair at your absence that sunk into his heart like a knife. Only his little baby could give him such a rush.
He was sure that not even death would be able to take you from his hands. He would personally fight God, the Devil, and anybody who got in his way. Alastor would tear the fabric of reality apart just to get to you.
You would never run away from him. There was no reason to, as he had made you as devoted of him as he was of you. Or at least he hoped so.
Having you leave him would surely break his heart, as it would mean to Alastor that you had chosen to do things the hard way. But maybe, after a very detailed and complex planification on his part and some casualties orchestrated by him, Alastor might be able to convince you to return back home, with a grim reminder about the dangers of the outside world.
For there is no safer place on Earth than in your father's embrace.
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del-thetiredwriter · 3 months
Mafia Au/Good luck while running away from mafia part4
Intro, part 0.5 , part 1 , part 2 , part 3 ,
Tags: @hrhqueenfox , @hasty-desert , @oceanside-pixie , @lianreine , @h3apm3ch4n151m , @cecilebutcher , @ayachansan , @roseapov , @randomlyappearingartist , @serenity-loves-red , @wonderlandcrown , @nightw-izhu , @moonlight-nightwing , @lorkai , @lucid-stories , @morokumi
Notes: little bit rushed I guess? Well I am working on three other aus at the moment so. I hope you like it.
Warning: yandere stuff, gn reader, English is not my first language…
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4 years ago
“Tyranttt!” You moaned.
“I haven't eaten a bite or drank a sip of water for hours. Now you're giving me an exam! “This is not a test, it is torture!” You shouted to the cameras on the wall.
As usual, you were training with Crewel sensei all day long. And it couldn't be said that he was a very kind teacher. He was extra harsh on you, especially compared to the other people he trained.
However, he had especially gotten things out of hand. Today was one of your least favorite days. Surprise exam day. Surprise exams: as the name suggests, you would never know the content and time of the exam. Crewel would put you to the test suddenly, without you even noticing. You especially hated the hands-on ones.
You couldn't eat properly yesterday. You had been training under Crewel Sensei all day. When you returned home, you fell asleep straight away from exhaustion. When you woke up, you found yourself handcuffed in a room. While I was sleepily trying to comprehend what was happening, Crewel Sensei's voice echoed into the room from the ceiling speaker.
“My dear little puppy, guess what time? Correct answer: Surprise exam! Your mission is to get out of the handcuffs and get out of this building within two hours. Let me tell you from the beginning, do not complain, the exam was prepared according to the topics we covered. Then I wish you good luck. Your time has begun.”
“Two hours and 6 minutes nch nch. You need to work harder. 8 minutes to get out of the handcuffs, 43 minutes to open all the locked doors, 40 minutes to pass the obstacles... we better tighten up your training."
You just glared at Divus as he seriously analyzed the exam. You're too hungry to bother with that damn practical exam. You just focused on eating your salad.
“I mean, what was slowing you down? Should we increase the number of exams?
“Sensei, it’s just six minutes, I was tired, unprepared-“
“The aim is to prepare you for all kinds of situations.” Crewel interrupted.You grimaced. You weren't in the mood to argue with him right now.
While Crewel was talking about your mistakes, there was a knock on the door. It was Sam.
“Sam-san!” Your eyes sparkled with joy at the sight of your savior. Whenever Crewel scolded you or increased your training hours, he would save you from Crewel like a savior angel.
“Excuse me to interrupt, but Boss wants the little imp.” said Sam.
“Huh, now? Why does he want Y/n?” Crewel asked with a grimace.
"Who knows. By the way, get it while you're at it.I brought the information you requested.”
He handed Crewel a package. Meanwhile, you escaped at the first opportunity you had and went to Crowley, the head of the mafia.
“Looks like Crewel gave you one of his wonderful exams again, hmm?” The masked man asked, as he poured a tea for you.
"Yes sir."
Dire Crowley is the head of one of the largest organizations in the Underworld and also your protector who took you in when you were ten years old. You had always wondered how such a goofy and slightly weird guy became the head of the mafia.
Once, when you asked Crewel sensei about this, he told you these words.“If you only knew what that man did… Anyway, just be careful with him. He is…the devil himself.”
“You've been with me for a long time, Y/n, and the time has finally come.”He handed you a file.
“Congratulations, you are now an official member of the mafia and here is your first target.”
You started examining the file.
“This man was a traitor we had been looking for a long time. He poses a great danger to the organization. I want you to get rid of him.”
Current time
You were on something soft. You opened your eyes slowly. You felt a pain in your shoulder.
“Jamil! Y/n woke up!”
You heard a joyful familiar voice. The owner of the voice hugged you with joy. Kalim. You tried to comprehend the events in a dazed manner.
That's right, Floyd shot you last and you fainted from blood loss while running with all your strength. And apparently Scarabia had caught you.
“Oh Y/n you really had me worried. If you only knew how scared I was when I saw you like that, shot and unconscious."
You didn't reply. You just stared blankly at Kalim.
“Yes Y/n you had us all so worried.” Jamil entered the room. He had a black agenda in his hand and was wearing a suit. Now if you look carefully, Kalim was also wearing a suit. The welds of weight on his wrists jingled as he turned to survey the room. Oh you were chained.
“Is it allowed to keep such things in the hotel room?” You said.
“Oh, I'm sorry, we brought the silver ones with us because we came here in a hurry, but don't worry, we have gold ones at home.” said Kalim innocently.
You loved Kalim, his sweet and pure nature prevented you from venting your anger on him. You gritted your teeth. You looked at Jamil.
“Kalim, you better go now, you need to greet our guests for the meeting. "I'll be back in fifteen minutes." Jamil dragged the manager out by force.
“But Jamil-“
“Don't worry, nothing will happen. They are both injured and the whole hotel is full of guards.”
After Kalim left, a grin appeared on Jamil's face that you had never seen before. A familiar and yet disturbing grin.
“Congratulations, you are truly someone who lives up to the title of the boss's right-hand man. Sorry, his former right-hand man. You know Kalim was so panicked it was hard for me to calm him down. Especially when you suddenly disappeared he stopped working, coming to meetings…You owe me for this.”
You didn’t answer. You knew he was trying to provoke you.
“I wonder what would have happened if those documents had never arrived? Would the boss throw you aside? Would you be his heir after all the training you received?”
You tried to hold yourself back.
"Who knows." You replied.
A burst of laughter broke out from Jamil. He approached you.
“Oh, you are really tough. It's not easy to break you, but don't worry, we have plenty of time. The doctor will be coming soon to change your bandages, so don't be a hassle. I notified room service for you to have breakfast.”
And he left the room.
You laughed. Oh apparently Crewel Sensei was right. Training would really come in handy.
Once you were free of the chains, you got into the bed and waited for the doctor.Indeed, as Jamil said, the doctor came about fifteen minutes later.You quietly waited for him to approach you on your bed.
“Excuse me, Y/n-san are you awake?”
You didn't reply. Just as the doctor was bending over to lift the blanket on you, you jumped on top of them and gagged them with one of the sheets before they could scream. You undressed the poor doctor while they were struggling in chains made for you.
“I'm sorry, but you know I have to run away. And my clothes are a little off for that.”
You were careful not to attract the suspicion of the guards as you left the room dressed as a doctor. You started walking away from there with normal steps.
Indeed, as Jamil said, there was protection everywhere. As you were about to get into the elevator, you noticed the guards talking on the phone, then they all hurriedly dispersed. Apparently room service had found the poor doctor.
You changed direction. You walked calmly but quickly and pulled the fire alarm. And as you wish, chaos broke out.
While people were screaming and running in panic, you mixed in with them. And you finally reached the exit.
When you left the hotel, you hailed a taxi with the money you got from the poor doctor.
“To the amusement park,” you said to the driver.
Then you called that number with the phone you got from the doctor.
“Hey it's me Y/n. It's time to pay me back. Be at the amusement park. Don't forget to bring a vehicle and weapon with you. You better be on time, Snow White."
“Looks like your training has paid off, Crewel.”The masked man said in a sarcastic tone.
“It's truly incredible, but it's a shame that such a person is a traitor.” said Trein as he caressed Lucius.
“Well, talent is in their blood, after all, he was like that too when he was young.” said Vargas.
“I have work to do. With your permission,” Crewel stood up sharply.
“Oh Crewel, don't be angry-“ but before Crowley could finish his sentence, Crewel spoke angrily.
“You hate it the most when we talk about him. Didn't you declare him a traitor to take over, and completely erased Ramshackle from the mafia? And now you're sacrificing them for your executives."
Crowley smiled under his mask.
“Crewel Crewel, are you really going to play innocent? You were the one who gave them those documents. If they didn't know anything, maybe we would still be living in peace. But no problem. After this game, we will return to our peaceful life again."
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diejager · 4 months
Hi Joyce! This is my first time asking an author on this application, I saw you opened requests, so I have a little idea. What if this is like a side story/spin off from humans! reader x monster! 141TF AU's.
Where the reader (female) dies after giving birth to their child. And the husbands don't really take the news well, especially when their child is so physically/personality similar to the reader.
(if you read the webtoon who made me a princess then you know what I mean :) )
Thank you! Hope im didnt bother you
I’m honoured to be your first ask 🥺
Vestige Cw: angst, death, childbirth complications, single parenting, heartbreak, tell me if I missed any.
They hadn’t expected this to happen. They hadn’t expected this to be the last they’d see you. It was an unfortunate incident, they were told, a freak one that caused you to haemorrhage and they couldn’t bring you back despite how fast they acted to stop you from bleeding out. It felt like their world ended, the little light in the dark and traumatic place extinguished, a cataclysmic boom that sent their morals low and mind deeper into depression. Some drowned themselves in substance, others in physical pain to feel something other than heartache and agony, and a few were left silent, unmoving and mute. 
But they had a little baby to care for, the last vestige of your love and presence. It was a gift from you to the people you loved, a memory of the times you all shared smiles and joy as much as you shared tears and sorrow. It was the light at the end of a particularly difficult hallway, shocking them back into reality like a bucket of ice water. They had to care and nurture a child —their sweet and innocent angel. She reminded them of you so, so much that it hurt.
“Yer a wee thing, aye?” Soap had always been the first to care, the first to love and the first to act. It might’ve been hard to provide for a child as a single father, but their sweet angel was as much theirs as his, a gift to share. 
The first days were rough, none knew how to properly care for themselves, let alone a week old child! It was a slow start, passing a crying baby from one arms to the other without any idea of what to do. It was only until the eldest - Price, Alejandro and König - changed tones and put aside everything else to search up for childcare. In all honestly, they all had years of built up breaks that they rarely used to keep themselves busy to drive away the demons and keep their minds sound. 
Little Jesse was shared between them, they took shifts separated equally to let the others rest or research. Soap, Gaz, Horangi and Rudy naturally fit with Jesse, capable of looking at her when she had her little mood swings and occasional tantrums. Soap and Rudy were prone to watch over her when she felt especially excited, hands grabbing and toothless gum biting, flaying her arms around to grasp at something to tug. Horangi and Gaz were softer, more mellow and made to supervise her when she was dozing off or on the edge of exhaustion, toes and fingers curling to hold someone’s hand to sleep. 
Ghost was a little apprehensive about touching her, fearful that his curse would infect her, that everything he touched died, even the prettiest and most lively flower wilted in his presence. But König, a big and dangerous monster like the Austrian, showed him how even the most dangerous beasts could be a protector and provider. It was a slow process but he eventually made it where he could look at her the same way the others did, a perfect ball of sunshine. 
How could they not love her? When she was the perfect copy of you, taking so many characteristics from you than them. She had the same eyes and nose, the equally bright smile and flushing cheeks and the shade of hair. And as she grew older, they could see your personality shine through her, you gave her as much of yourself as you could, hoping it would quell the heartache and agony.
Jesse was their favourite regret. 
Taglist : @craxy-person @crowbird @dead-cipher @iwannabealocalcryptid @iizx7y @mxtokko @capricorn-anon @perfectus-in-morte @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @angelcakes-22 @cassiecasluciluce @ramadiiiisme @ramblingsofachaoticthinker @im-making-an-effort @love-dove-noora @jinxxangel13 @daisychainsinknots @0alk0msan @mul-pi @danielle143 @beau-min @makayla-666 @urfavsunkissedleo @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @luvecarson @petwifed @randominstake @heartelysia @jggykhug09090 @cassiecasluciluce @hayleybarnesx @shironasumi @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @call-me-nyxx @sans-chara @infpt-zylith @sweetnanah @aldis-nuts @thigh-o-saur @evolutionarry
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leakyweep · 2 months
rosinante knight au where he’s sworn to protect you.
he kneels down before you, head bowed, blade shining as he promises both his allegiance to your family as well as the safety and wellbeing of their prized royalty; you.
he’s quiet at first, bound to his duties. he follows you, makes sure everything is in order. when it isn’t, he quickly swoops in to fix it.
like that one time, you and him were walking through the market in town square, yourself busy with citizens flocking to meet you. you hadn’t noticed the man waiting to take you around a dark corner—
rosinante had already hung the man by his britches from the flag pole.
he slowly warms up to you, gazing at you when you weren’t looking from beneath his blonde locks. his mocha eyes betrayed him, as they sparkled when they met your own hopeful eyes. he always filled you with a sense of warmth, of compassion, of deep respect.
not only was he a protector, but a bringer of joy, wonder, and love. always bound to protect you, to aid you in times of need.
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ninapi · 6 months
●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・● ●・○・●・○・●
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Premise: Prince Keisuke was known to be a troublesome lad, often bringing problems to the queen herself. In an attempt to tame the wild prince, the queen calls for a powerful witch to aid him with his cause, hoping to put an end to this quest sooner. What she didn't count on was love being what he needed most.
Word Count: 2516
Note: Welcome to my first Tokyo Revengers series~ I know it's weird for my first series to be an AU and not cannon, but I've had this idea in mind for some time now and really wanted to let it out of my system lol, I hope you guys like it~
**✿❀ Bewitched ❀✿**
Chapter 1: The witch and the Prince
The Kingdom of Tokyo was noticeably the most powerful in the entire realm.
The previous King had done nothing but good things and had taken them to the highest position they could ever wish for; but he was reckless, and ended up passing at a very young age, leaving a promising future to wither with his corpse.
His wife, ended up as queen regent since their son was still too young to assume the throne. But sadly, he had inherited his father’s wild nature, and was nothing but a headache.
Being honest, the queen didn’t want to be it at all. She had married the king without even knowing who he was, it was pure love at first sight and truth to be told, his wild and reckless side was what drove her to him. She was not prepared to be queen and clearly had no interest of ever being so, but she had to take care of her husband’s legacy, at least until their son became of age to assume his role as king.
Baji Keisuke, also known as the crown prince, was not your average prince…
While he wasn’t lacking on the looks of one, his attitude was the complete opposite of what one would expect.
He was indeed smart and well versed in the arts of ruling a kingdom, yet his passion laid in battle.
Just as his father, he was constantly in the field instead of sitting on the throne listening to the town people’s complaints.
The royal guard were more like his friends than anything and would follow him anywhere.
At the head of the Royal guard was the youngest knight in history, Matsuno Chifuyu, the prince’s right hand. While he was young and seemingly inexperienced, he did more than a fantastic job aiding the prince in all his endevours, just as the second officer in command did, Satou Ryusei; though he was a lot more unreliable. 
But the prince didn’t need protectors, he was strong enough. Hence, the entire army would listen to him and just him, even if Sano Mickey was indeed their actual leader and the best there was.
While the Kingdom of Tokyo was normally pretty safe and wasn’t under an ongoing war, there was a terrorist group that wanted to destroy the royal family and overtake the kingdom.
They called themselves, Valhalla.
While Hanma Shuji, their leader in name, wasn’t that much of a threat, Hanemiya Kazutora was.
He used to be a good friend of the prince, grew up playing together with him and the head of the army duo, Sano Captain and Ryuguji Ken, his right hand. They used to be best friends, all sneaked in the castle daily just to play with the young prince who was very much bored practicing how to write properly, a true joy and his best memories of childhood.
But his state of mind wasn’t always the best and after committing an awful, unforgettable crime, he was sent to the dungeons for well over a couple of years. There, he made friends of the wrong kind, and that’s what led him to be part of this horrible organization that threats the wellbeing of the entire kingdom.
So for obvious reasons, the prince was even more involved in this quest of sorts than usual. He wanted to dissolve this stupid gang, not so much thinking of the wellbeing of the kingdom, as he should be doing, but he really wanted to save his friend, to punch some sense into that empty head of his and make him realize that’s not his place to be at but at their side, just like the old times.
This quest of his resulted in multiple assaults to the Royal guard, the prince himself getting hurt in the process…and that was the last drop of patience for the queen herself.
“Keisuke you moron! Until when are you going to keep chasing that lost sheep? He’s a threat to our kingdom just send Ryusei to kill him, he has no feelings towards him…I’m sick of this quest of yours, you should be leading this kingdom not punching children!” the queen wasn’t one of decor, but that was part of her charm.
“I’m not leaving him, mother…he needs to understand what he’s doing is wrong. If his friends give up on him, then who’s going to save him?”
“Have you ever stop and think maybe he doesn’t want to be saved? Maybe he likes being with this kids better than with you. Maybe he is happy with what he’s doing and doesn’t want you saving him…” she really wanted to smack her son on the head, but he’s all covered in scratches and his arm might be broken according to the royal doctor. 
“You don’t know him, mother…not like we do…” he was visibly exhausted, but his resolution would just not let him give up on his friend.
“That’s it, I’m calling her..” this got his attention, “Calling who?” he could feel anger bubbling up in his core, she was definitely going to send an assassin of her own guard to kill them all, his worst nightmare. “The witch of the forest of course.”
“Who?” that was not what he was expecting…
“The witch of the forest. You need help if you want to end this Valhalla gang thing. They don’t have magic do they? Well you’re the prince, you have more resources, if you want to “save” this friend of yours, I’m going to help you capture him alive. But the rest of the gang…I won’t accept any of them unharmed. Understood?” like the happiest puppy wagging its tail to their master, he got up and the annoyed frown from his face was nowhere to be seen. “Yes, mother.”
In all truth he didn’t like magic. To him using magic felt like cheating, but if that would avoid Kazutora from being hanged in the plaza for treason, he’d take it.
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
The witch of the forest, a legend of sorts, has always been present in the lore of the kingdom. An unknown force loyal to the crown, always there to rely on her in times of need.
No one knew how old she was, or what she looked like even. So to say Baji Keisuke was surprised when he saw the most beautiful young woman he’s ever seen in his life standing in front of him, smiling warmly as she bowed greeting him, was an understatement.
“I thought you’d be like 500 years old…” really smooth Keisuke…Chifuyu could be seen shaking his head in the background while Ryusei couldn’t help but bursting out laughing.
“I’m about our age, your majesty. The title of the witch of the forest gets passed down through generations, just as the crown will be yours one day.” she was so gracious, the way she moved, the way words came out of her mouth so beautifully, she was definitely not a normal human…
“Ugh…ok yeah…good! I mean…” he cleared his throat as to clarify what he was trying to say, “It’s good that you’re not an old lady, it would be awkward to work together since we are all in the young side…” he could feel Chifuyu’s disapproving gaze on the back of his neck. He was really not the best at talking to pretty girls, but then again, he never has to…
The lovely giggles that left your lips caused an entire tornado of emotions go rampage inside the prince, he could swear a cow just went flying by his liver as she looked at him with those sparkly beautiful eyes. “I won’t really need your help though, as you may know, we are already pretty strong. Your job is to put Kazutora in some sort of restraint so we can take him with us. The army will take care of the rest.” Ryuguji Ken, otherwise known by everyone as Draken, was nodding at his orders representing the military portion, so you just nodded as well. “Very well, my prince. I will do as you say.” 
Her prince? He’s now ‘her’ prince…? Yes…he definitely was…100%…
His face was doing all sort of things now as his brain went down a dangerous path full of pink hearts floating, when Chifuyu got closer, whispering to his ear, “My king…you’re everyone’s prince…she doesn’t mean anything by that statement.”
“Oh….um…I knew that already…” coughing awkwardly, he got up from the throne, barking orders for everyone this time, “We'll leave tomorrow at dawn, I expect you all to be ready for battle by then.” He just went down the stairs, bumping onto your shoulder and giving you a nasty glare. While he was dying in the inside, he was also just a tiny bit upset that he was reading too much into things.
“He’s a great guy, think nothing of it. He’s just a bit embarrassed.” Chifuyu, being the angel he is, wanted to make sure his beloved friend wasn’t misunderstood, “He’s a bit rough in the outside but he’s a wonderful friend and has a very generous heart.” you smiled back at the blonde knight, blushing a little at his charming and soothing way of carrying himself. His words did make you feel better though and you were grateful for that.
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
It was now time to leave and you were going through your bag making sure you had everything you needed, waiting for the prince by Chifuyu’s side. Which seemingly bothered Keisuke.
The queen had given you another set of orders, you were to follow her son’s commands, yes. But you were also supposed to keep him safe. He was to return safely without a scratch on his handsome face, otherwise you’d be hanged in the plaza with the rest of Valhalla. So you’ve prepared a bunch of healing potions, just in case.
“What are you, his shadow now?” Keisuke scoffed as he saw you behind Chifuyu. You weren’t even that close, he was doing his thing and you were doing yours, nothing to fuzz about, but oh boy, was he jealous…
“Chifuyu, go with Ryusei. Witch, you go with Draken.” nodding, you walked over to the tall man wearing his military uniform, smiling warmly up at him he lifted you up like a princess and set you up on his horse before sitting behind you and keeping you close so you wouldn’t fall.
“Well shit…” 
“See? She was better off with me…” Chifuyu snickered as he went on his horse all the way to the front to lead everyone out and towards Valhalla’s hidden territory.
The way there was actually lovely, the weather was nice and you’ve never seen as much of the kingdom. Draken was a gentleman and he would show you things of interest along the way, even picking a rare flower from a tree that you were interested in.
In reality, you wanted it for a potion, and that’s why he got it for you. But all Keisuke could see was a lot of flirting and giggling, love in the air as one would say. “What happened to Emma-chan you bastard…?damn womanizer…” 
Chifuyu, Ryusei and Mickey could only laugh at his reactions, he was truly adorable, like a child who got his favorite toy stolen.
Though, once you arrived, the mood changed quite rapidly.
Even the trees seem to be changing, no longer green and lush, more like the dead landscape of winter. “I thought…they didn’t use magic…”
“They don’t…do they?” Draken was suddenly taken aback by your statement, all sources indicated they were nothing but a bunch of raunchy teens.
“You see those trees? We are in the middle of summer, Ryuguji-san…this is definitely a magical field. A powerful one, it’s giving me goosebumps…the blood thirst in the air…” 
“Good thing we brought’ya then.” nodding, you got your staff out, getting ready for a different type of battle.
“Your majesty, the girl says they have a magic wielder. We must be cautious.”
“Cautious my ass, I’ll kick them all where it hurts and we can go home with Kazutora before lunch.” 
The prince had a reputation of being invincible, but this was different, you had an awful gut feeling, though before you could say anything, scary looking guys came out of nowhere from every possible direction. They looked almost like zombies, like if someone was controlling them like puppets. “Chifuyu…they have a high level wizard amongst them. I will go see where the spell is coming from, they’re being controlled, don’t hurt them.” he just nodded and kicked one of them on the face as it was coming after you, giving you enough time to go your way.
On top of a big pile of trash rested a hazy figure, a dark aura coming out of him, “So they called back ups…I won’t let you interfere with my plans…”
“Who are you…?”
“Kisaki Tetta at your service, lovely. Wielder of dark magic and the one who will kill the Baji dynasty, the commander of the army must become our true leader…Valhalla is where he belongs…”
“Kill you say….?” without letting him finish you sprinted back to where the fight was, desperately looking for Keisuke…”My prince…where are you…?” drops of blood kept flying from everywhere, making your uneasiness grow, but then you saw a dash of blond hair running towards the prince with a knife in his hand. 
Casting a spell has never been easier, in a split of a second Prince Keisuke was floating in a bubble above everyone else. Kazutora was left speechless as his target disappeared right in front of his eyes, the confused crazed look on his face a disturbing sight. “I will not let you touch him, you rat! CHIFUYU NOW!” In a matter of seconds Kazutora was surrounded by the top tier of the royal guard and the army as well.
“Capture him alive, respect the prince's wishes. The wizard already escaped…but I had to save your majesty...” 
“You did good (Y/N)…thank you…” Chifuyu lost two lives at the moment he saw you cast your spell, seeing his best friend and role model almost being killed right there and then, an awful revelation.
Keisuke was watching everything from his comfortable and safe bubble, the way you commanded his men, the way you saved his life…how you chose to save him even if that meant letting a dark wizard escape. Even if these were his mother’s orders, he could see in your face how terrified you were when you saw that knife in Kazutora’s hand. You can’t order people how to feel, that was real fear.
It made him feel warm inside…for a few seconds at least, until he realized the weight of the situation and the fact that one of his best friends really wanted him dead…
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●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・● ●・○・●・○・●
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 7 months
RoR Toddler/Child Reader Masterlist
Hungry Toddler Reader
Summoned Child Reader
Being Confessed to in Front of them
Halloween Heroes
Halloween Heroes Part 2
Nightmare Protectors
Single Dads
School Parent's Night
Helping with Homework
Kidnapping Attempt
Saving a Kitty
Family Essay
Lost Soul Child Reader
Peter Pan is my Friend, right?
Quiet but Smart
Quiet but Smart 2
Quiet but Smart- Unintentional
Hungry Baby Reader
Kidnapped (P!Yandere)
To the Dentist
Nightmare Sleepovers
Papa Hercules (yandere)
Yandere Adam and Eve
No Cheating Allowed!
Macarena Lessons
Papa Jack
Icky Vegetables
Nightmare Rescues
Perfect the way you are
I Want to Marry Daddy
Say no to Bullying
My Mommy!
Y/N Origin Story
An Average Day in Y/N's Life
Shapeshifter Toddler
Twin Trouble
Daddy's in Trouble
Witch Child Reader
Father's Day
Number 1 Father!
Paper Flowers
Hammock Cuddle Buddies
Rainbow Unicorns
Learning to Feel Safe
Big Boobies!
To Lose Everything
To Lose Everything- Alternate Ending
To Lose Everything- Alternate Happy Ending
The Littlest Sister
A New Familiar
Silent Child
Silent Child Part 2
Hide and Seek Champ!
Loki's Little Sister
A Father's Comfort
Doll Like Reader
Y/N's Favorite (Eve x child reader)
Thor's Little Princess
Pretend Married
Hey, Macarena!
Swimming Lessons
Dirt Bike Regrets
Mr. Noodle
Christmas Joy!
Heterochromia Beauty
First Words
Girl Dads
Death by Cuteness!
Death by Cuteness part 2
Death by Cuteness 3- Gods Edition
Affectionate Reader
Twin Tricks and Trouble
Allergic Reaction
Sensitive Tummy
Family Apprehension
Baby Scares
Christmas and New Years
Daddy's Spa Day
Daddy's Spa Day Part 2
Angry Baby Reader
Bullies and Protectors (Kindergarten AU)
Sick (Kindergarten AU)
School Play (Kindergarten AU)
Disney's Hercules
A 'Normal' Human
Lost and Found Papa (Poseidon)
Scary Girl Dad
Easter Dangers
Little Defenses
Extroverted Child
Naked Faces
Hard Boiled Detective Child Reader
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sweetkpopmusings · 6 months
stray kids as nephilim <3
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a/n: my roommate and i discussed this briefly and they wanted me to write blurbs so here we are ! i won't lie; this got me in my feels, so i hope it brings you comfort <33 pics not mine~
content: nephilim!straykids, supernatural au | wc: 0.6k | warnings: none really! | pairing: stray kids x gn!reader | requests: open
the crackling of a bonfire, moss growing over forgotten rubble, a promise that’s kept
chan, though sometimes haunted by the turmoil of being an in-between being, loves nothing more than to use his powers to heal wounds. he sees beauty in once-broken things, and, when you meet him, you feel all your scars melt together into a beautiful masterpiece. when he looks at you, it’s as though you’ve stepped into fresh sunlight after being trapped in the cold.
lightning in a summer storm, the smell of fresh tea leaves, finally getting what you need 
minho believes the best way to use his strength is to protect any and all creatures–humans included–from physical and emotional harm. when you meet him, your fear is replaced with only gratitude because the protector you once waited for is now by your side. when minho looks at you, the world seems renewed, like a forest after a fire.
flowers picked for someone special, handwritten notes, an “i love you” that warms your chest
changbin promised himself that his strength–physical and metaphysical–would only be used to uplift the world. in particular, he loved sending people signs that things were going to be okay. when you meet him, serenity cascades over you, everything falling into place. when changbin looks at you, you smile, knowing with certainty that joy is everlasting. 
the smell of the ocean, incense burning in a crystal shop, a gaze that reveals everything
hyunjin finds beauty everywhere, particularly in people. his heart aches knowing that everyone must hurt at one point or another, so he uses his powers to give art to those who are sad, lonely, and in pain. when you meet hyunjin, he hands you a watercolor, images flowing out of the page and enveloping your body in a comforting embrace. when he looks at you, you understand what it is like to be deeply and truly seen.
music playing in the distance, dewdrops in sunlight, hearing what you need to hear
jisung, as a writer by nature, is often up late into the night. he knows just how important safe escapism is, and he uses his abilities to ensure people have good, restorative dreams. when you first meet jisung, he promises to take away the stress of your day by returning you to a favorite imaginary land from childhood. when he looks at you, your shoulders relax because it finally all makes sense.  
sunlight breaking through the trees, soft footsteps down familiar paths, a truth you can bear 
felix knows how much it hurts to be stranded and alone, so he channels in power into searching for lost animals and returning them to the warmth and belonging of their homes. when you meet him, he’s cradling a lost kitten in his arms, cooing so softly that your heart feels more soothed than you ever thought possible. when felix looks at you, it feels like a promise to find each other again and again and again. 
laughter that lingers in your memory, autumn leaves falling, finding your safe space
seungmin finds the fun in every situation, and he thinks the best way to help others with his powers is to create pockets of joy in what can be such a dark world. when you meet seungmin, the sound of his laughter reverbing off your own makes the whole world fade away. when he looks at you, you know with certainty that happiness is around every corner, waiting for you.
catching your breath after a long run, the comfort of a worn-in jacket, a heartfelt “thank you” 
jeongin spends his free time creating beautiful scenery to encourage people to slow down, breathe, and appreciate what life has to offer. when you meet him, you’re both wandering around a garden–his favorite–and you watch with wonder as a butterfly lands on his outstretched hand. when jeongin looks at you, your imagination runs wild, a swarm of butterflies filling your stomach with the endless possibilities he offers you.
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laismoura-art · 6 months
🌸🌸 The Order of Cetrion: The Protectors of Life and Virtue 🌸🌸
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I was thinking. It is a bit sad that we know nothing about Harumi's clan.
BUT, as Harumi is my main girl and making AUs and Headcanons for her has become a second nature, I thought, "Oh, well! Why not create a clan for her myself? :D"
And thus came: The Order of Cetrion!
Hear me out!
It is canon that Harumi has connections with the Umgadi, so two possibilities came to mind:
The Shirai family came from Outworld.
Their matriarch was a Umgadi who was unsatisfied with their chastity rules and fled to Earthrealm to build something of her own.
She married an Earthrealmer, and so came the first generations of Shirai in Earthrealm.
But I like this one better:
The Shirai are originally from Earthrealm, and for generations, the Grandmistresses, the matriarchs of the Shrai family, have led their clan in defence of Earthrealm (though in a smaller scale in comparison to the Lin Kuei).
They were requested by Lord Liu Kang to participate in the Mortal Kombat on behalf of Earthrealm.
The current Grandmistress herself volunteered as champion and won the tournament!
Her skills did not pass unnoticed by the leader of the Umgadi, who, with the permission of her Queen, Sindel, invited her to stay longer and exchange skills.
Every generation of Grandmistress-to-be was invited to visit Outworld and train with the Umgadi before they could take on their role as head of their clan.
The latest Grandmistress to be invited by the Queen was Harumi Shirai. She was trained by the Umgadi leader at the time, Li Mei.
Harumi trained along two Outworlders named Tanya and Jade and a fellow Earthrealmer named Suchin. They became good friends!
Now, you must be wondering, "Why the Order of Cetrion?"
I imagine Liu was initially taken aback by the idea of bringing Cetrion back, given her corruption and deception. However, Liu considered that if there's one thing that can corrupt, it is fear.
Cetrion feared her mother and the consequences of going against her designs.
But now. Now Kronica was gone, and Cetrion had nothing to fear! There were no secret designs and no sacrifices to be made.
The Goddess of Virtue was free. Free to be virtuous and free to fight for life!
She became a much more active goddess, making actual efforts to protect Earthrealm. She felt joy like never before!
The Shirai were not the first to worship her. But were the first to offer to build a clan of warriors in her name and aid her in her mission to defend Earthrealm.
In exchange for their services, Cetrion gifted them with the most prosperous lands, one their could grow any sort of plant (even the outworldly ones) at any time of the year, so the Shirai could develop and spread their herbalist skills!
The Shirai Gardens are well known for being guarded by magical (poisonous, hallucinogenic) plants!
Another good question you may have is: "Are only women allowed?"
Yes. Much like the Umgadi, only women are allowed to become warriors of Cetrion.
However, men are allowed into the clan if they are to marry one of the warriors!
When a man wishes to marry one of Cetrion's warriors, he must first prove himself worthy of her!
He must go through a trial by combat and face the Grandmistress herself. It is not expected that the man defeats her, just that he fights and persists. Only then, it is proved how willing he is to become hers.
Kuai Liang was named honorary Cetrion warrior when he was merely a boy, perks of being Harumi's best friend. However, it did not free him from the trials!
Kuai Liang fought the Grandmistress Harumi Shirai, and through every flaming punch, he made clear how much he wanted to be hers!
2 years later, another warrior fought for her hand, the first Shirai Ryu Initiate, Hanzo Hasashi!
The warriors were allowed to have as many partners as they desired as well as date among themselves. The Grandmistress performed the trials as well as the weddings!
Only someone above the Grandmistress could perform her wedding, so Harumi invited her former teacher, Li Mei, to perform the ceremony.
Her brother-in-law Tomas walked her down the aisle.
Due to... family issues, Bi-Han did not participate her and Kuai's first wedding.
But by the time of their second wedding, he was in a much better place and agreed to walk both her and Kuai down the aisle.
Hey! You made it to the end!! So, thoughts? Questions? Suggestions?
Please, invite me to talk more about my girl!👀👀🩷
Tagging the gang for more brainstorming: @mikka-minns @thedragonholder @dinainsun @gwenthefirecracker
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yanderes-galore · 6 months
Romantic yandere Glamrock Freddy with your prompts 14 ,23 and 29!!
Maybe with a plot where Freedy is trying to comfort the Darling into accepting their new life with him and the Darling having no choice but to go along with it because even though they don't want to they feel like they owe it to him because he helped them survive this whole time so it's the least they can do? Thank you! <3
This was originally not supposed to included prompt 14 due to a previous request, but then things changed. @okchijt helped me out with this one.
AU where you take Gregory's place but are at least 18. Instead of the Pizzaplex collapsing in the end, things mostly go back to normal... except for the fact Glamrock Freddy locked you in his room.
Darling is mentioned to fit in Freddy's stomach hatch even if it isn't entirely realistic.
Yandere! Glamrock Freddy Prompts 14, 23, 29
"It's too dangerous in the world. You need me, you should know that!"
"You're crying... come a little closer, I'll make it all go away."
"I want to be this close... forever...."
Pairing: "Romantic"/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Kidnapping, Overprotective behavior, Robot thinks they're in love, Stockholm syndrome implied, Clingy behavior, Isolation, Forced "relationship".
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The sounds of kids screaming in joy and music echoes through the walls. Even in the back of Freddy's dress room the sound was quite audible. Fatigue still clung to you from previous events, reminding you of why you're here in the first place.
Despite all that's happened you couldn't bring yourself to hate the robotic bear. While you were locked away in the Pizzaplex, for reasons you still aren't sure about, Freddy was your guardian and guide through all of it. The bear cares a whole lot for you... you're bitter about being stuck here and are concerned about the bear's behavior...
But at the same time... you almost feel indebted to him.
For now, as you listen to the sounds of music through the walls, you decide to use the bear's trust to your advantage. It isn't safe to escape right now. You already know the other newly fixed animatronics would be out for you if you leave. Regardless on if they remember what you did or not... they're set on appeasing their friend.
Your thoughts were so focused on planning and listening to the outside sounds you barely noticed the sliding door open to Freddy's room. Your heart nearly leaps out of its chest when metal arms wrap around your torso. You quickly shift your gaze to the smiling orange bear who laughs at your surprise in a playful manner.
"I missed you!" The bear mimics a sigh. "I'm so happy you listened to me and stayed here to wait!"
Guilt crawls up your spine like a spider as you hesitantly hug back. Your thoughts of escape still manage to linger as you look at Freddy. You're torn... you love him and appreciate his protection... but you really want to leave.
Your thoughts mingle and fight... to the point you begin to have tears due to your overwhelmed thoughts.
Freddy's scanners are quick to pick up on it. You can see his ears click down as worry shows itself on his face, soon letting you go. You then hear the whirring of his torso opening as he waits for you to get inside.
Last night it was your safe space....
"You're crying... come a little closer, I'll make it all go away." Freddy coos, still trying to play the role of your protector. Trying to soothe your own emotions, you comply and slide into the bear. "Now, what is wrong? Did you miss me that much?"
Freddy has always made you feel safe. Ever since last night and even now in his chest, you feel safe. You know he won't hurt you compared to everyone else... so you share.
You explain that you hate that everyone else hates you here. You tell him you miss being outside, miss being human. You hate that you can't speak with other humans and that your diet is still restricted. You tell him you don't want to be stuck in this room or this building...
You ramble on and on... yet try to soften your words with the fact you care. You care for Freddy and know he's just trying to help. You try to explain things, but Freddy cuts you off.
"It's too dangerous in the world. You need me, you should know that!" Freddy interrupts, careful not to move too much as you sit in his chest.
His words hurt more than they should, but you guess yours did too. You try to tell yourself Freddy doesn't see the situation like you but it still hurts. As a result, you stop talking.
Freddy is too far gone in his obsession towards you. Any mention of letting you go is shut down due to his nature. Any attempt to make him see your side is futile.
You go silent for a long time. You begin to realize Freddy is too worried about you to be convinced. Such a realization makes you work up the courage to agree to his words... unable to put together anymore fight.
"I know... sorry." You whisper against his metal. Freddy mimics an irritated huff in response.
"Good. I do this because I love you, you know that, right?" Freddy asks, before chuckling when he feels you snuggle into him.
He doesn't know what love is. Not in the way you do, at least. He's just a robot with an advanced AI. He can mimic romantic attraction... but to him, it's most likely just a close friend.
You snuggle into him to distract yourself, not accept his delusions. Despite this the bear takes it as acceptance. You feel him hug himself, accepting the "affection" you gave him.
"I want to be this close... forever...." Freddy sighs happily enjoying the warmth you give his insides.
While he enjoys your warmth and "acceptance" that you're his...
You find yourself falling into despair despite being in your "safe space."
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da-bees · 2 months
Undertale AU Characters as Flowers
So i got hyperfixated on flowers meanings and it has taken over my life so here is my favorite little guys as flowers
Flower meanings are based on the flower and then its color, so like red roses mean something different than yellow roses, but both relate to love. Also differnt cultures have different meanings for flowers. This was a nightmare to reasearch, lots of conflicting info.
(Note that some flowers seemingly have confilcting meanings, this is cause often their meanings can be affected by what other flowers are around them, like in a bouquet and shit. Also i will not accepting criticism :) )
Anyways lets go!
Ink - Marigolds
So marigolds represent joy, excitement, creativity and Energy, while also being associated with grief, despair, and mourning. This fits Ink very well, he a very bright person while having one of the fucking sadesst backstory like ever. Also they are assocatied with protection and I think that fun with his protecter of the multiverse thing.
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Blue - Bluebells & Blue Dahlias
Bluebells represent resilience, strength, overcoming adversity, growth, along with humility, constancy, gratitude, and kindness. This feels kinda self explaintory cause Blue is a very power dude and a very kind person, so bluebells are perfect for him
I picked blue dahlias mainly for their symbolism of standing out from the crowd, though its other meanings also apply, change, strength, fresh start, inner strength, positive change, and commitment. Cause like out of the whole mutiverse of Sans and even other swaps Blue managed to fight along side some of the most power people and holds up against people like Nightmare and Error. He is truly unquie to the other swaps and i wanted this flower to represent that. Can you tell i really like Blue. (Also ignore that true blue dahlias dont exist, truly wild that one can find flower meanings for a flower that doesn't exist, there are blueish green dahlias :P )
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Dream - Yellow Chysanthemums & Purple Hyacinths
Yellow chysanthemums represent happiness, joy, celebration, the sun. light, friendship, and optism, along with neglected love, sorrow, rebirth, and protector. This fits really well with Dream cause on the surface he is a sweet cheerful guy, literally the embodiment of postitivity but he also feels a lot of grief and guilt for what happen to his brother. Which is further emphasized by the purple hyacinths, wich repesent sorrow, regret, and a desire foe forgiveness. Also by complete accident his flowers are yellow and purple, like how he and nightmare were when they were kids.
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Nightmare - Astrantia, Black Dahlias, & Black Roses
So the astrantias reprsent passive, cause like they represent strength, innocence, courage, magic, and protection, along with assocaitions with stars and the night sky. It represents all he couls have been if not for what happened. very sad
Now for the black dahlias and roses. Black dahlias represent betrayal, saddness, change, beauty, power, and negative emotions. Black roses represent death, despair, hatred, revenge, mourning, loss, rebirth, tragedy, regret, elegance, and mystery. these represent who is becomes after his corruption and the "death" of passive, he's angry and hurting and he lashes out at those around him. He feels betrayed both by the villagers and by Dream, but he is also mourning who he was and his brother. Also he's hot and powerful so like.
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Anyways ill do the rest later cause its like 2:30 and im tired.
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magicalcelestialgem · 3 months
The Smiling Critters - CatNap Headcanons & AU info
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Heyyy! I have drawn CatNap in my style/AU! I suck at poses still. And following below is some CatNap headcanons/AU info.
A little info before looking at the headcanon and AU info below:
The Smiling Critters are young adults in the AU (currently unnamed). This is CatNap as a young adult (20 years old). Art of him in his younger years will appear later in the future.
The AU will be focused primarily in the cartoon universe, with a few elements from the game.
Because the AU is still in the works, some of these planned infos/headcanons will change.
There will be ships involved, especially CatNap x DogDay.
And that’s it for now! Next would be our favorite sun dog!
Toon/Cardboard CatNap Headcanons (Game)
Headcanon Voice: Benjamin Diskin
Sounds like: Jack from Beastars, Haida from Aggretsuko
Headcanon cardboard cutout lines:
Hey, there! My name is CatNap! Have you been getting enough rest?
Oh. You haven’t? Well, sleep is very important for you!
I can help you go to sleep.
I can even you make your dreams come true!
All you have to do… is follow him…
*soft exhale*
🌙 AU Info 🌙
CatNap and DogDay lived pretty far away from each other when they were young.
CatNap is the quiet and reserved type and rarely talks. But when someone asks or tells him to talk, he talks. He talks a little more when DogDay is with him. He is only more talkative when he’s alone. Example:
🌸 CraftyCorn 🌸: Hey, CatNap! What do you think of my lavender painting?
🌙 CatNap 🌙: *thumbs up* Good.
☀️ DogDay ☀️: Hey, CatNap! How are you doing?
🌙 CatNap 🌙: *tiredly, but still smiling* I’m doing alright, DogDay? And you?
CatNap was DogDay’s very first friend. They met in elementary school. CatNap was a loner and many kids did not want to hang out with him because he was “too creepy.” DogDay was the one who insisted that he will be CatNap’s first friend. Ever since then, the dog and cat have been inseparable.
CatNap and DogDay kept in touch when they were in high school. Unfortunately, the two were in separate high schools, but they never stopped talking to each other. It’s mostly through letters as they did not have phones at the time. 
CatNap slowly began to develop feelings for DogDay throughout his high school years. He gave the dog small hints and signs, but DogDay was so oblivious and dense.
CatNap left with DogDay to their new homes because not only did DogDay request he come with him, but CatNap also felt like he was ready to move out and be on his own. Not to mention weird dreams he had of a voice telling him to go with DogDay.
When DogDay and CatNap went to the mysterious land, they found their new homes. And their new pendents.
After he walked into the mysterious land, CatNap was secretly happy that his new house and DogDay’s new house are close to each other. And also the fact that his house is a cat tree and he is allowed to scratch on it.
Ever since he moved into his new house, he spent most of the day, sleeping in his new comfortable bed.
Every time CatNap visits each one of his friends’ homes and sees where they sleep, he feels tempted to save up all of his money and buy every single one of them a comfortable bed or something that can be like a bed.
CatNap, just like what his bio says, enjoys watching his friends sleep. He makes sure everyone has a good night’s rest. That includes making sure they have a nightmare-free sleep, and as he stays up, he keeps watch over his friends. Protecting them through the night. And when dawn breaks, he turns in for the day.
He loves to knead DogDay’s belly. His fur is so soft and smells of vanilla, he cannot resist making biscuits.
CatNap acts like a cat a lot. He even loafs, sleeps in such strange (yet cute) positions, and even has cat body language (slow blinking at DogDay, tail up to show he’s happy/friendly, dilating white pupils once he spots a perfect target to pounce on). And he can land on his feet.
CatNap likes to sit and sleep in boxes, sit in anything he can fit in, and pretty much sit where he wants. Why? Because he wants to and it’s comfortable.
He even said one time, “If I fits, I sits.”
One time, Bobby BearHug just hugged DogDay while CatNap was nearby. After Bobby let him go and left, CatNap just quietly went to DogDay and rubbed himself against the dog’s side like how a cat rubs itself on things, mixing his lavender scent into DogDay’s vanilla scent.
Add onto the fact that CatNap can smell who hugged/touched who. PickyPiggy is a bit of a tough one since she eats many different foods, even peppermint candies and vanilla dessert. 
Ever since CatNap walked into the land that will soon become his new home and neighborhood, he has been given two breath abilities. One is lavender, but the red gas came as a last resort if someone keeps staying up late, but it also comes out if he has ill intent, negative emotions, or is under stress. Following that is magical powers, since he was chosen to represent the Moon and all of its aspects (Night, Sleep, Dreams, and Darkness).
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silent-raven13 · 3 months
Boycotting McDonalds! 🍉🍉🍉
AU: Hobie and Miles are partners, they are both graduate with successful careers. Spider-man in the world is a Peter Parker, but they aren't Spider-man. (Also I'm for Palestine in case ya'll didn't already know)
The two met in college, they both happen to be first year students. They happen to meet in similar classes, especially ones from their General classes. The first class they met was Introduction to Music History.
Miles came by the large class with a cup of coffee, he bought at a local mom and pop Bodega; he wore rather colorful outfit and a orange red bandana with floral patterns to wrap his hair back showing off his earrings. He had a big shoulder bag with his own paintings on it and pins. "Oh? Is this the class for Dr. Ortega?" Nicely asking a tall skinny punker who's massive wicks with tied in a ponytail.
"Hmm?" The Punker looks over to find a young male only three inches shorter than him, his pierced lips gave a soft smile deciding this stranger is friendly. "Yeah, but class doesn't start till... twenty? You're here early?" Oh, he got a cockney accent.
"Hahaha," The young man chuckles, "True, but I came from the science building so you can guess it's a ten minute walk to here."
"Right. I came from Social Studies which is only five minutes and got myself a snack." He nodded.
"Hah, same. I got myself a cup of coffee to stay awake." He added with a soft smile with those big doe eyes, "I'm Miles by the way."
"Hobie. Hobie Brown, luv." He grins widely at him this time his eyes soften at Miles.
The two seems to find each other on campus, no matter what. Painting 1; Basics of Strokes, and Materials. Miles met his friend, Gwen and Pavtri through a Social Studies class. "Sunflower. Gwendy! Oh, Pav, didn't know you guys were in here." Hobie's eyes only on Miles, who became very bashful at his attention.
The three were sitting around waiting for the art professor. They all sat close together. "Ohh, Hobie! You're here, too!" Pavtri gasps with joy.
"Huh, you know Miles!" Gwen said being surprised.
"We have music together." Hobie chuckles, as he sat next to Miles.
Miles nodded, "Yeah, me and him just happen to meet. You guys know each other. Small world!"
"Yeah it is! I met Hobie in an underground concerts, he's in a band." Gwen giggles.
Pavtri said, "Miles, you should come next time!"
"Yeah, Sunflower. I would love for you to see my band." Hobie grins at him.
Another time, at Hobie's concert at an abandon warehouse, Miles brought his best friend Ganke. "Oh look, Ganke! He's singing!" Miles' eyes gleams having to hold Ganke's arm like they were a couple.
Ganke being so close, "Whoa, that's him! Dude is so tall." He holds Miles' hand being afraid of getting lost to this unknown area.
"Hehe, Ganke. Awe, you afraid."
"Yes, I never did this. How come you aren't scared?"
"Oh I guess I know some friends around here." Miles said, "Besides, Hobie is here. I trust him."
Ganke saw the looks the punker on stage was giving, he's looking right at them! No, he's glaring at him! What the hell did he do? Ganke quickly hugs Miles' arm, "Dude, is he glaring at me?"
"Hmm? I don't think so. I think he's performing... besides how can he spot us already?"
"I dunno, man. It's like he's looking at us!" Ganke looks worried.
"Oh, Ganke! Don't worry, man. I'm here!" Miles giggles having to fix his best friend's hair, then playfully stands in front of him like a protector.
After the concert, the friends went to the after party seeing their punker friend. Miles holding Ganke's hand as they went through the crowd. Gwen and Pavtri were already talking with Hobie with their own friends along. Hobie turns over to smile happily then frowns when he saw Miles with another male. They were hugging each other and laughing.
"Dude, I almost fucking fell." Ganke chuckles.
Miles giggles, "Yeah! Me too!" They were chuckling together.
Gwen hums at Hobie, "Ohhh, they look so cute together."
Hobie stood quiet being super jealous, he went over to slouch on Miles. "Sunflower!" He holds a mean look at Ganke like he was a guard dog.
"Hobie! You're heavy!" Miles giggles, "This is my best friend, Ganke!"
Ganke stare being afraid of Hobie, "Miles! He's scaring me!"
"Hobie isn't going to bite." His best friend laughs.
Hobie shows his teeth, "I might, luv." As he cuddles against Miles.
"Hobie, you can't honestly bite my friend."
"Not unless he provoke me." He buries his face into his friend's shoulder.
Ganke could only think, "Awe, man. This guy really likes Miles. I don't understand why he can't see that."
Gwen and Pavtri came by with a sigh, "Miles is clueless, huh?"
"Huh uh!" Pavtri nodded, "He never seem to get Hobie."
After years later, Miles and Hobie became an item, they graduate with Bachelor's leader going for Masters and PHD. They married living as husbands in a studio apartment in Brooklyn. Miles became a popular street artist soon as a professor in Mural Art. Hobie successfully became a punk singer, but focus on activism and PHD on African American studies/music.
Hobie always seems to enjoy social studies, history on Black culture. He ended up having a few classes in a legacy school talking about social constructs, genders and many more topics. Since Hobie is such a activism, he is very passionate to staying true to that.
Recently, the couple have been reading the news on the recent travesty of Palestine. Miles saw his husband already ready to boycott some companies. The thirty four year old woke up to his husband already cancelling some subscriptions, "Bae, what are you doing?" Miles rubs his eyes seeing the bright light.
"Don't worry, darling. I'm just cancelling Disney Plus, Hulu, Max... Netflix! Which we should've cancelled for a while, luv. You know they raised the prices?"
"Mmm, I was willing to pay for it because my dad watches Great British Baking Show and Billie loves watching her Star Wars." Miles yawns, "Are you really going to cancel all?"
"Yes, darling. I'm sorry but we need to boycott to show the impact. I can pirate the shows if they want." Hobie hums, "We are saying No to Genocide, Sunflower."
"Ohh, okay." Miles being sleepy and knows his husband is very against Capitalism and War. "Does that mean we're boycotting Kellogg's?"
"Yes, luv."
"Okay, tomorrow will talk more on our game plan." Miles went back to sleep. "Also, you better handle Billie's ranting, I think she was on the last episode of Mandalorian."
"Already pirating it." Hobie hums.
After that, the couple been boycotting many places, it was easy for them since Hobie had always been against many companies. He always believe in buying food from farmers markets, supporting small businesses, and cooking home meals. Miles didn't mind it, since he rarely go to Starbucks when he goes to bodegas or family own places that sells way better coffee.
On this day, the two decided to host dinner with their friends. Miles sat wearing a comfy tank top with stylish pattern pants and slides wearing a colorful bandana wrap around his head.
"Wow, this meal was so good. I never knew squash can be spaghetti." Ganki said with his wife, Danika at his side.
"Yeah, it was so good." Danika nodded then saw the box of Dunkin' Donuts, "Er... sorry about buying the box. I didn't know they were for Israel."
"It's okay. At least we have dessert." Miles happily said, he saw Pavtri already eating three. "Pav..."
"I'm so sorry! I'm having pregnancy cravings!" Pavtri chews on a chocolate donut. "I've been craving for these." His pregnant wife giggles with amusement.
"Can you believe he's the one dealing with morning sickness, too!" Gayatri laughs with joy.
"Wow, you're so lucky." Gwen said, "Pavtri, you're a true man."
"t's not fun! I gain weight, and puke all morning!" Pavtri whines.
Gayatri asked Hobie, "How do you two deal without cravings? I heard you guys are boycotting a lot of places."
"Yeah, don't you crave for a cheap ass burger?" Gwen asked them.
Margo laughing along her partner, "Yeah, isn't it hard? I saw the list to boycott and wow, most of my favorite foods are there."
"For real. I was only able to cancel Netflix, quit McDonalds, and Starbucks." Peni said.
"Right! It's so many things." Danika nodded, "I quit Starbucks and gurl, my savings never been better."
"Ha, right! That bank account be looking nice." Margo giggles.
Hobie pouring coffee into cups while Miles serves them. "Sometimes it's hard, like I wanted to watch Abbott Elementary and realize we canceled Hulu. I have to pirate them."
"I never get these "fatigues"," Hobie shrugs, "I always find ways to replace with something better. Like those "influencers" boycotting? Ridiculous all for fame, likes and views."
"Oh you saw that! It's so crazy, because they talk about Starbucks fatigue like it's crack." Margo burst out laughing.
Gwen giggles, "Miles, didn't you say you were craving a Fillet O-Fish?" She wanted to see how Hobie reacts.
"Huh, where did that come from?" Miles out loud said looking embarrassed, "Gwen, I was just hungry that day."
"Awe, but I thought you wanted a nice good twelve piece chicken McNuggets!" Gwen teased.
"Ohh, umm... I was but I ate some sweet potato to help the cravings." Miles quickly said trying to bring up his cravings for junk food.
"Sweet potato doesn't help!" Everyone thought.
Hobie merely sips his coffee. The Pavtri teased, "Ohhhh, you want McDonalds, Miles."
"No! I wouldn't. I'm boycotting." Miles waves his hands up in defense.
The chair from where Hobie's sit made a sound as he push back to get up. He got up without a word and went to the kitchen. Miles looks worry, "Hobie? Mi amor?"
"Did we upset him? We're only joking we would never break your boycotts." Margo asked.
Miles hears sounds from the kitchen then smiles, "No, it's fine. I normally don't like to point out my cravings in front of him, because..."
"Because..." Gwen repeats being curious.
"Because..." Her friend trails off, then Hobie came out with a large plate of home-made fillet fish sandwich, fries, and cup of orangic Sprite all made from scratch. "He cooks them for me."
Hobie kisses his husband, "Sunflower, why you didn't tell me you were craving for a sandwich?"
"Sorry, mi amor. I didn't want you to overwork yourself."
"Wow, so fast!"
"I tend to make batches and freeze them. I know it was a lot to boycott this time, and I was willing to make anything for my husband." Hobie sat next to his husband. "Everything is possible when you set your mind to it."
Miles nodded, "Yeah, I enjoy the boycott since I'm able to bake more. We're cooking a lot more dishes we never think to try." He took the sandwich and sighs, "Mmm, so good, bae." He let his partner bite into it.
"Smells so good." Pavtri said.
Miles let him have the homemade chicken nuggets and fries. Everyone shares. "Wow, this is way better than McDonald's and I bet it was cheaper, huh!" Peni said out loud. "Because I saw the other day they were selling two burger for six dollars! After the boycotting, they were able to lower it to 2 burgers for 3.99."
"Wow, I haven't had McDonalds since I got food poisoning." Pavtri pointed out.
Gayatri nodded, "Yeah, I didn't know it cost so much. I remember the dollar menu use to be so worth it? What happened?"
"Man, fuck McDonalds and their dumbasses." Ganke shook his head.
Margo said, "2 nasty ass burgers for 3.99? Hell nah! Me and Gwen would go somewhere else at that point!"
"Spending a fast food meal that could be worth more than twenty dollars is so crazy." Gwen said having to snuggle with her wife.
'That's insane! Corporate greed be real!" Danika said out loud as she chews on a french fry, "Ohh, Hobie, you gotta send me the recipe!"
"Will do! Maybe we start sharing our own recipes for fun." Ganke said.
Gayatri nodded, "Oh yeah that'll be great! Maybe we bring our dishes to the next dinner party."
"Ohh great idea!" Everyone got excited for their own ways of handling their boycotts.
Hobie smiles at his husband, "You always know how to bring everyone together."
"Mmhhmm." He let his husband sit on his lap while he rest his chin on his shoulder.
"I like to think it's us." Miles slurp his soda. "Wait, till they see your garden. I'm sure they're gonna love all those zucchini you grew."
"Oh, and I grew a lot of potatoes, too." Hobie chuckles, "Looks like that'll be their gifts for next dinner time."
"Hahaha, I bet." Miles kisses him on the lips. "Love you, hubby."
"Love you, Sunflower."
33 notes · View notes
yourdeepestfathoms · 1 month
The Ringmaster's Guide
a character guide for my TADC Dungeons & Dragons AU! this was originally gonna be the characters in the same universe, just LARPing the game, with Caine making the terrains and magic and stuff, but then i actually started thinking of backstories for everyone. so now it's a real AU in the DnD universe! (there's no exact full, fleshed-out plot line, and the fics i'm gonna write with this are gonna be random events!)
this guide contains stuff like the gangs' races, classes, designs, abilities, and some fun backstory tidbits ;)
(also even though they're not playing the game, i still included the stats, skills, and some written game mechanics for the vibes!)
Race: Aasimar (Protector)
Class: Cleric (Order Domain)
Feats: Inspiring Leader, Great Weapon Master, Tough
Resistances: Radiant, Necrotic
Mother bear…
Oh, mother bear…
Where has thou cub gone?
HP: 135
AC: 20 (Mithral Plate)
SPEED: 30 ft. walking, 30 ft. flying
STR: 19 (+4) | DEX: 17 (+3) | CON: 18 (+4) | INT: 16 (+3) | WIS: 20 (+5) | CHA: 17 (+3)
Saving Throws
STR: +4
DEX: +3
CON: +4
INT: +3
WIS: +9
CHA: +7
Passive Perception: 19
Passive Investigation: 13
Passive Insight: 19
Acrobatics: +3
Animal Handling: +5
Arcana: +3
Athletics: +4
Deception: +3
History: +3
Insight: +9
Intimidation: +3
Investigation: +3
Medicine: +9
Nature: +3
Perception: +9
Performance: +3
Persuasion: +7
Religion: +7
Sleight of Hand: +3
Stealth: +3
Survival: +5
Wings like silver, slicing through the sky. Twisting, turning, as graceful as a starling. A dance between earth and sky, a ballet of feathers and air, where gravity’s pull was but a distant memory when up so high.
A tiny squeal of joy. Shining eyes casting downward. Shimmering eyes looking up. 
“Aww, look at you,” she coos to the infant bound to her chest by soft fabric. The baby’s little wings, still covered in fluffy down, are extended fully and flapping gleefully. 
The mother laughs. “Do you think you’re flying?”
“AH!” her infant shouts, wings flapping harder.
Another laugh. She brushes her fingers over her child’s cheek, then looks to the horizon. “One day, this will all belong to you.”
- Vicious Glaive
- Crossbow
- Cantrip: Guidance, Mending, Resistance, Sacred Flame, Spare The Dying
- 1st Level: Command, Guiding Bolt, Heroism, Inflict Wounds
- 2nd Level: Hold Person, Spiritual Weapon, Warding Bond, Zone of Truth
- 3rd Level: Mass Healing Word, Revivify, Slow
- 4th Level: Banishment, Compulsion, Locate Creature
- 5th Level: Dominate Person, Flame Strike, Greater Restoration, Hallow, Mass Cure Wounds
- 6th Level: Blade Barrier, Heal
The city in the sky is divine and shining. The sky is clear and a crisp blue, not a cloud in sight. Other Celestials dart to and fro, all of them radiant. She sits in the soft grass of one of the many parks, watching as her child toddles around. A guitarist is playing nearby.
It’s peaceful. 
Class Features
Voice of Authority- Ragatha is able to invoke the power of the law to strengthen an ally’s attack. 
Order’s Demand- By raising her holy symbol, Ragatha can charm an enemy through exerting her presence over them.
Destroy Undead- If the will of an undead enemy fails against Ragatha casting Turn Undead, they are destroyed.
Embodiment of the Law- If casting a spell of the Enchantment school, she can quicken the casting time. 
Divine Strike- Ragatha can deal an extra bout of Psychic damage upon hitting an enemy.
Divine Intervention- Ragatha can call upon her deity for aid.
Racial Abilities
Healing Hands- Ragatha’s very touch is nurturing and life-giving. She is able to draw from a wellspring of gentle energy to heal people for a certain amount. 
Darkvision- Ragatha can see in the dark.
Celestial Legacy- Ragatha can cast the Light and Daylight cantrip at will.
Celestial Revelation: Radiant Consumption- Ragatha is able to unleash her full Celestial might on those who dare to test her. A bright, seething light pours from her eyes and mouth, and her very body acts as a beacon, radiating this same searing light in a radius. Any enemy who gets too close is scorched by this holy glow. All weapon attacks do extra Radiant damage. 
Flight- Ragatha is able to fly with her angel wings. 
The whisper of the woods.
A hulking beast - clawing up her insides, biting at her ribs.
Background: Acolyte 
Languages: Common, Celestial, Primordial, Elvish
Alignment: Lawful Good
Money: 100 GP
- Alms Box
- Amulet (Holy Symbol)
- Baby Blanket
- Bag of Holding
- Blanket
- Box of Incense
- Candle
- Censer
- Crossbow Bolts
- Crossbow, light
- Photograph of her and a small child
- Prayer Book
- Rations
- Reliquary
- Shield
- Tinderbox
- Vestments
- Vicious Glaive
- Waterskin
Aasimar are well-known for their beauty, and Ragatha is no exception. She’s a well-built woman, bearing great muscles for someone of her appearance. Her skin has a lustrous sheen to it. Growing within her curly red hair are shimmering feathers of white-blue. An ethereal light glows in her black left eye, and the right probably would be the same if it weren’t for the fact that it’s been seemingly scratched out; a seething red scar extends down that side of her face, as though she had been struck by a bladed weapon. 
Large, feathered wings extend from her back. They’re a beautiful silver-white color, fading to gradients of blue at their tips.
Strangely, she has sharper teeth and nails than would usually be seen in an Aasimar.
A red blemish, some kind of burn scar, encircles her throat, never to truly heal. 
Blood in her eyes. Blood in her mouth. 
Stinging, burning. Vicious pain, and yet the hunger and rage dominate everything.
 So many eyes, watching. 
Circling - a trapped beast. 
Somewhere deep within, a voice screaming, “STOP IT! STOP!”  
- Lycanthrope (werebear)
Mama Bear,
Please come home soon.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Race: Tiefling-Harengon
Class: Rogue (Thief)
Feats: Shadow-Touched, Mobile, Gunner
Resistances: Fire
A fey bathed in infernal fire. Tainted, scorched. Searing flames burning inside and out. 
HP: 63
AC: 15 (Leather Armor)
SPEED: 40 ft. walking 
STR: 13 (+1) | DEX: 20 (+5) | CON: 10 (+0) | INT: 12 (+1) | WIS: 11 (+0) | CHA: 16 (+3)
Saving Throws
STR: +1
DEX: +9
CON: +0
INT: +5
WIS: +0
CHA: +3
Passive Perception: 10
Passive Investigation: 15
Passive Insight: 10
Acrobatics: +9
Animal Handling: +0
Arcana: +1
Athletics: +1
Deception: +11
History: +1
Insight: +0
Intimidation: +3
Investigation: +5
Medicine: +0
Nature: +1
Perception: +0
Performance: +3
Persuasion: +7
Religion: +1
Sleight of Hand: +12
Stealth: +12
Survival: +0
She tried so hard to raise him to be a good boy. But she always knew he would follow in his father’s footsteps. 
- Rapier
- Daggers
- Shortbow
- Revolver
- Cantrip: Thaumaturgy
- 1st Level: False Life
- 2nd Level: Darkness, Hellish Rebuke, Invisibility
The smell of fire and brimstone. Ash dusting purple fur to black. Licking embers off his lips. 
Class Features
Sneak Attack- Jax is able to deal extra damage on attacks he has Advantage for.
Thieves’ Cant- As a Rogue, Jax can speak a language only other Rogues know.
Cunning Action- Jax’s agility allows him to make certain actions sooner than his allies would be able to. 
Fast Hands- Jax can use an item as a Bonus Action instead of an Action.
Second-Story Work- Jax can climb faster than his allies. 
Uncanny Dodge- When Jax can see the attacker who has hit him, he can half the damage. 
Evasion- Jax is able to avoid taking damage from certain attacks if they require a Dexterity Saving Throw.
Supreme Sneak- As long as Jax doesn’t use half of his movement, he has Advantage on Stealth checks. 
Reliable Talent- Jax is able to make the dice fall a little more in his favor. 
Racial Abilities
Darkvision- Jax can see in the dark.
Hellish Resistance- Jax is resistant to Fire damage.
Infernal Legacy- Jax innately knows the Thaumaturgy cantrip and the Hellish Rebuke and Darkness spells.
Lucky Footwork- Just because he doesn’t have the rabbit legs of his Harengon mother doesn’t mean this fella isn’t dextrous. When he slips up or stumbles, Jax’s quick reaction time gives him a chance to steady himself. 
Hare-Trigger- Jax’s fast rabbit reflexes sometimes allow him to strike first in combat. 
Too fast for the guards. Too quick for the dogs to catch. Any lock can be broken, and no chains can hold him down for long.
Background: Criminal
Languages: Common, Thieves’ Cant, Infernal
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral 
Money: 250 GP, 300 SP, 50 CP
- Alchemist's Fire (5)
- Arrows
- Bag of Holding
- Ball Bearings (bag of 1000)
- Beads of Fireball (10)
- Beads of Force (5)
- Bell
- Candle
- Crowbar
- Dagger (2)
- Deck of Many Things
- Grenade, Magical (3)
- Grenade, Smoke (5)
- Hammer
- Icon of Greed
- Lantern, Hooded
- Oil (flask)
- Piton
- Playing Cards
- Poisoner’s Kit
- Potion of Haste (3)
- Potion of Greater Healing
- Pouch of Gemstones
- Rapier
- Rations
- Rope (50 feet)
- Shortbow
- String
- Thieves’ Tools
- Tinderbox
- Vial of Acid (5)
- Waterskin
Anyone who looks at this guy can tell that he’s a hybrid. He’s a tall, lithe young man with a regular humanoid build. His entire torso is covered in thick purple fur that extends to his elbows on his arms and to his thighs on his legs—below that, it’s darker purple skin. Instead of rabbit feet, he has hooves, and his fingernails are sharp claws. Tufts of fur sprout from the base of his long tail, which ends in an arrowhead, before it tapers off to regular skin. His head is completely furry, and he has both the iconic rabbit ears and black horns that curve back over his scalp.  
Every jail cell looks the same after a while. None are impressive. And they’re all so easy to get out of. 
- Son to the Demon of Greed
- Criminal of the state
- Wanted for several crimes
Chained to a wall. Slated for execution. Death by beheading. 
That’s cute.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Name: Zooble
Race: Simic Hybrid
Class: Barbarian (Path of the Totem Warrior)
Feats: Savage Attacker, Sentinel, Slasher
Resistances: N/A
They were someone, once. Normal skin. Normal hair. All their fingers and toes. All their teeth.
But that was a long time ago.
They can’t even remember their name.
HP: 137
AC: 19 (no armor)
SPEED: 40 ft. walking
STR: 20 (+5) | DEX: 16 (+3) | CON: 19 (+4) | INT: 10 (+0) | WIS: 13 (+1) | CHA: 9 (-1)
Saving Throws
STR: +9
DEX: +3
CON: +8
INT: +0
WIS: +1
CHA: -1
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Investigation: 10
Passive Insight: 11
Acrobatics: +3
Animal Handling: +1
Arcana: +0
Athletics: +9
Deception: -1
History: +0
Insight: +1
Intimidation: +3
Investigation: +0
Medicine: +1
Nature: +0
Perception: +1
Performance: +3
Persuasion: -1
Religion: +0
Sleight of Hand: +3
Stealth: +3
Survival: +1
For a long time, it seemed that they were going to waste away. Life was harsh, and their money was scarce. 
And then, they found their way to the great bronze city. 
Everything changed when they stepped through those giant gates. 
To this day, they still don’t know why they caught the eye of those aristocrats, but they were offered a job. It would give them housing and paid well. 
But there was a catch, of course. Two of them, to be precise. Everything came with strings attached. Nothing was ever that good.
Surprisingly, though, they found themself not minding these “conditions.” If anything, it sounded interesting.
And they did pride themself in their high pain tolerance. 
- Greataxe
- Handaxe (2)
- Javelin (4)
- 1st Level: Beast Bond, Speak With Animals
- 5th Level: Commune With Nature
Ow. Ow. OW.
It hurt worse than they were expecting, but the enhancements fit just right. They did well. 
They’ll be fine. 
They’re strong.
Class Features
Rage- Zooble is able to enter a Rage in battle that makes them resistant to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage.
Unarmored Defense- Zooble’s AC is higher when not wearing armor.
Reckless Attack- Zooble can choose to attack heedlessly, giving them an Advantage on the hit, but also giving all enemies Advantage to hit them.
Spirit Seeker- Zooble has an attunement with the natural world. They are able to cast Beast Bond and Speak With Animals as ritual spells.
Totem Spirit: Bear- Zooble has picked the bear as their Totem Spirit. While in a Rage, they are resistant to all damage except Psychic.
Fast Movement- Zooble’s movement is boosted by ten feet when not wearing heavy armor.
Aspect of The Beast: Elk- Zooble has chosen the elk as their animal aspect. Party travel is faster than it usually would be.
Feral Instinct- Zooble’s might allow them to attack quicker in combat.
 Brutal Critical- Through sheer savagery, Zooble can increase the damage done to an enemy.
Spirit Walker- Zooble can cast Commune With Nature as a ritual spell.
Relentless Rage- Zooble’s fury urges them forward. When they otherwise would have fallen unconscious, if in a Rage, Zooble can cling on for just a little bit longer to keep fighting. 
Racial Abilities
Animal Enhancement- As a Simic Hybrid, Zooble has had new body parts added to them to make them more powerful.
Manta Glide- Zooble has ray-like fins on their back that allow them to glide and fall safely, though they can’t fly with them. 
Grappling Appendages- Zooble has an additional pair of appendages growing alongside their arms, which they are able to grapple and attack enemies with.
Darkvision- Zooble can see in the dark.
All around them, they’re being watched. So many people, so many more eyes.
The sun is high in the sky. The walls around them gleam. The sand of the coliseum floor is warm beneath their feet. 
In their hands, they heft their greataxe, then charge forward.
This will be easy. 
Background: Champion
Languages: Common, Elvish
Alignment: Neutral
Money: 10 GP
- Bedroll
- Greataxe
- Handaxe (2)
- Mess Kit
- Rations
- Rope (50 feet)
- Tinderbox
- Torch
- Waterskin
Zooble is a bit of an anomaly, as many Simic Hybrids are. Their body is a strange clash of bits and parts, like they’re a puzzle made of pieces from other puzzles.
Their torso and right arm are humanoid—and those are pretty much the only normal things about them. However, their torso is mottled in orange and yellow for an unknown reason. Their left arm is similar to that of a crustacean’s, red in color and ending in a large claw. Their left leg is hooved, while their right leg is that of a bear’s, both having come from their Totem Spirit rather than from being a Simic Hybrid. Two appendages, similar to the arms of a praying mantis, extend from their back. Also on their back are two fin-like membranes that are almost like wings, allowing them to glide. 
They constantly wear a helmet that they rarely ever take off. The helmet is grated in the front and has two horns curving out from the top. 
Fighting. Training. Growing stronger and stronger.
More battles. All victories. 
They’re called a champion. 
No one can make them fall.
They will never lose. 
- They were something great. Once. 
It’s their first time tasting blood, and it is a rank venom in their mouth. 
Their body aches all over. They can barely move their limbs—if they’re even still attached to their body. It’s difficult to tell.
All around them, the forest is buzzing with noise, and yet all they can hear is their own shallow breathing and the echoing roar of a crowd, slowly fading out…
They should have died that day. Their injuries were grievous. But fate had other plans. 
Something in the forest stirs. Like those aristocrats, it saw something inside of them. So, it approaches, tentative and slow, then accepts them in its embrace.
Infused with the vitality of the earth and its kin, they stand.
They will never lose again. 
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Race: Plasmoid
Class: Druid (Circle of Stars)
Feats: Healer, Elemental Adept, Mage Slayer
Resistances: Poison
Bright light. 
A roll of thunder.
Pain pulsing through every inch of her body.
“Yes! YES!”
HP: 87
AC: 15 (Leather Armor)
SPEED: 30 ft. walking
STR: 10 (+0) | DEX: 14 (+2) | CON: 14 (+2) | INT: 16 (+3) | WIS: 17 (+3) | CHA: 12 (+1)
Saving Throws
STR: +0
DEX: +2
CON: +2
INT: +7
WIS: +7
CHA: +1
Passive Perception: 13
Passive Investigation: 13
Passive Insight: 17
Acrobatics: +2
Animal Handling: +3
Arcana: +7
Athletics: +0 (Advantage)
Deception: +1
History: +3
Insight: +7
Intimidation: +1
Investigation: +3
Medicine: +7
Nature: +3
Perception: +3
Performance: +1
Persuasion: +1
Religion: +3
Sleight of Hand: +6
Stealth: +6
Survival: +3
The tower is nice. The woods outside of it are even nicer. So many animals. So many flowers.
It’s a shame she can’t stray very far.
- Scimitar
- Cantrips: Druidcraft, Magic Stone, Mold Earth, Produce Flame
- 1st Level: Cure Wounds, Entangle
- 2nd Level: Flame Blade, Heat Metal, Moonbeam
- 3rd Level: Call Lightning, Conjure Animals
- 4th Level: Polymorph, Stoneskin
- 5th Level: Antilife Shell, Mass Cure Wounds
- 6th Level: Primordial Ward
Elf ears. Marigolds. Shriveled bat wings. Powered flame. A piece of a unicorn horn.
She enjoys watching the cauldron be mixed around and around. 
Class Features
Druidic- Gangle knows Druidic, the secret language of the Druids.
Wild Shape- Gangle can shapeshift into animals.
Star Map- Gangle has a special starry map that gives her several different benefits.
Starry Form- Instead of turning into an animal, Gangle can use her Wild Shape to take on a certain kind of Starry Form of her choosing, with each one giving a different benefit.
Cosmic Omen- Gangle can consult her star map for omens to predict how an action might pan out.
Twinkling Constellation- Even after she’s already selected a Starry Form, Gangle can change it to something else. 
Racial Abilities
Amorphous- Gangle can squeeze through spaces as narrow as 1 inch wide. 
Darkvision- Gangle can see in the dark.
Hold Breath- Gangle can hold her breath for up to an hour.
Natural Resilience- Gangle has resistance to Poison damage and to being poisoned.
Shape Self- Gangle can mold and shape her body however she pleases.
Her master’s power grows.
As does her worry. 
Background: Servant
Languages: Common, Druidic, Giant, Ooze
Alignment: Lawful Good
Money: 15 GP
- Bedroll
- Calligrapher’s Supplies
- Candle
- Holy Symbol
- Mess Kit
- Rations
- Rope (50 feet)
- Scimitar
- Wooden Shield
- Tinderbox
- Torch
- Totem
- Waterskin
- Weaver’s Tools
As a Plasmoid, Gangle appears much like a blob of slime molded into the vague shape of a humanoid. The pale red ooze making up her body is shaped in a way that makes it look like she’s swathed in ribbon. Within her body, a nervous system can be seen, glowing ever so slightly. Upon her head, she wears a white mask that acts as her face, as it is enchanted to emote and speak. 
Perhaps it is time to leave.
The forest calls. 
- She was once the servant to a Lich. 
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Race: Warforged
Class: Ranger (Swarmkeeper)
Feats: Sharpshooter, Durable, Alert
Resistances: Poison, Disease 
His kingdom is flourishing. 
Within the city walls, life blooms in every crevice. Queenie loves flowers, so he’s covered every possible surface in plant life for her. It really brightens the streets. 
They’re happy. 
HP: 124
AC: 17 (Scale Mail)
SPEED: 30 ft. walking
STR: 12 (+1) | DEX: 14 (+2) | CON: 18 (+4) | INT: 8 (-1) | WIS: 13 (+1) | CHA: 14 (+2)
Saving Throws
STR: +5
DEX: +6
CON: +4
INT: -1
WIS: +1
CHA: +2
Passive Perception: 15
Passive Investigation: 9
Passive Insight: 11
Acrobatics: +2
Animal Handling: +5
Arcana: -1
Athletics: +1
Deception: +2
History: +3
Insight: +1
Intimidation: +2
Investigation: -1
Medicine: +1
Nature: +3
Perception: +5
Performance: +2
Persuasion: +6
Religion: -1
Sleight of Hand: +2
Stealth: +2
Survival: +5
He’s down at the stables one day when the marshal comes up to him, asking if they could take a stablehand under their wing to help with the workload. 
Weird. He could have sworn he hired a stablehand… But perhaps he’s just thinking wrong. Queenie always says he would lose his head if it wasn’t attached to his neck!
He agrees to the marshal’s request, and a new stablehand is hired. 
- Longbow
- Quarterstaff
- Spear
- 1st Level: Cure Wounds, Longstrider
- 2nd Level: Pass Without Trace
- 3rd Level: Conjure Animals, Plant Growth, Water Walk
Kinger goes to a bookstore to pick up the newest copy of Queenie’s favorite book series. 
“How’s your wife been?” he asks the clerk.
The clerk looks at him oddly. “I’ve never been married.”
Kinger is confused. He could have sworn a young, cute couple ran this store together. He remembered meeting them when they first arrived in his city.
No. He didn’t.
By the next day, he’d forgotten about the clerk’s wife.
Class Features
Favored Enemy- Kinger has expertise on tracking, hunting, studying, and interacting with two creature types of his choice (monstrosities and beasts).
Natural Explorer- Kinger is adept at traveling through certain types of terrain (forest, grassland, mountains).
Primeval Awareness- Kinger can focus on the immediate area around him and try to sense aberrations, celestials, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead within a 1 mile radius.
Gathered Swarm- Kinger has befriended a swarm of insects that act as his allies and will attack with him.
Extra Attack- Kinger can attack twice.
Writhing Tide- Kinger can focus his swarm around him, allowing the swarm to lift him up so he can hover around. 
Land’s Stride- Kinger can move through non-magical difficult terrain without wasting any excess movement.
Hide In Plain Sight- Kinger can camouflage himself.
Mighty Swarm- Kinger’s swarm grows stronger, allowing it to deal more damage. 
Racial Abilities
Constructed Resilience- Due to Kinger not having a body of flesh, he has great fortitude that grants him several benefits: resistance to Poison damage and being poisoned, immune to disease, doesn’t need to sleep, doesn’t need to eat, drink, or breathe.
Sentry’s Rest- Instead of sleeping, Kinger can stand or sit motionless doing nothing and gain the same benefits of a rest.
Integrated Protection- Kinger’s body gives him natural protection.
It seems like the city is getting smaller. 
He and Queenie held their usual Flower Festival the day before, where butterflies would fill the sky in their multitude of colors. But for some reason, it felt like not as many people showed up. He doesn’t know why. 
Background: Noble
Languages: Common, Draconic, Quori, Undercommon
Alignment: Lawful Good
Money: 25 GP
- Arrows
- Bedroll
- Books
- Longbow
- Mess Kit
- Quarterstaff
- Rations
- Rope (50 feet)
- Scroll of Pedigree
- Signet Ring
- Spear
- Tinderbox
- Torch
- Waterskin
- Wedding Ring
Kinger almost looks like a regular man, except instead of skin, he looks to have been chiseled out of marble - a grand statue given life. He has no mouth, and upon his head is a crown carved to always be present. His hands seem like they were broken off somehow, replaced by swarms of insects forming the shape of hands. Butterflies follow him around and are usually perched on his shoulders and head. 
The sound of singing haunts his dreams. A gentle dire, a murmured beckon. He refuses to sleep, and for a while, Queenie is there to coax him to rest, but then…
Who is Queenie?
- He’s strayed far from his kingdom. 
He’s never been married. 
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Race: Shifter (Swiftstride)
Class: Warlock (The Void)
Feats: Mounted Combatant, Fey-Touched, Actor
Resistances: N/A
Stuffed in a cage, the kitten quivers, pressed into the furthest corner to stay out of reach. She’s crying, hyperventilating. She’s so scared. She wants to go home. 
HP: 87
AC: 15 (Leather Armor)
SPEED: 40 ft. walking
STR: 5 (-3) | DEX: 18 (+4) | CON: 15 (+3) | INT: 12 (+1) | WIS: 12 (+1) | CHA: 20 (+5)
Saving Throws
STR: -3
DEX: +4
CON: +2
INT: +1
WIS: +5
CHA: +8
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Investigation: 11
Passive Insight: 11
Acrobatics: +8
Animal Handling: +1
Arcana: +5
Athletics: -3
Deception: +5
History: +5
Insight: +1
Intimidation: +5
Investigation: +1
Medicine: +1
Nature: +1
Perception: 1
Performance: +12
Persuasion: +5
Religion: +1
Sleight of Hand: +8
Stealth: +4
Survival: +1
Bright colors and flashing lights. A calliope is playing happily. Dozens of people fill the stands to watch the show, and she is the main act. 
Don’t mess up.
Don’t mess up. 
- Dagger (2)
- Sickle
- Sling
- Cantrips: Chill Touch, Eldritch Blast, Fire Bolt, True Strike, Mage Hand, Magic Stone, Prestidigitation  
- 1st Level: Bless, Hellish Rebuke, Inflict Wounds, Misty Step
- 2nd Level: Blindness/Deafness, Shatter
- 3rd Level: Bestow Curse, Counterspell, Vampiric Touch
- 4th Level: Blight, Dimension Door, Elemental Bane
- 5th Level: Hold Monster
- 6th Level: Investiture of Fire
The lick of a whip dragging its blood-wet tongue across her back. Chains around her wrists, holding her down. A bridle in her mouth, choking back the screams that so desperately want to be heard.
Class Features
Touched By The Void- Sometimes, Pomni’s body will flicker in and out of existence. When this happens, she gains Advantage on Dexterity Saving Throws, causing the attack to phase right through her. Additionally, she has Advantage on Death Saving Throws, but if she were to die, she would be dragged back into the Void and devoured. 
Eldritch Invocations- Pomni has a number of eldritch knowledge at her disposal, granting her a number of benefits.
Eldritch Spear- The range of Eldritch Blast is extended to 300 feet.
Agonizing Blast- More damage is added to Eldritch Blast.
One With Shadows- If in an area with dim light or darkness, Pomni can become invisible.
Relentless Hex- Pomni can create a temporary connection with a creature. When connected, she can teleport up to 30 feet towards the creature.
Maddening Hex- Pomni can deal extra Psychic damage by creating a psychic disturbance.
Repelling Blast- Eldritch Blast will move the target back by 10 feet.
Pact Boon: Pact of the Tome- Pomni has been given a Book of Shadows by her patron, granting her three extra cantrips.
Abyssal Field- Pomni creates a sort of field that rips at the veil of reality, opening up a space to the Void in the material plane. Within this field, weak objects crumble away and are destroyed, while everything and everyone aside from Pomni takes damage. 
Entropy Awaits- After reducing an enemy to 0, Pomni can thrust their soul into the Void, feeding it and allowing her to regain a number of hit points back. 
Mystic Arcanum- Pomni’s patron has bestowed upon her an arcanum, which allows her to gain a higher level spell earlier than she normally would. 
Racial Abilities
Darkvision- Pomni can see in the dark.
Shifting- Pomni can take on a more bestial appearance. As a Swiftstride Shifter, when she is shifted, she moves faster than she normally would. 
Something is wrong. Something happened. The train took too sharp of a turn, and suddenly, she’s falling. Falling. Falling.
She braces herself for impact, for the terrified release of death…but it never happens.
She opens her eyes.
There’s nothing.
Everything is just…empty. 
Background: Circus Freak
Languages: Common, Abyssal, Undercommon, Deep Speech, Sylvan, Goblin
Alignment: Neutral Good
Money: 10 SP
- Book of Shadows
- Component Pouch
- Dagger (2)
- Ink
- Ink Pen
- Little Bag of Sand
- Parchment
- Sickle
- Sling
- Small Knife
- Woodcarver’s Tools
Unlike others of her kind, Pomni isn’t exactly the most ferocious or intimidating—both in personality and appearance. She’s a small, stout young woman—so short that she constitutes as a Small creature. All Shifters resemble some kind of animal, and she resembles a tiger, which is rather hilarious due to the previous mention of her being tiny and pathetic. Weirdly, her fur is red and blue instead of black and orange…but given everything else that’s just been mentioned about her, that’s pretty on-par.
Round little tiger ears poke out of her scruffy black hair, and she has a tiger tail. Her fingers and toes are clawed, and her teeth are sharp. Blue stripes are scored along her upper arms, thighs, neck, and cheeks. The bottom of her feet are padded, making it more comfortable for her to walk around without shoes on, which she usually does. She also appears to be somewhat digitigrade, often walking on her toes (perhaps to look taller?). Her nose is pink like a tiger’s. Her fingers have been permanently stained to a black gradient. 
When she’s shifted, Pomni gains a slightly more intimidating edge. Fur sprouts up her limbs and along her back, and her face takes on a more bestial appearance. 
There are red blisters around her wrists and ankles.
However, there’s something…weird about Pomni. Something almost…uncanny. Sometimes her muscles will visibly spasm beneath her skin, like they’re alive and want to get free. Sometimes her flesh will ripple. Upon her back, she has a pair of strange, vestigial wings beneath the skin. Occasionally, little black tentacles will sprout from random parts of her body. Two horn buds rise from her crown. 
And her eyes…they’re just not right. 
She doesn’t know how long she’s been down here. Days? Weeks? Months? Years? It doesn’t matter anymore.
She’s alone. All alone. 
She’s tried screaming. She’s tried to claw her way out. She’s tried praying to every god in existence.
It’s like the entire world has shut her out. 
She always knew there were fates worse than death.
She thinks she may have found the worst. 
- She was once an act in a traveling magical circus that would go around via train on the borders between different planes. 
- Aberrant Horror
Light. Freedom.
She’s out. She’s free.
But she’s not alone. Not anymore.
Something whispers in her mind. And something writhes beneath her flesh. 
She’s scared. 
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incorrectsibunaquotes · 3 months
Okay, combining two of my House of Anubis AUs “Fabian as Victor’s Protege” and “Patricia as the Osirian”
Patricia is seeing things she doesn’t understand, her best friend in the whole world is gone without a trace, there’s this new girl in the house, and no one else is worried about it, and the teachers are lying, there’s a man stalking you, and you’re SEEING AND HEARING THINGS YOU DONT UNDERSTAND (so is the new girl but who cares about her right now?)
Fabian, who has been groomed by the Society for five or so years now, is well aware of their plans to remove Joy from the equation, and though he’s feeling guilty for betraying his friends, he trusts in Victor’s intentions and looks to him as a father figure. Nobody told him how badly Patricia was going to freak out about it, though, or how sweet and smart the new girl would be (she’s ruining everything he’s worked for, so why doesn’t that bother him more?). Victor tells him Patricia is losing sleep because she’s the Chosen One’s protector— just like the Betrayer, but he’s dead now surely— and that she must never find out, and Fabian is on board at first, but he’s watching someone who he considers one of his best friends slowly losing her mind. But it’s all for the cause, he knows, but this is his friend, and something is going on with the new girl, and the more time he spends with Nina, the more frantic Patricia becomes, like somehow amid the worry about Joy, she knows that Nina herself is in danger… from him. But she can’t know, and it makes him sick. And she can’t know.
So when she begs him to acknowledge that he’d been friends, nearly more than friends, with Joy and that he must know something is going on, he has to bite his tongue for the good of the Society and say nothing.
Think this scene from BBC’s Merlin basically, because that is essentially the same plot LOL
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
This might turn out like rambling but I've been thinking something around the mama Neytiri AU.
In humans there is a vocabulary "coincidence" in which many of the words for mother and father in various languages sound around the same by using the same syllables (ma, pa, da, ba, etc) because this are the first things a baby can pronounce and we started to use these sounds as a way to refer to a child's caretaker, it doesn't happen in every language but it's still enough to maybe think that the same might be true for the Na'vi.
The words Sa'nok and Sempul might be an indication that Na'vi children might be able to pronounce the sound "S" really early in life, maybe even when babbling (also there's an insane amount of words in Na'vi starting with s), so when her children grow up they have almost no trouble calling her Sa'nu.
All except for Spider.
Because humans are only able to pronounce "S" at around four or five years old.
Neytiri and Jake notice and they go and ask Mo'at for help (because speech delay is something that also happens to the Na'vi so she should know what to do), and when she can't find anything wrong, they check with Norm and Max, who tell them there's nothing wrong, it just will take more time for him to speak like his siblings.
They are both glad that there's nothing wrong with Spider but Neytiri still feels something is missing, she comes to love being referred to as Spider's "mama" by Jake and cries the when he calls her that for the first time like she would have done if he had spoken in Na'vi, but she still hopes that he is able to call her Sa'nu soon, which she will never confess to anyone.
And when it happens there's nothing anyone can do to separate her and her boy for the rest of the day.
so, I've answered this once, but I'm actually kinda excited to add onto this, cause the first time around was when I first started writing this AU, and I'm much more confident in my characterization of neytiri now. so for my long time regulars, this is gonna mostly be a repeat post.
I think neytiri has a super unique take on this, cause like any variation of the word 'mom' means the same general thing; someone who cares for you, who protects and loves you, teaches you and guides you through life. on some level, you are a part of her, physically or emotionally, even spiritually, a mother and child are bound by the bond between them at their cores. so while, yes, she would love to hear "sa'nu" would fill her heart with the upmost joy, it doesn't hinder the joy she feels hearing spider call her mama, knowing what he saw in her, what he felt about her. spider was her son and she was his mama and for a long while that was all that mattered to her. he saw her as his mama, he was one with her spirit, he looked at her with his big round eyes and saw a protector, a guide, a caretaker, someone to love him with no limit and no conditions. so she could wait as long as it took, because this was enough for her.
it does raise concerns though. would spider fall behind? should they prioritize english, would his "speech impediment" hold him back too much, how much would he struggle? neytiri still worries the most, norm and max assure her that it will all be fine, jake does as well, even mo'at, but she still worries for her littlest child. but even upon her worrying, her fauning, her mothering, spider excels; sure, he makes an odd noise when he attempts to speak words with S's in them or leaves them out all together, he takes up both na'vi and english in leaps and bounds, not even acknowledging his setbacks.
he attempts it many times before he actually gets it, adjusts to calling her that even before he gets his S's when he was 3 or so, when he realized he called her something different then his siblings, ignoring any and all coaching from jake or norm or max to call her mama (not that they don't want him to call her sa'nu, they just worry that if he's unable to pronouns it he'll either form bad habits or his frustration will stunt his willingness to learn, but like with many peoples opinions and judgements of him, spider doesn't give a single fuck). but the day he gets it right, she damn near cries all over again, like she had the first time she knew what he meant when he called her mama, when he starts calling her -a'nu. this time though, the tiny gap in her chest that had always irked her, small enough that she could pretend she didn't notice, was finally filled. she held her boy, the boy she had waited to hear call her sa'nu for the last 5 years, finally looking up at her with his sweet chocolate brown eyes and his whispy blonde hair dangling in his face, the word falling out of his mouth with a yawn as she went about her day with him bound to her chest (tell me she wouldn't baby wear that boy well into his early childhood, first off, speed demon, spider child. second off, clingy mama with an excuse to hold her baby constantly; "he's fragile jake") she immediately rushes to jake so they can both hear it, spider very proud with his new word.
I think the kids would have coached spider day in and day out till he got his S's down just for their mum. jake knew and didn't say a word, just so he could see the look on neytiri's face when she heard it.
speaking of jake, he is much less affected by spiders hinderence to say sem'pu, as when spider was still little, he was still very human in nature, so he had no qualms with being called "dad" and "dada", but he will admit, the more he hears spider attempt to say sem'pu, the more he begins to fall in love with the title. between him and the other kids, jake embraces every title they're willing to give him. he cries a little for the first couple months spder calls him dad, then -em'pu, then sem'pu (jake is the emotional parent in the, he's a blubbering idiot at all the simple things type of way, which is super sweet don't get me wrong, I just like making fun of him, cause I can. norm and max too, they totally make fun of him, but its all in good fun).
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